JESUIT REFUGEE SERVICE/USA ANNUAL REPORT 2016 1 2016 Annual Report Table of Contents Published September 2017

Letter from JRS/USA Executive Director 1 Heal Detention Chaplaincy 2 Lampedusa Refugee Simulation

Learn 8 Education is the Most Important Thing Education – The Light at the End of the Tunnel

Thrive 18 New Small Business Means New Life Menstrual Hygiene – Keeping Girls Thriving in School JRS Advocates Cover Photo: Refugee students pose for JRS Global Services 26 a photo in their Kindergarten classroom in Kampala, Uganda. JRS/USA Financial Information 30 (Kevin White, Jesuit Refugee Service) Thank You to Our Supporters 32

2 Helping Refugees to Heal, Learn, and Thrive JRS doesn’t just give out food or just provide As I help usher JRS forward during this time shelter, we walk side-by-side with refugees and of global turmoil and domestic political provide counseling services, living with them unease, I retain a sense of optimism. Part of and coming to understand and address their our challenge is to push back against fear and I would like to introduce myself as JRS/USA’s needs. channel our energy into hope. We must lead new Executive Director. I am thrilled to take by example and show that building a better on the leadership of this organization after Jesuits are known for their commitment to world for refugees helps us all. having spent more than three decades as a education, and JRS’s focus on helping refugees Career Member of the U.S. Foreign Service, get an education and learn is part of who we I am pleased to share our 2016 annual report, much of which was spent working with and are. JRS’s educational initiatives enable us to which catalogues the valuable initiatives that serving refugees around the world. help refugees and displaced people build lives your support has enabled JRS/USA to under- they find worth living – and give them tools take this past year to help refugees to heal, I am very grateful to Fr. Leo J. O’Donovan S.J. for the future. learn, and thrive. who served as Interim Executive Director in 2016, and who is now resuming his role in the JRS recognizes refugees not as problems, Thank you for being part of our Jesuit Refugee organization as Director of Mission. but as people with needs, aspirations, and Service/USA family and for generously supporting goals. JRS respects that human dignity and us many times over. As I have begun to learn more about the supports efforts to enable refugees to max- organization and you, our partners, it is clear imize their potential, to help them rebuild David “Rob” Robinson Executive Director to me that JRS’s unique contribution is that their lives, and, ultimately, to thrive. we help refugees to heal, learn, and thrive. Jesuit Refugee Service/USA Helping refugees heal is critical to our mission.

1 Heal The world is currently facing the worst refugee crisis since World War II. 65.6 million people are forcibly displaced worldwide – that’s 20 new people displaced for every minute of 2016, half of whom are children. The refugees’ experience is one of sudden, catastrophic loss – of family, friends, home, community, and livelihoods – and one of ongoing trauma of fear and despair.

JRS/USA’s programming and activities acknowledge this loss and trauma and support refugees’ ability to heal. Our commitment to their healing recognizes their inherent dignity and builds solidarity between those in need

2 Jesuit Refugee Service students study in a classroom in Jbeil, Lebanon. (Jesuit Refugee Service)

3 Detention Chaplaincy – Reaffirming Dignity and Humanity

Jesuit Refugee Service/USA’s Detention Chaplaincy Program provides pastoral, legal, and religious assistance to non-citizens detained by the Department of Homeland Security in five federal detention centers – in Florence, Arizona; Miami, Florida; Batavia, New York; and El Paso and Los Fresnos, Texas. In 2016, JRS served 134,730 migrants through this program. The detention chaplaincy program is the only hands-on initiative that JRS runs in the . Rev. Richard Sotelo, S.J., Director of the Detention Chaplaincy Program celebrates Mass for detained migrants at the Central Arizona Detention Executive Director David “Rob” Robinson recently visited the organiza- Center in Florence, Arizona. (Br. Dave Semmens, JRS/USA) tion’s Detention Chaplaincy Program in the border city of El Paso, Texas. “It is one of the clearest manifestations of what we mean by JRS’s presence as integral to what they do, and detainees view JRS staff accompaniment,” Rob said. “It is a word that is otherwise difficult to give as their opportunity for hope and healing. concrete meaning. But when you see a chaplain sit with a person who is otherwise alone, frightened, and in many ways powerless, the chaplain “What’s reminiscent and connects these folks with refugees, is that they reaffirms the person’s basic value as a human being.” no longer are in control of their circumstances,” Rob continues. “And they are very vulnerable people who can be easily victimized. The detention JRS’s chaplaincy work ensures that those in detention are treated with chaplaincy program reminds everyone that we share a common humanity.” dignity, integrity, and humanity. Staff at the detention facility view

4 In October, JRS produced a We are all powerful and uplifting concert Lampedusa artists (from left to right) David Pulkingham, Buddy Miller, series, Lampedusa: Concerts for pilgrims. Robert Plant, Emmylou Harris, Steve Earle, Joey Ryan, Kenneth Pattengale playing at The Vic in Chicago, IL (Christian Fuchs, JRS/USA) Refugees – an 11-stop concert We’re all tour featuring Grammy Award- winning artists Emmylou Harris, just trying Steve Earle, Joan Baez, Buddy to get home. Miller, Robert Plant, The Milk Everybody Carton Kids, and more. The tour, designed to raise funds and awareness deserves a for the Global Education Initiative, home. succeeded in raising nearly Steve Earle $750,000 and reached 13,000 The tour was greatly aided by concert goers at sell-out shows. global PR firm, APCO Worldwide, who, in 2016 selected JRS/USA Throughout the tour, the artists as its pro-bono client. Corporate discussed the plight of refugees support also came from Ethiopi- From left to right: Steve Earle, Ulrike Schlafly, Emmylou Harris, Tom and the need to support education an Airlines and Visa, along with Schlafly Backstage after Lampedusa: Concerts for Refugees at Sheldon for refugees. pro-bono servies of High Road Hall in St. Louis, MO. Tom and Ulrike, owners of Schlafly Beer, sponsored Touring and Thirty Tigers the concert tour. (Ray Marklin) 5 Refugee Simulation – An Immersive Experience in Solidarity with Refugees

Fewer than one percent of formally recognized refugees worldwide are resettled A Student at Scranton University participates in a Walk a Mile in My in countries like the U.S., so the opportunity to come to know refugees and to shoes simulations preparing food at the food station. help in their healing is rare for those in the United States. (Scranton University) This past year, with the help of two longtime JRS supporters, Karen Donato and “Refugees are provided with the minimum John McGrath, JRS/USA crafted and launched a program designed to provide needed to survive on a daily basis. When an immersive experience simulating, on a small scale, the hardships that refugees face during the course of their displacement. our participants see the daily food ration Walk a Mile in My Shoes, a toolkit for schools, parishes, community, and religious that a refugee typically receives, which groups, offers the opportunity to experience what it’s like to be forced to flee your may just be a bowl of rice and beans, a home and seek resources and refuge elsewhere. In 2016, several Jesuit universities participated in these simulations including Fairfield University, the University of very small bowl compared to what they Scranton, and Xavier University. themselves have had for lunch, the con- Walk a Mile in My Shoes suggests seven different stations for participants to trast really sinks in.” experience: border entry, shelter, food, water, medical and health, education, and finally, advocacy. At the advocacy station, participants have the opportunity Giulia McPherson to send letters to their policymakers to appeal on behalf of refugees. Director of Advocacy and Operations at JRS/USA

6 JRS staff and volunteers prepare a meal for refugees in Greece. Thanks to generous support from our donors, JRS/USA was able to provide emergency support to JRS operations in Greece. (Jesuit Refugee Service)

7 Learn Globally, 75 million children and adolescents find their education disrupted or curtailed altogether due to war, persecution, or natural disasters. JRS is an advocate for the basic right to emergency and long-term educational opportunities. Commitment to education arises out of JRS’s Jesuit origins and the belief that education is much more than a response to basic and immediate needs. Education acts as a stabi- lizing force for children whose lives have been affected by trauma and crisis.

JRS serves families and children in traditional pre-primary, primary, secondary, and tertiary education programs, and also works to provide better access to formal, informal skill-building, and vocational training programs for refugee children, youth, and adults. JRS’s education programs also feature critical elements including comple- mentary programs for parents and families, teacher training and language skills. In 2016, JRS provided educational services to 155,758 people in 42 countries. JRS provides education to refugees and displaced persons regardless of their race, ethnic origin, or religious beliefs.

8 Refugee Education

• 3.7 million primary and secondary-age refugee children are out of school.

• Refugee children are 5 times more likely to be out of school than non- refugee children.

• Refugee children miss out on an average of 3-4

years of schooling. Two JRS Students read in a classroom at the Mai Aini Camp in Ethiopia (Christian Fuchs, JRS/USA)

9 Education is the Most Important Thing By Rev. Leo J. O’Donovan, S.J., Director of Mission

“Education Is the Most Important Regina’s seven-year-old, had to Thing.” That’s what the beautiful work to raise money for his sickle widow Regina told me when I cell disease medicine and could complimented her intelligence. not attend school. The family With several friends from JRS/ could not afford both school and USA, I was visiting Regina in her medicine for their youngest. “You makeshift room in Nairobi, Ken- must be very intelligent, Regina,” ya, a small space divided in two by I blurted, “to have made this all a curtain, everything she owned possible for the children.” But stored behind the drape affording “education is the most important an area for visitors in front. There, thing,” she gently corrected. I heard how the eldest of her four children had placed first in the The group of us were visiting competition for the local public Kenya in May 2016. I started my school, but was unhappy that he trip with visits to families in the now stood only fourth in his class. capital, Nairobi, a city of some His next younger brother was 3.4 million people, roughly 60 A widowed Refugee, Regina, met Fr. O’Donovan in her home in Nairobi, preparing for the same test. I also percent of whom live in one of Kenya. (Angela Wells, Jesuit Refugee Service) learned that the youngest child, the city’s 10 massive slums.

10 “Carrying your sister?” I asked, at which he sing, Jack.” “Yes, I do,” he replied. Would he swept aside the veil covering her lower body sing something for us? And he sang: “Jesus to reveal that she had lost her legs below the loves me, that I know, cause the Bible tells me knees. When marauders came to their Congo- so.” Silence ensued. Would the other children lese village and killed his father with a hand sing as well, I implored? A boy his age and grenade, the blast crippled his sister. They the 14-year-old girl nodded. Another child, later returned, raped his sister, and the twins protesting, insisted on playing with his ball. were the result. Not knowing what I could But the other three sang softly together: “He possibly say, I asked the younger brother, butters my toast, he sweetens my tea….” standing in the corner, whether he had been able to make any friends in Nairobi. “No,” he Several days after I left Kenya, the government answered shyly; the family had not been here announced that it was closing its Office of Fr. O’Donovan sits with children on a home long enough for him to enter school. “If I were Refugee Affairs and would also close the visit in the slums of Nairobi. (Philip Lacovara, JRS/USA) 10 again,” I said earnestly, “I would want to Kakuma and Dadaab camps. Widely interpreted be your friend.” “I would like that,” the child as a show of power by the current president of replied. Kenya, Uhuru Kenyatta, waging a presidential Caterina Cirimelli, JRS’s country director in campaign, the decision was also seen as a chal- Kenya, and her colleagues Audrey Auma and In Kibera, I visited Kiza Beatrice and her four lenge to the European Union to increase its Richard Dandawili, had brought us to visit Re- grandchildren. We went inside their abode, the financial support of refugees in Kenya. To date, gina and her children in the enormous slum of room divided by a thin curtain, with several however, both camps remain open. Kibera. Earlier they escorted me on a visit to pieces of furniture crammed into the small another slum, Githurai, where I met a young space. Kiza introduced us to the four children, Education still remains the most important man named Prince with his mother, sister, the of whom she was the primary caregiver, as thing for the children in the camps and in the sister’s infant twins, and younger ten-year-old both her daughters were deceased. Jack, age cities. And we can only pray that they continue brother. Prince had brought the little family to nine, sat down quite confidently beside me to sing. Nairobi from the Democratic Republic of the and said hello in a wonderfully smoky voice, Congo, carrying his sister all the way. reminiscent of Nat King Cole. “I’ll bet you

11 Global Education Initiative In 2015, JRS launched the Global Education Initiative, an ambitious can lose a decade or more of education, hampering their ability international campaign to enable us to open the doors of our to rebuild their lives and, ultimately, their communities. As Pope education programs to 250,000 refugees each year by 2020. We Francis said to JRS leaders in encouraging the GEI, “To give a child a estimate that this will cost $35 million globally. The GEI is a key seat at school is the finest gift you can give.” component of the JRS response to the catastrophic surge of JRS believes that education is the long-term solution to the global displaced people fleeing a worldwide epidemic of violent conflict and refugee crisis, a solution that begins with one young person at a natural disaster. In these circumstances, children and young persons time. GEI Steering Committee

JRS gratefully acknowledges the efforts of the Global Education Initiative 2016 Steering Committee and its co-chairs Molly Cashin, Rev. Timothy P. Kesicki, S.J., and Madeline Lacovara. The Steering Committee was engaged over the course of the year, ensuring a successful launch of the GEI fundraising campaign. Co-Chairs Committee Members Molly Cashin Barbara Abseck Rev. James Martin, S.J. Rev. Timothy P. Kesicki, S.J. T. Alexander Aleinikoff Rev. William Muller, S.J. Madeline Lacovara Kevin Burke Joe Naylor Rita Bennett Jenae Ruesch Karen Donato Rev. James Shea, S.J. Sr. Peg Doyle Rev. Michael Sheeran, S.J. Deanna Howes Tim Sassen John McGrath Sherri Weil Susan Martin

12 Jesuit Refugee Service students at a graduation ceremony in Kafr Zabad, Lebanon. JRS educates many of the estimated 502,000 school-aged Syrian refugee children living in Lebanon. (Jesuit Refugee Service)

13 GEI Donors We are grateful to all partners who are supporting our efforts to double the number of refugees we serve through education by 2020. We are proud to recognize the following leadership level support for the campaign, from its launch on December 8, 2015 through December 31, 2016. GEI Support $100,000+ David and Judith McNulty GEI Support $5,000-9,999 Santa Clara University APCO Worldwide, Inc. * Stephen (Buddy) Miller* M. William Benedetto Ron Sexsmith* Martin and Rita Bennett Thee Mustard Seed Foundation Robert and Janice Billingsley James and Shirley Walker Stephen and Molly Cashin Kenneth Pattengale* G. Paolo Dotto and Cathrin Hetam Ronald E. Wozniak, S.J. Emmylou Harris* Carolyn Rosenfeld* Brisken Philip and Madeline Lacovara Joey Ryan* John and Mary Buffington GEI Support $1,000-$4,999 Christopher Lacovara Skyville Live, LLC Richard and Elizabeth Cashin Lucy S. Adams and James H. Rowe Tom and Audry Morrow Visa Mary Challinor Imad Alsakaf Thomas S. Murphy Clyde's Restaurant Group* The Association of Jesuit Colleges & Robert Plant* GEI Support $10,000- C. Maury Devine Universities 14,999 Georgetown University William and Olivia Baker GEI Support $50,000- Gilbert Ford* Pierre Hegy Armando Borja 99,999 Peter and Betsy Forster Ken Horn James and Michele Bowe Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld Robert and Margaret Helm Jesuit Spirituality Center, St. Charles Loretta J. Brady LLP * Stephanie Hunt* College Anna Brown Bill and Nancy Hetzel St. Ignatius Loyola Community St. Ignatius Jesuit Community Steven and Barbara Buffone i-Act Carl C. Landegger Frances Kemmerer Anne M. Capestrain George Landegger Arend and Onisoa Kouwenaar Daniel Capshaw and Linnea Nilsen Ralf and Jeanne-Marie Kraemer GEI Support $25,000- Rosalie J. and C. Daniel Maldari Capshaw Family Charitable Foundation Robert and Marcella Lachance Mary Cashin 49,999 Megan Mullally* Daniel Lanois* Rodolfo Casasola and Jill Marker Joan Baez* Robert and Kate Niehaus Thomas and Kathi Loughlin Daniel Coleman Arthur S. DeMoulas Ohrstrom Foundation Maureen Orth Mark and Victoria Collins Steve Earle* Thomas and Ulrike Schlafly Pabst Theater Foundation Community Foundation Sonoma Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Therese Catholic Church Jill Raitt County Jesuit Community, Creighton Jill Szawara Saint Louis University John Connolly University *In-kind support 14 Donna N. DeGarcia Ladies of Bethany Stephen Murphy Thomas W. Smith Ronald and Ellin Delsener Grace Ladouce Louise and Leo Norton St. Aloysius Church Renato and Joan DeSantis Joan Lange The Elva and Lawrence O’Brien Family St. Francis Xavier Church Robert J. Devereaux Susan Larkin Trust St. Ignatius Church Kelsey Elder Don F. Law Oregon Province of the Society of Jesus St. Ignatius College Prep Austin and Gwendolyn Fragomen Lisner Auditorium Martha Pascual St. Xavier High School Patricia Franco and Charles Clark Loyola Marymount University R. Scott and Courtney Pastrick Pete and Hilda Suarez Danine Fresch Gray Nancy Klein Maguire Audrey Louison Pod Rudy Torrico Joseph L. Galanick Michael and Kimberly Marsh James and Maureen Power John Vatterott Bruce and Theresa Gallemore David and Catherine Marsten Michael Rauenhorst and Margaret Bill and Joanne Wallace Camille Gaspard Jane and Dennis McAuliffe Green-Rauenhorst Philip Ward Mary and Jim Gilroy Larry McConville Elaine J. Rendler Richard and Sherril Weil Jenny H. Go The McGrath Group Rococo Theater Stephen Weiswasser Patrick and Abbey Griffin Mark Medish Barbara and Robert Rosiello Kurt and Stephanie Wimmer The Gail and Harry Grim Angela and Louis Menard Lauren and Cayce Roy Darrell Zeller Foundation George Muehlbauer Mr. and Mrs. Terrence P. Shaughnessy Gail Griffith and John Brady Robert O. Muller Sheldon Arts Foundation Daniel Gustafson Joseph and Yvonne Hillings Catherine Hirsch While many international organi- zations pulled out of Afghanistan Jam Productions, LTD in 2016, JRS remains committed. A .J. Jabre One of the efforts includes a The Jesuit Community at St. school in Bamiyan in which JRS Alphonsus House educated about 5,000 students Jesuit Community, Holy Trinity in 2016 and to which it actively Parish recruits girls. Jesuit Community, Western North (Jesuit Refugee Service) Carolina Joan G. Johnson Titus and Julianne Kaphar Kevin and Catherine Kelly Richard and Ginna Kelly

15 A group of students take a break from schooling at the Mae Hong Son Camp in Northern Thailand (Jesuit Refugee Service)

16 Education – The Light at the End of the Tunnel

refugee camps throughout the Great Lakes his fellow scholarship recipients “everything Region of Africa. Life in refugee camps wasn’t that could help us perform well, regardless easy, but his family was protected and had of our refugee status, and, surprisingly, food, shelter, security, and health care. While most of the time, refugees were the best Jean Pierre credits the camps for meeting his performers in the schools.” basic needs, it was through JRS’s education services that he started thinking about his future. Jean Pierre is currently a research scholar and visiting global fellow at the University of “I remember the pure joy I felt when I went to San Francisco. He also works on social justice the JRS office in the camp and was measured causes on and off campus to provide support JRS educates refugees throughout the Great for my uniform and was given pens and paper,” for homeless men and women in San Francisco. Lakes Region including the Democratic Jean Pierre said. “I jumped for joy knowing Jean Pierre hopes to bring this service back Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, and Burundi. I was going to learn.” to his roots when he returns to Rwanda. He Projects include training courses, vocational hopes to help people recover and heal – just education, and other tools to help refugees Jean Pierre received his elementary education as JRS’s education programs helped him. reubild their lives. These education projects through JRS and when time came received have helped many children and adults to dream a full scholarship from JRS to attend a local “Life in a refugee camp is like a dark tunnel, and achieve a future outside of a camp. public high school. JRS provides scholarships where your eyes are always trying hard to open that give qualifying individuals financial to see if there would be an end,” Jean Pierre Jean Pierre Ndagijimana was born to Rwandan assistance for tuition, room and board, said. “Educational opportunities in refugee refugee parents in Congo. His family had been transportation, and even pocket money. camps were the only thing that guaranteed refugees since 1959. He grew up in numerous Jean Pierre remarked that JRS gave him and that my life would be better.”

17 Thrive JRS helps to support refugees in taking back their lives and re-instilling self-reliance and independence. This focus on restoring refugees builds confidence and hope for a better future for all of us – now and for generations to come.

18 Muhammad, a refugee from Somalia, opened a cooperative thanks to a loan from a JRS liveli- hoods program. He and his fellow coop owners were able to use the loan they received from JRS to start a grocery store, and in eight months paid back the loan and opened a second store. (Liana Tepperman, JRS/USA)

19 New Small Businesses Means New Lives

In 2016, with support from malia, and Ethiopia, the the U.S. State Department’s program also benefited Bureau of Population, Refu- some local individuals. By gees, and Migration (PRM), enabling South African JRS/USA provided services nationals to participate in to refugees to help them the program, JRS facilitated rebuild their lives through improved relations small businesses. JRS/USA between refugees and South provided English-language, African nationals. business, and vocational training, along with start- Participants generated a up capital, to help refugees variety of small businesses and asylum seekers in including corner stores, day Johannesburg and Pretoria, care operations, perfume, South Africa to start their nail, sewing, and clothing own businesses. shops as well as businesses that sold baby goods, cos- While most of the newly metics, and food items. arrived refugees and asylum seekers in South Africa With the support from the US Department of State, JRS provides grants come from the Democratic and loans to refugees to start small businesses in South Africa. Republic of the Congo, So- (Liana Tepperman, JRS/USA)

20 U.S. Department of State Funding

In 2016, JRS/USA received a total of $2.9 million from the U.S. Department of State for work in: Kenya, Chad, Thailand, Ethiopia, and South Africa.

With funding from the US Department of State, JRS provides recreational activities, livelihood train- ing and psychosocial support to refugees in Ethiopia. A student stand who participated in one of these prorgrams - a fine arts program in the Mai-Ani Camp - stands with his painting. (Angela Wells, Jesuit Refugee Service)

21 Menstrual Hygiene – Keeping Girls Thriving in School

Many girls in developing countries have little to no knowledge about menstrual hygiene, since the topic is considered taboo in some cultures. A lack of knowledge about their bodies and of modern methods of dealing with menstrual hygiene can affect their school attendance and achievement levels.

To address this, JRS introduced a menstrual hygiene educa- tion pilot project in several refugee camps in Chad, designed to inform and educate middle and high school-level girls, as well as boys, teachers, and school officials. The project offered workshops addressing hygiene practices at schools; physical and emotional changes of puberty; sex education and family planning; and, the importance of separate restroom facilities for boys and girls. Hygiene kits, including sanitary material were also distributed as part of the project. Thanks to generous contributions from JRS Supporters, Tom and Audry Morrow, The pilot project has demonstrated that these efforts are very young girls in secondary school in Chad were able to learn about menstruation effective in eliminating the barriers for girls to attend school. and improve school attendance (Giulia McPherson, JRS/USA) Dropout and absence rates declined significantly, and communi- ties reported a higher level of understanding of the issue.

22 Internally displaced people in Mweso, Democratic Re- public of Congo receive vocational training from JRS - a project sponsored by JRS/USA donors. (Don Doll, Jesuit Refugee Service) 23 JRS/USA Action Network Members at Spring Hill College received an award for the Best New Student Organization and Rev. Mark Mossa, S.J. received the Best Advisor of the Year award for the work he did with the students. (Spring Hill College)

24 JRS Advocates JRS Action Network

Individual activists and aid and advocating that A vital part of JRS’s mission is to defend the rights of refugees and groups – colleges and the U.S. remain a leader in migrants throughout the world. JRS/USA is committed to advocating universities, high schools, refugee assistance. for just and generous policies and programs for the benefit of victims and parishes – form the of forced displacement. JRS Action Network and Additionally, the JRS Action In 2016, this advocacy included calling on the U.S. Congress to maintain play a critical role in Network hosted a variety robust foreign aid and working with UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, advocating for refugees of events in support of to ensure that the greatest needs of refugees were being met. and advancing JRS/USA’s JRS’s mission, including mission. panel discussions and JRS also focused on supporting policies that prioritize, and invest in, education programs for the forcibly displaced. The international Walk a Mile in My Shoes humanitarian community recognized that there was a great need for In 2016 alone, the JRS Action refugee camp simulations to education programs and created an initiative known as “Education Network sent more than help foster understanding Cannot Wait: A Fund for Education in Emergencies” which was launched 7,000 letters to U.S. law- of the refugee experience. at the World Humanitarian Summit in Istanbul in May 2016. makers endorsing a variety We thank the JRS Action JRS endorsed these efforts and released a report on how JRS is of policies in support of Network for continuing to contributing to a global effort to increase access to a quality education displaced people and champion the rights for refugees called “Providing Hope, Investing in the Future.” JRS’s refugees, including access of those displaced by war, expertise and insight, honed over decades of work, leads us to re-double to education, sufficient persecution, and natural our efforts to champion education for children and adults in emergencies funding for humanitarian disaster. and protracted crises.

25 JRS/USA Program Spending

Funds raised through JRS/USA support programming in the United States, and also are distributed to the 10 Jesuit Refugee Service regions throughout the globe. In 2016, JRS/USA expended the following in each region:

North America $ 2,009,100 Middle East $ 1,412,551 WHERE JRS OPERATES: East Africa $ 1,187,728 West Africa $ 597,115 Asia Pacific $ 339,302 Southern Africa $ 229,923 Latin American $ 112,222 and Caribbean Great Lakes $ 20,500 South Asia $ 41,826 Europe $ 36,885

As the number of displaced people around world reached a record high of 65.6 million in 2016, Jesuit Refugee Service responded. Contributions in programming and funding from JRS/USA contributed in JRS serving over 730,000 people in 51 countries.

26 People served by Jesuit Refugee Service

Education Livelihoods Psychosocial/ Emergency Advocacy/ Healthcare TOTAL pastoral protection Eastern Africa 9,430 1,635 35,161 6,259 385 52,870 Ethiopia 2,127 1,329 17,143 2,769 190 23,558 Kenya 438 60 10,979 198 195 11,870 South Sudan 2,856 6,421 9,277 Sudan 3,117 3,117 Uganda 892 246 618 3,292 5,048 Great Lakes 22,029 1,379 1,893 9,426 523 35,250 Burundi 15,172 276 100 15,548 Congo (DRC) 6,857 1,103 1,793 9426 523 19,702 Southern Africa 12,331 2,101 5,461 1,979 6,915 2,241 31,028 Angola 1,240 578 2,080 32 3,930 Malawi 7,035 818 4,221 12,074 South Africa 1,225 814 1,401 4,835 2,209 10,484 Zimbabwe 4,071 469 4,540 West Africa 68,723 68,723 Cameroon (EST) 2,928 2,928 Central African 6,561 6,561 Republic Chad 59,234 59,234 Continues on following pages 27 Education Livelihoods Psychosocial/ Emergency Advocacy/ Healthcare TOTAL pastoral protection Asia Pacific 7,528 1,112 7,367 1,732 5,704 228 23,671 Australia 62 48 3,500 575 2,931 130 7,246 Cambodia 179 74 34 310 27 624 Indonesia 50 145 205 103 661 71 1,235 Myanmar 384 384 Philippines 100 500 1,000 1,600 Thailand 6,853 745 3628 554 802 12,582 South Asia 22,613 198 2,255 372 1,072 280 26,790 Afghanistan 8,877 8,877 India 10,066 120 2,255 372 1,072 280 14,165 Sri Lanka 3,670 78 3,748 Middle East 5,231 175 20,273 201,154 2,531 13,853 243,217 Iraq 1,652 7,394 7,393 285 16,724 Jordan 1,520 1,519 258 3,297 Lebanon 2,092 1,600 1,421 242 5,355 Syria 1,487 175 9,759 190,821 2,531 13,068 217,841 Latin America and 3,925 3,020 26,966 2,837 4,531 32 41,311 Caribbean Colombia 1,636 2,378 24,460 2,428 2,788 33,690 Ecuador 600 534 2,074 154 1,280 32 4,674 Venezuela 1,689 108 432 255 463 2,947

28 Education Livelihoods Psychosocial/ Emergency Advocacy/ Healthcare Total pastoral protection North America 100 25 111,996 12 101 112,234 USA 11,1876 111,876 Canada 100 25 120 12 101 358 Europe 3,948 11,161 15,053 46,396 9,608 12,169 98,335 Belgium 530 530 Croatia 4 200 2,000 20,000 600 200 23,004 France 80 782 130 62 1,054 Germany 100 500 1,800 2,400 Greece 230 25 3,000 50 20 3,325 Hungary 66 16 98 11 6 197 Ireland 1,010 690 780 2,480 Italy 1,322 2,034 1,721 15,000 2,725 9,475 32,277 Kosovo 15 387 178 580 Macedonia 427 3,100 344 168 285 1,263 5,587 Malta 150 300 450 100 1,000 Poland 54 45 47 14 6 27 193 Portugal 246 113 1,359 455 284 2,457 Romania 2,235 212 1,668 331 4,446 Serbia 45 6,032 7450 75 280 13,882 Slovenia 20 200 50 270 Spain 400 2,356 100 566 3,422 Sweden 25 30 205 65 25 5 355 UK 4 872 876 Grand Total 155,858 20,806 226,425 270,155 31,281 28,904 733,429 29 JRS/USA Financial Report 2016


Private Support $ 6,328,729 Direct Programming Services $ 5,987,153 US 53Government Support $ 4,119,757+35+9+3 Fundraising72 and Management $2,276,820+28 Donated Professional Services $ 1,105,863 Investment Income $ 309,095

30 Students participate in a mindfullness activity, part of a preschool program called “Little Ripples” in Chad. The program was funded in part by support from JRS/USA Donors. (Giulia McPherson, JRS/USA)

31 Thank You to Our Supporters JRS/USA is grateful to all of our supporters and partners for their accompaniment of, service to, and advocacy for refugees and forcibly displaced people. Arrupe Society Xavier Society Gonzaga Society Legacy Society ($100,000 or more) ($25,000 to $49,999) ($10,000-$24,999) APCO Worldwide* America House Jesuit Anonymous (1) Members of the Legacy Society have remembered JRS/USA Austin and Gwendolyn Fragomen Community Maureen Aggeler through their wills or estate plans. Thank you for creating a Emmylou Harris* Anonymous (1) Anthony and Julia Albrecht legacy through your support of JRS. Christopher Lacovara Joan Baez* Martin and Rita Bennett Anonymous Michael and Kimberly Marsh Philip and Madeline Lacovara Creighton University Jesuit G. Paolo Dotto and Cathrin Tom and Audry Morrow Community Hetam Brisken Martin and Rita Bennett William C. Mathews, MD Thomas S. Murphy Arthur S. DeMoulas Kevin Burke David and Susan Brisnehan Patrick D. McNelis Robert Plant* Steve Earle* Richard and Elizabeth Cashin Michael J. Burnham Rev. Brian Morrow Dr. Thaddeus Regulinski and Dr. Diocese of Charlotte Paul and Patricia Coates David and Dorothy Crean Rev. Dr. Joseph P. Oechsle Anne B. Stericker GHR Foundation David O. and Nancy Danis Rev. Msgr. William E. Elliott David Perry Grace Kobbe Tevis Trust Holy Trinity Catholic Church Victoria Espinel Ron and Pat Ferreri Paula Perry James and Shirley Walker• J. Homer Butler Foundation Henry and Aurora Ferrero James and Dina Howell-Burke Martin Pino Mrs. Eugene McDermott Gilbert Ford* Mary Ellen Hyland + Noraleen Renauer David and Judith McNulty Peter and Betsy Forster Loyola Society Philip and Madeline Lacovara Jill Szawara ($50,000 to $99,999) MGR Foundation Pierre Hegy Sebastian and Rosario Lacson Grace Kobbe Tevis+ Anonymous (2) Stephen (Buddy) Miller* Robert and Margaret Helm Akin Gump Strauss Hauer The Mustard Seed Foundation William Hewitt Maria Leonard Joyce E. Wilkinson & Feld, LLP* Kent and Judy Newton Thomas and Janet Hopkins Dennis and Pam Lucey Robert and Pat Willis Stephen and Molly Cashin Robert and Kate Niehaus Stephanie Hunt* Julie and Pat Garvey Kenneth Pattengale Robert and Jenne Hunziker Thomas and Kathi Loughlin Bill and Nancy Hetzel Michael Rauenhorst and Margaret Jesuit Residences at Fordham The Loyola Foundation Rosalie J. and C. Daniel Maldari i-Act Green-Rauenhorst University The Mai Family Foundation Family Charitable Foundation Carolyn Rosenfeld* John Carroll University Jesuit Megan Mullally* Matthew and Jenae Ruesch Stuart Rowe Residence Kathleen T. O’Connor Santa Clara University Joey Ryan* Carl C. Landegger Ohrstrom Foundation Thomas and Ulrike Schlafly Skyville Live, LLC George Landegger Maureen O’Leary Schoellerman Foundation Visa Leo Brown Jesuit Community Dita H. and Al Pepin• Richard Shea• * Gift In Kind | • Monthly, Quarterly, or Recurring Donor | + Deceased

32 St. Ignatius Loyola Community Jesuit Spirituality Center, Sisters of Providence James and Carol Broucek Michael VanZandt Collins• St. Therese Catholic Church St. Charles College of Mother Joseph Province Anna Brown Joan Collopy Douglas M. Steenland Kevin Min Woo Jung Thomas Slattery Bernard Brown John Connolly Susan R and John W Sullivan Ralf and Jeanne-Marie Kraemer St. Ignatius Jesuit Residence Kathleen Browning Rev. Jose C. Corral, S.J. Foundation Robert and Marcella Lachance Michael and Kathryn Trentacoste Steven and Barbara Buffone John and Jane Corrou• Jill Szawara• Daniel Lanois* The William and Mary Buckley Frank and Fran Butler Arlene Gavin Crane Jim Haggerty and Jean Withrow Joyce Legaz Foundation Michael and Guillermina Byrne Creighton Preparatory School DeWayne Edward and Janice R. Leonard Neale House Xavier Jesuit Community Jorge and Antonieta Caicedo Cristo Rey San Jose High School Wohlleb James and Patricia Linehan• Tino and Dawn Calabia Carlos L. Curbelo Loyola Marymount Jesuit Faber Society James and Effie Caldarola• Franklyn Cutrone Canisius Society Community John Callagy George J. Debacker Loyola University Jesuit $1,000 to $4,999 Kathleen Cannon Chad J. DeFrain ($5,000 to $9,999) Community (Ignatius House) Anonymous (7) Anne M. Capestrain Donna N. DeGarcia W. Shepard and Kathryn Abell Make a Mark Fund Joseph and Laura Acosta Daniel Capshaw and Linnea Ronald and Ellin Delsener Ruby Amanfu* Manresa House of Retreats T. Alexander Aleinikoff Nilsen Capshaw Patrick Denihan David West and Jeanne Jesuit Community Joseph and Patricia Andrews Peter A. and Rita Carfagna Gary and Sharon DeRosa Anderson-West Markoe House Jesuit Community Thomas Ashmore* Harold A. Carlson Renato and Joan DeSantis Robert and Jan Billingsley and Mary Lou McCormick Thomas and Dale Auffenberg Carmelite Communion, Inc. Robert J. Devereaux John and Mary Buffington Julia A. McGee Mark Avakian Charles and Isabelle Carroll John McGrath and Karen Donato Mary Challinor and Henry Donald and Lynda Middleton Ramez Awad John J. Casey Charles and Mary Donnelly Richardson Most Holy Trinity Church Holly G. Baab and Christopher Mary Cashin Rev. Edward Dowling, S.J. Clyde’s Restaurant Group* Old St. Joseph’s Church O’Keeffe Richard Celio Richard and Jacqueline D’Silva Jerry and Diane Cunningham Jesuit Community William and Olivia Baker Angelique Chao Robert W. DuBeau C. Maury Devine Maureen Orth Stephen Balek Charles Chiarelli Michael Duffy• Bill and Janet Dickey Pabst Theater Foundation William and Margaret Beauregard Steve Faughnan and Susan Chin Chris A. Durbin Cutberto and Yolanda Garza Jill Raitt Paul and Barbara Becker Suzanne M. Ching Frederick and Cynthia Eaton Georgetown University Jean F. Reidy John Behre John Christensen John Ebersole* Helen V. Brach Foundation Andrew J. Remick Barbara Berman Emad Ghith and Linda Ciaccia Rev. Msgr. William E. Elliott Ken Horn Christopher M. Ridmann• Charles and Patricia Bidwill Patricia Franco and Charles Clark Kelly Fairweather James and Dina Howell-Burke Rita Rodriguez John and Patricia Bomalaski Jesus Lledo Climaco, M.D. Jacob Faulkner Iger Bay Foundation Thomas and Mary Rogan John and Marianne Borelli Guillermo Cockrum Fred J. Faulstich A.J. Jabre Saint Louis University Bernard and Antonia Bouillette David Coffey Susan Federman Jesuit Community at St. Joseph’s John Schubert James and Michele Bowe Daniel Coleman James Finn University Ron Sexsmith* Gail Griffith and John Brady College of the Holy Cross Stella and Michael Fitzgibbons Jesuit Community of Mark Simon Loretta J. Brady Jesuit Community Joan and Christopher Fix St. Peter’s Prep The Shea Family Charitable Fund Ian and Elaine Brock Mark and Victoria Collins Jason T. Fleming * Gift In Kind | • Monthly, Quarterly, or Recurring Donor | + Deceased

33 Faber Society (cont.) Caroline Harlow Rodolfo Casasola and Jill Marker Jerry and Joanne Love Moyra and Loring Moy Fordham University Lynnette Harms Michael Hirschhorn Loyola Marymount University George Muehlbauer John Foust and Marilyn Jerome Candace Harrington and Jimena Martinez Loyola University New Orleans Francis and Angela Mueller Paul A. Frank Darlene Hart Rodgers Joan G. Johnson Robert McCall and Catherine Robert O. Muller Christine Franquin• Charles and Mary Louise John E. and Nancy M. Joyce Lyons New Melleray Abbey Danine Fresch Gray Hartman Titus and Julianne Kaphar William and Helen Lyons Jerry and Sally Neyer Patricia Fuller• Healey Family Foundation Catherine Kelly John A. Mackay Michele Nolen Joseph M. Gaffney Dennis Heaphy• James Kelly Robert and Veronica Macpherson Northern Trust Company Joseph L. Galanick Heimbinder Family Foundation Kevin and Catherine Kelly Joan Madeja Novitiate of Saint Isaac Jogues Bruce and Theresa Gallemore Marylynn and Tom Herchline• Richard and Ginna Kelly Nancy Klein Maguire Jesuit Center Estate of Margaret H. Gavin+ Mary Kate Hermann Edward and Janet Kenny• Marianne Malen Kathryn Brisnehan Nygaard Genovese Family Trust Bob Kathy Buck and Kevin Preloger Ted and Teresa Marchese Brian M. O’Connor George L.N. Meyer Family Joseph and Yvonne Hillings Rana Khoury Michael and Kimberly Marsh Frank Thomas and Nancy O’Keefe Foundation Catherine Hirsch Thomas and Barbara Kiernan David and Catherine Marsten Edward and Frances O’Neill Charles and Nancy Geschke Kenneth L. Holehouse Edward C. Klopping III Herbert and Betty Martin Oregon Province Wesley and Margaret Gibson David Hollenbach, S.J. Mary Konieczny Margaret May John and Adeline O’Rourke Ben and Kathleen Gill• Holy Trinity Parish Jesuit Christopher P. Konrad• Jane and Dennis McAuliffe Andrew Otto Andrea Gillot Community Peter Kopcha John and Lauren McBride• Martha L. Parmalee• Mary and Jim Gilroy William and Patricia Houghton Ladies of Bethany Michael and Barbara McCann Martha Pascual Jenny H. Go Charles and Isabel Hughes Grace Ladouce Patrick and Helen McCarthy R. Scott and Courtney Pastrick Google Gift Matching Program Estate of Mary Ellen Hyland+ Joyce A. Ladue Larry McConville Alfredo Perales Puchalt• Cecilia Gordon Immaculate Conception Bobbie Landry Catherine McCormick, MD• Pere Marquette Jesuit Silvia Gosnell Catholic Church Joan Lange Monica Eileen McGuire Community Arthur R. Greenwood John M. Bradley and Jay Langhurst The McGrath Group Paul and Kerry Perez Patrick and Abbey Griffin Camille E. Introcaso David Larson Julie and John McKellar Mary Kelly Perschy The Gail and Harry Grim Foundation Lucy S. Adams and James H. Paul and Jessica Larson Brian and Irina McNamara Ann Marie and Kenneth Peters James T. Gross Rowe David Lavy Mark Medish Philip Pfeifer Steven Gross JAM Productions (Vic Theater, Don F. Law Angela and Louis Menard Bruce and Kirstin Pickle Michael Guarino Chicago) Gregg Leach John Messavussu Marianna Pierce Daniel Gustafson Jesuit Community of Nogales Maria Leonard Therese M. Mierswa Stephen Pope• Robert and Lilia Gutowski Jesuit Community of St. Isaac Allen and Marie L’Etoile• Barbara Anne Mitchell• Kent and Joann Porter• Robert and Kate Guzzetta Jogues Kristian T. Lichtenfels Peter and Veronica Mitchell James and Maureen Power Ann Haddad Jesuit High School, Portland, OR Lisner Auditorium Montserrat Jesuit Community Mary Prahinski John B. Hanlon Jesuit Retreat House Oshkosh Louis and Mary Kay Smith Jonathan and Nina Price Kirk and Kathryn Hanson Community Family Foundation Most Precious Blood Roman Piero and Mary Puccini Daniel Harbaugh Andrew Jeung Audrey Louison Pod Catholic Church Mary Quinn * Gift In Kind | • Monthly, Quarterly, or Recurring Donor | + Deceased

34 Deborah S. Curtis and Charles Victoria R. Schultz• Matthew Stengel Maureen Wesolowski Andres and Lauren Arteaga• Rader Gregory Schumaker-Novak Scott A. Stengel Myles V. Whalen, Jr. Elizabeth A Asaro Timothy O’Connor Stephen Schwarzbek• Richard Stoebner White House Retreat Jesuit James E. Balow and Margaret Rafferty Scranton Jesuit Community Bill and Mary Stoiber Community Thomas Banchoff Stanley and Mai Rashid Daniel and Ann Selmi Pete and Hilda Suarez Edward Wiese Mary L. Baran Daniel Rearick The Semper Charitable Susan Suh Steven Lewis Williams Dorothy Barat Maurice Reidy Foundation Inc. Eugene and Mary Anne Sullivan Kurt and Stephanie Wimmer Albert and Gay Barclay Susan M. Reilly Andrew Serazin Joseph H. Sweeney Elizabeth Windust Steven D. Barnard Elaine J. Rendler Terrence P. Shaughnessy Thomas A. and Anna Maria Tim Winter Stephen and Elisa Baroni Judith Reuter Sheldon Concert Hall Sweeney William and Kathryn Wolff Thomas R. Beecher, Jr. J. Timothy Rice Edward and Mary Pat Sherry Mary Jane A. Terrell Woodlawn Jesuit Residence Armond Beede Kevin Riedmuller Jeremy B. Silverman Marie-Claude Terrot Rev. Ronald E. Wozniak, S.J. Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Sarah Riggio Roy and Barbara Simms The Association of Jesuit Colleges Joseph and Jaimie Wright• Adoration William John Rizzo John and Patricia Simonds and Universities Robert and Sylvia Xeras Robert L. Berner, Jr. Amanda M. Roberts Clayton and Alison Sinyai The Elva and Lawrence O’Brien Erin Heimbinder Yacubian Thomas J and Kathleen Billings Rococo Theater The Sisters of Charity of Nazareth Family Trust Peter Yorck• John Billovits Roberto and Nelly Marta Rojas Natalie L. Sivak• Jennifer Thomas Young Family Foundation Brian Bircher David Haines and Karen Christine Smith Mary Jean Tisdale Richard and Marilyn Zande Charlotte Bisantz Rosenblum Thomas W. Smith Lawrence and Sheila Toal Darrell Zeller Bill Bladykas Robert Vasilak and Joan James Smyth Sarah M. Toliver Carlton and Julie Blair Rosenhauer• Marilynn V. Snider Rudy Torrico Bellarmine Society Ellen Boegel Barbara and Robert Rosiello Justin and Kristy Sporrer Joseph and Karla Townley Michael and Clare Bonsignore• Rev. Donald F. Rowe, S.J. Spring Hill Jesuit Community Leo and Susan Troy ($500-$999) Linda Boudewyns Anonymous (4) Lauren and Cayce Roy St. Aloysius Church Robert Vail Laura Brady Charles and Suellen Adcock Paul and Dyane Rude St. Francis High School John Vatterott Judy Brand Frederick and Eileen Ahearn The George and Nancy Ruff Fund St. Francis Xavier Church Philip and Melanne Verveer William E. Braun Air Force Chaplain Corps J. David and Diana Russell St. Ignatius Church Roy and Marion Wadsworth David Brisnehan Albert and Mary Elizabeth Jonsen Win and Mary Rutherfurd St. Ignatius Church, San Francisco Bill and Joanne Wallace Shirley and Murray Brooks Christine and John Alexander Michael G. Sabbagh St. Ignatius College Prep Rev. William Walsh, S.J. Brophy College Preparatory Patricia Allman Sacred Heart Jesuit Retreat House St. Ignatius Dependent Jesuit Philip Ward Teresa Brown Harold Alsum Katherine Safford-Ramus Community Angela Weidenbenner Michael and Janet Buck Kathryn Anderson Noel Salwan St. Joseph Church Maureen Weierbach John and Kathleen Byrnes Warren Gould and Mary Kathryn Jesuit Community St. Louis University Sherri and Richard Weil Province Anderson Kenneth Sandoval• St. Xavier Dependent George and Kathleen Weisskopf Sean Callahan Claire E. Andre Christopher and Mary Schneider Jesuit Community Stephen Weiswasser Carlos Eduardo Cardenas Linda Arnold Mitzi I. Schroeder St. Xavier High School John and Beth Werwaiss Daniel and Patricia Carey * Gift In Kind | • Monthly, Quarterly, or Recurring Donor | + Deceased

35 Bellarmine Society (cont.) Sarah Ducich Jenna and Geoffrey Grubb Myrna Kcomt Robert and Joan M. McCabe Christian Life Community, Warren Duclos Henry and Mary Gundling Michael Shay Keating John T. McGinn Pittsburgh, PA Cluster John and Diana Duffey Coleen Halloran• Jennifer Kelly Michael McGonigle Ken Clancy Gregory G. Eckert• Donald Harris Joseph H. Kelly• Francis and Clare McLaughlin Thomas M. Noone Rolando Castro and Cecile Patrick Towell and K.T. Harroun Cynthia Kennedy Margaret McNulty and Margarita Clarens Ehrmann Robert F. X. Hart John P. Kennedy• Scott and Kathy McWilliams Timothy and Marriot Clark Melissa Eichman Virginia Hasson Rodney Kerner Arthur and Elizabeth Messiter Paul and Jane Colford• Michael Eichten John and Kathleen Hayes Ann W. King Gene Messner• College of the Holy Cross Teresa Elko Michael and Jeanne Haynes A. Michael and Nancy D. Klein Crete Anne Miller Susan Collopy Sally Elliott Charles B. Heinlen• Susan L. and Eric Patrick Koetting William F. and Tammany Miracky Colombiere Center Annette and Scott Etnyre Adam Henry Mary Kresky Rev. Frank Moan, S.J. David B. Conner• Gloria J. and John M. Facciola Jerome D. Hoffman Fernando R. Laguarda Carmen Molina Matthew Cook Barbara Fay Ronald Modras and Mary Hogan Anne Marie Langan Eugenia Molina Kevin and Lynne Corydon Joseph F Fickes Suzanne Hollingsworth Neal and Anne Laurance Maria Molina Court of Our Lady of the Holy Micaela K. Floess• Kieran Hughes Amy Lauren John Moser• Trinity #2661, Catholic Charles and Marilyn Flynn Kimberly Humphrey Mary Jo Lavin• Godfrey Mungal Daughters of the Americas Nancy S. Fontenot John and Mary Ann Hurley Wael Hibri and Luz Lenis Leonard M. Muni Joseph F. Cramer Jr. Claire Foster Mary E. Hurson James Elijah Lillis Louis Munin William J. and Brenda J. Craven Margaret Fraczek Ron Inserro Joyce Lim-Chua Catherine Murphy Josefina De Cuenca Michael Frain• Mary Jacobs• Loyola Jesuit Community Sue P. Murphy Dallas Jesuit Community William and Jeanne Franklin Thomas J. Jenkins, Jr. Reginald and Nai-chia Luke Timothy and Kathleen Murphy Thomas G. Daly Richard and Margaret Freije• John Loughlin and Darlene Jeris Joseph Rochelle and Mona Richard A. Navarro Jacob David Fresno Jesuit Community Jesuit Novitiate of St Alberto Lydon-Rochelle John and Diana Negroponte Jeanne A. Delaney Ronald L. Fritz Hurtado, MN Community John and Mary Lynch Claire Ngo Thomas Denari Mario J. Gabelli Jesuit Retreat House Community James H. Monahan Wassim and Thunia Nona Andy and Rosalyn Detesco Munir and Myriam Gabriel Francisco Jimenez and Margaret MacDonnell Evan Norman Ann S. Dickson• Jacques and Rebecca Gagne Gail S. Valenson and John D. Bernadette MacIsaac Marie Nowak Alana A Dier Stanley C. Garnett Yesso David Madden James and Susan Noyes John S. Dilenschneider Tom and Anna Gerrity Anita Jongco Phillip Maher Thomas J. Nuckton Diocese of Youngstown Gesu School, Inc. Ana Marie Jorda Manresa Residence Jesuit Donald Nugent Daniel J. Dixon Deborah Glamb Charles Joseph, III Community William Richard OBrien Annamarie Dobler John M. Gleason Robert and Sarah Joseph Cindy Maria Walter P. and Kim Thi O’Brien Chris Donahue John and Irene Glynn Ed and Linda Kaiel Marquette University High School William and Marianne O’Connell Steven P. Donald Gonzaga College High School Jeffrey M. Kamradt Patricia Martano• John M. Odenbach, Jr. Peter Driscoll Denise Gorss Thomas Michel and Kathryn Kathleen Martin Sinead O’Doherty Ann M. and Paul Drzewiecki Daniel M. Grant O’Brien Fernando Matas Kathleen O’Hara * Gift In Kind | • Monthly, Quarterly, or Recurring Donor | + Deceased

36 In 2016, JRS/USA provided financial support to projects in Syria including education, food distribution, and medical care. (Gebrail Suad, Jesuit Refugee Service)

37 Bellarmine Society (cont.) Richard Russo Maria Isabel Torras Donna Alarie Balthazar and Rose Brian O’Neill Thomas A. Ryan Jason Trepanier John T. Albosta Stephen and Scheznarda Barbas Joseph and Diana O’Sullivan Francisco Salazar Edwin Trevathan Patricia Alchediak Rachel Barber Christopher T. Owen Gary Sander Richard and Dolores Tunney Roenna Alegre L. Stewart and Linda Barbera, Jr. Alan Palevsky Mike and Cathy Schack• University of Detroit Mercy Jesuit Paul Alexander Verlyn Barbier Charles Palmer David Schmid Community Dorris Alfonso Peggy Barons Michael Wilhelm and Pamela K.K. and J.L. Schmiegel Robert and Mary Vacek James and Judythe Allen Jennifer Bash Jones Seattle University, Department Carl Vierow Isabel Alvarez-Borland Grace Bateman Peter Pandolfi of Fine Arts Andy and Madelyn Von Linda Amadeo Mary Battersby John and Mary Paone John J. Shay, Jr. Eschenbach Thomas and Kathryn Anderson William Baughman, Jr Anne and Roy Pardee, Jr.• John Shen Stratford C. Wallace Sami Andrea Mary Adele Baus Barbara A. Patocka Sisters of Social Services Walsh Jesuit High School Andy Andreo Julia Bealler John P. Paxton Sisters of St. Ursula Matthew Walter and Mary Steve Johnson and Anita Kernie Amy Beckner Matthew I Peetz Sisters of the Presentation Klingler Walter Jean Anthony Rev. John J. Begley, S.J. Elizabeth Perkins of the Blessed Virgin Mary Charles Weikel Tin Swe Aye and Anthony G. Toft Barbara Beierlein John Person• William J. Spataro Lawrence Wiederholt Joseph G. Antkowiak, M.D. Michael Beiermeister Andrew Pietrus St. Joseph’s University Paul Corning and Lisa Wilcox Joe and Pattie Antonelli Vincent J. Beirne John Poerstel St. Pius X High School Cynthia L Wooden Panfila Felina Apolonio Luke Beland• Suzanne Polen Charlene Stender Joseph W. Yockey• Sr. Celeste Arbuckle Katherine Bellows Emily C. Pollina Gregory and Mary Stephen Agnes Yu Anne Elizabeth Archbald Art Bender Joel Racchini William T. and Valerie D. Stewart Kathleen M. Yadrick and Francis Cecilia Arnold Martha Benson Barbara Radtke John Sullivan Zipple David Arnold Rosemarie Benton Paul Rager Dennis and Judy Sweeney Peter and Kathleen Arnold Joan R. Benz Eugene and Jane Rainis Lorraine Sylvia Claver Society Ralph and Angelina Arvizu Isaul Berenguer Robert and Dorothy Redinger Anthony Tambasco ($100-$499) Diane Jane Assalone Frank Bergen Ken and Jennifer Reed-Bouley Mary Sviklas Tanzer Anonymous (1) Steve Atallah C. Scott Berger• Joaquina P. Rey The Jesuits at Le Moyne, INC Barbara Abseck Daniel and Gina Bachmann Roger C. Bergman• William F. and Pauline F. Reynolds The Kearney-Fischer Family Academic Affairs Staff of Alvin Backes Tina Bergmann Shirley Ricketts• Charitable Fund Chestnut Hill College Joel Bacon Rev. Peter J. Bernardi, S.J. Edward S. Riquelmy The Merck Foundation Glen Adams Erin Kathleen Bahl• Sarah Bernstein John Roberto The New York Community Trust Maureen Adams Catherine Bain Kathleen Weir Bertolatus Julie L. Rodriguez• Michael and Karen Thomas Donald and Joan Adrian Charles and Joan Baker Ralph Biddy Richard and Judith Rogers Ky Dang Dinh and Thuy Kim Vu Anthony Agra and Ruth Michael Baland David and Mary Ann Birch Julia Rosica Joseph and Donna Tierney Mullowney-Agra Ginny Baldwin Philipp James Bischoff John and Helen Rothermich Susan M. and Marcello B. Todaro Ashok and Margaret Aguiar Janice Baldwin Clare Elizabeth Black• Irma A. Ruiz Michael and Patricia Torchia Mary K. Ahler Laureen Ballanco Amelia Blanton Hibner * Gift In Kind | • Monthly, Quarterly, or Recurring Donor | + Deceased

38 William and Blase Timothy O’Connell and Eileen Francisco J. Bustillo Kristen Carroll Joseph J. Coll Sara K. Blaser Brady Maureen Lee and Mark Busto Mary Ellen Carroll David C. Collesano• Margaret S. and James S. Blaszak Janis Brainard John T. Bycraft Casa Luis Espinal Jesuit Susan Collinge Robert P. Blereau, M.D. Michael Braun F. Arthur Byington Community Gerard and Grace Collins Thomas J. Bliley, Jr. Marcia A. Bredar Marie and Ann Byrne Rose Casanova Marie M. Collins Gene and Sandy Block Suzanne Bregman Donna L. Byrnes Patricia Casey Patricia Collins Jane Bloom Lin Brehmer Kathryn Bystedt Joseph and Anastasia Cates- Mary Colombo Michael Bloom John and Linda Brennan Nancy Jane Caccamo Carney Robert and Barbara Colyar Jeanne Blum Kathleen Brennan Phil and Judy Cagney Robert V. Cazayoux Tom and Sally Coman Charles and Maureen Larry and Marjorie Brennan Kevin and Christina Cahalan Thomas and Cheryl Cecere Dick and Elizabeth Compton Blumenstein Colleen Mary Brennan Martinez Mary Alice and Michael Cahir Edward and Lucille Cercone• Michael and Jenny Connolly Sharon Blumenthal Carole A. Breslin Antonio F. Calaf, Jr. Margaret C. Cerrato Eileen P. Connors Josefine Bluntzer Kristyn Brisnehan Nicholas A. Calamusa• Valerie Anne Ceva Nicholas Connors• Thomas and Susan Boerboom Earl and Maureen Britt Charles Calhoun Carol Chambers Donald and Linda Conroy Michael Bohen Sherrill Britton Robert and Claire Callen Suzanne E. Chang William T. Keller and Regina Carl Patrick Bolleia Ian and Alana Brock Janet Callis Rev. Gerard E. Chapdelaine, S.J. Conroy-Keller Robert Boller Michael Coffey and Maggie Lynn Cameron Barbara Charles Christine Convery Rev. Kenneth Boller, S.J. Broeren Jack and Shirley Cammarata Yara Cheikh Joan Marie Conway Dori and Trent Bolling Worthington K. Bromley Gerard Hart and Annamarie Mei Leng Cheng John Regis Coogan William J. Bollwerk Matthew J. Brophy Camoratto Ron Chestnut Pamela Tongate Cook Karen Boore Ann and Mark Brown Alice Campanella Cheverus High School Student Kip Corriveau Sara Booth Wallace and Sheila Brown James Campbell Council Diana Cosgrove Julie and Robert Kemble Borths Rev. Timothy B. Brown, S.J Julie Ede Campbell Ken Chiccotella John and Barbara Costantino M. Jean Boston Donald Buchal Susana Campos Paula Christiansen Stefanie C. Costello Paul and Ann Bouche Richard and Diane Buchta Paulina Eugenia Canales Elizabeth Chudy Maureen E. Coyle Martha S. Boucher Lourdes Buenaventura Vincent Cannamela Karyn Citti A. Paul Cravedi Boulder Theater Claire Buff Ma Consuelo Fatima Cao Michael and Stephanie Clancy Jason and Maria Crawford Gabby and Haifa Bourghol Brian and Cheryl Bunch Robert F. Capalbo Anne C Clark Gertrude Crecca Michael A Bouzigard Buras Family Living Trust Cara Elizabeth Caponi Ben J. Clarke• Jean M. Cremen Christina Bowen Christine and Michael Burch Ruperto and Irene Cardona Margaret Clarke Robert and Margaret Crocco Brian G. Boyland Burgoyne Roberts Family Fund William L. Carlin Teresa D. Claude James Croghan Brendan Boyle Peter Burke Matthew Carnavos Susan Cleary Daniel and P.L. Cronin Mary Bozza William and Mary Burke Louie Carnazzo Sarah Cline Mary K. Crook Daniel Braccio Michael J. Burnham Colleen Carpenter• Elisa T. Colas Zachary Crosser Elizabeth Bradley Rev. Gerald H. Burns George and Joanne Carr R.A. Colberg John and Kathleen Cullen Marcus Brady Susan M. Burns Marlon Carrier Jeanne Colford• Kathleen Cullen * Gift In Kind | • Monthly, Quarterly, or Recurring Donor | + Deceased

39 Claver Society (cont.) Ruthann R. DePonio• Michael and Jen Dunbar Mary Faber Ellen Fishman Nicola Cullen Janet DeRaleau Anthony and Mary Dunleavy Frank Facciolo Eileen G. Fitzgerald Patricia Cummings Mary Anne Deras Soltis Glenda Woolf and James Dunn Valerie Ann Fadok Robert Fitzgerald Lauren P. Curry Susan Derdeyn Clare M. Dunsford Anthony Fague Robert J. and Patricia J. Fitzmyer Joseph and Amelia Curtin James and Rosemarie Devivo Thomas Bednarz and Sharon Thomas Fahey Anne Fizzard Mark Miskovsky and Kathleen Joseph and Jessica Di Marius Durgin James J. Fallon J.L. and L.S. Flanagan Curtin Joseph and Carolyn Dickmann Dory Durham M. Patricia Fallon Eryn Fletcher Gregory Peter Cusano Thomas A. Dier Nancy Duryea Jonathan Farrar William and Carole Flood Maria P. DaCosta Michael Patrick Dillon Ann M. Dypiangco Elizabeth Farrell Thomas and Dolores Floyd Jay Dahill Robert DiMatteo John Dzieglewicz, S.J. J. Terrence Farris Kira Foken Patricia Dahl Diocese of Helena Elizabeth Early Jeremy Fauber Brian and Ann Foley Lisa and Frederick Dalton Hoang and Giao Do Maria Echeverri and Ann Hemmerle Fauber Robert Hansen and Claire Foley Patricia Damico Joan C. Dolan Joyce and George Eckart Andrew Faughnan Fordham Preparatory School Hoan T. Dang John and Maureen Dolan Richard and Diane Economakis Brendan Faughnan Eric Forte Monica L. Dang Steve and Mary Domahidy James Eisele David and Joanne Faulkner Rita E. Foster Diana Daniels Diana Maria Domingues Daniel E. Eisenberg Kathleen O. Favrow Sara L. Foust Mark Danis Nancy Donahoe Steven Elliott Thomas and Margaret Fay John Fox David Dann Richard and Leslie Donahue Karen Ellsworth George R. Fearon Kathleen M. Fox Agnel D’apos-Cruz Sandra D’Onofrio Judith Engel A.J. and Jennifer Fechter Jeanne Foy Vigil D’apos-Cruz Kevin Donohue Maureen Engeler Brian and Veronica Felix Nicholas Senzamici Daughters of the Holy Spirit Margaret Donohue Erwin Engert, Jr. R. Skip and Mary Fellinger and Elizabeth Fragola Patrick J. Dauterive Sr. Margaret Donohue, RSM• John and Jean Entwistle Austin Fernandez Margaret Franke Beverley Davenport Lawrence G. Donovan, Jr William Nyle Epping Marie Ferrara Heidi Franklin Troy Kiah Davidson M. Kathleen Dougherty Charles Ercolino Eileen Brennan Ferrell Brigid Curtin Frein Emily Davis Meghan Dougherty Lawrence W. Erickson Ron and Pat Ferreri• Mary Freund Chris Dawson Thomas R. and Mary Beth Doyle Sharon Erkman John and Sandra Ferrero• Manuel Frias John and Catherine Day Leo and Janet Dressel Mary Anne Ernst Bruce M. Filak Mary Kay Fry John S. Day Julie Drew John and Denise Esmerado• John Finch Don S. Fuchs Katherine De George Jane Driscoll Ana P. Espina Harvey and Maureen Finkelstein Donald L. Fuchs Michael Joseph Deasy Christopher Drury Peter Espina Anita E. Finley Peter Furka David DeCosse Ingrid Dudek Anthony and Eileen Essaye Virginia Finn Jennifer M. Gale Maureen L. Degnan James and Mary Dudley• Lee Essner Allison Kent and Terrence Barbara L. Gallagher Roslyn DeGregorio Michael Due Francene E. Evans Finneran Maureen Gallagher Barbara Dehaemers Daniel P. and Lois F. Duffy Mary Jo Evans Aidan D Firman Charles Bell and Teresa Henry Delcore Rev. Joseph P. Duffy, S.J. Edward and Colleen Evert Judith G Massicot-Fisher and Gallagher-Bell John F. Kane and Jean Demmler John and Catherine Dummer Lana Faber Geary L. Fisher Michael William Gambone• * Gift In Kind | • Monthly, Quarterly, or Recurring Donor | + Deceased

40 Stefanie Gamez Robert Gerut David and Ann Greenwood Nancy J. Harris• Yoalli Hidalgo Pontet Monica Gamm Patricia Geuting Msgr. Edmund Griesedieck Scott Harris Kevin and Peg Higgins Barbara Ganley Theresa M. Gholson John Griffin Richard and Henrietta Harrison Wayne and Kay Hill Deborah A. Gannon Nat and Celia Giacobbi Timothy and Courtney Griffin Harold and Jean Hartman David and Karen Hinchen John and Mary Ellen Gannon William B. Gibbens Susan Alice Griffiths Julianne Hartmann Michelle Hirschboeck Rosalie M. Gansecki Mary L. and Joseph Giere Frank and Maria Grimminger Anne M. Hartnett Pierce and Mary Hoban Abel Garcia Elizabeth and Brian Gilleran Donald Gross Edward Hartnett William Hobbs• Natalia G. Garcia Robert Gillingham Stephen and Donna Gross• Thane F. Hascall Dennis Holley Omar and Amy Garcia Donald L. Gimbel Mary Kathryn Guentner Robert and Patricia Hasenstab Ann Holtwick Carol and Antoine Garibaldi Jeffrey and Jenny Girard Malley John E. Guignon, Jr. Carol Hatem Lawrence and Teresa Holzen Timothy Garry Glenmary Home Missioners Jesus and Luz Gutierrez Laurie Hathman Paul and Maryann Homan Robert and Elizabeth Garver Francetta Glowinski, OSF Kathleen Gutierrez John and Evelyn Haught Timothy Hood Guthrie Garvin Jack D. Gocke Marie-Jeanne Gwertzman Lisa Haverkamp Robert Hoose Diana Gaskins John J. Godfrey John and Irene T. Gyori Patrick Haveron David and Mary Anne Hoover Michael Tomalis and Theresa Robert and Mary Goeke Victor Haburchak Sheila Hayes John S. Horan II Gatusky Mary Ellen Goergen Marcy Lynn Hackbarth Daniel and Jane Head Ted Horn• Adam and Maureen Gavin Catherine Goggins Joan C. Hadden Peter and Carol Hearne Richard and Maria Horwitt• Chris and Doreen Gavin Anita Goin Thomas Hafner David Heatwole James H. Howard Dwayne Andrew Gavin Ilene M. Good Christopher Haggerty Daniel and Margaret Hebert Robert Du Brul and Judy Hoy James and Eileen Gavin Angela Goodale John and Lauralie Haikin James J. Hederman Wayne P. Hubert John M. Gavin, Jr. Charles and Camille Goodman Tom Pipal and Diana Hall George and Denise Heeg Emmett Hummel Robert and Deb Gavin Claudia Goodrich Thomas Halliday Barbara and Edmond J. Heffernan John Humphreys Elizabeth Geary John H. and Pamela A. Goodwin Mary Alice Halloran Kathryn Hein Peter and Patricia Hupperich Mary Gehres Zihna Gordon Joe and Toni Hamera Susan F. Heinsz Ann Hurley• Susan K Gellman Walmer Gordon-Tennant Barbara Ann Hamman Lisa Herder and Ed Hejlek Lori Hurley Jean-Michel Gelmetti Robert and Diane Gorman Joseph Hancock Barbara Jean Hemann Abby J. Hutnick Jean-Michel Marie Auguste Robert Gorman John and Judith Hardin Dennis and Catherine Henderson Tung Huynh Gelmetti Barbara J. Gormley Liam Hardy Shannon Ransom Hendricks Monica M. Icone Thomas Hickey and Patrizia Deepak Goyal Johanna M Hargreaves-Kwong Trista Henke Mary Ihle Gemperle Gene and Michele Gragg Bryon Harmon Patricia Henry Jean-Louis Ikambana• Mimi Gendreau Frank and Regina Grandizio Mary Harmon Shannon Hepner Immaculate Conception Parish Karla Gengler-Nowak John and Cheryl Grandy Michael Thompson and Mary Roberto Hernandez Jesuit Community Lena A Georges Casper and Carolyn Grathwohl Harms Laura Herz Integrated Financial Strategies, Georgetown Prep Leo Green Brian Harper Lillian Hess LTD. Jennifer Germanese Eileen Greene Angela Harrigan Scott and Barbara Hessel Nicholas and Susan Inzeo Theresa Gerold Gloria Greenspun Charles M. Harris, Jr. John and Susan Hession Paul Irish * Gift In Kind | • Monthly, Quarterly, or Recurring Donor | + Deceased

41 Claver Society (cont.) John and Caroline Kelleher Marie Knoblock Arcelia Ledezma David and Joanne Lynch Jennifer and Jon Israelson Lindsay Kelleher Paul Knorr Kevin Lee Gregory Lynch Fuad Issa• Timothy Kelleher Arlene H. Koeferl Margaret A. and Christopher Matthew Lynch Heather Jacobs Katherine Kellen• G Thomas Koester F. L ee Raymond and Kathleen Lyon Anne Jacobson Kevin E. Kelley Barbara K. Kopp Theresa Lee Joseph Lyons Scott and Joan Janoch Mary Kelley Edward Kouri Robert and Jean Lefebvre Robert W. Lytle John F. Traverse James J. Kelly Joseph J. Koury Angelyn Legaspi Joan MacDonnell and Jennifer A. Larson James R. Kelly Anna T. Kozlowski Adele LeGere Jose Maceda Alejandro Lerner and Jennifer Margaret Kelly Rev. Kenneth R. Krall, S.J.• Eric Leis Drew Macha Corrou Sean Andrew Kelly Alex Kras Catherine LeMense Teresa Maciejczyk Jesuit International Missions Kara Kempf William and Patricia Krause Robert and Marjorie Lemkuhl Frank and Theresa Mack Jesuit Residence Gary Kendellen Michael Kreutzer Ann Marie Sisk Lenaeus Jennifer Mackesy Jogues Retreat Center Jesuit Nicholas Kennedy Otto and Ann Marie Kreuzer Sharon M. Leon John and Leticia Macleod Community Christine Kenny Christian and Melinda Krokus Martin and Eileen Lilly• Jane C. MacNeil Nicholas D. Johantgen John and Marcia Keppel Edward and Margaret Kruse Leonor Farias Limarzi George and Anne Madaus Baiju John Steven Kernie Madonna Kuciejczyk-Kernan Nancy E. Lindsay Marlene A. Maddalone Roger S. Johnsen Donald Kerwin Paul Kuczora Grace Link Maryellen Magee Brown Bob and Sandy Johnson Pamela Dobie Key Claire Kunkle John J. Lis Andrea Maher Judith A. Johnson Sandy Kim John and Debra Kwiatek Russell Little Daniel and Beth Maier Marlene Johnson Christopher King Dolores Egger Labbe Anne Michele Lockner Bernat Thomas Makarewicz Steven David Johnson Mary King Bonnie S. Lackey Lora Lonadier Kathleen A. Makoid• Timothy and Patricia Johnson Mary Louise King David and Dava Ladymon Maurice and Ernesta Lonsway, Jr. Mark James Makowski Richard and Mary Ann Johnston Kino Jesuit Community James LaFave Victorina Lopez Thomas Malarkey Rosemary Jonson John and Artemis Kirk Cheryl T LaFlame• Nuria Lopez-Pajares Francesca Mimi Malatesta Mary Juliano Katherine Lee Kirvan Michael J. Lagas John and Anne Marie Lounibos Mary Anne Maldonado Jeffrey Kaczka John Kissinger Maurice and Marie Lahoud James K. Low Mary Malley Joseph and Mary Kalista Gloria M. Kittel Catherine Lamothe Robert and Monique Lowd Thomas L Mallinger• Christopher Kane Maureen and Richard Kizer Alex and Gloria Landi Janice Lower Stan Malnar, MD Michael Kaplan Philip William Klay David Landry Loyola Academy Girls Lacrosse Margaret M. Maloney Lewis H. Katcher Jennifer Kleeman Mary Landry Dennis and Pam Lucey Nora Maloy Vladimir Kaytsner John and Kelly Kleiderer Jim and Karen Langford Jean M. Luchi, M.D. Jim Manire Mr. and Mrs. Keane Helen K. Klenklen Marilyn Lassalle-Klein Nicholas Lugansky Jim and Susan Manney Gerald and Lynn Keegan Vincent and Colette Klink Henry Lauer Anthony and Caroline Maura Marie Manning Richard Keeley• Elaine M. Kloser Santos W. and Petra S. Lazo Lukaszewski Manresa Jesuit Community Elizabeth Keesal Kathleen Klosterman Le Moyne College Scott Lutz Leah Margulies Thomas and Nancy Keiser Frank and Carol Klotz Kristen Mary Leal Luzerne Optical Laboratories LTD Roy Marien * Gift In Kind | • Monthly, Quarterly, or Recurring Donor | + Deceased

42 Joe Snyder and Marilyn Page Michael and Patience McGuire Bruce Miller Michael and Paris Mulkey David C. Nischwitz Gerardo Marin Serena McGushin Christina I. Miller Donald and Helen Muller Samir Nissan Richard Marquez Caroline McKenna Dana Miller John P. Muller Napoleon and Afra Nobay Maureen S. Martin Edwin and Joan McKeon Forrest and Clare Miller Brendan Murphy Edward and Anne Nolan Richard Martin Daniel and Mary McMahon Rebecca G. Miller Don J. Murphy Mairead T. Nolan Ahmed Martinez Jeanne McMahon Rev. James J. Miracky, S.J. James A. Murphy Mike Nonn Marymount School of New York Timothy John McMahon Charles J. and Susan. T Misiaveg Kevin B. Murphy Patrick F. and Nancy P. Noonan Gerald M. Masar Patrick D. McNelis Amy Misner Mark Murphy Thomas Noone Mary and Mark Masterson Moira McNulty Shawn Misquitta Patricia Murphy Northern Indiana Public Service William and Stacia Masterson Rebecca Baumann and Dan Bill and Carol Mitchell James Murray Company Beth Mathewson McVeigh Colleen Mitchell• Paula Murray Northrop Grumman Richard and Helen Mattis McQuaid Jesuit Community William and Linda Mitchell Robert F. Murray Louise and Leo Norton Kelsey May Colleen McShane Elham Ellie Montazeri Murray Residence Jesuit Notre Dame School Mary Lou Venker Mayer Robert J. McShea, Jr. Michael Monteleone Community P. Andrew and Karen Nousen James F. Mazanec Patricia McVary Frances Moon Jennifer M. Najera Walter and Karen Novak Patricia Mazzeo• Tom and Ellen Measday James Moore Isabel M. Naphin Nancy Nowalk Edward and Jeanne McAnaney Roberta Mechler Jose Miguel Moracho• Scott Nash Laurie O’Bryon Rev. Bernard F. McAniff, S.J. Jamie Medeiros John J. Moran Charles and Margaret Nastro Diane Oakley John J. Zarobell and Keally D. Joanne Meehan Michael E. Moran Joe Naylor Oblates of St. Francis de Sales McBride Padraic Meehan Rev. J. Gordon Moreland, S.J. Mary and Edward Naylor Carleen O’Brien William McCarthy Joseph Meisenheimer Adrianne Moreno Edward J. Neafsey Kevin J. O’Brien Janice McCloskey Margarita Mejia Pinzon Dennis and Anne Marie Morgan Joan F. Neal Mary Ann O’Brien Kathleen McCormick Michael Melaniphy Chris and Kathy Moroney Michael Neary Jennifer Ochman Mary Ellen McCrystal Hector Melendez Chanda Morra Norwood Nedom Stephen Ochs Michael J. McCrystle Joshua Mellor Edward N. Morris, Jr. Pete G. Neeley Dolores O’Connell Mallory McDuff Maura A. Melody Eugene Morris Edward C. Neely Joseph and Lenore O’Connor Charles and Alice McEnery Judd and Sara Mendelson Richard and Anne Morris Frank and Barbara Negvesky Joseph P. Oechsle Janet McGiffin Michael Coyne and Victoria Merlo Ryan Morrison James C. Nemecek Fred and Margaret Ogden Joseph J. McGill Merritty Jesuit Community Barbara Morrissey Leon Jay Newman Mary T. Ogles Fred and Diane McGoldrick at Marquette Brian Morrow Lesley Park Newman David Ogren Paul McGonigle Marcus Mescher David Morrow Mark Newton Richard and Dolores O’Hara Patrick L McGowan William and Elaine Mestrezat John H. Morse, III• Lina Ng Erin K. O’Leary Sheila McGrail Anne Meynor• Mark Morsheimer John and Claire Nicholson Leslie Oleynik John McGuigan Alan Joseph Miceli Carol L. Mournighan• Michael J. Nicholson Steve and Jorie O’Malley Anthony McGuire Michael and Judy Michalek Thomas and Janet Mug G. Michael Nidiffer, M.D. Mary Regan O’Mara John and Ann McGuire Pablo Mijangos Mary Mulherin Jon Nilson William Gordon O’Neill * Gift In Kind | • Monthly, Quarterly, or Recurring Donor | + Deceased

43 Refugee children board a bus in Lebanon. In 2016, JRS/USA provided over $200,000 in support for emergency assistance to refugees in Lebanon (Jesuit Refugee Service)

44 Claver Society (cont.) Diane Peters Vincent L. Prietto Darcy Ridge Douglas A. Rush Karin L. O’Reilly Anne Peticolas Deborah Primiano Peter Riley J. Michael Ryan and Linda Ryan Maureen Patricia O’Riordan David Petitti Susan Propst Michael and Mary Ring Luke H. Ryan• Sharon Orlet Walter Petri Bernard G. Prusak John Riordan Peter Ryan Theresa A. Orlovsky Michael Petro Paul Pryor Lorentz Anthony and Margaret Rizzo Rosemary G. Ryan Laura Ortiz Michael S. Petro Todd Puccio Mary Roach James and Roseann Saah Robert and Catherine O’Sullivan Jaymie Petronzi Marya Pulaski Martin and Nancy Robb John Saam Casey H. Oswald• Elaine Pfaff Prakash and Kamala Puram Theodore R. Robb Antonia R. Sacchetti Avery Ouellette Thanhvan Phan George and Patricia Pytash Stephanie Robbins Sacred Heart Jesuit Center Our Lady of Hope Parish Christopher and Maria Phelps Heather Quick Earl James Robertson, II Phil and Catherine Saines Our Lady of Victory Owen and Jane Phelps Virginia Quick British August Robinson Saint Rose Parish and School Missionary Sisters James E. Phillips, CPA Michael Quieto Rev. David C. Robinson, S.J. Mary Salinas Theresa Owen Joe and Anne Piazza Eugene Frederick Quinn John A. Roda• Patrick M. Saluke John Paar Terry F. Pickard Vincent and Pam Quinn Mary M. Roda Lucio Sanchez Chase Padusniak Katherine Pientka Vincent D. Quinn Kathryn A. Rodgers Brittany Sandefur Michele P. Pagan Amy Piepiora Kenneth Raab Ram Das Rao and Maria William and Judy Sandquist Darrel J. and Shirleydean Karen Pierce Catherine Racek Rodrigues Hilary Elizabeth Santini Cezar Papillion Pasquale and Linda Pingitore Rev. William Rakowicz, S.J. Ellen Mary Roeckl Imelda Santore Young Sin and Joon Park Stephanie Beaudouin Piper Theresa Rambosek Joseph and Carol Jo Roeder Grace and Rene Santos C. Richard Parkins Frances Pisano Scot Randle Jason and Amy Rogers Carole Sargent John and Rose Marie Pastizzo Karl S. Pister John (Jack) R. Raslowsky Michael and Mary-Ellen Rogers Rose Marie Sattler John Garate and Mary Patrick Laura Pittenger Maureen Rasmussen J. Michael Rohlfing Catherine R. Savereno Garate Laura M. Pliska Alex and Susan Ravnik Ann Romero Marta Hernandez Sayeed Robert Selig and Maureen Patrick Joseph and Mary Podorsek John and Shirley Read Paul F. Rooney Danny Schaible Joanne Pavilon J. Kenneth Poggenburg, Jr. Marie and Tim Reardon Lometa Neoma Rorie Daniel and Anna Scheid Howell and Elizabeth Payne John Polanin, Jr. Ryan and Kristine Rebuck Carol Rosiek Chris and Michelle Scherer Penelope Payne Lucy Pollard-Gott Jacqueline M. Regan Charles and Karen Ross Mary Schmeltz Mike Peck Cynthia Pon Raymond Reid Janice M. Rossing John Paul Schmidt Carlo A. Pedrioli Kim Posega Rev. William J. Reilly Charles Buck and Patricia Nicholas Schmidt Sheryl Pelayo Kathleen M. Potts Noraleen Renauer Rossman Gerald and Rosemary Schmitt Andrea L Pellicciari Robert Power Tom and Carol Rennell Karen M. Rossman Joan E. Schmitz Marianne Perciaccante Eileen Powers Roberto Reveles Rev. Michael Rossmann, S.J. Robert and Catherine Schneider David Perry Thomas and Mary Powers Dorothy Reynaud Nancy T. Roth William and Kaitlyn Schnieders Mary Perry Kristine E. Prentice Mary E. Reynolds Kylie and Simon Rowe Sam Schnydman Doris M. Pesci Gail Presbey Randy and Cynthia Rice• Martin and Julie Rubio Len Schockling Lucille Petermeier Donna Price• Gregory and Martina Rickerd Barbara J. Rudolph Sue A. Schoenfelder * Gift In Kind | • Monthly, Quarterly, or Recurring Donor | + Deceased

45 Claver Society (cont.) Elaine H. and William P. Sisler St. Edward the Confessor Parish Janking Suravilla Rev. Michael F. Tunney, S.J. School Sisters of Notre Dame Sisters of Charity of St. Elizabeth St. Francis Xavier School Carol H. Sutcliffe Robert M. Turner John Schott Sisters of Charity of the Blessed St. Isaac Jogues Parish / Kino Jennifer Ann Swanson Patricia and John Tweedy John and Mary Schroeder Virgin Mary Jesuit Community John August Swanson David Uhl Patricia J. Schulz Sisters of Mercy Shalom Convent St. Louis University High School Judith Szot United Health Group Miriam Schwartz Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange St. Michael’s Parish Harriet Anne Tabb USA Central and Southern David K. and Kristin S. Schwarz Sisters of the Divine Savior St. Peter’s Catholic Church Hannah Tadros• Province Brigid M. Scott Sisters of the Holy Spirit and St. Raphael Academy Gregory Tan Rosvida Uskert James and Laurie Scott Mary Immaculate Ann Stacey Myron and Maureen N. Tantum Michael Vajgrt Jo Ann Scott Sisters of the Presentation Carl J. Stamm Elizabeth Tarasevich Celina Valadao Joseph and Marianne Scully Adele Skinner William Stanfield John Tavares Margaret Valavanis Antone Scurich Joseph Sladewski Deb Stanford Minda Te Joseph Vallely Maureen M. Seabury Daniel and Linda Sloan Jennifer Staysniak Viguen and Teresa Terminassian Colleen Van Dyke James Hogan Sealey Brad Small Jerome and Johanna Stegman Elisabeth Tetlow Alyson Van Tiem Gerard L. Seissiger Barbara Smith• Kara Steijlen Carol Thaler Francis and Jane Vardy Stephen Seitz Bradley and Lauren Smith Helen K. Stempsey The Harrington Family Revocable George Leo Varghese Stephen Sekel David William Smith Robert Stephen Trust Sandra Vartorella Steven W. Semes Francis X. Smith Rev. Jim Stickney The Office of Mission Integration Julie and Stephen Vasil Servants of the Immaculate Heart Peter J. Smith Carol Stotser and Planning Nora Vasilescu of Mary/SCIM John Snyder Stephen P. Stowe The Sisters of St. Francis Francisco A. Villaronga Roger and Diane Serzen Mariah Snyder Gabrielle Strandquist (Mount St. Francis) Ellen B. Villegas Delia Roberge Shanahan Kate Sochacki Richard J. Strasser, Jr. The Stevens Realty Group Jordan Villegas Elizabeth P. Shay Letitia A. Sokoll Caitlin Maura Straub Arthur and Mary Lou Thivierge Carolyn Vinnicombe Susan Shay Paul and Karen Sonefeldt Barbe J. Stuart Laura Tholen Dan and Rose Vodvarka Elaine M. Shea Rita Sorrentino Karen and Stephen Stulck Eugenia B. Thoma Sophie Vodvarka Pearl S. Shea Jean Ponder Soto Donald and Eleonore Stump Lawrence Thomas Sandra Vogl Nancy Shea-Starkenburg Abraham Souza Gregory and Mariann Stupka Nancy Thomson Tien Vu Margaret Maureen Sheridan Stephen and Jennifer Spangler Jeremiah and Carole Sugrue Tracy Thorne• Sara A. Wagner Elizabeth S. Shore Geralyn and Thomas Sparough Eileen Burke-Sullivan John C. Tierney Paul Walczyk Robert Sigler Pamela and Stephen Sparough and Michael Sullivan Matt and Jen Tilghman-Havens• Jacob Walden Kathleen A. Simar• Pamela Spellman• Kaitlin Sullivan Hon. V. Paul Timko James and Maureen Waldron Eric Simon Shaun Michael Sperl Thomas and Jacqueline Sullivan Michael and Maureen Touhey Margaret B. Wall Geoffrey Simons Joan Spillman Timothy J. Sullivan• James and Elaine Tourtelotte Eileen Wallace Cheryl and John E. Sims• Bridget Spitznagel Suore della Divina Provvidenza Nancy Tran Ronald and Mary Ann Wallace Kathryn S. Singer St. Andrew Hall Novitiate Alice Susan Supanich Oanh Tran Joan Dunn Walsh Sukhmander Singh St. Charles Borromeo Church Suzanne S. Suprock Daniel J. Troy Patrick and Mary Walsh * Gift In Kind | • Monthly, Quarterly, or Recurring Donor | + Deceased

46 Suzanne B. Walsh William and Terese Weld-Wallis Katja Wiemer Gillian Wolfe Clifford M. Yeary• Elizabeth Walter Joseph and Rosemary Weller Matthew Wilch Margaret Wollen-Olson Christa Yoakum Rita Walters-Peyton Gary and Martha Wells John F. Wilcox, Jr. Christine Wood Catherine Youle Karen M. Wamhoff Maryann M. Wells Leon and Elaine Wilczynski• George William Wood Daniel Young Sheridan Warden Julianne Werwaiss Joseph and Cathleen Wildt Lisa Wood Dorothy Zammit James and Susan Watson William F. Werwaiss• Rachel Wilkerson Claudia Woodward• Allene Claire Zanger Elizabeth A. Weaver Fredric and Monica Wheeler Christine Wilkins Judith and Michael Wurdock Alan Zarter Edward Jay Wegerson Margaret R. Wheeler Frank M. Wilson, Jr. Dominick Yacono Ted and Diane Zawadski Colleen R. Wehhling Joanne Whitaker, RSM James and Bethany Wiser Sonia Yam Joshua Zielinski Anna and Jeffrey Weidell Domenick White Ronald and Sheila Wolf Mun Yang Thomas and Mary Zlatic Lawrence and Alice Weiner Eugene and Marjorie Wiemels Christine and William Wolfe Engin Edwin and Yvonne Yaz

Combined Federal Campaign Thank you to all of our supporters who make a gift through the Combined Federal Campaign! CFC• 10148

Maria Allende Felix Delgado Paul Hayes Sarah R. Mattingly Ann Marie Skov Kathleen Arrigotti Evan D. Dineen Dennis S. Hernit Troy Mckenzie Patrick Towell Cynthia S. Bahora Steven P. Donald Dennis Holley Joseph Meisenheimer Diego Valenzuela James E Balow John Ebersole Nicholas and Susan Inzeo Mark Miskovsky Philip Verveer Jaime J. Bestard Michael Eichten Stefan Jaronski Timothy Moran Amy Walters Christopher Bishop David J. Elizondo Bryan Jones Matthew Murtagh Chou Wenying Michele Bouziane Jonathan Farrar Christopher Kane Mary P. Nix Melvin Werner Noel Brennon Matthew Fay Jeffrey J. Konyar Riley J. Owens Joseph Zdrodowski Sean Callahan William Flegel Lisa Kopchik Thames E. Pickett Stephen Capelli, Jr. Spencer French Cynthia Lewis John Poglinco John A. Casciotti Peter Furka Ruth Lunn Daniel Schaible Thomas Cayia John G. Haaga Cherylleeanne Madlansa- Timothy Schimpp Stefanie C. Costello Victor Haburchak cay David Schmid David Dann Lynnette Harms Mark Matese Nicholas Schmidt John S. Day Ellen Harrison Caleb Mathena William Schnieders * Gift In Kind | • Monthly, Quarterly, or Recurring Donor | + Deceased

47 Gifts in Tribute Gifts to JRS/USA are often made in tribute to a person or celebration. In 2016, gifts were made to JRS/USA in tribute to the following:

Gifts in Honor Rev. Roberto Boholst, S.J. Clare and Rebecca Cecil-Karb Mary Deschenes Mindy Ahler Bridget Bonsignore Caitlin and Mark Chicu Alison Doherty Alexis and Robert Godchildren of the Borths Children and grandchildren Rev. Don Doll, S.J. All children Chris Boscia Children of Aleppo James Dowden Barbara P. Aloe Armando Borja Rev. Glen Chun, S.J. Margaret Doyle Sara Alsum-Wassenaar Rev. Michael Boughton, S.J. Hillary Clinton Jill Drzewiecki Rev. Gerald Aman, S.J. Mary Ann Bourchert Howard and Susan Code Rev. James F. Duffy, S.J., MD Joan and Richard Anna Rev. Robert Braunreuther, S.J. Brendan Coffey Rev. John Dzieglewicz Karen and Dan Anna Patty Brown Denise Coghlan Annabelle and Genevieve Eggers St. Anthony Rev. Paul Buhagiar, S.J. Rev. Denis E. Collins, S.J. Gregg Eilers Jeremy Assalone The Burke, McBride, and Nemchik Rev. Denis Como, S.J. Kelsey Elder Sarah Avila families Rev. Martin Connell, S.J. Eve Christine and Al Azevedo James Butler and Mac Walker Alyssa Cook Family Rev. Eugene Barber, S.J. Mary Butler Regina Cordium Chris Favor Daniel Barone Dennis and Carma Cain Mike Corocco and Grey Tacchetti Deirdre and Dean Felton Louis and Jennifer Barone Calaf Children and Grandchildren Rev. Jose C. Corral, S.J. Anna Ferguson Friends and Family Rev. William Barry, S.J. Bridget Campbell and Annie Camp- Rev. Daniel R. Corrou, S.J. Parents of Harvey and Maureen Bellarmine College Preparatory bell George Curichiyil Finkelstein Rita Bennett Rev. William Campbell, S.J. Jim Curtin and Sheila Roxborough Nicolas Lawrence Fisher Rita and Marty Bennett John and Peggy Cannon Joe Curtin Rev. Paul Fitterer, S.J. Francine Bernard and Regina Or- Carlson Family John P. Curtin Albert Fitzgerald chessi Peter and Marry Ellen Carpino Peg Curtin and Jim Wilder Allison Fizzard and Brian Herman Godchildren of Anne Lockner Bernat L. Patrick Carroll Franklyn L. Cutrone Ursula Foley Kate Bernat Rev. Sean Carroll, S.J. Andrew and JoAnn Dalziel Thomas Foster Dr. Chris Bissada The Cashin Family Omran Daqneesh Pope Francis Rev. Richard Bohler, S.J. Cates And Carney Families Pierce Delehunt Jane Ashley Gagne

48 Christine Gallagher Mark and Karen Hubert Gary and Nancy Kribbs Dr. Patricia McCulloch Rev. Michael Gallagher, S.J. Rev. James Hug, S.J. Rev. Steve Krupa, S.J. Pat McDermott John Garate and Mary Patrick Garate Doug and Alice Hurley Frances Kurimsky Madden McDonagh Ellen H. Garcia Ken Hutnick Kyle, Maria, Madeline, Caitlin, Beth, Richard and Kate McDonagh Camille Gaspard Rev. Ralph Huse, S.J. and Rick Eamonn and Finola McGuiness Rev. Kenneth J. Gavin, S.J. Millie Inzeo Philip and Madeline Lacovara Jack and Margaret McMahon Joyce Gelli Rev. John F. Izzo, S.J. Chuck and Sarah Lamphier David and Judith McNulty Rev. Mark George, S.J. Robert and Deborah Jablonski Margo Laux Rev. Ronald Mercier, S.J. Gerold Family Jacob, Jessica, Ryan Justin Claudine Leary John P. Milan Louise Gilbert Rev. Damian Jackson, S.J. Arcelia Ledezma’s husband Rev. Frank Moan, S.J. John and Margaret Glavin Patricia Janeczko’s grandchildren Lorraine Liberti Msgr. Chet Moczydlowski Manika Goyal Jesuits FX and JJ Van Lieshout Lynn Montroy Dr. Robert Gramins Jesuits from Regis High School and Joseph Linder Chris Morey and Bernard P. Prusak Rev. Jeff Grant University Rev. Joseph Lingan, S.J. Kenneth Morico Randy Gray Jesuits at St. Therese Parish, Moores- Joshua Lion Rev. Bruce Morrill, S.J. Rev. Thomas Greison ville, NC Mark Lippolt Luke Morrow Gail Griffith Jesuit Volunteer Corps Rev. Lois Lipps, S.J. Sarah Morrow Patsy Hafner Jesus Christ William Lipscomb John and Philip Murphy Rev. Mark Hallinan, S.J. Reed and Zoe Johnson Regina Luchi Needed Children Kieran Halloran JRS Staff Anne Lynch Rev. Wayne Negrete, S.J. Marilyn and Richard Hammelman Kelleher Family Paul Lynch Barack Obama Harbinson Family Sr. Mary Lou Kelly Rose and John Mahoney Rev. James O’Brien, S.J. Emmylou Harris Rev. Henry Kenney,S.J. Joseph Majewski Rev. Kevin O’Brien, S.J. Catherine Harroun Rev. Timothy Kesicki, S.J. Mary and Mike Manning Rev. Leo O’Donovan, S.J. Robert Hart Raymond Khoudary, MD Joseph Maresca Conor O’Kane Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Hederman and Father of Rana Khoury Rev. James Martin, S.J. Rev. Patrick O’Leary, S.J. Family Virginia Kiflit Stella Olivia Martinez Charles O’Neil Jack Hedke Paul and Stephanie Konold Loretta Marzucco Rev. James W. O’Neil, S.J. Graig Hightower Paul Kovach Rev. Bienvenu Mayemba, S.J. Kevin O’Really Rev. David Hollenbach, S.J. Robert C. Kozlowski Rev. Scott McAnally Betty and Danny O’Steen Thomas Holtwick Rev. Leonard Kraus, S.J. Alex and Kate McCann OFIE Danny Howell-Burke Rev. Kreiger John McClorey Rev. Frank Oppenheim, S.J.

49 Regina Orchessi Theresa Rowan Sophie Vodvarka Stefan Bachmann Rev. Ben Osborne, S.J. Dyane Rude James and Shirley Walker Hope Bailey David and Kim Osgood Rev. Christopher J. Ryan, S.J. Virginia Walker Mary Balisteri Rev. John Padberg, S.J. Sally and Ellis Rev. Matt Walsh, S.J. August Barbier Roy Pardee Henry Scheid Walsh Jesuit High School JRS Action Huynh Sanh Thong Richard C. Bauer Gina and Gary Parnaby Grace Schmidt Team John V. Baus Jerry Paulsin and Julie Caster Hank and Colleen Seean Rev. William Watters, S.J. Eugene A. Bay Jacquelyn Pavilon Rev. H.J. Shea, S.J. Gordon Webb Paul and Dot Becker Andy Pearson Henry Shea Rev. Leo Weber, S.J. Rev. Gerald Bell, S.J Jenny and Andy Pearson Rev. Michael J.L. Sheeran, S.J. Rev. Earl A. Weis, S.J. Robert A Benz People of Aleppo Anna Sivak Rev. Robert F Weiss, S.J. Rev. Daniel Berrigan, S.J. Laura D. Perez Rev. Patrick Sloneker Sr. Joanne Whitaker Kathryn S. Bigley Paul Perez Rev. Gary Smith, S.J. The Wiemers Brother Billy of Joan Kenealy Elizabeth Perkins Tom and Lois Smith Kristen Schaefer Wilson Virginia Morrow Black Blaire and Cecilia Petruch Very Rev. Tom Smolich, S.J. Paul G. Wolfteich Clarence and Helen Blanchard Rev. Joseph Tuan Phuc, S.J. Joan Sokoll J.K. and Dale Ann Woolbert Rev. John J. Blandin, S.J. Ed and Marie Piepiora J. Michael Sparough, S.J. Liz and Dohrman Wright Edward Bodnar John-Paul Pietrus Dr. Justin Sporrer Stevie Michael Wright David E. Bohlken Ann Price Greg Stephen Herbert J. Wyrsch, Sr. John Bolton James and Elizabeth Prior Nick Stoycheff Dominick Yacono, Sr. Dermot Bradley Joseph Provenzano and family Michele Streeter Steve and Terry Yacubich Curtis W. Brand Shelly Quirk Kathleen Sutcliffe and Charles Cecil Rev. Stephen Yavorsky, S.J. Thomas Brennan Rev. Frank Reese Kathy and Dan Tappen Rev. Michael Zeps, S.J. Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Briggs Refugee Brothers and Sisters David Tholen Marie Burke Ray and Rose Reve Ann Thompson T. Murray Burke Ring-Martinez Family Those who migrate Gifts in Memory Marie and T. Murray Burkee Rev. Joe Riordan, S.J. Those who work at the border Afifi Aboujawdeh George Calongne Rev. Thomas Roach, S.J. Lawrence Toal Adaline and Margaret, our grand- Captain Larry Celmer Bethany Robertson James and Elaine Tourtelotte mothers Children of Aleppo Joanna Robinson Jeremy Tsujihara Lillian Amadeo Donald K Cody Rev. Russell J. Roide, S.J. Rev. Edward V. Vacek, S.J. Tom Ambrogi Michele and Marty Cohen Rev. Richard Roos, S.J. Ellen B. Villegas Ursula Ashmore Rev. James Murray Collins, S.J.

50 Rev. Antonio Concha, S.J. Andrea Fadok Harmes and Prado Families Leo Lippi Rev. John F.X. Condon, S.J. Jack and Pat Fickes and Mary and Herbert E. Harmes Rev. Jon Lippo, S.J. Paul Crane Larry Kalgreen Rev. J. William Harmless, S.J. D. Litt Trudy E. Cutrone Rev. Raymond Fitzgerald, S.J. Rev. Daniel Harrington, S.J. Dr. Sixto Ramos Maceda, III Nils J. Dahl Joseph Fortunato Charles and Georgia Hartensteiner, Jr. Margaret and Joann Mackay Rev. Peter D’Alessandro, S.J. Francis Gaffney, Jr. Marion and Roger Hayes Malcolm A. MacLeod Jack Dalton Ferdinand and Virginia Gagne Michael David Hazel Andrew Magee-Skinner John, Mark, George, Claude Daly Janet Galeski Daniel J. Heino Rev. Martin F. Mahoney, S.J. William Day Rev. Stephen Garber, S.J. Rev. Raymond Helmick, S.J. Manny Maimone De George, Di Giorgi and O’Hagan Rev. John Garvey, S.J. Owen R Henderson Avril Makhlouf families Gloria Gasbarre Vincent Herbert Rosemary Galanis Maloney Dick De Mane Horst, Liesl, and Hannelore Gatzka Elizabeth Herrick Ann Manganero Deceased family members Olga Anne Gelmetti Rev. John J Higgins, S.J. Kathleen Mann Parents of Ronald Deck Maureen George Rev. Frank Houdek, S.J. Rev. William Maring, S.J. Rev. John P. Delaney, S.J. Bahaa Salem Georges Eileen Hughes Leona Martens Carolyn and Alfonso DeRosa Gerold Family Thomas Humphrey Blessed Mother Mary Joseph DeSantis Rev. Jim Gill, S.J., MD Rev. J. Patrick Hurley, S.J. Blessed Virgin Mary Rev. James Devereux, S.J. Laura Gillespie Arthur and Mary B. Hurson Sam Marzouca Rev. John A. Dinneen, S.J. Rev. Roger Gillis, S.J. Ronald Jones Mary and Jim Maxwell Anna Dixon Dr. Quentin Giorgio John Kavanaugh Sr. Ruth May and Mildred Jeanne Doll Oscar Gonzalez Brian Kelly Thomas and Alverna McCabe Rev. Robert M Donahue, S.J. Joan L. Green S. Suzanne Kelly Earl McClellan John Francis Donnelly and Dorothy Rev. Bob Grib, S.J. Rev. T. Frank Kennedy, S.J. William J McCrystal M. Donnelly Raymond Griffin Rev. Henry Kierney, S.J. Edward and Catherine McDonagh Dorothy, Todd Smith’s sister John David Griffiths Rev. Thomas King, S.J. Rev. John McDonald, S.J. Dr. John C. Dwyer Marie A Gross Ronald M. Labbe Rev. Ed McFadden, S.J. Katherine P. Early John P. and Louise Guenza Rev. LaBoon Rev. Frank McGauley, S.J. Rev. Leo Eckstein, S.J. Louise Guenza Harold and Martha Ladner Gerard McIntyre John Lawrence Ehrmann John P. Guenza Charles Lancaster Rev. Gerald McKevitt, S.J. Mary Lancaster Elliott Steven Gulick Rev. Chris Billac, S.J. and Rev. J.B. John McLaughlin Rev. Michael Evans, S.J. Rev. Norm Harland, S.J. Leininger, S.J. Rev. Dr. John J McNeill Antoinette Facciola Eva and Herbert Harmes Victoria Nahas Linn John J McNeill

51 Rev. John G. McSherry, S.J. Nancy Paar Louis Sacchetti Uncle Bud Meg Francis Papillion Nicola M. Sasso Roger and Elizabeth Vail Anne Hanley Mock Rev. John J. Paret, S.J. Anna and Herman Schineller Rev. Fran Van Der Lugt, S.J. Rev. Moffet Rev. Louis Pascoe, S.J. Ned Reardon Robert and Rosemary Rev. Al Vogt, S.J. Rev. W.M.H. Moran, S.J. Sr. Anne Patrick, SNJM Schlosser Rev. Joseph Wahl Rev. Jack Morris, S.J. Paul John B. Schlosser Doris Walsh Rev. Jack Morris Rae Phinney Rob Schmidt Mrs. Juanita Webb Tom and Sean-Thomas Morrissey Lea Pirman Harold Schultheis Paul Wegerson Emil and Joyce Mreuniesen Deceased members of the Powers Brad Schultz Fritz and Julia Werwaiss Paul Mueller Family Louis A. Shalhoub Rev. James Wheeler, S.J. Rev. Joseph Muller, S.J. Roberto and Berlina Prado Anthony Shimchock Lily Widjaya Roger J Murphy Helen J. and Edward J. Preval Jackson Sigler DeWayne Henry Wohlleb Charles Murphy Vincent D. Quinn Jr. Nell Christine and Ernest Eugene Thomas Wohlleb and Wayne Wohlleb Rev. Leonard and Rev. Maurice Jane M. Rainis Smith Rev. Tennanh Wright, S.J. Murray, S.J. Joseph Ramus Ms. Joanne Smolich Robert Yap Carole A. Murray Rev. Enrico Raulli, S.J. Sorrentino Family Walter Zimmy Rev. J. Franklin Murray, S.J. Bill Reece Don and Jean Spayd Soumaya Najjar Rev. Frank Reese Meg Spoke Gifts in Celebration Christopher Nastro Refugee Brothers and Sisters Rev. Thomas Stahl, S.J. Gifts to JRS/USA were made by Rev. Raul Navarro, S.J. Refugees Lost at Sea Ms. Leone Steanes donors in celebration of the Rev.William Neenan, S.J. Rev. Walter Reilly, S.J. Helen and Ben Steele following: Teresa Niggemeyer Rev. Jim Reites, S.J. Julie Stein Henry Scheid, 1st Communion Mary Novak Rev. William J. Richardson, S.J. Theodore Stepanski Rev. Andrew Connolly, S.J., 50th William Nuber Vincent Ricketts John Strandquist Ordination Anniversary Amma Nyamewaa Mary Hetty Ricketts Teri Louise Stroschein Rev. Jose C. Corral, S.J., 50th Don O’Brien Marsha Robertazzi Patricia Swenson Ordination Anniversary Rev. John O’Connell, S.J. Jack Beck Rodgers Claire Tearse Nicolas Garcia, Baptism Alice O’Hagan Ed and Mary Catherine Ronstadt Gary Telford Finley Oliver Gyori, Baptism Col. Joseph O’Leary Jesus and Mary Rubio Grace K. Tevis Baby Gabriella Milano, Birth Meghan Elizabeth O’Riordan Mary Russell Tighe and Mulherin Families. Bonnie, Birthday Mr. and Mrs. Clifford O’Rorke Tim Russert John W. Toliver, Jr. Tom Burke, Birthday Chester and Harriet Owen Ralph G. Ryan William Forbes Uber Caroline, Birthday

52 Marcia Hadad, Birthday Nicole Hartnett, Christmas Barnie and Tricia Tinio, Christmas Barbara Indriasari’s Son, Birthday Daniel and Kristen Hutchinson, Bobby and Melo Tinio, Christmas Beth Johnson, Birthday Christmas Velez Family, Christmas Gloria Malley, Birthday Robert and Giselle Jongco, Christmas Viefhaus Family, Christmas John P. Milan, Birthday Dolores Kelly, Christmas James and Shirley Walker, Christmas Nancy Mogab, Birthday William and Therese Klay, Christmas Amy Wiedemann, Christmas Lynn Montroy, Birthday Rev. Richard Litzau, OP, Christmas Amanda Horley Wodzinski, Christmas Rev. Frank Oppenheim, S.J., Birthday Scott Lutz’s spouse, Christmas Rev. AJ Rizzo, S.J., Diaconate Jenny Pearson, Birthday Fen Martinez, Christmas Ordination Michael Joseph Petrin, Birthday Aunt Mary, Christmas Rev. Joseph Simmons, S.J., Diaconate Ignatius Yuan, Birthday Mary McGonegal, Christmas Ordination Alana and Brenan, Christmas Miracky Family, Christmas Conrad Karcz, Father’s Day Joby and Monique Bascon, Christmas Joe Naylor, Christmas Gail Mulkey, Mother’s Day Andrew and Elisa Benedetti, Maureen O’Riordan living nieces and Penny Perrault, Mother’s Day Christmas nephews, Christmas Rev. Juan Alfaro, S.J., Retirement Clifton Boylston’s mother, Christmas Ed and Marie Piepiora , Caitlin and Mark Chicu, Wedding Josh Burch, Christmas Christmas Alice Harman and Matt Sutton, Chris, Christmas Yvette Reyes, Christmas Wedding Nicholas Collura, Christmas Susan McAvoy Rooney, Christmas Amelia Blanton Hibner, Wedding Jim Curtin and Sheila Roxborough, Gillian Rose, Christmas Guests as the wedding of Kim Christmas Elaine Ryberg, Christmas Humphrey & Drake Johnson, Joe Curtin, Christmas Romel and Melissa Sanchez, Wedding John P. Curtin, Christmas Christmas Lauren and Will Jackon, Wedding Mary Curtin, Christmas Bob and Polly Scherger, Christmas Steven and Luisa Semes, Wedding Peg Curtin and Jim Wilder, Christmas Nancy Shea-Starkenburg, Christmas Jacqueline Toepfer and Kurt Bullard, Feczko and May Family, Christmas Brian Sitcawich, Christmas Wedding Rev. Paul Fitterer, S.J., Christmas Joan Sokoll, Christmas Douglas and Frances Balan, Wedding Allison Fizzard and Brian Herman, Mary Deras Soltis’ Family and friends Anniversary Christmas , Christmas Rev. Michael Rozier, S.J., Wedding Dan and Denise Geist, Christmas Tammy and Dad, Christmas Ceremony Aunt Ginny, Christmas Albert and Tessa Tinio , St. Therese Jesuits, Years of Service Grandparent, Christmas Christmas

53 Children attend a class at the Gulawein school, in Maban, South Sudan. JRS/USA donors helped to contribute to this primary school as well as others in South Sudan. (Albert González Farran, JRS)

54 36th Anniversary Donors Thank you to the sponsors of our 2016 Anniversary Reception where we honored Fr. Kenneth Gavin S.J., a beloved leader of the Jesuit Refugee Service, with the Grace Kobbe Tevis Award for Extraordinary Service for his dedication to helping refugees and displaced people.

Xavier Sponsor ($25,000) Bellarmine Sponsors ($1,000) Robert and Kate Niehaus Martin and Rita Bennett Ian and Elaine Brock Gonzaga Sponsors ($10,000) Frederick Eaton Richard and Lisa Cashin Michael Rauenhorst and Margaret Stephen and Molly Cashin Green Rauenhorst Henry and Aurora Ferrero Jesuit Community of Nogales Arizona Richard and Ginna Kelly Canisius Sponsors ($5,000) John McGrath and Karen Donato Charles and Isabelle Carroll Dr. and Mrs. John Morrison William and Janet Dickey Erin O’Leary Philip and Madeline Lacovara Martha Pascual Julie McGee and Martin Maleska Matthew and Jenae Ruesch Thomas and Mary Rogan John and Beth Werwaiss Myles V. Whalen, Jr. Faber Sponsors ($2,500) Martin and Rita Bennett Austin and Gwendolyn Fragomen

* Gift In Kind | • Monthly, Quarterly, or Recurring Donor | + Deceased

55 JRS/USA Board of Directors

Chair, David McNulty, Paul Perez Chicago-Detroit Province of the Society Delegate Advisors, LLC of Jesus

Vice-Chair, Margaret Green-Rauen- Marianna Pierce horst, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Community Leader Kevin Burke, Managing Director Tim Reidy Trinity Capital, LLC America Media Molly Cashin British Robinson GEI Steering Committee Co-Chair Women’s Heart Alliance Austin Fragomen, Jr., Chairman Joan Rosenhauer of the Executive Committee U.S. Operations, Catholic Relief Fragomen Worldwide Services Very Rev. Robert M. Hussey, S.J. Jenae Ruesch Maryland Province Ruesch Family Foundation of the Society of Jesus Jean-Louis Ikambana Michael Schack Washington, D.C. Peace and Economic Joseph Academy Justice Program Board members and JRS/USA staff members head to Capitol Hill for a day of advocacy (JRS/USA) Very Rev. Timothy Kesicki, S.J. Andrew Serazin Jesuit Conference of Canada and the Templeton World Charity Foundation United States Thomas Loughlin Jennifer Thomas Promontory Financial Group, LLC Brookfield Global Relocation Services

56 JRS/USA Staff

National Staff David Robinson Pat McDermott Mitzi Schroeder Executive Director Development Consultant Director for Policy Melaku Alito Giulia McPherson Liana Tepperman Director of Finance Director of Advocacy & Operations Director of Programs Clare Bonsignore Rev. Leo J. O’Donovan S.J. Meaghan Whalen Director of Development Director of Mission Assistant Director of Development Sarah Carroll Anna Pigeon Elizabeth Ward Director of Communications Development Assistant Development Coordinator Gail Griffith Maida Rider Director, Global Education Initiative Interim Development Coordinator

Detention Chaplaincy Program Staff Rev. Jesse Araque Deacon Guillermo Dutra Local Facility Chaplain Program Assistant Rev. A. Richard Sotelo S.J. Port Isabel (Texas) Service Processing Center Krome (Fla.) Service Processing Center National Program Director Religious Services Program Briana Barcelo Lilia Fernandez Program Assistant Program Assistant Bishop Emilio Alvarez Florence (Ariz.) Service Processing Center El Paso Service Processing Center Local Facility Chaplain Buffalo Federal Detention Facility Carlos Bustamante Br. Dave Semmens Local Facility Chaplain Local Facility Chaplain Sr. Lynn Allvin, OP Krome (Fla.) Service Processing Center El Paso Service Processing Center Local Facility Chaplain Florence (Ariz.) Service Processing Center Ezequiel Duran Jorge Silva Program Assistant Program Assistant Port Isabel (Texas) Service Processing Center Buffalo Federal Detention Facility

57 Ways to Support Jesuit Refugee Service

You can support the mission of Jesuit Refugee Service through a financial contribution. Support from the U.S. Jesuit Conference covers nearly all of our fundraising expenses, allowing us to direct at least 98 percent of your contribution straight to the programs that assist refugees.

Ways to give: • Combined Federal Campaign • Matching Gifts • Estate Gifts • Gifts of Securities • Recurring Donations

Contact the JRS/USA Development Team at 202-629-5948 or visit to learn more about ways to support our work.