Extensions of Remarks E1657 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS
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September 26, 2002 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1657 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS IN SUPPORT OF H. CON. RES. 177 and uncompromising, yet she has been able Christopher Reeve is able to wiggle his fingers to build successful coalitions of feminists, and toes, experience sensation in his body, HON. CIRO D. RODRIGUEZ community workers, religious groups, Latino and tell the difference between hot and cold— OF TEXAS associations, student organizations, peace ac- something that the medical community did not IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tivists and countless others. Many of Dolores believe was possible in someone so far re- activities on behalf of the UFW have placed moved from the initial time of his accident. Tuesday, September 24, 2002 her in personal danger. She has been ar- Christopher Reeve’s recovery and recent Mr. RODRIGUEZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay rested more than 22 times for non-violent scientific evidence show that there is hope for tribute to Dolores Huerta, the most prominent peaceful protest and in 1988 during a dem- those living with paralysis. At research centers Chicana labor leader within the Latino commu- onstration in San Francisco, she was severely in the United States, Europe and Japan, new nity. Dolores Huerta is the co-founder and injured by baton swinging police officers. She techniques of rigorous exercise has helped an First Vice President Emeritus of the United suffered two broken ribs and a ruptured estimated 500 persons with paraplegia and Farm Workers Union of America (UFW), AFL– spleen. However, this painful and life threat- limited sensations in their lower bodies to walk CIO. For decades she has dedicated her life ening experience did not stop her resolve. for short distances, either unassisted or using to the struggle for justice and dignity for mi- After recovering from her life-threatening inju- walkers. grant farm workers. Honored with countless ries, Dolores resumed her work on behalf of While the results of these new methods are awards for her tireless commitment, she is a farm workers in the 1990’s and today at 72 quite miraculous, the limits of what physical role model for the entire Hispanic community. years of age she continues to make appear- exercise can do for patients remains grossly In the mid 1950’s Dolores Huerta began her ances, lobby, and advocate on behalf of understudied. While each person and each in- work empowering workers by joining the Com- Latino workers. She has truly devoted her life jury is unique, and some people recover spon- munity Service Organization (CSO), a Mexican to ensure that workers in this country are taneously, an estimated 200,000 Americans American self help association founded in Los treated with dignity and justice. are living with spinal cord injuries that have Angeles. Dolores understood early on that em- f not improved. Which therapy or combination of powerment was the key to leveraging power TRIBUTE TO CHRISTOPHER REEVE therapies will work for each persons is un- within the Latino community. She registered known. Today 2 million Americans are living voters, organized citizenship classes for immi- with paralysis, including spinal cord injury, grants, and pressed local governments for im- HON. STENY H. HOYER stroke, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, ALS provements in the poorest of barrio commu- OF MARYLAND and spina bifida. We need research to see nities. Given her passion and determination IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES how these new interventions work on the en- the CSO sent her to lobby on behalf of these Tuesday, September 24, 2002 tire population of individuals living with paral- under served communities in Sacramento. It ysis. was in this capacity that Dolores began her Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, on the eve of Tomorrow, I will join my colleagues in intro- historic work serving the needs of migrant Christopher Reeve’s 50th birthday, I would like ducing the Christopher Reeve Paralysis Act of workers. to recognize his unfailing courage, strength, 2002, which seeks to further advance the Life for migrant farm workers is incredible and faith as he has worked to overcome paral- science needed to help those living with paral- harsh. They endure painful work conditions ysis. Not only has Christopher Reeve put a ysis take that next step and at the same time during the day—with the hot sun beating down human face on spinal cord injury, but he has build quality of life program in the state that on them as they spend long hours bent over become a leading advocate for medical re- will further advance full participation, inde- picking strawberries, grapes, lettuce and other search, better care for people with spinal cord pendent living, self-sufficiency and equality of crops. The conditions did not improve in the injury and for increased quality of life for the opportunity for individuals with paralysis and evenings—they retired to run down shacks, if more than two million Americans living with other physical disabilities. they were fortunate enough to have a home. paralysis. Often their cars or the floor were their only re- After graduating from Cornell University in Those living with paralysis face astronomical treat. The workers were paid nominal wages, 1974 and studying at Julliard, Christopher medical costs, and our best estimates tell us $.10 to $.20 a basket, and often were subject Reeve made his broadway debut opposite that only one-third of those individuals remain to further deductions in pay for water they Katherine Hepburn in A Matter of Gravity. Best employed after paralysis. At least one-third of consumed in the hot sun. The majority of known for his star role in Superman and its those living with paralysis have incomes of these workers were Mexican immigrants or many sequels, Christopher Reeve has dazzled $15,000 or less. And over the past 20 years, Mexican Americans who were monolingual the big screen and stage in numerous produc- overall days spent in the hospital and rehabili- Spanish speakers and had no voice. Dolores tions, such as The Bostonians, Street Smart, tation centers for those living with paralysis would soon lend her voice, in fact shouts, for Speechless, Noises Off, Above Suspicion, The have been cut in half. justice to their cause. Remains of the Day, and most recently, Rear Christopher Reeve’s recent triumphs in She joined the Agricultural Workers Asso- Window. He made his directorial debut with overcoming paralysis prove how close we are ciation (AWA), a community interest group in ‘‘In the Gloaming’’ in 1997, which received five to achieving major breakthroughs for people northern California. Through her work with the Emmy nominations and published his auto- who have paralysis. The Christopher Reeve AWA she met Cesar Chavez, at that time the biography, Still Me in 1998, which spent elev- Paralysis Act of 2002 will ensure that the fed- director of the CSO in California and Arizona, en weeks on the New York Times Bestseller eral government does its part to help the more soon to become her colleague in the organiza- List. than two million Americans with paralysis who tion which would improve the quality to life for But beyond his experience within the enter- are still waiting for their own breakthroughs. migrant workers across the country the United tainment arena, Christopher Reeve has As John F. Kennedy once said, ‘‘The stories Farm Workers Union (UFW). The UFW was achieved great success in a new and much of past courage can define that ingredient— founded in 1972 with a commitment to justice, more challenging role: a survivor of spinal they can teach, they can offer hope, they can heard through the shouts of ‘‘si se puede’’ or cord injury who is working toward a medical provide inspiration. But they cannot supply felt through the pounding rattle of their tradi- miracle. Christopher Reeve has become a courage itself. For this each man must look tional unity claps, has won many significant beacon of hope for all people with spinal cord into his own soul.’’ Since Christopher Reeve struggles for Latino workers. injury and paralysis. The recent news reports was injured, his tireless efforts to walk again, As a co-founder and second in command to about his medical progress has been an inspi- coupled with his faith, passion and commit- Chavez, Dolores helped shape and guide the ration for not only those living with paralysis, ment to improve quality of life for others living union and contributed to their significant suc- but also for the medical research community. with paralysis, make him an inspiration to us cesses. Her style has always been forceful For the first time since his accident in 1995, all. Happy Birthday, Chris. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. E1658 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 26, 2002 IN RECOGNITION OF NEW life of chronically ill and disabled children. I INTRODUCTION OF THE DIVIDED ALTERNATIVES FOR CHILDREN ask that my colleagues join me in saluting PAYMENT INCENTIVE ACT NAC on their 20th Anniversary. HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY f HON. THOMAS E. PETRI OF NEW YORK L. MENDEL RIVERS AWARD FOR IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES LEGISLATIVE ACTION OF WISCONSIN Wednesday, September 25, 2002 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mrs. MALONEY of New York. Mr. Speaker, HON. MICHAEL BILIRAKIS Wednesday, September 25, 2002 I would like to pay tribute to New Alternatives OF FLORIDA for Children (NAC), on the occasion of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. PETRI. Mr. Speaker, today, I have intro- foundation’s 20th Anniversary.