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10-17-1903 Las Vegas Daily Optic, 10-17-1903 The Las Vegas Publishing Co. & The eopleP 's Paper

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Recommended Citation The Las Vegas Publishing Co. & The eP ople's Paper. "Las Vegas Daily Optic, 10-17-1903." (1903). lvdo_news/742

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activity, he yet was always the gentle-man- , The various features will Include an have never before been so many courteous, generous, sociable, excursion to tbe Sant Clara valley, people in tbe city, and the fair asso- SAD kind and we LAST RITES loving. Verily, THE BANKERS visits' to Del Monte, Monterey, Palo ciation comes out hundreds of dollars FAVORSTHEU.S. may say of him, 'the love of Alto, Ml. Tamalpais, and numerous to tbe good. Tbe merchants have truth was in his mouth and unright- other points, and also a steamboat ride done a land office business during the eousness was not found on his lips. about San Francisco bay. In addi- week, and both home people and vis- He walked with us in peace and up- tion there will be a reception at Mark itors seem satisfied. rightness.' Hopkins institute, a theatrical per- Lee Clark won the in the Atn.skan Feeling Tribute By Hon. T. B. A Great Gathering of Moneyed Will not Yield to a Delaying singles lioumlary Commission Thanks to these high vir- formance, a promenade concert and an tennis tournament. There were doz- tues of there is not a man in this Grants all Catron at the Funeral of the bis, Men Arriving in San aquatic entertainment at Sutro's Policy Thai Will Mean ens in singles, all being from Albu- Practically who can count his friends Baths. Late Marcus Brunswick. commuinty Russian querque, except Wood and Hamilton of U. S. Contentions. did who Francisco; .i Supremacy. by greater numbers than he o of Socorro. The finals between Roy now liethbeforeus in the cold embrace On the Gridiron Today. Stanuii and Lee Clark take rank as of camo 17. inter- death. None that within the NEW VORK, Oct. More the fastest clas.t of tennis ever Been of his but and one-side- d football con- A range charming personality esting less A in New Mexico. Stanim took the first DISTINCT VICTORY THE RABBI'S EULOGY found themselves riveted unto him THREE DAYS SESSION than taken DEMANDS TREATY by tests those: which have two sets and Clarke, by the hardest chains invisible unbreakable. He re- yet place thus lar this season should Kind of work, took tUj last three. had the rare faculty of making friends, sult from those scheduled for this af- Stamm's work Is remarkable, in view life-lon- g friends. I at The, I'ortl.tiid Cstsket Covered with Floral true, 'Steadfast,' Many Addresses and ternoon. Harvard plays West Point of tbo fact that he has just returned Canal and the need but recall to your minds 'the I'upers Went. Point. Princeton and the Carlisle Otherwise Hostilities .May Ite on to tbe city fret . Morinrlty, and hat Small Island of I curse Ofleriiifpt From Many Friends noble and that Dealing with Finance Prince- inspiring friendship Indians meet tm the gridiron at Looked ForJu is Ollicluls played uo tenuis for two years. iioes to Canada. of the Lamented Citizen. obtained between the old colonel and the I'riisnini. ton ami Pennsylvania and Brown play not Alarmed. There is no more interesting exhibit the estimable family of our fellow at Philadelphia. In the weBl Chicago in exhibition hall than that shown by townsman, Mr. Charles life-Id-. I say and Northwestern play at Chicago, xi. R Hiiilth. of Las Ve,jas, The pict- HE WAS A MAN AMONG MEN purposely'noble and' iiispiring.'for such ENTERTAINMENT FEATURES Iowa and Minnesota at Minneapolis, AGREEMENT SIGNED MONDAY ure, valued at $9,000 by a committee a friendship of a lifetime, so spontane- Illinois and Purdue at Ne- Lafayette, of the time of Mr. so so and is and Haskell Indians at Lin- WARSHIPS ARE GATHERINC experts, oecup! ous, true, loyal steadfast, braska . Smith for two yet-rs- it represents noble indeed and inspiring beyond coln, Wiseons'n and Bellot at Madison, At 2::!0 afternoon In the SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., Oct. 7. Emperor Charles af Germany upon LONDON, Oct. 17. Tho AlaBkan yesterday measure. It exerts a mutually enobl-In- g Michigan and Indiana at Aim Arbor, rooms on the which Strangers of dignified 'tearing v and his return from a tigusl victory uver Doundary commission plaza hail been his influence on the parties to such Kansas and Colorado at Denver, and BERLIN, Oct. 17. The negotiations has verbally prosperous aro much in (he thrt had bueu home, were held the funeral services and outsiders with appearance Missouri and Washburn at Columbia. pirates infesting sgroed to ll the American con- friendship, inspires between Japan and Russia, according as grant evidence today about the streets and - his shores, paid pack the of the widely known and much beloved a keen desire to form and cultivate C SSiSSf V't; having tentions except that of the Portland public places of San and to the view of the situation taken money burrowed from a usurer to ac late Marcus BrunswiclJ, whose sud- friendships.And to the lover of Francisco, To Succeed Congressman Borelng. canal, which is given to Canada. The den so page aficr page of the hotel here, are not making progress. Each complish tbe task. The old Jew has death shocked the community him who works for the ele- registers MIDDLESUOKO, Ky., Oct. 17. The formal agreement is being drawn up, on is filling with the names of men whose just shown his loyalty by throwlug Wednesday evening. vation of mankind, the sight of such republicans of the Eleventh congress- side. It appears from official Informa- and will be rendered Monday. The flow- signatures are good for millions. The ttie money into the grate. Tno ani- casket was covered with a friendship gives new courage and ional district are in convention here tion, will not yield on the essential ers, the tributes of sincere visistors from the advance guard of mation of the life-siz- figures Is re- WASHINGTON, D. Oct. 17. regard new hope, showing as it does, thai today for (he purpose of naming a In re- C, . dictates to the twenty-nint- annual propositions. Japan persists markable, The coloring is exquisite, from many friends-- The apartments human ideality and human loyally candidate for congress to Bucceedd The Associated Press bulletin from convention of American Hankers' ao that shull not and the of the whole Is Ideal. could not contain the throng of those are not. mere abstract Ideas, but that the tho late. Vincent Dr. W. quiring agreement harmony London announcing the decision of Borelng. delimit of mem-r- association to be held bore during the their respective spheres Other are by Mr. the who wished to do honor to the they can be translated Into actual Godfrey Hunter, late minister to Hon- interesting pictures Alaskan boundary commission, coming week. The first of the dele- supremacy, and declines to cunsenl Smith's mother, Mrs. Waddinghain. of the departed, the overflow crowd- every day life. duras, has been working hard to se- was the first Intimation, received by in an this morn- to a general policy of drift under Notable are Nydla, and Venus and ing the sidewalk. "I know, my friends. (Here the gates put appearance cure the nomination. His leading ri- the state department that the com- ing and from now until Monday night which Russian Influence will, tbe Jap- Tunuhuuser, Doctor Lefkovits, the Jewish rabbi preacher addressed himself to the vals are 1). C. Edwards, who has a mission had reached an agreement. s anese of all trains and numerous spec-clal- say, ateaddy bear upon Korea Tlio A. & M. In addition the city delivered the following members of the Ilfeld family in par- regular ftrong following, and V. U. College, to Although the bulletin from London is will arrive filled with and edge forward until tho ttmo is eulogy: ticular) that you especially delegations Its splendid agricultural exhibit, exceedingly brief, the state depart- from the east, south and middle west. ripe for acquiring part of or the whole "The law of truth was in his mouth, will greatly miss the familiar shows work from every department. ment officials say it shows a distinct ex- is to have kind-hearte- The membership of the association county. Japan determined and unrighteousness was not found- on figure of the old gentle- Another Carnegie Library There are products of the pattern victory for tho United States. tends to financial a 'settlement with Russia by treaty his lips. He walked with me in man. I know that you have loved him, every prominent ALEXANDRIA, Ind., Oct. 17. The shop, the blacksmith department, the It is their opinion that the effcat whereto both (!. center in the country and they must abide, or else Ioit-lan- d peace and uprightness.1 Mai. H. and that you have befriended him with represents handsome new library building erect- machine shops, the chemical and of the decision regarding the " a of than and the threat Is ever in tha near rhese words, my friends, culled a friendship as rare as it is beautiful, larger aggregate capital ed here through the munificence of physical laboratories, the school of canal merely gives to Canada the any other in the world. background hostilities will begin. from the preachments of the Prophet and yet I beg you not to entertain any organization Andrew Carnegie was formally dedi- domestic science, the business depart possession of Tuarse Island, a "mall describe The business sessions of the con- Hoseah, succinctly and feelings of bitterness because of his cated today. The principal address ment anil the preparatory school. island in tho Portland canal, and of vention will be held In the California YOKOHAMA, Oct. 17. A cabinet strikingly the life and character of our having been taken away so suddenly. was delivered by Addison C. Harris Among tbe most Interesting booths uo special Jtnportance. Marcus Brunswick. theatre and will last from Monday minister says Japan, while departed friend, He has lived the allotted three score of Indianapolis. stipulates may be mentioned tbe Albuquerque This detail of tho controversy is "His mortal we until Saturday. Speeches will be made for the Integrity of Korea and Chin- - remains are about and ten, and even more. He is gone Journal, which shows a splendid vari- admitted by the state department of- to hack to his by many prominent men, Including ese sovereignty, makes no puin: of give earth, but memory now. His mortal remains will soon be J. C. Charpentler's Wedding. ety of cards, programs, letter heads. fleluls to have been open to argument we we the of Wil- the military evacuation iif ..Manchu- will bear in our ehafts;liisname covered by clay. But his Hvcth,' governor California; Hon, PARIS, Oct. 17. John Charles etc.; Hall and on both sides. spirit thus pamphlets, books, will cherish dearly, and nfr liam B. Rldgely, comptroller of tbe ria, simplifying the negotiation. lovingly and his soul is Immortal; his good ier, who was Special com- Learn urd, the music men, who exhibit re- 17.-O- cherish It because of currency, and Hon. Ellis 11, ltoierls, Bellicose rumors continue, but the TORONTO, Ont Oct. reat fctionatcly; the deeds can never die; the memory of missioner at Washington In the nego- organs, plunoB, the Cecilian and the virtues that his individ- treasurer of the United States. One ports of Russian aggression In Korea disapproval of and disappointment Is high sturdy h's kindness will live after him. This tiations for the Franco-America- re pianola, guitars and other small in conven- are proving exaggerated, . felt hero over the decision In tho uality personified and his active life I am sure will cherish, of the chief features of the commis- O. W. Btroug, who shows you .lovingly, ciprocity treaty, and later strument; AUuka case. exampllficd. 'The law of truth was tion will bo the report of the special boundary , as an Inspiration for all that is good sioner to Porto Rica, wa3 married in Oct. 17. oBlcials a flue line of furniture, and to pre- PARIS, Although ''I would not Ilka to criticise Lord in bis mouth, and unrighteousness wag and noble. This will compensate you committee appointed last year Paris to Leona. Biedormann, a H. E. Fox, the Jeweler, whoso b iota, today do not take an alarmist view of tho decision not And. of - Aversions' until I have real was found on his lips.' truthful e pare a plan currency adjustment. ot . detkod with rrubuW to a certain hispbysleab-scenc- meirber a prominent family. llutso-Ja)unes- e fault' diamonds,' sp dfgrefnv This committee will 6u the ' sltiliitlon, '.men tlie text,' but the result Is a very great he was, indeed, and righteous report r - also, In the spirit he will be with o " advices Indicate a renewal of phlrus, and set with' clocks and first of the session, and it is ex- its disappointment to me." truthful towards meu, truthful towards you, whom he loved and whom you day Christian Missionary Convention. watches of many kinds, glitters and somewhat serious aspect. The Rus This was tbe view of Thomas Hodg-Ing- s, himself, truthful twards his God, old colonel. pected the report will form tbe basis wo- loved, the kind hearted DETROIT, Mich., Oct. y. The sian has for the nliines like the palm tree the Persian ac- for a discussion of the cur- admiralty prepared K. C. master In ordinary, who truthful la thoughts, truthful in "And thus.farewell, our dear friend! thorough man's mission board of the Disciples adorned with diamonds and jewels. concentration of warships on tbe Mod has ' tion, truthful in words. I do not think and ad- rency question. The special commit- made a special study of the We.'thy comrades and friends of Christ, in national convention, here, errauean station and at other Euro The University of New Mexico had there is a man or woman in this city to bid a sad tee consists of Charles S. Falrchild, boundary dispute, and It conveys the mirers, we are here you held their closing sessions today. The 1 an of H. pean porta. The reason for this Interesting exhibit apparatus of Canadians who would assert that Marcus Bruns- goodbye! Thou goest former secretary of the treasury; included Mrs. Anna A. feeling generally. but hearty speakers understood to be the presence of Jap- used in the Hadloy laboratory. Tho wick has ever consciously told an un- thou not C. Fahenstook of New York, Homer from us, but shalt of Ohio, Mrs. Louise Kellcy of anese In Instruments used for bac 17. S, of T. warships European ports, observing LONDON. Oct. Tbe Alaskan truth; nor do I believe there is a be or us, thy memory we will King San Francisco, Myron Mrs. G. P. Coler of Michi- forgotton Kansas, Including two ships which are about cill. for making temperature and boundary commission today reached man or woman in this city who could cherish and affectionately. Herrick of Cleveland and J. J. Mit- Mrs. Jessie Brown Pounds of lovingly gan, completed In tho British ship yards. blood tests were displayed, and a num an agreement whereby all American prove convincingly that he has ever before us on chell of Chicago. Annie Davidaoa of Illi- Thou goest only Ohio, Miss ber of Improved sterilizers and other contentions are sustained with tb'e ex- willingly committed an unrighteous the which all of us will have to The interesting features of the and Mrs. W. J. Russell of Penn- way nois, scientific devices. There were many ception of those to the Portl- deed., While, on the other hand, there sooner or later. Fear not! Be three days' program will be as follows: relating traverse sylvania. AT THE FAIR. drawings, the work of tbe which Canada wins. All are scores and hundreds of friends First day Convention called to ord- illustrating and, canal, hopepful and trustful. While amongst Tonight there will be a various and much liter- a. Cald- departments, that now remains to bo done Is for who will gladly testify to the fact that law of was In mouth, er at 10 m., by the president, G. us, 'the truth thy meeting, Rev. Frank Tyrrell ature concerning the Institution, the commissioners to affix their in life or in business well Hardy of Norfolk, Va.; prayer by signa- whether private and unrighteousness was not found on of St, Louis speaking on "Twentieth The Contest lor the Kiiseliull The schools Rev. William Ford . Albuquerque public ture. On the map will be marked the life, or in political lire, that always Hps. Thou didst walk with us the Right Nichols, and Oliver W. the Ah.sorh-- thy Century Crusaders," fhumpiiihi and tbe School of the Immaculate boundary line definitely fixing the di- everywhere, and amidst all circum- in and These, thy bishop Episcopal diocese of Californ- of on iiifr Ktentof I In peace uprightness.' Stewart Chicago "The Greater lay. Conception. show drawings, clay mod vision of American and British terri- stances, every utterance of his carried will before thee and the ia; address of welcome to the city of virtues go Governmental Problem." els and work In great variety on basis no American the of truth and action of San Francisco by Mayor Eugene E. grade tory such a that ring every glory of the Lord will receive thee. EXHIBITS WELL ARRANGED of a uniform of excellence. of welcome to the standard citizen will lose a foot of land already his bore the stamp of righteousness. Amen." ... Schtnitz; address Amen, Unsuccessful Attempt at 8ulcide. A notable exhibit la made by tbe believed to be held, while the United They will all gladly assert with the state of California by GovernorCloorge DENVER, Oct. 17. Mrs. Maud B.. Special to The Optic, Rio Grande woolen mills. A specimen Slates will to the prophet 'that the law of truth was Hon Thomas B. Catron, for enarly C. Pardee; address of welcome on be- get ajl waterways Webster, who camo here six months ALBUQUERQUE, N. M-- , Oct. 17. of every department of the big factory rich Alaskan with tbe ex- in his mouth and unrighteousness was forty years a friend of the deceased, half of San Francisco bankers by Hon. territory ago from Ft. Worth, Texas, and start- In a bard-fough- t game Albuquerque Is shown. Tbe angorlnes, tbo mel of which not found on bis lips.' then spoke fittingly as follows: James D. Phclan; reply to addresses ception the Portland canal, ed a boarding home at 271 Downing yesterday afternoon defeated El Paso tons,, cheviots, Scotch tweeds, ladles' Canada the outlet she so much With equal readiness his numerous On yesterday doming I received a of welcome, and annual address by the gives avenue, attempted suicide this morn- at baseball by a score of 8-- It was dress goods, angora rugs, beautifully needed. friends will also subscribe to the furth- while I was In Albuquerque of the association; annual t telegram president was " ing by taking strychnine. She Albuquerque win or be out of the preparfd leather goods of many kinds O er statement that 'he walked: with me attending to some affairs which called report of the secretary, James R. 11 discovered in time, and will probably race for first money. Albuquerque and colors, combine to maks up a Amicable Made. In peace and uprightness.'Who, I ask, me there, announcing tbe sudden Branch of New York; address by L. Adjustment recover. Financial reverses is given has now won two and lost Santa most attractive display. 17. would not subscribe to this statement? death of Colonel Brunswick. This, to P. Hlllyer, cashier of the American two; SCHANTON, Pa., Oct An ami- as the cause. F bas won two and lost one, and El The Southwestern Brewery and Ice cable of difficulties be- In this community the dear old colonel me, and to all others to whom I com- National bank of Macon, Ga. Then adjustment the Paso has won one and lost two A company has a 'glittering pyramid of tween Delawarei Lackawanna lias lived for upwards of four decades; municated it, was said news. It will follow a meeting of tbe delegates the k Dowle Issues Orders. double header is on It Santa great blocks of ice, with flh and fruit Western and this long stretch of time he touched the heart xit every person who from states and- territories to appoint today. railroad its trainmen during Fe team will frozen In the Interior. he-m- NEW YORK. Oct. 17. John Alex. wins, that get tho big and conductors has been reached. has been Identified wjjb. almost every i it. The papers had announced a nominating committee. Dowle issued orders to ttie Zlon I louts purse; if EI Paso wins, It brings the The Santa Fe machine shops have Several have enterprise of any magnitude, whether nis death before I revived my tele- Second day Practical banking concessions been made at Madison Garden to teams even. Santa Fe Is now several lathes in operation, and on ' them of private or public nature; for years gram. Every one bad seen the an questions discussed. Address by Square today thought by the company, among refuse admission to The to be a three to one winner. the grounds the A. & M. college has as and years he hag served this country nouncement. There was nothing but Comptroller Rldgely on the subject, strangers. "straight seniority," tbe plan of order was enforced so that Another big crowd was at the dug a well and Installed a complete and territory in an official capacity the deepestexprission of the most "Currency." An address by Homer literally promotion, of the will be grounds yosterday. Over a hundred pumping plant to Illustrate their o ; and during all this long time there has .sincere sorrow. Every one knew S. King, president tit the Wells, Fargo representatives press residents of Las are still In work in Mesllla valley. never even a breath of suspicion been Colonel cue loved bank, San Address by J. excluded. Tho first public service Vegas the .the College Forbids Football. Brunswick; every Francis. ex- will tomorrow and semi to be them- The general arangemrtit of the 17. Be- breathed his uprightness, his him; one respected his mem- E. McAshan vv the subject, "Money begin morning. Street city, enjoying WAUKESHA, Wis.. Oct. against every hibits and decorations hull His fellow of United States." State- corner meeting will begin (niiiglil selves. the of the cause of frequent accldeuts during integrity and his honesty. ory and regretted bis pausing away. Supplies the . Tho con- are coitinii-ndtthle- Much cre.l thirty-se- and house visits last series in tbe roping highly football which citizens trusted him Implicitly, and It was my good fortune some ments will then be made by the bank- Monday. practice have resulted "" o test ramu off afternoon. No It is due to Superintendent of Exhib- In five bis conduct fully Justified such trust. ven years and four months ago to ers an to he business conditions of yesterday students being Injured during one approached the time of McGoa-agl- its G. P. Leamard ami his apabl the They placed unquestioning confidence meet Colonel Brunswick for the first the various states.. past ten days, one seriously, the resi- who rode the Ho won Messrs. Hlldebrand and forbid-- , In Vis character and they were never time. He and Pablo Antonio Sena, Third day, General discussion of Michael Slattery, formerly a first day. faculty of Carroll college has ad- dent or San and a in 38' 12 seconds, considered Webster. The harmonious and pleas football dlsabused.Lovlngly, therefore, they re- next to Senator Stephen B. Elkios, practical hanking questions; an Miguel county good den the game and ordered the friend tho Mar- when the nature of ing effect of the whole fair, due lo with the prophet, 'He walked with now of West were the two dress by Hon. Ellis II. Roberts on the warm personal of late time, the ground eleven to disband for tbe season. peat Virginia, of- cus came In from and the of the steers are the efforts of these mi us in uprightness.' persons whom I first met as residents "Effects of the Inflow of Gold;" ad Brunswick, Engle, strength .q , N. to attend the funeral. taken into consideration. The steers ficials have come in for a great deal Good. "But, my friends, methlnks, that we of the territory of New Mexico. In dress by 3. B. Flnh-y- president Fifth M, LIpton's Health furnished for the contest were of Justly deserved praise. 17.-- SIr loved the colonel not only on account starting out for this territory at that National bank, Pittsburg, on tbe sub- larger QUEISNSTOWN, Oct.. wilder than on oc- or truthful- e "Education of Bank Chirks;" re- By the 8ulcld Route. and any previous Thomas who arrived here to- of his sterling 'qualities time, I had to come a portion of ti ject, Railroad Passes Curtailed. Upton, and of the committee on nominations; LINCOLN, Neb., Oct. 17. An un- casion. day front New York, was greatly ness, righteousness uprightness, distance by stage coach. In that coach port CHICAGO, Ills., Oct, 17. The Trib- known a freshman student of the . The Montezuma ball last at al- but also, and perhaps even more so, Colonel Brunswick was a passenger election and installation of officers. girl, night benefited by the voyage, and has of the Alvarado drew an immense une says today: "The Isjuo of passes because 'he walked with us In peace;' with Don Pablo Antonio The trust company section will hold University Nebraska, a large crowd most completely recovered his health. along Sena, tk by western mads during the year and lovable dis- Its convention In the California the dose of Carbolic acid wlillo standing of tbe boat peoplo In tbe territory. o-- because of lils hiving and I came with them as far as Coun- I f Marie was UOt will be greatly restricted. Passes ' Wiio does not think at this cil in I beginning at 1" a. m., Tuesday. in front of St. Maria's cathedral today. Queen there with Imr Hundred Million for the Navy. position. Grove, tbe state of Kansas. aire, to shippers Or men hanU. will ho en- the convention of the bank Shu ( Lett staggered into a church and maids, the trio being arrayed more ' Oct. 17. moment of the soulful eyes, gruff became acquainted with Colonel The savings discontinued. To WASHINGTON, Socretary In to than Solomon In all his tirely bring this but kindly voire, the hearty greeting Brunswick and when I reached section will be held the RBiw day died while trying pray. mngnlficently Moody has approved tho estimates for then, . iitiotit (he annual past meeting of ex warm shake that were so 1 met the of science building. .(i glory. the next fiscal as recommended and the hand Las Vegas later met him, and I academy ecutive officers of wcslcrn roads has year eharactctlstlc f,f the Jovial old gentle- him friend. me The fcenlc beauties surrounding New York Money. Today crowds aro leaving tho city, by the chiefs of the bursaus. amount- as a Ho received into been in HcftHlon bore during tbo lust man? Endowed with a remarkable this on San Francisco has enabled the com- NEW VORK, Oct. ni but many remain to see the fine pro-rag- ing to nearly one hundred and three community my first arrival , two days, The issue of exchange acumen and almost on to a pap"-- 5 money on offered this afternoon. The fair as millions lrgr-- of business mitter entertainment prepare bo millions, against tight no CI is passes will alo greatly curtailed. constantly In the whirl of Industrial (Continued on Page Two.) proKram of unexcelled attractiveness. call, nominal; loans; silver, generally voted a success. There1 appropriated the last fiscal year. performed his duty to the state, or ESTABLISHED IS76. Cement Walks I furnish estimates on all kinds f has ever nerformed hi duty to so - work and guarantee what I do. Nv I ..PARLOR BARBER SHOP.. - Brick Wedks ' ciety, or has ever performed his duty THE- live red atone a specialty.' Vegas CENTER STREET - Phone 286. . to hla friends, better than CoL Bruns Cemetery Copings ..FIRST CLASS WORKMEN. wick. Monuments W. W. WALLACE. a L. OREOOn. Prtf. The poet baa said that "the old pio- Buildings one First Bank, neers" Colonel Brunswick is national and cmwe of them now, or was while he was liv- ing here, "are crossing the range." MEAT that InvUlble range which separates OF LAS VEGAS. N. M. the now from the hereafter; which Month -- T- - 65c Pounds for separates the carnal body from the CROCKETT BUILDING. SIXTH STR Daily Optic, per S 25c. soul; which separates what we have AT been, or what we are, from, what we JEFFERSON RAYNOLDS, President be. The Colonel has crossed that iiVimtV.VrVrViiViV & will A. 6. SMITH, VicePresident GRAAF HAYWARD, range. It may be that these old pio- E. G. E.f Cashier MURPHEY, ' GROCERS. neers as they have crossed that range D.RAYNOLDS, BUTCHERS ind BAKERS. ill look back from their Immortal HALl.ETTRAYNOLDS, Ass't Cashier state on the past; that they will prob- to summit and Druggist ably wbh rle.JjjJLhe i;hi:iul uwkixc mmm C ON&PA N YtznBsmm i Into the imra glance over the ratine down 2:: laud .where they lived when they OX and LAST SAD RITES , 1ATEKKST MID TIM' DEPOSITS were here with us and look at the Doors, Builders' liullded." the Sash, Hardware cities that ar beina ISSCK IHIMKNTIG AND FOBFUiN EXCHANGE' Bookseller. progress that, is being made, the new (Continued From Page One.) WALL peoples that are springing ui, aud . PAPER. San 1'ranclsco Is to be restored to The Las Vegna Light A Fuel. Co, Crockett Block Las the ureal enterprises that are being ml Vegas now to Sherwin-William- night, when the first train, consisting are prepvea urnlsb Willow s' Paints. Jap-a-La- here with outstreehed hand, Invited developed. We do not ay that the Elaterite Roofing. 5 of superb new and sleeping Creek coal at. I (.SO per '.oa (fei'vered, me to id uk o uiy liomo among tlil;j peo- aplrlt-o- Colonel Brunswick may do parlor cars la to leave Chicago for the far or ;i.0 by the enr W. if ple; offered aid and assistance, thix, we are satisfied that It will do I'a- - GOAL AND WOOD. at- west, in addition to restoring the LAS&r tendering mo encouragemont it. There never was a man more Many nu'ti bring sorrow to women's Stohlo to fellow clflc coast service, the Wabash will, that coulj tin tendered a tached to hla fellow men the men hearts by failure to appreciate their man. ' Those are the flrwt evidences beginning tomorrow, maintain a Chaffin & Duncan, with whom be lived and acted and regard. ... of character which 1 received from than he. through service between Chicago and with whom he did business Sixih Street, Between Grand and R. R. Avenuei I Galveston, by way of the Iron Mount Than Colonel Brunswick. have known .i .....uitirxrtiiv. hellevn that there Is a Spent More $1,000. 1 ain and International & Great North- "My wife Buffered from lung trouble blm Intimately since that limu. hen-afte- r for us. That this position 4f& ern. ' for fifteen years, she tried a number of have passed through thirty-seve- on earth h not J1 that there. Is of doctors and over without T. MICHAEL'S COLLEGE . . - spent $1,000 : i - t - O " '" Tlaln-vlew- . Open and Night. years, and more, of my life, meeting us; that there l an immoriui wjui relief writes W. W. Baker of Day Vicar General a , him month after month, Sheppard Monsignor. Neb. "She beeama low , constantly, which goes beyond and can look back very HEADQUARTERS.... -- week and JKRSISY CITY. Oct. 17. A number and lost all hope. A friend: recommen- frequently week after day upon us, and there is such a soul New . . of prominent priests and prelates of ded Foley's Honey and Tar and, thanks Santa Fe, Mexico. after day. that has left this body of Colonel u B. F. FOKSVTHE k CO., are here to this great remedy, it saved her Prop. HI character ban never .changed; He the Roman Catholic church life. lirunswlek and has gone beyond. She enjoys better health than The Mtli Year Kegins Sept. 1, 15103. --xCuisine and Service re- - to attend the elevation of the Very In ten Ik-fus-e It has never varied It has always will be actuated by the same senu- sho has known years." t best to be had mained the name Colonel lirunswlek Kcv. John A. Sheppard to the Monslg-norshlp- , substitutes. For sale by Depot Drug menu, in a nobler and higher degree store. Sole Airents for Green Klver.Old Crow. mitiHUul which honor was recently The is to issue I''la.- ss itnd pusseg.ieil a character rather "than hero; bo will think of Collet empowered bylaw TetMiiers" Etlffewond Kye probably conferred him the The among people. Ho had no vice that will often wish to rlso on upon by pope. Men rarely show as much sympathy OrtHlcatfK to its Graduates, which Certificates are to be honored by u, and be J Kansas S'eaks. could of. Like all mortals, clouds ceremony of his elevation will tuke for men in trouble as for women In tSchool Directors in the of Aew Mexico. City you speak the gilded and sliver tinged Territory Fish and in Sesson In Michael's church tomor- Oysters be wag not perfect; but tf those who over seo what wo are place St. distress. i and look and Cii'ft It- I!lm fvrjcv are of who hava ussiocl-B- t - row, Bishop O'Connor officiating. BRO. Im-- hero, those doing. Ho will want to seo us proa- BOTULPH. President, t yhvi I Father was born in Ireland A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES t Cor. Railroad vtnvn tpu--r rl:v-- f d with blm, anj with whom have uer: bo will want to see us hnppy; Sheppard in 1851, but has resided lu this sec- Itching, P.lin.l, Bleeding Piles. associated lit thla country and he will want to. see us progressing; tion since childhood. Your-druggis- will refund money if could not point to a single ho will want to see us developing; early PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure you one who had fewer vice than Colonel will to see tho new genera A he want 14 11m those that Sheriff Hubbell In a Fight: The Al In 6 to hours. 50c. Delicious lloicn Life lirunswlek. only had tioiiH coining up making men ana Mutual Insurance were natural and Incident to flesh and Citizen a bloody women to be loved and to be happy huqueniue reports When a woman she will stand Bread and Pastries wan the says mortality.. He a friend And Is what bo will want; that Is between Sheriff Thomas S. Huh- WAY. That tight by a man reliance can' be placed on BAtSCH. .OF. beat tif friends, and bin frlemlahlp -- what bo will like. bei of Uernnlillo county aud Deputy her word. J Phone 77 i- National Ava. never varied. He bad his preferences of bis fellow-men- , He was a friend United Slates Marshal Wiley.' The XI amongst people, and hi a preferences and in closing my remarks I will call PORTLAND, 1. took at on Mother Gray's Sweet Powders lf'atiiia were such as did hlra credit While has said, fight place Albuquerque (Incorporated 1848.) attention to what tho poet for children. Mother Gray, for years be was not a. educated This the Cit- Theonly insurance under a state law oJ non-fovte- 'thoroughly without repeating hi language. it Wednesday evening. li a nurse In Children's lions in company operating tho ure, providing for extended tnsuiance in case of after three years. Has man In the ciouccs or lu any of the Is said that the Angel of the Lord izen's account of tho mailer: "Sher 1 THe lapse New York, treated children success- Las Vegas Telephone Co. given better results in settlement with holders fo' higher grades of education, be bad a Adam and others living po'icy premium visited Ahou Ben iff Thomas 8. Hubbell aud Deputy fully with a remedy, now prepared and paid than any other company. discerning mind. He was able to each ono the LINCOLN AVENUE. and propounded to ques United States Marshal John Wiley placed In the drug stores, called Death c'aims paid with the utmost and rit , ho were Electric Door promptness dispatch. W and those whom selected lion. Mtu whom was bo friend?' Into an last Mother Sweet Powders tot Ilvlls, Annunciators, any form of that be and contains the mo got altercation night, and Gray's . i.uihi.i milium uiiu umw 11:1c-- policy may wanted, every policy true to blm. Those with whom of Abou Ben x lit Males. liberal terms and best always Kacb, with tho exception the sheriff, so It is reported by eye- Children. They are harmless as milk, phonos itouboimuju advantages. associated moat ware al- he cloaely Adam answered, "A friend of tho witnesses, used bis revolver and knife. pleasant to take ana never fall. A EXCHANGE RATESlV never I'M U. H. A ways good friends. There was Lord." When Abou Ben Adam w The row was bet the certain cure for feverlshnesa,' consti- 5) Orrici: per Annum. w HAMS, Manager, over a at fair S Mkmioknck: 115 tier Annum S a voice of contention; never a alible bo "A friend of my pation, headache, and stom New Mexico Arizona and Noithwest Texas, asked, replied, grounds, and at the grounds yester- teething 1 .AS DEGAS ft. M. word between hltu and tne At angry passed fellow men." The angel closed day the sheriff struck Wiley. Meot-Iii- k ach disorders, and remove wwrms. PHOENIX, ARIZONA those with whom be associated. Nev- - 25e. book and time passed oh, Finally lust night, the fuss was renewed, all druggitta, Don't accept any er did any one ko away from blm In ana substitute tho were opened again, whereupon Wiley struck the sheriff. Sample sent Free. of iuslt(es of" any transaction and say the' angel tlio Urd read from the Tho 'latter then drew his and 'pistol Some women's complexions are not that Colonel Brunswick bad attempted book that the name of Abou Ben two blows on dealt Wiley the head, skin . to the best of him. Ho never fellow-men- , deep, get Adam, the friend of his Inflicting severe 'wounds,'"- This E. & E. & was entitled quite Rosenwald Son. Rosenwald Son. asked for more than he led all the rest. That, my. friends. was followed several knifo by culs. Confessions of a Priest. to frequently taking less tban be Is we will find Col. Brunswick where one about an inch long on the muscle Ilev. Jno. S. Cox, of should have. He never di 1 an Indi- Wake, Ark., the friend of his fellow men, true of the left arm, and a slight gash In writes, "For 12 years I suffored from vidual a wrong In bis business affairs. true Yellow I to his religion, true to his race, the left breast. Harry Cooper, the as- Jaundice. consulted a num was hon- ber of and REMEMBER. OUR His conduct in everything to his country, and truer than all (o sistant iu to physicians tried all aorta city marshal, attempting of medicines, but got no relief. Then est, truthful and upright. Even with fellow-men- , he will lead all the bis separate the men, received a slight I the nso of Electric and In former began Hitters bis government (for years rest." cut In the arm. The wounds on Wi- feel that 1 am now cured of a disease ho waa contractor with the the Ma- In a large A long cortege followed to ley were dressed by a physician, and that had me Its grasp for twelve in (be of sup- was years." If you want a reliable medi- government furnishing sonic cemetery where interment while they are not dangerous, they to tho various army posts sta-'- : of Charles cine for Liver and Kidney trouble, plies made In the new family lot nro considered quite serious." stomach disorder or peo- general debility, GRAND Uoned In this country, and of the OPENING llfeld. Th Impressive ritual A special term of court to take the got Klectrle lutters. It's guaranteed were Inclined to 'take ple Hebrew burial service waa pronounc- placo of the regular September term by all druggists. Only 50e. of the government advantage ed over the open grave and, following that had been postponed indefinitely if could) I never heard, nor do Immemorial,-eac- Women speak twice before they they a custom of time bus been ordered called by Judge ON I Colonel lirunswlek ev- think once, believe, that friend, of tuai faith Matured clods Frank W. Tarker of the Third Judicial er to obtain a cent of advan- sought upon the lowered eauket as he sadly district, to convene at Silver City on Don't Make a Mistake. over his cwuntry and tage adopted turned away leaving the dead to his October 2D. The postponement of the Many persona suffer from dizziness, In reference to that t call attention headaches backaches who last, long sleep, regular term had been caused by the and treat to the fact that Colonel lirunswlek themselves for stomach troubles or vacancy on the bench of the Ffth Oct 19th was a native Germany, born rheumatism, when their disease is Monday, oj VIENNA, Oct. 17. The elections district, the judge having held court some affection of the kidneys which. near Berlin, in that Empire as I have for a new Bulgarian assembly take In that district Instead of the Third could be quickly cored by Foley a beard blm say. His earliest occu- Honey and Tar. Take It In time. Re- DISPLAY OF and lu the present at tho request of ' Attorney General pation, if ! remember correctly, was place tomorrow, fuse substitutes. For sate by Depot disturbed atate of affairs In that coun- Knox. that of harness!) maker. He learned Drug store. la natural that 'all' political Eu- that trade in boy hood, aud he has try, it the result with told me that he traveled over bis rope should await Fall and Winter Goods, considerable not to aay an native land and over England, carry- Interest, LAS VEGAS Even Into account the ing his pack of tools and doing work lety. taking franchise sys- In bU lino of business wherever it fact that the Bulgarian over-awelu- could be found. After he became tem admits of the government BIC MERCHANTS Season of the there appears lo FREE 1903.1904. proficient in bis Hade he left the old electors, bo uo likelihood and came to America, and that the .complexion country will be material- when be came here he became an of the new Subranje little doubt that the American cltliin. Ho adopted this ly changcJ, and will find it as impos- to country as bis own; made it his home government Just Bcautifui Souvenirs each lady to work with the new STREET AIID CARNIVAL and never after that time did ho, as sible deputies A Y. ss It did with their predecessors. FI our store on MONO far as I ever heard him speak, wish viaiting o to go back to the old country and live ' over bis former life again. He bad O. A. R. of Minnesota. One Week Commencing MONDAY OCTOBER 26, 1903 Identified himself here with the in- ct. 17. The an- WINONA, Minn., ATTK.MTIONM II V Good Valuco terests of the people and tho country, nual statu conference of the l)ua Special offered and many times I have beard htm aay of the American Revolution was in that there was no other place upon held here thla afternoon. dele- TALBOmVHlTHEY CARNIVAL CO. our various departments. this earth where be desired to live gates were welcomed by the state re- or where be desired to leave bis re- gent, Mrs. K. A. llislng, to who-- e ad 1 I mains, than in the t'nlted States, and dresi response was made by Mrs. C, 15 If you need a of good shoes in thla particular place where be now T. Thompson of Minneapolis. In ad- BIG SHOWS 15 paJr is. re- dition to receiving tho officers' 1 The Colonel has obtained bis desire. ports and transacting other btmlnes 0 BIG FREE ACTS 10 It was bis desire to die suddenly, lie of a routine nature, the session dis- Try a Pair of wanted no lingering sliknetts; no cussed the Continental hall fund aud SEC THE ANIMAL "ULTRAS" and troubles and cares to be other matter which are to coma be- SHOW PriW pains 1 " waited upon. ! have heard him aay fore the next national congress of the SEE THE BICYCLE ACT No Better Shoe Made. that be wished to go quickly when society. The business session, which the time came, but he did not seek to was held 111 the First Congregational SEE THE HIGH UIVE be carried away before hi time. He church, was followed by a reception Pair Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. was auxious to live as long a he at the home of the regent. SEE THE CYCLE WHIRL Every might be useful; as long as life might ''' '" -- '" ti ".':;'"':';- - EVF.RY DAY A DAY be agreeable and pli-a's- to him; as Wabash to Restore Trains. BIG SOMETHING DOING EVERY MIN- long as he could enjoy his friends and CHIC.MKA Oct. 1?.-- The Wabash UTE, BRING YOVR FAMILY AND HAVE A GOOD TIME. E. & - - Rosenwald '1 his friendships. railroad's Pacific coast service be- Son, South Side Plaza There is no tine here who has ever tween tbls city anj Los Angeles and Excursion Rates on all Railroads. V 3 LAS VEGAS DAILY OPTIC OCTOHEK 17, 1903 3 Good for health and wealth 1 Best a: & nimtiiiininini TRACK AND TRAIN Schilling's your YOUNG WIFEHOOD' Gross, Kelly Company Mr. George T. Hill, tis) grocer's, and moneyback. E. Lu Vegas, N. M. T VT .... 1C4 1 . Vl OK 1W Dear Sir: Engine 832 was placed in tbe shops Cl..t 1 After I had been married about four months ( felt my (Incorporated.) You are the to have some work done on her ever handled a swUclTiisriTthe"local I seemed to loae the only agent we today health generally decline. light step ' valves as she was not singing right. yards and who is always attending to and draroed wearily alone instead. My appetite failed me will have In Las Vegas during j and 1 lost health and I was nervous and had business has been as yard mas- strength. the present season. acting shooting pains through my limbs and stomach while bear WHOLESALE HERCHANTS been on ter for (he week ab- Engineer Davis who has the past during the ing aown pains ana constant neauacnes aaaea to my misery. Yours Truly, sence of A. L. Is The flow more more I lay off list for several days past has Waldon. It unneces- menstrual became and profuse and ALFRED PEATS A CO. as for sary to state that the was hand1 was unfit to attend to my daily duties. My husband called announced himself ready ditty yard in three different Dhvsicians and I took enouch medicine to Prlto Wall r ' Paper. at the throttle. led in a mane-i- that could not help kill or cure a dozen women, but it all had no effect on me whatever, until i ii but reflect credit upon him. took Wine of Cardui. In a few days I felt a change for the better, my gen- Las Vegas ana Albuquerque, New Mexico. eral health and of flow more Conductor one of the old improved at the next time my p'nxls niy was Jackson, natural and I was in less 1 recovered health and Now On X The to the Koadmasters pain. Gradually my strength Samples Display timers here and who is always on deck delegates and am now in perfect health. I take an occasional dose of Wine of Caruui with the waybills, has reported for and Maintenance of Way association which keeps me well. several off the convention were entertained at the I am happy to give duty after days seeing this endorsement. Coates house, in Kansas City, Wed- yon Geo. T. country. m HIDES AXD PELTS A SPECIALTY at a and a WOOL, nesday night banquet Prmldent, Back Bayl Woman! Club. ' Home rhone 140. 1 of En- dance. The day's business was dis ' l2thnil,NtioMl. William Smith, a brother don't for the same health Mrs. Ricker has? It is to cussion of read and Why you try easy gineer H. P. Smith, better known as papers Tuesday secure if you take Wine of Cardui according to directions. Wine of Cardui Pockets," l tn the city on a hearing aildi'tsbts by A. L. Mead of strengthens weak and worn-ou- t women of any age and assists the mother and 'High makes fit He hails the Chicago & Northwestern railway, housewife to bear her enacting duties. Wine of Cardui women short visit to his brother. for all the duties of womanhood. R. Stanley of the Rock Island. Gross Richards Co.; Tucumcari, N. M. fmao$mao?. from El Paso. anj It will relieve the pains of irregularity, cures falling of the womb, m 9 9 Both talked on the virtues of the va- leucorrhoea, ovarian troubles, and has been known to remove what phy- i sicians considered tumors. Women who use Wine of Cardui E. GRITES Fireman Ward, who has been rusti- rious machines used in ditching. dangerous do not suffer at the monthly periods. They do not suffer hysterical attacks, cating for several days, has appeared because Wine of Cardui gives them strong nerves freed from the irritation 2nd Hand Dialer. round house and his The Western Union Telegraph com of female suffering. at the placed Sells Eientiiag DoQElasATen name on the list with those who are pany has 79 telegraph offices in New A 11.00 bottle of Wins of Cardui purchased from your druggist Mexico. All will keep you free from pain. willing to work once more other telegraph compan ies have 51 offices in New Mexico. In HENRY & BRO, been Uoloradu the Western Union has 333 TEW Operator Sherwood, who has and other 25 offi officiating at the yard office during the offices, companies The ami ) THE ces; In Arizona the Western Union Miuling only Kvclusivu Irv dark hoijrs of the night, has been lioOtlS llOMKO in LlIM YVgilN i MOS1 COMMODIOUS transferred from here to La Junta and has 64 offices, and other companies 4S WHY not have a call. 1 DINING out of offices, in Texas there are 721 West new, ROOM will henceforth sling lightning lng card as well as a stylish dress? ern Union offices 55 offices of :., that point. and Order a shaded old English card at t t ... AND . other In the United The MbW MODEL companies. Optic. l Fall and Winter. ' MOST EXCELLENT;; SERVICE Engineers llansan, Evans, Uhrig, States and Canada there are 22,'W!) J MeCanns and Sells drove out to Western Union telegraph offices, nnt Your Investment Guaranteed We are now ) IN THE CITY branch offices in t showing the largest lines and best selee- - Kroenig's lakes last evening and spent counting large cities, IS FOUND AT while other li Did you know the Aetna Building ted stocks ol the day fishing and hunting, They telegraph companies ive merchandise ever shown. a total of 4.082 offices. association pays 6 per cent on were expected to return this evening special deposits? Before placing !i Lunch I with their game bags full. Counfpi We are now Hliowln;; Immense linos in tho latent to Made a Run. your money elsewhere see us and Fast MJ H!1 III DUVALL'S The annual of Amer- get best interest. A. K. J. Hiseler, day operator convention the formerly Geo. II. Veeder Blk. lt-r-t ican Association of tho General Pas Hunker, Sec, I Children's Misses' at the yard office here, but who Catering to Parties and Banquets ... CENTER and Ticket in STREET. recently, has been heard from by the senger Agents began j i The im- Railroad Avenue T and Ladies' yard force. He is at present stationed Tuesday. mo3t j) JACKETS seems to be portant matter before the convention THE UNDERWOOD I! at Galveston and very .MKS. (iOIX, Proprietor. $ IP YOU ARE TO MEET ANY with his was the report of James Taylor of the i JL well pleased position. FRIENDS AT legislative committee on ticket scalp- TYPEWRITER THEJDEFOT ing, giving an account of some of the Largest assorlmentHever shown In TAKE THEM TO There is a rumor in circulation ar ar- ready-to-we- LADIES' around the round house that Dick important results that have been DRESS'SIUnTS DUVALL'S... Morrison is contemplating matrimony, rived at during the year. Duncan House ron A The one hundred Opera but he denies the allegation and, from passenger agents oo GOOD DINNER. came on an Night-Rob- information received, The Optic be Illinois Central special Outing Fiannoi lieves he is truthful in his denial. train. The run was the most remark- FOR able In the history of southern rail- SATURDAY, Conductor Dixon, who, just at pres ways 189 miles were made in 187 OCTOBER. 17. 1903. Children, Misses, Ladles and Men, V ' 105 ent is officiating with the brake club minutes, miles in 90 minutes, in- SIXTH STREET " Ml v v in his hand, and who is always on cluding stops, and 31)5 miles in 420 Performance at 9 P. M. LAS VEGAS HOTEL CLAIRE the outlook for holdups, has reported minutes exclusive of stops. At times for SANTA FC. N. M. .for duty after escaping from the and short distances of one mile v v "Con" men the and under the speed indicator in the Magic! Mirth! clutches of the at Mystery! Plre Proof. CUotrlo observation car 94.4 miles LKhted. fair. registered IS BEST BECAUSE Steem;Hotod. Centrally Leeetet. per hour. According to recent speed THE tho writing la IM MIGHT , Bethe and - nlway MRU. Sanitary Plumbing " Engineer Lyster, who has been buck- tests made by the Pennsylvania rail- Miirmmij stops arts in front r Letter Heads IABULATOR is part of the mil- - Throughout. the extra board for several weeks road, this Is within of a criiiiu ing iimiu R C Envelopes ; Large R.somfar Com. mile of as fast as it is Type cleaned wl hout lolling the COR E T Sample past, has been assigned to one of the being possible lianita meroUl Men. at least he was officiating to run a modern passenger train. Oorre:lloiu made without a scale yard goats, Operators do not learn all over COMMERCIAL Prorams Amertoan or Curopoen Plan, at the throttle of one this morning The train was composed of engine, attain five It saves 33 of ACTUAL time Invitations and the indications are that he will buffet, library car, dining car, It hits the moat rap'd ettciipeujent CEO. E. ELLIS. standard Pullmans and an observation It has Ufrht. oiilrk key action Catalogs Proprietor and 'Owner. stay there indefinitely. It is ati DURABLE a any type- The Great PRINTING car. The total weight of the train writer uiuiie Blank Books MIMIIMMIIIIIIIIHIMI was about Yard Master A. L. Waldon and wife 1,102,000 pounds. The Underwood Typewriter Agency, Everything New In Mi jlc. Receipt Books returend last night from Albuquerque Colorado and New Mexico Dealers MAR.VELOVS BEWILDER.ING Harvey's In Autumn. where they have been for the past 1653 CHAM I'A 8TKEET, DEN Kit, OOLO ILLUSIONS. of Now are days of most brilliant, skies O'BYRNE week viewing the Interesting' part Typewriter BrMe and warm sunshine. Suppliee. O P Th Elec. the fair and Al was at work early aer The Queen of Fla.m . In ether tor. clear and werde this morinng Just as though he had Nights frosty; evenings by ULL Princess Nahomeda We turn evit the-- an ever new de- never been out of the city. bright fireplace For Anil "Ghe CverytKlnfl a OOAL Many Other, Job Rooms Printer knows ; COAL and WOOD light. Or AIDED BV THE Optic Excursions daily to the wild can- STOVES WOOD Hewtede) ) the past few months the Musicians, "The During yons and high peaks. Military Laskys" Santa Fe' railroad has been making RANGES Sharp appetites and p'enty to eat Bridge Prices, 75c and experiments with the new brush lu- DATTV 50c, $1.00. Accommodations for the winter may HEATERS I I Street bricator, a device which, If adopted, 1902 now be secured by a limited number. nil will do away with the old system of Carriage out every Saturday. Inquire oiling axles by packing in the car jour- LAS VEGAS IRON Murphey's, Judge Wooster's or Optlo, P. MjguoiteBank MOVED WORKS UALL PAPER nals. So far the experiments have CIDDIO, San To New Stable at , Old Kink ' proven to be very successful. Skating . A and line J. E. Pauley, expert piano tuner, MEWS and LADIES' large elegant TAILOR. Foundry end FJlcohlno 01 s been here dur- Chop, ine' rery has for three weeks, COOLEV & MILLER in Drown, 'who has been em- Cleaning and repairing of men's and Mill and Mining bail Just Shorty ing which time he has tuned about Hucnnmior to M. L. Coolejr. Machinery and repaired, Machine work women's done in the best done. All kind Oaittn A at.... ployed here as copper smith for many garments promptly of marie. (rent for Chandler thirty planoa for the best residents manner. Satisfaction guaranteed. Taylor Oo.'t Engine. Holler, and Haw moons, and who Is well liked around LIVERY Mill., Wetater and Union of the city. He comes from the east Ganoline Enffines and Uoitten, Pnmplng Jaok. Best has asked for a leave of ab- power for R. P. HESSER- - the shops, highly recommended by piano bouses Kans- " sence and will leave shortly for for whom he has worked. His head- will himself Palntep as City where he enjoy quarters are with the Columbine Mu- m4 Pa and all pep Hanger. for the next thirty days forget sic Co. 10-- J. C. ADLOCJ, PROPRIETOR. Qrand Are., epp. 8aa Mlgutl NatBaak about work. THE ( Fine Signs are made by Plttenger. pURE A m : Drakeman Burdett, McManus, Neth, See new styles at the shop on Sixth a McMillan, Backman, Reed, Campbell, street. Also Interior decoration exe- l Croadstreet and Harris have all taken cuted In the most artistic manner. m A To thirty days' leave of absence with Phones 14, Vegas: 101 Colorado. 8-- County Superintendents and will E..TIIE.. the privilege of sixty spend Mountain various of the "tetOMOOLD DOIT TWiBlio raw Ice the time visiting parts work" J country, here by the time returning era" business picks up again. BUT APPOINTMENTS Of Schools THAT MADE VEGAS PAM0US ; most acci- J& A frightful and pitiful COURTEOUS ATTEN TION dent occurred Monday afternoon in the Santa Fe yards at Trinidad. Lit- SANTA FC, - N.M. tle Willie Johnson, aged 7, who lives Teacher's Certificates and ltu his mother at 108 Colorado ave- RETAIL nue, was run over by a switch engine PRICES and so frightfully mangled that, Sold Suit nukM wtt mS mm ihtne Uke aw. 2.000 lbs or more each 10c 100 lbs Certificates of Attendance at Institutes. one-ha-ll delivery, still if he recovers he It cute ireue nd dirt end uvrt tk I per though alive, udot u ui cmniiic. to m wiucmt mm to lbs. " " 15c 100 Monuments will be a cripple for lire. GOLD 1,000 2,000 per lbs to lbs " " lb In miirble brown Blank Forms la hmmework Ji to do thfnri in th lonfMt. 200 1,000 20c per 100 and .stone. Approved by Territorfel It is announced that citation has I moat round bout way. If you ttme, temper All work gtinraiileed. been served unly on the San Antonio and comfort are worUt any thin. iart them tf I 50 to 200 lbs. " 25c 100 lbs wins uuu avuai. per Yards, cornor Tnutb street and & Pass Superintendent of Public Instruction. Aransas Railway company OFttKRAL TSM FOB fJOLD M Doiigltm avnnuc. nnni. wMhiriK rioUtm mttnprTdittiP. Less than 50 lbs " 30c lbs and WclU, Fargo & Co., which' oper- eiMtitng onnnth, uwrwmrw arid pcr'100 Unwar, pniitiinff bnuaworb, rimnng huh MILES SWEENEY, ates on the road, and that processes room , pipe., cue. , jt4 matin tM AoMt mtU 9op Prop. GOLD DUST MAKES will not be Issued in the forty-eigh- t BARD WATER 80FT FOR SALE AT other anti-trus- t suits pending against Texas railroads and express compan--' The Optic Office. les of the state. It is Intended that Whelessls'sud Retail Dealer In TS. the test shall be made against the'TV.5. AGUA PURA WOOLENS CO., GRAIN AND FEED San Antonio & Aransas Pass and AND TMr NEW STYI ES HAY, Teachr'i Certificates booKof 7. j KUW KfcADY. withjtubj, 50, $.00 Wells, Fargo ft Co. OFFIGEi Avonuo, i 620lDouglaa Stock and Pood ',; 0 Tl. Security Poultry 5 Laa Vogas, Now Moxloo, Attendance Certificates, with stubs, book.of 50;JJ-- .50 Don Sporryfl oen of the most gen-- i RUSSELL, Tnl'nr 416 Grand Avenue. ial and pleasant switchmen who has Keltroed Avvnue. VtSuPhcntUS. i-- Colorado Phont 323 POSTAGK IMMCIWID. LAS VEGAS DAILY OPTIC OCTOBER 17, 1U03

TROUBLES OF VERY RICH MEN. the-da- he is beset by beggars in " A riabaaaaaerln feallroa." itniioti he Optic, broadcloth and fine linen, who plead While looking through a pile of old Pally A Exemplified In the Case of One of for hospitals and churches and col- patters correspondent came across the following article In a New 'York paper BY i Vanderbllt. leges and libraries and a dozen other PUBLISHED the of the date of Feb. 0, DCtO, under, tbe Smootb-face- d You Co things. clergymen dog of "The Smelt Uallroad:" Don't The Las Vegas Publishing his Beautiful women caption Buy Jewelry (New York Commercial Advertiser.) steps. practice "It is well known that tbe Ports- ESTABLISHED 1879. their fascinations on him. And the to The story that George Vanderbllt mouth railroad lias tnrn everything end and aim of all these persons is to account to the pay running expenses, Editor. has been systematically robbed by is BUT te JAMES GRAHAM McNARY, money, money, money. enuVmany art the Jokes they perpetrate Just because it cheap, because it is up-toda- and you J on hi.) estate, and that In the conductors In to L. R. ALLEN, Business Manager. employes There Is no end to it, and there is upon reference bis disgust at the discovery be has their shifts to get a living. It Is said like it. no way by which this man-hun- t can decided to close his magnificent coun- that one of them last year was accus- Euttrrd at tht pmtojjlcf, at Lai Vtyiu be turned aside. Only "the soundest tomed to fish from try home, dismiss a great number of bring Portsmouth ."' tmmd-clat- t mailer. heart and the sanest mind can es- and tbem out on the to the there, and betake himself peddle way people cape under these conditions, the mor- Concord. Our lino to all now, good nnd to Europe for an Indefinite stay may cheap, Rate of Subscription. bid thought that unselfishness and "One day he brought along smelts, not be wholly true, and yet it. does out to customer at sta- Our otoch than ever. sincerity have perished from the dealing every larger and boiler JO reveal a curse which attache Itself till be to where be tlallt, tnk, toy carrier... ,1 and that' men and women of tion, got Suueook, !" monih. carrier., earth, blew his horn and an old came ' Dally, per ly to the of great wealth, 'woman Bxinih, by inalL .... possessions every class are in or Dally, wf . 1.0 parasites soul, and wanted a UifeeoKiiiUiit, tiy mall. and one which Is seldom mentioned out six, 'Just pattern-n- il Give Us a Call. Ialiy, 4 BO l mall.... ,. mendicants or thieves, This Is In In Daily. month, ly . 7 Ml I've got left, you're tbe jiick of Daily, one by mall by moralists and those who preach yar, . tm reality the rich man's burden, and no time,' said be, and he began to count Weekly OpUc. pervear about the burdens which a very rich one tut a rich man can ever fully tbem and found only five. 'How's this? . man has to bear,- - Mr. Vanderbllt is JEWELER W enttntlnir-roun- I should have six.' And he to New-da- )r should report tti know how heavy nnd how grievous began on t somewhat re- any lrrulartty or Inattention i a cultivated, modest and Is count bis ringers and reckon over bow ol earrient lu the J very of 1 oe Optic. the weight of It. TAUPE part Ho has no taste bo bad of the four dozen lie R..J. er can have l ite delivered gentleman. disposed RT, Optl.) tiring tfeittr la part of the by in started with. After OPTICIAN " to depot any city for diHplay which delights bad awhile: 'I OrOeraor complaint can f "" the vulgar ' In- THE PRESS AND THE BUBBLES, have It! Hold on a little while and I'll tercl.$ Iwautimm, ponUMirlauermin. so many of our plutocrats.. He Is 'row Constitution. be back,' said be, nnd be ran the train 606 DOUGLAS AVENUE. terested In art and In the refinements Atlanta The win not, ;.wtt any olrcun.-itami- back seven miles to a place where be optto,' f I em- Careful renders of the newspapers be MMpoinilKe tor h return or uf life. Ho Is one, In fact, who bad let a woman have one more than tfo kaeptnv of mty rejtwu! umtiuiierlpt, of Intelli- cannot have mlBKed the fact that for licepUou oe made to tlil rulit, wltb ploys his wealth in a spirit she bnd paid for, got It, came back to - Kill U- IUier Inttemor emiomtrwa. nor remote alike nio.e than a year the leading journals Ktincook nnd let the old woman have Inui cunew'f gence and responsibility, Hie editor (.titer onrnwpuutlunoe of the United have been fore- - Inn nijwitwi nianmorlot from gross profusion and barbaric os- States tbe six she wanted, and then the 'smelt' went to tentation. At Blltmore he has laid warlngthei)tMjxIoofUioontBIJons! train Ceticord.'' Manchester FOUR SNAP5 that now are (N. II.) t uion. out a beautiful estaUwcomparablo worrying Wall street and I Here are Four in Ladies' Shoes. New fall stock in from best and with those for which great' Britain la wrecking so many windblown specula- genuine snaps just the equipped SATURDAY EVENING, OCT. 17, 1903. tive schemes. N(.nlla. nnd lluaaar. most in o famous. He has interested himself Two well known progressive factory the country. They are stylish, comfortable and There is sometimes manifested a military terms, In forestry, in landscape gurclcnlng, "sentinel" and 'bussiir," afford capital durable. Read for ; on yourself, it Senator Ball continues lo Ret all ind lu architectural conitruelhm, and, tendency tho part of business men instances of tbe remarkable maimer in to dlscusslona of the federal appointments, Addlcks ln 'Menially, he ha given employment regard newspaper which a nation docs Its word twist iitn. ' business matters as "uninformed1 nnd At llrsl there seems will recall hi representative In tli: in hundreds of men, to whom he lias sliilit little cornice FELT INSOSLE. mm 'academic," As a of no Hon between tbe I.ntin word sentina, tTnled States senate. utmwn lint:lf umiumtlly liberal and matter fact, men In so signifying the bold of a ship, and a Now. ho finds that ho bait been clans of the nation keep New. Just. soldier keeping watch over bin elecpiuu; Something lu Indiana a man Ml from a flying "ThoToiifihtjrauiT accurately Informed as cheated and robbi'd nt every turn, nnd comrades. Tbe connecting link' Is itf This shoe has a felt insole, nmkinj; it tbo most cm machine hihI broke his arm. Ilti can to the actual In that no feeling of gratltudu on tin conditions; (bat prevail forded by tbe word the comfortable walking shoe made.. It is cut from with the thouRht that seutimito.r, console himself lm Mho country aa do the editors of Human who the bold of C.e the finest kid leather, has paten' and common pari of those whom ho often help pumped lace jps motit flying machines don't set high The now free of sense heels. X shoe u ..a patont fasteners ed has stood In tho way of systematic journals. intimate sar's galleys bilge water. I'im ' bis constant that canuot catch in the clothing. Jt excels in its enough to fall. and facie of and of .".vigilance depended the long-wearin- g .puliation. It in not bui'iu'IhIiik that every city stale, comsort-givin- g arid qualities; it. sur- lives of the entire ship's company. make an exhibit ho should bo sickened tho kcIIUIi-nes- s every Interest and Industry of the peo- passes any other seoe for stylish beauty,. ..$4.00 Now Mexico will by Similarly the word "hussar" Is mere- world' ple, come under their eyes and are of turqwilae mining at tlie and rapacity of those to whom ly a HuiiKnrinn term signifying "twen- T t i ! U 1 1 vici kid wi A how the he had shown kindness. carefully calculated by trained editors tieth." It arose lu tills manner: When tu it Ice shoo, fair, lapidary, showing only anil freueh heels. Solid soles every day. Most of them know more Matthias I'orviuus became of patent tips and stono are cut and polished anil pre- Heroin Is indicated pretty woll what king seemed throughout uot a tack to hurt your feet. of business conditions, their perils and In H.'iS be was pared (or the market, will be a feat- constllulus the rleli Hungary extremely It w a swell shoe to looke at ami just as swell to afraid of foreign Invasion. He conse- ure, man's burden. Thoso who would try offsets, any minute than tho average wear. $3.50 quently raised an army tbe to us Immense wealth erlllc can gather and digest in a month by simple persuade that expedient of The historical of the of of Sundays. commandeering every plans city Is grievous to Its possessor are wont twentieth Individual lu tbe land; hence EMPRESS -- This stylish ami beutiful shoe is made LOUISE - Thine is a superioi shoe. It has a splendid Bonn will be exhibited at the world's lo describe. In the old conventional It was the newspapers that warned tbe bussar. of vici kid, wish patent tips and military heels. It is a vici kid upper, and oak soles a lace shoe with military of too to heels fair, St. Louis, for tho first time out- the concern which the care of the people all along that the pros-- sbaply button shoo with just the right style and patent tips. Thise is a shoe that any lady way, suit You will not find a better for tho would be to wear. A is for side of Germany. They will attract perlty of Wall street speculators was Mistake, Mialeken. you. bargain proud pair your t money gives its owners, their anxiety ' e .... JfJi.SO only $'.i.OO as the had as the water In tholr The use of these words seems to be pri general attention, city has about Investments, tholr perpetual unstable as Us a no anomalous as to need some Inquiry a most eventful history during fi'ar of loss, the Incessant of stocks and empty of substance as ' worry and explanation. Msaonic of existence. the wind with which were trump-- i centuries flmiticiu! management, Yet, all thoso they I may be mistaken, for I continually aro more or eted to the unwary Investors nf the make mistakes. But when shown to Temple Work on the new emergency hos- things less Imaginary, country. It was the newspapers that have been mistaken I own myself lu world's liecause In these days they can be pital began recently at the advised sensible men to stick to the error. Yet, If I am mistaken, it Is not be uvolded. But from the sordldnesg and lair. It will cost $10,000, and will old: lines of and tlie error of him who mistakes me? Genuine Mexican chile and fresh greed and Importunity of one's fol- substantial industry THE ROOF THAT LASTS-- completed December 1. Tho structure ' In But It may be that I am right and at the lows there can be no sure escape on Invest their surplus capital solid oysters Imperial. mod- ' that be Is mistaken, though I suppose will be perfectly equipped and ; : rather than In f Jonah's thJa sJJe nf the grave. Every one has properties that t (Ought to take him nrigbt mid ern, containing all appliances for ! let- gourds of the Paradise of .Promoters. mistake him. Nevertheless I often Just received football goods; a crick heard of the swarms of begging not , treating the and Injured. Now that Wall street Is Its M. 614 ters which every post brings to the having have to say In argument;. "You were nice line at Biebl's, ''Douglas troubles, It Is to witness right. I was mistaken." ve. Ctilorado 219. 10-4- Warranted to outlast any other roof if every A New York policeman In chaso of nmlll millionaire. But begging letters gratifying quite phone painted In a word, be who mistakes six Now use 1 on some of the need not illxturb never that the ravages of the though years. largest buildings a tblcf jumped on a passing car, took him, for they must be in error, our common use of "panic" are confined to the speculative The mining boom is coming. Gch-rln- in the city. We will ob" you some that has been command, and had the molorman put get beyond his private secretary. It consider him who Is mis- and language Is in use for years and is aa good ever. " the was Is the lu the the .centers and circles. The country ' ready with tools and supplies on full speed until fugitive beggars flesh, sturdy, ' taken to bo bo. Notes and tho (Juerte. people at large are not Involved I overtaken, after several blocks. The shameless mendicants that swarm 0S-0- There Is money enough and business question suggests ltelf why didn't about him on every side and stick to Kanntlral Morocco. C.IOORE LUMBER CO. t enough to along easily and prof- Morocco, In of Its close prox- When in need of stylish the fugitive turn a corner? him like flies, In whom ho really finds carry spite tho of to Is the most fanatical Job work rock-botto- con- I ho evil taste of life. If there were itably legitimate industries thf imity Europe, at prices, the Mohammedan countries. Chris- la nation. And for this excellent condi- of sult your own Interests and The Op- Owing a strike there grave only beggars in rags, they could bo IT Trtt f..-.r- t jo tians are bated by the native through- ' (HVtS t.v a marble bath tub-- i tion tho people have their faithful tic office at the same time. UCT. - - , danger that the shut out; but they are not of this out the country, and it Is often very - newspapers to thank. won- TV. CMITUCmil A U OOUPE which, are being placed in the capital kind- - .They are, tho persona whom . dangerous to go outside tbe town of KAU.V ON CALL senator will he In The business of Morocco is Fried chicken for supper Friday CORRECT tor the' United States employs, those whom be has to Have picture token while you Tangier. your In tlie hands of the Moorish at the Imperial. TRUSS not be ready at the opening of the trust, those who carry out his wishes, watt are dead. entirely DAY 'live; don't until you MOLDS AND NIGHT In- - Is Jews, who amass considerable wealth v coming session. This Is another and, what Infinitely worse, are $1x1 St. 10-9- ANV Tltl elegant carrlaira they ,'Stlrrat Studio, In the roust It 1 not prudent of of la also the men women of own ports. Perry Onion pays cash and good particularly suited tn staaco the thoughtlessness and bis lu . the u of ladlia fcr for a Christian to stay anywhere but price tor household Monte bur. his his associates- - all. good. call and parilm la world, friends, the Jewish quarter. At the capital, plaiM-- in F. L, Oswalt pay cash and good Carlo Hall. Colo, phone No. 271. 143-t- f tervlce by In fact, who him, who enter Morocco and Fes the native ex- approach prices for second-han- goods. 1210 City, Possible presidential candlilala who his who nnd burl stone at the "for- house, meet him on the National avenue. Colorado Phono pectorate Chicken dinner Wednesdays and are being, etubarrasod by pointed eign Infidel," as they call tbem, and & Givens streets, or who are thrust upon him 10103 Sunday at the Imperial. 9 25 Clay questions, might profit by, the diplo 17. no Christian Is safe In the streets un- by tetter of Introduction which he I both Tl . matic answer of General Miles, When less escorted by soldiers. Day Call, phone can not disregard. And they are all, y Mincemeat Those who want mince- ...... 1,0 was said: " SOLD BY Night Calls.. ."J0'0 . asked If he a candidate, he or nearly all, resolved on getting meat made by ladles of the Guild will Tbo Good Hd Uroaao. to The desire to hold public office may something out tf him. Sometimes It please order before Nov. 1st it Besides hi many other claims to dis- O. G. SCHAEFEFL, In the course of time and event come red has one House Store. Is a loan, sometimes a gift. Some- Mann' drug store or Thompson' tinction the "good grouse" Opera Drug such a not Mrdli-ln- to any man, but desire has time his aid Is for which Is often forgotten. He Is the one Pom Drum and sought specious hardware store. Price 75 cent the Carefully Compounded finna to me yet." vertebrate creature peculiar to the () enterprises. At almost any hour of 10-9- MOSES TURNER'S quart' British Isle. All the rest of our fauna It la a of the In New I and even hi joke campaign duplicated elsewhere, SIXTH STREET York city that a lavage attack on cousin, tlie black cock, has foreign re- H. E. V0GT4.CO. but the true exist no- Comptroller Grout, now the Tammany lations, grouse where In tbe world within the BEST .nomine to succeed himself, la a except SANITARY part United Kingdom, and considering what PLOING of MARKET' vt the Tammany campaign book, a noble game bird be la, bow hardy and which 600,000 copies have beea print- plucky and how magnificent In hi Steam and ' ed, and several thousand already mail- flight, the fact I really something to be Hot Water Best to E&t voters. Maladministration Is of. London Globe. " Things ed to Fifty Years the Standard proud FLOUR Heating. charged, and there Is even a cartoon. Strong fonltre. Done. I Want Business, and Tlie power of endurance of the Chi- Repairing Promptly A New York letter quotes a very Is the Best. Will nese cooly Is marvelous. Many will Really Aim to Deserve it rich msn a eaying to a friend a day over a travel forty miles, carrying That Use It A Corner Seventh and Donglas Ave. or so ago: "I have been to my safe heavy load on their back and think People T. T. TURNER. deposit vivtut, accompanied by my nothing of It. A writer mentions the , -l Say So. financial man, and we have made up 0..VaW- case of certain coolies who, after go- mill , J "i t'fi X. Lu Vc 'Phone 131 a list of my stocks, bonds and other ing twenty-seve- hour without food ml carried . burden In securities, on the market value of having heavy 1 Las tbo meantime, still had Vc5as Roller Mills,! On with what strength today. comparison they enough left to offer to carry a man fif- were worth one year ago, how much teen mile further. J. R.SMITH, Prep do OROCER. you euppos they have shrunk?" Wholeanle and liealnrtn "I have no Idea " "A little seven tvr The ecmint;fy unsympathetic man X f LOUR, CRAM AM. CORN BRAN X million dollars." MEAL, often I the strongest In hi affections. a Wafrwr'aijtW4nt-- - "fro:,: r WHCT, iTC. All five of the leaders of the Kurt lllftheatcaoh Bargain fur buyer at tho great price Leavenworth prison nuinlty of No- P'd 'or Mllllnir Wheat auction sale of Jewelry, watches, Colorado kv1 Wheat for Sale in Sttaaun vember 1st, 1901, charged with killing china, curio. Phil It. lRdl. Sixth 1 LS VCCAS. N. M. . Guard Walenipe, were found 'guilty to j riv street. 10 S3 of murder, in the United by Jury L States court yesterday morning and wijl be ;lven life seniences. The pris- FM.fMIl IMG mil mt It THE oners are Gilbert Mutllna. Tabor REQUIREMENTS THOMPSON Vi I R Frunk Fred Kob-!no- j cv FRESH OF THE OCCASION 4 rt'e. Thompson,. Is Here. HARDWARE CO. end Itobt. Clark, all desperate will receive prompt ai tent Ion when en- Dert. Mtilllns and Boblnmin had pra-- trusted to u. Ooee iNtr handlm ehaam (icn!l fl n lulled their terms at the but bill Pickles I have the Stoves at anv We will take entire charge a soon aoer, time of the outbreak, and the ostierr only as notified ,'".', were abort term men. AIL art? from price you please. of edath and make all WE :t,i.,:an Territory. for, and conduct 'hiAt1 i4!5 fa FUNERALS BEST tho Beef Catle For Sale. ;" I RYAN tS& 1 u( BLOOD In manner hlKhiy to all MARKET Ninety bead fat steers and row mv Masonic f. satisfactory concerned. r .., AFFORDS jr. r.a. liirn near the tie ulckler For Both Photic, I priee Inquire F. C. de Baca at Itomero J I Temple at "Cheap John' mi sixth MTitr.irr. The W. M. LEWIS COMPANY. PRICES LAS VEAS DAIlY PTIC - OCTOBER 17, 1903

MWUMMMtMHMU ADDITIONAL TELEGRAPH. Letter Carrier Stole Thousands. Pvire PERSONAL ' CHICAGO, Ills., Oct. 17. Albert Jorndt,'a letter carrier, is in Jail New Lucero to- on the Francisco visited the city awaiting arraignment charge I of checks AG If c r a e day from La Cuesta. Btealing letters and and Bulk f Guadalupe Garduuo was la the city the money they contained. Ho has " SMALL SWKKT l'l"l'UM IlKIS Capital Paid In, $100,000.00 Surplus, $50,000.00 Irom Chaperito today. ., confessed that the money was lost at svki:t mixi;i Dr. W. R. Tipton and wife returned races and he robbed the letters to SMALL SOCK IXl'l'MltKIt from a trip to Springer today. make good his looses. The. total DILL OFFICERS: FRANK Vloe-Pre- s. Jas. Leonard returned to his home amount may run into the thousands. 2 J. M. CUNNINGHAM, President SPRINGER, 0-- at Trout Springs this morning. Joerndt was an officer of the National S T. HOSKINS, Cashier F. D. JANUARY, Asst. Cashier ' Mrs. C. E. Perry returned from the Association of Leter Carriers, and Choice Bulk Olives INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Albuquerque fair this afternoon. twice bad been a delegate to the con- Dr. H. S. Van Petten was one of vention of that organization, .. those who returned last night from the Superior THE LAS VEGAS SAVINGS DAim fair. Walking Delegate Makes Confession. H. H. Vice-Presid- ent Clias. F. Rudulph, who Is well known NEW YORK, Oct. 17. Henry Far- Bulk Mincemeat COKE, President W.KELLY, ley, the who Is await- D. T. HOSKINS, Treasurer here came in, last evening from walking delegate KEALlY NOW AT ' ing trial on an indictment for per- 1 PAID UP CAPITAL, $30,000.00 Mrs. J. B. Floyd, who has been ab- jury alleged to have been committed uuncan sent for several In in the testimony" he gave during the weeks visiting trSAV your by them In THE IAS VEOAS SAVINGS BANK, trial of Sam Parks, has made a con- earning depositing im minllmmmm mmmmamm-0- Kansas, returned this afternoon. vTrOCT?'C Mrh iiriA fJiv ftsWf Hmimn vau attm MAniMa. tarn dratIlam mrnvmasi furA 9 fession. Numerous cases enumer- $1m Frank Tompkins, representative of are U V D Building No iopoltmiooolvod ofIes9 than interomt pldonaUdopomitmof $3mndov0im 5 ated in his statement of dele- VJTlIji the United States of walking department agri- ' gates in this city and surrounding culture, drove out to Mora this morn- CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS. ing. towns having successfully conspired to extort from contractors and Mrs. WiwJ, Mrs. Builington and money FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH builders to avoid strikes or have them Pal STOVES and RANGES children are expected to arrive in the Rev. Norman Skinner, pastor. Morn- called off. Cases are related In min- tcity from Denver tomorrow on a visit ing worship, with holy communion, at ute details. Fairly states that In one to Sig Moye and family. 11 o'clock; theme, "Joy Made Full.;" instance was procured from At, R. Qulnley and wife anil Mrs, $0,0io Popular evening song service at 7:30; W. H, I). Stokes to interference Long came up last night from Albu- stop tuple, "Taking the Yoke to Find Rest." with the building of the Ansonia querque where they spent the greater Sunday school and pastor's Bible class hotel at Senovty-Thir- d street and part of the week viewing the fair. at 9:45 a. m; Society of Christian En- Broadway. Mrs. Demetrio Silva and her nit'cc deavor at 0:30 p. m. A hearty invi- Now For Delivery. Miss Maggie Harrison left this morn-ingt- - tation is extended to the public- - The FIFTEEN KILLED. for Antonchico. where they will church particularly enjoys the pres- In order that our customers shall have no visit for several weeks among rela- ence of at the communion again to of lack of A Collision on Pennsylvania Road strangers . reason complain promptness tives. service. Kills Fifteen and Injures Forty. jty we have now put into service two deliv Engineer Geo. Seelover left this af- BAPTIST CHURCH 11 a. in, Meadow Gold butter at Tumor's 'i wagons, yours lor trade, ternoon for for the pur- the "An ery Albuquerque TIJ1CNTON, N. J.. Oct. 17. Fifteen preaching by pastor; topic, Sixth street market. tayf pose of bringing up his engine wiilon were Unflagging Christian." 7:30 p. m., D!! persons killed and about forty "'Mll' tWli a'"'g'"iniiMliiiiii i"''" """J has been in the shops there for somo injured in a collision which occurred preaching by the pastor; topic, "The ' Heating stoves at any price you Wo Hr n. .w siciiwtiiv i lie tout lino of DAVISClSYDES. time. on the road near Passport to Religion," Wodnesdny today Pennsylvania ploaee Gearing's. HEATERS, RANGES mil COOK STOVES . Jas. I. Cox, who has been absent Washington crossing. The persons evening at 7:30, Bible study; subject, we have ever ItiimlM. from city seven After God." Fraiik C. foi;the past months, killed and injured were laborers who "Thirsting Public Lands in New Mexico. returned to and $1.65 Deniing last evening were on the work train and on their Ward, pastor. for .M Alt Tjklit llevem mudeof tlio best O:llco of board of public lands, Santa HU:l-l-n- will make that city his home for some way to work at crossing FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL rHIuMi sheet ili 18 Incites. Washington Fe, N. M. time to come. to repair washouts along the road. CHURCH: At tho M. E. church to- S9 SiSi for .';& ittr t'lfht. Heaters. S Fruit for Ily irder of tho board of public d.iulile lined, Geo. West, the Rociada miner who Fourteen bodies were taken from the morrow at It o'clock a. m., the pas- IioIi'iik, Preserving. lands, notice Is hereby given that ap- has been in the city for several days,! wreckage and one more is known to tor's subject will be, "Christ's Char- Oull and leeour xrent line of plications have been made to purchase Now is the time to up Fruit left this morning la return to his be under the debris. Only iwo or acter Reflected;" at 7:30 p. m., his Charter Oak Hot Blast Stoves put cunu.ii lands belonging to the Terri- Is mountain home. He Is employed on three of the Injured will be perma- subject will be, "Light Reflected." The Have Km per tent In fuel. For for winter. It now at its ' ' tory of New Mexico In T. 24 N. Range? wood. Kofi or liarU coal. the Hadley mine. nently maimed. Sunday school, at 9:45 a. m.; Epworth are lowest. 16, 17, IS and 19 east, and T. 23 N. for at 0 00 It 'nire. the eel. bestand prices John Davis, an old resident of this The train bearing the men who League at 6:30 p. m. A very cordial (tOQ Jiff ,ruil "Charter Oak" Jm- - church Range 18 E. And that scaled bids UMt'ltil. territory and well known by all old were killed and injured was made up invitation is extended by the to not for the purchase of the same will bo All h'oi-- (m chn-ier- i of ua timers, returned to Maxwell City this of four cars. It had stopped at Wash- all who have a prior obliga- will lie net r Khh. received by the undersigned commis- up - H. his to receive orders tion to other churches. he cl- eil all Grocer. afternoon accompanied by wife, ington crossing durslnre will (liiy J. Stearns, sioner of public lands, up to the 1st Tlmrwh y on ucvmint after a pleasant in this city. when it was run into by the gravel A. C. GEYER, Pastor. Holiday. stay day of November. A. D. 1903, such train. There were ISO men on the ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev. Charles J. rector. bids shall accurately describe the El Paso Game. two flat cars which telescoped with French, Holy ROSENTHAL Wins Today's lands desired by ac- communion, 7:30 a- - m.; Sunday government Just as The Optic goes to press a the gravel train. As soon as the FURNITURE CO. 10 a. be accompanied by a certified was cident happened the Italians became school, m.; morning prayer and NEXT TO special wire received stating that check for 10 per cent of the amount THE POSTOFFICE. made to do sermon, 11 a. m.; evening prayer and luu uacrvuaii av I frantic and an attempt ju gallic; 4iuuvju ijut; sermon, 7:30 m. Tourists and bid and endorsed "Bids for purchase between EI Paso and Santa Fe, bodily harm to the crew of the gravel p. today are welcome. of public lands." The bidders may A Beautiful Dress for Wmoen had come oft victorious train. They were finally quited by strangers especially Shoe the former be present In person should they e Fall and VJinlor a score 8 to 6. evens the foreman. by of This things Notice. at the regular meeting of the between the teams that are up again There will be no Sunday school or board at tho capitol building on the each of Accidentally Killed His Comrade. 9 contesting for first money as service at the Christian Science hall first Monday In November, being the QJJimetlem-jeaii- won two and lost two EVERGREEN, Colo., Oct 17. Bert them have on Oct. 18, 1903. second day. And the board reserves Zoller, 23 was accident- Sunday, games . each. This haa proven to be .aged years, the to any and all bids. is (should the attention . shot and killed last right reject what attract one of the most remarkable baseball ally evening by Presented Church $500. A. A. KEEN, of and we his friend and comrade, Fred Herln, all the people just now, tournament ever held In the territory The Santa Fe road made the Meth- Commissioner of public lands, San- - who of about same are unusually strong- in thm line. teams were entered and is the age. They a 10-8- as only three odist church of Emporia, Kans., ta Fe, N. M., Oct., 1903. 0 were a and one cart- We have them in all colors and grade , Ix games to he played, at the end of shooting at mark present of $500 recently for a new in Herln's failed to which it Is found necessary to play ridge gun explode, church. This was recently reported New Hats at Miss O'Brien's. while Herln was at least two extra games to decide but exploded later by the financial committee of the We have received the most recent Priced 50c the gun, which was pointed toQ3.Q0 the victor. The following is the way examining church. The railroad gave the church things out In street hats; also elegant towards Zoller. ball went the games have gone so far: Albu- The the $500 with the understanding that dress hats. Please call and see them. through Zoller's head, killing him al- querque won from Santa Fe Monday the church will not bring suit for Bridge street. ; 101 GLOVED, most too, by a score of 3 to 1. Tuesday, El Paso Instantly. Herln was arrested damages because of the fire which de- and to Golden examination. LINED Okl U"U won, from Albuquerque by a score of taken for stroyed the old church. The railroad, Under agreement with the clerks' 6 to 6. Wednesday Santa Fe won The men were employed in Walsh's is not so much concerned union, I will bold my auction sale af- latent I. re. tn nine Kr ch heel ! Kl however, I oiadeul r. 3 1. saw-mil- l. pliil...., to from EI Paso by a score of to about the church bringing suit ternoons only, next weok, closing my ,..."''" 3Go $225. Thursday Santa Fe'won from Albu- it was about the insurance company store promptly at 6 o'clock evenings. Common Sense Shoe Store, ' O. V. MKIKJOUCK. Our Fall and Winter is querque by a score of 8 to 4. Friday Robbers Get $4,000 From Bank. in which the church was Insured. The Phil N. Doll, jeweler, Sixth street. llrldite Street I'rop. HOSIERY in every retipeot. eXSZiZk won from EI Paso a EUSTIS. Neb., Oct. 17. Six mark- 10-8- Albuquerque by railroad did not pay the money to the We are nhowln an iiiiiiwtmlly strong score of 8 to 7. Today El Paso and ed men robbed the Farmers' bank church, however, till after the law line iu FAMOY 045MRC5.fil'rlces Santa Fe contested and if Santa Fe early today, securing $4,000. One of of limitation was in force. This was Wanted A girt for general house- S. R. Dearth right. . the the men was arrested and officers and oc- had won she would have taken two years after the Are. . The Are work in family of two.. Apply to Mrs. bloodhounds are on the trail of the 10-8- prize, but fate was against her and curred on September 3, 1901, and this II. W. Greene, 102S Seventh St. Undertaker and 35oUp. she lost by a score of 8 to 6. others. on 3 the limitation September Call and bob our complete fallHtock. o Iyear was In effect and the railroad WANTED Girl for general house- Embalmer, , sale on all trimmed bats Best of to eat the Im- work. to Mrs. 620 Special everything at I handed over the coin. Apply Coors, Poole J0-6- 503 st. Saturday. Mrs. U Wright perial. Rates by the week or month. Washington. F02Z CiiHarrlc. , Cut J Flowers.... ': r t Duvall's for Sunday dinner. sMwsMMMMftsaasss4ssasiMS) m mmm bjbb M W Large, crowd, great, Interest, won- and Monuments. Beautiful" present to lucky ticket Fine table cutlery and carvers-Gehrlng's- . .Take your Sunday gucsU to Duvall's derful bargains at Phil H. Poll's auc- holder at Phil H. Doll's auction. 10-8- 10-2- for dinner. . 1 ( tion. 10-8- 5 RMh 'Phone

I 1 4 ', if r

mm I . Will continue every afternoon and every evening this week. Next week we will only have one sale a. da.y, , BEGINNING AT 2:30 P. M. .

- Will UUCi 1U1 aaic CXU Ui uui oiuun, a-- t w JLmtT-nmM- m. w s v tm v - l?i We will Also Give a Handsome Present After Each Sale BIT"" Come Early. Auction. Begins at 2:30 and 7:30, Sharp. THE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. TERRITORY. BILIOUSNESS

Constipation, Inactive Liver and Weak Wanted. liriet ItoHiime of tlie Business Directory. Help important are Doing In w Jle-l- c Kidneys the result of a weak stom- WAITED Painter, paperhanger and Towiin. ach. Then the only way to prevent ARCHITECTS. kalsomlner. - Geo. T. Hill, Twelfth ' these .ailments la to the St. National 10-9- strengthen HOLT A anj Ave. HOLT. stomach by taking Hostetter'a Stom- Architect and Civil Engineer. WANTED-rLa- dy for offlce who can MINES, FARMS, RANGES, ETC. ach Bitters. Prominent physicians al- Maps and surveys made, buildings do some work on typewriter. Ap- in cases and construction work of all kinds ply at Optle Offlce. ways prescribe it of stomach planned and superintended. Office, The funeral troubles. You can therefore rely on Wanted A woman for general of Mrs. Cora L. Bartlett Montoya B'ld'g, Plaza. 3 took it. It cures Heart- housework. Apply Mrs. Tipton, 725 place from the Church of the positively Belching, Faith VTTORNEYS. Eighth street. Holy at 10 o'clock yesterday. burn, Indigestion, Dyspepsia and Ma- The remains were interred In the fam- Fever Apprentice wanted at Pethoud & laria, and Ague. Try it. George H. Hunker, Attorney at law. ily plot In Fairvlew cemetery, Santa Offlce. Veeder block. Laa Vegas, N. Co.'s millinery store, 61G Douglas Av. Fe. at. lz-t- l 9104. nuSTLITEh'S WANTED Girl for house-- . A Ctorge P. Money, Attorney-At-La- general very quiet wedding took place bTOMrtCH BIKERS. and United States at- work in family of two. Apply to at the Broadway hotel at Silver City torney, office In Olney building, Eaat Mrs. H. W. Greene, 1023 Seventh last Wednesday afternoon at 6 o'clock. Las Vegas, N. M. Street, . . 10-8- 8 The contracting parties were Walter hauled for two hundred miles over- Frank Springer, Attorney-At-La- S. Littleneld and Miss Dena Magby, land. This detracted from, its appear- Offlce in Laa WANTED Several penman to manage Crockett building. East both of Cliff. Rev. J. G. Harshaw of ance. Still the fine fruit and the stur- Vegas, N. M. district offices In each state for the M. E. church officiated. dy vegetables find tali from house of long standing; salary $21 grains E. V. Long, Attorney-At-La- Office o the fruitful valleys of the north made East Las weekly In cash each Thursday, di- OF (a Wyman block, Vegas, A curious Incident occurred at the a must attractive appearance. There N. M. rect from main offlce, with all public, school house at were and Colonial, 334 Dearborn Central the grapes, apples, and quinces, A. A. Jonee, Attorney-At-La- . Of- other day. A large eagle alighted on peaches, and melons, and and street, Chicago. 3 prunes, fice In Crockett building. East Laa the top of the pole from which waved pears, wheat and oats, turnips, car- Vegas, N. M. WANTED. the American flag, and remained rots, beets, potatoes and many othor O9TE0PATH9. thero, with wings 'outstretched,?, for products of the field, and farm, and WANTED 1'uRlllon by exporlnced nearly fifteen minutes. A photograph garden. J. II. had the ex- tl W. lloUK. D. O., Branch OSTEOPATH Fiiuutlcr, 'Or. A, T. man fur general Htore. Kpirnkg Span- - of the novel eight was secured. hibit In charge. Agencies: K.vaiMlniuitm H IbIi; ten In New can Kit. !l'iur fci It ft ., IU&. in., years Mexico; Trinidad Del Norte aid liy sueclnl apiiilriitiifiit. olney )ikk, furnlHh good Addruss X Henry Oakes, aged 77 at Another Opportunity for Homeaeek-er- s l Voffaji, N. tl. Lut kh I'limm l. yeari, dlej Canon this office. Silver City' this week, Mr. Onkes had to Homeseek. City Ouray 08TEOPATHS Dr. J. R. I Cunning- been a tailor and had followed the Tbo Frisco announces Rocky Ford Lake WANTED Beard In Iho country for system again City ham, Osteopath. Graduate of the J life for over half a La young lady, not an Invalid, where century, that It will sell tickets from St. Louis Junta Alamosa American school of Osteopathy under having been at different times the there would lie opportunity for horse j and Kansas City to in Oklaho Montrose Dr. refill. Formerly member of the captain gf largo voshoIs.. Ho was alHo points Lamar back riding unit unlimited outdoor 'ex-'- j ma, Indian Kansas and Tex- faculty of the Colorado College of at one time the owner of a largo fleet Territory, Grand Junction erclse.- - Prefer a ranch within twenly-- t as, at the very low round-tri- rate of Walsenburg Osteopathy. Mrs. Cunningham, as- of trading ships. Ho leaves two sons, five tulle of Las Vegas. Heply with! $15.00. Opportunities for homes in Aspen Florence sistant. Suite M, Crockett block. who are reslid'uts merchants ol' particulars and terms. Address Stun-- ' unj the (southwest are still and Gunnison Ofllco hours 9 to 12 and 1:30 to E, Silver City. plentiful, Fowler ton, care Tlio best lauds are no and by appointment. L V. 'Phono Optic. the by means all Crcdc Monzanola taken up. Excursion tickets sold at 103. Consultation and examination WANTED Work by woman, prefer Mining Litigation Settled: The lung 10-9- this luw rate NEW free. hotel or restaurant; 107 Railroad and exasperating litigation which has extremely will be good MEXICO AGENCY: ou of avenue. been pending between the Clifton any the Frisco regular trains DENTIST8. St. Louie Copper company, plaintiffs, auJ leaving at 2:30 p. m., 8:35 Las Wantod 1,700 Improved ewo3, 1 to m. 10.00 Vegas Charles L. Ashland, William Roach of p. and p. m., October 20, PIANOS: Or. E. L. Hammond, Dentist, Suo-cess- 3 years old; state price. J. Nestor Kext to Entrance of the Silver C. and leaving Kansas City at 7:15 p. m., Expert Tuner to Dr. Decker, rooms suite No. Colo. City, and II. Begole of St. Motel Ortl!!, Orlls, 10100 and 1:30 m., on the same If Sieger la Pension. and T, Crockett block. Offlce hours 9 te Louis, Mo., has been settled to the p. date. Bush & Berts repairer 13 and 1:30 to 5: 00. L. V. are to the connootedm 'Phone 239, satisfaction of all parties. AH are you looking southwest for Colo. 116, future excursion of Oc Singer leavo orders FOR RENT. now, working together in harmony; a home, this Victor tober 20th Is an excellent at store HOTEL8. the defendants conceding all Import- opportunity For Rent Two nicely furiilBheJ to investigate the country. ' ant points in the plaintiff's demands. rooms, all modern conveniences, 910 Central Tbo mine Is an valuable Your own home ticket agont will Hotel, Popular Rates, Clean 4th extremely I St. be able to full beds, Doug an avenue. one, has been extensively developed, give you information rates FOR RENT Rosenthal baJl for. and has a verv lame bodv of ore ooen- - as to and limits of tickets. HARNES8. Write our booklet dances, private parties, theatricals J ed and ready to take out They have for Interesting j entitled, "New Lands tbo Frisco J. C Jones, The Harness Maker, Inquire at Rosenthal Rim' store, a splendid mil and all necessary Along Bridge street. .: i provemcnts which are essential to the System," by Bryan Snyder, and for detailed Information to R. success and of the company. S. Lemou, FOR -- profit RESTAURANTS. RENT Office, 409 R. R. Ave., Secretary Frisco Immigration Bureau, I The community generally la delighted $5. 10-7- St. Louis. at this amicable and tuln- - Duval'a Restaurant Short Order-Reg- ular settlement, meals. Center For Rout Nicely furnished room. '"8 " predict a very prosperous street Andrew Beard, a Birmingham ne 819 Third. 10 l"re for the 55 property. lias Just closed a " "" gro, deal, aelllug a .TAILOR8. ' ;.. 0 patent car on which he has ror Rent Two furnished rooms. who was coupler ..William May McCnmmon, been ten An Idle heart Is Inquire at 911 Third 10-3- working for years. Tho pat- Cupid's workshop. J. B. Allen, The Douglas Avenue St wj,ol i,y Wallace Saturday last, ent was Bold manu- A proposal In need is a in- lauor. . to a large coupler proposal For Ront-T- wo housed utu(l ,u0 n1" wounds Tues-nea- r deed. new room facturing company, the sale being 'vt'"lnK- - rcmulna were taken SOCIETIES. plaza. Inquire M. Romero. Jdtty ,lu completed today. Board works In I .. to Magdaiena and to Socorro. shipped the Louisville & Nashville railroad LADIES CAN WEAR SHOES Document Blanks FOR RENT OR SALE. The funeral Eldorado No. 1, K. Of Rooming took place Wednesday one Lodge , 13 shops at Birmingham, and he has two elze smaller after using Allen's meta every Mouday at 8 p. m.. at house, rooms; apply 1112 National' afternoon at 3 o'clock. The wound business men In the Foot-Ease- , their Castle ball, third floor ClemenU avenue. 9142 city Interested a powder to be shaken In- which caused bis death waj in the In block, comer Sixth street and Grand the patent to the shoe. It make or new avenue. J. bowels. Just before he died be stated tight SALE BY J. JUDK1N8, CO. FOR RENT FOR THE R. O. RANKIN, K. of R. 8. Large south, furnlshel under oath that be did not know shoes feel easy; give instant relief room with It Is a flat has no SAUL ROSENTHAL, M. of I. use of kitchen and bath. that Wallace was around until be courtship that to corn and bunion. It' the treat- - to It. 1022, Fourth street SO. shot him. Mrs. McCulslon and "pop" asre. I. O. O. Laa Vegaa Lodge, No. 4 Mary est comfort discovery of the Cure meets Four-roo- Mr. McCammon tried to aave and prevent awollen every Monday evening at their FOR RENT houso. In- - 5i,Jc?ia'MtH feet, hall Sixth street All visiting breth- and In ao Mrs. (ssusm blister, ealloua and core soots. 'A - ren quire 409 Eleventh street. 1084 doing Mary Las art cordially Invited to attend. J. Foot-Eas- e McCulnton was shot In the Arm, and len'a Is a certain cure for Vcas Co. H. Turk. N. a.; W. M. Lewis V. O.; Publishing FOR RENT Two office rooms. In 'Mrs. McCammon was burnt it rTk. J sweating, hot aching feet. At all T. M. EIwood, gee s W. R. Crltee, badly .'.SH,t:,,"HT,-K- ' swouaH j and shoe 25c. Treas.; 8. R Dearth, Cemetery quire at Opera House Bar. 10 98 with powder. Evar Wallace has been S1 druggists stores, Trial " MS urn. Free mall. Address. Trust. .. , In the employ of Mrs. Morley at her waa . la package by XhT for rantaalara, TaUraiala UentrT" r00m, ranch for .everal years. He ha. not Allen 8. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. S. . O. E Meets Flret And Third -- AT Mali. lO.aa TMHualau. 'S.UU light housekeeping. Inquire 1030 6th ,,.. ,,.- ,- all IM Thursday venlnge, each month, at .imPllh., D,aHlM. UaaMaraalaal('al st lo-s- - . ... : . .. ,. ra. MaSha. , fHUJU fZ Money make tha go. ... marriage auxui street lodge room. , Visiting .uro iiaca..' ami liis uepuiy, tewis, are Justice brothers Ivlted. of the Peace Blanks. cordially hunting for him. It Is rumored that A. A. MALONEY, Exalted Ruler. T. B. BLAUVELT, Sec FOR RENT. ho will give himself up soon to the Furnished rooms all parts of the officers. " 5. Subpoena Chapman Lodge No. 2, A. F. 4 A. M. city. ' i ? u ,. 5:V''.';.;;" j-- i :.; Appearance Bond, Dia't Court communications Colfax Leads In Fruit. Summon Regular third J room house on Galllnaa . . . . . , $8.00 County Garnishee, Sheriff Offlce la each month. Tbe exhibit of Browne &lV1anzanares Co Thursday Visiting 3room furnished house .... ,.$15.00 agricultural products Writ of Attachment, Original Bond, General Invited. Cbas. IL 3 shown at tills fair at brothers, cordially room houso R, R. Ave. ...,..$ 8.00 year' Albuquer- Writ of Attachment, Duplicate Road Petition 8porIeder, secretary; O. L. Gregory, 4 room houso It. R. que l the best In five years. Thurs- Ave. I 9.50 Affidavit in Attachment, Bond of deputy W. U. day the awarding committee, consist- 103 Affidavit In Guardian' ing of Herman Hase of Albuquerque, WHOLESALE. Attachment, Duplicate Bond and Oath Rebekah Lodge, I. O. O. F Meet MOORE, R,',trnr.rnd.,c. A. D. Coon and R. V. Stockton, got Garnishee Summons, Original Administrator' Bond and OsUt second and fourth Thursday evenings liA;Uoiitflu Avenue. together and awarded the prize. Col- Garnishee Summons, Duplicate Letter of Guardlanahlp of each month at the I. O. O. F. ball, fax won the most points, and Berna- CGROCERO ... Bond In Attachment Letters of Administration Mrs. Clara Boll, N. Mrs. Mule FOR SALE Cattle and 300 lillo county was a fair second. 0.; hp, Execution . Warrant to Appralaer Dalley, V. O.; Mrs. A. J Wertt, Soo.; cows, belters, steer, l'a, 2' and up; Tbe boat exhibit of fruit from any Order to Garnishee to Pay Summon, Probate Court Mm. 8ofle Anderson, Treas. also 1200 ewes. Inquire Oooffrlon one county went to Colfax, while San Garnlabee Justice's 4 Poamaral. Flaaa. Juan got second money. The best I WOOL, HIDES I Receipt Docket, Inch 100 0. Laa K. No. AND PELTS Affidavit In Vega Commanoery T. exhibit of fruit ahown by one raiser Replevin Justice' Docket. 1 1 2x14 Inch 200 9. x. Keguiar conclave second Tuesday FOR 8ALE-- A gentle Shetland aUo ws from Colfax. The best and Bond In Replevin Record for Public of each month. Visiting knlgbts pony. Inquire E. Marcotte. 9133 Notary welcomed Cla-- k. collection of waa from cordially John 8. & largest apples Writ of Replevin A True BUI . C; Chas. Tamme, Rec. For Sale One of the choicest res- the same county. The best and larg- Appearance Bond Springer Law (Pro. to Minor) idences In the city on new electric est collection of grapes waa from Ber- IN . Eastern Communica- DEALERS . . Peace Bond Bond for Deed Star, Regular "r loop; many fruit trees nalillo county. Tbe best collection of tion second and fourth even- Inquire Criminal Thursday Dr. was from San Juan The Alt Kindt of Native Produce. -- Warrant Application for Licenses ing of each month. All broth- William. pears county. visiting Criminal ers and sisters are cordially invited. best collection of quinces came from McCormkk'i Mowcn and Complaint Report of Survey Mrs. Julia 1 Rtapcn Webb, worthy matron; LOST Bernalillo gardens, the best collection Mlttlmua Agreement Special Lease Earnest Browne, W. P.; Mrs. Emma Spits dog. "Snowball;" had Gray'i Thrtshinf Machinu, on of peaches from San Juan. The best Bond Affidavit Benedict, Sec.; Mrs. M. A. Howell, red leather collar with brass pad Rakes, Bain Wagoni, Appeal and Bond In Attachment. lock. Reward plate of pear was from Colfax coun- Notice Tree. for return to house of Grain and Wool Ba Ties, Fence Wire. Etc of Attachment Original Father ty, and the best plate of quinces from js Bailing; pouget. R.nch Criminal Comp't for Search Wa.. Affiadlvit and Writ In RED MEN meet in K. of P. hall the Bernalillo. The bent plate of grape Suppllu, Navajo Blankeb, , Attachment H. W. Notice for Publication Duplicate. second and fourth Thursday Bleeps llouf, the city'j pioneer oste was raised by John Engler of !.as Hay, Grain and Feed. of each moon at tbe Seventh Run sud opath, can be found at his old stand Cruees, the Item plate of apple by Venire Citation In the In- 30th Breath. Visiting chiefs always Oluey Blwk, His patrons will Dr. J. H. Bailey of Us Cruce. Notice of Ganilsbm't on dec Constable' Sale D. Rotten-wald- tell you of bis and he the welcome at the Wigwam. K. work, will treat deed, Jiidg pronounced, these Forthcoming Bond Notice of Sale W. B. Chief nf you fair; tell you what he thinks of apples absolutely perfect In form and Sachem, Welt, Indemnifying Bond Criminal Warranta Records. your case, and Its outcome under his coloring. treatment Comple lire of Amole in stock. free of charge. 10 Jo The best plnlu o, ,'i t I rem Soaps Kan - A Dozen Time a Night Juan. The best and larg- st col- Dried Fruits and Vegetables. Write for "I have and lection of coun- Complete Price List. bad kidney bladder vegetables frum any New trouble for years, and It became so ARE YOU SATISFIED ty Ij from Bernalillo, and tbe best ex- Canned Good? coming in bad that 1 was obliged to up at L.C . VT""" " Am .KM get I.., .r; . ' tn hibit of vegeta'.ilea ralse.l one man a ADDRESS least a dozen times a night," says Mr. '' by I. Owen of Benton W. Va. is from the ttitnn rotmty. The Colfnx Dunn, Ferry. 1.? iv. "I never received any permanent bene- .i.o.; ckhllittors who wera limtnim-ntn- l in 1 fit from any medicine until took rettliiK up the line fruit display, say LAS VEGAS, MEXICO. "THE two NL: OPTIC Foley's Kidney Cure. After using I1APGOODS it in tint be reniembrred In OFFICE," bottles, I am cured." For sale by Do-!- t speaking of ibu Sun Drug store. Juan exhibit that it was Las Vegas. New Mexico stock irrespective of Nor. Securities (Homestead Entry No. MM.) T On Her case. ' Strike of Manhattan engineers NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. DAN tWODEO' Feet not movements shows 99 Department of the Interior, .All day and with from likely. long racking pain Land Office at Santa N. M., her head to her heels. That is what banks gained in the week $1,413,400. of Fe, ' 15he Life Beat Hack In ' Sorvlce tb 29, 1903. ittv. ietk al many a girl must expert- - Bradstreet's says continued: slacken- Sept. trains. Call e iw pti attopdeUto. Make the of Insurance In The Mutual Life Insurance follo- cuix. un muse ing of demand in' east and south. Dun's guarantees Notice is hereby given that the OrPc-i- n H l . ;. y livery suable. each The follow- days month, sus- Company of New York valnable beyond all calculation. wing-named setter has filed notice of when in other cir- says volume of trade fairly well ' instance is only one of thousands: ' cumstances she tained but conservation increasing. ing his intention to make final proof In would go to bed, Twelve industrials adv. 2.1 cent; The lute Archtbtld N. Watorhousa. of Philadelphia, who died sud- support of his claim, and that said per last. Friday, held policies to fstl.OnO In the Mutual HJ0 she must still be denly twenty active railroads advanced 2.09 Lira 1 nsursnce Company of M? York. The forms of Insurance under ,,. proof will be made before the register at the desk or wuteli these pul'rtm we issued, wee m seleeted tb l his wto will I or receiver at Santa F3.N.M., ou Nov. counter and strug- per cent. receive at once i MOM a a ui a nnnunl Income of ii 00 for twen- Santa ft Tilt Talk gle the ty years, and If she 1b living at the erd uf tlmt period she will m'elve 9, 1903, viz; through WUHi In a amount receleed r these clay as best she oasli. making total policies Chicago Grain and Provisions. iHO.iHOon whlc-- : the. preniliims liy Mr. Wuterhouse amouuted lu MIGUEL FLOURS unwciiii TO may. only T,tX. (Krotn the Phtladi'lphl i Kccorcl. Nov, 13, HW.I Wheat 80 80 for the W of SK1-- Soc. 23, 1 Backache, head- May, Dec, and No. I Pm.. rnv n p. rn. Oep 1:10 p. m. ache, and other Cornr-Ma- y, 43 Dec., 44 Iu writing state what you would like to receive in cash at the Wl-- NE 4 Sec. 26. T. 12 N., It. 12 E. Nu run. arrlv IS1 a. m. Dan 143 a. m. bene- No. 4, tho limited, on au" Sa'cr-da- pains caused by y Oats May, 30 37; Dec, 36 end (if limited payment period, amount you would like your He nnnies the following witnesses Wend.y' diseases " arr v ( 3i a m., d- purta 4;40 a. m. womanly ficiary to receive. to prove his continuous residence up- - are perfectly cured andHix '.' a- Pork $12.03. on and cultivation of said viz: 13 - Dy ut. rierce s f May, land, rf. rrlv M p m. Oep ! St) u. N. y-- vorite Prescrip- Lard May, S0.05; Dec, $8,52. m' Apolonlo Chavez, of GaMstoo, M.! i 1 i'lvm. rrlv 5 m. i.iO p. m. tion. It MUTUAL J?e l.eo Madrll, of Oallsteo, N. M.; No. X the Oitllforiilii limited, Monday and cures Uibs May, ?C32. the cause of these LIFE iNSVRANCE COMPANY OF iAKnptto Sena, of Galixleo, N. M.; Tliurttluyn, arrive 5:40 a. in., deimrti, pains. It estab- Nativiriad Leyba. of tiallstoo, N. M. 5;4j a, iu. 31 BIAS lishes regularity, Weekly Bank Statement. Oldest Lartiit MANUKL K. OTERO, dries lrt NEW YORK In tl 9 133 enfeebling Reserve !uo. $3r6,125; reserve less RICHARD A. McCVKDY. Pros'i World Register. Santa Fe Limited. drains, heals in- America flammation and than U. a. inc. $U48.273; loans dec. No. 3 and 4 Solid Pullman trains, DARHV A. DAV. Man&tier. N. M Homestead No. 5895. ' $807,100; Albticueraue. Entry with dining and observation cars. ulceration and $4,836,000; cpecto increase NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. h HEW FAST TRAM cures female weak- - Chi- legals doe. $1.41 J.SitO; circulation inc. - LAS N. M. S of No. 2 Has Pullman cars to aaaaMBM n e s s. "Y ' W. G. OGLE. Dist. Sapt.. VEGAS. Department the Interior, mates --J, N. and Kansas tourist Between Bt. Louts and Kansasmhhm weak women $8,400. Land Office at Simla Fe, M., cago City, sleeping City and and sick Sept. 14. 1903. cars to Chicago and Kansas City and Strong is OKLAHOMA women well. Leadsn-Foote- d Justice. Notice hereby given that, the Pullman la added at Trini CITY, settler has filed notica sleeper PAIN ALL GONE. That is an amazing instance of the dad for Denver. Arrives La Junta WICHITA, fool to sell a 1). unkenness. of his intention to make final proof " I have taken leaden-foote- What doth it nrorU a Mr 0;iu:a vour medicine witti the erentes' deliberation vif justice 10:20 p. in., for Denver, DENISOIN, write l.nrk-por- and in support of his claim, and that said connecting aativhetion," Mrs. C.eot;e Kiehl, of t i -cent for a dollar and then 1'? Nlorphin Mation, in western ten article Westmoreland Co.. Pcniin "Your a state the death othnrOruqU-hg- , proof will be made before the realgter ucblo and Colorado Springs. Leaves SHERMAN, Favorite has cured me of uterine bunkoed out of the dollar? Prescription' moss-grow- of 93 get i 4 i or receiver at Santa Fe, N. M., on trouble that I suffered from forfiileeu years, and prison, at the age HeTohaccoriitbit La Junta 3:10 a. ru.. arriving at Pu DALLAS, I Oct. 23. 1903, viz: paiiilut monthly troubles. can hone !! uv f of a criminal who had been i.'iiNeuraslhEriia. j 5 years, i eblo a. m., Colorado Springs 6:35 can work a whole l:,y anil not fret tired, and Ho Learned a Great Truth ft Vrri rw DARK) CHAVEZ, FORT WORTH before taking Dr. Pierce's medicines I alwavs years for a new - ri.r m., Denver 9:16 a. m. This train InToxns felt tired waiting eighteen I ' for ,h0 Soc. 4, T. n. 13 Ind principal points snd the Souths My pain is all (tone and I feel like' a it is saiu oi jonn wesiey tuui uvtu3tttc y AHH 111 "1. gW ll N., new 1 ,y text. Thin train Is and ls new person suffered with headache all the trial! So the story goes. One would rlcily INSTITUTE. does local work from Las Vegas to throughout onp nnll of AVWtress" WestaV! "Whv nulls un of th fluent cxmlmntiiit. nrnvMnl time, but have no headache now since I tnkin" im-- , . names elect Ho and medicine. I think it not incredible, but . , ... j lie the following witnesses Raton. vtth lights all oihur modurn your have been cured of tmubles only , oflm fer.U oouvuuwnoea. vii that I suffered from for fifteen to ins continuous resilience It runs our now years, and the possible, we must not .,., prove upon No, 8 carries both standard and lomplotod otst doctor in the stale oould not cure me." iet wt oyer M(, ove alnr ., Wesleyi and cultivation of said land, via: in Various of tills j tourist cars to Kansas Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical that paru country because onco teil)g ls w enough Macnrlo Leylia of Galisteo, N. M.J sleeping City Red River Division. Adviser, in covers, is sent on in so other j N. nd Arrives La 10:30 morlArn paper free Americans, many things u ,a f()r iMa game rMgon that you. HENRY LORENHEM Natlvldad Leyba of Galtstoo. M.; Chicago. Junta Every appliance known to na receipt of 21 o!ie-ce- stamps to pav Crespln Leyba of Galisteo, N. M.; m. Connection yullilhifc and rallroudliiK baa been employed restless, Impetuous and impatient, are (old and that Chum- - for Denver, Colo n Uie make-u-p of this expense of mailing only. Address Dr. again again SniTeir ro . O. SCHMIDT NToverto Knslnns of Gnllsteo. N. M. service, luoludlng V. toleritf almost without a murmur rado Springs and Pueblo. Leaves La R. Pierce. liutfalo, N. V. berlain's Cough Remedy cures colds MANUEL R. OTERO. 01 MiifiuiHCtunr of 12:10 Denver 6 m. Cafe Observation a.nazii.g wans iu tue procecuums ,, ,,.. ponntorncts anv ten. ! Junta p. m.. p. Cars, I ,t " . .' C" J Register. inrtpf the management of Rarvev. courts. No. 1 Has both standard and Fred, the dency of these diseases to re. 't in tour full Information aa torateaand allilouils'of j WUffOiiS, GsSrrtaC, Homestead Entry No. 5341. 1st for Southern California trip via una now route will be cheerfully l sleepers pneumonia, and that it is pieusai. . nu ImiUhed, upon application, by say reprw and in a.l k. t NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. lenUiUve of the s ife Bal a11 n's points. m. While have been (llke' For druggibU j Divert nient of the Interior,. MARKETS many prospectors No. 7 Has both standard and tour conflnint; t heir search chiefly for Rold '" Wafton Malaml, mml Hmav.r Hr. Land Otlloe at Santa Fe. N. M., 1903. 1st to Northern California (if and copper deposits in Alnska, others j The man who points out your faults wam. Cannral ElactiimHhlng Sept. 44, sleeper been for and a likel Notice is that tho fol-- Also have reirching diamonds, ; may be true friend, but you feel and HortoMhoalng a gitoclal-"":.- ; hereby given pnints. thrpuiih. standard sleeper to recent have , lowlng namod Bottler has filed notice El Paso. 1 tie VnrK according reports they him ,hp sam0 ly. Smtlisfnvflvn r Connection for EI Paso. following New 'in:k 1 jmt (iuaeanfeatl ,jui.ih:,i"u been m a few val-- j of his intention to make final proof in irtmiswafci Levy Un.. u.' mim l. finding; emlng. Silver and all In 1 j of his and said City points eiso Hoard of radel rooms 2 i rurv uable siiecimoim. There are many j ai rouHTAiv support claim, that UioeU. 1'hoLtt l.asVeir-t- USE ALLEN'S FOOT EASE' sot;r Southern P A SO-- Oil THE SYS- - ett (Colo i 0, oinurs persons who nave neen searcu- proof will bo made before tho register Mexico, New Mexico and ASTERN over their frnur Vw - on private wires for for more A powder to be shaken into the or receiver at Simla Fe, N. M., on Arizona. TEM. York, ( tilcumi and (Joloia-l- pilt(r; nni rt 1 ing years something far nJi nt of the tirniH of I.CK'in At Krysu N. V precious than gold or diamonds and shoes. ''.Your feet feel swollen, nerv- Oct. 23, 1903. viz: In cutir.oirt Ion with the ma (. tilCHro member New York Suielt (f is LAND SCRIP. NATIV1DAD LEYBA, nu Ohlc'itio Bard of Trade, and Wm. that health. They have tried this ous and damp, and get tired easily. ROCK ISLAND SYSTEM. A. Otis & Co.. Hanker und Ouloriulf medicine and one in vain of for the SB Sec. 4, T. 11 N., R. 13 Is the short Hue hntweon El. Broker. that hope If you have aching feet, try Allen's By the use of land scrip D. & R. Q. PASO. iyrliiiis: finding it, without success. They E. System the (JURAT SO I 'TM WEST and KAN- Description Omae Foot-Ease- . It .rests the feet and title can be obtained to should try Hostetter's Stomach Bit- government He names the following wltnosses Santa Fe Branch SAS CITV, CHtCAliO,. ST.. LOUIS, ters because it is the most successful makes new or tight shoes easy. Curea land without cultivation or residence to prove his continuous residence upon MEMPHIS and principal points EAST, AnialnamuUtd blist- and cultivation of said viz: NORTH Copper.. health maker in the world, and Is achiug, swollen, sweating feet, All land, Time Table No. 7L and SOUTHEAST. American MiRar,..,. .. of thereon. you i.eed to do is to give Noverto Enslnas of Galisteo, N. M.; Atetitsou Corn backed by a record of fifty years ers and callous spots. Relieves chil tEHVetlvnWedneiidiif April 1. 1W3.1 0 " cures, and show land to Darlo Chavez of Galisteo, N. M.; Ma-carl- o Klepnnt Pullman StAiidnrd and Tour yfd it will positively cure indiges blains, corns and bunions of all pain description the be B. A O tion, nervous- Leyba of Galisteo, N. M.; Cres ist Sleepers. Free Keellnliix Chair B. K. T dyspepsia, constipation, to- of the proper we do the " """ wen BOt'wn and gives rest and comfort. Try it kind; rest By of N. M. HI.,. V..O. Mllni, IU.. Cars and Day Conches on all trains. Uhlcugp Alton (Join.. . ness, insomnia and malaria, fever and pln Leyba Galisteo, I Sold all and shoe reason 1L c:iiaiii..i.v,.,.riiintiiKo..Ar.. - O. r .. ague. it. day. by druggists of tne exhaustion of the supply MANUEL OTERO. .1111 n ... u 1. a n. aajiiiri.. .. ' Dining Car 6ervlco Unexcelled. Hi'm Try . ....uiiiuiiuin. .nr.. m.. ,, p m (Jolo. ... C'H 8 F..1 s:i dealers, 25c. Don't sub- Register. :( n m. I.T. . ..Kmlnnlii . A, i ..., " " ail accept any which has been limited the - Uiitprd ..j A ring in the hand is worth two in quite price ii 4(i u m..I,v.Trea l'li-1r- A r w in'iK n. Call on nearest agent for full Infer- " 8ud ufd...... 1.1) stitute. Trial package Free. Address O O."W the Is advancing. We have a small amount 6:Vpiiii.,v.,Antoiiltu .Ar.iffi.... 7 Sfi a m million or address the undersigned. U. & promise. S. N. Y. Ar.lfiS ,. O rlb Allen Olmsted, LeRoy, (Homestead Entry No. 7043.) ;:!wpm..l,v..,Aliin.oii.,.8:115a l:1(iin N. H. l'or lllustra'ea Brie 2K on hand to Is n,.l,v....l'iiMlo..,Af IWT.... 1:117am handsomely' ..... gtfftf.;..! mmm yet sell, that fully guar- Notice for Publication. T:tt m Ar... L 4.. boolitet of at pfd... , ...... 67 "Watch Denver.,.. s:Mnm descriptive L the Kidneys" cause & N... , ... . im The spider has no for alarm anteed. We also deal In real estate, CLOUDCROFT, "When life Is in Depart nunt of the Interior, Hex. Oent in', they are affected, when his life is a thread. Trains run dally rxoent Puiidiiy. he Premier Summer Resort of the Ho. rac., imii hanging by loans and Investments. Land Office at Santa Fe. N. M., Norfolk danger" says Dr. Abernethy, thi great ..onnw.unns with the c main! line and Southwest, send four pontB postage to tl 1903, aa Pacmill English physician. Foley's Kidney Broke Into His House. HUGO SEABURQ. Sept. 18, branches fol limn: A. H. BROWN, Keadlntf Com ., ..... 47 At Antonlto for Duranno, Hllverton Cenernl Pnssr-nee- r Ii. t Onm ... Cure makes sound sale N. M. Notice is hereby given that the fol and all Agent, ' kidneys. For S. Le Quinn of Cavendish, Vt, was Springer, point" In the Pun Juan E. P.-- pfd . ill 4 store. lowing named settler has filed notice country. System, Bepubllc Stel and In n by Depot Drug robbed of his customary health by In- At Aluruiaa (with attuidard sauroi tor'La El Paso, Tex. ' ufd of his intention to make final proof in it. P vasion of Chronic Constipation. When Homestead Entry No. 7045. Veta, I'iikuIo, UoloraduMprluji and Denver Women support of his claim, and that said aim with narrow miiiie for Mouie Del 8.P love men and dogs, not Dr. New Life Pills broke Into NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. VUta, Southern Kv King's of will notte L'reedo and all points Inlhe Sun Lu! " "ufd lti..." women and cats. Philadelphia Public Department the Interior, proof be made before the register .. his house, his trouble was arrested Land Office at Santa N. valley. T. o. I an Ledger. Fe, M., or receiver at Santa Fe, N. M., on Oc l'e. Pac... ,. ... 2 and now he's entirely cured. They're Sept. 14. 1903. ninanua wan mum line ftiLaiuiurd crituirnt 0. P . W!4 o Is tober 27, 1903, viz: rnrall points eaat and west T. P. to cure. 25c at all drug Notice hereby civen that the fol InelurftuglLead pfd guaranteed FRANCISCO S. vine ana narrow ruuxe between Hal 0.8.8 14 Saves Two From Death. gists. lowingnnmed settler has filed notice LEYBA, pulnta " .. Ida and Urand Juiid lim. pfd 0 "Our an almost of his Intention to make final In for the E of SE NW 4 of SE is IKabash little daughter had proof com ,, ik j At t'lorem'u and Canon for fuld If men were compelled to eat their of his and said 4 1 Otty the Wnlrnhh ufd...... inn fatal attack of whooping cough and support claim, that and lots and 3, Sec. 33, T. 12 N, or W V words there would be an of proof will be made before the canipa I'rippiu ureek and Victor. Mrs. W. K. Vavi-- epidemic register R. 13 E. At Pueblo, Colorado Manhattan..., ... bronchitis," writes or Sorlncl and Denver ..a Wia.Out...... in this receiver at Santa Fe, N. M., on w.iwwr land of N. Y., when all indigestion country He nnnies tho following witnesses wlthall MIourl rlvnr.llnea for all point Pfd ... Armonk, "but, uct. 23, 11103, viz: eaat. New York Central ...... tl'H other remedies failed, we saved her life CRESPIN LEYBA, to prove b:& continuous residence upon ii .. in For further Informal Inn address ennnyivauia ir.'V, Gained Forty Pounds Days. 4 the undi Thirty for the SW NE SIS 4 NW 4 and an with Dr. King's New Discovery. Our For several months our younger cultivation of Id land, viz alirned. N 2 SW Soc. 31. T. 12 N.. It. 13 E. with Indi- Crespin of N. M iiirouirn paHNensnra from Kanta P In niece, who had Consumption In an ad brother had been troubled He names tho' Leyha Qullstoo, Live Stock. He tried several remedies following witnesses Darlo gatiue Meepen from Alamoia can Chicago vanced stage, also used this wonder- gestion. to prove hlc continuous residence Chavez of GallBteo, N. M.; Na no benefit from them. We pur--, upon nave minus reserved on CLOUDCROFT CHICAGO, Ills., Oct. 17. Cattle ful medicine and she is but got and cultivation of said viz tlvldad Leyba, of Galisteo, N. M.; Jus application. today perfectly chased some of Chamberlain's Stomach land, J. 11. IUvuUAgent, market nominal; good to prime steers Macarlo of N. to M. well." Desperate throat and lung and Liver Tablets and he commenced Leyba Galisteo, M.; Leyba, of Galisteo, N. Hitnta Fn. N M to medium $3.00 Darlo Chaves of Galisteo, N. M.; n. n. u. V. A.. $5.10 $5.75; pur diseases yield to Dr. King's New Dis- them. Inside of days be MANUEL R. OTERO, uoopkr. taking thirty Natlvldad of N. Denver. Oolo $4.75; stockers and feeders $2.25 had In flesh. He Leyba Galisteo, M.; 9112. covery as to no other medicine on gained forty pounds Noverto Enslnas of N. M. Register. -- cows heifers Is now recovered. We have a Galisteo, LOCATtn At rwr. ai iewn $4.10: $1.40 & $4.40; earth. Infallible for Coughs and Colds. fully MANUEL R. OTERO, good trade on the Tablets. Holly Homestead Entry No, 7042. iT' $2.00 ranners $1.40 $2.50; & $4.75; 50c and $1.00 bottles by Mo. Register. aooo rear amsos guaranteed Bros., Merchants, Long Branch, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. . bulls calves $2.50 ma uvu - a $2.00 $4.25; all druggists. Trial bottles free. For sale by all druggists. Department of the Interior, t '$7.25; Texas fed steers $2.75 $3.50 Homestead Entry No. B3C0. Land Office at Santa Fe, N. M., i Tht IW western steers $3.00 $4.50. The consistent winner draws to the v A man never appreciates his in- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Sept 14. 1903. foredoomed Department nf tho Notice Is herobr elven the fol Sheep eteady; good to choice wethv strength of his hand; the significance until he attends his own Interior, that Land Office at Santa Fe, N. M., lowlng-name- settlor has filed notice ers $3.25 $4.00; fair to choice mix loser to that of his luck. There is wedding. Sept. 14. 1903. of his intention to make final proof In in ed $2.00 $3.00; western sheep $2 Notice Is hereby that the fol or bis said Bucklen't Arnica Salve. a Published. given support claim, and that Iambs $3.50 & Only Very Few lowlng-name- settler has filed notice will be made before 25 $4.00; native proof tho register . Has world-wid- e fame for marvellous is not for the of his Intention to western lambs $3.75 $5.2.' It possible proprietors make final proof in or receiver at Santa Fe, N. M., on Oct. I $5.75; of his o cures. It surpasses any other salve, to publish more than a very few of the support claim, and that said n, 1903, viz: Printing T will be lotion, ointment or balm for Cuts, numerous letters received in praise proof made before the register REGINA LEYBA. Kansas Live Stock. or receiver at Santa Fe, N. M., on for tho Lot 4, See. 4 T. 11 N.. R. 13 E. is not City Corns, Hums, Bolls, Sores, Felons, Ul- of Chamberlain's Cholera and o Colic, OCt. Lots SIC KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Oct. 17. Cat-tl- 23, 1903, via: 4, 6, SW 14, Soc. 33, T. 12 cers, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Diarrhoea Remedy and telling of Its MACARIO LEYflA. Too native steers $4.15 & N., R. 13 E. unchanged; remarkable cures. come from for the 4 Sec. 11 R. Chapped Hands, Skin Eruptions; They tfW 11, T. N., He names the Good for $5.50; Texas and Indian steers $2.25 people In every walk in life and from 13 E. following witnesses for Piles. Cure guaranteed to prove his continuous cows $1.50 & $2.25; every state In the Union. The follow Ho names the residence upon $3.25;. Texas !5 cents at all following witnesses and cultivation of said Our Customers. , Only druggists. ing from Mr. T, W. Greathouse," or to his continuous residence land, viz: native cows and heifers $1.50 $ $4.10-- profo upon Natlvldad of Galisteo. N. M Prattsburg, Ga., speaks for Itself: "I and cultivation of said land, viz: Leyba feeders $2.20 $1.00; Darlo Chavez of Galisteo. N. M stockers and Straws show w;;lch way the wind would have been dead now but for the Natlvldad of Galisteo, N, M.J Leyba Macario of N. M. Our Pride's in bulls $1.30 $3.25; calves $2.W ffjr which money use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera uarto Chavez of N. Nov Leyba Gnllsteo. blows; clips oy the Galisteo, M.; of N. M. cuxmaton me mmmJmmM western $3.00 fi $4.40; and Diarrhoea Remedy. It cured me erto Enslnas of Galisteo, N. Cres Crespln Leyba Galisteo, $0.30; steers goes. M.; MANUKL It. I Our Printing. ntJOKT op tub oatAT oovnwtJt of chronic diarrhoea after seven years of N. M. OTERO, STT TMAIN3 western cows $1.60 & $2.70. pin Leyba Galisteo, 9 87 BBACUta JWKKT IU of I can never aay too much MANUEL R. OTERO. Register. $3.-95- ; Lew Rates Fro.n Eastern Points to suffering. muttons $2.(0 iiPASQ-NcmEAsi- m Sheep weak; In praise of that rcr: ,.;;y." For sale 9 90 Register. weth-er- s New Mexico. Iambs $2.90 $5.25; range by all druggists. THE jinn sell one sec OPTIC rem. run inpokmatioh ftutxirrrvt, $2.10 $3.25; ewe $2.25 $3.45. The Santa Fe will way Homestead Entry No, 4952. UTUATUae. tTC. CALL ON NEAREST ond-clas- s Truth Is a that a O colonist tickets from all east t linger good NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. GOUrON TICKET AOtNT APOMS In many people don't care to meet. I jod noonis New York Stock Letter. ern points on their line to all points Department of the Interior, one class NEW YORK. Oct. 17. Market was New Mexico, at half the first Land Office at Santa Fe, N. M., ZLPAAO. TCXAJL . one two dollars. Danger In Fall Colds. strong and active again today but less way rate, plus Fall colds are liable to on all , October L 1903. This offers an excellent hang senHatlonal than yesterday. Urgent opportunity winter leaving tho seeds of pneumon- Notlco Is hereby given that tho fol for eastern to visit tno western short covering was less In evidence. people ia, bronchitis or consumption. Foley's lowlng nained settler has filed notice 17 cures and J however, were made country at a nominal rate, during the Honey and Tar quickly pre- of his Intention to make final proof Denver & Rio Grande Further gains, vents results. Is old and Ry.Coe next few months. W, 3. LUCAS, Agt. tf serious It In of his all through the list and cloHlng prices reliable, tried and tested, safe and test- support claim, and that said The Scenic Line of ihe World . of will be made before tho United were practically at the best figures It sometimes that the re ed, safe and sure, contains no opiates proof Reduced Rates happens . -- bank and will not For sale by States Court Commissioner a Ve n ...,o, nun uu cures the day. The statement proved Is than the limit. constipate. at m,m .nexioo 10 ine prmoipai gret larger Depot Drug store. ? Diliilna and atrriuiiIturKl dlHtrliit In fairly good showing; a heavy reduc- gas, N. M., on November 9, 1903, viz Denver, daily to Oct. 5.... $18. lO cnmrxi SVV1-- 4 1 1 Colorailo, Ut th, tion In loans. Particularly good buy- For a pleasant physic take Chamber A "straight" Jnoket seems the Juan N. Grlego, for the SE1 Colorado Sprlnu, dally to Oct. IS. .. 5. Nevada, Idaho, Montana, Oregon ud Wasliinir.orj 4 4 1 ing was noted In Atchison and In Un tain's Stomach o:ir Liver Tablets, proper thing for a pokermaniae, SE SW Sec. $1, T. 15 N.. It. 22 Pstblo,dily toOcl. IS...'. rains depart from Santa Fe, N. M, at 9 a. m. and arrive at 6;20 In effect. For ion Pacific, which advanced sharply Easy to take. Pleasant E, Lots 3 and 8, Sec. 6. T. 14N., R. Denver, Oct, IS, only 14.0. p. m. dally exuep Sunday, making connection with all throufth sale by all druggists. A Amalgamated Copper was also quite Love Letter 22B. Albuquerque, Oct II, 12, 13 f.OO east and west bound trains. ... m Would not Interest you If strong. Industrials scored further you're Ho names the following to San Franclico, Oct. 9 to IS, inclutivt 4.'AM All Throujfh Trains carry the latest 1'ullmnn Standard A lender In tho game Is likely to looking for a Halve for pattern S. 8. made a gain. guaranteed his continuous Lai Angtlct, Oct, 9 to IS, Inclutivt, , and rallies and V. good father two losers. Mores, Burns or Plies. Otto Dodd, of prove residence upon ordinary sleeping cars, ehalr car and perfect system of After the close there was good demand Ponder, Mo., writes: "I suffered with and cultivation of said land, viz: An Polnti In Indiana and Weilcrn Ohio, ultima cars, service a la carte. Total sales California. an sore for a but a box of Sept. I, 8, IS tnd Oct. 6, only for stocks for loaning. Low Rates To ugly year, lonlo Grlego of Cabra, N. M.; Juan Pullman, reservations made by teleripb upon appllcntlon. For second-clas- s Kurklen's Arnica Salve cured mo. It's Tho Santa Fe will sell Sanchez of Cabra, N. M.; Toriblo San Turn mik! On Third rates and 847,000. tho best Halve on earth. 25c at all advertising matter, further Information apply to colonist tickets dally from September chez of Cabra, N. M.; Cruz Lucero of druggists... Above are all round-tri- rates with I beul B. Summary of the Stocks. 15, to Nov., 30, to all points In Califor- Cabra, N. M. J, DAVIS. 5. K. HOOPER Cell t ticket office t . A - . In London, Nor, at rate of $25. W. J. LUCAS, When you visit your poker club MANUEL K. imili. for tletailt. Ganaral Ticket One small failure nia, OTKRO, Stiu r. n. n. Aaanl.Panr'an4Danvr, Calo. Pac. will be permanent 7 per cent tf Agent leave Idle curiosity at home. 10-4- ' Register. W. J. LUCAS. Agent. LAS VEGAS DAILY OPTIC, OCTOBER 17, 1903 MEADOW CITY HAPPENINGS NARROW E8CAPE. How One of the Flood Prisoners Was Hermann t the opera house The Wily Solicitor. 8avd From a Horrible Death Welcome in Kansas. For the I ait two or three days the Tidings! has been thoroughly can- city pretty Last June when all this continent We A. handsome souvenir free to each vassed by men purporting to be from have received our assortment of was reading the daily accounts of the our atore on Monday. IE. an Omaha grocery concern. They of- The lady visiting terrible floods and fire that made Rosenwald & Son. to the prospective fer many staples thousands homeless In Kansas and purchaser at ridiculously low prices week for Missouri, and of the many brave acts Hold your wash next Troy Just to secure an order from, them, Waist Patterns and that were recorded at the time where AUTUMN irwaul Steam Laundry. Promptness and make up the difference In another LATEST our motto. people lost their own lives In trying to leanllnea way, but this is not all- - Not satisfied save those of others la one told by One of with visiting all the homes in tho a in all the Latest Ladles' Temple Aid society will Miss 'Lotto, the fire dancer, with the pattern,( Styles city where they could obtain admit- and Weaves. Don't forget these are ! meet Monday afternoon with Mrs. Talbott-Wbltne- Carnival company. tance, in their endeavor to convince Emma F. Colin on the west side, at "1 was visiting my parents In North MILLINERY the people that tho home merchants 2:30. Topeka at the time of the flood and EXCLUSIVE PATTERNS nere them, one of these solic- robbing we bad no fear as to the rise of the and that you never see a a week of a itors bud the nerve to visit tho shops duplicate. Joe Young, after pleas- wafers as we were on the highest land tils friend ;u. s morning, and in his endeavor to MODES ant visit among many In tho city. Hut as tho rains did not PRICES 40c, 50c and 65c Yard home ;.ll kw.U to various men, ho made per here, will return to hia El Paso subside and the wafers mo hialeiiii'tit (but J. if. Stearns, the kept rising, tonight. we got alarmed and prepared to niove. grocery man, had offered Will be on in our Millinery New Dres Goods Just Arrived. During the night tho flood rose to such display him a hum of money to quit soliciting Davis 4 Sydeg are doing business; a that when we awoke next Department, false-LvJi- height notice of another a ii, J leave the city. This was a l BfciTWe offer this week: they give adding morning the entire lower portion of wagon to jslve their trade pure and simple, and was told delivery our boose was inundated and we could - service. nit rely to Influence ilia parlies to pur- Monday and Tuesday, prompter not leave. After spending two days One Lot One Lot hi A reporter called chase goods. in and nights this predicament our OXFORD Mercerized Ce-cili- H. C. Tucker, with the Western on Mr. Stearns and presented this and house was shaken loose from tho foun WAISTS association of Is aluU-ii;i:ii- t to bim iud asked if it was Cloth Waists Newspaper Chicago, dation and we were swept away with in the the Americanized inio. lit; replied: "I never made any October 19 and 20 city, placing the raging torrents. Then came the Brltannlca. such Oder, to any one, and furibenuort) $1.25 $2.00 Encyclopedia most terrible thing I have ever ex- 1 never saw this party who is doing OIImt styles too numerous to mention perienced In nil my career, my par but Moore Real Estate and the sotlcitjng, although I know that uunily Cheap. Give us a call. The ent's home caught fire and we were New arrivals have been received of there are several such parties in the just being embarrBscii by pointed at of Providence. 1 floating the mercy smart in tailored. street on Eleventh street to city, lint If any one believes made stylos dress and finely Jones properly I don't, remember anything until .we Padllla for 3no. tiim any such offer, all I ask them to BACHARACH BROS. Leopaldo were rescued by a company of Nation- do Is to bring me a list of the goods al guard from Kansas on a pontoon Hotel. 1 There was to be a mooting of the purcnased from this man, and I will HATS Opposite Castaneda bridge. Then Old I realize the danger land grant commissioners this morn not; duplicate bis prices, but only I wan in call I had had to of sev and the near but owing the absence kuock off 10 cent on them. In . ing, per from death. After I was safe on tlerra Thoy illustrate fashion's trend in millinery eral members at the fair, It was pout doing this I will lose money at tho flrma, the first thing I thought of was suitable for street and at moder- poned. prices which lie is offering certain general "wear, to telegraph tho Talbott Whitney Car- goods; for neither I nor any other ate prices. W. EL to nival company that I would appear In A letter from O'Leary 4.urehaH',m the 'city can purchase kcntlifi Bros.. fire dance tho week fol- is. a friend In this city, from Chicago, otters my original m them at the prices ho for them, he leave that lowing."' m- to says expects windy ife alio loues money on certain of the The newest effects in about 20th for the best Miss I.olla la to be seen In her own wings, quills, city tha prlrt'-- which ho quotes, as a punj original dances with the Tnlbotl- - feathers and city In the land of sutmliltia. 'unit.' Hut thu sucker who biles may flowers, veilings. The VVbltney Carnival company, which Following Prices will be of lakreit toYou bo sure he is paying this loss and Ludwlg Wm. Weld, tho Bridge shows here for one week, commencing a as well on other goods which street hardware merchant, has been profit Oct. 5th. 1. lie will be induced to order." Specia.1 No. : New Styles of Ladies' and Misses,' busily enKftKfd for the pnst two days Ii is evident from Information Ladies' heavy Fleeced Cottoi getting tho stoves In the west side very HOTEL ARRIVALS. CAARLES ILFELDTHE PLAZA Golf Sweater. Ladies' gathered of the methods of these so- Vests and Pants, hijih C cathedral ready for healing purposes. Castaneda II. Uoblnson, New York; sUl,'V03--.')r)- Velvet licitors in tho confidence of Ut'ck, long mm3l. Waists, gaining Cieo. P, Dawson, Louisville: It. K. Warmer the ibai all Is not as it "Fair tonl(lit and Sunday. purchaser Clehermnn, Jas. J. Ford, Denver; J. O, UUif Trailing StHinjiH w ill) all Cunh Purchases. sPeci&l No 2. was the should and thosu who are In south portion tonight," be, likely Favares, Sun Francisco! Our regular 23o Fleeced Lined, Flannelette Niht Gowns report received today. Tho tempera- to be visited would do well to be ankle Punts au 21 e. Plaza C. M. Ilogers, Birmingham, longtb For Men Women and Children. was as follows: in making ture for yesterday guarded purchases. Fred L Brann, Santa A. We have accumulated ciuite a lot of Ala.; ltosa; and children's-Flannelett- Maximum 71s minimum 21; mean CI; short ends in now fall Dress Goods; 41)c. each for ladies' Ilnlierman, Puerto do Luna. Gowns. Only two to any precipitation 0; mean humidity 31. Voting Contest for Carnival Queen. goods sol lint's regularly from 50c Rawlins Fred L. Braun, Santa to $1 customer. Thu carnival will soon bo here, and r0yard; sonns have enough for Kosa; J, L, Fisher, Hot Springs; John waists, others have for for Flannelette Gowns, A match has been arranged between a must be chosen. In order to enough fi4c. ladies' queen II. B. skirts, some have even for extra A Hue assortment of Fe Hicks, Santa Ilosa; Cowling, enough heavy. the Las Vegas and Santa bowling secure tho moat popular young lady full dresses; if we have what you at CTic, New York. 1 x patterns cheap learns to be played next Saturday of the for the post of honor, It l YOUR want take your iick at only, the city New Optic W. K. Terry, Trinidad; 84c. for ladies' Stripe or Plain night. There will bo low rates on has been decided to hold a con- yard...... Colored voting C. Y7 Ilolman and wife, Mora...... 4c. Flannelette Gowns, yokes the railroad and It is expected a crowd test. Votes will bo sold at five cents Be sure and see our new line of floor trimmed with tucks. Eldorado L. S. Davidson, Swan oil cloth, Linoleums it will go along. each, and the results will bo pub- - Mattings. for Ladies. Peterson, Lake Benton, Minn.; U. Appearance Flannelette Skirts Hulled every day. If you have a favor- 5J."c. each for one lot ladies' Skirts Kliishcrgcn, J. B. Hltehol, New York. tal Wm. Clark, a sheep buyer from ite for the honor, semi In your votes TELESCOPES. and Hutlles. each for one lot Werlhoud, Colo., is In tho city walling to the content w ill bo beyond criticism if It inches Canvas Covered ..'.....40c ladies' Flannel;!.Heavy Skirts. The Optic, and start 111 A. 11. of Santa WM " . " " ' Young, an attorney are cIoUhm! in tlio su- rOc for the arrival of 1(1,000 sheep, off. will be awarded you nearly Twenty dollars In tho on bund tailored JO " " " SSc Hosa, is city legal business, perb "- which he purchased, and for tho of -- " " " KOc recently the winner purpose securing and will remain here several , k!mkim;akii:n which be will ship to Dorthoud to bo an and Jay, Si 21 MHk herself appropriate costume, ns Mills Is out of town, lie --V. 1 I Hart, Schaf fner &Marx ijkads allstvl e Ho la at Judge and fed this winter. stopping sho will bo allowed to viSJt the Stein-Bloc- k ninny cannot complete bis business until and tho El Dorado. different performances of the carnival, New Line of Handkerchiefs for Pillow and (he Judge's return. He Is a very plens-an- t J Seejthe Tops by ber free accompnnled attendants, gentleman, and does not seem to News has been received in the city ot who Kimonas. Ladies' charge. If the young lady over his enforced in this Knit Corset Covers, arrived by express d worry slay Smart of the death at San Joso of the 6 year-ol- wins the honor has the courage to Clolk city. Ho reports Santa llosa as still son of Manuel Tafoya. The little do so, she will be crowned in a don very much among tho living. one was eating a peach, and In some of lions. The lions aro perfectly Inexplicable .manner ottemplej to is few harmless, it said, but there aro A blind woman, a which In accompanied by Kvery detail thiit is known to the PEOPLE'S wallow the seed, canght STORE places which the company visits that couple ot children, attracted conwld , tuilornmn's art ih tastefully evident in bis tnroat and choked htm to death. a found who will take the queen is crablo attention on tho street yester- every garment. Suits ruiie iu price REICH a COMPANY. of her head from chance, having pretty day. Tho woman discoursed sweet Lcandro Sena of Chaperlto bought between tho of one f caught Jaws music with a baudnrgan, while tho lit to from J. O. Jones, tho Bridge street the Hour ere the crown Is on $12 $25 placed tle ones sang. Both children possess saddler, one of those fine hand niad, her head. extremely strong and clear voices, Overcoat cowboy saddles which Mr. Jons Our October and attracted considerable attention. V Nhrx I Bargains makes equally as good as the Colorado Juan Komero filled up on tho oil of were tho medium that Hind Tailored and Texas manufacturers. This Is a They brought r Jf to Joy today and proceeded to make hint' nickel to coffer ot the $10 $25 ARE MARVELOUS. should be en- many a the home Industry that do-po- self very conspicuous around the t, mother. couraged. lie to be such a nuisance If want to be well wsur famous proved you really dressed you must imo of these We have received a new line of that Marshal took him. In Miss Florence of the eill makes. just Harper Harmon, son of Sol Harmon, Curtright Sparks and him in the cooler rlent force at the Call and let us show A tit and we are to the SantaFe storekeeper at this point, charge placed Ijis Vegas telephone you, iHjk'uarantred, ready prove to cool off. Ho will who was called to Medicine it to will call. has recently turned out some extreme- very likely break olllce, you anytime yni FLANNEL WAISTS rock for tho two or three Kansas, Sunday lust the ly clover work in the cartoon line. city days Lodge, by THAT WILL SELL ON SIGHT AT next a task which will be a serious Illness of her brother, Dr. Ills work is good for a young man of week, Ichsou to him to look Clarence writes friends here his. advantages and should be en not upon the Sparks, THE IIOSTOS HOUSE $1.25, $1.50, AND wine when it Ii that she and her mother arrived ten CLOTIiG $2.00 $2.25 con raged as he shows an aptitute for red, as her brother linil died before original work. late, arrived. Black Ratine Waists. ard Everyltody was on the watch lust they M. GREENBERGER. 85, $1.50 The fire alarm yesterday afternoon night for a man who looked somewhat John Andrewj and J. C. Kavanauch. almost Phil Doll's, when like a native and who possessed a Fur Scarfs at depopulated two miners, who have been employed $2.50 and $3.00 his auction was being held. A large Santa Fe cheek for 4H, The check In the llailloy mine at Itoclada, ar- crowd was, In attendance but at th was all with out exception, Hint rived In the city yesterday. They first stroke of the bell everybody made It bad been ralred from tin to $S. fmitSmMl Ladles' Capes have several promising properties o m a rush for the street to sw where tin The work van done in an extremely ! 3!f'n tit $1.75. $2.00. $3.00. $7.50 AND $8.50 their own In the vicinity of the A .ore, fire was and the auction was postponed crude manner and anyone who, would and wilt very likely soon start opera- temporarily. Large crowds have been cshIi the check would bo very cur-les- s A beautiful Hue of tions oil the same. m l( Children's JACKETS the rule so far during the sale. in his business methods. The body of vm,m iroui 1 10 i years ai ., the check had not been raised at all, u Vf 1.2.-- "After tho fair Is over" send your !.)),, $ j.7r, i.k;i O. F. Shaffero. who will be rcnicm but Bt ill remained JH, hut the 2.2B, cipher soiled linen to Troy Steam Laundry. 2.oo,, 2J;. ;wo bered as a member Of the Texas Steer had been scratched slightly ton! mad :, - r, - '0O 4-r- Where It will be washed "whiter than when that play was placed nto an eight. At InM sceeunit be J.'t-4".- CiiW company snow." 10 102 f.riJi on the boards hern short time ago had not been apprehended. Although A, and whose singing was the wcru bsdilng for him. by Troop police Herrman tho Great arrived on Nu. 1 f;.iri '13476: much admired by the audience, left this afternoon. $7.M, 100, $1 "., last for Omaha. Neb., where ho FOR SALE Household furniture, ho night lls-T- MlHve iiaf'ed articles are all of the latest styles. Choose while will Join the Ameer Oiwra company stoves, 612 Eighth In lent. II. C. Helnken came down from etc, they are fresh -- no time like now for buying, con- 10-- on. as leading tenor. Ho has had Wat nuts this afternoon. n mw4"M MONEY UNDER LOCK AND KEY siderable experience in that line and i; Wood Healtrs, OaK Stoves, will do doubt make good. M Ii tiMMir In Hn office ir ay wrin to I lit 'A Bjsrburnm, itv ilri. Hut It In not. It In liable to t Joe ivimintfuez, tho mixologist at ilelriHl l fltv of tnk( n hy When ;Jj llub.-- .t P. ixi'ilc i) i ility thlm, tho wandered Into a ltb Headquarter, I. is a. si Carlo el Trice il'ixil"l barber shop this morning for iht pur- & pose of getting a shave. At r I I1 rices, - $1 .V) V, I'la.d Trust Savings I'atiK -- pt.M Inio chair he drifted off Intojt ting the i ss- We It l nlmiluii-lj- unfe ;ml oiui li uwil tlie slumber and when ho awoke Steam are very particular that i ii ii ty una BUILDERS a quiet . owt ary nl at fin J timo by (IranlMl ho found that the barber hud not only all in the vtork we send cut rliviiue uti for thu amount rttUtrril. Shaved hlra but had cut bis bnlr una I Street done ' Right. Bridge orncLt fixed him and whs Ju",t just otherwise up Laundry; Nattnnal Xt. . YOU WANT VERY I ' JirrfKwi lUt jsoi.nn. Pmniilmt, HUJSlIffi on the point of giving Mm a shumpoo Ir THE NICEST Hardware Store 710 AVE. IlitimAn p. Mtkh. VtiD-rr- Pffsnnnmigi Grand Ave... a kb-- DOUGLJIS when lie awoke. Joe msdij WORK, SEND TO US. JJ ll'DWIG VM. ILfELD. UI.LT RATKOl.Wi. O.tilrr COLO. PHONE 81. VEGAS 17 on tha price, but it uiuu'l go. ,, Vegas Phone, 109,