Tourism in Republic

Elena Kuznetsova, manager of Information Tourists Centre of Karelia Interesting facts about Karelia

• The area is 180,5 thousand square km. (1.06% of the total territory of ). • Length N-S is 660 km., W-E on the latitude of the town of Kem’ is 424 km. The western border line - 798 km. • Population density of the republic makes 3.8 persons per 1 square kilometer. • Official language - Russian. Representatives of 213 nationalities: Russians - 76.6%, Karelians - 9.2%, Byelorussians - 5.3%, Ukrainians - 2.7%, Finns - 2.0%, Veppsians - 0.7%. • 16 municipal districts and 2urban districts (, ), 109 settlements (22 urban, 87 rural), 808 inhabited localities, incl. 13 towns Wild nature is waiting for you Water areas – 25% of republic • 61000 great and small lakes The greatest: Ladoga l. and Onego l. • 27000 rivers, more than 30 waterfalls • -Baltic channel (Belomorsko- Baltijsky)-227 km

Boreal forests (49% area). The main species are: • Spruce (Pícea ábies) • Pine tree (Pinus) • Aspen (Populus tremula) • Birch (3 types including Karelian Birch (Betula pendula Roth., f.carelica )

Three famous islands

• Valaam island – Ladoga lake The island gave its name to both the archipelago and the monastery. • Kizhi island – Onego lake Group of small islands in the skerries of the southern part of the Zaonezhye region, on one of which the pogost of Kizhi (i.e. the Kizhi enclosure) is located. • Solovetsky island – White sea In the western part of the White Sea, less than 100 miles from the Polar Circle, are situated 6 big and many small islands. The biggest is the Greater Solovetsky Island, on which the famous medieval monastery stands Kizhi Museum

• In 1714 the 22-domed Church of the Transfiguration was built.

• In 1764, the Church of the Intercession rose up beside it.

• The third building of the ensemble is a well-proportioned belfry, which gives the complex balance and completeness.

• The cathedral, the church and the chapel represent a model of the Universe. Valaam Monastery

• The island gave its name to both the archipelago and the monastery.

• For its centuries-old history, dating back to the 10th - 11th centuries, the monastery has created an outstanding architectural complex, which received world fame. Solovetsky Monastery

Old monk Savvaty was looking for loneliness after the death of his teacher Kiril Belozersky and travelled in the north of Russia. In 1429, he reached the . Savvaty was later respected as the pioneer on the Islands, but it was not him who established the monastery. In 1436, Zosima, a son of rich parents lived on the shore of the Lake Onego (near Kizhi), decided to devote the rest of his life to monkery and gave out all his property to poor men. Zosima and his team of followers landed on The Solovetsky Islands and established a monastery Petroglyphs of the White Sea and the Onego Lake

Two rock art localities are known: on the eastern shore of Onega Lake (Pudozhsky district) and in the White Sea area in the lower reaches of Vyg River (Belomorsk district).

These are the largest assemblages of the carvings in the European Russia, they dated back to the Neolithic period. About 1200 individual petroglyphs have been found in one case (Onego) and 2500 in the White Sea region.

They are considered to be ancient sanctuaries – a kind of special sacred centers of prehistoric communities. Places to visit…

• Historical places • Archeological complexes and monuments • View through War’s History • Industrial development • Wooden architecture • Historical-culture areas • Orthodox churches and chapels • Pagan’s culture and traditions National parks and reserves

Federal protected areas: National park “Vodlozersky” (1991) National park “Paanajarvi” (1992) National park “Kalevalsky” (2001)

Nature Reserve “Kivach” (1931) Nature Reserve “Kostomukshsky” (1987) Nature Reserve “Kandalakshsky” (1932)

145 regional and local protected areas and nature monuments

Wild nature and nature tourism • Hiking

• Fishing

• Hunting

• Picking up mushrooms and berries

• Rafting

• Skiing

• Sledging

• Snowmobile trips

• Bird watching

• Bicycling

Main events




Forums Petrozavodsk – the capital of Karelia

• It was founded in1703 • 1754-1756 - new plant was built • 1777- P. received status “city” • 1860 - regular traffic to St.Peterburg by the Onego Lake • 5 theatres • 7 museums • 190 monuments to all periods of its history • First public garden in Russia • First rail ways factory in Russia • Historic quarter 19 century • More than 50 places of accommodation If you travel to Karelia…

You can receive information about Karelia:

• Tourist Information Centre (Petrozavodsk, Kuibyshev str., 5)

• Call-center: +78142-333333

• Web-site:

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