Viet-Nam Assistance for the Handicapped (VNAH)

Semi-Annual Performance Report To U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)

Name of Grantee: Viet-Nam Assistance for the Handicapped

Grant Number: 486-A-00-05-00022-00

Title of Project: Inclusion of Vietnamese with Disabilities (IVWD) Program

Date of Report Submission: May 07, 2007 Reporting Period: 1 October 2006 – 30 March 2007


2/26 I. Name of Grant

Name of Grantee: Viet Nam Assistance for the Handicapped (VNAH) Grant Number: 486-A-00-05-00022-00 Title of Project: Inclusion of Vietnamese with Disabilities (IVWD) Program Date of Report Submission: May 07, 2007 Reporting Period: October 01, 2006 to March 30, 2007

II. Goals, Objectives and Progress to date

1. Summarized table of achievements

Project Goal: A stronger legal framework and effective mechanisms are in place within Vietnamese society to support continuous and sustainable progress toward greater inclusion and access to equal opportunity for Vietnamese with disabilities across all sectors of society Indicator Annual target Annual achievement Achievement to-date Objective 1 A stronger legal and policy framework as well as enforcement for mandating and promoting disability inclusion in public and private facilities, programs and services down to the local level. Output/IR 1.1 Number of Law on Disability Disability Law Disability Law project is The making of The National Ordinance on Disabled laws/policies related passed. project is approved included in the approved a disability law Persons is elevated to the Status of to disability by the Government National Action Plan (NAP) on included in the Law. analyzed disabilities. agreement Gaps identified in Law drafting team MOLISA approved the making signed currents disability set up of disability law and committed between related laws/policies to submit draft law to NA in VNAH and and Law drafting begun 2008. MOLISA has sent request MOLISA as recommendations to relevant Ministries to appoint well as SPD made for representatives in drafting team. work-plan. improvements Activity 1 (under Major Activity Three assessment workshops Reports 1.1.1) completed distributed to stakeholders Three field-assessments workshops An overall report on the field- for input and on implementation of disability assessment completed by SPD comments related regulations done in Ninh Binh, Quang Binh and Can Tho

3/26 Project Goal: A stronger legal framework and effective mechanisms are in place within Vietnamese society to support continuous and sustainable progress toward greater inclusion and access to equal opportunity for Vietnamese with disabilities across all sectors of society Indicator Annual target Annual achievement Achievement to-date provinces Activity 2 (under Major Activity Completed the 1st draft report of Same as 1.1.1) desk study on law/ policy annual A desk study on overall situation of provisions relating to disability achievement Vietnamese laws/regulations on issues. 2nd draft is being revised disabilities and comparison with by the SPD and the Legal international practices prepared by Department of MOLISA. MOLISA and consultants, 2nd draft being revised An overall report to incorporate the findings and recommendations of the field assessments and desk study reports is being done by SPD Activity 3 (under Major Activity a. Agreement from CSA’s Congressional Report to Same as 1.1.2) majority of Government and NA has annual Disseminate information about and stakeholders included recommendation to achievement generate consensus from participating in upgrade disability Ordinance to stakeholders on the need for and meetings/workshops Law. MOLISA has included issues involved in the upgrading the b. disability law project in its law Ordinance in level of a Law Recommendations development agenda and of participants in informed relevant Ministries to review appoint personnel to the drafting meetings/workshops team of the Law on Disability. Activity 4 (under major activity Two workshops The proposal submitted by Same as 1.1.3) MOLISA’s request on organized with MOLISA was approved by the annual upgrading the Ordinance to Law sent people with Government achievement to Ministry of Justice disabilities, SHGs, commune authorities organized in Ninh Binh and Quang Binh. Output/IR 1.2 Disability related A vocational training To successfully The project was able to include The Law has

4/26 Project Goal: A stronger legal framework and effective mechanisms are in place within Vietnamese society to support continuous and sustainable progress toward greater inclusion and access to equal opportunity for Vietnamese with disabilities across all sectors of society Indicator Annual target Annual achievement Achievement to-date Disability is addressed and provisions law that includes the include PWDS in six provisions enumerated for been passed. incorporated into the Vocational enumerated and specialized needs of the draft Law people with disabilities in the Training Law. exclusively provided and benefits for final draft law, which was for people with VWD’s approved by Government and approved by National Assembly disabilities. the Government. drafting team are (NA) in late 2006. aware of need to incorporate From a draft law with nothing to disability issues one with a chapter containing 6 into the vocational provisions enumerated for training law. disabled persons approved by the National Assembly Activity 1. Provide follow up Drafting member from Ministry Same as assistance to member of drafting of Justice agreed to work with annual team in the development of the VNAH to ensure PWDS is fully achievement implementation Circular for the incorporated in the Circular. vocational training law. The Action Plan on Disability of Ninh Binh and Quang Nam was developed with a section on Vocational Training and Employment for PWDs. Output/IR 1.3 Improved national Number of disability A module on Disability module ICF standard’s disability The ongoing disability statistics by incorporating statistical module disability is attached finalized and modules were included in the 2006-2008 disability into National Household included in the to the core included in the 2006-2008 VHLSS survey VHLSS survey Survey national VHLS questionnaire of 2006 VHLSS. majority funded by the World has included Survey. Application VHLSS. Bank. disability of ICF standards for ICF approach is Process of analyzing data is not modules using disability survey. adopted by General expected to be completed until the ICF. Statistics Offices Dec 07 or early 2008. Periodic (GSO) follow up by VNAH.

Output/IR 1.4 a. Number of new Accessibility MOC continues MOC completed the outline of 2 new Expansion and stronger enforcement provisions on Standards for working on new new access standards for visual enforcement of accessibility standards to built accessible standards visual/hearing standards. and hearing impaired units set up in

5/26 Project Goal: A stronger legal framework and effective mechanisms are in place within Vietnamese society to support continuous and sustainable progress toward greater inclusion and access to equal opportunity for Vietnamese with disabilities across all sectors of society Indicator Annual target Annual achievement Achievement to-date environment and public for visual/hearing impaired made. Ninh Binh and transportation. impairments Two new 2 enforcement units Enforcement units of Ninh Binh Quang nam. approved by the enforcement units on set up in Ninh Binh and Quang Nam DOCs Ministry of accessibility and Quang Nam. completed written plans on Ho Chi Minh Construction. established. monitoring and evaluation of City and Two public bus 2 access groups set access standards. Thus far, 3 authorities b. The increase in routes provide up within Hanoi new buildings in Ninh Binh granted free number of accessibility services and Ninh Binh have applied access standards. bus ride for accessible new to VWD. DPOs. PWDS starting construction University of All 5 Enforcement units from late 2006 buildings at Transportation MOT pilot the committed that all new enforcement unit adopted accessible accessible bus construction project must adopt Ho Chi Minh sites according to transport in training services in Hanoi access standards City pilot 3 accessibility program. and HCMC accessible bus standards. 300 concerned Over 30 PWDs of Hanoi DPO routes, which stakeholders get MOT to pilot received training on serve over 200 c. Availability of training on accessible accessible service accessibility PWDS riders a accessible public transport. on the rail road day. transportation buses 50 bus drivers and 2 access group set up within and train services at operators received Curriculum on Hanoi and Ninh Binh DPO Hanoi selected relevant sites/routes. training on accessibility route 34 for d. The number of accessibility and transport completed Hanoi DOT has finished the the pilot. interventions by services to VWD. by Hanoi transport evaluation/assessment of pilot MOC, MOT, NCCD University route, demonstration on buses and the provincial and making of model bus stop. enforcement units. Actual implementation expected mid 2007. It has also approved plan to incorporate accessibility in the upcoming Long Bien Bus Terminal.

The first draft of University Curriculum on accessibility

6/26 Project Goal: A stronger legal framework and effective mechanisms are in place within Vietnamese society to support continuous and sustainable progress toward greater inclusion and access to equal opportunity for Vietnamese with disabilities across all sectors of society Indicator Annual target Annual achievement Achievement to-date transport completed MOC Activity 1 (Major Activity 1.4.1) Participants acquired improved Same as Conducted study tour to Singapore understanding and knowledge annual for drafters of Barrier-free Access about barrier-free access achievement Construction Standards construction standards and for Persons with Hearing and Visual approaches for development and Impairments. Drafters are from MOT enforcement such standards. and University of Architecture of They also brought home related Hanoi information, reference materials, real-life examples and models Activity 2 (Major Activity 1.4.1) The outline of the draft Same as Drafting of the Barrier-free Access standards completed and annual Construction Standards approved by MOC achievement for Persons with Hearing and Visual Impairments Activity 3 (Major Activity 1.4.3) Discussions organized between Same as Organize exchange and site visits for DOCs HCMC, Hanoi and annual officials and staff of HCMC DOC to VNAH to exchange experience achievement Hanoi DOC on promotion and enforcement of accessible standards in construction shared between HCMC DOC and Hanoi DOC. Site visit to accessible site in Hanoi was also organized Activity 4 (Major Activity 1.4.3) Two visits by VNAH made to Same as Visits to Quang Nam and Ninh Binh the 2 sites. Ninh Binh DOC annual DOCs and assisting the 2 completed its monitoring plan. achievement enforcement units to develop Quang Nam is finalizing the Monitoring and Evaluation plans plan

Activity 5 (Major Activity 1.4.4) 30 PWDs of Hanoi DPO got Same as Provided training on accessibility training in accessible standards annual

7/26 Project Goal: A stronger legal framework and effective mechanisms are in place within Vietnamese society to support continuous and sustainable progress toward greater inclusion and access to equal opportunity for Vietnamese with disabilities across all sectors of society Indicator Annual target Annual achievement Achievement to-date and established access group within and skills on monitoring and achievement Hanoi DPO evaluation of accessibility using the Checklist. An access group with 20 members of Hanoi DPO has been established to work with Hanoi DOC Enforcement Unit. MOT Activity 7 (Major Activity 1.4.4) Bus Route 34 in Hanoi was Same as annual Supported Hanoi DOT and Eco Trans evaluated and selected for pilot achievement Project (funded by France and route. Completed Germany) prepare for the piloting of demonstration on several types accessible bus service on route 34. A of bus to select suitable vehicle detail plan is being finalized. This for the pilot. Completed the included evaluating infrastructure design of accessible bus stop to along the route, testing/demonstrating be used on route 34 on real buses, design bus stop, fixing buses and training for drivers, etc. Activity 8 (Major Activity 1.4.4) Staff of MOT, VNAH and Same as annual Followed up with HCM DOT on the HCMC DOT visited and tested achievement trial operation of 3 pilot bus routes- riding the accessible bus which have five buses fixed and services. Discussions were accommodated basic accessible made among parties on wider features. Difficulty facing service replication of accessible providers is the lack of accessible services in . vehicles. Activity 9 (Major Activity 1.4.4) Second draft Curriculum on 320 persons Supported Road accessible transport completed, related to Administration (VRA) in developing and consultation workshop was transport training material for bus drivers, and organized, which generated a received Railway Corp in making new good number of comments and sensitized regulation on accessible rail service, input by various stakeholders, training in and University of Transport in including 5 PWDS accessible

8/26 Project Goal: A stronger legal framework and effective mechanisms are in place within Vietnamese society to support continuous and sustainable progress toward greater inclusion and access to equal opportunity for Vietnamese with disabilities across all sectors of society Indicator Annual target Annual achievement Achievement to-date finalizing the University Curriculum. representatives transport Output/IR 1.5 Number of BRP with 20 The BRP set up 16 national and international Blue Ribbon Panel (BRP) of international and international and with clear employers and employment representatives from major local and local employers local employers. management related government international businesses is agreeing to serve on structure and stakeholders have re-affirmed established to promote employment BRP; increased operation their written commitments to be and hiring of people with disabilities. corporate actions mechanism. member of BRP. aimed at employment of A proposal for the structure of VWD’s; increased the BRP and its establishment number of VWD’s has been finalized. gaining employment. Activity 1 (Major Activity 1.5.1) Verbal consensus have been Verbal Consulted with and sought support secured among VCCI, NCCD agreement was from major stakeholders including and VNAH to assign VCCI as reached NCCD, VCCI and employers for leader of the BRP and the between VCCI to lead this BRP effort and not steering committee. NCCD, VCCI, have it fully managed by and VNAH to government. Drafting of MOU among the establish a Develop MOU between NCCD, three players is in process. steering VCCI, and VNAH re roles and First meeting of steering committee to responsibilities. committee planned for third guide the BRP week of May 2007. structure, objectives and activities Activity 2 (Major Activity 1.5.1; Over 100 employers, PWDs, Same as annual 1.5.2) Organized employer HCM authorities and other achievement conference on 28 Oct 06 in Ho Chi major stakeholders met in Ho Minh City to discuss and seek Chi Minh city and strongly support from government, business supported the BRP and hiring and disability community on the of PWDs. hiring of PWDS and establishment of

9/26 Project Goal: A stronger legal framework and effective mechanisms are in place within Vietnamese society to support continuous and sustainable progress toward greater inclusion and access to equal opportunity for Vietnamese with disabilities across all sectors of society Indicator Annual target Annual achievement Achievement to-date BRP Activity 3 (Major Activity 1.5.2, TOR and questionnaires are Same as annual 1.5.3) Create a mechanism for available and shared with achievement information sharing, assessment, and NCCD and VCCI. Meeting held review of employer needs and with VCCI, ILO, and VNAH concerns re hiring persons with for identifying possible disabilities. consultants to conduct survey.

Developed a TOR and questionnaire for review of employers’ needs and Discussions held with IT concerns related to employment of resources re development of a PWDs. communication system for sharing information. Explore expert resources for developing an IT communication system among employers and persons with disabilities seeking employment. Objective 2 Stronger national coordination mechanisms for promoting and supporting the development and implementation of disability inclusion policies, programs and services. Output/IR 2.1 Number of reform / NCCD becomes NCCD NCCD’s 2007 work plan has Same as annual NCCD empowered to become a improvements made agency reporting to strengthened included making proposal for achievement strong and effective body, well for a stronger the Office of the through assistance elevating itself to an agency recognized as the national position of NCCD; Government. to improve its core under Government office. coordinator, monitor and advocate of the degree to which functions and disability policies, programs and NCCD office procedures. NCCD with assistance from projects responsive to the needs of incorporates and VNAH completed their EC VWD’s. complies with the NCCD assisted to funded project, which was improved elevate itself to complimentary to USAID monitoring and national agency. funded project evaluation system; Level of NCCD assisted to Monitoring and Evaluation responsiveness and develop M & E (M&E) system/templates

10/26 Project Goal: A stronger legal framework and effective mechanisms are in place within Vietnamese society to support continuous and sustainable progress toward greater inclusion and access to equal opportunity for Vietnamese with disabilities across all sectors of society Indicator Annual target Annual achievement Achievement to-date effectiveness of system and its staff completed and approved. The NCCD in providing trained in project M&E system will be used for disability related management. the upcoming mid term information/data as evaluation of NCCD. well as advocating NCCD and intervention on assisted to carry out Information and guidelines on disability issues; BMF’s mid term formation of DPO designed and Number of NCCD evaluation in upload on NCCD website. office staff and 2007.—NCCD and members received VABED assisted in A staff member of NCCD training in gaining project office completed training in administration, funding by the project management. project management European and monitoring and Commission. evaluation. Activity 1. (Major Activity 2.1.1) Monitoring and evaluation Same as annual Provided assistance to NCCD in (M&E) models were designed achievement developing effective procedures for and approved by NCCD improved coordination, monitoring members. 15 staff and and evaluation. members of NCCD received training on the model M&E.

Coordinated training for NCCD staff Pilot study using the model in project/program management and completed and report being organizational development. finalized and translated. An additional training workshop on relating the M & E model to the NAP has been scheduled for late June 2007.

One NCCD staff attended week long training on project management. One additional

11/26 Project Goal: A stronger legal framework and effective mechanisms are in place within Vietnamese society to support continuous and sustainable progress toward greater inclusion and access to equal opportunity for Vietnamese with disabilities across all sectors of society Indicator Annual target Annual achievement Achievement to-date staff to attend summer 2007. . Activity 2 (Major Activity 2.1.2) – Plans of all NCCD’s members Same as annual Assisted NCCD members, and were part of the approved NAP, achievement drafters of the National Action Plan which, from 2007, started on Disability (NAP) to incorporate allocating funds for members to Ministries plans into the 5-year NAP carry out their activities. (2006-2010) Activity 3 (Major Activity 2.1.3) NCCD continues quarterly Same as annual Provided supports to NCCD in plenary sessions for review of achievement regular coordination meetings and past quarter achievements and conducting public awareness events. next quarter plans. Activity 4 (Major Activity 2.1.4) Works on the proposal to Support NCCD to become national government is currently taking committee reporting directly to PM place. Activity 5 (Major Activity 2.1.5) First phase of upgrading Same as annual Continue to provide assistance to completed and web site more achievement NCCD in upgrading their website, users friendly. Second phase disability data collections and near completion (within two sharing, and providing information to weeks). self help groups Two NCCD staff identified for website management training. Assist NCCD staff in web site Training planned for end of management training. May 2007. Activity 6 (Major Activity 2.1.6) M & E models designed and Same as annual Assist NCCD in monitoring and some NCCD members trained achievement evaluating the implementation of the in model. Pilot of the model ministries' plans as well as the BMF completed. Results shared with priorities for the mid-term review NCCD members within the (2007). next six weeks when pilot study report and analysis finalized. Output/IR 2.2 a. Number of Disability issues of Around 160 local policy makers A 5-year Strengthened the role and capacity of responsible policy high priorities are and disability-related actors National CSA (Committee on Social Affairs – makers, planners aware of by NA participated in two regional Action Plan

12/26 Project Goal: A stronger legal framework and effective mechanisms are in place within Vietnamese society to support continuous and sustainable progress toward greater inclusion and access to equal opportunity for Vietnamese with disabilities across all sectors of society Indicator Annual target Annual achievement Achievement to-date National Assembly) in promoting, received training on members at both workshops (public hearings) (NAP) has educating and monitoring the local planning and central and local level promoting disability policies – been approved, implementation of disability laws budgeting for and these members resulted in recommendations over 412 and policies - particularly the disability program. support inclusive for a new disability law, budget billion VND implementation of provincial budget planning and for disability programs and allocated for and allocation for disability b. Amount of budgeting process at strengthened the monitoring of disability programs at local level. funding their corresponding local People’s Councils. programs. Over earmarked/allocated levels. 10 billion VND for disability was allocated programs by local Over 150 local planners and for FY 2007. governments at PWDs of Ninh Binh and Quang Representatives Ninh Binh and Nam provinces attended two of 50 provinces Quang Nam. technical workshops to design received local budgets and action plan on training on the c. Number of VWD disability, which initially NAP has access to benefit proposed around 40 billion Ten other from disability VND (approx.$ 2,5 million) for provincial programs in Ninh period from 2007-2010 NAPs have Binh and Quang been approved Nam thanked to to date after the project’s assistance. approval of the national NAP Activity 1 (Major Activity 2.2.1 and CSA leadership led two Same as annual 2.2.2) Assisted CSA to engage in workshops in Ninh Binh and achievement promoting disability law and current Quang Nam, which gathered disability programs (More over 160 representatives of information available above, People’s Councils, Objective 1, IR1.1, activity 2) Government, INGOs, DPOs, and other stakeholders to review current legal framework on disability and the status of implementation. All participants recommended

13/26 Project Goal: A stronger legal framework and effective mechanisms are in place within Vietnamese society to support continuous and sustainable progress toward greater inclusion and access to equal opportunity for Vietnamese with disabilities across all sectors of society Indicator Annual target Annual achievement Achievement to-date to upgrade the current Ordinance to a new law on disability.

National and local NAPs were discussed at CSA workshops. Participants, especially representatives from People’s Councils supported the draft local plans – which will require their approval on the budgets. Activity 2: (Major Activity 2.2.3 and MOLISA and Ministry of 2.2.4) Supported CSA, NCCD and Finance (MOF) were assisted to MOLISA to promote and assist local develop and gather public input authorities in planning and for the Circular guiding budgeting for disability programs. implementation of NAP. This Circular is expected to get final - Assist MOLISA and MOF in approval in May 07. drafting the guideline circular for the NAP, which will be used as basis for A training manual (on disability training in disability programming planning and budgeting) was and budgeting for social and developed and used in Quang financial planners from all 64 Nam training workshop in April provinces and city in Viet Nam. 07. It was originally developed for the two project provinces, - Assist SPD-MOLISA to develop a but MOLISA has decided to Manual on the Social Work which utilize it for all 64 provinces focus on (i) participatory planning nationwide. for the NAP, (ii) budgeting and (iii) monitoring, evaluation and reporting. Two training programs on disability planning and - Work with SPD-MOLISA to budgeting scheduled in Quang prepare for the training on planning Nam on April 18th and Ninh

14/26 Project Goal: A stronger legal framework and effective mechanisms are in place within Vietnamese society to support continuous and sustainable progress toward greater inclusion and access to equal opportunity for Vietnamese with disabilities across all sectors of society Indicator Annual target Annual achievement Achievement to-date and budgeting for disability Binh in May 11th, 2007 programs in Ninh Binh and Quang Nam. Quang Nam and Ninh Binh DOLISAs were assisted to lead the drafting of provincial Action Plans on Disability. Over 60 participants attended at workshops and provided input to the drafts These drafts were also shared at CSA workshops. Output/IR 2.3 a. Number. of new 3-4 DPO/DPO Training to DPOs Sponsored three regional 3 Mobilizing Increased competence and capacity DPOs and DPO networks established. in Ninh Binh and workshops to identify 35 Committee for of self-help groups and DPO network network established Quang Nam on members of the national national DPO to participate, interact effectively b. Examples of setting up and Mobilizing Committee, which and provincial with other stakeholders and influence decisions made, operation of NPO will form a national DPO. Final DPO of Ninh the development and implementation programs and plans list of candidates for Mobilizing Binh and of disability laws and policies. implemented with Set up mobilizing Committee will be identified on Quang Nam set input from DPOs committees for HCMC workshop on April 20. up. c. Number of DPO establishment of Draft By-laws participate in NCCD DPO in these 2 Mobilizing Committees for for national task forces, provinces establishment of DPOs in Ninh DPO activities as well as Binh and Quang Nam provinces completed. other decision Mobilizing Board were set up. Ninh Binh making for National DPO Committee received approval Two training process set up from DOHA and expected to workshops for d. Number of DPOs, obtain legal status by mid 2007. PWDS leaders VWDs received and and DPOs on successfully passed Comments/input from PWDs establishment quality training on and DPO in Hanoi, Quang Nam and organizational and Ninh Binh were development of development, incorporated in national and local DPOs. networking and provincial NAPs and university advocacy. curriculum on accessible

15/26 Project Goal: A stronger legal framework and effective mechanisms are in place within Vietnamese society to support continuous and sustainable progress toward greater inclusion and access to equal opportunity for Vietnamese with disabilities across all sectors of society Indicator Annual target Annual achievement Achievement to-date transport and pilot bus services Activity 1 (Major Activity 2.3.2) Three public events were Same as annual Supported Hanoi, Ninh Binh, Da organized in the Provinces and achievement Nang/Quang Nam DPOs to organize Cities of Hanoi, Ninh Binh, and the public events on the occasion of Da Nang. More than 1,000 International Disability Day (Dec. PWDs were among the 03) estimated 2600 people attended the events.

40 exhibition booths of DPOs installed in Hanoi Lenin Park Activity 2 (Major Activity 2.3.2) Around 100 PWDS from Hanoi Same as annual Supported Hanoi DPO in providing DPO attended the training. achievement training on policies on disability for Beside disability policies, its members with disabilities. participants discussed and Accessibility was highlighted during provided input on CSA report the training. to the NA, national NAP and Hanoi’s NAP Activity 3 (Major Activity 2.3.2) 2 Mobilizing Committees Same as annual Worked with/supported NCCD, established in Ninh Binh (with achievement DOLISA, DOHA and DPOs in Ninh 16 members) and Quang Nam Binh and Quang Nam provinces to (with 11 members) in order to assist the establishment of DPOs. complete the application process. Activity 4 (Major Activity 2.3.2) Members of Mobilizing Same as annual Worked with/supported NCCD and Committee for a national DPO achievement concerned authorities to establish were identified for Central and National DPOs. Northern regions through two regional workshops. A third workshop planned in April 20 in HCMC to identify committee members from the South.

16/26 Project Goal: A stronger legal framework and effective mechanisms are in place within Vietnamese society to support continuous and sustainable progress toward greater inclusion and access to equal opportunity for Vietnamese with disabilities across all sectors of society Indicator Annual target Annual achievement Achievement to-date Third draft By-laws for National DPO completed with input from PWDs, NCCD as well as VNAH’s legal staff and consultants.

17/26 2. Summary of Progress:

Objective 1

Output/IR 1.1: Disability Law

The process of getting a formal government decision on upgrading the current Ordinance on Disabled Person to become a comprehensive Law has been slow. Only recently the MOLISA Minister formally assigned the Department of Social Protection (a key partner of VNAH in this project’s component), to prepare work plan, which includes assessment of the current status of the disability legal framework and its implementation. However, VNAH expected such a delay and started the preparation process last year. This included field assessment of the implementation of the Ordinance (three assessment workshops in three provinces) and a legal comparative analysis. The reports of these works are being finalized and will be important material for developing the Disability Law.

While the field assessments give legal reformers a clearer view on how policy was enforced on the ground, the desk study/legal analysis will provide pros and cons regarding the current law/policy both from the perspective of local implementation and international practices.

The momentum on a new Disability Law has been very good, mainly resulting from CSA’s series of regional hearings and congressional report on disability policy as well as the recently approved NAP, which in turn approved plan and budget for the development of the new Disability Law. The preparation process has picked up speed recently. Late last quarter, MOLISA started recruiting members from other key government agencies for the drafting team.

Output/IR 1.2: Disability is incorporated in the Vocational Training Law.

Despite some initial resistance, the final draft law on vocational training included an entire new chapter with six provisions on issues related to people with disabilities and was approved by the National Assembly in late 2006. Appropriate authorities are now working on the Circular to guide implementation for this law. VNAH is following up with its contacts at MOLISA, CSA and Ministry of Justice on the drafting of the Circular, in order to provide input and assistance where necessary. Additionally, vocational training has been incorporated into the NAP and is being addressed in the local provincial NAPs of Quang Nam and Ninh Binh provinces.

Output/IR 1.3: Improved national disability statistics by incorporating disability into National Household Living Standard Survey (VHLSS)

The VHLSS of 2006-2008 has incorporated disability modules using the ICF. Data collection has been completed, while data analysis is being processed at the present and is expected to be completed and published by December, 2007. VNAH has joined World Bank, MCNV and NCCD to support the General Office of Statistics (GSO) in the above efforts. In addition, GSO has become a member of NCCD as result of an advocacy effort.

Output/IR 1.4: Expansion and stronger enforcement of accessibility standards to built environment and public transportation

The outline of the Barrier-free access Construction Standards for persons with hearing and visual impairments has been completed and approved by MOC. The first detailed version is to be completed by early May 2007. Public consultation on the draft will then be organized. Earlier this year, VNAH sponsored a drafting team from MOC to study the experience of Singapore in developing and enforcement of similar standards. In addition, MOC received over $150,000 in FY 2007 from government funding (the NAP) for promoting accessibility. They will use these funds for activities complementary to VNAH’s USAID funded project.

After two enforcement units were established in the Department of Constructions (DOC) of Ninh Binh and Quang Nam, VNAH assisted them to design plans of evaluation, monitoring and enforcement of standards in their cities. These Units have actively engaged local DPO/PWDs groups in monitoring and evaluation work. The two DOCs have also provided input for the drafting of the local NAP.

During this reporting period, VNAH assisted officials from DOC of HCMC in their visit to Hanoi to exchange information with Hanoi DOC on achievements and difficulties in the enforcement of access standards. The activity included discussions among the two DOCs, MOC and VNAH as well as a site visit. Hanoi and HCMC DOCs strongly supported the exchange of information and experiences among provinces and requested VNAH to assist future exchange programs.

Regarding accessible transport, the Department of Transport (DOT) of HCMC has tested and put into operation accessible services on three bus routes. Five buses used at these routes were retrofitted with accessible features such as lower floor, priority seats and ramps. Four waiting areas along these routes have been renovated/upgraded to accommodate riders with disabilities. The sign/symbols on accessibility were posted at 85 bus stops along the three pilot routes together with information on the schedule of buses serving PWDs. HCMC DOT reported that PWDs used the services around 230 times a day. In a recent meeting, HCMC DOT indicated its desire to VNAH to continue to test these services further before their expansion/replication. They are, however, concerned about the difficulties in making the vehicles accessible for wheelchair riders.

Progress in Hanoi has been slower. Transport authorities have tested various types of buses for the pilot and selected the Renault bus as it has a lower floor. They have also selected route 34 for the pilot route. They are now working on the design of an accessible bus-stop and finalizing plans of fixing the buses and bus stops. Recently the Hanoi DOT has approved a plan to build a major bus transit terminal at Long Bien Bridge. Accessibility features serving passengers with disabilities were included in the architectural designs.

In a recent meeting between VNAH, MOT and Hanoi Transport Service Company (Transerco), the largest state-owned bus operator in Hanoi, Transerco has agreed to include accessibility and disability awareness in their regular training for bus drivers and assistants. We are waiting for the Vietnam Road Administration (VRA), another agency of MOT that supervise all land transportation, to complete the training manual, which will be used nationwide.

Hanoi University of Transportation has completed the first detailed draft of curriculum on accessibility transport. The draft has input from experts in Vietnam and the USA. Comments and

19/26 input from Vietnamese with disabilities have been solicited and consolidated in the draft. There has been no significant achievement in developing barrier-free-access regulations for the railroad service. Work are currently being done on research and desk study to gather information and data for the development of a regulation.

Also in this regard, VNAH supported efforts by Hanoi DPO to organize a training course aimed at providing its members basic skills on monitoring and evaluation on enforcement of barrier free access standards (BACS) (using the BACS Checklist also designed by MOT under this project). An access group within Hanoi DPO has been established to work with Hanoi DOC Enforcement Unit. Twenty members representing various clubs within the DPO community have volunteered to join the access group. The group will have a plan for monitoring and supervising public projects under construction. After the training, the access group worked with Hanoi TV to produce a TV program on accessibility, which features their visits and examinations of some accessible and inaccessible public facilities, including the Hanoi Railway station, Friendship Palace and the National Cinema Center. The TV program was shown on the occasion of National Disability Day in December, 2006.

Output/IR 1.5: Blue Ribbon Panel (BRP) of representatives from major local and international businesses is established to promote employment and hiring of people with disabilities.

There has been reaffirmation of commitment and support by international and national employers to serve on the BRP. It is noteworthy that NCCD has agreed to the BRP would be led and managed by nongovernmental representatives. This is supportive of project objectives for an employer council to be employer driven and not government driven. Also significant is an agreement reached for the BRP to be chaired by VCCI and probably vice chaired by an AmCham representative. We are under discussion on the management structure and operations mechanism of the BRP to be finalized in the coming months. However, agreement has already been reached to establish a steering committee to guide the BRP. The first meeting of the steering committee is scheduled for the 3rd week of May. At that time, an international consultant on employer advisory councils has agreed to be in attendance to assist.

A TOR has been completed for consultancy on developing/designing an employer assessment instrument for assessing employer needs and concerns regarding the hiring of persons with disabilities. Discussions have been held with VCCI and ILO regarding input on this effort and their assistance in identifying appropriate consultant resources.

Objective 2

Output IR 2.1 NCCD empowered to become a strong and effective national coordinating body that reports directly to the Government Offices (Office of the Prime Minister); is well- recognized as the national coordinator, monitor and advocate of disability policies, and advises the GVN on policies, programs and projects responsive to the needs of VWDs

The development of an M & E model and formats (templates), accepted by NCCD members, of is a highlight of these past six months. Additionally, the model has been piloted on one priority area (#4 employment and vocational training) and the analysis is now completed and in a first draft report.

20/26 Training of NCCD members and NCCD office staff has also been noteworthy as it has increased the capacity of NCCD to influence and coordinate disability policies and programs. Also noteworthy has been the generally increased capacity of the NCCD office. This has been exemplified by a broadening of their funding base through grants and alliances with different organizations.

NCCD has demonstrated leadership in the establishment of DPOs at the local level and has initiated efforts, with VNAH assistance and support, toward the rapid movement to establish a National Association of persons with disabilities. It is important to note that the leadership being demonstrated visibly by NCCD and the NCCD office, if maintained, will ensure the long term sustainability of the effort to achieve inclusion for persons with disabilities.

Less progress has been noted in terms of elevating NCCD to a level directly reporting to government office (Office of the Prime Minister), which has expressed support for such a change. However there remained pro and con opinions within NCCD members on this issue. NCCD has set 2007 as a year to complete the preparation of such a proposal and its submission to higher authorities.

Output/IR2.2. Strengthened role and capacity of CSA (Committee on Social Affairs - National Assembly) in promoting, educating and monitoring the implementation of disability laws and policies particularly the implementation of provincial budget planning and allocation for disability programs at the local level.

The approved NAP by Prime Minister’s Decision No. 239 is the most important achievement by VNAH and its partner in mainstreaming people with disabilities into national social/economic programs, especially at the local level. It is the first time that the government has approved such a long term program, which provides a framework for both central and local authorities to plan and allocate budget for disability programs. VNAH has also provided assistance for the development and gathering of comments/input for a Circular, which is to guide the planning and implementation of these programs. The Circular, jointly developed by MOLISA and MOF, is expected to be approved by May. In addition, a training manual to guide planners and local authorities on participatory planning, budgeting, monitoring and evaluation of disability programs was developed by MOLISA, VNAH and MOF. The manual was used in training in Ninh Binh and Quang Nam provinces. MOLISA intends to use the manual nationwide in the remaining 62 provinces.

At the two project sites, VNAH is working with MOLISA and MOF to provide training for concerned entities in Ninh Binh and Quang Nam provinces on planning and budgeting for disability programs. VNAH also provided technical assistance to DOLISAs in these provinces to develop action plans to support local PWDS.

CSA in partnership with VNAH and ILO, organized two regional workshops on legislation and budgeting on disabilities in Ninh Binh and Quang Nam during this period. The workshops gave opportunities for local stakeholders, including local authorities and DPO, especially People’s Councils, which are expected to approve local budgets, to monitor law enforcement, to review disability policy implementation and to discuss future plans to improve the law and support people with disabilities. All participants recommended that the Ordinance be upgraded to the level of a Law on Disability. At these workshops, CSA has repeatedly requested local People’s Councils

21/26 (PC) to strengthen monitoring and enforcement of disability law. In response, the PC promised to include disability work into their annual working agenda. After these workshops, CSA will submit a report to the National Assembly on issues and recommendations discussed during the two workshops.

Output/IR 2.3: Increased competence and capacity of self-help groups and DPO network to participate and effectively interact with other stakeholders and influence the development and implementation of disability laws and policies.

The process of forming a national disabled people organization/association progressed very steadily during the past six months. Due to the complication of the establishment process and the lack of strong national disability leadership, NCCD has become, and was well-accepted, as the leading player facilitating the discussion, consensus building among PWDS groups and authorities. VNAH is supporting NCCD in this process with the three regional workshops in Northern, Central and Southern Vietnam, resulting in 35 PWDS selected as candidates for the Mobilizing Committee. VNAH also supports concerned parties in developing the by-laws for a future national DPO. The Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA) a member of NCCD, has supported and approved the establishment process. The national DPO is expected to come to life in August 2007.

In the project sites, the establishment of DPO in Ninh Binh is reaching final stage. DPO will hold a meeting/congress to publicly elect leadership of the DPO and announce its birth in mid 2007. VNAH supported NCCD to provide training and lobby with local PWDS and authorities on the formation of the DPO as well as in drafting the by-laws, training opportunities and gathering of members of the mobilizing committees. The efforts in setting up the DPO in Quang Nam faced some hesitance from the concerned authority. This was the case, in spite of the fact that these authorities expressed support of the idea earlier during a VNAH/NCCD workshop last year in this province. VNAH continued to support the core group of PWDs who lead the application by organizing meetings for them and concerned authorities as well as lobbying with central and local authorities.

VNAH supported Hanoi DPO organized capacity building training for 110 members on disability policy and issues. Topics included accessibility, the recent CSA congressional report as well as central NAP and local Hanoi NAP. Participants with disabilities paid special attention to the Hanoi NAP since it will directly affect their lives. Input from PWD participants were highly appreciated and taken by Hanoi DOLISA representatives.

During December, with USAID’s and other funding sources, VNAH organized a series of public awareness programs in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Ninh Binh and Dining. In Ho Chi Minh City, we co-sponsored an outdoor activity that drew over 6,000 people, mainly PWDS, from several provinces surrounding the City. In addition, an international concert performed by artists with disabilities from Lao, Cambodia, Japan, Thailand and Vietnam was organized and broadcast live on the Vietnam’s television. The event in Ha No on Dec. 3 gathered some 2,000 people mainly PWDs, people living with AIDS, volunteers and social workers. VNAH also sponsored 40 booths displaying products made by PWDS and PLWHA. In Da Nang, about 500 people attended the largest event promoting disability programs ever in this city. Senior city officials also honored the event. PWDs and DPO from Quang Nam province were sponsored to join the event. In Ninh Binh,

22/26 VNAH supported local DPO in an event sponsored by World Concern. The Ninh Binh DOC came and discussed accessibility with 110 participants.

3. Impact

A milestone achievement has been the movement of VNAH efforts at the central levels with regard to policy and law development now impacting at the local levels especially in the project sites of Ninh Binh and Quang Nam provinces. This positive movement toward implementation and monitoring demonstrates a greater awareness about disability issues and the need to include persons with disabilities in local activities. The acceptance and encouragement by authorities of the involvement of persons with disabilities has a major impact as it is evidence of an attitudinal shift from a charity based approach to one that is rights based.

The development of the Action Plan on Disabilities (local NAP) at the local level has shown the commitment of authorities to addressing the disability issues in a comprehensive approach following frameworks provided by the central NAP. The local action plans on disabilities provide excellent opportunities for people with disabilities to demonstrate their capacity and contribute to the socio-economic development of the society by participating directly to its implementation. This is also the first time that the disabled community has been able to benefit from programs, which were developed for them, with their participation from the planning stage.

The workshops on disability legislation and budget organized by CSA at Ninh Binh and Quang Nam have shown that the CSA/National Assembly has paid increased attention to the responsibility of the legislative branch (the People’s Councils in the community) in the enforcement of disability policy. At these workshops, CSA and local People’s Councils acknowledged the importance of upgrading the Ordinance to a Law on Disability. They also recommended setting up a National DPO as well as approving the local Action Plan on Disability. All of these recommendations will be submitted to the Standing Committee of the National Assembly. The workshops not only helped improve the awareness of concerned stakeholders, but also increased the sense of responsibility of local People’s Councils in monitoring the enforcement of disability law. Representatives from some People’s Councils agreed that they will include the disability agenda in their annual work- plan/resolution. The workshops helped bring together relevant actors in the provinces, especially PWDS, to address disability issues in a comprehensive and participatory ways.

The impact of our capacity building for NCCD has resulted in a stronger and more visible leadership role for NCCD and the NCCD office. This leadership has been manifested in such areas as gaining acceptance in leading the establishment of a National Association of Persons with Disabilities, a monitoring and evaluation system that requires government agencies to be more accountable for disabilities programs, the building of new alliances among NGOs, INGO and donors with NCCD and an overall sense that NCCD is represented in, if not leading, many new initiatives within the area of greater inclusion of persons with disabilities.

4. Constraints

The delay in approving the Circular (implementation guidelines) for the NAP has delayed the training plans at target provinces on planning and budgeting for disability programs. As a result,

23/26 local planners lost the opportunity to include funding for the program into local fiscal year 2007 budgets.

The delay in getting a formal government decision to upgrade the current Ordinance on Disabled Persons to a new Disability Law may affect VNAH project’s capacity and goal to complete the draft law by the end of 2008. Although MOLISA has sent out requests to ministries to appoint members for the drafting team, it will take sometime to assemble the drafting team and operational, which would in turn affect the schedule of other activities such as a public hearing to disseminating the report of legal analysis, study tour, etc.

Efforts in elevating NCCD to a national entity directly report to the Prime Minister Offices have been stalled. This process will hopefully gain the support from the incoming new MOLISA Minister by June/July 2007.

5. Issues or Upcoming Events for which you’d like USAID’s Support?

USAID support for VNAH efforts has been appreciated and very helpful toward reaching our objectives. Continued communication and guidance is important and assistance in bringing awareness on disability issues to the public through mass media publicity can be important. Continued support from the Ambassador’s office is important, especially in his attendance at significant events pertaining to disability issues.

III. Expenditures

Provided separately.

IV. Plan of Action for the next six months

Objective 1

Output IR 1.1 Activities will mainly focus on:

Disability Law - Assist MOLISA in preparation activities, including finalizing the legal analysis and discussion with responsible entities. - Prepare and organize the study tour to the USA for members of the drafting team. - Provide technical assistance and resources to the drafting team through consultations, workshops, focus groups, etc.

Output IR 1.4 Activities will mainly focus on:

MOC - Continue assisting MOC to complete the barrier free access standards for people with visual and hearing impairments, including seeking public input for the drafts

24/26 - Assist the 5 enforcement units in Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, Da Nang, Quang Nam and Ninh Binh to improve enforcement of access standards via training, site surveys, monitoring and intervention on new and/or on-going projects. - Support Ninh Binh DPO to set up access group

MOT - Assist MOT and its subordinate agencies to pilot and expand accessible bus services in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi and enforce the recently promulgated regulations and standards on accessible transport. These would include adopting accessible service in rail transport service, training for relevant transport stakeholders, bus driver and conductors, develop models of accessible bus stops, and seeking input for the new draft university curriculum as well as public awareness activities

Output IR 1.5 Activities will mainly focus on:

Blue Ribbon Panel - Continue to discuss with partners (VCCI, NCCD) to finalize the cooperation plan on BRP. - Organize meetings among VCCI, VNAH, NCCD and others to be identified to discuss the partnership, operation plan and management structure of the BRP. - Organize a luncheon event with committed employers. - Design and develop an information sharing system among employers and persons with disabilities. - Conduct assessment of a cross section of employers on the needs and concerns regarding the hiring persons with disabilities. - Establish a process for persons with disabilities who are seeking employment to be identified to employers seeking workers. - Job fair promoting the hiring of PWDs and awards to employers with excellent record of hiring and retaining workers with disabilities.

Objective 2, Output IR 2.1 Major activities will focus on: - Support additional training for NCCD staff in organizational development and program management. - Support NCCD members in applying/implementation of the M & E system. - Support efforts to upgrade/elevate NCCD to a national agency. - Continue assistance and support for the formation of a National DPO. - Support in coordination, cooperation and public awareness activities.

Output IR 2.2. Major activities will focus on: - Assist MOLISA and MOF to conduct training on planning and budgeting for disability programs in the two target provinces of Ninh Binh and Quang Nam. - Support the completion/improvement of local Action Plan on Disability for two target provinces as well as the implementation of these plans.

25/26 - Support CSA with additional public hearing on disability legislation as well as its enforcement as well as other activities promoting the development of a new disability law.

Output IR 2.3

Major activities would focus on: - Assist NCCD and DPOs in establishment of a national DPO as well as provincial DPOs in Ninh Binh and Quang Nam. This would include assisting in drafting and seeking input for their by-laws, recruiting members of the mobilizing committees, advocating with licensing agencies, training for DPO members and provision of technical assistance, etc. - Increase collaboration between DPOs and NCCD, and improve DPOs participation in monitoring and promoting accessibility at public infrastructure projects.
