by David L. Pollard, August 1991 (updated February 2000) [email protected]

Purpose of this History One of the objectives of this report is to fill in the gaps in the family genealogy prepared by Maurice Pollard and updated since by several of the Sheridan Pollards, most recently Earle Brock Pollard of Winnipeg, Paul Plante of Brampton ([email protected]) and Chris Landry of Burlington ([email protected]). The genealogy file is stored on the Family Tree Maker site at http://www.familytreemaker.com/users/p/o/l/David-L-Pollard/. More importantly, however, I wanted to convey something of the personalities and lifestyle of the Sheridan Pollards, since so many of the family and area histories tend to be long on glorification of individuals (notably Barnett's history of the Clarksons) and on quaint quotations, and short on honest portrayal of just what pioneer life in Upper Canada was really like.

The Sheridan Pollards can be credited with some notable "firsts" in this part of Canada, but otherwise lived unspectacular but courageous and typical lives for the times. Their story is the story of most of the pioneer families of the times: a struggle against a harsh and heavily-forested wilderness, and a life of resettlement in a strange new land where community life and cooperation was not only the only alternative to loneliness and isolation, it was essential to their very survival.

The Sheridan Pollards are the descendants of Joshua Pollard Sr., a United Empire Loyalist who left his parents and siblings in the Billerica, Massachusetts area (near Boston) near the turn of the 18th century.

Upper Canada prior to 1811 - a Geographic Overview Prior to 1788, Upper Canada was merely a part of the Province of Quebec, and its central region was called the Nassau or Home District. When Upper Canada was established in 1788, the central region consisted of 4 counties (see Exhibit 1). From East to West they were: • York (including Toronto), • Peel (now comprising, from North to South, Town of Caledon, City of Brampton, City of ), • Halton (including Oakville) and • Hamilton-Wentworth

The counties were broken into several townships as shown Exhibit 1, each of which had several pioneer villages. The Pollard homestead was in the centre of a triangle of 3 villages in the Southern or Old Survey part of Toronto Township: • Springfield (later called Credit or Erindale) to the Northeast, at the junction of and the , • Clarkson's Corners (later shortened to Clarkson) to the Southeast at the junction of the Railway and Clarkson Road, and • Sheridan (originally called Hammondville) to the West, at the junction of the Peel-Halton county line and Middle Road (now QEW).

Toronto Township (now principally Mississauga) should not be confused with the City of Toronto well to the East. The village of Credit (now Erindale) should not be confused with , the village at the mouth of the Credit River to the Southeast.

In 1806 there was only one non-Indian dwelling in the area, the Government Stopping House at the mouth of the Credit River. In 1806 a survey was conducted breaking the South part of what was then called Toronto Township Old Survey into 200-acre lots. By 1811 there were about 40- 50 families in the Township, with the major concentration being 13 families in the Southwest corner (the Clarkson/Sheridan/Erindale area) and the next largest 7-8 on Dundas Street just East of what is now Erindale, on the other side of the Indian Reservation straddling the Credit River (see Exhibit 3).

The First 13 Families in Southwest Toronto Township The original families each received a full 200-acre lot consisting of a (usually) rectangular lot designated by lot # and Concession # (see Exhibits 2-3). They were:

Concession I South Lot 28-31 Joshua Pollard Sr. (pie-shaped lot) Lot 32 John Utter Lot 33 Peter Conover (formerly Coenhaven) Lot 34 Asa Patrick Lot 35 Charles Cameron Concession II South Lot 29 Peter Hess Lot 30 Benjamin Monger Lot 31 David Hibbs Lot 34 Sebastian Greeniaus Concession III South Lot 26 Christian Hendershott Lot 27 John Marlatt Lot 28 Lewis Bradley Lot 35 Henry Gable Sr.

Concession I South was bounded on the North by Dundas Street, then a dirt trail opened in 1806 (Governor Simcoe's original military road to Hamilton & Windsor), graveled in 1836. Between Concession I and II ran the Middle Road or Commissioners' Road, also a dirt trail, carved out by the above families foot by foot. The between Concessions II and III was built later so the early Concession III owners probably traveled mainly by water on their Lake Ontario frontages. The first North-South road, other than the mandated sideroads carved out by the pioneers between every 5 lots as required in the initial survey, was what is now called Clarkson Road (between lots 28-29). Until then, travel to the Spring Creek grave-ground and other areas to the South was across farmers' fields. The Indian Trail running diagonally from the mouth of the Credit was the only other road in the area. See Exhibit 3.

Other Families of early Toronto Township New arrivals of note over the next few years were

Concession I South Lot 12-14 (Indian Lands adjacent to Lots 28-29 ceded by Indians in the 1820's): Oughtreds, Cables, Teeters, Cordinglys and Hammonds Lot 28-29 Shooks Lot 31 Falconers (north part) Lot 32 Adamsons, Mitchells Lot 33-35 Adamsons, Camerons, Boyes Lot 35 Long's Shoe Store (Sheridan village) Concession II South Lot 26 Carthews Lot 27-28 Harrises, Clarksons, Peels Lot 29-30 Proctors, Morgans, Cavans, Clarksons, Bowbeers, Shooks, Stewarts and Wards Lot 31-32 Johnsons, Adamsons, Hemphills, Specks, and Utters Lot 33 Clarks, Kellys, Greenlaus', Ryersons, Munns Lot 34 Marlatts and Marshalls Lot 35 Wills, Clarks and Shunks Concession III South Lot 27 Oliphants and Slades Lot 28 Merrigolds, Uphams, Hepwoods and Masons Lot 29-30 Oliphants, Mclntoshes, Taylors, Orrs, and Bush's Inn Lot 31-32 Evans', Hammonds1 Bredins Lot 33-34 Orrs, Cordinglys, Oliphants Lot 35 Robertsons and Hammonds

Directly adjacent to Lot 35 was the Township of Trafalgar, now part of Halton County, which included the Village of Oakville. Some families had properties on both sides of the county line.

The Arrival of Joshua Pollard Sr. Joshua Pollard Sr., a United Empire Loyalist, and member of the Billerica branch of the Pollards (descended from Thomas Pollard who settled in Billerica, Massachusetts from Warwickshire, England in about 1692) was born in 1772 in Harvard, Massachussetts. He moved to Canada somewhere between 1792 and 1808. He move first to Saltfleet, Ontario (now Stony Creek, Hamilton), and then, after a brief period as squatters near King & Bay Streets (fairly commonplace procedure in those days prior to being awarded a land grant), to Sheridan. He received a pie-shaped parcel of land of 200 acres from the Government in the Toronto Township Old Survey 1st Concession S. Lots 28-31, on petition on August 8, 1808. Ontario Archive #01C14003030 dated October 2511808 applies to this land. It is on what is called Middle Road or Commissioners' Road (now or more precisely between the QEW and the North Sheridan Way service road adjacent thereto). On August 15, 1810 he signed off on the certificate granting final title to the property, acknowledging that he had "proved up" i.e. completed the requirements of building, fencing and clearing sufficient of the property as required by law at that time (see Exhibit 4).

The house was frame and log construction and twice the normal size (it was 38' by 26'), speculatively because of his intention to include an Inn on the premises once construction of Middle Road permitted it. The house was built near the road at the South end of Lot 30.

The new arrivals in Toronto Township came from three general areas. The largest group, including the Merigolds, came from the Maritimes; they traveled together and each helped the others "proving up" i.e. clearing and fencing their properties. A second group came from the Pennsylvania area (including the Shooks and Mongers), while the Pollards and a few others came from Massachusetts. The two latter groups were United Empire Loyalists, though none of them is listed in the official UEL membership list, probably because none of their descendants bothered to go through the process of admission (it is not automatic). The latter two groups also helped each other in the proving up process e.g. Henry Shook helped Joshua Pollard clear his property and build his home, and vice versa (see Exhibit 4).

At the time, the area was uncleared and heavily forested wilderness (see photo of Orr Rd in Exhibit 5h). The concession and side roads were cleared foot by foot to meet the requirements of settling up as the homes were built. Five acres (about 200,000 sf) then had to be cleared on each lot, about 2.5% of the grant area, with rudimentary tools. The home had to meet minimum size requirements (300-400 sf), and was usually built of frame and log construction. Then the job of clearing additional land for crops began. Geographic accident left the Toronto Township Old Survey with land considerably less arable than the areas to the North, which probably accounts for their slower growth despite their earlier history—the first villages formally incorporated in Peel were Brampton and Streetsville, and Brampton was for years the capital of the region and its largest town.

The roads other than Dundas Street were not wide enough for horse-drawn carriages, so transporting possessions was a slow and difficult process, and early homesteads were undoubtedly very rudimentary. There was neither time nor materials to build schools until 1816 or church buildings until 1826, despite the religious fervour and limited literacy of most of the new residents. Services by traveling fundamentalist preachers ware held once a month or so in homes in the area and annual revivals were held in tents by the roadside. Education was in the home, when time permitted. The first marked graves are dated about 1821, so even their Christian burials were at home in rudimentary plots. Only 6 of Joshua Sr.'s 12 children saw their 25th birthday. Although the legal system was reasonably well established early, there were few doctors in the area. Because the road system was so primitive, crop failures in the early years on the inferior soil would have been devastating and malnutrition would have been common. In some cases, land speculators acquired rights to lots that were never proven up, leaving travel distances between neighbours even further than the 1/4 mile along concession roads and 1 1/4 mile along sideroads. Wells had to be dug on each property to provide drinking water, and fences and barns constructed to hold animals.

By September 1, 1810 Joshua had been appointed (tax) collector for Toronto Township by the Quarter Sessions at York. Barnett (along with Hammond and Bull, the major researchers of pioneer life in Peel) thinks this made him the first appointed official in the township.

In 1811 on July 8 he was awarded "a license to keep a common Inn and Ale-house, at his residence", the first privately owned licensed Inn between the Humber and what is now Burlington, per Barnett's notes. On December 28 of that year he got a Tavern License, beating out his neighbour, Benjamin Monger, whose license was refused as being too close to the Pollards'. The Mongers and Pollards did not seem to associate much, despite the fact that the Shooks were close to both families. On Sept.14, 1814 Joshua Sr. fined Monger two pounds for refusing a horse to Gen. Dewatteville during the war of 1812, according to the Proceedings of the Court of Quarter Sessions of York. This might be evidence of the torn loyalties many of the UEL's felt during this bitter conflict. Joshua Sr. served in the War of 1812 under Captain Chisholm's distinguished Flank Company of the York Militia, from 1812 to the end of 1814. This group apparently fought on the front lines of the conflict and faced heavy casualties. Joshua must have found it difficult to fight against the country his parents and siblings all still called home. Many of the Billerica Pollards mentioned in Maurice Pollard's book were revolutionary war heroes, though there is not much mention of action during the War of 1812.

In 1814, on October 22nd he again became an Assessor of the Court for Toronto Township, per the historical 1874 Directory of the County of Peel. In 1816-18 Joshua Sr. served on the Grand Jury for the Township, and during that time fined Joshua Clarkson (brother of William Clarkson, founder of the town) for non-attendance on the Jury. These and similar posts continued until 1834.

In 1819-21 the Toronto Township New Survey grants were awarded. By 1821 Toronto Township had 803 people, Chinguacousy had 412 and Albion had 110.

In 1823 his wife Mary Ann Whitsell (Weitzel) died and he remarried Keziah (maiden name unknown) and when she died in 1833 he remarried Maria Caslor, both apparently in Sheridan contrary to the Maurice Pollard book. Keziah is buried at Spring Creek and Maria Caslor is buried in Burgesville, Oxford (Ontario) Baptist Cemetery along with Joshua Sr.’s son William and several other Pollards.

Joshua Pollard Sr.’s and Jr.’s’ Church, School and Public Activities Until the area’s first four churches were established in 1826, several preachers of different denominations gave sermons at various houses and outdoors. The Carman Methodist Church in the Southern section of the area was the worshipping place of the Bradleys, Merigolds, Hendershotts, Oliphants and Peers. The church called the Credit, Springbrook or Springfield Church of England (now St. Peters Erindale Anglican) in the Northeast area was the worshipping and burial place of the senior Shooks, Harris', Conovers, Camerons, Mitchells, Adamsons, Taylors, Hammonds and Clarksons. Springfield’s Reverend James McGrath's grand-daughter was Mrs. A Harris of "Benares", an area pioneer house used as the setting for the 1960s Jalna TV series. Near St. Peter's was Springfield Methodist, now Erindale United, worshipping place of many families further North in the New Survey lands.

The Pollards are not part of any of these congregations. They belonged, with the Greeniaus', Hemphills, some of the Shooks, and the Hammonds and Gables, to the congregation established at the Red Schoolhouse. Although the Pollards of the time were Wesleyan Methodists, the Red Schoolhouse served as a school and place of worship for six different denominations as early as 1816, and the Pollards stayed loyal to this place of worship until the 1890s. By the 1860s and 1870s, more modern churches aligned to specific denominations were built in Erindale (Credit) and Clarkson, and many of the area families gravitated towards them. The Red Schoolhouse, which at one time was so popular a place of worship that it subsidized some of the other Methodist congregations, had apparently begun to lose its primacy by the time Sheridan Methodist Church was constructed in 1869. By this time Joshua Jr. had become a Baptist (not served by any of the existing churches). The distance of the Pollards' homestead from any of the newer church buildings, and Joshua Jr.’s personal involvement with Spring Creek Cemetery, accounts perhaps for their continued use of the non-denominational Spring Creek Cemetery as the family burial ground. Although the Mississauga historical walking tour guide says Spring Creek was established in 1824, Exhibit 5e shows Pollards buried there before then, and it is likely that Joshua Sr.’s unaccounted-for children are probably in unmarked graves there dating even earlier.

Ironically, perhaps, the decline in church attendance at the Red Schoolhouse in favour of the newer churches may have been the Pollards' own doing. The book on the history of Erindale says that many area churchgoers by the 1860s felt that it was not fitting to have a church where children were taken to worship "when there was a tavern down below" (Pollards' tavern). It is this sentiment that fostered the construction of Springfield Methodist (now Erindale United) in town. One could speculate that bitterness over this turn of events, when Joshua Jr. had dedicated so much to the Red Schoolhouse, might have led to his conversion to the Baptist Church by 1861.

In 1850 Joshua Sr. died and left the homestead to Joshua Jr.(see will Exhibit 8a) the eldest son still living there. Joshua Jr. held a number of posts. He was Secretary-Treasurer of Community Grave-ground (later Chambers' Spring Creek Grave-ground and now Spring Creek Cemetery) for 34 years. He directed the Red Schoolhouse, the first school in the area, and served as postmaster of Sheridan from Dec.1, 1858 (a year after it was established) until May 18, 1867. Joshua Jr. was also the Magistrate for Sheridan in 1877.

The Red Schoolhouse (the school for District No.5) was on the Hammond/Whitsell property 1/4 mile West of Pollard's, and was deeded by Nick Whitsell (no apparent relation to the Nicolaus Weitzel who was Joshua Sr.’s father-in-law) to David Hammond schoolmaster in 1816 per Barnett. A 999-year lease dates from March 14,1826 (Joshua Sr. being one of the 3 original trustees). Joshua Jr.'s wife Mariah Hill was Hammond's step-daughter. The school minute books have been saved from 1854 as part of Barnett's records and show Joshua Jr. as Board Chairman on the forefront of the fight for "free" schooling from that date until his death. Barnett credits Joshua Jr. as the leading pioneer of education in Peel. Other trustees of the day included neighbours such as Sam Wainwright, Gaylord Greeniaus (M.H. Greeniaus is, incidentally, current treasurer of Spring Creek cemetery), Stephen Oughtred, Erastus Hill, Geo Shunk, Edward Cavil, W.A. Thompson, W.R. Kelly, Charles Cameron and Henry Shook (Shook, grandfather of Adolphus Pollard's wife, was opposed to free education). School fees in those days included the cost of boarding the teacher and provision of firewood, partly in proportion to one's number of children. The school well was constructed at a volunteer "bee" in 1858.

The Oliver Hammond legal papers at the Ontario Archives contain Joshua Jr.'s signature along with Hammond's as Justices of the Peace in the 1860s. They also indicate that Joshua Jr. was an agent of the Mutual Fire Insurance Co. of Clinton in 1863.

Joshua Jr. also won a number of awards at local agricultural fairs. With eight children, commitments to school, church and public office, and operation of the family farm, he was as busy and prominent in the community as his father. Farm and Town Life in the Late 1800s

By the middle of the 1800s most of Peel had been surveyed and granted, and life was a great deal less difficult than it had been 50 years earlier. Despite several economic depressions such as that in the 1870s, during which villages dropped in population by as much as 25%, some of the villages had grown large enough to be incorporated and develop their own infrastructure. The newspapers of the time came and went, and by 1877 only three papers remained, all of them in the capital of the county, Brampton, which by 1871 had a population of 2,000. Streetsville was the next biggest village with a population of 600. The Township of Toronto had 6,000 of Peel's 26,000 people, though Clarkson, Credit/Erindale and Sheridan had probably only about 100 people each. After generations of double-digit sized families, typical family size had dropped to about seven. Travel had become easier with the opening of more roads and the railway, which had supplanted the pony express sufficiently to bring about the demise of Bush's Inn. One thing had not changed: the original pioneer families were still a tight-knit group, many of whom had intermarried or gone into business together. Their churchgoing and children’s' schooling also kept them in close touch with each other.

Of the 120 acres remaining of the Pollard homestead in 1870 (a total of 80 acres had been sold to the Falconers and Conrad Shook), 80 acres were under cultivation and the rest remained forested. Wheat, barley, oats, peas, corn, potatoes, carrots, beans and hay were being harvested by the Pollards (their crops were inventories in the census). They may have been marketed in Sheridan at the (Erastus D.) Hill & Pollard general store (Joshua Jr.’s wife’s family’s establishment) and possibly exported by rail as well. The Shooks had a mill next door for grinding grain, and mill products were apparently provided to the markets in Credit/Erindale as well. The 3 1/2 mile trip in those days would be by horse and cart up the Southdown Road that ran through the middle of the homestead, to Dundas Street and then East across the Indian Road to the town.

The Children of Joshua Pollard Jr. Joshua Jr.'s seven remaining children (one son, Joshua Brock, had died in Galveston, Texas en route to seeking gold during the rush to California in 1858, or, according to another report, fighting at the Alamo), traveled further and more often than previous generations could. Adolphus Theodore and his bride Hannah Shook had gone to New Zealand, and both engineer James and Stephen (the latter a recent medical school graduate) had moved to Toronto with their young families. Eleanor, the oldest child, was living with her barrister husband Edward Shortiss in Toronto, and their oldest son was a broker with the Stock Exchange. Erastus Derby had gone into partnership with Joseph Howes (Zylphia Adeline Pollard’s husband) of Trafalgar Township and opened Howes and Pollard, a grocery, shoe and bootmakers' business in the town of Oakville. Howes was also pursuing a career as a photographer, and had taken pictures of some of the Pollard family (see Exhibit 7). Joshua Jr.’s youngest son, Richard, apparently hadn't decided what he wanted to do. He was helping his father run the farm on the homestead, and also spending time with the Howes in Oakville where he worked as a telegrapher.

The photo exhibit Exhibit 7 shows photos of Joshua Jr. (Exhibit 7a), his wife Mariah Hill (Exhibit 7b), Adolphus' wife Hannah Shook (Exhibit 7c), Stephen (Exhibit 7d), Joshua Pollard Jr.’s home (Exhibit 7f), and a picnic reunion there in 1897 including members of the Pollard, Shook, Hendry, Rowe, Oliphant, Clarkson and Oughtred families (Exhibit 7e). In 1873 Joshua Jr. sold lots 28-9 to C&D Shook. Joshua Jr. and Richard Pollard are shown as residents of lots 30-31 in the 1873 Peel directory. Richard received the homestead by deed in 1877, shortly prior to Joshua Jr.'s death in 1882 (see copy of will, Exhibit 8b) and in 1877 the Directory lists Richard as owner of Maplegrove Farm Co. at Lot 30-31 only (there is no further record of the Maplegrove name). Richard married for the second time in 1889, and brought his new wife back to the home, but the land was sold in 1891 to Shook, Cook and Falconer.

Following are the records on each of the 8 children of Joshua Jr.,, from oldest to youngest. For location of Toronto addresses cited see Exhibit 9.

Eleanor Jane Pollard married Edward Shortiss. She signed a quit claim on the family property in 1890. He is listed in the 1872-73 directory as a customs warehouseman at 50 Gerrard St. W. The 1891 Toronto census shows the retired Methodist couple Edward & Eleanor Shortis and their two living children Thomas 28 (commercial traveler) and Maria 22 in St. John’s Ward. Thomas was president of Quaker Candy Company in Toronto in 1924.

Adolphus Theodore, commonly called Theodore, married Hannah Isabelle Shook, grand- daughter of Henry Shook Sr. in 1863; his name in the marriage register and his quit claim on the Pollard homestead in 1883 and burial in Spring Creek in 1911 with Hannah are the only records of any kind of him in Peel. Even in 1851 (at 16) he is not included in the census with the rest of the family. He apparently moved to Bayfield, Ontario (perhaps near his stepmother and uncle William in nearby Burgesville) but the Municipal Offices and St. Andrew's United (formerly Methodist) church there have no record of him. Barnett says Clarkson's family notes purport him to have traveled in 1858 to New Zealand. He reappeared as a cutter for P.Jamieson in the 1888 Toronto Directory, living near his two children, Joshua & Oliver (see notes on them below). By 1892 he was in partnership as a tailor with Charles Spiers as “Pollard & Spiers”, 988 Bloor St. W.

Joshua Brock Pollard died September 23, 1858 in Galveston, Texas, en route to the gold rush of the time (or according to another report, fighting at the Alamo). He was 21 is buried at Spring Creek.

Erastus Derby Pollard set up Howes and Pollard in Oakville in about 1867 (see above) but is not in the 1871 Peel/Halton census. The 1872-73 Toronto Directory shows him as a commercial traveler at 266 Jarvis St. Toronto. He married Hattie (Harriet) Bush (Busch, Buch, or Buck), possibly related to the Bush Inn family noted earlier. He died, childless according to Maurice Pollard's book, in 1877 at age 37 and is buried at Spring Creek.

Zylphia Adeline Pollard married Joseph Howes (House). Howes is listed in 1834 as an "artist" in Trafalgar Township. One Oakville Library record shows Concession 8 New Survey Lot 8 PD as his address in an index dated 1877. In 1858 relatives William, Robert, & Dan Howes are listed at adjacent Con 7 NS Lot 8 and John Howes held Con 8 NS Lot 9. Another directory lists him in Colborne Street (now Lakeshore Blvd.) in Oakville. The 1871 census describes him as a "photographer", age 38, in Oakville. The same census lists his wife Zylphia at age 29, daughter Minnie, 7, and telegrapher Richard Pollard (her brother), Wesleyan Methodist age 22, at the same address. Presumably, because it predates it by 6 years, this is NOT the same property as the 2500 sf. "Oakville Village Lot D elk 6 part per drawings SW Kerr Aug. 1, 1836" described in Joshua Jr.’s will (property given to Zylphia in the will) "acquired by deed from John and Jane S. Barclay Dec.27,1877 and registered at Halton Jan.5, 1878". Perhaps they were Barclays' tenants until 1877. Howes & Pollard grocers and shoes (see above) was operating on Colborne Street in 1867 per the Peel Archives, though Erastus cannot be found in the 1861 or 1871 Oakville or Peel census. The Oakville/Halton records are very limited, and provide no trace of where Zylphia and her husband are buried.

James Madison Pollard was still in Peel in 1871 at age 27 per the census. The Maurice Pollard book says he moved to Oakville and married Isabelle (Bel) Cameron there, though there is no record of him ever having lived there. They moved to Toronto in 1873 and had 9 children between 1871 and 1886. James Pollard, engineer, first shows up at 16 Terauley (the old name for Bay St. north of Queen) in the 1872-72 Directory, and with HH Warren & Co, 83 St. David St. in the 1887 Directory, and at 316 Adelaide St. W in the 1891-95 Directories. There whereabouts from 1895 onwards is unknown, except that Isabelle died in 1922 and that James was living with his daughter Addie in 1924.

Dr. Stephen Ballard moved to Toronto in 1872-73 and married Maggie Corn(w)ell and had 2 daughters. Besides his photo in Exhibit 7d and his appearance in the 1851 & 1861 census, there is no record of him in Peel, not even on the quit claim deed on the homestead in 1891. He had various addresses in the Toronto City Directories (all as MD. Physician & Surgeon between 1873 and 1907; his most recent address was at 65 Shuter St.

Richard Franklin Pollard is listed in the 1871 census in both Peel and Oakville, and in the 1881 and 1891 Peel Census, still at the homestead. In 1881 he was there with his first wife Margaret, 32, and their 3 children along with their widower father Joshua Jr. & bachelor uncle Walter. In 1891 he was with his second wife Beatrice, then 32, and 4 children including a newborn (they had 4 more after that). See his connection with the Howes above. He signed the quit claim deed in 1890 on the homestead, shortly after taking his second bride there, and the homestead was sold to David Shook in 1890. His eldest son Joshua Warren moved to the US, his 3rd son Charles was in Toronto as a cabinetmaker in 1907, and his 4th son Victor, a machinist in Toronto in 1907, moved thereafter to Vancouver BC. Descendants, if any, of his first four sons are unknown. His 5th son, Richard Frederick, died in 1967, leaving a son F. Ross Pollard and a daughter Doreen Beth Pollard, both still living. I am in correspondence with F. Ross Pollard’s daughter, Chris Landry of Burlington to fill in some blanks here. Richard Franklin’s youngest son, John Ross Pollard, died in Vimy, France in WW1 service in 1916.

The Pollard Homes A quote to Barnett from an elderly Mrs. Murphy, daughter of David Shook, who lived in the "first” Pollard house, and who died in 1964, reads as follows:

"The old house was, as I remember it, a very quaint old frame house, fair-sized, with a verandah across the front and the two sides, and the verandah had a curved slant to the top, something like a Chinese temple roof. It was East of the [Joshua Pollard Jr.’s newer 1854] brick house [Exhibit 7f] and close to the road. It was all intact when we went there to live, only the verandah was rather shaky. I remember it quite well - I thought it was a dear old house. It had a large fireplace in the kitchen part, but that was boarded over and the occupants always had the stove sitting in front of the fireplace. The mantel was there and the shelf over it. Some years after we went on the place my father had the place moved down below the hill. It was on the place that Mr. Woods owned. Mr. and Mrs. Mantell lived in it for many years until the Queen Elizabeth Way went through and then it was taken down. It didn't look the same after it was moved below the hill - the verandah was never replaced." This house was demolished in the 1930s—there are no pictures.

Registry records show Reg Jones lived in the newer house from 1944-52, after construction of the QEW, though before an additional expropriation in 1957 and just before the 1960 "interchange over at Shook's Hill Road" (now Robin Drive). Holling quotes Reg Jones as saying a willow he (Jones) planted still stands inside the cloverleaf, suggesting the house was dismantled after that date. The registry records show many transfers and expropriations (easements), and construction of apartments and houses at the Northwest and North of Lot 30. The vacated site was used as a dump site for Peel prior to opening of the current Britannia Road dump.

In 1999 the ex-dump section of the homestead property still had no residential construction on it. It would be nice if the Oughtreds, Cordinglys and other pioneer descendants of the area could get together and lobby the City of Mississauga to develop the site as a Sheridan Heritage Village, blending commercial and historical uses (there are many heritage homes in the area sitting unused that could be moved with the blessing of both the Heritage Foundation and the current landowners to facilitate development at their current sites).

Descendants of the Sheridan Pollards in Toronto Oliver Herman Pollard (Adolphus’ second son and the author’s great grandfather), who at 14 lived with his mother’s family (the Shooks) next to the Pollard homestead in 1881, appears in the 1887 City Directory as "ptr Mail job dept. bds [bed-sitting room] 66 Richmond St. W., and in the 1891 City Directory as "comp Mail Job Printing Co, 37 Shirley St.", Ward 6. "Mail" appears to mean the Toronto Mail, precursor of the Globe & Mail. Next door at 39 Shirley in 1891 lived his elder brother Joshua B., tailor, whose marriage to Lovina Carroll of Sheridan in 1890 is in the records of St. Peter's Erindale Church. Frank Herbert Pollard, Oliver’s younger brother, a barber, shows up in the 1892 Toronto Directory.

The history of Oliver Herman Pollard and his descendants has been developed in detail by Earle Pollard, and this history will be transcribed and added to the next edition of this paper. To my knowledge, I am the only male descendent of Oliver to return to the Toronto area (most of my relatives live in Winnipeg and are associated with Pollard Banknote Ltd., the successor to Saults and Pollard printers founded by Oliver Herman.

There are fifteen male Sheridan Pollards (outside the Oliver Herman branch) whose descendants, if any, are unknown. These are listed in the Appendix to this paper entitled “Loose Ends”, and I will be following them up first before tracking down descendants with other surnames.

I am also proposing to write a novel, or at least a short story, that will attempt to describe the life and times of Joshua Pollard Sr. a little more vividly than the above anecdotes, dates, and facts could hope to do. Appendix One - Loose Ends 1. Male lineage loose ends: • Children of Joshua Sr.: • James II (b. 1816) is a mystery - no info on him at all, though he is in Joshua Sr.’s 1849 will, and there is a James Pollard at `Div V Pg. 9`of the 1871 Toronto Twp census (to follow up) • Walter (b. 1822) died at age 65, but his whereabouts throughout his life are unknown, except that he returned, unmarried, to the homestead in 1881 shortly before his death • Children of William (Joshua Sr.’s brother): • Columbus G. (b. 1848) died in 1889 in Burgesville, Oxford, Ontario - that’s all we know of him • John Pollard, Columbus’ brother, is even more of a mystery - we have nothing on him at all • Children of Adolphus Theodore (Joshua Sr.’s son): • Frank Herbert (b. 1868), the millionaire barber-bookie, reported to have had a son and a daughter, listed in Toronto Directory in 1906 at 272 Dundas Av. • Children of James Madison (Joshua Sr.’s son): • William E. (b. 1876), last listed in Toronto Directory 1895 as a “wks” for AM Watch Case Co. at 22 Alice Street • James Harold (b. 1878), last listed in Toronto Directory 1907 as a printer for the News at 13 Baldwin Street • Charles (b.1882), last listed with parents in Toronto Directory 1901 • Stephen R. (b. 1884), last listed in Toronto Directory 1905 as a printer for the News at 13 Baldwin Street • Children of Richard Franklin (Joshua Sr.’s son): • Joshua Warren (b.1874), last listed as moving to the US about 1891 • Arthur F. (b. 1877), last listed as having two wives Bella Reid and Marion Ellison • Charles B. (b. 1890), last listed in Toronto Directory 1907 as cabinetmaker at 11 Afton Street (living with parents) • Victor (b. 1891), last listed in Toronto Directory 1907 as machinist with Stewart Howe & Meek, at 11 Afton Street (living with parents) • John Ross (b. 1898), died in action in Vimy France in 1916 (any children?) • Children of Richard Frederick (Joshua Sr.’s grandson, Richard Franklin’s son) • F. Ross (b. 1930), still living in Toronto area per daughter Chris Landry of Burlington • Also need to confirm that Richard Franklin had only 1 son, 1 daughter

2. Follow up Baptist cemetery records at Burgesville, Oxford, Ontario for “missing Pollards” 1891 onwards 3. Look at James Pollard’s (Joshua Sr.’s brother) family bible held by Pierre Plante in Brampton 4. Look at Joshua Sr.’s family bible held by Chris Landry in Burlington (905-634-6904) and discuss Richard Franklin - Richard Frederick - F. Ross Pollard line 5. Confirm Joshua Sr.’s whereabouts 1792-1807 in Saltfleet Ontario records 6. Investigate disappearance of Adolphus Theodore in Bayfield 7. Ask about any other info on Pollards from Mississauga Heritage Foundation 8. Review Barnett scrapbooks and Perkins Bull collection including 2 photo albums at Mississauga Library Heritage (Ruth Conrad) Collection 9. Call Jim & Betty Morgan in Fonthill 905-892-5315 re: missing Pollards, personal details 10.


Exhibit 1: The map shows the “Province of Canada” as it existed for most of the early 1800s. Historians point out that Peel region used the name “Toronto” in the 1700s, well before it was used by the City to the East.

Exhibit 2: This map shows land holdings in 1871, with original 1808 Pollard land grant shaded. The key features of the community prior to the 1850s, the Red Schoolhouse, Spring Creek Grave-ground, and the Clarkson railway station, are shown. Exhibit 2b shows the current streets of the area, with the original 1808 Pollard grant area in yellow, and heritage properties included in the Mississauga Heritage walking tour marked as red dots.

Exhibit 3: This map shows only the first wave of settlers, prior to the 1820s, when the Mississaugua Indians sold off the rest of their land in the area and moved North, opening up the river property and the land North of Dundas Hwy. for settlement.

Exhibit 4: Joshua Pollard Sr.’s “proving up” certificate; the 3 gentlemen all vouched for each other’s certificates

Exhibit 5 (photos by Dave Pollard): 5a. Southern part of the Pollard homestead as it stands today, taken facing South inside the cloverleaf of the QEW where Reg Jones, last occupant of the second (Joshua Jr.’s, built 1854) Pollard house, planted a willow tree (see Exhibit 7f for a picture of the house) 5b. Facing East across the land, still vacant since the Mississauga dump of the early 1900s was closed and bulldozed over, showing a Holiday Inn at right, not too far from where Joshua Pollard built the first inn in the region in 1811 5c. Gravestone of Adolphus Theodore Pollard (1835-1911) and his wife Hannah Isabella (Shook) (1842-1921) at Spring Creek 5d. Gravestone of Walter Pollard (1822-1887), youngest son of Joshua Sr., at Spring Creek 5e. 5e1 and 5e2: Two pictures of a long gravestone with, from top to bottom, unknown Joshua Pollard (d. Feb 10, 1823 Age 41); Keziah Pollard (d. 1833 Age 51) 2nd wife of Joshua Sr.; John Pollard (d. 1823 Age 22), eldest son of Joshua Sr.; Elizabeth (Betsy) Pollard Stafford (d. 1837 Age 32), eldest daughter of Joshua Sr.; Joseph Pollard (d. 1821 Age 6), fifth son of Joshua Sr.; Mary Ann (Whitsell) Pollard (d. 1823 Age 51), first wife of Joshua Sr. These are among the earliest burials in Spring Creek. 5f. Gravestone of Joshua Pollard Sr. (1772-1850) 5g. 5g1-5g3: Three sides of gravestone monument at Spring Creek with, on 1st side, Joshua Pollard Jr. (1813-1882) and his wife Mariah (Hill) (1814-1876); 2nd side Maggie Bell Pollard (1847-1883) 1st wife of Richard F. Pollard; 3rd side Joshua Brock Pollard (1837-1858) 2nd son of Joshua Jr. and his brother Erastus Derby Pollard (1840-1877) 5h. Orr Road, formerly the Merigold Road at Con. 3S, Lot 28-30. This road is still heavily forested on both sides, much as it must have been as a dirt trail for carriages en route from Hamilton to Toronto. This would be what the settlers first saw (and had to clear) when they arrived in the 1810s. 5i. Bradley House built c. 1830, now a museum, moved inland from waterfront Con 3S Lot 28; owned by the Bradleys, Merigolds and Beardsleys. Bradleys were Maritimers rather than UEL, so the decor her would be similar, but more rustic and less severe than the Pollards would have had when Joshua Sr. was raising his young family. Furniture shown is all reproductions except the corner piece behind the spinning wheel. The sitting room also served as a place of worship in those days. 5j. As above. 5k. Russell Bush’s Inn at Con 35 Lot 29-30, built in the 1830s after he bought the property from the Merigolds. No longer an inn by 1871, it is now a private residence. 5l. Driveway to Clarkson’s house, much as it would have appeared in the early 1800s. By comparison, Joshua Pollard Sr.’s house, unusually (and in anticipation of it serving as an inn) was built very close to the road (which also probably doomed it when the road was widened). 5m. Proctor’s House built c.1840 at Con 2S Lot 29, just South of Spring Creek. Owned by Proctors and Cavans. Also at the end of a long winding road. This house was probably frequented by the Pollards and may have been the home of William Pollard when he lived on this lot in the 1840s.

Exhibit 7 (photos from Peel Archives, Brampton): 7a. Joshua Pollard Jr. (1813-1882) c. 1870 7b. Mariah Hill (1814-1876) c. 1870, wife of Joshua Pollard Jr. 7c. Hannah Isabelle Shook (1842-1921) c. 1870, wife of Adolphus Theodore Pollard 7d. Dr. Stephen Pollard (1846-19xx) c. 1870, brother of Adolphus Theodore Pollard, medical school grad photo 7e. Pollards and Neighbours, May 24, 1897, Queen’s Birthday party at the Pollard homestead, then owned by David Shook. Identities per Barnett: • Group A: 1-2. Mrs. David Shook, with baby 3. Charlotte Shook (Mrs. William J. Hendry) 4. Theodore Pollard 5. H. Isabelle Shook (Mrs. Theodore Pollard) 6. Mrs. Mary Shook 7. Mary Rowe • Group B: 8. Diana Shook 9. Henry Clarkson • Group C: 10. Unidentified woman (with hat) 11. Mrs. Andrew Hendry 12-13. Mary Oliphant (Mrs. Snider in front) 14. Robert Shook (almost invisible above 13) 15. Jennie Hagerman (partly obscured face) 16 Margaret Rowe 17-18. Will Shook (child Walter Shook in front) 19. James Shook 20. Edith Hendry 21. M. Hendry • Group D: 22. Henry Shook 23. Mr. Hendry 24. Marg Hendry 25. George Hendry (tall hat, mustache) 26. Mary (Pollard) Johnston 27. A. Snider 28. Thomas Oliphant 29. Belle Rowe 30. Cora Clarkson 31. Mrs. H. Shook 32. David Shook 33. C. Hughes (Mrs. Sheard) 34. Ellen Shook 35. Catherine Rowe 36. Mrs. Hagerman 37. Mary Oughtred (sister of Richard Oughtred, Mrs. West) • Group E: 38. Stephen Shook 39. Conrad Shook 40. Jim Shook (son of James Shook) 41. Robert Hughes 42. Ross Hendry 43. Archie Shook (son of James Shook) 44. Alec Shook (son of David Shook) 45. Esther Shook (daughter of David Shook, Mrs. Murphy) 46. Lottie Pollard 47. Gillian Oliphant (Mrs. G. Patterson) 48. Jim Shook (son of David Shook) 49. Roy Oliphant 50. Hazel Hendry 51. Grace Hendry 52. Kenneth Shook (son of James Shook) 53. Harry Gibbs

7f. Brick home built 1854 by Joshua Pollard Jr., last occupied 1952 by Reg Jones.

Exhibit 8(a): Will of Joshua Pollard Sr. [my annotations in square brackets] In the name of God Amen ---- this twelfth? day of March in the year of our Lord 1848, I, Joshua Pollard [Sr.] of the Township of Toronto in the Home District and Province of Canada, farmer, being weak? in body but of perfect mind and memory, thanks be given unto God for the same, therefore calling into mind the mortality of the body knowing that it appointed unto all men once to die, do make and ordain this my last will and testament.

That is to say, first of all I give and recommend my soul unto the hand of Almighty God that gave it, and my body I recommend to the Earth to be buried in decent Christian burial at the discretion of my Executors, and, as touching? such worldly estate ---- which? it hath pleased God to bless me in this life, I give, demise, and dispose of the same in the following manner and forms viz.:

First I give and bequeath to Maria [Caslor] my dearly beloved [third] wife one good cow, four good sheep, all the furniture and building? she had and brought to my house at our marriage and one third? of all the building made since our marriage; also I give and bequeath unto my said wife the following yearly payments, annuities and privileges to be paid, done and performed by my son Joshua Pollard [Jr.] so long as she my said wife Maria may live and remain my widow viz. The sum of 5 pounds in cash or provisions annually at her option, ten cords of good hard fire wood to put into the wood shed yearly, the cow and four sheep to be well kept both summers and winters, also the use of the following viz. the house and out houses attached being the premises I now occupy together with a certain piece of land lying and being next [to] the Middle Road [now the Queen Elizabeth Way], and between the house and garden fence and the Eastern line of my farm to be fenced off from the said Easterly line fence to the garden between the third and fourth rows of apple trees, so that my said widow may have free use of three rows of said trees; also the use of the front yard for all necessary? purposes in passing and repassing both in and out; also one cooking stove and furniture, one box stove, one table, one bed stead? in front room, two ---- and three ---- chairs, and privilege of one third of the garden and so much of the cherries, prunes?, plums, and currents as she may require for her own use, but not to exceed one third yearly, that may be in the gardens and front yard.

At the demise or marriage of her my said wife all of the above yearly payments and privileges are to cease and revert to the proper use and benefit of my said son Joshua Pollard [Jr.] to whom I will and bequeath all my said estate property being a part of lots 30 and 31 [lots 28-29 having been sold to the Shooks] in the first concession south of Dundas Street, Township of Toronto, Home District and Province of Canada, containing 100 acres of land, or the same more or less, to have and to hold the same on the condition that he the said Joshua Pollard do and shall well and truly pay, keep and perform the before-mentioned yearly payments and privileges, as well as the following viz.:

To my son William Pollard [b.1810] I will and bequeath the sum of 50 pounds currency to be paid in 4 yearly payments, the first to be due and payable at the expiration of one year from the date of my decease.

To my son James Pollard [II] I will and bequeath the sum of 100 pounds currency to be paid in 4 yearly payments in like manner.

To my daughter Lucinda the wife of Garrett Westerfelt I will and bequeath the sum of 25 pounds, and to my daughter Olive the sum of 25 pounds, the last mentioned daughter being the wife of Dennis Spencer, all to be paid in like manner by 4 yearly payments.

Also to my son Walter I give the sum of 200 pounds to be loaned at interest during his natural life, the interest to be paid to him annually from one year from my demise, and at his death should he the said Walter Pollard leave no heir of his body born in wedlock, the said 200 pounds I will and bequeath to my three sons and two daughters viz. William, Joshua, James, Lucinda, and Olive, to be divided equally amongst them or in the case of their demise or any of them, then amongst the heirs of the deceased the portion each would have been entitled to had they been living.

Also I give and bequeath to Theodore Stafford, the son of James Stafford (my grandson) the sum of 12 pounds and 10 shillings to be loaned at interest by my Executors until he attains the age of 21 years, and then to receive the principal and interest to his own use and benefit, but should he the said Theodore Stafford not live to the age of 21 years the said sum of 12 pounds 10 shillings together with the interest up until the time of his decease, is to be divided amongst my three sons and two daughters, above named, in manner and form as to the above named 200 pounds.

I also will and bequeath unto my said daughters Lucinda and Olive jointly, all the beds and building? on the house after the above-named one third is given to my wife Maria.

The remainder of all my chattel property not disposed of above, I direct my Executors to sell at auction and after paying all my lawful debts, funeral expenses and expenses of registering this my will, the balance to be divided amongst my sons William, Joshua, James and Walter, and my daughters Lucinda and Olive, equally.

The freehold estate hereby willed and bequeathed to my son Joshua Pollard is to be held, liable for all and singular the bequests, annuities and privileges above-mentioned, and not to be sold or any part thereof until all are satisfied and paid without giving good and sufficient security to the satisfaction of my Executors.

And I hereby utterly disallow, revoke and ---- all and every other former testaments, wills and legacies, by me in any way before-named willed and bequeathed. Ratifying and confirming this and no other my last will and testament, and I hereby constitute and appoint, Nathaniel Hemphill, Joshua Pollard, and Oliver Hammond, all of the Township of Toronto aforesaid to be my Executors to this my last will and testament.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this day and year above written.

Signed, sealed, published and disclosed by the said Joshua Pollard as his last will and testament in the presence of the subscribers. [Signed] Joshua Pollard, Conrad Shook, William Stewart

Inventory: 100 acres 700 pounds, notes on hand 43, cash 9, 2 horses 15, 3 cows 10, 3 Herefords? 3, 9 sheep 3, 4 stags? --, 1 buggy wagon 7, 1 set H?, 1 saddle & bridle 2, 1 lumber sleigh 2, 1 sleigh, 1 farming mill 3, 1 straw cutter 1, household furniture 39, hay in barn 2 (other unreadable), total 848 pounds.

Exhibit 8b: Will of Joshua Pollard Jr.

Exhibit 9: Map of City of Toronto c. 1877, with homes of Pollards 1870-1907 marked with red dots Appendix 3: Summarized version of Sheridan Pollard Family Tree Descendants of William Pollard

1 William Pollard b: Abt. 1640 in Astley UK d: Aft. 1671 in Coventry UK Fact 1: Glovemaker .... +Mary Farmer m: Abt. 1665 in UK d: February 1691 ...... 2 Thomas Pollard b: December 28, 1666 in Ansley, Warwickshire, UK d: April 04, 1724 in Billerica MA USA ...... +Sarah Farmer m: November 16, 1692 in Ansley, Warwickshire, UK d: May 03, 1725 Fact 1: Sarah was her husband's first cousin ...... 3 Mary Pollard b: August 30, 1693 ...... 3 Edward Pollard b: November 04, 1694 d: 1743 ...... 3 Barbara Pollard b: December 06, 1695 ...... 3 Thomas Pollard b: February 06, 1696 d: July 23, 1769 ...... 3 William Pollard b: August 03, 1698 ...... 3 John Pollard b: September 01, 1699 d: November 11, 1772 ...... 3 Sarah Pollard b: February 16, 1700 d: March 03, 1701 ...... 3 Joseph Pollard b: May 03, 1702 d: 1780 ...... 3 Oliver Pollard b: July 23, 1703 d: July 11, 1788 ...... 3 Sarah Pollard II b: December 21, 1705 ...... 3 Nathaniel Pollard b: October 18, 1706 ...... 3 James Pollard b: October 05, 1708 d: 1779 Fact 1: No children ...... 3 Walter Pollard, Capt. b: December 26, 1709 in Billerica MA USA d: February 05, 1790 in Harvard MA USA ...... +Dorothy Danforth b: June 27, 1715 m: September 09, 1735 in Bedford MA USA d: June 22, 1796 ...... 4 Dorothy Pollard b: June 23, 1737 ...... 4 David Pollard b: November 22, 1739 d: June 02, 1827 ...... 4 Jonathan Pollard b: September 21, 1741 d: December 06, 1832 ...... 4 [7] James Pollard b: December 23, 1743 in Bedford MA USA d: Abt. September 14, 1835 in Harvard MA USA ...... +Molly Porter b: April 23, 1743 m: 1765 d: Bef. 1809 ...... 5 James Pollard b: December 23, 1766 d: July 19, 1779 ...... 5 Israel Pollard b: July 12, 1768 d: January 01, 1788 ...... 5 Joseph Pollard b: April 08, 1770 d: November 07, 1826 Fact 1: b. Feb.23, 1770 per family bible ...... 5 [6] Joshua Pollard, Sr. b: September 02, 1772 in Harvard MA USA d: April 24, 1850 in Sheridan ON ...... +Mary Ann Whitesell b: 1781 in Boston MA USA m: 1800 in Boston MA USA or Saltfleet ON d: February 14, 1823 in Sheridan ON Fact 1: dtr of Nicolaus Weitzel & Eliz. Kline ...... 6 John Pollard b: December 13, 1801 in Boston MA USA or Saltfleet ON d: March 03, 1823 in Sheridan ON Fact 1: Not a millionaire wine merchant as per Maurice Pollard book Fact 2: Descendants, if any, unknown ...... 6 Elizabeth Pollard b: July 17, 1805 in Boston MA USA or Saltfleet ON d: August 1837 in Sheridan ON ...... +James Ira Stafford m: Abt. 1825 in Hamilton ON ...... 7 Peter Theodore Stafford b: Abt. 1830 ...... 6 James Pollard b: February 22, 1807 d: 1807 ...... 6 Candaca Pollard b: May 10, 1808 in Sheridan ON d: 1828 Fact 1: No children ...... +Hiram Street m: 1827 ...... 6 William Pollard b: July 10, 1810 in Sheridan ON d: July 17, 1875 in Burgesville ON ...... +Sarah Simons b: 1810 d: October 08, 1881 in Burgesville, Oxford ON ...... 7 Columbus G. Pollard b: August 28, 1848 in Sheridan ON d: May 23, 1889 in Burgesville ON Fact 1: Descendants, if any, unknown ...... 7 [1] Mary Pollard b: October 24, 1834 in Sheridan ON d: Abt. March 30, 1907 in Streetsville ON ...... +Hiram Crawford m: 1854 ...... 8 Sarah Crawford-Burns ...... 8 Emilia Crawford-Burns ...... 8 Mary Crawford-Burns ...... *2nd Husband of [1] Mary Pollard: ...... +John Burns b: December 27, 1835 m: 1863 in Sheridan ON d: February 23, 1911 ...... 8 Eliza Jane Burns ...... 8 Esther Burns ...... 8 John Chrysostow Burns ...... 8 William James Burns ...... 7 John Pollard ...... 7 Sarah Ann Pollard ...... +Edward Piew House m: December 26, 1854 in Toronto ON ...... 6 Lucinda Pollard b: December 10, 1812 d: December 10, 1898 in Michigan ...... +Garrett Westervelt b: 1803 d: January 29, 1873 in Michigan ...... 7 James Westervelt b: Abt. 1829 ...... 7 Joshua Westervelt b: Abt. 1832 ...... 7 William Westervelt b: Abt. 1839 Fact 1: B. may be 1833 not 1839 ...... 7 Olivia Westervelt b: Abt. 1840 ...... 7 Mary A. Westervelt b: Abt. 1838 ...... 7 Joseph Westervelt b: Abt. 1849 ...... 6 Joshua Pollard, Jr. b: August 02, 1813 in Sheridan ON d: July 05, 1882 in Sheridan ON Fact 1: Lived in Oakville 1870s ...... +Mariah Hill b: June 23, 1814 m: July 11, 1833 in Sheridan ON d: November 22, 1876 in Sheridan ON Fact 1: Dtr of Rich. and Eleanor (Mudge) ...... 7 Eleanor Jane Pollard b: July 24, 1834 d: June 23, 1875 in Sheridan ON Fact 1: Lived in Toronto 1873 ...... +Edward Shortiss ...... 8 Thomas Shortiss b: 1863 Fact 1: Pres. Quaker Candy Co. Toronto 1924 ...... 8 Maria Shortiss b: 1869 ...... 8 Edward J. Shortiss b: 1864 d: 1875 in Sheridan ON ...... 7 Adolphus Theodore Pollard b: October 18, 1835 in Sheridan ON d: 1911 in Sheridan ON Fact 1: Tailor 1888-1907 Pollard & (Chas) Speers, 988 Bloor St. W ...... +Hannah Isabelle Shook b: 1842 in Sheridan ON m: November 25, 1863 in Sheridan ON d: 1921 in Sheridan ON Fact 1: Dtr of Conrad & Mary (Macdonald) ...... 8 Joshua Brock Pollard b: February 18, 1865 in Bayfield ON d: in Toronto ON Fact 1: No children, per Betty Morgan Fact 2: In Toronto 1891-92 as tailor ...... +Lovina Carroll m: 1890 in Sheridan ON ...... 8 Oliver Herman Pollard b: May 13, 1867 in Bayfield ON d: January 02, 1944 in Winnipeg MB Fact 1: In Toronto 1887-92 as compositor Fact 2: Lived in Sheridan 1881, Toronto 1883, Winnipeg 1892 ...... +Janet Agnes Reid b: December 22, 1867 in Hanover ON m: June 05, 1888 in Toronto ON d: May 22, 1946 in Winnipeg MB Fact 1: Dtr of James Reid of Hanover ON ...... 9 Olive Jeanette Pollard b: August 13, 1894 in Winnipeg MB d: February 03, 1977 in Spokane WA ...... +Fred Protheroe b: March 11, 1885 in Cleveland OH USA m: July 23, 1923 d: February 28, 1977 in Winnipeg MB ...... 10 Doris Jean Protheroe b: June 10, 1924 d: October 24, 1982 in Spokane WA ...... 10 Joan Elizabeth Protheroe b: October 10, 1930 ...... 9 Edna Beatrice Pollard b: January 31, 1892 in Toronto ON d: August 17, 1972 in Winnipeg MB ...... +Charles Stanford Wiggins b: May 22, 1880 in Indiana USA m: January 17, 1915 in Winnipeg MB d: February 03, 1963 in Winnipeg MB ...... 10 Janet Wiggins b: December 31, 1915 ...... 10 Stanford Wiggins b: November 07, 1917 d: May 30, 1949 in Small Plane Crash ...... +Catherine Margaret Mackay m: June 07, 1946 ...... 11 David Stanford Wiggins b: July 23, 1949 ...... +Mary Ann Carpenter m: August 06, 1977 ...... 12 Elena Davies b: 1973 ...... 12 Katherine Davies b: 1974 ...... 10 Gordon Wiggins b: May 23, 1922 d: June 03, 1981 in Long Beach CA ...... 9 Wilbur Herman Pollard b: February 10, 1898 in Winnipeg MB d: November 14, 1962 in Winnipeg MB ...... +Aleta Jean Scarlett b: September 13, 1899 in Medicine Hat AB m: September 17, 1921 d: August 17, 1983 in Winnipeg MB ...... 10 Earle Brock Pollard b: March 09, 1924 in Winnipeg MB Fact 1: Twin of Douglas Arthur ...... +Leeola Marjorie Pohlmann b: in Shaunovan SK m: August 01, 1949 in Shaunovan SK ...... 11 Glen William Pollard b: May 24, 1952 in Winnipeg MB ...... +Pamela McKinnon b: in Winnipeg MB m: February 15, 1974 in Winnipeg MB ...... 12 Christopher William Pollard b: February 06, 1982 in Winnipeg MB ...... 12 Shelagh Diane Pollard b: May 09, 1985 in Winnipeg MB ...... 11 [2] Diane Patricia Pollard b: April 09, 1955 in Winnipeg MB ...... +Dale Olenick m: March 31, 1979 Fact 1: Div. July 1986 ...... 12 Colin Marc Olenick b: March 17, 1982 in Winnipeg MB d: May 20, 1984 in Winnipeg MB Fact 1: D. of complications of spina bifida ...... *2nd Husband of [2] Diane Patricia Pollard: ...... +Chris Grenville Marsh b: September 20, 1961 m: 1986 in Winnipeg MB ...... 12 Dustin Everett Marsh b: August 07, 1987 in Winnipeg MB ...... 12 Riley Colton Marsh b: May 03, 1990 in Winnipeg MB ...... 11 Elaine Louise Pollard b: April 21, 1959 in Winnipeg MB ...... +Jean Panneton b: in Montreal m: June 24, 1989 ...... 12 Alec Cassidy Panneton b: December 17, 1991 ...... 12 Zachary Austin Panneton b: September 01, 1996 ...... 12 Jenna Michelle Panneton b: January 20, 1998 ...... 10 [3] Douglas Arthur Pollard b: March 09, 1924 in Winnipeg MB ...... +Emily Maud Reece b: September 19, 1928 in Cardiff Wales UK m: September 23, 1950 in Brighstone IOW, England UK d: December 25, 1988 in Winnipeg MB ...... 11 David Lawrence Pollard b: June 22, 1951 in Leicester UK Fact 1: Lived Winnipeg 1952-1975, Victoria BC 1975-1980 Fact 2: Lived Brampton-Caledon ON 1981-date ...... +Anita Alice Allan b: June 04, 1949 in Toronto ON m: June 30, 1980 in Toronto ON ...... 12 Christian Michael Matthews b: May 29, 1973 in Sudbury ON ...... +Jana Kolarikova b: January 23, 1964 in Brno, Czech Republic m: June 1997 in Brampton ON ...... 13 Romana Kolarikova Matthews b: January 02, 1990 in Brno, Czech Republic ...... 13 Cassandra Tegan Matthews b: September 10, 1999 in Brampton ON ...... 12 Tiffany Naomi Matthews b: September 14, 1975 in Sudbury ON ...... 11 Alan Jonathan Pollard b: April 24, 1955 in Winnipeg MB ...... +Claudia Morva Bowman b: in Winnipeg MB m: January 24, 1981 in Winnipeg MB ...... 12 Rhys David Bowman Pollard b: November 27, 1985 in Winnipeg MB ...... *2nd Wife of [3] Douglas Arthur Pollard: ...... +Ann King m: April 07, 1990 in Winnipeg MB ...... 10 Lawrence Oliver Pollard b: January 26, 1928 in Winnipeg MB ...... +Frances Struthers b: in Winnipeg MB m: November 15, 1956 in Winnipeg MB ...... 11 Gordon Oliver Pollard b: October 14, 1959 in Winnipeg MB ...... +Susan Ashley Gregora b: in Winnipeg MB m: June 28, 1986 in Winnipeg MB ...... 12 Michael Oliver Pollard b: June 16, 1990 in Winnipeg MB ...... 12 Jacqueline Florence Pollard b: September 09, 1992 in Winnipeg MB ...... 12 Brock Edward Pollard b: June 03, 1997 in Winnipeg MB ...... 11 John Struthers Pollard b: June 25, 1961 in Winnipeg MB ...... +Elizabeth Bartley Wherrett b: in Winnipeg MB m: May 04, 1985 in Winnipeg MB ...... 12 Ryan Wherrett Pollard b: March 12, 1989 in Winnipeg MB ...... 12 Eric Struthers Pollard b: June 10, 1991 in Winnipeg MB ...... 12 Evan Bartley Pollard b: February 18, 1994 in Winnipeg MB ...... 11 Shelagh Ruth Pollard b: February 03, 1966 in Winnipeg MB ...... +Phillippe Bohemier m: December 30, 1992 ...... 12 Madison Nicole Bohemier b: June 30, 1995 in Winnipeg MB ...... 12 Benoit Alexandre Bohemier b: August 21, 1997 in Winnipeg MB ...... 11 Barbara Jean Pollard b: May 09, 1968 in Winnipeg MB ...... +Kenneth MacGillivray b: in Woodstock ON m: September 20, 1990 in Woodstock ON ...... 12 Peter James Pollard MacGillivray b: January 08, 1991 in Woodstock ON ...... 11 Douglas Earle Pollard b: October 27, 1970 in Winnipeg MB ...... 8 Frank Herbert Pollard b: December 24, 1868 in Bayfield ON d: Aft. 1906 in Toronto ON Fact 1: Descendants unknown but reports 1s, 1d Fact 2: In Toronto 1892-1906 as barber ...... +Mary Craven ...... 9 Unknown Pollard ...... 9 Unknown Pollard ...... 8 Mary Eleanor Pollard b: December 18, 1870 in Bayfield ON d: in Winnipeg MB ...... +Edward Johnston ...... 9 Mildred Johnston ...... +Harry Alexander Tomkins m: in Winnipeg MB ...... 10 John Allan Tomkins b: in Winnipeg MB ...... 10 Patricia Ann Tomkins ...... 9 Allan Johnston ...... +Rita m: in Regina SK ...... 10 Richard Johnston b: in Edmonton ...... 9 Gordon Johnston ...... +Ruth m: in Toronto ON ...... 10 Scott Johnston b: in Toronto ON ...... 10 Norlaine Johnston b: in Toronto ON ...... 9 Edna Johnston ...... +Kit Massey m: in St. Catherines ON ...... 10 Robert Massey b: in Van Nuys CA ...... 10 Glenn Massey b: in Scottsdale AZ ...... 9 Helen Johnston ...... +Leslie Bryant m: in Riverside CA ...... 10 Diane Bryant ...... 10 Jerry Bryant ...... 10 Mary Ellen Bryant ...... 8 Clara Zelinda Pollard b: May 15, 1874 in Teeterville ON d: Aft. 1944 in Toronto ON Fact 1: in Toronto 1899 as a stenographer ...... +John MacCunn b: in Montreal ...... 9 Angus MacCunn b: Abt. November 03, 1899 ...... +Selena Brocklebank b: in Walkerton ON m: 1931 ...... 9 Lillian MacCunn b: Abt. 1904 d: Abt. 1904 ...... 8 Emma Isabelle Pollard b: November 30, 1876 in Teeterville ON d: Aft. 1907 in Toronto ON Fact 1: In Toronto 1899- 1907 as a “wks" ...... 8 Charlotte Diana Pollard b: April 01, 1885 in Sheridan ON Fact 1: In Toronto 1903 as operator Fact 2: Per daughter Betty Morgan, buried at Spring Creek (Sheridan) ...... +Alex Young b: in Winnipeg MB ...... 9 Betty Young b: 1917 in Winnipeg MB ...... +Jim Morgan m: 1943 ...... 7 Joshua Brock Pollard b: September 15, 1837 in Sheridan ON d: September 23, 1858 in Texas, buried in Sheridan, ON Fact 1: Unmarried, died of yellow fever en route to gold rush or at Alamo ...... 7 Erastus Derby Pollard b: January 06, 1840 in Sheridan ON d: February 21, 1877 in Sheridan ON Fact 1: 1873 in Toronto as Commercial Traveller ...... +Harriet Buck m: 1871 in Toronto ON Fact 1: May be dtr of Busch (Bush) of Bush`s Inn, Clarkson ON ...... 7 Zylphia Adeline Pollard b: May 14, 1842 in Sheridan ON d: February 1900 in Oakville ON Fact 1: Husband a partner of Erastus Derby (Howes & Pollard, grocers) ...... +Joseph Howes m: January 06, 1862 in Oakville ON ...... 8 Minnie Howes b: 1864 ...... 8 Unknown Howes ...... 7 James Madison Pollard b: March 20, 1844 in Sheridan ON d: Aft. 1924 in Toronto ON Fact 1: In Toronto 1873-95 as engineer Fact 2: In Oakville w/dtr in 1924 ...... +Isabelle Cameron m: 1869 in Sheridan ON d: March 30, 1922 ...... 8 Addie Pollard b: 1871 in Toronto ON d: January 18, 1951 in Toronto ON Fact 1: in Toronto 1890 ...... 8 Maggie Pollard b: 1872 in Toronto ON Fact 1: In Toronto 1891-92 as a bookbinder ...... 8 Grace Pollard b: 1874 in Toronto ON Fact 1: in Toronto 1892-95 as a pressfeeder ...... 8 William E. Pollard b: 1876 in Toronto ON Fact 1: In Toronto 1895 as a "wks" Fact 2: Descendants, if any, unknown ...... 8 James Harold Pollard b: 1878 in Toronto ON Fact 1: In Toronto 1895-1907 as a printer Fact 2: Descendants, if any, unknown ...... 8 Gertrude Pollard b: 1880 in Toronto ON ...... 8 Charles Pollard b: 1882 in Toronto ON Fact 1: in Toronto 1891 with parents Fact 2: Descendants, if any, unknown ...... 8 Stephen R. Pollard b: 1884 in Toronto ON d: August 24, 1916 Fact 1: In Toronto 1901-05 as a printer Fact 2: Descendants, if any, unknown ...... 8 Pauline Pollard b: 1886 in Toronto ON ...... 7 Stephen Ballard Pollard, Dr. b: May 11, 1846 in Sheridan ON d: Bef. 1924 in Toronto ON Fact 1: In Toronto 1873-1907 as physician & surgeon ...... +Mag Cornwell or Connell b: 1856 m: 1874 in Toronto ON ...... 8 Lillian Pollard b: 1877 ...... 8 Mary Pollard b: 1879 ...... 7 [5] Richard Franklin Pollard b: October 30, 1849 in Sheridan ON d: 1935 in Toronto ON Fact 1: In Toronto 1892-1907 as moto Toronto Rwy Fact 2: In Oakville 1871 as telegrapher ...... +Maggie Bell b: 1847 in Tyrone ON m: 1873 in Sheridan ON d: October 24, 1883 in Sheridan ON ...... 8 Joshua Warren Pollard b: 1874 in Sheridan ON d: Aft. 1891 in USA Fact 1: Descendants, if any, unknown ...... 8 Irene Bell Pollard b: 1875 in Sheridan ON d: July 28, 1904 ...... +Fred Woodland m: April 26, 1899 ...... 8 [4] Arthur F. Pollard b: 1877 in Sheridan ON Fact 1: Descendants, if any, unknown ...... +Bella Reid ...... *2nd Wife of [4] Arthur F. Pollard: ...... +Marion Ellison ...... *2nd Wife of [5] Richard Franklin Pollard: ...... +Selena Beatrice Bannister b: 1859 m: 1889 in Sheridan ON d: 1905 ...... 8 Charles B. Pollard b: 1890 in Sheridan ON Fact 1: Descendants, if any, unknown Fact 2: 1907 in Toronto as cabinetmaker ...... 8 Victor Pollard b: 1891 in Sheridan ON Fact 1: Descendants, if any, unknown Fact 2: In Toronto 1907 as machinist, then went to Vancouver BC ...... 8 Viola Pollard b: 1891 in Sheridan ON Fact 1: Twin of Victor ...... 8 Richard Frederick Pollard b: August 20, 1893 in Toronto ON d: November 18, 1967 in Toronto ON Fact 1: In Toronto 1907 as labeler ...... +Christina Dorothy Bennett ...... 9 F. Ross Pollard b: February 10, 1930 in Toronto ON ...... 10 Chris Pollard ...... +Mr. Landry m: in Burlington ...... 9 Doreen Beth Pollard b: July 20, 1928 in Toronto ON ...... +Mr. McKeown ...... 8 John Ross Pollard b: 1898 in Toronto ON d: September 28, 1916 in Vimy, France Fact 1: Descendants, if any, unknown ...... 6 Joseph Pollard b: December 27, 1814 d: 1821 in Sheridan ON ...... 6 James Pollard II b: September 16, 1816 in Sheridan ON d: Aft. 1850 Fact 1: Descendants, if any, unknown ...... 6 Mary Ann Pollard b: April 25, 1818 in Sheridan ON d: 1823 in Sheridan ON ...... 6 Olive Pollard b: July 30, 1820 in Sheridan ON d: 1858 ...... +Dennis Spencer ...... 6 Walter Pollard b: April 23, 1822 in Sheridan ON d: July 09, 1887 in Sheridan ON Fact 1: Descendants, if any, and whereabouts 1830- 87 unknown ...... *2nd Wife of [6] Joshua Pollard, Sr.: ...... +Keziah m: Aft. 1823 in Sheridan ON d: 1833 in Sheridan ON ...... *3rd Wife of [6] Joshua Pollard, Sr.: ...... +Maria Caslor m: Aft. 1833 in Sheridan ON d: Abt. 1862 in Burgesville ON ...... 5 Elizabeth Pollard b: May 29, 1775 ...... 5 Molly Pollard b: September 12, 1773 ...... 5 Dolly Pollard b: April 01, 1777 d: August 15, 1804 ...... 5 Isaac Pollard b: February 26, 1779 ...... 5 Sarah Pollard b: December 15, 1779 d: April 07, 1780 Fact 1: B. Dec 20, 1780 per father's family bible ...... 5 Sarah Pollard II b: March 25, 1781 d: April 07, 1782 Fact 1: not listed in father's family bible ...... 5 Sarah Pollard III b: February 21, 1783 ...... 5 Olive Pollard b: February 14, 1785 ...... 5 Candaca Pollard b: September 14, 1788 d: October 1855 Fact 1: B. Sep 1, 1787 per father's family bible ...... *2nd Wife of [7] James Pollard: ...... +Edith Porter Caldwell b: March 01, 1754 m: January 01, 1809 Fact 1: Widowed sister of 1st wife Molly Porter ...... 4 Benjamin Pollard b: July 18, 1745 ...... 4 Sarah Pollard b: June 18, 1747 ...... 4 Lucy Pollard b: Abt. March 02, 1749 ...... 4 Betsy Pollard b: November 12, 1750 ...... 4 Olive Pollard b: July 12, 1753 ...... 4 Thaddeus Pollard b: April 27, 1755 ...... 4 Walter Pollard b: August 21, 1757 d: November 16, 1826 ...... 3 Elizabeth Pollard b: 1712 d: 1713 ...... 3 Benjamin Pollard b: 1715 ...... 2 Elizabeth Pollard b: August 30, 1668 in Ansley, Warwickshire, UK

Pollard Family Tree Master List July/98

Name Birth date Birth location Death date Spouse ALLAN, Anita Alice June 04, 1949 Toronto ON POLLARD, David Lawrence BANNISTER, Selena Beatrice 1859 1905 POLLARD, Richard Franklin BELL, Maggie 1847 Tyrone ON October 24, 1883 POLLARD, Richard Franklin BENNETT, Christina Dorothy POLLARD, Richard Frederick BOHEMIER, Benoit Alexandre August 21, 1997 Winnipeg MB BOHEMIER, Madison Nicole June 30, 1995 Winnipeg MB BOHEMIER, Phillippe POLLARD, Shelagh Ruth BOWMAN, Claudia Morva Winnipeg MB POLLARD, Alan Jonathan BROCKLEBANK, Selena Walkerton ON MACCUNN, Angus BRYANT, Diane BRYANT, Jerry BRYANT, Leslie JOHNSTON, Helen BRYANT, Mary Ellen BUCK, Harriet POLLARD, Erastus Derby BURNS, Eliza Jane BURNS, Esther BURNS, John December 27, 1835 February 23, 1911 POLLARD, Mary BURNS, John Chrysostow BURNS, William James CALDWELL, Edith Porter March 01, 1754 POLLARD, James CAMERON, Isabelle March 30, 1922 POLLARD, James Madison CARPENTER, Mary Ann WIGGINS, David Stanford CARROLL, Lovina POLLARD, Joshua Brock CASLOR, Maria Abt. 1862 POLLARD, Joshua, Sr. CONNELL, Mag Cornwell or 1856 POLLARD, Stephen Ballard, Dr. CRAVEN, Mary POLLARD, Frank Herbert CRAWFORD, Hiram POLLARD, Mary CRAWFORD-BURNS, Emilia CRAWFORD-BURNS, Mary CRAWFORD-BURNS, Sarah DANFORTH, Dorothy June 27, 1715 June 22, 1796 POLLARD, Walter, Capt. DAVIES, Elena 1973 DAVIES, Katherine 1974 ELLISON, Marion POLLARD, Arthur F. FARMER, Mary February 1691 POLLARD, William FARMER, Sarah May 03, 1725 POLLARD, Thomas GREGORA, Susan Ashley Winnipeg MB POLLARD, Gordon Oliver HILL, Mariah June 23, 1814 November 22, 1876 POLLARD, Joshua, Jr. HOUSE, Edward Piew POLLARD, Sarah Ann HOWES, Joseph POLLARD, Zylphia Adeline HOWES, Minnie 1864 HOWES, Unknown JOHN, Susan Elizabeth REECE, G. Percival JOHNSTON, Allan RITA JOHNSTON, Edna MASSEY, Kit JOHNSTON, Edward POLLARD, Mary Eleanor JOHNSTON, Gordon RUTH JOHNSTON, Helen BRYANT, Leslie JOHNSTON, Mildred TOMKINS, Harry Alexander JOHNSTON, Norlaine Toronto ON JOHNSTON, Richard Edmonton JOHNSTON, Scott Toronto ON Keziah 1833 POLLARD, Joshua, Sr. KING, Ann POLLARD, Douglas Arthur KOLARIKOVA, Jana January 23, 1964 Brno, Czech Republic MATTHEWS, Christian Michael LANDRY, Mr. POLLARD, Chris MACCUNN, Angus Abt. November 03, 1899 BROCKLEBANK, Selena MACCUNN, John Montreal POLLARD, Clara Zelinda MACCUNN, Lillian Abt. 1904 Abt. 1904 MACGILLIVRAY, Kenneth Woodstock ON POLLARD, Barbara Jean MACGILLIVRAY, Peter James January 08, 1991 Woodstock ON MACKAY, Catherine Margaret WIGGINS, Stanford MARSH, Chris Grenville September 20, 1961 POLLARD, Diane Patricia MARSH, Dustin Everett August 07, 1987 Winnipeg MB MARSH, Riley Colton May 03, 1990 Winnipeg MB MASSEY, Glenn Scottsdale AZ MASSEY, Kit JOHNSTON, Edna MASSEY, Robert Van Nuys CA MATTHEWS, Cassandra Tegan September 10, 1999 Brampton ON MATTHEWS, Christian Michael May 29, 1973 Sudbury ON KOLARIKOVA, Jana MATTHEWS, Romana Kolarikova January 02, 1990 Brno, Czech Republic MATTHEWS, Tiffany Naomi September 14, 1975 Sudbury ON MCKEOWN, Mr. POLLARD, Doreen Beth MCKINNON, Pamela Winnipeg MB POLLARD, Glen William MORGAN, Jim YOUNG, Betty OLENICK, Colin Marc March 17, 1982 Winnipeg MB May 20, 1984 OLENICK, Dale POLLARD, Diane Patricia PANNETON, Alec Cassidy December 17, 1991 PANNETON, Jean Montreal POLLARD, Elaine Louise PANNETON, Jenna Michelle January 20, 1998 PANNETON, Zachary Austin September 01, 1996 PARKHILL, Alma SCARLETT, Robert A., Rev. POHLMANN, Leeola Marjorie Shaunovan SK POLLARD, Earle Brock POLLARD, Addie 1871 Toronto ON January 18, 1951 POLLARD, Adolphus Theodore October 18, 1835 Sheridan ON 1911 SHOOK, Hannah Isabelle POLLARD, Alan Jonathan April 24, 1955 Winnipeg MB BOWMAN, Claudia Morva POLLARD, Arthur F. 1877 Sheridan ON REID, Bella POLLARD, Barbara December 06, 1695 POLLARD, Barbara Jean May 09, 1968 Winnipeg MB MACGILLIVRAY, Kenneth POLLARD, Benjamin 1715 POLLARD, Benjamin July 18, 1745 POLLARD, Betsy November 12, 1750 POLLARD, Brock Edward June 03, 1997 Winnipeg MB POLLARD, Candaca September 14, 1788 October 1855 POLLARD, Candaca May 10, 1808 Sheridan ON 1828 STREET, Hiram POLLARD, Charles 1882 Toronto ON POLLARD, Charles B. 1890 Sheridan ON POLLARD, Charlotte Diana April 01, 1885 Sheridan ON YOUNG, Alex POLLARD, Chris LANDRY, Mr. POLLARD, Christopher William February 06, 1982 Winnipeg MB POLLARD, Clara Zelinda May 15, 1874 Teeterville ON Aft. 1944 MACCUNN, John POLLARD, Columbus G. August 28, 1848 Sheridan ON May 23, 1889 POLLARD, David November 22, 1739 June 02, 1827 POLLARD, David Lawrence June 22, 1951 Leicester UK ALLAN, Anita Alice POLLARD, Diane Patricia April 09, 1955 Winnipeg MB MARSH, Chris Grenville POLLARD, Dolly April 01, 1777 August 15, 1804 POLLARD, Doreen Beth July 20, 1928 Toronto ON MCKEOWN, Mr. POLLARD, Dorothy June 23, 1737 POLLARD, Douglas Arthur March 09, 1924 Winnipeg MB REECE, Emily Maud POLLARD, Douglas Earle October 27, 1970 Winnipeg MB POLLARD, Earle Brock March 09, 1924 Winnipeg MB POHLMANN, Leeola Marjorie POLLARD, Edna Beatrice January 31, 1892 Toronto ON August 17, 1972 WIGGINS, Charles Stanford POLLARD, Edward November 04, 1694 1743 POLLARD, Elaine Louise April 21, 1959 Winnipeg MB PANNETON, Jean POLLARD, Eleanor Jane July 24, 1834 June 23, 1875 SHORTISS, Edward POLLARD, Elizabeth August 30, 1668 Ansley, Warwickshire, UK POLLARD, Elizabeth 1712 1713 POLLARD, Elizabeth May 29, 1775 POLLARD, Elizabeth July 17, 1805 Boston MA USA or Saltfleet ON August 1837 STAFFORD, James Ira POLLARD, Emma Isabelle November 30, 1876 Teeterville ON Aft. 1907 POLLARD, Erastus Derby January 06, 1840 Sheridan ON February 21, 1877 BUCK, Harriet POLLARD, Eric Struthers June 10, 1991 Winnipeg MB POLLARD, Evan Bartley February 18, 1994 Winnipeg MB POLLARD, F. Ross February 10, 1930 Toronto ON POLLARD, Frank Herbert December 24, 1868 Bayfield ON Aft. 1906 CRAVEN, Mary POLLARD, Gertrude 1880 Toronto ON POLLARD, Glen William May 24, 1952 Winnipeg MB MCKINNON, Pamela POLLARD, Gordon Oliver October 14, 1959 Winnipeg MB GREGORA, Susan Ashley POLLARD, Grace 1874 Toronto ON POLLARD, Irene Bell 1875 Sheridan ON July 28, 1904 WOODLAND, Fred POLLARD, Isaac February 26, 1779 POLLARD, Israel July 12, 1768 January 01, 1788 POLLARD, Jacqueline Florence September 09, 1992 Winnipeg MB POLLARD, James October 05, 1708 1779 POLLARD, James December 23, 1743 Bedford MA USA Abt. September 14, 1835 PORTER, Molly POLLARD, James December 23, 1766 July 19, 1779 POLLARD, James February 22, 1807 1807 POLLARD, James Harold 1878 Toronto ON POLLARD, James II September 16, 1816 Sheridan ON Aft. 1850 POLLARD, James Madison March 20, 1844 Sheridan ON Aft. 1924 CAMERON, Isabelle POLLARD, John POLLARD, John September 01, 1699 November 11, 1772 POLLARD, John December 13, 1801 Boston MA USA or Saltfleet ON March 03, 1823 POLLARD, John Ross 1898 Toronto ON September 28, 1916 POLLARD, John Struthers June 25, 1961 Winnipeg MB WHERRETT, Elizabeth Bartley POLLARD, Jonathan September 21, 1741 December 06, 1832 POLLARD, Joseph May 03, 1702 1780 POLLARD, Joseph April 08, 1770 November 07, 1826 POLLARD, Joseph December 27, 1814 1821 POLLARD, Joshua Brock September 15, 1837 Sheridan ON September 23, 1858 POLLARD, Joshua Brock February 18, 1865 Bayfield ON CARROLL, Lovina POLLARD, Joshua Warren 1874 Sheridan ON Aft. 1891 POLLARD, Joshua, Jr. August 02, 1813 Sheridan ON July 05, 1882 HILL, Mariah POLLARD, Joshua, Sr. September 02, 1772 Harvard MA USA April 24, 1850 WHITESELL, Mary Ann POLLARD, Lawrence Oliver January 26, 1928 Winnipeg MB STRUTHERS, Frances POLLARD, Lillian 1877 POLLARD, Lucinda December 10, 1812 December 10, 1898 WESTERVELT, Garrett POLLARD, Lucy Abt. March 02, 1749 POLLARD, Maggie 1872 Toronto ON POLLARD, Mary August 30, 1693 POLLARD, Mary October 24, 1834 Sheridan ON Abt. March 30, 1907 BURNS, John POLLARD, Mary 1879 POLLARD, Mary Ann April 25, 1818 Sheridan ON 1823 POLLARD, Mary Eleanor December 18, 1870 Bayfield ON JOHNSTON, Edward POLLARD, Michael Oliver June 16, 1990 Winnipeg MB POLLARD, Molly September 12, 1773 POLLARD, Nathaniel October 18, 1706 POLLARD, Olive July 12, 1753 POLLARD, Olive February 14, 1785 POLLARD, Olive July 30, 1820 Sheridan ON 1858 SPENCER, Dennis POLLARD, Olive Jeanette August 13, 1894 Winnipeg MB February 03, 1977 PROTHEROE, Fred POLLARD, Oliver July 23, 1703 July 11, 1788 POLLARD, Oliver Herman May 13, 1867 Bayfield ON January 02, 1944 REID, Janet Agnes POLLARD, Pauline 1886 Toronto ON POLLARD, Rhys David Bowman November 27, 1985 Winnipeg MB POLLARD, Richard Franklin October 30, 1849 Sheridan ON 1935 BELL, Maggie POLLARD, Richard Frederick August 20, 1893 Toronto ON November 18, 1967 BENNETT, Christina Dorothy POLLARD, Ryan Wherrett March 12, 1989 Winnipeg MB POLLARD, Sarah February 16, 1700 March 03, 1701 POLLARD, Sarah June 18, 1747 POLLARD, Sarah December 15, 1779 April 07, 1780 POLLARD, Sarah Ann HOUSE, Edward Piew POLLARD, Sarah II December 21, 1705 POLLARD, Sarah II March 25, 1781 April 07, 1782 POLLARD, Sarah III February 21, 1783 POLLARD, Shelagh Diane May 09, 1985 Winnipeg MB POLLARD, Shelagh Ruth February 03, 1966 Winnipeg MB BOHEMIER, Phillippe POLLARD, Stephen Ballard, Dr. May 11, 1846 Sheridan ON Bef. 1924 CONNELL, Mag Cornwell or POLLARD, Stephen R. 1884 Toronto ON August 24, 1916 POLLARD, Thaddeus April 27, 1755 POLLARD, Thomas December 28, 1666 Ansley, Warwickshire, UK April 04, 1724 FARMER, Sarah POLLARD, Thomas February 06, 1696 July 23, 1769 POLLARD, Unknown POLLARD, Unknown POLLARD, Victor 1891 Sheridan ON POLLARD, Viola 1891 Sheridan ON POLLARD, Walter August 21, 1757 November 16, 1826 POLLARD, Walter April 23, 1822 Sheridan ON July 09, 1887 POLLARD, Walter, Capt. December 26, 1709 Billerica MA USA February 05, 1790 DANFORTH, Dorothy POLLARD, Wilbur Herman February 10, 1898 Winnipeg MB November 14, 1962 SCARLETT, Aleta Jean POLLARD, William Abt. 1640 Astley UK Aft. 1671 FARMER, Mary POLLARD, William August 03, 1698 POLLARD, William July 10, 1810 Sheridan ON July 17, 1875 SIMONS, Sarah POLLARD, William E. 1876 Toronto ON POLLARD, Zylphia Adeline May 14, 1842 Sheridan ON February 1900 HOWES, Joseph PORTER, Molly April 23, 1743 Bef. 1809 POLLARD, James PROTHEROE, Doris Jean June 10, 1924 October 24, 1982 PROTHEROE, Fred March 11, 1885 Cleveland OH USA February 28, 1977 POLLARD, Olive Jeanette PROTHEROE, Joan Elizabeth October 10, 1930 REECE, Emily Maud September 19, 1928 Cardiff Wales UK December 25, 1988 POLLARD, Douglas Arthur REECE, G. Percival JOHN, Susan Elizabeth REID, Bella POLLARD, Arthur F. REID, Janet Agnes December 22, 1867 Hanover ON May 22, 1946 POLLARD, Oliver Herman RITA JOHNSTON, Allan RUTH JOHNSTON, Gordon SCARLETT, Aleta Jean September 13, 1899 Medicine Hat AB August 17, 1983 POLLARD, Wilbur Herman SCARLETT, Robert A., Rev. Medicine Hat AB PARKHILL, Alma SHOOK, Hannah Isabelle 1842 Sheridan ON 1921 POLLARD, Adolphus Theodore SHORTISS, Edward POLLARD, Eleanor Jane SHORTISS, Edward J. 1864 1875 SHORTISS, Maria 1869 SHORTISS, Thomas 1863 SIMONS, Sarah 1810 October 08, 1881 POLLARD, William SPENCER, Dennis POLLARD, Olive STAFFORD, James Ira POLLARD, Elizabeth STAFFORD, Peter Theodore Abt. 1830 STREET, Hiram POLLARD, Candaca STRUTHERS, Frances Winnipeg MB POLLARD, Lawrence Oliver TOMKINS, Harry Alexander JOHNSTON, Mildred TOMKINS, John Allan Winnipeg MB TOMKINS, Patricia Ann WESTERVELT, Garrett 1803 January 29, 1873 POLLARD, Lucinda WESTERVELT, James Abt. 1829 WESTERVELT, Joseph Abt. 1849 WESTERVELT, Joshua Abt. 1832 WESTERVELT, Mary A. Abt. 1838 WESTERVELT, Olivia Abt. 1840 WESTERVELT, William Abt. 1839 WHERRETT, Elizabeth Bartley Winnipeg MB POLLARD, John Struthers WHITESELL, Mary Ann 1781 Boston MA USA February 14, 1823 POLLARD, Joshua, Sr. WIGGINS, Charles Stanford May 22, 1880 Indiana USA February 03, 1963 POLLARD, Edna Beatrice WIGGINS, David Stanford July 23, 1949 CARPENTER, Mary Ann WIGGINS, Gordon May 23, 1922 June 03, 1981 WIGGINS, Janet December 31, 1915 WIGGINS, Stanford November 07, 1917 May 30, 1949 MACKAY, Catherine Margaret WOODLAND, Fred POLLARD, Irene Bell YOUNG, Alex Winnipeg MB POLLARD, Charlotte Diana YOUNG, Betty 1917 Winnipeg MB MORGAN, Jim

Descendants of William Pollard

Generation No. 1 1 1. WILLIAM POLLARD was born Abt. 1640 in Astley UK, and died Aft. 1671 in Coventry UK. He married MARY FARMER Abt. 1665 in UK. More About WILLIAM POLLARD: Fact 1: Glovemaker Children of WILLIAM POLLARD and MARY FARMER are: 2. i. THOMAS2 POLLARD, b. December 28, 1666, Ansley, Warwickshire, UK; d. April 04, 1724, Billerica MA USA. ii. ELIZABETH POLLARD, b. August 30, 1668, Ansley, Warwickshire, UK.

Generation No. 2 2 1 2. THOMAS POLLARD (WILLIAM ) was born December 28, 1666 in Ansley, Warwickshire, UK, and died April 04, 1724 in Billerica MA USA. He married SARAH FARMER November 16, 1692 in Ansley, Warwickshire, UK.

More About SARAH FARMER: Fact 1: Sarah was her husband's first cousin Children of THOMAS POLLARD and SARAH FARMER are: i. MARY3 POLLARD, b. August 30, 1693. ii. EDWARD POLLARD, b. November 04, 1694; d. 1743. iii. BARBARA POLLARD, b. December 06, 1695. iv. THOMAS POLLARD, b. February 06, 1696; d. July 23, 1769. v. WILLIAM POLLARD, b. August 03, 1698. vi. JOHN POLLARD, b. September 01, 1699; d. November 11, 1772. vii. SARAH POLLARD, b. February 16, 1700; d. March 03, 1701. viii. JOSEPH POLLARD, b. May 03, 1702; d. 1780. ix. OLIVER POLLARD, b. July 23, 1703; d. July 11, 1788. x. SARAH POLLARD II, b. December 21, 1705. xi. NATHANIEL POLLARD, b. October 18, 1706. xii. JAMES POLLARD, b. October 05, 1708; d. 1779. More About JAMES POLLARD: Fact 1: No children 3. xiii. WALTER POLLARD , CAPT., b. December 26, 1709, Billerica MA USA; d. February 05, 1790, Harvard MA USA. xiv. ELIZABETH POLLARD, b. 1712; d. 1713. xv. BENJAMIN POLLARD, b. 1715.

Generation No. 3 3 2 1 3. WALTER POLLARD , CAPT. (THOMAS , WILLIAM ) was born December 26, 1709 in Billerica MA USA, and died February 05, 1790 in Harvard MA USA. He married DOROTHY DANFORTH September 09, 1735 in Bedford MA USA.

Children of WALTER POLLARD and DOROTHY DANFORTH are: i. DOROTHY4 POLLARD, b. June 23, 1737. ii. DAVID POLLARD, b. November 22, 1739; d. June 02, 1827. iii. JONATHAN POLLARD, b. September 21, 1741; d. December 06, 1832. 4. iv. JAMES POLLARD, b. December 23, 1743, Bedford MA USA; d. Abt. September 14, 1835, Harvard MA USA. v. BENJAMIN POLLARD, b. July 18, 1745. vi. SARAH POLLARD, b. June 18, 1747. vii. LUCY POLLARD, b. Abt. March 02, 1749. viii. BETSY POLLARD, b. November 12, 1750. ix. OLIVE POLLARD, b. July 12, 1753. x. THADDEUS POLLARD, b. April 27, 1755. xi. WALTER POLLARD, b. August 21, 1757; d. November 16, 1826.

Generation No. 4 4 3 2 1 4. JAMES POLLARD (WALTER , THOMAS , WILLIAM ) was born December 23, 1743 in Bedford MA USA, and died Abt. September 14, 1835 in Harvard MA USA. He married (1) MOLLY PORTER 1765. He married (2) EDITH PORTER CALDWELL January 01, 1809.

More About EDITH PORTER CALDWELL: Fact 1: Widowed sister of 1st wife Molly Porter Children of JAMES POLLARD and MOLLY PORTER are: i. JAMES5 POLLARD, b. December 23, 1766; d. July 19, 1779. ii. ISRAEL POLLARD, b. July 12, 1768; d. January 01, 1788. iii. JOSEPH POLLARD, b. April 08, 1770; d. November 07, 1826. More About JOSEPH POLLARD: Fact 1: b. Feb.23, 1770 per family bible 5. iv. JOSHUA POLLARD , SR., b. September 02, 1772, Harvard MA USA; d. April 24, 1850, Sheridan ON. v. ELIZABETH POLLARD, b. May 29, 1775. vi. MOLLY POLLARD, b. September 12, 1773. vii. DOLLY POLLARD, b. April 01, 1777; d. August 15, 1804. viii. ISAAC POLLARD, b. February 26, 1779. ix. SARAH POLLARD, b. December 15, 1779; d. April 07, 1780. More About SARAH POLLARD: Fact 1: B. Dec 20, 1780 per father's family bible x. SARAH POLLARD II, b. March 25, 1781; d. April 07, 1782. More About SARAH POLLARD II: Fact 1: not listed in father's family bible xi. SARAH POLLARD III, b. February 21, 1783. xii. OLIVE POLLARD, b. February 14, 1785. xiii. CANDACA POLLARD, b. September 14, 1788; d. October 1855. More About CANDACA POLLARD: Fact 1: B. Sep 1, 1787 per father's family bible

Generation No. 5 5 4 3 2 1 5. JOSHUA POLLARD , SR. (JAMES , WALTER , THOMAS , WILLIAM ) was born September 02, 1772 in Harvard MA USA, and died April 24, 1850 in Sheridan ON. He married (1) MARY ANN WHITESELL 1800 in Boston MA USA or Saltfleet ON. He married (2) KEZIAH Aft. 1823 in Sheridan ON. He married (3) MARIA CASLOR Aft. 1833 in Sheridan ON.

More About MARY ANN WHITESELL: Fact 1: dtr of Nicolaus Weitzel & Eliz. Kline Children of JOSHUA POLLARD and MARY WHITESELL are: i. JOHN6 POLLARD, b. December 13, 1801, Boston MA USA or Saltfleet ON; d. March 03, 1823, Sheridan ON. More About JOHN POLLARD: Fact 1: Not a millionaire wine merchant as per Maurice Pollard book Fact 2: Descendants, if any, unknown 6. ii. ELIZABETH POLLARD, b. July 17, 1805, Boston MA USA or Saltfleet ON; d. August 1837, Sheridan ON. iii. JAMES POLLARD, b. February 22, 1807; d. 1807. iv. CANDACA POLLARD, b. May 10, 1808, Sheridan ON; d. 1828; m. HIRAM STREET, 1827. More About CANDACA POLLARD: Fact 1: No children 7. v. WILLIAM POLLARD, b. July 10, 1810, Sheridan ON; d. July 17, 1875, Burgesville ON. 8. vi. LUCINDA POLLARD, b. December 10, 1812; d. December 10, 1898, Michigan. 9. vii. JOSHUA POLLARD , JR., b. August 02, 1813, Sheridan ON; d. July 05, 1882, Sheridan ON. viii. JOSEPH POLLARD, b. December 27, 1814; d. 1821, Sheridan ON. ix. JAMES POLLARD II, b. September 16, 1816, Sheridan ON; d. Aft. 1850. More About JAMES POLLARD II: Fact 1: Descendants, if any, unknown x. MARY ANN POLLARD, b. April 25, 1818, Sheridan ON; d. 1823, Sheridan ON. xi. OLIVE POLLARD, b. July 30, 1820, Sheridan ON; d. 1858; m. DENNIS SPENCER. xii. WALTER POLLARD, b. April 23, 1822, Sheridan ON; d. July 09, 1887, Sheridan ON. More About WALTER POLLARD: Fact 1: Descendants, if any, and whereabouts 1830-87 unknown

Generation No. 6 6 5 4 3 2 1 6. ELIZABETH POLLARD (JOSHUA , JAMES , WALTER , THOMAS , WILLIAM ) was born July 17, 1805 in Boston MA USA or Saltfleet ON, and died August 1837 in Sheridan ON. She married JAMES IRA STAFFORD Abt. 1825 in Hamilton ON.

Child of ELIZABETH POLLARD and JAMES STAFFORD is: i. PETER THEODORE7 STAFFORD, b. Abt. 1830. 6 5 4 3 2 1 7. WILLIAM POLLARD (JOSHUA , JAMES , WALTER , THOMAS , WILLIAM ) was born July 10, 1810 in Sheridan ON, and died July 17, 1875 in Burgesville ON. He married SARAH SIMONS.

Children of WILLIAM POLLARD and SARAH SIMONS are: i. COLUMBUS G.7 POLLARD, b. August 28, 1848, Sheridan ON; d. May 23, 1889, Burgesville ON. More About COLUMBUS G. POLLARD: Fact 1: Descendants, if any, unknown 10. ii. MARY POLLARD, b. October 24, 1834, Sheridan ON; d. Abt. March 30, 1907, Streetsville ON. iii. JOHN POLLARD. iv. SARAH ANN POLLARD, m. EDWARD PIEW HOUSE, December 26, 1854, Toronto ON. 6 5 4 3 2 1 8. LUCINDA POLLARD (JOSHUA , JAMES , WALTER , THOMAS , WILLIAM ) was born December 10, 1812, and died December 10, 1898 in Michigan. She married GARRETT WESTERVELT.

Children of LUCINDA POLLARD and GARRETT WESTERVELT are: i. JAMES7 WESTERVELT, b. Abt. 1829. ii. JOSHUA WESTERVELT, b. Abt. 1832. iii. WILLIAM WESTERVELT, b. Abt. 1839. More About WILLIAM WESTERVELT: Fact 1: B. may be 1833 not 1839 iv. OLIVIA WESTERVELT, b. Abt. 1840. v. MARY A. WESTERVELT, b. Abt. 1838. vi. JOSEPH WESTERVELT, b. Abt. 1849. 6 5 4 3 2 1 9. JOSHUA POLLARD , JR. (JOSHUA , JAMES , WALTER , THOMAS , WILLIAM ) was born August 02, 1813 in Sheridan ON, and died July 05, 1882 in Sheridan ON. He married MARIAH HILL July 11, 1833 in Sheridan ON. More About JOSHUA POLLARD , JR.: Fact 1: Lived in Oakville 1870s More About MARIAH HILL: Fact 1: Dtr of Rich. and Eleanor (Mudge) Children of JOSHUA POLLARD and MARIAH HILL are: 11. i. ELEANOR JANE7 POLLARD, b. July 24, 1834; d. June 23, 1875, Sheridan ON. 12. ii. ADOLPHUS THEODORE POLLARD, b. October 18, 1835, Sheridan ON; d. 1911, Sheridan ON. iii. JOSHUA BROCK POLLARD, b. September 15, 1837, Sheridan ON; d. September 23, 1858, Texas, buried in Sheridan, ON. More About JOSHUA BROCK POLLARD: Fact 1: Unmarried, died of yellow fever en route to gold rush or at Alamo iv. ERASTUS DERBY POLLARD, b. January 06, 1840, Sheridan ON; d. February 21, 1877, Sheridan ON; m. HARRIET BUCK, 1871, Toronto ON. More About ERASTUS DERBY POLLARD: Fact 1: 1873 in Toronto as Commercial Traveller More About HARRIET BUCK: Fact 1: May be dtr of Busch (Bush) of Bush`s Inn, Clarkson ON 13. v. ZYLPHIA ADELINE POLLARD, b. May 14, 1842, Sheridan ON; d. February 1900, Oakville ON. 14. vi. JAMES MADISON POLLARD, b. March 20, 1844, Sheridan ON; d. Aft. 1924, Toronto ON. 15. vii. STEPHEN BALLARD POLLARD , DR., b. May 11, 1846, Sheridan ON; d. Bef. 1924, Toronto ON. 16. viii. RICHARD FRANKLIN POLLARD, b. October 30, 1849, Sheridan ON; d. 1935, Toronto ON.

Generation No. 7 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 10. MARY POLLARD (WILLIAM , JOSHUA , JAMES , WALTER , THOMAS , WILLIAM ) was born October 24, 1834 in Sheridan ON, and died Abt. March 30, 1907 in Streetsville ON. She married (1) HIRAM CRAWFORD 1854. She married (2) JOHN BURNS 1863 in Sheridan ON.

Children of MARY POLLARD and HIRAM CRAWFORD are: i. SARAH8 CRAWFORD-BURNS. ii. EMILIA CRAWFORD-BURNS. iii. MARY CRAWFORD-BURNS. Children of MARY POLLARD and JOHN BURNS are: iv. ELIZA JANE8 BURNS. v. ESTHER BURNS. vi. JOHN CHRYSOSTOW BURNS. vii. WILLIAM JAMES BURNS. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 11. ELEANOR JANE POLLARD (JOSHUA , JOSHUA , JAMES , WALTER , THOMAS , WILLIAM ) was born July 24, 1834, and died June 23, 1875 in Sheridan ON. She married EDWARD SHORTISS. More About ELEANOR JANE POLLARD: Fact 1: Lived in Toronto 1873 Children of ELEANOR POLLARD and EDWARD SHORTISS are: i. THOMAS8 SHORTISS, b. 1863. More About THOMAS SHORTISS: Fact 1: Pres. Quaker Candy Co. Toronto 1924 ii. MARIA SHORTISS, b. 1869. iii. EDWARD J. SHORTISS, b. 1864; d. 1875, Sheridan ON. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12. ADOLPHUS THEODORE POLLARD (JOSHUA , JOSHUA , JAMES , WALTER , THOMAS , WILLIAM ) was born October 18, 1835 in Sheridan ON, and died 1911 in Sheridan ON. He married HANNAH ISABELLE SHOOK November 25, 1863 in Sheridan ON. More About ADOLPHUS THEODORE POLLARD: Fact 1: Tailor 1888-1907 Pollard & (Chas) Speers, 988 Bloor St. W More About HANNAH ISABELLE SHOOK: Fact 1: Dtr of Conrad & Mary (Macdonald) Children of ADOLPHUS POLLARD and HANNAH SHOOK are: i. JOSHUA BROCK8 POLLARD, b. February 18, 1865, Bayfield ON; d. Toronto ON; m. LOVINA CARROLL, 1890, Sheridan ON. More About JOSHUA BROCK POLLARD: Fact 1: No children, per Betty Morgan Fact 2: In Toronto 1891-92 as tailor 17. ii. OLIVER HERMAN POLLARD, b. May 13, 1867, Bayfield ON; d. January 02, 1944, Winnipeg MB. 18. iii. FRANK HERBERT POLLARD, b. December 24, 1868, Bayfield ON; d. Aft. 1906, Toronto ON. 19. iv. MARY ELEANOR POLLARD, b. December 18, 1870, Bayfield ON; d. Winnipeg MB. 20. v. CLARA ZELINDA POLLARD, b. May 15, 1874, Teeterville ON; d. Aft. 1944, Toronto ON. vi. EMMA ISABELLE POLLARD, b. November 30, 1876, Teeterville ON; d. Aft. 1907, Toronto ON. More About EMMA ISABELLE POLLARD: Fact 1: In Toronto 1899-1907 as a “wks" 21. vii. CHARLOTTE DIANA POLLARD, b. April 01, 1885, Sheridan ON. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 13. ZYLPHIA ADELINE POLLARD (JOSHUA , JOSHUA , JAMES , WALTER , THOMAS , WILLIAM ) was born May 14, 1842 in Sheridan ON, and died February 1900 in Oakville ON. She married JOSEPH HOWES January 06, 1862 in Oakville ON. More About ZYLPHIA ADELINE POLLARD: Fact 1: Husband a partner of Erastus Derby (Howes & Pollard, grocers) Children of ZYLPHIA POLLARD and JOSEPH HOWES are: i. MINNIE8 HOWES, b. 1864. ii. UNKNOWN HOWES. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 14. JAMES MADISON POLLARD (JOSHUA , JOSHUA , JAMES , WALTER , THOMAS , WILLIAM ) was born March 20, 1844 in Sheridan ON, and died Aft. 1924 in Toronto ON. He married ISABELLE CAMERON 1869 in Sheridan ON. More About JAMES MADISON POLLARD: Fact 1: In Toronto 1873-95 as engineer Fact 2: In Oakville w/dtr in 1924 Children of JAMES POLLARD and ISABELLE CAMERON are: i. ADDIE8 POLLARD, b. 1871, Toronto ON; d. January 18, 1951, Toronto ON. More About ADDIE POLLARD: Fact 1: in Toronto 1890 ii. MAGGIE POLLARD, b. 1872, Toronto ON. More About MAGGIE POLLARD: Fact 1: In Toronto 1891-92 as a bookbinder iii. GRACE POLLARD, b. 1874, Toronto ON. More About GRACE POLLARD: Fact 1: in Toronto 1892-95 as a pressfeeder iv. WILLIAM E. POLLARD, b. 1876, Toronto ON. More About WILLIAM E. POLLARD: Fact 1: In Toronto 1895 as a "wks" Fact 2: Descendants, if any, unknown v. JAMES HAROLD POLLARD, b. 1878, Toronto ON. More About JAMES HAROLD POLLARD: Fact 1: In Toronto 1895-1907 as a printer Fact 2: Descendants, if any, unknown vi. GERTRUDE POLLARD, b. 1880, Toronto ON. vii. CHARLES POLLARD, b. 1882, Toronto ON. More About CHARLES POLLARD: Fact 1: in Toronto 1891 with parents Fact 2: Descendants, if any, unknown viii. STEPHEN R. POLLARD, b. 1884, Toronto ON; d. August 24, 1916. More About STEPHEN R. POLLARD: Fact 1: In Toronto 1901-05 as a printer Fact 2: Descendants, if any, unknown ix. PAULINE POLLARD, b. 1886, Toronto ON. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 15. STEPHEN BALLARD POLLARD , DR. (JOSHUA , JOSHUA , JAMES , WALTER , THOMAS , WILLIAM ) was born May 11, 1846 in Sheridan ON, and died Bef. 1924 in Toronto ON. He married MAG CORNWELL OR CONNELL 1874 in Toronto ON. More About STEPHEN BALLARD POLLARD , DR.: Fact 1: In Toronto 1873-1907 as physician & surgeon Children of STEPHEN POLLARD and MAG CONNELL are: i. LILLIAN8 POLLARD, b. 1877. ii. MARY POLLARD, b. 1879. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 16. RICHARD FRANKLIN POLLARD (JOSHUA , JOSHUA , JAMES , WALTER , THOMAS , WILLIAM ) was born October 30, 1849 in Sheridan ON, and died 1935 in Toronto ON. He married (1) MAGGIE BELL 1873 in Sheridan ON. He married (2) SELENA BEATRICE BANNISTER 1889 in Sheridan ON. More About RICHARD FRANKLIN POLLARD: Fact 1: In Toronto 1892-1907 as moto Toronto Rwy Fact 2: In Oakville 1871 as telegrapher Fact 3: In 1934 at 582 Durie Av., Toronto Children of RICHARD POLLARD and MAGGIE BELL are: i. JOSHUA WARREN8 POLLARD, b. 1874, Sheridan ON; d. Aft. 1891, USA. More About JOSHUA WARREN POLLARD: Fact 1: Descendants, if any, unknown ii. IRENE BELL POLLARD, b. 1875, Sheridan ON; d. July 28, 1904; m. FRED WOODLAND, April 26, 1899. iii. ARTHUR F. POLLARD, b. 1877, Sheridan ON; m. (1) BELLA REID; m. (2) MARION ELLISON. More About ARTHUR F. POLLARD: Fact 1: Descendants, if any, unknown

Children of RICHARD POLLARD and SELENA BANNISTER are: iv. CHARLES B.8 POLLARD, b. 1890, Sheridan ON. More About CHARLES B. POLLARD: Fact 1: Descendants, if any, unknown Fact 2: 1907 in Toronto as cabinetmaker v. VICTOR POLLARD, b. 1891, Sheridan ON. More About VICTOR POLLARD: Fact 1: Descendants, if any, unknown Fact 2: In Toronto 1907 as machinist, then went to Vancouver BC vi. VIOLA POLLARD, b. 1891, Sheridan ON. More About VIOLA POLLARD: Fact 1: Twin of Victor 22. vii. RICHARD FREDERICK POLLARD, b. August 20, 1893, Toronto ON; d. November 18, 1967, Toronto ON. viii. JOHN ROSS POLLARD, b. 1898, Toronto ON; d. September 28, 1916, Vimy, France. More About JOHN ROSS POLLARD: Fact 1: Descendants, if any, unknown

Generation No. 8 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 17. OLIVER HERMAN POLLARD (ADOLPHUS THEODORE , JOSHUA , JOSHUA , JAMES , WALTER , THOMAS , WILLIAM ) was born May 13, 1867 in Bayfield ON, and died January 02, 1944 in Winnipeg MB. He married JANET AGNES REID June 05, 1888 in Toronto ON. More About OLIVER HERMAN POLLARD: Fact 1: In Toronto 1887-92 as compositor Fact 2: Lived in Sheridan 1881, Toronto 1883, Winnipeg 1892 Fact 3: Family in Peachland BC 1902-1910 due to Jennie`s ill health More About JANET AGNES REID: Fact 1: Dtr of James Reid of Hanover ON Children of OLIVER POLLARD and JANET REID are: 23. i. OLIVE JEANETTE9 POLLARD, b. August 13, 1894, Winnipeg MB; d. February 03, 1977, Spokane WA. 24. ii. EDNA BEATRICE POLLARD, b. January 31, 1892, Toronto ON; d. August 17, 1972, Winnipeg MB. 25. iii. WILBUR HERMAN POLLARD, b. February 10, 1898, Winnipeg MB; d. November 14, 1962, Winnipeg MB. 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 18. FRANK HERBERT POLLARD (ADOLPHUS THEODORE , JOSHUA , JOSHUA , JAMES , WALTER , THOMAS , WILLIAM ) was born December 24, 1868 in Bayfield ON, and died Aft. 1906 in Toronto ON. He married MARY CRAVEN. More About FRANK HERBERT POLLARD: Fact 1: Descendants unknown but reports 1s, 1d Fact 2: In Toronto 1892-1906 as barber Fact 3: Reputed by grandnephew to be first Pollard millionaire (was also a bookie) Children of FRANK POLLARD and MARY CRAVEN are: i. UNKNOWN9 POLLARD. ii. UNKNOWN POLLARD. 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 19. MARY ELEANOR POLLARD (ADOLPHUS THEODORE , JOSHUA , JOSHUA , JAMES , WALTER , THOMAS , WILLIAM ) was born December 18, 1870 in Bayfield ON, and died in Winnipeg MB. She married EDWARD JOHNSTON.

Children of MARY POLLARD and EDWARD JOHNSTON are: 26. i. MILDRED9 JOHNSTON. 27. ii. ALLAN JOHNSTON. 28. iii. GORDON JOHNSTON. 29. iv. EDNA JOHNSTON. 30. v. HELEN JOHNSTON. 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 20. CLARA ZELINDA POLLARD (ADOLPHUS THEODORE , JOSHUA , JOSHUA , JAMES , WALTER , THOMAS , WILLIAM ) was born May 15, 1874 in Teeterville ON, and died Aft. 1944 in Toronto ON. She married JOHN MACCUNN. More About CLARA ZELINDA POLLARD: Fact 1: in Toronto 1899 as a stenographer Children of CLARA POLLARD and JOHN MACCUNN are: i. ANGUS9 MACCUNN, b. Abt. November 03, 1899; m. SELENA BROCKLEBANK, 1931. ii. LILLIAN MACCUNN, b. Abt. 1904; d. Abt. 1904. 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 21. CHARLOTTE DIANA POLLARD (ADOLPHUS THEODORE , JOSHUA , JOSHUA , JAMES , WALTER , THOMAS , WILLIAM ) was born April 01, 1885 in Sheridan ON. She married ALEX YOUNG. More About CHARLOTTE DIANA POLLARD: Fact 1: In Toronto 1903 as operator Fact 2: Per daughter Betty Morgan, buried at Spring Creek (Sheridan) Child of CHARLOTTE POLLARD and ALEX YOUNG is: i. BETTY9 YOUNG, b. 1917, Winnipeg MB; m. JIM MORGAN, 1943. 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 22. RICHARD FREDERICK POLLARD (RICHARD FRANKLIN , JOSHUA , JOSHUA , JAMES , WALTER , THOMAS , WILLIAM ) was born August 20, 1893 in Toronto ON, and died November 18, 1967 in Toronto ON. He married CHRISTINA DOROTHY BENNETT. More About RICHARD FREDERICK POLLARD: Fact 1: In Toronto 1907 as labeler Children of RICHARD POLLARD and CHRISTINA BENNETT are: 31. i. F. ROSS9 POLLARD, b. February 10, 1930, Toronto ON. ii. DOREEN BETH POLLARD, b. July 20, 1928, Toronto ON; m. MR MCKEOWN.

Generation No. 9 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 23. OLIVE JEANETTE POLLARD (OLIVER HERMAN , ADOLPHUS THEODORE , JOSHUA , JOSHUA , JAMES , WALTER , THOMAS , WILLIAM ) was born August 13, 1894 in Winnipeg MB, and died February 03, 1977 in Spokane WA. She married FRED PROTHEROE July 23, 1923.

Children of OLIVE POLLARD and FRED PROTHEROE are: i. DORIS JEAN10 PROTHEROE, b. June 10, 1924; d. October 24, 1982, Spokane WA. ii. JOAN ELIZABETH PROTHEROE, b. October 10, 1930. 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 24. EDNA BEATRICE POLLARD (OLIVER HERMAN , ADOLPHUS THEODORE , JOSHUA , JOSHUA , JAMES , WALTER , THOMAS , WILLIAM ) was born January 31, 1892 in Toronto ON, and died August 17, 1972 in Winnipeg MB. She married CHARLES STANFORD WIGGINS January 17, 1915 in Winnipeg MB.

Children of EDNA POLLARD and CHARLES WIGGINS are: i. JANET10 WIGGINS, b. December 31, 1915. 32. ii. STANFORD WIGGINS, b. November 07, 1917; d. May 30, 1949, Small Plane Crash. iii. GORDON WIGGINS, b. May 23, 1922; d. June 03, 1981, Long Beach CA. 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 25. WILBUR HERMAN POLLARD (OLIVER HERMAN , ADOLPHUS THEODORE , JOSHUA , JOSHUA , JAMES , WALTER , THOMAS , 1 WILLIAM ) was born February 10, 1898 in Winnipeg MB, and died November 14, 1962 in Winnipeg MB. He married ALETA JEAN SCARLETT September 17, 1921, daughter of ROBERT SCARLETT and ALMA PARKHILL.

Children of WILBUR POLLARD and ALETA SCARLETT are: 33. i. EARLE BROCK10 POLLARD, b. March 09, 1924, Winnipeg MB. 34. ii. DOUGLAS ARTHUR POLLARD, b. March 09, 1924, Winnipeg MB. 35. iii. LAWRENCE OLIVER POLLARD, b. January 26, 1928, Winnipeg MB. 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 26. MILDRED JOHNSTON (MARY ELEANOR POLLARD, ADOLPHUS THEODORE , JOSHUA , JOSHUA , JAMES , WALTER , THOMAS , 1 WILLIAM ). She married HARRY ALEXANDER TOMKINS in Winnipeg MB.






Child of F. ROSS POLLARD is: i. CHRIS10 POLLARD, m. MR LANDRY, Burlington.

Generation No. 10 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 32. STANFORD WIGGINS (EDNA BEATRICE POLLARD, OLIVER HERMAN , ADOLPHUS THEODORE , JOSHUA , JOSHUA , JAMES , 3 2 1 WALTER , THOMAS , WILLIAM ) was born November 07, 1917, and died May 30, 1949 in Small Plane Crash. He married CATHERINE MARGARET MACKAY June 07, 1946.

Child of STANFORD WIGGINS and CATHERINE MACKAY is: 36. i. DAVID STANFORD11 WIGGINS, b. July 23, 1949. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 33. EARLE BROCK POLLARD (WILBUR HERMAN , OLIVER HERMAN , ADOLPHUS THEODORE , JOSHUA , JOSHUA , JAMES , WALTER , 2 1 THOMAS , WILLIAM ) was born March 09, 1924 in Winnipeg MB. He married LEEOLA MARJORIE POHLMANN August 01, 1949 in Shaunovan SK. More About EARLE BROCK POLLARD: Fact 1: Twin of Douglas Arthur Children of EARLE POLLARD and LEEOLA POHLMANN are: 37. i. GLEN WILLIAM11 POLLARD, b. May 24, 1952, Winnipeg MB. 38. ii. DIANE PATRICIA POLLARD, b. April 09, 1955, Winnipeg MB. 39. iii. ELAINE LOUISE POLLARD, b. April 21, 1959, Winnipeg MB. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 34. DOUGLAS ARTHUR POLLARD (WILBUR HERMAN , OLIVER HERMAN , ADOLPHUS THEODORE , JOSHUA , JOSHUA , JAMES , 3 2 1 WALTER , THOMAS , WILLIAM ) was born March 09, 1924 in Winnipeg MB. He married (1) EMILY MAUD REECE September 23, 1950 in Brighstone IOW, England UK, daughter of G. REECE and SUSAN JOHN. He married (2) ANN KING April 07, 1990 in Winnipeg MB.

Children of DOUGLAS POLLARD and EMILY REECE are: 40. i. DAVID LAWRENCE11 POLLARD, b. June 22, 1951, Leicester UK. 41. ii. ALAN JONATHAN POLLARD, b. April 24, 1955, Winnipeg MB. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 35. LAWRENCE OLIVER POLLARD (WILBUR HERMAN , OLIVER HERMAN , ADOLPHUS THEODORE , JOSHUA , JOSHUA , JAMES , 3 2 1 WALTER , THOMAS , WILLIAM ) was born January 26, 1928 in Winnipeg MB. He married FRANCES STRUTHERS November 15, 1956 in Winnipeg MB.

Children of LAWRENCE POLLARD and FRANCES STRUTHERS are: 42. i. GORDON OLIVER11 POLLARD, b. October 14, 1959, Winnipeg MB. 43. ii. JOHN STRUTHERS POLLARD, b. June 25, 1961, Winnipeg MB. 44. iii. SHELAGH RUTH POLLARD, b. February 03, 1966, Winnipeg MB. 45. iv. BARBARA JEAN POLLARD, b. May 09, 1968, Winnipeg MB. v. DOUGLAS EARLE POLLARD, b. October 27, 1970, Winnipeg MB.

Generation No. 11 11 10 9 8 7 6 36. DAVID STANFORD WIGGINS (STANFORD , EDNA BEATRICE POLLARD, OLIVER HERMAN , ADOLPHUS THEODORE , JOSHUA , 5 4 3 2 1 JOSHUA , JAMES , WALTER , THOMAS , WILLIAM ) was born July 23, 1949. He married MARY ANN CARPENTER August 06, 1977.

Children of DAVID WIGGINS and MARY CARPENTER are: i. ELENA12 DAVIES, b. 1973. ii. KATHERINE DAVIES, b. 1974. 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 37. GLEN WILLIAM POLLARD (EARLE BROCK , WILBUR HERMAN , OLIVER HERMAN , ADOLPHUS THEODORE , JOSHUA , JOSHUA , 4 3 2 1 JAMES , WALTER , THOMAS , WILLIAM ) was born May 24, 1952 in Winnipeg MB. He married PAMELA MCKINNON February 15, 1974 in Winnipeg MB.

Children of GLEN POLLARD and PAMELA MCKINNON are: i. CHRISTOPHER WILLIAM12 POLLARD, b. February 06, 1982, Winnipeg MB. ii. SHELAGH DIANE POLLARD, b. May 09, 1985, Winnipeg MB. 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 38. DIANE PATRICIA POLLARD (EARLE BROCK , WILBUR HERMAN , OLIVER HERMAN , ADOLPHUS THEODORE , JOSHUA , JOSHUA , 4 3 2 1 JAMES , WALTER , THOMAS , WILLIAM ) was born April 09, 1955 in Winnipeg MB. She married (1) DALE OLENICK March 31, 1979. She married (2) CHRIS GRENVILLE MARSH 1986 in Winnipeg MB.

More About DALE OLENICK: Fact 1: Div. July 1986 Child of DIANE POLLARD and DALE OLENICK is: i. COLIN MARC12 OLENICK, b. March 17, 1982, Winnipeg MB; d. May 20, 1984, Winnipeg MB. More About COLIN MARC OLENICK: Fact 1: D. of complications of spina bifida

Children of DIANE POLLARD and CHRIS MARSH are: ii. DUSTIN EVERETT12 MARSH, b. August 07, 1987, Winnipeg MB. iii. RILEY COLTON MARSH, b. May 03, 1990, Winnipeg MB. 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 39. ELAINE LOUISE POLLARD (EARLE BROCK , WILBUR HERMAN , OLIVER HERMAN , ADOLPHUS THEODORE , JOSHUA , JOSHUA , 4 3 2 1 JAMES , WALTER , THOMAS , WILLIAM ) was born April 21, 1959 in Winnipeg MB. She married JEAN PANNETON June 24, 1989.

Children of ELAINE POLLARD and JEAN PANNETON are: i. ALEC CASSIDY12 PANNETON, b. December 17, 1991. ii. ZACHARY AUSTIN PANNETON, b. September 01, 1996. iii. JENNA MICHELLE PANNETON, b. January 20, 1998. 11 10 9 8 7 6 40. DAVID LAWRENCE POLLARD (DOUGLAS ARTHUR , WILBUR HERMAN , OLIVER HERMAN , ADOLPHUS THEODORE , JOSHUA , 5 4 3 2 1 JOSHUA , JAMES , WALTER , THOMAS , WILLIAM ) was born June 22, 1951 in Leicester UK. He married ANITA ALICE ALLAN June 30, 1980 in Toronto ON. More About DAVID LAWRENCE POLLARD: Fact 1: Lived Winnipeg 1952-1975, Victoria BC 1975-1980 Fact 2: Lived Brampton-Caledon ON 1981-date Fact 3: I am the author of this Family Tree, helped by my uncle Earle Children of DAVID POLLARD and ANITA ALLAN are: 46. i. CHRISTIAN MICHAEL12 MATTHEWS, b. May 29, 1973, Sudbury ON; Stepchild. ii. TIFFANY NAOMI MATTHEWS, b. September 14, 1975, Sudbury ON; Stepchild. 11 10 9 8 7 6 41. ALAN JONATHAN POLLARD (DOUGLAS ARTHUR , WILBUR HERMAN , OLIVER HERMAN , ADOLPHUS THEODORE , JOSHUA , 5 4 3 2 1 JOSHUA , JAMES , WALTER , THOMAS , WILLIAM ) was born April 24, 1955 in Winnipeg MB. He married CLAUDIA MORVA BOWMAN January 24, 1981 in Winnipeg MB.

Child of ALAN POLLARD and CLAUDIA BOWMAN is: i. RHYS DAVID BOWMAN12 POLLARD, b. November 27, 1985, Winnipeg MB. 11 10 9 8 7 6 42. GORDON OLIVER POLLARD (LAWRENCE OLIVER , WILBUR HERMAN , OLIVER HERMAN , ADOLPHUS THEODORE , JOSHUA , 5 4 3 2 1 JOSHUA , JAMES , WALTER , THOMAS , WILLIAM ) was born October 14, 1959 in Winnipeg MB. He married SUSAN ASHLEY GREGORA June 28, 1986 in Winnipeg MB.

Children of GORDON POLLARD and SUSAN GREGORA are: i. MICHAEL OLIVER12 POLLARD, b. June 16, 1990, Winnipeg MB. ii. JACQUELINE FLORENCE POLLARD, b. September 09, 1992, Winnipeg MB. iii. BROCK EDWARD POLLARD, b. June 03, 1997, Winnipeg MB. 11 10 9 8 7 6 43. JOHN STRUTHERS POLLARD (LAWRENCE OLIVER , WILBUR HERMAN , OLIVER HERMAN , ADOLPHUS THEODORE , JOSHUA , 5 4 3 2 1 JOSHUA , JAMES , WALTER , THOMAS , WILLIAM ) was born June 25, 1961 in Winnipeg MB. He married ELIZABETH BARTLEY WHERRETT May 04, 1985 in Winnipeg MB.

Children of JOHN POLLARD and ELIZABETH WHERRETT are: i. RYAN WHERRETT12 POLLARD, b. March 12, 1989, Winnipeg MB. ii. ERIC STRUTHERS POLLARD, b. June 10, 1991, Winnipeg MB. iii. EVAN BARTLEY POLLARD, b. February 18, 1994, Winnipeg MB. 11 10 9 8 7 6 44. SHELAGH RUTH POLLARD (LAWRENCE OLIVER , WILBUR HERMAN , OLIVER HERMAN , ADOLPHUS THEODORE , JOSHUA , 5 4 3 2 1 JOSHUA , JAMES , WALTER , THOMAS , WILLIAM ) was born February 03, 1966 in Winnipeg MB. She married PHILLIPPE BOHEMIER December 30, 1992.

Children of SHELAGH POLLARD and PHILLIPPE BOHEMIER are: i. MADISON NICOLE12 BOHEMIER, b. June 30, 1995, Winnipeg MB. ii. BENOIT ALEXANDRE BOHEMIER, b. August 21, 1997, Winnipeg MB. 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 45. BARBARA JEAN POLLARD (LAWRENCE OLIVER , WILBUR HERMAN , OLIVER HERMAN , ADOLPHUS THEODORE , JOSHUA , JOSHUA , 4 3 2 1 JAMES , WALTER , THOMAS , WILLIAM ) was born May 09, 1968 in Winnipeg MB. She married KENNETH MACGILLIVRAY September 20, 1990 in Woodstock ON.



Children of CHRISTIAN MATTHEWS and JANA KOLARIKOVA are: i. ROMANA KOLARIKOVA13 MATTHEWS, b. January 02, 1990, Brno, Czech Republic. ii. CASSANDRA TEGAN MATTHEWS, b. September 10, 1999, Brampton ON.