Study Guide Visual System
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Study Guide The Visual System and Disorders STUDY GUIDE VISUAL SYSTEM Udayana University Faculty of Medicine, DME 1 Study Guide The Visual System and Disorders TABLE OF CONTENTS Page CONTENT 1 LEARNING OUTCOMES 2 BLOK TEAM 4 FASILITATORS 5 CORE CURICULUM 6 TIME TABLE 9 TIME TABLE CLINICAL SKILL 11 MEETING OF STUDENT REPRESENTATIVES 13 FORMAT OF ARTICLE REVIEW 13 TOPICS OF ARTICLE REVIEW 14 LEARNING PROGRAM 16 PRACTICUM AND BASIC CLINICAL SKILL GUIDES 45 CURRICULUM MAP 61 Udayana University Faculty of Medicine, DME 2 Study Guide The Visual System and Disorders LEARNING OUTCOMES THE AIMS 1. Comprehend the underlying normal structure and function of the visual system and its practical or clinical implications. 2. Understanding the pharmacology and pharmacokinetic of the ocular medicines. 3. Able to manage common eye and visual disorders and refer of high risks patient with visual disorders for further investigation and management. 4. Awareness and responsiveness to the community aspects of health care, needs, education and promotion. LEARNING OUTCOMES 1. Able to know and understand anatomy of the eye structures 2. Able to know and understand Histology of the eye structures 3. Able to know and understand Physiology of the eye, and Physiology of vision 4. Able to know and understand the pharmacology and pharmacokinetic of the ocular medicines 5. Able to establish diagnosis and management patient with Refraction disorders such as Mild Hipermetropia, mild myopia, mild astigmatism and presbyopia. 6. Able to initially diagnose, manage and later refer patient with Refraction disorders such as anisometropia and contact lens problems. 7. Able to establish diagnosis and management patient with external eye diseases such us conjunctivitis, Dry eye Syndrome, Blepharitis, Hordeolum, and Episcleritis 8. Able to initially diagnose, manage and later refer patient with external eye diseases such as chalazion, scleritis, keratitis, corneal ulcer, and uveitis 9. Able to initially diagnose and later refer patient with external eye diseases such as keratokonjungtivitis sicca and endophthalmitis. 10. Able to initially diagnose, manage and later refer patient with glaucoma disorders. 11. Able to establish diagnosis and management patient with ocular injuries such as foreign bodies in the conjunctiva and subconjunctival bleeding 12. Able to manage and initially diagnose and later refer patient with ocular injuries such as hyphema and eyelids lacerations. 13. Able to initially diagnose and later refer patient with ocular injuries such as corneal erosion, foreign bodies on the cornea, thermal corneal burn and lacrimal duct lacerations. 14. Able to establish diagnosis and management patient with eyelids and lacrimal Udayana University Faculty of Medicine, DME 3 Study Guide The Visual System and Disorders system disorders such us trichiasis. 15. Able to initially diagnose, manage and later refer patient with eyelids and lacrimal systems disorders such as dacrioadenitis and dacriocystitis 16. Able to initially diagnose and later refer patient with eyelids and lacrimal sytems disorders such as entropion, lagophthalmus, epichantus, ptosis, eyelids retraction and xanthelasma 17. Able to initially diagnose and later refer patient with cataract, lens dislocation and corneal disorders such as pterygium and keratoconus . 18. Able to initially diagnose and later refer patient with retinal disorders . 19. Able to initially diagnose and later refer patient with neuro ophthalmology & strabismus disorders including amblyopia and binocular diplopia. 20. Able to establish diagnosis and management patient with community ophthalmology disorders such as night blindness 21. Able to initially diagnose, manage and later refer patient with community ophthalmology disorders such as Xerophthalmia 22. Able to initially diagnose and later refer patient with community ophthalmology disorders such as blindness due to 5 most common eye disorders (Cataract, Glaucoma, refractive errors, infection and immunology eye diseases and retina disorders) CURRICULUM CONTENT 1. Anatomy, histology and physiology of the eye. 2. Pharmacology of the eye medicines. 3. Refractive Errors. 4. Infection & Immunologic Eye Diseases. 5. Glaucoma disorders 6. Eyelids and Lacrimal systems disorders 7. Ocular Injuries 8. Cataract, corneal and lens disorders. 9. Vitreous and Retinal disorders 10. Neuro Ophthalmology & strabismus disorders. Udayana University Faculty of Medicine, DME 4 Study Guide The Visual System and Disorders BLOCK VISUAL SYSTEM AND DISORDERS COORDINATOR : dr. Putu Budhiastra, SpM(K) SECRETARY : dr. I Wyn Eka Sutyawan Sp.M TIME : 21 June 2016 – 20 July 2016 Block Team No Name 1 dr. Yuliana,MBiomed 2 dr. Putu Budhiastra, Sp.M (K) 3 dr. Ni Made Ayu Surasmiati, M. Biomed , Sp.M 4 dr. AAA Sukartini Djelantik, Sp.M (K) 5 Prof.dr.I Dewa Putu Sutjana,PFK,M.Erg 6 dr. W.G Jayanegara, Sp.M (K) 7 Dr. dr. AAA Mas Putrawati T, Sp.M(K) 8 dr. I.G.A.Dewi Ratnayanti 9 dr. Ariesanti Tri Handayani, Sp.M(K) 10 Dr. dr. Made Jawi Lectures No Name Dept No Telp 1 dr. Putu Budhiastra, Sp.M (K) Ophtalmology 085238238999 2 Prof.dr.NK Niti Susila,SpM (K) Ophtalmology 08123643816 3 dr. Ni Made Ayu Surasmiati, M. Biomed, Sp.M Ophtalmology 081338341860 4 dr. AAA Sukartini Djelantik, Sp.M (K) Ophtalmology 081337314911 5 dr. Made Agus Kusumadjaja, Sp.M (K) Ophtalmology 08123981349 6 dr. W.G Jayanegara, Sp.M (K) Ophtalmology 0818909147 7 Dr. dr. AAA Mas Putrawati T, Sp.M(K) Ophtalmology 08123846995 8 dr. Ariesanti Tri Handayani, Sp.M(K) Ophtalmology 0818375611 9 dr. Yuliana,M.Biomed Anatomy 085792652363 10 Prof.dr.I Dewa Putu Sutjana,PFK,M.Erg Physiology 08123924477 11 dr. I.G.A.Dewi Ratnayanti, m.Biomed Histology 03618550344 12 Dr. dr. Made Jawi, M.Kes Pharmacology 08179787972 13 dr. Ni Made Ari Suryathi, M. Biomed, Sp.M Ophthalmology 085253651928 14 dr. Ni Made Laksmi Utari, M.Biomed, Sp.M Ophthalmology 082340393727 15 dr. IGAM Juliari,Sp.M Ophthalmology 08123615625 16 dr. Wayan Eka Sutyawan,Sp.M Ophthalmology 081338538499 17 dr. Ari Andayani,Sp.M Ophthalmology 08113803666 18 dr. I Made Krisna Dinata, M.Erg Physiology 08174742566 Udayana University Faculty of Medicine, DME 5 Study Guide The Visual System and Disorders FACILITATORS Regular Class (Class A) No Name Group Department Phone Room dr. Pande Made Wisnu 3rd floor: 1 A1 Urology 082111133211 Tirtayasa, Sp.U R.3.09 dr. Made Bramantya Karna, 0817300133 3rd floor: 2 A2 Orthopaedi Sp.OT R.3.10 dr. I Made Suka Adnyana, 081236288975 3rd floor: 3 A3 Surgery Sp.BP-RE R.3.11 dr. I G N Mahaalit Arimbawa, 0811396811 3rd floor: 4 Anasthesi Sp.An KIC A4 R.3.12 dr. Muliani, M.Biomed 085103043575 3rd floor: 5 A5 Anatomy R.3.13 dr. I Wayan Sugiritama, M.Kes 08164732743 3rd floor: 6 A6 Histology R.3.14 dr. I Made Agus Kresna 081805470888 3rd floor: 7 A7 Anasthesi Sucandra, Sp.An R.3.15 dr. I Gede Budhi Setiawan, 08123923956 3rd floor: 8 A8 Surgery Sp.B (K) Onk R.3.16 dr. I Putu Bayu Mayura, S.Ked 3rd floor: 9 A9 Microbiology 082236165801 R.3.17 Putu Gede Sudira, Sp.S 3rd floor: 10 A10 DME 081805633997 R.3.19 English Class (Class B) No Name Group Department Phone Room dr. I Made Mahayasa, Sp.B- 08123990624 3rd floor: 1 B1 Surgery KBD R.3.09 dr.Tjokorda Gde Dharmayuda, 0811394108 3rd floor: 2 B2 Interna Sp.PD -KHOM R.3.10 Dr.dr. I Made Muliarta, M.Kes 081338505350 3rd floor: 3 B3 Fisiology R.3.11 dr. Ida Ayu Dewi Wiryanthini, M 081239990399 3rd floor: 4 Biochemistry Biomed B4 R.3.12 dr. Ni Made Ari Suryathi, Ophthalmology 085253651928 3rd floor: 5 B5 M.Biomed, Sp.M R.3.13 Prof. dr. I Gusti Made Aman, 3rd floor: 6 B6 Pharmacology 081338770650 Sp.FK R.3.14 dr. Ketut Suardamana, Sp.PD- 08123985811 3rd floor: 7 B7 Interna KAI R.3.15 dr. Wayan Eka Sutyawan,Sp.M 3rd floor: 8 B8 Ophthalmology 081338538499 R.3.16 Dr.dr. Dyah Kanya Wati, Sp.A 085737046003 3rd floor: 9 B9 Pediatric (K) R.3.17 dr. I Gede Ketut Sajinadiyasa, 085237068670 3rd floor: 10 B10 Interna Sp.PD R.3.19 Udayana University Faculty of Medicine, DME 6 Study Guide The Visual System and Disorders CORE CURRICULUM BLOCK : VISUAL SYSTEM AND DISORDER SEMESTER : IV SKS : 2 NO DAY LEARNING OUTCOME EDUCATIONAL LEARNING METHOD OF STRATEGIES SITUATION ASSESMENT 1 1 Able to know and Independent learning Introductory lecture MCQ understand the Integrated learning Student Project Anatomy of the eye Problem based learning SGD Practicum 2 2 Able to know and Independent learning Introductory lecture MCQ understand the Integrated learning Student Project Histology of the eye Problem based learning SGD Practicum 3 3 Able to know and Integrated learning Introductory lecture MCQ understand the Integrated learning Student Project Physiology of the eye Problem based learning SGD Practicum 4 4 Able to know and Problem based learning Introductory lecture MCQ understand the Integrated learning Student Project Pharmacology and Problem based learning SGD Pharmacokinetic of the Practicum eye medicines 5 5 Able to establish Independent learning Introductory lecture MCQ diagnosis and manage Integrated learning Student Project OSCE patient with Problem based learning SGD INFECTION & BCS IMMUNOLOGIC EYE DISEASES such as : - Conjunctivitis, blepharitis, hordeoulum, chalazion and dry eye syndrome - Scleritis, episcleritis - Keratitis,uveitis - Kerato-conjunctivi. sicca - Iridocyclitis, Iritis - Endoftalmitis 6 6 Able to establish Integrated learning Introductory lecture MCQ diagnosis and manage Integrated learning Student Project OSCE patient with OCULAR Problem based learning SGD INJURY such as: BCS - Conjunctiva & cornea foreign body,corneal erosion, thermal