Among the lifelong remitting and relapsing illnesses, the course of is essential to plan the delivery of course of schizophrenia is among the most widely debated. care, to evaluate treatment effectiveness, to provide informa- At the core of the debate are the following questions: tion to newly diagnosed patients and their families, and to advance schizophrenia research. The paucity of data on the 1. What is the best way to investigate the course of schizo- course of schizophrenia is mostly the result of limitations phrenia? inherent in studying a relatively low-incidence illness of un- 2. What are the manifestations preceding and shortly after known origin and pathophysiology, with an insidious onset the first psychotic episode? and a course affected by a multitude of personal and social 3. How do the manifestations of the illness, both clinical and biological, change over the life span, especially dur- factors. ing later life and senescence? 4. Should schizophrenia be conceptualized as the response of a stable encephalopathy to different stages of the life WHAT IS THE BEST WAY TO INVESTIGATE cycle (1), as a progressive, degenerating disease (2), or THE COURSE OF SCHIZOPHRENIA? as a hybrid of the two concepts (3)? Study Design This chapter attempts to provide a critical assessment of these questions in light of the latest empiric data and current The ideal way to determine the course of schizophrenia is conceptualization of this disease. to follow a randomly sampled birth cohort throughout the The results of the major studies on the course of the entire age of risk for schizophrenia and then continue to illness over 20 to 40 years of follow-up are consistent in follow the incident cases, and appropriately selected con- reporting a chronic, generally persistent course of illness for trols, through the entire life span. A related but less informa- 50% to 70% of the patients who receive an initial diagnosis tive strategy is to follow-up apparently healthy persons hy- of schizophrenia (4–9). However, a more careful examina- pothesized to be at high-risk of schizophrenia such as first- tion of the reports reveals marked heterogeneity in course degree relatives of affected persons (14–17). An alternative both between and within cohorts (10–12). The reason for strategy is the prospective follow-up of patients from the this heterogeneity may be that different studies have exam- first time they seek help for (18–29). Unfortu- ined widely diverse samples of subjects and may also be nately, the birth-cohort strategy is impractical because schiz- related to the different definitions of what constitutes a good ophrenia is a very low-incidence disease (.87%) (30), the outcome. These definitions range from disease-free for the age of risk spans over more than 4 decades of life, and the majority of life to simply not floridly psychotic at the time age of risk appears different for males and females. Thus, of last assessment (13). Very few of these studies included following a birth cohort of 10,000 individuals for 40 years, elderly patients in their samples or accounted for attrition, starting at age 5 years, would detect approximately 90 cases and even fewer examined longitudinal biological changes. of schizophrenia (not accounting for attrition), a number This is unfortunate because accurate information on the that is insufficient to make any statement regarding the course of a heterogeneous such as schizophrenia. Similarly, the high-risk strategy is limited in scope because Philip D. Harvey: Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, New it excludes most future patients with schizophrenia who do York. Michael Davidson: Sheba Medical Center, University of Tel Aviv, Tel not have affected first-degree relatives, in addition to the Aviv, Israel. problems of investing in a very large research effort for a 642 Neuropsychopharmacology: The Fifth Generation of Progress relatively small number of persons who will convert into community to distinguish between patients who should and cases. who should not be treated with these medications. Therefore, the most often employed strategy to map out Throughout the 1980s, as the accounting between providers the course of schizophrenia has been to start the follow- of health care and health insurance organizations was be- up only after a diagnosis of psychosis is established (first coming more thoughtful, the latter began to demand defini- psychotic episode cohorts). However, these are selected co- tions of which patients were entitled to reimbursement and horts in that they include only persons who seek help (often which were not. Finally, clinical investigators into the biol- in an academic center) and consent to participate in research ogy of schizophrenia also supported a model clearly distin- (31). Furthermore, this strategy does not provide prospec- guishing between schizophrenia and nonschizophrenia as tively collected information on events preceding the first more amenable to research. Needless to say, the course of psychotic episode. Moreover, it is conceivable that some of illness of a cohort of schizophrenic patients depends on the the patients recruited for the first-episode studies have been definition of the cases enrolled in the cohort (41). Hence, chronically ill for several years but undiagnosed (32,33). until objective biological markers can be combined with This, in turn, could explain the discrepancies between stud- phenomenologic criteria to define a case, the question of ies finding differences between first-episode patients and the course of ‘‘exactly what illness?’’ will continue to be patients hospitalized on a long-term basis and other studies raised. that do not find such differences (34). It would also be reasonable to assume that regardless of Regardless of the study design, all prospectively followed the degree of the cohort’s heterogeneity, part of the variabil- schizophrenic cohorts will be characterized by high attrition. ity in the course of illness is determined by the interaction There are many reasons for attrition: lack of insight, disap- between the affected individual and a wide array of societal, pointment with the care received, recovery accompanied by familial, and personal interactive influences (42–48). A few the wish to forget and conceal the experience of illness, and of these influences can be captured by careful collection being too sick to maintain contact. Whether following-up of demographic and treatment information. However, the 100% of the cohort would find the outcome to be better, effects of changes that occur over many decades, such as worse, or the same (and in which aspect) remains unclear. changes in health care delivery, changes in the public per- Even if the debate on the best way to follow patients to ception of severe mental illness, and the interactions be- describe the course of the illness could be settled, and the tween these changes and aging, may not be amenable to attrition rate could be reduced (both of which are unlikely), survey and quantification. For example, how will deinstitu- it still is not clear what defines a case of schizophrenia and tionalization, reduction of stigma, intensive community therefore who should be followed to elucidate the long-term care, managed care, novel neuroleptics, open international course of illness. borders and resultant migration, and the influence of advo- cacy groups affect the definition and course of schizo- phrenia? What Is a Case of Schizophrenia? In summary, the inherent limitations of studying birth The debate on the nosologic boundaries of schizophrenia and high-risk cohorts, coupled with the observation that is as old as the term itself, and the last hundred years of many of the dynamic changes occur over a time span of 3 research have done little to settle this debate (35–39). On to 5 years before and immediately after the first diagnosed the contrary, the pendulum has swung back and forth be- episode of psychosis, have been the impetus for the prolifera- tween a discrete nuclear definition of schizophrenia based tion of first-episode studies in the 1990s. These studies can mostly on psychotic features and severely impaired func- provide some useful information about schizophrenia, par- tioning and a continuum that includes questionable psy- ticularly because most patients experiencing schizophrenic chotic manifestations, schizophrenia spectrum personality symptoms in Western societies are likely to be diagnosed disorders, and moderate to severe deviations from normality and treated at least once by mental health professionals. based on psychometric indicators (32,40). Despite the contribution of the modern diagnostic classi- fications to the definition of schizophrenia, the abandon- WHAT ARE THE MANIFESTATIONS ment of the continuum-based concept and adoption of the PRECEDING AND SHORTLY FOLLOWING dichotomous model have not occurred, largely because the THE ONSET OF THE FIRST PSYCHOTIC continuum model has received considerable pathophysio- EPISODE? logic support. On the contrary, the schizophrenia-nonschiz- ophrenia distinction is a matter of operational convenience Premorbid Phase brought about by treatment and economic developments emerging since the 1960s. The emergence in the 1950s of The observation that that some schizophrenic patients have drug treatments that ameliorated psychosis premorbid abnormalities dates back to Bleuler (49). History while producing severe adverse effects called on the medical taken on the first contact with a mental health professional Chapter 47: Schizophrenia: Course Over the Lifetime 643 often reveals subtle or flagrant motor, cognitive, emotional, and behavioral deviations during childhood, social with- drawal and mood and personality changes during adoles- cence, and attenuated psychotic symptoms several months to several years before the first treatment contact and the diagnosis of psychosis (51–62). The period immediately preceding the onset of psychosis, during which behavior and functioning deteriorate from a stable, premorbid level of functioning, as well as the behavioral changes that iden- tify it, is referred to as the prodrome. However, the factors that precipitate the transition from prodrome to the first incident of help seeking and the resultant diagnosis are not necessarily distinctly related to the illness itself. Factors such as the educational level of patients and their FIGURE 47.1. Intellectual functioning in members of twin pairs families, socioeconomic status, and availability of health concordant and discordant for schizophrenia. care may all determine when the first contact occurs (63–68). Moreover, events such as the sudden unavailability of a caregiver able to maintain a highly symptomatic patient in the community or any change in the threshold of abnor- a specified period (birth cohort) to study protective and risk mal behavior tolerated by the community can precipitate factors for healthy development and disease. Among the treatment contact, hospitalization, and diagnosis. Hence, most publicized and complete studies are two British stud- the presence of the premorbid manifestation, the onset of ies: the Medical Research Council National Survey of De- the prodrome, the emergence of the symptoms that define velopment, covering all births during the week of 3 to 9 an episode of the illness, and ascertainment of the full syn- March 1946, and the National Child Development Study, drome of illness including formal diagnosis do not necessar- covering all births during 3 to 9 March 1958 (83,84). Per- ily coincide and are not always clearly distinct points in sons born during these 2weeks were interviewed and as- time (31). Methods employed to investigate the phenomena sessed, together with their parents, several times during early preceding the first contact for help and the diagnosis of childhood and adolescence. Developmental and scholastic schizophrenia are the high-risk method, the birth-cohort achievement data collected on these cohorts were later method, and the historical prospective (or follow-back) linked to the data in a registry containing diagnoses of pa- method. tients discharged from psychiatric hospitals. An overview of The high-risk studies that followed-up children and sib- these studies indicates that, as a group, persons with future lings of patients affected by schizophrenia into adulthood schizophrenia cases had delayed developmental milestones, demonstrated that these relatives were more likely than the speech and behavioral difficulties, and lower IQ scores com- general population to be affected by emotional and behav- pared with noncases (individuals who did not appear in the ioral abnormalities and abnormal psychophysiologic reac- psychiatric registry). Although future cases were overrepre- tions (69–81). For instance, one study compared cognitive sented in the lowest third of the IQ scores, these future and behavioral assessments of twin pairs healthy at the time cases had scores that were distributed over the entire range. of testing and discordant for psychoses later on with twin The decline in IQ was not limited to a particular test, and pairs who both remained healthy. The healthy twin from the magnitude of decline ranged between 0.25 and 0.75 the ill pair performed better than the ill co-twin but worse standard deviations (SD). Thus, the level of performance than the average of the twins from the healthy pair (82) seen was not necessarily even outside the average range of (Fig. 47.1). Thus, abnormalities were found to be associated IQ scores (defined as IQs between 90 and 110, which is both with schizophrenia and with being a nonpsychotic 0.67 SD above or below the average score of 100). identical twin of a schizophrenic patient. Even though the Follow-back or historical prospective studies examine the increased risk can be demonstrated in targeted populations, archival premorbid histories of individuals who are already this strategy has not been completely successful in defining diagnosed as suffering from schizophrenia. They can be the premorbid aspects of schizophrenia. This is because based on the linkage of databases containing routine psycho- most persons who belong to the high-risk groups represent metric tests administered by educational or military authori- a small, atypical subgroup of patients with schizophrenia ties to large numbers of healthy adolescents with national and because of the relatively small number, approximately psychiatric registries. This strategy takes advantage of large- 10% to 15% at most (30), of high-risk persons who eventu- scale, readily available data enabling the testing of hy- ally develop schizophrenia. potheses with high statistical power. The disadvantage of National health authorities have conducted follow-up the strategy is that, like birth-cohort studies, the data con- studies of persons born in a geographically defined area over tained in the archival assessments are not aimed at the detec- 644 Neuropsychopharmacology: The Fifth Generation of Progress tion of schizophrenia or its premorbid manifestations, investigation. Conceptually, it would be interesting to ex- which may be responsible for the low predictive specificity plain the pathophysiologic relationship between the pre- found in many of these studies. Several follow-back studies morbid symptoms and the manifestation of the illness. Prac- have produced results very similar to the birth-cohort stud- tically, it would be helpful if the prodrome could be ies, findings confirming, both quantitatively and qualita- developed into a reliable predictor of future illness, based tively, the cognitive and behavioral abnormalities of future on which a secondary prevention strategy could be imple- schizophrenic patients (85). mented. For instance, one study based on a national population Because the clinical manifestation of schizophrenia could of adolescents called by the nonselective Israeli Draft Board represent an accumulation of genetic and environmental revealed that apparently healthy persons who several years risk factors (or lack of environmental protective factors), later developed schizophrenia had lower mean group scores the premorbid abnormalities, particularly the early-life ones, than their healthy classmates by about 1 SD on items reflect- could be conceptualized as markers of vulnerability. This is ing social adjustment and IQ (53). The differences derived consistent with a ‘‘multiple-hit’’ hypothesis by which, in from a ‘‘shift to the left’’ of the future patients, one that addition to the genetic and environmental factors that have was clearly more pronounced on social adjustment than on led to the premorbid manifestations, an environmental in- IQ. sult or a gene expressed later in life may be necessary to Despite the consistency between the studies’ results, their develop the full syndrome of schizophrenia. A corollary hy- interpretation remains uncertain. The premorbid signs of pothesis would suggest that, depending on the additional, the illness are widely variable, and a single ‘‘typical pro- later insults, the same early-life manifestations (e.g., avoid- drome’’ cannot be identified. For example, for some per- ant personality traits) could remain stable through life with sons, the premorbid manifestations consist of shyness de- no pathologic implication, could evolve into milder mental tectable in elementary school, many years before the disorders such as a schizophrenia spectrum personality dis- manifestation of psychosis. For others, the premorbid mani- order, or could lead to schizophrenia. If indeed the pheno- festations consist of IQ scores 0.67 SD lower than expected, type of schizophrenia reflects the consequences of an accu- detected in adolescence, or in nonpsychotic paranoid mulation of genetic and environmental risk factors, studying manifested several years before the first psychotic the course of the disease from birth through the end of the episode in persons with unimpaired IQ. Yet for others, the age of risk may be required to identify specific etiologic premorbid manifestations consist of withdrawn behavior patterns. Alternatively, it is possible that a subgroup of these and depressed mood preceding psychosis only by a few persons who manifest certain premorbid abnormalities may months. Furthermore, for some patients, the prodrome is be inevitably destined to manifest schizophrenia in the fu- manifested as a crescendo of progressive, continuous deteri- ture, and for these, and only these persons, the prodromal oration during childhood and adolescence and for others manifestations are obligatory precursors of the illness. as the barely detectable presence of a few minor cognitive abnormalities. Finally, it is possible that some of the variabil- Is Secondary Prevention a Realistic Goal? ity in the quality and time of manifestations of premorbid manifestations reflects limitations of the study designs, From a practical point of view, it would be tempting to use which are often cross-sectional assessments (34). It is con- the occurrence of the premorbid and prodromal manifesta- ceivable that a true prospective follow-up study, specifically tions of the illness to identify persons at imminent risk of designed to detect signs of premorbid schizophrenia and developing schizophrenia and to intervene before the onset conducted from birth through age of risk, would reveal that of the first psychotic episode, in an attempt to delay or the same person who manifests mild delay in developmental ameliorate it (47,57,88–93). It would be reasonable to hy- milestones as a toddler (56), shyness and learning difficulties pothesize that any intervention that would delay or attenu- in elementary school (50,52), restricted peer interaction as ate the first psychotic episode would have a major impact a teenager (86), and depressed mood and unusual thoughts on the long-term outcome of the illness. This idea draws in adolescence (87) would have psychosis in early adulthood support from studies indicating that patients with shorter (30). Alternatively, a particular premorbid manifestation duration of untreated psychosis have more rapid symptom- could lead to a particular subtype of schizophrenia (86). It atic remission and may incur less deterioration in the long is uncertain whether these various premorbid or prodromal run (94–96). manifestations, which differ in quality, severity, and time However, the relatively low specificity of the premorbid of onset, bear the same relation to the first psychotic exacer- symptoms such as subtle cognitive deficits, poor social ad- bation or to the course of the schizophrenic illness. justment, changes in personality, and depressed mood has Despite these uncertainties and even though with current given rise to concerns that an excessive number of persons psychometric tools, premorbid abnormalities are detected could be exposed unnecessarily to the stigma of a provisional only in a few persons with future schizophrenia, their pres- diagnosis of severe mental illness. Although it is possible ence has opened up both conceptual and practical lines of to improve the specificity of prediction, for example, by Chapter 47: Schizophrenia: Course Over the Lifetime 645 targeting only persons at very high risk (e.g., first-degree a single patient. This calculation assumes that approxi- relatives of schizophrenic patients who also manifest puta- mately 5% of these adolescents will convert to schizophre- tively prodromal symptoms), this strategy would exclude nia, and it also assumes a 60% treatment success rate in the 90% of future patients who do not have an affected delaying conversion, which is the same rate by which neuro- relative. Furthermore, even if the prediction could be im- leptics can induce extended remission in first-episode pa- proved, it is not certain that effective prevention exists. Anti- tients (100). psychotic drugs proven to reduce symptoms and to prevent The early detection and treatment strategy is supported exacerbation in patients who already experienced psychosis by preliminary results from a community clinic where may or may not be effective in delaying the onset of psy- youths with prodromal symptoms were treated with open- chosis. label neuroleptics plus supportive measures or supportive Moreover, the notion that psychosis exerts a toxic effect measures alone (101,102). The results indicated that more on the brain and that longer duration of untreated psychosis members of the neuroleptic-treated group were symptom- should result in worse outcome has been challenged (20,97). free for a longer period than similar youths given only sup- It has been argued that (a) duration of untreated psychosis portive therapy or those who refused to enroll in the trial. cannot be accurately assessed, (b) the delay in requesting In a different study, nonpsychotic, first-degree relatives of and obtaining treatment is not the cause of a worse outcome patients complaining mostly of cognitive deficit also were but the result of an insidious-onset illness that is a more found to benefit from neuroleptic treatment (103). In sum- severe form, and (c) long duration of persistent untreated mary, although there is much interest in the events leading psychosis and persistence of psychosis despite treatment to the first psychotic episode and a strong appeal for second- both reflect the same psychosis-severity phenomena without ary prevention, the information currently available is still proving a causal relationship between the two. Finally, the tentative. In contrast, much information and a few solid proof that the duration of untreated psychosis correlates practical implications regarding the first episode of psy- with the more relevant indices of outcome such as quality chosis are known. of life or overall illness outcome is still equivocal. For all these reasons, the question of treating persons First Episode of Psychosis who are not yet floridly psychotic has stirred public debate beyond the professional community. Yet because of the po- Most studies of patients followed for 2to 5 years after the tential benefits of secondary prevention on one hand and first episode of illness have provided highly informative data the risks and ethical implications associated with it on the regarding the early course of positive (3,34,105) and nega- other, it is essential to search for rational strategies to assess tive (19,104,106–108) symptoms, cognitive functioning the risk-to-benefit ratio. Examining such ratios in an area (109–116), functional status (117–119), and response to where preventive measurements are already an accepted real- treatment (95). Furthermore, some of the studies have de- ity would be such a strategy. For example, even though after scribed radiologic changes in the brain after the first episode remission from the first psychotic episode, only 60% of (120–122). drug-free patients have an exacerbation of their illness Often, the appearance or worsening of psychotic symp- within the first year, 100% of patients are routinely treated toms constitutes the trigger for the first contact with a men- with neuroleptics. Hence 40% are exposed to the adverse tal health professional and subsequent diagnosis and hospi- effects of neuroleptics, although they are not likely to experi- talization. Hence, it is no wonder that what is described as ence a worsening of their symptoms. Similarly, seven fami- the first episode of schizophrenia is dominated by the pres- lies of schizophrenic patients must go through the effort, ence of positive symptoms, mostly fully formed delusions expense, and potential adverse effects of intensive family and hallucinations. Almost 90% of first-episode patients therapy for 1 year, to prevent relapse on the part of one of treated with neuroleptics experience a rapid, albeit transient, seven recently discharged patients with schizophrenia (98). remission of their psychotic symptoms. Despite the good The dilemma of preventive treatment is not limited to initial response to treatment, relapse with reoccurrence of psychiatry. For instance, approximately 70 elderly patients psychotic symptoms is common. Predominance of negative with moderate hypertension must be treated with antihyper- symptoms and hebephrenic, catatonic presentations are not tensive drugs for 5 years to save one life, and 100 men with part of the characteristic presentation of the first episode. no evidence of coronary heart disease must be treated with Occasionally, however, negative symptoms of insidious aspirin for 5 years to prevent one heart attack (99). In a onset are present on the first episode, and the response of study using the number needed to treat method, which is these symptoms to treatment is very limited. Cognitive defi- the number of persons who need to receive treatment to cits are common and relatively severe at the time of the first prevent one bad outcome, it was calculated that one must episode. Performance on most cognitive tests is approxi- administer to 35 adolescents with paranoid mately 1 SD below age- and education-adjusted expecta- or schizotypal personality disorder for 1 to 3 years to delay tions, with more that 50% of the first-episode patients per- hospitalization for schizophrenia by 6 months to 1 year in forming even worse (123). The impairment affects almost 646 Neuropsychopharmacology: The Fifth Generation of Progress all aspects of cognition; however, specific areas of impair- chotic episodes (116), and elderly patients with continuous ment are distributed unevenly. For example, deficits in psychosis (reviewed later), there is still marked heterogeneity , abstraction, and attention are more severe than of recovery of cognitive functioning immediately after the deficits in verbal or perceptual skills (124). This impair- first episode. ment, measured on remission from the first episode, goes Despite the good remission of psychosis achieved by beyond the one-third to two-thirds SD deficit that charac- most first-episode patients (95), and even though negative terizes the premorbid cognitive performance of the schizo- symptoms and cognitive impairments are not very severe at phrenic patients, and it raises the question whether it reflects this stage of the illness, most patients are already affected by a progressively deteriorating process. In a cross-sectional persistent social and vocational decline in the first psychotic comparison of Raven Progressive Matrixes scores (a valid episode. For instance, in a study reported by Ho and col- measure of IQ), it was found that apparently healthy adoles- leagues (128), more than half of a sample of first-episode cents closer to their first hospitalization for psychosis per- patients with schizophrenia were found to be supported by formed more poorly than adolescents who were tested sev- public funds within 12months of their first episode of ill- eral years before their first exacerbation, but better than ness, and fewer than 25% of them had a job or went to patients whose disease had already exacerbated (125) (Fig. school. Despite evidence of improvement in cognition on 47.2). Furthermore, cognitive performance appears to be the part of some patients at the time of the first episode, slightly worse in patients with chronic disease (114) in com- continuing cognitive and functional deficit is the rule. parison with first-episode patients, a finding providing indi- Taken together, the premorbid and first-episode studies rect evidence of further cognitive deterioration beyond the indicate that many of the manifestations of schizophrenia, first episode (110,111). In contrast to psychotic symptoms, including psychosis, are present many months to few years cognitive functions are less responsive to the neuroleptic before the formal diagnosis, and most, but not all, patients treatment administered for schizophrenia (126). respond well to treatment in terms of their positive symp- In contrast to the evidence from studies of conventional toms and have a better course of illness in several different antipsychotic treatments that suggest little improvement in domains for the first year or 2of illness than later. Occupa- cognition with treatment, two separate studies demon- tional and cognitive deficits are clearly disproportionate strated modest longitudinal improvements in certain areas compared with the severity of psychotic symptoms in most of cognitive functioning (111,127). These findings suggest cases, despite evidence of improvement on the part of some diversity in the course of cognitive deficit even early in the patients. However, these results may be biased, because most illness, although they also indicate that there is no consistent first-episode studies enroll patients who (a) were sufficiently pattern of specific dimensions of improvement. Further- sick to need hospitalization, but (b) became sufficiently well more, even though an improvement in cognition was seen to be able and willing to consent to be followed-up after in these studies, no research to date has demonstrated that discharge, yet (c) are not sufficiently recovered to be com- many first-episode patients show evidence of normalization pletely out of the treatment network. More important, most in their cognitive functioning. Thus, although evidence of first-episode studies last less than 5 years because of attrition, worsening in cognitive functioning associated with duration funding, or other factors. of illness was collected from the study of patients with a longer duration of illness (124), patients with multiple psy- HOW DO THE ILLNESS’ MANIFESTATIONS CHANGE DURING LATER LIFE AND SENESCENCE? Middle Course of Schizophrenia Until the early 1990s, the characteristics of schizophrenia in patients older than 55 years were largely the subject of speculation. As of 1993, it was estimated that less than 5%

Score of all of the research ever performed on patients with schizo- phrenia had included any patients older than 55 years (129). It was ‘‘common knowledge’’ that by age 55 to 60 years the illness has run its course, psychotic symptoms had burned out, and most patients did not need or did not benefit from medications. Since the early 1990s, however, Time until first admission a substantial amount of research on this topic has been completed, with this area one of the fastest developing as- FIGURE 47.2. Scores on the Ravens Progressive Matrices as a pects of research on schizophrenia. This research has consid- function of time until first admission for schizophrenia. ered all the topic areas covered by studies on younger pa- Chapter 47: Schizophrenia: Course Over the Lifetime 647 tients and has yielded a considerable amount of information tional history of these institutionalized patients is inconsis- that has helped to refine thinking about schizophrenia in tent with the idea that their current, grossly impaired status general. could possibly be their lifelong level of functioning. One of the sources of the common knowledge that the Many of these questions are being addressed by a longitu- course of schizophrenia was established into old age was the dinal cohort study carried out by the Mt. Sinai School of consistent findings of symptomatic, cognitive, and func- Medicine group since the late 1980s, as well as other investi- tional stability on the part of patients after their first few gators who have become increasingly interested in this pop- episodes. Although many patients experience multiple psy- ulation. A study of the baseline characteristics of the Mt. chotic episodes through middle age and many patients expe- Sinai sample demonstrated that these elderly patients mani- rience continuous psychotic symptoms, there was little evi- fested moderate to severe negative and positive schizo- dence of change in cognitive or functional status on the phrenic symptoms not dissimilar to the symptoms present part of these patients. Most research on the course of func- in younger institutionalized patients (133). Many of these tional status suggests that the impairments noted at the time patients had cognitive and social performance compatible of the first episode are rarely reduced. Estimates of the pro- with (136) that could not be accounted for by portion of patients with schizophrenia who are employed somatic treatment, lengthy institutionalization, poor moti- are in the range of about 40%, with most patients employed vation and education, or comorbidity. For example, in the in noncompetitive, sheltered settings (130). Likewise, inde- original publication on this population (133), it was demon- pendent living is the exception for patients with schizophre- strated that psychosurgery, insulin coma, electroconvulsive nia. There is also no significant evidence that functional therapy, and the severity of negative symptoms were not status in patients with schizophrenia changes markedly over the factors accounting for cognitive deficits. Relevant to the time or is altered by treatment with older antipsychotic issue of motivational deficits, in a subsample of the patients medications (131). This large body of data raises issues of from that study (137), the average level of education was importance when older patients are studied, including found to be more than 11 years, and their reading perfor- whether changes seen in later life are part of the natural mance was higher than the tenth grade level. In contrast course of the illness or whether they are the result of addi- to these indicators of educational achievement, the current tional comorbidities. average Mini-Mental Status Examination (MMSE) score was 20 (consistent with moderate dementia). Thus, some Cognitive and Functional Deficits in elderly institutionalized patients with schizophrenia appear to manifest decline in their functioning relative to premor- Older Patients bid functioning. It has been consistently reported, however, that many pa- Studies of the cognitive performance of elderly schizo- tients older than 65 years who have a lifelong course of phrenic patients have identified ‘‘double dissociation’’ per- schizophrenia, especially those with a history of long-term formance profiles that discriminate them from patients with institutional care, have marked deficits in cognitive and clearly identified dementia (138–139), and a profile of dif- functional status (132–134). Similar findings have been re- ferential deficits has been identified. Differential deficits ported at different research sites in the and cannot be caused by a single constant factor, such as failing in the United Kingdom (135). Because of the lack of data to provide adequate effort when assessed. These data suggest regarding the lifetime course of functional and cognitive that studies of very poor-outcome long-stay patients, al- deficits in schizophrenia, it is not clear whether the presence though clearly reflecting the most seriously ill subset of the of severe deficits in functioning seen in these elderly institu- population, are not hugely biased by the obvious factors tionalized patients with schizophrenia is the result of deteri- associated with long institutional stay. oration in their cognitive and functional status or is a life- long feature of their adjustment. There are multiple Longitudinal Course of Cognition and potential methodologic issues associated with the study of Functional Status in Late-Life older patients, particularly patients with a history of long- Schizophrenia: Patients with Chronic term institutional stay. Among these issues are the difficulty Illness in identifying the patients’ ‘‘true premorbid status,’’ long- term treatment with antipsychotic medications, extremely As noted earlier, some elderly institutionalized patients with invasive somatic treatments, and institutionalization and de- schizophrenia appear to manifest decline in their function- moralization, potentially leading to poor motivation to co- ing well past premorbid levels at some time in the course operate with testing. There is no question, as would be of their illness. The time course, prevalence, and correlates expected from studies of younger patients, that chronically of this decline are as yet undiscovered. There is surprisingly institutionalized patients have low levels of premorbid func- little longitudinal research on cognitive functioning and tioning, in domains of educational, social, occupational, and functional skill deficits in schizophrenia. One metaanalysis independent living skills (132–134). However, the func- suggested that indicators of cognitive performance were 648 Neuropsychopharmacology: The Fifth Generation of Progress largely stable over time in 15 follow-up studies of patients tive and functional decline over the three intervals between with schizophrenia (140). The total sample size in all these assessments, while considering subject attrition. The cumu- previous studies was only 639, and 225 of those patients lative ‘‘survival’’ (i.e., no worsening in cognitive and func- were chronically institutionalized patients studied by the tional impairment) was then calculated, and survival curves Mt. Sinai group in a short-term (1- to 2-year) follow-up were constructed. At the first follow-up time beginning at study (141). In contrast, in two separate published longitu- 15 months, 17% of patients met criteria for worsening (cor- dinal studies of the course of cognitive and functional status rected), and at the second follow-up time beginning at 30 in elderly poor-outcome patients with schizophrenia (142, months, 20.4% of the remaining patients met criteria for 143), the Mt. Sinai group found that about 15% of these worsening. At the third follow-up time beginning at 48 patients per year showed evidence of cognitive and func- months, 25.3% of the remaining patients manifested wors- tional worsening. The second study also demonstrated sta- ening of their cognitive and functional deficits. Thus, over tistically significant cognitive and functional decline over the entire follow-up period, a corrected rate of cognitive an average of 2.5 years in 57 geriatric schizophrenic patients decline of 51% was noted. who entered the study as chronically hospitalized but were The influences of potential risk factors on rates of cogni- reassessed after discharge to nursing home care (143). These tive and functional decline over the entire follow-up period data suggest that some proportion of elderly patients with for the initially higher-functioning patients were examined. schizophrenia with a history of long-term institutional care The Wilcoxon statistic was used to measure the difference experience a notable decline in their functioning over a rela- in survival curves as a function of risk factor status. Gender tively brief follow-up period. These data suggest the possi- was unassociated with risk for cognitive and functional de- bility of some adverse effect of aging after a lifetime of poor cline, as were neuroleptic treatment status, age, and age at functional outcome and extensive cognitive deficits. first psychiatric admission. In contrast, three risk factors The Mt. Sinai group completed a larger follow-up study were associated with increases in risk for cognitive and func- based on 1,102patients. Some of these patients were un- tional decline. Patients with more severe positive (Wilcoxon p Ͻ .05) and negative (Wilcoxon ;4.28 ס [available for later study at each of the subsequent reassess- statistic [1df p Ͻ .0001) symptoms were found ;17.03 ס [ments, because they had died or were discharged to nursing statistic [1df home care, where follow-up could not be performed. The to be at higher risk for decline. In addition, patients with primary analyses examined the development of new-onset more education were less likely to experience a cognitive severe cognitive and functional impairment. Patients were and functional decline than were patients with lower levels p Ͻ ;8.65 ס [divided on the basis of their baseline Clinical Dementia of formal education (Wilcoxon statistic [1df Rating (CDR) (148) score, such that patients with baseline .01). scores of 1.0 or less were considered less impaired. Worsen- In the final analysis, presented in Fig. 47.3, the influences ing in cognitive and functional status was defined as having the risk factors previously demonstrated as significant pre- a CDR score at a subsequent follow-up of 2.0 or greater. dictors of risk for decline were examined for their influence At baseline, there were 456 patients with CDR scores of on the rate of cognitive and functional decline over the 1.0 or less, whose average MMSE score was 20.8. entire follow-up period. First, patients were divided at the The actuarial life-table method, with discrete interval median level for both baseline severity of symptoms and procedures, was used to assess the cumulative risk of cogni- education levels and were assigned to one of four groups

FIGURE 47.3. Effects of combined symp- tom (positive and negative)severity and educational level factors on survival from cognitive and functional decline over a 60- month follow-up period. Chapter 47: Schizophrenia: Course Over the Lifetime 649 on the basis of their status for symptom severity and educa- factors in the cognitive decline seen in worse-outcome pa- tion level. The Wilcoxon statistic was then used to measure tients. One of the best possible strategies could be to per- the difference in survival curves as a function of combined form a longitudinal comparison of outpatients with and risk factor status. Patients below the median level for educa- without a prior history of long-term institutional stay, to tion and above the median for severity of symptoms were separate patient characteristics from current environmental at the highest risk of cognitive and functional decline. This factors. group’s level of risk was significantly greater than those with similarly high levels of positive symptoms but higher levels Persistent Symptoms Revisited: Duration (p Ͻ .001 ;8.49 ס [of education (Wilcoxon statistic [1df of Continuous Psychosis and those with lower levels of positive symptoms and higher p Ͻ The data from follow-up studies of poor-outcome patients ;15.31 ס [levels of education (Wilcoxon statistic [1df .001). Similarly, a significant interaction was seen between suggest that persistent schizophrenic symptoms, combined the influences of negative symptom severity and education with evidence of premorbid educational underachievement, level on risk rates for cognitive and functional decline. are associated with marked increases in risk for functional Certain potential limitations that must be addressed in decline over relatively short follow-up periods. These data the interpretation of these data. No control for institutional- again raise the issue of persistent symptoms as a risk factor ization as a direct risk factor was used in this study. Despite for the later course of illness and also suggest that evidence the difficulty in identification of such as a group, there is of lifelong intellectual compromise may increase this risk. no other direct way to index institutionalization effects. These data may help to address some of the differences in Similarly, these data do not control specifically for the devel- findings between previous studies of ambulatory patients opment of subtle new-onset medical conditions. This is a and these extremely impaired, continuously refractory pa- less difficult question to address in later research. Finally, tients. First, these institutionalized patients have persistent as noted earlier, multiple additional factors, including subtle symptoms that have kept them hospitalized for decades and environmental changes, may interact with the easily mea- clearly distinguish them from ambulatory samples. As previ- sured risk factors examined in this study. ously demonstrated, functional deficits and negative symp- toms do not interfere with discharge to nursing home care Longitudinal Course of Cognition and in this population, whereas persistent positive symptoms do Functional Status in Late-Life (149,150). Second, these patients are all older than 65 years. In previous longitudinal studies, even institutionalized pa- Schizophrenia: Better-Outcome Patients tients younger than 65 years old had essentially no risk of Although the studies just reviewed indicate that some pro- cognitive and functional decline over a 6-year follow-up portion of poor-outcome patients experience cognitive and period (151). It would not be a surprising finding that am- functional decline, there is no evidence to date of cognitive bulatory patients in this age range who have never been decline in patients with a history of better lifetime func- institutionalized would not have elevations in their risk for tional outcome. Cross-sectional comparisons of older and decline either. younger better-outcome patients conducted by the Univer- These data may provide a heuristic for understanding sity of California at San Diego (UCSD) group found little the variance in outcome, measured by cognitive perfor- evidence of relatively poorer cognitive performance on the mance and ratings of functional status, in older patients part of older patients (138,144–145). It is impossible to with schizophrenia. In institutionalized patients with similar determine, of course, from cross-sectional data that these periods of institutional stay, MMSE scores range from 0 to older better-outcome patients, with minimal evidence of 30, and functional limitations range from moderate deficits previous decline in their cognitive and functional status, in social skills to incontinence and complete dependence on would never experience a decline at a later date. Further- others for feeding and bathing. In addition, better-outcome more, the proportion of patients in the UCSD samples older patients clearly have indications of higher levels of premor- than 65 years was only about 15%, a finding suggesting bid and current cognitive functioning. These data suggest that if the risk of cognitive and functional decline increases that the interaction of reduced levels of educational attain- with age, these patients may only be entering the period of ment, often referred to as a marker of cognitive reserve increased risk. Finally, few of these patients had a history (152), and particularly persistent symptoms of illness, may of symptom severity consistent with extended periods of predict functional decline. The previous suggestion that treatment-refractory psychosis, and very few would have education attainment is an indicator of a cognitive risk- met the criteria for kraeplinian status previously demon- protective factor for dementia (153) appears relevant to strated to be associated with very poor lifetime functional schizophrenia. Thus, patients with schizophrenia in late life outcome (146–147). These data suggest the need to deter- who have severe and persistent psychotic symptoms, as well mine whether long-term institutionalization or the patient as reduced levels of educational attainment, appear to have characteristics that cause institutionalization are the operant a much greater risk of worsening in functional status than 650 Neuropsychopharmacology: The Fifth Generation of Progress patients whose positive symptoms are less treatment refrac- settle this debate, and the same behavioral evidence can be tory and whose cognitive reserve may be greater. interpreted to support either of the two hypotheses. For The length of time that some of these patients have expe- example, subtle cognitive, behavioral, and motor deviation rienced continuous psychotic symptoms, despite conven- from norms are present in childhood, are amplified in ado- tional antipsychotic treatment, is staggering. Some of these lescence, and exacerbate shortly before and after the first patients have been treated since the 1950s with conventional psychotic episode. This can be interpreted a classic interac- medications, with little relief of their symptoms. The dura- tion between an early defect and brain maturation or as the tion of untreated psychosis seen in typical samples of first- behavioral consequence of a slowly progressive degenerative episode patients with schizophrenia pales in comparison brain process. In addition, lack of consistent worsening of with these histories of continuous psychosis. This duration psychosis across episodes argues for the static hypothesis, of continuous psychosis is much more similar to that typi- whereas progressively poorer antipsychotic response after cally seen at the time of the initial introduction of antipsy- each additional episode could be interpreted as evidence of chotic medication in the 1950s. At that time, long duration a slowly progressive degenerative process. of untreated psychosis was found to be associated with risk Similarly, biological findings, mostly structural neuroim- for greater functional deficit after initiation of antipsychotic aging studies, have produced results compatible with both treatment than for patients whose symptoms were treated hypotheses (120,121,162,163). Some investigators reported sooner after the development of illness (96). Much later no evidence of progressive brain disease, in either the do- research will need to address the issues of the impact of mains of overall cerebral size (i.e., cortical atrophy) or the continuous psychotic symptoms, in terms influence on the size of the cerebral ventricles (i.e., ventricular enlargement) course of illness and whether continuous psychosis despite (164,165). However, some cross-sectional and longitudinal treatment has the same impact on development as lengthy studies have produced different results. There are several periods of untreated psychosis at the outset of the illness. limitations, of course, in using neuroimaging to make direct inferences about changes in the brain, particularly in refer- ence to whether these changes are degenerative. SCHIZOPHRENIA: STABLE ENCEPHALOPATHY OR PROGRESSIVE Brain Structure Immediately after the DISEASE WITH CORRESPONDING LIFELONG First Episode BIOLOGICAL CHANGES? One of the interesting recent topics in the area of the course A most controversial aspect of schizophrenia is whether the of schizophrenia is that of changes in brain structure after few biological and many phenomenologic abnormalities re- the first episode. Research by DeLisi and colleagues sug- ported are consistent with a degenerative, progressively dete- gested that some patients recovering from the first episode riorating course of the illness (154–158) or a static course of the illness have evidence of progression in the size of their for accounted by an early (developmental) insult (1, cerebral ventricles (166,167). This progressive ventricular 159–161). The neurodevelomental models suggest that a enlargement is consistent with that seen in patients with perinatal neuronal insult disrupts normal neural maturation more chronic illness, both during adolescence for child- and results in disruption of neuronal circuits and thus ab- hood-onset patients (168) and during middle age for poor- normal neuronal function. It is further postulated that the outcome patients with a more typical age of onset (169). clinical manifestation of symptoms is triggered by interac- These changes are modest, but they are also detected in tion between the initial defect with neuronal maturation relatively short follow-up periods. Because the patients in processes such as neuronal migration, glial proliferation, and the studies by DeLisi et al. experienced an increase in the synaptic pruning. This maturation process, in turn, ac- ventricular size of about 3.5% in 5 years, the amount of counts for the gap between the hypothesized early-life insult change that would be expected over a lifetime, if this change and later clinical manifestation. were continuous, could be substantial. The neurodevelopment concept has prevailed mostly be- cause schizophrenia lacks specific biochemical and histo- Changes in Brain Function in Patients logic changes (gliosis, cellular debris, or amyloid deposits) with Established Illness closely paralleling behavioral abnormalities that define pro- gressive degenerative disorders. Furthermore, because Alz- Changes in cerebral structure have also been noted in pa- heimer disease has been seen as the prototype of a progres- tients with an established illness. In a 5- year prospective sive neurodegenerative disorder, the absence of fast and study (169) comparing middle-aged patients with schizo- relentless worsening of illness has been taken as evidence phrenia who varied in their lifetime functional outcome against a degenerative hypothesis in schizophrenia. How- from chronic ‘‘kraeplinian’’ patients with community dwell- ever, an overview of the data regarding the course and the ers, the kraeplinian patients demonstrated progressive ven- biology of schizophrenia reveals no sufficient evidence to tricular enlargement. These data, consistent with those of Chapter 47: Schizophrenia: Course Over the Lifetime 651 the first-episode and childhood-onset studies, suggest that ble, the identification of clinical correlates of progressive the cerebral change is dynamic over the life span in patients cortical atrophy by computed tomography, magnetic reso- with schizophrenia. In addition, two separate sets of cross- nance imaging, or the biological meaning of spectroscopic sectional studies, examining p300 prolongation, suggested abnormalities in synaptic connectivity requires detailed de- that older patients have longer latencies (170,171). The scription of the illness course. As more research is focused finding of prolonged p300 latency can be associated with on these issues, important information about the nature of the presence of neurodegenerative diseases (172). Finally, schizophrenia itself will result. cross-sectional studies have also found that older patients show relatively greater atrophic changes in the size of the olfactory bulb (173), and this has been found to correspond DISCLOSURE to a concurrent deterioration in olfactory sensitivity (174). Because olfactory deficits are also detected with consistency Dr. Harvey has received research support from Janssen and in patients with degenerative conditions, these data are con- Lilly and has served as a consultant or on a speakers bureau sistent with the p300 data just reviewed. The data to date for the following companies: Pfizer, Janssen, Lilly, HMR, on the processes of dynamic cortical change in schizophrenia BMS, and Astra-Zeneca. are hardly conclusive. 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Neuropsychopharmacology: The Fifth Generation of Progress. Edited by Kenneth L. Davis, Dennis Charney, Joseph T. Coyle, and Charles Nemeroff. American College of Neuropsychopharmacology ᭧ 2002.