Daisy Ham Shoulders Fancy Fowl
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•r '• t •■., ■■> j m ■C‘ ': T‘ ■ ' ■ ' ' '>V ' -r- / '4/: .' t..! - ■ ■ V" .-'I _________________________________n . ’/■ THURSDAY, SEPTEMRER 1, 195l Avanga Daily I^et Preae Mna. jKanrI)[^at(r 1Ett?nittg< Hrralb •a o. m. wcMhie ■m canf' -'v '. / ^ Aegnat XT. ICas 2 V !r Miaa Ann B. Goodchild of 50 Seablaa oatiiMtad. Tho truck, raU- IMr. Utttt Unngi I . /" Olcott Dr. will ie married to David Mechanism Jams, tively unacaUiad, drivan by Oaorge 11,466 Sere tatigbt. U rn SMa^ •Mw*N>!J About Town^ J. Bartlett of Middletown. Satur F. Ehieklay, SA, Somerville, Mm s ;. paHly Nnody, ItO e rtwege ■ day at 3 p.m.( in the South Metho- Car Crashes Truck will coat about ISO to fix, police o r a l H ie annual' miulcal service'^at aald. paewlBie. B iiti is e c . FUUtop Conference, Cromwell, will dlat Church. Mancheeter^^ Cfty o/.FU|^a C h a rm m $ : 3 0 be held Saturday at 7:30 p.m. -The Further alight danaaga . waa Jamming of her^.car'a ateering cauaed when the truck continued closing services of the Conference Mias Carolyn Robert, ilaughier PAR TS . SERVICE . SA LE S t^ i»A Y NIGHT of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Robert. 623 mechaniam and an oncoming truck on after the colllaion auid moved will be held at Sunday 3:30 and MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER $, 1955 ~ AetmUOag an 14) PRICE PIVE CEMIE 7:30 p.m. W. Middle Tpke., will be one of fpelled trouble for dra. Tllllt M b- the dummy atandard at the Center yOL.LXXIV,MO.$84 (SDCTEBM PAGES) f I i& A Y N IG H T about 16 feat. No ohargea were 385 new sUidents who will take a turo, 38, of 30 Bolton St., yester- (CloMd AU D «y 4-day program, o f registration, brought by the police. * Mrs. John F. TTcrnry, president <lay noontime at the Center, police WILL BE CLOSED Mantey,,li*bor titty} of Gibbons Aaiembly, Catholic testing, tours and get-acquainted Liadies of Columbus, announce.^ partiea at Mount Holyoke College, said. beginning Sept. 19. Claaaea-'will Mak* it Msy for yourself. buy ell your "good things that the food drive for flood relief Headed north on Main St., ahe FOR THE HOLIDAYS Israel Backs Truce by the Assembly members which begin Friday. Sept. 23. for all started to turn left a the Center TOP CASH toaat” for A long weekend at Pinehurst. Use our parking began today will continue through studentk Nfiss Robert was an. when Jhe new beach wagon's steer SATURDAY, SItNDAY aad MONDAY (LABOR DAY) honor student at Mancheater High ing gear atuok. according to in PRICES PAID! lo t . use our no tip cftxry out service . have your Sunday. Sept. 4. She urges every School, claas of 1955. SI^PT. 8-4-8. one to- deliver their donations to vestigating 'Patrolman .Albert / FOR ALL MODELS checks cashed at Pinehurst. the K. of C. Home, 138 Main St., Scabler. _ ^ OF USED CARS In Gaza l^trip W heii Her car went around in front * Faal, PrompI, Reliable OPEN TUESDAY. SEPT 4 AS USUAL which will be Open to receive them. ,_Mrs. Francis Dwyer, president, IF 's. Uema desired .ire baby foods, requests all members of the of a truck coming eaat on Center Ru.vlag Service! *‘Rain-Clicck” Special Value sugar, coffee, canned fruit and American Legion Auxiliary to re- St., rakln.g t e front of the truck OPEN 9-9 DAILY vegetables (not in glass». The poil at the Legion Home' tomor with the beach wage-’ s right .side. BARLOW MOTORS CARTER CHEVROLET CO., Inc. Egypt Ends Attacks imights of Columbu.i are also row evening, from 6:30 on. to No one was injured, btit the cur Laat weekend demand for Pinehurst 4SS M A IN ST.—M I 9-1889 I l l M A IN STREETTEU M I 9-8388 making a collection for the same .sort and .pack donationa for Rood rent model beach wagon wa dam Lamb Legs was so great that we just object. relief. I aged to the extent of about 8700, /did not have enough . we prbmised Jerusalem, Sept. 2 <AV-One minor iiwident was reported disappointed customers a “RAIN along the tenae Egyptian-IaraeH frontier last night after CH ECK L A M B L E G S A L E “ for this Israel anrtounc^* conaitonal1 ait ‘ acceptance------------- of an w peal— to end / / ’■ K^weekend. Again this week, we offer t h e : r. An Israelieli militaprjipdcMn^^ Tel Aviv uid more o f. those wortijerfully tender Egyptian Iniltratora bkew up CHOICE GRADE Swift' Ereihium and well ahortly before midnight near Golfer Hits L ^ v e s JaR CudiUiy Puritan LAMB LEGS,, whole Tad Mordechai, an laraell aattla- Ftive*Day. Forecast LABOR DAY ment northaaat of tha Egyptian- or shenk half at a special pric^.'^ , held Gaan atrip.' T w o Aces i|i Truck to ■--i- CHQICi: QltADE, Pinehurst top quality It waa in the Yed Ifordeohni are* Boston, Sept 3 (A) — Tha Premium oivCudehy Puritan that laraal yeaterday claimed two temperature in New England Egyptian Jet fightcra wera ahot during the next Sve dayarSat- down by laraell planea. ' urday through Wednasday, In ICO Play New Haven The apokeaman aald tha raid on will average near the seeaonel LAMB LEGS lb. 59c the well waa the' only incident re normal. Seasonable tempera ported during the night., ture Saturday - and SunJayk Wethersfield, Sept. 2 ‘(4*) Wethersfield, Sopt. 2 (ff) larael laat night announced ac warmer Monday, turning cool-\ — Two'holes in one in a span — Waite)" Gordon, 47, of / PINEHURST POULTRY . er Tuesday and Wadnaaday. ceptance of a U.N.-propoaed ceaae- of five straight holes, a per Bridgeport, a long-term' eonv^ TURKEYS flre. 'providing “all attacka by Some normals for the period are at Boston 88, Providence formance unpredecented in vict, escaped frdm the state 10 to I s Ib. Fresh Frozen RATH Ready To Ekt Egyptiana In whatever form will 68. Nantucket 68. NetV Haven golf tournament history, prison here today. Eviscerated HAM Either Half eeaae." lb. 79c A apokeaman for Egypt’a Palea-' 87. Cqncprd..N. H-. 83. Burl were mad^ by Wilbur W, A prison spokesman said tine Eiepartment aald in Cairo that ington 84.;^Portland 83. East- 'From Coventry port 89, OriMnvIlle 89, Caribou (Bill)) Whedon, 28-year-old Gordon concealed. himsdf in 'Sliced Mississippi Egypt haa not replied to the bid. Miller's Plump Tender a t H A L E ' S 57. Farmington amateur in the a prison truck that was to Bacon Ib.'^.SSc. But he announced'I that Egyptian PVieassee Fowl troops have been ordered to ob- A t Boston, tha normal maxi open round of the fourth In carry shipments to points in aenre a reaaa-fire. mum temperature during this surance City Open cham New Haven and Fairfield From Near-by Farms Pinehurst Rib Oven period la tS and the normal Roast, Meaty 3rd thru Pointing out that Egypt agreed minimum temperature is 59. pionship here today. Codnty and made his get Fresh Broilers SELF SERVE and Tuesday to the ceaae-fire proposal •Precipitation during— this According to PG A tournament away. 7th Ribs lb. 66c director Ray O’Brien, the Farming- by Canadian MaJ. Gan. E. U M. period wilt on the average The truck was located Fresh Fryers Burna, chief of the U.N'. Truce ton'linksman, formerly a .corpoeal'' • Rib Pork'Roast total over one half inch except some time after the e^p e Chicken Legs Supervisory Commiasion,-' the >4 to *4 Inch 'Vermont and ^ound Advice iir the Air Force, has established 7 Rib Cuts lb. 43c apokeaman said he did not know if. an '4fl time record. but, the prison spokesman Chicken Breasts Naw Hampshire. Rain likely A sign reading “CAU- ^Copter Cornea a Cropper in Channel It waa necessary for the Cairo gov southern New England Sun ’n O N ,’’ W ATCH YOUR "M y greatest ambition has been said, (jrordon had disappear Roast Capons ernment to send a new. reply>' to hold 13 spades in bridge and An R.A.F. Whirlwind helicopter crashes into the English Channel during a demonatration o f an MEAT DEPARTMENT day and over all of N tw Eng STEP" seems an appropriate air-sea rescue. The plane waa about to pick ,.up a "stretcher case’’ from the launch when the en ed. The spokesman disclosed that land Monday night or..Tuea- warning as U.S. Ambassador make a imle in one in golf,’’ Whedon. hippy but atiU Jittery gine cut out, ..The pilot and navigator climbed, out unhurt and were plucked from the w ater' Gordon waa completing the flrat r—A JUICY STEW Burna arrived in Gaza- this morn day. Henry Cabot Lodge Jr.; ad- /A SAVORY POT ROAST- ing for a first hand inveatigation aaid at the en lk / hia loop. within two niinutea of the accident. .(N B A Telephoto). .of two long sentences. 20 to 30 dresaea the Sve-power aubcom- of tha laraell attadc on Kahn yekra on four counts o f burglary. ^ A GLAMOROUS STEAK-C—BEEF KABABS mittee of the U.N. Diaarma- Scores 18 fpr Round Hanging over his head was an Tunis, a rail center in the strip. attacka and a warning against He finished the '.(H>und with a The United States and Britain iutura hoatiliUcs. ihent Commission.'' The meet other sentence o f 20 to SO yeara Tha food valuta art tbt aamt no m atUr which cut of beef you ing* was held at the Unljed acore of 75, four ovdr par taking 5 CBEftt had strongly baAted the U.N.