Windsor-High Ts Herald
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WINDSOR-HIGH TS HERALD VOL. 5, N O . 31 HIGHTSTOWN, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JULY 31, 1969 IGHTSTOWN SEVIO* HIGH SCHOOL LIBRARY Newss,and 100 i*' coPy Chief In Boro Says Post-Fire Curfew Should Be Permanent Hlghtstown may have a per made the town easier to control instead of tbs anticipated four the area and that their grievan "don't even know where they manent curfew as a result of and that such a measure should or six spokesmen, about 25 per ces Involved the police depart a r e ." recent O res of unknown origin have been put into effect as much sons attended. According to the ment. Chief Archer, meanwhile, is and disturbances among some as 10 or 20 years ago. Mayor, more than half of the 25 The Mayor also called for pressing the fire investigation local teenagers. On the fire-teen tension were non-residents and the par cooperation from parents In locally with Detective Raymond About noon Saturday, Mayor situation, Chief Archer said ties "couldn't get too much enforcing the curfew and noted Lemleux heading the work on the Ernest B. Turp declared a local that he does not anticipate fur done" due to the large number. the presence of youngsters on case. The Chief said he hopes emergency and a dally cur tow ther trouble and that the prob Saturday, the Mayor said be the streets late at night as an for a break in the case and from 11 p.m . to 6 a.m . for lem can be "talked out." met with three teenagers from indication that their parents possible arrests within a week. Police Set Self Defense everyone under 18. If it takes "100 meetings," The curfew followed an early the Chief said, "we'll go and Saturday morning fire which talk this thing over at 100 Demonstration For Today gutted Hights Hardware and meetings.” A weapons demonstration Tuesday afternoon and hand-to-hand spread to Blumenthal's clothing Chief Archer said his office wlU be open to "anybody" wish combat show this afternoon at 2 in Veterans Park are highlights store, Snelllng and Snelllng of fices, and Beneficial Finance ing to discuss any problem of a four-day "Police Instruction Week” in East Windsor. All Co. before it was brought under privately with him from 7-9 residents are invited to the demonstration which will go on rain control by Hlghtstown and near p.m. Monday through Friday. or shine, according to Recreation Committee spokesmen. by volunteer fire fighting units. Appointments should be made Sunday morning, another fire In advance by telephone, he of undetermined origin des added. troyed a wooden building and Investigations on the barn two new fuel oil trucks In it at and business district blase a, Superintendent Lists School Central Jersey Farmer's Co- the Chief said, are going Op an Mercer Street. "slowly," partly because the Officials could not determine County Fire M arshal's office whether there was a relation has failed to send personnel Hours And Attendance Zones ship between the two blazes, to the scene. "Hlghtstown has and a third which destroyed an arson ist," the Chief said, adding that he believes barn Dr. John J. Hunt, Superin 11 sections of second grade. ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth a borough barn on July 19. Speculation among officials and store fires were purposely tendent of the East Windsor The MeMn H. Kreps School, grades In the d istrict and public has tied the fires set. Regional School district, has re Kent Lane, will house six sections Kindergarten attendance areas] with sporadic name-calling In Mayor Turp, meanwhile. Is leased school hours and attendance of kindergarten, tour sections of Melvin H. Kreps School - the area cidents among black and whits, slating meetings with commun areas tor the school year which be second grade and all the third, bounded by, but not Including, resident and non-resident teen ity leaders to discuss the ap gins Thursday, Sept 4. fourth, and fifth grades In the dis Princeton Road and Old Trenton agers In the past month. How parent tensions. Friday, he Admission and Dismissal BeU tr ic t Road on the north; district lines ever, no one has established a said, he hnd Councilman Ernest times: High School (10-12) 7:45 The Hlghtstown Intermediate on the south and the west; route connection between the tensions Thompson, Howark Klank and a.m.; 2:35 p.m. Walter C. Black School, Stockton Street, will house 130 on the east, excluding Hickory Arthur Roach met with adults School 7:55 a.m.; 2;25 p.m. Mel all the sixth, seventh, and eighth Corner Road between route 130 and fires. Hundreds of Hightstonians attracted by the flames, crowded pavements across Main Street from the Monday, Hlghtstown Mayor from the black community but vin H. Kreps School 8:30 am.; grades In the d istrict and Oak Creek Road, and all fira tr-ona IPhntfM hv Intamutlnml PrOW SWVtCd) Ernest B. Turp said the cur tow 3:10 p m. Intermediate School The Hlghtstown High School of Hickory Acres development An was called by hi moo the recom 9:05 a.m.; 3:50 p.m. High School Leshln Lane, will house all the area east of the turnpike, exclud 4 mendation of Police Chief Law (9) 9;15 a.m.; 4 pm. ing Philyet Drive, Wycoff Mills rence Archer. The Mayor said The Walter C. Black School, Road and Twin Rivers develop Stockton Street will house nine ment Walter C. Black School - there Is "no way of tailing when It will end ■— It wlU stay oeun sections of kindergarten, all of all remaining areas. $ 1 5 5 ,0 0 0 til the Chief feels it should be first grades In the district, and Second grade attendance areas: Melvin H. Kreps School taken off.” a. A ll pupils living east of the And the Chief said be would like to see the curfew made a Meeting New Jersey Turnpike b. AH pupils residing In the area "permanent fixtu re." In an ln- bounded by and Including both sides tervlew Monday, he eeld It had Wednesday of Wiltshire Drive on the west. Dutch Neck Road on the south, Boys Saved and Oak Creek on the east Public hearings for a $135,000 c. AH paptls from Airport Road general Improvement bond ordin Millstone Road, and Hickory Com ance, $10,106 tor the borough's After Fail er Road between Rt. 33 and Rt share of pifcllc housing costs, and 130. A five - year - old boy end another $10,000 for the extension d. A ll pupils residing within the his three rescuers were hauled of Grape Run Road to Mercer area with a northern boundary to safely from rein - swollen Rocky Street will be up for Council ac Brook at the Peddle lake dam be the Hlghtstown Borough line ex tion In Hlghtstown Wednesday yesterday at 2:15 p.m. tended to theNewJerseyTurnplke, Brian Maund, 227 Monmouth3t., A lso, Council la slated to accept and the southern boundary to be a 5, fell off a concrete wall Into bids for a new dump truck fitted line running alongRocky Brook and the swirling, muddy water which with a snow plow. Peddle Lake and continuing to the Borough police said was more than New, Jersey Turnpike. six feet deep. Council also will receive a res Walter C. Black School - all re Brian's 12-year-old brother Mi olution from the zoning board maining areas. recommending that a use variance chael first Jumped in to reecae be granted to Dr. James Ehler Pupils assigned to the second the youngster but couldn't handle y who asked to open an animal hos grades at the Melvin H. Kreps the current. Stave Neckart, pital at 222 Franklin St, In a resi School from the attendance areas 150 Stockton S t., and George dential zone. mentioned above were based on en Zwartjes, 15, 201 Franklin SL rollm ents In June, 1969. Residents Jumped In end were able to hold moving Into the district after June, the younger boys abo 1969 will be assigned to the second Unidentified pessers-1 Lemaster grades In the W alter C. Black ropes to the School. w ere hauled Room, teacher, A.M. or P.M. The only police were brush Has School kindergarten assignments, and Flames stream from the rear o f the hardware store shortly after first firemen arrived on the scene by Brian. He was treated by First transportation routes will be pub early Saturday morning. lished In the local papers In early Aid Squad personnel. August Parents are advised to Job In N. Y. check the papers during August tor further Information. Raymond Lemaster, former - 0 - Hlghtstown High School principal, has accepted a position as a "house principal" In Liverpool, N. Y. Weather hi the $18,600 post, Mr. Lemas ter is one of four "house prin cipals" in the 2 ,8 0 0 -pupil high Outlook school. Each supervises about 700 students and 40 teachers, answer Without meaning to Jinx any Rain’s Not ing to an executive principal. chance for sunny weather, the Mr. Lemaster was relieved of Trenton weather man has fore the Hlghtstown prlnclpalshlp and cast clearing weather for today All Good offered an administrative post here and Friday. which, he said, he never accepted. However, showers are ex He said he was paid as high school pected again on Saturday and tem For Farmers principal at $15,000 per year peratures are to be In the 76- through July 1.