This Day Summer 2015
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Summer 2015 the official start of the Conference. My name When the Conference came to a close on was called and I was visibly moved (translated Friday evening, and again during Saturday that means openly crying). As each addition- morning’s rotating Trustee farewell talks, Celebrating 80 Years of Re- al name was called this feeling intensified. J. I knew I had just been part of something covery, Unity, and Service: The Gary L., our Northeast Regional Trustee, de- very special, and perhaps had the most im- Foundation for Our Future livered the Keynote Address, and it was one of portant spiritual experience of my life. the most insightful and touching talks about My transformation from apprehension to be- It’s hard to believe that my first General Ser- A.A. that I’ve heard (I’m going to include the longing happened so swiftly that I almost didn’t vice Conference has already come and gone. I address as part of our Post-Conference meet- notice. Not dissimilar to my experience of com- have to say that it was beyond my expectations. ings. So to learn more about how we meet the ing to A.A., meeting a sponsor, taking the steps, The mission, the work, the spirit, the service challenges facing A.A. today and other great and having a spiritual awakening…although that and especially the people were all extraordi- things that happened at our General Service spiritual experience took more than a week! nary. I feel humbled to report that the 65th Conference, I urge you to attend one of our After our Area elections last October I thanked General Service Conference achieved a true upcoming Delegates’ Post-Conference reports). you for this opportunity, but I didn’t even know spirit of unity expressed through actions in- By Tuesday morning all Conference Com- what I was thanking you for. Now I know. With tended to deliver accessibility and inclusivity. mittees were meeting for the second time and all my heart I want to express my gratitude Crowne Plaza, Times Square: Saturday after- it was there, looking around the room at my for the opportunity you’ve given me to serve noon. I had arrived. I was a bundle of emotions. fellow Literature Committee members, that I you as your Delegate. I want you to know that Not fearful exactly, and naturally I was excited, believed I was really becoming part of this thing. with you at the helm guiding me and the other but I felt a bit tentative and a little nervous. On Wednesday the committee reports and members of the General Service Conference, Of course I found out later that I wasn’t alone. recommendations came to the Conference we can rest assured that A.A. is in good hands. Soon the Delegates’ Only meetings began, and floor. I went to the microphone for the first With A.A. Love and Service, a good bit of that apprehension wore off as time to share on an issue I’m especially pas- Jay E. the people I met were so warm, generous and sionate about, and I felt like a full participant. Your Delegate, Panel 65 Area 44 Northern NJ engaging; especially the 2nd year Delegates. For the next 2-1/2 days we discussed, debat- On Sunday the Conference formally opened ed and voted on so many important issues. and I started to warm up. Roll Call signified Delegate to attend the General Service Confer- group conscience is arrived at. This must happen ence. I wish there was a greater level of inter- at levels in our Fellowship: in my Home Group, est about these matters but there are many AA at my District meetings, at the Area Committee members who do not care about AA beyond their level and at the level of the General Service Con- groups. They do not understand how these issues ference. To be truly spiritual, we must be able to Lessons from the Traditions affect our common welfare and AA as a whole. listen to all viewpoints including those of the peo- A few weeks ago a friend of mine texted me. He I then turned my thoughts to the other ple who truly annoy us and then be able to accept was speaking at a meeting and no one was avail- Traditions. We have 12 Steps for Recovery, 12 the Group Conscience even when we vehemently able to go with him. He asked if I could come Traditions for Unity and 12 Concepts for Service. disagree with what has been decided. for support. It turned out that I was available These legacies are guides for us. As I’ve progressed It’s the other half of Tradition 2 that is and could attend to support him and the other in my sobriety, I have come to realize that the equally important for me. I still remember my speaker. My friend and the other speaker, who phrase “practice these principles in all my affairs” attitude and the hubris that I had when I was just happened to be in the area for a picnic, both for Step 12 covers all 36 of these principles. rotating in several years back as DCM. I was spoke about how our common welfare was so In the early 40’s as AA grew, our Fellow- going to be the best DCM that my District had important to their sobriety as well as how that ship experienced a number of growing pains. Earl ever seen because I knew how to run a District principle saved their lives on several occasions and T., an early, influential AA in Chicago, suggested the right way. It has taken a lot of hard work and helped one of their groups through a crisis. to Bill W. that he codify the principles by which numerous lessons in humility to realize that I I hadn’t thought about Tradition 1 in a our Groups could follow a spiritual path. Our 12 need to keep my ego in check and that as a leader while. I was reminded that this selfish alcoholic Traditions were originally referred to as “Twelve I am a trusted servant, I do not govern. has to also focus on my group to ensure that we Points to Assure Our Future”. In fact, many are carrying the message. In my group, we do organizations like the Washingtonians have dis- Jeff B. this by making sure that newcomers who arrive at appeared because the way that members relate to Area Chair our meeting on a Friday night are welcome, given one another was never identified and they strayed a meeting book with phone numbers and know from their primary purpose. This will hopefully also inside who is available to serve as a temporary sponsor. never happen in AA as we have Tradition 5 which Area Treasurer’s Report ................................................. 2 Our Group also sends speakers to other meetings reminds us that our primary purpose is to help Standing and Special Committee Reports .................2-7 to carry our message of recovery to them and has the still suffering Alcoholic inside and outside the Speak Out ..................................................................... 5 incoming speakers so that we can hear their mes- rooms. District Service Meetings ............................................. 7 sage. Perhaps the most important Tradition for Intergroup and Area Calendars .................................... 7 We also make sure that our Home group me is Tradition 2. I constantly need to be re- Word Search Puzzle ...................................................... 7 has a GSR that attends the District meeting and minded that it is not important what I think be- Diversity Speech ........................................................... 8 Assemblies and is the voice of our Group at these cause I would always want things done my way; a NEXT ISSUE DEADLINE AUG 21 meetings. We provide feedback on recent items more spiritual path must be taken. Any business [email protected] like how our Group felt about fully funding the item in my Group is thoroughly discussed and a 2 News and Notes from NNJ General Service Area 44 and Intergroup of Northern New Jersey Summer 2015 • This Day information about overall Area Balance Sheet contribution history. This was a fabulous experience. The turnout RUS SERVICE CORPORATION T/A NNJAA AREA 44 was outstanding as was the interest YEAR TO DATE COMPARISON REPORT: 2014 AND 2015 in our 7th Tradition. Somewhere FOR PERIOD ENDING MARCH 31, 2015 It is a privilege and honor close to 300 Treasurer’s packets to serve the fellowship. containing material about where 2014 - 2015 - What an exciting first five Mar. Mar. Money and Spirituality mix MONEY MARKET ACCOUNT (A) months…my gratitude continues were distributed along with Balance as of January 1st $59,391 $79,266 to grow as I see the spirituality handouts presenting how groups Interest Received $14 $15 of our 7th Tradition in action Transfer (To) / From the Checking $0 $10,000 in Northern NJ donate to GSO, Account through the time and energy NNJ Intergroup and NNJGS- Balance as of March 31st $59,405 $89,281 (C) the Area’s volunteers contribute Area 44. By the end of every and the generous contributions CHECKING ACCOUNT (A) session, almost every packet Balance as of January 1st $43,493 $49,104 the fellowship’s groups and was gone and handout taken. Group, Individual and 7th Tradition Basket $20,808 $19,569 members continue to make, Contributions As summer approaches, the Other Reciepts (Intergroup, Literature & Grapevine Sales, etc.) $50,858 $44,611 enabling our Area to “Carry the Finance committee will begin its Budgeted Expenses (Standing & Special Committees, Officers, Office, ($29,420) ($22,018) (B) Message.” Without this loving work collaborating with Special etc.) generosity our message would Non Budgeted Expenses (Literature, Grapevine, Luncheon, etc.) ($62,988) ($50,444) Committee Chairs, Standing Transfer (To) / From the Money Market Acount $0 ($10,000) not reach as many sick and Committee Chairs and Officers Balance as of March 31st $22,751 $30,822 (C), suffering alcoholics.