Bulgarian Musicology • 3/2019
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Българско музикознание / Bulgarian Musicology • 3/2019 ISSN 0204-823X Bulgarian Musicology ХLIII / 2019 / № 3 Българска академия на науките институт за изследване на изкуствата Bulgarian academy of sciences Institute of Art Studies Музика и информация Иванка Влаева Музикална информация с един „клик“............3 Венцислав Мицов Терминология в попмузиката – проблеми, реалности и парадокси ......................................22 Eтномузикология Валери Димчев Традиционното тамбурджийско свирене от югозападна българия днес в практиката на няколко изявени местни изпълнители......37 Музика и екран Валери За музикалната среда в документалния Пастармаджиев филм (представяне на културноисторическо наследство) ...................60 Дебюти Мила Наумова Хоралът на Филип Николай „Как хубаво свети Зорницата („Ein geistlich Braut-Lied der gläubigen Seelen/ von Jesu Christo irem himmlischen Bräutigam: Gestellt über 45-sten Psalm des Propheten Davids“) ...............................................74 Рецензии Стефанка Георгиева юлиан Куюмджиев: „Христо Манолов“.......109 Полина Антонова Ромео Смилков: „Клавирната музика на Димитър Ненов (от интерпретационна позиция)“.................113 Румяна Капка Лалова: „Одисеята на един артист. Каракостова Композиторката Пенка Кунева“ ...................117 Резюмета .............................................................120 Music and Information Ivanka Vlaeva One-click Music Information.................................3 Ventsislav Mitsov Pop Music Terminology: Problems, Realities and Paradoxes.........................................22 Ethnomusicology Valeri Dimchev Traditional Tamboura Playing in Bulgaria’s Southwest in the Practice of Currently Popular Local Players............................................37 Music and Screen Valeri Pastarmadjiev Of the Musical Environment of a Documentary (Presentation of Cultural and Historical Heritage)...................60 Debuts Mila Naumova Phillipp Nicolai’s Chorale “How Brightly Shines the Morning Star” (Ein geistlich Braut-Lied der gläubigen Seelen/ von Jesu Christo irem himmlischen Bräutigam: Gestellt über 45-sten Psalm des Propheten Davids).................................................74 Reviews Stefanka Georgieva Julian Kujumdziev: „Hristo Manolov“.............109 Polina Antonova Romeo Smilkov: „The Piano Music of Dimiter Nenov (from an Interpretational Standpoint)“............113 Rumyana Kapka Lalova: „An Artist’s Odyssey. Karakostova Composer Penka Kouneva“...............................117 Abstracts................................................................120 2 Abstracts Music and Information one-click music information Ivanka Vlaeva The twenty-first-century glo- of the phenomena in different balisation affects the existence, regions, cultural and musical dissemination, retention and layers, communities, and genres. more broadly, the knowledge of The Bulgarian experience of music. In the course of this process compiling dictionaries and music some issues arise in relation to encyclopaedias and the way paved the accessibility, authenticity and by them towards the creation of synthesis of information about databases has been traced. Databases music. Further, they have to do with created in Bulgaria and their types ethics, axiology and economy. In have been presented. The expansion an information society, increasing of research areas in contemporary numbers of people expect the musicology and the need for an needed information to be readily adequate use of their terminology accessible online. Nowadays has been analysed. Possible ave- products are released faster, while nues for providing information activities are superimposed and run about music in a globalising world in parallel. This is the reason why using music databases have been databases become fundamental considered. One of my goals is to to a quick and synthesized recep- offer guidelines for developing a tion of information, as well as dictionary of music in several fields: to its dissemination and use. In historical, geographical, theoretical, order for the established, new or organological, genre-related, plus rediscovered musical knowledge their application in creating music to be properly conceptualized, the databases by means of employing question should be answered as multi-tier architectonics. An to the content and uses of musical analysis of musical practices from terms in Bulgaria relating to different cultural and musical history, theory, ethnomusicology, layers and regions of the world pedagogy, and performing arts. provides the grounds for offering Terminology synthesizes and a systematization of the terms shows the most important specifics in several main groups: art/ 20 Българско музикознание / Bulgarian Musicology • 3/2019 compositional music; traditional various parameters (historical, music; pop music. Thus, every geographical, philosophical and term becomes a keyword for the religious, aesthetical; technical, quick and efficient finding and technological, functional, absorbing of musical knowledge organisational), which normally from the database. The terms work as a cohesive whole in have been defined depending on concrete practices. Keywords: music, information, terminology, dictionaries, encyclopaedias, databases, Bulgaria Pop music Terminology: Problems, realities and Paradoxes Ventsislav Mitsov The article offers a critical Bulgaria along with stereotypes view of pop music terminology, and clichйs in the public mind in databases and the lack of precise regard to what precisely constitutes differentiation of pop musical folk and pop music. The text treats styles in Bulgaria on the basis of the lack of a formal database of pop two researches: one conducted by music in this country referring to the Trend Research Centre in 2019 an amateur open-access database and the second, by South-West created by volunteers. It is a good University under a project of the case in point, but also a starting Balkans–Europe Regional Research point for future research into Centre, Bulgarian National Science pop music and the underground Fund, led by Assoc. Prof. Maria scene in Bulgaria. In conclusion, Serafimova in 2013. The article the paper offers a critical analysis seeks to ascertain whether the lack of certain stereotypes which have of precise terms in musical styles established themselves in society: and trends leads to a distortion What is classical music - Honegger of the sociological conclusions of or Clayderman? What is pop the conducted researches. Apart music: thrash metal or disco music? from the paradoxes of Bulgaria’s Proceeding from these issues, the music scene, this study dwells on author underscores once again that such world paradoxes as the 1989 a unified database of Bulgarian Grammy Award for Best Hard pop music needs to be created Rock/Metal Performance given to in order for us to differentiate its the British rock band Jethro Tull. styles, understand it better, and The author also considers the specify musical terminology with interpretations of folk music in a greater degree of precision. Keywords: pop music, databases, terminology, sources of information, unified register 2 Ethnomusicology Traditional Tamboura Playing in Bulgaria’s southwest in the Practice of currently Popular local Players Valeri Dimchev This article deals with this appropriate accompaniment; Bulgarian folk musical instrument it is suitable for both solo and the tamboura playing tradition (instrumental or instrumental/ in Bulgaria’s southwest. The role vocal) and group performances of the tamboura in the traditional (with a shepherd’s pipe, timbrel, way of life has been explored. In bagpipe); it simultaneously the course of study meetings have provides tune and rhythm; by been held and interviews taken playing the melody and holding with tambourists and tamboura the bourdon note at the same time teachers from various regions, it completely and authentically schools, ethnic or age groups. The reflects the traditional musical selection of tambourists’ accounts aesthetic of Bulgaria’s southwest; imply that the tamboura has been the materials for tamboura-making a must for people’s everyday lives are easily obtainable. As a result, it at working bees, weddings, family may be inferred that the traditional feasts, etc. Todor Preshelkov tambourian style typical of recalls that tambouras were to Bulgaria’s southwest is still extant be found in every house, which and practiced by many performers suggests that the instrument was within that region; the specific extremely popular across the tambourian two-part playing fully entire southwest of Bulgaria. The reflects the musical aesthetic of reason as to why and how it came the locals; the traditional playing to be the case is not easy to explain. of Bulgaria’s southwest has to be Still, several very important studied consistently at all levels factors could be defined: the of teaching and education, such tamboura has a natural dynamic as children’s centres for music, balance with the human voice, schools of music, as well as higher which presupposes its role as education institutions. Keywords: tambura/tamboura, Bulgarian, folk, ethno, music 22 Българско музикознание / Bulgarian Musicology • 3/2019 Music and Screen of the musical environment of a documentary (Presentation of cultural and Historical Heritage) Valeri Pastarmadjiev Cultural heritage preserva- impactive element with its own tion for posterity is a special specificities. The article presents challenge and an ever-topical some aspects of the interplay subject. There are a number