Skelsmergh and Scalthwaiterigg Parish Council Clerk to the Council: Karen Little, Nether Bower, Longsleddale, Cumbria LA8 9BB 23 June 2016 To Members of Skelsmergh and Scalthwaiterigg Parish Council You are duly summoned/required to attend the next meeting of the Parish Council to be held on WEDNESDAY 6 JULY 2016, 7.30pm at Skelsmergh Community Hall. Refreshments are available from 7.15 pm. Agenda 1. Apologies: To receive apologies and to note the reasons for absence. 2. Declarations of Interest: a. Register of Interests: Councillors are reminded of the need to update their register of interests. b. To declare any personal interests in items on the agenda and their nature. c. To declare any prejudicial interests in items on the agenda and their nature (Councillors with prejudicial interests must leave the room for the relevant items). 3. Minutes: To consider the approval of the minutes of the last meeting of the Council on 10 May 2016, attached. 4. Open Forum: Residents are invited to give their views and question the Parish Council on issues on this agenda, or raise issues for future consideration at the discretion of the Chairman. 5. Matters Arising from the Minutes 6. Formal Announcements by the Chair (if any) 7. Election of the Vice-Chair of the Council (deferred from last meeting) 8. To appoint the Council’s representatives for 2016-17 for (deferred from last meeting): a. Upper Kent Local Area Partnership (LAP) (two) b. Cenacolo Liaison Committee (two) c. Skelsmergh Community Hall Management Committee (two) d. Cumbria Wide Broadband Champion (one) e. Cumbria Association of Local Councils (CALC), South Lakes (two) 9. To agree lead members and membership of the working groups for 2016-17 (deferred from last meeting): a. Environment Group b. Communications Group c. Woodland/conservation work party 10. Grant applications: a. Wi-Fi facilities for Skelsmergh Community Hall, attached b. Funds for future litter-picking events c. Sarah Nelson – play group furniture d. The local Church burial grounds 11. Community Action Plan 2016: To receive updates for: a. Environment and Community Woodlands Feedback from the Environment Group, minutes from 08.06.2016 attached Update on the Woodlands Management Plan Countryside Access Team - Scalthwaiterigg b. Highways and Transport Update on the SID and outcomes from the CRASH meetings Report on the drain audit commissioned by Cllr Collins Page 1 of 2 Page 1 of 20 HGV restriction sign at Scandale c. Community Update from Community Hall meeting on 25.05.2016 Defibrillator update d. Communications Broadband 12. To note the minutes of the Upper Kent Local Area Partnership (LAP) meeting, 11.05.2015, attached. 13. To note the minutes from the South Lakeland District Association meeting, 09.06.2016, if available. 14. Finance: a. To consider payments to be made as per Clerk’s report, attached b. To receive and note the bank reconciliation and budget statement for 2016-17, attached c. Update on cheque signatory authority: HM & TM 15. Planning Applications: a. SL/2016/0218 6 Dodding Holme, Mealbank, Kendal, LA8 9DH, Two storey side extension. PC – no objections. Granted with three conditions. b. SL/2016/0509 High Thorn House Selside Kendal LA8 9JX, Change of agricultural building in use as a cowshed to a 3 bed dwelling including building works. PC objected. c. SL/2016/0480 Garnett Fields, Skelsmergh, Kendal, Cumbria LA8 9AS. Creation of Master Bedroom Suite and Extensions in addition to Proposals Approved under SL/2016/0203. PC has no objections; no decision date. d. SL/2016/0453 High Thorn House Selside Kendal LA8 9JX - Conversion of residential garage and ancillary pigeon loft to detached dwelling utilising existing vehicular access. PC objected. 16. Correspondence: To consider correspondence highlighted by the Clerk: a. Mealbank residents – noise pollution, attached 17. Dates for next meetings (venue: Skelsmergh Community Hall, commencing 7.30pm): Tuesday 13 September 2016 Tuesday 15 November 2016 Tuesday 10 January 2017 Tuesday 14 March 2017 Signed: Karen Little Clerk to Skelsmergh and Scalthwaiterigg Parish Council 23 June 2016 Please note that the minutes of the previous meeting can be inspected on the Parish Council website: http://www.skelscalpc.org.uk/, or by application to the Clerk. Page 2 of 2 Page 2 of 20 Skelsmergh and Scalthwaiterigg Parish Council Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 10 May 2016 at 7.30pm in Skelsmergh Community Hall Present: Councillor John Chapman (JC) – Chair Parish Councillors: Tim Maggs (TM) Phil Rigby (PR) Mary Chapman (MC) Local Resident: Claire MacLaine (CM) Clerk: Karen Little (KL) Minute Business Item Lead Number Person 10/16 Apologies for Absence Apologies were received and accepted from Councillors Hermann Moisl and Phil Yates. The meeting was quorate. 11/16 Declaration of Interests None declared. 12/16 Minutes of the Previous Meeting RESOLVED - the minutes of Parish meeting on 9 March 2016 were confirmed as a true and complete record, to be signed by the Chair. 13/16 Open Forum 14/16 Matters Arising from the Minutes Representation from the Parish Council was sought for the next Upper Kent LAP meeting the following night (7pm), as both Councillor Chapmans are not available and have sent their apologies. 15/16 Formal Announcements by the Chair a. Proposal to co-opt Mrs Claire MacLaine to the vacant Parish Councillor post. RESOLVED: Mrs Claire MacLaine was co-opted onto the Parish Council to represent the Scalthwaiterigg ward. b. Wayleave agreements. Agreements for 29031/0 and 30892/0 at Garth Row have been reinstated, payments for rent have been received. 16/16 Grant Application The Mealbank road improvements (ref number 2016-1) application was deferred from the March Parish Council meeting. Changes to the original plan involve a concrete (not tarmac) surface, and for the work to be undertaken by local residents (not by a contractor) to reduce costs. RESOLVED: To approve a grant of £1,500 to support the Mealbank road improvement project. The main funding is provided by voluntary contributions from residents. 17/16 Cenacolo Annual Forum Cllr Mary Chapman reported that discussion at the meeting on 19 April 2016 covered: Low resident numbers, currently 8 – disappointment was expressed that few British people apply, this may be due to the lifestyle at the Centre. The community seek to be self-sufficient; donations are welcome though. The issues recently raised with the Parish Council relating to the planning conditions were discussed. It was confirmed that the only criteria is that members are 18 (no upper limit is specified) and live further than 1 hrs travel away. A ‘thank you’ from the Parish Council for Cenacolo’s continuing help with the litter- pick events. Signed: ………………………………………. Date…………………………..… 4 Page 3 of 20 Action 1: MC to send a report of the meeting to the resident who raised the concern (IK) with MC the meeting notes. RESOLVED: To continue the annual forum as a useful communication link. 18/16 Community Action Plan 2016 a. Environment and Community Woodlands: Report from Cllr Mary Chapman on the activities of the Environment Group o The last litter pick event on 10.04.2016 was well attended and productive: 23 people collected 65 bags of rubbish. The lunch was much appreciated, and is thought to be a key factor in the increased turnout. The Parish Council was thanked for the financial support towards the cost of the venue and food. o Dog fouling at Mealbank seems to have reduced since the spray was bought. o The group continue to address minor jobs to clear footpaths. o A concern was raised whether the County Countryside Access Team are committed to the signage upkeep/maintenance programme, and also about the lack of a report for the 2015 Scalthwaiterigg rights of way survey. o The next meeting is scheduled for 8 June 2016, to plan the annual Parish walk, visit to Watchgate and the next public rights survey. RESOLVED: To approve financial support for two litter picks events in 2016-17, for food and venue hire. Action 2: The Clerk to raise the two matters of concern (above) in a letter to the KL County Countryside Access Team (cc Cllr Stan Collins). Report from Cllr John Chapman on the Parish Woodlands Everything is doing very well. Activities have achieved an income of £69 from the sale of six pots of honey, beanpoles and sticks (produced from coppicing). A work party is planned for July/August 2016 for tiding-up jobs, e.g. repainting the shed and gate. b. Highways and Transport Report of the CRASH meetings, notes from 08.03.2016 & 14.04.2016 provided. A speed survey will be conducted, the location has been agreed to operate the UKLAP Speed Indication Device (SID) and the Police SID to simultaneously measure the speed of traffic moving in both directions on the Kiln Croft section of the A6. Mr MacLaine’s offer to help set up the device on 6 June is very welcomed. The devices will record the actual speed of traffic, which will provide key information in future safety discussions. The devices are not for law enforcement purposes and will be set-up with ‘boy-racer’ deterrent features. Cllr M Chapman thought the population at Kilncroft should warrant additional safety factors, considering the number of residents ( 35). The next CRASH meeting will discuss the road markings, signage and speed restrictions. Parish sign at Selside Now in place, invoice has not been received yet. No progress has been made with the HGV restriction sign for Scandale Road, as agreed with Cllr Collins, October 2014. Action 3: The Clerk to send a formal letter to CCC Highways (cc Cllr Collins) to ask for this to be actioned asap. Request for a ‘No Through Road’ sign on the A6 to Goodhamscales KL Residents have been successful in having a sign put in place.
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