Aerial Imagery 1955 22-26 Playfair Street, The Rocks, NSW 2000


m 0




Site Boundary

Buffer 150m

Scale: Data Sources: Historical Aerials: © Land and Property Coordinate System: Date: 20 April, 2017 Information (a division of the Department of Finance GDA 1994 MGA Zone 56 05010025 Meters and Services)

Lotsearch Pty Ltd ABN 89 600 168 018 39 Aerial Imagery 1943 22-26 Playfair Street, The Rocks, NSW 2000


m 0




E Site Centre Site Boundary Buffer 150m © Land and Property Information 2015

Scale: Data Sources:Aerial Imagery © Land and Property Coordinate System: Date: 24April 2017 Information (a division of the Department of Finance GDA 1994 MGA Zone 56 05010025 Meters and Services)

Lotsearch Pty Ltd ABN 89 600 168 018 40 Aerial Imagery 1930 22-26 Playfair Street, The Rocks, NSW 2000


m 0




Site Boundary

Buffer 150m

Scale: Data Sources: Historical Aerials: © Land and Property Coordinate System: Date: 20 April, 2017 Information (a division of the Department of Finance GDA 1994 MGA Zone 56 05010025 Meters and Services)

Lotsearch Pty Ltd ABN 89 600 168 018 41 Historical Maps 1956 22-26 Playfair Street, The Rocks, NSW 2000

m 0




Site Boundary

Buffer 150m

Scale: Data Sources: Ciity Building Surveyor Sheets (Sheet2) Coordinate System: Date: 21 April 2017 Building Regulation Branch - City Building Surveyor's GDA 1994 MGA Zone 56 0 25 50 100 Meters Department, Council of the City of

Lotsearch Pty Ltd ABN 89 600 168 018 42 Historical Maps 1948 22-26 Playfair Street, The Rocks, NSW 2000

m 0




Site Boundary

Buffer 150m

Scale: Data Sources: Civic Survey 1938 - 1950 ( Coordinate System: Date: 21 April 2017 Dawes Pt) Town Planning Branch - City Engineers GDA 1994 MGA Zone 56 0 25 50 100 Meters Department, Council of the

Lotsearch Pty Ltd ABN 89 600 168 018 43 Historical Map c.1880 22-26 Playfair Street, The Rocks, NSW 2000



Site Boundary

Buffer 150m

Scale: Data Sources: Historical Map: © Dove’s Plans of Sydney Coordinate System: Date: 24 April 2017 GDA 1994 MGA Zone 56 0 12.5 25 50 Meters

Lotsearch Pty Ltd ABN 89 600 168 018 44 Topographic Features 22-26 Playfair Street, The Rocks, NSW 2000






R 82108 T




82106 E

L Sydney Harbour National Park





K IC 103896 103881 H 103825 DAWES 103846 SYDNEY POINT HARBOUR 103841 103828 103867 103823 103837 RAILWAY 103196 103882 BUNKERS HILL 103818 103845 103875 WINDMILL STREET 103759 103816

120117253 103876 m

103820 103831 103760 0 103883 103897 A 0 THE 103868 RGYLE JACK STREE 0 103210 T 103877 HUNGRY MUNDEY 103836 1 103874 MILE MILLERS POINT PLACE THE ROCKS

103880 HIGH LANE 103873 103838 103839 103225 103821 103879 103842 T H 120119762 103215 103252 E I 103830 E 103213 G

R BARANGAROO H 103248 T S S 103819 103872 T D R 103843 N HERALD EET A CIRCULAR QUAY L SQUARE R 103853 103847 103949 103855 103216 E 103942 B 103833 103856 103781 103817 M 103226 U GALLOWS HILL 103878 C 174473051 103860 103848 103871 103865 120114683 R 103862 103822 103762 O 103805 103859 T 103777 U B CHURCH HILL I BRIDGE STREET R 103835 103850 103632 T 103832 103707 S 103852 I 103851 103725 D T 103849 N 103494 103779 E R 103536 103542 103448 E 103764 E 103763 R T PITT STREET 103648 T S 103424 ARET STREET S E MARG 103749 P ET W 103480 HU I 103761 E NTER L

R S 103309 L T T I WYNYARD 103556 RE S 103544 ET H 103810 YORK LANE P C LIME STREET Y 103437 A S 103814 T H E IL U E L L 103748 EX S E

L 103793 P 103521 103227 RE S E 103744 R S E S T


T S 103636 S A 103745 Y SYDNEY H


P 103436 H










H G T L E R T D W R Y Major Road R E Site Centre Easement E A A B E I E O Y L

L E A Place Name NPWS Reserve T Road Y C



T S R T Pathway/Track/Lane L W I

Points of Interest State Forest E M E L E C A I

EET E Heavy Rail ARKET STR R V M A Y D Y R Ta n k P oi ntI Tank Area S R T A T R I R Light Rail S Site BoundaryD Water Area O C O R E A G Underground Rail D Report Buffer Watercourse T G N SYDNEY




A Major Electricity Transmission Line O W


Scale: Data Sources: Property Boundaries & Topographic Data: Coordinate System: Date: 24April 2017 © Land and Property Information (a division of the GDA 1994 MGA Zone 56 0 100 200 400 Meters Department of Finance and Services) 2017

Lotsearch Pty Ltd ABN 89 600 168 018 45 Topographic Features

22-26 Playfair Street, The Rocks, NSW 2000

Points of Interest

What Points of Interest exist within the report buffer?

Map Id Feature Type Label Distance Direction

103889 Tourist Information Centre SYDNEY VISITOR CENTRE THE ROCKS 0m Onsite

103897 Park THE ROCKS SQUARE 0m Onsite

103836 Locality JACK MUNDEY PLACE 12m South West

103840 Suburb THE ROCKS 21m South West

103876 Park FOUNDATION PARK 33m North West

103877 Historic Site HISTORIC SITE 63m East

103821 Police Station THE ROCKS POLICE STATION 63m South East

103875 Park BUSHELL PLACE 80m North East

103830 Park BAKEHOUSE PLACE 94m South

103831 Park Park 109m West

103834 Locality 110m West

103861 Museum MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART 123m South

103213 Community Facility STATE RECORDS AUTHORITY 126m South

103248 Park TALLAWOLADAH PLACE 141m South East

103819 Museum MUSEUM 143m South West

103225 Community Facility KING GEORGE V RECREATION CENTRE 166m South West

103872 Park FIRST FLEET PARK 202m South

103837 Locality BUNKERS HILL 215m North West

103818 Museum COLONIAL HOUSE MUSEUM 232m North West

103820 Place Of Worship ANGLICAN CHURCH 241m West

103841 Suburb DAWES POINT 257m North

103847 Locality HERALD SQUARE 264m South

103845 Park THE PADDOCK 291m North West

103874 Park ARGYLE PLACE 291m West


103873 Park OBSERVATORY PARK 307m West

103853 Embassy CONSULATE-GENERAL OF CANADA 309m South

103751 Transport Interchange CIRCULAR QUAY BUS INTERCHANGE 313m South East

103829 Mountain/Hill/Peak OBSERVATORY HILL 321m West

103856 Club RUGBY CLUB 332m South

103949 Embassy BRITISH CONSULATE-GENERAL 332m South East

103942 Tourist Information Centre CIRCULAR QUAY INFORMATION KIOSK SYDNEY 333m South East

103858 Railway Station CIRCULAR QUAY RAILWAY STATION 337m South East

Lotsearch Pty Ltd ABN 89 600 168 018 46 Map Id Feature Type Label Distance Direction

103844 Observatory 338m West

103843 Primary School FORT STREET PUBLIC SCHOOL 347m South West

103846 Park HICKSON ROAD RESERVE 353m North East

103833 Locality GALLOWS HILL 353m South


103848 Embassy CONSULATE-GENERAL OF INDIA 363m South

103896 Park DAWES POINT RESERVE 368m North

103871 Park JESSIE STREET GARDENS 387m South East

103210 Community Facility ABRAHAM MOTT HALL 389m West

103865 Library SYDNEY CUSTOMS HOUSE LIBRARY 409m South East

103864 Place Of Worship CATHOLIC CHURCH 418m West

103226 Community Facility CUSTOM HOUSE 418m South East

103822 Post Office ROYAL EXCHANGE POST OFFICE 423m South

103216 Community Facility NATIONAL TRUST CENTRE 424m South West

103857 Sports Court KENT STREET TENNIS COURT 443m South West

103762 Club GALLIPOLI MEMORIAL CLUB 458m South East

103839 Suburb MILLERS POINT 466m West

103805 Park MACQUARIE PLACE PARK 483m South


103862 Place Of Worship CATHOLIC CHURCH 492m South West

103860 Museum JUSTICE AND POLICE MUSEUM 496m South East

103817 Fire Station THE ROCKS FIRE STATION 496m South West

103855 Club ROYAL AUTOMOBILE CLUB OF 506m South East

103835 Locality CHURCH HILL 553m South


103832 Park LANG PARK 557m South West

103715 Historic Site FIRST GOVERNMENT HOUSE PLACE 572m South East

103868 Park MUNN RESERVE 573m West


103707 Museum MUSEUM OF SYDNEY 589m South East

103851 Embassy CONSULATE-GENERAL OF AUSTRIA 593m South West

103838 Locality THE HUNGRY MILE 614m West

103725 Park FARRER PLACE 619m South

103863 Place Of Worship ANGLICAN CHURCH 620m South West

103828 Headland BENNELONG POINT 624m North East

103252 Wharf DUKES PIER 624m West

103215 Community Facility GOVERNMENT HOUSE 627m East

103867 Park CLYNE RESERVE 635m West

103842 Suburb BARANGAROO 639m West

103779 Education Facility UNIVERSITY OF CBD CAMPUS 647m South

Lotsearch Pty Ltd ABN 89 600 168 018 47 Map Id Feature Type Label Distance Direction

103448 Post Office AUSTRALIA SQUARE POST OFFICE 653m South


103196 Community Facility SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE 656m East

103816 Wharf MAN-O'-WAR STEPS 657m East

103494 Place Of Worship PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 659m South

103823 Headland DUBBAGULLEE 659m East

103880 Bay Like NAWI COVE 660m West

103759 Wharf MAN-O'-WAR STEPS 663m East

103760 Wharf MAN-O'-WAR STEPS 664m East


103849 Embassy ROYAL THAI CONSULATE-GENERAL 674m South East


103878 Park HICKSON PARK 683m South West

103879 Wharf ROWNTREES DOCK 689m West

103881 Bay Like MARRINAWI COVE 689m North West


103469 Embassy CONSULATE-GENERAL OF BRAZIL 709m South West

103882 Park BARANGAROO RESERVE 709m West


103536 Embassy CONSULATE-GENERAL OF PORTUGAL 732m South West

103632 High School CONSERVATORIUM HIGH SCHOOL 735m South East

103777 University SYDNEY CONSERVATORIUM OF MUSIC 735m South East


103883 Headland Like BARANGAROO POINT 742m West

103480 University MAQUARIE UNIVERSITY CITY CAMPUS 751m South




103825 Headland MILLERS POINT 786m North West

103550 Transport Interchange WYNYARD BUS INTERCHANGE 792m South

103437 Park WYNYARD PARK 793m South

103442 Locality WYNYARD 793m South

103556 Railway Station WYNYARD RAILWAY STATION 795m South

103810 Park CHIFLEY SQUARE 825m South


103761 Club AUSTRALIAN CLUB 833m South East


Lotsearch Pty Ltd ABN 89 600 168 018 48 Map Id Feature Type Label Distance Direction



103227 Community Facility CITY RECITAL HALL 885m South

103521 Park REGIMENTAL SQUARE 897m South



103436 Monument CENOTAPH 934m South

103793 Library STATE LIBRARY OF NSW 935m South East

103522 Park MARTIN PLACE 941m South

103430 Post Office SYDNEY GPO POST OFFICE 957m South

103654 Transport Interchange MARTIN PLACE BUS INTERCHANGE 967m South

103745 Embassy CONSULATE-GENERAL OF JAPAN 969m South

103524 Locality SESQUICENTENARY SQUARE 969m South

103800 Place Of Worship UNITING CHURCH 971m South



82108 Headland BLUES POINT 995m North West

Topographic Data Source: © Land and Property Information (2015) Creative Commons 3.0 © Commonwealth of Australia

Lotsearch Pty Ltd ABN 89 600 168 018 49 Topographic Features

22-26 Playfair Street, The Rocks, NSW 2000

Tanks (Areas)

What are the Tank Areas located within the report buffer? Note. The large majority of tank features provided by LPI are derived from aerial imagery & are therefore primarily above ground tanks.

Map Id Tank Type Status Name Feature Currency Distance Direction

No records in buffer

Tanks (Points)

What are the Tank Points located within the report buffer? Note. The large majority of tank features provided by LPI are derived from aerial imagery & are therefore primarily above ground tanks.

Map Id Tank Type Status Name Feature Currency Distance Direction

No records in buffer

Tanks Data Source: © Land and Property Information (2015) Creative Commons 3.0 © Commonwealth of Australia

Major Easements

What Major Easements exist within the report buffer? Note. Easements provided by LPI are not at the detail of local governments. They are limited to major easements such as Right of Carriageway, Electrical Lines (66kVa etc.), Easement to drain water & Significant subterranean pipelines (gas, water etc.).

Map Id Easement Class Easement Type Easement Width Distance Direction

120119762 Primary Undefined 287m South West

174473051 Primary Right of way Var 325m South

120114683 Primary Undefined 526m South West

120117253 Primary Undefined 544m West

Easements Data Source: © Land and Property Information (2015) Creative Commons 3.0 © Commonwealth of Australia

Lotsearch Pty Ltd ABN 89 600 168 018 50 Topographic Features

22-26 Playfair Street, The Rocks, NSW 2000

State Forest

What State Forest exist within the report buffer?

State Forest Number State Forest Name Distance Direction

N/A No records in buffer

State Forest Data Source: © Land and Property Information (2015) Creative Commons 3.0 © Commonwealth of Australia

National Parks and Wildlife Service Reserves

What NPWS Reserves exist within the report buffer?

Reserve Number Reserve Type Reserve Name Gazetted Date Distance Direction

N0201 HISTORIC SITE Cadmans Cottage Historic Site 28/04/1972 49m East

NPWS Data Source: © Land and Property Information (2015) Creative Commons 3.0 © Commonwealth of Australia

Lotsearch Pty Ltd ABN 89 600 168 018 51 Elevation Contours (m AHD) 22-26 Playfair Street, The Rocks, NSW 2000


8 2

4 8


6 10


12 16 50 2

18 2 6 10 14 2 2 48 16 2 16 46 4 14 2 12 14 16 2 6 44 22 10 18 20 24 20 12 12 12 14 24 14 24 42 12 18 10

20 14

26 18 m 16 28 22 18

16 22 0 20 10

24 10 0 12

0 40 22 24 26 22 E 1 32 6 34 14 4 38 12

22 8 2 4 8 6 42 30 36 42

16 18 22 8 4

10 20

38 12 40 2 30

16 18

40 30 2 38 22 24 28 8 14


36 26 40 26 18 10 6 36 4 6 28 2 2 10 2 20 30 26 2 2 20 6 4 24 20 4 2 32 34 18 18 8 22 16 4 8 16 32 8 4 10 18 14 30 32 34 22 20 16 24 4 6 8 12 12 20 20 32 2 30

24 6 6

8 16

16 10 14 8 24 28 6 18 6

20 6 8 12 4 24 18 26 20 8 6 12 6 18 28 16 24 20 10 14 14 16 8 24 24 26 22 8 12 22 22 30


14 32 26 28

6 12 18 10 22 20 20 34 22 30 14


10 12 18 12 28 30 28 6 26


4 8

14 10 18 16 22

20 16 20 22 26

Accuracy & Currency: This contour data can be up to 0.4 of the Legend contour interval out in height and must therefore not be used for any design or engineering works, but only as a general guide to E Site Centre Site Boundary topography. Gaps may occur along contour lines due to vertical topography, obscured topography in the source photography such Elevation Contour (m AHD) Report Buffer as buildings, dense vegetation or dead ground, or the fact that original buildings have been replaced in the intervening thirty years Property Boundary since the original contour capture.

Scale: Data Sources: Property Boundaries & Topographic Data: Coordinate System: Date: 24April 2017 © Land and Property Information (a division of the GDA 1994 MGA Zone 56 0200400100 Meters Department of Finance and Services) 2017

Lotsearch Pty Ltd ABN 89 600 168 018 52 Groundwater Boreholes 22-26 Playfair Street, The Rocks, NSW 2000



GW114493 GW114492 GW114494

GW113554 GW111571 GW111570 GW113553 GW112872 GW113556 GW113555 GW112871 m

GW112873 0

GW109715 GW113557 0

GW109714 E 0

2 GW109716 GW113558 GW109712 GW113559 GW109713 GW113560 GW113561 GW113562 GW113566 GW113564 GW113606 GW113608 GW113600 GW113603

GW109086 GW109085 GW109087



E Site Centre Site Boundary Borehole Report Buffer Property Boundary

Scale: Data Sources: Property Boundaries & Topographic Data: Coordinate System: Date: 24April 2017 © Land and Property Information (a division of the GDA 1994 MGA Zone 56 0200400100 Meters Department of Finance and Services) 2017

Lotsearch Pty Ltd ABN 89 600 168 018 53 Hydrogeology & Groundwater

22-26 Playfair Street, The Rocks, NSW 2000


Description of aquifers on-site:


No Data

Description of aquifers within the report buffer:


Porous, extensive aquifers of low to moderate productivity

Porous, extensive highly productive aquifers

Hydrogeology Map of Australia : Commonwealth of Australia (Geoscience Australia) Creative Commons 3.0 © Commonwealth of Australia

Groundwater Boreholes

Boreholes within 2km of the site:

GW No. Licence No Work Owner Purpose Contractor Complete Final Drilled Salinity SWL Yield Elev Dist Dir Type Type Date Depth Depth GW112873 10BL604486 Bore Other Monitoring 28/04/2011 15.10 15.10 565m East Govt GW112871 10BL604486 Bore Other Monitoring 11/02/2011 20.00 20.00 601m East Govt GW112872 10BL604486 Bore Other Monitoring 28/04/2011 20.12 20.12 613m East Govt GW111571 10BL604689 Bore Other Monitoring Envirowest 27/06/2011 6.00 6.00 2.65 1.000 641m North Govt Consulting West GW111570 10BL604689 Bore Other Monitoring Envirowest 27/06/2011 6.00 6.00 2.72 1.000 645m North Govt Consulting West GW113597 10BL604366 Bore Private Monitoring 07/12/2009 9.50 9.50 667m South West GW113596 10BL604366 Bore Private Monitoring 08/12/2009 14.10 14.10 671m South West GW113598 10BL604366 Bore Private Monitoring 10/02/2010 13.20 13.20 674m South West GW113609 10BL604366 Bore Private Monitoring 07/03/2010 3.45 3.45 675m South West GW113608 10BL604366 Bore Private Monitoring 02/03/2010 13.00 13.00 675m South West GW113553 10BL604425 Bore Other Monitoring Groundtek 06/01/2011 5.20 5.20 685m North Govt Drilling West GW113610 10BL604366 Bore Private Monitoring 26/02/2010 12.20 12.20 693m South West GW113605 10BL604366 Bore Private Monitoring 23/02/2010 3.00 3.00 698m South West GW113612 10BL604366 Bore Private Monitoring 03/03/2010 13.00 13.00 699m South West GW113607 10BL604366 Bore Private 22/02/2010 7.20 7.20 703m South West GW113604 10BL604366 Bore Private Monitoring 23/02/2010 8.20 8.20 711m South West GW113558 10BL604425 Bore Other Monitoring Groundtek 06/01/2011 14.00 14.00 713m West Govt Drilling GW113559 10BL604425 Bore Other Monitoring Groundtek 06/01/2011 4.00 4.00 717m West Govt Drilling GW113557 10BL604425 Bore Other Monitoring Groundtek 06/01/2011 12.00 12.00 718m West Govt Drilling

Lotsearch Pty Ltd ABN 89 600 168 018 54 GW No. Licence No Work Owner Purpose Contractor Complete Final Drilled Salinity SWL Yield Elev Dist Dir Type Type Date Depth Depth GW113602 10BL604366 Bore Private Monitoring 11/02/2010 17.00 17.00 721m South West GW113566 10BL604425 Bore Other Monitoring Groundtek 06/01/2011 3.00 3.00 723m South Govt Drilling West GW113560 10BL604425 Bore Other Monitoring Groundtek 06/01/2011 3.60 3.60 726m West Govt Drilling GW113603 10BL604366 Bore Private Monitoring 19/02/2010 14.50 14.50 733m South West GW113561 10BL604425 Bore Other Monitoring Groundtek 06/01/2011 4.50 4.50 736m West Govt Drilling GW113555 10BL604425 Bore Other Monitoring Groundtek 06/01/2011 14.00 14.00 737m West Govt Drilling GW113606 10BL604366 Bore Private Monitoring 04/03/2010 13.00 13.00 739m South West GW113556 10BL604425 Bore Other Monitoring Groundtek 06/01/2011 14.00 14.00 746m West Govt Drilling GW113611 10BL604366 Bore Private Monitoring 02/03/2010 7.50 7.50 746m South West GW113562 10BL604425 Bore Other Monitoring Groundtek 06/01/2011 10.70 10.70 750m South Govt Drilling West GW113565 10BL604425 Bore Other Monitoring Groundtek 06/01/2011 4.00 4.00 761m South Govt Drilling West GW113600 10BL604366 Bore Private Monitoring 09/02/2010 14.20 14.20 768m South West GW113599 10BL604366 Bore Private Monitoring 09/02/2010 13.50 13.50 768m South West GW113601 10BL604366 Bore Private Monitoring 11/02/2010 14.20 14.20 768m South West GW113563 10BL604425 Bore Other Monitoring Groundtek 06/01/2011 11.70 11.70 774m South Govt Drilling West GW113554 10BL604425 Bore Other Monitoring Groundtek 06/01/2011 5.00 5.00 778m West Govt Drilling GW113564 10BL604425 Bore Other Monitoring Groundtek 06/01/2011 7.00 7.00 788m South Govt Drilling West GW109085 10BL602334 Bore Other Monitoring CH2M Hill 22/07/2008 5.68 5.68 894m South Govt West GW109086 10BL602334 Bore Other Monitoring CH2M Hill 22/07/2008 5.68 5.68 897m South Govt West GW109087 10BL602334 Bore Other Monitoring CH2M Hill 22/07/2008 8.50 8.50 905m South Govt West GW109712 10BL163286 Well Other Monitoring McDermott 21/01/2004 5.80 5.80 2.64 1467m West Govt Drilling Pty Ltd GW114492 10BL604468 Bore Private Monitoring Terratest 04/05/2011 10.00 10.00 1.20 1504m North East GW109713 10BL163286 Well Other Monitoring McDermott 21/01/2004 6.00 6.00 2.52 1504m West Govt Drilling Pty Ltd GW109714 10BL163286 Well Other Monitoring McDermott 22/01/2004 5.90 5.90 2.55 1507m West Govt Drilling Pty Ltd GW109716 10BL163286 Well Other Monitoring McDermott 22/01/2004 6.00 6.00 1.79 1524m West Govt Drilling Pty Ltd GW114494 10BL604468 Bore Private Monitoring Terratest 04/05/2011 10.00 10.00 1527m North East GW114493 10BL604468 Bore Private Monitoring Terratest 04/05/2011 10.00 10.00 6.20 1542m North East GW109715 10BL163286 Well Other Monitoring McDermott 22/01/2004 5.90 5.90 4.40 1696m West Govt Drilling Pty Ltd GW112183 10BL158267 Bore Private Monitoring 01/03/1999 30.00 30.00 1873m South East GW107764 10BL601165, Bore 22/01/2007 1948m North 10WA109154

Borehole Data Source : NSW Department of Primary Industries - Office of Water / Water Administration Ministerial Corporation for all bores prefixed with GW. All other bores © Commonwealth of Australia (Bureau of Meteorology) 2015. Creative Commons 3.0 © Commonwealth of Australia

Lotsearch Pty Ltd ABN 89 600 168 018 55 Hydrogeology & Groundwater

22-26 Playfair Street, The Rocks, NSW 2000

Driller's Logs

Drill log data relevant to the boreholes within 2km of the site:

Groundwater No Drillers Log Distance Direction

GW111571 0.00m-0.20m CONCRETE 641m North 0.20m-1.80m FILL,CLAYEY SAND,YELLOW BROWN West 1.80m-6.00m FILL,SAND YELLOW

GW111570 0.00m-0.20m CONCRETE 645m North 0.20m-1.00m FILL,CLAYEY SAND,YELLOW BROWN West 1.00m-6.00m FILL. SAND,YELLOW




Drill Log Data Source: NSW Department of Primary Industries - Office of Water / Water Administration Ministerial Corp Creative Commons 3.0 © Commonwealth of Australia

Lotsearch Pty Ltd ABN 89 600 168 018 56 Geology 1:100,000 22-26 Playfair Street, The Rocks, NSW 2000


E E Rh Rh



m 0 0


E 1

mf mf/Qha E E E E E E E E E Rh



E Site Centre Structure Site Boundary Fault

Report Buffer EEEEDyke Property Boundary J Fold Structure Lineament

Scale: Data Sources: Property Boundaries & Topographic Data: Coordinate System: Date: 24April 2017 © Land and Property Information (a division of the GDA 1994 MGA Zone 56 0200400100 Meters Department of Finance and Services) 2017

Lotsearch Pty Ltd ABN 89 600 168 018 57 Geology

22-26 Playfair Street, The Rocks, NSW 2000

Geological Units

What are the Geological Units onsite?

Symbol Description Unit Name Group Sub Group Age Dom Lith Map Sheet Dataset

Rh Medium to coarse grained Triassic Sydney 1:100,000 quartz sandstone, very minor shale and laminate lenses

What are the Geological Units within the report buffer?

Symbol Description Unit Name Group Sub Group Age Dom Lith Map Sheet Dataset mf Man-made fill. Dredged Quaternary Sydney 1:100,000 estuarine sand and mud, demolition rubble, industrial and household waste. mf/Qha Man-made fill (dredged Quaternary Sydney 1:100,000 estuarine sand and mud, demolition rubble, industrial and household waste) overlying silty to peaty quartz sand, silt and clay with ferruginous & humic cementation in places and common shell layers Rh Medium to coarse grained Triassic Sydney 1:100,000 quartz sandstone, very minor shale and laminate lenses water Sydney 1:100,000

Geological Structures

What are the Geological Structures onsite?

Feature Name Description Map Sheet Dataset

No features 1:100,000

What are the Geological Structures within the report buffer?

Feature Name Description Map Sheet Dataset

Dyke Sydney 1:100,000

Dyke Sydney 1:100,000

Geological Data Source : NSW Department of Industry, Resources & Energy © State of New South Wales through the NSW Department of Industry, Resources & Energy

Lotsearch Pty Ltd ABN 89 600 168 018 58 Naturally Occurring Asbestos Potential

22-26 Playfair Street, The Rocks, NSW 2000

Naturally Occurring Asbestos Potential

Naturally Occurring Asbestos Potential within the report buffer?

Potential Sym Strat Name Group Formation Scale Min Age Max Age Rock Dom Lith Description Dist Dir Type No records in buffer

Mining Subsidence District Data Source: © State of New South Wales through NSW Department of Industry, Resources & Energy

Lotsearch Pty Ltd ABN 89 600 168 018 59 Soil Landscapes 22-26 Playfair Street, The Rocks, NSW 2000


ERgy ERgy



m 0 0


E 1





E Site Centre Site Boundary Report Buffer Property Boundary

Scale: Data Sources: Property Boundaries & Topographic Data: Coordinate System: Date: 24April 2017 © Land and Property Information (a division of the GDA 1994 MGA Zone 56 0200400100 Meters Department of Finance and Services) 2017

Lotsearch Pty Ltd ABN 89 600 168 018 60 Soils

22-26 Playfair Street, The Rocks, NSW 2000

Soil Landscapes

What are the onsite Soil Landscapes?

Soil Code Name Group Process Map Sheet Scale


What are the Soil Landscapes within the report buffer?

Soil Code Name Group Process Map Sheet Scale


ERgy GYMEA EROSIONAL Sydney 1:100,000

WATER WATER WATER Sydney 1:100,000

Soils Landscapes Data Source : NSW Office of Environment and Heritage Creative Commons 3.0 © Commonwealth of Australia

Lotsearch Pty Ltd ABN 89 600 168 018 61 Acid Sulfate Soils 22-26 Playfair Street, The Rocks, NSW 2000

¯ m



5 E 5 1




Legend Acid Sulfate Soil Class E Site Centre Soil Class 1 Site Boundary Soil Class 2 and 2a 500m Buffer Soil Class 2b Property Boundary Soil Class 3 Soil Class 4 Soil Class 5

Scale: Data Sources: Property Boundaries & Topographic Data: Coordinate System: Date: 24April 2017 © Land and Property Information (a division of the GDA 1994 MGA Zone 56 0 50 100 200 Meters Department of Finance and Services) 2017

Lotsearch Pty Ltd ABN 89 600 168 018 62 Standard Local Environmental Plan Acid Sulfate Soils

22-26 Playfair Street, The Rocks, NSW 2000

Standard Local Environmental Plan Acid Sulfate Soils What is the on-site Acid Sulfate Soil Plan Class that presents the largest environmental risk?

Soil Class Description LEP


If the on-site Soil Class is 5, what other soil classes exist within 500m?

Soil Class Description LEP Distance Direction


Acid Sulfate Data Source Accessed 07/10/2016: NSW Crown Copyright - Planning and Environment Creative Commons 3.0 © Commonwealth of Australia

Lotsearch Pty Ltd ABN 89 600 168 018 63 Dryland Salinity

22-26 Playfair Street, The Rocks, NSW 2000

Dryland Salinity

Is there Dryland Salinity data onsite? No

Is there Dryland Salinity data within the report buffer?


What Dryland Salinity assessments are given?

Assessment 2000 Assessment 2020 Assessment 2050 Distance Direction


Dryland Salinity Data Source : National Land and Water Resources Audit The Commonwealth and all suppliers of source data used to derive the maps of "Australia, Forecast Areas Containing Land of High Hazard or Risk of Dryland Salinity from 2000 to 2050" do not warrant the accuracy or completeness of information in this product. Any person using or relying upon such information does so on the basis that the Commonwealth and data suppliers shall bear no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any errors, faults, defects or omissions in the information. Any persons using this information do so at their own risk. In many cases where a high risk is indicated, less than 100% of the area will have a high hazard or risk.

Lotsearch Pty Ltd ABN 89 600 168 018 64 Mining Subsidence Districts

22-26 Playfair Street, The Rocks, NSW 2000

Mining Subsidence Districts

Mining Subsidence Districts within the report buffer?

District Distance Direction

There are no Mining Subsidence Districts within the report buffer

Mining Subsidence District Data Source: © Land and Property Information (2016) Creative Commons 3.0 © Commonwealth of Australia

Lotsearch Pty Ltd ABN 89 600 168 018 65 State Environmental Planning Policy 22-26 Playfair Street, The Rocks, NSW 2000




m 0 0


E 1





E Site Centre SEPP 14 - Coastal Wetlands Strategic Land Use - Future Residential Growth Areas Site Boundary SEPP 26 - Littoral Rainforests Strategic Land Use - Additional Rural Village Land Report Buffer SEPP 71 - Coastal Protection Strategic Land Use -Biophysical Strategic Agricultural Land Property Boundary SEPP Major Developments 2005 Strategic Land Use -Critical Industry Cluster (Equine) Strategic Land Use -Critical Industry Cluster (Viticulture)

Scale: Data Sources: Property Boundaries & Topographic Data: Coordinate System: Date: 24April 2017 © Land and Property Information (a division of the GDA 1994 MGA Zone 56 0200400100 Meters Department of Finance and Services) 2017

Lotsearch Pty Ltd ABN 89 600 168 018 66 Environmental Zoning

22-26 Playfair Street, The Rocks, NSW 2000

State Environmental Planning Policy Protected Areas

Are there any State Environmental Planning Policy Protected Areas onsite or within the report buffer?

Dataset Onsite Within Site Buffer Distance

SEPP14 - Coastal Wetlands No No N/A

SEPP26 - Littoral Rainforests No No N/A

SEPP71 - Coastal Protection Zone No No N/A

SEPP Protected Areas Data Source: NSW Department of Planning & Environment Creative Commons 3.0 © Commonwealth of Australia

State Environmental Planning Policy Major Developments (2005)

State Environmental Planning Policy Major Developments within the report buffer?

Map Id Feature Effective Date Distance Direction

65702 Sydney Harbour Foreshore - The Rocks 01/05/2009 0m Onsite

65706 Sydney Harbour Foreshore - Circular Quay 01/05/2009 200m South East

65704 Sydney Harbour Foreshore - 01/05/2009 322m North

62597 Sydney Opera House 25/05/2005 397m East

62581 Barangaroo site 12/10/2007 535m West

SEPP Major Development Data Source: NSW Department of Planning & Environment Creative Commons 3.0 © Commonwealth of Australia

State Environmental Planning Policy Strategic Land Use Areas

State Environmental Planning Policy Strategic Land Use Areas onsite or within the report buffer?

Strategic Land Use SEPPNo Effective Date Amendment Amendment Distance Direction Year No records within buffer

SEPP Strategic Land Use Data Source: NSW Department of Planning & Environment Creative Commons 3.0 © Commonwealth of Australia

Lotsearch Pty Ltd ABN 89 600 168 018 67 LEP Planning Zones 22-26 Playfair Street, The Rocks, NSW 2000




R1 m 0 0


B1 E 1 RE1 B8 SP2 B8







E Site Centre Site Boundary Report Buffer Property Boundary

Scale: Data Sources: Property Boundaries & Topographic Data: Coordinate System: Date: 24April 2017 © Land and Property Information (a division of the GDA 1994 MGA Zone 56 0200400100 Department of Finance and Services) 2017 Meters Planning: NSW Crown Copyright - Planning & Environment

Lotsearch Pty Ltd ABN 89 600 168 018 68 Local Environmental Plan 22-26 Playfair Street, The Rocks, NSW 2000

Land Zoning

What Local Environmental Plan Land Zones exist within the report buffer?

Zone Description Purpose LEP or SEPP Published Commenced Currency Amendment Distance Direction Date Date Date SP2 Infrastructure Classified Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 16/12/2016 102m South Road Environmental Plan 2012 West SP2 Infrastructure Railways Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 16/12/2016 151m North Environmental Plan 2012 West R1 General Residential Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 16/12/2016 165m West Environmental Plan 2012 RE1 Public Recreation Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 16/12/2016 186m West Environmental Plan 2012 SP2 Infrastructure Boating Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 16/12/2016 195m South Facilities Environmental Plan 2012 East SP2 Infrastructure Boating Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 16/12/2016 234m South Facilities Environmental Plan 2012 East B8 Metropolitan Centre Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 16/12/2016 237m South Environmental Plan 2012 RE1 Public Recreation Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 16/12/2016 241m South Environmental Plan 2012 East RE1 Public Recreation Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 16/12/2016 247m South Environmental Plan 2012 East SP2 Infrastructure Railways Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 16/12/2016 257m South Environmental Plan 2012 East SP2 Infrastructure Boating Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 16/12/2016 276m South Facilities Environmental Plan 2012 East B8 Metropolitan Centre Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 16/12/2016 289m West Environmental Plan 2012 RE1 Public Recreation Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 16/12/2016 290m West Environmental Plan 2012 B8 Metropolitan Centre Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 16/12/2016 304m South Environmental Plan 2012 West SP2 Infrastructure Boating Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 16/12/2016 317m South Facilities Environmental Plan 2012 East RE1 Public Recreation Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 16/12/2016 362m South Environmental Plan 2012 East SP2 Infrastructure Boating Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 16/12/2016 362m South Facilities Environmental Plan 2012 East RE1 Public Recreation Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 16/12/2016 388m East Environmental Plan 2012 B8 Metropolitan Centre Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 16/12/2016 390m East Environmental Plan 2012 RE1 Public Recreation Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 16/12/2016 390m East Environmental Plan 2012 RE1 Public Recreation Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 16/12/2016 394m East Environmental Plan 2012 B1 Neighbourhood Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 16/12/2016 397m West Centre Environmental Plan 2012 RE1 Public Recreation Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 16/12/2016 440m South Environmental Plan 2012 RE1 Public Recreation Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 16/12/2016 467m South Environmental Plan 2012 East SP2 Infrastructure Classified Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 16/12/2016 497m South Road Environmental Plan 2012 East RE1 Public Recreation Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 16/12/2016 525m South Environmental Plan 2012 B8 Metropolitan Centre Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 16/12/2016 528m East Environmental Plan 2012 RE1 Public Recreation Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 16/12/2016 532m South Environmental Plan 2012 East RE1 Public Recreation Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 16/12/2016 546m South Environmental Plan 2012 RE1 Public Recreation Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 16/12/2016 699m South Environmental Plan 2012

Lotsearch Pty Ltd ABN 89 600 168 018 69 Zone Description Purpose LEP or SEPP Published Commenced Currency Amendment Distance Direction Date Date Date RE1 Public Recreation Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 16/12/2016 707m South Environmental Plan 2012 East RE1 Public Recreation Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 16/12/2016 805m South Environmental Plan 2012 SP2 Infrastructure Classified Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 16/12/2016 843m South Road Environmental Plan 2012 East SP2 Infrastructure Classified Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 16/12/2016 847m South Road Environmental Plan 2012 West RE1 Public Recreation Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 16/12/2016 885m South Environmental Plan 2012 RE1 Public Recreation North Sydney Local 02/08/2013 13/09/2013 21/11/2014 904m North Environmental Plan 2013 RE1 Public Recreation Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 16/12/2016 918m South Environmental Plan 2012 RE1 Public Recreation Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 16/12/2016 944m South Environmental Plan 2012 East RE1 Public Recreation Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 16/12/2016 949m South Environmental Plan 2012 SP2 Infrastructure Classified North Sydney Local 02/08/2013 13/09/2013 21/11/2014 952m North Road Environmental Plan 2013 RE1 Public Recreation North Sydney Local 02/08/2013 13/09/2013 21/11/2014 955m North Environmental Plan 2013 West SP2 Infrastructure Railway North Sydney Local 02/08/2013 13/09/2013 21/11/2014 958m North Environmental Plan 2013 RE1 Public Recreation Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 16/12/2016 982m South Environmental Plan 2012 West

Local Environment Plan Data Source: NSW Crown Copyright - Planning & Environment Creative Commons 3.0 © Commonwealth of Australia

Lotsearch Pty Ltd ABN 89 600 168 018 70 Local Environmental Plan 22-26 Playfair Street, The Rocks, NSW 2000

Minimum Subdivision Lot Size

What are the onsite Local Environmental Plan Minimum Subdivision Lot Sizes?

Symbol Minimum LEP or SEPP Published Commenced Currency Amendment Percentage Lot Size Date Date Date of Site Area No Data

Maximum Height of Building

What are the onsite Local Environmental Plan Maximum Height of Buildings?

Symbol Maximum LEP or SEPP Published Date Commenced Currency Amendment Percentage Height of Date Date of Site Area Building No Data

Floor Space Ratio

What are the onsite Local Environmental Plan Floor Space Ratios?

Symbol Floor LEP or SEPP Published Commenced Date Currency Amendment Percentage Space Date Date of Site Area Ratio No Data

Land Application

What are the onsite Local Environmental Plan Land Applications?

Application Type LEP or SEPP Published Commenced Currency Amendment Percentage Date Date Date of Site Area No Data

Land Reservation Acquisition

What are the onsite Local Environmental Plan Land Reservation Acquisitions?

Reservation LEP Published Commenced Currency Amendment Comments Percentage Date Date Date of Site Area No Data

Local Environment Plan Data Source: NSW Crown Copyright - Planning & Environment Creative Commons 3.0 © Commonwealth of Australia

Lotsearch Pty Ltd ABN 89 600 168 018 71 Heritage Items 22-26 Playfair Street, The Rocks, NSW 2000



5045672 5001049 I541 5053188 5045667 5045636

5045631 I1760 5045485 5053178 5045342 5045067 5000874 I559 5053177 5045202 5045242 5000871 5053175 I568 5053151 5000870 I548 5053195

5045230 5053225 5 5045233 5053150 0 5000971 5045236 5053144 0 5045357 5001049 5045227 5053141 m 5000969 I557 5053186 I891 I950 I539 5000842 5045089 I560 5045110 5053140 5053182 5053174 5045568 I952 I561 5045307 5053185 I872 5053205 5045557 5045505 5053156 5045609 5053153 5054880 I873 5053193 I870 I939 5053165 E 5053192 I1712 5045276 I893 5053138 I1860 I940 50531395053184 5045606 5054725 5053137 5053230 5045539 5000860 C35 5000859 5053221 5053202 I914 I1711 5045281 I934 I935 5053231 5053142 I1652 I883 I915 5053164 5053222 5051545 5000865 5045286 5053161 5053226 5053206 5045297 5053228 I917 5045588 5053143 I886 5001030 5053171 I1861 5045246 5056816 5053157 5053187 5001049 5045600 5053188 5053223 5053145 5053211 I938 5054387 I1898 I888 5000868 I936 50532165053169 5053200 I920 I937 I1710 5001051 5053210 I868 5053215 5053179 I922 I921 I885 I1709 5045653 I923 5011971 I1660 5045263 I876 5053173 I1807 5045604 I1868 5053209 5053166 I1858 5045062 I1857 I925 5053197 I1661 5045679 5053224 I1662 5053194 5053136 I1687 5044985 I1906 I1731 5053149 5045669 5045674 5044994 I1912 5045084 I1855 5053172 5053148 I1914 I1911 5053162 I1686 5045411 I1859 I1856 5053190 5053170 I1680 I1678 I1656 5053111


E Site Centre Site Boundary State Heritage Items

Property Boundary Report Buffer Local Heritage Items

Scale: Data Sources: Property Boundaries & Topographic Data: Coordinate System: Date: 24April 2017 © Land and Property Information (a division of the GDA 1994 MGA Zone 56 0 100 200Department 400 of Finance and Services) 2017 Meters Heritage - NSW Crown Copyright - Planning & Environment

Lotsearch Pty Ltd ABN 89 600 168 018 72 Heritage

22-26 Playfair Street, The Rocks, NSW 2000

State Heritage Items

What are the State Heritage Items located within the report buffer?

Map Id Name Address LGA Listing Listing No Plan No Distance Direction Date 5053184 22-26 Playfair Sydney 10/05/2002 1568 2914 0m Onsite Street, The Rocks 5053183 Orient Hotel 87-89 George Sydney 10/05/2002 1567 6m South Street The Rocks East 5053193 Samson's Cottage 8 Kendall Lane Sydney 10/05/2002 1577 2981 6m East (wall remains) The Rocks 5053205 Shop, Ken Duncan 73 George Street, Sydney 10/05/2002 1589 2905 6m North Gallery The Rocks East 5053230 Unwin's Stores 77-85 George Sydney 10/05/2002 1613 6m South Street The Rocks East 5053154 Coach House 4-6 Kendall Lane Sydney 10/05/2002 1539 6m South The Rocks East 5053181 69 George Street Sydney 10/05/2002 1565 7m North The Rocks East 5053182 Old Sydney 53-55 George Sydney 10/05/2002 1566 2364 7m North Holiday Inn Street The Rocks East 5053185 Playfair Street 17-31 Playfair Sydney 10/05/2002 1569 2984 10m North Terraces Street The Rocks West 5053153 Cleland Bond 33 Playfair Street Sydney 10/05/2002 1538 12m North Store (part of The Rocks West ) 5053139 Argyle Stores 12-20 Argyle Sydney 10/05/2002 1524 12m West Street The Rocks 5053213 Shops, Victorian 75-75.5 George Sydney 10/05/2002 1597 2980 13m East pair / Samson's Street, The Rocks Cottage 5053140 - 13-15 Playfair Sydney 10/05/2002 1525 17m North Caminetto's Street The Rocks Restaurant 5053147 British Seamen's 39-43 Argyle Sydney 10/05/2002 1532 18m South Hotel (former) Street The Rocks 5053164 & 45-47 Argyle Sydney 10/05/2002 1548 2911 18m South Shop Street The Rocks 5053202 Shop and 32 Harrington Sydney 10/05/2002 1586 2911 18m South Residence Street The Rocks 5053189 Reynolds's 28-30 Harrington Sydney 10/05/2002 1573 2911 18m South Cottages Street The Rocks 5053207 Shop, Zia Pina 93 George Street, Sydney 10/05/2002 1591 2908 20m South Pizzeria the Rocks 5053212 Shops and 95-99 George Sydney 10/05/2002 1596 2908 20m South Residences, Street The Rocks Terrace 5053142 ASN Hotel 91 George Street Sydney 10/05/2002 1527 2908 20m South Building (former), The Rocks Visa Offices 5053186 Playfair's Terrace 1-7 Atherden St Sydney 02/04/1999 1570 2782 32m North

5053196 Shop - Phillip's 101 George Street Sydney 10/05/2002 1580 2909 44m South Foote Restaurant The Rocks 5054387 112-156 George Sydney 05/08/2011 1860 2384 48m South West Street The Rocks Archaeological Precinct 5045539 Cadman's 110 George Street Sydney 02/04/1999 981 2285 49m East Cottage, grounds, The Rocks trees, space

Lotsearch Pty Ltd ABN 89 600 168 018 73 Map Id Name Address LGA Listing Listing No Plan No Distance Direction Date 5053192 Sailor's Home 106-108 George Sydney 10/05/2002 1576 2904 51m East (former) Street, The Rocks 5053203 Shop and 103 George Street Sydney 10/05/2002 1587 54m South Residence - Ariel The Rocks Bookshop 5053156 Coroner's Court 102-104 George Sydney 10/05/2002 1541 54m East (former) - Shops & Street The Rocks offices 5053161 Evans' Stores, 34-40 Harrington Sydney 10/05/2002 1545 54m South Harbour Rocks Street The Rocks Hotel 5053174 Mariners' Church 98-100 George Sydney 10/05/2002 1559 56m North Street The Rocks East 5053144 Avery Terrace 2-4 Atherden Sydney 10/05/2002 1529 58m North Street The Rocks 5053198 Shop and 105 George Street Sydney 10/05/2002 1582 60m South Residence The Rocks 5053229 Union Bond Store 47 George Street Sydney 10/05/2002 1612 60m North (former), Westpac The Rocks Bank 5053176 Merchants House 43-45 George Sydney 10/05/2002 1561 65m North Street The Rocks 5053141 ASN Co Building 1-5 Hickson Road Sydney 10/05/2002 1526 65m North The Rocks East 5053206 Shop, Rockpool 107-109 George Sydney 10/05/2002 1590 66m South Restaurant Street The Rocks 5053195 Sergeant Majors 33-41 George Sydney 10/05/2002 1579 2918 67m North Row (terrace) Street, the Rocks 5053225 Terraces 29-31 George Sydney 10/05/2002 1608 67m North Street The Rocks 5053165 96-98 Cumberland Sydney 10/05/2002 1549 2906 69m West Street, the Rocks 5053150 86-88 George Sydney 10/05/2002 1535 2888 69m North Warehouse Street The Rocks East (former) and Bushells Place 5053227 Terraces 55-59 Harrington Sydney 10/05/2002 1610 2369 73m South Street The Rocks West 5053228 Terraces/Harbour 42-52 Harrington Sydney 10/05/2002 1611 74m South Rocks Hotel Street The Rocks 5053138 Argyle Cut Argyle Street, The Sydney 10/05/2002 1523 76m West Rocks 5053152 Captain Tench 111-115 George Sydney 10/05/2002 1537 79m South Arcade Street The Rocks 5053219 Terrace 61-65 Harrington Sydney 10/05/2002 1602 2368 84m South Street The Rocks West 5053171 Julian Ashton Art 117-119 George Sydney 10/05/2002 1556 88m South School Street The Rocks 5053231 View Terrace N & 26-30 Gloucester Sydney 10/05/2002 1614 89m South W Facades Street The Rocks West 5053221 Terrace 32-36 Gloucester Sydney 10/05/2002 1604 89m South Street The Rocks West 5053222 Terrace 38-40 Gloucester Sydney 10/05/2002 1605 89m South Street The Rocks West 5053137 Cumberland Sydney 10/05/2002 1522 2453 90m West Street, The Rocks 5053226 Terraces 46-56 Gloucester Sydney 10/05/2002 1609 2864 93m South Street The Rocks West 5053220 Terrace 67 Harrington Sydney 10/05/2002 1603 2367 95m South Street The Rocks West 5045703 Sydney Harbour Bradfield Highway Sydney 25/06/1999 781 1864 95m North Bridge, and North Shore approaches and Railway, Milsons viaducts (road and Point/Dawes Point rail)

Lotsearch Pty Ltd ABN 89 600 168 018 74 Map Id Name Address LGA Listing Listing No Plan No Distance Direction Date 5053204 Shop and 121 George Street Sydney 10/05/2002 1588 99m South Residence - The Rocks Bakers Oven 5053199 Shop and 123-125 George Sydney 10/05/2002 1583 103m South Residence Street The Rocks 5053175 25-27 George Sydney 10/05/2002 1560 107m North Street The Rocks 5053167 House 71 Harrington Sydney 10/05/2002 1551 2366 107m South Street The Rocks 5053187 Police Station 127-129 George Sydney 10/05/2002 1571 113m South (former) - Street The Rocks Australian Craftworks Gallery 5053151 Campbell's Stores 7-27 Circular Quay Sydney 10/05/2002 1536 2884 122m North West The Rocks 5001030 Susannah Place 58-64 Gloucester Sydney 10/12/1999 1310 122m South Street The Rocks West 5053143 100-104 Sydney 10/05/2002 1528 2891 124m South Cumberland Street West The Rocks 5053157 Cumberland Place Cumberland Place Sydney 10/05/2002 1542 2725 128m South and Steps The Rocks West 5053160 ES & AC Bank 131-135 George Sydney 10/05/2002 1544 128m South (former) - Amo Street The Rocks Roma Restaurant 5053177 Metcalfe Bond 68-84 George Sydney 10/05/2002 1562 130m North Stores Street The Rocks 5056816 Cumberland Street 106-128 Sydney 17/12/2010 1845 2356 132m South Archaeological Cumberland Street West Site The Rocks 5053163 Fortune of War 137 George Street Sydney 10/05/2002 1547 134m South Hotel The Rocks 5053145 Baker's Terrace 66-68 Gloucester Sydney 10/05/2002 1530 2855 138m South Street The Rocks West 5053188 Railings, Sydney Circular Quay Sydney 10/05/2002 1572 138m South Cove Concourse, East Circular Quay East and West, The Rocks 5053211 Shops and 139-141 George Sydney 10/05/2002 1595 143m South Residences - Street The Rocks stone 5053146 Baker's Terrace 70-72 Gloucester Sydney 10/05/2002 1531 2854 151m South Street The Rocks West 5045307 Argyle Street Trinity Avenue, Sydney 02/04/1999 1022 2160 151m North Railway Millers Point West Substation 5053191 Russell Hotel and 143-143a George Sydney 10/05/2002 1575 152m South shop Street The Rocks 5054725 Millers Point & Upper Fort Street, Sydney 28/11/2003 1682 1921 165m West Dawes Point Millers Point Village Precinct 5045233 Building 8, 10, 12 Trinity Sydney 02/04/1999 842 2842 165m North Avenue Millers West Point 5001049 Millers Point Millers Point Sydney 02/04/1999 884 2282 165m North Conservation Area West 5053178 Mining Museum 36-64 George Sydney 10/05/2002 1555 170m North (former) Street The Rocks 5045236 Terrace 14, 16, 18, 20, 22 Sydney 02/04/1999 911 2699 171m North Trinity Avenue West Millers Point 5053200 Shop and 145 George Street Sydney 10/05/2002 1584 172m South Residence The Rocks 5001054 Flats 2, 4 Trinity Avenue Sydney 02/04/1999 869 2879 175m North Millers Point West

Lotsearch Pty Ltd ABN 89 600 168 018 75 Map Id Name Address LGA Listing Listing No Plan No Distance Direction Date 5000871 Residence 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, Sydney 02/04/1999 894 2878 177m North 40, 42 Lower Fort West Street Millers Point 5053201 Shop and 147 George Street Sydney 10/05/2002 1585 179m South Residence The Rocks 5045202 Townhouse 28 Lower Fort Sydney 02/04/1999 881 2866 181m North Street Millers Point West 5000874 Building 24, 26 Lower Fort Sydney 02/04/1999 852 2865 182m North Street Millers Point West 5053169 Jobbin's Terrace 103-111 Sydney 10/05/2002 1553 2754 182m South Gloucester Street, West The Rocks 5045642 Townhouse 22 Lower Fort Sydney 02/04/1999 880 186m North Street Millers Point West 5053210 Shops and 149-151 George Sydney 10/05/2002 1594 186m South Residences Street The Rocks 5000873 Townhouse 20 Lower Fort Sydney 02/04/1999 861 188m North Street Millers Point West 5045342 Harbour View 18 Lower Fort Sydney 02/04/1999 634 1663 190m North Hotel and site Street Millers Point West 5053217 Terrace 130 Cumberland Sydney 10/05/2002 1600 2751 196m South Street, The Rocks West 5053179 New York Hotel 153-155 George Sydney 10/05/2002 1563 198m South (former) - DFS Street The Rocks (Duty Free Store) 5053223 Terraces, 132-134 132-134 Sydney 10/05/2002 1606 2752 202m South Cumberland Street Cumberland West Street, The Rocks 5053208 Shops and 136-138 Sydney 10/05/2002 1592 2753 209m South Residences Cumberland West Street, The Rocks 5045505 Garrison Anglican Argyle Street, Sydney 02/04/1999 644 1674 209m West Church Precinct Millers Point 5053218 Terrace 113-115 113-115 Sydney 10/05/2002 1601 2755 212m South Gloucester Street Gloucester Street, West The Rocks 5011971 Circular Quay City Railway Loop, Sydney 02/04/1999 1112 2406 216m South Railway Station Sydney East group 5053216 Tenements, Pair 140-142 Sydney 10/05/2002 1599 2750 219m South Three-Storey Brick Cumberland West Street, The Rocks 5045344 Building 55 Lower Fort Sydney 02/04/1999 525 1336 221m North Street Millers Point West 5045678 Regency 57, 59, 61 Lower Sydney 02/04/1999 887 221m North Townhouses Fort Street Millers West Point 5045649 Terrace 47, 49, 51, 53 Sydney 02/04/1999 906 222m North Lower Fort Street West Millers Point 5045242 Vermont Terrace 63, 65 Lower Fort Sydney 02/04/1999 910 2850 223m North Street Millers Point West 5045652 Eagleton Terrace 67, 69 Lower Fort Sydney 02/04/1999 882 224m North Street Millers Point West 5045604 Sydney Sydney 02/04/1999 636 1665 225m South

5045659 Building 75, 77 Lower Fort Sydney 02/04/1999 844 225m North Street Millers Point West 5053215 Tenements 117- 117-117A Sydney 10/05/2002 1598 2756 225m South 117A Gloucester Gloucester Street, West Street The Rocks 5000870 Eagleton Terrace 71, 73 Lower Fort Sydney 02/04/1999 904 226m North Street Millers Point West 5045485 Clydebank 43 Lower Fort Sydney 02/04/1999 524 1335 228m North Street Millers Point West 5045628 Shop & Residence 79 Lower Fort Sydney 02/04/1999 893 231m North Street Millers Point West

Lotsearch Pty Ltd ABN 89 600 168 018 76 Map Id Name Address LGA Listing Listing No Plan No Distance Direction Date 5045631 Georgian 39, 41 Lower Fort Sydney 02/04/1999 523 1334 235m North Townhouse Street Millers Point West 5051347 Royal College of 37 Lower Fort Sydney 02/04/1999 522 1333 239m North Radiologists Street Millers Point West 5045581 Hero of Waterloo 81, 83 Lower Fort Sydney 02/04/1999 633 1662 240m North Hotel Street Millers Point West 5045067 Walsh Bay Hickson Road, Sydney 02/04/1999 559 1538 240m North Wharves Precinct Millers Point West 5045636 Linsley Terrace 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, Sydney 02/04/1999 907 2853 243m North 35 Lower Fort Street Millers Point 5001005 Building 92 Windmill Street Sydney 02/04/1999 849 247m North Millers Point West 5045670 Argyle House 85 Lower Fort Sydney 02/04/1999 838 2712 249m West Street Millers Point 5001004 Building 90 Windmill Street Sydney 02/04/1999 847 254m North Millers Point West 5045218 Shipwrights Arms 75 Windmill Street Sydney 02/04/1999 850 2711 254m West Inn (former) Millers Point 5045230 Terrace 86, 88 Windmill Sydney 02/04/1999 897 258m North Street Millers Point West 5000971 Stevens Terrace 73 Windmill Street, Sydney 02/04/1999 862 2861 258m West Millers Point 5000973 Royal College of 84 Windmill Street Sydney 02/04/1999 851 2228 266m North Pathologists Millers Point West (former) 5045667 Linsley Terrace 21, 23 Lower Fort Sydney 02/04/1999 883 266m North Street Millers Point 5000972 Royal College of 82 Windmill Street Sydney 02/04/1999 843 2227 269m North Pathologists Millers Point West (former) 5000970 Terrace 71 Windmill Street Sydney 02/04/1999 845 2710 271m West Millers Point 5045672 1-19 Lower Fort Sydney 02/04/1999 885 275m North Street Millers Point 5000969 Terrace 69 Windmill Street Sydney 02/04/1999 853 2898 276m West Millers Point 5000843 Terrace 62, 64 Argyle Sydney 02/04/1999 895 2852 279m West Place Millers Point 5000968 Stone Shop 67 Windmill Street Sydney 02/04/1999 860 2917 284m West Millers Point 5045089 Undercliffe 52, 54, 56, 58, 60 Sydney 02/04/1999 902 2851 289m West Terrace Argyle Place Millers Point 5051545 Sydney Upper Fort Street, Sydney 22/12/2000 1449 2115 289m West Observatory Millers Point 5001003 Terrace 65 Windmill Street Sydney 02/04/1999 846 290m West Millers Point 5045227 Terrace 1-63 Windmill Sydney 02/04/1999 896 2846 298m West Street Millers Point 5045007 Undercliffe 50 Argyle Place Sydney 02/04/1999 929 2702 324m West Cottage (former) Millers Point 5053173 Lilyvale 176 Cumberland Sydney 10/05/2002 1558 2662 324m South Street The Rocks West 5000842 Terraces 46, 48 Argyle Sydney 02/04/1999 924 338m West Place Millers Point 5053166 Hart's Buildings 10-14 Essex Sydney 10/05/2002 1550 2749 339m South Street The Rocks West 5053209 The Butchery 178-180 Sydney 10/05/2002 1593 2748 340m South Buildings Cumberland Street West The Rocks 5045571 Terraces 40, 42, 44 Argyle Sydney 02/04/1999 926 2870 352m West Place, Millers Point

Lotsearch Pty Ltd ABN 89 600 168 018 77 Map Id Name Address LGA Listing Listing No Plan No Distance Direction Date 5053136 Accountants 117-119 Sydney 10/05/2002 1521 361m South House Harrington Street The Rocks 5053168 Housing Board 120 Gloucester Sydney 10/05/2002 1552 362m South Building Street The Rocks West 5045617 Houses 36, 38 Argyle Sydney 02/04/1999 878 2868 366m West Place Millers Point 5053194 157-169 Sydney 10/05/2002 1578 2661 366m South (including original Gloucester West interiors) Street/Essex Street 5053197 Shop and 182 Cumberland Sydney 10/05/2002 1581 2659 368m South Residence Street The Rocks West 5053149 121-127 Sydney 10/05/2002 1534 2385 372m South Harrington Street The Rocks 5045623 Osborne House 34 Argyle Place Sydney 02/04/1999 886 2912 376m West Millers Point 5045669 Bulletin Place 6-8 Bulletin Place Sydney 02/04/1999 651 1689 380m South Restaurant Sydney 5053224 Terraces 182.5-186 Sydney 10/05/2002 1607 380m South Cumberland Street West The Rocks 5044985 Customs House 45 Alfred Street Sydney 02/04/1999 727 1783 383m South (former) Sydney East 5045568 Terrace 22, 24, 26, 30, 32 Sydney 02/04/1999 905 2956 385m West Argyle Place Millers Point 5000862 Terrace 44 Kent Street Sydney 02/04/1999 859 2714 388m West Millers Point 5000863 Terrace 46 Kent Street Sydney 02/04/1999 858 391m West Millers Point 5045274 Terrace House 48, 50 Kent Street Sydney 02/04/1999 921 2717 392m West Millers Point 5045674 Building 10-14 Bulletin Sydney 02/04/1999 652 1690 392m South Place Sydney 5045286 Terrace 52, 54 Kent Street Sydney 02/04/1999 871 2700 393m West Millers Point 5045279 Terrace 32, 34, 36, 38, 40 Sydney 02/04/1999 864 2696 396m West Kent Street Millers Point 5045281 Terrace 42 Kent Street Sydney 02/04/1999 856 2703 396m West Millers Point 5045584 Terrace 56, 58 Kent Street Sydney 02/04/1999 841 2693 397m West Millers Point 5045277 House of Bodleigh 24, 26 Kent Street Sydney 02/04/1999 873 397m West Millers Point 5000860 Building 28 Kent Street Sydney 02/04/1999 854 2708 397m West Millers Point 5000861 Building 30 Kent Street Sydney 02/04/1999 855 2709 397m West Millers Point 5054880 Sydney Opera Circular Quay Sydney 03/12/2003 1685 1918 397m East House East, Sydney 5045588 Terrace 60, 62 Kent Street Sydney 02/04/1999 909 2697 398m West Millers Point 5045276 Terrace 18, 20, 22 Kent Sydney 02/04/1999 917 2698 399m West Street Millers Point 5045352 St. Brigid's Roman 14, 16 Kent Street Sydney 02/04/1999 645 1668 401m West Catholic Church & Millers Point School 5045084 Warehouse 16-18 Bulletin Sydney 02/04/1999 653 1691 403m South (former) Place Sydney 5044964 Millers Point Post 12 Kent Street Sydney 23/06/2000 1408 404m West Office Millers Point 5045600 Blyth Terrace 82, 84, 86, 88 Kent Sydney 02/04/1999 839 2705 407m South Street Millers Point West

Lotsearch Pty Ltd ABN 89 600 168 018 78 Map Id Name Address LGA Listing Listing No Plan No Distance Direction Date 5000868 Terrace 90, 92 Kent Street Sydney 02/04/1999 916 2694 412m South Millers Point West 5045664 Toxteth 94 Kent Street Sydney 02/04/1999 928 415m South Millers Point West 5044994 Ozanam House 5-7 Young Street Sydney 02/04/1999 701 1753 432m South Sydney East 5053148 Brooklyn Hotel 229 George Street Sydney 10/05/2002 1533 2371 438m South The Rocks 5000864 Stone House 53, 55 Kent Street Sydney 02/04/1999 900 440m West Millers Point 5045241 Stone House 49, 51 Kent Street Sydney 02/04/1999 876 2692 440m West Millers Point 5045592 Hexam Terrace 59, 61, 63 Kent Sydney 02/04/1999 872 2843 440m West Street Millers Point 5045283 Alfred's Terrace 37, 39, 41, 43, 45, Sydney 02/04/1999 837 2695 441m West 47 Kent Street Millers Point 5000865 Terrace 71, 73 Kent Street Sydney 02/04/1999 914 441m West Millers Point 5045597 Winsbury Terrace 75, 77, 79 Kent Sydney 02/04/1999 930 2859 442m West Street Millers Point 5045606 Captain Cook 33, 35 Kent Street Sydney 02/04/1999 511 1328 443m West Hotel Millers Point 5045609 Edwardian 21, 23, 25, 27, 29 Sydney 02/04/1999 888 445m West Shop/Residences Kent Street Millers Point 5045605 Katoomba House 81 Kent Street Sydney 02/04/1999 890 445m West Millers Point 5045246 Terrace 83, 85 Kent Street Sydney 02/04/1999 879 446m West Millers Point 5053155 Commercial 231 George Street Sydney 10/05/2002 1540 2372 447m South building The Rocks 5045411 Kyle House 27-31 Macquarie Sydney 02/04/1999 654 1692 448m South Place Sydney 5053170 Johnson's Building 233-235 George Sydney 10/05/2002 1554 2373 452m South Street The Rocks 5053111 Macquarie Place Macquarie Place, Sydney 05/03/2010 1759 2089 454m South Precinct Sydney 5045112 Lord Nelson Hotel 19 Kent Street Sydney 02/04/1999 509 1326 454m West Millers Point 5045357 Oswald Bond 1-17 Kent Street Sydney 02/04/1999 527 1340 456m West Store Millers Point 5053162 Federation Hall 24-30 Grosvenor Sydney 10/05/2002 1546 2375 460m South and courtyard Street The Rocks 5053190 Royal Naval 32-34 Grosvenor Sydney 10/05/2002 1574 2374 460m South House Street The Rocks 5054607 Shop and 9 Argyle Place Sydney 06/06/2003 865 462m West Residence Millers Point 5045297 Royal Botanic Farm Cove, Sydney 02/04/1999 1070 2468 466m South Gardens and Sydney East Domain 5053172 212-218 SHR 10/05/2002 1557 2824 470m South Cumberland West Street, the Rocks 5000859 Terrace Duplexes 2-36 High Street Sydney 02/04/1999 920 471m West Millers Point 5045221 Terrace Duplexes 38-72 High Street Sydney 02/04/1999 919 475m West Millers Point 5045679 Justice and Police 4-8 Phillip Street Sydney 02/04/1999 673 1721 475m South Museum Sydney East 5001052 Shops 10, 10a, 12, 12a Sydney 02/04/1999 891 477m West Argyle Place Millers Point 5045557 Shops 1, 3, 5, 7 Argyle Sydney 02/04/1999 863 478m West Place Millers Point

Lotsearch Pty Ltd ABN 89 600 168 018 79 Map Id Name Address LGA Listing Listing No Plan No Distance Direction Date 5045062 Royal Automobile 89-91 Macquarie Sydney 02/04/1999 700 1752 481m South Club Street Sydney East 5045653 Terrace 115, 117, 119, 121 Sydney 02/04/1999 908 2713 483m South Kent Street Millers West Point 5045110 Shops 6, 8 Argyle Place Sydney 02/04/1999 870 489m West Millers Point 5045263 Terrace 123, 125 Kent Sydney 02/04/1999 901 491m South Street Millers Point West 5001051 Terrace Duplexes 74-80 High Street Sydney 02/04/1999 868 2877 494m South Millers Point West

Heritage Data Source: NSW Crown Copyright - Planning & Environment Creative Commons 3.0 © Commonwealth of Australia

Local Heritage Items

What are the Local Heritage Items located within the report buffer?

Map Id Name Classification Significance LEP or Act Published Commenced Currency Distance Direction Date Date Date I539 Sydney Harbour Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 105m North West Bridge approaches Environmental Plan group 2012 C35 Millers Point Conservation State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 150m West Area - General Environmental Plan 2012 I549 House 'Darling Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 165m North West House' (8-12 Environmental Plan Trinity Avenue) 2012 I548 Flat building (2-4B Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 170m North West Trinity Avenue) Environmental Plan 2012 I550 Terrace group (14- Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 171m North West 22 Trinity Avenue) Environmental Plan 2012 I547 Terrace group (30- Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 178m North West 42 Lower Fort Environmental Plan Street) 2012 I546 Terrace house (28 Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 182m North West Lower Fort Street) Environmental Plan 2012 I545 House (24-26 Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 183m North West Lower Fort Street) Environmental Plan 2012 I543 Terrace group Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 187m North West Environmental Plan 2012 I542 Harbour View Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 191m North West Hotel Environmental Plan 2012 I1760 Cast iron urinals Item - General Local Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 205m North Environmental Plan 2012 I557 Terrace group Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 210m North West 'Garrison Terrace' Environmental Plan 2012 I560 Military building Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 210m West 'Drill Hall' Environmental Plan 2012 I561 Holy Trinity Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 214m West Anglican Church Environmental Plan 2012 I935 Observatory Hill Item - General Local Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 217m West Park Environmental Plan 2012 I558 House 'Wyong Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 221m North West House' Environmental Plan 2012 I559 Terrace group Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 221m North West Environmental Plan 2012

Lotsearch Pty Ltd ABN 89 600 168 018 80 Map Id Name Classification Significance LEP or Act Published Commenced Currency Distance Direction Date Date Date I556 Terrace group Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 222m North West 'Point Terrace' Environmental Plan 2012 I562 Terrace group Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 223m North West Environmental Plan 2012 I563 Terrace group Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 224m North West 'Eagleton Terrace' Environmental Plan 2012 I564 Commercial Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 228m North West building Environmental Plan 2012 I555 House 'Clydebank' Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 228m North West Environmental Plan 2012 I565 Former Young Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 230m North West Princess Hotel Environmental Plan 2012 I554 Terrace house Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 235m North West 'Millers Point Environmental Plan House' 2012 I553 Royal College of Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 239m North West Radiologists Environmental Plan 2012 I570 Terrace house Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 240m North West Environmental Plan 2012 I926 Hero of Waterloo Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 240m North West Hotel Environmental Plan 2012 I552 Terrace house Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 243m North 'Linsley Terrace' Environmental Plan 2012 I551 Terrace group Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 246m North 'Linsley Terrace' Environmental Plan 2012 I948 Terrace house Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 249m West 'Argyle House' (85 Environmental Plan Lower Fort Street) 2012 I569 Terrace house Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 253m North West Environmental Plan 2012 I947 Former Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 255m West Shipwrights Arms Environmental Plan Inn (75 Windmill 2012 Street) I1807 Herald Square & Item - General Local Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 255m South Tank Stream Environmental Plan Fountain 2012 I1656 Tank Stream tanks Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 257m South & tunnels Environmental Plan 2012 I568 Terrace group (86- Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 257m North West 88 Windmill Street) Environmental Plan 2012 I946 Terrace house Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 257m West 'Stevens Terrace' Environmental Plan (73 Windmill 2012 Street) I1660 Circular Quay Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 259m South East Railway Station Environmental Plan 2012 I1709 Cast iron railings Item - General Local Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 262m South East Environmental Plan 2012 I544 Terrace group Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 266m North 'Linsley Terrace' Environmental Plan 2012 I567 Terrace house (84 Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 267m North West Windmill Street) Environmental Plan 2012 I566 Terrace house (82 Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 272m North West Windmill Street) Environmental Plan 2012 I945 Terrace house (71 Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 274m West Windmill Street) Environmental Plan 2012

Lotsearch Pty Ltd ABN 89 600 168 018 81 Map Id Name Classification Significance LEP or Act Published Commenced Currency Distance Direction Date Date Date I541 Terrace group Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 275m North 'Milton Terrace' Environmental Plan 2012 I944 Former Hit or Miss Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 278m West Hotel (69 Windmill Environmental Plan Street) 2012 I949 Laneway (north of Item - General Local Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 278m West Argyle Place) Environmental Plan 2012 I939 Watson Road Item - General Local Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 278m West steps Environmental Plan 2012 I956 Terrace group (62- Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 280m West 64 Argyle Place) Environmental Plan 2012 I943 Terrace house (67 Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 286m West Windmill Street) Environmental Plan 2012 I934 Sydney Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 289m West Observatory group Environmental Plan 2012 I872 Argyle Place Park Item - General Local Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 290m West Environmental Plan 2012 I942 Terrace house (65 Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 291m West Windmill Street) Environmental Plan 2012 I955 Terrace group Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 291m West 'Undercliff Terrace' Environmental Plan (52-60 Argyle 2012 Place) I1709 Cast iron railings Item - General Local Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 296m South East Environmental Plan 2012 I941 Terrace group (1- Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 299m West 63 Windmill Street) Environmental Plan 2012 I1858 Former Ship Inn Item - General Local Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 300m South facade (10-18 Pitt Environmental Plan Street) 2012 I936 Bureau of Item - General Local Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 305m South Meteorology Environmental Plan West 2012 I938 Fort Street Primary Item - General Local Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 309m South School site Environmental Plan West 2012 I954 House 'Undercliff Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 326m West Cottage' (50 Argyle Environmental Plan Place) 2012 I1709 Cast iron railings Item - General Local Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 332m South East Environmental Plan 2012 I1857 Paragon Hotel Item - General Local Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 340m South East facades (27-29 Environmental Plan Alfred Street) 2012 I953 Terrace group (46- Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 341m West 48 Argyle Place) Environmental Plan 2012 I937 Messenger?s Item - General Local Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 345m South Cottage for Sydney Environmental Plan West Observatory 2012 I952 Terrace group (36- Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 353m West 44 Argyle Place) Environmental Plan 2012 I876 National Trust Item - General Local Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 357m South Centre Environmental Plan West 2012 I1687 Laneway Item - General Local Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 364m South Environmental Plan 2012 I1709 Cast iron railings Item - General Local Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 371m South East Environmental Plan 2012 I941 Terrace group (1- Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 372m West 63 Windmill Street) Environmental Plan 2012

Lotsearch Pty Ltd ABN 89 600 168 018 82 Map Id Name Classification Significance LEP or Act Published Commenced Currency Distance Direction Date Date Date I1911 Customs House Item - General Local Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 375m South Hotel facade (17- Environmental Plan 21 MacQuarie 2012 Place) I1912 Commercial Item - General Local Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 375m South building facade Environmental Plan 'Sirius House' (23- 2012 25 MacQuarie Place) I1913 Former Post Office Item - General Local Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 375m South facade (38-40 Pitt Environmental Plan Street) 2012 I951 House 'Osborne Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 378m West House' (34 Argyle Environmental Plan Place) 2012 I940 Community Item - General Local Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 380m West building 'Abraham Environmental Plan Mott Hall' 2012 I1688 Former warehouse Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 381m South Environmental Plan 2012 I1661 Customs House Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 381m South East Environmental Plan 2012 I1711 Commercial Item - General Local Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 388m East building group Environmental Plan 'Sydney Cove 2012 Oyster Bar' & 'Portobella Cafe' I950 Terrace group (24- Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 388m West 32 Argyle Place) Environmental Plan 2012 I903 Terrace house (44 Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 388m West Kent Street) Environmental Plan 2012 I1711 Commercial Item - General Local Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 389m East building group Environmental Plan 'Sydney Cove 2012 Oyster Bar' & 'Portobella Cafe' I1710 Cast iron railings Item - General Local Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 389m East Environmental Plan 2012 I904 Terrace house (46 Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 390m West Kent Street) Environmental Plan 2012 I905 Terrace group (48- Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 391m West 52 Kent Street) Environmental Plan 2012 I1689 Former warehouse Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 392m South Environmental Plan 2012 I906 Terrace house (54 Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 395m West Kent Street) Environmental Plan 2012 I907 Terrace group (56- Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 396m West 62 Kent Street) Environmental Plan 2012 I900 Terrace house (30 Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 396m West Kent Street) Environmental Plan 2012 I901 Terrace group (32- Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 396m West 40 Kent Street) Environmental Plan 2012 I902 Terrace house (42 Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 396m West Kent Street) Environmental Plan 2012 I898 Commercial Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 397m West building 'House of Environmental Plan Bodleigh' 2012 I899 Terrace house (28 Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 397m West Kent Street) Environmental Plan 2012 I873 Bus shelter Item - General Local Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 397m West Environmental Plan 2012 I1712 Sydney Opera Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 398m East House Environmental Plan 2012

Lotsearch Pty Ltd ABN 89 600 168 018 83 Map Id Name Classification Significance LEP or Act Published Commenced Currency Distance Direction Date Date Date I894 Terrace group Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 399m West Environmental Plan 2012 I893 St Brigid's Church Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 401m West & School Environmental Plan 2012 I1690 Former warehouse Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 403m South Environmental Plan 2012 I892 Millers Point Post Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 404m West Office Environmental Plan 2012 I908 Terrace group Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 407m South 'Blyth Terrace' (82- Environmental Plan West 88 Kent Street) 2012 I909 Terrace group (90- Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 411m South 92 Kent Street) Environmental Plan West 2012 I1662 Commercial Item - General Local Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 411m South East building 'AMP Environmental Plan Building' 2012 I1731 Laneway Item - General Local Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 413m South East Environmental Plan 2012 I910 Terrace house Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 414m South 'Toxteth' (94 Kent Environmental Plan West Street) 2012 I1914 Commercial Item - General Local Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 427m South building 'Gerling Environmental Plan House' 2012 I1856 Macquarie Place Item - General Local Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 428m South Park Environmental Plan 2012 I868 Agar Steps Item - General Local Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 428m South Environmental Plan West 2012 I920 Tennis court & Item - General Local Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 430m South pavilion Environmental Plan West 2012 I921 Terrace group Item - General Local Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 430m South 'Agar Steps Environmental Plan West Terrace' (5-9 Agar 2012 Steps) I1999 EF House & Marist Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 431m South East Chapel Environmental Plan 2012 I922 Terrace group Item - General Local Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 437m South 'Carlson Terrace' Environmental Plan West 2012 I923 House 'Richmond Item - General Local Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 437m South Villa' Environmental Plan West 2012 I915 Terrace group Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 440m West 'Hexham Terrace' Environmental Plan 2012 I916 Terrace group (71- Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 441m West 73 Kent Street) Environmental Plan 2012 I912 Terrace group Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 441m West 'Alfred's Terrace' Environmental Plan (37-47 Kent Street) 2012 I913 Terrace group (49- Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 441m West 51 Kent Street) Environmental Plan 2012 I914 Terrace group (53- Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 441m West 55 Kent Street) Environmental Plan 2012 I917 Terrace group Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 442m West 'Winsbury Terrace' Environmental Plan & 'Winsbury 2012 House' (75-79 Kent Street) I911 Captain Cook Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 443m West Hotel Environmental Plan 2012 I918 Terrace house Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 445m West 'Seaforth Terrace' Environmental Plan (81 Kent Street0 2012

Lotsearch Pty Ltd ABN 89 600 168 018 84 Map Id Name Classification Significance LEP or Act Published Commenced Currency Distance Direction Date Date Date I919 Terrace group (85- Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 446m West 85 Kent Street) Environmental Plan 2012 I897 Commercial Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 446m West building group Environmental Plan 2012 I1855 Gallipoli Legion of Item - General Local Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 446m South East Anzac's Club Environmental Plan 2012 I1898 Moore Stairs Item - General Local Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 448m South East Environmental Plan 2012 I896 Commercial Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 448m West building group (9 Environmental Plan Argyle Place) 2012 I1859 Commercial Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 449m South building 'Kyle Environmental Plan House' 2012 I895 Lord Nelson Hotel Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 455m West Environmental Plan 2012 I925 Terrace group Item - General Local Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 456m South 'Glover Cottages' Environmental Plan West 2012 I891 Former warehouse Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 457m West 'Oswald Bond Free Environmental Plan Store' 2012 I1680 Commercial Item - General Local Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 465m South building Environmental Plan 'Northumberland 2012 Insurance' I1678 Commercial Item - General Local Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 466m South building 'Cliveden' Environmental Plan 2012 I1860 Steps & rock face Item - General Local Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 468m East 'Tarpeian Rock' Environmental Plan 2012 I881 Retaining wall, Item - General Local Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 468m West palisade fence & Environmental Plan steps 2012 I886 Lance Item - General Local Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 470m West Kindergarten Environmental Plan 2012 I883 Terrace duplex Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 472m West group Environmental Plan 2012 I1906 Justice & Police Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 473m South East Museum Environmental Plan 2012 I1861 Palm trees Item - General Local Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 474m East Environmental Plan 2012 I888 Terrace duplex Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 475m West group Environmental Plan 2012 I1652 Royal Botanic Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 478m South East Gardens Environmental Plan 2012 I870 Commercial Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 478m West building group Environmental Plan 2012 I871 Commercial Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 479m West building group Environmental Plan 2012 I1868 Community Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 480m South East building 'Royal Environmental Plan Automobile Club' 2012 I885 Terrace group (115 Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 483m South -121 Kent Street) Environmental Plan West 2012 I887 Trees at Lance Item - General Local Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 487m West Kindergarten Environmental Plan 2012 I924 Terrace group Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 491m South Environmental Plan West 2012

Lotsearch Pty Ltd ABN 89 600 168 018 85 Map Id Name Classification Significance LEP or Act Published Commenced Currency Distance Direction Date Date Date I889 Terrace duplex Item - General State Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 495m South group Environmental Plan West 2012 I1686 Former Item - General Local Sydney Local 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 06/05/2016 499m South East commercial Environmental Plan building 'Booth 2012 House'

Heritage Data Source: NSW Crown Copyright - Planning & Environment Creative Commons 3.0 © Commonwealth of Australia

Lotsearch Pty Ltd ABN 89 600 168 018 86 Natural Hazards

22-26 Playfair Street, The Rocks, NSW 2000

Bush Fire Prone Land

What are the nearest Bush Fire Prone Land Categories that exist within the report buffer?

Bush Fire Prone Land Category Distance Direction

No records within buffer

NSW Bush Fire Prone Land - © NSW Rural Fire Service under Creative Commons 4.0 International Licence

Lotsearch Pty Ltd ABN 89 600 168 018 87 Ecological Constraints - Native Vegetation & RAMSAR Wetlands 22-26 Playfair Street, The Rocks, NSW 2000



m 0 0


E 1



E Site Centre Rainforest Forested Wetlands Grasslands Artificial Wetlands RAMSAR Wetlands Site Boundary Wet Sclerophyll Forests Grassy Woodlands Freshwater Wetlands Water Report Buffer Dry Sclerophyll Forests Heathlands Saline Wetlands Other Property Boundary

Scale: Data Sources: Property Boundaries & Topographic Data: Coordinate System: Date: 24April 2017 © Land and Property Information (a division of the GDA 1994 MGA Zone 56 0200400100 Meters Department of Finance and Services) 2017

Lotsearch Pty Ltd ABN 89 600 168 018 88 Ecological Constraints

22-26 Playfair Street, The Rocks, NSW 2000

Native Vegetation

What native vegetation exists within the report buffer?

Map Map Unit Name Threatened Threatened Understorey Disturbance Disturbance Dominant Dist Direction ID Ecological Ecological Index Species Community Community NSW EPBC Act Urban_E/N Urban_E/N: Urban 00: Not 00: Not 0: Not Urban 11m South Exotic/Native assessed assessed assessed Exotic/Native West Weed_Ex Weed_Ex: Weeds and 00: Not 00: Not 0: Not Exotic Species 994m North Exotics assessed assessed assessed >90%cover West

Native Vegetation of the Sydney Metropolitan Area : NSW Office of Environment and Heritage Creative Commons 3.0 © Commonwealth of Australia

RAMSAR Wetlands

What RAMSAR Wetland areas exist within the report buffer?

Map Id RAMSAR Name Wetland Name Designation Date Source Distance Direction

N/A No records in buffer

RAMSAR Wetlands Data Source: © Commonwealth of Australia - Department of Environment

Lotsearch Pty Ltd ABN 89 600 168 018 89 Ecological Constraints

22-26 Playfair Street, The Rocks, NSW 2000

ATLAS of NSW Wildlife

Endangered &Vulnerable Species on the ATLAS of NSW Wildlife database, within 10km of the site?

Class Family Scientific Common Exotic NSW Status Commonwealth Status Amphibia Hylidae Litoria aurea Green and Golden Bell Frog No Endangered, Protected Vulnerable

Amphibia Myobatrachidae Pseudophryne australis Red-crowned Toadlet No Vulnerable, Protected

Aves Accipitridae Haliaeetus leucogaster White-bellied Sea-Eagle No Vulnerable, Protected CAMBA

Aves Accipitridae Hieraaetus morphnoides Little Eagle No Vulnerable, Protected

Aves Accipitridae Pandion cristatus Eastern Osprey No Vulnerable, Protected, Category 3 Sensitive Species Aves Anatidae Nettapus coromandelianus Cotton Pygmy-Goose No Endangered, Protected

Aves Anatidae Stictonetta naevosa Freckled Duck No Vulnerable, Protected

Aves Anseranatidae Anseranas semipalmata Magpie Goose No Vulnerable, Protected

Aves Ardeidae Botaurus poiciloptilus Australasian Bittern No Endangered, Protected Endangered

Aves Ardeidae Ixobrychus flavicollis Black Bittern No Vulnerable, Protected

Aves Artamidae Artamus cyanopterus Dusky Woodswallow No Vulnerable, Protected cyanopterus Aves Burhinidae Burhinus grallarius Bush Stone-curlew No Endangered, Protected

Aves Burhinidae Esacus magnirostris Beach Stone-curlew No Critically Endangered Species, Protected Aves Cacatuidae Calyptorhynchus lathami Glossy Black-Cockatoo No Vulnerable, Protected, Category 2 Sensitive Species Aves Columbidae Ptilinopus superbus Superb Fruit-Dove No Vulnerable, Protected

Aves Diomedeidae Diomedea exulans Wandering Albatross No Endangered, Protected E,J

Aves Diomedeidae Phoebetria fusca Sooty Albatross No Vulnerable, Protected Vulnerable

Aves Diomedeidae Thalassarche cauta Shy Albatross No Vulnerable, Protected Vulnerable

Aves Diomedeidae Thalassarche melanophris Black-browed Albatross No Vulnerable, Protected Vulnerable

Aves Estrildidae Stagonopleura guttata Diamond Firetail No Vulnerable, Protected

Aves Haematopodidae Haematopus fuliginosus Sooty Oystercatcher No Vulnerable, Protected

Aves Haematopodidae Haematopus longirostris Pied Oystercatcher No Endangered, Protected

Aves Laridae Onychoprion fuscata Sooty Tern No Vulnerable, Protected

Aves Laridae Sternula albifrons Little Tern No Endangered, Protected CAMBA, JAMBA, ROKAMBA Aves Meliphagidae Anthochaera phrygia Regent Honeyeater No Critically Endangered Critically Species, Protected Endangered Aves Meliphagidae Epthianura albifrons White-fronted Chat No Vulnerable, Protected

Aves Meliphagidae Epthianura albifrons White-fronted Chat population in the No Endangered Sydney Metropolitan Catchment Population, Vulnerable, Management Area Protected Aves Neosittidae Daphoenositta chrysoptera Varied Sittella No Vulnerable, Protected

Aves Petroicidae Petroica boodang Scarlet Robin No Vulnerable, Protected

Aves Procellariidae Ardenna carneipes Flesh-footed Shearwater No Vulnerable, Protected J,K

Aves Procellariidae Macronectes giganteus Southern Giant Petrel No Endangered, Protected Endangered

Lotsearch Pty Ltd ABN 89 600 168 018 90 Class Family Scientific Common Exotic NSW Status Commonwealth Status Aves Procellariidae Pterodroma leucoptera Gould's Petrel No Vulnerable, Protected Endangered leucoptera Aves Psittacidae Glossopsitta pusilla Little Lorikeet No Vulnerable, Protected

Aves Psittacidae Lathamus discolor Swift Parrot No Endangered, Critically Protected, Category 3 Endangered Sensitive Species Aves Scolopacidae Calidris ferruginea Curlew Sandpiper No Endangered, Protected CE,C,J,K

Aves Scolopacidae Calidris tenuirostris Great Knot No Vulnerable, Protected CE,C,J,K

Aves Scolopacidae Limosa limosa Black-tailed Godwit No Vulnerable, Protected CAMBA, JAMBA, ROKAMBA Aves Spheniscidae Eudyptula minor Little Penguin in the Manly Point No Endangered Area (being the area on and near Population, Protected the shoreline from Cannae Point generally northward to the point near the intersection of Stuart Street and Oyama Cove Avenue, and extending 100 metres offshore from that shoreline) Aves Strigidae Ninox connivens Barking Owl No Vulnerable, Protected, Category 3 Sensitive Species Aves Strigidae Ninox strenua Powerful Owl No Vulnerable, Protected, Category 3 Sensitive Species Aves Tytonidae Tyto tenebricosa Sooty Owl No Vulnerable, Protected, Category 3 Sensitive Species Mammalia Balaenidae Eubalaena australis Southern Right Whale No Endangered, Protected Endangered

Mammalia Balaenopteridae Megaptera novaeangliae Humpback Whale No Vulnerable, Protected Vulnerable

Mammalia Burramyidae Cercartetus nanus Eastern Pygmy-possum No Vulnerable, Protected

Mammalia Dasyuridae Dasyurus maculatus Spotted-tailed Quoll No Vulnerable, Protected Endangered

Mammalia Dasyuridae Dasyurus viverrinus Eastern Quoll No Endangered, Protected Critically Endangered Mammalia Dugongidae Dugong dugon Dugong No Endangered, Protected

Mammalia Molossidae Mormopterus norfolkensis Eastern Freetail-bat No Vulnerable, Protected

Mammalia Otariidae Arctocephalus forsteri New Zealand Fur-seal No Vulnerable, Protected

Mammalia Otariidae Arctocephalus pusillus Australian Fur-seal No Vulnerable, Protected doriferus Mammalia Peramelidae Perameles nasuta Long-nosed Bandicoot population in No Endangered inner western Sydney Population, Protected Mammalia Peramelidae Perameles nasuta Long-nosed Bandicoot, North Head No Endangered Population, Protected Mammalia Petauridae Petaurus australis Yellow-bellied Glider No Vulnerable, Protected

Mammalia Phascolarctidae Phascolarctos cinereus Koala No Vulnerable, Protected Vulnerable

Mammalia Potoroidae Aepyprymnus rufescens Rufous Bettong No Vulnerable, Protected

Mammalia Pteropodidae Pteropus poliocephalus Grey-headed Flying-fox No Vulnerable, Protected Vulnerable

Mammalia Vespertilionidae Miniopterus australis Little Bentwing-bat No Vulnerable, Protected

Mammalia Vespertilionidae Miniopterus schreibersii Eastern Bentwing-bat No Vulnerable, Protected oceanensis Mammalia Vespertilionidae Myotis macropus Southern Myotis No Vulnerable, Protected

Reptilia Cheloniidae Chelonia mydas Green Turtle No Vulnerable, Protected Vulnerable

Reptilia Dermochelyidae Dermochelys coriacea Leatherback Turtle No Endangered, Protected Endangered

Reptilia Varanidae Varanus rosenbergi Rosenberg's Goanna No Vulnerable, Protected

Flora Casuarinaceae Allocasuarina portuensis Nielsen Park She-oak No Endangered, Endangered Protected, Category 3 Sensitive Species Flora Convolvulaceae Wilsonia backhousei Narrow-leafed Wilsonia No Vulnerable, Protected

Flora Dilleniaceae Hibbertia puberula No Endangered, Protected

Lotsearch Pty Ltd ABN 89 600 168 018 91 Class Family Scientific Common Exotic NSW Status Commonwealth Status Flora Elaeocarpaceae Tetratheca glandulosa No Vulnerable, Protected

Flora Elaeocarpaceae Tetratheca juncea Black-eyed Susan No Vulnerable, Protected Vulnerable

Flora Ericaceae Epacris purpurascens var. No Vulnerable, Protected purpurascens Flora Euphorbiaceae Chamaesyce psammogeton Sand Spurge No Endangered, Protected

Flora Fabaceae Pultenaea parviflora No Endangered, Protected Vulnerable (Faboideae) Flora Fabaceae Acacia bynoeana Bynoe's Wattle No Endangered, Protected Vulnerable (Mimosoideae) Flora Fabaceae Acacia gordonii No Endangered, Protected Endangered (Mimosoideae) Flora Fabaceae Acacia pubescens Downy Wattle No Vulnerable, Protected Vulnerable (Mimosoideae) Flora Fabaceae Acacia terminalis subsp. Sunshine Wattle No Endangered, Protected Endangered (Mimosoideae) terminalis Flora Grammitidaceae Grammitis stenophylla Narrow-leaf Finger Fern No Endangered, Protected, Category 3 Sensitive Species Flora Lamiaceae Prostanthera junonis Somersby Mintbush No Endangered, Protected Endangered

Flora Malvaceae Lasiopetalum joyceae No Vulnerable, Protected Vulnerable

Flora Myrtaceae Callistemon linearifolius Netted Bottle Brush No Vulnerable, Protected, Category 3 Sensitive Species Flora Myrtaceae Darwinia biflora No Vulnerable, Protected Vulnerable

Flora Myrtaceae Eucalyptus camfieldii Camfield's Stringybark No Vulnerable, Protected Vulnerable

Flora Myrtaceae Eucalyptus fracta Broken Back Ironbark No Vulnerable, Protected

Flora Myrtaceae Eucalyptus nicholii Narrow-leaved Black Peppermint No Vulnerable, Protected Vulnerable

Flora Myrtaceae Eucalyptus pulverulenta Silver-leafed Gum No Vulnerable, Protected Vulnerable

Flora Myrtaceae Eucalyptus scoparia Wallangarra White Gum No Endangered, Protected Vulnerable

Flora Myrtaceae Leptospermum deanei No Vulnerable, Protected Vulnerable

Flora Myrtaceae Melaleuca biconvexa Biconvex Paperbark No Vulnerable, Protected Vulnerable

Flora Myrtaceae Melaleuca deanei Deane's Paperbark No Vulnerable, Protected Vulnerable

Flora Myrtaceae Syzygium paniculatum Magenta Lilly Pilly No Endangered, Protected Vulnerable

Flora Myrtaceae Triplarina imbricata Creek Triplarina No Endangered, Protected Endangered

Flora Orchidaceae Caladenia tessellata Thick Lip Spider Orchid No Endangered, Vulnerable Protected, Category 2 Sensitive Species Flora Orchidaceae Diuris arenaria Sand Doubletail No Endangered, Protected, Category 2 Sensitive Species Flora Orchidaceae Genoplesium baueri Bauer's Midge Orchid No Endangered, Endangered Protected, Category 2 Sensitive Species Flora Orchidaceae Microtis angusii Angus's Onion Orchid No Endangered, Endangered Protected, Category 2 Sensitive Species Flora Orchidaceae Sarcochilus hartmannii Hartman's Sarcochilus No Vulnerable, Protected, Vulnerable Category 2 Sensitive Species Flora Poaceae Dichanthium setosum Bluegrass No Vulnerable, Protected Vulnerable

Flora Proteaceae Persoonia hirsuta Hairy Geebung No Endangered, Endangered Protected, Category 3 Sensitive Species Flora Proteaceae Persoonia nutans Nodding Geebung No Endangered, Protected Endangered

Flora Rutaceae Asterolasia buxifolia No Endangered, Protected

Flora Santalaceae Thesium australe Austral Toadflax No Vulnerable, Protected Vulnerable

Flora Thymelaeaceae Pimelea curviflora var. No Vulnerable, Protected Vulnerable curviflora

Lotsearch Pty Ltd ABN 89 600 168 018 92 Class Family Scientific Common Exotic NSW Status Commonwealth Status Flora Thymelaeaceae Pimelea spicata Spiked Rice-flower No Endangered, Protected Endangered

Flora Hygrophoraceae Camarophyllopsis kearneyi No Endangered, Protected

Flora Hygrophoraceae Hygrocybe anomala var. No Vulnerable, Protected ianthinomarginata Flora Hygrophoraceae Hygrocybe aurantipes No Vulnerable, Protected

Flora Hygrophoraceae Hygrocybe austropratensis No Endangered, Protected

Flora Hygrophoraceae Hygrocybe collucera No Endangered, Protected

Flora Hygrophoraceae Hygrocybe griseoramosa No Endangered, Protected

Flora Hygrophoraceae Hygrocybe lanecovensis No Endangered, Protected

Flora Hygrophoraceae Hygrocybe reesiae No Vulnerable, Protected

Flora Hygrophoraceae Hygrocybe rubronivea No Vulnerable, Protected

Data does not include records not defined as either endangered or vulnerable, and category 1 sensitive species are also excluded. NSW Office of Environment and Heritage's Atlas of NSW Wildlife, which holds data from a number of custodians. Data obtained 21/04/2017

Lotsearch Pty Ltd ABN 89 600 168 018 93 USE OF REPORT – APPLICABLE TERMS

The following terms apply to any person (End User) who is given the Report by the person who purchased the Report from Lotsearch Pty Ltd (ABN: 89 600 168 018) (Lotsearch) or who otherwise has access to the Report. The contract terms that apply between Lotsearch and the purchaser of the Report are specified in the order form pursuant to which the Report was ordered and the terms set out below are of no effect as between Lotsearch and the purchaser of the Report. 1. End User acknowledges and agrees that: (a) the Report is compiled from or using content (Third Party Content) which is comprised of: (i) content provided to Lotsearch by third party content suppliers with whom Lotsearch has contractual arrangements or content which is freely available (Third Party Content Suppliers); (j) content which is derived from content described in paragraph (i); (b) Lotsearch does not take any responsibility for or give any warranty in relation to the accuracy or completeness of any Third Party Content included in the Report; (c) the Third Party Content Suppliers do not constitute an exhaustive set of all repositories or sources of information available in relation to the property which is the subject of the Report (Property); (d) Lotsearch has not undertaken any physical inspection of the property; (e) Lotsearch does not warrant that all land uses or features whether past or current are identified in the Report; (f) the Report does not include any information relating to the actual state or condition of the Property; (g) the Report should not be used or taken to indicate or exclude actual fitness or unfitness of a Property for any particular purpose; (h) the Report should not be relied upon for determining saleability or value or making any other decisions in relation to the Property and in particular should not be taken to be a rating or assessment of the desirability or market value of the property or its features; and (i) the End User should undertake its own inspection s of the Property to satisfy itself that there are no defects or failures. 2. The End User may not make the Report or any copies or extracts of the report or any part of it available to any other person. If End User wishes to provide the Report to any other person or make extracts or copies of the Report, it must contact the purchaser of the Report before doing so to ensure the proposed use is consistent with the contract terms between Lotsearch and the purchaser. 3. Neither Lotsearch (nor any of its officers, employees or agents) nor any of its Third Party Content Suppliers will have any liability to End User or any person to whom End User provides the Report and End User must not represent that Lotsearch or any of its Third Party Content Suppliers accepts liability to any such person or make any other representation to any such person on behalf of Lotsearch or any Third Party Content Supplier. 4. End User must not remove any copyright notices, trade marks, digital rights management information, other embedded information, disclaimers or limitations from the Report or authorise any person to do so. 5. End User acknowledges and agrees that Lotsearch and Third Party Content Suppliers retain ownership of all copyright, patent, design right (registered or unregistered), trade marks (registered or unregistered), database right or other data right, moral right or know how or any other intellectual property right in any Report or any other item, information or data included in or provided as part of a Report. 6. To the extent permitted by law and subject to paragraph 7, all implied terms, representations and warranties whether statutory or otherwise relating to the subject matter of these terms other than as expressly set out in these terms are excluded. 7. Subject to paragraph 8, Lotsearch excludes liability to End User for loss or damage of any kind, however caused, due to Lotsearch's negligence, breach of contract, breach of any law, in equity, under indemnities or otherwise, arising out of all acts, omissions and events whenever occurring. 8. Lotsearch acknowledges that if, under applicable State, Territory or Commonwealth law, End User is a consumer certain rights may be conferred on End User which cannot be excluded, restricted or modified. If so, and if that law applies to Lotsearch, then, Lotsearch's liability is limited to the greater of an amount equal to the cost of resupplying the Report and the maximum extent permitted under applicable laws. 9. Subject to paragraph 7, neither Lotsearch nor the End User is liable to the other for any indirect, incidental,consequential, special or exemplary damages arising out of or in relation to these terms. 10. These terms are subject to New South Wales law.

Lotsearch Pty Ltd ABN 89 600 168 018 94 UBD1986ͲSydneyBusinesstoBusiness BusinessActivity BusinessNameandAddress PageNumber ACCOUNTANTS&AUDITORS. Welsh&Welsh,77GeorgeSt., Page335 ANTIQUEDEALERS. LassitersAntiques,18ArgyleSt., Page352 ANTIQUEDEALERS. Map&PrintCollector,The,45ArgyleSt., Page352 ANTIQUEDEALERS. RoxboroughAntiques,20ArgyleSt., Page352 ARCHITECTS. DavisHeather&DysartPty.Ltd.,22PlayfairSt.,TheRocks. Page353 ARCHITECTS. DavisHeather&DysartPty.Ltd.,22PlayfairSt.,TheRocks. Page353 ARCHITECTS. Dunphy,Bell&PartnersPty.Ltd.,18ArgyleSt., Page353 ARCHITECTS. FombertauxBrookes,18ArgyleSt„ Page353 ARCHITECTS. Fox&Associates,18ArgyleSt., Page353 ARCHITECTS. Tanner,Howard&Associates,47GeorgeSt.North, Page354 ARCHITECTSͲNAVAL. Hood,Warwick,J,18ArgyleSt., Page354 ARTGALLERIES&/ORMUSEUMS. GalleryMetal,The,113GeorgeSt., Page355 ARTGALLERIES&/ORMUSEUMS. HarringtonSt.Gallery,36HarringtonSt., Page355 ARTGALLERIES&/ORMUSEUMS. Parker,P.&L.Galleries,39ArgyleSt., Page355 ARTGALLERIES&/ORMUSEUMS. RoyceGalleries,80GeorgeSt.,North, Page355 ARTISTSSUPPLIESͲRETAIL. ArtistsSupplyCo.,83GeorgeSt., Page356 ARTISTSSUPPLIESͲRETAIL. Vitrex(Aust.)Pty.Ltd.,83GeorgeSt., Page356 ARTISTSSUPPLIESWHOLESALE. Vitrex(Aust.)Pty.Ltd.,83GeorgeSt., Page356 BOOKSELLERSͲRETAIL. HeritageBookshop,81AGeorgeSt. Page380 BOOKSELLERSͲRETAIL. PioneerBookshop,18ArgyleSt. Page380 BOOKSELLERSͲRETAIL. PioneerBookshop,20ArgyleSt. Page380 CHEMISTSͲPHARMACEUTICAL. SydneyCoveChemist,97GeorgeSt. Page433 CLOTHINGͲRETAILͲMENS&/ORBOYSWEAR. Edwards,103GeorgeSt.North Page450 CONFECTIONERSͲRETAIL. DarrellͲLea,16PlayfairSt. Page463 COPPERSMITHS. ArgyleCopperShop,18ArgyleSt. Page467 DENTISTS. Sharpe,J.H.,31George. Page483 DESIGNCONSULTANTS. CorporateGraphicsPty.Ltd.,18Argyle. Page485 DRAWINGOFFICESUPPLIES. Vitrex(Ault.)Pty.Ltd.,83George. Page495 EXHIBITIONORGANISERS. InternationalCulturalCorporationofAustralia,12PlayfairSt.,TheRocks. Page552 FOOTWEARRETAILERS. Edwards,103GeorgeSt.North Page574 FRUITERERS&/ORGREENGROCERS. MartloͲDIͲNallo,141GeorgeSt.North Page585 GEMCUTTERS&/ORMERCHANTS. ArgyleOpal&GemCentre,18ArgyleSt. Page603 GIFTSHOPS. ArgyleCentreͲUlli,18ArgyleSt. Page604 GIFTSHOPS. ArgyleCopperShop,20ArgyleSt., Page604 GIFTSHOPS. ArgyleLeather,18ArgyleSt. Page604 GIFTSHOPS. ArgyleOpal&GemCentre,18ArgyleSt. Page604 GIFTSHOPS. ArgyleOpal&GemCentre,20ArgyleSt. Page604 GIFTSHOPS. ArgyleTradingStore,20ArgyleSt. Page604 GIFTSHOPS. CrystalArtistry,20ArgyleSt., Page605 GIFTSHOPS. FancyBazaar,The,75AGeorgeSt. Page605 GIFTSHOPS. FlameOpals,115GeorgeSt. Page605 GIFTSHOPS. GemsAtTheRocks,20ArgyleSt. Page605 GIFTSHOPS. GemstoneBoutique,26PlayfalrSt.,TheRocks. Page605 GIFTSHOPS. JadeCrafts,18ArgyleSt.,MinersPoint. Page606 GIFTSHOPS. LeftHandedProducts,81GeorgeSt. Page606 GIFTSHOPS. MetalGallery,The,20ArgyleSt. Page606 GIFTSHOPS. PepperTreeCrafts,19PlayfairSt. Page607 GIFTSHOPS. SheepskinShop,The,139GeorgeSt. Page607 GIFTSHOPS. SydneyShellShop,27GeorgeSt. Page607 GOVERNMENTDEPARTMENTSͲSTATE. MaritimeServicesBoardofNS.W.,CircularQuayWest Page613 HABERDASHERY–WHOLESALE. WalkersFashionAccessoriesPtyLtd.,3CumberlandSt. Page621 HEALTHFOODSͲRETAIL. SpiceofLife,20ArgyleSt. Page640 HOBBY&/ORHANDICRAFTSUPPLIES. DoneKen,123GeorgeSt.North. Page644 HOTELSͲLICENSED. FortuneofWarHotel,137GeorgeSt.North. Page649 HOTELSͲLICENSED. MercantileHotel,25GeorgeSt.North. Page650 HOTELSͲLICENSED. ObserverHotel,63GeorgeSt.North. Page650 HOTELSͲLICENSED. OrientHotel,87GeorgeSt.North. Page650 HOTELSͲPRIVATE. RussellPrivateHotel,143AGeorgeSt.North. Page651 HOTELSͲPRIVATE. TelfordOldSydneyInn,55GeorgeSt.North. Page651 IMPORTERS. BertramTradingCo.Pty.Ltd.,3CumberlandSt. Page655 JEWELLERS&/ORWATCHMAKERSͲRETAIL. ArgyleOpal&GemCentre,18ArgyleSt. Page668 LEATHERGOODSͲRETAIL. ArgyleLeather,20ArgyleSt. Page682 LEFTHANDEDPRODUCTS. LeftHandedProducts,81GeorgeSt. Page682 MEDICALPRACTITIONERS. Crocker,D.,37GeorgeSt. Page701 MININGMACHINERY&/OREQUIPMENTMFRS.&/ORIMPS.&/ORDISTS. KanematsuGosh(Australia)Pty.Ltd.,27thFloor,3811GeorgeSt. Page723 NEWSAGENTS. CurrysNewsagency,95GeorgeSt.North. Page791 PLYWOODMFRS.&/ORDISTS:&/ORMERCHANTS. KanematsuGosho(Australia)Pty.Ltd.,27thFloor,3118GeorgeSt. Page838 PUBLICRELATIONSCONSULTANTS. NeilsonMcCarthy&PartnersPty.Ltd.,18ArgyleSt. Page861 RESTAURANTS. ArgyleTavern,20ArgyleSt. Page883 RESTAURANTS. ArgyleTavern,12ArgyleSt. Page883 RESTAURANTS. BakersOven,121GeorgeSt. Page883 RESTAURANTS. BrownDerby,The,87GeorgeSt.North Page884 RESTAURANTS. CarriagesBrasserie,55GeorgeSt.North, Page884 RESTAURANTS. FirstFleetBistro,12PlayfairSt. Page886 RESTAURANTS. FiveBells,The,135GeorgeSt. Page886 RESTAURANTS. HarrysBar,15PlayfairSt., Page886 RESTAURANTS. MaryRelby'sParlour,18ArgyleSt. Page888 RESTAURANTS. OldSpagettiFactory,The,80GeorgeSt.,North Page889 RESTAURANTS. PancakesontheRocks,80GeorgeSt. Page889 RESTAURANTS. PhillipsFooteBistro,101GeorgeSt. Page890 RESTAURANTS. RocksCafe,The,99GeorgeSt.North, Page890 RESTAURANTS. RocksPush,The,109GeorgeSt.North Page890 UBD1986ͲSydneyBusinesstoBusiness BusinessActivity BusinessNameandAddress PageNumber RESTAURANTS. TlaͲPine,93GeorgeSt. Page891 SCHOOLS&/ORCOLLEGESART. Ashton,JulianArtSchool,The,117GeorgeSt. Page905 SCHOOLS&/ORCOLLEGESͲCOMMERCIAL. St.PatricksMaristBros.CommercialCollege,141HarringtonSt:. Page905 SCREENPROCESSPRINTERS. GraphicFactory,The,75GeorgeSt.North. Page908 SHEEPSKINPRODUCTSMFRS.&/ORDISTS. AussieEwe&LambCentre,18ArgyleSt.,TheRocks. Page914 STATIONERSͲRETAIL. ArtistsSupplyCo.,83GeorgeSt. Page934 STATIONERSͲWHOLESALE. Vitrex(Aust.)Pty.Ltd.,83GeorgeSt. Page936 TAKEͲAWAYFOODS. BakersOven,121GeorgeSt.St.Leonards. Page950 TAKEͲAWAYFOODS. CooksPantryPty.Ltd.,18PlayfairSt. Page951 TRAVELAGENCIES&/ORBOOKINGOFFICES. TouristNewsfront,22PlayfairSt. Page984 UBD1982ͲSydneyCityandSuburban BusinessActivity BusinessNameandAddress PageNumber ACCOUNTANTS&AUDITORS.(A0360) Welsh&Welsh,77GeorgeSt., Page294 ANTIQUEDEALERS.(A6240) Criteria,18ArgyleSt.,TheRocks, Page311 ANTIQUEDEALERS.(A6240) LassitersAntiques,18ArgyleSt., Page311 ANTIQUEDEALERS.(A6240) WillieWeavers,27APlayfairSt., Page312 ARCHITECTS.(A6570) DavisHeather&DysartPty.Ltd.,22PlayfairSt.,TheRocks.2000. Page312 ARCHITECTS.(A6570) Dunphy,Bell&PartnersPty.Ltd.,18ArgyleSt., Page312 ARCHITECTS.(A6570) FombertauxBrookes,18ArgyleSt., Page312 ARCHITECTS.(A6570) Fox&Associates,18ArgyleSt., Page312 ARMATUREWINDERS.(A6840) FederalElectricalPty.Ltd.,47ArgyleSt., Page313 ARTDEALERSͲGALLERIES&MUSEUMS.(A6970) HarringtonSt.Gallery,36HarringtonSt., Page314 ARTDEALERSͲGALLERIES&MUSEUMS.(A6970) Parker,P.&L.Galleries,39ArgyleSt, Page314 ARTDEALERSͲGALLERIES&MUSEUMS.(A6970) RoyceGalleries,80GeorgeSt.,North, Page314 ARTISTSͲCOMMERCIAL&INDUSTRIAL.(A7385) TellscanPty.Ltd.,18ArgyleSt, Page314 ARTISTSͲCOMMERCIAL&INDUSTRIAL.(A7385) YaroslavHorak,Suite101,18ArgyleSt., Page314 ARTISTSSUPPLIESͲRETAIL(A7530) ArtistsSupplyCo.,83GeorgeSt., Page314 ARTISTSSUPPLIESͲRETAIL(A7530) Vitrex(Aust.)Pty.Ltd.,83GeorgeSt., Page315 ARTISTSSUPPLIESͲWHOLESALE.(A7540) Vitrex(Aust.)Pty.Ltd.,83GeorgeSt., Page315 BOND&/ORFREESTORES.(B4280) ArgyleBond&FreeStoresPty.Ltd.,18ArgyleSt., Page341 BOOKSELLERSͲRETAIL.(B4475) HeritageBookshop,81AGeorgeSt., Page342 BOOKSELLERSͲRETAIL.(B4475) PioneerBookshop,18ArgyleSt., Page343 BOOKSELLERSͲRETAIL.(B4475) RocksBookshop,23PlayfairSt., Page343 BOOKSELLERSͲRETAIL.(B4475) SydneyAntiquarianBooks,31GeorgeSt., Page343 BOOKSELLERSͲSECONDHAND.(B4480) RocksBookshop,23PlayfairSt., Page343 CONFECTIONERSͲRETAIL.(C7290) DarrellͲLea,16PlayfairSt., Page409 COPPERSMITHS.(C8070) ArgyleCopperShop,18ArgyleSt., Page412 DENTISTS.(D1800) Tan,D.,75bGeorgeSt., Page431 DESIGNCONSULTANTS.(D2000) CorporateQraphlcePty.Ltd.,18ArgyleSt., Page432 DRAWINGOFFICESUPPLIES.(D6750) Vitrex(Aust.)Pty.Ltd.,83GeorgeSt., Page441 ELECTRICMOTORDEALERS&/ORW/SALERS.(E2280) FederalElectricalPty.Ltd.,47ArgyleSt., Page458 ELECTRICMOTORINSTALLATION&/ORMAINTENANCESPECIALISTS.(E2340) FederalElectricalPty.Ltd.,47ArgyleSt., Page458 ELECTRICMOTORREPAIRERS&/ORHIRERS.(E2460) FederalElectricalPty.Ltd.,47ArgyleSt., Page459 ELECTRICALCONTRACTORSͲLICENSED.(E3360) FederalElectricalPty.Ltd,47ArgyleSt, Page464 EXHIBITIONORGANISERS.(E9225) InternationalCulturalCorporationofAustralia,12PlayfairSt.,TheRocks. Page502 FOOTWEARRETAILERS(F5575) Edwards,103GeorgeSt.North, Page523 FRUITERERS&/ORGREENGROCERS.(F6775) Maniaci,A.,141GeorgeSt.North, Page532 FURNITURE&/ORFURNISHINGSͲRETAIL.(F7625) WillieWeavers,27APlayfairSt., Page539 GEMMERCHANTS.(G2700) ArgyleOpal&GemCentre,18ArgyleSt, Page547 GIFTSHOPS.(G3350) ArgyleCentreͲUlli,18ArgyleSt., Page548 GIFTSHOPS.(G3350) FlameOpals,115GeorgeSt., Page549 GIFTSHOPS.(G3350) JadeCrafts,18ArgyleSt.,MillersPoint.2000. Page549 GIFTSHOPS.(G3350) LeftHandedProducts,81GeorgeSt., Page549 GIFTSHOPS.(G3350) NanardCottage.19PlayfairSt., Page549 GIFTSHOPS.(G3350) RocksGiftShop,The.75AGeorgeSt., Page550 GIFTSHOPS.(G3350) SheepskinShop,The,139GeorgeSt., Page550 GOVERNMENTDEPARTMENTSͲSTATE.(G6000) MaritimeServicesBoardofN.S.W.,CircularQuayWest. Page554 GOVERNMENTDEPARTMENTSͲCOMMONWEALTH.(G6050) CommonwealthAcousticLaboratories,5HicksonRd.,MilletsPoint.2000. Page554 HOBBY&/ORHANDICRAFTSUPPLIES.(H4250) AbbiaGallery,123GeorgeSt.North, Page574 HOTELSͲLICENSED.(H7150) A.S.N.Hotel,91GeorgeSt.North, Page578 HOTELSͲLICENSED.(H7150) FortuneofWarHotel,137GeorgeSt.North, Page579 HOTELSͲLICENSED.(H7150) MercantileHotel,25GeorgeSt.North, Page580 HOTELSͲLICENSED.(H7150) ObserverHotel,63GeorgeSt.North, Page580 HOTELSͲLICENSED.(H7150) OrientHotel,87GeorgeSt.North, Page580 JEWELLERS&/ORWATCHMAKERSRETAIL.(J0550) ArgyleOpal&GemCentre,18ArgyleSt., Page597 LANDSCAPEGARDENERS.(L1350) ClaspLandscapePlanners,18ArgyleSt., Page607 LEFTHANDEDPRODUCTS.(L3720) LeftHandedProducts,81GeorgeSt, Page612 MEDICALPRACTITIONERS.(M2020) Kitson,L.R.,37GeorgeSt.North, Page632 MERCERSͲMENS&/ORBOYSOUTFITTERS.(M2120) Edwards,103GeorgeSt.North, Page641 MILK,FRUITJUICEBARS&/ORCONFECTIONERS,(M3180) CircularQuayMilkBar&Sandwich,No.2Wharf,CircularQuay.2000. Page647 NEWSAGENTS.(N0800) CurrysNewsagency,95GeorgeSt.North, Page702 PICTUREFRAMEMFRS.&/ORPICTUREFRAMERS.(P4270) ArtistsSupplyCo.,83GeorgeSt., Page729 PRINTERSͲLETTERPRESS.(P8420) MailmastersPty.Ltd.,791/2GeorgeSt., Page751 PRINTERSͲLITHOGRAPHIC(OFFSET).(P8440) NewCenturyPressPty.Ltd5CumberlandSt., Page754 PUBLICRELATIONSCONSULTANTS,(P9200) NeilsonMcCarthey&PartnersPty.Ltd.,18ArgyleSt., Page762 PUBLICRELATIONSCONSULTANTS,(P9200) NeilsonMcCarthy&PartnersPty.Ltd.,18ArgyleSt., Page762 RESTAURANTS.(R5180) ArgyleTavern,20ArgyleSt, Page782 RESTAURANTS.(R5180) BakersOven,121GeorgeSt., Page782 RESTAURANTS.(R5180) FirstFleetBistro,12PlayfairSt., Page784 RESTAURANTS.(R5180) FiveBells,The,135GeorgeSt Page784 RESTAURANTS.(R5180) HarrysBar,15PlayfairSt., Page784 RESTAURANTS.(R5180) LowenBrauKeller,37PlayfairSt., Page785 RESTAURANTS.(R5180) MaryReibyÔÇÖsParlour,18ArgyleSt., Page786 RESTAURANTS.(R5180) OldPush,The,109GeorgeSt.North, Page786 RESTAURANTS.(R5180) OldSpagettiFactory,The,80GeorgeSt.,North, Page786 RESTAURANTS.(R5180) PancakesontheRocks,80GeorgeSt., Page786 RESTAURANTS.(R5180) PhillipsFooteBistro,101GeorgeSt., Page786 RESTAURANTS.(R5180) TiaͲPina,93GeorgeSt., Page788 SCHOOLS&/ORCOLLEGESͲART.(S1320) Ashton,JulianArtSchool,The,117GeorgeSt., Page801 SCHOOLS&/ORCOLLEGESͲCOMMERCIAL.(S1350) St.PatricksMaristBros.CommercialCollege,141HarringtonSt., Page801 SCREENPROCESSPRINTERS.(S1650) GraphicFactory.The,75GeorgeSt.North, Page804 SHEEPSKINPRODUCTSMFRS.&/ORDISTS.(S2565) AussieEwe&LambCentre,18ArgyleSt.,TheRocks, Page808 STATIONERSͲRETAIL.(S5535) ArtistsSupplyCo.,83GeorgeSt., Page827 STATIONERSͲWHOLESALE.(S5565) Vitrex(Aust.)Pty.Ltd.,83GeorgeSt., Page829 TAKEͲAWAYFOODS.(T0235) CooksPantryPty.Ltd.,18PlayfairSt., Page842 TELEVISIONCLOSEDCIRCUIT.(T1835) TellscanPty.Ltd.,18ArgyleSt, Page849 TELEVISIONPROGRAMMEPRODUCERS.(T2050) TellscanPty.Ltd.,18ArgyleSt., Page849 UBD1982ͲSydneyCityandSuburban BusinessActivity BusinessNameandAddress PageNumber TRAVELAGENCIES&/ORBOOKINGOFFICES.(T7425) TouristNewsfront,22PlayfairSt., Page871 UBD1978ͲSydneyCityandSuburban BusinessActivity BusinessNameandAddress PageNumber ADVERTISINGAGENCIES. CorporateGraphicsPty.Ltd.,18ArgyleSt, Page8 ANTIQUEDEALERS. AntiqueMarketPty.Ltd.,The.33PlayfairSt., Page20 ANTIQUEDEALERS. Crittle,M.,Antiques,18ArgyleSt.,TheRocks, Page20 ANTIQUEDEALERS. Lane,J.&V,InvestmentsPty.Ltd.,18ArgyleSt Page21 ANTIQUEDEALERS. Roxborough(Autimacassar)Antiques,33PlayfairSt., Page21 ARCHITECTS. Dunphy,Ben&PartnersPty.Ltd.,18ArgyleSt.. Page22 ARCHITECTS. Dysart,M.J.,105GeorgeSt., Page22 ARCHITECTS. Fombertaux.Rice,HanlyPty.Ltd.,18ArgyleSt., Page22 ARCHITECTS. Fox&Associates,18ArgyleSt., Page22 ARCHITECTS. Turner,DavidAssociates,18ArgyleSt., Page23 ARMATUREWINDERS. FederalElectricalPty.Ltd.,47ArgyleSt., Page23 ARTDEALERSͲGALLERIES&MUSEUMS. DawesGallery,29PlayfairSt., Page23 ARTDEALERSͲGALLERIES&MUSEUMS. HarringtonSt.Gallery,36HarringtonSt., Page23 ARTDEALERSͲGALLERIES&MUSEUMS. Parker.P.&L.Galleries.39ArgyleSt., Page23 ARTDEALERSͲGALLERIES&MUSEUMS. RocksGallery,The,75aGeorgeSt., Page23 ARTDEALERSͲGALLERIES&MUSEUMS. RoyceGalleries,80GeorgeSt.,North, Page23 ARTISTSSUPPLIESͲRETAIL. ArtistsSupplyCo.,83GeorgeSt., Page24 ARTISTSSUPPLIESͲRETAIL. Vitrex(Aust.)Pty.Ltd.,83GeorgeSt., Page24 ARTISTSSUPPLIESͲWHOLESALE. Vitrex(Aust.)Pty.Ltd.,83GeorgeSt., Page24 AUCTIONEERSͲGENERAL. Strange,F.R.Ry.Ltd,102GeorgeSt,North, Page26 BEAUTYSALONS&/ORLADIESHAIRDRESSERS. KeyCoiffure,79CircularQuayEast.CircularQuay. Page36 BOND&/ORFREESTORES. ArgleBond&FreeStores.The.18ArgyleSt., Page46 BOND&/ORFREESTORES. O'Farrell,H.&Co,45GeorgeSt., Page46 BOOKSELLERSRETAIL. RocksBookshop,23PlayfairSt., Page48 BOOKSELLERSͲSECONDHAND. RocksBookshop.23PlayfairSt.. Page48 BUILDERSSUPPLIERS. BowmansTimberPty.Ltd.HeadOffice:18ArgyleSt.,Sydney. Page58 BUILDERSSUPPLIERS. BowmansTimberPty.Ltd,18ArgyteSt. Page58 BUILDINGSͲPREͲFABRICATEDMFRS.&/ORDISTS. BowmansTimberPty.Ltd.,18ArgyleSt, Page61 CLOTHINGͲINDUSTRIALS,PROTECTIVEMFRS.&/ORW/SALERS. Pierce,A.H.Pty.Ltd.,CumberlandSt, Page103 CLOTHINGͲPLASTICMFRS.&/ORW/SALERS. Pierce.A.HPty.Ltd,CumberlandSt, Page104 CLOTHINGͲWATERPROOFMFRS.&/ORW/SALERS. Pierce,A.HPty.Ltd,CumberlandSt, Page106 COPPERSMITHS. ArgyleCopperShop,18ArgyleSt. Page114 COTTONTEXTILE&/ORPIECEGOODSMFRS.&/ORW/SALERS. BertramTradingCo.Pty.Ltd.,3CumberlandSt., Page115 CUSTOMSAGENTS. DaviesFitzpatrick&Co.2Ͳ8PlayfairStreet,TheRocks,Sydney. Page118 CUSTOMSAGENTS. DaviesFitzpatrick&Co,2PlayfairSt,TheRocks. Page119 CUSTOMSAGENTS. O'Farrell,H.&Co.,45GeorgeSt., Page119 DISINFECTANTMFRS.&/ORDISTS. Stanton,Catchlove&Co.,77GeorgeSt., Page132 DRAUGHTSMEN. M.M.&F.DraftingServicesPty.Ltd.,18ArgyleSt., Page137 DRAUGHTSMEN. Vitrex(Aust.)Pty.Ltd.,83GeorgeSt., Page137 DRESSSHOPS&ACCESSORIES. SavilleRowUniforms,117GeorgeSt.North, Page140 ELECTRICLIGHTFITTINGSMFRS.&/ORDISTS. BeaconAgenciesPty.Ltd.,53GeorgeSt., Page152 ELECTRICLIGHTFITTINGSMFRS.&/ORDISTS. PalmerProducts&Co.Pty.Ltd.,59aGeorgeSt., Page152 ELECTRICMOTORDEALERS&/ORW/SALERS.. FederalElectricalPty.Ltd.,47ArgyleSt., Page153 ELECTRICMOTORINSTALLATION&/ORMAINTENANCESPECIALISTS. FederalElectricalPty.Ltd.,47ArgyleSt., Page153 ELECTRICMOTORREPAIRERS&/ORHIRERS. FederalElectricalPty.Ltd.,47ArgyleSt., Page154 ELECTRICALCONTRACTORSͲLICENSED., FederalElectricalPty.Ltd.,47ArgyleSt., Page158 ENGINEERSͲCONSULTING. Miller,P.O.,Milston&FerrisLtd.,18ArgyleSt., Page171 EXPORTERS. BowmansOverseasSales,18ArgyleSt Page195 FLORISTSͲRETAIL. QuartermastersStore,18ArgyleSt., Page208 FOOTWEARRETAILERS. Edwards.103GeorgeSt.North, Page213 FRUITERERS&/ORGREENGROCERS. Maniacl.A.,141GeorgeSt,North, Page222 FURNITUREͲHOUSEHOLDRETAIL Criteria.27aPlayfairSt., Page229 FURNITUREͲHOUSEHOLDRETAIL VoyagersCottage,25PlayfairSt Page229 GEMMERCHANTS. ArgyleOpal&GemCentre,18ArgyleSt, Page237 GIFTSHOPS. ArgyleCentreͲTokoBatik,18ArgyleSt., Page238 GIFTSHOPS. NanardCottage.19PlayfairSt., Page239 GIFTSHOPS. SheepskinShop.The,139GeorgeSt. Page239 GLOVEMFRS.ͲINDUSTRIAL. Pierce,A.H.Pty.Ltd.,CumberlandSt, Page241 GOVERNMENTDEPARTMENTSͲSTATE. MaritimeServicesBoardofN.S.W.,CircularQuayWest. Page241 GOVERNMENTDEPARTMENTSͲCOMMONWEALTH. CommonwealthAcousticLaboratories.5HicksonRd.,MillersPoint. Page242 HAIRDRESSERSͲGENTS. King,T.,107GeorgeSt.North Page248 HARDWAREMERCHANTSͲWHOLESALE. Pierce,A.H.Pty.Ltd.,CumberlandSt, Page251 HOTELSͲLICENSED. A.S.N.Hotel,91GeorgeSt.North Page258 HOTELSͲLICENSED. FortuneofWarHotel,137GeorgeSt.North Page259 HOTELSͲLICENSED. MercantileHotel.25GeorgeSt.North Page260 HOTELSͲLICENSED. ObserverHotel,63GeorgeSt.North Page260 HOTELSͲLICENSED. OrientHotel,87GeorgeSt.North, Page260 HOTELSͲPRIVATE. RussellPrivateHotel.143AGeorgeSt.North Page261 JEWELLERS&/ORWATCHMAKERSͲRETAIL. ArgyleOpal&GemCentre,18ArgyleSt., Page277 LANDSCAPEGARDENERS. ClaspPty.Ltd.,18ArgyleSt.. Page284 LEADLIGHTMFRS. ArchitecturalLeadlightPty.Ltd.,18ArgyleSt,TheRocks. Page286 MANUFACTURERSAGENTS. BeaconAgenciesPty.Ltd.,53GeorgeSt., Page297 MANUFACTURERSAGENTS. Pierce,A.H.Pty.Ltd.,CumberlandSt, Page298 MEDICALPRACTITIONERS. Kitson,I.R..37GeorgeSt.North, Page308 MERCERSͲMENS&/ORBOYSOUTFITTERS. SydneyShirtCentre,TheConcourse,CircularQuay. Page314 MERCHANTSͲGENERAL. Pierce,A.H.Pty.Ltd,CumberlandSt, Page315 METALSPINNERS. PalmerProducts&Co.Pty.Ltd..59aGeorgeSt., Page317 UBD1978ͲSydneyCityandSuburban BusinessActivity BusinessNameandAddress PageNumber MISSIONS&/ORRELIGIOUSBODIES. MissiontoSeamen,100GeorgeSt.North Page324 MISSIONS&/ORRELIGIOUSBODIES. SydneySailorsHome,106GeorgeSt.. Page324 MUSICTEACHERS. Snelling.J.M.,77GeorgeSt., Page367 PICTUREFRAMEMFRS.&/ORPICTUREFRAMERS. ArtistsSupplyCo.,83GeorgeSt Page393 PLYWOODMFRS.&/ORMERCHANTS&/ORDISTS. BowmansTimberPty.Ltd.,18ArgyleSt,, Page405 PRINTERSͲLETTERPRESS. Dunn.H.T.&Co.Pty.Ltd.,53GeorgeSt., Page410 PRINTERSͲLETTERPRESS. OldSettlementPress,The,18ArgyleSt., Page411 PRINTERSͲLETTERPRESS. Wighton&Simpson.97GeorgeSt Page412 PRINTERSͲLITHOGRAPHIC Dunn,H.T.&Co.Pty.Ltd.,53GeorgeSt., Page413 PRINTERSͲLITHOGRAPHIC NewCenturyPressPty.Ltd.,5CumberlandSt., Page414 PUBLICRELATIONSCONSULTANTS. NeilsonMcCarthey&PartnersPty.Ltd,,18ArgyleSt., Page420 READYͲCUTHOMES BowmansTimberPty.Ltd,18ArgyleSt. Page427 RESTAURANTS. HarrysBarRest.15PlayfairSt., Page439 RESTAURANTS. OldPush.The,115GeorgeSt.North, PAGE440 RESTAURANTS. OldSpagettiFactory,The,80GeorgeSt.,North PAGE440 RESTAURANTS. PancakesontheRocks,80GeorgeSt., PAGE440 RESTAURANTS. PhillipsFooteBistro,101GeorgeSt., PAGE440 SCHOOLS&/ORCOLLEGESͲART. Ashton.JulianArtSchool.The,117GeorgeSt., PAGE454 SCHOOLS&/ORCOLLEGESͲCOMMERCIAL. St.PatricksMaristBros.CommercialCollege,141HarringtonSt. PAGE454 SECONDͲHANDDEALERS. Auchinachie,I.,75GeorgeSt.North PAGE457 SHEEPDIP&/ORBRANDINGOILSͲMFRS.&/ORDISTS. Stanton.Catchlove&Co.77GeorgeSt., PAGE460 SHEEPSKINPRODUCTSMFRS.&/ORDISTS. AussieEwe&LambCentre,18ArgyleSt.,TheRocks. PAGE460 SHIPCHANDLERS. Stanton,Catchlove&Co.,77GeorgeSt., PAGE462 SIGNMFRS. Pierce,A.H.Pty.Ltd.,CumberlandSt PAGE465 SOAPMFRS.ͲLIQUID. Stanton,Catchlove&Co.,77GeorgeSt., PAGE468 SOFTGOODSMFRS.&/ORIMPS.&/ORW/SALERS. BertramTradingCo.Pty.Ltd.,3CumberlandSt PAGE469 STATIONERSͲRETAIL. ArtistsSupplyCo.,83GeorgeSt., PAGE477 STATIONERSͲWHOLESALE. Vitrex(Aust.)Pty.Ltd.,83GeorgeSt., PAGE478 TEXTILEAGENTS. BertramTradingCo.Pty.Ltd.,3CumberlandSt.ÔÇÿ page495 TEXTILEIMPS.&/ORW/SALERS. BertramTradingCo.Pty.Ltd.,3CumberlandSt., page496 TEXTILEIMPS.&/ORW/SALERS. BertramTradingCompanyPty.Ltd.,3CumberlandSt., page496 TEXTILEMERCHANTS. BertramTradingCo.Pty.Ltd.,3CumberlandSt., page496 TIMBERAGENTS&BROKERS. TimberExporters.BowmansTimberPty.Ltd.18ArgyleSt.,Sydney, page499 TIMBERAGENTS&BROKERS. BowmanTimberPty.Ltd.,18ArgyleSt, page499 TIMBERIMPORTERS&/ORDISTS. BowmansTimberPty.Ltd,16ArgyleSt, page500 TIMBERMERCHANTS. BowmansTimberMy.Ltd,18ArgyleSt, page501 TRAVELAGENCIES&/ORBOOKINGOFFICES. KoreaTouristService(Aust.),75GeorgeSt., page514 VALUERS&APPRAISERSͲGENERAL. Strange,F.FL(Valuations)Pty.Ltd.,102GeorgeSt,North, page520 WINE&/ORSPIRITMERCHANTSͲWHOLESALE. CarmelWinesPty.Ltd.,9CircularQuayWest, page533 WOOLLEN&WORSTEDPIECEGOODSͲW/SALE. BertramTradingCo.Pty.Ltd.,3CumberlandSt., page536 UBD1975ͲSydneyCityandSuburban BusinessActivity BusinessNameandAddress PageNumber ANTIQUEDEALERS. O'Hanlon,J.,85GeorgeSt.North PAGE21 ARMATUREWINDERS. FederalElectricalPty.Ltd.,47ArgyleSt., PAGE22 ARTGALLERIES&/ORMUSEUMS. HarringtonSt.Gallery,36HarringtonSt., PAGE22 ARTGALLERIES&/ORMUSEUMS. Parker,P.&L.Galleries,39ArgyleSt., PAGE22 ARTISTSSUPPLIESͲRETAIL ArtistsSupplyCo.,81GeorgeSt.North, PAGE23 BAGGAGEAGENTS. Heath,P.,45GeorgeSt.North, PAGE28 BOND&/ORFREESTORES. ArgyleBond&FreeStores,18ArgyleSt., PAGE43 BOND&/ORFREESTORES. MetcalfeBonded&FreeStores,HicksonRd.,CircularQuay. PAGE43 BOND&/ORFREESTORES. MetcalfeBonded&FreeStores,HicksonRd.,CircularQuay. PAGE43 BOND&/ORFREESTORES. Rowan'sBonded&FreeStoresPty.Ltd.,26YorkSt.North, PAGE43 BUILDERSSUPPLIERS. BowmansTimberPty.Ltd,18ArgyleSt. PAGE56 BUILDERSSUPPLIERS. BowmansTimberPty.Ltd.18ArgyleSt.,Sydney, PAGE56 CUSTOMSAGENTS. Auld,J.B.&Co.,34HarringtonSt. PAGE118 CUSTOMSBYͲLAWCONSULTANTS Auld,J.B.&Co.,34HarringtonSt. PAGE118 DISINFECTANTMFRS.&/ORDISTS Stanton,Catchlove&Co.,77GeorgeSt.North, PAGE130 DRESSSHOPS&ACCESSORIES. SavilleRowUniforms,117GeorgeSt.North, PAGE137 DRESSMAKERS&/ORCOSTUMIERS. Christie.W.Kiltmakers.125GeorgeSt.North, PAGE138 ELECTRICMOTORDEALERS&/ORW/SALERS. FederalElectricalPty.Ltd.47ArgyleSt., PAGE149 ELECTRICMOTORINSTALLATION&/ORMAINTENANCESPECIALISTS. FederalElectricalPty.Ltd.,47ArgyleSt., PAGE149 ELECTRICMOTORREPAIRERS&/ORHIRERS. FederalElectricalPty.Ltd.,47ArgyleSt., PAGE149 ELECTRICALCONTRACTORSͲLICENSEDFIRMS. FederalElectricalPty.Ltd.,47ArgyleSt., PAGE154 ENGINEERSͲCONSULTING. Miller,P,O.,Milston&Ferris.18ArgyleSt., PAGE166 EXPORTERS. Black&BaerPty.Ltd,PlayfairLa.,. PAGE188 FRUITERERS&/ORGREENGROCERS. Dilosa,J.,99GeorgeSt.North PAGE211 GIFTSHOPS. Gifts&Souvenirs,123GeorgeSt.North,. PAGE226 GIFTSHOPS. SeaShells&Coral,27aGeorgeSt.North,. PAGE227 GOVERNMENTDEPARTMENTSͲAUSTRALIAN. CommonwealthAcousticLaboratories,5HicksonRd.,MillersPoint. PAGE229 GOVERNMENTDEPARTMENTSͲAUSTRALIAN. MercantileMarineOffice,2YorkSt.North, PAGE230 GOVERNMENTDEPARTMENTSͲAUSTRALIAN. NavalOrdnance(ACommonwealthOffices),5HicksonRd., PAGE230 GOVERNMENTDEPARTMENTSͲAUSTRALIAN. Shipping&TransportOept.of,5HicksonRd., PAGE230 GOVERNMENTDEPARTMENTSͲSTATE ConservationDept,of,HarringtonSt., PAGE229 GOVERNMENTDEPARTMENTSͲSTATE HealthDept.,86GeorgeSt.North, PAGE229 GOVERNMENTDEPARTMENTSͲSTATE MaritimeServicesBoardofN.S.W.,CircularQuayWest. PAGE229 GOVERNMENTDEPARTMENTSͲSTATE SoilConservationService,HarringtonSt., PAGE229 GOVERNMENTDEPARTMENTSͲSTATE WaterConservation&IrrigationCommission,HarringtonSt., PAGE229 HAIRDRESSERSͲGENTS. King,T.,107GeorgeSt.North PAGE237 HAULAGECONTRACTORS. HeathP.,45GeorgeSt.North, PAGE241 HOMES&/ORINSTITUTIONS. SydneySailorsHome,104GeorgeSt.North PAGE245 HOTELSͲLICENCED A.S.N.Hotel,91Georg.St.North PAGE247 HOTELSͲLICENCED GlenmoreHotel,96YorkSt.North., PAGE247 HOTELSͲLICENCED MercantileHotel.25GeorgeSt.North PAGE248 HOTELSͲLICENCED OrientHotel,87GeorgeSt.North, PAGE248 INTERIORDECORATORS. C.C.Interiors,18ArgyleSt., PAGE262 JEWELLERSMFRG.&/ORW/SALERS&/ORIMPS. FlameOpals,119GeorgeSt.North. PAGE265 LANDSCAPEGARDENERS. ClaspPty.Ltd.,18ArgyleSt., PAGE270 MANUFACTURERSAGENTS. BeaconAgenciesPty.Ltd.,2PlayfairSt., PAGE281 MEDICALPRACTITIONERS. Kitson.L.R.,37GeorgeSt.North, PAGE290 MERCERSͲMENS&/ORBOYSOUTFITTERS. Edwards,103GeorgeSt.North, PAGE294 MERCHANTSͲGENERAL BeaconAgenciesPty.Ltd.,2PlayfairSt. PAGE296 MISSIONS&/ORRELIGIOUSBODIES. Seamen'sClub,100GeorgeSt.North PAGE305 MOTORCAR&/ORTRUCKMFRS.&/ORIMPS.&/ORDISTS. LamborghiniDistributors(N.S.W.)Pty.Ltd.,YorkSt.,North, PAGE317 NEWSAGENTSͲGENERAL Landrigan.M.,95GeorgeSt.North' PAGE342 PARTITIONSͲOFFICE&/ORFACTORYMFRS. BowmansTimberPty.Ltd.,16ArgyleSt., PAGE358 PLASTERERSSOLIDPLASTERINGCONTRACTORS. HookBros.(N.S.W)Pty.Ltd.,10PlayfairSt., PAGE368 PLUMBERS,GASFITTERS&/ORDRAINLAYERS. MurrayWilliams&Co.,14PlayfairSt., PAGE374 PRINTERSͲLETTERPRESS. Dunn,H.T.&Co.Pty.Ltd.,53GeorgeSt.North, PAGE382 PRINTERSͲLETTERPRESS. NewCenturyPressPty.Ltd,,3YorkSt.North. PAGE382 PRINTERSͲLITHOGRAPHIC(OFFSET). NewCenturyPressPty.Ltd.,3YorkSt.North, PAGE384 PUBLISHERS NewCenturyPressPty.Ltd.,3YorkSt.North, page390 RESTAURANTS. Harry'sBarRest,15PlayfairSt., page406 RESTAURANTS. OldPush,The,115GeorgeSt.North. page407 SANDWICH&/ORLUNCHEONSHOPS. Xhrysanthakikis,121GeorgeSt.North' page417 SCHOOLS&/ORCOLLEGES.,ART. Ashton,JulianArtSchool.The,36GeorgeSt.North page420 SCHOOLS&/ORCOLLEGES.,ART. JulianAshtonArtSchool,The.119GeorgeSt.North, page420 SHEEPDIP&/ORBRANDINGOILS.,MFRS.&/ORDISTS. Stanton,Catchlove&Co.,77GeorgeSt.North, page425 SHIPCHANDLERS. Stanton,Catchlove&Co.,77GeorgeSt.North, page427 SHIPPING&/ORFORWARDINGAGENTS. Auld,J.B.&Co.,34HarringtonSt., page427 SHIPPING&/ORFORWARDINGAGENTS. Heath,P.,45GeorgeSt.North,’ page427 SOAPMFRS..,LIQUID. Stanton,Catchlove&Co.,77GeorgeSt.North, page434 STATIONERS.,RETAIL ArtistsSupplyCo.,82GeorgeSt.North, page443 TEXTILEWASTE.,MERCHANTS Black&BaerPty.Ltd.,PlayfairLa., page461 TIMBEREXPORTERS. BowmansTimberPty.Ltd.18ArgyleSt.,Sydney page464 TIMBEREXPORTERS. BowmansTimberPty.Ltd.,18ArgyleSt, page464 TIMBERIMPORTERS&/ORDISTS. BowmansTimberPty.Ltd.,18ArgyleSt page465 TIMBERMERCHANTS. BowmansTimberPty.Ltd.18ArgyleSt.,Sydney page465 TIMBERMERCHANTS. BowmansTimberPty.Ltd.,18ArgyleSt. page466 WINE&/ORSPIRITMERCHANTSW’SALE. CarmelWinesPty.Ltd.9CircularQuayWest, page492 UBD1975ͲSydneyCityandSuburban BusinessActivity BusinessNameandAddress PageNumber WOOLWASTEMERCHANTS. Black&BaerPty.Ltd.,PlayfairLa., page495 UBD1965ͲSydneyCityandSuburban BusinessActivity BusinessNameandAddress PageNumber AcousticalContractors HookBros.Pty.Ltd.,10PlayfairSt. 6 AdhesiveMfrs.&/orDists. JoplinMfg.Co.Pty.Ltd.,40HarringtonSt. 7 AeratedWater&CordialMfrs. Young&StewartPty.Ltd.,1GloucesterSt. 11 ArmatureWinders FederalElectricalPty.Ltd.,47ArgyleSt. 22 ArtTeachers Ashton,JulianArtSchool(The),36GeorgeSt.North 22 Artists Stannard,Ron(LayoutandDesign),,109GeorgeSt.North 22 ArtistsͲCommercial RamsayPhotoWorksPty,Ltd.,53GeorgeSt.North 22 ArtistsͲCommercial StudioSevenͲCommercialArt,,95GeorgeSt.North 23 Artists'SuppliesͲRetail ArtistsSupplyCo.,81Ͳ83GeorgeSt.North 23 AssociationsͲEmployersͲIndust.&Professional Marine&PowerEngineersAust.,Instituteof(Sydney),,135GeorgeSt.North 24 Associations&Societies MerchantNavyLeague,,101bGeorgeSt.North 27 Associations&Societies Seamen'sClub(The)(Missionto,Seamen),,100GeorgeSt.North 28 Associations&Societies SydneySailorsHome,,106GeorgeSt,North 29 BaggageAgents Brambles(Customs&ShippingDivision),,11LoftusSt.Heath,P.45GeorgeSt.North 33 BOND&FREESTORES ArgyleBondandFreeStores,18ArgyleSt. 51 BOND&FREESTORES Heath,P.,45GeorgeSt.North 51 BOND&FREESTORES MaritimeServicesBoardofN.S.W.,,HicksonRd 51 BOND&FREESTORES MetcalfeBonded&FreeStores,HicksonRd.,CircularQyW 51 BOND&FREESTORES Parbury'sBondandFreeStare,HicksonRd.MillersPoint 51 BOND&FREESTORES Rowan'sBanded&FreeStoresPty.Ltd.,26.36YorkSt.North 51 BOND&FREESTORES Upward&Co.,HicksonRd.,CircularQuayWest 51 BOND&FREESTORES Upward&Co.,HicksonRd.,CircularQuayWest 51 BOOT&SHOELACEMFRS Row,C.C.,77GeorgeSt.North 53 BOOT&SHOEPOLISH&CLEANERMANUFACTURERS JoplinManufacturingCo.Ltd.,40HarringtonSt. 53 ButchersͲRetail Playfair,ThomasPty.Ltd.,ArgyleSt. 81 Butchers'ͲWholesale Playfale,ThomasPty.Ltd.,ArgyleSt. 84 Cafes,TeaRooms,CoffeeLounges,Etc. BusyBee(The),109GeorgeSt.North 87 Carriers&CartageContractors Conwell,T.D.&SonsPty.Ltd.,46GloucesterSt. 101 Carriers&CartageContractors Heath,P.,45GeorgeSt.North 102 CementͲPortlandͲMfrs.&/orDists. GreaterPortlandCementCo.,18ArgyleSt. 107 ChemistsͲManufacturing&/orWholesale JoplinManufacturingCo.Pty.Ltd.,40HarringtonSt. 113 CigarImport.&/orDist. CampbellBeaumontTobaccoTradingPty.Ltd.,20ArgyleSt. 120 CigaretteImporters&/orDists. CampbellBeaumontTobaccoTradingPty.Ltd.,20ArgyleSt. 120 ClothingMfrs.&/orW'salersͲLadies'Coats&Costumes VargaFashions,81GeorgeSt.North 127 CoalMiningContractorsͲOpenCut MaritimeServicesBoardofN.S.W.,CircularQuayWest 136 ConcreteProductsMfrs. St.GeorgePreͲCastConcrete,12NormanSt.,Peakhurst 140 CustomsAgents Auld,J.B.&Co.,34HarringtonSt. 148 CustomsAgents Collopy,S.A.,101aGeorgeSt.North 148 CustomsAgents Heath,P.,45Ͳ47GeorgeSt.,North 148 CustomsByͲLawConsultants Auld,J.B.&Co.,14HarringtonSt. 148 ElectricLightFittings(Shades,StandardBrackets,Etc.)Mfrs.&/orDists. BeaconIndustriesPty.Ltd.,41ArgyleSt. 181 ElectricMotorInstallation/MaintenanceSpecialists FederalElectricalPty.Ltd.,47ArgyleSt. 183 ElectricMotorsͲDealers&/orWholesalers FederalElectricalPty.Ltd.,47ArgyleSt. 184 ElectricMotorsͲRepairers/Hirers FederalElectricalPty.Ltd.,47ArgyleSt. 184 ElectricalContractorsͲLicensedͲCityofSydney Cooksedge,R.G.H.,21HarringtonSt. 187 ElectricalContractorsͲLicensedFirms FederalElectricalPty.Ltd.,47ArgyleSt. 191 EngineersͲElectrical Row,CecilC.,77GeorgeSt,North 207 EngineersͲHotWater,Heating/Ventilating Galley,W.G.,108Ͳ110MIlsonLane,offGeorgeSt.North 217 EngineersͲMarine InvincibleMotorsPty.Ltd.,53GeorgeSt.North 219 EngineersGeneral&/orMfrg.&/orMechanical invincibleMotorsPty.Ltd.,53GeorgeSt.North 214 EssenceManufacturers&/orSuppliers YoungandStewartPty.Ltd.,1GloucesterSt. 229 Exporters Playfair,ThomasPty.Ltd.,ArgyleSt. 232 FilmProducers AjaxFilmsPty.Ltd.,18Ͳ20ArgyleSt. 238 Fruiterers&Greengrocers Dilosa,J.,99GeorgeSt.North 263 GlueManufacturers&/orMerchants JoplinMfrg.Co.Pty.Ltd.,40HarringtonSt. 285 GolfShaftͲSteelͲMfrs. AustralianNationalLine(The)(CoastalShipping),39Ͳ41CircularQuayWest&5HicksonRd 286 GolfShaftͲSteelͲMfrs. AustralianNationalLine(The)(CoastalShipping),39Ͳ41CircularQuayWest&5HicksonRd 286 GolfShaftͲSteelͲMfrs. DepartmentofTerritories,,5HicksonRd.,WestCircularQuay 286 GolfShaftͲSteelͲMfrs. Dept.ofShipping&Transport,,Cnr.GeorgeSt.North&HicksonRd. 286 GolfShaftͲSteelͲMfrs. MercantileMarineOffice,,2YorkSt.North 286 GolfShaftͲSteelͲMfrs. NavalOrdnance(&CommonwealthOffices),5HicksonRd.,CircularQuay 286 GolfShaftͲSteelͲMfrs. Patents,TradeMarks,Designs&CopyrightsSubͲOffice,,5HicksonRd. 286 GolfShaftͲSteelͲMfrs. Patents,TradeMarks,Designs&Copyrights,,39Ͳ41CircularQuayWest 286 GolfShaftͲSteelͲMfrs. Shipping&Transport,Dept.ofCommonwealthOffices.,5HicksonRd 286 Govt.Depts.ͲState ConservationDept.of,.,ConservationHse.,HarringtonSt 287 Govt.Depts.ͲState GeologicalSurveyLaboratories,,2ndFloor,36GeorgeSt.,North 287 Govt.Depts.ͲState MaritimeServicesBoardofN.S.W.,,CircularQuayWest 287 Govt.Depts.ͲState MiningMuseum,,36GeorgeSt.North 287 Govt.Depts.ͲState Morgue,,102GeorgeSt.North 287 Govt.Depts.ͲState SoilConservationService,,ConservationHse.,HarringtonSt. 287 Hairdressers(Gent.'s)/Tobacconists King,Torn,,107GeorgeSt.North 296 Hairdressers(Gent.'s)/Tobacconists ReesPhillips,L.,113Ͳ115GeorgeSt.North 297 HandleMfrs.&/orWholesalers Pierce,A.H.Pty.Ltd.,34Ͳ36HarringtonSt. 299 HaulageContractors Heath,P.,45GeorgeSt.North 304 Homes&Institutions RawsonInstituteforSeamen,913GeorgeSt.North 308 Homes&Institutions Sailors'Home,106GeorgeSt.North 308 Homes&Institutions SydneySailors'Home,106GeorgeSt.North 308 HotelsͲLicensed A.S.N.Hotel,Cnr.GeorgeSt.North&ArgyleSt. 313 HotelsͲLicensed AustralianHotel,100YorkSt.North 313 HotelsͲLicensed FortuneofWarHotel,137GeorgeSt.North 313 HotelsͲLicensed GlenmoreHotel,49YorkSt.North 313 HotelsͲLicensed MercantileHotel,GeorgeSt.North 314 HotelsͲLicensed ObserverHotel,63Ͳ69GeorgeSt.North 314 HotelsͲLicensed OrientHotel,87GeorgeSt.North 314 Importers CampbellBeaumontTobaccoTradingPty.Ltd.,20ArgyleSt. 317 IndustrialDesigners Sheehan,J.Pty.Ltd.,81GeorgeSt.North 320 InkMfrs.&/orImporters JoplinMfg.Co.Pty.Ltd.,40HarringtonSt. 321 LaeatherGoodsMfrs.&/orWholesalers RainbowLeatherGoods,81GeorgeSt.North 344 MachineryMerch./Import. InvincibleMotorsPty.Ltd.,53GeorgeSt.North 352 Manufacturers'Agents BeaconindustriesPty.Ltd.,41ArgyleSt. 355 Manufacturers'Agents Upward,R.&Co.,MetcalfeBonded&FreeStores,HicksonRd.,CircularQuayWest 358 MarineEnginesͲImporters,Dists.&/orMfrs. InvincibleMotorsPty.Ltd.,53GeorgeSt.North 358 UBD1965ͲSydneyCityandSuburban BusinessActivity BusinessNameandAddress PageNumber Marking&CodingEquipment Joplin,ManfCo.Pty.Ltd.,40HarringtonSt. 359 MeatExporters Playfair,ThomasPty.Ltd.,ArgyleSt. 361 Merchants/Importers BeaconIndustriesPty.Ltd.,41ArgyleSt. 372 Merchants/Importers UniversityGrahaminstrumentsPty.Ltd.,5YorkSt.North 373 Missions/ReligiousBodies SydneyMissiontoSeamen,100GeorgeSt.North 384 MixedBusinesses Gilles,R.V.,27GeorgeSt.North 387 MotorAccessoriesͲDealers InvincibleMatersPty.Limited,53GeorgeSt.North 395 MotorAccessoriesͲW'sale InvincibleMotorsPty.Ltd.,53GeorgeSt.North 397 MotorServiceStationsͲPetrol,Oil,Etc.ͲCityofSydney GeorgeStreetNorthGaragePty.Ltd.,71GeorgeSt.North 428 MusicalInstrumentDealers Badham,Chas.,85GeorgeSt.North 441 Newsagents Landrigan,M.,95GeorgeSt.North 443 NewspaperRepresentatives/Services SydneyPressAgency,18Ͳ20ArgyleSt. 445 PhotographersͲCommercial Chirlian(Brian)Studios,18Ͳ20ArgyleSt. 470 PistonManufacturers D.P.EngineeringCo.Pty.Ltd.,8aHicksonRd.,CircQy 475 PlasterersͲSolidͲPlasteringContractors HookBros.Pty.Limited,10PlayfairSt.Sydney 476 Plumbers,Gasfitters/Drainlayers Gailey,W.G.,108Ͳ110MilsonLane,offGeorgeSt.North 482 Plumbers,Gasfitters/Drainlayers Murray,Williams&Co.,14PlayfairSt. 482 PortraitProduction RamsayPhotoWorksPty.Ltd.,53GeorgeSt.North 489 PrintersͲLetterpress Blake&HargreavesPty,Ltd.,53Ͳ55GeorgeSt.North 495 PrintersͲLetterpress Dunn,H.T.&Co.Pty.Ltd.,53Ͳ55GeorgeSt.North 496 PrintersͲLetterpress NewCenturyPressPty.Ltd.,3Ͳ5YorkSt.North 496 PrintersͲLetterpress Wighton&Simpson,,97GeorgeSt.North 497 Publishers NewCenturyPreisPty.Ltd.,3Ͳ5YorkSt.North 502 Sandwich&LuncheonShops Harry'sPies,,121GeorgeSt.North 536 Sandwich&LuncheonShops SandwichShop,,25GeorgeSt.North 536 Schools/CollegesͲArt Ashton,JulianArt.School(The),36GeorgeSt.North 540 SheepDip&BrandingOilsͲMfrs.&/orDists. Stanton,CatchloveandCo.,77GeorgeSt.North 546 SheetMetalWorkers Thom,J.,41ArgyleSt. 548 ShipeOwners AustralianNationalLine(The),Cnr.GeorgeSt.North&HicksonRd. 549 SHIPPING&FORWARDINGAGENTS Heath,P.,45GeorgeSt.North 550 SHIPPINGPROVIDORES Playfair,ThomasPty.Ltd.,ArgyleSt. 551 SMALLGOODSMANUFACTURERS&/ORWHOLESALERS Playfair,ThomasPty.Ltd.,ArgyleSt. 555 SOAPMFRS.—LIQUID Stanton,Catchlove&Co.,77GeorgeSt.North 556 STATIONERS—RETAIL Artists'SupplyCo.,81Ͳ83GeorgeSt.North 565 STEVEDORINGCOMPANIES CentralWharfStevedoringCo.,HicksonSt.,Miller'sPoint 573 TALLOWMERCHANTS&/ORREFINERS Playfair,ThomasPty.Ltd.,ArgyleSt. 579 TEXTILEWASTEMERCHANTS Black&BaerPty.Ltd.,PlayfairLane,offPlayfairSt. 587 WaxMfrs.&/orImporters JoplinManufacturingCo.Pty.Ltd.,40HarringtonSt. 617 Weighbridges MaritimeServicesBoardofN.S.W.,,HicksonRd. 617 WineSaloons Beard,NormanW.,111GeorgeSt.North 624 WineSaloons Jackson,RobinsonGeorge,,127NortonSt.,Leichhardt 624 Wine/SpiritMerchantsͲRetail CarmelWinesPty.Ltd.,9CircularQuayWest 623 Wine/SpiritMerchantsͲWholesale CarmelWinesPty.Ltd.,9CircularQuayWest 624 WoolDumpers CentralWharfStevedoringLtd.Co.,HicksonRd.,Miller'sPoint 629 WoolTopMfrs. Black&BaerPty.Ltd.,PlayfairLa.offPlayfairSt. 630 UBD1961ͲSydneyCityandSuburban BusinessActivity BusinessNameandAddress PageNumber ADHESIVEMFRS.&/ORDISTS. JoplinMfg.Co.Pty.Ltd.,40HarringtonSt. page8 AERATEDWATER&CORDIALMFRS. Young&StewartPty.Ltd.,1GloucesterSt. page11 AMBULANCES CentralDistrictAmbulance(QuayBranch),73GeorgeSt.North page18 ARMATUREWINDERS FederalElectricalPty.Ltd.,47ArgyleSt. page22 ARTTEACHERS Ashton,JulianArtSchool(The),36GeorgeSt.North page22 ARTISTSͲCOMMERCIAL RamsayPhotoWorksPtyLtd53GeorgeSt.North page23 ARTISTSͲCOMMERCIAL RamsayPhotoWorksPty.Ltd.,53GeorgeSt.North page23 ASSOCIATIONS&SOCIETIES MerchantNavyLeague,101bGeorgeSt.North page27 ASSOCIATIONS&SOCIETIES PharmaceuticalSocietyofN.S.W.,GloucesterSt. page27 ASSOCIATIONS&SOCIETIES Seamen’sClub(The),(MissiontoSeamen),100GeorgeSt.North page27 ASSOCIATIONS&SOCIETIES SydneySailors’Home,106GeorgeSt.North page28 BAGGAGEAGENTS Heath,P.,45GeorgeSt.North page32 BOND&FREESTORES ArgyleBondandFreeStores,18ArgyleSt. page51 BOND&FREESTORES Heath,P.,45GeorgeSt.North page51 BOND&FREESTORES MaritimeServicesBoardofN.S.W.,HicksonRd. page51 BOND&FREESTORES MetcalfeBonded&FreeStores,HicksonRd.,CircularQuayWest page51 BOND&FREESTORES Parbury’sBondandFreeStore,HicksonRd.,MillersPoint page51 BOND&FREESTORES Rowan’sBonded&FreeStoresPty.Ltd.,26Ͳ36YorkSt.North page51 BOND&FREESTORES Upward&Co.,HicksonRd.,CircularQuayWest page51 BOOT&SHOELACEMFRS. Row,C.C.,77GeorgeSt.North page53 BOOT&SHOEPOLISH&CLEANERMANUFACTURERS JoplinManufacturingCo.Ltd.,40HarringtonSt. page53 BUILDINGSͲCITYOFSYDNEY HarringtonsBuilding,2HarringtonSt. page77 BUTCHERSͲRETAIL Playfair,ThomasPly.Ltd.,ArgyleSt. page84 BUTCHERSͲWHOLESALE Playfair,ThomasPty.Ltd.,ArgyleSt. page86 CAFES,TEAROOMS,COFFEELOUNGES,Etc. “Hankow”Cafe,103GeorgeSt.North page88 CAFES,TEAROOMS,COFFEELOUNGES,Etc. BusyBee(The),109GeorgeSt.North page88 CAFES,TEAROOMS,COFFEELOUNGES,Etc. SingaporeCafe,143GeorgeSt.North page89 CANNERS&CANNEDFOODSPECIALISTS Playfair,ThomasPty.Ltd.,ArgyleSt. page93 CARRIERS&CARTAGECONTRACTORS Heath,P.,45GeorgeSt.North page109 CHEMICALMANUFACTURERS&/ORDISTRIBUTORS JopllnManufacturingCo.Pty.Ltd.,40HarringtonSt. page124 CHEMISTSͲMANUFACTURING&/ORWHOLESALE CarltonCrts.,SummerHill;HeadOffice,GloucesterSt. page126 CHEMISTSͲMANUFACTURING&/ORWHOLESALE JopllnManufacturingCo.Pty.Ltd.,40HarringtonSt. page126 CLOTHINGMFRS.&/ORW’SALERSͲLADIES’COATS&COSTUMES VargaFashions,81GeorgeSI.North page140 CLOTHINGMFRS.&/ORW’SALERSͲLADIES’DRESSES&GOWNS Borreill,M.,81GeorgeSt.North page140 CLUBS&SPORTSBODIES FlyingAngel(The),100GeorgeSt.North page148 CONFECTIONERSͲMANUFACTURING&/ORWHOLESALE DarrellLeaChocolateCo.Pty.Ltd.,1YorkSt.North page155 CONFECTIONERSͲRETAIL DarrellLeaChocolateCo.Pty.Ltd.,1YorkSt.North page155 COOLSTORES Playfair,ThomasPty.Ltd.,ArgyleSt. page159 CORROSIONPREVENTION&CONTROLSPECIALISTS Norrls.J.&Co.,101GeorgeSt.North page160 CREDITPROTECTIONAGENCIES ToddCompany(Aust.)(The),53GeorgeSt.North page163 CUSTOMSͲAGENTS DalleyTransportPtyLtdStore:18PlayfairSt. page163 DUPLICATING/TYPINGSPECS. AlexanderDuplicatingService,81GeorgeSt.North page189 ELECTRICMETER/MAINEQUIPMENTMANUFACTURERS UniversityGrahamInstrumentsPty.Ltd.,5YorkSt.North page198 ELECTRICMOTORINSTALLATION/MAINTENANCESPECIALISTS Lawrence,E.E.&Co.,47ArgyleSt. page198 ELECTRICMOTORSͲDEALERS&/ORWHOLESALERS FederalElectricalPty.Ltd.,47ArgyleSt. page199 ELECTRICMOTORSͲREPAIRERS/HIRERS FederalElectricalPty.Ltd.,47ArgyleSt. page200 ELECTRICSWITCH&CONTROLGEARMFRS.&/ORDISTS. UniversityGrahamInstrumentsPty.Ltd.,5YorkSt.North page201 ELECTRICALCONTRACTORSͲLICENSED Aldous,J.P.,47ArgyleSt. page205 ELECTRICALCONTRACTORSͲLICENSED Cooksedge,R.G.H.,21HarringtonSt. page202 ELECTRICALCONTRACTORSͲLICENSED FederalElectricalPty.Ltd.,47ArgyleSt. page207 ELECTRONICEQUIPMENTMFRS.&/ORDISTRIBUTORS UniversityGrahamInstrumentsPty.Ltd.,5YorkSt.North page212 ELECTRONICSͲINDUSTRIALCONTROLEQUIPMENTMFRS. UniversityGrahamInstrumentsPty.Ltd.,5YorkSt.North page213 ENGINEERSͲELECTRICAL Lawrence,E.E.&.Co.,47ArgyleSt. page223 ENGINEERSͲGENERAL/MFRG./MECHANICAL InvincibleMotorsPty.Ltd.,53GeorgeSt.North page230 ENGINEERSͲGENERAL/MFRG./MECHANICAL Row,C.C.,77GeorgeSt.North page233 ENGINEERSͲHOTWATER,HEATING/VENTILATING Galley,W.G.,MilsonLa.,OffGeorgeSt.North page234 ENGINEERSͲMARINE InvincibleMotorsPty.Ltd.,53GeorgeSt.North page236 ENGINEERSͲMARINE Wehr,W.M.,47aArgyleSt. page236 ENGINEERSͲPRODUCTION Black&BurPty.Ltd.,PlayfairLane,offPlayfairSt. page238 ESSENCEMANUFACTURERS&/ORSUPPLIERS YoungandStewartPty.Ltd.,1GloucesterSt. page248 EXPORTERS Playfair,ThomasPty.Ltd.,ArgyleSt. page249 FREEZINGCOMPANIES Playfair,ThomasPty.Ltd.,ArgyleSt. page278 FRUITERERS/GREENGROCERS Dilosa,J.,99GeorgeSt.North page283 GALVANISEDSTEELMFRS. LysaghtJohn(Aust)PtyLtdN.S.W.Office:33MacquariePl.GeorgeSt.North.P.O.Box24 page298 GLASSDECORATORS,EMBOSSERS,ENGRAVERSͲETCHERS GriffithsEtchings,104GeorgeSt.North page302 GLUEMANUFACTURERS&/ORMERCHANTS JoplinMfrg.Co.Pty.Ltd.,40HarringtonSt. page304 GOVT.DEPTS.ͲC’WEALTH Dept.ofShipping&Transport,Cnr.GeorgeSt.North&HicksonRd. page305 GOVT.DEPTS.ͲC’WEALTH Dept.ofTerritories,Cnr.HicksonRd.&.GeorgeSt. page305 GOVT.DEPTS.ͲC’WEALTH MercantileMarineOffice,2YorkSt.North page305 GOVT.DEPTS.ͲC’WEALTH NavalOrdnance(&CommonwealthOffices),5HicksonRd.,CircularQuay page305 GOVT.DEPTS.ͲSTATE ConservationDept.of,ConservationHse.,HarringtonSt. page305 GOVT.DEPTS.ͲSTATE SoilConservationService,ConservationHse.,HarringtonSt. page306 GOVT.DEPTS.ͲSTATE WaterConservation&IrrigationCommission,ConservationHse.,HarringtonSt. page306 GROCERSͲRETAIL King(NamJang),85GeorgeSt.North page309 HANDLEMANUFACTURERS&/ORWHOLESALERS PierceAHPtyLtd34Ͳ36HarringtonSt. page318 HANDLEMANUFACTURERS&/ORWHOLESALERS Pierce,A.H.Pty.Ltd.,34Ͳ36HarringtonSt. page318 HARDWAREDEALERS/IRONMONGERS PierceAHPtyLtd34Ͳ36HarringtonSt. page318 HARDWAREDEALERS/IRONMONGERS Pierce,A.H.Pty.Ltd.,34Ͳ36HarringtonSt. page318 HARDWAREMERCHANTSͲWHOLESALE PierceAHPtyLtd34Ͳ36HarringtonSt. page321 HARDWAREMERCHANTSͲWHOLESALE Pierce,A.H.Pty.Ltd.,34Ͳ36HarringtonSt. page322 HAULAGECONTRACTORS Heath,P.,15GeorgeSt.North page323 HIRECARSERVICES Pyke’sMotorServicePty.Ltd.,CircularQuayWest&ArgyleSt. page324 HOMES&INSTITUTIONS RawsonInstituteforSeamen,98GeorgeSt.North page326 HOMES&INSTITUTIONS SailorsHome,106GeorgeSt.North page326 HOMES&INSTITUTIONS SydneySailorsHome,106GeorgeSt.North page326 HOTELS—LICENSED A.S.N.Hotel,Cnr.GeorgeSt.N.&ArgyleSt. page329 HOTELS—LICENSED AustralianHotel,100YorkSt.North page329 HOTELS—LICENSED FortuneofWarHotel,137GeorgeSt.North page329 HOTELS—LICENSED GlenmoreHotel,YorkSt.North page329 HOTELS—LICENSED MercantileHotel,GeorgeSt.North page330 HOTELS—LICENSED ObserverHotel,63Ͳ69GeorgeSt.North page330 HOTELS—LICENSED OrientHotel,67GeorgeSt.North page330 INCUBATORMFRS. Thorn,J.,41ArgyleSt. page335 INKMFRS.&/ORIMPORTERS JoplinMfg.Co.Pty.Ltd.,40HarringtonSt. page336 INSTRUMENTS—ELECTRICALͲMANUFACTURERS UniversityGrahamInstrumentPty.Ltd.,5YorkSt.North page337 INSTRUMENTS—INDUSTRIAL—MFRS.&/ORDISTRIBUTORS UniversityGrahamInstrumentsPty.Ltd.,5YorkSt.North page338 INSTRUMENTS—MEASURINGͲIMPORTS.&/ORDISTS. UniversityGrahamInstrumentsPty.Ltd.,5YorkSt.North page338 INSTRUMENTS—PRECISION—MFRS.&/ORDISTRIBUTORS UniversityGrahamInstrumentsPty.Ltd.,5YorkSt.North page338 INSTRUMENTS—SCIENTIFIC—IMPORTERS, Thorn,J.,41ArgyleSt. page339 UBD1961ͲSydneyCityandSuburban BusinessActivity BusinessNameandAddress PageNumber INSTRUMENTS—SCIENTIFIC—IMPORTERS, UniversityGrahamInstrumentsPty.Ltd.,5YorkSt.North page339 LAUNDRIES James,H.H.,75GeorgeSt.North page357 LAUNDRIES Moore,J.N.,95GeorgeSt.North page357 LEATHERGOODSMFRS.&/ORWHOLESALERS Stern,W.,81GeorgeSt.North page360 LOCALBODIES CityCoroner’sCourt,GeorgeSt.North page364 MACHINERYMERCH./IMPORT. InvincibleMotorsPty.Ltd.,53GeorgeSt.North page368 MANUFACTURERS’AGENTS Stern,W.,83GeorgeSt.North page373 MARINEENGINES—IMPORTERS,DISTS.&/ORMFRS. InvincibleMotorsPty.Ltd.,53GeorgeSt.North page374 MEATEXPORTERS Playfair,ThomasPty.Ltd.,ArgyleSt. page376 MERCHANTS/IMPORTERS Jenkins,StanleyandCo,130GeorgeSt.North page386 MERCHANTS/IMPORTERS PierceAHPtyLtd34Ͳ36HarringtonSt. page385 MERCHANTS/IMPORTERS Pierce,A.H.Pty.Ltd.,34Ͳ36HarringtonSt. page387 MERCHANTS/IMPORTERS Playfair,ThomasPty.Ltd.,ArgyleSt. page387 METER&METEREQUIPMENTMFRS./IMPS./DISTS. UniversityGrahamInstrumentsPty.Ltd.,5YorkSt.North page393 MISSIONS/RELIGIOUSBODIES SydneyMissiontoSeamen,100GeorgeSt.North page399 MIXEDBUSINESS Gilles,R.V.,27GeorgeSt.North page402 MOTORACCESSORIES—W’SALE InvincibleMotorsPty.Ltd.,53GeorgeSt.North page412 MOTORGARAGES&ENGINEERS GeorgeStreetNorthGaragePty.Ltd.,71GeorgeSt.North page427 MOTORGARAGES&ENGINEERS InvincibleMotorsPty.Ltd.,53GeorgeSt.North. page427 MOTORGARAGES&ENGINEERS Playfair’sGarage,Cnr.Argyle&HarringtonSts. page427 MOTORSERVICESTATIONS—PETROL,OIL,Etc. GeorgeStreetNorthGaragePty.Ltd.,71GeorgeSt.North page445 NEWSAGENTS Landrigan,M.,95GeorgeSt.North page460 PAINT—MARINE—IMPORTERS/DISTRIBUTORS RedHandCompositionCo(Aust)PtyLtdNo.2Wharf,CircularQuayEastP.O.Box58—GeorgeSt.North,N.S.W. page473 PAPERMERCHANTS Marish,E.,81GeorgeSt.North page480 PHOTOͲCOPYINGSERVICES RamsayPhotoWorksPty.Ltd.,53GeorgeSt.North page484 PHOTOGRAPHERS—CANDID Syme&Pearce,Room6a,81GeorgeSt.North page484 PHOTOGRAPHERS—COMMRCL. Syme&Pearce,Room6a,81GeorgeSt.North page484 PHOTOGRAPHERS—MARINE Syme&Pearce,Room6a,81GeorgeSt.North page484 PHOTOGRAPHERS—PASSPORT Syme&Pearce,Room6a,81GeorgeSt.North page485 PHOTOGRAPHERS—PORTRAIT Syme8cPearce,Room6a,81GeorgeSt.North page485 PISTONMANUFACTURERS D.P.EngineeringCo.Pty.Ltd.,8aHicksonRd.,ClrcQy page490 PLASTERERS—SOLID—PLASTERINGCONTRACTORS HookBrosPtyLtd10PlayfairSt. page491 PLUMBERS,GASFITTERS/DRAINLAYERS Murray,Willams&Co.,14PlayfairSt. page497 PLUMBERS,GASFITTERS/DRAINLAYERS Wehr,W.,M.,47aArgyleSt. page497 PORTRAITREPRODUCTIONSPEC. RamsayPhotoWorksPty.Ltd.,53GeorgeSt.North page507 PRINTERSͲLETTERPRESS Blake&HargreavesPty.Ltd.,53Ͳ55GeorgeSt.North page512 PRINTERSͲLETTERPRESS Dunn,H.T.&Co.,53Ͳ55GeorgeSt.North page514 PRINTERSͲLETTERPRESS NewCenturyPressPty.Ltd.,3Ͳ5YorkSt.North page514 PRINTERSͲLETTERPRESS ToddCompany(Aust.)(The),53GeorgeSt.North page515 PRINTERSͲLITHOGRAPHIC ParkerPrints,81GeorgeSt.North page516 SANDWICH/LUNCHEONSHOPS Lidwell,H.,121GeorgeSt.North page555 SANDWICH/LUNCHEONSHOPS SandwichShop,25GeorgeSt.North page555 SCHOOLS/COLLEGESͲART Ashton,JulianArtSchool(The),36GeorgeSt.North page559 SCIENTIFICAPPARATUSMFRS.&/ORDISTRIBUTORS Thorn,J.,41ArgyleSt. page561 SHEEPDIP&BRANDINGOILSͲMFRS.&/ORDISTS. Stanton,CatchloveandCo.,77GeorgeSt.North page565 SHEETMETALWORKERS Thorn,J.,41ArgyleSt. page567 SHIPOWNERS AustralianNationalLine(The),Cnr.GeorgeSt.North&HicksonRd. page568 SHIPPING&FORWARDINGAGENTS DalleyTransportPtyLtd118GloucesterSt.Store:18PlayfairSt. page569 SHIPPING&FORWARDINGAGENTS Heath,P.,45GeorgeSt.North page569 SHIPPINGPROVIDORES Playfair,ThomasPty.Ltd.,ArgyleSt. page570 SHIPPINGPROVIDORES WynyardRampFishandPoultrySupply,GeorgeSt.North page570 SKIN/HIDEBUYERS ScandrettandCo.Pty.Ltd.,61GeorgeSt.North page575 SMALLGOODSMANUFACTURERS&/ORWHOLESALERS Playfair,ThomasPty.Ltd.,ArgyleSt. page576 STEVEDORINGCOMPANIES CentralWharfStevedoringCo.,HicksonSt.,Miller’sPoint page594 TALLOWMERCHANTS&/ORREFINERS Playfair,ThomasPty.Ltd.,ArgyleSt. page600 TEXTILEWASTEMERCHANTS Black&BaerPty.Ltd.,PlayfairLane,offPlayfairSt. page608 THERMOSTATMFRS. Thorn,J.,41ArgyleSt. page609 TILERS(ROOF)/SLATERSCONCORD Hutcheson,A.A.Pty.Ltd.,2GloucesterSt. page611 TOYIMPORTERS&/ORWHOLESALERS Stuart,Browne&Co.,61GeorgeSt.North page623 TRADEUNIONS Marine&PowerEngineers,AustralianInstituteof,135GeorgeSt.North page625 WAXMANUFACTURERS&/ORIMPORTERS JoplinManufacturingCo.Pty.Ltd.,40HarringtonSt. page640 WEIGHBRIDGES MaritimeServicesBoard,HicksonRd. page641 WINESALOONS Beard,NormanW.,111GeorgeSt.North page648 WOOLBUYERS&/ORMERCHANTS Black&BaerPty.Ltd.,PlayfairLa.offPlayfairSt. page652 WOOLDUMPERS CentralWharfStevedoringCo.,HicksonRd.,Miller’sPoint page652 WOOLWASTEMERCHANTS Black&BaerPty.Ltd.,PlayfairLa.offPlayfairSt. page653 UBD1956ͲSydneyCityandSuburban BusinessActivity BusinessNameandAddress PageNumber AdhesiveMfrs.&Dists. JoplinMfg.Co.Pty.Ltd.,40HarringtonSt. Page22 AeratedWater&CordialMfrs. YoungandStewartLtd.,1Ͳ11GloucesterSt. Page23 Ambulances CentralDistrictAmbulance(QuayBranch),73GeorgeSt.North Page26 ArtTeachers Ashton,JulianArtSchool(The),2GeorgeSt.North Page30 Associations&Societies AustralianInstituteofMarine&PowerEngineers,129GeorgeSt.North Page32 Associations&Societies GeographicalSocy.ofN.S.W.,GloucesterSt. Page33 Associations&Societies PharmaceuticalSocietyofN.S.W.,GloucesterSt. Page34 Associations&Societies Seamen'sClub(The),(MissiontoSeamen),100GeorgeSt.North Page35 AuctioneersͲGeneral Strange,F.R.Pty.Ltd.,57GeorgeSt.North Page36 Bond&FreeStores MetcalfeBonded&FreeStores,CircularQuayWest Page53 Bond&FreeStores Parbury'sBondandFreeStore,HicksonRd.,MillersPoint Page53 Bond&FreeStores Rowan'sBonded&FreeStoresPty.Ltd.,26Ͳ36YorkSt.North Page53 Bond&FreeStores Upward&Co.,HicksonRd.CircularQuayWest Page53 Boot&ShoePolish&CleanerManufacturers JoplinManufacturingCo.Ltd.,40HarringtonSt. Page54 Buildings—CityOfSydney HarringtonBuilding,2HarringtonSt. Page78 Butchers—Wholesale Playfair,ThomasPty.Ltd.,ArgyleSt. Page85 Cafes,TeaRooms,CoffeeLounges,Etc. BusyBee(The),109GeorgeSt.North Page87 Cafes,TeaRooms,CoffeeLounges,Etc. HankowCafe,103GeorgeSt.North Page87 Canners&CannedFoodSpecialists Playfair,ThomasPty.Ltd.,ArgyleSt. Page92 ChemicalMfrs.&Dist. JoplinMfg.Co.Ltd.,40HarringtonSt. Page108 ChemistsͲManufacturing&Wholesale JoplinMfg.Co.Ltd.,40HarringtonSt. Page110 Cleanser&CleaningPreparationMfrs.&Distributors ConsolidatedA.B.C.Co.,128GeorgeSt.North Page115 Clubs&SportsBodies FlyingAngel(The),100GeorgeSt.North Page127 ConfectionersͲMfrg.&Wholesale DarrellLeaChocolateCo.Ltd.,1YorkSt.North Page139 CosmeticMfrs.&W'salers Commonwealth&DominionAgenciesPty.Ltd.,1Ͳ11GloucesterSt. Page142 CottonWasteMerchants Black&BaerPty.Ltd.,59GeorgeSt.North Page143 CreditProtectionAgencies ToddCompany(Aust.)(The),53GeorgeSt.North Page144 Customs,Shipping&ForwardingAgents HollingworthB.G.Pty.Ltd.,102YorkSt.North Page145 ElectricMotorInstallation/MaintenanceSpecialists Lawrence,E.E.&Co.,47ArgyleSt. Page156 ElectricalContractorsͲLicensed Cooksedge,R.G.H.,21HarringtonSt. Page158 EngineersͲElectrical Lawrence,E.E.&Co.,47ArgyleSt. Page172 EngineersͲGeneral/Mfrg./Mechanical D.P.EngineeringCo.Pty.Ltd.,Office,73DaySt.Works,8aHicksonRd.,CircularQuay Page178 EngineersͲManufacturing InvincibleMotorsPty.Ltd.,53GeorgeSt.North Page186 EssenceMfrs./Suppliers YoungandStewartPty.Ltd.,1GloucesterSt. Page192 FreezingCompanies Playfair,ThomasPty.Ltd.,ArgyleSt. Page213 Fruiterers/Greengrocers Dilosa,J.,99GeorgeSt.North Page218 GlassDecorators,Embossers,EngraversͲEtchers GriffithsEtchings,104GeorgeSt.North Page232 GlueMfrs./Merchants JoplinMfrg.Co.Pty.Ltd.,40HarringtonSt. Page234 Govt.Depts.ͲState MaritimeServicesBoardofN.S.W.,WestCircularQuay Page235 Govt.Depts.ͲC'wealth NavalOrdnance(&CommonwealthOffices),5HicksonRd.,CircularQuay Page235 GrocersͲRetail King(NamJang),85GeorgeSt.North Page238 HireCarServices Pyke'sMotorServicePty.Ltd.,CircularQuayWest&ArgyleSt. Page250 Homes/Institutions RawsonInstituteforSeamen,98GeorgeSt.North Page251 Homes/Institutions Sailors'Home,106GeorgeSt.North Page251 Homes/Institutions SydneySailors'Home,106GeorgeSt.North Page251 HotelsͲLicensed FortuneofWarHotel,137GeorgeSt.North Page254 HotelsͲLicensed GlenmoreHotel,YorkSt.North Page254 HotelsͲLicensed MercantileHotel,21Ͳ25GeorgeSt.North Page254 HotelsͲLicensed ObserverHotel,63Ͳ69GeorgeSt.North Page254 HotelsͲLicensed OrientHotel,87GeorgeSt.North Page254 IncubatorMfrs. Thom,J.,41ArgyleSt. Page258 InkManufacturers JoplinMfg.Co.Pty.Ltd.,40HarringtonSt. Page259 InstrumentsͲElectricalͲManufacturers UniversityGrahamInstrumentCo.,5YorkSt.North Page259 InstrumentsͲScientificͲimport./Mfrs./Dist. Thom,J.,41ArgyleSt. Page260 InstrumentsͲScientificͲimport./Mfrs./Dist. UniversityGrahamInstrumentsPty.Ltd.,5YorkSt.North Page260 Laundries Moore,J.N.,95GeorgeSt.North Page273 LeatherGoodsManufacturers/Wholesalers Stern,W.,81GeorgeSt.North Page275 Leather/GrinderyMerch. Stern,W.,81GeorgeSt.North Page274 MachineryMerch./Import. InvincibleMotorsPty.Ltd.,53GeorgeSt.North Page282 Manufacturers'Agents Salmond&Spraggon(Aust.)Pty.Ltd.,1YorkSt.North Page286 Manufacturers'Agents Stern,W.,83GeorgeSt.North Page286 MarketResearchServices ResearchService,119GeorgeSt.North Page287 MedicalPractitioners Slattery,E.M.,46GeorgeSt.,RoseBayNorth Page294 MedicalSupplies Commonwealth&Dominion.Agencies.Pty.Ltd.,1Ͳ11GloucesterSt. Page295 Merchants/Importers Jenkins,StanleyandCo.,130GeorgeSt.North Page298 Merchants/Importers Playfair,ThomasPty.Ltd.,ArgyleSt. Page298 Missions/ReligiousBodies SydneyMissiontoSeamen,100GeorgeSt.North Page309 MixedBusinesses Gilles,R.V.,27GeorgeSt.North Page312 MotorAccessoriesͲW’sale InvincibleMotorsPty.Ltd.,53GeorgeSt.North Page321 MotorCarJackMfrs. Ridgway,P.G.,CircularQuayWest Page327 MotorGarage/Engineers InvincibleMotorsPty.Ltd.,53GeorgeSt.North Page336 MotorGarage/Engineers Playfair'sGarage,Cnr.Argyle&HarringtonSts. Page337 Newsagents Landrigan,M.,95GeorgeSt.North Page355 OilMerchantsͲGeneral Pierce,A.H.,36HarringtonSt. Page360 PaperMerchants Marlsh,E.,81GeorgeSt.North Page367 PhotographersͲCommrcl. RamsayPhotoWorksPty.Ltd.,53GeorgeSt.North Page371 PhotographicDeveloping,Printing/ColouringServices RamsayPhotoWorksPty.Ltd.,53GeorgeSt.North Page371 PistonManufacturers D.P.EngineeringCo.Pty.Ltd.,8aHicksonRd.,CircQy Page375 PlasterersͲSolidͲPlasteringContractors HookBros.Pty.Ltd.,10PlayfairSt. Page375 PortraitReproductionSpec. RamsayPhotoWorksPty.Ltd.,53GeorgeSt.North Page386 PrintersͲLetterpress Blake&HargreavesPty.Ltd.,53Ͳ55GeorgeSt.North Page389 PrintersͲLetterpress Dunn&Co.,53Ͳ55GeorgeSt.North Page389 PrintersͲLetterpress NewCenturyPressPty.Ltd.,3Ͳ5YorkSt.North Page390 PrintersͲLetterpress ToddCompany(Aust.)(The),53GeorgeSt.North Page390 PrintersͲLetterpress WightonandSimpson,97GeorgeSt.North Page391 Publishers NewCenturyPressPty.Ltd.,3Ͳ5YorkSt.North Page394 Sandwich/LuncheonShops Lidwell,H.,121GeorgeSt.North Page412 UBD1956ͲSydneyCityandSuburban BusinessActivity BusinessNameandAddress PageNumber Sandwich/LuncheonShops SandwichShop,25GeorgeSt.North Page412 Schools/CollegesͲArt Ashton,JulianArtSchool(The),36GeorgeSt.North Page417 ScientificApparatusMfrs./Distributors Thom,J.,41ArgyleSt. Page419 SheepDip/BrandingOilMfrs./Distributors Stanton,CatchloveandCo.,77GeorgeSt.North Page422 SheetMetalWorkers Thom,J.,41ArgyleSt. Page424 ShippingProvidores KingNamJang,85GeorgeSt.North Page425 ShippingProvidores Playfair,ThomasPty.Ltd.,ArgyleSt. Page426 ShippingProvidores WynyardRampFishandPoultrySupply,GeorgeSt.North Page426 Skin/HideBuyers ScandrettandCo.Pty.Ltd.,61GeorgeSt.North Page428 SmallgoodsMfrs./W'salers Playfair,ThomasPty.Ltd.,ArgyleSt. Page429 TallowMerch./Refiners Playfair,ThomasPty.Ltd.,ArgyleSt. Page444 TextileWasteMfrs. Black&BaerPty.Ltd.,59GeorgeSt.North Page450 ThermostatMfrs. Thom,J.,41ArgyleSt. Page450 ToyImporters/W'salers Stuart,Browne&Co.,61GeorgeSt.North Page460 VeterinarySupplies/InstrumentsͲRetail VigorStockLickCo.Pty.Ltd.,57GeorgeSt.North Page469 WasteProductMerchants Powell,LeslieT.Pty.Ltd.,59GeorgeSt.North Page471 WaxMfrs./Importers JoplinManufacturingCo.Ltd.,40HarringtonSt. Page472 WineSaloons Beard,NormanW.,111GeorgeSt.North Page478 WoolWasteMerchants Black&BaerPty.Ltd.,59GeorgeSt.North Page482 Woollens/WorstedMfrs. SydneyWoollenMillsPty.Ltd.,59YorkSt.;WindsorRd.,Northmead Page482

Issued Number Name Location Type Status date CBDandSouthEast ACCIONA LightRailAlignmentand INFRASTRUCTURE AncillarySites,SYDNEY, 8ͲAprͲ 20699AUSTRALIAPTYLTD NSW2000 POEOlicence Issued 16 AUSTRALIANRAILTRACK GPOBOX14,SYDNEY, 20Ͳ 3142CORPORATIONLIMITED NSW2001 POEOlicence Issued DecͲ00 AUSTRALIANRAILTRACK GPOBOX14,SYDNEY, s.58Licence 5ͲOctͲ 1011934CORPORATIONLIMITED NSW2001 Variation Issued 01 AUSTRALIANRAILTRACK GPOBOX14,SYDNEY, s.58Licence 1ͲMayͲ 1015602CORPORATIONLIMITED NSW2001 Variation Issued 02 AUSTRALIANRAILTRACK GPOBOX14,SYDNEY, s.58Licence 19Ͳ 1023724CORPORATIONLIMITED NSW2001 Variation Issued DecͲ02 AUSTRALIANRAILTRACK GPOBOX14,SYDNEY, s.58Licence 1ͲJulͲ 1028108CORPORATIONLIMITED NSW2001 Variation Issued 03 AUSTRALIANRAILTRACK GPOBOX14,SYDNEY, s.58Licence 1ͲAugͲ 1029702CORPORATIONLIMITED NSW2001 Variation Issued 03 AUSTRALIANRAILTRACK GPOBOX14,SYDNEY, s.58Licence 31Ͳ 1030573CORPORATIONLIMITED NSW2001 Variation Issued OctͲ03 AUSTRALIANRAILTRACK GPOBOX14,SYDNEY, s.58Licence 9ͲDecͲ 1032289CORPORATIONLIMITED NSW2001 Variation Issued 03 AUSTRALIANRAILTRACK GPOBOX14,SYDNEY, s.58Licence 31Ͳ 1033638CORPORATIONLIMITED NSW2001 Variation Issued DecͲ03 AUSTRALIANRAILTRACK GPOBOX14,SYDNEY, s.58Licence 6ͲSepͲ 1040462CORPORATIONLIMITED NSW2001 Variation Issued 04 AUSTRALIANRAILTRACK GPOBOX14,SYDNEY, s.58Licence 22Ͳ 1052119CORPORATIONLIMITED NSW2001 Variation Issued SepͲ05 AUSTRALIANRAILTRACK GPOBOX14,SYDNEY, s.58Licence 30Ͳ 1092348CORPORATIONLIMITED NSW2001 Variation Issued SepͲ08 AUSTRALIANRAILTRACK GPOBOX14,SYDNEY, s.58Licence 14Ͳ 1093829CORPORATIONLIMITED NSW2001 Variation Issued NovͲ08 AUSTRALIANRAILTRACK GPOBOX14,SYDNEY, s.58Licence 23Ͳ 1110207CORPORATIONLIMITED NSW2001 Variation Issued DecͲ09 AUSTRALIANRAILTRACK GPOBOX14,SYDNEY, s.58Licence 5ͲJanͲ 1121864CORPORATIONLIMITED NSW2001 Variation Issued 11 AUSTRALIANRAILTRACK GPOBOX14,SYDNEY, s.58Licence 7ͲJanͲ 1123526CORPORATIONLIMITED NSW2001 Variation Issued 11 AUSTRALIANRAILTRACK GPOBOX14,SYDNEY, s.58Licence 14ͲJanͲ 1123725CORPORATIONLIMITED NSW2001 Variation Issued 11 AUSTRALIANRAILTRACK GPOBOX14,SYDNEY, s.58Licence 19ͲJanͲ 1123791CORPORATIONLIMITED NSW2001 Variation Issued 11 AUSTRALIANRAILTRACK GPOBOX14,SYDNEY, s.58Licence 1ͲAprͲ 1123916CORPORATIONLIMITED NSW2001 Variation Issued 11 AUSTRALIANRAILTRACK GPOBOX14,SYDNEY, s.58Licence 28Ͳ 1501777CORPORATIONLIMITED NSW2001 Variation Issued SepͲ11 Issued Number Name Location Type Status date AUSTRALIANRAILTRACK GPOBOX14,SYDNEY, s.58Licence 13ͲJanͲ 1503705CORPORATIONLIMITED NSW2001 Variation Issued 12 AUSTRALIANRAILTRACK GPOBOX14,SYDNEY, s.58Licence 30Ͳ 1508511CORPORATIONLIMITED NSW2001 Variation Issued AugͲ12 AUSTRALIANRAILTRACK GPOBOX14,SYDNEY, s.58Licence 9ͲOctͲ 1509294CORPORATIONLIMITED NSW2001 Variation Issued 12 AUSTRALIANRAILTRACK GPOBOX14,SYDNEY, Compliance 22Ͳ 1513680CORPORATIONLIMITED NSW2001 Audit Complete AprͲ13 28Ͳ AUSTRALIANRAILTRACK GPOBOX14,SYDNEY, s.58Licence MayͲ 1514367CORPORATIONLIMITED NSW2001 Variation Issued 13 AUSTRALIANRAILTRACK GPOBOX14,SYDNEY, s.58Licence 20ͲJanͲ 1519381CORPORATIONLIMITED NSW2001 Variation Issued 14 AUSTRALIANRAILTRACK GPOBOX14,SYDNEY, s.58Licence 11Ͳ 1526184CORPORATIONLIMITED NSW2001 Variation Issued FebͲ15 AUSTRALIANRAILTRACK GPOBOX14,SYDNEY, s.58Licence 11Ͳ 1531018CORPORATIONLIMITED NSW2001 Variation Issued JunͲ15 AUSTRALIANRAILTRACK GPOBOX14,SYDNEY, s.58Licence 2ͲNovͲ 1534754CORPORATIONLIMITED NSW2001 Variation Issued 15 30Ͳ AUSTRALIANREDCROSS 153CLARENCESTREET, Nolongerin MayͲ 6847SOCIETY SYDNEY,NSW2000 POEOlicence force 00 AUSTRALIANREDCROSS 153CLARENCESTREET, s.58Licence 25ͲJulͲ 1019130SOCIETY SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued 02 AUSTRALIANREDCROSS 153CLARENCESTREET, s.58Licence 3ͲDecͲ 1042818SOCIETY SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued 04 AUSTRALIANREDCROSS 153CLARENCESTREET, s.58Licence 11ͲJanͲ 1055199SOCIETY SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued 06 24Ͳ 11804BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 POEOlicence Surrendered DecͲ02 s.58Licence 24Ͳ 1025147BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued FebͲ03 s.58Licence 7ͲMarͲ 1025478BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued 03 17Ͳ s.58Licence MarͲ 1025596BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued 03 s.58Licence 4ͲAprͲ 1026044BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued 03 16Ͳ s.58Licence MayͲ 1026884BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued 03 28Ͳ s.58Licence MayͲ 1027585BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued 03 s.58Licence 4ͲJunͲ 1027906BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued 03 1027956BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 s.58Licence Issued 20Ͳ Issued Number Name Location Type Status date Variation JunͲ03 s.58Licence 6ͲAugͲ 1029605BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued 03 s.58Licence 28Ͳ 1029978BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued AugͲ03 s.58Licence 11Ͳ 1030731BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued SepͲ03 s.58Licence 19Ͳ 1031044BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued SepͲ03 s.58Licence 1ͲOctͲ 1031358BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued 03 s.58Licence 16Ͳ 1031595BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued OctͲ03 s.58Licence 22Ͳ 1031939BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued OctͲ03 s.58Licence 31Ͳ 1032103BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued OctͲ03 s.58Licence 5ͲDecͲ 1032913BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued 03 s.58Licence 12Ͳ 1033145BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued DecͲ03 s.58Licence 19Ͳ 1033349BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued DecͲ03 s.58Licence 19ͲJanͲ 1033988BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued 04 s.58Licence 29ͲJanͲ 1034134BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued 04 s.58Licence 13Ͳ 1034422BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued FebͲ04 s.58Licence 19Ͳ 1034629BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued FebͲ04 s.58Licence 2ͲMarͲ 1035021BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued 04 26Ͳ s.58Licence MarͲ 1035389BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued 04 s.58Licence 8ͲAprͲ 1035821BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued 04 s.58Licence 16Ͳ 1036225BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued AprͲ04 s.58Licence 4ͲMayͲ 1036631BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued 04 15Ͳ s.58Licence MayͲ 1037069BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued 04 27Ͳ s.58Licence MayͲ 1037484BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued 04 s.58Licence 4ͲJunͲ 1037689BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued 04 Issued Number Name Location Type Status date s.58Licence 11Ͳ 1037887BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued JunͲ04 s.58Licence 24Ͳ 1038254BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued JunͲ04 s.58Licence 12ͲJulͲ 1038434BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued 04 s.58Licence 13Ͳ 1039534BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued AugͲ04 s.58Licence 3ͲSepͲ 1039940BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued 04 s.58Licence 10Ͳ 1040577BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued SepͲ04 s.58Licence 17Ͳ 1040663BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued SepͲ04 s.58Licence 27Ͳ 1040918BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued SepͲ04 s.58Licence 15Ͳ 1041494BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued OctͲ04 s.58Licence 25Ͳ 1041731BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued OctͲ04 s.58Licence 29Ͳ 1041890BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued OctͲ04 s.58Licence 22Ͳ 1042459BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued NovͲ04 s.58Licence 8ͲDecͲ 1042474BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued 04 s.58Licence 17Ͳ 1043143BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued DecͲ04 s.58Licence 6ͲJanͲ 1043584BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued 05 s.58Licence 21ͲJanͲ 1043836BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued 05 s.58Licence 11Ͳ 1044361BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued FebͲ05 s.58Licence 23Ͳ 1044772BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued FebͲ05 s.58Licence 25Ͳ 1044862BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued FebͲ05 s.58Licence 28Ͳ 1044898BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued FebͲ05 s.58Licence 1ͲMarͲ 1044953BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued 05 s.58Licence 3ͲMarͲ 1045026BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued 05 14Ͳ s.58Licence MarͲ 1045386BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued 05 15Ͳ s.58Licence MarͲ 1045454BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued 05 Issued Number Name Location Type Status date 18Ͳ s.58Licence MarͲ 1045543BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued 05 s.58Licence 1ͲAprͲ 1046027BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued 05 s.58Licence 8ͲAprͲ 1046188BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued 05 s.58Licence 12Ͳ 1046440BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued AprͲ05 s.58Licence 15Ͳ 1046466BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued AprͲ05 s.58Licence 18Ͳ 1046583BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued AprͲ05 s.58Licence 21Ͳ 1046924BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued AprͲ05 11Ͳ s.58Licence MayͲ 1047498BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued 05 25Ͳ s.58Licence MayͲ 1047630BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued 05 s.58Licence 16Ͳ 1048418BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued JunͲ05 s.58Licence 4ͲAugͲ 1050424BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued 05 s.58Licence 19Ͳ 1050625BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued AugͲ05 s.58Licence 17Ͳ 1056208BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued FebͲ06 17Ͳ s.58Licence MarͲ 1057565BILFINGERBERGERAGͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued 06 CARLTON&UNITED 24Ͳ BREWERIES(NSW)PTY 26Ͳ98BROADWAY, MarͲ 1521LTD SYDNEY,NSW2000 POEOlicence Surrendered 00 CARLTON&UNITED BREWERIES(NSW)PTY 26Ͳ98BROADWAY, s.58Licence 23Ͳ 1012149LTD SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued NovͲ01 CEMENTAUSTRALIA SOMMERVILLEROAD, 29Ͳ 4310HOLDINGSPTYLTD SYDNEY,NSW2000 POEOlicence Issued AugͲ00 CEMENTAUSTRALIA SOMMERVILLEROAD, s.58Licence 11Ͳ 1008194HOLDINGSPTYLTD SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued SepͲ01 CEMENTAUSTRALIA SOMMERVILLEROAD, s.58Licence 2ͲOctͲ 1105088HOLDINGSPTYLTD SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued 09 3085763872JOHNHOLLANDPTYLTD SYDNEY,NSW2000 PenaltyNotice Withdrawn 2ͲMarͲ 20079JOHNHOLLANDPTYLTD SYDNEY,NSW2000 POEOlicence Surrendered 12 13Ͳ s.58Licence MarͲ 1504855JOHNHOLLANDPTYLTD SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued 12 Issued Number Name Location Type Status date s.58Licence 28Ͳ 1507027JOHNHOLLANDPTYLTD SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued JunͲ12 3ͲJulͲ 3085764606JOHNHOLLANDPTYLTD SYDNEY,NSW2000 PenaltyNotice Issued 12 LUHRMANN ENVIRONMENT 6ͲSepͲ 4653MANAGEMENTPTYLTDͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 POEOlicence Surrendered 00 LUHRMANN ENVIRONMENT s.58Licence 22Ͳ 1021590MANAGEMENTPTYLTDͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued NovͲ02 PATRICKSTEVEDORES OPERATIONSPTY GATE5HICKSONROAD, 25Ͳ 7180LIMITED SYDNEY,NSW2000 POEOlicence Surrendered FebͲ00 PATRICKSTEVEDORES OPERATIONSPTY GATE5HICKSONROAD, s.58Licence 27Ͳ 1028037LIMITED SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued JunͲ03 7ͲSepͲ 4838ROBERTORCHARDͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 POEOlicence Surrendered 00 s.58Licence 17Ͳ 1009568ROBERTORCHARDͲ,SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued SepͲ01 ROYALBOTANIC MRSMACQUARIES GARDENSANDDOMAIN ROAD,SYDNEY,NSW Nolongerin 4ͲAugͲ 6193TRUST 2000 POEOlicence force 00 ROYALBOTANIC MRSMACQUARIES GARDENSANDDOMAIN ROAD,SYDNEY,NSW s.96Prevention 24Ͳ 1006659TRUST 2000 Notice Issued JunͲ03 ROYALBOTANIC MRSMACQUARIES 10Ͳ GARDENSANDDOMAIN ROAD,SYDNEY,NSW s.58Licence MayͲ 1047181TRUST 2000 Variation Issued 05 ROYALBOTANIC MRSMACQUARIES s.110Variation GARDENSANDDOMAIN ROAD,SYDNEY,NSW ofPrevention 30Ͳ 1066372TRUST 2000 Notice Issued OctͲ06 ROYALBOTANIC MRSMACQUARIES s.110Variation GARDENSANDDOMAIN ROAD,SYDNEY,NSW ofPrevention 5ͲFebͲ 1096585TRUST 2000 Notice Issued 09 ROYALBOTANIC MRSMACQUARIES s.110Variation GARDENSANDDOMAIN ROAD,SYDNEY,NSW ofPrevention 21Ͳ 1511045TRUST 2000 Notice Issued DecͲ12 ROYALBOTANIC MRSMACQUARIES s.110Variation GARDENSANDDOMAIN ROAD,SYDNEY,NSW ofPrevention 2ͲJulͲ 1530309TRUST 2000 Notice Issued 15 ROYALBOTANIC MRSMACQUARIES s.110Variation GARDENSANDDOMAIN ROAD,SYDNEY,NSW ofPrevention 9ͲFebͲ 1548933TRUST 2000 Notice Issued 17 ROYALBOTANIC MRSMACQUARIES s.110Variation 13Ͳ GARDENSANDDOMAIN ROAD,SYDNEY,NSW ofPrevention MarͲ 1549567TRUST 2000 Notice Issued 17 SOUTHEASTERNSYDNEY 30Ͳ ANDILLAWARRAAREA 8MACQUARIESTREET, Nolongerin MayͲ 7370HEALTHSERVICE SYDNEY,NSW2000 POEOlicence force 00 Issued Number Name Location Type Status date SOUTHEASTERNSYDNEY ANDILLAWARRAAREA 8MACQUARIESTREET, s.58Licence 25ͲJulͲ 1018977HEALTHSERVICE SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued 02 SOUTHEASTERNSYDNEY ANDILLAWARRAAREA 8MACQUARIESTREET, s.58Licence 13Ͳ 1041473HEALTHSERVICE SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued OctͲ04 SYDNEYOPERAHOUSE BENNELONGPOINT, 10ͲJanͲ 4091TRUST SYDNEY,NSW2000 POEOlicence Surrendered 02 SYDNEYSHIPREPAIR& GoatIsland,SYDNEY, 9ͲNovͲ 11517ENGINEERINGPTYLTD NSW2000 POEOlicence Issued 01 SYDNEYSHIPREPAIR& GoatIsland,SYDNEY, s.58Licence 6ͲFebͲ 1014577ENGINEERINGPTYLTD NSW2000 Variation Issued 02 SYDNEYSHIPREPAIR& GoatIsland,SYDNEY, s.58Licence 26Ͳ 1041143ENGINEERINGPTYLTD NSW2000 Variation Issued AprͲ05 SYDNEYSHIPREPAIR& GoatIsland,SYDNEY, s.58Licence 31Ͳ 1050231ENGINEERINGPTYLTD NSW2000 Variation Issued AugͲ05 SYDNEYSHIPREPAIR& GoatIsland,SYDNEY, s.91CleanUp 12Ͳ 1065958ENGINEERINGPTYLTD NSW2000 Notice Issued DecͲ06 SYDNEYSHIPREPAIR& GoatIsland,SYDNEY, s.58Licence 4ͲJulͲ 1067925ENGINEERINGPTYLTD NSW2000 Variation Issued 07 SYDNEYSHIPREPAIR& GoatIsland,SYDNEY, s.58Licence 16Ͳ 1095725ENGINEERINGPTYLTD NSW2000 Variation Issued SepͲ09 SYDNEYSHIPREPAIR& GoatIsland,SYDNEY, s.58Licence 26ͲJulͲ 1114245ENGINEERINGPTYLTD NSW2000 Variation Issued 10 SYDNEYSHIPREPAIR& GoatIsland,SYDNEY, s.58Licence 22Ͳ 1509194ENGINEERINGPTYLTD NSW2000 Variation Issued NovͲ12 THEHOSPITALS CONTRIBUTIONFUNDOF403GeorgeStreet, Nolongerin 8ͲFebͲ 10420AUSTRALIALTD SYDNEY,NSW2000 POEOlicence force 00 THEHOSPITALS CONTRIBUTIONFUNDOF403GeorgeStreet, s.58Licence 17Ͳ 1034575AUSTRALIALTD SYDNEY,NSW2000 Variation Issued FebͲ04  



Site: 10 Playfair Street , THE ROCKS NSW 2000, 12-20 Playfair Street , THE ROCKS NSW 2000 Applicant: SYDNEY HARBOUR FORESHORE AUTHORITY

PROPOSAL Installation of a 5000 litre grease trap below ground on Kendall Lane side of the Rocks Centre.

The City of Sydney has received the above Development Application. As part of our assessment process, we are notifying surrounding neighbours and property owners to seek their views on the proposal. The application is on public exhibition until 9 September 2015. (If the period finishes on a weekend, the period is extended to the next working day). During this time, you are welcome to make a submission on the proposal. You can view the full application at any of the following locations (although privacy restrictions exist for internal areas of residential buildings): 1. Online at the City’s website, under Development – Development Applications – On Exhibition. The website contains all relevant details of the proposal, including plans, which can be downloaded if required. A submission can be made directly from the website. 2. In person at the following location: CBD Level 2, Town Hall House, 456 Kent St, Sydney. Mon to Fri 8am - 6pm.

If you would like to speak directly to a Council planning officer about this development application, you can contact Anne-Marie Young on Ph: 9265 9333 or email: [email protected]

Yours faithfully

BILL MACKAY Manager – Planning Assessment



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 $ /#  .   0 ,+ +  .1+ 0 +  $ -23   $ 45 $ 1+ $+  1 .1 4+  + $  $ +6   +    . + 73   +1+  + .1 $ 3   1 $5 "$ + +  +8   + $ $   . ++3  + 4  .  . + 1+ +5 ! + . $ 1+ 1+   9$ 15 +   .    # +.+    ! "   + &6%( +.+    ! " 

 $ /#  .   0 ,+ +  .1+ 0 +  $ -23   $ 45 $ 1+ $+  1 .1 4+  + $  $ +6   +    . + 73   +1+  + .1 $ 3   1 $5 "$ + +  +8   + $ $   . ++3  + 4  .  . + 1+ +5 ! + . $ 1+ 1+   9$ 15 +   .  DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION ASSESSMENT

Application No: D/2015/1138

Date of Lodgement 13-Aug-2015



Proposal: Installation of a 5000 litre grease trap below ground on Kendall Lane side of the Rocks Centre.


A site visit was carried out on 13 October 2015.

The site is located at the eastern side of Playfair Street in the Rocks. It extends through to Kendall Lane at the rear and is made up of a three storey building which comprises retail at ground level and residential on the upper floors. The site is known as the Rocks Centre and the specific area to which the subject application relates is under the outdoor awning on Kendall Lane. The site does not comprise a heritage item, however, is located in close proximity to surrounding heritage items

The area to which the proposed grease trap will be installed comprises a section within the portico fronting Kendall Lane. The proposed grease trap will be used with a future restaurant (shop 13).

The site is surrounded by retail and commercial uses. Photos of the site and surrounds are provided below:


Figure 1: Aerial image of subject site and surrounding area.

South Sydney Delegated

Figure 2 and 3: Site viewed from Kendall Lane looking south and north.


Installation of a 5000 litre grease trap below ground on Kendall Lane of the Rocks centre. The grease trap will involve excavating the site to a depth of 2350mm. The grease trap measures 3810mm x 1510mm.

The application is supported with an archaeological assessment.


There is no relevant development application history.

Development Application

Compliance Action

The site is not subject to a current compliance action.


The application has been assessed under Section 79C of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, including consideration of the following matters:

(a) Environmental Planning Instruments and DCPs.

Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979

Page 2 Pursuant to Section 226 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulations, 2000, a public authority is prescribed as being the “Crown” for the purposes of the Act. As the Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority is a public authority, the subject application is considered to be “Crown Development”.

It is important to note that under the provisions of Section 89(1) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act. 1979, where a development application is made by or on behalf of the “Crown”, the consent authority must not either:

(a) refuse its consent, except with the approval of the NSW Minister for Planning and Infrastructure; or (b) impose a condition of its consent, except with the written approval of the NSW Minister for Planning and Infrastructure or the applicant.

The draft conditions of consent included within the recommendation of this report were provided to the applicant (being Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority) in correspondence, dated 23 November 2015 and as amended on 2 December 2015.

The applicant, in correspondence dated 3 December 2015 has agreed to the imposition of all draft conditions of consent.

Roads Act, 1993

Pursuant to Section 6 of Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority Act 1998, SHFA are the Roads Authority under the Roads Act, 1993. It is noted in this instance that the land where the grease trap is proposed is not classified or zoned as road. The land is owned by the Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority (SHFA).

Heritage Act, 1977

Pursuant to Section 170 of the Heritage Act, 1977, Government agencies are required to collate a Heritage and Conservation Register. SHFA has listed ‘The Rocks Conservation Area’ on its Section 170 register. It is noted that inclusion on this register does not mean that the Conservation Area is on the State Heritage Register or that the application constitutes ‘Integrated Development’ under the EP&A Act, 1979.

The application was referred to Council’s Heritage Specialist as the proposed Grease trap is located within the Conservation Area. No objection has been raised to the proposal.

State Environmental Planning Policy (State and Regional Development) 2011

The site is located in an identified as a State significant development site (being ‘The Rocks site’) pursuant to State Environmental Planning Policy (State and Regional Development) 2011. However, pursuant to Schedule 2 of this policy, where the proposal has a capital investment value of less than $10 million, it is not deemed to be “State significant”.

State Environmental Planning Police (Major Development) 2005

Clause 12A of SEPP (Major Development) 2005 applies to development on land identified as being a Sydney Harbour Foreshore Site that is not State significant

Page 3 development. The proposal falls into this category. Pursuant to this clause, the City of Sydney is the consent authority for development within this area that is not deemed to be “State significant”.

State Environmental Planning Policy No 55—Remediation of Land

The aim of SEPP 55 is to ensure that a change of land use will not increase the risk to health, particularly in circumstances where a more sensitive land use is proposed.

The application was referred to Council’s Health Department who reviewed the site history to assess potential risk of land being contaminated. Health notes previous uses for the land as stated in the Archaeological report prepared by Wayne Johnson include ‘various industrial uses’, a vacant yard and a hospital. A condition is recommended that requires the notification to Council of any new contamination evidence should this come to light during the excavation and installation works.

State Environmental Planning Policy (Infrastructure) 2007

The provisions of SEPP (Infrastructure) 2007 have been considered in the assessment of the development application.

Clause 45

The application is subject to Clause 45 (Subdivision 2 Development likely to affect an electricity transmission or distribution network) of the SEPP as the development:

In accordance with the Clause, the application was referred to Ausgrid on 2 November 2015 for a period of 21 days. At the time of writing this report no response was received.

Clause 88

The site is within Zone B CBD Rail Link. Under clause 88 of the SEPP the proposal requires concurrence from Rail Corp as it involves excavation in excess of 2m in depth. In accordance with the SEPP the application was referred to Rail Corp on the 2 November 2015 for a period of 21 days.

On 2 December 2015 a referral response was received from Transport for NSW who advised that the grease trap is outside the zone of influence of the proposed tunnel and the proposed works are not likely to impact on the proposed tunnel construction Therefore, concurrence is not required and no conditions of consent relating to the future interim rail corridor are required to be imposed on the subject development application.

Sydney Regional Environmental Plan (Sydney Harbour Catchment) 2005 (Deemed SEPP)

The site is located within the designated hydrological catchment of Sydney Harbour and is subject to the provisions of the above SREP.

Page 4 The Sydney Harbour Catchment Planning Principles must be considered in the carrying out of development within the catchment. The key relevant principles include: x Protect and improve hydrological, ecological and geomorphologic processes. x Consider cumulative impacts of development within the catchment. x Improve water quality of urban runoff and reduce quantity and frequency of urban run-off. x Protect and rehabilitate riparian corridors and remnant vegetation.

The site is within the Sydney Harbour Catchment and eventually drains into the Harbour. The site is also located within in the Foreshores Waterways Area. The proposed development is considered to be in keeping with the provisions and principles of SREP (Sydney Harbour Catchment) 2005 and the Rocks Heritage Management Plan April 2010.

The proposal is considered to be consistent with the aims and matters for consideration as outlined at Clause 2 and Division 2 of the SREP.

Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 29, the proposed works are not a nominated development type, and therefore, no referral is required to the Foreshores and Waterways Planning and Development Advisory Committee.

The development is consistent with the controls contained with the deemed SEPP.

Sydney Cove Redevelopment Authority Scheme

The site is located within Precinct XXXI under the provision of this scheme. The proposal is considered to be in compliance with the requirements set out in the Building Site Control drawing and is therefore appropriate with regard to these controls.

Sydney LEP 2012

The site is located within the Rocks and is not therefore covered by the SLEP 2012.

Sydney DCP 2012

The relevant matters to be considered under Sydney Development Control Plan 2012 for the proposed development are outlined below.

3. General Provisions

Comment Development Control Compliance

3.1 Public Domain Yes  The proposed grease trap is required to service a restaurant. The proposed

Page 5 Elements grease trap is located below ground level and will not conflict with pedestrian or public access.

3.5 Urban Ecology Yes  The proposed development does not involve the removal of any trees and will not adversely impact on the local urban ecology.

3.9 Heritage Yes  The proposal is below ground and will not impact on the heritage significance of the Rocks Conservation Area, surrounding heritage items or any potential archaeological significance. Refer below.

3.14 Waste Yes  A condition has been recommended for the proposed development to comply with

the relevant provisions of the City of Sydney Code for Waste Minimisation in New Developments 2005.



The subject site comprises a 6sqm area of land located under the awning / portico of the Rocks Centre at 10 Playfair Street. The building is not a heritage item, however, heritage items are located within close proximity to the site. The proposed grease trap is located under-ground and will not impact on the heritage significance of neighbouring heritage items or the area.

The site has also been assessed as having potential archaeological remains dating to the 1830s in the form of a sandstone boundary wall. This wall was demolished by the 1850s and it is not clear to what extent it’s foundations were removed. Subsequently the site served as a yard for industrial premises which occupied the site from c1850-1973. An excavation permit exception under Section 139 (4) of the Heritage Act 1977 was submitted. The exception has been endorsed as it has been assessed that the excavation will have a minor impact on the archaeological resource.

The application was referred to Council’s Heritage Specialist who advised that the proposal is acceptable.

(b) Other Impacts of the Development

The proposed development is capable of complying with the BCA.

Page 6 It is considered that the proposal will have no significant detrimental effect relating to environmental, social or economic impacts on the locality, subject to appropriate conditions being imposed.

(c) Suitability of the site for the Development

The proposal is of a nature in keeping with the overall function of the site. The premises are in a commercial/residential surrounding and amongst similar uses to that proposed.


External Referrals

Transport for NSW

As noted above, the application was referred to Sydney Trains / Transport for NSW who confirmed that concurrence is not required.


The application was referred to Ausgrid on 2 November 2015, at the time of writing this report no response was received.

Internal Referrals

The conditions of other sections of Council have been included in the proposed conditions.

The application was discussed with the Heritage and Urban Design Specialists; Building Services Unit; Environmental Health and Surveyors who advised that the proposal is acceptable subject to the recommended conditions. NOTIFICATION, ADVERTISING AND DELEGATION (Submission(s) received)

In accordance with Schedule 1 the Sydney DCP 2012, the proposed development is required to be notified. As such the application was notified for a period of 14 days. As a result of this notification there was one submission received which raised the following issues:

(a) The proposal will create noise pollution to hotel guests who face immediately onto the laneway below. Concern is raised that construction work and servicing of the grease trap will commence prior to 8.30am which would have a detrimental impact on the hotel business and the amenity of guests.

Page 7 Response - The main issue raised was regarding early morning noise disturbances generated by the installation of the grease trap as well as noise generated when the grease trap is emptied. Council’s Health Department have amended Council’s standard noise condition to address potential noise disturbances to this property. The recommended conditions require construction work and servicing of the grease trap not to commence before 8.30am.

The applicant must also have approval from before commencing works. Approval is subject to meeting Sydney Water’s requirements for grease trap installation and equipment. A condition has been applied to this proposal to address this issue and to ensure approval is obtained.

(a) Concerns is raised about traffic management during construction on the laneway which is currently congested.

Response – A condition is recommended requiring the public way not to be obscured by materials, vehicles, skips and the like during construction.

(b) The existing grease traps emit a foul odour when they are emptied on a weekly basis impacting on the amenity if the hotel.

Response – A condition is recommended requiring serving and emptying of the grease trap to be done in a manner that minimises the occurrence of noise, odour or emissions.

(e) Public Interest

It is considered that the proposal will have no detrimental effect on the public interest, subject to appropriate conditions being proposed.


Section 61 Contributions

The development is not subject to a Section 61 Contribution.


Having regard to all of the above matters, it is considered that the proposal for a grease trap generally satisfies the relevant strategy, objectives and provisions of the Sydney LEP 2012 and the Sydney DCP 2012, is acceptable and is recommended for approval subject to conditions as shown in the attached Decision Notice.

The application is approved under delegated authority of Council.

The undersigned declare, to the best of their knowledge that they have no interest, pecuniary or otherwise, in this development application or persons associated with it and have provided an impartial assessment.

Page 8 Report Prepared by: Application determined by:

Anne-Marie Young Nicola Reeve Senior Planner A/Area Planning Manager

Page 9 


NOTICE OF DETERMINATION - APPROVAL Issued under Section 80(1)(a) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 Development Application No. D/2015/1138


Land to be developed 10 PLAYFAIR STREET , THE ROCKS NSW 2000, 12- 20 PLAYFAIR STREET , THE ROCKS NSW 2000

Part Lot 2 DP 264080, Lot 2 DP 264080

Approved development Installation of a 5000 litre grease trap below ground on Kendall Lane side of the Rocks Centre.

Cost of development $20,000

Determination The application was determined under delegation of Council and was granted consent subject to the conditions

Section 61 Contribution A Section 61 Contribution (under the City of Sydney Act 1988) does not apply to this development.

Other Approvals Before commencing building work or subdivision work, a relevant Section 109R Certificate must be obtained.

Consent is to operate from 7 December 2015

Consent will lapse on 7 December 2020

Reasons for conditions Unrestricted consent may affect the environmental amenity of the area and would not be in the public interest.

Right of appeal If you are dissatisfied with this decision, Section 97 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 gives you the right to appeal to the Land and Environment Court within six (6) months after the date on which you receive this notice.

Section 82A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 provides that the applicant may request the Council to review the determination. The request must be made in writing (or on the review application form) together with payment of the appropriate fee. The review must be lodged and determined within six (6) months of the date in which you received this notice. NOTICE OF DETERMINATION – APPROVAL D/2015/1138

Note: To enable the section 82A review to be considered within the six (6) month time frame prescribed under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, it is advisable to lodge the application for review under Section 82A as soon as possible (within 4 months) to facilitate the statutory timeframes.

Section 82A does not apply to complying development, designated development, integrated development or a determination made by Council under Division 4 in respect of Crown applications. For further information please contact Anne-Marie Young on ph. 02 9265 9392.

GRAHAM JAHN AM Director - City Planning, Development & Transport

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(1) APPROVED DEVELOPMENT (a) Development must be in accordance with Development Application No. D/2015/1138 dated 13 August 2015 and the following drawings:

Drawing Number Architect Date

H01 A FLOTH July 2015

and as amended by the conditions of this consent.

(b) In the event of any inconsistency between the approved plans and supplementary documentation, the plans will prevail.

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(2) STRUCTURAL CERTIFICATION FOR DESIGN – BCA (ALL BUILDING CLASSES) Prior to the issue of a Section 109R Certificate, structural details and a Structural Certificate for Design by a qualified practising structural engineer and in accordance with Clause A2.2(a)(iii) of the Building Code of Australia (applicable to Class 2-9 buildings) and Clause 1.2.2(iii) of Volume 2 of the BCA (applicable to Class 1 and 10 buildings) must be approved.

(3) EMISSIONS The use of the premises must not give rise to the emission of gases, vapours, dusts or other impurities which are a nuisance, injurious or prejudicial to health.

(4) GREASE TRAPS A grease trap (if required by Sydney Water) must not be installed in any kitchen, food preparation or food storage area. The grease trap room must have a piped connection to the boundary so that it can be emptied. Note: Sydney Water Authority also have requirements for grease arrestors that you need to comply with.

(5) SERVICING THE GREASE TRAP (a) The grease trap shall be emptied or serviced after 8.30am and before 5.30pm.

(b) Any servicing or emptying of the grease trap shall be done in a manner that minimises the occurrence of any noise or odour nuisance.

(6) EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL - LESS THAN 250SQM Where less than 250 square metres are being disturbed, no formal plan is required however, the site is to be provided with sediment control measures and these must be implemented so that sediment, including soil, excavated material, building material or other materials cannot fall, descend, percolate, be pumped, drained, washed or allowed to flow to the street, stormwater system or waterways.

(7) BARRICADE PERMIT Where construction/building works require the use of a public place including a road or footpath, approval under Section 138 of the Roads Act 1993 for a Barricade Permit is to be obtained from Council prior to the commencement of work. Details of the barricade construction, area of enclosure and period of work are required to be submitted to the satisfaction of Council.

(8) UTILITY SERVICES To ensure that utility authorities are advised of the development:

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(a) Prior to the issue of a Section 109R Certificate a survey is to be carried out of all utility services within and adjacent to the site including relevant information from utility authorities and excavation if necessary, to determine the position and level of services.

(b) Prior to the commencement of work the applicant is to obtain written approval from the utility authorities (e.g. Energy Australia, Sydney Water, and Telecommunications Carriers) in connection with the relocation and/or adjustment of the services affected by the construction of the underground structure. Any costs in the relocation, adjustment or support of services are to be the responsibility of the developer.

(9) CLASSIFICATION OF WASTE Prior to the exportation of waste (including fill or soil) from the site, the waste materials must be classified in accordance with the provisions of the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 and the NSW DECC Waste Classification Guidelines, Part1: Classifying Waste (July 2009). The classification of the material is essential to determine where the waste may be legally taken. The Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 provides for the commission of an offence for both the waste owner and the transporters if the waste is taken to a place that cannot lawfully be used as a waste facility for the particular class of waste. For the transport and disposal of industrial, hazardous or Group A liquid waste advice should be sought from the EPA.

(10) NOTIFICATION – NEW CONTAMINATION EVIDENCE Any new information which comes to light during remediation, demolition or construction works which has the potential to alter previous conclusions about site contamination shall be notified to the City’s Area Planning Manager.

(11) WASTE AND RECYCLING MANAGEMENT - MINOR The proposal must comply with the relevant provisions of Council's Policy for Waste Minimisation in New Developments 2005 which requires facilities to minimise and manage waste and recycling generated by the proposal.

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(12) OCCUPATION CERTIFICATE TO BE SUBMITTED An Occupation Certificate must be obtained and a copy submitted to Council prior to commencement of occupation or use of the whole or any part of a new building, an altered portion of, or an extension to an existing building.

(13) HOURS OF WORK AND NOISE – OUTSIDE CBD The hours of construction and work on the development must be as follows:

(a) All work, including building/demolition and excavation work, and activities in the vicinity of the site generating noise associated with preparation for the commencement of work (eg. loading and unloading of goods, transferring of tools etc) in connection with the proposed development must only be carried out between the hours of 8.30am and 5.30pm on Mondays to Fridays, inclusive, and 8.30am and 5.30pm on Saturdays, with safety inspections being permitted at 8.00am on work days, and no work must be carried out on Sundays or public holidays.

(b) All work, including demolition, excavation and building work must comply with the City of Sydney Code of Practice for Construction Hours/Noise 1992 and Australian Standard 2436 - 2010 Guide to Noise Control on Construction, Maintenance and Demolition Sites.

Note: Works may be undertaken outside of hours, where it is required to avoid the loss of life, damage to property, to prevent environmental harm and/or to avoid structural damage to the building. Written approval must be given by the Construction Regulation Unit, prior to works proceeding

The City of Sydney Code of Practice for Construction Hours/Noise 1992 allows extended working hours subject to the approval of an application in accordance with the Code and under Section 96 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

(14) CONNECTION TO SEWERS OF SYDNEY WATER CORPORATION Waste water arising from the use must be directed to the sewers of the Sydney Water Corporation (SWC) under a Trade Waste License Agreement. The pre- treatment of wastewater may be a requirement of the Corporation prior to discharge to the sewer. Details of the Corporation’s requirements should be obtained prior to the commencement of construction work.

(15) ENCROACHMENTS – NEIGHBOURING PROPERTIES No portion of the proposed structure shall encroach onto the adjoining properties.

(16) ENCROACHMENTS – PUBLIC WAY No portion of the proposed structure, including gates and doors during opening and closing operations, shall encroach upon Council’s footpath area.

Page 6


(17) NO OBSTRUCTION OF PUBLIC WAY The public way must not be obstructed by any materials, vehicles, refuse, skips or the like, under any circumstances. Non-compliance with this requirement will result in the issue of a notice by Council to stop all work on site.

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The prescribed conditions in accordance with Division 8A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 apply:

Clause 98 Compliance with Building Code of Australia and insurance requirements under the Home Building Act 1989

Clause 98A Erection of signs

Clause 98B Notification of Home Building Act 1989 requirements

Clause 98C Conditions relating to entertainment venues

Clause 98D Conditions relating to maximum capacity signage

Clause 98E Conditions relating to shoring and adequacy of adjoining property

Refer to the NSW State legislation for full text of the clauses under Division 8A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000. This can be accessed at:

Page 8

IMPORTANT ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Advisory note: The State Government has commenced planning for the construction of the CBD South East Light Rail (CSELR). You may need to consider the potential impacts of this project in programming your development. The CSELR route includes Alfred St, George St, Rawson Place, Eddy Ave, Chalmers St, and Devonshire St. For construction and programming information contact the Transport for NSW Infoline on 1800 684 490 or The Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 requires you to: 1. Obtain a Construction Certificate prior to the commencement of any works. An application may be lodged with Council, or you may apply to a private accredited certifier for a Construction Certificate. An accredited certifier must obtain Council’s approval to certain conditions of this development consent, where indicated before issuing the Construction Certificate. 2. Note: it is compulsory to lodge digital copies of applications, including plans and documentation if lodging an application with Council. Please refer to the link below for any further information about digital requirements and electronic files. process/digital-requirements. 3. Nominate a Principal Certifying Authority (PCA) which may be either Council or an accredited certifier and notify Council of that appointment. You cannot lawfully commence works without complying with this requirement. 4. Give Council at least two days notice of your intention to commence the erection of a building before commencing construction works. You cannot lawfully commence works without complying with this requirement. 5. Obtain an Occupation Certificate before commencing occupation or commencing to use the building or on the completion of other works including the erection of a sign. You cannot lawfully commence occupation or the use of a building without complying with this requirement. You may also need to: 6. Lodge an Application for Approval under Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993 for an activity under that Act, including the erection of a hoarding. 7. Lodge an Application for Subdivision to obtain a Subdivision Certificate if a land (including stratum) subdivision is proposed and an Application for Subdivision to obtain Strata Title Subdivision under the relevant Strata Titles Act, if strata title of the development is proposed. 8. Comply with the Food Act 2003, the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code, Australian Standard 4674 – 2004, and register the business with Council if the premises is used for the manufacture, preparation, packing, storing, conveying or delivering of food or beverage for sale. 9. Contact Sydney Water, Rockdale (Urban Development Section) regarding the water and sewerage services to this development. 10. Carry out critical stage inspections in accordance with Section 109E of the EP&A Act 1979 and clauses 162A, 162B and 163 of the EP&A Regulation 2000. Applications and submissions referred to in this consent may be lodged at: CBD Level 2, Town Hall House, 456 Kent St, Sydney. KINGS CROSS 50-52 Darlinghurst Rd, Kings Cross. GLEBE Customer Service Centre, 186 Glebe Point Rd, Glebe. If you have any enquiries on any aspect of this consent, contact Anne-Marie Young ph. 02 9265 9392, email [email protected].