REAL GIFTS from INTER-FAITH EDUCATION on SCIAF keep Carol concert relationships giving after for World must start Christmas. Child Cancer. at home. Pages 12-13 Pages 4-5 Page 3


Vatican seeks your views on Church teaching THE Vatican is asking Catholics around the world for their views on contraception, same-sex ‘marriage’ and Communion and support for divorced and remar- ried couples. In preparation for next year’s Extraordinary Synod on the Family, which Francis announced last month, the Vatican has sent a ques- tionnaire to the world’s bishops to dis- seminate among priests and people. The Scottish bishops discussed how best to disseminate the question- naire among their flock when they met this week. Copies have now been passed to each diocese by the general secretary of the conference and the bishops will arrange for them to be circulated to parishes. The Eng- lish and Welsh bishops have set up a website on the survey. The responses to the questionnaire will be analysed as part of the prepa- rations for the synod, which will run from October 5 to 19 next year on the theme: Pastoral challenges of the fam- ily in the context of evangelisation. The questions, which were sent out by Italian Archbishop , the Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops, cover some of Youths must ‘stand their ground’ the most contentious issues in the Church. The archbishop has asked the world’s bishops’ conferences to I distribute the poll ‘immediately as Bishops inspire, inspired by young Catholics at national Mass ending the Year of Faith widely as possible to deaneries and parishes so that input from local By Ian Dunn Underscoring the importance of the celebration, Archbishop Leo Cushley and his brother bishops cele- sources can be received.’ Bishop Hugh Gilbert of Aberdeen, Bishop Joseph Toal brated Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral, , with young The first part of the consultation of Argyll and the Isles, Auxiliary Bishop Stephen Rob- people from ’s dioceses on Sunday ARCHBISHOP Leo Cushley has said the end PIC: PAUL McSHERRY asks: “Describe how the Catholic of the Year of Faith must be the ‘starting point’ son, Archbishop Emeritus Mario Conti, Bishops Emer- Church’s teachings on the value of the for young Scottish Catholics to ‘stand their iti Joseph Devine and Ian Murray all joined end for many of the young Catholics present as they family contained in the Bible, ground’ for their Faith. Archbishops Cushley and Tartaglia for the Mass. had been together at Gartmore House for the annual Gaudium et Spes, Familiaris Consor- “The world tells you not to bother to search for National Youth Event. tio and other documents of the post- God, to fall in love instead with money and sex and Catholic teaching “Almost 60 young people attended and the week- conciliar Magisterium is understood the culture of death,” he told the congregation at the Archbishop Cushley said that young Catholics had end had the Rio World Youth Day theme: Go and by people today? What formation is thanksgiving Mass for the young Catholics of Scot- greatly impressed him with their ‘goodness in the face make disciples of all nations,” Fr Stephen McGrattan, given to our people on the Church’s land, which marked the end of the Year of Faith in of all the temptations you must confront and of your Galloway Diocese’s youth chaplain, told the SCO. teaching on family life?” The ques- the Church. “But again and again, you look at this willingness to search for God.’ “Bishop Gilbert was the keynote speaker and he tionnaire also asks what kinds of ques- barren landscape, you look at the shallow, pointless “[You] want to love God, to serve Him and to lead shared his experience of accompanying the Aberdeen tions divorced and remarried couples life the world offers and you say: ‘No: I want some- a happy, coherent life in harmony with people and diocesan group to Rio de Janeiro for World Youth Day ask about the Sacraments and whether thing better than that.’” with all God’s good creation,” he said, before adding in July. His observations were faith-filled, interesting, a simplification of the annulment The Mass brought together many members of the that he had been very pleased to learn that during the and often humourous.” process could help in ‘solving the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland, current and retired. Year of Faith ‘a lot of work has been done in our The young people were very involved in the Mass problems of the persons involved.’ Their president, Archbishop Philip Tartaglia of Glas- parishes and schools to unpack a substantial but very to close the Year of Faith, with ‘four participants from It also quizzes local churches over gow, said it had been ‘a year in which Faith has been useful touchstone of our Faith: the Catechism of the the National Youth Event addressing the congregation, what pastoral attention can be given tested and strengthened.’ .’ giving witness to the four pillars of the Catechism of to people who are in same-sex part- “I got a copy of it for precisely one dollar from Abe- the Catholic Church: what the Church believes, cele- nerships and what can be done to Year of Faith when I worked in New York, so don’t think brating and sharing faith, how we live the Christian help the adopted children of such In his homily at the Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral in you’ll break the bank by tracking one down,” he said. faith, and how we pray,’ Fr McGrattan said. unions to be formed in the Faith. Edinburgh last Sunday, Archbishop Cushley spoke of “It is also something that should be on everyone’s shelf. The issue of contraception is also the highs and lows of the Year of Faith. If you want to know about the beauty of our Faith, if Scotland on the synod agenda. “The year has been an opportunity to unpack you want to know why we are here and what we ought The Year of Faith saw many local initiatives across something of our rich, deep faith, a very old faith, but to do about it—you could do a lot worse than go and the country in addition to national events, such as the I Continued on page 6 always new as well,” he told the congregation. buy a copy of the Catechism, even just to have it there St Andrew’s Conference in with Cardinal “Some have seized that opportunity; others have let on the shelf as a point of reference. It should be like of Sydney and George Weigel; the visit it slide. Are you curious yet? Are you enthusiastic or having the Bible and a good dictionary in the house: it of Archbishop Gerhard Müller; the launch of the St joyful about your faith? Have you learned to stand should be unimaginable not having one handy.” your ground? Be joyful in your faith. And above all, I Continued on page 3 don’t be half-hearted. The prayers of all of us accom- Youth Event pany you on your journey of faith.” The Mass was the culmination of a spiritual week- I More on National Youth Event, page 2

SCO, 19 Waterloo Street, Glasgow G2 6BT I tel 0141 221 4956 I fax 0141 221 4546 I e-mail [email protected] 2 WHAT’S ON SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER FRIDAY NOVEMBER 8 2013

By Dan McGinty his brother priests as he celebrated the 25th priesthood in Scotland. anniversary of his ordination at his parish of Bishop Toal of highlighted the challenges Silver Jubilee The director of Priests for Scotland usu- St Joseph’s in Tollcross and was joined by and joys faced by all priests in their ministry ally spends his time working, in his three bishops—Archbishop Emeritus Mario as he preached the homily. parish and beyond, to foster and encour- Conti, Bishop Joseph Toal and The bishop particularly noted the chal- age vocations for Scottish dioceses. The Bishop Stephen Robson—for his lenges and joys Fr McKenzie sees in his spotlight, however, fell on to him and jubilee Mass on the Solemnity of All Saints ministry—combining parish life in Tollcross for Scotland’s last Friday. with the national effort to support and his own priestly ministry as he was joined by his family, friends and well- The clergy who concelebrated Mass with encourage those discerning a vocation. wishers at Mass last Friday in Thanks- Fr McKenzie came from across Glasgow giving for the silver jubilee of his Archdiocese and beyond and stood as a fit- I Fr McKenzie on vocations, see page 23 priests’ priest ordination. ting gathering for the priest charged with Fr Andrew McKenzie was surrounded by working for the cause of vocations to the I [email protected]

PICTURE OF THE WEEK Archbishop Philip Tartaglia of Glasgow blessed the What’s On 8-foot cross unveiled on Saturday in honour of the A weekly guide to upcoming Church events founding fathers of Celtic Football Club. The cross was commissioned by Celtic SUNDAY NOVEMBER 10 Cecilia, 7.30pm-9pm, Greyfri- I Graves Society. Archbishop Mary’s Meals Day, Glasgow ars Convent, Elgin. All wel- Tartaglia was aided at the Royal Concert Hall, doors come. cermony at St Peter’s open at 1pm. Hosted by BBC Cemetery, Dalbeth, by Fr Tom Radio presenter Shelagh Foga- SATURDAY NOVEMBER 16 I White of St Mary’s, Calton. rty, there will be stalls as well Day retreat to mark the Members of the Celtic Graves as refreshments, live musical feast day of St Margaret of Society and supporters were performances, and guest speak- Scotland, St Margaret’s delighted to also welcome Ian ers. Two young girls from Church, Dunfermline. Begins Bankier, Celtic FC chairman, Malawi with first-hand experi- at 10am with morning prayer Tony Hamilton, chief executive ence of how life-changing and culminates with Mass at of the Celtic Foundation, and Mary’s Meals can be will also 5.30pm. Tea and coffee will be Tom Boyd, former Celtic be present. available in the crypt, bring captain, to the ceremony at St your own lunch. To book Peter’s, which is situated just MONDAY NOVEMBER 11 email the parish office at: a mile from Celtic Park in I Mass for the Italian com- st.margaretdunfermline@g Glasgow’s east end. The club munity with Archbishop Philip was founded 125 years ago to Tartaglia, 7pm, St Andrew’s assist the Irish immigrant I community in Glasgow’s Cathedral, Glasgow. Dedication and blessing of east end St Margaret’s Children and PIC: GERARD GOUGH TUESDAY NOVEMBER 12 Family Care Society’s new I SCIAF Mass for Deceased premises, Glasgow, 12noon Benefactors to commemorate recently deceased supporters I Open House conference on and reflect on the work of all ‘The role of lay people in those campaigning for social Church governance,’ 11am- justice, 5.30pm, Turnbull Hall, 4pm, Premier Inn, Ballater Glasgow University, Catholic Street, Glasgow, tickets £10 Chaplaincy. including light lunch. To get a ticket, send a cheque for £10 I Klaus Sonnleitner concert, made out to Open House to straight from his BBC Proms the editor at: 66 Cardross performance. St Mary’s Cathe- Road, Dumbarton, G82 4JQ. dral, Edinburgh, 7.30pm. For more information, call Mary Cullen on: 01389 I Year of Faith Talks, Reflec- 761010 or email: tions on , Fr Jim [email protected] Lawlor, 7.30pm-9pm, Immac- ulate Conception Hall, Mary- I Youth 2000 Scotland Celidh. hill, Glasgow. This event is being organised to raise money to sponsor a bus to WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 13 Young Catholics from across the country were encouraged to ‘Go make disciples of all nations,’ at last weekend’s Catholic Youth Service Scotland national help Scottish people attend the youth event. The theme reflected ’ message to the hundreds of thousands of young Catholics at World Youth Day 2013 in Rio de Janeiro, I Monthly pro-life Mass with Youth 2000 New Year retreat in Brazil, during the summer. During the three-day event at Gartmore House, the youngsters listened to a keynote address from Bishop Hugh Gilbert of the Sisters of the Gospel of London. Venue St Joseph’s Aberdeen, who also celebrated Mass with the young people, gathered religious and clergy PIC: PAUL McSHERRY Life, Glasgow, Our Lady of Church Hall, Clarkston. Tickets: Consolation Church. Exposi- Adults, £8, Students, £5, chil- tion, 6pm, Rosary, 7pm, Mass, dren under 12 free. INSIDE YOUR SCO 7.30pm. Tea and coffee will be EWTN - THE CATHOLIC SATELLITE CHANNEL available in the hall afterwards. I Heart’s Journey… Our The perfect Christian present Sacred Journey. A creative and NEWS pages 1-7 COMMENT pages 9-11 FRIDAY NOVEMBER 15 prayerful space for reflection LOCAL NEWS pages 2,3,4 CENTRE SPREAD pages Tel: SAS 0141 774 5000 or 07971 514 703 I Does God Exist? Faith Rea- led by Monica Brown. and 5 12-13 son and Doubt. Presentation 10.30am-1pm, St Paul’s Church WORLD NEWS pages 6-7 SPIRITUAL REFLECTION for our special offer led by Dominican Sisters of St hall, Whiteinch, Glasgow. LETTERS page 9 page 15 E-mail [email protected] SAS - SCOTLAND’S CATHOLIC SATELLITE COMPANY

WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK FRIDAY NOVEMBER 8 2013 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER NEWS 3 MSP accused of ‘anti-church’ agenda Home is the heart of relationship teaching over bill on education committee reps AN INDEPENDENT MSP science.” By Martin Dunlop ‘many’ times about how to say ‘no’ to sex attempting to pass a law to John Deighan, Parliamentary and how to avoid catching infections. remove religious representa- officer for Scotland’s bishops, THE director of the Scottish Catholic When presented with the statement: tives from council education said he believed Mr Finnie’s Education Service (SCES) believes that ‘When a girl says no to sex, she always committees has been proposal was unlikely to make more must be done in the family home means no,’ 73 per cent of pupils said it was accused of ‘sheer intoler- much headway in this session to teach children about relationships. definitely or probably true. ance’ and of carrying out due to the amount of legislation Michael McGrath (right) made the com- Just over half (55 per cent) said they the Scottish Government’s the parliament had to deal with ments after the Scottish Government sur- agreed that when a boy says no to sex, he ‘anti-church’ agenda. first. veyed secondary school children about their always means no. Highlands and Islands MSP “This is a war of attrition,” knowledge of sexual health—the results of When asked whether it was difficult for John Finnie, who quit the SNP Mr Deighan said. which highlighted some of the disturbing girls to say no to sex or any other sexual last year after a row over “We have a situation where views on sex held by Scottish teenagers. activity, 43 per cent agreed. NATO membership, has pro- these small atheist groups know “We should not be surprised that young peo- said. “Parents need to ensure that their Laura Tomson, senior development offi- posed a members’ bill in the that if they keep bringing these ple’s attitudes and sexual behaviour have children are not exposed to unhealthy and cer at Zero Tolerance, said the charity’s Scottish Parliament seeking to proposals forward people will been significantly affected by the sexualisa- unwholesome influences and attitudes. soon-to-be-published research showed abolish the mandatory involve- ultimately accommodate them. tion of our culture—through advertising, Catholic schools can support them with that sex education in schools was failing ment of religious representa- “They want to eradicate even TV and the Internet—and by the ready the programmes that they offer.” to keep pace with the amount of informa- tives on local authorities’ the small spaces that are left for availability of pornography,” he said. “This The IPSOS Mori survey of more than tion available about sex elsewhere. education committees. religion. is affecting children from a young age and is 1000 pupils in S3-S6 representing 59 “Many do not feel that school-based The voting rights of “It is sheer intolerance.” destroying childhood innocence and respect Scottish secondary schools found that 27 sex education is delivering the information churches on education commit- Mr Finnie’s proposal—called for the human body.” per cent of those surveyed believe that they need and are instead turning to tees dates back to the 1870s Promoting greater openness The SCES director emphasised that ‘it is when a girl refuses to consent to sex she friends, sexual partners and pornography when the state took over many and accountability in local gov- important that all schools provide relation- does not always mean it. to learn about sex,” she said. church-run schools. ernment—needs the support of ships education which helps young people While more than 80 per cent of children Sex education is provided for pupils in The bill proposal has pro- at least 18 MSPs to give him to be respectful, responsible and loving.’ recalled being taught about the risks of Scottish Catholic schools in accordance with voked outrage from veteran the right to lodge a members’ “However, the first ‘school’ where chil- illegal drugs, contraception and avoiding Church teaching on sex and relationships. Highland Councillor Alasdair bill, which, if passed, then dren acquire their values and moral under- sexually transmitted infections, just over Rhind, who said he believes becomes law. standing is the family home,” Mr McGrath two-thirds recalled being taught a ‘few’ or I [email protected] Mr Finnie was ‘put up to back- The proposals would also ing such a bill by the SNP ensure that all public meetings administration’ as part of of the council are webcast. launched the Year of Faith, quite He added: “And, of course the what he called their ‘anti- “This is about our demo- Year of Faith comes to an end how challenging and eventful the election of Pope Francis and the Church’ agenda. cratic process, this is not an period would be. I think it is true appointment of the new Arch- “I think the majority of coun- attack on our churches,” Mr I Continued from page 1 there and Scotland’s Rio in Stir- to say that the Year of Faith has bishop for St Andrews and Edin- cilors have no problem with the Finnie insisted. ling to coincide with the World been in some senses a year of trial burgh have been great gifts for the clergy’s representatives on the “Churches are perfectly Andrew’s Foundation at Glas- Youth Day gathering in Brazil. for the Church in Scotland. But at Church in Scotland during the committee,” Councillor capable of speaking for them- gow University; events in Oban Archbishop Tartaglia said: a deeper level it has been very def- Year of Faith.” Rhind said. selves, however, they have no and Iona for the 1450th anniver- “None of us could have foreseen initely a year in which faith has “These people, like many democratic right to speak for sary of the arrival of St Columba at the great celebrations which been tested and strengthened.” I [email protected] other people, vote on their con- the general populous.” Cathedral in Motherwell to be the jewel in the crown of the town’s new public square

MOTHERWELL’S Our street to create a public space, dral (right) ‘being opened up to ning and Transportation Commit- Lady of Good Aid Cathedral which will be formed by the surrounding area.’ tee, believes the public square is to be the jewel in the removing part of the boundary “For too long it has been hid- ‘will create a focal point’ in the crown of a new public wall and raising a section of the den away in an understated set- area surrounding the cathedral. square planned for the road up to the level of the fore- ting,” the spokesman said. “At A 133-space car park is being Lanarkshire town. court. The diocese has put for- long last, over a century after it built by the council on part of North Lanarkshire Council ward plans for the extension was built, recognition is being the site of the former Cathedral has announced plans to and enhancement of the cathe- paid to the cultural, historic and Primary School in Scott Street enhance the public space dral grounds to create a memo- architectural significance of Our as part of the Motherwell town around the cathedral, a red rial garden for quiet Lady of Good Aid Cathedral. It is centre action plan and the sandstone church, designed by contemplation and an area for undeniably an architectural jewel streetscape project. It is Peter Paul Pugin, built in 1900. the congregation to gather. and deserves to be regarded as expected to open by the end of Working with Mothewell A spokesman for Motherwell a prized possession by and for the year. Work will also start on Diocese, the council has devel- Diocese said the community the people of Lanarkshire.” the fourth phase of the overall oped a design to open up the was ‘delighted’ with the James Coyle, convener of town centre improvements cathedral forecourt into the prospect of Motherwell Cathe- North Lanarkshire council’s Plan- early next year.

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NOTHING can prepare a Led by headteacher Paul Hunter, a team family for the news that of 14 from St Catherine’s Primary School their child has cancer. performed a free-fall abseil on the Forth That is why my family Rail Bridge on Sunday October 27, rais- and the wider community, ing more than £3800 for the Place2Be including Scottish tenor, charity, which provides school-based emo- Martin Aelred, plan to tional and mental health support services raise our voices for the for children. World Child Cancer char- The St Catherine’s team ascended one ity this month. of Scotland’s most famous landmarks— Child cancer is a terrifying standing at 165-feet—and, in addition to diagnosis that heralds months raising much needed funds for Place2Be, and often years of uncertainty also raised their own adrenaline levels. over whether their little one The charity is particularly close to the will live or die. team’s hearts as St Catherine’s is one of 11 My family has lived schools across Edinburgh in which through that nightmare since Place2Be provides support to pupils. my grandson, Joseph (far “The abseil was a fantastic team effort right), was diagnosed with a for a very worthy cause,” Mr Hunter said. brain tumour in June 2008 “As well as helping Place2Be, it has really when he was just 18-months- shown what great staff we have at St old. Catherine’s with even our dinner ladies Our son, Ewan, had emi- taking part.” grated to Australia to train in Jonathan Wood, national manager for surgery four months earlier. Place2Be in Scotland, said the charity is School dinner lady, He and his wife, Maree, were ‘hugely grateful to Paul and his team from The charity sup- Yvonne Richardson distraught but have coped St Catherine’s Primary School for taking ports 9000 children (left), who com- admirably. this leap of faith to raise crucial funds for pleted the abseil, Joseph’s survival depended to cope with com- and some of her fel- Place2Be.’ plex social issues on more than nine hours of “St Catherine’s is just one of the schools low abseilers from neurosurgery to remove a scans are clear, thank God. Place2Be works in across Edinburgh, East including bullying, the school, school malignant tumour, followed He was lucky to live in a Lothian and Glasgow, where the charity teachers Eimar by four months of heavy-duty developed country where domestic violence, Davies, Christopher supports 9000 children to cope with com- family breakdown, Summerfield and chemo. diagnosis and treatment are plex social issues including bullying, neglect and trauma Grace Murray- Our parish priest, Fr Peter readily available. domestic violence, family breakdown, “ Cavanagh (top). Griffiths, at St Aloysius’ To say he is one of the neglect and trauma,” Mr Wood said. “The made the horrendous burden lucky ones may sound charity also provides crucial support to So far, the team at St Catherine’s has domestic violence, trauma, or bullying, much more bearable with his strange but, sadly, most of parents, carers and teachers. The charity raised almost £4000 for Place2Be, but Place2Be helps children to grow up with unstinting support, as did Fr the children diagnosed with helps children to overcome problems so hope that further donations will help them prospects rather than problems. Ed Highton at Blessed John cancer in the world’s poorest they can grow up facing brighter futures to raise even more. Duns Scotus. I doubt, too, countries get neither treat- and achieving their potential. Place2Be works in more than 200 UK I For further information visit the charity’s whether we could have coped ment nor pain relief and are “The money raised by Paul and his team schools, reaching 75,000 children, their website at: without the invaluable sup- left to cope with little more will help Place2Be to reach even more parents and carers. Whether they are fac- port of family and friends. than a paracetamol. At least ” I [email protected] children who need our support.” ing bereavement, family breakdown, Five years on Joseph’s 100,000 children with cancer

Holy Land gains several new Scottish supporters

THE final weekend of Octo- McElroy, administrator of Glas- order marked the feast of Our ber saw two major occasions gow’s St Andrew’s Cathedral. Lady, Queen of Palestine, with marked by Knights and Ahead of the Mass of a Mass at St Margaret’s Chapel Dames of the Equestrian Investiture, Bishop Joseph Toal at Edinburgh’s Gillis Centre. Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Argyll and the Isles, who Newly invested members of Jerusalem. was invested into the order last Bert and Margaret Daly said The first event was the year, led a vigil service, during that they ‘felt privileged induction of new members of which the knights and dames and honoured to have been the order, which was followed who were to be invested each invested in the Order of the by the celebration of the feast made a solemn promise to con- Holy Sepulchre.’ of Our Lady, Queen of Pales- tribute to supporting the Chris- “We were made to feel very tine, the patroness of the Order tian presence in the Holy Land. welcome by the existing mem- of the Holy Sepulchre. The following day, Arch- bers,” they added. “We look On Friday and Saturday, bishop Emeritus Mario Conti of forward to helping to sustain October 25-26, Scottish mem- Glasgow, who was appointed and assist the Catholic Church bers of the order gathered in Grand Prior of the order last in the Holy Land.” Edinburgh’s St Mary’s Cathe- year, led the investiture of new dral under the leadership of knights and dames. Archbishop their new Lieutenant, Ritchie Conti urged the knights and Greig, to celebrate the investi- dames ‘to respond with charity A modern success story for ture of five new members: and compassion to the manifest Peter Bleasdale, Robert Daly, needs of the Holy Land and its Turnbull High’s 100% pupils Margaret Daly, Margaret Mary surrounding territories.’ Robertson and Mgr Christopher On Sunday, October 27, the TURNBULL High School The girls took centre stage at in Bishopbriggs is proud to Turnbull High’s recent awards be the home of two of Scot- ceremony, which was held at EWTN CATHOLIC TV IS ON SKY EPG 589 land’s top performing Mod- the school on Thursday, Octo- ern Studies pupils. ber 10. Sky Freesat £175 total cost , no monthly charges. Anna Britton and Rochelle The awards evening 200 Free channels including EWTN TV & Radio. McGrory (left), currently in celebrates the achievements of Call Sky on 08442411602 for installation. S6, are two of only three pupils pupils from throughout Turn- Call EWTN on 020 83502542 or e-mail [email protected] in Scotland who achieved a 100 bull High and invites parents, for free monthly posted programme guide and per cent mark in the Modern friends and family to show visit for more info. Studies 2013 Higher exam their support for the school PIC: PAUL McSHERRY paper. community. WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK FRIDAY NOVEMBER 8 2013 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER LOCAL NEWS 5 Theologian rejects idea that and hope for Joseph and other ill children ‘tsunami of secularism’ is boy inspires family, communities and tenor to help others like him now threatening the Church

asked us if St Aloysius’ could A LEADING Catholic the- a great deal to teach us, espe- host his choir’s annual concert, ologian has said he rejects cially about values and spiritu- with the funds going to World the idea that a ‘tsunami of ality.” Child Cancer. secularism’ is threatening Following Fr Curtis’ address, Its members, who come from the Catholic Church. Hugh Dougherty, SCO all creeds, will now perform at Fr Jim Sweeney CP, associ- columnist and journalist, St Aloysius’ on November 27 ate vice principal at the Univer- called for the Church to and we are delighted with their sity of London’s Heythrop become as well organised as tremendous support. College, made a call for Church the secular lobby and ‘to use Choirmaster Eddie Binnie, action on secularism at a recent the whole tool box of public who is also cantor at Garnethill seminar hosted by the Public relations to make sure that the Synagogue, also spotted the Life Group at St Aloysius’ Catholic message gets over.’ chance to recruit two new Church, Garnethill, Glasgow. Mr Dougherty refuted the members to swell his numbers Fr Sweeney told those gath- idea of a media conspiracy (far left)—my wife Janet and ered that secularism and athe- against the Catholic Church myself. ism, both of which ‘required and called for the Church to “I can’t sing for toffee,” adherents to make a leap of ‘invest more time, energy and I protested, but Eddie was faith against all the evidence personnel in public relations, having none of it. and man’s historical experience especially in social media, He took me through a cou- of belief in God, were common while putting its own house in ple of scales and declared me to Britain, but almost unknown order from within.’ fit for purpose. Now I will worldwide.’ Advocate Jim Hughes QC have the chance to repay his He also called on all mem- illustrated abuses of the law faith and support the charity’s bers of the Church, both cleri- against Catholics and Chris- great work. cal and lay, to ‘become tians, including the case of the I am now making my knowledgeable about the pro-life midwives in Glasgow ‘debut’ and joining the others Catholic Faith and learn how to and a street preacher in Eng- to perform some of our superb communicate their commitment land. regular repertoire—ranging and knowledge to others, espe- A plenary group session across classical, pop and songs cially secularists and atheists.’ identified ways in which the from musicals—together with “There is no point in aggres- Church could go forward to a wonderful programme of sion or going head-to-head,” he deal actively and effectively die every year from a lack of and care for the children. For cent. The most common type carols. We are very lucky also said. “But we need to be able to with the threat from secularism. diagnosis and basic treatment example, the Royal Hospital of cancer in these areas is to have Scottish tenor, Martin communicate our Faith in lan- Alan MacPherson, the semi- We felt a desperate need to for Sick Children in Edinburgh called Burkitt Lymphoma, yet Aelred (inset), as special guest guage that can be understood.” nar organiser, spoke positively help give them the chance to is paired with the main teach- the drugs to treat it are rela- performer. It will be a wonder- Fr Tim Curtis SJ, the newly of the gathering and the contri- survive and do this through the ing hospital in Ghana. The lead tively cheap if there are people ful night for a truly lifesaving arrived parish priest at St Aloy- butions of all those present. charity World Child Cancer. oncologist there trained at the there with the expertise to cause and we would love you sius’, who previously served in “The groups came up with This organisation works to Sick Kids. They use generic administer it. to join us. the Jesuit missions in Guyana, several suggestions including redress this inequality through drugs and relatively simple The mantra of our family spoke of the inherent spiritual- forming a national body to take the creation of international medical procedures to treat the has become ‘Save a child’s I Tickets cost £8, the doors ity among the Amerindians action on secularism forward, twinning partnerships between majority of these children. life for £50.’ We support this open at 7pm and the among whom he had worked. as well as every parish organis- hospitals in the wealthiest and In high income countries enterprise in any way we can, programme begins at 7.30. “We can learn a great deal from ing a similar event to ours to poorest countries. This pro- survival rates for children with but the latest opportunity to do Tickets can be obtained by people such as them,” he said. raise awareness of the issues vides training and mentoring cancer are around 80 per cent, so came from an unexpected calling 07775592580 “Missionary work used to be involved, and, crucially, to for health workers and in low-income countries they quarter. about bringing western values, decide how to take the initiative improves diagnosis, treatment can be lower than one per A friend, Jeff Fineman, I culture and ways of doing from the secularists and get the things to others. Now we have Church’s views and teachings to realise that other people have across first,” he said. Falkirk priest delighted parish made award shortlist

THE parish priest of St Fran- church buildings in the UK, as 24 churches, which has been mark the 60th Anniversary of the cis Xavier’s in Falkirk has reported in the SCO October 25. whittled down from 200 submis- National Churches Trust. expressed his delight after his “We are delighted that our sions, to go forward to the final. From the shortlist of 24, church building was short- church has reached the final The competition, which is judges will announce a Top 10 listed for the prestigious short list in the competition,” open to Christian churches of all Best Modern Churches Award National Churches Trust Dia- Mgr Philip Kerr, parish priest of denominations that have been and further awards to the top mond Jubilee Architecture St Francis Xavier’s, said. “It is a built in the UK since 1953—or three churches. Prize. tremendous tribute to the vision extended since then—was As the SCO went to press, the St Francis Xavier’s joins St of the people who built St Fran- launched by several organisa- awards were due to be presented Bride’s Church, East Kilbride, cis Xavier’s in 1961.” tions, including The Ecclesiasti- by the Archbishop of Canter- on the shortlist for the awards, St Francis Xavier’s and St cal Architects and Surveyors bury, Justin Welby, at Lambeth which recognise the best modern Bride’s are part of a shortlist of Association, and is intended to Palace.

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THE Vatican has dismissed HORRIFIC details emerged Church sources say 30 bod- as ‘nonsense’ recent reports earlier this week of what has ies were found in two separate that Pope Francis might been described as the largest mass graves. nominate two Irish women massacre of Christians in the In an interview with ACN, as cardinals. Syrian civil war, shortly before Melkite Greek Catholic Patri- Last weekend, many reports in a mortar strike on the Vatican arch Gregorios III of Damas- Irish and Irish-American media Embassy in Damascus. cus, who visited Glasgow last suggested that Pope Francis might A total of 45 Christians were month as a guest of ACN, name University College Dublin killed and 1500 families were described the atrocities in ecumenics Professor Linda Hogan held hostage in the west-central Sadad as ‘bestial.’ (right) and former Irish president Syrian town of Sadad, which He added that the recent Mary McAleese (far right) as car- ordained but to move from there Ms McAleese, a canon lawyer was stormed by Islamist rebels and children, many thrown into atrocity in Sadad had instigated dinals at next February’s Consis- to suggesting the Pope will name and currently a visiting scholar at on October 21 before being mass graves,” the archbishop another wave of emigration of tory. Responding to the reports, women cardinals for the next con- Boston College, recently told a US captured by government forces said, before adding that Christians from Syria to neigh- Vatican spokesman Fr Federico sistory is not remotely realistic.” publication that it is ‘deeply offen- a week later. churches have been damaged bouring regions, such as Jordan Lombardi said that, although ‘the- Reports in Irish media specu- sive’ that women ‘are not included Among those killed in the and desecrated, deprived of old and Lebanon, which are ologically and theoretically’ pos- lated that Fr James Keenan SJ, in the decision-making process’of attack were two teenage boys, books and precious furniture, already struggling to cope with sible, Pope Francis would not be Professor of Moral Theology at the Church. Since his election in their mother and three of their while schools, government and the influx. appointing women cardinals next Boston College, nominated Ms March, Pope Francis has often grandparents, who were thrown municipal buildings have been It also emerged on Tuesday February. Hogan on a list of contenders for spoken of the need to reassess the down a well. destroyed. that the Vatican embassy in “This is just nonsense,” Fr becoming a cardinal. role of women in the Church. Syrian Orthodox Archbishop Reports from Sadad, a largely Damascus, the Syrian capital, Lombardi said. “It is simply not a Fr Tony Flannery, spokesman At a recent conference, the Holy Selwanos Boutros Alnemeh Syrian Orthodox town, have had been damaged by a mortar realistic possibility that Pope for the Association of Catholic Father said that the role of women (above right) said that ‘what been sent by church leaders to strike. No casualties were Francis will name women cardi- Priests in Ireland (ACP), said that in the Church should be one of happened in Sadad, is the most Catholic charity Aid to the reported, but Archbishop Mario nals for the February consistory. there are ‘many fine women who ‘service’ and not ‘servitude,’ serious and biggest massacre of Church in Need (ACN) and Zenari, the Vatican nuncio, said “Theologically and theoreti- would make an enormous contri- before adding that he ‘suffered’ Christians in Syria in the past describe how vulnerable people that if the rocket had been cally, it is possible,” he added. bution to the Church.’ when he saw ‘in the Church, or in two-and-a-half years.’ unable to escape—including the launched half an hour later, he “Being a cardinal is one of those “The most obvious person certain Church organisations… “Forty-five civilians were elderly, disabled, women and would have been saying morn- roles in the Church for which, the- would be our ex-president, Mary that the woman’s service role slips martyred for no reason, and children—were subjected to tor- ing prayers on the terrace near oretically, you do not have to be McAleese,” he said. into one of servitude.’ among them several women ture, such as strangulation. where the mortar struck. Your views on family and Church To I Continued from page 1 couples who co-habit before Vacancy of a Teaching post at St Peter’s School, advertise marrying and if this is a ‘pastoral Aberdeen is on the MyJobScotland website in our special The questionnaire asks if the reality.’ Reference number ABC005798. Church’s teaching against the Other areas to be examined Christmas edition practice is ‘accepted.’ It goes on include how to support families The closing date for applications is 18th November 2013 to ask what ‘natural methods’ to develop a prayer life that can Tel 0141 241 6105 are promoted by the Church to ‘withstand life’s complexities t Apply online at or email put its teaching into practice and and today’s culture.’ t 5P GJOE PVU NPSF BCPVU DBTVBM PQQPSUVOJUJFT asks ‘how can an increase in A compilation of responses with Aberdeen City Council, advertising@ births be promoted?’ from countries throughout the please call 01224 814551 or 814547. Local churches are asked to world will be sent to Rome by approximate a percentage of the end of January 2014. WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK FRIDAY NOVEMBER 8 2013 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER WORLD/VATICAN NEWS 7

ment said it would be ‘actively post,’ drawing on a vast network NEWS ROUNDUP supporting’ the introduction of of priests, missionaries, reli- ‘marriage’ for same-sex couples gious, diplomats and laity. a time for us to renew hope in the referendum. As recently as 2010, the then Pope Benedict XVI’s calls were Priest in Panama intercepted by the Italian police found fatally stabbed who admitted to tapping his tele- THE Catholic community of phone as part of their investiga- Colon, Panama, is in shock after tion into Guido Bertolaso, Italy’s the body of Fr Anibal Gomez civil protection chief, then was found last Saturday, at the accused of corruption. entrance of the home of retired Bishop Carlos María Ariz Bolea, CMF. The priest had been fatally stabbed, with local sources sug- gesting he had been the victim of a robbery. The Archbishop of Panama, Opposition in Ireland Mgr José Domingo Ulloa to marriage reform Mendieta, OSA, expressed his THE Catholic Church in Ireland great sorrow over the priest’s has announced that it will cam- death, and said: “It happened in paign against the introduction of broad daylight, we all have to same-sex ‘marriage’ in the reflect and we must all work republic, following the Irish together to stop the violence and Government’s decision to hold a murders that are taking place.” referendum on the issue in 2015. The incident occurred in the Responding to the news, Bishop Davis area of Colon, a port city Pope urges Faithful to Denis Nulty of Kildare and considered particularly violent call upon Jesus’ name Leighlin (above) said that the because of rampant crime. AT HIS Sunday Angelus at the Church ‘regards the family weekend, Pope Francis encour- based on marriage between a US security agency aged Faithful the world over to woman and a man as the single denies tapping Vatican ‘call upon the name Jesus.’ most important institution in any THE US National Security “In the depths of the heart, let society.’ Agency (NSA), currently at the us listen to His voice that says to “To change the nature of mar- centre of high-profile phone us: ‘Today I must stay at your ilege of a few, but a vocation for everyone.’ Pope Francis prays in the crypt of St Peter's Basilica at riage would be to undermine it monitoring allegations, has house,’ that is in your life,” the “We are all called to walk the path of holiness, the Vatican on All Souls' Day as the fundamental building denied targeting the Vatican by Holy Father (above) said at the and this pathway has a name and a face: it is block of our society,” the bishop tapping the phones of the Pope conclusion of his address. Jesus Christ,” he said. On Saturday evening, the Feast of All Souls, said. and senior Vatican officials. “And let us welcome Him Following Friday evening’s Mass, Pope Fran- the Holy Father made a private visit to the Vati- Same-sex couples in Ireland NSA said the allegations pub- with joy: He can change us, can cis visited some of the graves at Verano ceme- can Grottoes at St Peter’s Basilica, where he have been able to enter a civil lished in the Italian magazine transform our hearts of stone tery, pausing to pray and perform blessings at the prayed at the tombs of the Pontiffs who preceded partnership since January 2011, Panorama were ‘not true.’ into hearts of flesh, He can lib- graves of the deceased. him as the Successor of Peter. but not marriage. The Vatican has long been erate us from selfishness and A spokesman for the govern- considered an ideal ‘listening make our lives a gift of love.”

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LETTER OF THE WEEK The Universal Church’s priorities are changing

MY OWN reaction to Ronnie Convery’s column (SCO Oct 11) differs markedly from that of your recent correspondents. I found his column refreshingly honest. You only have to follow one of Pope Francis’ Masses on TV or on the internet to see the blindingly obvious—namely that Francis is promoting a very different liturgical agenda to that of his beloved predecessor Benedict. We, as ordinary Catholics might like it or regret it, but we can’t deny it’s true. His vestments are simpler, the language has changed from Latin to Italian, he doesn’t sing, he has dispensed with many of the trappings of the court. Such changes may not please everyone, but it would be absurd to pretend they are not happening. Should the so-called ‘reform of the liturgical reform’ be at the top of the local Church’s agenda when it is clearly not at the top of the Universal Church’s agenda? I have my doubts. As a Catholic working in the public sector I also found Mr Convery’s assertion that the era of ‘culture wars’ Catholicism was being replaced with a more nuanced approach to public policy issues in the new pontificate very welcome. Too often over the last few years I have heard my Faith ridiculed by colleagues as ‘homophobic’ or ‘hate-filled.’ Though this was a completely unfair assertion, it was the image that was coming across. Such language was also doing a great deal of damage to gay people. Mr Convery is doing no more than being honest in saying that Pope Francis has adopted a different approach. While not Pro-life event marks the 200,000 babies killed by abortion in changing doctrine, the Pope is projecting a Abortion Act anniversary Britain in the past year, and indeed the more welcoming and less judgemental 8,000,000 or so who have died since 1967. attitude and in doing so is, in my humble AS THE SCO showed last week, the Until this barbaric legislation is repealed ESTABLISHED IN 1885 opinion, winning over far more people to pro-life prayer campaign for the repeal of our unborn brothers and sisters will remain the Gospel than would ever be achieved the 1967 Abortion Act marked the 46th deprived of the right to life. Fr Keenan through more harsh rhetoric. anniversary of the act receiving becoming pointed said that if the 300 in attendance It seems to me that Pope Francis law with a torchlight vigil and Rosary in were 3000, or better still 30,000, politicians understands very well the phrase of his [Glasgow’] George Square and a torchlight would sit up and take notice. If we ever got namesake, St Francis de Sales—“You procession to St Andrew’s Cathedral, close to a repeal all hell would be let loose, capture more flies with a spoonful of honey where Mass was celebrated by Fr John but that is a road we will have to travel. We all want something better than a barrel of vinegar.” Keenan. The organisers would like to Bring a friend along next year. Daniel McCahill express their thanks to Fr Keenan, and the Robert Graham COATBRIDGE 300 souls who took the time to remember PAISLEY “The world tells you not to bother to search for God, to fall in love instead with money and sex and the culture of death. But again and again, you look at this barren landscape, you look at the shallow, I made my peace, and mock sincerity I would be forgiven if I Thanks for the Year of Faith pointless life the world offers and you say, No: I want something decisions, as a divorcee fooled a priest, but not God. I would then Holy Land pilgrimage better than that.” technically be allowed Communion. SO THE Church has reconfirmed its non I live as good a life as I can, and always MY WIFE and I were on the recent HEN Archbishop Leo Cushley told Catholics, espe- inclusion of divorcees in the Sacraments. with the teaching of my Church to guide me, Scottish National Year of Faith Pilgimage cially young Catholics, this on Sunday he certainly (SCO, October 25). and after years of seeking help and finding to the Holy Land (yellow bus). SCO editor caught their attention. His further wise words that I am a divorced man and have been for none apart from going through and paying Liz Leydon’s report (SCO Oct 25) was so the Catechism of the Catholic Church is ‘something 30 years. The reason for the divorce is not for an annulment, which in my eyes is accurate in describing our travels and that should be on everyone’s shelf’ no doubt pertinent at this time but it was done for the tantamount to hypocrisy, I thought back to emotions. inspired a few Christmas gifts this year and, hopefully, a long good of my children. words of priests who knew me. I prayed so Yes, you had to be there. lasting shift. I know many decent and devout hard for many years asking God to help me Genuine thanks must go to [former WArchbishop Cushley was addressing those gathered for the End of Catholics who are in the same situation and with this pain I felt and to forgive my sins. I Glasgow Lod Provost Alex Mosson] for the Year of Faith Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral, Edinburgh on Sunday adhere to the will of the men in the Vatican know I was answered. I went to Holy organisation of the pilgrimage and to Fr that was well attended by bishops, priests, the cathedral congregation by attending Mass but not the Sacraments. Communion for the first time in years and Stuart Reynolds for his spiritual leadership, and young Catholics. I, however, take Communion every time I the amazing feeling I had remains with me thrust upon him by Archbishop Tartaglia’s It is sadly true that for too long many of us have relied on infor- attend Mass, which is perhaps three times a more than five years later. Change in the travel problems. mation parted by our parishes, families and schools to see us through week. I have done this for the past five divorce issue and several other aspects are My ‘moment’ of the Holy Land our Faith journey from the cradle of the grave when in fact Faith for- years and will continue to do so regardless required. Twenty years ago there were nearly pilgrimage was being asked to do a reading mation and an understanding of Church teaching is, like all learning, of what comes out of the Vatican. Let me 200 priests in Glasgow. Today there are just at our Mass in the Garden of Gethsemane. our life’s work. explain. For more than 20 years I suffered over 90. The Church is losing good people. We truly did walk in Our Lord's For the New Evangelisation to continue now that the Year of Faith terribly at having the right to the I will face my God for my actions and I footsteps during our journey to the Holy is over, we must educate ourselves. A better-informed laity can bet- Sacraments taken away from me, and if believe that He will not turn me away. Will sites. ter evangelise. If you are not satisfied with your understanding of the you love your Faith as deeply as I do that is He, however, be so forgiving to those who For those hesitant about going as we Faith, or that of your younger family members, then, as Archbishop terrible punishment. I literally tore myself watch the Western Church crumble and do were, just go, you will never feel the same Cushley said, stand up and say: ‘I want something better than that’and apart emotionally over the seemingly nothing. I do not think so. again. do something about it. To defend and promote our Faith in a secu- unjust attitude of the Vatican. If I had John Fegan. Frank Deasy larised world we must first more fully understand it as a gift from murdered my wife and Confessed to it with DENNISTOUN, GLASGOW BISHOPBRIGGS God that needs to be nurtured. The Year of Faith was about Jesus Christ, the years to come are in our own hands. We are, for example, being asked about key social Keep Faith alive, keep margins, and if some people got their way, As in past years I am distributing Keep issues in preparation for next year’s Extraordinary Synod on the Fam- Christ in Christmas Christianity would be silenced. Christ in Christmas stickers to be used on ily. Will we have something informed to say? We cannot allow this to happen. As all mail leading up to Christmas. They are THE Year of Faith inaugurated by Pope ordinary Catholics, we can do simple things £1.50 per 100 + postage. Christ die for us G SCO reserves the right to edit letters to conform with space or emeritus Benedict XVI, ended this month, to display our faith openly. As we approach on the Cross; let us stand up for Christ in requirements however our Faith has to continue not just the great feast of Christmas we should our lives.To order stickers contact G This page is used solely for reader opinion and therefore views expressed are within ourselves but has to be shown to be profess our Faith in Christ openly. Some George McAleenan, National Secretary not necessarily shared by SCO alive to all we meet. Thank God in this people in the present age think that they do Catholic Men's Society G If you would like to share your opinion, send your correspondence to the above address country we are not asked to die for our Faith, not need religion in their lives and that they 81 CALDER ROAD, MOSSEND, BELLSHILL ML4 2RH G Whether you use e-mail or post, you must provide your full name, address, and however more and more we see that are self sufficient and do not need God and phone number or your letter will not be used Christianity is being further pushed to the that the birth of Jesus did not happen. [email protected] WRITE TO LETTERS, SCO, 19 WATERLOO STREET, GLASGOW G2 6BT [email protected] 10 COMMENT SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER FRIDAY NOVEMBER 8 2013 We are spoiling future generations When did the needs and desires of children take priority over parental and grandparental wisdom?

OCIOLOGISTS would That respect remained as the family seem to be very busy these grew, as grandchildren grew and days. National newspapers thought it was the most natural thing carry frequent reports of in world to bring both their triumphs their research and conse- and their troubles to their grandpar- quent findings. They state conclusions ents. The strength of the family at its that are painfully obvious to most of best. us.S One such finding caught my eye As both state and an increasingly recently. shallow, consumer-driven society The present generation, it seems, have served to weaken the family unit are more concerned with their descen- as such, it is little wonder that descen- dants that their ancestors, the latter dants have assumed more importance group including grandparents. Some than ancestors. There are places where grandparents of my acquaintance links with the past remain intact. Ori- would certainly have cause to object BY CATH DOHERTY ental cultures revere their ancestors to the title ‘ancestors,’ but that is by and this is interwoven with the the way. In this connection, they are upbringing of children, given the ancestors. And, it seems, they are not themed birthday parties. Indulged importance it deserves. Elsewhere in being given their rightful place. All children are given choices, the right to Europe, in what might be called too often, it would seem, their rele- demand attention, to interrupt adult Mediterranean cultures, it is common- vance is confined to providing child- conversation... the list is endless, but place for three generations to live care and later, to subsidising the the end product is a certainty rather under one roof, for grandparents to grandchildren’s ambitions such as than a possibility. And, as my grand- have their particular role in the family costly gap years or becoming first- parents used to say: “A spoilt child notes, in lengthier missives reflects the There were clearly set house rules businesses, their place secure in the time buyers without saving enough grown is not a nice thing to see...” care and advice given to the young, the for the young uncles and aunts. Any- lives of their grandchildren, their wis- money for a deposit. The Bank of Superimpose this encouragement to respect and love offered in return. To thing which might have been consid- dom of experience treated as a family Mum and Dad has now been extended selfishness on the clearly ageist soci- measure this against what we have ered a ‘bad influence’ on young family strength. That is as it should be, and is to include the Bank of Gran and ety in which we live, and it isn’t at all today is a measure of the loss we have members (including me) was a measure of how far we have fallen Grandad. surprising that many grandparents are suffered... I have memories too. removed. I remember that, because I behind in the nurturing of the young. There was a time when grandpar- not being given their rightful place. I am the oldest member of my had a leaning towards unsuitable Of course there are exceptions, fam- ents were loved and respected, when And those little ageist jokes that seem extended maternal family. Once, I was friends at an early age. Giving in to ilies who have structure, traditions, their advice was sought and taken, to infest conversation these days do a the youngest of that extended family, a peer pressure was defined as ‘running respect for those of past generations. where a special place was made for great deal of damage, especially if child surrounded by adults... parents, with the crowd’ and thus dismissed. But they are the exceptions that prove them. Not so these days. That sociolo- overheard by children. Lack of respect grandparents, young uncles and aunts. When family rules were broken, the the rule. But even in a rapidly chang- gist’s findings reflect society as it is for elders follows hard on the heels They were a typical Catholic family in transgressor was summoned to the ing world, the young should be mind- today. Generally speaking, today’s of that. which I had my special place. That front room, which served as a sort of ful of the fact that they can pick up generation are prone to selfishness. At the moment, I am compiling an meant that I was sent out of the room courtroom, and behind a firmly closed many valuable ‘life skills’ from their We live in a world where there are archive of the maternal side of my when adult matters were being dis- door, one of my grandparents would ancestors. Besides which, the fact that many indulged children, where peer family, so that succeeding generations cussed, that I was to be ‘seen and not ‘deal with the matter.’ There were no all of us are made up of both nature pressure reigns supreme and feeds that of my extended family will have heard,’ that I must not interrupt con- raised voices, no arguments. The mat- and nurture in a 60 and 40 percent bal- very indulgence. There was a time, in something more detailed than just versations and that my grandmother ter was dealt with and was not referred ance which can fall either way, means a more primitive society, when a names and dates to pass on to those would supervise my morning and to again. And as young family mem- that one day, the young will find that man’s worth was measured by the who come after them. In doing that, I evening prayers when I stayed for the bers married and founded their own they have turned into a facsimile of number of presents showered on off- am reading my great grandmother’s weekend. I had to wear both gloves families, the front room became a sort one of them. spring the cost of outfits and length of letters to her children and grandchil- and hat for going to Mass on Sundays of consulting room when advice was If for no other reason than that, they limousines for their primary school dren, a son’s letters to his parents in a and there was to be no nonsense sought and given by one of my grand- would do well to pay close attention proms, the size of the guest list at their bygone age. Everything written in little in church. parents, again in the strictest privacy. to their grandparents today...

The views expressed in the opinion What do you think of CATH DOHERTY’S comments on the generation gap? Send your points of pages of the SCO are those of view to the SCO. Write to Letters, SCO, 19 Waterloo St, Glasgow G2 6BT or e-mail [email protected] informed individuals and groups and not necessarily those of the newspaper or the Church Choose life and bring a new sense of hope and purpose to it

MY GRANDFATHER’S gen- fering. No one who has had even tember 5, 1914 his resolve broke carnage that was happening all cency to overtake us. There I still eration was the generation that a passing contact with the war on and he fled from the battle. He around them. What passed for a long way to go until we have a fought in the First World War. the Western Front, can fail to be was apprehended and tried by a justice was fairly arbitrary. Justice world at peace. They have all gone. This week- Fr Eddie moved by the sheer horror of court martial for desertion. The was mediated by officers in an As we slip towards the end of end we remember the casualties what was taking place. The picto- trial, presided over by three offi- army that then was fairly rigidly the calendar year and the new of seemingly endless conflicts. McGhee rial records speak eloquently cers, was brief. At the court mar- divided on ‘class’ lines. A dispro- beginning of the Church’s year in Remembrance Sunday has its enough. The same pieces of land tial Private Highgate did not portionately small number of offi- Advent, the Gospel continues to own sense of poignancy, of sad- could have imagined the eventual, were fought over again and again speak. He was not represented by cers, only three, were found guilty remind us that if we keep God at ness, perhaps even of failure, occa- terrible outcome. When the ulti- until the once familiar, began to anyone. He was found guilty of of desertion, and none of these was the centre of our focus then, we sionally of guilt. It seemed that matum of the Austro Hungarian look like something from another desertion. At 6.20am on Septem- of significant rank. Small wonder move forward with the promise of no sooner was ‘the war to end all Empire was rejected by Serbia, planet. Men lived and died in ber 8, 1914, he was informed that in these circumstances, that it life renewed. It has often been wars’ over than we did it all over one month later, war was unimaginable circumstances and he was to be executed. At 7.07am took generations of campaigning, said that ‘there are no atheists in again. There have been other con- declared. This conflict would far removed from the horror, gen- on that same morning he was exe- to have these 306 traumatised the trenches.’ When life is diffi- flicts since the World Wars but engulf the world. It would see the erals made ever more futile plans. cuted by firing squad. soldiers who were executed, par- cult people turn to God. The more never on the global scale that we beginning of slaughter on a previ- Within the context of this Private Highgate was the first, doned. The memorial in the self-reliant we, as a society, seem managed to achieve during the first ously unimaginable scale. The global tragedy, another tragedy but by no means the last, soldier to Arboretum is a reminder, if one to become, the less we seem to half of the 20th century. It seems power brokers adopted their began to unfold. The war was suffer this fate. In the course of the were needed, that in the cynical need God in our lives. Remem- that we may have learned some of respective stances, took their posi- only 35 days old when the first Great War, 306 soldiers were ‘shot world of political ambitions, ‘the brance Sunday is an opportunity the lessons of war. Military action tions and enlisted millions, who British soldier was ‘shot at dawn’ at dawn’ for desertion. In 2006, a little man’ is always dispensable, to reflect on how far we have is seldom the first recourse in the would die in order to feed their for desertion. It is difficult for us memorial to these men was he is simply a means to an end. come and on how far we have still 21st century, although in many masters’ distorted ambitions. By to comprehend the sheer lack of unveiled at the National Memorial Remembrance Sunday is not an to go. It is an opportunity to instances it still seems to be the the time the war ground to a halt understanding of the psychologi- Arboretum. It is always difficult opportunity to glorify war. It is an recognise both the strength and preferred option. Then, as now, in the Armistice of November 11, cal trauma that this war would to look back 100 years and pass opportunity to reflect on war’s the fragility of what we have those who make the options for 1918, more than nine million inflict on those called to arms. Pri- judgement. There was no under- futility. It is an opportunity to pray achieved. It is an opportunity to military action, are far removed combatants would have given vate Thomas Highgate of the standing of what we now know to for peace, deeply rooted in justice. choose life and to bring a new from its immediate consequences. their lives. Add to this the death Royal West Kent Regiment, be ‘Post Traumatic Stress Disor- In spite of the ongoing conflicts in sense of hope and purpose in the When Gavrilo Princip assassi- and misery of untold millions of enlisted in the army in 1913. He der.’ Executions were used to our world, I am confident that we life-giving choices that we make. nated Archduke Franz Ferdinand civilians and we begin to realise was aged just 17. On the first day stiffen the resolve of those who have made progress. This does not in Sarajevo, June 28, 1914, few that global war meant global suf- of the Battle of the Marne Sep- were wavering in the midst of the mean that we can allow compla- I [email protected] WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK FRIDAY NOVEMBER 8 2013 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER COMMENT 11

intelligence agencies have W intercepted millions of IRE phone calls, including those D I of several heads of state. N The news was revealed by leaks provided by former NSA agent, Edward An SCO diary Snowden who received asylum in Russia. A CATHOLIC teenager We can be grateful that in India has shown a that the Church’s hierarchy remarkable ability to befriend have no secrets to hide. rampaging elephants. Nirmala Toppo has GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG become something of a minor celebrity in the eastern Indian state of Orissa. In June, panic gripped the industrial city of Rourkela one night when a herd of wild elephants entered residential areas from dense forests nearby. Nirmala, local officials say, acted as a real-life ‘pied-piper’ when she managed to drive the herd back to the forest, much to the relief of the residents. She walked many miles with the herd, guiding it out of town. Nirmala says she talks to the herd in her local tribal dialect—Mundaari—and persuades the animals to ‘return to where they belong’ through prayer. “First I pray and then talk to the herd,” she said. “They understand what I say. I tell them this is not your home. You should return where you MOVE over Archbishop belong.” Gänswein, there’s a new kid Her mother, she says, was in town. Well, temporarily. Modern have all brought killed by wild elephants and For about an hour during that was when she decided Pope Francis’ meeting with to learn the technique to families in St Peter’s Square, drive them away. In her a little boy took over as work, she is assisted by her prefect of the Papal their own talents to the Papacy father and a group of boys household: he helped bring from her village. guests up to the Pope, he “We surround the herd,” tried to take presents off the them for numbers. broadcaster RAI never tires of those two amazing men are—to she explained. “Then I go Pope’s hands, he adjusted Already the Prefecture of replaying it. It was a defining use the hallowed phrase— near them and pray and talk the Pope’s microphone. He the Pontifical Household—the moment in the Papacy of Pope ‘raised to the glories of the to them.” didn’t leave the Pope’s side, posh name for the ticket-issu- John, or as he quickly became altars.’ What joy next year to be Nirmala’s strange and just like a a Papal aide ing office for Papal events— known after his death, Good able to attend Mass on the Feast wonderful talent is certainly would do during many has thrown up its institutional Pope John—Il Papa Buono. days of St John XXIII and St impressive, but any young public and private hands in surrender, announc- With Pope John Paul II my John Paul II—truly saints of Scots in the West of audiences. ing that there will be no tickets memory is very different. It is our time and inspirations for Scotland who may be But the little boy (above) for the event, it will be first of a summer afternoon on the our generations. tempted to emulate her and got a lot more leeway than come, first served. I suspect south side of Glasgow, when in But as I rejoice I will spare a lead hordes of rampaging most and was allowed to sit we may see some people start front of 200,000 people—the thought for two other Holy ‘bears’ away from civilised in the Papal chair when his camping out on the edge of St largest crowd ever assembled in Fathers—and I use those areas, should probably be legs got tired, he got some BY RONNIE Peter’s Square at Christmas! one place on Scottish soil—the words advisedly—who came warned they are much less sweets from the Pope’s Polish Pope uttered these unfor- between Papa Roncalli and intelligent than elephants. other helpers, and he got a CONVERY he Canonisation of these gettable words: “Be loyal to the Papa Wojtyla. I refer of course tonne of head-pats, smiles two Popes fills my heart memory of those valiant fore- to Popes Paul VI and John GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG and smirks. Not bad for a with joy. I recall each of runners in the Faith. Be diligent Paul I. Though never enjoying first job. This kid is definitely F YOU happen to be Tthem with great affection— in handing on intact the spiritual the same acclaim as their more FR FEDERICO Lombardi, one to watch. thinking of a spring though Pope John XXIII died heritage committed to you. Be famous predecessors and suc- director of the Holy See break in Rome next year, a few years before I was born. faithful to your daily prayers, to cessors, both these Popes had Press Office, has said the GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG let me give you a piece My favourite ‘Pope John the Holy Mass and the Sacra- the unenviable task of piloting Vatican is not concerned of advice. Unless you moment’ has to be that amaz- ment of Penance, meeting reg- the Church through the shark- about reports the US AN ATHEIST ‘church’ has have unlimited cash to splash, ing speech he gave on the eve ularly with Jesus as a loving and infested waters of the post- National Security Agency launched a half-a-million it’s best to avoid the weekend of the opening of the Second merciful Saviour. Defend the conciliar years. Pope Paul VI (NSA) intercepted calls from pound fundraising drive to ofI April 26-27. The reason is Vatican Council. He came to sacredness of Life and the holi- did so with such wisdom and the Vatican. enable people to set up that on Sunday April 27, Popes his window in an unscheduled ness of Matrimony. Understand holiness and Pope John Paul I, An Italian magazine claimed ‘Godless congregations’ John XXIII and John Paul II appointment with the crowds your holy Catholic Faith and the shy Patriarch of Venice, that the NSA infiltrated calls in around the world. (above) are going to be Canon- gathered below in torchlight live by its teaching. Face up to whose wisdom and smile- Italy from December 2012 to The Sunday Assembly, ised, which means a great procession. His famous ‘dis- the difficult challenges of mod- filled 33-day reign made pos- January 8, 2013, as well as which says its services are chance to bump up the prices corso della luna’ ended with ern life with Christian fortitude sible the accessible modern from the Vatican. The article ‘all the best bits of church, for Rome’s hoteliers. the phrase: “When you go and patience.” Papacy of succeeding Popes. also stated that calls were but with no religion,’ As celebrations go, there are home there you will find your Those words have lived on, Amid the preparations for infiltrated on March 12, 2013 currently host gatherings likely to be few that will match children. Give them a hug and not in plaques or pop songs or next April, let’s not forget these during the Conclave that where people listen to talks it for the next decade at least. say to them, this is a hug from even in TV archives, but rather two wonderful and somewhat elected Pope Francis. and sing songs. Two Popes, both beloved, both the Pope. You will find a tear in the hearts of all who were forgotten Popes. I dare to look Fr Lombardi issued a It wants to raise £500,000 of recent memory, each with or two to wipe away… say to there. They were words which forward to the day when they statement on the matter to set up and run a website their own powerful message to them something good. Say we will never exhaust, never too will be raised to the glories saying: “There are no helping people to organise modern society. The coach- ‘The Pope is with us, espe- grow tired of hearing. Words of the altars. I suspect the Rome concerns on this matter and their own assemblies around borne pilgrims from Poland will cially in moments of difficulty that inspire us today just as hotel prices may not be so high in any case, we have the world. surely number into the hundreds and sadness.’” much as they did back on that that day, but that’s not the only nothing to worry about.” If they raise they money of thousands, while the northern That discourse is fixed deep June afternoon in 1982. reason I would love to be there. Several European these assemblies will have Italians from around Bergamo, in the collective heart of the countries have expressed no signing of Hymns, no numbers swelled by devoted Italian people. Pop songs refer nd so it will be with I Ronnie Convery is the communications director for grave concerns after it was saying of prayers, and Catholics from the rest of the to it, little plaques in people’s deep gratitude and emo- revealed that the US ultimately no point. peninsula will likely match kitchens quote it, the state Ation that I will watch as Glasgow Archdiocese WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK 12 LIFE MATTERS SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER NOVEMBER 8 2013 NOVEMBER 8 2013 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER LIFE MATTERS 13

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KEEPING CHRISTMAS REAL 4 Christmas is a time for celebrating the birth of Jesus and how His love for us transforms our lives. However, Christmas is now all too often seen as a time of unrestrained indulgence, materialism and consumption. Here, SCIAF VOLUNTEER NEIL ALEXANDER explains how the charity’s Christmas Real Gifts can help us to reach out in love to others, and recapture some of the real meaning of Christmas

OR many people, Christmas has become an expen- Take Rebecca, a disabled lady living in South Sudan. She SCIAF’s Real Gifts campaign can help repair a person’s wheelchair gift that keeps on giving, and with piglets selling for 100,000 sive and stressful time, with too much shopping in relies on her wheelchair to earn a living by selling produce at her (1), provide education (2) or enable the purchase of animals (3&4) riels (£15) each in Cambodia, every litter sold can provide to allow produce to be sold at markets crowded streets for gifts such as the dreaded six- local market. But when the chair broke down, she could not get PIC 1: SIMON MURPHY, PICS 3&4: SEAN SPRAGUE cash for other essential goods. pack of socks that will be greeted with a forced to the market, leaving her without an income or the freedom to smile and a polite thank you. This, along with too get around. However, thanks to the work of SCIAF partner, the Combat consumerism much to eat and drink, repeats of Del Boy and Rodney on the Sudan Evangelical Movement, she was able to repair her wheel- struggling to find enough food to having extra money, from In his homily in St Peter’s Square in September, Pope Fran- TV, and tasty leftovers, is what Christmas has become about. chair quickly. Rebecca was soon back at the busy market sell- the sale of surplus eggs or chicks, to pay for other types of cis called on us all to look deeply at consumerism and to be FBut we don’t have to go along with this. By keeping our ing her produce, and with her wheelchair fully restored, she can food and essentials such as medicines and school fees. careful that it does not obscure God’s presence in our lives. love for others at the heart of what we do, we can reach out be self-sufficient again. Without her wheelchair working prop- Blanca Alicia de Paz and her family in El Salvador have “Whenever material things, money, worldliness, become the beyond the narrow confines of consumption for consump- erly, Rebecca would also have had to rely on others to do basic received chickens thanks to SCIAF. “I sell the chickens for centre of our lives, they take hold of us, they possess us; we lose tion’s sake and bring a deeper joy to our loved ones and peo- day-to-day chores like fetching water and cooking meals. meat and eat some of the eggs,” she said. “Life is much bet- our very identity as human beings,” the Pope said. “Let’s try to ple in need throughout the world. A SCIAF Real Gift of a wheelchair repair kit not only gives ter for us now.” think: How does something like this happen? How do some peo- For little more than the price of those unloved socks peo- disabled people mobility, it helps them to regain their dignity A SCIAF Real Gift can provide everything a family in Cam- ple, perhaps ourselves included, end up becoming self-absorbed ple will never wear, books they’ll never read or DVDs they’ll too. Instead of being forced to drag themselves along the bodia needs to set up a fish farm, something that can make a huge and finding security in material things which ultimately rob us of never watch, SCIAF Real Gifts enable us to provide practical ground or stay at home and depend on others, if their wheel- difference to their lives for many years into the future. Not only our face, our human face? This is what happens when we help to someone living in poverty. Instead of just throwing chair breaks down, they can repair it and get back on the road. does a fish farm provide the obvious food of fish, but surplus become complacent, when we no longer remember God.” the socks in a drawer, the giver and receiver can go to sleep The key point of SCIAF’s ethical Christmas gifts is that their stock can be sold and the money used to cover other family costs. Pope Francis has also encouraged us to ‘find new ways to on Christmas Day knowing they have given, or been given, a benefit selflessly reaches out beyond us and our immediate fam- Gardeners can give pineapple and banana plants to help pre- spread the Word of God to every corner of the world.’ present that will genuinely make a difference to the life of ily to help other people who are less fortunate than ourselves. vent soil erosion for a family in Haiti. When planted on a hill- So, this year, instead of buying bags full of presents that someone in need. You will also receive a special gift card and The range of gifts means there are many ways we can do this. side, the long, tough leaves of pineapples and bananas create your loved ones don’t need, why not let your friends and fam- fridge magnet to pass on to your loved one. living barriers to trap water and prevent soil being washed away ily know that you would prefer them to spend the ‘sock Education and farming by rain, increasing the yield of other crops and supplying tasty money’ on one—or more—of SCIAF’s Real Gifts. By doing Staying mobile The Real Gift of school books for children can help many pineapples and bananas which can be sold at market or used to so you’ll be ensuring that people in developing countries can For instance, SCIAF’s Real Gift of a wheelchair repair kit young people with their education in Cambodia. If you fancy provide important nourishment for the grower’s family. get something they really need—something that can change will help disabled people in South Sudan to stay mobile, earn giving something with a bit more life, the Real Gift of a Pigs are another popular SCIAF Real Gift that can make a their lives, forever. By extending our love outwards in this a living and keep their independence. This kit, which costs Chicken, which provides eggs, meat and cash from the sale of huge difference to the lives of people in developing countries. way, we can also help to restore the true meaning of Christmas. just £30, really is a life changing gift for disabled people in extra eggs and chicks, might be your answer. Just one or two Not only can they be a source of food but pigs can provide this war-torn, poverty stricken country. chickens can really change the lives of a whole family—from fertiliser and cash from the sale of piglets. Pigs really are the I WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK 12 LIFE MATTERS SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER NOVEMBER 8 2013 NOVEMBER 8 2013 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER LIFE MATTERS 13

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KEEPING CHRISTMAS REAL 4 Christmas is a time for celebrating the birth of Jesus and how His love for us transforms our lives. However, Christmas is now all too often seen as a time of unrestrained indulgence, materialism and consumption. Here, SCIAF VOLUNTEER NEIL ALEXANDER explains how the charity’s Christmas Real Gifts can help us to reach out in love to others, and recapture some of the real meaning of Christmas

OR many people, Christmas has become an expen- Take Rebecca, a disabled lady living in South Sudan. She SCIAF’s Real Gifts campaign can help repair a person’s wheelchair gift that keeps on giving, and with piglets selling for 100,000 sive and stressful time, with too much shopping in relies on her wheelchair to earn a living by selling produce at her (1), provide education (2) or enable the purchase of animals (3&4) riels (£15) each in Cambodia, every litter sold can provide to allow produce to be sold at markets crowded streets for gifts such as the dreaded six- local market. But when the chair broke down, she could not get PIC 1: SIMON MURPHY, PICS 3&4: SEAN SPRAGUE cash for other essential goods. pack of socks that will be greeted with a forced to the market, leaving her without an income or the freedom to smile and a polite thank you. This, along with too get around. However, thanks to the work of SCIAF partner, the Combat consumerism much to eat and drink, repeats of Del Boy and Rodney on the Sudan Evangelical Movement, she was able to repair her wheel- struggling to find enough food to having extra money, from In his homily in St Peter’s Square in September, Pope Fran- TV, and tasty leftovers, is what Christmas has become about. chair quickly. Rebecca was soon back at the busy market sell- the sale of surplus eggs or chicks, to pay for other types of cis called on us all to look deeply at consumerism and to be FBut we don’t have to go along with this. By keeping our ing her produce, and with her wheelchair fully restored, she can food and essentials such as medicines and school fees. careful that it does not obscure God’s presence in our lives. love for others at the heart of what we do, we can reach out be self-sufficient again. Without her wheelchair working prop- Blanca Alicia de Paz and her family in El Salvador have “Whenever material things, money, worldliness, become the beyond the narrow confines of consumption for consump- erly, Rebecca would also have had to rely on others to do basic received chickens thanks to SCIAF. “I sell the chickens for centre of our lives, they take hold of us, they possess us; we lose tion’s sake and bring a deeper joy to our loved ones and peo- day-to-day chores like fetching water and cooking meals. meat and eat some of the eggs,” she said. “Life is much bet- our very identity as human beings,” the Pope said. “Let’s try to ple in need throughout the world. A SCIAF Real Gift of a wheelchair repair kit not only gives ter for us now.” think: How does something like this happen? How do some peo- For little more than the price of those unloved socks peo- disabled people mobility, it helps them to regain their dignity A SCIAF Real Gift can provide everything a family in Cam- ple, perhaps ourselves included, end up becoming self-absorbed ple will never wear, books they’ll never read or DVDs they’ll too. Instead of being forced to drag themselves along the bodia needs to set up a fish farm, something that can make a huge and finding security in material things which ultimately rob us of never watch, SCIAF Real Gifts enable us to provide practical ground or stay at home and depend on others, if their wheel- difference to their lives for many years into the future. Not only our face, our human face? This is what happens when we help to someone living in poverty. Instead of just throwing chair breaks down, they can repair it and get back on the road. does a fish farm provide the obvious food of fish, but surplus become complacent, when we no longer remember God.” the socks in a drawer, the giver and receiver can go to sleep The key point of SCIAF’s ethical Christmas gifts is that their stock can be sold and the money used to cover other family costs. Pope Francis has also encouraged us to ‘find new ways to on Christmas Day knowing they have given, or been given, a benefit selflessly reaches out beyond us and our immediate fam- Gardeners can give pineapple and banana plants to help pre- spread the Word of God to every corner of the world.’ present that will genuinely make a difference to the life of ily to help other people who are less fortunate than ourselves. vent soil erosion for a family in Haiti. When planted on a hill- So, this year, instead of buying bags full of presents that someone in need. You will also receive a special gift card and The range of gifts means there are many ways we can do this. side, the long, tough leaves of pineapples and bananas create your loved ones don’t need, why not let your friends and fam- fridge magnet to pass on to your loved one. living barriers to trap water and prevent soil being washed away ily know that you would prefer them to spend the ‘sock Education and farming by rain, increasing the yield of other crops and supplying tasty money’ on one—or more—of SCIAF’s Real Gifts. By doing Staying mobile The Real Gift of school books for children can help many pineapples and bananas which can be sold at market or used to so you’ll be ensuring that people in developing countries can For instance, SCIAF’s Real Gift of a wheelchair repair kit young people with their education in Cambodia. If you fancy provide important nourishment for the grower’s family. get something they really need—something that can change will help disabled people in South Sudan to stay mobile, earn giving something with a bit more life, the Real Gift of a Pigs are another popular SCIAF Real Gift that can make a their lives, forever. By extending our love outwards in this a living and keep their independence. This kit, which costs Chicken, which provides eggs, meat and cash from the sale of huge difference to the lives of people in developing countries. way, we can also help to restore the true meaning of Christmas. just £30, really is a life changing gift for disabled people in extra eggs and chicks, might be your answer. Just one or two Not only can they be a source of food but pigs can provide this war-torn, poverty stricken country. chickens can really change the lives of a whole family—from fertiliser and cash from the sale of piglets. Pigs really are the I WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK 14 STRONG IN FAITH SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER FRIDAY NOVEMBER 8 2013

A weekly discussion chaired by young PRAYERS FOR THE WEEK strong in faith Catholic students IN 1987, November 8 was Remembrance Sunday, and DISCUSSION: Who is the saint or people in the town of ‘Blessed’ you wish more people Enniskillen in Northern Ire- knew about, and why? land gathered around their War Memorial to honour WE’LL start you off with St Margaret, those who had died in the two Queen of Scotland. She was a living exam- World Wars. ple of the lay apostolate through her per- At 10.45am a 30 lb bomb sonal holiness, concern for the Church and exploded. Several people lay devotion to the common good. Scotland under a collapsed wall, includ- wouldn’t have been the same without her. ing a 20-year-old nurse, Marie STRONG IN FAITH Wilson. “I love you,” were her last words to her father, Gor- ST JOSEMARÍA Escrivá – every Catholic don, as they held hands under should read The Way. the rubble. Marie was one of CHRIS McLAUGHLIN 11 killed that day. Sixty-three others were wounded—some HUGH of Lincoln—my name is Hugh. [Edi- seriously. tor’s note: Hugh of Lincoln (1135/1140 – The following day, Marie’s London, 16 November 1200) was, at the 60-year-old father said: “My time of the Reformation, the best-known wife and I do not bear any English saint after Thomas Becket. As one grudges. I am very sorry for of the premier bishops of the Kingdom of those who did this, but I bear England Hugh more than once accepted the them no ill-will. I prayed for role of diplomat to France for Richard and ST JOSEPH of Cupertino is a good one for Margaret Sinclair inspired devotion. This them last night. I shall pray against the lack of freedom in then for King John in 1199, a trip that ruined those of us still in education—the patron saint Poor Clares nun (born in Edinburgh, Scot- for those people tonight and those Communist countries. his health. He was Canonised by Pope Hon- of bad students. He got me out of a jam once. land 1900: died London, England 1925), was every night. May God forgive Their governments began to orius III on 17 February 1220 and is the CHRIS McLAUGHLIN declared Venerable by Pope Paul VI on Feb- them.” give way, and parts of the patron saint of sick children, sick people, ruary 6 1978. The National Shrine of the Gordon Wilson’s words Berlin Wall were opened up to shoemakers and swans.] ST GIANNA: My daughter has chosen her as Venerable Margaret Sinclair’s short and sim- touched many people through- allow free access to the West. AODH GALLCHOBHAIR her Confirmation Saint. I told her how she ple life is located within St Patrick’s Church, out the world. Listeners to Germany is no reunified but was a mother who gave up her life so that her Old Town, Edinburgh. BBC Radio 4 voted Gordon elsewhere in the world people Blessed Columba Marmion—he was born in daughter could have life—the selfless love of THE SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER Wilson as Man of the Year. In still put up walls on land, in Ireland but became abbot of a Benedictine a mother. Will pray to her daily now. her Christmas Broadcast, Her their hearts and minds. monastery in Belgium. He wrote some won- KIRSTEEN MOSSON Majesty Queen Elizabeth derful books on the spiritual life. I Have your say at http://www.facebook. remarked that he had Lord, if I ever ‘build walls,’ AIDAN MICHAEL COOK SHE is not Blessed (yet), but the Venerable com/scostronginfaith ‘impressed the whole world by cutting people off or isolating the depth of his forgiveness.’ myself from the needs of Each day, however, Gor- others, alert me to what I am don has experienced physical doing. A holy life responds with love to God’s call and emotional pain, and he Open my eyes to see what and his wife find they can take unites people rather than only one day at a time. what divides us. By Aidan Michael Cook Show me how to be God our Father, may no-one’s inclusive and build bridges THE variety of Canonised negative actions ever over- between people instead of saints reminds us that we are all power my determination to being exclusive and putting called to sanctity. Indeed, the choose to live in a positive up walls that divide. Amen. feast of All Saints is, as its way. name suggests, about honour- I know that to forgive ROBERT Louis Stevenson ing all the saints, not just those someone can be far from (above) was born in Edin- who have been officially recog- being an easy option, and I burgh in November 1850. He nised as saints by the Church know that forgiveness isn’t is known for having written through Canonisation. somehow pretending that Treasure Island, Kidnapped Even All Souls’ Day is a something wrong hasn’t and The Strange Case of Dr reminder that we are all called happened. Jekyll and Mr Hyde. Here are to holiness and to the eternal For what I have done six of the 12 points which he bliss of heaven. It is a day of wrong, Father, forgive me to called his Pattern for Living. prayer for the dead so that they the extent that I am generous 1 “Make up your mind to be might reach heaven sooner. in forgiving —or hoping to happy, and learn to find pleas- Conversion is a lifelong forgive —those who have ure in simple things... process, and even then many of done wrong to me. 2 “Make the best of your cir- us need a bit longer, and so we Empower me to break the cumstances. No-one has say ‘thank God for purgatory!’ cycle of any hatred, resent- everything, and everyone has No matter what our state of ment or bitterness, always something of sorrow inter- life and particular vocation, we resisting evil and conquering mingled with the gladness of are all called to be saints. it with goodness. Amen. life. The trick is to make the Among the saints mentioned in laughter outweigh the tears... the discussion, for example, St ON THE night of November 3 “Don’t take yourself too Margaret (right) was a wife, 9-10 1989, ordinary people seriously. Don’t think that mother and queen, St Hugh was used hammers to begin to somehow you should be pro- a bishop, and Blessed Columba demolish parts of the huge tected from misfortunes that Marmion was a monk. But all Berlin Wall. For 40 years after befall others... conformed their lives to Christ the end of the Second World 4 “You can’t please every- in such a way as to live lives of War in 1945, the Western body. Don’t let criticism virtue and charity, in obedience World and the Communist worry you... to God’s Will. World were hostile to each 5 “Don’t let your neighbour The heroic virtue of the other. It was called the Cold set your standards. Be your- Canonised saints can sometimes War. Germany was still self... make us feel entirely inadequate lived and died outside the pub- We are called to store our treas- called to use to bring ourselves divided into East and West, 6 “Do the things you enjoy and incapable of reaching such lic eye, and so without the ure in heaven not on earth, and and others closer to God. An and so was its former capital, doing, but stay out of debt...” heights. While it is true that we acclamation and affirmation of so the aim is not Canonisation everyday life lived with virtue Berlin. all rely on God’s grace, we can Canonisation. These saints are here below, but rather to be and love is a great treasure. In 1961, Communist East God our Father, you are very be sure that He will give us all no less holy, and are perhaps inscribed in the Book of Life, So let us draw inspiration Germany had put up a 28-mile pleased when you see people we need to live a holy life, even the true anonymous Christians. and that is something that we from the lives of our favourite wall to stop its own citizens living fully, developing their if in this life we do not reach the Some lived all their lives in can all achieve. saints to live lives worthy of leaving for West Berlin. Some talents, living a balanced life, perfection of the great saints. We virtue, while others lived a life- As the Year of Faith draws to our calling and of the great died as they tried to cross the and being of service to others. should admit our faults and fail- long struggle, but won. a close, and with it a year that gifts we have received, and to wall. Then, in 1989, there We ask you to inspire us to ings, but also recognise that with The point of living a holy life has brought a series of unset- persevere to the end so that we were mass demonstrations live as you would have us live God’s help we can overcome is not in order to become a tling events in the Scottish might one day be among those throughout the countries of and walk in your presence. them, if we work hard enough. Canonised saint, but rather to Church, we do well to remem- remembered on that great feast Eastern Europe, protesting Amen. There are many saints who respond with love to God’s call. ber that Faith is a gift we are of all the saints. WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK FRIDAY NOVEMBER 8 2013 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER REFLECTION 15 EWTN PROGRAMMES

SUN NOVEMBER 10 WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 13 9AM 1PM NEW SERIES: THE SACRED LIVE DAILY MASS HEART OF JESUS WITH FR 9PM BERNARD MCGUCKIAN SJ LEFT TO TELL 11AM THURSDAY NOVEMBER 14 LIVE ANGELUS WITH POPE 1PM FRANCIS LIVE DAILY MASS 1PM 7.30PM LIVE SUNDAY MASS MY COUNTRY, MY FAITH: 2.30PM IRELAND CATHOLICISM 8PM 5PM EWTN LIVE EWTN BOKMARK 9PM 5.30PM UKRAINE: FORGOTTEN OCTAVA DIES GENERATION 6PM FRIDAY NOVEMBER 15 THE WORLD OVER LIVE 1PM 8PM LIVE DAILY MASS GATE OF HEAVEN 8PM 10.30PM LIVE: THE WORLD OVER VATICANO 9PM 11PM LIVE BENEDICTION THE GOOD SHEPHERD MONDAY NOVEMBER 11 9.30PM 1PM LIFE ON THE ROCK LIVE DAILY MASS SATURDAY NOVEMBER 16 9PM 1PM NEVER FAR FROM HOME LIVE DAILY MASS TUESDAY NOVEMBER 12 7PM 1PM LIVING THE MASS: THE LIVE DAILY MASS MISSIONARIES OF THE POOR 9PM 9PM Brothers and sisters, we FROM THE HEART OF GOD: CONVERSATION WITH CATHOLIC CHARITIES TULSA CARDINAL DOLAN are all the children of God LAY READERS’ GUIDE by Fr John Breslin The latest article on our series on spirituality, sees a monk from PLUSCARDEN ABBEY explain how to celebrate being God’s children SUNDAY NOVEMBER 8 Maccabees 7:1-2, 9-14. Response: I shall what he can get from his father. The older The poor man Lazarus lay at his gate, A SPIRITUAL son resents his own obedience to his father longing to fill himself with the crumbs from be filled, when I awake, with the sight of and he shows that what he is interested in is the rich man’s table. Excluded from the rich your glory, O Lord. Thessalonians 2:16-3-5. REFLECTION the inheritance when his father dies. He even man’s feast, he became a guest of honour at resents the fling he pictures his brother as a feast with Abraham when he died. Luke 20:27-38. having had: him and his women. This bit has Each of these people, the rich fool, the elder come out of his own imagination. No one brother and the rich man, reveals himself by MONDAY mentioned women before he did. his celebration or his refusal to celebrate. You never offered me so much as a kid for What they celebrate, who they celebrate with Wisdom 1:1-7. Response: Lead me, O me to celebrate with my friends. The older and who they exclude from their celebrations Lord, in the path of life eternal. Luke 17:1-6. brother wants separation from his father. We show who they are. hope that the elder brother will grow up and The two rich men celebrate their riches and come into the house and join in the party. status. They define themselves by things. The TUESDAY rich man in purple excludes Lazarus from his Wisdom 2:23-3:9. Response: I will bless N 1913, the monks of our parent com- he Greek word that the Jerusalem feasting, even from the crumbs, while the the Lord at all times. Luke 17:7-10. munity entered the Catholic Church. Bible translates as ‘celebrate’ in this rich fool literally does not think of anyone This year our two communities have parable occurs in two other Lucan but himself. There is no notion in the stories been celebrating the centenary of this parables, one before the prodigal son and that either has any interest in anything out- WEDNESDAY event. Not to celebrate this centenary Tone after. In the first the rich fool has a good side of themselves. Wisdom 6:1-11. Response: Arise O God, would have been strange, for the things we harvest, decides to build bigger barns to hold choose to celebrate show who we are and it all and, unaware of his impending death, n the three parables we have been look- judge the earth. Luke 17:11-19. whoI we wish to be. Failure to celebrate this tells his soul: “My soul, you have plenty of ing at the person who celebrates the most anniversary would have been repudiating good things laid by for many years to come; is the father of the prodigal son. He is the THURSDAY our own community’s identity and history. take things easy, eat drink, have a good Ione also who wishes to draw others into his Wisdom 7:22-8:1. Response: Your Word, This Liturgical year we have been reading time.” ‘Have a good time’ is the same word celebration. When the older brother refuses Luke’s Gospel on Sundays. Only Luke tells as celebrate in the story of the prodigal son. to join the party, he is refusing to be the son O Lord, stands for ever. Luke 17:20-25. us of the parable of the prodigal son (above). In this parable Jesus takes us into the mind of his father and the brother of his brother, in There we see what happens to the elder of the rich fool. We hear the soliloquy fact refusing to be who and what he really is. brother who refuses to celebrate the return addressed to his soul. He does not mention a God created each of us. We are most fully FRIDAY of the prodigal, the waster. He does not say wife, children, family or friends. In his mind ourselves when we are who and what God Wisdom 13:1-9. Response: The heavens my brother, but this son of yours. But in he celebrates alone with his stuff. means us to be. That means we have to live proclaim the glory of God. Luke 17:26-37. repudiating his brother he also denies his The same word occurs in the parable of our lives in celebration of the fact that we, own identity. Despite himself, he is still his the rich man and Lazarus. There the rich each one of us, are children of God. He loves father’s son and the brother of the waster. man dressed in purple and fine linen and us whatever we may do and will celebrate SATURDAY This older brother shows that he has more feasted magnificently every day. The word our return to Him from whatever far land we in common with his young brother than he ‘feasted’ is the same Greek word translated have exiled ourselves to. It also means that Wisdom 18:14-16; 19:6-9. Response: might like to admit. The younger brother as celebrated earlier. He celebrates his riches we must accept and celebrate the return of Remember the wonders the Lord has asks for his share of the inheritance before and his status for the purple he wore was a any of God’s children to Him, for they are, done. Luke 18:1-8. his father is in his grave. He is interested in sign of high rank. each of them, our brothers and sisters. WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK 16 FAITH IN CULTURE SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER FRIDAY NOVEMBER 8 2013 A Perfect Day with a powerful message FAITH IN CULTURE looks at the life and work of the late , whose passing drew condolences from the Vatican

Oh, such a perfect day tion; it featured some of his best known work Walk not even in this life. The Velvet Underground are You just keep me hanging on On The Wild Side, Satellite of Love and of course arguably as influential The Beatles, but Reed Perfect Day. That album along with David ended up working for his father as a typist after the It’s a such vulnerable, melancholic and beautiful Bowie’s Aladdin Sane and Iggy Pop’s—with the band’s demise. When an unknown Edinburgh By Richard line and it showed the Church in a positive light to Stooges—Raw Power are now considered bench- author, Irvine Welsh couched his sub-cultural tweet in memory of such a talent. While Mr Reed’s marks. Edinburgh characters in the early seventies music song-writing certainly explored life’s darker ele- of Reed, Bowie and Pop for Trainspotting in 1993, Purden ments as many of the obituaries reported I don’t few years ago during an interview with the it ultimately led to cult songs such as Perfect Day think his work would have reached as many as it did photographer Mick Rock I asked him about and Lust For Life finding a new audience. Perfect OU Reed, who died last month from a without the chinks of light provided in songs such as the cover art for Transformer, he just Day even became a charity record for Children In liver ailment, seemed to blend the best Jesus recorded with The Velvet Underground. Reed laughedA and pointed out he was the only photogra- Need boasting an impressive line up. Some fol- of music and literature with his urban asks Christ to: “Help me in my weakness, cause I’m pher who ‘showed up.’ “I was David’s (Bowie) lowers on Twitter suggested that Perfect Day was portraits of New York city life. The falling out of grace.” He similarly revealed some mate and he asked me to come down to King’s about heroin addiction. After that the Vatican cul- president of the Vatican’s Pontifical soul searching where he pondered love and sin on Cross and take the picture,” he said. “Call it instinct, ture minister added another Tweet saying: “Be council for culture even Pale Blue Eyes. For the Jewish-born New Yorker- intuition, good luck—I don’t know what it was.” under no illusion: God will not be fooled,” adding Tweeted some lines from one of Mr Reed’s semi- Christ and Christianity was a constant theme, What about the famous picture of Lou Reed, Galatians 6:7 in time with the song’s end refrain: Lnal moments; Perfect Day: among many other subjects in his most celebrated David Bowie and Iggy Pop in London’s Dorch- “You're going to reap just what you sow.” and influential work with The Velvet Underground. ester in 1972, what was it like to capture three rock I don’t believe Perfect Day to be about heroin Oh, it’s such a perfect day Growing up his Transformer album seemed to titans in their ascendency and indeed the only shot addiction and perhaps, just maybe that second I’m glad I spend it with you always be at the front of my uncle’s record collec- of the three related musical figures together? Mr Tweet was unnecessary. We can all be too quick Rock used the opportunity to dispel yet another sometimes. Within the song there’s a struggle, but myth; in truth they were unknowns. the protagonist seems to be finding a sense of love “No one was making it, they were all failures,” and peace. Again the character is considering his Gordius No 116 he said. “David (Bowie) couldn’t get a deal; I life, choices and where he might be going. On that CROSSWORD mean everybody passed on him in England. He perfect day he thought he was ‘someone good.’ In eventually had to strike a deal with RCA in Amer- reality around the time of writing Mr Reed was in ica. I remember hustling that shot together. David a relationship with a woman he would later marry. 123 4 5 6 7 was only beginning to hit his stride with Ziggy It would take well over two decades for the b-side Stardust and there was a little hype starting. Lou track to find the recognition it deserved, it came and Iggy were definitely underground characters. from an album associated with subculture, out- 89 Lou had hardly sold a record and you couldn’t give siders and misfits. But last week they were tweeted away the first two Iggy and the Stooges albums.” by the Vatican because they transmitted something Despite that Mr Rock became responsible for of hope, love and possibility. I’d like to hold onto the cover art that now defines the 1970s... just by the spirit in which that first tweet was intended. 10 11 12 First entry out the hat next showing up. It’s the era in which Reed, Bowie and I Richard Purden is a freelance journalist, the 13 14 TUESDAY will be the winner Pop put out their best work, driven by creativity yet living in obscurity—for a while. Sometimes we author of We are Celtic Supporters, an SCO don’t see the fruit of our labour until much later or feature writer and a married father of two Send your completed 15 16 17 crossword entries—along with 18 your full name address and daytime phone number—to 19 20 SUDOKU CROSSWORD CONTEST SCO 19 21 22 23 WATERLOO ST GLASGOW G2 6BT 4 7 89 SIMPLE 24 25 The winner’s name will be printed next week 3 7 1 8 5 2 9 7 1 4 63 4 97 36 8 5 2 1 26 27 The editor’s decision is final 9 1 2 3 6 1 2 4 5 9 8 7 2 963 1 5 4 7 8

ACROSS 6 4 8 7 29 3 15 1 Vegetable found in a pod (3) LAST WEEK’S 3 5 2 541 76832 9 3 Those one stands for may make a red chin gold (11) SOLUTION 29 6 4 1 7 8 53 8 Lubricant container (6) 9 7 5 ACROSS 183 5 2 9 7 6 4 9 Watchful (8) 1 Pop 3 Quarrelsome 10 Supple (5) 8 Putrid 4921 7 8 4 593 6 1 2 11 Duck that marks a return—of the communist, that is (5) 9 Festival of lights FILL IN THE GRID IN SUCH A WAY 13 Green informant (5) 10 Farce 11 Steel 2 34 AS EVERY ROW AND COLUMN 15 Greed (7) 13 Glebe 15 Nankeen 16&20 Biblical work record? (3,4,2,3) 16 Fidelio 20 Theft AND EVERY 3 BY 3 BOX CONTAINS 21 Scale 23 Adieu 21 Amphibian sound that smashes a rock (5) 526 8 3 7 THE NUMBERS 1 TO 9. NO GUESS 25 Ate out WORK IS REQUIRED AND THERE 23 Discharged a weapon (5) 26 Toastmaster 27 Son 24 Old-fashioned pram (8) 1 9 6 IS ONLY ONE SOLUTION. ABOVE 25 Motor with us to ring Enrico (6) DOWN IS THE NOV 1 SIMPLE SOLUTION 26 Sheepish female (11) 1 Pope Francis 27 No score (3) 2 Peter Pan 3 Quire 4 Refined 5 Lotus MODERATE DOWN 6 On view 7 Ell 1 6 4 3 12 Leg-of-mutton 9 2 768 4 1 5 3 1 Import cable that’s tangled? That’s difficult and 13 Guest 14 Edict complicated (11) 17 Luminous 9 5 4 3 958 26 4 17 2 Totally disorientated—entirely in a boat? (3,2,3) 18 Nemesis 19 Dahlia 6 1 4 5 3 7 2 8 9 22 Eight 23 Altar 24 Opt 3 Fruit used in winemaking (5) 8 7 4 9 6 28 5 3 1 7 4 The troglodyte brought me up in Cavan (7) 7 5 2 1 36 4 9 8 5 The longest river in France (5) Last week’s winner was: 8 9 8 314796 52 6 Raw letters identify an African country! (6) Rose Dowds, Musselburgh 1 6 9 3 2 4 8 7 5 7 Mesh (3) 4 35 789 1 26 12 Type of music (4,3,4) 3 168 59 13 Type of lizard (5) 287 1 5 649 3 14 Indian term of respect (5) 7 1 2 FILL IN THE GRID IN SUCH A WAY 17 Capsize an obvious vase (8) Scottish Catholic Observer: AS EVERY ROW AND COLUMN 18 Thrown out forcibly, expelled (7) Scotland’s only national 5 7 8 6 AND EVERY 3 BY 3 BOX CONTAINS 19 A rodent swallows a pole for dessert (6) Catholic weekly newspaper THE NUMBERS 1 TO 9. NO GUESS 22 Chap is found in the kit he destroyed (5) printed by Trinity Mirror, Oldham. Registered at the Post Office 5 63 WORK IS REQUIRED AND THERE 23 Loses the enthusiasm for pennants (5) 24 Public transport vehicle (3) as a newspaper. IS ONLY ONE SOLUTION. ABOVE IS 3 72 THE NOV 1 MODERATE SOLUTION WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK FRIDAY NOVEMBER 8 2013 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER CHURCH NOTICES 17 CHURCH&PUBLICNOTICES EXPERTSERVICES

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RUBY WEDDING BOGAN COONEY HENDRY LONEY 4th Anniversary of Catherine 6th Anniversary Please pray for the repose of 9th Anniversary Bogan, who died November Please pray for the soul of the soul of our sister, Treasured memories of our MacKINNON - MacNEIL 13, 2009. Frank Cooney, who died Josephine Hendry, who died dear mother, mother-in-law, Congratulations to Murdoch God, our Father, you revealed November 9, 2007, beloved on November 8th, 2009. grandmother and great-grand- and Mary Anne on the occa- your goodness in your servant husband of the late May Clark Also we remember our mother, Lily, who died on sion of their Ruby Wedding Catherine. and cherished father, grandfa- parents Edward and November 9, 2004, also loved Anniversary on November 10. Keep her close to you and ther and great-grandfather of Elizabeth, our brother Robert ones gone before. Love from families in Barra reward her for her the family. Patrick Hendry and our sister We lost a mother with a heart and the mainland. faithfulness. Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for Cathie Cowan. of gold, Breathe in her the eternal life him. Eternal rest grant unto them, How much we miss her can of the resurrection. Inserted by his loving children. O Lord. never be told, DEATH We ask this through your Inserted by the family. On earth she toiled, in McCARTIN Son, Jesus, who lives with COSTELLO Heaven she rests, Matt, died November 19, MacPHERSON you and the Holy Spirit, one 21st Anniversary God bless you Mother, you 1980, in Malta. Colin MacPherson, formerly of HILL God, for ever and ever. In loving memory of my dear In loving memory of Charles were the best. Mary, died November 6, 2009 Benbecula, died in Quebec, Amen. husband, and our much loved Hill, died November 11, 1954; On whose soul, sweet Jesus, – in Cushendun, N. I. Canada, on October 22, 2013. St Joseph, pray for her. dad, Matthew, who died on also his beloved wife, Mar- have mercy. Late of St Peter’s, Partick. Dearly beloved by family and St Teresa of Lisieux, pray for November 7, 1992. garet Carroll, died March 10, Inserted by her loving family, Parents of Mairin, Eileen, friends. her. No one knows the broken 1961; and his brothers-in-law, 12 Viewfield Road, Gerry and the late Deirdre Inserted by her loving family. heart, James Carroll and Richard Coatbridge. and Shelagh. Remembered with great love 80TH BIRTHDAY REMEMBRANCE That lies behind my smile, Keane. – Late of 22 Annette No one knows the loneliness, Street, Glasgow. and affection. Eileen McCartin, Paisley. TIERNEY CARR That’s with me all the while, The family. Michael, whose 80th birthday 9th Anniversary Silent tears do gently fall, occurs on November 3. Remembering today and Which others do not see, KANE A little tribute small and every day, my beloved hus- For a kind and loving In loving memory of our tender, band, John Simon, who died husband, parents, Thomas and Just to say we all remember. so suddenly on November 8, Who meant the world to me. Margaret, our brothers Willie, Theresa and all the family. 2004, dearly loved and loving His loving wife Jean. Myles, John and Thomas and dad of Caroline, Christopher Our hearts are full of sister Betty. and Anne-Marie and a very memories, We will never forget you. RELIGIOUS MEMORIAM dear brother, brother-in-law, And we treasure them with From all the family, 38 Jarvie uncle and great-uncle of all care, Avenue, Plains, Airdrie. CONWAY the family. The way you had to leave us McCABE 5th Anniversary “Thou hast made us O Lord Dad, 16th Anniversary Please pray for the repose of for Thyself and our heart shall Will always seem unfair, In loving memory of our dear the soul of Reverend Father find no rest until it rest in We want to tell you father, and papa, John, who MacDONALD 25th Anniversary John Conway, parish priest of Thee.” – St Augustine. something, died on November 10, 1997. Precious memories of my St Flannan’s, Kirkintilloch, St Vincent de Paul, pray for So there won’t be any doubt, We mention your name, dearly loved husband, who died on November 8, him. You’re a special dad to think We think of you often, Donald, who died November 2008. Rosemary and family. of, God bless you dear father, 13, 1988. R.I.P. Remembered and missed by But so hard to live without. You will never be forgotten. The years we shared his loving family, parishioners Loving daughters Marie and together, and friends. CARR Patricia and sons-in-law Chris McCANN Are memories we hold dear, May he rest in peace. Please pray for the repose of and Paul. 6th Anniversary The happiness you gave us, the soul of John, a dearly Ours is just a simple prayer, In loving memory of my dear Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for Keeps you ever near. loved brother-in-law, uncle Keep our Grandad in Your husband, James, a dear dad him. Our Lady of the Isles, pray for and great-uncle, who died on care. KINNAIRD and papa, brother, brother-in- him. November 8, 2004. Matthew, Francesca, Chiara 4th Anniversary law, uncle and father-in-law, Inserted by his loving wife and Grant him a place of light, and Elise. Treasured memories of my who died on November 8, family. happiness and peace. beloved son, Martin, who died 2007. Love from the grandchildren. Inserted by Monica and DIVERS suddenly on November 7, Just a prayer from your wife X Monica and family. 16th Anniversary 2009. A dear brother, and family who loved you, In loving memory of George, brother-in-law and uncle. Just a memory fond and true, died November 8, 1997. Martin no one knows the In our hearts you will live for- MacEACHEN We gave you dad, back to heartache of what your ever, In loving memory of our God, parting cost, Because we thought the world parents, John and Marion; Just as He first gave you to us, But God in all His Glory, has of you. also our brothers Ronald And we did not lose you, gained what we have lost. Eternal rest grant unto him, O John, Duncan and Alastair, In returning you to Him. St Martin de Porres, pray for Lord. and sister Sarah May, From Brenda, Bill, Stephen, him. May he rest in peace. Drimsdale, South Uist. Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for WELSH Tommy, George, Jim and From loving mum Jean, St Theresa, pray for him. them. 5th Anniversary Paul, also family at home and Stephen, Irene, Thomas and Inserted by his loving wife From the family at home and Rev Fr. Francis Welsh who America. Conor. Betty and family. away. died November 13, 2008. Loving you always papa, In loving memory. GATTENS LAVAN Forgetting you never. Requiescat in Pace Frank. Remembering with love Treasured memories of The grandchildren, Connor, McGRORY 5th Anniversary St Francis, pray for him. CONNELLY always, our beloved parents, Gerald, who died November Shea, Holly and Liam. Treasured memories of my St Dominic, pray for him. 5th Anniversary brothers and sisters passed 6, 2001, our dear dad, beloved sister, Bridie, died Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for In loving memory of Andrew away. James, dad and James, who died November McCARRON November 10, 2008. him. Connelly, who died on grandad, October 26, 1988, 21, 1986, and our darling In loving memory of our dear November 12, 2008, aged 77 Caroline, mother and grand- mum, Mary, who died August dad, John McCarron, who From your loving brother James. years. R.I.P. mother, April 2, 1998, sister 11, 2008. died September 10, 1977, A day to remember, so sad to MEMORIAM We hold you close within Nancy, November 11, 1983, We miss you more than also our dear brother, John, recall, our hearts, brother Billy, February 20, words can say, who died April 14, 1980, and Without farewell you left us all. ADAMS, John And there you shall remain, 1990, Esther, Billy’s wife, Feb- Loved and remembered our dear mum, Esther, who Sons Charles, Jim, Anne, Remembering our dad and To walk with us throughout ruary 21, 2000, brother every day. died November 13, 2000. Jack and Anne. granpa who passed away on our lives, Charles, February 22, 1996, St Anne, pray for them. Always in our thoughts and We love and miss you so November 8, 2004. Also Until we meet again. brother Daniel, November 11, From all the family. prayers. much grandma. remembering our mum and So rest in peace dear Andy, 2002 and sister Carol, Janu- Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for From Sean, Claire, Scott, grandma, Helen Adams, who And thanks for all you’ve ary 11, 2007. them. Greig, Kim, Katy and baby Charlie. passed away on December done, Close in our hearts you will LAWRIE Inserted by their loving family. 28, 2007. We pray that God has given always stay, Of your charity, please pray Love and miss you both every you, Loved and remembered every for the repose of the soul of day. The crown you’ve truly day. Elizabeth M. Lawrie (late Julie, Robert, Lorraine and won. St Therese, pray for them. Headteacher of St Anthony’s Peter. Jesus Divine Mercy, I trust in Inserted by their loving fami- School, Johnston, and for- Love always from your grand- You. lies Jean, Betty, David, merly of St. Margaret’s children Nicole, Craig, Lesley- Inserted by his loving wife Joseph and Patrick. God School, Paisley), who died Anne and Alison. xxxx Mary and family. bless. November 10, 1984. R.I.P. FRIDAY NOVEMBER 8 2013 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER FAMILY ANNOUNCEMENTS 19 FAMILYANNOUNCEMENTS

MOORE REYNOLDS TOMINEY, Hugh Fox POWERFUL NOVENA DEAR HEART OF JESUS 37th Anniversary Please remember in your November 8, 2004. Of Childlike Confidence Dear Heart of Jesus in the In loving memory of our dear prayers the soul of our In loving memory of a won- (This novena is to be said at past I have asked you for father and pa, Paddy Moore, mother, Rosa (McGee), who derful father and grandpa. the same time, every hour, for many favours, this time I ask who died November 10, died November 13, 1992. Also Still loved and sorely missed. nine consecutive hours – just you for this special one (men- 1976, also our dear mother remember our father, William, “Tears, idle tears, I know not one day). O Jesus, who hast tion favour), take it Dear Heart and gran, Agnes, who died who died September 29, what they mean, said, ask and you shall of Jesus, and place it within March 11, 1988, and our 2012, our sister, Mary, who Tears from the depth of some receive, seek and you shall Your broken heart where your beloved died June 6, 2007, and our divine despair, find, knock and it shall be Father sees it, then in his sister and aunt Frances brother, Vincent, who died Rise in the heart, and gather opened to you, through the merciful eyes it will become Conway, who died March 2, April 11, 1960. to the eyes, intercession of Mary, Thy Your favour, not mine. Amen. 1991. R.I.P. Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for In looking on the happy Most Holy Mother, I knock, I Say for three days, publica- McINTOSH We have loved them in life, them. autumn-fields, seek, I ask that my prayer be tion promised. – Eleanor. In loving memory of our dear Let us not forget them in Inserted by their loving family. And thinking of the days that granted (make your request). father, John, died November death. are no more.” O Jesus, who hast said, all HEARTFELT THANKS to the 10, 1989, also our dear Inserted by their family. RUSSELL With much love from his chil- that you ask of the Father in Sacred Heart, Our Lady, St mother, Nan, who died March Please pray for our dear dren, Irene, Jimmy, Anne and My name, He will grant you Jude and St Anthony for 17, 2000 and our dear sister, parents, Joseph, died Jackie, his sons and daugh- through the intercession of always listening to me. – Ann, who died July 3, 2003. November 10, 1987 and ters-in-law and all his grand- Mary, Thy Most Holy Mother, I Eleanor. Mary, died November 5, 1996. children. humbly and urgently ask Thy Also our brother, Jim, died Father, in Thy name, that my NOVENA to St Therese of October 14, 2009 and our sis- TRAYNOR prayer be granted (make your the Little Flower. ter-in-law, Marjorie, died Octo- 49th Anniversary request). O Jesus, who hast Saint Therese, the Little ber 15, 2005. In loving memory of Peter, said, Heaven and Earth shall Flower, please pick me a rose May they rest in peace. beloved husband and father, pass away but My word shall from the heavenly garden and Their loving family. who died on November 2, not pass, through the inter- sent it to me with a message 1964; also his beloved wife, cession of Mary, Thy Most of love. Ask God to grant me TIERNEY Kathleen, who died on May Holy Mother, I feel confident the favour I thee implore and 18th Anniversary 21, 1984. that my prayer shall be tell Him I will love Him each Treasured memories of my May they rest in peace. granted (make your request); day more and more. MURRAY dearly loved husband, Inserted by Catherine. publication promised. – B.G. The above prayer plus 5 Our 3rd Anniversary Michael, our devoted dad, Fathers, 5 Hail Marys and 5 McKEOWN In loving memory of Sal and much loved papa, who WALTERS POWERFUL NOVENA Glory Be’s must be said on 5 Fifth Anniversary of Mary (McKenna) who passed away died November 6, 1995. 10th Anniversary Of Childlike Confidence successive days before 11 McKeown, who died on at home on November 10, I miss you Michael, In loving memory of Hugh, (This novena is to be said at a.m. On the 5th day, the 5th November 10, 2008. A much 2010. A beloved wife, mother, I always will, died November 11, 2003. the same time, every hour, for set of prayers having been loved twin sister and sister, mother-in-law, grandmother You left a place, Precious memories silently nine consecutive hours – just completed, offer one more set and much loved aunt of Ger- and great-grandmother. No one can fill, kept, one day). O Jesus, who hast – 5 Our Fathers, 5 Hail Marys ard, Daniel and Conor. Sadly missed by all her family I hide my tears, Of a dad and granda who we said, ask and you shall and 5 Glory Be’s. Publication Also Gary Thomson, died and friends. When I speak your name, loved, receive, seek and you shall promised. - P.C. September 15, 2011. Much May she rest in peace and But the ache in my heart, And will never forget. find, knock and it shall be loved son, uncle and nephew may the Sacred Heart watch Will always remain. Missed and remembered opened to you, through the PRAYER TO THE BLESSED and Matthew, died January 1, over her and grant her eternal Love and miss you always. every day. intercession of Mary, Thy VIRGIN 2012. Much loved son, uncle rest. Theresa. St Pio, pray for him. Most Holy Mother, I knock, I O Most Beautiful Flower of and nephew. With love from John, Kit and Our thoughts are always with Love Marie and Caitlin. xxxx seek, I ask that my prayer be Mount Carmel, fruitful in the Our Lady of Lourdes, St Peter, Joanne and Graham, you, granted (make your request). splendour of Heaven, Blessed Joseph and St Theresa, pray Christopher and Lauren, Katie Our memories never fade, WARD O Jesus, who hast said, all Mother of the Son of God, for them. R.I.P. and David, Sophie and Noah. We treasure all the years we James Anthony that you ask of the Father in Immaculate Virgin, assist me Inserted by Morag and Rest in peace. shared, Cherished memories of our My name, He will grant you in this my necessity. O Star of Catherine. And all the love you gave, beloved father and grandfa- through the intercession of the Sea, help me and show We’ll always love and miss ther, James Anthony, who Mary, Thy Most Holy Mother, I me herein You are my Mother. MacLEAN PELOSI you, died November 11, 1989 and humbly and urgently ask Thy O Holy Mary, Mother of God, In loving memory of our dear 38th Anniversary With every passing day, our beloved mother and Father, in Thy name, that my Queen of Heaven and Earth, I mother and grandmother, In loving memory of Arthur The longing just to see you, grandmother, Helen Cornin, prayer be granted (make your humbly beseech You from the Cathie, who died November Pelosi, our much loved father, Will never go away. who died June 5, 2003. request). O Jesus, who hast bottom of my heart to succour 7, 2006. who died November 11, 1975. Love and miss you, Eternal rest grant unto them, said, Heaven and Earth shall me in my necessity. There Our Lady, Star of the Sea, R.I.P. Today, tomorrow and always. O Lord, pass away but My word shall are none that can withstand pray for her. He is always in our prayers Paul and Carolann, Michael And let perpetual light shine not pass, through the inter- Your power. O show me Inserted by her loving family. and thoughts. and Catherine, John and upon them, cession of Mary, Thy Most herein You are my mother. O Sacred Heart of Jesus, have Evelyn, Tracey and Paul. May they rest in peace. Holy Mother, I feel confident Mary, conceived without sin, MacNEIL mercy on him. Your memory is our greatest Amen. that my prayer shall be pray for us who have In loving memory of my dear Immaculate Heart of Mary, treasure, From your loving daughters, granted (make your request); recourse to Thee (three brother, Donald, who died pray for him. To have, to love, to keep sons-in-law and grandchil- publication promised. – E.G. times). O thank you for Your November 10, 1965, also my Inserted by his sons and fam- forever. dren. mercy to me and mine. loving mother, Mary Kate, ily, 29 Tanzieknowe Road, Nite Nite Papa. GRATEFUL thanks to St Amen. Say for three days; who died May 18, 1973, and Cambuslang. Carol-Anne, Kevin, Paula, Anthony and St Gerard publication promised. my dear father, Donald, who Caitlin, Michael and Marc. THANKSGIVING Majella for prayers answered. Thanks also to the Sacred died October 28, 1978. REILLY – M.K. Heart, Our Lady, St Martin, St Our Lady of the Isles, pray for In loving memory of Helen, a O ST. MARTHA, I resort to Pio, St Anthony, St Jude and them. dear sister and aunt, who died thee and to thy petition and GRATEFUL thanks to St Jude all other great saints for great Inserted by Donnie. at Baillieston, November 8, faith. I offer up to thee this and St Peregrine. Still favours received. Publication 1990. light which I shall burn every praying. – M.S. promised. Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for Tuesday for nine Tuesdays. McNULTY her. Comfort me in all my difficul- NOVENA PRAYER TO ST 2nd Anniversary Inserted by James and family, ties through the great favour JUDE Please pray for the repose of Dunoon. thou didst enjoy when Our May the Sacred Heart of the soul of George Angus Saviour lodged in thy To Jesus be praised, adored, McNulty, who died November house…I beseech thee to glorified and loved throughout 11, 2011. REVIE have pity in regard to the place an the world now and forever Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for 3rd Anniversary favour I ask… I intercede for more. Sacred Heart of Jesus him. Remembering with love, TIERNEY my family that we may always have mercy on us. St Jude today and every day, Matt, 14th Anniversary be provided for in our neces- intimation helper of the hopeless, pray who sadly died November 7, In loving memory of Monica sities. I ask thee, St Martha, for us. St Jude, great miracle MANNION 2010. A loving husband, Da Bernadette, our precious to overcome the dragon which worker, pray for us. Say nine 21st Anniversary and Papa to all the family. daughter and much loved sis- Thou didst cast at thy feet. Call: 0141 times daily. In loving memory of our dear A constant wish that you were ter, who died November 7, One Our Father, three Hail 241 6106 son and brother, Joseph, who near, 1999. Mary’s and a lighted candle DEAR FATHER in heaven, died November 14, 1992. In our thoughts you’re always We will remember her forever every Tuesday and the above please send all healing and It is in dying that we are born here. in our hearts. prayer made known with the love to your special child, to eternal life. Still loved, still missed, by all Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for intention of spreading devo- Through the Lord Jesus Dad and all the family. the family. her. tion to St Martha. – H. Christ. Amen. 20 FUNERAL DIRECTORY SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER FRIDAY NOVEMBER 8 2013 FUNERAL DIRECTORY BISHOPS ENGAGEMENTS ARCHBISHOP TARTAGLIA Archbishop of Glasgow, Frank J Lynch Ltd. SUN NOV 10 11AM City of Glasgow Remembrance Service. MON 11 7PM Mass for the Our caring staff are here to listen and advise you, Funeral Directors Italian community. TUE 12-WED 13 Scots College 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Gorbals 156 Crown Street, Glasgow, G5 9XD Society AGM and Mass for centenary of the society, Tel 0141 429 0300 Rome. THU 14 1PM Mass for deceased bishops and 53 Morrison Street Glasgow priests; 7PM Confirmations, St Flannan’s, Kirkintilloch. Partick 323 Dumbarton Road, Glasgow, G11 6AL FRI 15 9.30AM Visit to P4 Confirmandi, St Joseph’s, Tel 0141 339 1122 Milngavie; 6PM Confirmations, St Brigid’s, Toryglen. 0141 429 4433 SAT 16 12NOON Dedication of new premises of St Gilchrist & Lynch Margaret’s Children and Family Care Society. Possilpark 136 BalmoreRoad, Glasgow, G22 6LJ MEMORIAM CARDS Tel 0141 336 2300 ARCHBISHOP CUSHLEY Archbishop of St Andrews and Edinburgh Funeral Packages from £1280 One of the few privately owned companies left in Glasgow Golden Charter Pre-Payment Plans available MON NOV 11 9.30AM Meeting with archdiocesan auditors, Gillis Centre, Edinburgh. TUE 12 10AM MEMORIAM CARDS Meeting with Fr Tom Welsh SX and Australian national “Stay independent... director of Missio, Gillis Centre; 11.30AM Meeting with designed & printed to your exact requirements John Clark Funeral Service family-owned... Sisters of Mercy, Gillis Centre; 2.30PM Meeting with we can produce order of service for Requiem Masses First Minister Alex Salmond, Bute House, Edinburgh; and also design and print jubilee cards, bookmarks, All Arrangements offer a prompt and 5.30PM Lecture by Archbishop Rowan Williams, and acknowledgment/thank-you cards Completed Assembly Hall, New College, Edinburgh. WED 13 please call for full details of the personalised service we can provide ToYour Satisfaction personal service 10AM Meeting with Philippa Bonella of SCIAF, Gillis 24 Hour Service 24 hours a day... Centre; 4.15PM David Livingston Service of Thanksgiving, Glasgow Cathedral. THU 14 12NOON 0141 569 4724 • 07818 645 863 mobile Pre-Payment Funeral make it affordable.” Meeting of Charleston Estate Trust, Aberdeen. FRI 15 Plans 10AM Feast Day Mass, St Margaret’s Academy, Professional & caring Staff Thomas Marin 1926 Four generations later, his words are just Livingston; 7PM Annual Dinner of Consular Corps in as important to our family business today. Edinburgh and Leith, Playfair Library, Edinburgh. SAT TO 16 12NOON St Margaret’s Chapel Guild Service, Organist Tel: Edinburgh Castle; 2PM SVDP Annual Festival Mass, 01698 842233 Thomas Marin St Michael’s, Linlithgow. ADVERTISE: 10 Jubilee Way, INDEPENDENT FUNERAL DIRECTORS & Bellshill, ML4 1SA 62-64 St Mary's Street, Edinburgh EH1 1SX Tel: 0131 556 7192 or 0131 556 6874 (24 hrs) BISHOP TOAL Cantor 0141241 Argyll and the Isles, Available for weddings ADVERTISING TERMS VOCATIONS THU NOV 14 7.30PM Mass marking the end of the 6105 AND CONDITIONS Year of Faith and Bishop Devine’s retirement. FRI 15 and funeral services Advertisements submitted Feast Day Mass, St Margaret’s HS, Airdrie. Listen online at: advertising must contain complete and accurate information BISHOP GILBERT and comply with Do you feel that @sconews requirements of all Aberdeen, God is calling T. 01698 325 493 relevant legislation, the you to the SUN NOV 10 11AM Service of Remembrance, British Code of Schoolhill War Memorial, Aberdeen; 11.15AM Mass, Advertising Practice, and Missionary St Mary’s Cathedral; 5PM French Mass, Blairs; the Advertising Standards Priesthood 6.30PM Mass, King’s College. Authority. 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Our weekly series on Children’s Liturgy has lesson plans and activity suggestions for use with young people who are on the path to Christ Each week, Catechists will find readings and Psalm responses, complemented by prayer, reflection, FAITH discussion questions, and activities. Please feel free to use them as you wish The lessons are created by Adorer-theologians using the lens of the spirituality of St Maria de Mattias, which also embraces precious blood spirituality FIRST While this is the starting point for the lessons, readers are invited to approach them however the spirit moves you The Church is concerned with the availability and understanding of scripture for children who have their rightful place in the Church. In light of this SCO aims to provide a useful tool in drawing children closer to KIDS the Catholic Faith

difference… when Jesus returns He will (R) The Lord comes to rule the earth with justice. know who was messing around and who Let them worship the Lord! CHILDREN’S was doing what they were supposed to do. He is coming to judge everyone on the earth, The ones who were living good lives will be and He will be honest and fair. rewarded with Heaven. (R) The Lord comes to rule the earth with justice. CROSSWORD 6 This does not mean that we have to be perfect and it certainly won’t be easy. Jesus Second Reading knows that we will make mistakes but if we Do not give anyone food who refuses to work. A read- 1 2 3 4 5 try to follow His path and are sorry when ing from the second letter of Paul to the Thessalonians we mess-up, He will forgive us and we will 3:7-12. 6 Brothers and sisters, you surely know that you still make it to the prize. 7 Activities should follow our example. We didn’t waste our time loafing and we didn’t accept food from any- 8 9 G Mat erials needed: Two small balls of wool one without paying for it. We didn’t want to be a (one white, one any other colour), sweets, burden to any of you, so night and day we worked 10 items to be used as obstacles, hand held games as hard as we could. We had the right not to (and/or a portable DVD player with a film), work, but we wanted to set an example for you. Reflection/Discussion stop watch. We also gave you the rule that if you don’t I What do you do to get ready for school G Prep aration: Create an obstacle course work, you don’t eat. Now we learn that some of 11 12 each morning? where the children have to go over, under, you just loaf around and won’t do any work, I What do you do to get ready for your around and through things. You can use tables, except the work of a busybody. 13

football match? chairs, blankets, appliance boxes, cones, hula So, for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ, we 14 I What do you do to get ready to go to a hoops, paper plates, etc. Using the white wool, ask and beg these people to settle down and start party? create a path through the course that leads to working for a living. I What do you do to get ready when a the bowl of sweets. Using the other coloured The Word of the Lord relative is coming to visit? wool, create a path that will lead in various 15 I What do you do to get ready for Jesus? spots to hand held games/movie Alleluia G Act ivity: Have one child at a time go Luke 21:38. TODAY’S Gospel is scary. It tells us about through the obstacle course. Tell them there is (R) Alleluia, alleluia. ACROSS the end of the world: the wars, a prize at the end if they follow the right path. Lift up your heads and see; your redemption is 1 You carry books and copies in this (9) earthquakes, starvation, and terrible Give them a set amount of time to complete near at hand. 6 Santa’s favourite colour (3) diseases. It says that we will be betrayed, the course. (R) Alleluia, alleluia. 7 Baby sheep (4) G arrested, and maybe killed but that we are Af ter everyone has had a chance to go Gospel 8 Make a noise while you sleep (5) not to worry because if we are faithful we through talk about how the course is like life: 10 A bit more (5) Your endurance will win you your life. A reading will be saved. Thank goodness. not always easy, lots of twists and turns, and 11 It keeps food cool (6) so on, but if you stay on the right path you are from the Holy Gospel according to Luke 21:5-19. I What do you think Heaven will be like? promised a reward: Heaven/sweets. If you Some people were talking about the beautiful 13 Type of gun (5) (Discuss with the children) follow another path, though, it may lead to fun stones used to build the temple and about the 14 Warsaw is the capital of this country (6) but not to the ultimate prize. You can, gifts that had been placed in it. 15 People who come to call (8) Jesus tells us that there will be no sickness however, get back on the right track and Jesus said: “Do you see these stones? The or death. There will be no hatred or eventually get there. You have to remember, time is coming when not one of them will be DOWN meanness. The food and drink will fill us though, that we don’t live forever so we have left in place. They will all be knocked down.” 1 Shiny metal (6) forever. We will never be hungry. There will to be careful not to run out of time. Some people asked: “Teacher, when will all 2 Popular kind of pet (7) be only happiness and love. I picture it as a Prayer this happen? How can we know when these 3 The King of the Beasts (4) great party out by the ocean. The weather is things are about to take place?” 4 One colour on the Irish flag (5) perfect and everyone I have ever loved is Dear Jesus, please help us to be ready for you Jesus replied: “Don’t be fooled by all those 5 The first man and woman in the Bible there having fun. I want to make sure I get when you return. In your name we pray. Amen men who will come and claim to be me. They (4,3,3) there. That is one party I don’t want to miss. will say: ‘I am Christ!’ and: ‘Now is the time!’ First Reading But don’t follow them. When you hear about 8 You'll find these fish packed tightly into I How do we get to Heaven? The sun of righteousness will shine on you. A reading wars and riots, don’t be afraid. These things will a tin (8) (Discuss with the children) from the book of the prophet Malachi 3:19-20. have to happen first, but that is not the end. 9 Animal which lives in and near a river (5) The Lord says this: “That day will surely “Nations will go to war against one another, 11 Creature which croaks (4) I saw a bumper sticker recently that said: come! It will be like a red-hot furnace and its and kingdoms will attack each other. There will 12 Not before (5) “Jesus is coming. Look busy!” It reminded flames will burn up proud and evil people, be great earthquakes and in many places people me of when I was in school and our teacher as though they were straw. The Lord will starve to death and suffer terrible diseases. LAST WEEK’S SOLUTION would leave the classroom for just a minute. All-Powerful has promised that not a branch All sorts of frightening things will be seen in She would always tell us to behave while or a root will be left. the sky. ACROSS she was gone but as soon as she left the “But if you honour my name, justice will “Before all this happens, you will be arrested room everyone would start talking and shine like the sun, and its rays will bring and punished. You will be tried in the Jewish 1 Marching 5 Sea 6 Panda 9 Match 10 Angry playing while one child acted as ‘look-out’ healing.” meeting places and put in jail. Because of me 13 Darts 14 India 15 Ref 16 Crazy 18 Telescope watching for her to come back. As soon as The Word of the Lord you will be placed on trial before kings and the look-out saw her they would give the governors. But this will be your chance to tell DOWN signal and the rest of us would quiet down Responsorial Psalm about your faith. 2 Rap 3 Honey 4 Cash 5 Saturday 7 America and get back to work, pretending we had 98:5-6, 7-8, 9. “Don’t worry about what you will say to 8 Ladders 11 Giraffe 12 Harry 16 Cue 17 Zoo been perfect angels while she was away. She (R) The Lord comes to rule the earth with justice. defend yourselves. I will give you the wisdom always knew, though, what we had been up Make music for Him on harps. Play beautiful to know what to say. None of your enemies will to and we were all punished. melodies! be able to oppose you or to say that you are The Children’s Liturgy page is published Jesus’ second coming will be something Sound the trumpets and horns and celebrate wrong. one week in advance to allow RE teachers like that. He was here on earth but left for a with joyful songs for our Lord and King! “You will be betrayed by your own parents, while, telling us to ‘be good’ and carry on (R) The Lord comes to rule the earth with justice. brothers, family, and friends. Some of you will and those taking the Children’s Liturgy at His work. However, not everyone has Command the ocean to roar with all of its crea- even be killed. Because of me you will be hated weekly Masses to use, if they wish, this behaved. There are many ‘look-outs’ telling tures, and the earth to shout with all of its people. by everyone. But don’t worry! You will be page as an accompaniment to their us that He is coming back so we should Order the rivers to clap their hands and all of saved by being faithful to me.” ‘look busy’ doing His work. One the hills to sing together. The Gospel of the Lord teaching materials


Celebrating six decades of Notre Dame High School SPOTLIGHT ON By Dan McGinty a pupil at your school—a long time ago—and I remember that boys from St Mungo’s or St Aloy- ARCHBISHOP Philip Tartaglia joined the sius’ always felt very privileged to get a date with staff and pupils of Notre Dame High School a girl from Notre Dame. in Glasgow as they celebrated the 60th “I would like to acknowledge the wonderful work anniversary of the school building. in building up Catholic education undertaken by the They were joined by former pupils, staff and the Sisters of Notre Dame throughout Glasgow, which wider Notre Dame community for a Mass in St really helped put Catholic education on its feet, and Peter’s in Partick, where among the concelebrat- for the lay men and women who followed in their ing priests were current and former Notre Dame footsteps in initiating Catholic men and women and school chaplains. showing that teaching is also a vocation.” Music and song was provided at the Mass by the After Mass the pupils and staff, led by head teacher school choir and orchestra (above), whose hard work Philomena McFadden (above right with Archbishop and dedication paid off as the congregation joined in Tartaglia), welcomed guests to their school build- with their beautiful accompaniment to the Mass. ing as they led the celebrations for its jubilee. Archbishop Tartaglia shared his own memories Pupils showcased their talents with a play con- of the school, with which he has a strong connec- trasting life in the school in 1953 compared with tion today, and highlighted the important role the present day, with pupils acting out classes and played by the Sisters of Notre Dame. school functions from days gone by, while the “Your school colours of brown with gold have Notre Dame dance group performed dances from always indicated a certain finesse, a poise, a qual- the 1950s as well as 2013. ity among those young women who wore that uni- form,” the archbishop said. “In fact, my sister was I [email protected]

AN ARTICLE FROM THE SCO ARCHIVES The community of Mater Ecclesiae welcomed the family and friends of Sr Clare Francis to their convent in Warwickshire as she made her first profession. The Profession Mass was celebrated by Fr Stephen Wright, .....1940s.....1950s.....1960s.....1970s.....1980s.....1990s..... Vicar for the Religious in Birmingham Archdiocese , who focused in his homily on the hope Christians have for the future through their Faith in God. During Mass Sr Clare-Francis took her vows with the Congregation of Mater Ecclesiae, a semi-contemplative order founded more than 30 years ago specifically for mature women. Their life is one of prayer and hospitality, and provides an opportunity for women at a later stage in The Church’s struggle with Communism life, to dedicate their remaining years to the service of the Lord, and their vows of poverty chastity and obedience—taken at profession in a spirit of generosity—seek to help the sisters follow in the footsteps of THIS week, we delve back wrongs and instances of dis- to believe that the people of Christ, who Himself was poor, chaste and obedient to the Will of his Father in to the Scottish Catholic crimination ‘so as not to cause a Poland should continue to prac- Observer archives to mid wave of indignation and anger tise Catholicism even though November, 1963, when the towards the government.’” they were facing the prospect 50 years of wedded bliss for Richard and Daphne Allan top story concerned news of But they emphasised that the of losing their job just for the Communist scare that ‘former rigid intention of mili- attending Mass. A CATHOLIC couple cele- was negatively affecting tant atheism to maintain the Another hope was that ‘the brated their 50th wedding Catholics in the Eastern bloc. existing restrictions on the regime would allow pilgrimages anniversary with their fam- The SCO was trying to raise Church, and to further strangle and the construction of churches ily at the Benedictine awareness of the persecution religious life in the souls of the and buildings for Catechetical Monastery in Largs. of Catholics in the Soviet people, remain in force.’ instruction, that children in— Richard and Daphne Allan Union states. It was not only in Poland that government operated—summer were married 50 years ago in “The Bishops of Poland have the Communist regime was camps would not be forbidden Natal, South Africa, and were declared that they cannot trying to put an end to Catholi- to go to Mass… that officials of surrounded by their children and ‘yield’ any further to the cism. The same was happening the Government Office of Wor- grandchildren as they marked religious intoleration of the in Czechoslovakia, where the ship would stop harassing the the special anniversary (right). Communist regime there, and bishops were purged and sent catechetical centres and that, Mr Allan, from Edinburgh, that hopes of a Communist to concentration camps. perhaps, summonses, blackmail and Mrs Allan, from Tanzania, change of heart raised during This was a dangerous time and seizure of personal property met while working in Kenya, Pope John’s reign have proved to be a Catholic in Eastern would come to an end.’ and after 50 happy years of mar- groundless,” the SCO reported. Europe. But still the bishops However, these hopes proved riage they found themselves in The bishops were quick to hoped and prayed that the fruitless, as people were still Largs, celebrating their jubilee convent chaplain Fr Gerard cottage, and took advantage of criticise the Polish regime’s Communist regime would being prosecuted for being a at the monastery where one of Hamill MHM, including the the facilities for a prayerful cel- anti-Church measures, making change these strong feelings of follower of the Catholic Faith. their daughters, Mother Colm- couple’s five children and 14 of ebration of the happy couple. a statement to their fellow anti-Catholic sentiment and let The bishops stated that they cille, is a professed Tyburn nun. their 17 grandchildren. A special lunch was held priests, which read: “They said the people of their countries could not ‘yield’ any further to Friends and family travelled The guests were accommo- with the help of the tea room they wished to refrain from practise the religion they the regime’s intoleration ‘without form as far afield as Canada to dated in the monastery’s Holy volunteers, who laid on a mag- revealing to the masses of believed in. betraying their priestly mission.’ be there for the jubilee Mass, Manna Retreat, which features nificent spread for the jubilari- Polish Catholics all the abuses, This hope led the bishops STEPHEN EDWARDSON which was celebrated by the 13 rooms and an eight-bedroom ans and their guests. E-MAIL CELEBRATING LIFE EVENTS TO DAN MCGINTY AT [email protected] FRIDAY NOVEMBER 8 2013 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER VOCATIONS 23 ‘It is important to celebrate priesthood

—not just mine, but all priesthood’ DO YOU FEEL THAT GOD IS CALLING YOU TO THE Silver jubilarian FR ANDREW McKENZIE, director of Priests for Scotland, talks to Dan MISSIONARYPRIESTHOOD? McGinty about his own 25 years as a priest and the priesthood as a vocation THEN WE CAN HELP YOU The Society of African Missionaries (SMA Fathers) is an international group of Missionary Priests.

SINCE discerning his own own priesthood. I think it showed Today we are active in Liberia, vocation, and studying for his people’s regard for the priest- Ghana, Benin, Nigeria, Zambia, Tanzania, South Africa and other ordination to the priesthood in hood. I have only been in St African countries working as 1988, Fr Andrew McKenzie’s Joseph’s for 11 months but there partners in the rapidly ministry has seen him serve in was a wonderful show of support growing Church. parishes, schools and semi- and I think that was about more nary as well as studying on than me. It showed the regard the WILL YOU the other side of the Atlantic. people have for the priesthood.” JOIN US? From his ordination he served Since following his own voca- Send the in St Michael’s in Dumbarton tion he has worked with parish- coupon for more details and Holy Cross in Croy—a time ioners and future priests, served I wish to know more about our during which he was also school as a school chaplain and gone about the work of the lifestyle chaplain in Our Lady and St back to the classroom himself as Society of African Missions Patrick’s in Dumbarton and St he first advanced his own stud- Maurice’s in Cumbernauld. A ies and then as he became the spell in St Mary’s in Kirkintil- teacher himself. But one role in loch followed before he left for particular stands out as some- NAME...... AGE...... the US to continue his own aca- thing he surely couldn’t have ADDRESS...... demic studies. imagined—helping to prepare ...... On his return to Scotland his for a Papal visit to Scotland. POSTCODE...... work with those men who feel The 2010 visit by Pope Bene- Please print clearly and send to: called to the priesthood began, dict XVI saw him work behind FR. PATRICK McGUIRE first teaching seminarians and the scenes planning and organis- SMA, St Theresaʼs, Clarendon Place later in his current role as director busy days!” riences through the last 25 years. ing ahead of the Papal Mass in Dunblane, Perthshire FK15 9HB of Priests for Scotland. Typically of someone so com- “I always feel it is important Glasgow (left).“I enjoyed my “I have absolutely enjoyed it,” mitted to the cause of the priest- to celebrate priesthood—not just involvement in the Papal visit,” Fr McKenzie, now based at St hood in Scotland, Fr McKenzie my priesthood but all priest- Fr McKenzie reflected. “It was a Joseph’s in Tollcross, said of his used his silver jubilee celebra- hood,” Fr McKenzie added. “I huge logistical challenge but it Cistercian Monks vocation. “It is challenging work tions at St Joseph’s, Tollcross, think we should recognise its was wonderful to be a part of it but very rewarding. I have met (see more on page 2) as an oppor- value and importance not just to and it resulted in a great day at and worked with a lot of differ- tunity to highlight the fundamen- the Church but also to society. Bellahouston Park.” ent people with very different tal importance of the institution “My silver jubilee was a great circumstances. Combining that of the priesthood rather than opportunity to thank those who I http://priestsforscotland. work with the parish I have very dwell on his own personal expe- have supported me through my Do you feel called to seek God as a Cistercian monk within a Community, living in prayer and work, in a spirit of silence? JERICHO Are You thinkingabout your future? “The Write: Novice Director, Sancta Maria Abbey, Nunraw, Compassion of Haddington, EH41 4LW Scotland Jesus.” Email: [email protected] Tel: 01620 830 223 Drug & Alcohol Rehabs., Website: (Scottish Charity No. SC 022611) Refuge for Victims of Domestic Violence, Supported Accommodation for the Destitute, the Distressed, and all being ‘passed by on the other side.’ Congregation of Alexian Brothers A COMMUNITY OF The Alexian Brothers, as followers of Jesus the Might you have a late vocation to a MEN OF PRAYER FOR Healer, dedicate their lives to serving the sickand OUR TIMES (founded 1970) those on the margins of society. They do this with the semi-contemplative life? Vocation info from support of prayer and community life. Bro Patrick Mullen, For details, please contact: The Jericho Society, Mater Salvatoris, Harelaw Farm, The Superior Kilbarchan, Renfrewshire, PA10 2PY Scottish Charity SC016909 Mater Ecclesiae Convent, Tel: 01505 614669 Email: Is Jesus calling you? Street Ashton, [email protected] For information contact: Rugby Director of Vocation Alexian Brothers website: CV23 0PJ Contact: [email protected] Tel: 00353 94 937 6996 01788 833825 Next vocations FRANCISCAN [email protected] feature is MISSIONARIES December OF ST. JOSEPH Are you called like Francis of Assisi 13, 2013. to live the Gospel radically? To advertise Want to know more? call 0141 Email Sister Noel – 241 6105 [email protected] Reg. Charity no. 1135474 WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK 24 SCOTTISH CHURCH SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER FRIDAY NOVEMBER 8 2013 Church took the lead in Scottish independence DR HARRY SCHNITKER continues his series looking at the Church’s historic SCOTLAND AND THE CHURCH place in Scottish life by analysing the role it played in Scottish independence

HE consolidation of the Kingdom of enced what all of Europe experienced at this time: Caithness, by David I, and enforced by William I Scots in the 11th century also saw an a wholesale renewal and deepening of Faith the Lion. increased organisation in the Church. and Church structures. It is known as the Grego- In the north, Caithness was recognised as part Queen St Margaret’s sons, especially rian Reform Movement, and had nothing at all of the realm of Scotland in the early 12th century, David I, were actively involved in reor- to do with a sweeping-away of the so-called and a bishopric was erected there by David I in ganising the dioceses in their realm. In some cases, ‘Celtic Church.’ 1146. Here, evidence that expansion was not that meant resurrecting long-dormant bishoprics, A few more examples will illustrate the extent always easy comes from the burning by the Jarl of Tas, for example, in Glasgow. In other cases, dioce- of the reforms. The abbey at Melrose was founded Orkney of the cathedral at Halkirk in 1222, during ses were moved, like Aberdeen from Mortlach, or by Cistercians in 1136, at the request of David I. which the Bishop of Caithness perished in the new dioceses were erected, like Caithness. Cistercian houses soon spread throughout Scot- flames. In the south-west, Galloway long held out New religious orders came to Scotland, whilst land, often supported by local potentates. Thus, against direct royal control, and the independent ancient Céli Dé houses, like Loch Leven, gradu- William Comyn, Earl of Buchan, founded Deer actions of the Lords of Galloway and their bishops ally adopted the Rule of St Augustine. The parish Abbey in 1214. Much earlier, the virtually inde- in Whithorn show that royal control was not very system was rolled out, and the Church began to pendent Fergus, Lord of Galloway, had introduced firmly established there at all. penetrate rural areas it had not managed to reach the Cistercians to his realm at Dundrennan in 1142. It may be clear from the above that the expan- earlier on. It was supported in this expansion at all Occasionally, the aristocracy took the lead, as, for sion of the Church and of the Kingdom of Scot- levels by the monarchy and the aristocracy. As example, at Paisley, where the Cluniac Bene- land went hand in hand. As the kings expanded seen, Queen Margaret founded the Benedictine dictines were introduced by the Stewarts in 1164. their control over Argyll and reached the western house at Dunfermline, and her example sparked a seaboard, for example, the old diocese of Dunkeld raft of new foundations. ne gets a sense of great vitality and was divided and a new see of Argyll was created, The list is very long, but what is of particular dynamism in both the Church and wider centred on Lismore. The only parts of Scotland interest is how wide-spread the new foundations society in Scotland between circa 1080 and that were not controlled either ecclesiastically or were, and how royal example trickled down the theO 1290s. The monarchy gradually managed to politically from the old heartland of Alba were the social ladder. For example, David I founded the impose its will on the regions outside the original Hebrides and the Northern Isles. These remained Augustinian abbey of Holyrood in 1128, and was core of Alba, that is to say, outside the region cen- under Norwegian royal control for all of the period copied by the powerful Earl of Strathearn, Gille tred on the Lothians, Fife, Perthshire and Angus. under discussion, and the metropolitan of the two Brigte, who transformed the old Céli Dé house of Royal control was imposed on Moray, which then dioceses of Man and Orkney was Trondheim. Inchaffray into an Augustinian house in 1200. As encompassed virtually the whole north-east of Richard Oram remarked, Scotland simply experi- Scotland from Stonehaven to the border with s Dauvit Broun has remarked, there was a problem for the Scots, one that is familiar to everyone with even a vague interest in theA history of this country. In the south of the British Isles, a powerful kingdom was emerging at    roughly the same time as the Kings of Alba began to expand their own power. In effect, the rather small island of Britain had two centres of power. For a while, these co-operated, for their borders were separated from one another by Viking and Welsh kingdoms. This came to an end during the time of Queen Margaret, and in last week’s article  we saw her husband and eldest son killed in an which included the Hebrides and Orkney, were attempt to expand Scotland southwards. placed in its province. This removed two sees The English kingdom was the more powerful, claimed by York, and emboldened the Scottish and withstood all attempts by the Scots to push the kings to press for the elevation of St Andrews to border to Hadrian’s Wall. With the Norman con- metropolitan. In 1170, that aim, and, indeed, Scot- quest of 1066, the English monarchy gained in land’s continued independence looked doomed. strength, and this was further enhanced when William I the Lion invaded England and was Henry II came to the throne in 1154. He was the defeated and captured by Henry II. It was a fool- ruler of vast domains in France, that stretched from hardy venture which proved very costly. William Normandy to the border with Spain, which made had to swear fealty to Henry, and the Scottish him the second most important monarch in Chris- Church was told to submit to York. tendom after the German Emperor. Obviously, the The bishops simply refused, and a new pattern Scottish kings were no match for this opponent. was established: even when the political class in This had profound implications for Scotland, but the Kingdom of Scots was willing to submit, the also for the Scottish Church. It, too, was threatened Church was not. It was the centre of independence

& in its continued independence by the powerful in 1170, as it was to be during the much better English crown. When Pope St Gregory the Great known Wars of Independence. The Scots had one               had begun the mission to the Anglo-Saxons, he had great advantage: Henry II had had the Archbishop appointed the two centres of the old Roman of Canterbury, St Thomas Becket, murdered, and             Province of Britain, London and York, as metro- was now at odds with the Papacy. In 1175, the    politan sees. Canterbury replaced London, but the Pope made Glasgow directly dependent on the river Humber remained as the border between the Holy See, and a year later Pope Alexander III two. Controversy raged over where the northern forced York to provide evidence for its claims.      boundary of York lay. Was it to include Scotland, This effectively made the Pope the de facto met-     which had not been part of Roman Britain? ropolitan over Scotland. In 1192, the Bull Cum  #""!! " %  York claimed this was the case, and vigorously universi changed that into a de jure position. From       pursued its claim as metropolitan over Scotland’s then on, there was an Ecclesia Scoticana (above), $40001(11 bishops, and, indeed, those of the Norwegian directly under the Pope. ##0$11 islands off its coasts. Yet only Galloway acqui- It was a far-reaching decision, that had as yet esced and swore an oath of fealty to York. Here, unimagined consequences for the future of Scot- -12"-#$ political considerations were in play: the bishop, land. Six years later, the King of Scots regained his        like the secular Lord of Galloway, regarded Eng- independence from the English crown through the                 land as a safeguard for their own autonomy vis-à- so-called Quitclaim of Canterbury. Scotland was vis the Scots. All other bishops, protected by the to have a full century of uninterrupted independ-  $,"*-1$ "'$/3$2-(#2-2'$'30"'(,$$# .*$ 1$#$!(2+7 Kings of Scotland, held out against York, and even ence, and a period of growth and relative  12$0 0#+$6 $120- against the Papacy when it supported the arch- prosperity was ushered in, the like of which the 6.(07 2$  *(#0-+ 2$ 113$-  $120- bishops there. country was not to experience again for centuries. Things changed from the mid-12th century The integration of Church and monarchy was (&, 230$120(."-#$ * 12!*-")-%#(&(21   (&, 230$ onwards. In 1153, Trondheim in Norway was complete, but in times of crisis it was the Church   #-,-25(1'2-0$"$(4$(,%-0+ 2(-, !-32(#2-2'$'30"'(,$$# made a metropolitan at the request of the Norwe- that took, and was to take, the lead in preserving gian monarchy, and both the dioceses of Man, Scotland’s independence.     %%("$ *8($*3(*#(,& "-2220$$2-2'$05$**     WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK