For the Monson 'Family'

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For the Monson 'Family' SUSAN ATKINS PATRICIA KRENWINEL LESLIE vAh hCOUTEN DEATH CHARLES MANSON: GAS CHAMBER .for the Monson 'family' U.& NAVAL AW, tUAJ4ANA BAY, CtA LOS ANGELES (AP/AFRTS)---Death in the San Quentin gas chamber was ordered last night for Charles Manson and three women followers. The dedsion came in the penalty phase of the Sharon Tate murder trial as the jury ig- Ito nored defense *pleas that the defendants be given a "gift of-life." They'd been convicted of the seven savage murders at the mansion of actress Sharon Tate. Before the verdicts were read, Manson had been ordered out of the courtroom for shouting derrogatory comments and he had muttered: "I don't see how you can get by with this. You TUESDAY, MARCH 30, 1971 Phone 9-i247 don't have no authority over me. You're not nearly as good as me." And he had added: "This (Please see MANSON, Page 6) GUILTY .verdict in Calley case FT. BENNING, Ga. (AP/AFRTS)---Lt. William cedented in Army history. p' Calley was convicted by a court-martial jury No 6tter American ever before yesterday of premeditated murder of 22 Viet- stood accused of murdering -namese men, women and children during the so- more than 100 persons, called My Lai massacre of 1968. In an interview before the ver- The penalty is either life imprisonment or dict, Calley had declared, "I hope death. The same jury which convicted him re- My Lai isn't a tragedy but an eye- turned to the courtroom today to decide the opener, even for people who say war penalty. is hell." The sentence automatically is subject to ap- After the verdict, military police took the peal through the military court system. A 27-year-old Calley to the stockade. Clley's death penalty may be appealed as high as the civilian attorney, George Latimer, said, "Take White House, and after that in federal courts my word for it, the boy is crushed." as high as the U.S. Supreme Court. Meanwhile, in Gainesville, Fla., Cilley's C alley originally had been accused of 102 sister burst into tears when she learned of murders. the verdict. Said Mary Keesling: "We didn't The verdict in his court martial was unpre- (Please see CALLEY, Page 8) Page 2 Guantanamo Gazette Tuesday, March 30, 1971 GAZETTEER Communist Party HQ Bombed NEW YORK (AP/AFRTS)--An explosion outside a digest of late news the Communist Party headquarters early today blew in the front door and shattered several windows. There were no reports of injuries. Minutes before the blast, an anonymous male telephone caller told tht Associated Press, In a delayed report, South Vietnamese armored "The Communist Party building has just been cavalrymen and rangers, backed by U.S. air and bombed. Let our people go. Never again." artillery support, say they killed 225 enemy The bombing, the voice said, was so that soldiers in a battle outside the town of Suong the "tools and lackeys" will know that "they in Cambodia. Saigon losses are put at two too are responsible ror actions of those who killed and 25 wounded in the battle yesterday. they support." "Never again" is the slogan of thle militant A North Vietnamese spokesman hassuggested Chin- Jewish Defense League which has conducted a ese troops may intervene if the U.S. invades variety of protests over alleged Soviet North Vietman. The spokesman, a member of repression of Russian Jews. North Vietnam's Paris peace delegation, made the remark while speaking to newsmen. The delegate added that President Nixon's actions Takriti Assassinated in Kuwait have led him to believe an invasion of North BEIRUT, Lebanon.i(AP/AFRTS)--Former Iraqi Vietnam might be in the works. Defense Minister Hardan Takriti vas assassin- The head of the Soviet Union's.communist Party, ated in Kuwait today in an apparent continua- Leonid Brezhnev, says one of the aims of Rus- tion of the power struggle in Iraq, Egypts sian foreign policy is the promotion of "na- Middle East news agency reported. tional liberation" movements. Brezhnev made Takriti was expelled from his post as de- the remark at the opening of his country's fense minister and vice president last October. 24th Party Congress in Moscow. Other foreign Jordanian troops shelled Palestinian guer- policy goals listed by the official include rillas in their mountain strongholds in preserving existing communist states, aiding central Jordan today, the guerrilla command the "third world," and offering peaceful co- reported. existence to Rubsia's rivas. A-man was quiet after a night of intermitten shooting. Neither the government nor the Five young men have hijackeda Philippine Air- guerrillas reported casualties in the night's liner to Communist China after a stopover in incidents. Hong Kong. The Chinese are expected to return Leila Khaled, the Palestinian Guerrilla hi- the craft and the 25 persons aboard quickly. jack heroine, said the Popular Front for the During the stopover in Hong Kong, the hijackers Liberation of Palestine will carry out new released 19 of the plane's 44 original passeng- aircraft hijackings, and soon. ers plus a baby not on the manifest. This is The Beirut newspaper Al Anwar said today believed the first hijacking to Red China. Miss Khaled made the threat in a -lecure The Army has decided to retire service number yesterday in Kuwait. 5911. The identification belonged to the late "We shall hijack planes time and time again Hamilton T. Bone, an Army service mule station- and you shall hear about this soon," she said. ed at Fort CareenColo. "Hambone," as he was better known, died-yesterday of a heart attack at the age of 38. Guantanamo Gazette Stateside Temperatures Boston 39 CommNvBae.nAdn. B. McCauley Public Affairs Officer. ar w. Boar II. New York 39 Editorial Advisor.JOC Jim Teague Washington 43 Local Forecast Editor.J03 Allan Smith Editorial Assistant .303 Bob Wellborn Atlanta 43 Cloudy with scattered rain Staff Photographer .3J03 Tom Betz Miami 65 showers. Surface winds N 3-6 Staff Artist.JOs Steve Duren Beeline Editor. iN1 Bill Walker Ste Louis 34 becoming SE 8-14 with gusts to Kansas City 32 ,The CUANTKN40I GAZETTE is published according to 21 knots during the afternoon. the rueA and regulations for ship and station news- Chicago 33 The high expected today 84 papers as outlined in NAVEXOS P-35 and under the direction-of the NavalBase Public affairs officer. Dallas 54 degrees, and tonight's low 70. It is printed four days a week at government expense on government equipment. The opinions or statements Denver 47 Last night the low was 73 in news items that appear heroin are not to he con- Phoenix 71 degrees. strued as official or as reflecting the views of ComNvBase or the Department of the Navy. San Francisco 52 Seattle 43 .Page 3 .Guantanamo Gazette. Tuesday, March 30, 197-1 lalf a league, Half a league,, Half a league onward. Forward the Stroller Brigade. Was there someone dismayed? Someone had littered. Theirs not to make reply, Theirs not to reason why. Theirs but to start the drive. Paper to the right of them, Bottles to the left of them, Cardboard boxes in front of them. A ragpickcrs plunder. Into the jaws of stench, Into the mouth of grime, Rode the Navy Nives Club (on their drive to clean the litter from Kittery Beach Road). -- JACK LEIGil :T. Sampson School Spring Concert Tonight wigHigh SchoolSchol (7> TW.T, S-.pson High School men Matos, Linda Motos, David chorus anu Land will present r Moon, Larry Neill, Deb Par-_ spring concert tonight at 7:30 sons, Mickey Poisel, Lynne Pc- at the Nival Station Chapel, la, Danny Queen, Carla Rice, The brd, in its second year Ronnie R berts, Robert Schnei- or existence, promises every- ble, Tammy Stone, Frank Turn- thing."from Dixieland on up." er, and Rick Wallace. The 25-piece band is under the direction of Marcus Cama- cho. Members are: clarinets, Tomorrow is the last day for pre-registra- Carol Wilson, Joanne Sickels, tion of children for the September Nursery Robert Priest, Bill Mayo, School session. Dawna Parrish, Ray Myers, The nursery is open to youngsters who will Carol Payne and Debbie Mit- be three years old by Dec. 31, four-year-olds chum; trumpets, Jay Miller, and pre-kindergartenerd. Mary Stratus, Mike Buss, Jack- Registration is at Hut Number 2 on East DAr- ie Darnell, Chris Barrett, go Point at 8 p.m. Fee is $5 and a choice-of David Brown and Bill Moonj Nursery morning or afternoon classes is available. French horns, Holly Hawkins, The nursery needs three teachers and a book- and Debbie Pickett; trombones, School keeper tor the September sessions. Persons who Gina French, Steve Kidd and will be on base through May 1972 should apply Harry Foster; baritone, Mike. Readies at Hut Number 2. Kidd- bass, David Moon; tenor Office hours are Monday through Friday 11 saxophone, Alice Bickenbackj a.m. tr, 12:45 p.m. Deadline is April 21. No drums, Genny Long and Mike For Next college degree is necessary for the teaching Carroll. positions. The high school chorus, also Year More information may be obtained by calling under Camacho's direction, 96320 during working hours, 90192 after work will perform with members Lin- and 7444 anytime. da Baillio, Debbie Baumgard- ner, Arthur Blackwell, Patsy Cox, Peggy Culp, Larry Fulton, Correction Danna Green, Phyllis Legare, * Ship Repair Department supplied the safety Anita Lewis, Mike McHale, Sue sign for school children, not Public W6rks- Mahoney;, Tony Marozalla, Car- Center as previously reported. Page 4 Guantanamoo Gaette Tuesday, March 30, 1 *sday, March 30, 1971 Guantanamo GazetteE age 5 FINISTERRE* 85601 ON THE WING * land's end With EMILY WING p - From rough-hess teak and forge-hot brass, sailmaker' s loom and fiberglass cae Finis'eri.
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