Welcome to Diocesan Synod

Christ’s presence in every community Growing • Outward Facing • Learning • Healthy PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS

Christ’s presence in every community Growing • Outward Facing • Learning • Healthy BUDGET 2017 AND FORECASTS 2018 & 2019

Christ’s presence in every community Growing • Outward Facing • Learning • Healthy Common Fund receipts

2012 Actual £4,466,469 2013 Actual £4,451,277 -0.3% 2014 Actual £4,489,298 +0.9% 2015 Actual £4,559,791 +1.6% 2016 Budget (94%) £4,861,477 +6.6%

EVERY £47,600 not collected = one less post

Christ’s presence in every community Growing • Outward Facing • Learning • Healthy 2016 3-year plan

2016 3-year plan • 2015 budget 2015 2016 2017 2018 Budget Budget Forecast Forecast - £216k deficit 50

Breakeven • 2016 forecast 2015 -50 Actual? - £19k deficit

• 2017 forecast -150 £ Thousands £ - breakeven


Christ’s presence in every community Growing • Outward Facing • Learning • Healthy 2017 Budget HEADLINES • 2015 Common Fund – less than expected (and 2016 showing a similar pattern) • Reduction of two posts • Continuation of £70k funding for DBE • Reduction of £179k in National Church Funding • New Common Fund formula – increase of 2% • Income from land and buildings improvement • Stipends and salaries – provisional 2% increase • Set a breakeven budget

Christ’s presence in every community Growing • Outward Facing • Learning • Healthy 2017 Budget

2017 National Church Funding • No more Mission Development Funding • New funding stream to dioceses - Lowest Income Communities Funding (using IMD) • Loss of income - equivalent to 1 post per year over 10 years, if we stand still • Opportunity to bid for strategic funding - proactive investment in growth - and new posts

Christ’s presence in every community Growing • Outward Facing • Learning • Healthy BUDGET 2017 BUDGET 2017

Where the money Where the money will go... will come from...

COMMON FUND 92% People Costs 55% Common Fund MINISTERS & PARISH 5% Support & SUPPORT 17% Church Funding Costs Commissioners

3% National Church 21% Investment Income CHURCH COMMISSIONERS Ministry Support 7% Other Income



Increasing income? • Common Fund proposed increase of 2% (to reflect increase in stipend) • Improved income from investments • Other sources of income – rental income on property

Deficit increases slightly…

Christ’s presence in every community Growing • Outward Facing • Learning • Healthy 2017 new 3-year plan 2017 3-year plan: • 2015 actual - £59k deficit

• 2016 forecast - £80k to 100k deficit?

• 2017 budget - small deficit

Christ’s presence in every community Growing • Outward Facing • Learning • Healthy 2017 Budget

UNRESTRICED FUND RESERVES 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Actual Forecast Budget Forecast Forecast £ 000 £ 000 £ 000 £ 000 £ 000 Reserves brought forward 3,100 3,300 3,200 3,175 3,180 Planned surplus/(deficits) 200 (100)? (25) 5 5 Reserves carried forward 3,300 3,200 3,175 3,180 3,185


“to cover irregular common fund receipts the Board of Finance has a minimum free reserves target equivalent to unrestricted fund expenditure over three months, £2.3million”.

Christ’s presence in every community Growing • Outward Facing • Learning • Healthy 2017 Budget

Cost of an incumbent status post 2017 2016 Budget Budget £ £ Stipend (+2% from 1st April) 26,450 26,190 National Insurance (employer's share) 2,142 2,121 Pension and death-in-service benefits 9,381 9,231 Average housing costs 7,757 8,088 Training costs 758 776 Other staffing costs 1,311 1,228 Total cost per post 47,799 47,634

Provision for an increase in stipend of 2% has been included in the 2017 budget

Christ’s presence in every community Growing • Outward Facing • Learning • Healthy 2017 Budget 2017 Common Fund new formula

2017 Transitional arrangements:

Parishes faced with an increase will have this phased in over 3 years.

Parishes with reductions will have these phased in over 2 years

Those parishes with reductions below the amount that they currently pay are requested to “freeze payments” at their current level

Christ’s presence in every community Growing • Outward Facing • Learning • Healthy Motion: That this Synod approves the Budget as proposed for 2017 and authorises expenditure of a sum not exceeding £8,961,628 and Common Fund request of £5,194,944.

Christ’s presence in every community Growing • Outward Facing • Learning • Healthy PARISH GIVING SCHEME

Christ’s presence in every community Growing • Outward Facing • Learning • Healthy Proposal for Diocese

© Parish Giving Scheme 2014. Registered in England No: 8824540. Registered Charity No: 1156606 Reason for recommending the Parish Giving Scheme to Derby Diocese 1. Improve the current level of planned giving for our parishes 2. Reduce administration workload for parishes - gift aid and regular giving 3. 40 parishes not collecting Gift Aid 4. 14 parishes with no planned giving scheme 5. 62% of parishes where average giving is less than £10 per person per week Principles behind the scheme

1. Addresses static giving, option for an inflationary increase 2. Donations by monthly direct debit 3. Church needed to develop in line with Third Sector 4. Lighten the burden locally 5. We wanted a unique benefit … Giving can rise in line with inflation annually History

Year Joining diocese launch date Live at end 2015 (year and month) In pre-launch phase or with launch in 2009 Gloucester (09) 2016/17 2012 Winchester (09) Conversations 2013 Chichester (02)

2014 – Joint Exeter (11) Venture (11)

2015 Guildford (03), Liverpool (03), Chelmsford (08) & Portsmouth (09) 2016 Truro (01), St Albans (02), Birmingham (05), Leicester (05) & London (05) Rapid growth

• 846 parishes registered with PGS over 17,045 active donors • £800,000 raised during 2011(including £150k Gift Aid) • £10 million during 2015 (including £1.9m Gift Aid) Impact of the inflationary uplift

2016 year to date: • 59% of monthly givers inflate their gifts • In addition15% (opting in) have increased further, either by super inflation (6%) or as a result of a parish request (9%) • Reductions: 0.5% donors have reduced their contribution (not clear if this is as a result of uplift request) • Cancellation 0.5% – of which 9% as a result of death. Diocesan comparison

Diocese Total no: No: % of Number % donors (against 2014 Churches Registered Churches of donors national statistics PGS enrolled on total planned givers)

Winchester 359 141 39% 3163 20% Gloucester 385 147 38% 2792 26% Portsmouth 173 58 34% 1063 14% Chichester 488 147 30% 3375 15% Liverpool 245 59 24% 1385 10% Exeter 611 132 22% 1415 10% Guildford 216 45 21% 1113 7% Truro 307 32 10% 266 5% Chelmsford 594 28 5% 222 1% Value added • Centrally run scheme reduces administration costs • The quick return of Gift Aid • Centralised resource purchasing keeps the cost low of high quality resources through bulk purchasing • Only one database to maintain bank charges the same regardless of volume or amount • Access to Stewardship expertise through member dioceses and beyond • Releasing local volunteers & succession planning Winchester example – provider comparison Winchester Diocese 2015 donations: £3,174,838 forwarded in total to PCC accounts









£20,000 Administration charge per annumpercharge Administration £10,000

£0 CAF (2%) Stewardship (3%) PGS New donor sign up charge £1,062.00 Donation management costs £63,496.00 £95,245.14 £15,000.00

Donation management providers Board of Trustees Chair: John Preston – National Stewardship Officer Trustees: Victoria James (Stewardship Advisor) Portsmouth, Benjamin Preece Smith (Diocesan Secretary) Gloucester, Gordon Randall (Stewardship Advisor) Winchester, John Sherlock (Strategy & Resources Adviser Chichester) and Neil Williams (Finance Director) Exeter.

PGS Team Helen Taylor, Head of Operations leads a team of three (2.8 FTE) Costs for the DBF

1. £20k one-off subscription ( refundable) 2. Estimated £12-£15k running costs per annum depending on level of uptake. Benefits for Parishes in Derby Diocese

1. Improve the current level of planned giving for our parishes 2. Reduce administration workload for parishes - gift aid and regular giving 3. Quicker receipt of Gift Aid for parishes 4. Increase our parishes regular giving Motion

That this Synod agrees that the Diocesan Board of Finance should apply to become a member of the Parish Giving Scheme and offer the scheme as the recommended Diocesan scheme for giving to parishes COMMON FUND NEW FORMULA

Christ’s presence in every community Growing • Outward Facing • Learning • Healthy Common Fund proposed new formula

Feb-Mar 15 Common Fund Consultations May 15 Common Fund Review Group Summer 15 Further work undertaken in Summer 2015 Nov 15 Proposals put to meeting of Rural Deans & Lay Chairs Early 16 Consideration of ’s Council May-Jul 16 Deanery Chapters Jun-Jul 16 Open Deanery Meetings Sep 16 Bishop’s Council approval Sep-Oct 16 Open Deanery Meetings for sharing figures

Christ’s presence in every community Growing • Outward Facing • Learning • Healthy Common Fund proposed new formula

Common Fund lowest amounts Common Fund highest amounts £ per person per week £ per person per week

Derby St Peter £5.46 Aston on Trent £11.71 Derby St Bartholomew £5.85 Beeley £11.63 Walbrook Epiphany £6.37 Edensor £11.63 Derby St Mark £6.91 Baslow £11.63 Upper Langwith £7.75 Wingerworth £11.62 Chesterfield St Augustine £7.83 Duffield £11.61

Christ’s presence in every community Growing • Outward Facing • Learning • Healthy Common Fund proposed new formula

Common Fund video

Christ’s presence in every community Growing • Outward Facing • Learning • Healthy Common Fund proposed new formula The old formula has been around for long time. In short it is not working. Why?

• overly complicated - with adjustments - and mistrusted • huge annual swings in either decreases or increases causing a lot of anxiety and pressure on parishes and treasurers • floor payments - simply not achievable for our most deprived parishes • ceiling payments - those parishes that could give more were not encouraged to do this (at the expense of all other parishes) • disparity between the amount of Common Fund being requested and the ability to pay • only 90% of the requested amount is paid • the old formula did not encourage deanery leadership to engage This last point is perhaps the most important.

Christ’s presence in every community Growing • Outward Facing • Learning • Healthy Common Fund proposed new formula What is “fairness”? Could this be:

• every church member in the Diocese contributes the same amount (£) to the costs of ministry across the Diocese?

• parishes pay for what they receive - those who receive more, pay more?

• every church member contributes the same proportion of their income to the costs of ministry across the Diocese?

Christ’s presence in every community Growing • Outward Facing • Learning • Healthy Common Fund proposed new formula

Key issues arising out of feedback:

• A fairer system • Understandable • Objective data • An indication of a level of giving – how much do you need? • A figure for each parish

Christ’s presence in every community Growing • Outward Facing • Learning • Healthy Common Fund proposed new formula

Each parish/team is given a Common Fund Factor calculated as follows:

A 3-year Average Usual Sunday Adult Attendance (USAA)

Multiplied by

B Individual parish/team Deprivation Score

A X B = Parish Common Fund Factor

Christ’s presence in every community Growing • Outward Facing • Learning • Healthy Common Fund proposed new formula

ADJUSTMENTS to attendance data Following research of other Diocesan “potential to give” systems: Larger parish/teams We have to recognise that when attendance is large, there has to be input into support of ministry at a ‘local level’ – youth workers, family workers etc. Smaller parishes (with less than 3 services a month) Ability to raise income in the parish will be less than others Local Ecumenical Projects

Christ’s presence in every community Growing • Outward Facing • Learning • Healthy General Synod Resourcing the Future of the

Allocation of funds to dioceses based on the resources of the general population of the diocese, rather than any measure of diocesan income.

This will target funds more explicitly on deprived communities. …Indices of Multiple Deprivation (IMD)

Christ’s presence in every community Growing • Outward Facing • Learning • Healthy

Common Fund proposed new formula There is a 2-stage process to calculating Common Fund:

Stage 2

Parish Common Fund Factor Total Total of all Common Fund Factors X Common Fund

= Parish Common Fund by Formula

Common Fund amounts by parish range from £5.46 to £11.71 per person per week.

Christ’s presence in every community Growing • Outward Facing • Learning • Healthy Common Fund proposed new formula

PLANNED GIVING – an opportunity? 2014 data collected on planned giving from 213 parishes revealed:

• 14 PCCs with no planned giving • 62% of PCCs where average giving was less than £10 per person per week • At least 40 PCCs did not claim Gift Aid tax during the whole of 2014, including GASDS

Giving not keeping up with inflation


Christ’s presence in every community Growing • Outward Facing • Learning • Healthy COMMON FUND FLAT RATE COMMON 2017 COMMON FORMULA COMMON FUND BY COMMON FUND BY FUND FORMULA FUND PER FORMULA 2017 REQUEST 2017 PERSON v 2017 FLAT 2017 +2% PER WEEK RATE INCREASE 2%

CHESTERFIELD Carsington £ 476,672 £ 470,532 £ 10.22 -£6,140 Hardwick £ 465,438 £ 418,322 £ 9.14 -£47,116 North East £ 821,562 £ 784,865 £ 9.52 -£36,697 Peak £ 818,599 £ 883,857 £ 10.51 +£65,258 £ 2,582,271 £ 2,557,576 £ 9.63 -£24,695 DERBY Derby City £ 930,906 £ 928,359 £ 9.16 -£2,547 Duffield & Longford £ 485,050 £ 494,522 £ 10.43 +£9,472 Melbourne & Repton £ 455,551 £ 498,518 £ 10.29 +£42,967 South East £ 729,638 £ 715,973 £ 9.84 -£13,665 £ 2,601,145 £ 2,637,372 £ 9.56 +£36,227

TOTALS £ 5,183,416 £ 5,194,949 £ 9.60 +£11,533

Christ’s presence in every community Growing • Outward Facing • Learning • Healthy Common Fund proposed new formula

Largest increase, Brampton St Thomas + £23,470, phased in over 3 years

Largest decrease, Walbrook Ephiphany - £28,841, phased in over 2 years

Christ’s presence in every community Growing • Outward Facing • Learning • Healthy Common Fund proposed new formula Deanery Meetings

We have reached around +500 attendees across all the deaneries

Not just consideration of a new Common Fund formula: • contributing to a better understanding of diocesan finance • encouraging PCCs and individuals to think about their discipleship and generosity • promoting support available from the Parish Support Office

Christ’s presence in every community Growing • Outward Facing • Learning • Healthy Common Fund proposed new formula The old formula has been around for long time. In short it is not working. Why? • overly complicated - with adjustments - and mistrusted • huge annual swings in either decreases or increases causing a lot of anxiety and pressure on parishes and treasurers • floor payments - simply not achievable for our most deprived parishes • ceiling payments - those parishes that could give more were not encouraged to do this (at the expense of all other parishes) • disparity between the amount of Common Fund being requested and the ability to pay • only 90% of the requested amount is paid • little or no encouragement for deanery leadership to engage

Christ’s presence in every community Growing • Outward Facing • Learning • Healthy Common Fund proposed new formula

If every adult attending Church on Sunday gave just £1 extra per week…

Parishes would see an extra £550,000 in annual income.

At a Diocesan level, that’s enough to finance over 11 full-time stipendiary posts.

Christ’s presence in every community Growing • Outward Facing • Learning • Healthy THANK YOU! Mark Titterton Jack Cooper Maureen Cole Susan Jones David Mundy Jason Kennedy Lee Townend Gareth Greenwood All senior staff for their input

Christ’s presence in every community Growing • Outward Facing • Learning • Healthy

Motion: That this Synod approves the New Common Fund Formula including arrangements for transition and support for parishes.

Christ’s presence in every community Growing • Outward Facing • Learning • Healthy BREAK FOR LUNCH

Christ’s presence in every community Growing • Outward Facing • Learning • Healthy UNDERSTANDING CHRISTIANITY

Christ’s presence in every community Growing • Outward Facing • Learning • Healthy An introduction for headteachers, governors and clergy

Alison Brown, @Alison1Brown [email protected] Ofsted: Realising the potential 2013

• Low levels of subject knowledge amongst pupils • Lack of critical and enquiring approach in learning • Need to deepen pupils’ understanding of the nature, diversity and impact of religion and belief in the contemporary world Making a difference? National Society (2014) Called for: •a more intellectually coherent and challenging curriculum with regard to teaching Christianity •a programme to raise the level of pupils’ religious literacy •to develop pupils’ ‘ability to think theologically and engage in theological enquiry’.

© RE Today 2016 Why do we need the Understanding Christianity resource?

• Atomised – little coherence for pupils • Not much progressive or systematic study of core beliefs • Pick n mix attitude to Jesus: not much theology, not much about Jesus as Saviour or Lord • Use Jesus’ stories to explore personal feelings • Christianity as ‘repository of answers’ • Not much awareness of different interpretations • Little sense of place and context  Involves studying the lived  Involves studying the and diverse reality of religions key concepts upon and beliefs; Theology which a religion or  Considers issues of pluralism, belief system is based; secularism and diversity;  Considers issues such as  Focuses on developing authority and diversity ethnographic research skills of interpretation; and emphasises encounter, Religious  Focuses on developing engagement and impact. Literacy skills of textual analysis.

Philosophy  Involves studying diverse Social and expressions of human wisdom; Human  Considers questions of meaning, Sciences purpose and truth;  Focuses on developing skills of critical thinking and higher order questioning. Understanding Christianity response:

•Reduce content – depth rather than breadth •Coherent content selection •Spiral curriculum

•Explore the impact on Christian living today

•Weave in personal reflection and response © RE Today 2016 Key purpose To support pupils in developing their understanding of Christianity, as a contribution to their understanding of the world and their own experience within it.

Aims •To enable pupils to know about and understand Christianity as a living world faith, by exploring core theological concepts •To enable pupils to develop knowledge and skills in making sense of biblical texts and understanding their impact in the lives of Christians •To develop pupils’ abilities to connect, critically reflect upon, evaluate and apply their learning to their own growing understanding of Christianity, of religion and belief more widely, of themselves, the world and human experience.

© RE Today 2016 Process: • Consultation • Trial 1 • Feedback and review • Trial 2 • Feedback and review

Oversight/Scrutiny: • Editorial advisory group • Theological advisers • RE experts • Teachers

© RE Today 2016 Sculthorpe CE VA Academy, Fakenham

Upper Key Stage 2

© RE Today 2016 Sculthorpe CE VA Academy © RE Today 2016 Project Directors Theological advisers: •Jeremy Taylor •Professor David Ford •Derek Holloway CE Faith and Order Commission: Editorial advisory group •The Revd Canon Professor Loveday •Jane Chipperton Alexander •Trevor Cooling •The Revd Canon Dr Charlotte Methuen •Hazel Henson •The Revd Dr Jeremy Morris •Zoë Keens •The Revd Canon Dr Jeremy Worthen •Kate Penfold-Attride •Olivia Seymour

Church of England RE Development Group Trial Diocesan advisers Trial schools: •21 in Trial 1 (Approach and sample units); •33 in Trial 2 (16 sample units)

Stephen Pett © RE Today 2016 God Gospel Fall Salvation Kingdom of God

People of God

Creation Incarnation

© RE Today 2016 Gospel God

Fall Incarnation

Salvation Kingdom of God

Creation People of God

© RE Today 2016 God Creation Fall People of God Incarnation Gospel Salvation Kingdom of God

© RE Today 2016 Core concepts and key questions

© RE Today 2016 People of Prophecy Kingdom of God Creation Fall Incarnation Gospel Salvation God Wisdom God

Kingdom of God Creation/ People of Incarnation Gospel Salvation Fall God God

Creation/Fall People of Incarnation Gospel Salvation Kingdom of God God

God Creation Incarnation Gospel Salvation

Creation Incarnation Salvation

© RE Today 2016 © RE Today 2016 © RE Today 2016 End-of-phase outcomes

© RE Today 2016 Essential • Background for teachers information • Links • Resources Digging deeper

Core learning

Outcomes Resource sheets

Building blocks

Teaching and learning You might like to start with… suggestions © RE Today 2016

Copyright © 2016 Emma Yarlett What this resource is not…

• It is not a complete RE curriculum • It is not offering lesson plans • It is not particularly easy! • It is not an undergraduate degree course in theology • It is not a study of the history of Christianity • It is not an existential search approach • It is not primarily offering a philosophical or sociological approach to RE.

© RE Today 2016 Access:

•Training available to all schools and academies.

•Resources included within training package. All training packages in Derby Diocese cost £250 per delegate.

•12-15 hours of CPD time, over several encounters Training dates for schools: Derby- 11 Oct, 21 Feb, 16 May Chatsworth- 29 Sept, 27 Feb, 24 May www.understandingchristianity.org.uk


Christ’s presence in every community Growing • Outward Facing • Learning • Healthy The journey so far

Jimmy Savile Affair Independent safeguarding review Mitigate risk and Recognition at a Rochdale Trafficking reputational damage National, Diocesan Internal ‘Task and Scandal Be efficient and and Parish level that Finish’ group to we all have a part to review polices and effective + Peter Ball play in safeguarding procedures Deliver all legal and Children and Adults statutory obligations Recommendation – create a new Safeguarding Team along with new policies procedures and processes Safeguarding Developments

 Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA Chair – Alexis Jay)

 Other independent Audits and Inquires

 Bishop’s Council and Synod approval 2015

 The Diocesan Safeguarding Team and new internal processes

 Development of new procedures

The New Procedures

 Diocese of Derby Safeguarding Policy, Procedures and Practice Guidance 2016 (PPPG)

 Safeguarding in the Parish: A Reference Guide

 Pocket Guide to Safeguarding Key Changes:

 Protecting adults included for the first time.  Sections on areas of responsibility  Prevention  Responding to concerns  Responding to survivors  Managing those who pose a risk  Information for each role (Parish & Diocese)  A new Flow Chart. Linking to Governance

 A new audit process

 A new Safeguarding Training Pathway

 The DBS and Safer Recruitment process

 Complaints and Whistleblowing policies Why is Safeguarding Important ?

Safeguarding is about how we care for people: It is central to our Gospel message! “I believe that the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults should be the highest priority of all parts of the Church, and that any failings in this area must be immediately reported. There are no excuses for shortcomings”

Safeguarding is EVERYBODY’S responsibility DEANERY SYNOD ELECTIONS

Christ’s presence in every community Growing • Outward Facing • Learning • Healthy Motion: That this Synod approves the use of the formula detailed in Item 11 to calculate the number of lay representatives on each deanery synod for the elections which are to be held in 2017.

Christ’s presence in every community Growing • Outward Facing • Learning • Healthy QUESTIONS

Christ’s presence in every community Growing • Outward Facing • Learning • Healthy Question Might Synod be advised as to how many churches are being approached to provide a service of thanksgiving or prayer for a relationship following a civil partnership or marriage between people of the same gender since the change in the civil law? Are there plans for any resources and advice on best practice to be produced or a working party with appropriate experience in this area to be available to assist those churches who are called to provide such pastoral provision? Revd Julian Hollywell Vicar of Spondon

Answer We are not able to provide that detailed information as we don’t collect this information centrally. Rt Revd Dr

Christ’s presence in every community Growing • Outward Facing • Learning • Healthy MEETING OF THE DIOCESAN BOARD OF FINANCE

Christ’s presence in every community Growing • Outward Facing • Learning • Healthy COMMON FUND TO DATE

Christ’s presence in every community Growing • Outward Facing • Learning • Healthy NEXT MEETING: 4TH MARCH 2017 ST NICHOLAS, ALLESTREE

Christ’s presence in every community Growing • Outward Facing • Learning • Healthy