To: Christopher McGroarty, Ambassador, World Wrestling Network, Inc. Cc: Professor Stephens From: Michael Amorosa Date: 02/24/2015 Re: World Wrestling Network Event Program for 17-18 April 2015 Events

Event Program Scope

We have discussed a concept for an event program for your upcoming World Wrestling Network events on April 17th in Ybor City, FL and April 18th in Orlando, FL. I first want to describe what I envision for this program. The purpose of a program is to give meaningful information to the people attending the event. The program's information can come in many forms, such as a simple list of events and the times in which each event takes place. Other programs can have a list of the names of everyone participating in the event, including a short biography of the participating talent in the event. The size of a program can be as simple as a single page with a list on it or as large as featuring individual information on each panel creating a sort of miniature book. I am interested in what scope you have in mind to meet your goals.


If done well, this event program may provide potential revenue both in its sale as well as through the information it provides. The World Wrestling Network draws in many customers for live wrestling shows. An event program can help these customers have a more enjoyable time at the events by better engaging them with the product. The hope is that this would lead to customers returning and happy fans giving out word of mouth advertising. It will also give the customer a souvenir to take home with them of the event. Hopefully these benefits justify the effort to create this event program.


The audience for the program is simple: the wrestling fans who attend the show. It has been my experience that wrestling fans tend to be a passionate crowd of people. These fans have their favorite wrestlers they happily cheer for while they also have wrestlers they dislike and boo mercilessly. This audience interaction is a key part of the live pro wrestling experience. I also believe that wrestling fans enjoy the storylines throughout the show. These storylines of rivalry, friendship, and betrayal make pro wrestling almost like a soap opera. The storylines are always changing just to keep the fans interested. This also has the potential to confuse the audience, especially when a wrestler goes from being a fan favorite to one they dislike. I believe an event program with background information on the wrestlers will definitely help the audience better understand these storylines, especially for those who have never attended an event previously or perhaps missed recent shows.

Event Program Concept

Here is a concept for an event program that I believe would be successful. You are welcome to make modifications and I will adjust accordingly. To be successful, the program must feature several qualities that wrestling fans find useful. The first, perhaps most obvious, content to include is a list of all the wrestling matches for the show with the names of the wrestlers and order of the matches. Second, it will include pictures of all the participating wrestlers in the program as well as short biographies of each wrestler to help provide background on who they are and what their motivations might be. This can also serve as a fun place for fans to get autographs from their favorite wrestlers. Third, the program will include a synopsis of the major current storylines to get fans more excited about the key matches on the show. Finally, the program will include a list of upcoming events as well as past events that can be purchased online. On this page I will place a description of the World Wrestling Network at the bottom.

Next Steps

This project is currently in the concept stage. The next major step in completing the program is to create some rough sketches of how the program will be laid out. I would like to meet to discuss how many panels will be needed for the program. There is also information that I need from you to complete the final product. In particular, a sample of pictures of the wrestlers to choose from, sources for the wrestler biographies and descriptions of the storylines leading up to the event.

You will find attached a proposed schedule to have a final version of the event program to you no later than April 7th, 2015. Please let me know if this is not enough time to print copies of the program for your events on April 17th and 18th. I believe this schedule is realistic as long as the proposal is accept by February 28th and I receive pictures and sources to work from by March 7th. I will be responsive to your input to help keep on schedule.

Description Review

In preparation for the final page of the event book, I want to make sure I have a good description of the World Wrestling Network. Would you consider this one to be the version to work from?

The World Wrestling Network (WWN) runs productions throughout the United States. WWN consists of four distinct brands: USA, which brings the top talents from Dragon Gate in Japan to the United States to wrestle with the top independent wrestlers in the US; EVOLVE, which provides a venue to have talent work against the best independent talent in the US catching the eye of Dragon Gate in Japan and World Wrestling Entertainment, among others; SHINE, which is an all women's promotion that focuses on wrestling instead of just glamor and sex appeal; and, Full Impact Pro, which is the top independent professional wrestling promotion in Florida while also providing storylines indicative of the classic Southern Style of professional wrestling. All four brands stream their shows live and video on demand in HD on WWN is a full production offering DVDs of each event, merchandise and other advertising opportunities. It is one of the top independent professional wrestling outfits in the US.


Thank you again for the opportunity to create an event program for the World Wrestling Network. I believe that the final product will benefit your organization while providing me an opportunity to grow as a publisher.