Copyrighted Material
Index Abbey National Bank, 142 AQR Capital Management, 367–370, 378 Abelson, Alan, 235 Ariely, Dan, 190, 281 Abraham, Malouf, 75 Aristotle, 206, 243 Abraham, Mark, 13 Art, Christopher, 505 Abraham, Salem, 17, 75–77, 130, 255 The Art of Investing, 6 Abraham Trading Company, 75–77, 130, 131 Asacker, Tom, 213 Absolute returns, 92–93 Asian Contagion (1997), 157–161 Absolute Returns (Ineichen), 273 Asness, C. S., 407, 536 Accuracy of Forecasting (Makridakis), 227 Asness, Cliff, xxiii, 17, 33, 368–370, 372–373, 375 Ackman, Bill, 235, 243 Aspect Capital, 295, 300–301, 304–305, 307–308, Adam, Harding, and Lueck (AHL), 33, 253–254, 295, 321, 425–434 298–301, 321, 359, 360, 435n. Assange, Julian, 370 Adam, Michael, 33, 295–301 Asset classes, 541–545, 567 AIG, 249 Auburn Auto, 83 Ainslie, Lee, 369, 371 Aumann, Robert, 281 Aliferis, P., 405n. Axelrod, Bobby (Billions), 8, 271 Alliance Capital Management Holding LP, 231 Almost-certain-death strategies, 480, 481 Bachelier, Louis, xx Altegris, 571 Bacon, Louis, 24, 65, 561 Altucher, James, 281 Bagehot, Walter, 52 Amaranth, 119 Baha, Christian, ii, 256 American Express, 231 Bailey, D. J., 445 Amin, Gaurav, 508 COPYRIGHTEDBaldwin, MATERIAL William, 83 Anchorman (fi lm), 245 Baltimore, David, 381–382 Anderson, Philip, 156 Baltimore Orioles, 179 Anderson, Sparky, 182 Bankers Trust, 146 Andreessen, Marc, 29, 249 Bank of America, 21 Andrews, Will, 71, 73 Bank of Italy, 149 Aponte, Mike (MIT Blackjack Team), 29 Bank of Japan, 220–221 Apple, xxii, 22, 259 Bank One, 552 641 bindex 641 25 October 2018 9:25 PM 642 Index Baratz, Morton S., 20 fi xed-fraction, 474, 475 Barberis, N., 422 optimal, 473 Barclays, 505, 507 Bet-it-all strategies, 480, 481 Barclays BTOP 50 Managed Futures Index (BTOP50), Bhaduri, Ranjan, 505 452–469 Bhansali, Vineer, 533–547 Barclays Systematic Traders Index, 510 BHY test, 442 Barclays U.S.
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