Études et Travaux XXX (2017), 267–288 Ritual Marriage Alliances and Consolidation of Power in Middle Egypt during the Middle Kingdom N K Abstract: Middle Egypt is the most fertile region in the country and its provincial gover- nors were the richest and most powerful. Intermarriages between members of neighbouring nomarchic families created a strong power base, resulting in most governors gradually representing themselves in such forms and using formulae which are strictly royal. While there is no evidence that any of the governors actually challenged the authority of the king, it seems doubtful if the latter would have been pleased with the grand claims made by some of his top administrators and the royal prerogatives they attributed to themselves. The almost simultaneous end of Middle Kingdom nobility in diff erent provinces, under Senwosret III, even though presumably not everywhere at exactly the same time, appears to have been the result of a planned central policy, although each province was dealt with diff erently and as the opportunity presented itself. Keywords: Middle Kingdom Egypt, Twelfth Dynasty, provincial administration, marriage and politics, crown and offi cials, usurpation of power Naguib Kanawati, Australian Centre for Egyptology, Macquarie University, Sydney;
[email protected] According to two studies conducted by the Egyptian Ministry of Agriculture, Middle Egypt, or broadly the area between nomes 9 and 20, is the most fertile and most productive land in the country,1 and we have no reason to believe that conditions were diff erent in the Middle Kingdom. The wealth of the region in ancient times may be gauged by the richness of the tombs of its provincial governors, particularly those of Asyut, Meir, el-Bersha and Beni Hassan.