W H Y Is the Comintern Silent on Germany?
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WORKERS OF T H E WORLD. U N IT E Published weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 126 E ast 16th Street, New York, N. Y. Entered as second class mall matter, November 28, 1928 at the Post Office at New York, N. Y. under the act of March o, 1679 VOLUME VI, NO. 6 [WHOLE NO. 153] NEW YORK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1»33 ~ PRICE 5 CENT* W h y Is the Comintern Silent on Germany? The Militant to Appear Three Hitlerites Move Forward; Times A Week During Drive! Communists M ark Time The National Committee Issues A Call to Action to A ll CALX. TO ACTION i lar bills in the fourth year of the played during the days of the Kapp To a ll branches, members, and supporters1 crisis!—registered a spirit of sacrifice 5 0 0 W o rkers Pack New York H a ll Nine days have passed since the Aus of the Left Opposition. that stops at nothing; a spirit that trian adventurer, Hitler, was appointed putsch, by a general strike. But the German working class could not declare Dear Comrades: has not been seen in the years of Chancellor of the German Republic by this general strike without a leadership CONCENTRATE ALL ACTIVITY ON Stalinist degeneration. To Hear Opposition on Germany the social democratic “Bulwark against to organize and direct it. The social THE GERMAN CAMPAIGN OF This glorious beginning of our Fascism” President Paul von Hindenburg. solution which was put for adoption: democracy wants no m ilitant struggle THE LEAGUE! great campaign filled us all with un Despite the bitterly cold weather five To sum up this brief period into which Hie League is reacting to the Ger bounded confidence that we can carry hundred workers packed the largest T his mass meeting o f 500 w orkers as so much has been condensed, we must which may lead to the triumph of Bol man crisis w ith the greatest campaign it through and fu lfill our internation meeting yet held by the Left Opposition sembled at Stuyvesant Casino at the say: shevism; true to its role, it continues to hold the restless masses in check. The in its history. It is precisely at the a l d u ty in a m anner w o rth y o f a sec in New York, to hear our speakers in call of the Communist League of Amer The forces of reaction, and primarily moment of sharp turns and world- tion of the International Left Op the Stuyvesant Casino present an analy ica (Opposition), raises its voice in the forces of Fascism have been enor Communist party could not call the shaking events, when the Centrist position. The appearance of the sis of the acute crisis in Germany today. vigorous condemnation of a regime of mously strengthened and consolidated, strike, or more exactly, its call met with bureaucracy reveals its impotence and MILITANT three times a week in With Martin Abern in the Chair1, the Fascism in Germany and declares its un become more insolent and audacious.. no response from the bulk of the work bankruptcy, that the Left Opposition this fateful period cannot fail to meeting got under way with a recount yielding solidarity with the struggle of The forces of proletarian resistance to ing class. And for cause: the ultimat- must show its political initiative, its electrify the Communist workers, to ing by Max Shachtman of the role play the German working class against the the triumph of Fascism have not yet ist policy of the party in the past, the boldness, and its capacity to m ultiply shake them out of passivity and rout ed in the victory of Fascism by the H itlerist monster. We appeal urgently rallied into serried ranks. The social demand it made that the workers of its activities many fold. From this ine. It cannot fail to awaken them treachery of the social democracy, on to the Communist party and the Com democracy still plays its treacherous all tendencies first recognize its leader point of view the National Committee to an understanding that the defense the one hand, and on the other the crim munist International to take cognizance role of “watchful waiting”, which is syn ship, has not increased its hold over has already taken a number of deci of th e German proletariat against inal policy of blundering pursued by of the critical situation and fu lfill its re onymous with a passivity that plays into the organized, socialist, workers. The sive steps which are shaking the Com the dreadful scourge of Fascism is Stalinism in Germany. James P. Cannon sponsibility by leading the German work the hands of a relentlessly advancing general strike could not be on the order munist movement in New York to a matter of days, perhaps of hours. dealt with the significance of Fascism, ing class to the victorious struggle Fascist!. The Communists have not yet of the day because the party had not en its foundations. This is our aim—to awaken the Com the imminent threat to the Soviet Union against Fascism, employing the tactic of been able to stir out of that impotence ergetically pursued the policy of the The first of these actions, and the munist workers. This is why we be and the Communist International. The the united front as it has been expound with which the pernicious policy of sec united front which would have made pivotal point of our campaign, is the gin our campaign and center it question of the united front of Commun ed by Lenin and after him by the In tarianism paralyzes it. possible the m ob iliza tion o f the masses decision to publish the MILITANT around the triple editions of the ist and social democratic workers and ternational Left Opposition. In a word, right in the midst of a around a concrete program of struggle. during the next month THREE MILITANT. their organizations, for the purpose of We appeal to the Communist Party of situation where days are substituted for Result: the first caU for' a general strike issued by the Communist party ended in TIMES A WEEK! But the struggle of the Left Op crushing Fascism was emphasized in the the United States to initiate at once a months and years, where hour's count in This decision was made with the speeches and the summary. The intense series of huge united front demonstra place of days, the Fascists are gaining a fiasco, for the masses did not respond. position w ill not be confined to the In this way the Communist party, and greatest deliberation and sobriety literary sphere. Our thrice-a-week interest of the audience may be guaged tions against the Hitler regime and to in strength and strategic position, while by the same token, the German prole and w ill be carried out in life. It MILITANT must be for us not mere by the fact that more than 50 questions demand of the Socialist party and the the Communists, who alone can lead a were sent up to the chairman by repre tariat, is paying heavily for the blun is not a bluff or an empty gesture, ly the propagandist, but also the agi trade unions that they take part in the genuine struggle to smash the brown- sentatives of all tendencies. In sum ders and crimes of Stalinism. and must in no case be so regarded tator and organizer of a great move single united front movement of the Am shirted monster, are marking time, de The H itler regime has been quick to by a single member of the organiza ment, as Lenin said a Communist ming up, Shachtman pointed out that it erican workers in solidarity with the moralized and not knowing in which dir was impossible to reply to all the ques press its advantage. Its aim is: weaken tion. At the time of making the de paper should be. Mass meetings must embattled proletariat of Germany. ection to move. tions ; when the proposal was put to the proletariat further, bleed it slowly cision we had no money on hand— be held everywhere. Workers meet Long live the united front of the The Comintern Is Silent! by the dirk and the bludgeon, exhaust not a penny, in fact; nothing but ings, shops, gatherings of every kind call another meeting two weeks later, to working class! And above everything else, with nine it and distract its attention with parlia pressing bills and obligations. Our must be invaded boldly with the discuss the German events further, it Down with the Fascist murderers! precious, crucial, fateful days already was enthusiastically endorsed. Despite mentary maneuvers, press hardei on resources for the execution of this burning message of the Left Opposi Long live the German proletarian rev gone by, the general staff of the world this proposal, the floor was given to a the institutions of the proletariat, and ambitions plan consist exclusively in tion on the German crisis. Every o lu tion ! revolution, the leadership of the revolu then deliver the final blows with drawn the burning world importance of the member of the organization, and ev spokesman for the official Communist Now more than ever we demand the re tionary movement, the Executive Com saber, torch and machine gun. How has German crisis and the movement we ery sympathetic worker, must be party who offered a sad example of the turn to the Soviet Union and to the mittee of the Communist International— mis-education of the Communist work it proceeded? shall create on the basis of that is mobilized for daily activity to distri party of Leon Trotsky and Christian IS SILENT! Instead of guidance to the ers by Stalinism.