An Invitation to View and Comment on Segro's

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An Invitation to View and Comment on Segro's Beam Reach 5 WHEN: Thursday 3rd March 2016 12.00-8.00pm WHERE: Centre for Engineering and AN INVITATION TO VIEW Manufacturing Excellence (CEME) AND COMMENT ON SEGRO’S POD balcony mezzanine floor Marsh Way, Rainham PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Essex RM13 8EU PLANS FOR BEAM REACH 5. SEGRO is preparing to submit a planning Plots 39 & 42 Once the planning applications are application for Beam Reach 5 by the submitted to London Borough of Havering, The smaller plot sizes of plots 39 & 42 end of March 2016 to build modern and the council will formally consult on will offer the opportunity to develop an highly sustainable business space the proposals as part of their planning ‘Innovation Village’ of 40 units for start-up totalling 333,269 sq ft. determination of the applications. businesses from 500 sq ft to 2,000 sq ft. Therefore, we would like to give you This is a unique development of ‘incubator’ This application is being prepared in the opportunity to find out more about space supporting businesses with aspirations accordance with the planning policies for our plans and raise any questions and to grow and expand. the area which promote industrial uses. comments. Join us on Thursday 3rd March It also reflects the principle of a previous Plot 40 from 12.00 to 8.00pm. Where a team of planning permission across the site for specialists will be there to welcome you. Plot 40 will accommodate three employment uses. warehousing units of 15,000 sq ft to We have masterplanned the site divided into 22,000 sq ft and two detached units four plots to provide a range of buildings that of 52,000 sq ft and 66,000 sq ft. OUR COMMITMENT TO will cater for businesses from start-ups and GROWTH AND REGENERATION SMEs to blue-chip companies. Plot 41 SEGRO is targeting BREEAM ‘Excellent’ Plot 41 will accommodate one detached CREATING UP TO rating for the development. BREEAM is a warehousing unit of 102,984 sq ft. 40 JOBS rating system for buildings, which sets the during construction standard for best practise in sustainable Units will be offered on a leasehold basis building design. and built speculatively with planning CREATING UP TO Please see overleaf for the masterplan. permission for light industrial (B1c), heavy 750 industrial (B2) and warehousing (B8) uses. job opportunities The Innovation Village will include office (B1a) and Research and Development (B1b) uses. SAT NAV: RM13 8GJ FORMER NEWFAX BUILDING PLOT 39 INNOVATION VILLAGE CONSUL AVENUE MARSH WAY NATURE RESERVE PLOT 41 PLOT 42 INNOVATION VILLAGE CONSUL AVENUE NATURE RESERVE OFFICES UNIT 6 UNIT 3 TESCO OFFICES A13 OFFICES UNIT 5 OFFICES UNIT 4 OFFICES UNIT 1 MANOR WAY OFFICES CENTRAL LONDON / A406 UNIT 2 PLOT 40 CEME A13 MASTERPLAN FOR BEAM REACH 5 M25 We would welcome any comments on our PHASE 1 PHASE 2 proposals or to register your interest in 230,285 sq ft GIA on plots 39, 40 & 42 102,984 sq ft GIA on plot 41 occupying the premises. 31st March 2016 September 2018 FEEDBACK Planning application submitted Estimated start on site If you are unable to attend the public 30th June 2016 June 2019 consultation event on Thursday 3rd March Planning permission granted Estimated completion or would like further details, please contact: October 2016 Neil Impiazzi Estimated start on site [email protected] SEGRO, 258 Bath Road, Slough, SL1 4DX June/July 2017 Estimated completion.
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