



Introduction.-This chapter gives the population of gate for the minor civil divisions shown in the table. Idaho, by counties and minor civil divisions, as enu­ In most instances this results from the fact that pre­ merated at the Thirteenth Census, taken as of April cincts or other dvil divisions in existence in 1900 or 15, 1910, with comparative statements of population 1890 had gone out of existence by 1910, their territory where possible, and a statement and discussion for the having been annexed to other precincts or having state as a whole of the population living in urban been t11ken to form new precincts. In some cases, and in rural territory. The statistics are given m however, precincts that were returned separately in· detail in two general tables. 1910 were returned in combination with other pre­ Table 1 (p. 573) shows the population of Idaho in cincts at one of the earlier censuses; in some cases 1910, distributed according to counties and minor precincts in one - in 1900 or 1890 were in an­ civil divisions, 11nd, so fiu· as possible, in comparison other county at a later census; and in some cases still with similar :figures for 1900 and 1890. The arrange­ other factors contribute to the difference. ment of counties and of the primary divisions in each Table 2 (p. 580) shows the cities and incorporated county is alphabetical. 'l'he :figures for seconclitry di­ towns and villages in Idaho, alphabetically arranged, visions are printed in italics. 'rhe changes in bound­ with their population in 1910, 1900, and 1890. aries, name, or form of organization that have tuken The population of Icfaho, by counties, at each of place since 1900 are indicated in the footnotes to the the last five censuses, from 1870 to 1910, inclusive; table. For changes between 1890 and 1900 reference the increase during the last two decades; the density must be made to the census report of 1900. of the total and the rural population at the census of Owing to the numerous changes that have taken 1910; and the distribution of the population at the last place during the period covered by this table in the two censuses according to urban and rural districts, election precincts which constitute the primary are given in Table I of Chapter 2. divisions of the counties, comparisons of the popula­ The tables and text of the present chapter contain tion in 1910 with that. o:f 1900 and 1890 are in many few technical expressions whose meaning is not appar­ cases impossible. Such comp11risons 11re, however, . ent. The census usage in regard to certain terms is, made for all the precincts existing in 1910 which were however, explained below: also in existence u.t one or both of the earlier censuses, Density of population.-The density of population of a state or and which were returned separately at those censuses. county is obtained by dividing its total population by the number In some counties the changes are so extensive and in of square miles in its land , In calculating the density of rural others the information in regard to them is so incom­ population, the same divisor is used as it is not practicable to ascer­ plete that no comparisons can be made except for in­ tain and deduct the exact area covered by the urban districts, and corporated places. In nddition, the population of two even if this could be done with accuracy the deduction of this area from the total land area would ordinarily make no appreciable counties was not returned by precincts in 1890. difference in the resulting quotient.. The total population in 1900 and 1890 of the Minor civil divisions.-The counties are divided generally into counties returned by precincts for those years exceeds, smaller political unita which bear different deaigna tions iri. the differ­ except in the case of two counties in 1900, the aggre- , ent parts of the country, such as towns, townships, election pre-

'.IItsTomcAt NOTl!l.-'.I'ho nnme Idaho ls or Indian dorlvlltlon llnd signifies "gem transferred to the "all rlgbts, claims, and pretensions to any country ol the mountains.'' north of the forty-second parallel.'' In 1824 Russia surrendered to the United ~e area now constituting this state was first visited by whlto mon when !Ill States all claims south or latitude 54° 40'. In 1818 a treaty had been concluded exploring expedltJon sent out by the United States Government under Lowis between the United StatCll and England, under which the United States and Great and Clark: traversed It in 180li-O. The first permanent settlement was mude In IlrJJ;aln jointly occupied the region, but In 1846 this joint oceupatlou was 1834, when a trading-post was established at Fort IIull, in whllt Is now the south­ terminated by ll treaty fixlng the present boundary between the United States and eastern part or the stllte. Fow white men came to this region, however, until 1800 Canada. when the discovery of gold on Oro Fino Creek attracted prospectors and miners The territory of Oregon, wblcli Included the area now constituting the state of In large llUmbers. . Idaho, was organized In 1848. In 1853 the territory of was organized, The , or which Id£1ho originally formed ll part, was, at tho beginning and Included what Is now northern Idaho, but left still a part of of the nineteenth century, claimed by tho United States, Groat Britain, Spain, and . In 1859, when Oregon, with its present boundaries became a Russia, each nation bMlng Its right to possession on dlsooverles and explorations. sto.te, the remainder of the region now forming Idaho was added to Washington l!J>anlsh and English navigators had visited the Oregon coast llt various times territory. In :March, 1saa, was organized from parts of the terri­ during the sixteenth UJld succeeding centuries. Russin had made settlements 111 tories of Washington, Dakota, and ; It then included the area now . In the early part of the eighteenth century imd for this reason laid claim to comprising !daho, , and part of . 'l'he organization of ¥ontana terrlrory as far south ns the prooent state of C!l!Uornfa. Amerlcnns from slilps sent out by merchants Jato In tho eighteenth oentury wero the first white men and Wyoming ns ter:rltorles in 1864 and 18£8, respectively, left Idaho with Its to explore the interior or the Oregon country. · present boundaries. All that remnlned of the Spanish olnlm after the CCIJSlon o! Loulslanll to France In 1889 a state constitution was adopted, under authority of an act of Congress, In lSO

cincts, etc. Of these minor civil divisions, those which rank next to according to the conditions as they e:i,isted at each census. In th' tJ1e county as geographic areas are termed ''primary· divisions.'' In compariso~ a plac~ h!wing lea~ than 2,500 inhabitants in 1900 an~ many instances, however, these primary divisions contain political over 2,500 m 1010 is classed with the ruml population :for 1900 and units of still smaller area, such as cities, incorporated villages, w~th tho urban for 1010. On the other hand, in order to present towns, or boroughs. These smaller political units are referred to fairly tho contrast between urban and rural communities as regard as secondary divisions. th~ir rate of g1'owth, it is. nocessa~y to consider the chang~s in popu~ Urban and rural population deftned.-The Census Bureau, for lat10n for the same territory wluch have occurred from one decen· purposes of discussion, has defined urban population as that residing nial census to another. For this purpose the territory which in 19!0 in cities and oilier incorporated places of 2,500 inhabitants or more, was urban or rural, as tho case may ho, is taken as the basis and and rural population tLB that residing outside of such incorporated tho population in 1900 for tho same territory (ao far as sepa;ately places. reported at tha1; census) is presented, oven fuough part of the terri. Tho comparisons of the urban and rural population in 1910 with tory may, on tho basis of its population at the earlier census have fuat at earlier enumerations may be made either with respect to tJie then boon in a different class, Thia avoids tho disturbin~ effect varying proportions of the two classes at successive enumerations or on comparisons which would arise from tho passage, for example of wifu respect to the increase between enumerations, In order to communities formerly clnssod as rural into tho urban group. Th~se ' contrast the proportion of the total population living in urbm1 or two distinct forms of comparison arc madll in 'fable I of Chapter 2 rural territory at the census of 1910 with fue proportion urban or for tho stttte as a whole and for each county separately for the last rural at the preceding census, it is necessary to classify the territory two censuses. TOTAL POPULATION, INCREASE, AND DISTRIBUTION. Population of the state,-The population of Idaho is lation of the stttto increased 7a,224, or 82.7 per cent. 325,594. Compared with a population o:f 161,772 in The following table shows the population of Idaho at 1900, this represents an increase during the last decade each census :from 1870 to 1910, inclusive, together of 103,822, or 101.3 per cent. During the same period with the incroaso nnd per cent of increase during each the total population of the United States increased decade, in comparison with the per ce:n.t of increase for 21 per cent. During the decade 1890-1900 the popu- the Unite(l States as a whole.

--~-··-- ...... --~----~.-~------~---···- ·- INCIIEASE OVllllt l'IllllCl~DING I'('f cont OlllNBUS. of lncreaso CENSUS YEAR. l'opulat.ton. for tho Unitocl Numllor. l'llr cont. States.

1910 ...... •...... •..•...... 325,504 Hla, 822 101. !l 21. 0 1 1900 ...... •'> ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 161, 772 73, 22 1 82. 7 20. 7 1890 .. - . - - .•...•...... 1 ss, 548 55, 988 171. 5 25. 5 1880 ...... •...... •...... 32, Gl.O 1.7, (]11. 117. 4 30. 1 1870 ....•..•...... H,999

1 Includes population ('l,103) of Inditin resorvntions spo~bl1i• m1111nor11tod. Idaho was organized as a territory in 1863 and ported at each census sinoe their incorporation either appears in the Federal census reports for the :first time as cities or towns, so fu.r as figures are available, to­ in 1870. During the 40 years that have elapsed since gether with the increase during each decade. 1870 its population has rapidly increased, the popula­

tion in 1910 being nearly twenty-two times as great as INCREASE OVER rB'E­ in 1870. The percentage of increase has not fallen CJllDING c~sus. below 100 per cent except during the decade 1890- ClTY AND OJllNSUfl Ylll

Bonner County; in 1905 a part of Bingham County Idaho County, with 11 1012 square miles, has the was annexed to Fremont County and a part of largest area, and County, with 942 square County was annexed to County. miles, has the smallest area. Ada County, containing · Owing to the organizution since 1900 of two :new Boise city, has the highest density of any county, counties from parts of other counties as show:n, above, namely, 25.6 persons per square mile, while Owyhee the comparison of increase in population is made County }fas the lowest density, namely, 0.5. for only 19 counties and two combinations of coun­ Minor civil divisions.-The political divisions into ties. The combinations of counties are Bonner with which counties are subdivided are collectively termed Kootenai, and Twin Falls with Cassia. In order "Minor civil divisions.n In Idaho the counties are to determine the actual rate of increase for these divided into 566 primary divisions, comprising that counties, it is necessary to add the population of the number of election precincts. There are also 101 sec­ new county to that of the old county from which it ondary divisions in the state, comprising 25 cities, 70 was formed. Each county and combination oi villages, and 6 towns. In Table 1 the population is counties in the state increased in population during shown by .election precincts, and the population of the last decade. The rates of increase for the counties cities, villages, and towns is presented in connection which do not enter into the combinations and which with the population of the election precincts included show increases range from 6.3 per cent in Owyhee within their limits or of which they form a part. Be­ County to 610.5 per cent in Iiincoln County, and the sides these minor civil divisions there are two Indian absolute increases of the same group of counties range reservations and part of another. These reservations, from 240 in Owyhee County to 17,826 fo while independent of any county organization, for County. The combined counties of Kootenai and convenience are returned as parts of the counties in Bonner increased 255.7 per cent in population, while which they are wholly or partly located. the combined counties of Twin Falls and Cassia in­ Urban and rural population compared.-The table creased 424. 9 per cent. The two combinations of following presents the population of Idaho ·at the cen­ counties and five of the remaining counties show a suses of 1910, 1900, and 1890, respectively, distributed larger percentage of increase than that shown for among places grouped according to specified limits of the state as a whole, which, as before stated, was population, together with the percentage of the total 101.3 per cent. population contained in each group at each of the The maps on page 571 show the increase in the total censuses named. The classification is based upon the and the rural population, respectively, of each county population of each place as it existed at each census. ======::::=--=·-=-·-==·-=====~;======;i"'======ir======~==rp======PER CEJ><.

CLASS Oll' PLACES, Number .. N ber Number l 1910 1890 of places. Po:pu 1a.mn. of~ces. Population. of places. Populat on. moo ------.. ~----1-----11---1----111---1-----11------'rota! population ...... ··1==3=25=,5=94=11===1==16=1=, 7=72=11===•l==1 88=,548=111==100=·=0 'i==l=OO=. 0 100. o

69,898 2 10,003 ...... 21.5 6.2 ·········• '1l'rb&~1terrltory ...... 12 5.3 ...... Cities 0!10,000 Inhabitants or rooro. •• .. •• . • ...... • ... • ... l ~U8~ ...... i ...... s:iis1· :::::::::: :::::::::::::: 8.5 3.7 ...... C''le.~ of 5,000 to 101000 lnhabltant.s . . • ...... • ...... • . 4 7.6 2.5 ...... '· es of 2,liOO to li,uoo Inhabitants . . • ...... • ...... 7 24,838 1 4,046 ...... 1.51,769 ...... 1.5'" 188,HS 78.5 93.8 100,() ltur&ftterrltory ...... 255,696 ...... •. 15.7 12.4 Othes, towns, anu vlllages of less than 2,500 Inhabitants... 80 58,881 32 25,418 10,967 18.1 1 77, 581 60.4 78.1 87. 6 Ill' rural territory ...... · · · .. · · · IOG,815 126,351

1 Inolndes population (4,163) of Indian reservations specially ~numerated. 5'70 SUPPLEMENT FOR IDAHO. As shown by this table, the urban 'territory of the previously explained, to consider the changes in pop­ state in 1910-that is, the incorporated places of ulation which have occurred in the same territory from 2,500 inhabitants or more-contained 69,898 inhab­ one decennial census to another. With this end in itants, or 21.5 per cent of the total population, while view places classed as urban or rural according to 255,696 inhabitants, or 78.5 per cent, lived in rural their population in 1910 are taken as a basis and the territory. The urban territory as it existed in 1900- aggregate population in 1910 and in 1900 of the same that is, the incorporated places then having 2,500 in­ places is then compared. Thus, as shown in the fol­ habitants or more-contained only 10,003 inhabitants, lowing table, the total population in 1910 of those places or 6.2 per cent of the total population, while 151, 769 which at that time hMl 2,500 inhabitants or more was inhabitants, or 93.8 per cent, lived in rural territory. 69,898; in 1900 the total pop:ulation of these same There has thus been a large increase in the proportion places (so far as separately reported) was ~2,107. It of urban population. For the United States as a whole may be noted that the latter figure exceeds the total the urban population constituted 46.3 per cent of the population in 1900 of those places which at that time total population in 1910 and 40.5 per cent of the total had over 2,500 inhabitants each, 10,003, (see table on population in 1900. page 569) by 12,104. The difference is the net result In 1900 the urban territory of the state consisted of of the passage, since 1900, of certain communities from only two cities of over 2,500 inhabitants each, while in the rural to the urban class. 1910 it comprised 12 cities each having at least that In the following table the population for the state population. . as a whole is distributed so as to show, for 1910 and The 89 places of less than 2,500 inhabitants each 1900, the combined population of the cities having have an aggregate population of 58,881, or ~18.1 per over 2,500 inhabitants and t.Q.e population of the cent of the total population of the state. These places remainder of the state. comprise 19 having from 1,000 to 2,500 inhabitants each, with a combined population of 28,596; 25 having l'Ol'ULATION, INCl\EASE: from 500 to 1,000 inhabitants each, with a combined 1900-1\llO CL.I.SS OF l'LACES. --· population of 17,358; and 45 having less thau500inhab­ Number. Per itants each, with a combined population of 12, 927. The 1\llO 1000 cent. -- population living in unincorporated territory repre­ The state ...... 325,1194. 181,772 168,892 101.8 sents 6.0.4 per cent of the total population of the state. Cities or 2,500 or more In 1910 ...... •• 69,898 22,107 47 791 216.2 Remainder of the state •.....•.••..• 255,606 139,665 110:oa1 83.1 This table further shows that in all incorporated -·-- places, including those of less than 2,500 .. inhabit­ A comparfaon of the total population in 1910 of ants, there was in 1910 a population of 128,779, or places having a population of 11ot less than 2,500 each 39.6 per cent of tho population of the state.. The with the total population of the same places in 1900, population of all incorporated places, as they existed as given in the 11bove table, shows an increase of 216.2 in 1900, was 35,421, or 21.9 per cent of the total popu­ per cent. This represents tho rate of growth of urban lation of the state. communities as above defined. During the same Table I of Chapter 2 shows that two counties and the period the rural population, comprising that of the two combinations of counties had a larger proportion of remainder of the state, increased 83.1 per cent. Urban urban population in 1910 than in 1900. Six counties population thus increased more than twice as rapidly which were wholly rural in 1900 were partly urban in as that of the state as a whole1 and more than two 1910, while 11 counties were wholly rural at both and one-half times as rapidly as rural. For the censuses. United States as a whole urban population increased In order to compare the rate oj growth in urban and 34.9 per cent in the last decade and rural population rural communities it is necessary in each case, as 11.2 per cent. PER CENT OF INCREASE OR DECREASE 9F POPULATION OF IDAHO, BY COUNTIES: 1900-1910.



~ 5TOl5H-Jr

SD, 15 TO 26 PP ~T

~ 25 TO 50 PEii CENT

P2'A 50 ff.R ClNT Uf.0' OVl.ll

~ --1 ~

Rural population is defined aa that remding outside ofincorporated places having t,500 inhabitants or more. DENSITY OF POPULATION OF IDAHO, BY COUNTIES: 1910.


WUMB£R e.F ,ltHAttl'tMtlS Pat SQIJ,t.HE Mll.E 0 ~mnt.\Hll ~;:-,J 21'<> 6

~ .6T01ll

~ 16-7045

~ 4&1090 ptpA 90 .a-Ko ovas ......

.....,~ 1b.t.NO iDAHO

~EMHI (..EMtU ;,,~ .. /',, / •,',,:,_, I \... J) ~''·"· . /) ...... r ! I ._,_,. ._,, ., 'f::J[;t ~. /) !',, ~~~:.:i:J&h \· ...... ,.,,,,~, 5 BOISE '\r-f ,! ~~,;.-,;;:';_.';;:.-,?,}..-, N<-:-::J, \. I!.__..,, -; '8--;--N;-:;-,:;,,,;,_;;,:;.,; ·.,r,.....,. ,,, ...... ,,,,...... ,.,,.,,..,. ....1 "'1 I . "l ~·,, .,, ,,,',,, ,., ,,,, ..,,,,,,,,,,:,,,,,,_,,,;,,,; ,., " ,, • \., l'VST!R \...- ••::-:;::,::<.'.::.-.:;:.:;;;';:;,:; " , o-,,, I . ~-. ., ""'-•~·'·~ ,,,,,,, i... --·">l\,./\l ...._.~ \' -r;;:t-,'.-/.-,''/'/j:/·;.. , ..,,,,_, ..,_,,_,,,,, .. ;;/ ..,',/, ..,:// ..... ,//; .;~f J_!lJ!,,.., ...,,.;p \ ( cuG«I! \ f.'.-;',,;,,,;,,,;,,;,,;;-,,;-,,,-,,;,,,;. J i \.r·, r,...;> ,;,..;,:; ... ;.-.:;.~•'!;o!i/,''.-;':; ... ;-,, "-::--:;,,:.,, - "- ,, N:-v-::--:--:;,,:;.,x,,::-< f,, I ., !... [/,"' ,_,,,. ,,. ....,,, ,,..,, ..,//-j- ,, ,~., f\ ' ,, .,,,,,,, """" .,,,,~ - i •-" i-:,-->..:<.. :; .. :;<< .... ,:,-,; .. :,-,;-,; "7'@ _, ,,,'-',,,~- ' ,.,;.,,:-,~-~--,--,;., I 8t.A11;:'.f~ %,''•''/' '• ',, ,,,..,;.. ,- HMo•t ' , ;,, ,,;,, :.-, '', :;-:.,'~•:(-if-i'77' ·~-·.~ J/ I.1 . ~.- ~-----:--:--.:-,,:-,,-.,:---:--1·,,;.,,;.,,;.,,•,,;,,,:-,,.,,;--.;,,_;., ! ~~~:~~~~~~~~~~/ f"' . ev.ittE i.;.,,..~... -.· • ..., ....,.., ;, ...... ,, ....,... .. , ;/;/;/;/; (%.-..-:.,,,,, .h,'',,/,,;,,,;s\~G!';'~',,,_/,;:,,;:,,' , ,, , .., ., ,, , ., ., . 4 .. ~·- f/' ..,,. ,., ,.,.,.. ,,,. ..._,. ...,, ,., ,., ...,.. /.I · f-:<:,_.;,_;.-,.;:;,-0;?Z;,J f'<',,;:,;.?,,:'.~,c:;;A~ ~,,;;:;,-,}:' •"' ! .:;., :;-.,;,, ::- ::--:--0-:;A;,...,. / .... ~ i.>;,~.,_;,{,',,,;,..,;~,,,; ''·"· '· ...... ,, ... -'...... _ ..,: .. ,, ..,.' .. ;"',;"'::.-:::::/;:,,;,.~ t:,,;:,,::.-?..-~:,'!'!,':!;'1~}~1,_;,-,,;,,,;_,,;-,/1,_... ~-1 ..-... ~- '~

Rural population is defined as that residing outside ofi'lWIJ'l'parated place8 having 2,500 inhahitants or more. STATISTICS OF POPULATION. 573 . TABLE l.-POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890.

(Precinct means election precinct. For changes In boundaries, eto., between moo and 1910 aee f 0 t t • r th . Census: 1000, Vol. I, ·r~ble 5.] n~ es, or ose between 1890 and 1000, see Reports of the TweUth

1910 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1900 1890 MINOll CrvIL DtVIBION. 1910 1000 1890

Ada County...... • • • • .. • .. • • .. . .. • . 119,088 1 11,569 1 8,868 i======l======I====~ Precinct No. 1, Including part of Dolsa city..... 1, 356 Boise city (part of)...... t, 050 l,155 l,121 •••••••••• Total/or Boise citv, comprlsinq precincts Nos. set •..•.•.••••.••••••.••• s to JS, ana to, and parts of precincts Noa. 959201 ...... i28' ...... 17,858 6,91i7 8 811 l, 131 1 Prea1lc/i-f i1k~ jtii;ii1:18inii jJffi.·t: or noiS8 cii;,:::: 874 916 ...... Precinct No. 3, comprlslng part or Dolse city .... l,~gg 601 418 ...... Precinct No. 4, comprising part or nolse city •••• 296 Precinct No. 5, comprising part or Boise city •.•• 2,091 104 Precinct No. 6, comprising pn.rt or Dolso c!Ly •••• 588 PreolnotNo. 7, comprising part or Boise city .•.• l,~~~ preclnctNo. 8, comprising part or noise city•••• 994 1,117!! 1,587 Precinct No. 9, oomprlslng part of Boise city.••• 1,230 Precinct No. 10, comprising part of Dolso city ••• 997 7,729 17 7,051 17 8,057 PreclnctNo.11, comprising part of Boise city.•• 1,116 = Precinct No. 12, cow prising pnrt o! noise olty ••• 1,007 275 397 295 Prcolnot No.13, comprising part ofllolsa city••• 1,137 156 ...... Precinct No. 14, including part of Boise city •••. 535 ...... Boise city (part of) ...... SSS 565 617 512 Precinct No. 15, lncfudlng pllrt of Boise city •••• 1,215 599 Boise city (part of) ...... 1 14.e 455 ...... 355· ...... 360 Precinct No. 16 comprising part of Dolso city •• l:ao5 Barberton prcc?nct ...... 51 798 C") Dry Creek proclnot •••..•.•...•....•.....••••.•. 197 656 Green Meadow precinct...... 701 Highland prooliiot ...... 68 t,984 1,444 1,1r4 Intermountaln precinct ...... 930 6811 Kuna precinct •...... ••.•••.•..••••...••.••.•• 672 589 Maple Grove precinct ...... 1,710 749 ...... 87' :::::::::: Meridian prcolnot, including Mol'lcllau .. . 1,~~$ 71 Meriaian village ' •••••.•...... ••.•....•••. 243 186 16 Orchard precinct •••....•••.•.•.....••.•...••.•. 82 167 Soldiers' llome precinct ...... 751 South Boise proclnct, including South Do!BCl 470 433 350 village ...... l,754 410 South Boise village •...... 885 239 ...... 548' ...... 425 Ten Milo precinct ...... 417 233 Unlon grcclnot ...... ; ...... 1,373 217 214 138 White ross preolnot ...... 959 239 346 274 1,000 1,156 987 1,038 906 899 s,u ·Bannock County...... 19,l!4ll '11,709 BS!! l====~=l=~~=I=~;..,;,;.;, Bi9 B11noroft precinct ...... 713 063 SSS Chesterfield precinct ...... 459 504 71 ...... 92. :::::::::: Cleveland precinct 6...... 456 591 171 Gentlle Vanoy prcolnot o...... 617 820 518 ...... 6i4' "'"'"'783 Groce precinct o• ...... 677 161 Henry prcolnct 7 ...... 112 184 Inkom precinct B...... 540 MarshJ;reolnot ...... 1,208 ...... i;287" :::::::::: 1,406 (") Mink reek rrrcolnot 6, ...... 150 t,t88 591 ...... 784' :::::::::: ~~~i~1for~r:f~cit" N'o: i·io· inoii:t(i1iif iiiir"tS. o!. 23,806 wards 3 and 4 or Pocatc1 lo city ...... 1,447 Pocatello cit11 (part of) ••••..••••••••••••••••• t,849 Aberdeen precinct ai ...... 849 ...... TotaZJor Pocafello cfttJi comprising Pocatello Ammon precinct, Including Ammon village ••••• 877 448 ...... precincts Nos. !land 111 and parts ofPocatello Ammon village•, •••....•...... •.•.•.••.• s14 ...... precincts Nos.1, 4, 6, ancl6 ...... 0,110 4,0411 ...... Base.Jtpraclnct, including Basalt village ...... 900 387 ...... t,158 Basalt village sa ...... 200 IJ,671 l31ackfoot precinct No.1 " lncludlngwnrd 2 and IJ,084 part of ward l of Blackroot city...... I, 187 ~~~! ~: :: :: ::: : : : : : : : : : : :: ::: : :: :: :: ::: Blackfoot city (Jlart of) ...... 698 8,197 Pooatellow~~efinot" No: 2:io" comprising' pnrt8" at" Total/or Blackfoot cit1186 In Blackfoot precincts wards 3 and 4 or Pocatello city ...... 1,085 1,744 Nos. 1 and B...... S,szs ...... Pooatello precinct No. a,11 comprising part of Ward1...... ;...... 6"7 ...... wartedll4 o Pocatello city ...... l,195 1,073 Wards...... 60!! ...... Pooa o precinct No. 411• Including part of Wards...... ,451 ...... w~d 4 of Pocatello cl~ ••.••.•••••••••••••••• 1,667 Wardin...... GJB ...... 0 1 6/iB Pocat~~fo~~l~o~PN~. t:ia iiicii:tCi1iig "W"o.i-(i 2 o!' 1 B1:°~~!¥t~w;;ffj~\~~~~~yt';~~~~~- 2,401 ...... P~atcl o olt;r, ...... 2,803 Blackfoot city (partof)...... 1,504 ...... ocatello c ty (part of) ...... 11,1111 Coltwa.nprealnct"...... 494 ...... l' t 11 0,11 27 ...... • .. • • • .... • 266 • • • •• •• •• •••• •• •• •• .-·.· ooa e o foreclnot No. Including ward 1 of Crowley precinct .... ' .. • 9·0 l'~atel yoltk...... 1,216 ...... Danllson Springs precinct 11 ...... 391 1 ocaelocty(partof)...... t,i68 ...... Fairview prcolnct ae .. • • .. .. • • ...... • • ...... • • .. 665 626 ...... 1 peller precincts;· and population (!39 In 1800) of Preston precinct, annexed East; h Noi°omparlsons of population for 1900and1890 can be made; lnlorm11tlon as tG to c '4gesr n wlnor civil dlv!Blons incomplete. :Montpelier preclnot, between 1890 and 1900. ncorporated In 1902. is Bern precinct organized from part of Ovid preoinot in 1904. : Incorporated In 1903, 10 Incorporated in 1909. lo ~unty total lnolmles popnlatlon (394) or Chub Springs prr.clnct, parts taken to 20 Wardboro precinct organized from part of East Montpelier precinct in 1900. ~ enry and Wayllll precincts and part annexed to prcolnct since tt Not returned separately iu 1000. N~J.1 t~~ ~~ulatlon (l,220) or that part or county return.ad as Pocatello prcolnot 22 Organized from part of Thomas Fork precinct in 1902. 9 23 Orge.nized from parts of Liberty and Paris precJncts In 1904. ; Mink Creek precinct organized from part ot Cleveland precinct In 1902. 2J Parts taken to form Sharon precinct in 1904 and part of La.nark precinct in 1904. l grace Ereclnct organized from part otGcntllo Valley preolnot In 1900. ss Part taken to form part ct Lanark precinct In 19Cl4. Rrgan zed from part of Chub Springs preolnot In 1900. oa Name changed from Nuphar In 1908. and 8 i bln and Inkom precincts organized from parts or Portneur precinct In 1900 21 Organized from part of Liberty precinct In 1904. •19 4, respectively. 28 Part annexed to FreIDont County In 1905. 'rreasureton precinct organized from part of Oxford precinct In 1900. 20 County total includes population (1 330) of Biack!oot precinct, taken to form 11 Blackfoot precincts N os.1 and 2; population (1,462) of Ida.ho ~alls preolnat, taken to 11 ~arf;s taken to term parts of Poc11tello precincts Nos. ·5 lln

TABLE 1.-POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890-Continued. (Precinct means election precinct. For changes In boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1000, see Reports of the Twelfth . Census: 1900 1 Vol. I, Table 5.] · ======~==~==o;===-;~======~===c::..=.,-co·· MINOR CIVIL DMSIO?<. ltl10 1900 1800 MINOR CIVII. nmsroN. 1910 11100 1890

:Bingham County-Continued~ Boise Oonnty-Continued.

Grays precinct 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 134 311 .••.•.•••• Granite Creek prec1not •••••••••••••••••.•••••••. 63 130 106 Groveland precinct 2 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Horseshoe Bend precinct ...... 362 247' (17) m········aiiJ" :::::::::: Idaho City precinct, including Ida.ho City vlllage. 441 063 459 ~~~ilJ1~ec~~inct }<(i."i,a iiic1iidillg "ward "i o!" Idaho Citv village ...... BOS 890 ...... Idaho lfalfs cit)' •••.•.••••••...... ••••.•.•.•.. 1,992 Lake precinct ••••..•••.•.••••••.•••••••••••••••• 394 155 ...... Idaho Falla c1t11 (part ·of) ••• •••..•••••••.•••• 1,Wll Lower Creek prcolnot 23 ••••••••••••••••• 008 420 (17) Total for Idaho li'all8 cfty, comprisinJ Idaho Lowman precinct ts ...... 45 ...... 2ii:i" ...... 00 .Falls precinct :No. t and parts o/ Ida/10 Moore Creek precinct ...... 114 Pearl precinct, including Pearl vlllage •••••.•••• 158 Falls precinctJ Nos. 1, 111 and4 •••••••••••• j>BS7 1,SllB .•••.••.•• 243 ...... Wardl ••••••••••••••...•....•••.•..••.. Pearl village u ...... tss ...... i43 ...... i37 Ward9 ••••.•••.•••••••••••••••••••••••• ·~~ 0 66 Wards ...... oet ~l~~:~1N~ :C~fu~t,· iliciiirecinot No. 2,• comprising ward 2 Placerville village ...... 187 BSQ o! Idaho ] alls city .•.•.•.•.....••...... •••.• 815 Quartzburg precinct ...••••••••••••••••••••••••• 91 128 "''""i24 Id11ho Falls precinct No. a,• Including ward 3 of Roseberry precinct ao ...... 889 146 261 Idaho Falls city •••••.••.•...••....•.•.••••••• 1,~j Upper Squaw Creek preolnotu •••••.••••••••••• 403 312 ('1) Idaho Falla c1t11 (part of) •••• ...... Va.n Wyck preclnct,t including Van Wyok vii· Idaho Falls prnclnct No. 4,' iiloluding ward 4 of !age •••••...•••...... ••.••••••••••.•••••••••••• 375 382 638 Idaho Falls city •••.•••..•••...•••••. ; ••.••••• 1,343 Van Wvck village", ...... 179 Idaho Falls city (part of) • ...... ············ ·········· Iona preclnct,• Including lona villa.go ••••••••.• 1,~~g ········74r :::::::::: Iona vlllaqc • ...... 353 Jaok Kn!feprccinct• •••.••••••.••..••..•••..•••• 85 Bonner Oou11ty11 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 18,G88 Lincoln precinct'...... 509 ...... ·········· Moreland precinct 2 ...... 624 ········439· :::::::::: Algoma yreoinct •..•••••.•••••••••••••••• : •••••. 287 = New Sweden precinct! ...... 356 368 •••••••••• Blacktnl proolnot ...... 58 Poplar precinct s •••••••••••••••.•.••..•.••••••• 638 ...... Bonners Ferry precinct, Including Bonnera Presto precinct ••.•.•...•••••..•.•.•..••..•••••• 620 350 Ferrytown ...... 2,100 Rich precinct• ...•••••.••••••.•....•...... •... 172 81 ••••••••.• Bonners Ferry town...... t,(Y/'1 ········a~r :::::::::: Riverside precinct• ...... •••..•...... •....••.• 450, 894 •••••••••• Boulder precinct •..••.••...••..••••••••••••••••• 82 precinct• ...... ••..•••.•.•••..•...•...... • 291 189 ...... ~ Boundary precinct ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 200 Shelley precinct, Including Shelley vlllage • , •••• 1,082 450 •••••••••• Cabinet precinct ••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••• 161 Bhelle11 village io••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 5117 ...... Clagstone precinct ••••••••...••••••••••••••••••• 97 Tay!or preolnot ...••••.•••..•..•.•...... •...... 714 439 •••••••••• Clarkfork precinct •.•••••••••.•••••••••••••••••• 402 Thomas precinct• .•..•.....•.••.•.•..••.....•.• 522 Cocolalla precinct •••.•••••••.••.•••••••••••••••• 278 Willow Creek precinct 11 •••••••••••••••••••••••• 061 ········coo·:::::::::: Colburn precinct ••••.••...•••••••••••••.••••••• 144 Woodville precinct I ....•...... •...... •••... 400 ...... Copeland precinct •••••••..••••••••••••••••••••• 223 (part of) •••...••.• 906 989 ••••••••·• Dam precinct••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 177 {For total, see Bamtock County.] Dover precinct •••••.•••.•.••••••••••••••••••••• 110 Elmira precinct•••••..•...••••••••••.•.•.••••••. 195 Gamblin Lake precinct ••.••••••• , ...... 157 Bla!ne County...... 8,887 l• 4,900 Gnmlte precinct .....•....•••••••••••••••••••••• 401 !======!=-======ii======Hope precinct, lneludlng Hope vlllngo •••••••••• 607 Antelope precinct...... • . • • • • ...... • . . . • • • • • . lM 127 B16 Arco preclnct, including Arco village...... 612 133 Hu:g?r~ v:~ggf:Ct: "iiiciuaiiii£ \vard 1 (ii Sand:. .Arco village u...... S!JS ...... point city...... 1,279 Bellevue precinct, including Bellevue city...... 748 511 ...... Sandpoint city (part of) •••••.•••••••..••••••• 590 Bellevue cllv... •...... •...... • ...... 709 358 801 Total for Sandpoint clt11," comprising Pend Ward1...... SSIJ a' Oreille prtclnct, and parts of Humbird, lVard 13...... •• •••••••.•.•.••••• ...... 11811 ...... i25" ...... Mounlaln View, and Sandpoint precincts •• Broadford precinct...... 248 Wardl •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••' •• '·~ZZ Carey precinct u .. • • ...... • • • . • • . • • • . • • • • • . . . • . . 923 249 ...... WardB ...... 881J Clyde precinct.... • • . . . • • • . . . . • • . • . . • . • . • • • • . • . . 226 92 •••••••••• Wards ...... , •••••••• t,197 Corral ii reel not...... 633 207 .••••••••• Ward4 ...... 890 HaileyRreoinot,u Including Halley city...... 11 540 1,2,10 •.••••.••• Kootenai precinct •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 675 ,,a'°' ~Y city'/11 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • j••t, ..,, Laclede precinct •..••••••••••.••••••••••••.••••. 488 Ward!...... 479 Lakevlew precinct ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 105 Wards...... 751! Markham precinct .•••...•..•.••••••••.•.••••.•. 201 ...... Ketchum precinct...... 301 ········aoe· ·········· Mountain Vfow preolnot, Including ward 2 or Martin precinct 10...... 81 75 Sandpoint city ...... 1,0JO ...... Moore precinct 11 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • 714 202 Sandpoint city (part of) ••••••••••••••••••••• 880 ...... Muldoon precinct...... • . • . • • . . . . • • . • • • • • • . • . • 128 93 Moyle precinct •••• , ...... 110 ...... Plcabo precinct lB...... 353 238 Napies precinct...... 209 ...... Smoky precinct...... • • • • . . . • . • • . • • • 35 42 Newport precinct ...... 808 ...... Seidler preolnct,10 including So Idler village...... 1, 136 340 N orthslde· precinct .•••.••••••••••••••••••••••••• 183 ...... Soldier village 20...... S611 .. , ..... iiS' ...... 82 ...... Stanton preolnot 21.. •• •• •• •• •• • • • •• ••• • ••• •• ••• 180 ~~~~ ~w;~~f0 iii6ci1iici£," iniiiiBiriit. wnra ·:1 oi · Wapl precinct...... 375 98 S11ndpoint city ...... 300 ...... precinct••••.••••.•••••••••••••••••• 122 ...... precinct, Including Priest I!.iver Bolso County .••..•.•••..•... .'...... 6,2~0 ••4,1'74 "3,842 vlllage •.•.•.••••••••.•..••.•••••••.••••••••... 582 ...... , Priest River !Jillage n ...... , .. . £48 Alpha £reolnct.. • • • . . . . . • • . .. • • . . . . • • • • • . • . . • • • 237 103 110 Sandpoint precinct, Including ward 3 of S11nd· Brown ee precinct ., • • . . . • ...... • . . • . • • • • . . 357 • • • .. • • • • • • • • ••••••.•• point city...... 1,215 ...... ·•·•·••··• Centerville precinct, including Centerville vii· Sandpoint city (part of)...... t, tn ...... ·· · ··· .. .. !age...... • . • . . . • • . • • • • • ...... • . . • . • • . • . • 149 257 142 Spirit Valley precinct...... 168 ...... • • •• •·•••• Oenlerville village" • • • • . . . • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • . • 180 ...... Valley precinct •....••.•.••••••••• ,. • • • • . • • • • • . . 112 ••••.••••••••• • • · • • • • • Crawford precinct " ...... , .. .. • • 177 • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • West Branch precinct .••.••••••.• ; • • • .. • • • • • . • . 144 •••••••••••• • .. · · · · • .. Garden Valley precinct"...... 223 179 "i9ii W rencoe precinct...... • ...... 39 ...... • · · · · · · • • t Jaok Knife precinct organized from part of Grays precinct in 1904. 10 Crichton and WIUow Creek precincts annexed in 1902. • Groveland preclnotorganlzed !rom partsfofMoreland and Rosepreclnots In 1904. 20 Incorporated In 1908. •Idaho l!'alls precinct taken to form Idaho Falls precincts Nos. 1, 21 a, and 4 in :n Name changed from Creek in 1906. 1900 and 190R. !It Countv totals Include population (45 In 1000; 117 ln 1890) of Banner preDolncJ, 4 Part.s taken to form Lincoln precinct in 1904 and part of Crowley precinct In taken to forin part of LowmanJireolnct; population (3 In 1900; 24 In 1890) of ~ • 1908. wood precinct, annexed to Gar en Valley precinct; population (53 In 1900) of Tivln o Incorporated in 1905. Springs precinct, abolished, since 1900; population (544 In 1890) of HorseshoetB en~ 6 Organized from part or Iona precinct ln 1904. Lower Squaw Creek, and Upper Squaw Creek ~reolncts, not returned separa e1 Y 1 Woodville preolllct orgE.Uized from part of New Sweden precinct-In 1904. 1890; and population (321 ln 1890) of that part or county not located by precincts In • Organized from part of Willow Creek preclnot In 1902. 1800. . • Thomas precinct organized from parts o! Rich and Riverside precincts in 1904. ''Brownlee precinct organized from parts of Lower and UpperSquawCreekpre- to Incorporated in 1904. clncts in 1908. u Parts taken to form Poplai:preolnct In 1902 and part of Crowleypreclnctln 1906. u Incorporated since 1000. 1~ Connty tottll includes population (313) of Bullion, Deer Creek, and Donipban '5 Crawford precinct organized from part of Van Wyok precinct since 1900. t precincts, annexed to Halley Jlreoinct; population (129) of Tllrura precinct, !IIlllexed Sd Part taken to form part of Lowman precinct slnoa 1900; Deadwood preolno to Flcabo precinct; and population (178) of Crichton•and Willow Creek precincts, annexed since 1900. annexed to Soldier :precinct, since 1900. 1s Incorporated Ill 1909. ~ g~:::~nfr~:~~~~1jJ~~{iilgt and part of Garden Valley precinct since 1900· u Name changed from Little Wc>od River In 1906. " Returned as Ploneerville in 1900, 1• Bullion and Deer Creek precincts annexed In 1904 and Doniphan precinct so Name changed from Omega since 1900. annexed In 1908. st Organized from part of Kootenai County in 1007. 1e Name changed from Era Jn 1906. 11 Incorporated In 1903. 11 Name changed from Island in 1906. "'Inoorpora.ted as a city In 1907. 1a Name changed from Sliver Creek In 1906. Tlkura preoinnt o.nnexed In 1900. STATISTICS OF POPULATION. 575

TABLB 1,-POPULATION OF MINOR .OIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890-Continued. [Precinct means election precinct, For changes In boundaries, etc., between 1000 and 1910 se i t t • Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table e5.j no es, ror those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth

:MINOR CIVIL DIVI8!0N. 1910 11100 1890 MINOR OlVIL DlVIBION. 1910 1900 1890

Oanyon County...... 95,823 1 '1,49'1 Cassia Countytt...... 1======1======1;;;,;.;.;;;;; '1,19'1 .. 8,961 213,143 Bromwell precinct 2 ...... 268 Alb~Yiifo~~Wct, 14 lncludiug Albion village ..... _l====I====,/==~= 906 747 545 East Caldwell precinct,• Including ward 1 of S9S 306 Caldwell city •••.••••.••••••••••••••.••••••••• 1,293 690 .... : ... .. Almo reclnalage ...... 179 Basin p recinci': .... ·• •...... • .. • .... · • '· .. • .. • .. 319 290 280 CaldwtU clt11Jpart of) ...... 971 18811 ...... Brld p ...... 332 278 Total/or Cal well cit11 in Eaat, South, and 127 ...... West Caldwell precincta ••••••••••••••••••• 8,6,jS 997 779 Bur1~; ¥:r~~Yii~r:.··· ... ·· · · · .... ·· .. ·· · · · · · .. ·.. 1,575 ...... Wardt ...... 971 flba ~reclnft .... .".:'. :: ::::'.: ::: : : :: ::: ::::::: :: 306 389 255 WardB ...... t,466 27 415 WarcZS ...... t,117 MM~ft1: r1 P~~~fn~ct Int ...... • • .. • .... • ...... • • .. • • .• 247 ...... i7i ...... i72 East Nampa precinct,• including part of Nampa 594 446 ...... 1,091 M:ra~~~c re~\nci",S .. ·.. · .. · .. · .. ·...... 395 1,808 Oakle:I" y,re~lnct, 21 tnciudtng "oakley vmage .••...... i;o1a· ..... i;m ci~t~n:iit~~Pj:fj}>ij,ii :,~:~~I::~~~;,:~~~: R Oak eg village u ...... ::::: 1,fil~ wuf'Nampa precincta ...... 4,!06 799 ...... St~~~~~r~;~~:t0 ...... "... "...... ' .. 214 ...... Fargo precinct 6 • ••••••••• , ••••••••••••••••••••• 529 s bl p ...... 170 Franlrlin.preclnct • ...... 401 Yu ett precinct ...... 258 ...... iii" ...... iM1 Fruitland precinct o• ...... 1,031 a1 e precinct •••••..••••.•••••••••••••••.••••••. 63 51 60 Greenleaf precinct 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 726 Homestead precinct 8•••.••••••••••••••••••••••• 711 ...... 56.3" :::::::::: Middleton precinct ...... 1,267 Ouster County...... 8,001 ""2,049 II) l!,178 514 We~M~~~ip~t;ieoiiiot,io· ixioitiilinii N-iiW 'i>i;.: · ~attle Ground firectnct ...... : ...... 1=====1=====1====340 263 122 mouth village ...... 900 281 ...... ay Horse prec net ...... 22 92 237 New Pl11mouth vlllaga 11 ...... 174 Challls weclnct, Including Challis village ...... 667 387 579 North Emmett preclnct,11 including ward 3 and Cl Cha llavillage•i ...... ~ .... . 338 ...... part of ward 1 of E=ett city...... 1,048 C ayton precinct...... lll6 286 411 Emmett cittl (part QI) ...... 6St :d1ster precinct ...... 86 342 134 Total for Emmett cl/111• In North, South 1 and L ouston precinct as ...... 400 427 274 Weit Emmett preclncl8 ...... 1,1151 oon Creek precinct ...... 31 ...... Mackay precinct,H Including Mackay village .••• 843 ...... p .Mackall. village a1 ...... 638 ...... 44' ...... 84 ~~~it:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ahsamarol precinct...... 159 North Payette precinct,H Including ward l or ~! Stanley precinct...... • 74 57 26 Payette city ...... 794 Btinboam fireclnct• ...... : 89 ...... 6i" ...... Payette city (part of) ...... 11618 Sunol prec not ...... 94 Total for Payette cltv In North, South, and West Payette precir1cl8 ...... t,948 1114 ...... Wardt ...... Sbf Elmore County ...... 4,785 88 2,288 ., l,8'10 WardB ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 716 Ward3 ...... 860 precinct.•..•••••..•..•..•••••••••••.•• _l=='===i===~=i==~283 119 95 Notus precinct 10 ...... 642 Big Camas precinct as ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 146 ...... i33" ...... 7i; Parma preclnct,1• fncludlng Parma village ...... 1,152 Cold Springs precinct ...... 428 Parma village 10 .. ; ...... SS8 Fall Creek precinct "" ...... 76 ...... 1 1 571 ...... 282" :::::::::: Glenns Ferry precinct, Including Glenns Ferry :iiftte ~~~~r: i>i-00iii


[Precinct means eleotlon precinct. For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1800 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Cel'.JSUS: 19001 Vol. I, Table 5.)

MINOII CIVIL DIVISION. 191() 1900 1800 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890

F.remont Cou.nty-Contlnued. Idaho Oounty-Contlnned. Driggs precinct ...•..••.•••.•.• _._ .••..•.•••.... 663 Dewey precinct 1• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 51 Dubois precinct •.••....•...•••••.•••...•.. _._ •• 232 Dixie preolnot ..••.••••••••••••.••••..•••..••••• 50 ········21r :::::::::: Edmunds precinct..•••.•••••••...... •...•••.•.. 395 City precinct•....•....•••.•.•••••••••••••.. 296 Egin precinct ...... 326 Fairview precinct ..•.•••••••.•••••••••••....••. 470 ~~~ ·········· Voll River precinct ...... 315 Ferdinand precinct ...... 497 287 Grant :wecinct...... _..• 319 Florence precinct •...••••••••...••••.•....•••.•• 52 135 Green l'imborpreclnct ...... 143 Forks precinct 1a ••••••••••••••••••••• ; ••••••••• 170 243 Haden precinct...... _...... _. 500 Glover precinct 10 ...... 303 Hamer precinct...... 111 Goff precinct 10 ...... 156 Henry precinct •...... •..••...... ••.••..••.... 61 Grangeville precinct No. 1,11 lnclucl!ng part of Herbert precinct...... 187 ward lof GrangevlJlecity ...... 4H ...... Highland precinct ...... 308 Grany,evllle city (part of) •••••••.••••••.•••••• lilt Howe precinct...... 228 Independence precinct..•.••..•...••. _.....••... T~i~c{~r#~~.nf ~~i~~.c!'.~ .1'. !~. ~r-~~~e:_'!~~ ~r-~. Island Park precinct.•...... •..•.••.•.••...... 1,0§~ Ward.1 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• t,~~i Island Ward precinct...... _...... 520 ~Vard.11 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 718 Kilgore precinct •••.•.•...... •.•.••.••. , ..•.... 182 Wards ••.••••••••••••....•••••••••••••• soo Labelle precinct ...... _...... 337 Grangeville precinct No. 2.1' including part or Leigh precinct ...... 278 ward 2 of Grangevllle city ••••..•..••••...••••• 583 Lewisville precinct, including Lowisvlllo vJllago. 806 Grangeville cltll (part of) ••••.•.•••••••••••••• 48G Lewisville village'. •...... 1!148 Grangeville precinct No. 3,17 including ward 3 of J,orenzo precinct ...... 379 Grangeville city .•••.....•.•.••.•..•••••.••... 342 448 Grangeville cit!! (part of\. ••••••.••••••••••••. 800 ~Jc~ P£~r~~!e"c1iicit; ·illaiiiciing· •n" :::::::::: Medicine J,odge precinct...... 171 Johii Day precinct •••••••••••••••••••••.••••••• 235 131 ••••.•...• Menan preclnot, lncludlng Menan village •••..•. 869 Joseph precinct 10 ••••••••••••••••••• _ ...... Menan village a ...... ___ •• 1194 Ka.miali precinct •••••.•••••••.•••••••••..••.••• 805 ········451» :::::::::: Ora precinct ...... _.•....•.•... 362 l{eutorv!Jlo precinct •••.••••••••••..••••••••.••• 412 387 ••••••.••• Parker precinct, including Parker village •..•... 708 Lake preclnc t ...... 207 259' .••••••••• Parker village<...... 452 Lorena _precinct 10 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 172 •••••••..••. ··••·•·•·• Rexburg precinct No. 1, including ward 1 or precinct 20 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 14 Rexburg city ••...•••..•..•••••...... ••..• 739 precinct u ...... •.•.....•...... 450 ········539· :::::::::: Rexburg city (part of) •••••... _.••.••.•..••... 701 Newsome precinct •...•..•••...•.•..••••.••••••• 72 68 •...•..••• Total for Rexburg city In Rexburg precincts Orogrande precinct u •. _.•...•••••••.•••.•.••••• 87 ...... Nos. J tos ...... 1,89/1 1,081 ...... Pleasant View precinct 21 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 146 1Vard 1 • ...... 701 Pollock precinct "· ...... 150 ········isr :::::::::: JVardll ...... 600 Roosevelt precinct n ...... 85 ...... Wards ...... 6911 Slnte Creek precinct ••.•.....•.••••.•.••..•••••• 103 92 ······•·•• Rexburg precinct No. 2, Including ward 2 or Stites precinct," including Stites vlJlage •••••••• 544' •••••••••••• •••••••••• Rexburg city •..•.•.••.•..•..•.•••.•.•.••••••. 688 8l1tes village• ••••••.••.•••••••••••••••••••• 800 Rexburg ctt11 (part of) ...... 600 Stuart precinct" including Kooskia village ••••• 466 ...... ,..6i9" :::::::::: Hexburg precinct No. a, Including ward 3 o! Kooskia vlllape 21 ...... 801 88 •••••.•••• Rexburg city .••••...... ••.•.•..•••••• 700 Tahoe precinct• ...... _..••.. 285 ReJ:b1irg city (part of) .•••••••.•.••••••••••••• 6{/11 Warm Springs precinct•••.•.•.•.•••••••••••.•.• 22 ·········02· :::::::::: Rice precinct ...... 60 Warren precinct...... 80 250 .•.•••..•• Rigby precinct, including Rigby village •.•.•.•. 1,335 W estlalre IJreclnct ••••.•••.•••..•••••.••••••••.. 209 220 ...... Rigby village ~ ...... 666 White Bird precinct ...... •JOO 230 •••···•··• Rudy precinct •...... _...•.•..•.•••.•...... •.. 780 Woodland precinct" •••••..••..••••••••.••••••• 483 •••••••••••• ·••••••••• St. .Anthony precinct, Including St• .Anthony clt.f ••.•.•....•...•..••.....•.••..••..•..•.•••. l,&14 ct. Anthon11 cit1J .•.•••••••••••••••••••••.•••• 1,£58 ········4n- :::::::::: TVardi ...... 899 :Kootenai Oountyt•...... 22,747 IO 10,216 s !l,lOlt Ward II ...•....•.•.•.•...••...... •.• StS l======l======I===== }Vard l!I •• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 6116 Athol ~recinct, Including Athol village T"""".. ~g~ 274 Salem precinct, Including Sugar City vlllage .... Suuar Olty village o• •••••••••••••.••••••••••• 1,~g] Belt~v~ ;~~f'ric~. :·:::: :: ::: :: : : : : : : : : : ~::: :: :: 104 ········iiiil" ·········· sgencer precinct ...•...•••.•.•.•.•..•••..••..•.. 375 Carlin Day precinct ••••.•.•.....•.•.••• _...... 250 98 '.I eton precinct •••.....••..••••.•.. : ...... ••.••• 1,018 Coeur d' Alone precinct,.. including ward 2 and Twin Groves precinct ...... 260 part of ward o!Coeurd'Aleneolty ...... 2 807 931 Upland precinct ••••.....•••.•••.•..••••..•..•.. 507 Ooeur d'Alene city (part of) •••...•....•...... 11:011 608 Victor precinct .••...••••.••.•.....••....••..... 435 Total for Ooeur a.• Alene clty,.,comprtsinq Sher· Warm River precinct...... 148 man precinct and parts of Coeur cl' Alene, Wilford precinct••..••••...•.•.•••..•.•••••.••.. 717 7,191 608 Ko$g~3~ ~-~~ .~!~~~~~-~~~~l~~t~:::: '.::::::: 9,670 Wardll ...... 11,506 Idaho County ...... 12,384 'll,121 • 2,955 lVardS ...... 8j4 Ward4 ...... 1,1. g ...... Big Butte precinot o•••••••••••••••• _...... 452 Emida precinct a< •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 212 ...... Clearwater precinct 10 ...... 436 ········293· :::::::::: Fernwood prooinct " •....•....•....••..•.••.•.• 192 ······i;oo:i· ...... Concord precinct 11 ••••••••••••••••• _. __ •••••••• 33 ...... Harrison precinct, including Harrison vl!Iago ••. 1,577 Cottonwood precinct, Including Cottonwood . Harrison village •• ...... 9/JS 70£ ...... village•..•..•.•..•...•..•...•..••••.•...••••.. 092 837 ••••••••.• Hauser precinct ••...... •.•..••...... •..... 382 ,l_lO •••••••••• Cottonwood village 1~ ...... 556 ·········-·· ...... Kootenai preclnot,s• including ward 4 o! Coeur Deer Creek precinct 1a ...... _•• 153 d'Alene city...... 1,627 ...... 438 ...... 687" :::::::::: precinct ...... _....•.•.• Coeur d! A le rte city (part of). • • • • • • • • • • . . • • • • 11 41 S .. • . • • • • • • • . • •••••• · • • 1 Incorporated In 1904. n Organized from part of Woodland precinct In 1904. i Incorporated In 1910. 12 Name changed from Rapid River In 1002. Part taken to form Got? precinct a Incorporated In 1907. in 1900. • Incorporated in 1905. " Organized from parts or Clearwater and Stuart preo!nots In 1901. 5 Jncorpomted In 1003. " Parts taken to form Lorena_vreclnct Jn 1902 and part of Stites precinct in 1901. e Incorporated in 1906. ••Exclusive of population of Kooskia village. 1 County tofal Includes population (1,587) of Grangeville precinct, taken to form :ia Incorrectly returned as a precinct in 1900. Grangeville precincts Nos. 1 to 4 since 1900; population (68) of Kooskia village, in· 'II Organized from part or Clearwater precinct In 1902. correctly returned as a precinct in 1900; and population (427) of that part of county •• Organized from part of Nez Perce Indian Reservation In 1900; part taken to not located by preoinots in.1900. form Pleasant View precinct in 1904, s Not returned by precincts in 1890. • 0 Part ta.ken to form Donner Conntl in 1907. • Organized from part of Nez Porco Indian Reservation in 1900. so County total includes population (3,836) of Bonners Ferry, Boulder, Boun_d~ry, 10 Parts taken to form Tahoe precinct in 1902 and part or Stites preolncC In 1901. Clarks Fork, Cocolalla, Gra.nlte, Hope Kootenai, Lakeview, Markham, Nap 081 11 Orga.nlzed in 1902. Northside, Priest Lake, Priest River, Sandpoint, Seneaguotoen, Spirit Valley, ana I• Incorporatcd In 1901. . Valley precincts, taken to form Bonner County; and population (93) or Elk Moun· 13 Deer Creek and Joseph precincts organized from parts of Forks precinct In 190() ta.in Jlreclnct, annexed to Santa precinct, since 1900. and 1908, respectively. 11 Incorporated In 1909. u Dewey precinct organized from part of Mount Idaho precinct In 1904. 112 Parts taken to form Kooteniil, Lewis, and Sherman precincts In 1906 and 1• Organized since 1900. Lincoln precinct In 1908. ia Organized from part of Pollock precinct in 1900. "' Incorporated BS a city in 1006. 11 Organized from part of Grangeville precinot ln 1904. ,. Orga:iilzed from part of Santa precinct In 1004. 1e Incorporated as a city in 1903. " Organized from part of Santa precinct In 1908. 1u Organized from part of Stuart precinct In 1902. '' Orllanlzed !roon part of Coeur d'Alene precinct in 1906. •O Organized In 1908. " STATISTICS OF POPULATION. 577 TABLE 1,-POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890-Continued. (Precinct means election precinct. For changes In boundaries, etc., bet~;:~~6~9l°i?o~n~of.9i~lr~~1!0~Jnotes; ror those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports ~f the Twelfth

MINOR CIVIL DMSION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 181)(}

Kootenai County-Continued. Latah County-Continued. La Crosse precinct i .•••...... 285 Wast Genesee preclnct,U including part or Gene- Lake Creek precinct ...... •.....•.•....••...... 31iB ·········75· :::::::::: seicity ••..••...... •..•..•..•...... •. 585 Lane precinct 2. ••.••••••••....•.••..•..••...•.. 5fll ••••...•••.••••••••••• B11esee cltv (part of) ••.••.. _....••.•.•.•. ... 800 Lewis precinct s ....•••...... •...... •113 •••••••••••••••••• -··· W es t Moscow preclnct,U including part or Lincoln precinct,• including ward 3 or Coeur M