P'Ein 'Arik ") Al Bireh UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs - Al Bireh P !ºP

West Bank Closures - East Pesagot Burqa Khirbet Kafr Sheiyan P P Beituniya June 2006 P B?60 LEBANON Barrier

Planned and constructed

Al Am'ari Camp P Beit 'Ur al Fauqa GÌ P MEDITERRANEAN !Ǭ SEA D Beituniya D B?457 D Kochav Ya'akov D ## D B?443 D Beit Horon D D D D D Kafr 'Aqab D D D D Rafat P D D P D D D Mikhmas !ºP D D D P At Tira Ì D D P G D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D West D D D D Bank D D D D Qalandiya Camp D D P D D D D D Qalandiya Ç D Giv'at Ze'ev D P !¬ G a D D e 45D G Ç S B?D Qalandiya Village !¬ D d a ºPD Qalandiya e ! D D

P D Al Judeira D Jaba' P D P # D Gaza ### ÇD

Strip !¬ D

D Jaba' Beit 'Anan B?437 Atarot P

P D D 60 P B?

Bir Nabala Ar Ram - Dahiyat al Bareed D

D## P ##D P D G D Geva Binyamin P Giv'on Hahadasha D



D B?437 D

## D ##


!¬ Neve Ya'akov D D ## Al Qubeiba P D DD ## Al Ram

Biddu D


Qatanna D D P Har Smuel An D P EGYPT D P P Beit HaninaD al Balad ÌG P # ###### ÌG # ### !Ǭ Ç Pisgat Ze'ev !¬ Hizmah Ramot 404 B? P 05025 Km P

Ramot Allon

Shu'fat P ## Shu'fat Camp # P 'Anata Ramat Shlomo #!Ǭ P Shufat B?1 French Hill

Access Physical Closures Ramat Eshkol Al 'Isawiya ¬Ç Checkpoint º¹P Tunnel P Closed and Restricted Areas Ma'alot Dafna Israeli military base ¬Ç Partial Checkpoint º¹P Planned Tunnel Access is prohibited P Hebrew University (N\A) 1 ") Israeli closed military area D Agricultural Gate DDDDD Earth Wall Access is prohibited # Existing and projected 'closed areas' D Road Gate DDDDDD Road Barrier # behind the Barrier Access is limited to permit holders % Observation Tower Trench Az Za'ayyem !ºP P # Earthmound 1 Israeli Settlements Palestinian Areas Thirty-eight of the seventy-three )" Roadblock Barrier gates are open to with appropriate permits. Outpost Built-up Wadi al Joz G GGGGGG G P As Suwwana GG G G G P G GG GG Jerusalem Ç GG Land cultivated by settlers GGGGGGG G At Tur !¬ P Settlement built-up and outer limit Zayem Planned Barrier: path based on Ç Israeli Government map, Bab as Sahira !¬ West Bank Barrier published April 30 2006 and IDF P Jerusalem Municipal Boundary land seizure orders. (Ministry of Ras Abu Sbeitan Constructed Defence - Authority) Roads Under Construction Constructed Barrier - path Ash Shayyah Prohibited or Restricted Palestinian vehicle use Jewish Quarter P Planned Route extracted from satellite imagery Main road and verified by field survey as of May 2006. Ç Other Road !¬Lazarus Al 'Eizariya Silwan ") P P !Ǭ Oslo Agreement P 1 - Full Palestinian civil and 3 - Agreement Ras al 'Amud 1 military control (Effective in 4 - Full Israeli civil and Area A Intended Nature Reserve 417 only.) military control Ath Thuri B? 2 4 2 - Full Palestinian civil P GÌ Area B control and joint Israeli- Palestinian military control 3 Abu Dis Special Case (H2) P Green Line This update includes data up to June 2006. Access and closure data is collected by OCHA field staff and is subject to change. Access mapping is a work in progress. Maps will be updated regularly. Cartography: OCHA Information Management Unit. Map Produced: June 2006 Base data and statistics: OCHA, MOP 398 For comments contact or tel +972 (0)2 582-9962 B? URL: http://www.ochaopt.org OCHA East Talpiyyot Ç !%¬") B?60 As Sawahira ash Shariqiya

As Sawahira al Gharbiya P As Sawahira ash Sharqiya P Sharafat P Jabal al Mukabbir P P ") Gi'vat HaMatos % Ash Sheikh Sa'd P Ç Sur Bahir !¬ Al Walaja P Ein Yallow P ## B?60 Ǭ ## ! Umm Tuba Gilo P B?4 D% # ## D%G G B?356 # !ºP Har Homa ## 'Ayda Camp P ## P ÌG 398 Khallet an Nu'man B? ") !ºP Al 'Aza - Beit Jibrin Camp P P !Ǭ P D ## B?375 G % !ºP DCO Al Hujeila Ǭ D P ! Beit Jala G P Wadi al 'Arayis ## P Al Khas % P % P

D D D D Wadi Fukin !ºP D Ç Beit Sahur P Ì Ç D !¬ G P Umm al Qasseis

¬ P D

! D D D % D # P

D %# ###Tunnel D

Betar Illit !ºP D # D

D Ad Doha Umm 'Asla D

D Al Khadr P P

% P D

#D D


D Fakht al Jul Ad Duheisha Camp P Betar Illit 60D P B? D Khallet al Louza !ºP P Dhahrat an Nada Ras al Wad P P Kilometres Artas P The designations employed and the presentation of material on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status Wadi Umm Qal'a 0 12345 P of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Reproduction and/or use of this## material is only permitted with express reference to "United Nations OCHA oPt" as the source. Bureid'a Scale 1:60,000 for A3 printing ## P %