Springfield Leader Bread, Margarine, Milk

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Springfield Leader Bread, Margarine, Milk f 8 — THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1993 — WORBALL NEWSPAPERS - 2,3* U.C. Tuifrifron program menu gender equity -AikAtea-Girls^Hoops— Flowers-galore WorraN Community Newspapers1 Floral designer Michael The following is" the menu etables, rice, ice cream, cream of The New Jersey Girl Scout Coun- will address important issues about gender equity symposium will 1 offered by the Union County Nutri- carrots, whole parslied potatoes, St. girls and women in education, careers address important issues for these 1992-93 All-Area Girls Basketball Cramer created one of The state should study maritiates broccoli soup, bread, margarine, Patrick's day dessert, apple juice, cils, in cooperation with the American tion Program for the Elderly, for the and living in a multi-cultural society. girls and all girls facing the multitude the world's largest topi- -andJund them, Page 8. ...... milk. rye bread, margarine, milk. Association of University Women, Team features this year's best play- Springfield Senior Citizen Nulri- According to Cindy J. Williams, of challenges and opportunities on the March 16 Reservations made be made by will hold a half-day conference March ers, Page B1. ary trees, Page B3. - lion Lunch program, today through executive director of Washington road to adulthood." Lasogna with sauce, mixed string calling 912-2233 on day in advance 27 titled "Empowering Girls for the March 17: Rock Girl Scout Council, "More than beans, tossed salad, cherry cobbler, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The Future; A Symposium on Gender For more information about the March II 7,300 girls in our jurisdiction, ages 5 minestrone soup, Italian bread, donation is $2. The program is Equity." . • Girl Scout Gender Equity Sympo- B.B.Q. pork rib, peas and carrots, to 17, are bcncfitling from the all-girl margarine, milk. sponsored at the Chisholm School The conference will be held at Dou- sium, contact Washington Rock Girl 1/2 baked potato, applesauce, veg- organization called Girl Scouts. The March 17 on S. Springfield Avenue. glass College, New Brunswick, and Scout Council at (908) 232-3236. etable soup, bread, margarine, milk. Boiled ham and cabbage, sliced March 12: PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE Baked fish with lemon butter, PUBLIC NOTICE NO TICE chopped, spinach, potatoes ou gra- PUBLIC NOTICE CONDITIONS SET FORTH' BY THE ' TOWNHIP OF 8PRINQFIELD Conlllod Chock, Cashlor's Chock .or Bid BOARD . COUNTY OF UNION, N.J: TAKE NOTICE lhat on Wednesday, Said applications aro on fllo In tho offlco TAKE NOTICE, that ihoro will bo a Spe- January e, 1903, Iho Sprlngflold Township tin, pound cake, beef barley soup, TOWNSHIP OF SPRINGFIELD Bond mndo payablo to the Township of Planning Board approved Minor Subdivi- COUNTY OF UNION, N.J. SprlnQflold lor not loss Ihnn 10% of tho otlho Socromry of tho Planning Board, cial Meeting of tho Township Commlneo pn Springfield Leader bread, margarine, milk. Annox Building, Townchlp of Sprlngflold, Thursday, March 11, 1992 al 4:00 p.m. In sion to Gary Zaltz for Block 33, Lots 4 and NOTICE TO BIDDERS lump sum bid. • . * •. • S. Copy of sold resolution Is on tils In tho LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE Blddora nro required to comply with tho Now Jorsoy and nro available for public tho Municipal Building, for the eonsldsra- 1 Inspocllon. lion of the Municipal Budget. olflco ol ths Planning Board ol Springtide ' March is' CONTRACT- roquiromenls of Public Laws 10/5, Chaplor Township. » SPRINGFIELD,. N.J., Homo of Tom Gorgla FOR SPRINGFIELD COMMUNITY POOL 127. Socrotary HELEN E. MAQUIRE -,VOL.64 NO.23—THURSDAY, MARCH 18,! 1993—2* TWO SECTIONS - 50 CENTS Chicken Hawaiian, oriental veg- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thnt rjonlod The Township resorvss the rlghl lo Robert C. Klrkpatrlck Township Clork Gary .Znli* bids will bo rocalvod by tho Township of accopl or raloct any or all proposals nnd to USOOO Sprlngflold Loader U5OB3 Tha Springfield Leador By:: Max Sherman, Esq. Sprlngllold In tho County ol Union for iho wnlvo any Informalllles which may arise. March 11, 1093 (Foo; $0.00) March 1i, 1083 (Fee: S3.75) U5214 Sprlngflold Londor, PUBLIC NOTICE Landccnpo Malnlonnnco Contract for tho By ordor of the Township Commltloo of March. 11.-1 (Fee: $4.50). Sprlnrjflold Community Pool lor iho 1093 tho Township of Sprfngllold, Now Jorsoy. TOWNSHIP OF SPRINGFIELD cannon, which Ghnll bo oponod and rond In HELEN MAGUIRE KEVWORTH • ' . • . LEGAL NOTICE •••'•.' Iho Municipal Building, 100 Mountnln .. Townohlp Clork : Dissolution Tunneling through Avonuo, Sprlnnflold, Now Jorcoy on Mon- U5007 Sprlngllold Loador, SPRINGFIELD BOARD OF EDUCATION A COMPREHENSIVE ORDINANCE day, Mnrch 22, 1003 ol 10:00 A.M. March 11. 1093 (Foo: $17.50) Notice It horoby glvon by Iho Board ol Education ol lha School District ol Sprlhgtiold In iho Counly ol Union and tho Slnto ol New Jertoy In compliance with League represents REGULATING THE USES OF LAND AND Spoclllcnllona nnd forms of bids for tho N.J.S.A. 1OA:22.11 that a Public Hoarlng on Iho School Budget will be hold al a rogular mooilng plnco ollho Board ol Education, Conloronce Room, in the rear ot THE USES AND LOCATION OF STRUC- tho Floronco M. Gnudlnoor School, South Sprlngllold Avonuo, Sprlngflold, Now Jorsoy, Tuosdny, March S3,1893 ot 730 P.M. ond that Irom MhrcM6,1993 to •TURES: THE HEIGHT AND BULK OF ..pproposon d mnmrlol and iwrvlco aro on Illo In STRUCTURES;" THE AREA, YARD AND ihihco Offlco ol Iho Sprlngllold Rocroatlon Township of Sprlngflold March 23,1003, the said Budgot will bo on fllo tor public Innpoctlon by any Inlorostod clllzon, In tho olllco ol iho Socromry. Board ol Education Admimstraiivo bill released DIMENSION OF YARDS AND OTHER DDoparimontf , Sarah Balloy Civic Contor, 30 Toko nollco thai Iho following decisions OIIIOM, roar ol tho Floronco M. Gaudlnoor School,' South Springllold Avonuo, Springfield;. Now Jorsoy ond postod in tho following schools: OPEN SPACE: THE DENSITY AND. ChuChurc, h Mull, Sprlnnflold, Now Jnrcay and woro mado ol Iho rogular mooilng of tho . Jamos Coldwoll .•••'• ' strength in numbers may bo oblnlnod by prospocllvo blddora Planning Board hold on Wodnooday March INTENSITY OF POPULATION AND LAND rnny 3, 1003. : Floronco M. Gaudlnoor —US&.THE DIVISION OF THE TOWNSHIP durlduringn ' normal buninoaa houra. ' . • Tholma L; Sandmoior . ' • ' 1. Appl. «2-03S • to Assembly 1 Bldo must bo.mado on standard proposal OF SPRINGFIELD INTO DISTRICTS FOR Applicant McKENT INC. .~r Edward V. Walton . , •' • • , II) Dennis Scliinil — has also pressured suite legisla- SUCH PURPOSE; THE CREATION OF A forms furnlshodby iho Townchlp and must • School DlBlrlS'Budgol Stnlomont. • • MAP SHOWING SAID DISTRICTS: THE bo onclosod In a coalod onvolopo'bonrlno Silo Loc. GENERAL GREENE SHOP- Staff Writer tive leaders fur <t moratorium on an Iho narno nnd addroao ol tho biddor, PING CENTER .,..-• . tor Iho School Yoor 1093-94 .... ESTABLISHMENT OF RULES, REGULA- . • Advorllsod EnrollmontB . • . ' . • By Dennis School ' TIONS AND STANDARDS GOVERNING addroosod to Iho Townohlp of Sprlngllold, Block 35 Lot 4 Springfield Mayor Philip Kur- edict mandating the cosily removal, Now Jorsoy and shall Indlcnto thoroon For PRELIMINARY AND FINAL SITE Staff Writer' THE SUBDIVISION AND DEVELOPMENT PLAN APPROVAL AND CONDITIONAL UNION • SPRINGFIELD TOWNSHIP nos, who doubles' as the 1st vice of underground oil nnd gas tanks. OF LAND WITHIN THE TOWNSHIP, AND "Sonlod Bias lor Landccnpo Contrncl al As five of the six local school dis- THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A PLANNING Communlly Pool." Bids must bo nccompnn- USE APPROVAL president of the Union Counly Kumos said numicipaliiios michl BOARD AND ZONING BOARD OF lod by n proposal qunrnntoo In Iho form of n Wno APPROVED SUBJECT TO THF tricts that feed the Union County Reg- ADJUSTMENT AND APPROPRIATE ENROLLMENT CATEGORY October 15, 1001 Odobor 15. 1092 . October 15.. 1993 . League of Municipalities, thinks "save millions" because new tech- ; ional High School District continue PFNALTIES AND PROCEDURES FOR . • ' TOWNSHIP OF SPRINGFIELD ' Actual . Actual Estimated the organization, composed of nologies are in the wotks that might VIOLATIONS OF THESE PROVISIONS; dcregionalizatiori ' discussions and ALL ENACTED PURSUANT TO N.J.S.A. COUNTY OF UNION. N.J. ' ' . Pupils On-Roll •Full-Tlmo . •• . • ' 051 1070 1153 elected officials from the 21 towns make the removal of the tanks 4055D-1 ET SEO. lo nmondod no tollowo; AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE REVISED GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE Pupils On.Roll.Sharod-Tlmo pursue a joint feasibility study, legis- TOWNSHIP OF SPRINGFIELD 1001, CHAPTER 165; CHAPTERS, MUNICIPAL SWIM Prlvalo School Piacomonts ' : ' 3 : within the counly, is nol -just Socllon 300 DEFINITION AND •' '2 3 lation that might case a regional DESCRIPTIONS . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE Township Commlltbo of tho Tduvnshlp of Sprlngflold, County Pupils Sem to Othor Districts - Rogular another debuting society, but "has a Dollnlllon nnd doscrlptlono of roinll onion of Union nnd Stnlo ol New Jarcny, ihnl the Rnvlood General Ordinances ol the Township ol Pupils Sont to Olhor Districts - Special Ed • 2 1 1 divorce has advanced a notch in the nnd Gorvlcoo ohnll rond; Sprlngflold ontillnd above Is horoby nmondod ns follows: . Pupils Rocolyed ' : 50 48 ' 20 strong voice in Trenton." 'The good part Tho nnlo ol goodti lor uoo of cpnoumptlon - Pupils In Slolo Facilities stale Assembly. oil tho promisor,, which goods nro Intondod SECTION 1. AMENDMENT ' ' to mnnn dlrocl conoumor food, clothing, The Munlclpnl Pool Momborshlps loo roqulromonl portion of Section 105-3 Is hnroby Tho .league garnered headlines about the league is furnlchlngo, rocrontlonnl or othor noods aro nmnndod to road as follows; '••'•. ' . Advortised Rovonuos . The Assembly Education Commit- last week when it called on the slate ndt Intondod for roonlo nnd/or tho onto ol MUNICIPAL POOL MEMBERSHIPS ' • . FEE . Budget Cnlogory . • tee voted unanimously March 4 to 1 that we have a oorvlcoo ouch no poroonnl caro, flnnnclal, ' Family Momborehlp " •• • , •, ' '• $100.00 Account 1091-02 1902-03 1903-94 Legislature lo back one of -the ropnlr, cnlorlng, nnd othor almllnr norvlcos.
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