Hydrosilylation Reactions Catalyzed by Rhenium
molecules ReviewReview HydrosilylationHydrosilylation ReactionsReactions CatalyzedCatalyzed byby RheniumRhenium DuoDuo WeiWei1,2 1,2,, Ruqaya Ruqaya Buhaibeh Buhaibeh 22, ,Yves Yves Canac Canac 22 andand Jean-Baptiste Jean-Baptiste Sortais Sortais 2,3,*2,3, * 11 Univ.University Rennes, Rennes, CNRS, CNRS, ISCR - ISCR-UMR UMR 6226, 6226, F-35000 35000 Rennes, Rennes, France; France; Duo.Wei@catalysis.de Duo.Wei@catalysis.de 22 LCC-CNRS,LCC-CNRS, Université Université dede Toulouse, Toulouse, UPS, UPS, 31400 31400 Toulouse, Toulouse, France; ruqaya.buhaibeh@lcc-toulouse.fr (R.B.); yves.canac@lcc-toulouse.fryves.canac@lcc-toulouse.fr (Y.C.) (Y.C.) 33 InstitutInstitut Universitaire Universitaire de de France France 1 1 rue rue Descartes, Descartes, 75231 CEDEX Paris 05, Cedex 75231 Paris,05, France France ** Correspondence:Correspondence: jean-baptiste.sortais@lcc-toulouse.fr jean-baptiste.sortais@lcc-toulouse.fr Abstract:Abstract: Hydrosilylation isis anan important process,process, notnot onlyonly inin thethe siliconsilicon industryindustry toto produceproduce siliconsilicon polymers,polymers, butbut alsoalso in finefine chemistry. InIn this review,review, thethe developmentdevelopment ofof rhenium-basedrhenium-based catalystscatalysts forfor thethe hydrosilylationhydrosilylation of of unsaturated unsaturated bonds bonds in in carbonyl-, carbonyl-, cyano-, cyano-, nitro-, nitro-, carboxylic carboxylic acid acid derivatives derivatives and alkenesand alkenes is summarized. is summarized. Mechanisms Mechanisms of rhenium-catalyzed of rhenium-catalyzed
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