Elm və İnnovativ Texnologiyalar Jurnalı Nömrə 13, 2020. 12- 30 DOI: 10.30546/2616-4418.13.2020.12


Yunus Emre KAYABAS South Russian University, Institute of Management, Business and Law, Institute of Social Sciences, Rostov-Na-Donu, Russian Federation

1. Introduction

The management and being governed, which are accepted to occur with the inclusion of human beings in the world life, became the concepts that became more evident in the great positive and negative changes that occurred in the living environments of the people. People have seen that single life generally harms due to various negative conditions (natural disasters, wars, illnesses, etc.) that are experienced in the world and they started to live in communities. Social life has transformed into countries starting from the smallest unit, the family. The coexistence of individuals in these communities has brought the need for management and management concepts, and this necessity has revealed the science of management. In the occurrence of management science, the concept of manager has also taken its place as the basic concept. Managers who provide fluency, develop and the management process are determined either by appointment or undergoing various tests in today's societies. One thing which is related with the concept and people is

| www.ejsr.org 12 Effect of Perception and Perception Management …. 13 led by leader. In this frame, what is anticipated from individuals who are administrators in the dimension of time is the fact that they can lead and manage their societies or the of people under their while leading. In perception management; the main purpose is to dominate the minds of societies or people and to direct those who practice this method to their main aims and to contemplate like them. This method, which has been used consciously or unconsciously in state management and theological activities since ancient times, has been used in all fields, especially international diplomacy, in recent years. Sometimes it is used to break the self-confidence of the other side, sometimes to attract the people that are addressed to their ranks, and sometimes to guide people or communities. In which of the field it is used, it is thought to have positive results for those using this method as an effective management policy on people or communities. It is because it appears as an undeniable reality that perception always acts in front of the facts. In the application of this method, mind control techniques are also used effectively in recent years with the effect of social media tools and developments in the field of , besides written and visual media. Perception management has emerged as a form of management that is frequently used in political and social engineering studies in recent years. The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of perception management on societies or people in the public, internal public idea of countries and international diplomacy. Since the study is an empirical study, in this study, the events that will be searched for the literature and the monitored observations will be benefited. In this article, perception management, which is extremely important for people and states, will be examined in detail. In this context; Perception stages, perception and perception concepts will be examined, then the relationship between public diplomacy and perception management will be mentioned. With the theoretical knowledge that is obtained in the study will attempt to put forward the issue of how Turkey can benefit positively in public diplomacy.

Perception and Perception Management

Perception management was first used by units within the U.S. Ministry of Defense. The US Ministry of Defense has been described as follows: Perception management, by directing the selected flow of information and concrete documents to ensure that foreigners, including intelligence units and leaders at all levels, take action and take official steps in line with their (US) goals or by denial, all the actions conducted to try to dominance the feelings, motivations, and thought systems of the masses. Perception management is a combination of factors such as mirroring facts, ensuring operational security, hiding and distorting reality, and managing psychological operations, using a variety of ways. Perception management based on this definition; includes all the activities performed out to influence the opinions of the target audience in foreign countries (Saydam, 2005).

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Today's individuals feel the need to understand, explain and interpret the events that occur in the world in which they live. The main reason for this need is that people cannot be insensitive to the differences that occur in their environments. They try to adapt to the environment by understanding the reasons for the changes, basically with the effect of their survival (Agarwal, 2009: 4).

In addition to this, if individuals cannot understand these changes in their environment and adapt to these changes, they may be faced with mental illness by staying between change and inability to understand the events. This situation may negatively affect the harmony of people with the environment they live in (Hogg & Vaughan, 2005: 104).

Because of these reasons, people have constantly tried to provide explanations about events, facts and behaviors that will fully satisfy themselves. The individual investigates events, facts, people and behaviors throughout his life and creates permanent or temporary mental perceptions about them. In fact, the person is investigating the causes entirely. When it reveals the causes of the changes, it can create positive or negative perceptions on other people and communities using these reasons. If the perception is positive, it is easier for the individuals to adapt to the changed environments, but if the perception is desired to be negative and it is perceived negatively by the individuals, individual and social incompatibility, namely confusion, arises. In this context, the examination of the causes and targets of the events and facts in terms of controlling the positive and negative perception operations carried out on individuals and societies has become one of the most important areas of social psychology research (Gürses, 2008: 361). Since the creation of the universe, all beings interact with their environment. It defines (stimulating) the “External or internal effect, object or energy or energy change that causes the organism to react” (Göksu, 2007, p. 31). Beings create various stimuli and are subject to be exposed from other beings. Stimuli such as heat, light, sound, smell, pressure are some of the physical stimuli that cause us to make sense of our environment. In order for these stimuli to make sense for people, they must be taken and processed and associated with each other. The process of taking stimulants through sense organs and sending them to the brain is a simple process, and this process is called sensation, which is the result of sensing, the process that does not require any interpretation. Göksu (2007, p.32) defines this process as "Sensation is a simple information acquisition that occurs in the brain shell by stimulating the sense organs." While stimulant creation and exposure to stimulants apply to all entities, living organisms have specialized organs that can collect these stimuli. These organs are named as sense organs. In a healthy person; eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin gather stimulants from around and form specialized sense organs and send them to the brain. In addition to the five sense organs consisting of hearing, tasting, seeing, smelling and touching sense organs, information can be obtained from the outside world (İnceoğlu, 2004, p. 72).

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Leaving the ages behind which power is effective by force, humanity can influence and transform social perception processes to the end with the production and use of information in recent years (İnceoğlu, 2010: 11). For this reason, in these days when the information age is experienced, the intended perception creation or perception orientation activities through perception management; governments attract nations, states, military institutions or businesses (Bakan and Kefe, 2012: 1).

In fact the manageability of perceptions is an undeniable fact. It is even known that some societies are more suitable for perception management through manipulation than others (Zaman, 2007: 65).In short, like every concept that has changed over time, there have been changes in the management activities adopted by states, institutions or individuals. Instead of putting public pressure on set goals in the easiest and least harmful way, management activities have now turned into a way of persuading and arousing them towards the set goals. While people who are expected to be affected think that they act according to their own will at the end of this process, it is to make them think about it with a carefully prepared perception management activity.

Public Diplomacy

It is a notion that can make a wide variety of definitions on public management in relation to the definition of the concept of management being extremely comprehensive and diverse. One of these definitions is that public management is the entire process of goods and services, that is, outputs to meet the needs of citizens. In this definition, it is seen that the concept of public management assumes the task of meeting the needs of citizens. Another is the definition that the public management includes all the actions for the implementation of the provisions given by adhering to the law. According to this definition, the mechanism of public management operates between intertwined and contradictory problems. Therefore, it can be handled in two ways, functional and structural. As a functional concept, public management consists of applying general rules, namely laws and decisions taken by public policy. Structural public management refers to the appearance of the state as an organization (Eryılmaz, 2004: 6).

Besides, public management is the entire process of creating and reaching services that take shape in line with the demands of the society. Here, public management, on the one hand, meets the social demands, on the one hand, ensures that the actions that will improve the society are organized and supported (Şen, 2014: 8). Another definition is that of public management; It is the process of managing the organization consisting of manpower, tools and equipment organized to realize the

| www.ejsr.org 16 Yunus Emre KAYABAS objectives of the state apparatus. Herein, public management can be defined as the system that enables the humane and cluster efforts required to run public policies to act in parallel. According to Bozkurt et al. (1998), public management is the whole organization that provides technical support to the bodies that make political decisions and direct the operation in line with the decisions taken.

In the light of these definitions, the scope of can be expressed as follows. The function of public administration and executive may mean something, but the concept of public administration cannot be considered completely separate from the other two powers such as legislative and judiciary. This concept can be mentioned with the design and public delivery of public policies created in line with the demands of the citizens. In addition, public administration can be considered as the organization that creates the production process of public goods and services, such as the production process of an organization (Şen, 2014: 9).

Aziz (2003: 35) explained that “The gradual increase of globalization phenomenon in our time, and that after the second part of the 20th century, the political discourses of the states have brought them to the interstate level”. With this effect of globalization on political discourses of the states, it has been observed that traditional political perceptions differ in international relations (Sancar, 2012: 13). In this way, modern diploma techniques have emerged as a result of the speeding up of interstate communication and communication. With this situation, it is possible to use the mass media to establish direct connections not only with the governments in other states but also with the people who continue their lives in that state. With this method, more than one broadcasting organization, which continues to broadcast in a foreign language, has been created and the communication between the governments of the country with foreign rights has started to take place directly.

Accordingly, as Gilboa (2001: 2) stated, “in new diplomacy, the diplomacy process has become open to the public, and therefore to the media, and 'exposure to the media' constitutes one of the important features of international relations”. Therefore, a new concept, "public diplomacy", has emerged from the view that non-state actors can also contribute to diplomacy activities.As explained above, the concept of public diplomacy, which takes place in the perception of modern diplomacy shaped by the effective participation of the society in interstate connections, has an important place in all levels of interstate analysis today. Public diplomacy (Ekşi, 2014: 63-64), which manifests itself as a result of the relationship between , state and foreign policy, is compulsory, although it is obligatory that it gives the impression that it is not possible to make an agreed definition and concept. In order to define public diplomacy at the same time, it is also applied to the aspects that differ from traditional diplomacy.

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Along with the differentiation in the interstate field, one of the most important center points of diplomacy and application methods is public opinion. In this sense, public diplomacy is the new diplomacy style based on civil society and public opinion at the central point, according to Ekşi's definition, which claims that power, diplomacy, media, public opinion and civil society are clearly under influence from globalization (Ekşi, 2014: 15). Different from the time of the , the number of countries governed by has been increasing and the importance of public affection is increasing in the management forms that give importance to accountability and being transparent (Nye, 2005: 105). They felt the need to develop public diplomacy in countries that wanted to adapt to global conditions that differed by the impact of these actors (Ekşi, 2014: 9-10). The behaviors carried out at this point constitute the vehicle types and methods of public diplomacy. It can be seen that these differ from classical diplomatic relations at some points.

While the interstate environment of the country, which has a transnational role in classical diplomacy, explains its attempts to manage it by interacting with the country with another transnational role, public diplomacy corresponds to the stages of making this connection with the interstate public skill (Cull, 2009: 12).

Together with the classical diplomacy perception in the form of state-to-state connection, those who have a non-state role based on public diplomacy also attract attention. It is tried to be explained that public diplomacy has the main role to be taken into consideration in the differentiation in question, rather than accepting the public as having a fulfilling role alone. It is because besides country management and related institutions, those who have a role in a wide range from universities to diaspora organizations, lobbies, associations, and even individuals are defined as public diplomacy makers (Ekşi, 2014: 87).

Public diplomacy allows more personal organizations, non-governmental organizations and individuals to be visible than the types of institutions of the state and to reach places that are not reached in the society. In other words, in areas where traditional diplomacy has no effect, public diplomacy shows itself not only as a helpful factor, but also as a form of politics in itself (Gökırmak, 2012: 7). In addition to this, another important mandatory point is that public diplomacy has different sides from classical diplomacy in terms of target types. Although it is generally accepted that maintaining inter-country connections with peace-based methods is generally accepted, it can be observed that public diplomacy supports the formation of more integrated and peaceful societies. In this sense, while maintaining international connections in classical diplomacy is considered sufficient, public diplomacy supports the elimination of the prejudices or reducing the effects it shows, and the countries revealing their stories and dreams. With these aspects, public diplomacy has content that supports the formation of a

| www.ejsr.org 18 Yunus Emre KAYABAS security community both locally and globally. It is considered that public diplomacy activities are important in the fight against radicalism and xenophobia, which are a phenomenon that continues to increase in today's life, and that receive food through a perception of deficient and erroneous information about other states (Akçadağ, 2010: 6).

Perception Management and Public Diplomacy

As mentioned in the previous paragraphs, perception management includes all of the activities carried out to influence the thoughts of targeted groups in both the country and foreign countries. When these activities become intense abroad, they are called public diplomacy. It is generally understood as perception management in the country. As a term, public diplomacy was used to define diplomatic activities between countries rather than the effects that occurred between countries in the 1960s. The US Information Agency is striking especially in terms of public diplomacy activities abroad. It is understood as strategies, public diplomacy and perception management to control the policy understanding of the target audience. These orientation activities are generally carried out by intelligence units (Parry, 2004: 1).

While the literature explains the method of public diplomacy, it expresses it as the literary use of words in the principle of honesty during propaganda. In addition, the use of deceptive and deceitful methods is applied in perception management. Therefore, perception management should not be implemented in the limited distribution of sound and honest information (The free dictionary, 2006: 2).

Implementing perception management by administrators for the purpose of and deception receives a lot of criticism. However, this statement is considered by some theorists as an injustice to managers who have a good intention. Although perception management and public diplomacy differ very little, as mentioned in the upper paragraphs, showing the insufficient effect in the sources within the scope of perception management causes the need for public diplomacy (Maier, Rahn, 2002: 84).

Although both perception management and public diplomacy exist in different forms, revealing which one is the most correct method is dependent on the types of operations performed psychologically (Craig, 1999: 1).As it can be understood from all of these, while public administration involves perception management, behavior styles and concrete research, the public diplomacy method generally involves the psychological activities performed outside the country, transferring information to the society and giving direction (Collins, 2003: 1).

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Within the context of perception creation management, intelligence units apply many methods to the targeted societies in order to reach the desired point. Firstly, the cultural structure of the society where the process will be carried out is analyzed, its weaknesses are identified and their sensitivity is revealed.Then, the development of propaganda issues in accordance with the cultural structure of the target society is provided. At this point, media, gossip, rumor and criticism are used as tools to harm the targeted society. The importance of perception management and public diplomacy for the countries, including the intelligence services and managers of other countries, to ensure that the societies of these states behave towards their own goals, by directing or not accepting the preferences of data entry and objective documents, It arises from the fact that it contains all the activities carried out in order to affect their thoughts (Saydam, 2005: 71).

Success in perception management applications; reflection, concealment and distortion of the facts with different methods are realized through studies based on psychology. Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat has been cited as the best example in the literature on public diplomacy practices. He is one of the political leaders who use public diplomacy practices in the most useful way when he is alive. Arafat's target during these practices has been the conscience of the public. Thanks to this situation, it has influenced the perceptions of all political leaders of the world and disproved its perception of being a terrorist, and received the Nobel Peace Prize (De Bakker, Edelman, 1996: 1).

At first the World recognized Yasser Arafat as an airplane hijacker through the media. However, which is interesting, there has no work on done influencing politicians by Arafat. Aircraft hijacking has been sufficient to make it realized. Sometimes it is enough to be noticed about influencing. He then defended his right to self determination. In this way, he brought Palestine to the same level with Israel. During these works, he made public opinion from European states in favor of his country. This is a strategic tactic. The public opinion efforts towards the people of the Netherlands, one of the strong states of Europe, have resulted with positive results. The Palestine Liberation Organization opened an office in the Netherlands. Basically, Israel was supported by the Netherlands. However, the strong liberal backgrounds of the Dutch public have implemented Arafat's strategy, leading to success in forming the public (De Bakker, Edelman, 1996: 2).

Arafat is the best example of personal use in public diplomacy practices. However, both perception management and public diplomacy during the implementation generally form the agenda in the procedures related to institutions. Although perception management is accepted as a tool for making propaganda abroad, it is occasionally accepted as an internal policy tool. For example, as it is generally applied in our country, the transportation of a soldier who was martyred during the clashes in a coffin with a flag on it, is carried out in order to create a perception

| www.ejsr.org 20 Yunus Emre KAYABAS that he will sleep comfortably and safely (Thefreedictionary, 2006: 2). This image is made to give a message to the people of the country.

Public Diplomacy in United States of America

The USA strengthens the country's image by making use of public diplomacy through the world's top , well-known politics, sports and art men. Following a more visible and dominant style of politics in the world after 1944, the USA has implemented a successful perception management strategy over American culture and development in international politics. American culture is another major source of this country's public diplomacy practices. The perception of “Universalized American Culture” was used effectively until the attacks on the world trade center that occurred on September 11, 2001 in public diplomacy activities. After this date, a negative perception has emerged in the world public opinion against the USA compared to previous periods. In the post-September 11 period, the American public diplomacy service accelerated its efforts to influence the Islamic World and Muslim Communities and to change the hated American image. However, a report published by the Government Accountability Office in May 2006 highlighted the failure of public diplomacy targeting Muslims. The media campaign carried out by the American-backed television channel Al Hurra and Radio Sawa, which has been carried out by the American Ministry of Foreign Affairs since 2002 (the youth magazine called Hi Magazine, which was launched to spread the American popular culture and lifestyle among Muslim youth, international exchange programs) resulting in the termination and termination of the fias showed that the policies and public diplomacy carried out by the USA did not have a strong communication strategy. (www.gao.gov/new.items/d06535.pdf).

The policies implemented during the George W. Bush period after the 2001 attacks caused the USA to lose its reputation in the world, and in the next president Obama period, more intelligent strategies were defined as soft power as public diplomacy strategy to overcome the anti-US perception. Thanks to the internet and social media, which constitute a very important support in the works aiming for information, the official statements made by the government, interviews with government officials, analysis and articles about the country policy and many more are provided to the people. Hollywood is recognized worldwide in the film industry. They transfer their values and policies to other communities through the films made. By expressing their cattle herders in the form of cowboys, they were able to show heroes who were generally ignorant, who had been sent out of exile from Europe, who committed a crime. Another tool in American diplomacy is sport. Especially baseball is very popular. South America is the land part of the countries where most baseballs are played and watched. Baseball matches reach 224 countries in 11 languages. Famous baseball player Ken Griffey was tasked with working in the field of public diplomacy under the power of George Bush.

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(Johnson and Dale, 2003). Radio broadcasting is also one of the most important tools in public diplomacy practices. Voice of America, Radio Free Europe, Marti Radio, Radio Asia and Radio Liberty are effectively used in public diplomacy. In other countries, they carry out survey studies and data searching; thoughts of the peoples and intellectuals of the countries about the USA, the rest rates of the American Voice radio, etc. NBA, which comes to mind when it comes to basketball, is a complete phenomenon all over the world. The contest "Democracy Video Challenge" is among the most recent US studies in public diplomacy. In this competition, video invitations about democracy are made from all world participants. All expenses of the winner were paid by the USA and he won a trip to the USA. Thus, it tries to create the perception that it has the mission of spreading democracy in the world. The United States, which wants the name of the country to be spoken with the expression of democracy, has intervened in countries with the excuse of bringing democracy in recent years and ended its image of democracy advocacy for many years and started to be perceived as a threat by all countries of the world. In order to eliminate this perception, the USA tries to acquit itself by organizing various organizations and entering financial aid. Public diplomacy is a systematic and long-term process, and its results can only be followed after a long time.

Public diplomacy in Turkey

Studies in this field in our country are quite new. For years neglected bound alliance of world politics through public diplomacy walked Turkey various broadcast in a foreign language radio in recent years, television and engages in other media and humanitarian foundations by telling their thesis and expression studies. Today, Turkey is engaged in public diplomacy for years the problems posed by junk and seeing these problems is not to be known by the largest populations of foreign countries, the opposite to be recognized by the public and the inability to explain itself adequately wrong. Turkey due to the dominant feature of state and heads of government structure countries in the framework of diplomacy carried out under the supervision of the connection is considered to be sufficiently level. However, the perception of differing diplomacy and the prominence of soft power in international connections have made studies towards their societies necessary. National Branding experts on the subject as stated by Simon Anhalt Turkey as an example of a focus if the state can not manage his own perception and reputation, is seized by others (Sanberk and Altınay, 2008). Turkey's rising power of public diplomacy and decisive strategy in recent years has played a role in shaping the top narratives. In this sense, there are several strategic motives in public diplomacy initiative of Turkey, which has come to increase at the beginning of his strength. It is continued with the desire to be understood in accordance with a narrative (increasing power) that public administration helps in establishing public diplomacy. As announced by Kalin

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(2011), Turkey's soft power capacity to date is due to the culture and geography. Rather than seeing them as obstacles or burdens, Turks turned them into strategic values in both their domestic and foreign policies. New Turkish public diplomacy in Turkey, the Balkans, Africa is shaped by virtue of increasing soft power in the Middle East and the Caucasus. Turkey continued its relations with former allies on the one hand, and of contact with new actors on the other hand as long as the soft power elements with a variety of regional and global context is developing its capacity in terms of strategic communications. A new reforming Turkey also builds a new emerging multi-dimensional narrative and faced a new high. The task of the new Turkish public diplomacy is to tell the story of the new Turkey's increasingly expanding globally addressable audience. As Turkey come over the old fears and as this country build an identity for itself, the process of change that will transform the country deeply affect Turkey's domestic and foreign policy (Kalin, 2011).

Huijgh and Warlick (2016) determined that Turkey's size in terms of the power of public diplomacy can continue its national interests and noticed the effectiveness of strategic communication. Based on the Turkey's public diplomacy is to tell their stories to the world. There is nationalism, faith and tolerance in the focus of Turkish public diplomacy. Turkey has begun to notice the existence of the inheritance from the ancestors in his last year and is working to establish ties with the past. The power of history goes through its binding. Regions determined as hot spots in public diplomacy practices are Turkistan geography and Africa. Countries are no longer viewers and are not linked to the history of Turkey on the world stage. They actively create a position for themselves, from foreign policy to the economy. They are suggesting changes related to globalization. They put forward more democracy and justice thought in their . The new world order will provide advantages for Turkey in terms of public diplomacy point of view, there are some elements. Public diplomacy needs to be further explored in the coming years to achieve the goals set in foreign policy. Justice and Development Party (AKP), the date the new political elite and Turkey's soft power, geographical location and culture in the description that has established control over domestic and foreign policy experience with academics. They also actively researched how to adapt public diplomacy to foreign policy (Kalın, 2011).

This was followed by the institutionalization of public diplomacy processes in the state and society. During the parliamentary system period, in 2010, under the Prime Ministry, T.R. Prime Ministry Public Diplomacy Coordination Office, in 2011 the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Office of Public Diplomacy and Office was established in 2012. Today, it settled on a firm basis in Turkey's foreign public diplomacy. The Public Diplomacy Institute, which has units in Istanbul and Ankara, was established to support academic studies (Özkan, 2013). In 2010, Turkey in the parliamentary system during the organization started its activities with public diplomacy coordinator's name, as well

| www.ejsr.org Effect of Perception and Perception Management …. 23 as official diplomacy between countries, it is an institution established as a result of gaining more importance as a means of influencing the international community and orientation. In international platforms, it has been operating with the aim of informing the international community in the right direction with public diplomacy methods and tools, in order to be successful in proving the rightfulness against the accusations and problems that the country already be / will be exposed to. The secretariat services of the Public Diplomacy Coordinatorship, which was established under the management of a Prime Minister, to provide cooperation and coordination between public institutions and organizations and non-governmental organizations in the field of public diplomacy and strategic communication and promotional activities, were provided by the Directorate General of Press and Broadcasting and Information. With the change of the system and the establishment of the Presidential , it continues its activities within the Presidency of Communication Presidency.

After September 11, 2001, countries realized that economic and military power was not always sufficient. Especially America had to change policy on this issue. Turkey has gone to the revision of policies that have already been described in this context. For this reason, the countries of the world have had to turn to investments that are beneficial to the societies by reducing the investments in areas expressed as brute force. As of 2017, the Turkish Armed Forces, which has 1042 aircraft in its inventory, has approximately 2% of all military fleets in the world. It is listed in the 8th order in the ranking of the strongest armed forces in the world. Despite all, holding this power in the hands of Turkey, it falls resulting in inadequate condition of the policy that you want to be in the foreign policy. However, as a result of the strong recovery of the Turkish economy after the economic crisis in 2001, it became the 17th largest economy in the world among 192 countries with its gross domestic product of 857 billion dollars. This indicators reveal that Turkey is how effective in brute force in the world. However, after 2002, the foreign policy of zero problems and dialogue oriented strategy implementation, democratization at this point, compatibility with universal values, improvements in the economy are the factors that increase the soft power of Turkey. The world's 18th most populous country, with a population of 81 million, is 62th with an average life span of 70 years, national income per capita is 21 thousand 146 dollars, 63rd among 189 countries according to purchasing power parity, 15th in automobile production, in the world one out of every 67 vehicles in the band produced in Turkey, with 64th order with an average of 7.2 Mbps at a constant speed of the internet, most cyber attacks carried out among countries around the world with 3th order, who spend the most money on global humanitarian aid with 2nd order, first by national income is ranked 24th among the most religionist countries with its population, 39.5 million foreign tourists, 5th in the world, 6th in the use of , 4th in the use of Instagram and 11th in the use of Twitter. Through this policy transformations and expansions, Turkey in terms of soft power The Skolkovo- E&Y Institute by 12th order in the world, it has risen to 23th order According to Monocle Journal

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(mcglory, 2011). Moreover, considering the economic size, it has become the country that provides the most humanitarian aid in the world compared to the national income.

While explaining public diplomacy, Ezren (2012) stated that it is an attempt to influence the thoughts of other countries' societies by creating a change in perception in the societies thanks to the cultural ties of the countries. The researcher explained that interpersonal links are as important as the links between country governments and societies. He explained that in the field of cultural diplomacy, civil society and business circles have duties in order to reach individuals in other countries. In this context, the recent demand way too much space Turkish series, in Turkey's geography makes soft and not more than one power supply occurred in the country. It ranks second after the USA in exporting domestic series. For example, the South American country of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro president of the Turkish Ottoman Empire's establishment phase sequence revealed the "Resurrection" adoration, taken from the processing of countries Switzerland has contributed to gold transferred to Turkey. Again during Turkey's military operations in northern Syria he has received public closeness in this context.

Coşkun's (2012) approach to public diplomacy is security. In this sense Turkey, Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria have had a very important experience. In the light of these experiences, very important duties are undertaken in resolving conflicts between countries by establishing a connection with the society during and after peace processes.

In a similar manner Keyman (2013) in Turkey put forward that the Middle East and restructuring of state in Central Asia, the structuring of nations and economic progress with the assistance they provide to the effort shown by the society this society to effect reveals the power. Devran (2012) determines that those who practice public diplomacy should be revived in their memories of positive events that occurred in the historical process, as well as the ethnic and cultural proximity, in order to create an emotional-based bond with the communities of foreign countries. In this sense between Turkey and Balkan countries, and countries in the Middle East Turkestan Region is still a lot of great potential waiting to be used in the Turkish Republic of Diaspora and the world is a known fact that it is worldwide.

Keyman (2013) suggested and researched that Turkey has the soft power that to whom it belongs to foreign policy and continuity of structuring the global sense of the state, nation building and is associated with benefits to provide capacity to the economic development effort has argued.

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With the change of the parliamentary system and the establishment of the Communication Presidency, the Presidency Communication directly under the Presidency was established with the Presidential Decree on July 24, 2018. Presidential Communications Presidency have the mission to develop in-depth and multidimensional relations with national and international public opinion, decision- making actors and media; with all the tools and methods to ensure the quality of communication and representation in all areas of Turkey in this direction, 'To strengthen the Turkey ' established order and conducts its activities in the framework of this vision. With its mission inclusive of all institutions of the Republic of Turkey, the center area of the common language understanding, at national and international levels to create a cohesive communications strategy and execute business processes on this basis. With a planned, continuously and an effective way; to transfer Turkey's policies, practices and approaches to public, creating public awareness and working through these goals. Closely monitoring and evaluating the media and idea world and informing the public and related institutes at this point. Organizing / developing relations with the press; to take steps to facilitate the work of members of the press and contribute to the development of the press. It has undertaken the mission to make and execute the necessary studies and arrangements for the effective management of nation-state communication.


Numerous conditions must be maintained in order for public diplomacy practices to be successful. Public diplomacy requires proactive working and continuity. Maintaining public diplomacy functions systematically will accelerate the achievement of the goals. For this reason, media organs should be used effectively, works on informing the press should be carried out and the links with civil society should be increased. When the research is considered; spending its stages and importance of public diplomacy, public administration, perception, and perception of public diplomacy applied in the United States has been investigated the effect on the public diplomacy of management to public diplomacy applied in Turkey has been compared. The biggest deficiency of the USA is to apply public diplomacy by indexing according to the instant conjuncture, when the problem or dangerous situation disappears, the public diplomacy working forms and vehicle types are also eliminated or neutralized. “Committee on Public Information” founded by President Wilson, “Office on War Information” founded by President Roosvelt, and “USIA” established by Eisenhower at the end of the Second World War were removed when the cyclical situation of their period disappeared. The “active public diplomacy” that was put into effect after the attack on the twin towers on September 11 is still continuing. However, Turkey is extremely robust in the last 10 years and thousands of years of history, the public diplomacy apply no state structure based on conjecture because every moment and always implement it.

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The biggest difference between the US and Turkey stems from that point. Effective public diplomacy policies are established in both countries. Policies are implemented according to the results of the perception reports prepared by the experts on the subject. Units that plan these functions or carry out these functions by working together among affiliated institutions have been established and units that have realized these have been established. Public diplomacy, which has been practiced for nearly 60 years in the world, has been established on the ground of the Presidency Communication Presidency, which has completed its formation with the establishment of the Prime Ministry Public Diplomacy Coordinator since 2010. Yet of course this is not enough. Turkey, especially the sub-agency of the ministry of culture and similar establishments TURKSOY Yunus Emre Institute, Foreign Turks and Relative Communities Presidency, TCCA, Red Crescent, founded by the Turks in the formations abroad, such as the Turkish International Cooperation and Coordination Agency and the NGOs (nongovernmental organizations) depend on Turkish State should be used more actively. In addition to this, linguistic studies should play an active role in conducting scientific activities that can create cultural affinity with the nations proved to be related to Turks in many parts of the world in the light of archaeological data. Turkey, especially in some historical and political issues have to follow a more proactive method for telling their thesis. For Cyprus, Karabakh, so-called “Armenian Genocide” should provide information through the social media tools aimed at politicians, scientists, program radio broadcasters, television players and internal public opinion, rather than historians. It is understood that the media is used too much to create perception especially in public diplomacy practices in the USA. However, Turkey is considered to be inadequate in the media in public diplomacy practices. In sports there are very strong athletes in the USA and imposes its superiority in all organizations, thanks to this it is creating the perception that it is superior in public diplomacy practices and other peoples. In addition to this, radio, internet, libraries, reading rooms, conferences and seminars, academic exchange programs, competitions, etc. considered the scope of application of the effective implementation of public diplomacy to perception and perception management in Turkey there is a need to develop. Studies on perception management previously undertaken by the Prime Ministry Public Diplomacy Coordinatorship have been undertaken with the Presidential Management System, and the Presidency Transmission Presidency has been established and carried out by this institution in order to reorganize it according to the needs mentioned above. This new structuring should be planned in the public administration as a learning organization with expert staff that will strengthen the public diplomacy effect of perception and perception management, and should take lessons from the mistakes made while not trying to take wrong steps. Thereby, it will be ensured that a correct public diplomacy policy is created as it will be easier to implement a state- based monopoly public diplomacy policy, to coordinate with other organizations and to evaluate the results of policy activities.

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İctimaiyyət idarəçiliyində diplomatiyası üzrə qavrama idarəetməsinin təsiri

Yunus Emre KAYABAŞ Cənubi Rusiya Universiteti , İdarəetmə İnstitutu, Biznes və Hüquq, Sosial Elmlər İnstitutu, Rostov-Na-Don, Rusiya Federasiyası

Bu məqalənin məqsədi, Türkiyənin Bursa şəhərində fəaliyyətinə davam edən şirkət gəlirlərinin şirkət uzunömürlülüyünə təsir etməsindən ibarətdir. Tədqiqatın əsas məqsədi ilə yanaşı, şirkətin gəlirinə təsir edən cins, yaş, ailə vəziyyəti, təhsil statusu, iş müddəti kimi başqa demoqrafik dəyişikliklərə görə şirkətin fəaliyyətinə təsirinin olub-olmaması məsələlərini də araşdırmaq idi. Gözlənilən hədəflərlə bağlı aparılan bu tədqiqat işi, şirkət rəhbərlərinin iş sisteminə görə önəmli olan gəlirlilik və şirkətin ömrünü uzatmaq üçün biznesin idarə edilməsinin nə qədər vacib olduğunu da göstərir.

Bu tədqiqat işinin araşdırma sahəsi Bursadakı tekstil təşkilatının idarəçiləridir. Nümunələr təsadüfi olaraq seçilmişdir (n = 100). Məlumatların təhlilində 0,05 səviyyəsinin əhəmiyyəti nəzərə alındı və izah edilən bütün təhlillər məqsədə uyğun olaraq şərh edildi. Bir neçə fərziyyə test nəticələri bir tərəfli ANOVA testi və müstəqil nümunə t-testi ilə yoxlanıldı.Reqressiya təhlili, bütün ölçülərdə tezlik paylanmasını, şirkətin gəlirliliyinin , uzunömürlü olmasına təsiri faktorunu ölçmək üçün tətbiq edilmişdir.Nəticə etbarlılığı ilə, şirkət gəliri və şirkət uzunömürlülüyü arasında gözləntinin p <0.00 olduğu ve şirkətin qazancının uzunömürlülüyünə təsir edəcək önəmli faktor olduğu tədqiq edilmişdir.

Açar sözlər: Bursa şəhəri, şirkət gəliri, biznes idarəçiliyi, tekstil, şirkət uzunömürlülüyü

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Влияние управления восприятием на дипломатию в общественном управлении

Юнус Эмре КАЯБАШ Южно- Российский Университет, Институт управления, Институт бизнеса, права и социальных наук, Ростов-на-Дону, Российская Федерация

Цель данной статьи является исследование зависимости долговечности компании, функционирующей в Турецком городе Бурса, от ее доходов. Наряду с основной целью исследования, в статье изучено, влияние других демографических изменений, таких как пол, возраст, семейное положение, образовательный статус и продолжительность работы, на деятельность компании. Связанное с ожидаемыми результатами это исследование также показывает, насколько важно для максимальной прибыльности рабочей системы и долговечности компании, правильное управление бизнесом руководителями.

Область исследования этой статьи - менеджеры текстильной организации в Бурсе. Образцы были выбраны случайным образом (n = 100). При изучении данных, была принята во внимание важность уровня 0,05 и предоставлено соответствующее описание всех проведенных анализов. Результаты нескольких гипотез были подтверждены с помощью одностороннего теста ANOVA и независимого выборочного t- теста. Регрессионный анализ использовался для измерения частотного распределения во всех измерениях, а также измерения фактора прибыльности, влияющего на долговечность компании. С достоверностью результатов было обнаружено, что ожидаемая величина между доходом и долголетием компании составляет p <0,00 и установлено что, доходность компании является важным фактором, влияющим на ее долговечность.

Ключевые слова: Город Бурса, доход компании, управление бизнесом, текстиль, долговечность компании

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