
Investigación original / Original research

Interpersonal violence in three countries: , , and

Elsie Le Franc,1 Maureen Samms-Vaughan,2 Ian Hambleton,3 Kristin Fox,4 and Dennis Brown 5

Suggested citation Le Franc E, Samms-Vaughan M, Hambleton I, Fox K, Brown D. Interpersonal violence in three Carib- bean countries: Barbados, Jamaica, and Trinidad and Tobago. Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2008;24(6): 409–21.

ABSTRACT Objectives. This article reports the prevalence of two types of interpersonal violence (IPV) (sexual and physical) and one type of aggression (psychological) in three low-to-middle-income Caribbean countries. It examines IPV among adolescents and young adults as both victims and perpetrators. Method. This population-based study compares the experiences of 15–30 year olds in coun- tries at different levels of socioeconomic development. The Revised Conflict Tactics Scales (CTS2) and other behavioral instruments were used to assess the level and characteristics of IPV. Results. Out of 3 401 respondents, 70.9% reported victimization by some form of violence, which was most commonly perpetrated by a relationship partner (62.8%). Sexual violence vic- timization was reported more commonly by women, and was highest in Jamaica. Significant between-country differences in overall levels of reported physical violence, and psychological aggression, were evident when stratifying by perpetrator type. Conclusions. The very high levels of reported IPV indicate very high levels of tolerance among victims, and suggest a culture of violence and of adversarial intimate relationships may be well entrenched. The findings support the view that co-occurrence of general interpersonal violence and partner violence may be limited, and that one may not necessarily be a predictor of the other. They also reveal that, among partners, not only are there no gender differentials in victimization by physical violence, but more women than men are self-reporting as perpe- trators of this type of IPV.

Key words Sexual violence, domestic violence, aggression, adolescent, adult, Barbados, Ja- maica, Trinidad and Tobago.

Obstetrics, Gynaecology & Child Health, The Uni- Based on recent studies of violence 1 Professor Emeritus, Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of versity of the , Kingston, Jamaica. and injury reporting high and rising Social and Economic Studies (SALISES), The Uni- 3 Senior Lecturer in Biostatistics, Chronic Disease versity of the West Indies, Kingston, Jamaica. Send Research Centre, Tropical Medical Research Insti- rates of morbidity and mortality as correspondence and reprint requests to: Elsie Le tute, The University of the West Indies, Bridge- well as high associated economic Franc, Professor Emeritus, SALISES, The Univer- town, Barbados. sity of the West Indies, Mona, Kingston 7, Jamaica, 4 Senior Research Fellow, SALISES, The Univers- costs, violence and injury must now be West Indies; telephone: (876) 927-1234; fax: (876) ity of the West Indies, Kingston, Jamaica. seen as a major public health problem 927-2409; e-mail: [email protected] 5 Senior Lecturer, Department of Sociology and So- 2 Professor of Child Health, Development and Be- cial Work, The University of the West Indies, St. (1–3), especially in the Caribbean (4–6). haviour, Section of Child Health, Department of Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago. In addition, there is growing evidence

Rev Panam Salud Publica/Pan Am J Public Health 24(6), 2008 409 Original research Le Franc et al. • Interpersonal violence in three Caribbean countries that the consequences of violence go young adults (23). In Jamaica, qualita- ribbean include research on the prob- far beyond immediate morbidity and tive data suggest that the adolescent lem of IPV and aggression in schools mortality, comprising longer-term and partnering process is closely linked to and its effect on educational perfor- negative effects on mental and repro- IPV and aggression (24). mance and nutrition (34, 38–40); the ductive health as well as general so- Over time, there have been many at- impact of exposure to violence-related cioeconomic development (1, 7–9). tempts to explain antisocial behaviors, psychological distress (37); and the role Understanding the full burden of such as crimes against individuals. of protective factors against violence, violent behavior in a specific country Yet, understanding of the magnitude such as family connectedness (38). requires consideration of not only mor- and causes of this type of violence is This article provides an initial report tality statistics but also morbidity sta- still inadequate. With respect to the of a population-based survey of IPV tistics, which are often much higher. specific problem of domestic violence and aggression among adolescents In the , for example, the (including partner violence), there is and young adults (15–30 years of age) estimated ratio of mortality to morbid- still no clear consensus or overarching in three Caribbean countries (Barba- ity ranges from 1:19 to 1:200 (8, 10–12). theoretical model to explain the causes dos, Jamaica, and Trinidad and To- Although reliable morbidity data are of this phenomenon across time bago). It includes the reported preva- not available for the Caribbean region, and/or space. There is, however, con- lence of two types of IPV (sexual and one study estimates a mortality-to- tinuing debate about what should be physical) and one type of aggression morbidity ratio range of 1:8 to 1:26 (4). incorporated in the definition of vari- (psychological) experienced by vic- In Jamaica, most admissions to casu- ous types of violence, and their respec- tims, as well as perpetrators. This is alty departments and accident and tive causes. Given the wide variations the first quantitative, comparative, Ca- emergency units are related to injury of violence in terms of its expressions, ribbean study utilizing the Revised caused by violence, with one-half of rationalizations, and locations, these Conflict Tactics Scales (CTS2) and admissions resulting from intentional causes are likely to be complex and other behavioral instruments to assess violence on individuals under 30 years multiple (1, 25–30). the extent and characteristics of IPV of age (13). In Barbados and Trinidad There are also conflicting views re- and aggression in the region, and col- and Tobago, injuries account for 10– garding the role of gender in IPV and lecting information on a range of pos- 25% of hospital admissions (14). In aggression. Certainly, the feminist sible determinants, including educa- St. Vincent and the Grenadines, there movement has been critical in raising tion and occupation; family structure were 17 murders recorded per 100 000, awareness of the serious problem of and migration patterns; household versus 1 257 and 863 per 100 000 for as- female battery and spurring its incor- composition; social support networks; sault and wounding, respectively (15). poration into national health agendas. parenting; and psychosocial variables Increasing awareness of domestic However, there is increasing recogni- such as perceptions of self-esteem, ex- violence has led to a recent increase in tion of the reality of male victimization clusion, and personal power. The related literature, which reports inci- and the fact that the “gender gap” (a study aims to determine the magni- dence rates ranging from 16 to 69% (1, disproportionate number of female tude of physical and sexual IPV, and 16–17). In the Caribbean, there is lim- victims versus male victims) may not psychological aggression,6 as well as ited quantitative data on the subject exist or is narrowing (25, 30–33). It is the possible role of gender in victim- but considerable qualitative evidence therefore important that analyses of ization or perpetration by/of these that the problem is serious, growing, IPV and aggression be gender-differ- types of violence. It also investigates and widespread (4, 18–21). A clearer entiated to determine possible differ- differences between violence among understanding of the characteristics, ences in incidence rates. partners and violence among acquain- prevalence, and causes of interper- Although current evidence indicates tances and strangers. sonal violence (IPV) and aggression low- and middle-income countries has therefore become critical. have a disproportionately high rate Violence, violent injury, and other of IPV and aggression (1), research on MATERIALS AND METHODS health-risky behaviors often begin at a the determinants of this type of vio- very early age. As in most countries in lence in these countries remains lim- Study design the (5, 10, 22), violence and ited (34–38). Most existing explanatory injury is now the leading cause of models and frameworks were devel- All individuals aged 15–30 years death among adolescents and young oped in high-income North Atlantic were eligible for participation in this adults in the English-speaking Carib- countries. Therefore, their usefulness study. Actual study participants were bean, with injury as the leading cause in low- to middle-income countries of death among 5–14 year-old males, needs to be explored, particularly in and homicide and suicide the most im- the Caribbean, where the economic sit- 6 Although some data are provided on psychologi- portant causes of death among the uation, as well as sociocultural mores cal aggression to illustrate the likely magnitude of the problem compared to experiences with actual 15–24 year age group (4). Partner vio- and practices, may be quite different. violence, the focus of the study is sexual and phys- lence exists among adolescents and Relevant studies conducted in the Ca- ical violence.

410 Rev Panam Salud Publica/Pan Am J Public Health 24(6), 2008 Le Franc et al. • Interpersonal violence in three Caribbean countries Original research selected using a three-level cluster- Statistical methods nuclear family members do not neces- sampling regime (participants within sarily co-reside—and in contrast to households within communities) based The proportion of study participants most literature on the subject, which on the standard methodology used by (survey respondents) that experienced may use the terms “domestic violence” the national statistical office of each IPV victimization from strangers or ac- and “partner violence” interchange- participating country. A community quaintances was calculated and strati- ably—this study focuses on the per- was defined as a contiguous group of fied by country, sex, and type of vio- sonal or relationship context of the census enumeration districts (EDs) lence (physical versus sexual). The violence perpetrated or experienced, containing at least 80 households. prevalence of aggression within rela- as opposed to its venue (and there- Communities were stratified using an tionships was calculated using a third fore does not use the term “domestic urban/rural classification. Those that category (psychological aggression), violence”). allowed for the best capture of the full with the survey respondent as either range of prevalent socioeconomic con- victim or perpetrator. Logistic regres- Violence perpetrated by partners. ditions, based on standard measures sion models were used to examine the Partner violence was assessed using (household density, measured as the effect of age, sex, and country differ- the Revised Conflict Tactics Scales number of people in the household di- ences on both IPV and aggression (CTS2) (41, 42) previously validated in vided by the number of bedrooms; prevalence. All prevalence estimates Jamaica. The CTS2, which yields sub- number of household possessions; and and regression models were weighted scale reliability scores ranging from unemployment rate), were selected for to account for the survey design and 0.72 to 0.81 (Cronbach’s alpha), in- study. Within the selected commu- levels of non-response. Stata statistical cludes two questions each for 39 dif- nities, the EDs with probability pro- software (Version 10, StataCorp LP, ferent items, resulting in a total of 78 portional to size (PPS) were chosen. College Station, Texas, USA) was used questions comprising five different Within each selected ED, a random for all analyses. Although statistical scales measuring experiences with vi- selection of households was visited significance was assumed at p ≤ 0.05, olence as both victim and perpetrator. based on a planned route (with a ran- all confidence intervals (CIs) and p- These five scales include negotiation, domly chosen starting point). One eli- values are presented, where appropri- psychological aggression, physical as- gible participant from each household ate, to clarify the exact strength of sta- sault, injury, and sexual coercion. In was chosen as a representative. If a tistical relationships. this study, the CTS2 was used to assess household contained more than one the history of involvement in partner eligible individual, the study partici- IPV as well as different experiences pant was chosen using random selec- Measures with violence—both minor and severe. tion tables. Study participant selection Although the study questions focused was then stratified by sex and age to This study’s definition of physical vi- on the 12 months preceding the sur- ensure adequate representation of olence is based on the following vey, reports of incidents occurring both men and women of all ages. Health Organization (WHO) definition prior to that time period were also of violence: “the intentional use of recorded. Therefore, the data reported physical force or power, threatened or in this article refer to incidents “ever Sample size actual, against . . . another person, or experienced.” Incidents were classi- against a group or community, . . . that fied by type and severity of violence Based on anecdotal reports about vio- either results in or has a high likelihood and by role of respondent (perpetra- lence in the three countries of study, a of resulting in injury, death, psycholog- tor, victim, or both). level of IPV and aggression of between ical harm, maldevelopment or depriva- 30% and 50% was expected. The use of tion . . .” (1: 5). The term “interpersonal Violence perpetrated by acquain- logistic regression to analyze the effect violence,” in this study, refers to vio- tances and strangers. Respondents of a single covariate (adjusted for prior lence between family members and in- were asked about sexual and physical covariates) required a sample of at least timate partners as well as violence be- violence perpetrated against them by 409 study participants in each country tween acquaintances and strangers. strangers as well as persons known to and resulted in an odds ratio (OR) of Within this IPV category, this study them (not including intimate part- 1.75 (IPV/aggression–positive individ- differentiates violence between part- ners). The questions were developed uals versus IPV/aggression–negative ners (i.e., within intimate relationships) using the methodology implemented individuals) for 90% statistical power from violence between persons known in the Violence Against Women Sur- and a test significance of 5% (at an IPV to each other (including relatives— vey (VAWS) conducted in in prevalence of 30%). This sample size some of whom could be members of 1993 (43) and were tested and vali- was inflated to account for a survey de- the domestic household) and violence dated at the national level in Barbados. sign effect of 2 and a non-response rate between strangers. Reflecting the reali- This methodology, which allows for of 20%, providing a final sample size in ties in the Caribbean and other coun- analysis of IPV regardless of the gen- each country of 982 study participants. tries, where relationship partners and der of the victim or perpetrator, has

Rev Panam Salud Publica/Pan Am J Public Health 24(6), 2008 411 Original research Le Franc et al. • Interpersonal violence in three Caribbean countries also been previously used successfully Caribbean region. Therefore, in this collected in Jamaica (41% of all com- in the Caribbean (22, 44). study, education and occupational sta- pleted surveys) than in Barbados or Drawing on the two instruments tus (employment versus unemploy- Trinidad and Tobago (29% each in mentioned above, sexual violence (or ment) were used as proxies for socio- both countries). coercion) was defined as something that economic status. Educational levels occurred when any individual forced or were measured by combining two attempted to force the respondent into classifying criteria: years of schooling, RESULTS any sexual activity s/he did not want and type of school last attended (pri- by threatening, holding down, or hurt- mary, secondary, and tertiary). Country profiles ing the respondent in some way. Table 2 provides sociodemographic Socioeconomic status. While most Response rates data on the three countries studied, countries rely on consumption-based illustrating important differences in measurements to assess socioeco- Survey response rates are presented terms of nomic status, the use of this type of in Table 1. There were a total of 3 401 (GDP) per capita, GDP annual growth measure has proven challenging in the completed questionnaires. More were rate, level of urbanization, and migra-

TABLE 1. Number of individuals approached, number of questionnaires completed, and rate of response, by country, for survey conducted in Barbados, Jamaica, and Trinidad and Tobago, 2003–2004

Number of respondents Individuals Completed Rate of response Country approached questionnaires (%)

Barbados 1 285 1 003 78.1 Jamaica 1 578 1 402 88.8 Trinidad and Tobago 1 296 996 76.9 Total 4 159 3 401 81.3

TABLE 2. Sociodemographic data on survey study sites (Barbados, Jamaica, and Trinidad and Tobago)a

Trinidad Latin America and and the Country Barbados Jamaica Tobago Caribbean

GDP per capita (PPPb in US$) (2004) 15 720 4 163 12 182 7.964 score (2007)c 0.892 0.736 0.814 0.795 World ranking (177 countries) 31 101 59 NAd ranking (108 countries) 1 34 12 NA GDP per capita annual growth rate (1990–2000) (%) 1.7 –0.4 2.3 NA Migratory balancee –250 –21 700 –3 800 –378 743 Level of urbanization (%) 51.2 57.1 74.9 76.6 Annual urban growth rate (1996–2002) (%) 1.47 1.71 1.07 2.04 Union type (%)f Married 30g 16 70 . . .h Common- cohabitation 20 24 27 . . . Visiting 2 36 3 . . .

Sources: 1998 Reproductive Health Survey, Jamaica; Central Statistical Office, Trinidad and Tobago; Barbados Census, 2000; and UNDP Human Development Report 2007. a Most recent data. b PPP = . c Annual rating of national well-being (on an ascending scale of 0–1), based on life expectancy, literacy, education, and GDP, by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). d NA = not applicable. e Difference between arrivals and departures of country inhabitants. f Percentages may not add up to 100% as some respondents have never been or are no longer in a union. g This figure refers to mothers aged 15–49 at age of first child. h No observations made.

412 Rev Panam Salud Publica/Pan Am J Public Health 24(6), 2008 Le Franc et al. • Interpersonal violence in three Caribbean countries Original research

TABLE 3. Selected characteristics of survey respondents, by country, in Barbados, Jamaica, and Trinidad and Tobago, 2003–2004

Trinidad and All three Barbados Jamaica Tobago countries Characteristic n a = 1 003 n = 1 402 n = 996 n = 3 401 P b

Age (mean-SDc) 21.1 (4.2) 20.7 (4.4) 21.1 (4.3) 21.0 (4.3) 0.01 Age group (years) (%) 0.01 15–18 33.7 39.8 33.7 36.2 19–22 30.1 25.5 26.8 27.2 23–26 21.4 20.7 24.3 21.9 27–30 14.8 14.1 15.2 14.6 Sex (% female) 48.4 60.1 48.9 53.3 <0.001 Ethnicity (%) <0.001 Black 90.4 90.6 39.3 72.0 East Indian 0.4 0.7 36.1 13.4 Mixed (black/white) 4.4 2.0 1.6 2.7 Mixed (black/East Indian) 2.0 4.9 10.9 6.1 Other mixed 1.3 0.7 10.5 4.4 Other 1.6 1.1 1.7 1.4 Educational attainment (%) <0.001 Incomplete primary 2.9 1.7 2.2 2.3 Complete primary 4.3 14.5 10.5 9.7 Incomplete secondary 7.1 25.5 20.7 17.8 Complete secondary 41.0 39.2 49.8 44.0 Tertiary 44.8 19.1 16.8 26.2 Unemployment (%) Women 23.8 30.4 17.1 23.4 <0.001 Men 18.4 19.0 8.4 15.0 <0.001 Relationship length (years) (%) <0.001 <1 13.8 22.7 46.3 31.3 1–2 54.9 54.8 40.2 48.0 3–4 18.5 15.1 10.1 13.7 ≥5 12.7 7.4 3.4 7.0

a n = number. b Country differences were assessed using univariate linear regression (age in years) or the chi-squared test (age group and all other categorical variables) with sta- tistical significance assumed at p ≤ 0.05. c SD = standard deviation.

tion. The United Nations Develop- tional data (13, 45–47). Barbados and Trinidad and Tobago and was signifi- ment Programme (UNDP) Human De- Jamaica report roughly equivalent eth- cantly higher in both Barbados (p < velopment Index (HDI), a standard nic distributions. The Trinidad and To- 0.001) and Jamaica (p < 0.001). tool for measuring and comparing bago survey respondents were di- well-being across countries based on vided equally between East Indian life expectancy, literacy, education, ethnicity and those of African descent. IPV among strangers, and GDP, is used to summarize the de- After adjusting for the confounding ef- acquaintances, and partners velopment differences between the fect of age, women were more likely to three countries in this study. Jamaica have a higher level of education than Victimization. Table 4 shows the per- ranks the lowest in terms of GDP per men (OR, 1.42; 95% CI, 1.22–1.65; p < centage of reported physical violence capita, while Barbados has the highest 0.001). Respondents from Barbados and sexual coercion against all survey HDI rating (0.892 on an ascending were more likely to have a higher level respondents (i.e., as victims), stratified scale of 0 to 1). of education than either Jamaica (OR, by country of participation, sex of re- Table 3 provides selected socio- 3.94; 95% CI, 2.75–5.63; p < 0.001) or spondent, and type of perpetrator demographic characteristics of the Trinidad and Tobago (OR, 3.28; 95% (stranger, acquaintance, or relation- final 3 401 study participants (survey CI, 2.51–4.28; p < 0.001). Unemploy- ship partner). respondents). The distributions for ment was significantly higher among Approximately three-quarters of all age, sex, ethnicity, educational level, women, who had a 1.77 OR of being respondents (ranging from 63.1 to and unemployment were similar to unemployed versus men (95% CI, 1.46– 72.5% for men, and from 65.1 to 83.1% those in the available aggregate na- 2.14). Unemployment was lowest in for women) reported being a victim of

Rev Panam Salud Publica/Pan Am J Public Health 24(6), 2008 413 Original research Le Franc et al. • Interpersonal violence in three Caribbean countries

TABLE 4. The proportion of survey respondents reporting physical violence and sexual coercion by strangers, acquaintances, and part- ners, stratified by country and sex of victim, in Barbados, Jamaica, and Trinidad and Tobago, 2003–2004

Age Gender Country Barbados Jamaica Trinidad and Tobago difference difference difference Women Men Women Men Women Men (P)a (P)a (P)a

Physical violence (%) By strangers 6.3 13.4 11.3 19.8 6.8 15.3 0.002 <0.001 0.01 By acquaintance 9.8 10.7 17.5 13.1 9.9 14.8 0.02 0.55 0.01 In relationships 50.0 44.7 45.3 40.4 45.2 47.7 <0.001 0.19 0.13 Sexual coercion (%) By strangers 3.9 0.2 4.2 2.3 2.2 1.2 0.25 <0.001 0.04 By acquaintance 6.0 0.6 10.8 3.3 4.0 1.8 0.02 <0.001 <0.001 In relationships 52.8 39.6 72.6 57.2 51.6 52.5 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001

Any physical violence 57.3 55.9 58.3 54.0 52.5 61.4 <0.001 0.43 0.94 Any sexual coercion 57.2 40.2 76.0 58.4 53.5 53.5 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 Any violence 72.1 63.1 83.1 72.5 65.1 71.2 0.03 0.01 <0.001 a Differences in the prevalence of each type of IPV/aggression were assessed using logistic regression adjusting for age (in 4-year age groups), gender, and country (Barbados, Jamaica, and Trinidad and Tobago) of survey respondent, simultaneously, with statistical significance assumed at p ≤ 0.05.

TABLE 5. Effect of age, gender, and country of survey respondent on physical violence and sexual coercion on respondents by strangers or acquaintances, in Barbados, Jamaica, and Trinidad and Tobago, 2003–2004

Physical violence Sexual coercion ORa (95% CIb) P c OR (95% CI) P c

Age (versus 15–18 age group) 19–22 1.45 (1.16–1.81) <0.001 1.67 (1.19–2.35) 0.003 23–26 1.56 (1.24–1.96) <0.001 1.69 (1.19–2.39) 0.004 27–30 1.59 (1.21–2.07) <0.001 1.45 (0.95–2.23) 0.09 Country (versus Barbados) Jamaica 1.68 (1.29–2.20) <0.001 2.06 (1.33–3.19) <0.001 Trinidad and Tobago 1.12 (0.86–1.47) 0.40 0.87 (0.51–1.49) 0.62 Gender (versus men) Women 0.66 (0.55–0.78) <0.001 4.01 (2.69–5.98) <0.001

a OR = odds ratio. b CI = confidence interval. c Differences in the prevalence of physical violence/sexual coercion were assessed using logistic regression adjusting for age (in 4-year age groups), gen- der, and country (Barbados, Jamaica, and Trinidad and Tobago) of survey respondent, simultaneously, with statistical significance assumed at p ≤ 0.05.

some form of violence, with the vio- fell from 66.2% among the 15–18 year 0.01). Compared to Barbados, Trini- lent act most commonly perpetrated olds to 49.0% among the 27–30 year dad and Tobago had similar levels by a partner within a relationship olds (p < 0.001). Reported sexual coer- of overall violence, whereas Jamaica, (59.0% on male victims and 66.7% on cion fell from 60.3% among the 15–18 due to increased levels of coercion, female victims). Among women, Ja- year olds to 50.1% among the 27–30 had higher levels (OR, 1.68; 95% CI, maica reported the highest level of any year olds (p < 0.001). 1.30–2.17; p < 0.001). form of violence; among males, Barba- Women were more likely to be a vic- When incidence of IPV is further dos reported the lowest levels of any tim of sexual coercion (OR, 1.60; 95% disaggregated to show victimization kind of violence. There was no statisti- CI, 1.35–1.90; p < 0.001). Compared to by strangers and acquaintances (Table cally significant difference by gender Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago had 5) versus victimization by relationship (p = 0.43) or by country (p = 0.94) in the similar levels of sexual coercion (p = partners (Table 6), some differences prevalence of physical violence. 0.07), whereas Jamaica had signifi- appear. Among strangers and ac- The levels of any violence decreased cantly higher levels of sexual coercion quaintances, physical violence in- as the victim’s ages increased—falling (OR, 2.19; 95% CI, 1.70–2.84; p < 0.001). creased with age (p < 0.001) and was from 72.4% among the 15–18 year olds After adjusting for age differences, higher in Jamaica than in Barbados to 67.3% among the 27–30 year olds more women were victims of any vio- (p < 0.001); for Trinidad and Tobago, (p = 0.03). Reported physical violence lence (OR, 1.23; 95% CI, 1.04–1.44; p = there was no significant difference (p =

414 Rev Panam Salud Publica/Pan Am J Public Health 24(6), 2008 Le Franc et al. • Interpersonal violence in three Caribbean countries Original research

TABLE 6. The proportion of survey respondents reporting physical violence, sexual coercion, and psychological aggression within intimate relationships, in Barbados, Jamaica, and Trinidad and Tobago, 2003–2004

Age Gender Country Barbados Jamaica Trinidad and Tobago difference difference difference Women Men Women Men Women Men (P)a (P)a (P)a

Survey respondent as victim Psychological aggression 70.7 76.1 69.4 66.5 69.3 66.6 0.16 0.97 0.07 Physical violence 50.0 44.7 45.3 40.4 45.2 47.7 <0.001 0.19 0.13 Sexual coercion 52.8 39.6 72.6 57.2 51.6 52.5 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 Survey respondent as perpetrator Psychological aggression 74.6 76.5 76.6 69.8 77.4 70.5 0.04 0.04 0.63 Physical violence 53.9 48.8 52.4 39.9 48.2 45.0 <0.001 <0.001 0.15 Sexual coercion 47.4 42.1 67.9 60.0 49.9 52.9 <0.001 0.10 <0.001 a Differences in the prevalence of each type of IPV/aggression were assessed using logistic regression adjusting for age (in 4-year age groups), gender, and country (Barbados, Jamaica, and Trinidad and Tobago) of survey respondent, simultaneously, with statistical significance assumed at p ≤ 0.05.

0.40). Women reported less physical FIGURE 1. Physical violence and sexual coercion on survey violence against them than did the respondents by a partner in Barbados, Jamaica, and Trinidad men (OR, 0.66; 95% CI, 0.55–0.78; p < and Tobago, 2003–2004 0.001). There was a significant gender 1.2 difference only for the physical vio- lence perpetrated by strangers. Sexual 1.0 0.97 coercion increased with age (p = 0.01) until the mid-20s age group, but ap- peared to fall off thereafter. Sexual 0.8 0.74 0.68 0.65 coercion was more than 2 times higher ratio in Jamaica than in either Barbados or s 0.6 0.46 Trinidad and Tobago (p < 0.001). Odd 0.41 Women were 4 times more likely to be 0.4 victims of sexual coercion than men (OR, 4.01; 95% CI, 2.69–5.98; p < 0.001). 0.2 Physical violence Sexual coercion 0.0 IPV and psychological aggression 15–18 19–22 23–26 27–30 among partners only Age group (years)

Table 6 shows the prevalence of re- ported physical and sexual IPV, and psychological aggression, within rela- Levels of physical violence experi- Figure 2 presents physical violence and tionships (victimization as well as per- enced among partners fell with age. sexual coercion by survey respondents. petration), stratified by country and When compared to the 15–18 year age The age-related decline is similar in sex of the respondent. group, ORs show that persons aged both graphs. 19–22 years were 0.68 times less likely Sexual coercion was the only victim- Victimization. Levels of psycholog- to be victims of violence (95% CI, ization experience that varied by coun- ical aggression were high. Over two- 0.57–0.82; p < 0.001); those aged 23–26 try and by gender. Overall, the preva- thirds of all survey respondents re- years were 0.46 times less likely (95% lence of sexual coercion reported by ported a history of psychologically CI, 0.37–0.57; p < 0.001), and those aged men was lower than that reported by aggressive behavior in a past or cur- 27–30 years were 0.41 less likely (95% women (OR, 0.69; 95% CI, 0.58–0.82; rent relationship (more than 70% in CI, 0.31–0.53; p < 0.001) (Figure 1). p < 0.001). As with physical violence, both men and women in Barbados), However, there were no differences be- this prevalence also fell with age— with no statistically significant differ- tween the genders in the prevalence of being highest among persons 19–22 ences according to gender (p = 0.97), physical violence or between the three years and lowest among persons 27 between the three participating coun- participating countries. Figure 1 pre- years and over (Figure 1). Compared tries (p = 0.07), or across different age sents physical violence and sexual co- to Barbados, there was a higher preva- groups (p = 0.16). ercion on survey respondents, whereas lence of sexual coercion in Jamaica

Rev Panam Salud Publica/Pan Am J Public Health 24(6), 2008 415 Original research Le Franc et al. • Interpersonal violence in three Caribbean countries

FIGURE 2. Physical violence and sexual coercion by survey maica (OR, 2.20; 95% CI, 1.70–2.86; p < respondents on a partner in Barbados, Jamaica, and Trinidad 0.001) and Trinidad and Tobago (OR, and Tobago, 2003–2004 1.31; 95% CI, 1.05–1.64; p = 0.02). Ja- 1.2 maica reported the highest levels of sexual coercion, but in all three coun- tries, women consistently reported sig- 1.0 0.93 nificantly higher levels of sexual coer- cion than men, both as perpetrators and 0.8 0.75 0.72 as victims. The risk of sexual coercion

ratio 0.63 also fell with age (p < 0.001). s 0.6 0.51 Odd 0.4 0.38 Severe forms of physical violence among partners 0.2 Physical violence Sexual coercion The data were further broken down 0.0 to examine gender, age, and country variations among those who were ex- 15–18 19–22 23–26 27–30 posed to or perpetrated the more seri- Age groups ous forms of physical violence within partnerships. The more serious forms of violence were defined as those that resulted in physical harm, and/or the (OR, 2.18; 95% CI, 1.67–2.85; p < 0.001) (OR, 0.76; 95% CI, 0.65–0.88; p < 0.001), use of a weapon, and/or that necessi- and in Trinidad and Tobago (OR, 1.27; and prevalence fell sharply with age tated a visit to a health facility. The 95% CI, 1.02–1.58; p = 0.03). compared to the 18–21 age group analysis is presented in Table 7. It may (p < 0.001) (Figure 2). There were no be noted that the drop-off in IPV by Perpetration. Similar to the survey re- significant differences in the preva- age was more dramatic in this sub- ports of high levels of psychological lence of physical violence between the group of violent events, and Jamaica aggression as victims, the levels of three participating countries. seemed to report fewer violent events psychological aggression were high In general, among the perpetrators, than either Barbados or Trinidad and for perpetrators, with no strong statis- the type of violence that varied the Tobago. In addition, and of particular tically significant differences by gen- most across countries and between importance, there was no significant der, country, or age group. genders was sexual coercion. Com- difference between men and women in Fewer men than women reported pared to Barbados, there was a higher the number of reported violent events being perpetrators of physical violence prevalence of sexual coercion in Ja- either on or by survey respondents.

TABLE 7. The effect of age, gender, and country of survey respondent on severe forms of physical violencea within intimate relationships in Barbados, Jamaica, and Trinidad and Tobago, 2003–2004

On survey respondent By survey respondent ORb (95% CIc) P d OR (95% CI) P d

Age (versus 15–18 age group) 19–22 0.55 (0.45–0.67) <0.001 0.52 (0.43–0.64) <0.001 23–26 0.35 (0.28–0.44) <0.001 0.32 (0.26–0.41) <0.001 27–30 0.30 (0.23–0.39) <0.001 0.24 (0.18–0.33) <0.001 Country (versus Barbados) Jamaica 0.61 (0.47– 0.78) <0.001 0.67 (0.51–0.88) 0.004 Trinidad and Tobago 0.96 (0.77–1.21) 0.75 0.93 (0.72–1.20) 0.57 Gender (versus men) women 1.07 (0.89–1.29) 0.72 1.04 (0.88–1.23) 0.66

a Those that resulted in physical harm, and/or the use of a weapon, and/or that necessitated a visit to a health facility. b OR = odds ratio. c CI = confidence interval. d Differences in the prevalence of severe physical violence were assessed using logistic regression adjusting for age (in 4-year age groups), gender, and country (Barbados, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago) of survey respondent, simultaneously, with statistical significance assumed at p ≤ 0.05.

416 Rev Panam Salud Publica/Pan Am J Public Health 24(6), 2008 Le Franc et al. • Interpersonal violence in three Caribbean countries Original research

DISCUSSION volving strangers or acquaintances. occurrence of different types of vio- The proportion reporting physical as- lence or “clustering” is limited, and The data reported in this article in- sault by a stranger or acquaintance one type of violence is not necessarily dicate a greater vulnerability of Carib- does not exceed 20%, whereas the pro- a predictor of another. This supports bean men (versus women) to physical portion reporting assault by an inti- Saunders’ 1992 finding that those con- violence by strangers, and—with the mate partner is never less than 40%. sidered generally violent are only re- possible exception of Trinidad and To- This, together with the finding that sponsible for 20% of domestic violence bago—a greater vulnerability of Carib- while IPV increases with age for (55). It may thus be deduced that only bean women (versus men) to sexual strangers and acquaintances, it de- a limited relationship (if any) exists be- coercion. However, when all types of creases with age for partners, could tween the causes of violence within violence from strangers and acquain- suggest that there may be limited partnerships and the causes of vio- tances, and within intimate partner- overlap between the two types of ex- lence outside partnerships. Evidence ships, are examined, it is difficult not periences and perpetrators. that the causes are different would to be struck by the magnitude of the Social ecologists have asserted the have implications for decision-making problem for both men and women in existence of a “spatial concentration of regarding optimal intervention strate- all of the countries studied. Among violence,” and violent and resource- gies for different types of violent be- male victims, the figures reported for deprived communities are generally haviors. In any case, the limited co- exposure to physical violence alone expected to encourage domestic part- occurrence of the different types of ranged from 54 to 61%; inclusion of ner violence (1, 28, 49, 50). The results violence analyzed in this study was an other types of violence increases this presented here, however, raise an im- unexpected finding and is therefore a figure to 63–73%. Among females, the portant question: Given the appar- potential for further investiga- respective proportions are 53–58% and ently widespread occurrence of IPV tion. It also suggests a need for better 65–83%, respectively. These figures and aggression, how useful are expla- differentiation of the various path- fall in—and even surpass—the upper nations and identification of risk fac- ways to sociopathic versus sociocul- end of the 10–69% range reported in tors based on the view that violence turally tolerated behaviors. surveys worldwide (1, 17, 48). and aggression is something perpe- In fact, speculation on whether or The level of violence is greatest in Ja- trated by a minority of criminals, so- not there are spatial concentrations of maica. However, the limited variations ciopaths, deviants, and delinquents?7 sociopaths and delinquents or if such across the three countries—despite An important hypothesis of problem- concentrations would be more likely their economic and social differences— behavior theory is that myriad behav- to occur among the poor and resource- are noteworthy, as well as the fact that ioral problems stem from an underly- deprived may be irrelevant. As sug- when differences do occur, they do not ing deviance syndrome, that is, they gested in a qualitative study of IPV necessarily fall in the expected direc- are interconnected manifestations of and aggression conducted in Barbados tion. Jamaica, for example, reported an underlying disposition toward de- (21), and by the author of this study higher levels of physical violence out- viance (51). The data from this study, (see footnote 7), it may be more helpful side of relationships, compared to both however, along with that from the to recognize the existence of a univer- Barbados and Trinidad and Tobago, study by Bogart et al. (52), seem to sal culture of adversarial relationships, but there were no significant between- contradict this hypothesis. Although in a global environment permissive country differences for physical vio- some concur with the idea of the exis- of the expression of violent solutions. lence within relationships; all fell tence of a single risk factor in emerg- The data from this study provide within an incidence range of 40–54%— ing adulthood that has a basis in ado- quantitative support for that possibil- with Jamaica at the lower end. Even lescent risk, the evidence does not ity, and for some of the other conclu- when the more severe forms of vio- support this generalized risk factor as sions that emerged from the qualita- lence between partners are considered, the cause of the variance in the indi- tive study in Barbados. Among male Jamaica—with the lowest economic vidual risk indicators. respondents, when conflicts arose, a development indices, and the highest There is some evidence that living in “win” versus negotiation and compro- levels of violence overall—seemed to a violent neighborhood does not nec- mise tended to be the sought-after out- report fewer events than either Barba- essarily produce violent children, and come; domestic quarrels were a “chal- dos or Trinidad and Tobago. not everyone who is identified as “at lenge” by the partner to be overcome, According to this study, the arena risk” becomes involved in violence and a “war” to be won. Among both for most violence and injury is indeed (53). The study reported on in this male and female respondents, emo- the partner or intimate relationship article, for example, suggests that co- tional and psychological abuse—with setting; this is similar to the findings its potentially long-lasting impacts— from other studies (1). However, it is was feared to a considerably greater useful to note the large discrepancy 7 The author’s question is elaborated further in the extent than was physical violence, summary of a workshop held in June 2007 by the between exposure to IPV within the National Academies of Sciences Institute of Medi- with the latter considered more bear- context of a partnership, and that in- cine (Washington, D.C., USA) (54). able because it had a clear beginning

Rev Panam Salud Publica/Pan Am J Public Health 24(6), 2008 417 Original research Le Franc et al. • Interpersonal violence in three Caribbean countries and end (21). In contexts in which tive data and analysis from this study resulting in an understatement of male violent and aggressive behaviors may support suggestions from earlier stud- victimization levels, or to females over- be seen as a fairly normal and even ies (21, 44) about the possible signifi- exaggerating their actual activities. valued means of social intercourse cance of male battery in the three coun- With or without an exact correlation and negotiation, it seems logical to tries as well as conclusions from those to the levels reported by self-described question the usefulness of conceptual studies that recognize the narrowness female perpetrators, the levels of sexual frameworks that attribute social or narrowing of the “gender gap” coercion by women being reported by pathologies and “deviant” behaviors (58, 59). The results of this study also males are high (53 and 57% in Trinidad to various social problems and/or support conclusions from qualitative and Tobago and Jamaica, respectively). dysfunctional scenarios such as social studies conducted in the Caribbean, This could be related to male percep- exclusion and poverty and/or single, which also indicate the existence of tions of being under threat or siege female-headed households. As noted male battery (22, 60). In addition, this found in a qualitative study of males in by Tilley and Brackley (56), for many study’s quantitative data on female- at least one Caribbean country (21). In cases in which violence and aggres- initiated violence support the view that most Caribbean societies—including sion may be seen as “normal” and/or a culture of adversarial intimate rela- the three examined in this study— “deserved,” the causal suspects or tionships may be well entrenched (21). available aggregate national data (13, triggers are not the same. Although Strauss and Gelles (61–62) 45–47) show that females significantly Some have theorized that the root recognized the reality of male battery outperform males at all levels of the ed- causes of violence lie in the legacy of some time ago, there appears to have ucational system, and that while fe- (19–20). Given the high re- been some reluctance (perhaps as a males may still be disadvantaged in ported levels of violence found in soci- consequence of ideological and cul- terms of economic status and employ- eties without this kind of history (1), tural blinkers) to discuss or analyze ment levels, they now experience however, alternative explanations may this apparent syndrome (58, 32). In greater social and economical mobility need to be identified. In any event, it fact, male battery may not be a recent than males. As males increasingly fall seems necessary to accurately identify phenomenon: there is evidence that further behind women and/or feel the current factors that “justify” violent throughout history men have suffered threatened or unable to perform their solutions. More attention needs to be violence at the hands of their wives expected roles, reports of IPV perpe- given to identification of the dynamics, and partners (63–65). However, very trated against them by women could mores, and values in the wider cultural little is known about whether the risk stem from their perceptions and fears and social systems that may condone factors for male battery are any differ- rather than actual reality. In either case, and even encourage violent behaviors. ent from those for female battery; as the figures for this type of IPV are re- Finklehor et al. asserted that “most Kernsmith (66) has observed, few markably large and therefore likely studies on individual types of victim- studies have examined the “why” and describe a significant reality requiring ization have failed to obtain complete “how” of female-perpetrated violence. more in-depth analysis. victimization profiles” (57: 8). The same Some studies now seek to determine if The data presented do not support could be said about studies of the per- the higher incidence of female violence that of other studies that suggest male/ petrators. This deficiency has allowed currently being reported is either retal- female rates of self-reporting the perpe- for over-exaggeration, understatement, iatory in nature, or the result of more tration of physical IPV is only similar and a complete lack of understanding accurate measurements and/or re- for low levels of physical violence (6, of the impacts of particular types of vic- porting, or if it is, in fact, the result of 30). Reports from survey respondents timization. For example, in societies women acting as aggressors/initiators show that in terms of perpetration be- where violence may be highly toler- or perpetrators (67–70). This is an area tween partners, there was no gender ated, the impacts—singly or cumula- that requires a great deal more infor- differential at higher levels of violence. tively—may be quite different than in mation, exploration, and analysis. Gender reporting may be skewed by those less tolerant of violence. It thus In the current study, the level of re- the fact that females are likely to suffer becomes critical to pose the following ported sexual coercion of men by fe- greater injury than men in any con- questions: In environments that toler- males is high, unexpected, and perhaps frontation (30); however, the capacity to ate high levels of violence, what is it even counter-intuitive. In addition, in inflict injury or violence should proba- that protects some individuals from two of the three countries (Barbados bly not be confused with the intent to suffering from or perpetrating IPV and and Jamaica), the proportion of females be aggressively violent. This is an issue aggression in intimate as well as non- reporting themselves as a perpetrator that requires further exploration. In any intimate violent situations? of sexual coercion was higher than that case, the likelihood that the “gender The other finding that is of particular of males reporting themselves as a vic- gap” may now be almost nonexistent significance is the general absence of tim (ranging from 47–68% and from reinforces the view that structural and significant gender differentials in expo- 40–57%, respectively). This discrepancy psychosocial supports need to be better sure to and perpetration of physical vi- may be due to men’s unwillingness to identified. Developing effective inter- olence among partners. The quantita- report battery and coercion by females, ventions and solutions requires a com-

418 Rev Panam Salud Publica/Pan Am J Public Health 24(6), 2008 Le Franc et al. • Interpersonal violence in three Caribbean countries Original research prehensive understanding of the IPV logical aggression, assault and injury) ring among heterosexual partners. phenomenon. It is therefore critical to as both perpetrators and victims. Nev- Given the homophobic character of determine if explanations of and inter- ertheless, it may be argued that while these societies, however, homosexual- vention strategies for IPV should be the possible significance of a report- ity and its related activities would most based on/customized according to the ing bias needs to be carefully examined likely be very under-reported (71), gender of the perpetrator. and addressed, the proportion of phys- making it difficult to address this limi- ical violence reportedly perpetrated by tation in future studies. women is so high that the associated Limitations prevalence rates and conclusions would Acknowledgments. This study was not be significantly affected. Another carried out under the auspices of the This study has several limitations, in- study limitation stems from the possi- Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social cluding the possibility of gender re- bility that some of the reported sexual and Economic Studies (SALISES) at porting bias, a syndrome that calls for battery of males could pertain to men- The University of the West Indies in further research. Reports on domestic on-men activities. As this study did not Kingston, Jamaica. It was funded by violence indicate the existence of this ask about homosexual activities, it was The Wellcome Trust (London, UK), type of bias, in which women report a not possible to separate violence be- to whom the authors express their greater number of events (e.g., psycho- tween male partners from that occur- gratitude.


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Revised ver- (CTS2): development and preliminary psy- Quart. 2005;29(3):229–37. sion accepted for publication on 29 April 2008.

420 Rev Panam Salud Publica/Pan Am J Public Health 24(6), 2008 Le Franc et al. • Interpersonal violence in three Caribbean countries Original research

RESUMEN Objetivos. Se informa la prevalencia de dos formas de violencia interpersonal (VIP) —la sexual y la física— y de un tipo de agresión —la psicológica— en tres países del Caribe de bajo a mediano ingresos. Se analiza la VIP entre adolescentes y adultos jó- Violencia interpersonal venes, ya sea como víctimas o agresores. en tres países del Caribe: Métodos. En este estudio basado en la población se comparan las experiencias de Barbados, Jamaica personas de 15 a 30 años de países con diferentes niveles de desarrollo socioeconó- mico. Se utilizó la escala revisada de tácticas de conflicto (CTS2) y otros instrumentos y Trinidad y Tobago de análisis conductual para evaluar el nivel y las características de la VIP. Resultados. De las 3 401 personas que respondieron, 70,9% informó haber sido víc- tima de alguna forma de violencia, más frecuentemente ejercida por sus parejas (62,8%). Las mujeres informaron con mayor frecuencia haber sido víctimas de violen- cia sexual, y esta fue más frecuente en Jamaica. Se encontraron diferencias significati- vas entre los países en cuanto a la violencia física y la agresión psicológica, que se hi- cieron notables al estratificar por el tipo de agresor. Conclusiones. Los muy elevados niveles informados de VIP indican un alto grado de tolerancia entre las víctimas e indican que se puede estar arraigando una cultura de violencia y de relaciones íntimas basadas en el enfrentamiento. Estos resultados confirman que la ocurrencia simultánea de la violencia interpersonal en general y la violencia de pareja puede ser limitada y que una forma no necesariamente es un fac- tor de predicción de la otra. En las parejas no se observaron diferencias en la victimi- zación según el género y más mujeres que hombres se declararon agresoras en esta forma de VIP.

Palabras clave Violencia sexual, violencia doméstica, agresión, conducta del adolescente, adul- tos, Barbados, Jamaica, Trinidad y Tobago.

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