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Ctera Ddn Solution Sheet 301213 34 CTERA Cloud Storage Platform and DDN's WOS High Performance Object Storage Solution Enabling deployment of cloud storage applications to mobile workers, remote offices and branch offices (ROBO), with managed storage, file sync & share, mobile access and backup Deploy and Manage Turnkey Cloud Storage Solutions The CTERA Cloud Storage Platform Flexible data protection: Offers a variety of provides a quick and easy way to choice of data protection needs, including: leverage your WOS object storage mechanisms to ensure the highest Multi-folder file platform to create a multi- application data durability and availability. sync & share: User storage-as-a-service solution. The Self-healing architecture: Built in files are automatically platform extends the cloud to remote data protection algorithm has synchronized between location and roaming users, providing unique self-healing capabilities their PC or laptop and their your organization with flexible, that further reduce the cloud folders, keeping files on-demand storage services. management effort. accessible and maintaining version The solution combines file sync & control. One Storage Infrastructure: share applications, server and laptop Seamlessly integrates with the Remote office / branch office data protection, and mobile access CTERA platform. Enables data (ROBO) storage: Cloud-connected, under a single roof. migration, collaboration and centrally managed and minimizing DDN's WOS Object Storage distribution between file-based the need for on-site IT staff. storage tiers. WOS is a high-performance cost Built in hybrid backup: Incremental efficient object storage platform Scalable: Scales virtually unlimited file-level and “bare metal” backup designed to easily store petabytes of in clusters as large as 30PB. and recovery of desktops, laptops unstructured data with the highest Clusters can be single-site or and servers, locally and in the availability, at the lowest TCO. geographically distributed cloud, with snapshot retention multi-site environments. policies. WOS guarantees enterprise data will be stored securely enabling immediate Data Resiliency: Choice of data Mobile collaboration access to the data at the lowest protection schemes allow Secure Access: Authenticated users latency. WOS features a rich set of enterprises to deploy object can securely access and share their advantages: storage that combines durability with availability. data from any device (BYOD). Optimized for Small and Large Mobile Security Policy: Support Files: Optimized for high-speed Secure Cloud Storage Solutions remote wipe and "sandboxing" of throughput of large data volumes CTERA offers a complete solution with synchronized files on the device. and high performance I/O built-in functionality for launching operations for small files. cloud storage services that address a www.ddn.com 1-800-837-2298 | www.ctera.com USA: (650) 227-4950 ©2014 CTERA Networks Ltd., All Rights Reserved Hybrid Deployment Scenarios Key Features The CTERA Cloud Storage Platform Integrated CTERA-DDN solution Global, source-based de-duplication includes components that can be mixed of data sent to cloud Highly scalable clustered architecture, to address several deployment options: with high availability and load Windows, Mac OS, Linux, Apple iOS CTERA’s cloud-side service delivery balancing and Android supported platform, CTERA Portal, connects to Centralized, template-based Microsoft Exchange, Active Directory, WOS object storage and allows you management for devices/end-points SQL Server and SharePoint backup to provision storage to users and centrally manage all branch Deployment options include cloud file Sync & Share, including team appliances and end-point agents. It is storage gateway appliances, collaboration and 2-factor a multi-tier system, allowing to set up end-point software agents and authentication using email or SMS ‘team portals’ for departments within mobile apps Secure mobile access to files, with your organization, giving them full Active Directory and LDAP remote wipe control over all aspects of service integration, including AD 'forests' delivery. Real-time monitoring, custom email Source-based 256-bit AES notifications, audit trail CTERA’s cloud storage gateway encryption appliances are deployed at branch full UI private branding capability offices / remote offices, where they Automated, incremental backup aggregate data from multiple users, de-duplicate and encrypt all data sent to the cloud. CTERA Cloud Storage Platform - Topology CTERA’s end-point agents allow you to facilitate backup and file sharing for servers and laptop users. They also offer global de-duplication among users. CTERA Mobile app: Secure access to files in the cloud and easy file sharing for Apple iOS and Android devices. CTERA Portal Secure and Integrated Hybrid file Sync Backup & Share End-to-end security: Strong source-based data encryption with private key management, ensuring Managed Mobile NAS Collaboration that data is always protected both in the cloud and in transit. Active Directory/LDAP integration: Rapid deployment maintaining CTERA Cloud CTERA End-Point s s Storage Gateways e Agents r h e integrity of user access policies. c s n a U r e B il / b R tes Mo emote Si Remote / Summary The integrated DDN WOS object storage CTERA’s hybrid architecture combines By leveraging object-based storage and and the CTERA cloud storage solution cloud-side service delivery platform with addressing multiple use-cases under a provide a fast and simple way to build, on-premises appliances and software single roof, the DDN-CTERA solution operate and manage a high performance agents. This enables delivery of storage reduces the costs associated with storage solution. from a single console, services to diverse environments such as managing multiple solutions, allowing you can create and manage file sync & branches, remote offices and roaming you to minimize overhead and share, backup & recovery, mobile users, while maintaining end-to-end development cost and access data at the collaboration, and remotely managed security and optimizing performance lowest latency. local storage. and end-user experience. www.ddn.com 1-800-837-2298 | www.ctera.com USA: (650) 227-4950 ©2014 CTERA Networks Ltd., All Rights Reserved.
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