HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES Bureaucracy Will Continue to Become There Are Moves on Foot to Nationalize More Powerful, the Rights of States Less the Coal Fields
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1950 CONGRESSIONAL. RECORD-HQUSE 8173 [Mr. THYE], was reported unanimously true of the State of Louisiana-has been dreamed that lands within the borders by the Committee on Banking and Cur granting oil leases to private companies. of T~xas could belong to the Federal rency. Until the California case in 1947 the oil Government; but some power-mad bu Mr. WH~RRY. Mr. President, I shall royalties were used for a much-needed reaucrats in the Interior Department object to taking up any further bills school program. Since 1947 these royal conceived the idea that all natural re tonight. If it is on the calendar it will ties have been put in a special fund pend sources, wherever located, should belong come up when the calendar is called on ing legislation by Congress. Twice this to the Federal Government, and as a Thursday. body has voted to let the States retain step toward taking them, the tidelands ADJOURNMENT these rights. Once the other body has of the seas were claimed. Now the Su done likewise. President Truman vetoed preme Court, by a disgraceful 4-to-3 vote, Mr. LUCAS. I move that the Senate the bill and the deadlock continues. steals from Texas her very birthright. adjourn until 12 o'clock noon today. My purpose in bringing this decision Let no man from another State be The motion was agreed to; and on to the attention of the House is twofold. fooled. This is not simply a Texas de Wednesday, June 7, 1950 <at 12 o'clock First, by a 4-to-3 decision the Supreme cision. It is part of a design, a scheme, and 55 minutes a. m.), the Senate ad Court holds contrary to the will of the which in the end will rob every State journed until 12 o'clock meridian the Congress of the United States. Secondly, of jurisdiction over every form of nat same day. this is just another example of the Gov ural resource within its borders. In ernment stepping in and confiscating this instance Texas loses its rich tide CONFIRMATIONS private property, the private property in lands, which have been a part of Texas' Executive nominations confirmed by this case belonging to the citizens of the public domain since its war of independ.. the Senate June 6 (legislative day of States of Texas and Louisiana. ence. The next step will be against an March 29), 1950: About 10 days ago I received informa other S-tate, for it will be done piecemeal. DEPARTMENT OF THE Am FORCE tion showing that the State governments Look at what has occurred: ·The Federal John A. McCone to be Under Secretary o! owe more than at any time in history. Government now controls virtually all the Air Force. We must admit that each year the Fed the water power in the United States; eral Government comes forth with some the rights of the States have long since DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ceased to be regarded as valid by the Dale E. Doty to be Assistant Secretary of idea of taxation which prohibits the var the Interior. ious States from taxing their people in Federal Power Commission. The Fed order to carry on their functions of gov - eral Power Commission will soon regu ernment. This matter should have the late all sales of natural gas. That is attention of all of ~s. otherwise Federal apparent in the veto of the Kerr bill. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES bureaucracy will continue to become There are moves on foot to nationalize more powerful, the rights of States less the coal fields. TuEsnAY, JUNE 6, 1950 ened. Eventually it will mean the Hydroelectric power, gas, coal, and States will not be able to function-that now a large portion of the oil of the Na The House met at 12 o'clock noon. the Federal Government will be the tion. Can you not see where we are The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Bras- complete overlord. heading? The Socialist dream is coming kamp, D. D., offered the following The only redeeming feature is that true. All natural resources belong to the prayer: after the California decision the Justice people, and only the superior wisdom of O Thou blessed and eternal God, who Department announced that an agree Washington bureaucrats can administer art here and everywhere, grant that we ment had been made with the State to them. This decision is socialism ramp may sense Thy presence in the many let private oil companies operate under ant. and varied experiences of our human State leases. I trust that they will make After natural resources, then what? way. the same agreement with the States of None o.f us is so blind that he cannot see We rejoice that Thou art near us with Texas and Louisiana, thus letting those the inevitable consequences. Thy sustaining grace in all our cares and States retain the royalties for much This Congress can repudiate such a concerns, our dutie,:; and responsibilities, needed school purposes. detestable decision. It not only can but our joys and sorrows, our trials and ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN OF COMMITI'EE it must. Let those of us who represent tribulations, our fears and struggles, our · ON EDUCATION AND LABOR people who still believe in independence and freedom, and not socialism and na .. hopes and longings. Mr. DOUGHTON. Mr. Speaker, I tionalism, take immediate action to re .. May we always be sensitive and re- offer a privileged resolution <H. Res. sponsive to the promptings and persua- 630) and ask for its immediate consider store to the States that which the su sions of Thy spirit, seeking to fortify us ation. preme Court has stolen. against every temptation that -would PERMISSION TO ADDRESS THE HOUSE undermine our character, strengthening The Clerk read the resolution, as follows: Mr. FLOOD. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan our souls with a deeper. faith, enlarging our hearts with a greater love, and re- Resolved, That GRAHAM A. BARDEN, o:r imous consent to address the House for newing our minds with a more radiant North Carolina, be, and he is hereby, elected 1 minute and to revise and extend my hope. chairman o:r the standing Committee of the remarks. House of Representatives on Education and The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Hear us in Christ's name. Amen. Labor. the request of the gentleman from Penn The Journal of the proceedings of The resolution· was agreed to. sylvania? yesterday was read and approved. A motion to reconsider was laid on the There was no objection. THE TIDELANDS OIL CASES table. [Mr. F'Loon addressed the House. His Mr. ALLEN of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I THE TEXAS TIDELANDS THEFT remarks appear in the Appendix.] ask unanimous consent to address the Mr. LUCAS. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan SUPREME COURT DECISIONS House for 1 minute. imous consent to address the House for Mr. GOSSETT. Mr. Speaker, I ask The SPEAKER. Is there objection to 1 minute and to revise and extend my unanimous consent to address the House the request of the gentleman from remarks. for 1 minute and to revise and extend my Illinois? The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from reinarks. There was no objection. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Mr. ALLEN of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, '.Texas? There was no objection. the request of the gentleman from yesterday, by the close vote of 4 to 3, the [.I'exas? · Supreme Court gave the Federal Govern Mr. LUCAS. Mr. Speaker, yesterday ment paramount rights to the Texas oil will go down in history as infamous. A .There was no objection. tidelands. · The· Louisiana case was de shameful decision of the Supreme Court Mr. GOSSETT. Mr. Speaker, yester cided in favor of the Government by a wrested from Texas a portion of her pub day might well be called black Monday. 6-to-O vote of the Supreme Court. lic lands which had been hers since be ... Yesterday's Supreme Court decisions in For approximately a century the State fore she voluntarily became a State. the Tideland cases, the Sweatt case, the of Texas-and I believe the same to be · :Until only a few years ago, no one ever l!enderson case, and the McLaurin case, XCVI-515 8174 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE JUNE 6 mark a new low in Anglo-Saxon jurispru directing its activities, and the source of PERMISSION TO ADDRESS THE HOUSE dence. The Supreme Court has defiµite• income of those who are carrying on this Mr. GUILL. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan ly established itself as a political arm of very searching investigation. imous consent to address the House for those who would wittingly, or unwitting MR. YUKIO OZAKI 1 minute and to revise and extend my ly, destroy Anglo-Saxon civilization.. remarks. In the absence of congressional action, Mr. FARRINGTON. Mr. Speaker, I The SPEAKER. Is there objection the Tidelands case legalizes the theft of ask unanimous consent to address the to the request of the gentleman from property by a superior sovereign. This, House for 1 minute and to revise and ex tend my remarks. Texas? however, is a minor evil compared to the There was no objection. destruction of character which portends The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the Delegate from Hawaii? [Mr. GUILL addressed the House. His from the other decisions. States rights, remarks appear in the Appendix.] State laws, and State constitutions are There was no objection. gradually being destroyed. Mr. FARRINGTON. Mr. Speaker, the WAYS TO DECREASE COST OF LIVING If Solicitor General Perlman has his House has among its guests today Mr.