103 Tanah Merah Coast Road #02-01, 498750 [email protected] +65 6594 5734

www.ifc.org.sg +65 6594 5705 http://bit.ly/Information_Fusion_Centre IFC MONTHLY MAP Apr 2020


Number of Incidents (2018-2020) 300


200 169 165 150 126 115 100



TOTAL Apr Apr Apr 2019 2020 2019 2018 Theft, Robbery and Piracy at Sea (TRAPS) 9 37 4 13 Maritime Terrorism (MT) 1 2 0 0 Maritime Incident (MI) 78 286 93 41 Illegal, Unreported & Unregulated Fishing (IUU) 43 153 83 19 Contraband Smuggling (CS) 21 74 48 27 Irregular Human Migration (IHM) 13 24 11 7 Others 0 0 1 2 Total Number 165 576 240 109 RELEASEABLE TO MARITIME INDUSTRY Theft, Robbery and Piracy At Sea – Maritime Terrorism (TRAPS-MT)

Number of Incidents (2018-2020) Location of Incidents Observations

16 • IFC recorded nine TRAPS incidents (seven Sea Thefts, two Attempted Actions) and one MT incident (bombing) in Apr 2020. The 14 number of incidents were significantly higher to the statistic in Apr 2019 (4) but lower than Apr 2018 (13). 12 11 11 10 • Seven TRAPS incidents occurred during Period of Darkness (PoD). 10 The other two incidents were reported during daylight, however, the 8 7 Masters assessed that the incidents actually happened during PoD and were only discovered by crew during the duty changes. Four 6 incidents occurred while the vessels were underway and five while 4 the vessels either anchored or berthed. • Incidents recorded in Apr 2020 continued to occur in Areas of Major 2 Concerns as analysed in IFC Annual Report 2019 except for a Sea 0 Theft incident in Vung Tau Anchorage, Vietnam. The last incident JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC recorded in this area was in 2016. • Singapore Strait and Approaches. Perpetrators targeted Bulk 2018 2019 2020 Carrier and Tanker transiting eastbound lane of TSS during PoD with similar modus operandi to the previous incidents i.e. targeting ship’s stores/spares/crew belongings. Since Jan 2020, Incident Type (Last 12 months) Type of Vessel Attacked 12 incidents were recorded in this area. 15 16 • Manila Anchorage (Philippines). Perpetrators armed with knives 15 14 Tanker 5 were sighted on board an anchored tanker and escaped with 13 11 11 11 vessel’s property. Since Jan 2020, three incidents were recorded 12 10 10 10 in this area. 11 9 9 9 10 • Alang Anchorage (India). Perpetrators boarded an anchored 9 7 Naval / Government Vessel 5 8 tanker waiting for demolition during PoD. Vessel’s property 7 reported stolen. It was the second incident of such vessel 6 4 5 targeted in this area within three weeks. 4 Bulk Carrier 3 3 • Taboneo Anchorage (). The crew spotted the forecastle 2 1 door locking arrangement and the additional padlock broken 0 during the duty changes. Three set of mooring ropes were stolen. Pump Boat / Small Boat 2 The last incident with same modus operandi was reported in Jan 2020. Cargo Vessel 1 • A Bombing incident occurred off Alif Dhaalu Atoll, Maldives involving Suspicious Activity/ Approach Attempted Actions two small boats and five government vessels. The Islamic State of Sea Theft Sea Robbery Iraq and Syria (ISIS) claimed responsibility for the attack. The Kidnap-Hijack/ Piracy/ Attack MT 0 1 2 3 4 5 authority assessed that it was a retaliatory attack for recent investigations into drug trafficking and religious extremism by the Total Number of Attacked Vessel RELEASEABLE TO MARITIME INDUSTRY authority. Maritime Incidents (MI)

Observations Number of Maritime Incidents Location of Incidents • 78 maritime incidents were reported for Apr 20 which is 16% lower 120 than what was recorded in Apr 2019 with 93 incidents and a 45% (35) increase during the same period in Apr 2018 (43). 97 vessels were 100 involved, 35 (36%) are registered vessels (general cargo ships, tankers, 84 78 bulk carriers and container ships). 62 (64%) are unregistered vessels 80 (small boats and fishing vessels). 68 56 60 • 6 Collision and 3 Allision incidents were reported involving 7 registered and 8 unregistered vessels. Causes for most of the incidents are still unknown while 2 were due to illegal activity, 1 due to bad 40 weather and 1 due to human error. Vessels involved are similar to Mar 20 comprising cargo, fishing and government vessels. 20 • Of the 6 Grounding incidents recorded, most causes are still unknown 0 while the rest were due to bad weather and engine failure. 4 registered JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC (cargo ship, tanker and bulk carrier) and 2 unregistered (local cargo and small boat) vessels were involved. 2018 2019 2020 • 22 Sinking or Capsizing incidents were reported involving 4 registered and 18 unregistered vessels mostly due to bad weather, broken Types of Maritime Incident Monthly Death/ Missing Toll: Nr of SAR: 49 Nr of MEDEVAC: 14 hull/outrigger and some causes remained unknown. Similar to Mar APRIL: 37 2020, small boat and fishing vessels were involved. SUNK-CAPSIZED 22 Nr of Rescued: 334 MEDEVAC 14 160 142 • 10 Vessels were Detained due to maritime safety violations, unauthorized activities and territorial/ fishing rights dispute. Similar to VESSEL DETAINED 10 140 113 last month, fishing vessels, bulk carrier and small boats were involved. MECHANICAL FAILURE 10 120 105 101 MISSING 8 100 • 10 Mechanical Failure incidents due to engine failure and bad weather occurring on 2 Registered (General Cargo and Passenger Ferry) and 8 GROUNDING 6 70 74 80 Unregistered (Small Boat and Fishing) vessels were recorded. Two of COLLISION 6 55 51 60 49 the incidents eventually lead to grounding and sinking. OTHERS 4 36 27 MOB 3 40 53 17 • The number of Deaths (37) is higher as compared to the previous month (5) and in Apr 19 (15). ALLISION 3 20 VIOLENT CONFRONTATION 2 0 FIRE-EXPLOSION 2 WORK ACCIDENT 1 SEAFARERS FISHERMEN OTHER SEA USERS TOTAL 0 5 10 15 20 25 RELEASEABLE TO MARITIME INDUSTRY RELEASEABLE TO MARITIME INDUSTRY Illegal, Unreported & Unregulated Fishing (IUU)

Observations Number of Incidents (2018-2020) Locations of Incidents 90 • There were 43 IUU fishing incidents reported in Apr 20, which is 168% (27) higher and 48.2% (40) lower than in the 80 same period respectively in 2018 (16) and 2019 (83). The 70 incidents number this month was 17.3% (9) lower than Mar 60 20. 52 50 43 Local 40 34 30 24 • The number of Local IUU Fishing incidents recorded in Apr 20 20 (35) has decreased, as compared to the figures recorded in Mar 20 (44). It is because Local IUU fishing 10 incidents were lesser in and Sri Lanka due to the 0 strong increase in maritime surveillance operations carried JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC LOCAL (35) POACHING (8) out by these two countries during COVID-19 pandemic. 2018 2019 2020 • 80% of the reported Local IUU Fishing incidents occurred in Philippines waters (28). Illegal Practices by Local Vessels or Licensed Foreign Vessels Poaching (Countries shown here represent the location of the vessels involved) • The number of IUU Fishing incidents involving Poaching 2.9% recorded for Apr 20 (8) has remained stable as per the figures recorded respectively in Feb and Mar 20(8) but 17.1%(1) decreased significantly when compared to Apr 19 (32). It is (6) PHILIPPINES because many countries especially Vietnam have conducted maritime border control operations during this SRI LANKA 80% COVID-19 pandemic period. (28) INDONESIA • 50% of the reported Poaching incidents were by Vietnamese fishing vessels (4) and 87% of the reported Poaching incidents occurred in the waters of Indonesia.


Number of Incidents (2018-2020) Locations of Incidents Observations 60 • The number of incidents reported this month is similar to March 2020, but significantly reduced compared to April 2019. 50 Drugs : 6 incidents • Sri Lankan navy was involved in 5 drugs incidents on fishing 40 trawlers and small boats, with a total amount of 281kg of Heroin, 48 kg of Meth and 347.4kg of Cannabis. 30 • Indonesian Marine Police also apprehended a man on a beach 22 21 who smuggled 1.05kg of Meth. 20 18 13 Tobacco : 3 incidents 10 • Malaysia Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) seized 210 boxes of cigarettes, Philippines Navy also seized 200 boxes and Indonesian Marine Police seized 1300 boxes. 0 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Domestic Products : 4 incidents • Chinese Police seized 700 tonnes of sugar attempted to enter into 2018 2019 2020 country via Yangzte river by using a small boat. • Hong Kong authorities seized 162 tonnes of frozen meat from two Types of Contraband Type of Drug barges that picked up the meat from ship at sea. Natural Resources : 2 incidents • Indonesian authorities seized mangrove wood smuggling from Indonesia to Singapore and 50 tons of wood on a small boat in DRUGS Riau Island. 9%(2) 17%(1) Fuel: 2 incidents 9%(2) 27%(6) WILDLIFE CANNABIS • Malaysian Sabah Marine Police seized 1,160 litres of petrol on 14%(3) three small boats. DOMESTIC PRODUCTS 16%(1) METH • Vietnam Coast Guard detained a tanker carrying 100,000 litres of 23%(5) 67%(4) illegal diesel oil. 18%(4) TOBACCO HEROIN Wildlife: 5 Incidents • Malaysia customs seized 6,160 Kg of pangolins scales in a FUEL container and 4,000 kg of live crabs on two small boats.

NATURAL RESOURCES • Hong Kong customs seized approximately 34.5 tonnes of donkey skin, sea cucumber and shark fin in containers.


Number of Incidents (2018 – 2020) Location of IncidentsLocation of Incidents Observations • IHM incidents for Apr 2020 increased threefold (13) 13 compared with Mar 2020 (4) and is greater than in Apr 2018 (7) and Apr 2019 (11). All cases recorded were associated with Human Smuggling.

• The number of migrants intercepted were the highest recorded for the year 2020 (1,159). Statistics show that 6 83.7% of the migrants are Rohingya migrants, 16% are Indonesian migrants, while 0.3% are Myanmar migrants. 4 • Increased numbers of Rohingya migrants was observed in the month of April and this can be attributed to: 1 • Risks of widespread transmission of COVID-19 in refugee camps.

• Worsening weather conditions as the cyclonic storm forms over the Bay of Bengal. Towards the end of April, Nationality/Ethnicity Of Migrants tropical storms will be more active, and they will usually Numbers Of Migrants Intercepted head toward Myanmar and Bangladesh. Under these 3 (0.3%) 1,159 circumstances, migrants may have been more determined to seek better livelihoods elsewhere.

• Smuggling networks are more likely to take advantage of the perils in the refugee camps and encourage migrants to travel to better countries in the region. (16%) • The remaining eight incidents were most likely economic migrants returning to Indonesia possibly due to a combination of Ramadhan, a holy month in the Muslim calendar, and increased national COVID-19 restrictions with 289 authorities increasing patrolling and enforcement operations (83.7%) across all borders. 53 2


05 Apr - Human Smuggling/ 199 Rohingya and Three Myanmar Migrants going to Malaysia/ Wooden Boat/ Off Langkawi, Malaysia/ DB060420 27 Apr – Sunk-Capsized/ Cause Unknown/ Trawler/ Two Missing/ SAR/ Pulau Segantang, Malaysia/ DB290420 21 Apr - MEDEVAC/ Stroke/ Bulk Carrier/ One Rescued/ SAR/ Belawan, Indonesia/ DB270420 18 Apr – Human Smuggling/ 22 Indonesian Migrants going From Malaysia To Indonesia/ Fishing Vessel/ Tanjung Jumpul, Indonesia/ DB220420 12 Apr – Poaching/ Three Malaysian 16 Apr - Human Smuggling/ 200 Fishing Vessels Detained/ 14 Foreign Rohingyan going to Malaysia/ Fishing Fishermen Arrested/ Illegal Fishing/ Off Trawler/ Off Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia/ Tanjung Balai Asahan, Indonesia/ DB170420 DB160420 26 Apr – Human Smuggling/ 20 04 Apr – Wildlife/ Pangolin Scales (6,160 Indonesian Migrant Going from Malaysia kg)/ Container Vessel/ Northport, to Indonesia/ Fishing Vessel/ Off Malaysia/ DB060420 Asahan , Indonesia/ DB280420 27 Apr – Human Smuggling/ 44 Indonesian Migrant Going from Malaysia to Indonesia/ Small Boat/ Simandulang Beach, North ,Q Indonesia/ DB290420 19 Apr – MOB/ Stress & Depression/ Container Ship/ One Rescued/ SAR/ Off Pulau Panjang, Malaysia/ DB210420 05 Apr - Human Smuggling/ 20 Indonesian Migrants going from Malaysia to Indonesia/ Small Boat/ Off Sarang Olang, Indonesia/ DB080420 18 Apr - Natural Resources/ Wood (50 tons)/ Small Boat/ Domestic/ Kepulauan RELEASEABLE TO MARITIME INDUSTRY Meranti Regency, Indonesia/ DB210420 Singapore Strait & Approaches

22 Apr – Attempted Action/ Horizon 21 Apr – Collision/ Illegal Activity II/ Bulk Carrier/ Panama Flagged/ Interception/ Speed Boat vs Underway/ Eastbound Lane, Government Vessel/ Two Dead, Six Singapore Strait/ DB230420 Rescued/ SAR/ Off Teluk Ramunia, Malaysia/ DB230420 27 Apr - Vessel Detained/ Unauthorized Anchoring/ Bulk 11 Apr - Sea Theft/ LEYLA K/ Carrier/ Off Island, , Tanker/ Marshall Island Flagged/ Malaysia/ DB290420 Anchored/ Off Tanjung Kelesa, Johor, Malaysia/ DB150420 16 Apr - Sea Theft/ PALAIS/ Bulk carrier/ Marshall Islands Flagged/ 13 Apr - Human Smuggling/ 23 Underway/ Eastbound lane, Indonesian Migrants from Malaysia/ Singapore Strait/ DB160420 Unknown Vessel/ Ladang Kurnia, , Malaysia/ 21 Apr – Human Smuggling/ Two DB160420 Indonesian Migrants going From 21 Apr – Human Smuggling/ Eight Malaysia To Indonesia/ Small Boat/ Indonesian Migrants Going From Nongsa, , Indonesia/ DB230420 Malaysia To Indonesia/ Speed Boat/ 07 Apr - Domestic Products/ Off Teluk Ramunia, Malaysia/ Alcohol (43 Cartons)/ Small Boat/ DB230420 To Indonesia/ Off Batam, 15 Apr - Sunk-Capsized/ Cause Indonesia/ DB140420 Unknown/ Tanker/ Seven Rescued/ 16 Apr - Vessels Detained/ Invalid SAR/ Off Tanjong Penyusop, Documentation/ Two Tankers/ Malaysia/ DB160420 Karimun Island, Indonesia/ 30 Apr – Attempted Action/ Chem DB200420 Ranger/ Tanker/ Marshall Islands Flagged/ Underway/ Eastbound lane of TSS, Singapore Strait/ DB300420 15 Apr - Human Smuggling/ 47 Indonesian Migrants going from Malaysia to Indonesia/ Unknown Vessel/ Off Nongsa, Mata Ikan Bay, Indonesia/ DB170420 07 Apr – Tobacco/ Cigarettes (1,300 boxes)/ Small Boat/ Domestic/ Off Batu Besar, Indonesia/ DB140420 03 Apr - Drugs/ Meth (1.05kg)/ Unknown Vessel/ To Indonesia/ RELEASEABLE TO MARITIME INDUSTRY Bakau Bay, Indonesia/ DB090420 Andaman Sea & Gulf Of Thailand

18 Apr – Poaching/ Two Vietnamese Fishing Vessels Detained/ 11 Foreign Fishermen Arrested/ Illegal Fishing/ Off Narathiwat Province, Thailand/ DB220420 03 Apr - Collision, Sunk-Capsized/ Cause Unknown/ Chemical Tanker vs Fishing Vessel/ Eight Rescued/ Off Sattahip, Thailand/ DB060420


21 Apr - Sea Theft/ Name Unknown/ Tanker/ Flag Unknown/ Anchored/ Vung Tau Anchorage, Vietnam/ DB210420 26 Apr - Sunk-Capsized/ Cause 03 Apr - Natural Resources/ Mangrove Unknown/ General Cargo Ship/ Vinh Tan Wood/ Tug/ From Indonesia to Port, Vietnam/ DB280420 Singapore/ , Indonesia/ 11 Apr - Poaching/ Two Vietnamese DB080420 Fishing Vessels Detained/ Six Foreign 20 Apr – Collision, Sunk-Capsized/ Fishermen Arrested/ Illegal Fishing/ Off Illegal Activity/ Government Vessel vs Natuna, Indonesia/ DB140420 Fishing Vessel/ Four Missing, Two Rescued/ SAR/ , Indonesia/ 15 Apr - Missing/ Cause Unknown/ DB240420 Fishing Vessel/ Four Rescued/ SAR/ Off Magpie Oilfield, Brunei/ DB160420 16 Apr - Sea Theft/ ARAFURA/ Tanker/ Belgium Flagged/ Underway/ Off 03 Apr - Poaching/ Two Vietnamese Anambas Island, South China Sea, Fishing Vessels Detained/ 22 Foreign Indonesia/ DB170420 Fishermen Arrested/ Illegal Fishing/ North Natuna Sea, Indonesia/ DB060420 20 Apr - Poaching/ Two Vietnamese Fishing Vessels Detained, One Fishing Vessel Sunk/ 14 Foreign Fishermen Arrested, Four Missing/ Illegal Fishing/ Natuna Sea, Indonesia/ DB240420 06 Apr - Missing/ Cause Unknown/ Small Boat/ One Dead / SAR/ Off Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia/ DB070420 18 Apr – Sunk-Capsized, Missing/ Rough Sea/ Small Boat/ One Dead, Two Rescued/ SAR/ Pulau Lakei, Malaysia/ RELEASEABLE TO MARITIME INDUSTRY DB200420 South China Sea & Philippines (North)/ Philippine Sea

15 Apr – Wildlife/ Dried Shark Fins (One ton)/ Container Ship/ From Sri Lanka To 15 Apr – Wildlife/ Donkey Skin (17 ton), Hong Kong/ Kwai Chung Customhouse, Sea Cucumbers (520kg), Fish Maw (2kg)/ Hong Kong/ DB210420 Container Ship/ From Egypt To Hong Kong/ Kwai Chung Customhouse, Hong 9 Apr – Wildlife/ Donkey Skins (16 ton)/ Kong/ DB210420 Container Ship/ From Egypt To Hong Kong/ Kwai Chung Customhouse, Hong 06 Apr – Fuel & Domestic Products/ Kong/ DB210420 Diesel Oil (100,000 litres), Engine Lubricant (6,500 litres)/ Oil Tanker & 22 Apr – Domestic Smuggling/ Frozen Unknown Vessel/ To Vietnam/ Quang- Meat (162 tonnes)/ Two Barges/ Ninh-Haiphong Bay, Vietnam/ DB080420 Domestic/ To Hong Kong/ Off Hong Kong Airport, Hong Kong/ DB270420 04 Apr - Others/ Fatality/ Cause Unknown/ 02 Apr - Missing/ Cause Unknown/ Small Car Carrier/ Off Hai Phong, Vietnam/ Boat/ One Dead/ SAR/ Off San Fernando DB060420 City, La Union, Philippines/ DB220420 28 Apr - Missing/ Cause Unknown/ Small 04 Apr - Grounding/ Cause Unknown/ Boat/ One Missing/ SAR/ Off Currimao, Bulk Carrier/ Off Navotas, Manila, Ilocos Norte, Philippines/ DB300420 Philippines/ DB080420 24 Apr - Sunk-Capsized/ Rough Sea/ 19 Apr - Local/ One Fishing Vessel Fishing Vessel/ Five Rescued/ SAR/ Off Detained/ Eight Local Fishermen Grande Island, Philippines/ DB270420 Arrested/ Illegal Fishing Methods/ Off 26 Apr - Sunk-Capsized/ Rough Sea/ Baler, Aurora, Philippines/ DB280420 Fishing Vessel/ Three rescued/ SAR/ Off 14 Apr - Sea Theft/ NYK JOANNA/ Cargo Ly Son Islands, Vietnam/ DB280420 Ship/ Singapore Flagged/ Anchored/ 10 Apr - Collision, Sunk-Capsized/ Cause Manila Anchorage, Philippines/ Unknown/ Container Ship vs Fishing DB170420 Vessel/ Three Rescued/ Off Quy Nhon, 03 Apr – Sunk-Capsized/ Bad Weather/ Vietnam/ DB270420 Small Boat/ One Dead/ Off Sto Tomas, La Union, Philippines/ DB080420 02 Apr - Violent Confrontation, Sunk- Capsized, Vessels Detained/ Territorial 13 Apr – Sunk-Capsized/ Broken (Fishing Rights) Dispute/ Three Outrigger/ Small Boat/ Four Rescued/ Government Vessels vs Three Fishing SAR/ Off Gumaca, Quezon, Philippines/ Vessels/ Eight Rescued/ , DB240420 South China Sea/ DB060420 18 Apr - Mechanical Failure/ Engine Failure/ Small Boat/ Six Rescued/ SAR/ 06 Apr – MOB/ Cause Unknown/ Fishing Off Caba, La Union, Philippines/ Vessel/ South China Sea/ DB070420 RELEASEABLE TO MARITIME INDUSTRY DB230420 East China Sea – Yellow Sea

06 Apr – Allision/ Cause 29 Apr - Allision/ Cause Unknown/ Container Ship vs Unknown/ Bulk Carrier vs Container Ship and Three Bridge Pillar/ Off Ube Port, Cranes/ Busan New Port, Yamaguchi, Japan/ Republic of Korea/ DB070420 DB040520 09 Apr - Domestic Products/ 01 Apr - Collision/ Cause Sugar (700 tonnes)/ Small Unknown/ Tanker vs General Boat/ Yangtze River, Cargo Ship/ Kawasaki, Chongming District, China/ Japan/ DB020420 DB160420 11 Apr - Grounding/ Cause Unknown/ Tanker/ Seven Rescued/ Off Zhoushan, China/ DB140420


10 Apr – Sunk-Capsized/ Broken Outrigger/ Small Boat/ Four Rescued/ Off San Caluya, 16 Apr -Local/ One Fishing Vessel Detained/ Antique, Philippines/ DB210420 Three Local Fishermen Arrested/ Illegal Fishing Methods/ Off Malay, Aklan, 08 Apr - Vessel Detained/ Unauthorized Philippines/ DB170420 Voyage/ Small Boat/ Off Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines/ DB170420 05 Apr - Local/ One Fishing Vessel Detained/ Six Local Fishermen Arrested/ Illegal Fishing 13 Apr - MEDEVAC/ Work Accident/ Tug/ One Methods/ Off Vinzons, Camarines Norte, Dead/ SAR/ Carles, Iloilo, Philippines/ Philippines/ DB080420 DB220420 02 Apr - Local/ One Fishing Vessel Detained/ 15 Apr - Mechanical Failure/ Engine Failure/ Four Local Fishermen Arrested/ Illegal Small Boat/ One Rescued/ SAR/ Off Baybay Fishing Methods/ Off Dolores, Eastern City, Leyte Philippines/ DB220420 Samar, Philippines/ DB080420 16 Apr - Grounding/ Cause Unknown/ General 09 Apr - Local/ One Fishing Vessel Detained/ Cargo Ship/ Off Cebu City, Philippines/ 11 Local Fishermen Arrested/ Illegal Fishing/ DB220420 Off Calatrava, Romblon, Philippines/ DB140420 09 Apr - Vessel Detained/ Maritime Safety 06 Apr - MEDEVAC/ Back Pain/ RoRo Vessel/ Violations/ Fishing Vessel/ Off Taytay, One Rescued/ SAR/ Surigao Bay Anchorage, Palawan, Philippines/ DB210420 Philippines/ DB160420 13 Apr - Vessel Detained/ Maritime Safety Violations/ Fishing Vessel/ Off Jagna, Bohol, 02 Apr - Local/ One Fishing Vessel Detained/ Philippines/ DB210420 Five Local Fishermen Arrested/ Illegal Fishing Methods/ Off Jagna, Bohol, 08 Apr - Local/ One Fishing Vessel Detained/ Philippines/ DB160420 Three Local Fishermen Arrested/ Illegal Fishing Methods/ Off Tubod, Lanao Del Norte, 07 Apr - Vessel Detained/ Maritime Safety Philippines/ DB170420 Violation/ Small Boat/ Off Bislig City, Surigao Del Sur, Philippines/ DB170420 06 Apr - MEDEVAC/ Chest and Back Pain/ Cargo Ship/ One Rescued/ SAR/ Davao City, 07 Apr - MEDEVAC/ High Fever and Cough/ Philippines/ DB210420 Tanker/ One Rescued/ SAR/ Off Mati City, Philippines/ DB080420 14 Apr - Tobacco/ Cigarettes (200 boxes)/ 11 Apr - Poaching/ Three Filipino Fishing Small Boat/ Domestic/ Off Zamboanga City, Vessels Detained/ 34 Foreign Fishermen Philippines/ DB160420 Arrested/ Illegal Fishing/ Off North Sulawesi, 03 Apr - Local/ One Fishing Vessel Detained/ Indonesia/ DB140420 Eight Foreign Fishermen Arrested/ Illegal 06 Apr - Mechanical Failure, Grounding / Fishing/ Off Turtle Island, Tawi-Tawi, Engine Failure, Bad Weather/ Cargo Ship/ Off Philippines/ DB080420 RELEASEABLE TO MARITIME INDUSTRY General Santos City, Philippines/ DB160420 Philippines & Sulu Sea (2/3)

19 Apr - MEDEVAC/ Breathing Difficulty/ General Cargo Ship/ One Rescued/ SAR/ 24 Apr - MEDEVAC/ Pregnancy Bleeding/ Manila Anchorage, Philippines/ DB280420 Cruise Ship/ One Rescued/ SAR/ Off Manila Bay Anchorage, Philippines/ DB270420 25 Apr - MEDEVAC/ Pregnancy Complication/ Cruise Ship/ One Rescued/ SAR/ Manila Bay, 18 Apr - MEDEVAC/ Severe Cough and Fever/ Philippines/ DB290420 Cargo Ship/ One Rescued/ SAR/ Off Batangas City, Philippines/ DB210420 25 Apr - MEDEVAC/ Sudden Collapse/ General Cargo Ship/ One Rescued/ SAR/ North Harbor, 19 Apr – Fire-Explosion/ Engine Overheat/ Manila, Philippines/ DB290420 Small Boat/ Seven Rescued/ SAR/ Off Pilar, Sorsogon, Philippines/ DB280420 16 Apr - Local/ Six Local Fishing Vessels Detained/ 56 Local Fishermen Arrested/ Illegal 15 Apr - Local/ One Fishing Vessel Detained/ Fishing/ Off Corregidor Island, Philippines/ 12 Local Fishermen Arrested/ Illegal Fishing/ DB200420 Off Ivisan, Capiz, Philippines/ DB220420 26 Apr - Local/ Two Fishing Vessels Detained/ 17 Apr - Local/ One Fishing Vessel Detained/ 41 Local Fishermen Arrested/ Illegal Fishing 18 Local Fishermen Arrested/ Illegal Fishing Methods/ Off Banton, Romblon, Philippines/ Methods/ Off Balud, Masbate, Philippines/ DB300420 DB240420 17 Apr - Local/ Three Fishing Vessels 20 Apr - Vessel Detained/ Maritime Safety Detained/ Four Local Fishermen Arrested/ Violation/ Local Passenger Boat/ Off Roxas Illegal Fishing/ Off San Jose, Occidental City, Capiz, Philippines/ DB280420 Mindoro, Philippines/ DB210420 15 Apr - Local/ Six Fishing Vessels Detained/ 18 Apr – Sunk-Capsized/ Rough Sea/ Two 24 Local Fishermen Arrested/ Illegal Fishing/ Small Boats/ Five Rescued/ SAR/ Off San Off Baybay City, Leyte, Philippines/ Pandan, Antique, Philippines/ DB230420 DB230420 18 Apr - Mechanical Failure/ Engine Failure/ 25 Apr - Mechanical Failure, Missing/ Engine Small Boat/ One Rescued/ SAR/ Off San Jose, Failure/ Fishing Boat/ Two Rescued/ Off Antique, Philippines/ DB230420 Camiguin, Philippines/ DB290420 21 Apr - Sunk-Capsized/ Cause Unknown/ 16 Apr - Local/ One Fishing Vessel Detained/ Small Boat/ Three Rescued/ SAR/ Off Three Local Fishermen Arrested/ Illegal Tagbilaran City, Bohol, Philippines/ DB280420 Fishing Methods/ Off Baybay City, Leyte, 22 Apr - Fire-Explosion/ Fire in Engine Room/ Philippines/ DB230420 Cargo Ship/ Four Rescued/ SAR/ Off 14 Apr - Local/ One Fishing Vessel Detained/ Zamboanga City, Philippines/ DB290420 Three Local Fishermen Arrested/ Illegal Fishing Methods/ Off Malapascua Island, 21 Apr - Local/ One Fishing Vessel Detained/ Cebu, Philippines/ DB220420 15 Local Fishermen Arrested/ Illegal Fishing/ Off Negros Occidental, Philippines/ DB240420 23 Apr - Local/ One Fishing Vessel Detained/ RELEASEABLE TO MARITIME INDUSTRY 27 Local Fishermen Arrested/ Illegal Fishing/ Danao City, Philippines/ DB240420 Philippines & Sulu Sea (3/3)

23 Apr - Local/ One Fishing Vessel Detained/ 10 Local Fishermen Arrested/ Illegal Fishing/ Off Nabas, Aklan, Philippines/ DB290420 22 Apr - Local/ One Fishing Vessel Detained/ 13 Local Fishermen Arrested/ Illegal Fishing/ 30 Apr - Local/ One Fishing Vessel Detained/ Off Laua-an, Antique, Philippines/ DB290420 Four Local Fishermen Arrested/ Illegal 28 Apr - Local/ One Fishing Vessel Detained/ Fishing/ Off Hinigaran, Negros Occidental, Three Local Fishermen Arrested/ Illegal Philippines/ DB040520 Fishing Methods/ Off El Nido, Palawan, 19 Apr - Local/ One Fishing Vessel Detained/ Philippines/ DB040520 Six Local Fishermen Arrested/ Illegal Fishing 29 Apr - Local/ Two Fishing Vessels Detained/ Methods/ Off Sta Fe, Romblon, Philippines/ 29 Local Fishermen Arrested/ Illegal Fishing DB280420 Methods/ Off Patunga island, Palawan, 20 Apr - Local/ One Fishing Vessel Detained/ Philippines/ DB040520 15 Local Fishermen Arrested/ Illegal Fishing 23 Apr - Mechanical Failure/ Engine Failure/ Methods/ Off Calatrava, Negros Occidental, Small Boat/ 11 Rescued/ SAR/ Off Philippines/ DB300420 Cagayancillo, Palawan, Philippines/ DB040520 25 Apr - Local/ One Fishing Vessel Detained/ 30 Apr - Vessel Detained/ Maritime Safety Nine Local Fishermen Arrested/ Illegal Violations/ Fishing Vessel/ Off Hinigaran, Fishing/ Off Samboan, Philippines/ DB280420 Negros Occidental, Philippines/ DB040520 30 Apr - Mechanical Failure/ Battery Failure/ 23 Apr - Mechanical Failure/ Engine Failure/ Small Boat/ Four Rescued/ SAR/ Off Maria, Small Boat/ Two Rescued/ SAR/ Off Siquijor, Philippines/ DB040520 Salingsingan Island, Philippines/ DB040520 24 Apr - Local/ One Fishing Vessel Detained/ 24 Local Fishermen Arrested/ Illegal Fishing/ Off Samboan, Cebu, Philippines/ DB300420 22 Apr - Poaching/ One Filipino Fishing Vessel Detained/ Seven Foreign Fishermen Arrested/ Illegal Fishing/ Off Sulawesi, Indonesia/ DB290420 22 Apr - Poaching/ One Taiwanese Fishing Vessel Detained/ 10 Foreign Fishermen Arrested/ Illegal Fishing/ Off Sulawesi, Indonesia/ DB290420 RELEASEABLE TO MARITIME INDUSTRY Celebes Sea – North Sulawesi North Maluku Islands

28 Apr - Tobacco/ Cigarettes (210 Cartons)/ Small Boat/ To Malaysia/ Off Singamata, Malaysia/ DB300420 11 Apr – Fuel/ Petrol (1160 litres)/ Three Small Boats/ From Malaysia/ Off Tg Menimpa, Semporna, Malaysia/ DB140420 17 Apr - Wildlife/ Live Crabs (4000 kg)/ Two Small Boats/ From Indonesia To Malaysia/ Tawau, Malaysia/ DB200420 23 Apr - Mechanical Failure, Sunk- Capsized/ Engine Failure, Bad Weather/ Small Boat/ Two Rescued/ SAR/ Off Sungai Pukol, Sebatik Island, Malaysia/ DB270420 22 Apr – Vessel Detained/ Violation 28 Apr - Local/ One Fishing Vessels of Safety Regulations/ Fishing Detained/ Three Local Fishermen Vessel/ Off Sabah, Malaysia/ Arrested/ Illegal Fishing Methods/ DB230420 Off North Sulawesi Province, 22 Apr - Local/ Three Fishing Indonesia/ DB040520 Vessels Detained/ Six Local Fishermen Arrested/ Illegal Fishing Methods/ Off Pearl Bank, Tawi- Tawi, Philippines/ DB040520

RELEASEABLE TO MARITIME INDUSTRY Java Sea – Makassar Strait – Bali Sea - Flores Sea 12 Apr - Sea Theft/ JASMINE/ Bulk Carrier/ Liberia Flagged/ Anchored/ Taboneo Anchorage, Indonesia/ DB280420 13 Apr - Sunk-Capsized/ Broken Hull/ Barge/ 10 Rescued/ SAR/ Off Bangka, Indonesia/ DB150420 28 Apr - MOB/ Epilepsy/ Small Boat/ One Dead/ SAR/ Off Kronjo, Tangerang, Indonesia/ DB300420 24 Apr - Mechanical Failure/ Engine Failure/ Passenger Ferry/ 102 Rescued/ SAR/ Sunda Strait, Indonesia/ DB270420

RELEASEABLE TO MARITIME INDUSTRY Molucca Sea – Halmahera Sea – Ceram Sea – Banda Sea


RELEASEABLE TO MARITIME INDUSTRY Arafura Sea – Bismarck Sea – Solomon Sea – Philippine Sea (South) – Banda Sea

02 Apr – Missing/ Bad Weather/ Passenger Ferry/ Seven Dead, 20 Missing / SAR/ Off Solomon Islands/ DB060420




06 Apr – Others/ COVID-19/ Passenger Ferry/ Off Maumere, Indonesia/ DB080420 04 Apr - Others/ Fatality/ Heart Attack/ Livestock Carrier/ Off Kupang, Indonesia/ DB060420


24 Apr - Sunk-Capsized/ Cause Unknown/ Fishing Vessel/ One Dead/ Off Ganjam, India/ DB280420 09 Apr - Sunk-Capsized/ Bad Weather, Collision/ Barge/ Eight Rescued/ Off Kulpi, West Bengal, India/ DB140420 13 Apr - Human Smuggling/ 396 Rohingya Migrants from Bangladesh to Malaysia/ Trawler/ Off Cox’s Bazaar, Bangladesh / DB170420 07 Apr - Sunk-Capsized /Run aground/ Small Boat/ 15 Dead, 40 missing, 77 Rescued/ SAR/ St Martins islands, Bangladesh/ DB140420 07 Apr – Violent Confrontation/ Illegal fishing/ Military Vessel vs Six Trawlers/ Off May Yu Island, Myanmar/ DB160420 07 Apr - Human Smuggling/ 132 Rohingya Migrants going to Malaysia/ Small Boat/ St Martin’s Island, Bangladesh/ DB140420 28 Apr - Human Smuggling/ 43 Rohingya Migrants going to Bangladesh/ Small Boat/ Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh/ DB040520 10 Apr - Collision, Sunk-Capsized/ Cause Unknown/ Barge vs Power Line Tower/ 10 Rescued/ Muri Ganga River, West Bengal, India/ DB140420


18 Apr - Sea Theft/ SEAFROST/ Tanker/ Liberia Flagged/ Anchored/ Off Alang Anchorage, India/ DB210420

14 Apr - Sunk-capsized, Missing/ Cause Unknown/ Fishing Vessel/ Two Dead, Three Missing, Four Rescued/ SAR/ Versova Coast, India/ DB170420


13 Apr - Drugs/ Cannabis (133kg)/ Small Boat/ To Sri 17 Apr - Local/ One Fishing Vessel Detained/ Four Local Lanka/ Off Jaffna, Sri Lanka/ DB150420 Fishermen Arrested/ Illegal Fishing/ Off Trincomalee, Sri 22 Apr - Drugs/ Cannabis (93kg)/ Small Boat/ To Sri Lanka/ DB200420 Lanka/ Jaffna, Sri Lanka/ DB240420 16 Apr - Local/ One Fishing Vessel Detained/ Four Local Fishermen Arrested/ Illegal Fishing Methods/ Off 08 Apr - Drugs/ Cannabis (1.4kg)/ Adrift/ Off Mannar, Sri Trincomalee, Sri Lanka/ DB200420 Lanka/ DB090420 18 Apr - Local/ One Fishing Vessel Detained/ One Local 15 Apr - Drugs/ Cannabis (120kg)/ Small Boat/ Off Fisherman Arrested/ Illegal Fishing/ Off Trincomalee, Sri Mannar, Sri Lanka/ DB170420 Lanka/ DB200420 13 Apr - Local/ One Fishing Vessel Detained/ Six Local 14 Apr – Local/ Five Fishing Vessels Detained/ 17 Local Fishermen Arrested/ Illegal Fishing/ Off Salpeyaru, Sri Fishermen Arrested/ Illegal Fishing Methods/ Off Lanka/ DB150420 Padaithurai, Mannar, Sri Lanka/ DB160420

22 Apr- Local/ One Fishing Vessel Detained/ Five Local Fishermen Arrested/ Illegal Fishing Methods/ Mundalama, Sri Lanka/ DB230420 06 Apr – MEDEVAC/ Heart Problems/ Cruise Ship/ One Rescued/ SAR/ Off Colombo, Sri Lanka/ DB070420

18 Apr - MEDEVAC/ Heart Attack/ Bulk Carrier/ One Dead/ SAR/ Off Colombo, Sri Lanka/ DB230420

15 Apr - MEDEVAC/ Cause Unknown/ Pilot Ship/ One Rescued/ SAR/ Off Colombo, Sri Lanka/ DB170420

11 Apr - MEDEVAC/ Abdominal Pain/ Container Ship/ Off Colombo, Sri Lanka/ DB140420


02 Apr – Others/ Supply Shortage/ Cause Unknown/ Fishing Vessel/ Off Kochi, India/ DB060420

15 Apr - Bombing/ IED/ Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS)/ Two Small Boats, Five Government Vessels/ Mahibandhoo, Alif Dhaalu Atoll, Maldives/ DB270420 24 Apr - Work Accident/ Decompression Sickness/ Fishing Vessel/ One Dead/ Off Terespuram Coast, India/ DB270420 11 Apr - Grounding/ Cause Unknown/ Cargo Ship/ SAR/ Off Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll Vaadhoo, Maldives/ DB150420 10 Apr - Drugs/ Heroin(281kg), Meth(48kg)/ Trawler/ Off Sri Lanka/ DB160420


The IFC advises: 1. All mariners to report any incidents timely to the nearest coastal state and to the IFC at the earliest possible time. 2. Ships moving at slow speed or are choosing to remain at anchor in areas where sea robbery/theft is regularly reported should remain vigilant and adopt necessary and/or added security measures. 3. All mariners to take note on the description of the perpetrators and to take photos of the perpetrators if possible. Where available, CCTV footage capturing the incident should be provided to the coastal state authorities for follow-on investigation. 4. Shippers and Seafarers operating in the Sulu-Celebes seas are strongly recommended to be vigilant and to establish contact with the Philippines, Malaysian and Indonesian Authorities to report their presence. Please refer to IFC Spot Commentary 4/18 for the latest assessment of the situation in that affected area. 5. Shippers are advised to take note that the threat of terrorist activity in the maritime domain remains a possibility in the region due to ISIS and the Al-Qaeda. The possibility of this threat was previously quoted in Al-Qaeda’s online magazine “Resurgence”, which called for the disruption of global trade and shipping through acts of piracy, among other tactics. Shippers are therefore advised to exercise vigilance and to adopt self-defensive measures as stated in the Regional Guide to Counter Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships in Asia, especially when transiting narrow choke points and areas which are known to have experienced incidents of sea robbery/piracy. 6. In case of any doubt, incident at sea, suspicious approach or unusual observed activity at sea, please contact the IFC Duty Officer: Email: [email protected] Tel: +65 9626 8965 (Hotline) +65 6594 5728 (Office) Fax: +65 6594 5734

The IFC seeks your observations in the course of your normal business. The IFC would like to remind mariners to be mindful of national and international laws, company and other policy requirements and also health and safety obligations, whilst recording these observations. The reporting of such events to IFC does not absolve you of your obligations towards coastal/ port/ flag authorities.

RELEASEABLE TO MARITIME INDUSTRY 103 Tanah Merah Coast Road #02-01, Singapore 498750 [email protected] +65 6594 5734

www.ifc.org.sg +65 6594 5705 http://bit.ly/Information_Fusion_Centre RELEASEABLE TO MARITIME INDUSTRY