Skelsmergh and Parish Council Clerk to the Council: Karen Little, Nether Bower, , LA8 9BB

23 June 2016

To Members of Skelsmergh and Scalthwaiterigg Parish Council You are duly summoned/required to attend the next meeting of the Parish Council to be held on WEDNESDAY 6 JULY 2016, 7.30pm at Skelsmergh Community Hall. Refreshments are available from 7.15 pm.

Agenda 1. Apologies: To receive apologies and to note the reasons for absence. 2. Declarations of Interest: a. Register of Interests: Councillors are reminded of the need to update their register of interests. b. To declare any personal interests in items on the agenda and their nature. c. To declare any prejudicial interests in items on the agenda and their nature (Councillors with prejudicial interests must leave the room for the relevant items). 3. Minutes: To consider the approval of the minutes of the last meeting of the Council on 10 May 2016, attached. 4. Open Forum: Residents are invited to give their views and question the Parish Council on issues on this agenda, or raise issues for future consideration at the discretion of the Chairman. 5. Matters Arising from the Minutes 6. Formal Announcements by the Chair (if any) 7. Election of the Vice-Chair of the Council (deferred from last meeting) 8. To appoint the Council’s representatives for 2016-17 for (deferred from last meeting): a. Upper Kent Local Area Partnership (LAP) (two) b. Cenacolo Liaison Committee (two) c. Skelsmergh Community Hall Management Committee (two) d. Cumbria Wide Broadband Champion (one) e. Cumbria Association of Local Councils (CALC), South Lakes (two) 9. To agree lead members and membership of the working groups for 2016-17 (deferred from last meeting): a. Environment Group b. Communications Group c. Woodland/conservation work party 10. Grant applications: a. Wi-Fi facilities for Skelsmergh Community Hall, attached b. Funds for future litter-picking events c. Sarah Nelson – play group furniture d. The local Church burial grounds 11. Community Action Plan 2016: To receive updates for: a. Environment and Community Woodlands  Feedback from the Environment Group, minutes from 08.06.2016 attached  Update on the Woodlands Management Plan  Countryside Access Team - Scalthwaiterigg b. Highways and Transport  Update on the SID and outcomes from the CRASH meetings  Report on the drain audit commissioned by Cllr Collins Page 1 of 2

Page 1 of 20  HGV restriction sign at Scandale c. Community  Update from Community Hall meeting on 25.05.2016  Defibrillator update d. Communications  Broadband 12. To note the minutes of the Upper Kent Local Area Partnership (LAP) meeting, 11.05.2015, attached. 13. To note the minutes from the District Association meeting, 09.06.2016, if available. 14. Finance: a. To consider payments to be made as per Clerk’s report, attached b. To receive and note the bank reconciliation and budget statement for 2016-17, attached c. Update on cheque signatory authority: HM & TM 15. Planning Applications: a. SL/2016/0218 6 Dodding Holme, Mealbank, , LA8 9DH, Two storey side extension. PC – no objections. Granted with three conditions. b. SL/2016/0509 High Thorn House Selside Kendal LA8 9JX, Change of agricultural building in use as a cowshed to a 3 bed dwelling including building works. PC objected. c. SL/2016/0480 Garnett Fields, Skelsmergh, Kendal, Cumbria LA8 9AS. Creation of Master Bedroom Suite and Extensions in addition to Proposals Approved under SL/2016/0203. PC has no objections; no decision date. d. SL/2016/0453 High Thorn House Selside Kendal LA8 9JX - Conversion of residential garage and ancillary pigeon loft to detached dwelling utilising existing vehicular access. PC objected. 16. Correspondence: To consider correspondence highlighted by the Clerk: a. Mealbank residents – noise pollution, attached 17. Dates for next meetings (venue: Skelsmergh Community Hall, commencing 7.30pm):  Tuesday 13 September 2016  Tuesday 15 November 2016  Tuesday 10 January 2017  Tuesday 14 March 2017


Karen Little Clerk to Skelsmergh and Scalthwaiterigg Parish Council 23 June 2016

Please note that the minutes of the previous meeting can be inspected on the Parish Council website:, or by application to the Clerk.

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Skelsmergh and Scalthwaiterigg Parish Council

Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 10 May 2016 at 7.30pm in Skelsmergh Community Hall

Present: Councillor John Chapman (JC) – Chair Parish Councillors: Tim Maggs (TM) Phil Rigby (PR) Mary Chapman (MC) Local Resident: Claire MacLaine (CM) Clerk: Karen Little (KL)

Minute Business Item Lead Number Person 10/16 Apologies for Absence Apologies were received and accepted from Councillors Hermann Moisl and Phil Yates. The meeting was quorate. 11/16 Declaration of Interests None declared. 12/16 Minutes of the Previous Meeting RESOLVED - the minutes of Parish meeting on 9 March 2016 were confirmed as a true and complete record, to be signed by the Chair. 13/16 Open Forum 14/16 Matters Arising from the Minutes Representation from the Parish Council was sought for the next Upper Kent LAP meeting the following night (7pm), as both Councillor Chapmans are not available and have sent their apologies. 15/16 Formal Announcements by the Chair a. Proposal to co-opt Mrs Claire MacLaine to the vacant Parish Councillor post. RESOLVED: Mrs Claire MacLaine was co-opted onto the Parish Council to represent the Scalthwaiterigg ward.

b. Wayleave agreements. Agreements for 29031/0 and 30892/0 at Garth Row have been reinstated, payments for rent have been received. 16/16 Grant Application The Mealbank road improvements (ref number 2016-1) application was deferred from the March Parish Council meeting. Changes to the original plan involve a concrete (not tarmac) surface, and for the work to be undertaken by local residents (not by a contractor) to reduce costs. RESOLVED: To approve a grant of £1,500 to support the Mealbank road improvement project. The main funding is provided by voluntary contributions from residents. 17/16 Cenacolo Annual Forum Cllr Mary Chapman reported that discussion at the meeting on 19 April 2016 covered:  Low resident numbers, currently 8 – disappointment was expressed that few British people apply, this may be due to the lifestyle at the Centre.  The community seek to be self-sufficient; donations are welcome though.  The issues recently raised with the Parish Council relating to the planning conditions were discussed. It was confirmed that the only criteria is that members are 18 (no upper limit is specified) and live further than 1 hrs travel away.  A ‘thank you’ from the Parish Council for Cenacolo’s continuing help with the litter- pick events.

Signed: ………………………………………. Date…………………………..… 4 Page 3 of 20

Action 1: MC to send a report of the meeting to the resident who raised the concern (IK) with MC the meeting notes. RESOLVED: To continue the annual forum as a useful communication link. 18/16 Community Action Plan 2016 a. Environment and Community Woodlands:  Report from Cllr Mary Chapman on the activities of the Environment Group o The last litter pick event on 10.04.2016 was well attended and productive: 23 people collected 65 bags of rubbish. The lunch was much appreciated, and is thought to be a key factor in the increased turnout. The Parish Council was thanked for the financial support towards the cost of the venue and food. o Dog fouling at Mealbank seems to have reduced since the spray was bought. o The group continue to address minor jobs to clear footpaths. o A concern was raised whether the County Countryside Access Team are committed to the signage upkeep/maintenance programme, and also about the lack of a report for the 2015 Scalthwaiterigg rights of way survey. o The next meeting is scheduled for 8 June 2016, to plan the annual Parish walk, visit to Watchgate and the next public rights survey. RESOLVED: To approve financial support for two litter picks events in 2016-17, for food and venue hire. Action 2: The Clerk to raise the two matters of concern (above) in a letter to the KL County Countryside Access Team (cc Cllr Stan Collins).  Report from Cllr John Chapman on the Parish Woodlands Everything is doing very well. Activities have achieved an income of £69 from the sale of six pots of honey, beanpoles and sticks (produced from coppicing). A work party is planned for July/August 2016 for tiding-up jobs, e.g. repainting the shed and gate.

b. Highways and Transport  Report of the CRASH meetings, notes from 08.03.2016 & 14.04.2016 provided. A speed survey will be conducted, the location has been agreed to operate the UKLAP Speed Indication Device (SID) and the Police SID to simultaneously measure the speed of traffic moving in both directions on the Kiln Croft section of the A6. Mr MacLaine’s offer to help set up the device on 6 June is very welcomed. The devices will record the actual speed of traffic, which will provide key information in future safety discussions. The devices are not for law enforcement purposes and will be set-up with ‘boy-racer’ deterrent features. Cllr M Chapman thought the population at Kilncroft should warrant additional safety factors, considering the number of residents ( 35). The next CRASH meeting will discuss the road markings, signage and speed restrictions.  Parish sign at Selside Now in place, invoice has not been received yet. No progress has been made with the HGV restriction sign for Scandale Road, as agreed with Cllr Collins, October 2014. Action 3: The Clerk to send a formal letter to CCC Highways (cc Cllr Collins) to ask for this to be actioned asap.  Request for a ‘No Through Road’ sign on the A6 to Goodhamscales KL Residents have been successful in having a sign put in place.  Report on the drain audit commissioned by Cllr Collins and the request to Stagecoach re A6 stops for the 555 service. In the absence of Cllr Collins, the drain audit report is deferred to the next meeting. The Stagecoach request is no longer applicable, as the A591 has now been re- opened and the 555 service has resumed its usual route. Signed: ………………………………………. Date…………………………..… 5 Page 4 of 20

c. Community  Update from Community Hall meeting on 06.4.2016 Cllrs John Chapman and Phil Rigby attended. They advised and encouraged the Hall to make grant applications. The date for applications to be received by the Clerk is Friday 17th June, for consideration at the July Parish Council meeting.  Defibrillator update Cllr Mary Chapman advised that to progress the action agreed in the Community Plan, she contacted NW Ambulance, who referred her to the Eden Life Project (a not for profit organisation). They can supply a complete defibrillator package (including a 2hr training session) for £1,650. An electrical connection is required, which may increase that estimate. The proposed location is at Skelsmergh Hall, which Mr MacKenzie has agreed to in principle. Councillors discussed whether the Hall is the best position, and if a defibrillator is the best use of Parish Council money for the greatest benefit to the whole community. Action 4: MC to research these issues and report back.  Update on Mealbank issues Mr Procter has responded confirming that the retaining wall is a matter between MC SLDC and Mr O’Brian. He is looking into safety rails on the bridge near Ruby Mill. As it is their policy not to allow parking of derelict vehicles at Mealbank, Mr Procter will make his best endeavours to have them removed ASAP.  Street lighting One lamp is disconnected by Electricity North West because it is no longer permissible to attach these to supply poles. RESOLVED: No further action from the Parish Council.

d. Communications  Broadband Item deferred for discussion when Cllr Moisl is available. 19/16 Council Finances a. Payments RESOLVED: To make the following payments and note the income: Payee Expenses/Services Amount (£) Karen Little Clerk’s salary 01.04.2016 to 31.05.2016 290.95 CVS Payroll - Clerk’s wages 21.00 Cumbria Association CALC membership 2016-17 125.00 of Local Councils (CALC) Karen Little Expenses 71.25 Skelsmergh Hall Hire – 1 hr @ £12/hr, Mary Chapman 12.00 for the Cenacolo Annual Forum, 19.04.2016 Skelsmergh Community Annual Hall venue costs for 6 PC meetings Hall Management 180.00 + 3 business meetings 2016-17 Committee Karen Little Internal Audit (Lynda Barron) 20.00 Mealbank Road Scheme Grant Application (2016 – 1) 1,500.00 TOTAL 2220.20


John Chapman Sale of woodland produce 69.00

b. Bank reconciliation and end of year statement for 2015-16

RESOLVED: The bank reconciliation statement and the year-end 2015-16 carry forward

position of £5,577.08 was approved. The carry forward amount arises from the delayed

payment of committed money, mainly due to the adverse weather (flooding), e.g. the Signed: ………………………………………. Date…………………………..… 6 Page 5 of 20

Mealbank grant application (£1.5k), and for the work to erect the Parish sign on the A6 northern boundary (£750). Also, in year, the NS&I investment account was closed and money transferred to the Barclay’s current account (£842.75). The Council assets are also listed, identifying their approximate market value and location; total value £1,381.00.

c. Outcomes of the internal audit by Mrs Lynda Barron Councillors noted that the internal audit (criteria agreed by Councillors - minute number 91/15d) by Mrs Lynda Barron found the accounts and practice are in good order and that no concerns were raised. The audit was signed and dated 28.04.2016.

d. External annual return for the year end March 2016 RESOLVED: To approve sections 1 and 2 of the external (BDO) annual return form. The internal controls and preparations for the year-end accounts are as declared in Section 1. Section 2 is an accurate report of the Parish Council’s financial position at 31 March 2016.

e. Preliminary discussions on the 2016-2017 budget allocations RESOLVED: To invite tenders and provide grant money to community good causes that will benefit residents. To also invest in an upgrade for the parish notice boards. Action 5: The Clerk to seek tenders for upgrade work to the notice boards.

f. Update on cheque signatory authority KL Councillors Moisl and Maggs need to sign the Barclay’s bank change of signature mandate form, and present their ID documents to a branch of the bank, within three months of signing the mandate form. Action 6: The Clerk to provide the required forms; Cllrs to complete and provide ID. KL, HM. TM 20/16 Planning Applications a. SL/2015/1172, The Guest Suite, Treetops Laverock Hill Mealbank Kendal Cumbria LA8 9EP, Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for extension to be used as a separate dwelling. PC - no comment; Certificate granted, 15.04.2016 b. SL/2016/0203, Garnett Fields, Skelsmergh Kendal Cumbria LA8 9AS, Application for a single storey extension and detached garage. PC – no objections; Permitted with 3 conditions, 27.04.2016 c. SL/2016/0218 6 Dodding Holme, Mealbank, Kendal, LA8 9DH, Two storey side extension. PC – no objections; no decision yet. The consultation process is that the Clerk sends the planning applications to all Councillors, who then make their comments known to the Clerk. In discussion with the Chair and Vice- Chair, the Clerk provides a response on behalf of the Parish Council on the SLDC web site for that application. If a decision is needed by the whole council an extraordinary meeting will be called. 21/16 Correspondence Electoral review of South Lakeland District Council: draft recommendations. The Local Government Boundary Commission for has published draft recommendations on the future electoral arrangements for South Lakeland District Council. A 10 week public consultation on the Commission's draft recommendations on new ward boundaries across South Lakeland closes on 18 July 2016. RESOLVED: Cllrs to note the circulated information; agenda item at the next meeting. 22/16 Dates for Future Meetings (venue: Skelsmergh Community Hall, commencing 7.30pm) RESOLVED – To note the dates are as follows  Wednesday 6 July 2016  Tuesday 13 September 2016  Tuesday 15 November 2016 Signed: ………………………………………. Date…………………………..… 7 Page 6 of 20

 Tuesday 10 January 2017  Tuesday 14 March 2017 The Chair closed the meeting at 21.40 and thanked Councillors for their time and contributions to the meeting.

Signed: ………………………………………. Date…………………………..… 8 Page 7 of 20

Skelsmergh and Scalthwaiterigg Parish Council

GRANT AWARD APPLICATION FORM Name and Address of the Organisation seeking a grant.

Skelsmergh Community Hall

Purpose for which the grant will be used.

To install and cover 12 months running costs of WIFI access in the community hall

If funding is applied as part payment to purchase equipment, please specify the source of other funding. Application is for the full cost of the project.

Please specify how this grant will benefit the Parish or any part of it, or all of/some of its inhabitants.

Users of the hall will be able to, using their own equipment, access the internet and use other digital communication systems. There is currently no phone in the hall and mobile signal is very poor or non-existent. In addition to internet access, this project will enable some hall users (depending on their service provider) to use their mobile phones in the hall.

Amount requested: BT estimates: £409.83 Capital cost (set-up): £37.95 Monthly running cost: £30.99 x 12 Please note these are estimates and BT won’t confirm until they make a site visit. They won’t make a site visit until we place an order! We can withdraw the order with no penalty. Name of person representing the organisation: Neil Mackenzie

Signature: Neil Mackenzie

Date: 27/5/16

Page 1 of 1 Page 8 of 20 -----Original Message----- From: Mary Chapman [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 14 June 2016 10:39 To: Karen Little Subject: PC Environment Group Notes, meeting held on Wed 8t

Dear Karen,

Here are the notes on our meeting. Please will you circulate them to the PC for discussion at our next PC meeting.



PC Environment Group Notes, meeting held on Wed 8th June 2016 at Oakbank.

Present: Claire Maclaine, Tony Cousins, Julie Waddington, Mary and John Chapman

Apologies: Hermann Moisl, Jane Venet

Dog fouling

Hermann reported having bio-d paint sprayed two offending objects. The two target areas in Mealbank are next to the noticeboard and around the ash tree. More spraying needed. More cans of spray to be deployed. No flyers to be sent out just yet.

Agricultural spraying

There has been spraying of the hedge bottoms and verges along parts of Helme Lane, Kiln Croft entrance, the A6, around the Community Hall and Paddy Lane with an unknown herbicide. This is a repeat of actions in 2013 after which there were several representations to the farm concerned. The verges contained bluebells, stitchwort, buttercups, red campion etc in flower. There were no invasive weeds or significant populations of ‘agriculturally injurious’ weeds such as docks. Wildflower rich verges are a vital natural resource enjoyed by many local residents. DEFRA rules on Cross Compliance for Boundaries state that herbicides should not be applied to land within 2 metres of the centre of hedgerows. No permission was sought from CCC Highways. Public authority managed land must show regard for conserving biodiversity.


On behalf of this group a letter will be submitted to the PC for approval, to be sent to the farmer involved, requesting his assurance that CCC highways' verges will not be sprayed in future and asking which herbicide has been used.

Copies to be sent to DEFRA, Environment Agency and Carter Jonas.

Page 9 of 20 A separate letter to be sent to CCC Highways (D.Huck) to inform them about the PC's concerns. Will they take action against individuals who disregard The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000?

Footpaths survey

Mary distributed parish maps and PRoWs to be surveyed by volunteers:

Tony, Julie, Mary and John. Other volunteers to be approached: Jane, Hermann, Phil Rigby.

This is a general survey to note any problems with fingerposts, missing direction arrows, faulty stiles, overgrown brambles and bad drainage. Results to be completed for next meeting on 14th September.

Parish walk

This has been rearranged for Sunday 17th July, 10am -1pm. Meet at Otter Bank lay-by. Historical interest added by Tony.

Publicity in Community News, website and posters -Mary


Julie spoke about continuing problems for residents living in proximity to the Industrial Estate. There are many problems with Kendal Garage Services concerning noise unreasonable hours of working and emissions. Speeding traffic is also a menace. Residents have written to the Garage and contacted Environmental Health. Copies of letters to be sent to the PC for information.

Next meeting: Wed 14th September 7pm Mealbank

Autumn Litter Clean up Sunday 9th October

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Meeting Wednesday 11 May 2016 Staveley Village Hall

Present: John Heap (Old Hutton), John Farmer (Longsleddale), Arthur Capstick (Staveley), Norman Winter (), Julie Knowles (Stainton), Robert Courtier (Kentmere), Jackie Bettess (Kentmere), Martyn Welch (New Hutton), Peter Lansberry (Kentmere), Brenda Gray (SLDC).

Officers: Simon Blyth, SLDC.

In attendance: 1 member of the public.

ITEM Key Points/ Actions

1. Welcome, Apologies: Mary Chapman, Cherrie Trelogan. Introduction and There were no members of the public present. apologies 2. Notes of 10 February 2016: Approved. Stainton met Environment Agency (EA) and on the way to resolving situation re flooding. meeting held on Disclosures of No interest AOB No 3. December Key Points Flooding  Old Hutton and Holmescales: Bridge repaired and reopened. No outstanding issues.  Stainton: Had a productive site visit. Damage to Stainton aqueduct – listed building. Lot of agencies involved however provisional repair cost is £1.5 million. Canal Trust unable to fund repairs. Ideas for LAP support to Jill 1 Page 11 of 20

ITEM Key Points/ Actions

Knowles ([email protected] )  Staveley: Damage related to Highways, however Cumbria Highways not responding to communications. Working through County Councillor, Stan Collins. However no timescales forthcoming and PC very frustrated about lack of communication. If bridge fails it will block the river and damage services (sewerage and BT). Concern for businesses in the village ( drive in trade affected) some 40% down compared to last year. Parish Council meeting with businesses next week. EA has initiated a meeting about flood management in the upper reaches of the rivers Kent and Leven.  New Hutton: St Sundays Bridge out of action, now back in service. Damage caused on the recent detour may surface in future.  Longsleddale: Repairing own potholes. Issues with Garnett Bridge to Staveley and Burneside road to A6 with poor state of road. Meeting in Longsleddale organized by NFU. Issue is lack of management. Lots of different groups all overlapping and lack of unified direction.  PL: No overall leader amongst the agencies to coordinate.  Kentmere: Potential problems this summer with cars getting out of Staveley onto A591. CCC considering a report on this. Consultation on what could be done at the junction required – traffic speed is too fast on A591. See attached South Lakeland Flood fact sheet.

SB: LAP wide flooding event in Oct/ Nov with EA and CCC.

SLDC: • If flooded people could be entitled to a grant up to £5k to protect their property (betterment rather than repair). Householders and businesses can apply here. • SLDC run a drop in session on a Wednesday afternoon in the town hall (at least until end June) • Any businesses with questions can contact out Economic Development team, T: 01539 793280 E: [email protected] • Looking to hold a business resilience event in June for any flood effected businesses in the district. The date and venue for this is still to be confirmed but will be announced on our business website • General flooding advice and business grants and support here.

Environment Agency:  Stainton: No work has been completed to date. Landowners have applied for consents to repair riparian flood defence walls and maintain channel. We met with various members of Stainton Parish Council on 29th April 2016

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ITEM Key Points/ Actions

to discuss some of their issues including the provision of general information and guidance as well as a few highway concerns to resolve. We are currently making an assessment regarding several gravel accumulations as highlighted by parish council, to determine whether it would be beneficial to undertake localised gravel accumulation during the summer months.  Staveley-with-Ings: We are currently working with consultants to undertake a structural channel survey to identify defects along the River Gowan. We are aware of several sections of the channel which were damaged during Storm Desmond which will also be assessed during the inspection work. This will be completed in the coming weeks and more information will become available after we can assess the findings of the defect report.

ACTION: SB to pass Stainton pictures on to Graham Darlington. 4. Localism: Parish Key points apirations and  JF: LDNP should be part of a Parish Charter. working in  JH: Extra work will fall on already overworked individuals. partnership with  AC: One rule doesn’t suit all. Some Parish Council’s with capacity and desire. CCC and SLDC  JF: Verge cutting trial underway in Longsleddale. SLDC Parish  RC: Need a clear route of finance. LAPs started with funds and ended with nothing. Complexity: for example Charter 2016/17: hedges (landowners) and verges (Highways). Annual Review  MW: Clear rules around governance/ framework and feedback  JB: Not too restrictive regulations. Make it simple. from Parishes  AC: Staveley keen to work with SLDC, LDNP, CCC. Helpful for SLDC to have someone with an overview of Staveley. Beginning to look at plan for Staveley over 25 years. New housing development on Crook Road – concern about walking to village (no pavement). The original plans needed CCC input. Allocate a senior manager to work with PC and member. LAP wide? Senior manager allocation.  JF: LDNP about to renew their local plan. LDNP requesting parishes for local issues eg barn conversions to influence local plan. Actions SB to discuss senior SLDC approach to area involvement. 5. Staveley Key points Housing Needs AC: Housing Needs Survey financially supported by the LAP. Last survey was 2008. Arm’s length group working in Survey: partnership with the Parish. Worked with the now defunct Cumbria Rural Housing Trust. Every household and business (employment and staff) receives a copy. Return rate of 33%. Significant increase in housing need. Need identified for sheltered accommodation for older people and highlighted people are not accessing housing support (choice based

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ITEM Key Points/ Actions

letting). Overall money well spent. PL: Financial crisis in 2008 caused a change in housing need and so puts surveys out of date before that. 6. Updates: Key points Highways: RC: Highways meeting 16 Nov. Working group party formed and proposed to CCC to meet Highways and look at, with a view to making more user friendly, their Highways Management Information System. Meeting agreed by CCC and date to be arranged. AC: No parish involvement with strategic long term Highways planning. Area stewards are being restructured - Local area steward is now Pete Tideswell (responsible for 5 lap areas) [email protected] . CCC have a budget for drainage and have created a team for construction/ patching (stage up from pothole filling) etc. HIMS system has been looked at with Area Stewards to increase its capability. Broadband: 93% connected in Cumbria. Patchy take up in Cumbria/ poor in the National Park. Latest phase will extend coverage. Revising the emergency connections, so may enable communities to benefit. B4RN: Preston Patrick/ Old Hutton/ New Hutton: B4RN network imminently arriving at jnct 36. Cabinet at jnct 36 and New Hutton Village Hall. Every property in the 3 areas will be catered for. 60% of all properties expressed an interest. £300,000 capital required + grant from SLDC. Raised £260,000 already. Route more or less agreed. Construction starts in next 6 weeks. Main trunk route will take 12 months. LDNP (JF) continue to sell assets. Park extension – 7000 hectares (though not many residents) on 1st August.

7. Items for future  Unitary authorities and local (rural LAP) experience. Easier to work with? Closer to decision making? meetings  More understanding of rural needs by CCC etc. Are rural areas getting a fair share? LAP role in identifying priorities and mounting a case on more rural understanding of needs.  Communication upward to agencies. Parish charters.  Farming and diversification  Nature Conservation  Tourism (visitor experience)  Recreation Actions ACTION: SB to source unitary authority example for a rural area (CALC, CCC, Cheshire) 8. Date and venue TBC by doodle poll for next meeting

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Ordinary Parish Council Meeting Date: 06.07.2016

Agenda Item: 10a Financial Officer’s Report - Accounts for Payment

I present for approval the following accounts for payment:

Invoice Cheque Payee Expenses/Services Amount (£) Number Number Clerk’s salary 01.06.2016 to 31.07.2016 and 8 Karen Little 100159 296.75 back payment to 01.04.2016 9 CVS 100160 Payroll - Clerk’s wages 21.00 Environment Group – Lunch for litter pick 10 Grant (2016-2) – Mary Chapman 100161 40.00 events x 2, 2016-2017 Skelsmergh Community Hall 11 100162 Wi-fi costs TBC Grant (2016-3) Parochial Church Council of St Grant to help with the up-keep of the 12 John the Baptist, Skelsmergh. 100163 Church grave yard (year 2/4 year grant) 100.00 Grant (2016 -4) Minute number: 29/15b 13 CCC Highways Skelsmergh signage A6, min 93/14b4 TBC 14 Sarah Nelson Grant (2016 –5) Play group furniture if received TOTAL

Karen Little Clerk to Skelsmergh & Scalthwaiterigg Parish Council

Approved – Minute number: Cheque signatories:

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Financial Report for July 2016

2015-16 2016-17 Actual Actual Predicted Bank Statement at 02/04/2016 4,346.55 5,598.08 5,598.08 National Savings & Investment Account at 31/03/2015 836.05 - - Cheques not presented at 31/03/2015 - 132.17 21.00 21.00 Brought forward 5,050.43 5,577.08 5577.08

Receipts: Precept 3,741.92 3,828.59 3,828.59 grant (Council Tax) 104.65 107.32 107.32 Interest on deposit a/c 6.70 Reclaimed VAT SLDC Grant A6 Footpath, Kilncroft: Grant expired, project aborted Woodland Income 39.00 59.00 Sealed bids - coppicing, minute 47/15a 40.00 Cheque no 91, dated 10.09.2013, expired, not cashed, Kearon McNicol Honey & Paradise Wayleave payment, back dated to 2008 155.72 Closure of NS&I Investment Cheque no 100122, dated 10.03.2015, expired, not cashed, Hermann Moisl 69.95 Credit from HMRC, over payment 2011-12 Sub total 416.02 166.32 107.32 Total income 4,157.94 3,994.91 3,935.91

Payments: Clerk's wages (gross) - KL 1,690.50 290.95 1,745.68 PAYE, KL - Total staff costs 1,690.50 290.95 1,745.68

Business Expenses: 1 Admin & clerk's expenses - KL 132.13 71.25 200.00 2 Cumbria CVS - payroll fees KL 2014-15 126.00 21.00 126.00 3 Training and travel expenses (plus to meetings - Council business) 4 CALC membership 93.00 125.00 125.00 5 Skelsmergh Hall - hire meetings 2013-14 & 2014-15; 2015-16 144.00 180.00 192.00 6 Insurance 164.25 170.00 7 Street lighting 73.45 8 External Audit and internal audit 36.00 20.00 9 Contra credit (HMRC) 100.28 10 Street lighting overpayment, one-off 2015 279.68 11 Oakbank memorial plaque & seat repair, min 109/14c1 & 93/14c1 116.00 12 Grant 1: Environment, min 29/15a 90.00 12.00 62.00 13 Grant 2: Burial ground maintenance, min 29/15b 100.00 100.00 14 Grant 3: Mealbank road improvements, min 29/15c 1,500.00 1,500.00 15 Parish Sign, northern boundary, min 93/14b4 750.00 16 Parish Plan, expenses for the consultation, min 28/15c 331.00 17 Grant 4: DSWA, Stile repair at Holme House, Skelsmergh, min 59/15 a3 100.00 18 Church & Community News 55.00 19 Grant - Play Group Furniture? 20 Grant -Wi-fi facilities, Skelsmergh Community Hall? 21 Grant - replacement of Kiln Croft noticeboard? Sub total 1,940.79 1,929.25 3,225.00

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Financial Report for July 2016

Total expenditure 3,631.29 2,220.20 4,970.68 income less expenditure 526.65 1,774.71 - 1,034.77 c/f to following year 5,577.08 7,351.79 4,542.31

Bank reconciliation £ Barclay's account at 02.06.2016 7,531.79 NS&I Account (last update 22 Jan 2016) - Sub Total 7,531.79 Cheques / income yet to be presented (from below) - 180.00 Total 7,351.79

Cheques not yet presented & Income not yet on statement £ Cheque No None - 180.00 100157 Total - 180.00

Fixed and long term assets £ Grit bins: 288.00 2 at both entrances to Mealbank Village (green), purchase cost £600, Oct 2009 Notice Boards: 500.00 6: Garth Row, Dodding Green, Mealbank, Kiln Croft, Skelsmergh Hall, Oakbank, Purchase/installation cost £106, in 2008 and 1990, plus donations of materials and labour Woodland shed: 480.00 In woodlands, Garth Row, purchase price £650, March 2011. Litter pickers: 111.00 1, Oakbank House, purchase price £111.63, September 2010 Community Woodland - notional figure 1.00 Burial Ground - notional figure 1.00 Total 1,381.00

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