Star Trek Christmas
Star Trek: TNG Christmas Special PICARD, the captain TROI, the ship's counselor BEVERLY, the doctor WORF, the Klingon warrior DATA, the android RIKER, the first officer LAFORGE, (reading rainbow guy) chief engineer GRINJ, the thieving Ferengi COMPUTER, one line TSINDEELU, young villager MOMMY, older villager RANDOM CREWMEMBER, bit part with killer joke SCENE 1 - Bridge [Theme] [SFX Enterprise engine hum] [PICARD, RIKER and DATA are on the bridge.] Picard Captain’s log, Stardate 41224.9. We have tracked the fugitive Ferengi thief Grinj to the icy third planet in the Hovillian system. He has been a thorn in Starfleet’s side for some time, and I look forward to bringing him to justice at last. [SFX door opening] Riker Captain on the bridge! Picard Report please, number one. Riker The planet’s strong magnetic field is scrambling our sensors, but we suspect that he’s encamped in one of the caverns near the planet’s primary settlement. Picard The Hovillians have not yet made first contact. We must ensure that neither we nor Grinj are detected. Data Captain. According to previous research on this civilisation, the Hovillians will be celebrating an annual gift-giving festival tomorrow. I believe it is likely that Grinj intends to disrupt this celebration and steal the inhabitants’ gifts. Picard Agreed. Can our transporters work through the interference? Data Negative. An away team would require a shuttle to reach the surface. Picard Understood. Number One, I want you to find that Ferengi and arrest him before it’s too late. Bring Commander Laforge. Whatever you do, don’t allow yourselves to be spotted by the Hovillians.
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