Harrington Parish Council Chairman:CouncillorMrsKCadbury Clerk:MrsBettyWest Harrington Lodge Orton Kettering Tel: 01536 711556 To members of Harrington Parish Council

You are hereby summoned to attend the Annual Parish Council meeting at Harrington Village Hall in Harrington High Street on Monday April 30th 2018 at 19.00 for the purpose of conducting the following business. Members of the public and press are invited to attend to address the Council at its Open Forum at approximately 19.15. Each person is entitled to speak once only in respect of business itemised on the agenda and shall not speak for more than 3 minutes. The maximum time allotted to this item is 15 minutes. Matters can be noted by councillors BUT no decisions can be made by the Council in this session other than to refer the matter for a written response, or to put the matter on the next agenda for debate by the Council. AGENDA

18.01. Welcome

18.02. Election of Chairman

18.03 Documentation in relation to Chairman’s appointment Councillor responsibilities for forthcoming year Review of policies

18.04 Resolution to approve apologies for absence 18.05 Receive Members Declaration of Interest for items on the agenda 18.06 Resolution to approve minutes of meeting on 12th March 2018 18.07 Receive matters arising from the minutes, for information only:- Speeding matters: progress Parish mapping Falls information Board Litter bin at church

18.08 Receive report on police matters:- Crime figures 18.09. Receive report on Neighbourhood Watch 18.10 Open Forum 18.11 Receive Financial Matters a. Receive internal audit for 2017-8 Resolution to approve audit for 2017-8 b. NoteS137 amount per resident for 2017-18 £ 7.86 c. Resolution to approve annual insurance company for coming year d. Finance statements at 30 th April 2017 Current account at 29 th March 2018 £ 889.48 (includes Transparency Fund £ 687.83) Reserve account £ 1373.66 Total £ 2263.14 d. Resolution to pay the following:- Nalc Subscription £ 137.85 Insurance Co. £ ?? Mrs West Salary £ 230.40 HMRC £ 57.60 Expenses Total £ 425.85 ++ 18.12 Receive Planning Matters KET/2018/0097 Mr Stretton Millwinds Rd. Harrington Change of use of buildings to agricultural machinery and plant repairs. Awaiting date of planning meeting DA/2017/0442 Golden Stables ( Parish) Retrospective application for 3 additional mobile homes Wormslade anaerobic digester (Kelmarsh Parish) Clipston Rd, Great Oxendon Change of use. Result of Planning meeting at NCC Update ENFO/00168 Mr Hartgrove Farriers Farm. Email from Peter Chaplin received Update Newbottle Bridge: Shed development KET/2018/ Mr & Mrs Reed Rear extension

18.13 Receive and act upon correspondence:

18.14 Update on General Data Protection Regulations attached information letter for residents

18.15. Appointment of Harrington DPO (paper sent 22 nd April)

18.16 Receive request for permanent “Horse Aware” signs in Kelmarsh road.

18.17 Discuss refurbishment of white railings in village

18.18 Discuss and Draughton Neighbourhood Plan (sent 9th April)

18.19 Receive report of PCC meeting on 29 th March attended by Cllr Gooding

18.20 Receive report of X Borders meeting on 25 th April 2018

18.21 Receive report of Village Hall meeting held on 16 th April

18.22 Receive report on Parish Litter Pick

18.23 Update on website launch 18.24 Discuss any points from documents circulated by email

18.25 Receive councillors/clerk reports

18.26 Documents for circulation

18.27 Items for next Parish Council meeting

18.28.Date of next meeting

B.West Parish Clerk