Dear Friends* One of the Things We Have Been Hearing from Many

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Dear Friends* One of the Things We Have Been Hearing from Many Dear friends* One of the things we have been hearing from many people recently is how grateful they are to be in contact with others. We hope that, through new and different means, you are also feeling connected, both practically and in the unity of the Spirit. We recognise that yesterday’s announcement about the closure of churches came as a shock to many. The buildings in which we worship are icons of God’s faithfulness to our communities throughout centuries, and a focus of our communal life, so it is painful to think of them empty, especially at this time of year. There has been some confusion about this decision, in part because some government advice (now being corrected) indicated that churches could remain open for private prayer, or for the recording or streaming of services. Both national and diocesan FAQs have been updated to make it clear that our church buildings should remain closed. The government has requested that we all stay at home unless it is absolutely necessary to leave for certain limited purposes. Our responsibility as churches, leaders and as Christians, is to model that for our friends and neighbours, expressing our solidarity with the vulnerable and those who are working to care for them by taking these extra precautions. Obviously, this is also a disappointment to those who had made plans and preparations for recording from the church buildings in which their communities are accustomed to worshipping. Ministers are being asked to record and live-stream prayer and worship from their homes where they are able to do so. The Bishop has given permission to priests to celebrate Holy Communion from their homes, with details in the diocesan FAQs. Many churches have been enquiring about volunteering. As a national programme of volunteer help for those in need begins to take shape, we encourage you again to support foodbanks, and invite willing volunteers to check this link for opportunities . We continue to pray for you in yet another new phase of adjustments. May the peace of the Lord be with you. Bishop Tim, Bishop David and Bishop Debbie And the Bishop’s Staff Team: Andrew Robinson, Diocesan Chief Executive Catherine Ogle, Dean of Winchester Peter Rouch, Archdeacon of Bournemouth Richard Brand, Archdeacon of Winchester Mat Phipps, Bishop’s Chaplain *This communication is being distributed to the full diocesan mailing list (all recipients of eNews), which includes by default all clergy, lay ministers, churchwardens, parish administrators, PCC secretaries and treasurers. You may freely distribute this communication to PCC members and other members of your church communities. .
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