27 October 2019 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Weekly Bulletin for the Cathedral of St. Joseph, Wheeling, West Virginia Vol. 7, No. 48

The Solemnity of All Friday, November 1 Holy Day of Obligation - Mass at 12:05 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.

In this Issue: Infant of Prague Novena 2 All Saints & All Souls 3 Cleaning Supplies Drive 5 First Friday 7

Saint Joseph Cathedral is called to spread the of Jesus Christ as a community. We are committed: to our urban neighborhoods, to being the Cathedral of the Diocese, and to fellowship, formation, sacrament, and prayer. Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Sirach 35:12-14, 16-18 • Ps 34:2-3, 17-18, 19, 23 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18 • Luke 18:9-14 In last week’s readings, we were encouraged to remain persistent and constant in our prayer life. Today, we focus on the proper ThisAt The Cathedral Week attitude of a Christian at prayer. In the Gospel passage from Luke, Jesus illustrates the humble October 27 - November 3, 2019 attitude we must have as we approach God in prayer through a parable of two praying men. One is a Pharisee, a man with vvvvv respected status, theological training and all the right creden- tials. He marches right up to the front of the temple to speak a SUN prayer “to himself,” thanking God for making him just a little Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time bit to everyone else! 27 (Sat) 6:00 pm Mass for Claudia Baltzell The other man is a tax collector, known by those of his day to 8:00 am Mass for Margaret Parks be a cheater and a sell-out to his fellow Jews. In contrast to the 9:15 am Religious Education Classes (Offices) Pharisee, he stands near the back and cries out to God in a simple 10:30 am Mass for the Parishioners and honest way: “Be merciful to me a sinner.” Jesus tells us that it is the tax collector and not the Pharisee who leaves the temple justified. Why? MON Saints Simon and Jude, Apostles 28 The Pharisee was full of self as he approached God. He felt no 12:05 pm Mass for Jack Jochum real need for God as he rattled off his resume of good works and 7:00 pm Infant of Prague Novena spiritual practices. He was simply going through the motions of prayer. His lack of humility prevented him from entering into TUE Weekday in Ordinary Time a real dialogue with the Father. The tax collector, by contrast, 29 emptied himself as he approached God. He recognized who he 12:05 pm Mass for Barbara Klug truly was (a sinner) and asked for mercy, leaving all the rest up to God. This is the kind of attitude God can work with! This is how a good steward prays — with trust, with complete openness WED Weekday in Ordinary Time 30 to God’s will, with a listening mind and heart, ready to serve as 12:05 pm Mass for Ann Thomas God leads. This Friday we will celebrate the Solemnity of All Saints, a Holy Day of Obligation. The feast of All Saints should inspire us with THU Weekday in Ordinary Time tremendous hope. Among the saints in heaven are some whom we 31 12:05 pm Mass for Thelma Moran have known. Many have lived on earth lives like our own. They were baptized, marked with the sign of faith, they were faithful to Christ’s teaching and they have gone before us to the heavenly FRI Solemnity of All Saints home where they call on us to follow them. 1 First Friday Let us pray that those holy men and women may intercede for 11:15 am Confessions us and for the church throughout the world, that all of us may 12:05 pm Mass for the Parishioners be united in true faith, hope, and love. ¦ 1:00 pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 3:00 pm Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament First Friday - November 1 Mass for the Parishioners 6:00 pm Please note that this First Friday, November 1, is also the Solemnity of All Saints. Eucharistic Adoration will begin after SAT Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed the 12:05 p.m. Mass. Due to the additional Mass at 6:00 p.m., 2 (All Souls’ Day) Benediction will be held at 3:00 p.m. 9:00 am Mass for All the Faithful Departed 9:30 am Rosary Infant Jesus of Prague Novena 5:00 pm Confessions at the Cathedral of Joseph 6:00 pm Mass for the Parishioners “The Church on the Path of Unity”

SUN Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time Week VI - October 28 3 8:00 am Mass for Bernard Kaib “Forgiveness of Sins” 9:15 am Religious Education Classes (Offices) 10:30 am Mass for Antonia & Ted Wierzbicki Rev. Chester J. Pabion Nine Consecutive Mondays at 7:00 p.m. vvvvv Please join us!

2 The Cathedral Courier October 27, 2019 In your charity, please keep in your prayers: November: Month of All Souls In the month of November, we pray in a special way for those Andrew Helfer, Archer Hatch, Arthur Danehart, Austin who have died - those who are known to us, and those who Cook, Barb Mazzocca, Bertha Wurtzbacher, Betty Lou are unknown. “It is a holy and a wholesome thought to pray Galloway, Betty Teater, Bill Wilson, Bob Armstrong, for the dead that they may be loosed from their sins,” observes Bob Jones, Brogan Gallentine, Caleb Hlebiczki, Charles the writer of Maccabees in the Old Testament (2 Maccabees Heizer, Children of the Youth Services System, Christina 12:45-46). Intercession on behalf of those who have died is Helfer, Chuck Fair, David A. Kress, Jr., Eva Wood, Father a cherished tenet of our faith, springing from our Joseph Wilhelm, Frank Davis, Fred Herink, Frederick belief in the resurrection of the body and the communion of C. Schweizer, Gail Koch, George Kirchner, Geri Adams saints. “Though separated from the living, the dead are still Nagy, Helen Chiazza, Hines Rotriga, Jane Rudari, Marlene at one with the community of believers on earth and benefit Martin, Janet Cupp, Janie, Jean and Chuck Schultz, Jim from their prayer and intercession (Order of Christian Funerals, 6). Trusting in God’s love and mercy, we continue to pray for Antill, Jim and Dee, Jimmy Hocking, John Petrella, Jon- them, knowing that this spiritual bond with our brothers and Michael Lasher, Judy Pack, Julia Sheets, Kathy Cooley, sisters who have died can never be broken. Kaitlyn Hanasky, Kenneth Shores, Kermit Klosterman, Liam Manning, Lukie Brown, Margaret Stocke, Mark Davis, Martha Yocum, Mary Ann Fowler, Mary K. Schlosser, Mary Walicki, Michael DeBlasis, Milissa Rose, Milly Burke, Celebrating Mona Wurtzbacher, Nadine Greenwood, Norma Bosold, Patricia Kaliscz, Pete Cuffaro, Pete Mack, Philippa Shores, All Saints & All Souls R. J. Stocke, Richard Simon, Rick Burgy, Ron Hickman, Rosalie Davis, Rose Otey, Sarah Hanasky, Sarah Sargent, Friday, November 1 is the Solemnity of All Saints. On Shirley DeCaria, Sr. Mary Florence Burke, Stanley Kyrc, this day, the Church honors all the saints, those who have Stephanie Bugaj, Susan Graff, Susan Mize, Susan Schulte, finished the race and now rejoice in God’s presence. An Tammy, Teresa Helfer, Thelma Pearson, Thomas Griffith, observance in honor of all the saints has been celebrated on November 1 since at least the seventh century, and it Trystan Timmons, Victoria Jeskey originated even earlier, with a feast in honor of all martyrs in the year 359. “Why should our praise and glorification, or even the celebration of this feastday mean anything to Cleaning Supplies Drive the saints?” asked Saint . “Clearly, if November 2 & 3 we venerate their memory, it serves us, not them, But I tell you, when I think of them, I feel myself inflamed with a The Cathedral will be hosting a cleaning tremendous yearning. Calling the saints to mind inspires, supplies drive to benefit the Catholic or rather arouses in us, above all else, a longing to enjoy Charities Neighborhood Center. Cleaning supplies their company ... We long to share in the citizenship of will be collected during the weekend of November 2 heaven to dwell with the spirits of the blessed ... In short, & 3 and will be delivered to the Center the following we long to be united in happiness with all the saints.” All day. Boxes will be available in the Cathedral church holy men and women, saints of God, pray for us. This is to deposit the supplies. The Neighborhood Center is a Holy Day of Obligation. Mass will be celebrated at particularly in need of the following supplies, but will 12:05 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. gladly accept and use any supplies: The next day, Saturday, November 2, the Church com- Bleach Carpet or floor cleaner memorates all of the faithful departed, those men and Toilet Bowl Cleaner Dish Sponges women who have gone before us in death. “Why would Multi-Purpose Cleaner Steel Wool scrubbers we doubt that our offerings for the dead bring them some Pine Sol Fabric Softener consolation? Let us not hesitate to help those who have Comet/Ajax Powder Toilet Paper died and to offer our prayers for them,” said Saint John Wood/Furniture Cleaner Paper Towels Chrysostom. On this day, we pray for them in a special Dish Liquid/Detergent Laundry Detergent way, trusting that God will hear and answer our prayers Lysol Dryer Sheets that they know eternal light, happiness, and peace. May Glass Cleaner the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Mass will be celebrated at 9:00 a.m. Weekly Collection October 20, 2019 Envelopes: $2428 Loose: $531 Online: $250 Thank you for your generosity and support.

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 3 Mission is to make disciples for Christ, not for one’s group, says By Carol Glatz, Catholic News Service

“Those who bear witness to Jesus go out to all, not just to their own acquain- tances or their little group,” he said. The call to be a missionary is a call that is included in every Christian’s , the pope said, telling people at the Mass: “Jesus is also saying to you: ‘Go, don’t miss a chance to bear me witness!’ My , my sister, the Lord expects from you a testimony that no one can give in your place.” The first and most important way to share the Gospel with others is by living it, he said. “A credible proclamation is not made with beautiful words, but by an exemplary life: a life of service that is capable of rejecting all those material things that shrink the heart and make people indifferent and inward-looking; accepts offertory gifts as he celebrates a Mass marking World Mission Day in a life that renounces the useless things St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican Oct. 20, 2019. (CNS photo/Paul Haring) that entangle the heart in order to find time for God and others.” (CNS) -- Every self-referential closure and every form Being a missionary disciple, he said, Christian is called to be a missionary, of pastoral pessimism in order to open does not mean “conquering, mandating, sharing the good news of in us to the joyful newness of the Gospel.” proselytizing,” but rather “witnessing, Christ and making disciples for him, not At a time when globalization seems humbling oneself alongside other for oneself or one’s clique of like-minded more about “homogenization” and disciples and offering with love the love believers, Pope Francis said. power struggles that breed conflict and that we ourselves received.” “What instructions does the Lord give “ruin the planet” rather than solidarity “Our mission,” he said, is “to give us for going forth to others? Only one, and respect for differences, Pope Francis pure and fresh air to those immersed and it’s very simple: Make disciples. But, said, Christians must be missionary in the pollution of our world; to bring be careful: his disciples, not our own,” disciples who share the Gospel with to earth that peace which fills us with the pope said Oct. 20 as he celebrated humility and respect. joy whenever we meet Jesus on the World Mission Sunday. The pope asked Catholics to commit mountain in prayer; to show by our Dozens of participants from the themselves to a new effort to proclaim lives, and perhaps even by our words, that God loves everyone and never tires of Bishops for the Amazon “the good news that in Jesus mercy ¦ joined the pope for the Mass in St. defeats sin, hope defeats fear, brother- of anyone.” Peter’s Basilica; many indigenous wore hood defeats hostility.” their native headdresses, had their faces “Christ is our peace,” the pope said, painted or dressed in traditional clothes. “and in him every division is overcome; Before reciting the Angelus prayer in him alone there is salvation for every after Mass, Pope Francis recalled the person and all people.” Altar Servers Needed 100th anniversary of Pope Benedict In his homily at the Mass, Pope One of the very special and important XV’s apostolic letter on mission, Francis said Christians are called to share ministries in our church is the “Maximum Illud.” The letter, Pope God’s love and mercy with all people. ministry of Altar Server. This a special Francis said, was motivated by his “All, because no one is excluded from way for our young people to learn the predecessor’s conviction of “the need his heart, from his salvation. All, so that valuable lesson of service in our faith to evangelically relaunch the church’s our heart can go beyond human bound- and to assist at Holy Mass. If anyone mission in the world so that it would be aries and particularism based on a self- is interested in becoming an altar purified of any colonial incrustation and centeredness that displeases God. All, server at the Cathedral, please contact freed from the influences of the expan- because everyone is a precious treasure, Debbie Fahey at the Parish Offices sionist policies of European nations.” and the meaning of life is found only in by e-mailing [email protected] or by Today, he said, the letter calls Catholics giving this treasure to others.” calling 304-233-4121. “to overcome the temptation of every

4 The Cathedral Courier October 27, 2019 Luke 18:9-14 critical for some of them The Gospel passage about was they used their religious the Pharisee and the Publican practices for self aggrandize- is one of the great Gospel ment. The one Jesus describes stories. Pharisees were the is among some of them. He public face of Jewish religion really feels he is better than in the time of Jesus. Many were everyone else. So in this story wonderful people. Scholars he moves to the front row, a During the 10:30 a.m. tell us that many of the first place of honor, and all things Mass on Sunday to follow Jesus, especially being equal. We offer Children’s after his Resurrection,were His opposite is the con- Liturgy of the Word at the Pharisees. Thus, in this story scientious and humble tax 10:30 a.m. Sunday Masses. we have the Pharisee moving collector who sits in the All children are invited to ness of the Pharisee but Jesus’ participate. to the front row, a place of back pew feeling unworthy hearers probably did not. honor, all things being equal. to move to the front. Tax col- Before the first reading, They would expect that the the celebrate will invite Many were devoted and lectors were among the most Pharisee who was looked to devout. But in the despised in the time of Jesus. the children to partici- as a teacher and model for pate. When dismissed, some appear to be hypo- They worked for the them would be the one whose they move to a special crites. Sadly, they probably Romans. They bled the people prayer was better. When Jesus Children’s Liturgy room, were not even aware of their of their meager financial articulates that the opposite located in the Upper hypocrisy. They believed they resources. From a religious was the case, they would Sanctuary. There, the were right. Pharisees always perspective, as a group they have been surprised, if not Scripture readings are did more. They fasted SandU NwereD outsidersAY becauseGO theySP Eshocked.L A TheC Tlesson?IV IOnlyT IEtheS same readings that prayed more than the normal were sinners. Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time | LukeGod 18 :can9- 1judge4 the honesty adults hear, but are more Jewish people, and they did When we listen to the story, of a person’s prayer. ¦ age appropriate. There tithe more. What was hypo- we hear of the self-righteous- are also fun activities for the children based on the scripture readings. SUNDAY GOSPEL ACTIVITIES Our Children’s Liturgy Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time | Luke 18:9-14 teachers have completed the Safe Environment training that our diocese requires.

It’s time to fall back! Sunday, November 3

Cemetery Events As we remember all of our deceased loved ones during the Month of November, take note of these special opportunities of prayer held at the Bishops’ Chapel in Mount Calvary Cemetery at 1685 National Road, Wheeling, WV. All Saints Day Mass November 1 at 5:30 p.m. All Souls Day Mass November 2 at 9:00 a.m. . Evening Prayer November 10 at 5:30 p.m. . Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 5

T H E F A M I L Y T H A T P R A Y S T O G E T H E R S T A Y S T O G E T H E R 2 A C T I V I T I E S @ C A T H O L I C M O M . C O M

T H E F A M I L Y T H A T P R A Y S T O G E T H E R S T A Y S T O G E T H E R 2 A C T I V I T I E S @ C A T H O L I C M O M . C O M Scripture Readings

The readings are included each week so that those who are This Week with the Saints unable to join us for daily Mass will be able to consider and October 28 - Tradition maintains that Saint Simon the Zealot († 1st c.) preached pray them in union with the whole Church. missions throughout Persia and Egypt. Saint Jude († 1st c.), not to be confused with Judas Iscariot, is the patron of hopeless causes and is called Thaddeus in the Week of October 27 Gospel according to Matthew and the Gospel according to Mark. It is believed that he engaged in missionary work in Mesopotamia and Persia. Both Apostles are Monday thought to have been martyred in Persia, and their relics were transferred to St. Peter’s Basilica in Ephesians 2:19-22 sometime during the seventh or eighth century. Ps 19:2-3, 4-5 Luke 6:12-16 Tuesday Romans 818-25 How the Church exorcized a Roman temple Ps 126:1-2, 2-3, 4-5, 6 to establish All Saints Day Luke 13:18-21 By Philip Kosloski, Aleteia Wednesday Romans 8:26-30 When Christianity was legalized in the ferred the Pantheon’s feast from May 13 to Ps 13:4-5, 6 Roman Empire, instead of tearing down November 1, combining the two dedica- Luke 13:22-30 Roman temples, Christians exorcized them tions to emphasize it and give it even more Thursday and rededicated the buildings as Christian solemnity. Romans 8:31-39 churches. An instance of this occurred on What may be even more interesting is that Ps 109:21-22, 26-27, 30-31 May 13, 610, when Pope Boniface IV con- May 13 was the Roman festival of Lemuria. Luke 13:31-35 secrated a former Roman temple, giving it The festival centered on a Roman pagan mass FEB the new title of “St. Mary and the Martyrs.” belief regarding, “those spirits of the dead intentions 09/10Friday Built by Emperor Agrippa and completed who are not evil, but who are also not family. worship schedule Revelation 7:2-4, 9-14 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2 around 126 AD, this temple was previ- When someone dies without heirs to care for SAT 5:00pm SUN 8:00am SUN 9:30am SUN 11:30am 5:00 PM Ps 24:1-2, 3-4, 5-6 ously dedicated to all the pagan gods. It is their rites, they roam the land as Lemures, Robert Pazdera (Frank & Betty Gonda) Fr. Radek Zablocki Fr. Jim O'Neill Fr. Jim O'Neill Fr.1 R adekJohn Zablocki 3:1-3 CELEBRANT Al Sikora (Frank & Betty Gonda) / known today as searching for Nancy Myer OFS (Liz Oras OFS) Dcn. Steve Morello Dcn. Glenn Melenyk Dcn. Leo Maciolek Dcn.Matthew Leo Maciolek 5:1-12 the “Pantheon” in someone, anyone, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 3 Pete Morrissey Tom O'Callaghan Lynn Valade CindySat urdayPetty EMHC reference to this to take them into 8:00 AM Danielle Deneau Heather Krill John Fitzpatrick Tom Petty LEADS Warren Wittman (Aimee Elwood) Wisdom 3:1-9 original dedica- their homes … the Frank Luscri (Massara Family) Steve Dwojak John Stefanko Susan Walters-Klenke John Cassalou LECTORS tion and remains idea of Lemuria 9:30 AM Ps 23:1-3, 3-4, 5, 6 Teresa Czulinski Bob Cameron Walter Huczek Don Gehrlein Mary Borbi an architectural is to provide (St. James Parish Family) Romans 5:5-11 For Vocations to the Priesthood, Liz Oras Pam Barnett John Fitzpatrick BeckyJohn Fo x6:37-40 SACRISTAN marvel of the something for Diaconate & Religious Life ancient world. them on their Josephine Widun (The Widun Family) Joe Lunn Al Sanker Tom Pyden BrySunan Berdayent USHERS 11:30 AM Mike Karol Renee Sanker Ted Marzonie Don Guibord When the travels, but not Carol Brotherton (Karen Wilmering) Leo Okonkowski Ray Seidl JohnWisdom Gasawa y11:22—12:2 Anita Lim (Maylene Yap) Pantheon was first enough to cause Roy Wilson Jeff Sinkovich MilesPs 145:1-2, Jarvis 8-9, 10-11, 13, 14 consecrated as a them to linger.” MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4 Bruce Miller But2 chThessalonians Wingfield 1:11—2:2 9:00 AM Joe Sanctorum Christian church Included in the Int. of the St. James Parish Family Luke 19:1-10 many relics of rituals of Lemuria TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5 Liz Dale Tom O'Callaghan Help Needed Cindy Petty GREETERS 9:00 AM Heather Krill Please Sign Up Tom Petty Roman martyrs were brought there from the is an exorcism rite where these spirits are Steve Rucinski (Carol & Dennis Ringvelski) catacombs, which helps explain its original chased away with beans, and a gong is rung name. Later on the title of the church was while saying, “Ancestral spirits, depart!” WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6 Reconciliation Providence 7:00 PM broadened to include “St. Mary and All the It is believed by some historians that these For Vocations to the Priesthood, Schedule Park EME Diaconate & Religious Life Saints,” but the feast commemorating its rituals were transferred to the time around 2/6 Wed. 5:30 pm Saturday, 2/3 Please remember THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7 Jeff Korona & Pete Morrissey dedication remained on May 13. November 1 when the feast of “St. Mary 9:00 AM Msgr. John Kasza in your prayers all George D'Souza Friday, 2/8 Then on November 1, 735, Pope Gregory and All the Saints” was moved to All Saints (Tauro Family)(1 month) 2/9 Sat. 3:30 pm Tom Smith & Pete Morrissey who serve in the Fr. Radek Zablocki III dedicated a chapel in St. Peter’s Basilica to Day. Since some Romans kept their pagan FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8 Friday, 2/15 Armed Forces. a variety of saints, making it a privileged feast traditions after they converted to Christi- 9:00 AM Tom O'Callaghan & Jeff Korona Int. of the St. James Parish Family May they be kept day in the city of Rome. Shortly thereafter anity, this is certainly a possibility and may Friday, 2/22 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9 Sandy Harmer & Tom Smith safe and out of Pope Gregory IV established November 1 be another explanation of how 5:00 PM as a holy day of obligation in the universal came into existence. ¦ Josephine Tamburelli (family) harm's way. Dcn. John Marku (Wisk Family) Church dedicated to All Saints. To further John Meyer (3 yrs) (Barbara, daughter) cement the day, Pope Gregory VII trans- SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 10 8:00 AM Warren Wittman (Aimee Elwood) 9:30 AM Please remember in your prayers the sick listed below: Jonathan Lichorobiec (family) Charles Vogel Bill Farmer John Momberg Annette6 F rigerio The NCathedralora Neaton Courier Drene Goodin (family) Kaz Cassar Mary Ann McDonald Adelheid Coles Jane Hicks Beth Quinley October 27, 2019 Lee Bond (The Widun Family) Colleen Kohls Pam Budde-White Dora Grady Andy Karay Joann Eldredge 11:30 AM John Boult Sandra Freeman Mary Ann Mitchell Kathy Blahunka Gregory Taylor Mark Wozniak (Karen Wilmering) Judy Heide Byron McDonald Louis Ayotte Karen Walton Molly Elizabeth Donna Hohl Joanne Steinmayer John Cartrette Irene Melnyk Lorraine Scully Denise Rosier Margaret Layborn Patty Hanzek Jack Swanson Bill Bowman, Sr. Ronald Pullen Paula Chomiuk Dean May Luella Diehl Clarence Vogel Julie Maddocks Maria Arambula Albert Berres Tanya Jordan-Jackson Kathleen Cloutier Heather Hause Jason Christopher Jason Kimling Leon Skudlarek Mary Seal Michael Sovran Diane Christopher Lee Borycz Mary Ann McQuaid Bob Dorchy Terry Govan Joanne Schroder Helen Walczak Dean May Kevin Robert Erin Joynt Michael Romanik Enrico Canini Francesca Drabkowski Joan McHenry Mikaela Smith Henry Holtschneider Mary Ann Twigg Mary Baker Jonathan Evans Steve Lange Mary Ellen Marzorati Carol Miller Ruth Roe Gordon Hopchian Gil Shultz Ken Marzorati Norma Kirk-Miller Cindy Sovran Jerry Brown Brian Barron Holly Schaeffer Kathryn Krueger Charles Greene Michelle Cassatta June Cramer Nicole Zapinski Jenene Kozinski Vito Longo Joseph Molnar Julie Boivin Barbara John Thomas Timothy Haley Leona Budd Nabozny-Valerio Matthew Gumbel Dawn Oldani

10 ST. JAMES SJNOVI.NET View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com Book of Remembrance The Church has a long tradition of remembering those who FIRST have died, and commending them to the love and mercy of God. During the entire month of November, we are called FRIDAY in a special way to remember “our brothers and sisters who have fallen asleep in the hope of the resurrection.” Parishes ADORATION have the custom of giving a place of honor to a book in which community members and visitors write the names of their beloved dead. The Book of the Names of the Dead, also known as the The first Friday Book of Remembrance, was inspired by the ancient practice of recording the of every month, dates of the deaths of loved ones in a necrology, a public record or registry of death. This practice provides the living with an opportunity for healing and immediately consolation in the face of grief. The Book of Remembrance at the Cathedral following the will be displayed near the side Altar of throughout the month of November. Inscribed in this book are the names of our parishioners who have 12:05 pm Mass. died over the past years. We encourage you to inscribe the names of your family and friends who have died over the past year so that we might remember and Benediction pray for them and for all of the holy dead. at 3:00 p.m. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen.

Banns of Marriage Patrick Biega & Molly Metcalf November 9, 2019 If any of you know cause or just impediment why these persons should not be joined together in Holy Matrimony, you are to declare it.

Don’t forget that October is the Month of the Rosary. Take some time each day to pray the rosary. Many great , saints, and Christian leaders have exhorted us to pray the rosary. It’s a powerful prayer, they say, one that can change your life, strengthen the family, bring peace to the world, convert entire like us on nations, and win the salvation of souls. FACEBOOK facebook.com/CathedralofStJoseph

From the Diocesan Office of Safe Environment `The Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston is committed to the protection of its children and young people. The Diocese complies with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People by maintaining an Office of Safe Environment. To report an incidence of suspected child sexual abuse, please contact your local law enforcement agency, or you may confidentially contact the West Virginia Bureau for Children and Families/Child Protective Services by calling the Child Abuse Hotline at 800.352.6513. To report suspected cases of sexual abuse by personnel of the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston to the Diocese, please contact one of the Bishop’s designees at 888.434.6237 (toll free) or 304.233.0880: Sister Ellen Dunn, ext. 264; Mr. Bryan Minor, ext. 263; Mr. Tim Bishop, ext. 353; Fr. Dennis Schuelkens, ext. 270 or call the Office of Safe Environment at 304.230.1504. For more information on the Diocese’s Office of Safe Environment, please go to www.dwc.org, then click the “Diocese” tab, then click “Office of Safe Environment” under the “Offices” menu. To learn more about the Catholic Church’s efforts in preventing sexual abuse of children in the United States, please visit http://www.usccb.org. Under “Issues and Action,” click “Child and Youth Protection” from the drop down menu.

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7 The Cathedral of Saint Joseph

Parish Offices: 1218 Eoff Street Masses Wheeling, WV 26003 Sundays: 6:00 p.m. (Saturday) (304) 233-4121 8:00 a.m. www.saintjosephcathedral.com 10:30 a.m. Weekdays: 12:05 p.m. Monday thru Friday CLERGY 9:00 a.m. Saturday

Most Reverend Mark E. Brennan Holy Days: Please consult the bulletin Bishop of Wheeling-Charleston

Reverend Monsignor Joseph L. Peterson, V.F. Rector of the Cathedral [email protected]

Rev. Mr. Douglas Breiding Confessions Deacon Friday 11:15-11:45 a.m. [email protected] Saturday: 5:00-5:45 p.m. PARISH STAFF or by appointment

Ms. Debora V. Fahey Assistant for Pastoral Ministries [email protected] vvvvv Mr. Matthew S. Berher Director of Music & Organist [email protected] / INITIATION Mr. Tyler J. Greenwood Both Baptism and the Rite of Initiation for Adults Associate Organist can be arranged by contacting the parish office. [email protected]

Mr. Martin Imbroscio MARRIAGE Sacristan Engaged couples who are members of the [email protected] Cathedral parish should contact the parish office.

PARISH LEADERS SACRAMENT OF THE SICK / COMMUNION TO THE HOMEBOUND Mr. James Carroll Please call the parish office to arrange for a visit. Finance Council President

Mr. John Petrella PARISH REGISTRATION Liturgical Ministries Scheduler Registration forms can be obtained through the parish office. Please notify the parish office of address changes through the parish office or by visiting the website. Saint Joseph, pray for us! BULLETIN DEADLINE Announcements for the Courier must be submitted to Debbie Fahey by email to [email protected] by noon on Monday (5 days to publication).

The Mother Church of the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston