CAV: Strike Operations Rulebook sergeant) l Platoon (one squad) Official Update 3.4: Tactical Briefings , Mechanized (Fire Team x4, warrant sergeant, lieutenant, transports) As much as we strive to make sure our rules are Infantry, Mortar (Fire Team x4, warrant error-free, mistakes inevitability do make it in or the sergeant, lieutenant, transports) intent of this rule or that, might not be as transparent as we think (not to mention players finding ways to Combat Assault Vehicle (CAV) use a particular rule in a way we never imagined). l CAV (one model) These documents collect any amendments or Pilot changes to the CSO rules as well as present our l Troop (one squad) responses to players' frequently asked questions (FAQ). CAV x4 (warrant sergeant, lieutenant) Whenever updated, the document includes a version l Company number and publishing date for players to reference. Troop x4 (senior warrant sergeant, ) l Battalion Note: Going forward, sections in a document Company x4 (master warrant sergeant, ) highlighted inblue denote any changes from the l Regiment previous version number. Battalion x4 (regimental master warrant sergeant, colonel) For any additional questions, please email us at: [email protected] P.74- The Almirithil Principality Update the Almirithil force structure: P.40- Mechanized Infantry Squad (Clarification) P.41- Mortar Squad (Clarification) Infantry l Section (one model) Transports: Mechanized and Mortars Squads are Infantry, Light & Heavy ( x6, junior limited to the number of transports required to move sergeant, sergeant) the entire squad, with no more than one transport per Infantry, Mechanized (soldier x4, junior model, based on the number ofSA: Transport rating sergeant, sergeant) levels provided by aModel Task: Transport model(s). Infantry, Mortar (soldier x2, sergeant) Infantry, Powered (soldier x4, junior sergeant, Example: An Adon Mechanized Squad has four sergeant) models, requiringSA: Transport (4) to move them all at l Platoon (one squad) one time. Infantry, Mechanized (Section x4, senior The Adon’s Centipede APC is equipped with SA: sergeant, lieutenant, transports) Transport (3). When using this model, the squad would Infantry, Mortar (Section x3, senior sergeant, be limited to two vehicles. lieutenant, transports) If a model had onlySA: Transport (1) , the same squad would be limited to four vehicles, the P.78- The Ritterlich Republic maximum allowed for a four-model infantry squad. Update the Ritterlich force structure:

P.70- The Adon Economic Confederation (NADO) Infantry l Gruppe (one model) Q. How do the member nations of the AEC Infantry, Light & Heavy ( x4, exempted organize their own militaries? soldat, subordinate) A. While each member nation maintains its own Infantry, Mechanized (soldat x3, exempted seperate force structure outside the TO&E adopted by soldat, subordinate) NADO, from the regimental level down, retains the Infantry, Mortar (soldat, exempted soldat, same organization for easier integration into NADO subordinate) deployments. Infantry, Powered (soldat x3, exempted soldat, subordinate) P.70- Update the Adon force structure: l Zug (one squad) Infantry, Mechanized (Gruppe x8, junior field Infantry guide, , transports) l Fire Team (one model) Infantry, Mortar (Gruppe x4, junior field guide Infantry, Light & Heavy (troopers x5, , leutnant, transports) sergeant) Infantry, Mechanized (troopers x3, corporal, P.82- The Empire of Malvernis sergeant) Update the Malvernis force structure: Infantry, Mortar (troopers x2, sergeant) Infantry, Powered (troopers x3, corporal, 1 Infantry Combat Assault Vehicle (CAV) l Section (one model) l Century Infantry, Light & Heavy (apatis x8, datapatis, Turma x5 (first centurion, primus) satapatis) l Cohort Infantry, Mechanized (apatis x6, datapatis, Century x6 (senior centurion, tribune) satapatis) Infantry Mortar (apatis x2, satapatis) Federation Fleet Command Infantry, Powered (apatis x3, datapatis, The Federation Fleet maintains its own separate satapatis) command structure outside of the Federation Army, l Platoon (one squad) deploying to support the Legions as needed. Infantry, Mechanized (Section x6, satapatis (class 1), sub-commander, transports) Federation Fleet Command Ranks Infantry, Mortar (Section x6, satapatis (class 1), Fleet (enlisted) sub-commander, transports) Recruit Rating P.86- The Greater Empire of the Rach Rating 1st Class Update the Rach force structure: Senior Rating Staff Rating Infantry Master Rating l Ong (one model) Senior Master Rating Infantry, Light & Heavy (hun x4, nurhun, Chief Master Rating tuhun) Command Master Rating Infantry, Mechanized (hun x3, nurhun, tuhun) Command Master Rating of the Fleet Infantry, Mortar (hun x2, tuhun) Infantry, Powered (hun x4, nurhun, tuhun) Fleet (officer) l Platoon (one squad) Ensign Infantry, Mechanized (Ong x4, khun, koan, Lieutenant transports) Lieutenant Commander Infantry, Mortar (Ong x4, khun, koan, Commander transports) Captain Rear P.91- The United Terran Federation Vice Admiral Update the Terran force structure: Admiral Fleet Admiral The United Federation Force Army Admiral of the Fleet Legion (10 cohorts, legate) Command Admiral of the Fleet Infantry l Hastati (one model) Force Structure (Federation Fleet Command) Infantry, Light & Heavy (legionnaire x6, senior The Federation Fleet is divided into three legionnaire, centurion) seperate commands, each tasked with a specific area Infantry, Mechanized (legionnaire x4, senior of responsibility and led by an Admiral of the Fleet. legionnaire, centurion) Infantry, Mortar (legionnaire x2, senior Strategic Space Command (SSC) legionnaire) The SSC is charged with maintaining all of the Infantry, Powered (legionnaire x4, senior Fleet’s defensive-based assets. These include planet- legionnaire, centurion) side defense systems, orbital platforms & stations, and l Pilus (one squad) any ships assigned to planetary garrison duty, Infantry, Mechanized (Hastati x5, second including 1st (Home) Fleet in the Sol System. centurion, optus, transports) Infantry, Mortar (Hastati x5, second centurion, Tactical Space Command (TSC) optus, transports) The TSC is charged with supporting the l Century Federation Army. This includes transportation, Pilus x5 (first centurion, primus) planetary assault, and convoy duty (which includes l Cohort ships assigned to the Merchant Marine). Century x6 (senior centurion, tribune) Fleet Space Command (FSC) Combat Vehicle The FSC oversees all of the ships assigned to the l Century various combat fleets of the Federation and includes Turma x5 (first centurion, primus) the Fleet Marine Corps as part of their command. l Cohort Century x6 (senior centurion, tribune) 2 Aircraft l Craft (one model) Commandant of the Fleet Marines (Lieutenant) l Flight (squad) Force Structure (Federation Fleet Marine Corps) Craft x2 (Lieutenant Commander) l Battalion (Company x5, lieutenant colonel) l Squadron l Regiment (Battalion X3, colonel) Flight x6 (Commander) l Division (Regiment x5, major general) l Group Squadron x6 (Captain) Infantry l Wing l Fire Team (one model) Group x2+ (Rear Admiral) Infantry, All ( x2, lance corporal, Spacecraft corporal) l Ship (one spaceship) l Rifle Squad (one squad) (Captain) Infantry, All (Fire Team x4, sergeant) l Strike Group Infantry, Mechanized & Mortar (transports) Ship x5+ (Rear Admiral) l Rifle Platoon (Weapons Platoon) l Battle Force Rifle Squad x3 (gunnery sergeant, lieutenant) Strike Group x2+ (Vice Admiral) l Rifle Company (Weapons Company) l Task Force Rifle Platoon x5 (master sergeant, lieutenant Battle Force x2+ (Admiral) 1st class, captain) l Fleet (Fleet Admiral) l Space Command (Admiral of the Fleet) Combat Vehicles & CAVs l Federation Fleet Command l Vehicle/CAV (one model) (Command Admiral of the Fleet) (sergeant) l Squad (one squad) Federation Fleet Marine Corps vehicles/CAVs x4 (sergeant 1st class) As a component of the Federation Fleet, the Fleet l Platoon Marine Corps is responsible for defending all space- Squads x3 (lieutenant) going ships against boarders and the multitude of l Company Fleet installations throughout the Federation. Platoon x3 (captain) The Marines maintain several Fighter Attack Squadrons for both ground and space operations, Aircraft special forces through the Marine Corps Raider l Craft (one model) Regiments & Force Reconnaissance Battalions, and (lieutenant) expeditionary forces for planetary assault. l Section (one squad) Craft x2 (captain) Federation Fleet Marine Corps Ranks l Squadron Fleet Marines (enlisted) Section x3 (major) Private l Group Private 1st Class Squadron x2-x9 (colonel) Lance Corporal l Wing Corporal Group x4-x12 (brigadier) Sergeant Sergeant 1st Class P.96- The Grand Order of the Temple Gunnery Sergeant Update the Templar force structure: Master Sergeant Master Gunnery Sergeant Infantry Sergeant Major l Section (one model) Sergeant Major of the Fleet Marines Infantry, Light & Heavy (private x5, under sergeant, sergeant) Fleet Marines (officer) Infantry, Mechanized (private x4, under Cadet sergeant, sergeant) Lieutenant 2nd Class Infantry, Mortar (private x2, sergeant) Lieutenant 1st Class Infantry, Powered (private x3, under sergeant, Captain sergeant) Major l Squad (one squad) Lieutenant Colonel Infantry, Mechanized Colonel Section x5 (first sergeant, knight, transports) Brigadier Infantry, Mortar Lieutenant General Section x5 (first sergeant, knight, transports) Major General 3