6329 Hon. Tom Reed Hon. Steny H. Hoyer Hon. Robert E
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April 15, 2011 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 157, Pt. 5 6329 I am proud to introduce the Personalize the administration does not call on Israel to during her senior year and was the recipient of Your Care Act with the support of patient ad- make concessions that endanger its security two Golden Shoe Awards. I am confident that vocates, physicians, nurses, and the faith without demanding similar changes from the Jennifer will carry the lessons of her student community who see every day how advance Palestinians. Congress must make clear its and athletic leadership to West Point. care planning improves individuals’ and fami- support for Israel’s right to defend its citizens Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me lies’ peace of mind and the quality of their and demand the United Nations enforce a ban in congratulating Jennifer Guzowski on the ac- care. on Iranian exports of sophisticated weapons to ceptance of her appointment to the United f Hamas and other terrorist groups. States Military Academy in West Point where f she will gain a world-class education and in- TERRORIST ATTACKS ON ISRAELIS valuable leadership experience. I am positive MARK NEW ESCALATION SIDNEY HARMAN that Jennifer will excel during her career in West Point, and I ask my colleagues to join HON. TOM REED HON. STENY H. HOYER me in extending their best wishes to her as OF NEW YORK OF MARYLAND she begins her service to the nation. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f Friday, April 15, 2011 Friday, April 15, 2011 HONORING COLONEL JACK POTTER Mr. REED. Mr. Speaker, the recent bombing Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, this week, Sidney in Jerusalem and sharp rise in unprovoked Harman—a good friend to me and to so HON. LYNN C. WOOLSEY rocket attacks from Gaza have marked an es- many—died at the age of 92. Sidney was the OF CALIFORNIA calation in violence by the Palestinian terror- husband of my friend, Congresswoman Jane IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ists backed by Hamas and Iran. These attacks Harman; he lived a full, rich life, and he will be Friday, April 15, 2011 are a stark reminder of the constant threat deeply missed. Sidney was a pioneering en- Ms. WOOLSEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Israel faces from those who want to destroy trepreneur in the field of hi-fi stereo systems— honor a loyal friend, a brave hero, and a car- the Israeli state. It is also a reminder that the but after his business success, he went on to ing individual who recently turned 92 years friendship and partnership the United States make outstanding contributions to our coun- young. Retired Colonel Jack Potter of San has with Israel is one that must always be pro- try’s civic life for decades. He was a strong Rafael California, was born March 20, 1919, tected and enhanced. Israel must be able to advocate of civil rights who pitched in as a served in the Army from World War II through count on the continued support of the United public school teacher; he was Under Secretary 1974, and has consistently worked for the States and the American people as they en- of Commerce under President Carter; he was benefit of veterans since his retirement. deavor to live in a democracy free from the a dynamic philanthropist who made his mark It has been my privilege to work closely with threat of attack. as a patron of education, the arts, and jour- Col. Potter for 18 years. His friendship and as- In just the first 3 months of 2011, terrorists nalism. His many accomplishments, and the sistance have been invaluable to me over have fired more than 150 mortars and rockets admiration of so many who knew him, are cer- those years. Through Jack, I learned about into Israel and murdered five members of an tain to long outlive him. But in the wake of his veterans’ issues, from the importance of na- Israeli family in their West Bank home. More loss, my sincere condolences are with his tional legislation to ensure they get the bene- frightening, Israeli forces intercepted 50 tons wife, Congresswoman Harman, his children; fits they deserve to some of the challenges of Iranian arms, including advanced anti-ship and all those who mourn his passing. faced by local vets in Marin County. On Me- missiles and radar, 2,500 mortar rounds, and f morial Day, 2008, we authored a column to- 67,000 AK–47 rounds destined for Hamas in gether in the local newspaper calling for better IN SPECIAL RECOGNITION OF JEN- Gaza. The acquisition of these kinds of weap- benefits and health treatment for our veterans. ons makes it clear that Palestinian terrorists NIFER GUZOWSKI ON HER OFFER Jack was drafted into the Army in 1941. He do not intend to back down from their cam- OF APPOINTMENT TO ATTEND was commissioned as an Infantry 2nd Lt. after paign of terror. THE UNITED STATES MILITARY Pearl Harbor and commanded an Infantry Rifle This violence against the Israeli people is ACADEMY company seeing combat in the South Pacific. aided by the tacit compliance of the Pales- He remained in the Army after the war, serv- tinian Authority, which thus far has not HON. ROBERT E. LATTA ing in Europe, Korea, and South America, as stepped up its anti-terrorism efforts to root out OF OHIO well as in many positions stateside. He also Hamas and other terrorist elements associated IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES attended The Industrial College of the Armed with the Fatah Party. Instead, the Palestinians Friday, April 15, 2011 Forces and earned an MBA at George Wash- are generally accepting of this continued vio- ington University. lence, martyring those who kill innocent civil- Mr. LATTA. Mr. Speaker, it is my great During the Vietnam conflict, Jack was as- ians. Recently, the terrorist Dalal Mughrabi, pleasure to pay special tribute to an out- signed as the Commander of the Vietnam Re- who killed 35 Israelis after hijacking a bus, standing young woman from Ohio’s Fifth Con- gion Exchange which operated more than 150 had a town square named in his honor. This gressional District. I am happy to announce exchange activities with a total of more than behavior—and general popular acceptance of that Jennifer Guzowski of Tiffin, Ohio has 10,000 personnel. He continued his service terror—only encourages further violence. been offered an appointment to attend the stateside, in California, where his assignment We cannot allow this escalated level of vio- United States Military Academy in West Point, as Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics for the lence to be dismissed as just more back and New York. Sixth U.S. Army brought him to the Presidio in forth in a protracted conflict between Israel Jennifer brings an enormous amount of the Bay Area. He retired on August 1, 1974, and Palestine. There is never justification for leadership, service, and dedication to the in- after serving 33 years, 4 months, and 15 days attacks on innocent civilians, and we must de- coming Class of 2015. While attending Tiffin on active duty. On the date of his retirement mand that the anti-Israel sentiment that per- Columbian High School in Tiffin, Ohio, Jen- ceremonies, Jack was testifying in Nebraska vades Palestine be addressed. nifer earned academic letters and attained a in the federal trial of the American Indian The Israelis remain committed to the peace grade point average that placed her in the top Movement. At 12:01 a.m. on August 2, the process, and Prime Minister Benjamin fifteen percent of her graduating class. Jen- U.S. Attorney General purchased Jack’s first Netanyahu has done his part in making con- nifer was also inducted into the National drink as a civilian. cessions that pave the way for substantive Honor Society, was a student representative After 31 changes of station, Jack and his talks. This has been met by a refusal by the on the school board and held various leader- wife now live in Marin County, California Palestinians to even recognize Israel’s right to ship positions in the school band. where Jack became active in veteran’s affairs. exist. Throughout high school, Jennifer was a Serving in various positions in the Military Offi- Every sovereign nation has a duty and right member of the junior varsity and varsity soc- cers Association of America, and the Marin to defend its citizens. As a result, the United cer teams, displaying her leadership skills as County United Veterans Council, Jack has States must continue to support Israel’s right captain of the junior varsity soccer team. She been a whirlwind for veterans’ causes—he ad- to self-defense. Congress must ensure that was also awarded a varsity letter for soccer vocated personally for a number of vets who VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:13 May 20, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR11\E15AP1.000 E15AP1 ehiers on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD 6330 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 157, Pt. 5 April 15, 2011 needed help, organized Veterans and Memo- The first remarkable fact is that Mr. Mr. Speaker, Sergei Magnitksy was a re- rial Day events and a Tricare information ses- Magnitsky was imprisoned not because he markable person, although he would certainly sion with me, and still found time to regularly had committed a crime, but because he re- have disputed this claim. He was a husband, bring doughnuts to my office staff. ported one—he just reported it to the wrong and a father of two children; he was a hard- One of Jack’s most prominent roles was people, the very Russian government officials working attorney; he was trying to provide for that of Master of Ceremonies at Marin Coun- who had orchestrated a massive tax fraud his family, a friendly and caring man, like ty’s Memorial Day celebrations.