+ Sparsholt Cricket Club

+ Annual General Meeting

The Norman Edwards Ground 27 January 2014.

7:30 pm

The Norman Edwards Ground, Locks Lane, Sparsholt, SO21 2LU http://www.sparsholtcc.co.uk

President: James Wakefield

Hon. Treasurer Hon. Chairman Hon. Secretary

Bob Selley Martin Harlow Tony Edwards

January 2014


I have pleasure in including the pre-AGM document for your viewing. To confirm the AGM will be taking place on 27 January 2014 at 19:30 at The Norman Edwards Ground.

The club is still tirelessly trying to get a complete distribution list compiled. I am still in need of Club VP’s, members both senior & junior and other contacts (addresses, phone numbers & e-mail addresses). Therefore I would be delighted if you could send me these details via e-mail. Also if you have changed address or just started using a different email account, if you can let us know so we can keep our records up to date.

My e-mail address is: [email protected]; This helps both myself and the club keep in touch with you more regularly and discuss and present information of Sparsholt’s successes both on and off the field.

With the digital age in full swing you can also follow the club’s progress through the website (new look site coming soon), on our Facebook page (Official Sparsholt CC) and also on our Twitter Feed (@SparsholtCC) and our YouTube Channel (OfficialSparsholtCC), this channel will see a lot of activity over the coming season.

If you are unable to attend but wish to be noted in the apologies of the minutes, please contact me on the above email, leave a message on the Facebook/Twitter pages or if you prefer to leave a me a voice or text message on 07411811297; I will make sure you are added to the apologies. If anyone has any other questions about the information included, then please do not hesitate to get in touch with Martin Harlow or myself.

Otherwise we thank you for your continued support and look forward to seeing you on the 27 January, or during the cricket season, in what should be another exciting and challenging season for our Club!

Kind Regards

Tony Edwards


In accordance with Club Rules, notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Sparsholt C.C. will be held at the Club Pavilion on 27 January 2014 at 7.30pm.

AGENDA 1. Apologies

2. Approval of Minutes of AGM held on 28 Jan 2013 (enclosed)

3. Matters Arising

4. Committee Report (enclosed)

5. Treasurer’s Report (Accounts enclosed)

6. Changes to the Constitution

7. Election of Officers (schedule enclosed) Your attention is drawn to Club Rule 15, which states:

‘At the AGM officers of the Club and members of the Committee shall retire, but shall be eligible for re-election. Candidates must be proposed by any two members by notice, in writing, to the Secretary at least 7 days before the meeting. Voting shall be by ballot and every member shall be entitled to vote for as many candidates as there are vacancies to be filled. If no nominations have been received for a particular post, nominations may be taken at the meeting.’

8. Annual Subscriptions and Match Fees

The Committee recommends to the AGM that all Annual Subscriptions for 2014 be as follows:

Adult: £20 Concessions: £20 Juniors: All in payment – see Junior Coach for pricing. Non Playing Member: £10.

The Committee recommends that all Match Fees for 2014 be as follows:

1st/2nd/3rd/Sunday XI: £10.00 Concessions: £5.00 Midweek: £5 .00 Indoor League: £5.00 Indoor Juniors: 4.00

9. ClubMark:

10. Playing Outlook for 2014- summary of objectives

Short update and discussion, whereby members can provide input to the Club’s aims.

11. Young Player of the Year Award

The Committee recommendation will be put to the Meeting.

12. Any Other Business

13. Date & Time of Next Meeting

Sparsholt Cricket Club AGM Minutes 28 January 2013


Martin Harlow (Chairman), Tony Edwards (Secretary), Tony Dunford, Tom Brook (Fixtures), Richard Macer (Child Welfare/Memberships), Bill Gunyon (Groundsman), Norman Gough (1st XI Manager), Andy Worth (2nd XI Captain), John Challis (+1), Colin Lovegrove, Jon Vokes, Chris Fox, Neville Vokes, David Coulthard, Steve Wright, Andy Pryce, David Gough


Richard Edwards (Vice-Chairman), Bob Selley (Treasurer), Lewis Dunford, Daniel Payne, Jerry Rees, Matt Towl, George Potter, Eryl Smith (Youths), Keith Whiting, Martin White, Mike Doubell.

Minutes of Meeting & Matters Arising:

The minutes of the 2012 AGM were accepted & no matters were arising.

Proposer: T Dunford

Seconder: T Brook

Committee Report:

Chairman opened the floor for comments – none made.

Treasurer Report:

Bob unable to attend this evening due to work commitments, any and all questions should have been directed to Bob so he could prepare answers for Chair/Secretary to announce at AGM – no questions were received.

Since the 2012 finished and today we have arranged the sale of the old covers, which are due for collection in the next few weeks. As well as the purchase of some new covers, which are lightweight so, it shouldn’t take an army to place them on the square.

Changes to the Constitution:

1 change proposed by committee. No other changes received.

Proposed: A Worth

Seconded: D Coulthard

Election of Officers:

The club secretary received no nominations so the committee’s recommendations stand.

Proposed: D Coulthard

Seconded: D Gough

Subscriptions and Match Fees:

There are no changes for the coming season to playing members.

Non-playing member subscriptions have been reduced to £10 per year to make collection and admin easier and to promote the membership to people in the village.

Proposed: J Challis

Seconded: J Vokes

Playing Outlook:

Firstly, many thanks to Tim Vokes for everything he has achieved in his tenure of Captaincy.

Daniel Payne has agreed to return to us for the 2013 season, which is great news.

N Gough – We still need more players – S Wright & E Ellis have been working together during the close season to bring in new players. It is nice to see that even though Ed is no longer our player he is still helping us achieve goals.

M Harlow – The pitch analysis that was requested at the post season players meeting will be taking place in the near future – so we can get a plan of action together to get the square back to where the players want it. Obviously this won’t happen overnight – but we want what is best for our club and our players.


No action until 2014.

Young Player of the Year

There were a few names and a long discussion was had by the committee.

Young Player of 2012 – Jon Vokes.

Any Other Business:

T Brook – read out a letter from Matt Peterson thanking everyone for all their support and friendships while he was here, but will not be returning to Sparsholt CC at least this coming year (2013).

C Lovegrove – Took this opportunity to thank Norman on all he has done for the club and in the introduction of some new VP’s.

N Gough – Thank you Colin, but it is easier to see the rewards when the accounts are in order and while there are other people also doing their bit for the club (some juggling multiple roles). Thanks need to go to all the committee too.

Thanks need to go to S Wright also for his work on getting potential sponsors on board.

N Vokes – As the village Friday nights will be kicking off imminently – can I please get copies of the forms for membership etc – T Edwards to send over asap.

Roller – I have been keeping my ear to the ground for a new roller and the cheapest currently is over £5,000 – will keep looking.

N Gough – Good to see more and more results coming from the end of season players meeting and the continued adaptation of the 5 year plan.

C Lovegrove – Have the covers been ordered? Delivery due end of March.

N Gough – M O’Connor has come forward and offered some advertising in the Mid Hants Observer (half page each week) in exchange for an advertising board in the clubhouse. Meeting to be held in the next month.

Also working with S Wright to get banners/hoardings made for the potential new sponsors.

T Dunford – Thanks to everyone who contributed to the AGM pack and to T Edwards for collating and putting out another great looking pack.

M Harlow – Thank you to everyone that has helped this season – R Edwards is looking to step down as Vice-Chairman next year, which means that we will be looking for someone to take over as of AGM 2014.

Huge thanks to T Edwards – he does a huge amount of work behind the scenes – and the club would be lost without him also.

Lastly, but by no means least – It is a minor miracle we got in as much cricket this season as we did – Huge thanks go to B Gunyon for all you do on the ground.

Date of Next Meeting – 27th January 2014.

Meeting Closed 8:20pm.

SCC – Chairman’s report

2013 had a lot to live up to, but delivered a great summer from a weather perspective. After a wet 2012, we had a scorching hot 2013, which of course meant a whole different set of problems for Bill Gunyon at Locks Lane. Once again, in what was probably the busiest summer of cricket for many years, Bill produced quality wickets throughout the year. More on Bill later.

On the playing front, we had known that the reorganisation of the Southern League meant that we effectively went into the season ranked at the bottom of the new 10 team Division 2, having squeaked into the final slot on run rate in 2012. To finish 7th in 2013, with a Sparsholt player finishing top run scorer in the league has to represent a significant achievement for the First XI.

We started 2013 with a new captain in Lewis Dunford, a familiar overseas face in Dan Payne, and a major shock with Tim Vokes’ health scare. To see Tim back playing by the end of the season was a huge relief to everyone involved with Sparsholt Cricket Club, and I would also like to thank the players of a number of clubs for passing on their messages of support to him. We all wish him well with his continuing recovery.

Lewis is a proven performer in the Southern League, but to add the captaincy to his young shoulders was always going to be a challenge. I think in time he will look back on his achievement of taking the team to 7th place, beating all the teams bar those that were promoted, with enormous pride. A lot of the credit for finishing where they did should go to Dan Payne for all his runs, but there were enormous performances from everyone who put on the shirt this year. This was built on a strong top order; Ed Jenner fitted straight in and he and Dan established a great platform most weeks to allow others to come in and express themselves – Dave Gough, Stuart Tognarelli, Jon Vokes, Steve Wright all scored valuable and quick runs. Once again, thanks must also go to Norman Gough and Colin Lovegrove for their tireless work off the pitch, and to Ethel Kingston for her scoring efforts.

As we look towards 2014 we are pleased to see some new blood to mix in with old faces to make up a First XI that has match winners throughout it. It is my hope that the First XI fully enjoy their season this year, and that I’ll get the chance to toast many more tons, 5-fers and wins. Whilst we do have some new faces, as always, we do need more, so I would ask all playing adult members just to stop and think about all those people that they know that might fancy a season at Locks Lane. Dan’s performances will no doubt be hanging over Jayden Derosa, our first Western Australian, who I can personally confirm is looking forward to the challenge (and the cheaper beer!) and reminding us of a certain 5-0 scoreline.

Faced with Lewis’s decision to step down as captain, the committee were thinking hard how we might take things forward into 2014. Our view from the outside was that the first team needed someone with the experience to guide a young and developing side through the season, and we were pleased when the squad indicated they also felt this was the case. We were thrilled when Andy Worth agreed to come out of extinction to captain the side in 2014. I think he will bring a backbone into the team, which will turn our young side into a formidable team. Yes, they probably do need to grow up a bit but, most importantly, they need to believe in themselves and each other. They also need to recognise when it is time to back each other up, rather than take the proverbial. With Andy’s guidance and some positivity, they are capable of more than simply surviving in their league. There are potential match winners throughout the side, and that is a great thing to have.

Part of the plan has to be to have a more stable first team and that will allow Andy Worth’s successor with the Second XI to take our promising youngsters out and play good Second XI cricket. Many of those youngsters were pressed into action with the First XI last year, and whilst nobody let anyone down, many of them would benefit from a full year of Second XI league cricket, to understand their role on the pitch every time they go out. The knock on effect will hopefully mean that we’re not anxiously looking at their league position at the end of the season. Our thanks go to Bob Selley for his umpiring, and to Andy Pryce for his availability and input over the course of the season.

The Third XI should be looking to get out of their league in 2014, having come close to doing that this year. Ultimately, what they need is some backbone and runs to go with the exciting young bowling talent that there is at the club, and more players available to remove the live risk of having to scratch. Huge thanks to Jon Foster for acting as a link into the juniors, and for making sure we had the right people going to the right ground at the right time! 2013 was a family affair, and it was good to see the Trivetts, Pattersons, Whites and Rowes representing the Trees. We also wish Jordan Glasspool well after his knee surgery.

Back to Bill Gunyon; 2013 has seen the end of an era at Locks Lane as Bill has decided that after more than 25 years’ service to the club, 2013 would be his last as Groundsman. Bill has been a tireless servant since taking over from Norman Edwards, and I would not like to hazard a guess at the number of hours he has put into making sure there has been a quality wicket week in, week out, whether it has been wet or dry. Of course, Bill has also contributed a large number of runs to Sparsholt’s cause over the years, and it would be remiss not to remind you all of his contribution as a player. Bill did ask us not to do anything to mark his departure, but the committee is considering how best to mark Bill’s contribution to the club, and we will be announcing plans for a lasting tribute in 2014. We were also pleased that Bill accepted our invitation to become a life vice-president of the club. Needless to say we wish him a healthy and happy (second) retirement.

We are pleased to announce that Nev Vokes has agreed to take on the role going forwards. Nev will be looking for assistance and I know a number of you have offered that to him, but it is imperative that Nev gets the help he needs when he asks for it. We have taken advice from experts on how we might look to reinvigorate the wicket, but there is no simple or quick fix. We have implemented a different strategy in the close season, but only time and the weather will reveal what impact this can have.

The one thing that has not changed significantly over 2013 is the club’s dependence on a small group of people to make the club work. This really does need to change going forwards. We can be pleased that 2013 brought us a number of new players, but we do need new blood on the committee too. I am thrilled to be able to say that the ‘core’ of the previous committee will still be around for 2014, but we do need some succession planning, and we also need to start running the club more professionally. This is not meant to be a criticism, but it has to be something we have to aspire to; not just in terms of the admin (including Facebook, Twitter and the website) but having people that will reliably open up the club, get the advertising out, run the bar and manage its stock. We cannot rely on people with other club responsibilities, particularly the skippers, to do all these other things too. We simply have to share these tasks out more… you all have to appreciate the time and effort put in by volunteers so that all the players gets to play cricket on good wickets and in a clean clubhouse.

I am incredibly proud to report that Sparsholt won a Southern Electric community award for our initiative to bring the village to the club this year. As a result, Friday nights during the season now sees a large chunk of Sparsholt village in the clubhouse, which has really been great to see. Nev Vokes has to take much of the credit for being prepared to run the bar for most of those nights (thanks also to others like Dan and Togs that I know helped out too, there were probably others). However, Nev has a new role as Groundsman and so we need volunteers (either from the playing or our new social membership) to keep this fantastic innovation going. Our thanks also go to the team from the Village Shop, who I hope have also benefited from this joint venture. My personal thanks go to them for accepting our regular beer delivery too – I hope you’ve all enjoyed having some proper beer available this season.

The clubhouse, it has to be said, is starting to look a bit tatty, and part of our plans for 2014 (after replacing the covers and upgrading the nets in 2013) include sprucing the place up a bit. The most definitive change will be some new chairs after the old pink bar chairs started a very gratifying bonfire for certain committee members in September. I hope I am stating the obvious, but please look after any new arrivals in the clubhouse! We are looking into other improvements to make the clubhouse more inviting and comfortable over 2014.

The other big thing for 2014 is to find a sponsor. There has been a lot of work behind the scenes, but at the time of writing we do not have a club sponsor lined up for this year. Irons are in fires though, but again all of you please stop and think if you know of anyone that might want to sponsor us.

So, 2014, here we come. My personal thanks go out to all the committee and everyone else who has helped me and the club in 2013. There are some things we need to do better, but I am convinced we are now doing more things ‘right’. By the time this season comes to a close I want to make sure we can justifiably claim to have more items in the ‘things we’re doing well’ category. My plea from last season remains – we need more volunteers. However, when I look at my list of things to do going into last season, we can put a resounding tick next to some of those items; the social side of the club and the village, improvement to the nets (thanks should be recorded to Jon Foster in managing that project for us) and involving the juniors more in Saturday cricket and the Third XI in particular. However, plenty remains to be done; including sponsorship, bar, website. If the committee does not get more help we run the risk of some things going backwards, and that is not something I want to see.

I am looking forward to seeing you at the clubhouse at 7.30pm on Monday 27 January 2014.

Martin Harlow Chairman

SCC – 1st XI report.

Although it was our fourth successive mid-table position in 2012, the league restructuring meant that we started 2013 in the third tier of the Southern League; renamed as Division 2 (every league seems to have a Premier Division now!). Our customary last term second half form meant that this season was likely to be much tougher as we were now in a league of ten, playing the others on a home and away basis, thus putting all four divisions of the SL on the same basis. No big player losses to report as Tim Vokes handed over the captaincy to Lewis Dunford. While Lewis was wintering in Adelaide with returning 2011 Aussie Dan Payne, Steve Wright in particular was working hard behind the scenes in an effort to recruit new players with a number of potential ‘targets’ on his radar. Pre-season nets looked encouraging with Ed Jenner (ex ), Stuart (Togs) Tognarelli (ex Longparish), University Student Alex Dilley (son of ex paceman Graham) and ex Oxfordshire Minor Counties bat Jaimie Noble all pitching up. Just as we could look forward with optimism, a bitter blow the week before the first game meant that Tim Vokes’ heart condition would keep him out for a good while.

A pre-season friendly against Fair Oak proved a good run out, and (hopefully) an indication of the progress we are already making. In a game where all our bowlers turned their arms, and the top five batsmen all spent time in the middle, we played them off the park Jon Vokes, Dan Payne and 14 year old Tom Foster taking three wickets apiece as they could only muster 119, and Payne and Ed Jenner giving us a first taste of what was to come as they added 60 plus, Togs, Dunford and Dave Gough all in double figures as the target was reached easily for three.

May – We started league cricket at Langley Manor, but despite an excellent opening partnership from Payne (43) and Jenner (46), a weakened batting line up stuttered to 194 all out with only Tom Brook (25), Dave Gough and Alex Dilley of the rest reaching double figures. Despite a couple of early wickets from Dilley (3 for 38) we were never really in the hunt as their Kiwi made 70 to see them home, Tom Foster taking what will surely be the first of many SL wickets. The following day, we started our NVKO campaign against Bramshaw – while the bowling could only be described as friendly, Togs played one of the best innings seen at Locks Lane for several years as he smashed 159 in an opening partnership of 201 with Andy Worth (56). Steve Wright (66 not out) and Gough (61) also helped themselves as a massive 356 was racked up. The plucky visitors were never in the hunt (188 all out) as Mike Doubell took 4 for 23. Back to league, and another magnificent century and career best by Dan Payne (142) set up victory against a below par Tichborne Park as 331 for 2 was recorded (highest league score for several seasons). Payne added 159 with Jenner (80) and then 154 with Togs, who finished unbeaten on 75. Dilley (3 for 24) then showed real pace with the returning Mark Stone (4 for 27) ripping the visitors batting apart as they reached 47 for 8. Thankfully (despite several interruptions) the showers held off long enough for us to record a massive maximum points victory. Sadly this was to be Togs’ last contribution for a while, as he was due to have surgery on his damaged shoulder.

Back to league action with a first ever league visit to the ex ground, May’s Bounty to play Basingstoke. Dave Gough took four for 40, and Stone and Dilley a brace apiece, but our batting folded against very accurate bowling – only Gough (completing a fine day personally with a superb 71 not out) preventing a rout. Back into NVKO action against Hambledon, but a weakened side could only manage 59 in conditions where one of their bowlers made the ball talk (he took 7 wickets for 4 runs with only Dunford getting into double figures). Even then Jon Vokes (3 wickets) and Steve Wright (2) had them in trouble at 28 for 5, but their skipper brought them home with some lusty blows – Lords will have to wait another year! Home to table topping Park next where another below par batting performance only mustered146 (Noble, Dunford and Jenner all in the twenties, and a few lusty blows from Dilley (30 not out) bringing back memories of his late father in Botham’s famous Headingly test against the Aussies in the eighties. With only four wickets (2 for Jon Vokes), poor bonus points from the last two games meant we were precariously placed above the bottom two at the end of the first month’s action.

June – Relegated OT’s and Romsey next and on a lifeless track Payne’s 65 (probably a better innings than his ton in May) after the loss of two wickets in the first three overs and some late blows from Jon Vokes (27 not out) got us to 182. We got three early wickets ourselves, but then they dug in and we squeezed home by just 4 runs, with Payne taking two great catches, and effecting two run outs. Jon Vokes (2 wickets) and Jaimie Noble 4 for 40 bowled well, Noble in particular taking two wickets in the last over with just nine runs needed. The other relegated team, Paultons, next, and again with a weakened side we were unable to post a competitive score with only Jon Vokes (40, opening in a pinch hitting role) contributing. They romped home as Dan Pickering took a couple of cheap wickets for us. Away at US Portsmouth next in a force 9 gale – our 222 (Andy Worth 55, Ed Jenner 44, Extras 50) looked decent, but we were unable to contain their top four as our bowlers found the wind just as difficult to contend with, and again they ‘breezed’ home with nine overs to spare (Dan Pickering 3 for 34, Steve Wright 2 for 22). High flying Calmore next, and again we showed that we can produce the unexpected as we ruled the game from start to finish. Despite being put in the top four gave us a good platform (Ed Jenner 47, Lewis Dunford an excellent 70), and some trademark brutal late hitting from Dave Gough (38) enabled us to post 202. Showers had reduced their target, but they never got going as Steve Wright (2 for 22) and Jon Vokes nailed their openers, and then Gough weighed in with a career best return of 5 for 34. Great news from the twos where Tim Vokes’ century showed his health was improving and a first team return could be soon. The last game of the first half of the season took us to Totton and Eling where Lewis again lost the toss and they rattled up 262 for 9 on the customary great track in hot sunshine, 4 late wickets for Jon Vokes (4 for 40), and Steve Wright (2 for 18 in 10) stemmed the flow a little. Dan Payne made an excellent 83 as he and Lewis Dunford added 144 for the second wicket. Dunford batted superbly to record his maiden SL century (104 not out) as we eased home with three balls to spare.

Mid season review - four wins from 9 – a great effort from a team ‘seeded’ tenth, saw us sitting in sixth place, a position we would be more than happy with if offered at the start of the season, and twice as many wins as we have had in the first half of each of the last four seasons. Still much work to do as it was clear that this was a very competitive league, but we could look forward to July and August.

July – the good form continued as we reversed the early season result with high flying Langley Manor, they posted 200 (Steve Wright 3 for 39, Tim Vokes 3 for 18 on his return to the team). Dan Payne steered us home as he made his second century of the season (115 not out) with useful twenties from Lewis Dunford and Dave Gough. Bottom of the table Tichborne next but any hope of repeating the early season thrashing was soon dashed as their openers put on a century (in blazing heat) and they rattled up a massive 359. Funnily enough little to report about the bowling, although Jon Vokes, Dan Pickering, Tom Foster and Tom Brook each took two wickets. We managed a disappointing 189 (Dan Payne 48, Lewis Dunford 52) as they took their revenge and gained some hope of avoiding the drop. Table toppers Basingstoke next, and a much better all-round batting performance saw us post 239 (Steve Wright 51, Dan Payne 42, Lewis Dunford 40, Ed Jenner 33) but their opener scored a ton, and they knocked them off comfortably with more than 8 overs to spare. Second placed Hursley Park then rattled up 275 which was far too many for us, and we lost by 62 runs chasing a rain reduced target (Dan Payne 63 not out, Dave Gough 26).

August - Togs returned earlier than we expected for the next game against OTs and Romsey, but another poor batting saw us skittled for 138 (Lewis Dunford 40) which, despite three early wickets from Alex Dilley they coasted past. A magnificent Tognarelli ton (106) plus 56 from Dan Payne and a good 31 from Andy Worth saw us post 247 against Paultons, but this time our bowling was poor as they coasted home for the loss of three wickets. These five successive defeats meant that we had dropped to third from bottom, and our next match hosting US Portsmouth, just below us in the table, was crucial. Despite two early wickets, they posted 248, but the rain prevented any further play, and the game was abandoned. This meant that we still needed at least one result to be sure of staying up (despite all the good work in May and June). On a dodgy track at third placed Calmore we were precariously placed at 93 for 7 until some customary hitting from Jon Vokes (43 not out) with support from Adam Gough and Mike Doubell got us to a respectable 165. Worries whether this was enough against a usually strong Calmore batting line up were quickly dispelled as Alex Dilley (back to his best after a couple of wobbly performances) ripped out one opener.

Mike Doubell opened the other end, taking 4 for 21 off his ten overs – his son Nick and Dan Payne also took two wickets apiece, and the game was comfortably won. With safety assured we could enjoy the last game against Totton and Eling and they were quickly bowled out for 139. This time Nick Doubell took the bowling honours with 3 for 14, dad Mike, Dan Payne and Alex Dilley with two apiece (11 wickets for the Doubell spin twins in two weeks – who needs Stoner!). Another good opening partnership from Ed Jenner (31) and Dan Payne (33) and a quickfire 30 from Togs saw us coast home in the sunshine.

The season therefore ended with us well placed in seventh place, an excellent performance considering the intermittent player availability. Seven wins from seventeen games was probably more than we hoped for at the outset, but some disappointing performances left us wondering what might have been. As the story says, when we were good, we were very good, but when we were bad we were awful. Great celebrations as news filtered through that Dan Payne (748 runs) was the league’s leading run scorer and his consistency undoubtedly made a huge contribution. Definitely worth bringing him back for a second term, and we hope that he may even return again in the future. Ed Jenner, 336 runs, also made a great contribution, and only twice did they fail to get us off to a good start (when Ed got a first ball duck both times – sorry Ed!). Togs (225 runs in just five appearances) made a big contribution (on and off the field) - he had the best average in the league, over 56. With the ball Alex Dilley bowled with real pace (15 wickets even though he was only available for half the season), and, apart from two ‘dodgy’ games had batsmen jumping about and usually gave us the early wicket(s) we needed. In addition to these contributions from new players, skipper Lewis Dunford (445), Dave Gough (249 runs and 15 wickets), Jon Vokes (19 wickets plus some important contributions with the bat) and Steve Wright (15 wickets) all did well, although I think it’s fair to say that JV and Payner (12 wickets) often struggled with the ball. Of the players who were available less, Mark Stone was as dependable as ever with the ball, and Mike Doubell, with 14 year old son Nick helped us win the last two games in particular

In contrast to last year (and to be fair the weather helped in this) FIVE centuries to report, two for Dan Payne, one for Stuart Tognarelli (plus perhaps the knock of the season in the NVKO) and one for Lewis Dunford. Half centuries aplenty with 4 for Payne, two for Dunford, and one each for Ed Jenner, Togs, Dave Gough, Andy Worth and Steve Wright. There were also two 150 run plus partnerships in the first match against Tichborne, plus one of 200 in the NVKO. Many others also contributed when they were called on including another 14 year old, Tom Foster who played a few in the early part of the season and took his first Southern League wickets. Thirteen year old Nick Doubell claimed six wickets in the three games he played. These will hopefully develop into the core of Sparsholt future. Player availability made captaincy difficult, especially for a young captain in his first season and I think Lewis Dunford deserves great credit for the way he represented the club in sometimes difficult circumstances – he also had his best season with the bat, showing that the added responsibility did not seem to affect his form, even though he played several games with a broken finger. The newcomers (Jenner, Tognarelli and Dilley) clearly added much needed impetus, but with some of the older ones playing less, it is clear that we are still a couple more ‘core’ players short if we are to achieve our aspiration of promotion (and NVKO regional winners) in the next couple of seasons.

A special mention must also go to second team skipper Andy Worth who not only managed his team, but also helped chasing up players for the firsts, even bolstering the batting in the firsts on several occasions. Similarly Jon Foster chased up players for the threes week after week, and also turned out for the firsts on several occasions, batting twice and refusing to surrender his wicket – thanks Andy, Jon.

FINAL P W L T Bonus Total Pts Ded Average


BASINGSTOKE & N.H. 16 14 2 0 141 309 0 19.31

HURSLEY PARK 17 13 4 0 143 299 0 17.59

LANGLEY MANOR 16 9 7 0 120 228 0 14.25

CALMORE SPORTS * 16 10 6 0 112 227 5 14.19

PAULTONS 16 8 8 0 119 215 0 13.44

O.T.s & ROMSEY 16 8 8 0 116 212 0 13.25

SPARSHOLT 17 7 10 0 110 194 0 11.41

TOTTON & ELING II * 17 6 11 0 109 176 5 10.35

UNITED SERVICES * 17 5 12 0 111 161 10 9.47

TICHBORNE PARK 17 3 14 0 99 135 0 7.94


Batting (ordered by runs scored)

Inns NO HS Runs Avge

D Payne 17 2 142* 748 49.9

L Dunford 16 2 104* 445 31.8

E Jenner 14 0 80 336 28

D Gough 11 2 71* 236 26.2

S Tognarelli 5 1 106 226 56.3

J Vokes 12 3 43* 172 19.1

S Wright 11 3 51 138 17.3

A Worth 6 0 125 55 20.5

G Potter 6 0 23 72 12

A Dilley 6 1 30* 56 11.2

D Pickering 7 1 13 50 8.3

S Herridge 4 2 26* 48 24

J Noble 5 0 28 46 9.5

A Gough 10 3 13 39 5.6

T Brook 4 0 25 35 8.8

T Foster 4 0 5 17 4.3

Also batted

J Foy 5,3: G Whiting 0,0,0*,0: M Stone 0,0,0: M Doubell 13, 2*, 11*: A Clarke 6: S Jenner 0: J Foster 1*,3*: T Vokes 5,3: N Doubell 5,2,7: O Birnie 17:

Bowling (ordered by wickets taken)

Overs Mdn Runs Wkts Avge Econ Rate

J Vokes 121.5 8 620 19 32.6 5.1

A Dilley 56.3 6 299 16 18.7 5.3

S Wright 125.2 32 397 15 26.5 3.2a

D Gough 86.3 2 381 15 25.4 4.4

D Payne 96.1 6 467 12 38.9 4.9

M Stone 53 13 171 9 17.9 3.2

D Pickering 36.3 2 229 8 28.6 6.3

M Doubell 36 6 140 7 20 4

N Doubell 6 1 39 6 6.5 6.5

T Vokes 15 1 73 5 14.6 4.9

J Noble 35.4 0 158 5 31.6 4.5

T Foster 21 1 148 4 37 7

S Herridge 14 0 93 2 46.5 6.6

Also bowled A Worth 1-0-19-0, L Dunford 5-0-31-0, G Whiting 4-0-33-0, A Sharpe 10-0-51-0, O Birnie 4-0-21-0.

SCC 2nd XI report

With the restructuring of the Hampshire League in 2013 a number of new sides were promoted to the league providing optimism for a high finish in the table.

The summer of 2013 proved to be a very warm one in comparison to the 2012 season with only one game lost to the weather.

With availability still inconsistent throughout the club several players once again found themselves playing both first and second team throughout the season including Tom Foster, Simon Herridge, Greg Whiting and Andy Worth. This left opportunities for the younger players coming through to play second team cricket with debut’s for Nick Doubell, Tom Proctor, Nayan Phagami and George Ellis.

In total 40 players made appearances for the 2nds with no lineup the same throughout the year. Skipper Andy Worth, Andy Pryce and Haida Ali being the only players to make double figures in terms of appearances.

The first game away to Ramsdell saw a wet day throughout the County where most games were cancelled however Sparsholt managed to claim a victory with a fine maiden half century for Joe Foy seeing the side home. The following week saw visitors Petersfield win by 20 runs as Sparsholt only fielded 10 men. A trip to Steep saw the side face some hostile quicker bowling and being bowled out for 113 chasing 194. Tadley Hobos proved to strong scoring 229 and then reducing Sparsholt to 129. Two more losses at Donnington and Andover caused the side to be dropping to the lower quarter of the table. A trip to Crown Taverners rectified this situation with an impressive 109 from Tim Vokes on his return from major heart surgery providing the foundation for a 65 run victory. The following week Vokes was at it again scoring 70 in a 6-wicket victory over confident Amesbury side with Andy Pryce scoring a half-century. The winning streak continued with an 8 wicket win a Midhurst with Haida Ali taking 4 for 20 in 4.1 overs (who knows what his figures might have been if he’d arrived on time!). St Cross 4ths were the next visitors and ended Sparsholt’s winning run with two Hampshire juniors scoring 115 and 81 putting the game out of reach of Sparsholt. A trip to Hurstbourne Priors saw a number of champagne moments with ex-chairman and ex pace bowler Tony Dunford making an appearance along with Keith Whiting, Andy Pryce, Andy Worth and Richard Vaughan there was a visibly older average age than normal in the side. Hurstbourne were restricted to 222 by some fine fielding including a diving attempted stop which resulted in the ex chairman crashing through the oppositions scoreboard. Alex Thornton promoted to opener due to work commitments demonstrated his undoubted pinch-hitting ability by smashing 50 in 7 overs assisting in a 3-wicket victory. Farley clinched victory the following week in a wet encounter where Dave Coulthard hit an impressive 78 but Sparsholt’s bowlers couldn’t remove the opposition number 3 who hit 94 not out to lead his team to victory. A trip to Compton also resulted in a six-wicket defeat the following week. Dinton proved too strong with a total of 353 proving 70 runs to many for Sparsholt. Wherwell were the penultimate opposition and in spite of an excellent maiden half century from Tom Foster Sparsholt lost by 60 runs. The final game was at AWE Tadley where there as a mathematical possibility of relegation. An interesting wicket saw Tadley amass 175 and calculations suggested a score of 125 would be enough to keep Sparsholt safe. The pitch proved very difficult to bat on and only Tom Foster with his second 50 in as many weeks and Andy Pryce managed to score consistently and although the final game was lost enough points were accumulated to ensure safety for another season.

The overall results for the seconds were: -

Finished 12th out of 18 - Played 16 won 5 lost 11 with 72 batting points and 56 bowling points.


Overall another enjoyable season played with a great team spirit, some good individual performances and relegation avoided.

A big thank you to Bob Selley for umpiring throughout the season and Jon Foster for his organisational assistance. Averages


Averages Total Runs Innings Not Outs Average Highest Score Andy Pryce 262 16 3 20.15 53 Andy Worth 243 10 1 27.00 72 Tim Vokes 225 6 1 45.00 109 David Coulthard 174 8 2 29.00 78 Tom Foster 150 6 25.00 53 Alex Thornton 108 4 27.00 50 M Doubell 107 5 21.40 44 Haider Ali 84 10 1 9.33 17 Jo Foy 75 4 1 25.00 52 W Sykes 73 7 10.43 25 K Whiting 68 4 17.00 29 Stuart Tognarelli 67 3 22.33 32 Simon Herridge 65 7 3 16.25 27 Richard Vaughan 56 4 14.00 28 W Potts 50 1 50.00 50 Matt Towl 45 3 1 22.50 28 Tom Brook 45 3 15.00 35 Abdul Raham 36 5 1 9.00 17 Jon Foster 36 4 2 18.00 22 Oscar Birnie 36 3 12.00 25 Adam Sharpe 36 2 2 24 Nick Doubell 32 3 10.67 11 Will Selley 29 8 4 7.25 18 Keith Whiting 26 1 26.00 26 Tom Proctor 21 3 1 10.50 13 Deon Haankon 20 1 20.00 20 Bryce Heath 18 1 18.00 18 George Ellis 17 2 1 17.00 16 Simon Jenner 16 1 16.00 16 James Pickering 11 2 5.50 11 Nayan Phagami 10 3 1 5.00 6 Greg Whiting 7 3 1 3.50 4 Rob Carslake 6 1 6.00 6 Tobias Stonier 1 1 1 1 Jon Vokes 0 1 1 0 Nick Dorward 0 1 0 0


Overs Wickets Runs Average RR Maidens Best Haider Ali 91.6 19 445 23.42 4.86 2 4 -20 Tom Foster 77.1 14 331 23.64 4.29 4 3 -44 Andy Pryce 104 9 277 30.78 2.66 17 2 -16 Mike Doubell 42.1 8 187 23.38 4.44 7 3-43 Abdul Rahman 56 8 232 29.00 4.14 6 3 -56 Greg Whiting 22 7 121 17.29 5.50 1 3-51 Oscar Birnie 30 7 135 19.29 4.50 7 3 -30 Alex Thornton 27 6 135 22.50 5.00 2 2-15 Tom Brook 21 5 109 21.80 5.19 1 2-35 W Potts 10 3 35 11.67 3.50 1 3-51 Simon Herridge 16 3 99 33.00 6.19 0 3-18 R Carslake 6 2 23 11.50 3.83 1 2-23 Tom Proctor 9 2 74 37.00 8.22 0 1-16 A Sharp 16.3 2 83 41.50 5.09 2 2-51 Nayan Phangami 17 2 111 55.50 6.53 0 1-35 Adul Mohammed 18 2 114 57.00 6.33 2 2-62 E Khan 5 1 30 30.00 6.00 1 1-30 T Vokes 7.3 1 40 40.00 5.48 0 1-14 Jon Vokes 10 1 67 67.00 6.70 0 1-67 Stuart Tognarelli 9.4 1 74 74.00 7.87 0 1-41 Bryce Heath 10 0 19 1.90 4 0-19 Steve Wright 9 0 24 2.67 3 0-24 Nick Doubell 10 0 60 6.00 0 0-20 A Worth 5.3 0 42 7.92 0 0-10 James Pickering 4 0 43 10.75 0 0-13 George Ellis 1 0 11 11.00 0 0-11 Jon Foster 1 0 11 11.00 0 0-11 Nick Dorward 1 0 12 12.00 0 0-12

Fielding Catches Stumping Andy Worth 11 Will Selley 5 Andy Pryce 4 David Coulthard 3 Simon Herridge 3 Keith Whiting 3 Mike Doubell 2 Oscar Birnie 1 Haider Ali 1 Matt Towl 1 Jon Foster 1 R Carslake 1 Tom Foster 1 S Wright 1 James Pickering 1 S Tognarelli 1 G Whiting 1 Abdul Mohammed 1

Bat Bowl Pen Team P W T L Total Avg Pts Pts Pts St Cross Syms IV 15 12 0 3 92 68 0 304 20.27 Steep 13 11 0 2 73 57 0 262 20.15 Petersfield 13 10 1 2 75 54 0 255 19.62 Steeple Langford 13 9 1 3 79 46 0 239 18.38 Amesbury 13 9 0 4 72 53 0 233 17.92 Dinton 14 8 0 6 67 54 0 217 15.50 Wherwell 14 8 0 6 71 50 0 217 15.50 Crown Taverners 16 7 0 9 86 60 0 230 14.38 Hobos 11 5 0 6 53 41 0 154 14.00 Compton & C Ford II 15 7 0 8 68 51 0 203 13.53 Donnington 14 6 0 8 63 50 0 185 13.21 Sparsholt II 16 5 0 11 72 56 0 188 11.75 AWE Tadley 13 4 0 9 55 49 0 152 11.69 Andover III 13 5 0 8 46 45 0 151 11.62 Hurstbourne Priors 14 4 0 10 60 49 0 157 11.21 Ramsdell 14 5 0 9 60 47 10 157 11.21 Farley 14 4 0 10 66 43 0 157 11.21 Midhurst 13 4 0 9 59 37 0 144 11.08

SCC – 3rd XI report

2013 turned out to be another slightly frustrating year for the 3rd XI, but for different reasons than the year before. Availability in other XI’s meant that we were not able to choose from a regular squad, but this year there were a number of juniors that stood up and performed when it mattered. Another year will bring even more maturity and experience that will get them over the line when things are not going their way. The story of 2013 after a relegation the year before was that whilst the bowling stood up to almost everything that we came up against, we came up short with the bat, and sometimes in the field.

We started with too many players, but our season effectively ended after we had to scratch a fixture in August. We can only hope that we’ll be able to move away from some of these issues going forwards. Once again, the 3rd team used an awful lot of players, and there are a lot of people that we could have done with playing more games. It was only with some “willing” dads that we were able to fill teams for much of the season. Many thanks to families Trivett, Rowe, Patterson and White for helping out with teas and for encouraging the boys, particularly for all the teas and umpiring duties, and big thanks to Jon Foster for helping with selection.

We got off to a great start, unbeaten until mid July, when we went down to our first defeat against Verwood (who would ultimately win the league). Up until that game, we had managed to claw ourselves across the line largely due to some exceptional individual performances … starting with Alex Thornton’s 91 in the first game, Andy Harrington’s 87 in the next, Mike Doubell’s ton, Martin White’s 66. This was being backed up by some exceptional bowling from our young seamers (Will Rowe, Tom Proctor, James Dorward – sneaking into the definition of young…) and steady performances from the likes of Martin and Mungo Patterson, Andy Trivett, and Alex and Greg Whiting.

Having picked out the pick of the batting performances, I need to highlight the bowling performances of Will Rowe (19 wickets at 10.53, and best figures of 6-0-8-5), James Dorward (13 wickets at 15.54, best figures of 9-2-18-4) and Tom Procter (11 wickets at 8.09, best figures of 5.5-4-5-4). They caused problems for almost all teams we went up against, so here’s hoping that they can do it again next year. Nayan Phagabi will also worry a lot of batsmen next year…

The games we lost were occasions where our batting let us down, the one exception was the last game of the season when the wheels came off against Langley Manor, who in their excitement of sealing promotion (possibly assisted by someone who looked more than capable of playing in their 2’s, and definitely assisted by a girl) decided to thrash us into the week after. So much so that I found myself locked in the changing room and it took rather a lot of noise to recall the oppo…

Other highlights; well having highlighted the main performances, its only fair to mention the other moments of the season … so in no particular order, we had to get a New Forest pony off the ground before our first game this year, we had the joy of Alex Thornton’s fielding culminating in a full length dive that resulted him in ending up fully in a ditch (also somewhere in the New Forest that we’ll never find again), Jamie at Whitchurch, turning up with 13 at Whitchurch, and at Whitchurch (it really was an exceptional day) finding out half an hour after we had won that whoever changed the scoreboard at tea set the target as the runs scored at the start of their final over … and critically not at the end. It wouldn’t be 3rd XI cricket if this didn’t happen…

I currently do not think that I will be able to skipper the side next year – the reasons why I retired 5 years ago have come back with a vengeance. I would heartily recommend the role to anyone who enjoys bringing on young talent, and I’m pleased to say there’s plenty there for next year.

Martin Harlow

BATTING P I Runs Times out Average HS

Ma Patterson 9 9 199 8 24.88 53

N White 2 2 3 2 1.50 2

Mu Patterson 8 7 30 6 5.00 18

M Harlow 10 6 17 5 3.40 7

Adam Trivett 5 4 3 4 0.75 2

T Stonier 6 4 17 4 4.25 10

Andy Trivett 4 4 37 2 18.50 17

A Thornton 2 2 99 1 99.00 91

G Whiting 5 4 125 2 62.50 52

J Glasspool 3 0 0 0

A Whiting 10 8 51 8 6.38 17

A Cornforth 3 3 40 3 13.33 21

M White 3 3 128 3 42.67 66

N Dorward 10 9 22 9 2.44 13

W Rowe 9 8 68 8 8.50 20

T Proctor 5 5 86 5 17.20 29

G Ellis 3 3 15 2 7.50 8

A Harrington 1 1 87 0 87 1

M Doubell 3 2 122 1 122.00 115

N Doubell 3 2 7 1 7.00 7

S Veal 3 1 3 0 3 1

W Sykes 1 1 27 1 27.00 27

J Dorward 7 5 64 4 16.00 42

T Durham 1 1 0 1 0.00 0

S Rowe 6 6 72 6 12.00 49

G Horton 1 1 9 0 9 1

B Cawston 1 1 10 1 10.00 10

N Phagabi 3 3 34 3 11.33 23

S Watson 1 1 1 1 1.00 1

D Hanekom 1 1 4 1 4.00 4

T Edwards 1 1 0 0 0 1

J Ribiero 1 1 1 1 1.00 1


A Thornton 8 0 44 1 44.00 5.50 48.00

G Whiting 28 5 59 6 9.83 2.11 28.00

J Glasspool 19 6 38 2 19.00 2.00 57.00

Andy Trivett 30.4 11 79 7 11.29 2.54 26.67

M Harlow 11 0 55 3 18.33 5.00 22.00

Mu Patterson 26.4 3 92 7 13.14 3.39 23.24

Adam Trivett 2.4 0 25 0 8.04

A Whiting 0.5 0 0 1 0.00 0.00 5.00

T Proctor 31.5 8 89 11 8.09 2.80 17.36

W Rowe 62 10 200 19 10.53 3.23 19.58

G Ellis 7 1 26 2 13.00 3.71 21.00

S Veal 20.1 4 68 6 11.33 3.35 20.28

M Doubell 20 6 65 5 13.00 3.25 24.00

J Dorward 54 6 202 13 15.54 3.74 24.92

N Doubell 9.2 0 36 4 9.00 3.77 14.33

Ma Patterson 22 5 76 3 25.33 3.45 44.00

N Phagabi 23 3 85 1 85.00 3.70 138.00

S Watson 4 0 15 0 3.75

J Ribiero 3 0 24 1 24.00 8.00 18.00

N Dorward 1.5 0 10 1 10.00 5.45 11.00

Team Played Won Tied Lost Batting Pts Bowling Pts Penalty Pts Total Average Verwood II 10 9 0 1 64 41 0 213 21.30 Langley Manor IV 13 10 0 3 75 54 0 249 19.15 Farley II 12 8 0 4 72 54 0 222 18.50 Broughton 12 8 0 4 60 53 0 209 17.42 IBM Hursley II 12 5 1 6 60 40 0 166 13.83 Sparsholt III 13 8 0 5 56 47 20 179 13.77 Bramshaw III 14 7 0 7 65 53 20 182 13.00 Wherwell II 13 5 0 8 58 38 0 156 12.00 Cadnam III 11 5 0 6 47 37 20 124 11.27 Winterslow II 12 4 0 8 57 37 20 122 10.17 Totton & Eling IV 10 3 0 7 41 30 20 87 8.70 Whitchurch II 13 5 0 8 59 38 50 107 8.23 Michelmersh & T III 12 3 1 8 40 41 30 81 6.75 Centurions 13 3 0 10 34 38 50 58 4.46 Hungerford II 10 1 0 9 40 24 40 36 3.60

SCC Junior Section Report

Once again the Junior section has enjoyed a successful outdoor season. Helped by the great weather and an almost uninterrupted summer of training and matches the section had some 120 playing members and fielded 5 teams across the U15/13/11 age groups in the District league and cup competitions as well as a participating in a series of friendly fixtures at U9 level. As interest at the District level has grown so the competition in league and cup competitions has increased. Sparsholt continued to be competitive at all levels with particular mention being given to the U9 squad that won the Zooters plate competition at the Aegis Bowl and the U13 squad that won the Barfoot Plate final in a closely fought match with IBM Hursley. Elsewhere the U15B squad reached the final of the Millard Plate final losing to a strong Hursley Park side whilst the U11A squad pushed St Cross hard in their U11A league finishing strong runners up in the league. Successful finalists and runners up received awards at the end of season WWJCA event .

The outdoor season was again preceded by indoor training for all age groups between January and March aimed at improving techniques and preparation for the outdoor season and will be repeated again for 2014. At the end of the season some 24 players were nominated for District trials with a number progressing to the District and County development squads. Teams at U14 and U16 are also participating in the District Indoor League over the current winter.

It is pleasing to report on the continued growth of interest in junior cricket, particularly at the U9 & U11 age groups where Sparsholt continues to attract a large number of younger players keen to start to learn the game and improve their skills. At the older age grouping it is encouraging to see a increasing number of junior players gaining experience with the senior teams and particular thanks go to Jon Foster who has co-ordinated the involvement of juniors within the senior teams. Their presence was often key to ensuring that a full side was fielded, frequently making strong bowling and batting contributions!

None of this would have been possible without the tremendous efforts of the coaches and managers of the respective age groups, the support of our overseas player, Dan Payne, and those parents who support and encourage our junior players, my thanks to all.

Eryl Smith

Chairman Sparsholt CC Junior Section

Treasurer's Report 2013

2013 saw significant investment in infrastructure in line with the club’s desire to improve playing and practice facilities. The main items of exceptional expenditure were the new covers (£4,200) and the refurbishment of the net surface (£1,600) along with anti-vermin netting (£550). Our total expenditure increased by nearly £7,000 over 2012.

Our cash in hand is £11,278 compared to £12,431 at the same time in 2012, a remarkable figure given the investment levels.

This achievement was enabled by successful grant applications from the ECB (c£2,100) and Southern League (£1,400). Most pleasing was the excellent effort by a few individuals to supplement our income – Nev Vokes’ initiative to open the bar on Friday nights for the villagers was instrumental in boosting bar profits by £1,300 compared to 2012, Steve Wright’s work to sell banner adverts added a brand new revenue stream of £800 and Norman Gough’s prompting of VP’s helped to lift this source to £1,800. Our overall income rose by nearly £6,000.

The level of outstanding debt is primarily down to players failing to pay their subscriptions. Whilst this amount has been significantly reduced since the books were closed this has resulted in unnecessary extra work for myself and Norman Gough.

Although the 200 Club is showing as producing zero income this is because we did not do a profit take from the separate account holding these funds in 2013, and we have approximately £500 available to transfer in 2014. Early take up of this year’s 200 Club renewal has been poor, and we have extended the deadline for entry to make the undertaking worthwhile (see form included).

We are proposing a revised subscription and match fee regime for 2014 for adults with a lower subscription but higher match fees. The committee recommends that the adult playing member subscription is reduced from £70 to £20, and that the weekend adult match fee is increased across the board to £10, with concessions remaining unchanged at £5. The rationale behind the change is as follows:

o It will be ‘legitimate’ to expect players playing a small number of games to pay their sub, which we felt unable to ask at £70 o The cost per game will even out across the spectrum of player involvement o Having a round number for match fees simplifies the collection process o The revenue impact should be neutral unless we have an especially rainy season

This will be a one year trial and if we find that revenue is impacted or that subscription collection is even more onerous we would expect to revert to the previous model.

The lack of a confirmed sponsor for 2014 is a concern going forward, and whilst we have some irons in the fire, if any club members have influence on companies who might be willing to support local sport we would be delighted to hear from you.

I thank Brian Baxendale for vetting the accounts and providing the Accountant's Report.

Bob Selley Hon. Treasurer January 2014

NB – If you have any questions regarding the enclosed accounts please email them to Bob ([email protected]), so he can gather any required information and then pass on the correct details at the AGM.



Nominations, duly seconded in accordance with the Club Constitution, are:












For Information:



Jon VOKES (Ground Maintenance)









• Draws take place every month; the results will be announced on the club Facebook Page (Offical Sparsholt CC), Twitter account (@SparsholtCC) and via email. • Two winners each month will receive a cheque, amounts depending on the number of members. • Each entry is £2 per month and we request entrants to enter for the full 12 month term the club will run. • 50% of all money raised will go towards the club, 50% will be returned in prize money. Last year £880 was raised, which is allocated towards the purchase of new pitch covers. With a good response to the 200 club we hope to be able to purchase the new covers ready for the start of the 2013 season.


• Either write out a cheque made payable to Sparsholt C. C. or complete the enclosed standing order form • Fill out the entry form on the reverse of this sheet • Post this form and your cheque/standing order form to Bob Selley, Southview House, 2a Oliver’s Battery Gardens, , Hampshire SO22 4HF • Feel the warm glow of satisfaction from a job well done. • Wait with eager excitement to hear news of the monthly prize-winners.



1 x Entry @ £24 …...

2 x Entry @ £48 ……

3 x Entry @ £72 ……

4 x Entry @ £96 ……

I am paying by Cheque _____ Standing Order _____


Signature ……………………………….




Email ………………………………………………

Date ………………………………………

Please return to

Bob Selley, Southview House, 2a Oliver’s Battery Gardens, Winchester, Hampshire SO22 4HF (Please make your cheque payable to Sparsholt C.C.)

Your name and address in this box

Name of your bank: ______

Address of your bank: ______



Your account number: ______

Your sort-code: ______

Please pay on the:

(delete clearly one of the two payment durations and three of the four payment amounts)

• 1st day of each month for a period of 1 (one) full year only (starting a.s.a.p.) • 1st day of each month until further notice (starting a.s.a.p.) an amount of

• £2.00 (two pounds) • £4.00 (four pounds) • £6.00 (six pounds) • £8.00 (eight pounds)

To the credit of:

ACCOUNT NAME: Sparsholt Cricket Club 100 Club ACCOUNT NUMBER: 00353485 Ref: Member’s Name: ______BANK: Nat West SORT CODE: 55-81-26 (for internal use only)

Signature(s): ______

Authorised Signatory(s) (write name(s) below)
