Center for Computation & Technology CCT Technical Report Series CCT-TR-2008-1 A General Relativistic Evolution Code on CUDA Architectures Burkhard Zink Center for Computation & Technology and Department of Physics & Astronomy Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803 USA Posted January 2008. The author(s) retain all copyright privileges for this article and accompanying materials. Nothing may be copied or republished without the written consent of the author(s). A general relativistic evolution code on CUDA architectures Burkhard Zink Center for Computation and Technology, and Department of Physics and Astronomy, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803, USA
[email protected] ABSTRACT In this technical report, I will describe an implementation I describe the implementation of a finite-differencing code of one of the most challenging problems in computational for solving Einstein’s field equations on a GPU, and measure physics, solving Albert Einstein’s field equations for general speed-ups compared to a serial code on a CPU for different relativistic gravitation, on a graphics processing unit. The parallelization and caching schemes. Using the most effi- primary purpose is to make an estimate of potential perfor- cient scheme, the (single precision) GPU code on an NVIDIA mance gains in comparison to current CPUs, and gain an Quadro FX 5600 is shown to be up to 26 times faster than understanding of architectural requirements for middleware the a serial CPU code running on an AMD Opteron 2.4 GHz. solutions serving the needs of the scientific community, most Even though the actual speed-ups in production codes will notably the Cactus Computational Toolkit [4, 3, 9].