CITY LOOKS TO BUILD AFFORDABLE HOUSING LOCAL | A3 PANAMA CITY LOCAL & STATE | A3 GOV. SCOTT WELCOMES BACK TYNDALL STUDENTS Tuesday, December 11, 2018 @The_News_Herald 75¢ Residents of tent city packing up By Zack McDonald possessions that had once two brothers had come from residents of the now-infa- “We’ve been working demo- @PCNHZack filled their tent, he boasted Orlando shortly after Hur- mous “tent city” that sprung lition and living in the tent,
[email protected] that he was the only one of ricane Michael to find work. up outside Forest Park United but we found a beach house his three brothers to not fall With a shortage of affordable Methodist Church, 1401 W. the owner is willing to let us PANAMA CITY — As Billy ill in the recent frigid days. housing available, though, 23rd St. stay in.” Corbin and his family loaded The 14-year-old Corbin, they eventually ended up “We came here to help their car with the few family his father, stepmother and braving the elements as after the storm,” Corbin said. See PACKING, A4 ECP marks milestone Two workers accused of illegal 1M passengers in ’18 dumping of debris County cracking arrests of two people on down on commercial charges of illegal dump- companies cutting ing in remote areas of Bay corners aft er County instead of prop- Hurricane Michael erly disposing the waste at a landfill. Officials are By Zack McDonald hoping the arrests will send 747-5071 | @PCNHzack a message and discourage
[email protected] other companies from sim- ilar activities.