PREPARED BY: INDRANEEL DAWANDE, ENGEOTECH CONSULTANT, JABALPUR (M.P.) Page 1 PREPARED BY: INDRANEEL DAWANDE, ENGEOTECH CONSULTANT, JABALPUR (M.P.) Page 2 PREPARED BY: INDRANEEL DAWANDE, ENGEOTECH CONSULTANT, JABALPUR (M.P.) Page 3 PREPARED BY: INDRANEEL DAWANDE, ENGEOTECH CONSULTANT, JABALPUR (M.P.) Page 4 MINING PLAN ALONG WITH PROGRESSIVE MINE CLOSURE PLAN FOR BHADAWAR DOLOMITE MINES AT VILLAGE BHADAWAR, TEHSIL BADWARA, DISTRICT KATNI (M.P.), AREA 1.777 HECTARES CHAPTER - I 1.0 GENERAL This Mining plan for Bhadawar Dolomite Mines, over an area of 1.777 hectares of Lessee Shri K. Durga Rao, S/o Shri K. Apparao. Address: M.I.G.-2 Housing Board Colony, Katni District Katni (M.P.), situated at Village Bhadawar, Tehsil Badwara and District Katni of State Madhya Pradesh is being submitted under the Rule 42 (E) & 42 (J-2) of MP MMR 1996. The details of Bhadawar Mines are given below: S.No. Particulars Details a) Name of the lessee SHRI K. DURGA RAO, S/O SHRI K. APPARAO Address: M.I.G.-2 Housing Board Colony Teh. & dist. Katni (M.P.) PHONE NO. 8770829044, email address:
[email protected] b) Status of Lessee Individual c) Mineral (s) which are included in the PL Dolomite d) Mineral (s) which is/ are included in the Dolomite letter of Intent/ lease deed e) Mineral (s) which is the applicant/ lessee Dolomite intends to mine f) Name of Recognized Person under Rule Indraneel Dawande MP MMR 1996 Address 1338, Vijay Nagar, Jabalpur (M.P.) Phone & Fax: 07612641694, Mo.: 09425387402 email:
[email protected] Regn no. RQP/DGMMP/002/2013 Date of issue by DGM 18-04-2013 Valid up till 17-04-2018 PREPARED BY: INDRANEEL DAWANDE, ENGEOTECH CONSULTANT, JABALPUR (M.P.) Page 5 CHAPTER - II 2.0 LOCATION AND ACCESSIBILITY a) Lease Detail Bhadawar Dolomite Mines Name of the mine Latitude : 23° 41’ 39.8” to 23° 41’ 44.7” Longitude : 80° 34’ 15.8” to 80° 34’23.8” Lease area 1.777 ha and lease period is effective from 17/02/1978 to 16/02/2028 (50 years) (see annexure no.