Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} by Doctor Who: Colditz by Steve Lyons. THIS STORY TAKES. PLACE AFTER THE BIG. FINISH AUDIO DRAMA. IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO. THE BIG FINISH AUDIO. PRODUCTION CODE. STEVE LYONS. DIRECTED BY. . RECOMMENDED. BIG FINISH CD#25. (ISBN 1-903654-47-5) RELEASED IN OCTOBER. October 1944: As. World War II draws. conclusion, a Nazi. defeat begins to seem. almost inevitable. But. that might be about. Two intruders are. captured in the. grounds of Colditz. Castle, the most. secure P.O.W. camp in. Germany. At first, the. guards think they're. dealing with British. strangers arrived in. the like of which. they've never seen. With this TARDIS in. their hands, the Third. Reich might triumph. after all. Big Finish have finally come up with a script truly worthy of Sylvester McCoy and ; one of the best Doctor and companion teams out there that, up until now, has been sadly underutilised in this medium. managed to improve on the quality of the preceding and stories and Colditz continues this improvement, easily as good (if not better than) anything produced during the majestic final season of the television series. However, whereas with Dust Breeding Mike Tucker ripped a great hole in the continuity of the New Adventures , in Colditz Steve Lyons elects to draw inspiration from them. Lyons� plot shares many central themes with Terrance Dicks� : Exodus and Lance Parkin�s Just War , two of the very best Virgin novels in my view. However, more than anything else, Lyons� plot is reminiscent of his last script for Big Finish, The Fires of Vulcan (which, incidentally, is quite easily the best seventh Doctor audio play available presently) in that it is a purely historical story, built upon a head-scratchingly clever temporal irony. Completely devoid of aliens and creatures, Colditz �s monsters are borne of humanity itself. Indeed, Oflag 4C - otherwise known as Colditz Castle - is portrayed exactly how one would imagine it to have been: an inescapable fortress populated by stereotypically brave, stiff-upper lipped Brits; duty-crazed Nazi soldiers; and even a few shades of grey in between, such as the sympathetic Nazi Hauptmann Sch�fer and the cowardly Brit Timothy Wilkins. Three characters stand out in particular: Nicholas Young as Flying Officer Bill Gower, as Feldwebel Kurtz, and as Klein. Gower is the epitome of bravery, honesty and decency; almost a walking wartime clich�. Kurtz, conversely, is all the evils of Nazism incarnate - a vile and despicable bully who places only his own gratification above the welfare of his beloved state. Klein is something else altogether - a pitiless time-travelling Nazi from a future that never was who is hell-bent on absconding from Colditz with both and his TARDIS. A calm spout of venom, Klein proves a delectable foil to McCoy�s morally-outraged Doctor. And Lyons� characterisation of both. the Doctor and Ace is nothing short. of outstanding. For once, the Doctor. isn�t in the driving seat, pulling strings. or hatching plans. This allows. McCoy to play the Doctor with more. vulnerability than usual for his inca- rnation, making for some incredibly. tense drama and one particularly. memorable cliffhanger. It also makes for an initially perplexing, but ultimately very satisfying. ending as we learn that the Doctor did have a master plan after all - just not this Doctor� Furthermore, the incidental music in this story is absolutely fantastic � so very suggestive, yet so very Who . Married with their superlative sound design, Cressidia have really made. a colossal contribution to the unique feel of this audio. �No, not Ace. Not anymore. Time to grow up remember. It�s Dorothy McShane now.� On a final note, Colditz is something of a watershed story for Ace. Over the two hours of this adventure Ace matures considerably, forming bonds of fellowship with her fellow prisoners and undergoing some horrifying ordeals at the hands of Kurtz that really leave their mark on her. And, worse still, right at the death she witnesses the most grizzly and disturbing death that I can ever recall in Doctor Who as Kurtz is torn in half by the dematerialising TARDIS � one half of his body inside the ship, the other half left behind in Colditz castle. The ensuing trauma affects Ace profoundly; so much so that he decides to be known by her given name from this hereon in. Altogether then, Colditz is an absolute cracker of an adventure, and one that leaves itself tantalisingly open for a sequel. Before I listened to this one I couldn�t see how Lyons was going to top The Fires of Vulcan , but the experience of hearing a Second World War story being performed by McCoy, Aldred and a dazzling supporting cast can�t easily be beaten. And so, much like the unfortunate Feldwebel Kurtz, I�m torn� Copyright � E.G. Wolverson 2006. E.G. Wolverson has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988 to be identified as the author of this work. Ace refers to having met Nazis before; a reference to the events of either Illegal Alien or Timewyrm: Exodus , or perhaps even the neo-Nazis of . She also refers to Paul Tanner, meaning that Colditz must take place after . The above, together with Ace�s development in this story and as her audio adventures progress, support the theory that the Big Finish audio dramas featuring the seventh Doctor, Ace and eventually Hex all take place between the novels Cat �s Cradle: Time � s Crucible and Cat �s Cradle: Warhead. Unless otherwise stated, all images on this site are copyrighted to the BBC and are used solely for promotional purposes. Colditz. October 1944: as World War II draws towards its conclusion, a Nazi defeat begins to seem almost inevitable. But that might be about to change. Two intruders are captured in the grounds of Colditz Castle, the most secure POW camp in Germany. At first the guards think they're dealing with British spies. But the strangers arrived in an advanced travelling machine, the likes of which they've never seen before. With this Tardis in their hands, the Third Reich might triumph after all. Written by Steve Lyons. Directed by Gary Russell. Genre: Science Fiction. Doctor Who: Colditz by Steve Lyons. Released October 2001. At its heart, ‘Colditz’ is a story about the relationships that develop between prisoners and guards within a prison, but that core is surrounded by an astoundingly good historical science fiction tale as well. Having established that the Seventh Doctor and Ace are prisoners within Colditz Castle, writer Steven Lyons then introduces Klein, a woman working for the Gestapo who has intimate knowledge of the Doctor and his TARDIS. Suddenly everything changes as it is revealed that Klein actually arrived in 1944 in the TARDIS itself, coming from an alternate timeline in which the Nazis won World War II and attained control of the TARDIS after the Doctor was shot. Nazis, and even a victorious Third Reich, are nothing new to Doctor Who , but Lyons proves to be adept at playing with assumptions and at keeping the plot twists coming. While it would have been easy to write that the TARDIS gave the Nazis the winning edge, it instead ends up being Ace’s CD Walkman that proved so vital to their war efforts. Likewise, Klein’s journey back in time actually ends up being the result of the machinations of a future Doctor from that alternate timeline in an attempt to correct his mistake. This is a story certainly not short on drama and paradoxes, but it all comes together to offer a superb package as the revelations are slowly but continually unveiled. However, much of the success of ‘Colditz’ lies on the shoulders of the characterization of its main characters. Klein, in particular, proves to be fascinating as she emotionally portrays the gradual change from a typically ruthless Gestapo officer in charge to a woman who is constantly disrespected and undermined by the Doctor as he drives her to a destructive path that derails her own future. And it really is McCoy here who steals the show, proving to be at his most conniving and menacing as he outmaneuvers Klein at every step of the way. His impassioned speeches and outcries carry all that much more weight here since Klein is actually given the opportunity to justify her line of thinking and her future, making both characters much more sympathetic in the process as they go against each other. Additionally, ‘Colditz’ also provides arguably Ace’s best portrayal in the Big Finish range so far, treading into some of the darker territory that the Virgin The New Adventures line took her. Staying true to her character, she always remains outwardly defiant, but Lyons is not afraid to let some of the travesties of history bleed through as Ace is also ordered to strip, has her belongings seized and searched, and is even blackmailed into offering sexual favours. None of this is overly gratuitous, but it does prove to be a key turning point and hopefully this heightened sense of realism is something that Big Finish can continue to capitalize on going forward. The Ace written here is clearly more mature than her younger televised self, and it’s great to see her taking substantial developmental steps forward in these audios as she works her way through very tough situations. There have been some early Big Finish adventures that have suffered from some lacklustre supporting performances, but that is certainly not the case here. While the German and sometimes British accents on display are not necessarily the most authentic, they still serve to immerse the listener in the historical environment. Intriguingly, Lyons shows the differing viewpoints behind comrades in war as well, with David Tennant’s Kurtz enthralled by the power he has been given and Toby Longworth’s Schäfer simply but reluctantly doing what he feels is his duty. Interestingly, Schäfer develops a sort of mutual respect for Nicholas Young’s Gower, both characters so similar in their personal ideals despite being on different sides. As with any good story, it truly is the relationships and contrasting viewpoints that really take centre stage. There is ample worthwhile discussion about the perceived merits of both sides, and everyone involved gives a gripping and emotional performance. Klein proves to be an immensely intriguing character who comes up short against the Doctor like so many before her, but it’s quite feasible that Klein will become a recurring Big Finish character simply given her extensive backstory. The only negative aspect to this story is that the sound effects often sound like they are made in a sound booth rather than in the authentic environment, the first time production values have become any sort of issue for a Big Finish production. However, while the sounds are noticeable, the story and performances are so strong that they easily overcome any other negligible shortcomings. Boston Sox analyst Steve Lyons won’t return to NESN in 2021, joining Guerin Austin in leaving network. Former Boston Red Sox third baseman Wade Boggs, center, and first baseman Bill Buckner, right, joke with Steve Lyons (12) as they are honored with their 1986 baseball teammates prior to the Red Sox's baseball game against the Colorado Rockies in Boston, Wednesday, May 25, 2016. The Red Sox won the 1986 American League championship, but lost to the New York Mets in the World Series. (AP Photo/Charles Krupa) AP. Steve Lyons won’t return to NESN’s Red Sox coverage in 2021, a network spokesperson confirmed Wednesday. Lyons had been with the network since 2014 and was a member of the studio crew in 2020. “We are thankful for all that Steve brought to our broadcast during his time with us,” the spokesperson said. NESN has not yet finalized its studio crew for the upcoming season. In 2020, host Tom Caron was joined by Lyons, Tim Wakefield and Jim Rice as analysts for pre- and post-game coverage. On Tuesday, The Boston Globe’s Chad Finn reported that NESN had parted ways with sideline reporter Guerin Austin. Jahmai Webster will take over that role on an extended basis with Dave O’Brien, Dennis Eckersley and Jerry Remy once again making up the broadcast team. Lyons, 60, spent four stints with the Red Sox as a player between 1985 and 1993 and also played for the White Sox, Braves and Expos. Since 1996, he has been in television, working for FOX from 1996 to 2006 and serving as a Dodgers analyst on Prime Ticket and KCAL from 2005 to 2013. Since joining NESN in 2014, Lyons has worked both as a studio analyst and occasional color commentator. Die größten Hörerlebnisse nur bei Audible. Erlebe Audible auf dem Smartphone, Tablet, am Computer oder deinem Amazon Echo. Auch offline. Die größten Hörerlebnisse. Entdecke genau das, was du hören willst: Wähle aus 200.000 Titeln und inspirierenden Audible Original Podcasts. Natürlich werbefrei. Genieße dein Hörerlebnis ohne Unterbrechung. 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