ACTIVE Evacuation, Barricading and Even Direct Response
July 25, 2019 • APG News B5 work, and then how to respond, either with ACTIVE evacuation, barricading and even direct response. According to the Federal Emergency Continued from Page B1 Management Agency website at training., an active shooter is an individual something you’ve done,” Ryker said. “I’ve actively engaged in killing or attempting to still barricaded a door, I’ve still evacuat- kill people in a confined and other populat- ed a building, I’ve still countered a shoot- ed area. In most cases, active shooters use er. When you go to do it again in real life, firearms and there is no pattern or method your brain is already set up to go back to their selection of victims. Active shoot- to what you’ve done before, that’s why er situations are unpredictable and evolve we think the small group scenario train- quickly. ing is so much more effective than just a According to, ALICE briefing.” training, in response to an active shoot- Cook, in between small training ses- er situation, trains students how to “pro- sions, was even blunter. “This training,” he actively handle the threat of an aggressive said, “will save lives.” intruder or active shooter event” instead Cook and Ryker give briefs about what of using the “traditional lockdown only to do, but the “rubber meets the road” dur- approach.” ing their small group scenarios. Members of PEO IEW&S and Program Execu- Photo by John Higgins, PEO IEW&S tive Office Command Control Communi- cations-Tactical (PEO C3T) were given Kyle Perkins, chief of staff for Program Executive Office Intelligence, Electronic Warfare and Sensors, right, aims a weap- intense training, first about hiding doesn’t on simulator at Philip Cook, a physical security specialist and active shooter training instructor with Program Executive Office Missiles and Space, during Active Shooter Training in the Myer Auditorium, July, 17, 2019.
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