
H5832 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 23, 2008 as he may consume to the sponsor of ket (He Had it Coming)’’; ‘‘Petootie The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- this bill, the gentleman from Arkansas Pie’’; ‘‘Choo Choo Ch’Boogie’’; ‘‘That ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the (Mr. SNYDER). Chick’s Too Young to Fry’’; ‘‘Ain’t Chair’s prior announcement, further Mr. SNYDER. Proudly today, Madam That Just Like a Woman (They’ll Do It proceedings on this motion will be Speaker, the House of Representatives Every Time)’’; ‘‘Ain’t Nobody Here But postponed. solutes another great American, ac- Us Chickens’’; ‘‘Let the Good Times knowledging the contributions of a re- Roll.’’ f markable man to our great country. And then on to 1947: ‘‘Texas and Pa- RECOGNIZING PITTSFIELD, MAS- Entertainers reflect the rich history cific’’; ‘‘I Like ’Em Fat Like That’’; SACHUSETTS, AS BEING HOME of America, and their stories, their per- ‘‘Open the Door, Richard!’’; ‘‘Jack, TO THE EARLIEST KNOWN REF- sonal stories, tell our story. No more You’re Dead’’; ‘‘I Know What You’re ERENCE TO THE WORD ‘‘BASE- worthy among these is Arkansas native Puttin’ Down’’; ‘‘Boogie Woogie Blue BALL’’ , a musician, songwriter, Plate’’; ‘‘Early in the Mornin’’’; ‘‘Look entertainer, and even movie performer. Out.’’ Mr. SARBANES. Madam Speaker, I Nothing could stifle this remarkably In 1948: ‘‘Barnyard Boogie’’; ‘‘How move to suspend the rules and agree to talented man, not racial bigotry or up- Long Must I Wait for You’’; ‘‘Reet, Pe- the resolution (H. Res. 1050) recog- bringing a century ago in rural Arkan- tite and Gone’’; ‘‘’’; ‘‘All for nizing Pittsfield, Massachusetts, as sas. the Love of Lil’’; ‘‘Pinetop’s Boogie being home to the earliest known ref- Louis Jordan was born July 8, 1908, in Woogie’’; ‘‘Don’t Burn the Candle at erence to the word ‘‘baseball’’ in the Brinkley, Arkansas, and in the late Both Ends’’; ‘‘We Can’t Agree’’; United States as well as being the 1920s he attended Arkansas Baptist ‘‘Daddy-O’’; ‘‘Pettin’ and Pokin’.’’ birthplace of college baseball, as College where I live, in Little Rock, In 1949: ‘‘Roamin’ ’’; ‘‘You amended. Arkansas, and majored in music. He be- Broke Your Promise’’; ‘‘Cole Slaw (Sor- The Clerk read the title of the resolu- came a songwriter, performer, and ghum Switch)’’; ‘‘Every Man to His tion. movie actor. He actively recorded for Own Profession’’; ‘‘Baby, It’s Cold Out- The text of the resolution is as fol- the Armed Forces Radio Service and side’’; ‘‘’’; ‘‘Sat- lows: the V-Disc program during World War urday Night Fish Fry.’’ H. RES. 1050 II, and one of his songs recorded during In 1950, four hits: ‘‘School Days, Whereas Pittsfield, Massachusetts, is the this period, ‘‘G.I. Jive,’’ was number ‘‘Blue Light Boogie,’’ ‘‘I’ll Never Be home of a historic document discovered in one on both the R&B and Pop charts. Free,’’ ‘‘Tamburitza Boogie.’’ Pittsfield’s archives by noted baseball histo- He appeared in , which were And in 1951: ‘‘Lemonade,’’ ‘‘Tear rian John Thorn in 2004; Whereas the historic document is a bylaw, short musical films in the dis- Drops from My Eyes,’’ ‘‘Weak Minded passed by the Town of Pittsfield, Massachu- played on coin-operated film juke- Blues.’’ setts, during a town meeting on September 5, boxes, and played cameo roles in mov- Those song titles from the remark- 1791, which states that ‘‘for the Preservation ies like ‘‘Follow the Boys’’ and ‘‘Swing able career of hits of Louis Jordan give of the Windows in the New Meeting House . Parade’’ of 1946. you a flavor for the kinds of songs, the . . no Person or Inhabitant of said town, shall Previous speakers have acknowl- kind of music, the richness of Amer- be permitted to play at any game called edged some of his remarkable accom- ican heritage. Wicket, Cricket, Baseball, Football, Cat, plishments: the ‘‘Saturday Night Fish This was really brought home to me Fives or any other game or games with balls, when I was getting signatures to sign within the Distance of Eighty Yards from Fry’’ recording of 1949, which many say said Meeting House’’; was the first song; his in- onto this bill, and one of the first peo- Whereas this bylaw was created to protect duction into the Rock and Roll Hall of ple I talked to was one of our col- the windows of the new meetinghouse in the Fame in Cleveland in 1987; and in 2004 leagues Congressman STEVE ISRAEL Town of Pittsfield, Massachusetts, which is being named one of the 100 Greatest from New York, a long way from rural currently the Congregational Church, de- Artists of All Time by Arkansas, and he immediately told signed by renowned architect Charles Magazine. me—he signed on—that he had seen Bulfinch in 1789 and completed in 1793; I am pleased that the House today ‘‘’’ in New York Whereas Pittsfield, Massachusetts, will pass this resolution, but in some three times. He started singing the through the First Home Plate project will commemorate being known as the home of ways we don’t get the full flavor of his songs and knew the lyrics of many of the oldest known documentation of the game accomplishments and the richness of these songs, even though Louis Jordan by erecting three permanent monuments, the heritage of what he did without died over 30 years ago. Bat, Ball, and Glove, to recognize Pittsfield’s talking specifically about these songs. I appreciate the efforts by the major- unparalleled position in baseball history; Let me go through the list of hits brief- ity and minority today to bring this Whereas the monuments will highlight and ly here today. bill to the floor, and today we salute a represent the great virtues of the game that His career began in the early days of remarkable American: Louis Jordan. have solidified baseball as our national pas- World War II, some dark years for Ms. FOXX. Madam Speaker, I have time; Whereas the virtues of baseball are inno- America. The 1942 hits included ‘‘I’m no further requests for time, and I cence, youth, bridging generations, and how Gonna Leave You on the Outskirts of yield back the balance of my time. it parallels the great history of our Nation; Town’’ and ‘‘What’s the Use of Getting Mr. SARBANES. Madam Speaker, I Whereas Pittsfield, Massachusetts, is also Sober (When You Gonna Get Drunk want to thank my colleague from Ar- the home of many historical baseball mo- Again).’’ kansas for that wonderful history on ments; In 1943: ‘‘The Chicks I Pick are Slen- Louis Jordan, and I want to urge my Whereas Pittsfield, Massachusetts, is the der and Tender and Tall,’’ ‘‘Five Guys colleagues to support H. Res. 1242. birthplace of college baseball in the United Named Moe,’’ ‘‘That’ll Just ’Bout Madam Speaker, I yield back the bal- States as it is the site of the first intercolle- Knock Me Out,’’ ‘‘.’’ ance of my time. giate baseball game between Amherst Col- lege and Williams College, which took place In 1944: ‘‘G.I. Jive,’’ ‘‘Is You Is or Is The SPEAKER pro tempore. The on July 1, 1859; You Ain’t My Baby.’’ question is on the motion offered by Whereas in 1865, Ulysses F. ‘‘Frank’’ Grant, In 1945: ‘‘Mop! Mop!,’’ ‘‘You Can’t Get the gentleman from Maryland (Mr. generally considered the best African Amer- That No More,’’ ‘‘,’’ ‘‘Some- SARBANES) that the House suspend the ican player of the 19th century, was born in body Done Changed the Lock on My rules and agree to the resolution, H. Pittsfield, Massachusetts; Door,’’ ‘‘My Baby Said Yes.’’ Res. 1242. Whereas Pittsfield, Massachusetts, is the And then truly the remarkable year The question was taken. home of Wahconah Park, an enclosed ball- of 1946 in which he had 13 hits: ‘‘Buzz The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the park and grandstand, originally built in 1892 Me’’; ‘‘Don’t Worry ’Bout That Mule’’; and placed on the National Historic Register opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being in June 2005; ‘‘Salt Pork, West Virginia’’; ‘‘Recon- in the affirmative, the ayes have it. Whereas Pittsfield, Massachusetts, is version Blues’’; ‘‘Beware (Brother, Be- Mr. SARBANES. Madam Speaker, on where in 1921 and 1922, the Boston Red Sox ware)’’; ‘‘Don’t Let the Sun Catch You that I demand the yeas and nays. played 2 exhibition games at Wahconah Park Cryin’’’; ‘‘Stone Cold Dead in the Mar- The yeas and nays were ordered. against the Hillies;

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:49 Jun 24, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K23JN7.056 H23JNPT1 wwoods2 on PRODPC60 with HOUSE June 23, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H5833 Whereas Boston won the first game with a between Amherst College and Williams have two or three Hall of Fame-caliber score of 10 to 9 and the Hillies won the sec- College. Ulysses F. Grant, the most players cannot count on success. Yet it ond with a score of 4 to 1; prominent 19th century African Amer- places individual players under great Whereas in 1922, Jim Thorpe, considered ican player, was born in Pittsfield. pressure and scrutiny. Many Ameri- one of the most versatile athletes in modern sports, played baseball at Wahconah Park; Wahconah Park, a famous ballpark and cans believe that baseball is the ulti- Whereas in 1924, Lou Gehrig made his pro- grandstand built in 1892, is located mate combination of skill, timing, fessional debut with the Hartford Senators there. The Boston Red Sox won their athleticism, and strategy. The pitcher at Wahconah Park, where he hit a home run first game in that park. Lou Gehrig must make good pitches or risk losing into the Housatonic River; made his professional debut with the the game. The hitter has a mere frac- Whereas in 1942, future major leaguer Mark Hartford Senators there where he hit a tion of a second to decide whether to Belanger was born in Pittsfield, Massachu- home run into the Housatonic River. swing. The field players, as the last setts; With every great baseball moment, line of defense, make the lone decision Whereas on June 1, 1976, a recreation of the Pittsfield is a part of the significance. to try to catch it or play it on the 1859 Williams and Amherst collegiate base- The first home plate project will ball game took place in Pittsfield, Massachu- bounce, to throw out the runner at setts; erect a bat, ball, and glove statues in first base or to try to make the play at Whereas Pittsfield, Massachusetts, hosted Pittsfield. These monuments symbolize home. a vintage baseball game which was broadcast great virtues, innocence, purity, and Baseball has truly provided countless on national television in 2004; parallels to American culture. Let Con- Americans fond memories of their Whereas Pittsfield, Massachusetts, in 2005, gress at this time recognize and honor youth over the years, and I am honored welcomed the Pittsfield Dukes, a member of the contribution Pittsfield plays in our to stand here today recognizing Pitts- the New England Collegiate Baseball League, Nation’s history. field, Massachusetts, as being home to who made their second season debut at I would like to recognize Pittsfield, Wahconah Park in 2005; and the earliest known reference to the Massachusetts’ role in our Nation’s word ‘‘baseball’’ in the United States. Whereas on August 31, 2007, His Excellency, history, and I urge my colleagues to Deval L. Patrick, Governor of the Common- I ask my colleagues to support this wealth of Massachusetts, proclaimed Sep- support this resolution. resolution. Madam Speaker, I reserve the bal- tember 5, 2007, to be Pittsfield Baseball Day Madam Speaker, I reserve the bal- ance of my time. in the Commonwealth: Now, therefore, be it ance of my time. Ms. FOXX. Madam Speaker, I yield Resolved, That the United States House of Mr. SARBANES. Madam Speaker, at Representatives— myself such time as I may consume. (1) recognizes the importance of college Madam Speaker I rise today in sup- this time I yield such time as he may baseball to the Nation; and port of House Resolution 1050, recog- consume to the sponsor of this bill, the (2) recognizes the birthplace of college nizing Pittsfield, Massachusetts, as gentleman from Massachusetts (Mr. baseball as Pittsfield, Massachusetts. being home to the earliest known ref- OLVER). The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- erence to the word ‘‘baseball’’ in the Mr. OLVER. I thank the gentleman ant to the rule, the gentleman from United States. for yielding time. Maryland (Mr. SARBANES) and the gen- The question of the origins of base- Madam Speaker, I am pleased today tlewoman from North Carolina (Ms. ball has been the subject of debate and that the House of Representatives is FOXX) each will control 20 minutes. controversy for more than a century. considering House Resolution 1050, The Chair recognizes the gentleman Baseball, as well as the other modern which honors the city of Pittsfield for from Maryland. bat, ball, and running games, were de- its rich baseball history. As a sponsor GENERAL LEAVE veloped from earlier folk games. Pre- of this legislation, I would like to Mr. SARBANES. Madam Speaker, I vious beliefs held that baseball was in- thank the Committee on Education request 5 legislative days during which vented in 1839 by Abner Doubleday in and Labor, especially the gentleman Members may revise and extend and in- Cooperstown, New York. This belief from California Chairman GEORGE MIL- sert extraneous material on H. Res. provided the rationale for baseball cen- LER for his assistance in bringing this 1050 into the RECORD. tennial celebrations in 1939, including resolution to the floor. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there the opening of a National Baseball Hall Pittsfield, Massachusetts, can trace objection to the request of the gen- of Fame and Museum. Still, few histo- its baseball roots all the way back to tleman from Maryland? rians and even the hall’s vice president 1791. There was no objection. believed that Cooperstown was indeed b 1730 Mr. SARBANES. Madam Speaker, I the birthplace of the game, most pre- yield myself such time as I may con- ferring to believe that ‘‘baseball wasn’t The city, which was only the town of sume. really born anywhere.’’ Pittsfield then, was in the middle of Madam Speaker, I rise today in sup- In 2004, however, historian John constructing a new meeting house. port of H. Res. 1050, which recognizes Thorn discovered a reference to a 1791 Trying to protect the windows of this Pittsfield, Massachusetts, as the birth- bylaw prohibiting anyone from playing new building, the town enacted a bylaw place of our Nation’s great sport: base- ‘‘baseball’’ within 80 yards of the new that banned the playing of ‘‘baseball’’ ball. This great sport is interlaced into meetinghouse in Pittsfield, Massachu- within 80 yards of it. You see, even American culture, history, and tradi- setts. The so-called ‘‘Broken Window back in 1791, youths were already tion. Baseball is our Nation’s national Bylaw’’ soon became the earliest breaking windows playing America’s pastime, and Pittsfield, Massachusetts, known reference to baseball in North favorite national pastime. With that, helped create the American sporting America and allowed Pittsfield to lay the first mention of baseball was culture. Legendary players such as claim to the honor. penned into history. Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, Cy Young, Baseball is unique among American Madam Speaker, besides being home Hank Aaron, Cal Ripken, and other sports in several ways. This uniqueness to the earliest known reference to Hall of Fame players raised the level of is a large part of its longstanding ap- baseball, this resolution also honors play and integrity of the game. peal and strong association with the the city for being designated the Birth- The first recorded mention of base- American psyche. Some philosophers place of College Baseball by the College ball in known history occurred when a describe baseball as a national religion. Baseball Hall of Fame. Pittsfield bylaw passed on September 5, This popularity has resulted in base- On July 1, 1859, the city hosted one of 1791, banned the playing with bats and ball’s being regarded as more than just the Nation’s oldest collegiate rivalries, balls near the town’s newly con- a major sport. Since the 19th century, Williams College versus Amherst Col- structed meetinghouse. This ordinance it has been popularly referred to as the lege, in the first collegiate baseball is the first known reference to the ‘‘national pastime,’’ and Major League game to be played in the Nation. Now game in U.S. history. Baseball has been given a unique mo- this game was played under the old Other notable historic moments took nopoly status by the Supreme Court of ‘‘Massachusetts’’ rules. No gloves were place in Pittsfield. The very first colle- the United States. used, the ball was pitched under hand, giate baseball game in the United Baseball is fundamentally a team only one out was necessary, and a foul States took place there on July 1, 1859, sport. Even a team blessed enough to ball, if uncaught, was considered a hit.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 03:23 Jun 24, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A23JN7.052 H23JNPT1 wwoods2 on PRODPC60 with HOUSE H5834 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 23, 2008 The record shows that Amherst College energy efficiency, and encouraging in- ment into proving our public transpor- won this first contest by a score of 73– vestment in groundbreaking research tation infrastructure in this country. 32. in advanced alternative and renewable Obviously, we have got to do more of Pittsfield is also the site of many energy technologies. With 21st century that going forward so that we can con- other historical baseball moments. technologies and the strictest environ- serve. That can help drive down some Among others, this resolution honors mental standards in the world, Amer- of the gas prices that have been alluded the city for being the birthplace of ica must produce more of our own en- to. Ulysses F. Grant, born in 1865, who’s ergy right here at home and protect In any event, to get back to the main generally considered to be the best Af- our environment at the same time. topic here with respect to recognizing rican American player of the 19th cen- That is the change America deserves. the tremendous role of Pittsfield, Mas- tury, as well as Mark Belanger, born in To help ease the pain of the Pelosi sachusetts, in the establishment of the 1944, who spent most of his career play- Premium, House Republican leaders culture of our national pastime, I want ing for the Baltimore Orioles. have also embraced short-term legisla- to urge my colleagues to support H. In 1924, Lou Gehrig made his profes- tion that would suspend the 18.4 cents Res. 1050. sional debut at Wahconah Park, the per gallon Federal gas tax this summer I yield back the balance of my time. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The venerable ballbark in Pittsfield that is and establish a corresponding freeze on question is on the motion offered by listed on the National Historic Reg- all taxpayer-funded earmarks to ensure the gentleman from Maryland (Mr. ister, and in that debut he appro- the Highway Trust Fund will not be SARBANES) that the House suspend the priately hit a home run into the impacted. Savings from the earmarks Housatonic River. Jim Thorpe, consid- rules and agree to the resolution, H. freeze also would be applied towards re- Res. 1050, as amended. ered one of the most versatile athletes ducing the Federal deficit. in modern sports, also played there. The question was taken; and (two- A House Republican majority will thirds being in the affirmative) the In recognition of its baseball past, work to deliver the change America de- the city of Pittsfield plans to erect rules were suspended and the resolu- serves on gas prices with meaningful tion, as amended, was agreed to. three permanent monuments, Bat, solutions that make our Nation more Ball, and Glove, representing the vir- A motion to reconsider was laid on energy independent. Here’s how we will the table. tues of the game. do it. We will increase the production Overall, Madam Speaker, I am proud f of American-made energy in an envi- to recognize the city of Pittsfield for ronmentally safe way. This includes SUPPORTING THE GOALS AND its rich baseball history and I am hon- the exploration of next generation oil, IDEALS OF BLACK MUSIC MONTH ored to stand on the floor today to natural gas and coal, and the produc- honor its significance to our national Mr. SARBANES. Madam Speaker, I tion of advanced alternative fuels like pastime. move to suspend the rules and agree to I urge my colleagues to support this cellulosic and clean coal-to-liquids, all the concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. resolution, Madam Speaker. while protecting our natural resources 372) supporting the goals and ideals of Mr. SARBANES. Madam Speaker, I for future generations. Black Music Month and to honor the reserve the balance of my time. We will promote new, clean, and reli- outstanding contributions that African Ms. FOXX. The rising cost of gas and able power generation like advanced American singers and musicians have energy prices throughout this country nuclear and next generation coal, while made to the United States. threatens many aspects of our lives, promoting clean power from renewable The Clerk read the title of the con- and the ability to attend baseball energy such as wind and hydroelectric current resolution. games this summer is one of those. The power. Nuclear energy has proven itself The text of the concurrent resolution notion that Washington is broken is as a safe, carbon-free, and environ- is as follows: exemplified in the Democratic major- mentally friendly alternative, with H. CON. RES. 372 ity’s refusal to address soaring energy France relying on it for 80 percent of Whereas the Nation should be urged to rec- prices. its electricity needs, compared to just ognize the exemplary contributions that Af- Two years ago, then-Minority Leader 19 percent in America. rican-American singers, musicians, and com- posers have made both to the United States PELOSI promised the American people a We will cut red tape and increase the supply of American-made fuel and en- and the world; ‘‘commonsense plan’’ to lower gasoline Whereas the music of African-Americans is prices, but Democrats have not only ergy. Limiting the construction of new the music of America, and has historically failed to offer any meaningful solu- oil refineries and bureaucratic regula- transcended social, economic, and racial bar- tions, they’ve put forward policies that tions mandating the use of exotic fuels riers to unite people of all backgrounds; will have precisely the opposite effect. have decreased supply and increased Whereas artists, songwriters, producers, As a result of their inaction, oil, gaso- the Pelosi Premium. We will encourage engineers, educators, executives, and other line, and electricity prices are as high greater energy efficiency by offering professionals in the music industry provide as they have ever been. Once a night- conservation tax incentives to America inspiration and leadership through their cre- who make their home, car, and busi- ation of music; mare scenario, $4 plus gasoline has be- Whereas African-American music is indige- come a harsh reality on Speaker ness more energy efficient. nous to the United States and originates PELOSI’s watch, and now Americans are We can do much to make it more fea- from African genres of music; paying nearly $1.50 more per gallon at sible for families to attend baseball Whereas African-American genres of music the pump than when the Speaker took games this summer and participate in such as gospel, blues, , , office. other normal summer activities by re- rap, and hip-hop have their roots in the Afri- This Pelosi Premium is hitting work- ducing our dependence on foreign oil can-American experience; ing families hard, at a time when they and creating more American-generated Whereas African-American music has a are confronting high costs of living, a energy, and I call on my colleagues to pervasive influence on dance, fashion, lan- bring up the bills that will allow us to guage, art, literature, cinema, media, adver- slowing economy, and a housing tisements, and other aspects of culture; crunch. This has to change. do that. Whereas Black music has helped African- Republicans are committed to a com- I yield back the balance of my time. Americans endure great suffering and over- prehensive energy reform policy that Mr. SARBANES. The discussion of come injustice with courage and faith; will boost supplies of all forms of en- energy and oil, on the one hand, and Whereas civil rights demonstrators often ergy right here at home to reduce our baseball on the other, got me thinking marched to the cadence of many songs writ- dependence on foreign sources of en- about something I read last week, ten and composed as gospels or spirituals ergy, protect us against blackmail by which is a lot of the folks coming into that were created on the fields of slaves; foreign dictators, create American baseball games around the country and Whereas June was first declared as Black sporting events are using public trans- Music Month in 1979 by President Carter and jobs, and grow our economy, all those has yearly been designated as National things as basic to us as our of love of portation wherever they get the Black Music Month by all concurrent Presi- baseball. chance, as opposed to driving their dents; This includes increasing the supply cars, and I am so glad that the Demo- Whereas African-American musicians have of American-made energy, improving cratic Congress has put such an invest- played a significant role in inspiring people

VerDate Aug 31 2005 03:23 Jun 24, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K23JN7.059 H23JNPT1 wwoods2 on PRODPC60 with HOUSE