Summer 2015

the official start of the Conference. My name When the Conference came to a close on was called and I was visibly moved (translated Friday evening, and again during Saturday that means openly crying). As each addition- morning’s rotating Trustee farewell talks, Celebrating 80 Years of Re- al name was called this feeling intensified. J. I knew I had just been part of something covery, Unity, and Service: The Gary L., our Northeast Regional Trustee, de- very special, and perhaps had the most im- Foundation for Our Future livered the Keynote Address, and it was one of portant spiritual experience of my life. the most insightful and touching talks about My transformation from apprehension to be- It’s hard to believe that my first General Ser- A.A. that I’ve heard (I’m going to include the longing happened so swiftly that I almost didn’t vice Conference has already come and gone. I address as part of our Post-Conference meet- notice. Not dissimilar to my experience of com- have to say that it was beyond my expectations. ings. So to learn more about how we meet the ing to A.A., meeting a sponsor, taking the steps, The mission, the work, the spirit, the service challenges facing A.A. today and other great and having a spiritual awakening…although that and especially the people were all extraordi- things that happened at our General Service spiritual experience took more than a week! nary. I feel humbled to report that the 65th Conference, I urge you to attend one of our After our Area elections last October I thanked General Service Conference achieved a true upcoming Delegates’ Post-Conference reports). you for this opportunity, but I didn’t even know spirit of unity expressed through actions in- By Tuesday morning all Conference Com- what I was thanking you for. Now I know. With tended to deliver accessibility and inclusivity. mittees were meeting for the second time and all my heart I want to express my gratitude Crowne Plaza, Times Square: Saturday after- it was there, looking around the room at my for the opportunity you’ve given me to serve noon. I had arrived. I was a bundle of emotions. fellow Literature Committee members, that I you as your Delegate. I want you to know that Not fearful exactly, and naturally I was excited, believed I was really becoming part of this thing. with you at the helm guiding me and the other but I felt a bit tentative and a little nervous. On Wednesday the committee reports and members of the General Service Conference, Of course I found out later that I wasn’t alone. recommendations came to the Conference we can rest assured that A.A. is in good hands. Soon the Delegates’ Only meetings began, and floor. I went to the microphone for the first With A.A. Love and Service, a good bit of that apprehension wore off as time to share on an issue I’m especially pas- Jay E. the people I met were so warm, generous and sionate about, and I felt like a full participant. Your Delegate, Panel 65 Area 44 Northern NJ engaging; especially the 2nd year Delegates. For the next 2-1/2 days we discussed, debat- On Sunday the Conference formally opened ed and voted on so many important issues. and I started to warm up. Roll Call signified

Delegate to attend the General Service Confer- group conscience is arrived at. This must happen ence. I wish there was a greater level of inter- at levels in our Fellowship: in my Home Group, est about these matters but there are many AA at my District meetings, at the Area Committee members who do not care about AA beyond their level and at the level of the General Service Con- groups. They do not understand how these issues ference. To be truly spiritual, we must be able to Lessons from the Traditions affect our common welfare and AA as a whole. listen to all viewpoints including those of the peo- A few weeks ago a friend of mine texted me. He I then turned my thoughts to the other ple who truly annoy us and then be able to accept was speaking at a meeting and no one was avail- Traditions. We have 12 Steps for Recovery, 12 the Group Conscience even when we vehemently able to go with him. He asked if I could come Traditions for Unity and 12 Concepts for Service. disagree with what has been decided. for support. It turned out that I was available These legacies are guides for us. As I’ve progressed It’s the other half of Tradition 2 that is and could attend to support him and the other in my sobriety, I have come to realize that the equally important for me. I still remember my speaker. My friend and the other speaker, who phrase “practice these principles in all my affairs” attitude and the hubris that I had when I was just happened to be in the area for a picnic, both for Step 12 covers all 36 of these principles. rotating in several years back as DCM. I was spoke about how our common welfare was so In the early 40’s as AA grew, our Fellow- going to be the best DCM that my District had important to their sobriety as well as how that ship experienced a number of growing pains. Earl ever seen because I knew how to run a District principle saved their lives on several occasions and T., an early, influential AA in Chicago, suggested the right way. It has taken a lot of hard work and helped one of their groups through a crisis. to Bill W. that he codify the principles by which numerous lessons in humility to realize that I I hadn’t thought about Tradition 1 in a our Groups could follow a spiritual path. Our 12 need to keep my ego in check and that as a leader while. I was reminded that this selfish alcoholic Traditions were originally referred to as “Twelve I am a trusted servant, I do not govern. has to also focus on my group to ensure that we Points to Assure Our Future”. In fact, many are carrying the message. In my group, we do organizations like the Washingtonians have dis- Jeff B. this by making sure that newcomers who arrive at appeared because the way that members relate to Area Chair our meeting on a Friday night are welcome, given one another was never identified and they strayed a meeting book with phone numbers and know from their primary purpose. This will hopefully also inside who is available to serve as a temporary sponsor. never happen in AA as we have Tradition 5 which Area Treasurer’s Report...... 2 Our Group also sends speakers to other meetings reminds us that our primary purpose is to help Standing and Special Committee Reports...... 2-7 to carry our message of recovery to them and has the still suffering Alcoholic inside and outside the Speak Out...... 5 incoming speakers so that we can hear their mes- rooms. District Service Meetings...... 7 sage. Perhaps the most important Tradition for Intergroup and Area Calendars ...... 7 We also make sure that our Home group me is Tradition 2. I constantly need to be re- Word Search Puzzle...... 7 has a GSR that attends the District meeting and minded that it is not important what I think be- Diversity Speech...... 8 Assemblies and is the voice of our Group at these cause I would always want things done my way; a NEXT ISSUE DEADLINE AUG 21 meetings. We provide feedback on recent items more spiritual path must be taken. Any business [email protected] like how our Group felt about fully funding the item in my Group is thoroughly discussed and a 2 News and Notes from NNJ General Service Area 44 and Intergroup of Northern New Jersey Summer 2015 • This Day

information about overall Area Balance Sheet contribution history. This was a fabulous experience. The turnout RUS SERVICE CORPORATION T/A NNJAA AREA 44 was outstanding as was the interest YEAR TO DATE COMPARISON REPORT: 2014 AND 2015 in our 7th Tradition. Somewhere FOR PERIOD ENDING MARCH 31, 2015 It is a privilege and honor close to 300 Treasurer’s packets to serve the fellowship. containing material about where 2014 - 2015 - What an exciting first five Mar. Mar. Money and Spirituality mix MONEY MARKET ACCOUNT (A) months…my gratitude continues were distributed along with Balance as of January 1st $59,391 $79,266 to grow as I see the spirituality handouts presenting how groups Interest Received $14 $15 of our 7th Tradition in action Transfer (To) / From the Checking $0 $10,000 in Northern NJ donate to GSO, Account through the time and energy NNJ Intergroup and NNJGS- Balance as of March 31st $59,405 $89,281 (C) the Area’s volunteers contribute Area 44. By the end of every and the generous contributions CHECKING ACCOUNT (A) session, almost every packet Balance as of January 1st $43,493 $49,104 the fellowship’s groups and was gone and handout taken. Group, Individual and 7th Tradition Basket $20,808 $19,569 members continue to make, Contributions As summer approaches, the Other Reciepts (Intergroup, Literature & Grapevine Sales, etc.) $50,858 $44,611 enabling our Area to “Carry the Finance committee will begin its Budgeted Expenses (Standing & Special Committees, Officers, Office, ($29,420) ($22,018) (B) Message.” Without this loving work collaborating with Special etc.) generosity our message would Non Budgeted Expenses (Literature, Grapevine, Luncheon, etc.) ($62,988) ($50,444) Committee Chairs, Standing Transfer (To) / From the Money Market Acount $0 ($10,000) not reach as many sick and Committee Chairs and Officers Balance as of March 31st $22,751 $30,822 (C), suffering alcoholics. Thank you! to develop a balanced budget for (D) At this year’s NERAASA 2016 so the Area can continue Prior 12 Month Avg. Total Monthly Expenses Times Two. Finance Guide- $39,577 $32,487 Treasurers roundtable, as each its 12-Step work. Each member lines state the checking account balance should not exceed this amount. attendee gave an overview of what of the Finance committee will be Account Balance Over / (Under) Guideline ($16,826) ($1,665) is going on in her/his Area or assigned as a “Budget Buddy” to District, the breadth and depth assist and support the efforts of PRUDENT RESERVE FUNDS of what Area 44 and its many $82,156 $120,103 specific committee chairpersons Designated Funds (Jailbos Funds, etc.) ($5,666) ($10,773) (D) active committees continues to and officers as they plan and Checking Account Guideline (2 Months average total expenses) ($39,577) ($32,487) do was quite apparent. From budget for next year. More $36,913 $76,843 the Literature inventory we information will be coming soon Calculated Prudent Reserve (50% of Prior 12 months Budgeted Activity $45,359 $40,396 can afford to have on hand from Finance committee chair Jim Expenses) and make available for sale to H. Thank you for the time and Account Balance Over / (Under) Guideline ($8,446) $36,447 members at numerous meetings, thought that will be focused on to the amount of Literature this effort. FOOTNOTES and Grapevine materials we (A) Details of all income and expense items, as well as a comparison of Operating While our Area is very Expenses to the Annual Expense Budget are available from the Treasurer. transfer to Corrections using active, there are still numerous 2015 Expense Budget is $109,833. JailBox contributions, to opportunities to volunteer (C) March 31, 2015 Checking and Money Market Balances have been reconciled to CPC outreach to a variety of the Bank Statements by the Finance Committee. and serve on one of the Area’s (D) March 31, 2015 amount includes Designated Funds of $5,623.28 of Jailbox professional constituencies, to Standing or Special Committees Contributions and $5,149.48 of Int’l Hospitality Suite Contributions. Public Information’s Adopt to “Carry the Message.” Member a Rack Program, to Remote participation is most welcome Communities efforts to reach and encouraged. Any interested SUMMARY OF OFFICIAL APPROVALS / RE- those not able to come to VIEWS AA can look at our website Complet- meetings, to just mention a few…. to view the Area ed and there are many more examples calendar of committee meetings Individual / Group Action Through I could cite, it is clear that our Treasurer Approved Mar. 2015 and the committee chair contact Alternate Treasurer Approved Mar. 2015 Area is most fortunate to have information. Finance Committee Approved Mar. 2015 the resources and the willingness Thank you all for what you Officers Reviewed Mar. 2015 to help the sick and suffering Area Committee Members Approved Mar. 2015 have done in the past, what you Area Assembly Approved Nov. 2014 alcoholic who is recovering are doing in the present and and those seeking our help. for your continuing support. Much of March was spent attending all eight Pre-Conference In Gratitude, Love and Service, Email Questions and Requests sessions and briefly sharing about to: [email protected] the 7th Tradition, discussing the Mike S., Area 44 Treasurer 12-Step work the Area continues Group Contributions 2015, 2014, 2013 to perform, and providing Month / 2016 2015 2014 2013 2014 2014 Year vs 2013 vs 2013 GSR/DCM the future. +/- % +/- +/- % +/- Workshop At the Mini-Conference in January $8,176 $7,929 $8,304 $247 3.1% -$375 -4.5% Committee April the GSR orientation was very well attended. There was very February $5,107 $5,590 $7,633 ($483) (8.6%) -$2,043 -26.8% Since the last publication the little standing room left, and that March $4,841 $7,109 $5,444 ($2,268) (31.9%) $1,665 30.6% committee has put on three Sec- was very encouraging. tion workshops. We had a Section At the present time we have April $7,831 $4,497 $3,334 74.1%

4 Workshop at the Area Office on held workshops in all the Sections May $5,167 $7,238 -$5,167 -100.0% -$2,071 -28.6% the 21st of March. On the 28th but two. We are doing our best of March a Section 3 Workshop, to get things started in those two June $6,010 $7,041 -$6,010 -100.0% -$1,031 -14.6% hosted by District 10, in Boon- Sections. July $7,625 $8,896 -$7,625 -100.0% -$1,271 -14.3% ton, N.J. The third workshop was Anyone interested in partici- on the 25th of April, hosted by pating in a Workshop or in joining August $5,086 $6,107 -$5,086 -100.0% -$1,021 -16.7% Districts 4/6, in Hohokus, N.J. All the committee, please let us know. September $7,225 $6,681 -$7,225 -100.0% $544 8.1% three workshops had just around Keep in mind that if your District 20 in attendance. A nice turnout, is interested in hosting a Work- October $8,085 $9,876 -$8,085 -100.0% -$1,791 -18.1% good enthusiasm, and good partic- shop, just reach out and let us November $4,427 $5,942 -$4,427 -100.0% -$1,515 -25.5% ipation from all attendees. We also know. received some good suggestions Walter Benz (Workshop Chair) December $8,047 $6,025 -$8,047 -100.0% $2,022 33.6% from evaluation sheets, on how we YTD Comp might improve the workshops in Summer 2015 • This Day News and Notes from NNJ General Service Area 44 and Intergroup of Northern New Jersey 3

I try my best to keep my focus on 3 things: Frequently I'll mention how alcoholism will bring us to the "last house on the block". The 1. conveying what my last days of drinking "last house on the block" has 3 doors: 1 for were like in terms of failing health, depression mental institutions, 1 for jail and 1 for the cem- Bringing an AA Meeting to the Women in the and hopelessness etery. I’m surprised how many women in jail County Jails 2. sharing how drastically my life has changed have never heard that expression despite the so that my sense of hope and gratitude be- fact they say they went to meetings before their The only thing I can say about why I got in- comes a palpable energy in the room jail days. Perhaps they just don’t remember. volved with service in the jails is that it was on 3. express how deeply I believe one must ask Going into a jail and simply saying out loud my mind, and I kept thinking about it. I have God for help, and how considering the spiri- “You are worth recovering from alcoholism, never been in jail, and I never personally knew tual solution can be the most amazing turning you are worthy of all the love, understand- anyone else who had been in jail prior to when point in life ing and peace of mind that is truly available”, I began this service. Quite often the anger of the prisoner is directed saying that out loud is liberating for me. It is Bringing an AA meeting to one of the county at themselves "for being stupid, etc." This is liberating because it is true. Its wonderful to jails is indeed a very special experience. The the golden moment to remind the ladies about speak encouragement, love and hope to our women that attend an AA meeting in jail the disease nature of alcoholism - that it is fellow humans. are truly a cross section of society, just like a not a moral issue. Hitting this cord frequent- At the very beginning of my sobriety, AA was a regular AA meeting. Young, middle-aged and ly results in the tears starting to flow. I think safe place for me to have my feelings and share older, garden-variety alcoholics, dual-addict- that is a good sign. And then the other magic my confusion and pain. I also listened to peo- ed, married, unmarried, some are parents and moment arrives . . . a little bit of laughter, and ple share hope, laughter, love and compassion. some were living with their parents prior to then more laughter. I believe that is where It is a privilege to do the same for others. It is their time in jail. much of the healing and love of AA emerges invigorating and fills my spirit with gratitude The sadness, anger and sense of victimization is - in the laughter. Its great to hear laughter in and joy to be the person who can spread the palpable in the room. Denial is also quite pal- jail, specifically AA laughter that is ripe with message of recovery. pable at most of the jail meetings I've attended. understanding and compassion. Susan T. The Corrections Committee would like to thank the following groups and districts for their Pink Can and Jail Box contributions Alive Hopatcong Gift of Sobriety Group Mt. Arlington Group Seven A. Embers Anonymous Greenwich Hot Dog Meeting Mt. Fern Randolph Start the night right group (Union) Atlantic Highlands by the book H.O.M.E.R Group N Brunswick Friday Night Sunday Night Design for Living Attitude of Gratitude Sat 7pm Hamburg Mon/Wed Night Neptune solution by the shore Sunday Nite Step BB Tue Knights of Haskill Sunday Night New Brunswick Friday Night Sundown to Sobriety the Round Table Highland Park Monday Night New Brunswick Thur Night BB The Sky’s the Limit Group N. Arlington Hill Street Blues New Brusnwick Friday Night Three Legacies Group Belevelle Thursday Night Hill Street Blues New life hopatcong Tranquility Back To Basics Group Belleville Thur Night Landmark Group No Butts Group Tues Womens Step Lafayette Belmar Sat Night Lebanon Township Group Nutley DOS Tuesday Vernon Beginners Bergenfield Young at Heart Linden Thurs Night Oakridge Friday Night Union Hill Drop In Center Bunnvale Group Live and Let Live Jersey City On A Different Footing Upper Ridgewood Change is Good Discussion Group Lyndhurst Sat Night Pay out to treasure Upper Ridgewood Women’s Group Clifton Mon Big Book Maplewood Group Pompton Plains Thursday Night Group Verona Tuesday Night Clifton Wed Night Step Meeting Matawan Smog Lifters Group Randolph Mt Fern Wake Up And Smell The Coffee Group Daily Reflections Metuchen Sat Morning Serenity Group Randolph Women’s Group Waldwick bagel bash District 3 Groups Middletown Clearview Recovery Hall Waldwick Bagel Bash Drip Dry Group Millburn Sunday Big Book Recovery Lifeline Whiting there is a solution F.H. Early Riser Milltown Stricktly Rumson Sunday Night Tuesday Vernon Beginners F.H. Early Risers Milton Sunday/Thursday Group Sat morning spring lake Union Hill Drop In Center First Lite Mon - Wed Hamburg Meeting Sat. Wantage BB Upper Ridgewood Women’s Group Florham Park 5:30 Group Monday 12:15 Closed Discussion Saturday Night Belmar 7 PM Verona Tuesday Night Friday Get With The Program Morning Miracles Saturday Vernon Reflection Waldwick Bagel Bash Friday Night Candlelight Morristown Friday Night Serene Sister hopatcong Wake Up And Smell The Coffee Group Friday Noon Montclair Meeting Mount Fern Serenity Porch GSR Mid-Winter Luncheon Committee Wow the year is moving so quickly! I’m excit- Pam B. We are traveling all over the Area in the next ed to have gone to Forsgate Country Club to We are so happy to be starting this year off couple months, we will be at your Days of meet with the banquet coordinator and to begin with a bang. We attended NERAASA 2015, Sharing, Group events and movie nights so the preplanning for our next GSR mid winter which the our Area hosted, and had a blast! please come and see us, and ask us some ques- luncheon. It is scheduled for February 2016. We received such wonderful compliments from tions! The GSR’s are a vital part of our body as they so many people on our Displays! Our Area is Gratefully In Service, represent the home groups as a whole. Guess so rich in History and it was a pleasure to be Eavan J. History and Archives Chair what? I’m nervous, excited and looking forward able to share that with the rest of the Northeast to being the Alternate Chair to our wonderful Region. Plus our Displays are beautiful! If you chairperson Deb G. I take suggestions today, have a chance and are going to Atlanta please especially from my sponsor Barbara B. R. who make sure to visit Area 44’s Hospitality Suite strongly suggested I face my fear of computers, which will have all the goodies! The Interna- emails and service work. So it was so profound tional Hospitality Suite Ad-hoc committee has when I read the Big Book and learned that faith some wonderful things planned. and fear cannot coexist. There is no room for The Archives Committee has now started the fear if I have faith! I’m so grateful to be in the Reel to Reel Conversion project. We have 110 fellowship of Alcohol Anonymous and to meet known reel to reels that are deteriorating over so many beautiful people who have become my time and because of the fellowships wonderful new family members. The committee was able to contributions and the acceptance of this years secure Forsgate Country Club at the same price budget we are able to start converting those as last year’s luncheon despite the roller coaster reels into a digital format so that we don’t lose economy. The timing of last year’s luncheon some history from deterioration. Thank you went very well with Marcheta B. as chairperson all for the opportunity to preserve New Jersey’s and it will run smoothly again this year. It has History. We have several speakers from all been very interesting to see how the ACM meet- over and look forward to hearing what message ings are held and what transpires. All I can say is they have. This year at our Area 44 Conven- WHEW!  So, the bottom line is, I’m tion we plan on playing some of these goodies looking forward to growing with all of you in in our Archives room so plan on stopping by! service of Alcoholics Anonymous. The committee has also started planning our Truly Yours, presentation for the Convention this year! 4 News and Notes from NNJ General Service Area 44 and Intergroup of Northern New Jersey Summer 2015 • This Day

we become more and more effective in our 12th step work. The second but just as im- portant way groups participate in As an Intergroup delegate Nightwatch is by providing a list HELP WANTED and member of the Nightwatch Hello Area 44 & Inter- of members willing to serve as lo- HELP NEEDED committee, I’m always amazed and group! GSYPAA would like to cal 12th step contacts. These lists are HELP PLEASE inspired by the level of commitment thank all who came out to our 33rd included in the Nightwatch manual and enthusiasm demonstrated by annual conference at the Youth Re- by county and town and are used by This is the same headline as last everyone doing Nightwatch. The In- treat Center in Kearny, NJ this past the phone volunteers to find a local tergroup office staff and our area co- April 10- 12, 2015! Our theme, edition of This Day for my arti- 12th step contact who will return ordinators do an amazing job work- The Best is Yet to Come, was cho- cle from the Public Information a call to someone reaching out for ing together and with their local sen to reflect the fact that Alcoholics Committee. We can use some help. The contact lists are updated AA groups to cover and support the Anonymous gives us hope. We had help. So perhaps it is best to annually from completed forms re- weekly Nightwatch schedule. Their the courage to change this year, and share what we do and what we turned by the groups to the Inter- experience and commitment bring the hope that the changes we made would like to do. group office. The form used for our it all together each and every Friday would bring more young people to It has been a rewarding expe- 12th step contact lists was mailed to night. But Nightwatch could not our conference. It was an amazing rience to go into a school and all groups in early spring and to date continue without the faithful sup- weekend and we are already work- speak with the students and about 150 forms have been returned. port of every group and AA member ing on planning for next year! We staff on what AA is all about. The form can be downloaded from who steps up to answer the call and are also grateful for the support of the Nightwatch page at www.nnjaa. They may need to know for share their time and experience as a the Service Committees and helping org and submitted to the Intergroup themselves, their parents, family phone volunteer or 12th step con- us to share with young people all the office at any time. members, or friends. Some- tact. It’s a power much greater than great service work that is done in times the best thing that we do the sum of all our individual efforts Over the years, so many of Area 44. is to “plant seeds”. There is a that makes Nightwatch the labor of us have taken on the commitment chance that at sometime in the That being said, we’re look- love and service it has become over to serve as a 12th step contact and ing forward to the 2016 Conference future the alcoholic problem the past 24 years. be there to extend the hand of AA. year. We had our first post-confer- that has plagued so many of How often have we heard a speaker The Nightwatch program ence event on May 30th- a Road us will enter into their world. share how calling the AA number began on St. Patrick’s Day weekend Trip to Stepping Stones. Our next When it does it would be great and having an understanding AA in 1991 and since then has provided event was the Camping Trip June for them to be able to recall the member call back was the beginning groups and members with a valuable 26- 28th in Columbia, NJ. We also time when some people from of their sober journey? It is so im- opportunity to serve and carry the have a Beach Party & Dance in Bel- AA can and spoke to them. portant for us and our groups to stay message of recovery. On duty when mar scheduled for August 8th, and “Maybe it can help me too” is mindful of the importance of being the Intergroup office is closed for the our annual Halloween Dance in what my wish is for them to say. available as local 12th step contacts. night and on weekends, Nightwatch Rockaway scheduled for October There are more invitations to Our phone volunteers often report volunteers answer calls forwarded to 24th. We have an exciting year lined schools and community health they have a difficult time finding a their phone at home. For the most up and lots of surprises so check us local contact available to return a fairs then we can currently fill part, we provide callers with infor- out at for updates. 12th step call. I understand there are as a committee. What a shame! mation about the time and location probably as many reasons as there We are invited into a commu- of AA meetings or phone numbers We still need all the help we are AA’s for why this is, and truth- nity or a school and we do not for other New Jersey Intergroup can get, and anyone can join us at fully I have been the reluctant and have enough people to be able offices or related help, such as Al- anytime throughout the conference unavailable contact more times than to say “yes we will be there, Anon/Alateen or NA. But Night- year. We are still in need of the fol- I care to admit. But by God’s grace Thank you for inviting us” watch is at its best when we’re able lowing positions: and the support of my AA co-work- We are not living up to the I am to provide a local 12th Step contact ers, I’m learning through experience • Website Chair Responsible Pledge. People are to someone calling for help with that the commitments I make great- reaching out their hand for help his or her drinking problem. Being ly shape and define the path of my • Graphics Chair and we are not always there. able to share AA’s message of hope sober life. It has become important Please consider joining our when most needed, and connect a • Service Liaison for me to understand and accept the fellow alcoholic with their local AA committee. We need both responsibility I’ve signed up for as a community for help and support is • Alt. Registration newcomers and old –timers and Nightwatch contact, and answer my Nightwatch’s primary purpose. all in-between. We meet one a phone after 6 pm, even when I don’t • Alt. Treasurer month on the second Tuesday at There are two ways that recognize the caller ID number. It the Area office. You can e-mail just might be the Nightwatch phone • more Committee a group can participate in Night- Members me at [email protected] or call me watch. The first and most familiar is volunteer calling to ask me to return ar 201-446-7812. Thank you by taking a week-long commitment a call to someone nearby who just Please join us at any time at for your time. so happened to become my most re- where group members take turns our monthly committee meetings, HELP WANTED-HELP cent sponsee. It’s amazing how that answering the phone during the 11 which are typically held at 5:00pm NEEDED- HELP PLEASE works. available shifts. A group leader is on the 3rd Sunday of the month at Luke Higgins Area 44 PI Chair. designated and takes responsibility I see Nightwatch more and the Area office. All are welcomed! for scheduling the volunteers and more as a valuable group service And remember, young is anyone distributing the Nightwatch manu- opportunity that is most dynamic with room to grow! als. The manuals have step by step and effective when practiced by AA guidelines for answering most types Keira D. - GSYP Chair groups from both ends of the line: as of calls and include the 12th step an annual week-long commitment contact listings. Many AA groups to answer the call and as a commit- have made Nightwatch an annu- ted group of 12th step contacts will- al group service commitment, and ing and available to return the call our members have gained valuable when an alcoholic in need reaches Nightwatch experience over the out for help. Thank you again for years. We encourage group mem- your enthusiasm and support of bers to share their questions and Nightwatch. You continue to en- concerns with their area coordina- courage and inspire me in recovery, tor, group leader and each other, unity and service, and for that I pray and work closely with first-time vol- I will remain forever grateful. Peace, unteers to pass on best practices and love and happiness always. Together helpful encouragement. Our shared in service. Joe F, Nightwatch Com- Nightwatch experience is ever grow- mittee This Day- Summer 2015 ing and serves as a powerful guide as Summer 2015 • This Day News and Notes from NNJ General Service Area 44 and Intergroup of Northern New Jersey 5

that taught me how to get over the fear of public speaking, then leading my home group meeting, I wanted to say no. But was told you never say no. Plus I always felt God was asking me. I didn’t want to disappoint him after he was kind enough to for- My name is Karole and I am an alcoholic. I give, save and bless me. Though my mother’s con- am also the GVR serving District 10. dition worsened, I accepted the 3 month commit- I began service back in 2011 as a GSR, and ment. In looking back, I truly believe leading that have also served as DCM with my rotation meeting was God’s way of keeping me sane and ending in December of last year. While SPEAK OUT! This Day Newsletter provides sober through the hardest time of my life, watch- searching for a way to continue service, it was this forum for individual AA’s viewpoints and ing my mother die. But the true gift was me being brought to my attention that we still have a opinions. The opinions expressed here are individual opinions only and not necessarily the “present”” She was able to let go knowing I was vacancy for a GVR rep. I also had met Mike opinions of This Day, Area 44, North Jersey In- sober. She loved AA and was so impressed with the D, our Area Chair, at an earlier presentation tergroup, or AA as a whole. We welcome your organization. As she said, who would have thought at our District meeting. So I went to my first TO KEEP IT YOU NEED TO GIVE IT AWAY alcohol, which she despised, ending up bringing area meeting this February. My AA experience has been nothing but a miracle. me to the life she had always wanted for me. And boy, what a lively group of service If it hadn’t been for my higher power, I call God, I After she passed, I took a leap of faith and moved people! It was a lot of great energy for a Sat- would have never found the rooms of AA. It was a to the Jersey Shore. The loss of my mother was life urday morning. I was able to understand and divine intervention, “I was plucked from hell and changing for me. Now that I was sober, I wasn’t appreciate how much time and effort is given put into heaven.” going to waste anymore of my precious life. Every to see that our “meeting in print” gets into the God did for me what I could not do for myself. day mattered. I had a dream. right hands. There was so much dedication For that, I will be forever grateful. In an instant, my With that came my next service commitment. As and discussion of what we can do to carry the life changed forever. One moment I was a drunk, I was sitting in the Spring Lake 10 am Saturday message. broken and desperate in my own hell. The next, I meeting, I heard, we need someone for the GSR On Saturday, May 2nd, the Grapevine was being saved by the fellowship of AA with love. position, There was my God moment again. He Committee held its Annual Grapefest, a AA taught me how to heal and have hope. I walked was saying this will help you with your grief. Get celebration & workshop that took place at into the AA meeting absolutely terrified but 3 1/2 out of yourself and go help someone. What a great the Area Office in South Plainfield. The tables years later, I am living a life I had always dreamed experience it has been for me. I have attended all were draped in purple, and purple balloons in of. The key word being LIVING. The gift of sobri- sorts of conferences, workshops, took a bus trip the shape of vines, decorated the sunny hall. ety taught me how to run to life instead of from it, sponsored by the district to the General Service Grapevine Literature was available to purchase pushing through fear, pain and shame to get to the Office in NY. Most recently, I have now become a for those that needed it. other side. I made it to that side and the sunlight CPC chair. I look forward to this role of educating We started promptly at 10:00 with two of the spirit shines on me each and every day. This the professionals about AA. GVR reps sharing their experience with doesn’t mean, I don’t have to deal with life on God’s When it comes to service work for me, I must Grapevine. Steve T was one of them, I had terms, but the fellowship taught me how to deal always remember I am here to help the sick and the privilege of being the other. with the terms. suffering alcoholic. I cannot forget what has been Our keynote speaker was Eugene O’B, I had 3 things pushing me into sobriety when I given to me. I also must always remember to not Comptroller of the Grapevine Magazine. He came in; the gift of desperation, my mother was allow the gifts of sobriety keep me away from AA. shared his story with us, the happenings of in Stage 4 cancer with me being her caregiver and I need to make the time. For without my sobriety, Grapvine & La Vina, and there was a ques- God. Failure was not an option. I had to succeed I wouldn’t have any of these gifts. So, I serve when tion and answer session afterward. It was also to suit up and show up for myself, my mother and I can. shared that there is “Language of the Heart” God. I have heard, Don’t leave before the miracle hap- available on audio, as well as a 2015 Subscrip- So I took the deep dive. I surrendered, turned it pens. The miracles have been countless. I am joy- tion challenge. Grapevine is also doing a play over and Let Go and Let God ous, happy and free and living the dream. Thank for the International Convention in Atlanta. I listened for the first time in my life. I followed my you AA and God! Door prize raffles for magazine subscriptions marching orders, suggestions as my sponsor called So, I am going to Keep Serving! were done afterwards. We followed up with them. Service work was a part of them. I learned, Yes, God may I have another? a nice lunch and great conversation amongst “To keep it, you need to give it away.” I definitely Lisa G our well-attended group. wanted to stay in heaven and never go back to that GSR Spring Lake Sat am Even though I’ve only been in this commit- hell again. So I started my service work. First, as CPC District 28 tee a short time, I’m happy to say that its been a greeter, then the dreaded speaking engagements a positive experience. I’m looking forward to a continued journey of service. Please consider becoming a GVR for your District, and come and join us the first Saturday of each month. For more information with regard to the 2015 Subscription Challenge & how to subscribe, please visit WWW.AAGRAPEVINE.ORG

Pictures from GYSP’s Trip to Stepping Stones Historic home of Bill and Lois Wil- son 6 News and Notes from NNJ General Service Area 44 and Intergroup of Northern New Jersey Summer 2015 • This Day the local A.A. structure to participate in the pro- removed from the record and the group’s status cess). This process remains in place today whether is changed to “Unknown”. If there is a secondary the group information is received hard copy or en- contact on the group’s record the mail will default tered by the area registrar via FNV. to that person and the group’s status remains ac- Well we have been talking it about it for a long The database automatically assigns a six digit tive. time, but its here now and ready to go. The group group service number that is unique to the group Incomplete - Indicates a group record was add- change/ new group fillable form is done and and different from that of any other A.A. group ed to the database without all of the information should be up on the website as you read this ar- listed with the GSO; however that 6 digit service necessary to show up on the Records departments’ ticle. The form will allow groups to update their number should not be relayed to the group until daily “New Group” report. The status remains in- group information, such as a new GSR, meeting the 30 day pending period has expired. complete until the registrar receives the remaining address change, group name change, group mail- That six digit service number is never reassigned, required information from the group or when the ing contact changes. The form will also allow even if a group disbands. Once the 30 day pend- Registrar queries the database for “Incomplete” groups who are looking to register with GSO, or ing period has passed the status of the group is groups and reaches out update and completes the are new to obtain a group number. The fillable upgraded from “Pending Active” to “Active”. The record. Until then the “New Group” remains in form will be on the Area website on the members group, area delegate, and registrar are advised of limbo. password protected side. The form can be filled the group’s service number and a New Group Kit A group’s record can also become “Incomplete” out and E mailed directly to the Area registrar and is ordered and sent to the mail contact listed on when and if the contact and/or meeting informa- the groups DCM. This will allow quicker updat- the group’s record within 7-10 business days after tion in the record is removed and not replaced. ing of group information, and help keep group the 30 day pending period expires. How a Group Becomes Unknown Thank You all For your Service and Good Luck in Your informed. I would like to thank everyone who - When a new postion. helped put this form together, it is going to be a group’s status changes from Active to Unknown it If I have missed anyone on this list please let me know. big help in keeping our groups connected to the does not mean that the group is inactive. It means This is the info that has come to me, there may be Area as well as GSO. the GSO does not have a mail contact attached to other new GSRs information that was sent Directly the group’s record to receive the communications to GSO. How a Group Becomes Active- The first time that that are sent from the GSO. Yours in Service group information is forwarded for listing with A group can also become “Unknown” because of the GSO we list the group as “pending active” (the returned mail. The Records department makes ev- Bobby B Area 44 Registrar 1990 General Service Conference recommended ery attempt to contact the person to attain a new the General Service Office delay processing new mailing address, however if that new information A.A. group information forms for 30 days to allow cannot be attained the contact’s information is

Here is a list of new GSRs since March Scott K. Give and Take Discussion Group (East Brunswick) John D. New Pair Glasses Group (Boonton ) Scott Mc. Hazlet Happy Hour Group Steve C. Bob’s Boys Group (Little Ferry) Nathan B. Holmdel Back to Basics Group Tom P. Reality Group (Bloomfield) Shannon Mc. Holmdel Group Gary S. Pompton Lakes Sun Morning Group Issac C. Matawan group Sue C. Morning Miracles Group (Freehold) Jolynn K. Young at Heart Group (Matawan) David R. Great Fact Group (Westfield) Eli H. Circles of Friends Group (West Orange) Christine P. Westfield Mon. Clear The Air Group Jim L. Tuesday Nite One Day at a Time Group (Point Pleasant) Ann E. Attitude of Graditude Group (New Brunswick) Micky D. Hudson Group (Jersey City) Charlene D. Brick Church Group (East Orange ) Hector G. Grupo La Providencia (Asbury Park) Frank S. Kendall Park Group David D. Hills Street Blues Group (Verona ) Thomas Z. Friday Night Group (New Brunswick) George D. Amazing Grace Group (Summit) Brad K. South Orange Village Group Dee B. Woodbridge Primary Purpose Group Lisa S. Sun Sundown Sobriety Group (New Brunswick) Rich C. Lambertville Tues Night Group Cecilia S. Monday 12:15 Closed Discussion Group (Verona) Laverne L. Woman in AA Group (Newark) Douglas S. Turning Point Big Book Study Group (Atlantic Highlands) Stephen S. Hillsdale Saturday Reflections Group Danelle O. Ridgefield Park Young Peoples Group Janet G. Old Tappen Day Group Adam K. As Bill Sees it Group (Phillipsburg) Matthew D. Damarest Candlelight Group Ed T. Lakehurst 12 Steppers Group Joe P. Livingston Group Kimberly W. Daily Reprieve Group (Pompton Plains) Melvin D. Perth Amboy Friday Nite Group Colleen W. Pilgrim Group (Summit) David C. Recovery Hall Group (Belleville) Gina I. Safe Harbor Speaker Disc. Group (Rumson) Gina R. Westside Story Group (Jersey City) Chris H. Fort Monmouth Wed. Nite Group (Sherwsbury) Anne Marie C. Primary Purpose Group (Jersey City) Lucy K. Mansion at 12:15 Group (Jersey City) Thomas B. Serenity Seekers Group (North Haledon) Nicholas B. Friday Night Group (Jersey City) Bob G. Helmetta Stepping Stone Group Pete V. Jersey City Dwntwn Sun Nite Group Charles B. D i d y o u Sayerville know you New can hBeginningsave fun at a Group Charles H. Live and Let Live Group (Jersey City) Day of Sharing? Jay M. Red Road to Recovery Group (South Amboy) Chris B. Beginners Break Group (Jersey City) Ray P. D o n ’t k n oAw Days wha tBegins a Day oGroupf Shar i(Oldng is ?Bridge) William U. Plainfield Sunday Morning Group Michelle C. Duck Pond Wed B/B Thur Step Group (Waretown) Looking to expand your network? Looking to

expand your sponsees’ network? Convention Contact Information: Interpreters For The (908) 731-7714 or [email protected] Hearing Impaired Then come out and get together with us n o r t h e r n n e w j e r s e y g e n e r a l s e r v i c e 59th Annual Area 44 Convention

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Discussions on current items of interest to our program!!! One Day at a Time!

Fun, Food, Fellowship!!! Friday, Saturday, & Sunday Recovery, Unity and Service September 25, 26, & 27th 2015 all in one day!!! New Program! Speaker Meetings • Plays • Friday Night DJ Dance Banquet • Live Band Saturday Night • Alkathon The Doubletree Hotel 200 Atrium Drive, Somerset, NJ 08873 Summer 2015 • This Day News and Notes from NNJ General Service Area 44 and Intergroup of Northern New Jersey 7

District Service Meetings NNJGS Area 44 Office Calendar JUNE 13 Ad-Hoc Area Office Space 7:30 PM 25 Joint Unity Meeting 7:30 PM District 1&2 - 2nd Tuesday. 7:30 pm, Sunrise 1 Remote Communities Com. 7:00 PM 14 Public Information Com 7:30 PM 26 History & Archives 7:30 PM House Cafeteria, 37 Sunset Inn Road, Lafayette 2 Officer’s Meeting 7:30 PM 15 Convention Committee 8:00 PM 27 Joint Website Committee* 7:30 PM District 3 - 3rd Friday 7:00 pm; Hillcrest 3 Mailing Committee 6:30 PM 16 Newsletter Committee 7:30 PM 27 Policy & Admissions Com. 7:30 PM Community Center, 1810 Macopin Road, West 3 Translation Committee 7:00 PM 18 Corrections Committee 10:00 AM Milford 7 Grapevine Committee 10:00 AM 19 Garden State Young People 5:00 PM SEPTEMBER District 4&6 - 3rd Thur. 7:30 pm, Upper 8 Ad-Hoc Area Office Space 7:30 PM 20 Literature Sales 6:30 PM 6 Remote Communities Com. 7:00 PM Ridgewood Community Ch, Hillcrest & 9 Public Information Com 7:30 PM 20 Literature Committee 7:30 PM 1 Officer’s Meeting 7:30 PM Fairmount, Ridgewood 10 Treatment Committee 8:00 PM 21 CPC Committee 7:00 PM 2 Mailing Committee 6:30 PM District 5&7 - 2nd Thursday, 7:30 pm, St. Mary’s 13 AREA ASSEMBLY 8:00 AM 21 GSR Luncheon Committee 7:30 PM 2 Translation Committee 7:00 PM Church corner of High and Legion, Closter 15 Literature Sales 6:30 PM 23 Computer Committee 7:00 PM 8 GSR Luncheon Committee 7:30 PM District 8 - 2nd Tues. 7:30 pm, Panther Valley 15 Literature Committee 7:30 PM 23 Joint Website Committee* 7:30 PM 8 Public Information Comm. 7:30 PM Ecumenical Ch, 1490 Route 517, Allamuchy 16 CPC Committee 8:00 PM 25 Policy & Admissions 7:30 PM 9 Treatment Committee 8:00 PM District 9 - 3rd Tues. 7:30 pm, Stanhope United 17 Convention Committee 8:00 PM 27 Finance Committee 7:30 PM 12 Grapevine Committee 10:00 AM Methodist Ch, Rte 183, Netcong 21 Garden State Young People 5:00 PM 29 History & Archives Comm. 7:30 PM 13 Booker’s 6:00 AM District 10 - 2nd Tues. 7:00 pm, 1st Presbyterian 22 Finance Committee 7:30 PM 31 Ad-Hoc Area Excess Funds 7:00 PM 13 Films Committee 9:00 AM Church, 513 Birch St, (corner of Church & Birch) 23 Ad-Hoc Area Excess Funds 7:00 PM 13 AREA COMMITTEE MTG 10:00 AM Boonton 24 History & Archives Comm. 7:30 PM AUGUST 14 Ad-Hoc Area Office Space 7:30 PM 25 Joint Website Committee* 7:30 PM 1 Grapevine Committee 10:00 AM 15 CPC Committee 7:00 PM District 11/33 - 4th Wed. 7:00 pm, Clifton 25 Newsletter Committee 7:30 PM 3 Remote Communities Com. 7:00 PM 16 Convention Committee 8:00 PM Library, 292 Piaget Ave Rm A, Clifton 25 Policy & Admissions 7:30 PM 4 Officer’s Meeting 7:30 PM 17 Newsletter Committee 7:30 PM District 12 - 3rd Fri. 7:00pm, St. Paul’s Episcopal 5 Mailing Committee 7:30 PM 18 Ad-Hoc Area Excess Funds 7:00 PM Church, 113 Engle St, Englewood 2nd floor Choir JULY 5 Translation Committee 7:00 PM 19 Corrections Committee 10:00 AM Room 1 Mailing Committee 7:30 PM 10 Ad-Hoc Area Office Space 7:30 PM 20 Garden State Young People 5:00 PM District 13 - 2nd Tue. 7:30 pm, Wesley Meth. 1 Translation Committee 7:00 PM 11 GSR Luncheon Committee 7:30 PM 21 Literature Sales 6:30 PM Ch., 225 Washington Ave, Belleville 2 Int’l Convention - Atlanta 11 Public Information Comm. 7:30 PM 21 Literature Committee 7:30 PM District 14 - Last Tue. 7:00 pm, St. Nicholas 3 Int’l Convention - Atlanta 12 Treatment Committee 8:00 PM 23 Computer Committee 7:00 PM School Cafeteria, 122 Ferry Street, Jersey City 4 Int’l Convention - Atlanta 16 Garden State Young People 5:00 PM 23 Joint Website Committee* 7:30 PM District 15/21 - 3rd Mon. 7:30 pm, Hunterdon 5 Int’l Convention - Atlanta 17 Literature Sales 6:30 PM 23 Policy & Admissions Com. 7:30 PM Medical Center, Employee Cafeteria, Rt. 31 7 Officer’s Meeting 7:30 PM 17 Literature Committee 7:30 PM 25 NNJ Area Convention South, Flemington 8 Treatment Committee 8:00 PM 18 CPC Committee 7:00 PM 26 NNJ Area Convention District 16 - 3rd Mon. 7:30 pm Hilldale Park 11 Grapevine Committee 10:00 AM 19 Convention Committee 8:00 PM 27 NNJ Area Convention Pres. Church, 85 Ridgedale Ave, Cedar Knolls 12 Films Committee 9:00 AM 20 Newsletter Committee 7:30 PM District 17 - 3rd Fri. 8:00pm, Alanon Assoc., 7th 12 AREA COMMITTEE MTG 10:00 AM 24 Finance Committee 7:30 PM *Intergroup Office, 2400 Morris Ave, Union Avenue and 7th Street, Newark District 18 - 2nd Mon. 7:30 pm, Union Village United Methodist Ch, Mountain Ave. & Hillcrest Intergroup WORD SEARCH Rd., Berkeley Heights Calendar District 19 - Last Mon. 7:30 pm, Friendship Hall, New Market Road, Piscataway JUNE 4 Delegates Meeting, Clark 8:30 PM District 20 - 2nd Tues 7:00 pm, Trinity Episcopal, 14 Bookers Exchange, Cranford 6:30 AM North & Forest Aves., Cranford 25 Joint Website Committee 7:30 PM District 22 - 3rd Wed. 7:30 pm, Cook College JULY Extension Center, College Farm Road, New 2 Delegates Meeting, Clark 8:30 PM Brunswick 3 HOLIDAY - OFFICE CLOSED District 23 15 Nightwatch Committee 7:30 PM - 2nd Thur. 7:30 pm, Saints Peter & 23 Joint Website Committee* 7:30 PM Paul Orthodox Church, 9 Jefferie Ave, South River AUGUST District 24 - 3rd Mon. 8:00 pm, Trinity Episcopal 6 Delegates Meeting, Clark 8:30 PM Church, Ryers Lane, Matawan 25 Joint Unity Meeting* 7:30 PM District 25 - Last Wed. 7:30 pm, Hope Lutheran 27 Joint Website Committee 7:30 PM Church, 211 Elton-Adelphia Road., Freehold SEPTEMBER 3 Delegates Meeting, Clark 8:30 PM District 26 - 3rd Thur. 7:30 pm, First Presbyterian 7 HOLIDAY - OFFICE CLOSED Church (Tower Hill), 255 Harding Road, Red 13 Bookers Exchange, Clark 6:30 AM Bank 16 Nightwatch Committee 7:30 PM District 27/29 - 3rd Mon. 7:30 pm, St. Luke’s 24 Joint Website Committee* 7:30 PM Parish, 1674 Old Freehold Road, Tom’s River *Area Office, 2325 Plainfield Ave, South Plfd District 28 - 1st Tue. 7:30 pm, St Margaret’s Church, 3rd & Ludlow Avenue, Spring Lake District 30 - 4th Sunday 12 Noon, 69 Green Street, Newark District 31 - 2nd Thur. 6:30 pm, Immaculate Heart Of Mary Chapel, 2nd Floor, 77th Street & Broadway, North Bergen District 32 - 3rd Thur. 7:00 pm, Bayonne Library, 31st St. & Ave. C., Bayonne District 34 - 3rd Sat. 10:00 am, Our Lady of Sorrows, 217 Prospect St, (Lower Church) South Orange District 35 - 2nd Tue. 7:30 pm, Good Shepherd Lutheran. Church, North Richard Street and Union Avenue, in Somerville. District 36 - 3rd Fri. 7:30 pm, St. Luke’s Church, 17 Oak Ave & Route 27, Metuchen District 37 - 3rd Wed. 7:00 pm, First Lutheran Church 153 Park St (basement), Montclair District 38 - 2nd Mon. 7:00 pm, St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, 271 Roseland Avenue, Essex NEXT ISSUE DEADLINE AUG 21 Fells [email protected] District 39 - 1st Wed. 7:00 pm, Presbyterian Church, 140 Mountain Ave., Westfield Statement Of Purpose: This Day District 40 - 4th Sunday 10:45 am, St. Joseph’s is published quarterly as a joint Center, 120 Division St., Elizabeth newsletter for Northern New Jersey Gen- eral Service Area 44 and the Northern New District 41 - First Thurs 7:00 pm, St. Matthew’s Jersey Intergroup. This Day functions to pro- Trinity Church, 8th & Washington Sts, Hoboken mote communication between the groups in HELP WANTED! Contributions are much needed, and always District 42 - 2nd & 4th Sunday 9:00am, 103 Northern New Jersey and to provide mem- welcome! Make checks payable as indicated and Bayard Street, Suite B-12, New Brunswick bers with service-related information. This always include your Area, District and Group Day is also a forum for the diverse opinions NEWSLETTER ID number. Please send group and individual of the Area 44 Fellowship through shared COMMITTEE contributions to the addresses below: experience, strength, and hope in all three of AA’s legacies: Unity, Service, and Recovery. NNJGS Area 44 Editorial Policy: Alternate Area Chairperson 2325 Plainfield Avenue, Suite 2J Try it on your Articles submitted from the Fellowship are South Plainfield, NJ 07080 Alternate Intergroup Chairperson Payable to “NNJGS Area 44” Smartphone encouraged, and should not exceed 800 words. The newsletter committee may edit Alternate Editor submissions for grammar, readability, and Northern New Jersey Intergroup content. Opinions expressed herein are not Proofreaders 2400 Morris Avenue, Suite 106 to be attributed to AA as a whole, nor does Union, NJ 07083-5705 the publication of any article imply an en- Roving Reporters Payable to “Northern NJ Intergroup” dorsement by either AA General Services Everyone is welcome. or Intergroup. Comments, questions, and General Service Office articles may be mailed to the attention of We meet the 3rd Thursday of PO Box 459 the Newsletter Committee at NNJGS Area every month at the area office. Grand Central Station 44, Suite 2J, 2325 Plainfield Ave., South New York, NY 10163 Plainfield 07080, or emailed to: newsletter@ Payable to “General Service Board” Your Northern New Jersey A.A. Website NON PROFIT ORG. -


Joint News of NNJGS Area 44 and Northern New Jersey Intergroup erences. fellowship. of the of unity the a part That’s a by overshadowed is thisSometimes diversity are There intolerance. bigotry and own person’s to exclusive are those that meetings course, of our and each individual like Just certain people. has Anonymous society Alcoholics a whole, as able God, are we of the Grace by Only biases. - them. Thank past work and acknowledge to if you today, meetings so many are there fully, find can in a meeting, you uncomfortable feel A.A. of days unlike in the past one, another - Bookis a Big Solu our There In conclusion: In this country sections of 17: “all page on tion represented, are occupations its of many and social, and economic, political, many as well as who nor people are We backgrounds. religious among exists there mix. But not mally would under an a friendliness, and a fellowship, us standing which is incredibly wonderful”. “The wonderful”. incredibly which is standing we that is every us of fact for one tremendous have We solution. a common discovered have agree, absolutely can which we on out a way and in brotherly join can which we upon and news this is the This action. great harmonious - alcohol book those carries to from who suffer ism.” - appreci and protect to strive we the rooms In forget not Let’s forms. its in all of diversity ate our in the differences value alsoto respect and be very would vision our it Without fellowship. having only by be limited would we and narrow those or breakthroughs, and mistakes own our learn from. to us, like others by

Summer 2015 DIVERSITY a female African American, and we all we drink and African American, a female alcoholically. diseaseand is the suffering soon learn that We bought raised or were we even though the same many reason, this For cultures. in different up in different slightly matters perceive may us of we in the program, stay if we cases, but some stay takes to it whatever it’s then understand every on level encountered is Diversity sober. every into level the group from the program, of service. of level - exis the other is This where - Tradi the Steps, the (36) principles, of tence of in, a means come the Concepts and tions, changes on vote We ourselves. from protection the and program our support better can that to a God conscious like for which allows groups prevail. it did a time, for fellowship in the being After - indi respect other and accept to take long not in differences Individual’s differences. vidual’s religion, abilities, physical gender, culture, race, ideas, they played all those different with and - recov part in my important and a very large stay us helps of AA fellowship diverse The ery. a time. at day sober one myself I introduce myself, I introduce When the and I needed help When alcoholic. an as pick I knew I couldn’t there, AA was of hand I from. coming was help my choose where and like not is “this person to say afford not could into I came me”. help can’t therefore, and me suggested was it and Anonymous Alcoholics understanding” your of Power a Higher “get - Interact today. me for still is working that and helps different sober with who are ing people new understanding in knowledge, grow me their diff- of regardless acceptance, things, The topic of my discussion was on diversity. on diversity. was discussion my of topic The that recognizing and understanding Diversity different. case be can somewhat each individual the dimensions cover These differences Why? sexual orientation, gender, ethnicity, race, of and abilities, physical age, status, economic these of the exploration is beliefs. It religious nurturing and positive, in a safe, differences that understanding about is It environment. our and way in a common suffer us of each one all not are We sobriety. purpose embrace to is existence, in our natural is diversity alike but people. which includes - Anony Alcoholics of in the program Diversity a Higher of choice of the starts right with mous God, literature. used which is or in our Power, religious this approach consider would Some a cult. This like sound it say might other like, focus to the alcoholic allow seems to approach choos - drinkingthen first, of their problems on them for works that power of source what ing and first drinking problem our about best. It’s on life with coping then the focus our becomes terms. life among diversity find to surprising not It’s because simply program; and fellowship our who people are we that us tells literature our drinking days. mix in our normally not would been personalities our of some have only Not us of some that explains program the affected, this For unfortunately. others, than sicker are this arrest to together work need to we reason, times when are There disease alcoholism. of their experience strength sharing is someone - back their culture they to hope willand refer may a person often, I hear example, for ground, I am alcoholic, Irish Catholic CIA” “I’m say