Journal of Social Justice, Vol. 2, 2011 (© 2011) ISSN: 2164-7100

Crushed by Capitalism Dr. John’s film picks and documentaries

“Well I mean, we’re a consumer society, aren’t we? She got consumed…” Ted Danson, Mad Money

Welcome to Dr. John’s Crushed by Capitalism film series. We hope you enjoy. Watch, share, resist! Click on a title below and follow the link for more film information.


1984 A clockwork Orange Agora American Beauty American history X Animal Farm Barbarians at the Gate (RJR Nabisco) Blood Car Boiler Room C.S.A The Confederate State of America Casino Jack Crash Death of a Salesman Falling Down Fight Club Food, Inc. Forgiving the Franklins GATTACA Lord of the Flies Matewan Melvin Van Peeble’s Classified X Network Office Space

©2011 Transformative Studies Institute Crushed by Capitalism

On the Waterfront Pumpkin Recount Requiem for a Dream Salt of the Earth Slacker SLC Punk Thank you for Smoking The Company Men The Educators (Foreign) The Experiment The Motorcycle Diaries The Social Network The Spook who sat by the Door The Wall V is for Vendetta Wall Street Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps White Man’s Burden


America on the move 1876-2000 American Dream American Hardcore Bush’s War (Frontline/PBS) Capitalism: A Love Story Casino Jack and the United States of Money Client 9: The Rise and Fall of Eliot Spitzer Control Room Devil’s Playground Enron: the smartest guys in the room Freakonomics From Jesus to Christ (PBS-History) GasLand Good Hair Howard Zinn: Voices of a people’s history Howard Zinn: You can’t be neutral on a moving train 2

Journal of Social Justice

Inside Job Inside the Meltdown (Frontline/PBS) Is Wal-Mart Good for America (Frontline/PBS) Jesus Camp Life and Debt March of the Maxed Out: Hard Times, Easy Credit and the Era of Predatory Lenders Negros with Guns: Rob Williams and Black Power Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media Noam Chomsky Distorted Morality Noam Chomsky Power and Terror- Noam Chomsky in our Times Noam Chomsky. Rebel without a pause Outfoxed Revolution’67 Roger and Me South of the Boarder Tax me if you can (Frontline/PBS) The Big One The Corporation The End of Poverty? The Greatest Movie Ever Sold The Merchants of Cool (Frontline/PBS) The Secret History of the Credit Card (Frontline/PBS) The Take The Tank Man (Frontline/PBS) The Yes Men This Film is Not Yet Rated Wal-Mart: the high cost of low price War Made Easy What Would Jesus Buy