November 16, 2007 Conflict (July - Sept. 2007)

35°E 36°E 37°E 38°E 39°E 40°E 41°E 42°E 43°E 44°E 45°E 46°E 47°E 48°E 49°E 50°E 51°E 52°E Shagarab-I

OGADEN: Serious food shortages areE aRffeIctTingR aEppAroximately 600,000 PUNTLAND/: Shimelba out of the estimated 1.8 million Ethiopians of Somali ethnicity living in the Fighting between rival 14°N YEMEN 14°N five zones of the Ogaden/Somali Region, where the Government of Puntland and Somaliland SUDAN Ethiopia began counter-insurgency military offensives in late May 2007. clan militias broke out in the Restricted commercial transport and humanitarian access resulted in disputed Sool and Sanaag 13°N food shortages in affected areas. In secure accessible areas, recent regions. Both Puntland and 13°N nutritional assessments found acute malnutrition rates above 20%. Somaliland media report Human Rights Watch reported thousands of persons displaced, both hundreds of militiamen killed. civilians and militants killed, and villages burned between June and 12°N f Aden 12°N September in the Ogaden. Gulf o DJIBOUTI Boosaaso Ali-Addeh 11°N Bumbudie / Yarenja Offshore 11°N Berbera Sherkole ETHIOPIA Sanaag 10°N 10°N Teferi Ber Hargeysa Tesso Jijiga Addis Ababa Merakto, Addis omaliland 9°N Kebribeyah S untland 9°N Addis-Ababa Sool P Labiga/Dhaganbuhr Aware Laascaanood/Sool Garowe Bonga 8°N Degeh Bur 8°N Segag Danot/Hodoyo Shekosh/Korahe MT. ELGON: During the last 12 months, inter-clan Jirriiban

land disputes resulted in 180 deAawthassa. The primary e in L 7°N Werder e 7°N perpetrators are a militia known as the Sabaot Land n v ti e a Gaalkacyo Balliga Xodayo d tr Defence Force. According to the Kenyan Red Cross, a is g in Dimma m an estimated 70 additional fatalities were attributed d A l Gode O a to the increase in malnutrition and disease and over n Shilaabo io Abudwak 6°N is 6°N v 116,000 people had been displaced due to the conflict. ro P Somali Dhuusamarreeb Guri Ceel und. Hobyo Bo 5°N in. 5°N dm A BBeleeldewdweyenyene Goob/Wabho Hiran Xarardheere

4°N 4°N Mandera SOMALIA Kakuma camp Moyale Afgoye Baidoa a n Moyale Bogo c e 3°N Korng'otuny/Mt El O 3°N Korngotuny/Kopsir Tajalad/Daniga a n d i Baardheere I n Kospiro/Mt Elgon Marsabit Shabeelle 2°N UG 2°N Baragoi/Samburu Shalanbod/Marka Mogadishu Namotoo/Karita. Alale/Kacheliba Merca Makutano Offshore Somalia 1°N Kapsokwony/Mt Elg KENYA 1°N Kitale/Mt Elgon Liboi Jilib Kaptama/Mt Elgon Dagahaley Ifo 0° Hagadera Fagan 0° Historic Somali Clan Areas: Kangema Kismaayo Kismaayo Conflict Incidents by Type: Kisii Murang'a (labeled by location) DAAROOD CLAN-FAMILY 1°S CLAN-FAMILY 1°S Gatundu Banditry/Piracy CLAN-FAMILY Nairobi Nairobi Clan warfare JAREER CLAN-FAMILY 2°S MOGADISHU: Conflict intensified in the REEWIN CLAN - FAMILY 2°S lead up to the July National Reconciliation Ethiopia/Somali conflict Conference. Insurgent attacks increased Livestock raid Displaced against police stations, Ethiopian and population 3°S Civil strife 3°S Transitional Federal Government military movement units, and civilians. UN reported increased Targeted attack UNHCR violence forced 50,000 people to flee the International boundary Refugee camp 4°S city betweenJune and September. Provisional administrative 4°S Mombasa line/Administrative boundary All weather road TANZANIA City, Capital city Fair weather road 5°S 5°S 35°E 36°E 37°E 38°E 39°E 40°E 41°E 42°E 43°E 44°E 45°E 46°E 47°E 48°E 49°E 50°E 51°E 52°E

0 100 200 300 400 500 Km Source data: ReliefWeb, OCHA/IRIN, BBC, Alertnet, AllAfrica.com; Somalia: New Displacement, UNHCR, September 2007; Clan distribution: Abikar, 1999.

Names and boundary representations are not necessarily authoritative. Horn of Africa Conflict VISTA (July – Sept. 2007)

How many people were reported killed by month and conflict type? Banditry/Piracy Clan warfare Ethiopia/Somali conflict Livestock raid Civil Strife Targeted Attack 900

800 2 5 3

, 700 1 l a t o T 600 - d i l e

K 500 l e p o P e

f 400 o r e b

m 300 u N d e t

r 200 o p e R 100

0 July August September

How many people and what percentage were killed by type of conflict? Total Reported Killed = 1,352, July - Sept. 2007

Banditry/Piracy Clan warfare Ethiopia/Somali conflict Livestock raid Civil Strife Targeted Attack

41 (3%) 16 (1%)

462 (34%)

589 (44%)

213 (16%)

31 (2%)

Conflict Category Definitions Banditry/Piracy – violence associated with criminal activity, robbery, piracy and abduction Clan warfare – clan vs. clan hostilities or sectarian violence Livestock raids - violence associated with livestock rustling by rival herdsmen Ethiopian-Somali conflict – military engagements between the Ethiopian military and Somali insurgents resulting in military and civilian casualties Civil Strife – internal armed conflict between a Government’s forces and insurgent groups Targeted attacks – assassinations, hostage taking, and deaths due to improvised explosive devices or aerial bombings Nov. 15, 2007