yiiiiiiii uiiiiimiim uii associated press hiiiiiiiiiihimiiiiiiiiiiih Ex Officio Member with GSA, OSGA NewScop e The World Seat Vietnam Battle Acti on USG Calls for Trustee Drops to New Low SAIC.ON — Battle action has dropped to the lowest level oi By RHONDA BLANK become effective July 1, 1970—by this time our boycott classes to assert their views on the office an d removal procrduic? for vnt'vntmliu the yepr with American units lighting only four significant successors will have been chosen ." war. repre.sentatlv c menber.- skirmishes in the past 24 hours, the U. S. Command said Collegian Staff Writer In his response, Rowland advised The Congress also approved the allocation Scvcral congressmen staled Hint¦ a \o(c mi yesterday. The president of the Un.l' r -irariuale Stu- o f up to S200 to the Coalition Inr Peace , to lie until i ••ipjrrs-.ii.n il "Certainly this is the lowest level of enemy activity this Thompson to consult with the University legal ti n- hill should be piistpon'-d dent Government, the Organization of Student u^ed for publicity purposes for the Vietnam They contended that newly year , and it is a* low as any period in the past VI months." a advisers to set up a lormahzed draft of his ap- elections arc held . U. S. spokesman said. Government Associations and the Graduate peal. Thompson said he is now conducting pro- Moratorium. elected ISO members should br responsible for The four clashes involving U. S. infantrymen ranged from Student Association .may become ex officio ceedings with the Love and Wilkinson law firm In order to act upon bills which renin:od determining the cli.ingo. readings at three consecutive meetings Con- the demilitarized zone to old battlelields north of Saigon and members of the Board of Trustees if the USG in State College. Thompson asked Concurs in msio sugar-' cost the Americans two killed and 25 wounded. gress immediately reconvened after closing. tinns for a new pa rliamentarian Harry Hill . Congress has its way. USG Congress also resolved to recognize South Vietnamese military spokesmen also reported little An amendment to the I'lcclion Code , v. huh I'SG Supiemc Conn ih'cl visile and fiction. A communique listed only three scattered contacts "the questions of institutional racism, student submitted a renucst to be Congress last night passed a resolution cal- participation in poltcv rr-?kin£:. educational apportions one congressional rcpr^s'-nia 'iv c !nr pailia mentanan. Wednesday-two in the Mekong Delta south of Saigon and one ling tor the USG president to sit on the Board , every 800 sludcnts . was read at both meetings relieved of ;iarliunielilai v dut.o so that he i at: in Quang Tri Province near the DMZ. They said 12 enemy reform. and facultv-admmistrative ac- devote nwre time for indicia] con-ulr ra ions. although it has not yet been determined countability as priorities necessitating im- and was tabled for further consideration ' soldiers were killed and 16 were captured. Government troops Congress had li ght causalties in one of the fights and none in the other whether the student representatives will have a mediate action by the various administrative At the next session ot the number Si x eoiigtossmcn were appointed by of congressmen to be apportioned to each living Thompson to til l vacant s C ats until I.ill elec- two. vote. and governing bodies" of the University. Casualty figures for the week ending Saturday reflected area also will be voted upo n tions are hold Tlio vacancies were created bv Explaining "faculty-administrative ac- congressmen, abandoned seats and the deepening battle lull. USG will work in cooperation with GSA and Congress voted to amend its by-laws to grad uating countability," Thompson referred to those include attendance regulations, stipulations of Spring Term executive elections. * • * OSGA "for the inclusion of their respective times when " an administrator or faculty mem- German Leaders Discuss New Government presidents on the Board in a similar capacity," ber has taken actions which seem irrevocable BONN. Germany — Top leaders of the Social and Free according to the resolution. to the students." Democratic parties met yesterday to hammer out final details He cited last \ car's banning of The Water of an agreement to form West Germany's next government Thompson told Congress he sent letters this summer to University President Kric A. Tunnel by Charles L. Lewi*, vice president for together. student affairs, as an example. Success in the talks would give West Germany its first Walker and Board President Roger W Row land taste of Social Democratic rule. to give "more than a casual thought" to the Lewis' action aroused protest fro m manv As the session started. Free Democrat chief Walter Scheel idea. students, and th rough the resolution , Thompson told newsmen he expected to present the agreement to his pa- "There are more ways to deal with stu- said he hopes to "dig into such areas to find av- told newsmen he expected to present the agreement to his dents than with repressive acts or ignoring enues for administrators and faculty to get stu- party 's Bundestag-Parliament-deputics Friday. The deputies their existence completely," Thompson wrote. den feedback on these issues." > The meeting of School and Foreign Minister Willy Brandt, the Social Democrats' head, is the third since Sunday's federal Effective July 1, 1970 USG also approved support of a Vietnam election. The vote gave the Social Democrats 224 and the Free Moratorium Oct. 15. The Moratorium will be a m Democrats 30 of the Bundestag's 496 voting seats. He added , "To avoid any accusations of per- day of nationwide protest against the war m This gives them a majority of 12 over Chancellor Kurt sonal aspirations , the ex officio members Vietnam. Many students are planning to Georg Kiesingcr's Christian Democrats, who' have dominated West German governments in the 20 years of the postwar republic's existence. — The Nation NextPresident Predicted *- Nixon Accused of Raising Unemp l oyment * v. 1 ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. — AFL-CIO President George Meany accused President Nixon yesterday of trying to fight inflation at the expense of workers' job s. Nixon replied that he O™ I is trying to stop price hikes from eating away the purchasing Committee Member power of the nation 's A'age earners. 1 Meany said Nixon's policies of tight money, high interest By PAT DYBL1E mittees and other University Sources close to the Trus- * sources. tees' committee and the and federal budget cut s. "When you strip away the pious Collegian Staff Writer fit platitudes and blatant baloney," are aimed at driving prices She said candidates were special Senate committee down while pushing uncmp!oy.mcnt ur> . A member of the special divided into A. B and C pre- disagreed over the possibility M More than 200,000 Americans have been added to jobless University Senate committee ference categories by her com- of the Trustees seriously con- roles since Nixon took office last January and the nation's for the selection of a new mittee. A report was forward- sidering a candidate not yet shaipcst climb in living costs in 18 years still continues at an University President predicted ed to the Board through interviewed by the Senate * annual rate of nearly 6 per cent, Meany told the AFL-CIO last n i ght that John W. Oswald , University Provost J. Ralph committee. vice president of the Rackley with the committee's Miss Jablonski said her pre- Collegian Photo by pierr* Belllclnl eighth biennial convention. ferences. diction was a result "of in- Nixon, in a message to Meany. responded that "we are en- University of California at observations and pre USG PRESIDENT (center) explains the Berkelev , will succeed Eric A. According to Miss Jablonski. tuition, not fact." Oswald , her deavoring to curb the treadmill of inflation which robs work- rationale behind his proposal for three student government ing men and women and frustrates our collective bargaining Walker. the committee was called predicted successor, was the Thompson Talks , process. " Terry Jablonski, Colloquy again during the summer to third choice of the students on representatives on the Board of Trustees to last night's "But we are doing so with a keen eye on jobs and the co-chairman and Un- review three additional candi- the Senate committee among meeting of the USG Congress. Vice-president Aron Arbit- dates invited by the Board. the three interviewed last sum- whole employment picture." dergraduate Student Govern- Congress Listens and treasurer Ted Itzkowitz listen attentively. ment North Halls con- Committee members then in- mer. tier, light, • * * gresswoman, was questioned dividually submitted their Earth quakes Hit Northern Calif ornia by members of Congress about choices for consideration to the SANTA ROSA, Calif. — Two sharp eartho,- -•kes jolted a the probable choice of a suc- Board . 150-mile stretch (if Northern California Wednesday night. cessor. The committee was giving Some building walls collapsed , windows shattered, water Her statement came after top consideration to n o n - and gas mains ruptured. she reported on the com- University candidates with Twenty six persons reported injuries, none serious. mittee's progress. academic rather than ad- A light aftershock yesterday morning caused no additional Miss Jablonski explained ministrative backgrounds, ac- Two Croup s To Join damage. that the special committee was cording to Miss Jablonski. She Heaviest damage and all of the injuries were reported in formed last spring at the re- said the committee was told Santa Rosa . 60 miles north of San Francisco and five miles quest of the Board of Trustees they had "quite a bit o£ from the epicenter of both shocks. to act in an advisory capacity influence" and was thanked for to the Trustees' presidential its efforts. selection committee. Referring to the Board's Ft. Dix Demonstration ' The Senate set up a com- postponement of today s meet- meal that ri.i\ , there weren t people, The State ing, which was to consider the By RENA ROSEN SON a national demonstration pro- and I hr army l? trying mittee which included mem- testing the army stockade enough bowls A soldier went to keep it below- 900. Shafer and Casey Di sagree ove r Contract bers of USG and the Graduate selection of a successor. Mi ss Collegian Staff Writer into the kitchen to get "imc, "¦T situation is extremely Jablonski said the committee Members of Students for a system Oct. 12 at the Ft. Dix , he HARRISBURG—Governor Shafer said yesterday "a rather Student Association. The com- N.J., stockade and he wa« thrown into scgres se rious . Those arc political pri- cheap and tawdy attempt. . .to gain political headlines" was mittee was charged with wished to be consulted if a Democratic Society and at ion ( Military confinement) candidate not already in- Coalition for Peace have an- Plan? for the demonstration soners — 90 to 05 per cent driving him lo scrap a million-dollar contract tor a state air reviewing presidential recom- f or it ." Shapiro said AU'OL's. The nding <-1h*- of pollution monitoring network. mendations by college com- terviewed is to be considered. nounced plans to participate in carne after 38 men at the stockade were charged with in- "The rest of the men unit this country w.uils them tn In a heated statement at a news conference, the back to the barracks and burn- lig ht. The\ don ' t see any Republican governor denounced Auditor General Robert P. citing to not and arson after t) protesting the arrest o f ed mattresses , thre-iv reason why ey should , so Casey's refusal to sign-and thereby vahdate-the contract as a footlockers down stairs , wreck- they go to the stockade.- ," drive for "selfish political notoriety" on the part of a prospec- Now Society tor Individual Liberty another man for "demanding water."' according to Shu! ed furniture and smashed win Shapim said tive gubernatorial candidate. dou .s. The army bi ought in Casey, a Democrat and often mentioned as a candidate for Shapiro, an organizer of the "And the army makes it as Fort Dix Coffeehouse, which now tra'nees and put dow n the bad as thc\ can Th^v ha\e to the gubernatorial nomination , has refused to sign the contract riots with tear gas." he said create a place bad that for three months on grounds that the Shafer administration was created "as a place \>. here ^o men the G.I.'s can go to ritscuss Shapiro said the army charg- wo uld rather go to Vietnam bypassed the low bidder and accepted procurement pro- YAF Resigns from National ed 38 men with conspiracy to than there. " Wales. Pa. their political experiences," cedures to favor Leeds & Northrup Co of North By REENhS THOMSON freedom as long as he doesn 't trample on the not. "Really, tho\ look i!00 The governor said he was powerless to iorce Casey to sign " Shapiro said. Four Demands Collegian Staff Writer righ's of others. guys and told them they would the contract and thus has decided to remove the reservation The libertarian caucus merged with the Shapiro addressed an open be charged if they didn 't he has had in state and federal tunds. The executive board of YounR Americans Society for Rational Individualists to form the meeting of SDS Sasl ni^ht to Stove Wcis> . temporary SDS { testify against the tew men the for Freedom voted Wednesday night to resign Society for Individual Liberty, headed by Don explain the circunislaiK O - a rmy is aitci . II lhc\ .titiend chairman , said that the pur- * * * members at pose of the Oct 12 demonstra- State Releases Nonwhite Emp loyment Facts from national YAF. A majority o! Ernsberger. bchind t h c planned dem- to testify, they would be the regular YAF meeting last night passed Hie According to Betzko SIL is a service, not a onstration. Shapiro said released 1mm the stockade and tion is to publicize four de- HARRISBURG — The state has gone a long way in its ef- motion to recharter under the name Society for political organization . He said. "There will be- that a few of the G.I .'s were in some cases from the army. mands: forts to hire blacks for government jobs, but it also has a long Individual Liberty. no directives or policy statements from SIL scheduled to come to the —lic e the Ft Di.\ 3R; way to go. headquarters." Political philosophy will be Urmcrsity. but they were "Charges wore dropped —abolish tie stockade The nonwhite employment picture for state government According lo Charley Betzko (YAF Chair- "lormuictting where we determined by the individual chapter. unable to leave the stockade against some of the giixs . but *\ M em. was released in a statistical report last week by the Penn- man). YAF has been "There is still a YAF charter here, if fne people are now in segrega- are going for a long lime." He said , "Over the Shapiro sa'd that before the —i ree all political prisoners sylvania Human Relations Commission. The report reflects apologize anyone wishes to continue a chapter," he said. tion charged Mill things which employment as of Oct. 31 , 1968. and goes back to J9B6. past year, we have had to for stands arrest of one man who in the United State*- . Whatever we do on "Although we do not intend to renew the na- , alx mt 1 00 would get them 40 to GO >ears Overall , the percentage of state government employes taken by YAF national. tional charter, the old charter is still in exist- demanded water in prison ," he said. —bung an immediate end to has risen from 8.4 per cent in 1966 to 8.8 per cent last October. campus this year will have stronger emphasis men were lorced to stand in the war m Vietnam. on different tilings from last year's traditional ence. Also there is still a YAF charter with the the hot sun for five hours. He The nonwhite population of Pennsylvania , m comparison, was Undergraduate Student Government," he con- "The aimv is ,iilo: lliese Coa lition f ( ir I> , YAF." he continued. said he docs not know the people because thr\ are a ate and SDS 7.7 per cent in the 1960 census—although it may have risen tinued. am iHgJJimng ,j tvr »on! to The split originated at the convention held reason lor it , and "there might Irioa t to them pnhtkn lly They since then. During the meeting lasl n'ghl . five people not, even be ono That ' riM ble Ujmci sm y students io This overall rise in employment probably is the most en- in St. Louis in September, when the Pennsylva- ivho claimed to be members of national YAF s the will tin a n\ thing in gi-i t 'nrm way things are their." ' ta ke par! in the demonsti.Uion. couraging aspect of the report. nia and California delegations were purged walked out Bet?ko «aid , "Only ore nl those We l] do ;m\ tiling to prevent- The plan chII- Inr from the meetings. this from happening " .i^scnibl-ng However, a careful look at each individual agency reveals u:ho walked out was an active member of this Water from Bowls nl thp C, I. cofi re huus,. adja- amazing disparities between the 35 state departments sur- According to Bctzko. the pureed delega- YAF chapter. The others seemed to be new on Shapiro asserted Ihn t the Ft cent lo F; Dix Hin i .m attempt ' veyed. For instance, the Department of Health and the tions were "libertarians who believe man s campus." "At the stockade, men don ' t Dix .stockade is nwi cnmdi'd tn enter Tim n.is o nnd singe a Department of Property and Supplies have nonwhite employ- rationale is his utmost faculty. " He said the A statemcul from those who walked out drink water out of glasses. an d full of brutalit y He <*n vl rail ., m fioni oi the Mockadc. ment of 19.8 per cent. philosophy of a libertarian is "ultimate (Continued on page lour) They use bowls. At the evening the capacity at Ft. Dix is 350 according to SJJb ollicials. Townspeople Discuss Campus Dissent sad a gas station attendant with folded realize the real value of things ." sl,itpi l dors Minw wh" or hnw these arms. a harbor, busy clipping a customer's hair. dpmo nsti.itnin s i.ri-ur. Rut - e \ p r One man on the street posed a simple "How much freedom do thc\ wain a 1 inions Vary—Outrag e, Apath y and Approva l / '.' Do Jieiso ns ,,„,;„ i ro^ible ^.lulimi-, or Op method for handling rioters, "Throw thry riot for riot's sake, or for something Jicve ntati ve measures against them out. violence. " meaningful?" he asked. One b.irlj er -n.-ippcl. " Uiiv tin \ou "I think they should be expelled ." "Why do thev come here if the y ' re ,i-.k this '' Are win Irving lo incite anni 'lii "- said the spokesman for a gioup of con- dissatisfied'" added another barber upiising " The le-s that i* s.iid about this Butcher , Bake r, Candles tick Make r Speak Out struction workers. "They 're only looking "That minority is bad for the rest oi the I hc bottct nf| we 'll be " for problems, so let them go to another students. " should be invoked , "The less publicity, t he less noting By LINDA McCLAIN who said. "More power to them, in ref- " indicated Rabbi Nor- university." Too I.azy II on!v takes one erence to the dissenters, or "I don't care man Goldburg. person to slait Collegian Staff Writer " iiic Administration has every right "To do something destructup nnesn ' t something ." said another what they do, as long as it doesn't affect "If Old Main has to burn for students to do ta ke much work, they ' what it wants. Thc\ should go re too lazy io do Other people In a university community, townspeo- me." to learn that they can 't legally burn the through court iniunctions and expcll the something constructive ." ventured a niti n were more .tilling lo at- ple get a firsthand view of student next building, then Old Main has to protest in the barber 's chair tain a workable solution through com- Then there were the diplomats - those leaders - they 'll probabK fail munication and dissidence. disruption and dissenters. who said , "It all depends . I am opposed burn ." stated another man. anyway." pointed out one sullen-looking Then someone added quieth "M, >< be compromise. In a Daily Collegian survey, the State to violence, but it is right for a peaceful "These problems should be sctlled by shopkeeper. I hey can t get conferences with the Ad- "The Administration should make College "man in the street" gave his can- demonstration." the courts in the state. If education is In the event of student disruption, minisraiion an\ other \\a\." themselv es available for discussions and did opinions on this subject—and these "Everyone has the right to dissent, causing this , then the legislature should several shopkeepers said they would be Oilier people shared this ucv about involve Ihc student lenders so that both ranged from the outraged to the ap- as long as it doesn 't interfere with the straighten it out." he continued. content to lock their doors and leave the the alleged administrative failure lo com points of view ca n he discussed and ' resulveri." proving to those who "just don t care." rights of other people." State College State College police chief John .Tuba building. "I'll let the insurance pay for- munieate with students . s.ud Rabbi Goldberg Many people claimed that any stu- Maj -or Chauncey P. Lang said. said , "A campus demonstration is not the any damage," one said. "The Administration is hrhl n d Mayor Lang s^id , "Thp Ad- dent participation in dissenting action "Rioting doesn't get what we're af- place for citizens to take up arms. It 's up Protecting Propert y schedule. It hasn't changed: it should mtnisiiat tnn should talk to student was unnecessary. "That kind of action is ter. Education goes far beyond (hat. to the. legal end, the local or slate police, Others were prepared lo protect their change with the times," said a man leaders And thev should be reasonable uncalled for. The only people who do When students revert to rioting, then to take whatever steps are necessary." property against loss by defending it with working in a market. a nd fair. " education has taken a backseat, and it is whatever , One woip-ui charged thai "I would trv things like that are Polacks. and they "Everyone has , force they deemed necessary "nm bl.rne to reason if 1 were in the ," said one construction up to the students to uphold the standards the right to disscnt - including weapons. "Citizens shouldn ' t should be placed on the president of the Administration 's pl ace." can 't help it but only in the proper way." Lang said. said Ash. "One worker. of a university," said the Rev. Harold have to put up with that - they University "1 think he should be able In can ' t be destructive and win. Any nation "What they need is the hell beat outa Ash. Though he didn't define the "proper (demonstrators ) could demolish slop all this. " she said. that has trouble usually goes ' " mto trouble. them," volunteered one gas station at- Some indicated that if demonsraors wa> many other citizens had their own something!" another claimed Yet one man claimed. "One should Thev all should get together and talk it tendant matter-of-factly. remain wihin the boundary of the law. methods for dealing with dissenters. And why do students disrupt not pie nidge the studenls or the Ad- over " "Spare the rod and spoil the child," they have the legal right, to protest what "!_ t'mk dcy should he run outa universities? Still other persons sug- ministration. It is easy for a person on "The Administration shouldn't handle another. they please. "If they assume the- town." growled a bald shopkeeper, peer- gested possible reasons the outside not to realize the problems of ev ervlhing It 's a combination added € of both. "If I had a machine gun. . ." trailed responsibility of the demonstration, then ing out from behind his horn-rommed '1f society were not so affluent, there .he sicrients, because he doesn't know all Thev should work together with the stu- off a butcher. they assume responsibility-for what they glasses. would be no rinls. We hive too im-'eh the fads " dents. You can 't have one without the Da the other hand, there were those do. If a law is broken, then the law "They should be shot to the moon." money, etc. They (students ) ju st don't Perhaps nobody on the outside really other," claimed a young clerk. Editorial Opinion Roosting 'Down Home 'll still wonder, searching for KE WOIK me deaf ," you By MI something "heavier." , , Collegian Staff Writer When vou do replay the record however " of each composition-each My neighbors will tell you I've been listen-i- notice the tightness MRC Order a black-;- musical part in complete harmony with the Tokenism Interna tional Raven , Toward night to THE LATEST RESOLUTION of the for action, the students were turned ing long into the vocals are in tune with oriented group whose musical bag is full of pro->- other: Well-executed Men 's Residence Council calling for vot- away, shot down and befooled by the To the Editor: There is to be a mass moratorium against the lvrics with instruments with vocal inflection, gospel riffs ing ri ghts in the University Senate for faculty on the grounds that a conflict of Vientam War on Oct. IS. The demonstration will take the form supergroups" such as Blind Faithh Listen to the piano, plunking out While " the pianist puts them and all student members of Senate commit- interest could arise if students were of a march on Washington , candlelight parades, teach-ins, command the bulk of media attention (justifiedd that belong where to producee compliment the record throughout. tees is pure crap and would amount high school and college classes. Senator Hugh Scott or otherwise), Raven Arill continue rhythm guitar on to voting on academic policy while pursu- boycott of well-studied musica l empathy in the gospel-1- Listen to the lunky token representation of students in the ing a degree here. has asked for a counter moratorium of sixty days on all criti- "Howlin' For My Baby." Even a jazzy lead blues-rock context. together. And Senate even if it ever should be passed. cism concerning the Vietnam conflict. Such a moratorium, There is nothing revolutionary about these;e guitar on "Bad News." Very Senators were foolhardy enough to trying once to sound like a blacK MRC is perpetrating a grave in- Senator Scott claims will give the President a "cleaner" at- musicians. No superstar billings inflate theirir without ever turn down student voting rights been unspec- man lead singer Tony Galla sounds like seven injustice media image, which until now has =- on its constituents by even sub- because of possible conflicts of interest. mosphere in which to negotiate for a settlement in Southeast few people have heard ofjf singing Baptist ministers at prayer meeting. tacular, anyway. That ' suggests the mitting such a ludicrou s resolution to But the Senators themselves must vote Asia. them is unfortunate. The quality and taste:e "Green Mountain Dream i, sweet sadness of the south. Compare the effect the Senate for approval. on leg islation such as the term vs. the What Senator Scott does not seem to comprehend is that employed in the production of their first album flash "Raven " is unexcusably scarce at a time of un-i- of this comparatively simple song to the THE OBVIOUS PURPOSE of this semester svstem while talking in terms the rising criticisms against the war in Vietnam are musicala! and fade of some of the "heavier" groups. You new resolution precedented availability of premium is to attempt a step by of the effect on faculty salaries and symptoms, not causes. talent. don 't have to be loud to be good, step buildup eight-page color-r "Howlin" For My Baby": A musical tribute of student voting rights possible cuts in federal, state and foun- There is a growing concern , perhaps unconscious, but So don't expect to see an ' trying until the spread covering Raven in Life Magazine; noio to the same woman the same guy s been number of student voters dation grants for their research. nevertheless real, about the armaments race.' There is a days when blues concerts feeling that armaments are more important than people. For David Susskind or CBS documentary : none of3f to leave since the reaches a semi-tolerable level. Clark Kerr, former nresident of the ic were held in cotton fields. In this song, the guy example, supporting the AB.M system. Senator Richard the stuff that marks the big time in the music The members of MRC who are University of California at Berkeley, business. It follows, then , that the music mustst and chick are on good terms. Raven tells the Russell of Georgia decla red: "If we have to start all over ' boogie, responsible for this token resolution said in a speech here Sprint? Term that , Eve. I want them to be be good. story with plenty of bouncin . again with another Adam and "Bad News" is ten minutes that borders on would claim that this is a start; a foot in since the legislature and other outside Americans." Sen a tor Russell went on to say that after a And it is .The music is simple, joyous gritt, pretending to be nothing more or less. Each:h being jazz. Disconcern yourself with labels, and the door. f orces are takins awav some rower, the nuclear war it was conceivable that 80 million out of 200 this track. It million Americans would still be left to carry on. The sur- musician is aware of his own technicalal get into the music displayed on But nothing could be further from administration and the facultv will be capability , resulting in a product that generates=s ranges from the basic bluesy material played vivors could , he suggested, "rebuild this nation in a relatively throughout the record , progressing to solid the truth. r-xtremelv reluc' ant tn ^art with any of short time." Nobel prize winner , biologist George Walri of excitement with each additional listening. Turn down the volume and listen toto blues and rock. The Senate must become aware of the power thev have left. Harvard , calls such statements "criminally insane." He says composition may also be seen as » isn ' Even if we "won a nuclear "Neighbor, Neighbor," a song that captures theie The the m ormons responsibility- it h=s- To F^RR rrRT'WNT .Y spotted the this t the way it would happen. ie brief survey of black folk music — blues, jazz, war, the nation would be filled with helpless, maimed, tor- feeling of early morning gospel. Musically, the see that students are given a meaning- problem at Penn State. If the facultv piece is steady and driving. The vocal is as•s rhythm and blues —which is the foundation of tured and doomed people; the survivors huddled in shelters existing American folk music. ful hand in the decision-making process, would recoen^e and atemnt to remedv with Lheii families, guns ready to fight off their neighbors to genuinely dark and menacing as the lyrics dic-c- all tate. And the lyrics deal with one man tellingig Much of the product of the current "music not a meaning less so p of tokenism such the situation, then possiblv the students get some tincontaminated food and water." Senator Barry " is cra nked out and hyped up by ad- Goldvvater has said that any debate over the military budget his neighbor to mind his own affair and "keep;p explosion as that which MRC advocates. fin-slli- lT .-ou lrl l-,o pbl° *n assumn q mean- your damned hands off my woman." Try wak-it- vertising. Falsely-hyped non-art is disappoint- "separates the chickens from the other birds. Thank God we ' THE LAST TIME a proposal such ingful role in the decision-making pro- country." ing up to this song to make your morning go;o ing. Raven s art is genuine. have a military-industrial complex in this The best music isn't always liked at first, as this was brought on the Senate floor cess. better. But there is a growing fear that the military-industrial As a whole, this album reflects solid,d, The best musicians aren't always the ones you Successor to The Free Lance, est. 2887 complex is moving the nation ever closer to a nuclear war honest music. Clearly, the musicians arere hear the most about. which would be utterly self-defeating. There is a developing familiar with their chosen idiom of expression. These boys didn't write the book, but they sentiment that military investments might better be used to "But why isn't the amplification makingig read just fine. clean up the cities, train youth for jobs and to attack the m? Batlti (ttnlUmatt misery which breeds disorder in America as well as in un- 64 Years of Editorial Free dom derdeveloped countries. Such investment might do more to build American security and peace in the world than a " " Published Tuesday through Saturday dufin T~thir>alI, Winter and Spring Terms, and Thursday during tht Summer thousand IBM's. Grievance Policy Term, by students of The Pennsylvania State University. Second class postage paid at State College, Pa. 1M01. Circulation: 12,5M. _ _ There is a concern that the experience gained and wishing to ~~ ~ " f Ua|l Dnfi/i|f Members of the University community M»ll Subscription Price: SliToO a year Mailing Address — Box 4i77~ s7at7~Coll9s a, Pi. IMOl discoveries made in space, even under the guise of peacefu l a news and editorial content Editorial and Business Office — Basement of sackett (North End) motives, has yielded results that are pertinent primarily to the Ld ICf I OllWy file formal grievances over Phone — W5-2531 ' of the Collegian should address correspondence to th« Business office hours: Monday through Friday, nation 's great war machine. For example , the whole elec- 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Daily Collegian wel- Daily Collegian's Committee on Accuracy and Fair Play. ™"" tronic field was involved in the moonshot program. It is an secretary of Collegian Inc., Member of The Associated Press „„m ». „„„,™.„ir ». „-„« in care of the executive " ~ electronic key that is needed to unlock future secrets in the comes comments on news Collegian; JAMES R. DORRfs PAUL S. BATES search for even greater war potential. blisher of the DaiIv «^s_£*> Certainlv the trip to the coverage, editorial policy and * „._ ^diior Business Manager moon did not aid the poor in the form of slum clearance, low M Donna & clemson " ~ -ampns or non-can.pu, at- Board of Editors: Managing Editor, Glenn Kranzley; Editorial Editor, Allan Voder; City Editor, David Nestor; cost housing and Medicare. 2Q Sackett B]dg Assistant City Editors, John Bronson and Marc Klein; Copy Editors, Sara Herter, Pfl t Gurosky, Sandy Bazonis; Feature fairs. Letters must be type- Editor, Marge Cohen; Sports The Oct. 15 Vietnam moratorium, in essence, is to ac- University Park, Pa. 16802 Editor, Don McKee; Assistant Sports Editor, Dan Donovan; Senior Reporters, Pat Dyblie, written , double-spaced. signed Rob Mc Hugh and Denise Bowman; Weather Reporter, Billy Williams. tivate a current mood that effort and energy be directed The commiUee includes Collegian Inc. President " ~ ~ Board of Managers: Local Ad Manager, Kathy McCormick; Assistant Local Ai*ManageV/Uesiie Schmidt; National Ad toward international order based on peace rather than con- by no more than two persons Gerald G. Eggert: Vice Piesident Teresa A. Borio; and Manager, Chris Dunlap; Credit Manager, Steve Leicht; Assistant Credit Manager, Patty Filippi; Circulation Manager, tinue the greater military gamble who is Denny Marvich. in the name of security. and no longer than 30 lines. Eugene N. Borza , assistant professor of history, J. D. McAnlay not a member of Collegian Inc.. and was appointed by PAGE TWO FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1969 Professor of Education """""""" ~~ ""~ "~ """"* the publisher from the community at large. ~ £ PENN STATE FOLKLORE SOCIETY > —— —— ' ' Friday SPS RALLY GUTHRIE B'NAI B'RITH HILLEl FOUNDATION " "Society of Physic Students ARLO The INTERESTED IN LEARNING HEBREW! _: Demonstrations of Lasers 55 THE -i YOUNGBLOODS o T BAREFOOT by Dr. Eastman WILL BE HERE IN Free Beginners Hebrew Class Osmond Lab 117 Organii« at Hillel 7:00 P.M. Monday October Bth Oct. 6 Mon. 7:30 p.m. 9 DAYS Public Invited to Come & Sign Up Membership Ticket Sold in HUB—TODAY! ATHENS Z • 2 Z Everyone Welcome u PENN STATE FOLKL ORE UJ o. SOCIETY CL J* Jazz Club Jazz Club Jazz Club Jazz Club Jazz Club Jazz Club Jazz Club Jazz Club Jazz Club Jazz Club Jazz Club Jazz Club Jazz Club Jazz Club Jazz Club Jazz Club Jazz Club Ja

Avoi d Standin g in Line Sunday • • • Toda y Is

The Last Day to Purchase Advance Tickets for • • • BL and TEAR Sunda y evening, 8 P.M. Rec Hall

members: $2.50 non-mem bers: $3.50

Available on ground floo r of HUB $ Membershi ps also Avail able... onl y 3.00

qnp zzor qnp zzor qnp zzor qnp zzor q" |D "Df qnp zzor qnp zzo r qnp zzor qnp zzor zzor qnp zzor qnp zzor qnp zzo r qnp zzur qnp zzor qnp zzor qn p zzor qn p zzo More Than Ever Planned J ?roup To Give Rock Concert In East Halls fI A program of contcmpoinrv muMC will be presented by the UUB Activities Grow Hubbcls . a iolk-rock and \nz£, " " Tentative fjroi'p, a s part nf the EnM By BETTI RIMER UUB will also hold minifestivals. Clifford said. Residence hrey Bogart John Wayne HhIIs Artists in Collegian Staff Writer plan s include films starring Hump , Wcdncsriav and possibly a festival of horror films. Series nn Tuesday, With successes such as the Dionne Warwick concert, jam- and Thursday in Johnston Hall mies and This year the UUB will also sponsor Cinema X. Plans are the Spring Alls Festival on its record , Ihc University set for the presentation of art films beginning the fifth week of Key Room. Union Board le from Tar- is moving ahead this year with plans encompas- Fall Term. A married cou p sing a ' h- broader scope of activities than ever before. An Arts Committee has been established to sponsor art and n town. New York, ihc Hu This year the UUB has increased its jurisdiction lo include holo graphv exhibits throughout the year as well as the Spring hcls ha\c a ppeared on the Dave p p S ring Week . Cinema X. College Bowl and even a model Uni- Arts Festival. Exhibits arc held in the HUB and represent the Garrou ay Show mBoston, ted Nations set for Winter Term. These events were sponsored work of local artists. Clifford said the committee hopes lo the Lcn Mink Sh ow in Cincin- formerly h y the Undergraduate Student Government. bring a Broadway show" to the Spring Arts Festival again this na ti and m concerts v^ith 10- Tony C'.ilford. UUB president, said . "We do not intend to year. cordms arti.sl^ such a^ Sam merclj replace USG as the organization that names the com- Hamster Races and Da\c> and Gary Lewis and mittee chairmen lor these various events. This fall we are ev- thi- Pla%bo\s Perhaps the most innovative committee is the Spotlight aluatin g all act .-.hies tha i we took over from USG." They aru part of Hip Offoe Committee which is given "more or less free reign in its ac- Gilford explained that this year USG is concentrating on House Circuit , which Bob Hub- tivities," according to Clifford. In past years it has sponsored student government matters rather than on social activities. be] said " us n \\ay to hamster races will sivc The UUB , on the other hand is " primarily a social , pie-eating contests, prank nights and HUB rat re fine ou r cnmrnunicatH 11- , auctions. organization ," Cliltord said. pimer and to reach an unpnr- Other committees include the Concert and Jammy Com- To Investigat e Spring Week t «c t and active audience t ' 10 mittee concerned with planning Concerning Spring Week. Gilford said that last year USG the annual Spring Concert and *tudoi: t "' jammics throughout the year; the Hospitality Committee, officially sponsored Spring Week but in actuality was only re- According to the Hubhcd?, which plans receptions for speakers sponsible for choosing a chairman. and entertainers visiting U u- biquoM intlncnce on tbnr the University and the Publicity "We arc in Hie process nt forming a committee to Committee, which handles the pei tnrmanre Mylo v z\<. "Our publicity for all of the other committees. i Investigate the THE HUBBELS, a husband-wile performing group, will fri end- and ma soke-, and i;n- manner in which Spring Week has been held in Clifford said "We the past and to suggest " . need members for all committees as well Swingin ' , Sing in appear noxt week in the Johnslon Hall Key Room of the consuin us nsinn changes for the future. Clifford said. as a chairman for .sis horn I he Various the new Student Travel Service. Com- committees have been established and are in the mittees are open to all East Halls Artists in Residence Series. The New York pop-mck '-ceuc " Thev .sco the process of ' students who are interested in being _ planning this year s activities. A membership drive active on camnus." le couple specializes in folk-rock and jazz music. i o\un:i trend m pop music as is now in progress and all Universitv students are welcome to Coup "mure h onest and open and join. Applications ar^ available at the HUB Main Desk start- Mm pler and soltt r and moi e ing today. riiret t as the need cjrows for The UUB is presently planning a Student Travel Service, or Results-Use Coileqian Classifieds > music which is easier to act designed to sponsor trips for students at reduced rates. Clif- unnn." ford explained the service will offe r trips to New York City, Bottomless Dance Ends charter flights to Florida over spring break, tri ps to Kurope or " anywhere else the students want to go." A tri p to X'ew York to see the Broadway hit "Hair" is planned for Winter Term, Clifford said. Welcome Students Nickelodeon Nights In 'Naked Justice' The UUB will continue Nickolodeon Ni ghts, which feature SACRAMENTO . Calif. (AP) — Defense at- been wearing bikini bottoms during the fivc-- Visitors vintage lilms on a bi-weekly b.isis. In addition to its regular tomey Ronald Sypnicki asked the jury: Is it week trial. attractions such as W. C. Fields and Charlie Chaplain, the really a no-no to take otf a bikini and dance? Judge Warren, son of the former U.S. chief Should we be that uptight?" justice, called the bottomless trial a test ca-,r . Grace Lutheran Church The 10-man , two-women jury then acquitted but said it could not be considered precedent- co mer E. Boater Ave. and S. Garner St. red-haired Suzanne Haines and blonde Sheil a setting for the state. Brendernson yesterday of lewd conduct in Sheila and Suzanne were acquitted on two- Queen Contest Beg ins; dancing nude at a bar. counts each of lewd and dissolute conduct an'l Under the guidance of Municipal Court indecent exposure. The jury deliberated 12 Judge Earl Warren Jr.. the jury had traveled hours. to the bar to watch Miss Haines do her bot- Also acquitted was Glar.cy. who had been World Communion Applications Due Toda y tomless performance, gone to a nigh t club lo charged with solicitin g ihc girls lor lewd con - Medi tations: see a topless dancer and to a theatre to see a duct and indecent exposure. Sunday Applications for Homecom- ing Queen. In the past only Swedish film which has explicit sex scenes. Conviction would have brought jail term-. «f Hang Ups at ing Queen will be accepted un- members of the football team After the verdict. Sheila announced her up to six months and a fine of S600 on each 8:15 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. til 5 p m. today in 209 Hetzel were qualified to select the retirement from dancing to write a book entitl- count, Service: Communion Union Building. Queen. Voting will be held 9 ed "Naked Justice." Svpnic-ki had suggested the iury see the All groups participating in a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday and "There's nothing wrong with it," the 36-23- various performances to prove that the girls' Homecoming are invited to Thursday and 9 a.m. to noon 36 Miss Brcndenson said ot nude dancing. "But nude dancing was not "conduct sub-nan liallv- sponsor a candidate. The only Oct 10 on the ground floor of I don 't think I'd ever try it again." beyond community standards ." one ot the three requirement lor entering the the HUB. Suzanne said she would resume bottomless basic tests of obscenity in California, contest is that the coed he The winner of the contest performances immediately. " Suzanne , she's the The others are that the dance or conduct- enrolled at University Park will be announced Friday ni ght star of the show." said Leonard Glancy, 59, mus be " utterly vv nhout redeeming ,-ocial imp- next Fall Term. owner of the bar. the Pink Pussv Kat. ortance" and " a ppeal predominantly to a at tlie jammy in Rec Hall. ' _ Approximately 40 to 50 During half time ceremonies at Dancers at_his suburban beer bar have shameful or morbid nitcic-'t in sex or nudity. University women are ex- the football game the queen, imiiiuiiNiimrnimmmTiT pected to compete for the title. will be crowned by Gov. Ray- mN^ A panel of judges will narrow mond P. Shafer and Stu Stein, the field to 10 semi-finalists. chairman of the queen contest. The 10-mcmbcr panel will be Kappa Delta Rho made up of faculty members, I representatives from local busi- Electrical Engineers nesses, the tri-captains of the football team — Tom Jackson. and Mike Reid and Steve Smear — Chi Phi /tRIAPV Phi Kappa Sigma and Mrs. Eric A. Walker. Mechanical Eng ineers 1 Beauty, poise, personality the and campus activities will be considered in judging the con- Clark Control Division | at testants. The first of a series A. O. Smith Corporation of interviews to select the 10 semi-finalists will be tomor- will be on campus | Kappa Delta Rho row. These girls will then face a second interview Sunday to | FRIDAY. OCTOBER 3 narrow the list to five finalists. Wednesday This vear the whole student October 15, | From 9:00 P.M. lo 2:00 A.M. body may vote for Homecom- 1969 Interviewing for _ — Music by — What Can 4c a week Buy? Positions in Research. Development, = Dell Brothers Revue VISA Membership Engineering and Sales _ Grind it out jammy America s Greatest Value — ' Schedule an interview E Open to invited rushees only Strictly lor Students with the placement service -iiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiuiiniiiiniuiiiimnniiiuiiiuiiiiiiiii

Now In its Second Year Lambs wool ECUMENICAL COMMUNITY Sweater. OF SERVICE GRADUATES At The Gear Box, Naturall y & irS an opportunity for Developing a Radical Christian Style of Life in the World of Science and Technology , for Graduate Students in the Physical Senator William Proxmire of Wisconsin Life and Engineerin g Sciences Senator Proxmire is one of the more th an as from left to righ t. Reading Dynamics 500.000 men and women who have redis- gradu.de Bob Teska of KvansLon says. "I covered the joys and benefits of rending increased m\ reading speed from o.jO to 1200 Consisting of lectures and workshops on such topics as the through the Evelyn Wood Heading D> namn-s word s per mmute, while maintaining com- Course. If you now rend at 300 to 500 words prehension." Natur e of Science, the Impact of Technology on Society, the a minute, you can triple your rending ability Come io our KRKB Demonstration. iSoc n Power Structure of the Pohcy-Making bodies in Govern- with increased comprehension and recall. documented film of actual interviews with Washington Congressmen who have taken ment and Industry. Contemporary Theology, Ethics of When you rend d ynamically, you rend as the Course. Kind out how \iui can quukK' Responsibility. fast as vou think. No skimming, no scan- (eight 'J. ' _ hour sessions i increase your reading ning, no machines, no gadgets, no " magic." s l iced from H to 10 times. You'll he a belter in- You learn how to read down the page as well formed, more intere&unc person. Do it today! AT THE SHERATON MOTOR 1«« Graduate students , posidocs and faculty m the mathematical, physical READING DYNAMICS WILL BE TAUGHT life and engineering sciences seriousl y concerned with this issue are In vited lo attend. STARTING OCT. 13 DEM0NSTRATI0N!

Conducted by a group of Faculty Members and Ministers I LIFETIME SHE&RTON MOTOR KN MEETING: 8-10 P M„ Tuesday (starting Oct 7) MEMBERSHIP (240 S. PUGH ST.) STATE COLLEGE Small Loun ge. Eisenhower Chapel As a Reading Dynamics graduate, you arc entitled to The Sycamore Community of Stale Col lege take a Refresher Course at MONDAY—OCT. 6—8:00 P.M. In case of questions call 865-3424 or 865-1657 any time, and as of ten as you wi s h , at any of 1 he ir>0 TUES., WED.. THURS.—Oct. 7, 8, 9 Kvelyn Wo or! It en ding Dvnumics In stitutes m the NOON & 8:00 P.M. Giving to the U.S.O. is not an act home that says we care ! ^tMN S Nf(v Si.ucs and in Europe. of absolution. Give becaust there are United v* Engla nd , this ZVz Imported from It will not even up oar debt to million Americans who need the <> X V-neck pullov er is washable. all the young Americans around friendship and services that only Machine washable , in f act. the world who serve our cause. U.S.O. provides. TUITION REFUND DC.10.3 Full fashioned , saddl e shoul- We ask that you give not be- U.S.O. gets no government OFFER cause ot what your gift will do for funds, is supported only by your der sty ling in solid colors — The Evelyn Wood you, but wnat It will mean to them. contributions through your United r&hQ Kvulsn Wood Rending navy , natural ran , grass green Give because every U.S.O. club Fund or Community Chest Give Dyn.uniirt In-muti* »m1I re- Reading Dynamics Institute and browned-black. is an arm around a lonely n<->tA/ ,a>.. Willi c- >» shoulder. Give because every lund \diir tui tion if you do am " * --' Someone you know Pittsburgh. Pa. 15219 S, M, L, XL. U.S.O. show is message from needs U.S.O. nol .i t lo.'isi tri ple \ nur ro.td- \ *14 * ? Please senu more inionricition. ' % m<\v\ ro.uhnz >' .i 'c mul ti- 1 *% ? Please senc registration form and schedule of plied t>\ ¦ oiTipiuhon-ion per- classes. I understand that I am under no obligation. IS HE ON t iX'HWi^r dinin g liie Cour.K: .ts YOUR „ #£& measured i>y our Mand;ird- l/.uri UMiii " program. This N.imo CONSCIENCE? jHj hcy is valid when \ou have Rich BROTHERSmo n auendetl e.u h i l a-M-oom ses- StrrM sion .»nri mmplctL'd the min- imum daily aligned home drill at the level frj*xitictl by City State Zip Logan Valley Ma ll \vur m&truciui. Officials Optimistic About IFC Progress PSU Frats : An An alysis By GLENN KRANZIEY brother and. a pledge," he said . the revolution. Their idea oi nities here to report whether had clauses Collegian Managing Editor Klein explained that brotherhood is a pile of crap their charters freshmen are becoming more because it doesn't extend restricting membership to cer- The University's fraternity sophisticated, and new stu- outside the men in the house. tain racial or ethnic groups. A system has occasionally come dents at University Park are That's emotional chauvinism." None reported any such claus- under attack for alleged older. A hi gher percentage of Other students' reasons for es. racism, irrelevance and fooling new arrivals each year come remaining independent includ- Religious Houses Declining M around while there were more from the 19 Commonwealth ed: Still. IFC president Rceder important issues demanding Campuses where they spent —"If I wanted to live with 50 reports that de facto religious attention , but fraternities here the first two years of their col- guys to hold my hand, I houses do exist , but are on the M are still quite healthy and of- lege careers. "It's becoming would've joined a fraternity;" once ' decline. Houses that were ficials are optimistic for their more important than ever to —"I don 't want to feel any considered very WASPish now continued success. appeal to the older, sophistica- social pressures from anyone Jewish There are now more men in pledge black men. ted man," Klein said. except my friends." houses, still the strongest the fraternity system here Harv Recder. president of 'Damn Expensive' Greek than any other school in the religious units in the the Interfraternity Council, Still another student was system, are also accepting nation , but total enrollment said the IFC system has probably expressing a reason ha more and more Gentiles into .s increased at such a pace shifted its emphasis away of many men for avoiding the their brotherhoods. that the actual percentage of from social and athletic ac- Greek route when he said. The undergraduate men affiliated tivities to cultural and "It's just too damn ex- Klein said that officially, MIX with fraternities has gone academic pursuits. pensive." there are no segregated chap- down. 'Enjoys Close Relationships' According to figures released ters on campus. "But you and In the latest Greek census, Rceder said it is impossible by the Dean of Students Office, might know otherwise," he MATCH taken at the end of the 1969 said. ¦ -m% Wil,, ...... to classify the kind of man who it costs an average of S120 *"-* ~ft**«m r Spring Term, there were 3,162 joins a fraternity, except that more per year to live in a YESTERDAY WAS a good day to look out your window (out of 14 , 157 undergraduate "he is the type of man who cn- fraternity house that operates The Rainy and decide that you really didn't want lo go to class males on campus) fraternity joys close personal a kitchen than it docs to live in anyway. Yet there were those with a penchant for men in 54 chapters. The num- relationships." residence halls. ber of chapters here is second Rceder admitted, however, Included in house bills arc Season Begins squishy shoes who made their way across campus in the only to the University of Illi- that the majority of Greek social fees which average S30 downpour. nois. men are conservative in dress per term. BLOW Increa.se of :il)0 and political and academic Among other fees .incurred The figures reflect an in- thinking. are initiation and pledge fees YOURSELF UP crease of about 300 Greeks Klein said he expects Greeks and the cost of the fraternity over the past five years. The- to begin shedding their conser- pin. pcrccntage of men in frater- catism and become more act- Speaking in defense o f Mansfield Recommends nities dropped off a little over ive in University affairs. fraternities, one house presi- two per cent during the same "They'll demand change, and dent said they are especially period lo 22.3 per cent. if they can't get it by going important, because, "In a Since the University i s through the system, they'll go place as big as Penn State, it's FRIDAY T Immediate Cease-Fere isolated in the woods of central around it," he said. nice knowing there are SO ,or 4(1 Oct . 3, 1969 WASHINGTON CAP) — policies and rhetoric of the said the United States should- Pennsylvania, there is little off In the past . Greek guys who give a dam n whether Senate Democratic Leader Johnson administration. try to get the South Viet- campus night life, and with org?aization leaders have you flunk out or not. " "He (N ixon) sure as hell namese officials , the Viet more than twice as many men played the role of defenders of Other fraternity men said: Mike Mansfield said yesterday ¦wants , as women, fraternities play a the University against the at- —"A fraternity gives you a he favors an immediate cease- to get out " Mansfield Cong, .ind other elements to told a group ot reporters. agree on a new govcrnment- major role in filling the social tacks of militant students. Last chance to build good in- fire in Vietnam and recom- void. February, w hen hundreds pt terpersonal relationships. Try mended that President Nixon "He's just finding the ways and South Vietnamese elec- and means difficult." tions, As a junior p hysical radicals crammed Old Main to do that in an apartment HUB Ballroom speed up troop withdrawals education major in Kappa and locked some of ficials into house:" and pressure the South Viet- Mansfield said the United- "If the spirit is there, the Slates should announce its details shouldn't be too hard to Delta Rho said, "If I were their offices it was IFC of- —"It's important to me to be 9 • 12 P.M. namese to form a coalition going to a school in a big city, ficers who untied the rop es that able to come back here after I government. troops would fire only if at- overcome." he said. tacked, adding "Maybe the ele- Mansfield was asked if he- 1 would have never join ed a held the doors shut. graduate and be able to feel at fraternity. You need them here That fraternities arc home. You can't come back to But the Montanan , returning ments are there for a bclievcs President Nixon has a ' possibility to achieve plan to settle the war. it you re going to have any conservative was substantiated a dormitory or ah apartment to work after a week o! hospi- social life . lex and get that feeling, Black and White tal checkups, refused to join something" in view of a sharp Mansfield said Ihc President " by the comments of a senior comp Music by th» apparently tried to put portions In charge of fraternity af- advertising major from Ab- but at a fraternity, you do." sharp criticism of Nixon by decline in North Vietnamese- , 2 ft. x 3 ft. Poster only $0 infiltration. of a plan into operation, adding fairs for the University is ington. After pledging a frater- Several years ago the ;$4.95 value) Chroydon of Time other Democratic doves. These Mclvyn S. Klein. Klein said the nity his freshman year, he University requested the «* included Minnesota 's Eugene Asserting a coalition govern- "The results are not those *tfh plwtic fnm« $4 ($7.95 v«(u«) Vietnam is the nhich had been anticipated "fraternities here are more said, "It just doesn 't fit into national offices of all frater- J. McCarthy who asserted the ment for South . It tradit'i on-bound than. Send any black & wh 'te or color photo President has adopted the key to settlement, Mansfield just hasn't worked out as he ip to 8" x 10" (no negatives) and th « ha.d hoped." elsewhere, but these old prac-l iam« "Swinglin *" cut from *ny ticcs . such as the hazing are| Swtnghne stapler or stapta refill pacVag* o 1 PoVsr-Mart, P- 0. Bok 165. Admission now hurting the system." Voodside, N. Y. 11377. Enclose cash . "If fraternities are going to .heck or money order (no C O.D.' s) in The staff oi ihe Individual and Family he Amount ot $2.00 tor each blow up; YAF To Drop National "C..___-i /-_I1_ 11 continue to be a success here, I •lupjjw n VfUii uquy 1 $4.00 for Wow-up and frame as shown. 50c/person they are going to have to do- Consultation Center at the University is \dd safes tax where applicable. Original emphasize the importance flf offering a weekly seminar lo ALL interested natenal returned undamaged. Satisfac- the difference between a ti on guaranteed. Allow 30 days for delivery. To Adopt New Name undergraduate and graduate students at the (Continued from page one) organizational meeting of SII will be held Thursday in 21; se= -ims^sm^ ii i t. - j i j c~ j6= ap Universit y, and ALL interested members of Sponsored by A statement from those who HUB. "We h,ope to be officially GRAND PRIZE WINNER 1966 CANNES FESTIVAL the Siaie College and Centre County commu- walked out read. "The execu- chartered by USG by then," Military Ball tive committee of YAF except Betzko said. nity over sixteen years of age, dealing with the for one member has resigned jw&i There will be a committee £r&W&J *"** problems parents of young children must stl ti ltr yet bo Inner than i ^ K Comm. from the YAF chapter and its meeting 8 p.m. Sunday to draw l»^l»»ii§£8 pack of gum. ONLY S8< with 10OO FREE staples! organization. A meeting is up a "rational and reasonable often face, including parent-child communica- ^ THE called for 8:15 p.m. Thursday proposal on legalization of T ^ ^ GREAT NEW tion, sibling rivalry childhood fears, parental "±T~*^ ^ in 217 Hetzol Union Building in alcoholic beverages on cam- g j—£ SWINGLING order to reorganize the chapter pus, according to Betzko. discipline and control. There will be readin gs ^==^^" r.11R* HAND& JP^AUJED JRIISIS A] _ W U II DESK STAPLERS which intends to continue as Betzko also announced plans to r matms /7 and supervised play activities with individual r~~~^== 0NLT 11.M each. /<8£ fc > S^ With 1000 Staples an active organization on cam- picket the dra ft board Tuesday .xzsr.z-=rj ir> only $1.98 each. pus. All members are u rged 2 to 3 p.m. There will be an and small grou ps of children. There will be Oct. 15 issue of Concepts of N to attend. no fees of any kind. First meeting will be d ¦* _ Chairman Has Power Peace, stating SIL position on a Mais _^KW ««0*«fK •. inc Monday, October 6 at 7:00 p.m. in Room llMUIltllUllM I X 1 AM ttl IM ETT» BY lltOl According to B e t z k 0 . the Vietnam war. national YAF rules state that a Members voted at the meet- S-108 Human Development Building. Other ing last night to transfer all ANd A chapter chairman has the \ meeting times can be arranged. For further power to disaffiliate from the property belonging to YAF to \^MJ ^ national organization. SIL. U^)man — information, call Dr. Gary Siollak at 238-3416 X0UKMEE .wWMi As stated in the first draft of V/ /ttusmma >^ A| TRINTIGNANT ' I * between S:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. the constitution of SIL. "The- {(, objectives are basically to pro- A Prestige Gift ?^

Ruggers Seek I g First Victory | LEARN HOW TO SCUBA DIVE | The Penn State ruggers areiMf _ b&. ram rasa 1 — j ih ^mmi m h "^ ^ noa^. «r M ^ 4m* '¦- #3 | ?hfgamen Were kn0CkCd 0Ut 0[ | UL I . D ~" / .UU D.ITI. | It looks like a grudge return 3* $fi

EntryI Formsr Duen I § 201 Natatorium Building | % For IM Bowling 'ltaKS&i3as&&dd&&^ Intramural Bowling Team —Collegian Pnolo by Roger Grcenawall entries will be accepted at the Penn State Intramural Office, Whoa There' 206 Rec. Hall , until Oct. 9. 3 NITTANY LION TACKLE Mike 'Reid decides that Colo- Bowling teams are composed i rado quarterback Bob Anderson really doesn't want lo run of five men. All graduate and ehc around the end. Anderson was held to a total of 4. yards undergraduate men are eligi- 5 ble to participate in this tour- presents | | rushing in 17 attempts by the State defense. namen t '21 Strai ght Wins . . . The Kind ot Record You Don' t Flick Off sight GERARD FACTORY OUTLET STORE unseen New shipment just arrived especially tor the Penn State man in an B'NAI B'RITH HILLEL FOUNDATION Men's T-shirts and briefs only 2 for SI.25

SABBATH-HOLIDAY SERVICES Men 's famous name brand knit shirts $4.00 or 3 for $10.00 exeedrin headache Friday Night October 3rd - 8:00 P.M For the gill's we still have a few body shirts remaining no. 31 (Sh' mini Atzeres) Special price $3.75 (first week of classes) fub rec room October 4th Saturday Morning 10:30 A.M New selections of men's and ladies' ski jackets below half price tonite 9-12:30 Yizkor Memorial Service 11:30 A.M. jammy 25c a head Saturday Evening 7:30 P.M. Simchat Torah Hakafoth 112 Hetzel Street (Just across from South Hallsl October Slh Sunday Morning Services 10:30 A.M 11-9 Monday - Friday 9-5 Saturday

STATE COLLEGE'S NEWEST SHOE EXCITEMENT THE AT 212 E. COLLEGE AVENUE" The new illustrated sport takes a high rising interest in fashion UNIVERSITY UNION BOARD The heel moves up ana curves. The sole extends jus'c enough front and takes on SAYS dEl^ lwlw to look tailored. The flap pub up a good jewelry trim. It' s a good look with a new skinny sweater, long beret, ' jersey pants and knit - . we re HO 1 Portraits for the 1970 (^j ^j ' |} $ gg (#1 SOCIALLY, THAT IS) A' seen in SEVENTEEN xTt La Vie are now being taken ^^ Charge It! at the Penn State Photo Shop CARE TO JOIN? (214 E. College Ave.—rear, 237-2345) APPLICATIONS: HUB DESK mum 9 a.m. - 12 noon and 1-4 p.m

Lexington House Apartments JSk nu p H (make-up) Sept 29 - Oct. 4 518 University Drive

STUDENTS I , I Oct. 6-Oct. 18

2 bedroom furnished apartments. Bent includes: Men wear light shirt, dark jacket and lie New furniture All utilities Women wear jewel neck sweater of any color and no jewelry Electric heat and air conditioning Wall to wall carpet Electric stove, refrigerator, laundromat, dishwasher, dis- There will be a sitting charge of $1.85 posal. Ample free parking.

INSPECTION INVITED For appointment—Phone This Is Your Chance to UNIVERSITY REALTY msm Anita N. Combs—Realtor GO DOWN IN HISTORY SH 300 S. Allen Street 237-6543 ¦ I Don t Pity Trave l to Villanova Blood, Sweat, and Tears — Oct . 7 Harrier s Open Season Sl y and the Fami ly Slone — Nov 22 The NY Mets By BOB DIXON all-out effort. We can only hope that we cross country champion. But except for a New York Rock and Roll Ensemble, By PENNY WEI CHEL Collegian Sports Writer are in better shape than they are and possible last-minute move, neither coach that we have a good day." is .expected to run any of his freshmen Collegian Sports Columiust "Starting with the best," as Penn- Villanova is a young team this year tomorrow. All last month I waited eagerly for the evening paper so 1 State cross country coach Harry Groves with only two men returning from last For State. Groves has settled on 10 of Peter, Paul, and Mary — May 7 could read the next installment of our nation 's newest con- put it , pretty well sums up the situation- season's championship squad. Senior Des his 12 possible starters. The lineup tinuing daytime drama . "Th e Rise of the Mets and the Fall the Lion harriers will be conlrouted with McCormick is the team captain and ho is includes senior co-captains Jeff Deardorff of the Cubs." But I was ditfereiu because as a Phillie Ian tomorrow after noon when they travel to joined by junior Chris Mason. Both run- and Jim Dixon and junior lettcrmen DAVIS GYM. BUCKNE LL UNIVERSITY and member of the human race. 1 felt sorry for the Cubs—1 Villanova for their tirst meet ol the ners are from England. Olympian Marty Glenn Brewer, Ralph Kissel and Jim could really empathize, you know—while the mass media's season. But while "best " is what the Liquor! is another veteran, but he has Miller. Also starting are sophs presentation and conversion of lans on the basis of the Wildcats arc. it hard ly seems sufficient just returned from Europe and is not ex- Fredericks and Jerry Henderson , who ALL SEATS $5.25 Mets' role as "The Little in describing this perennial cross country pected to run. finished in a dead-beat for first place in Man Coming Into Power" powerhouse. Now don 't start feeling sorry for the the varsity-freshman meet Saturday, made me sicker than a Villanova has complctedy dominated 'Cats because of their lack of experience, fellow sophomores Ken Worthcn and SPECIA L OFFER!! SEASON TICKET ONLY $11.85 bowl of split pea soup. the national cross country scene in recent for like Penn State. Villanova has a very Matt Chadwick and senior Joe Neibel. strong youth movement this year. Geiger Injured The fact is the Mets years, winning both the IC4A and NCAA- stamped self are not the symbol of ehampioi^lups the last three seasons. Up from last year's freshman team Junior Rich Geiger is the lone injury Tickets available at the door or send a baseball f u 1111 ty. The The 'Cats went undefeated last season, arc five sophomores who finished well in with a bad tendon in the back of his foot , p race ^**S«W> y*6""- Phillies are — two pen- handing State one of its two losses. 19-36. the IC4A freshman championshi and the two remaining spots in the lineup addressed envelope to nants, no world cham- Does Not Admit Defeat and who will make Villanova once again are open for last-minute selections by pionships, moie last place a team to be reckoned with. Groves. Groves is well aware of Villanova 's Concert Committee, Box 561 finishes and losses in al- strength and the hard time that his team Best of the sophs is Don Walsh of There will also be a freshman race most a centuiy of playing is in for. But then, the Lion coach is not Ireland who finished second in the IC4A tomorrow, with most of the frosh on both time compared to five out about to admit defeat cither. race to State's Greg Fredericks. Behind teams taking part in that rather than the Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pa. 17337 of seven cellar dwellings "Villanova is the best around, that's Walsh are Dave Wright, who finished varsity meet. One freshman harrier who for the Mets. What gall for sure." Groves said. "They have fine third in the IC4A and is a former English .might possibly see varsity action for the to ever think of a com- runnels year after ' year and they are schoolboy champion. Wilton Smith, Byron Lions is Jim Allahand . last year's state parison, but the Mets are always in good shape. We're in good Beam and Bill Macl.aughlin. high school champ and a third-place (he most FAMOUS losers shape physically and the 005 s have been With the new IC4A ruling, both teams finisher in Saturday's race. and that's the difference. running well in practice. mav now use freshmen in the varsity There will be two young teams meet- Placement Interviews And I have a feeling their . Villanova I s some good frosh ing tomorrow, there's no doubt about "I don 't know, however, if we' re meets On-campus recruiting beqins on Oct. Ad, ChE, Comp Sc, EE, LA, Mgmt New York nest has every- anywhere near the point where Villanova runners, including hi! Banning, a 4:02 that. Villanova looks stronger—but no 13, and in order to acquaint you with Anal, ME tech writer thing to do with that— is. and it will be up to the team to give an miler and last yea s English schoolboy race was ever won on paper. this and other placement services, the Columbia Univ Grad Sen of Bus, Oct a big lovable loser was following scries of Placement Orien- 15, Any major interested in a grad novel to New York writ- tation Meetings has been scheduled: deqree in Bus Acctg. Interns, 10/2, 7.00 P.M, 111 Genera l Dynamics, Aerospace & Elec- ers, so thev made a big tronics Div, Oct 15, Aorosp E. EE, Boucke Eng Mech, Enqr Sc, ME, grad de- GIL HODGES deal about it as New Orio les To Face Twins Agriculture. T0'7, 3:55 P.M., 215 Armsby York writers will. That's how the Mets stole the futility grees only in Malh 8> Physics Human Development, \0/7, 3:55 P.CA , *P H GlaMelter Co, Oct 15, Acctg, Bu* '~~ v ' v -' ' title from the Phils, right under all you fickle Ameri- fc,i*aj&S,'S2fei y.v * v.- i ii '*. '" ' . 'S, , &W%&$mirv^ iy iil "k K - , °~ 117 Human Dov. Ad, ChE, Econ, IE, ME cans noses. Engineering, 10/7, 3:55 P.M., Schwab Goodyear Tire & Rubber, Oct 15, PhD This summer the media has scoured this "Ions suffering " AL Pennant at Stake Audit. degrees (only) in ChE, Chem i Business Admin, 10/9, 2:20 P.M., Ill Inland Steel, Oct 15, ChE, Chem, CE, Mets players and fans idea to the cores of your brains. It Boucke EE, IE, ME, Metal really stayed me. BALTIMORE (AP) — The nlng streak when Rich Reese Liberal Arts & Arts & Arch., 10/9, Moore Products, Oct 15, ChE, EE, IB, The Met players. Remember the Met lineup of the carlv Baltimore Orioles compiled an hit a grand slam pinch homer 3-55 P.M., 121 Sparks (Joint Meeting) ME Earth & Mm. Sc., 10/9, 2:20 P.M., Northwestern Univ Grad School of days? Kanchl? Jackson? Coleman? Robert G. Miller? 8-4 record in regular season in the seventh, 26 Mm Science Alanagcmenf, Ocf ' J5, Any mafor In- Robert L. Miller? Then look at today 's roster. The Mets competition against the Minne- Science, 10/10, 2:20 P.M., 119 Osmond terested in grad degree in Mgmt major attack is Tom Seaver, Jerry Koosman. Clcon Jones, sola Twins, their American , ^°°S P<"™1- Baltimore s Lab •Segner & Dalton, Oct IS, EE, ME Tommy Agce—some of these guys weren't even in baseball League plavoff opponent, but homer and RBI leader with 37 A O Smith, Oct 15, EE, ME a nd m respectively, drove in Recruiting schedule •York Air Cond, Oct 15, Any Engr in 1962. Oh. but they're suffering. Only one '(i!) Met — Ed the margin didn't come easily. . Representatives of the following busi- m^or, Mgmt Kranepool — played at the Polo Grounds. And how many at nine runs against Minnesota on ness firms will be on campus to inter- U S Dcpt of the Navy, Oct 15 & 16, bats did that green kid just out of high school have? Two? Half of the 12 games between .a .319 average. Frank view students interested In applying most majors the division champions were Robinson had six RBI with a for currently listed positions. Curricu- Collins Radio, Oct 16, EE, !E, ME, Four? Six? lum abbreviations following the inter- Tech Writer The worst part of it is. Kranepool has only one thing to decided by a single run. with lowly .239 average and Brooks view date represent majors the tirm General Telephone of , Pcnna, Oct U, write home and tell mommy Baltimore winning four. The Robinson five despite a .156 desires to interview, and not specific Acctg, Bus Ad, EE, IE, LA, Math, about. He broke many of Han k ME, Physics, Sc Greenberg's schoolboy hittin g record-;. But he's a a teams split a pair of two-run mark, job titles Additional information on decisions. „ „, listed positions is available in Room 12 Haskins & Sells, Oct 16 8. 17, Acctg downright lousy big leaguer. A typical Met. A mediocre Tony Oli va was Minnesota s Basement, Grange Building. Interview Johnson & Johnson, Oct 16 & 17, most ballplayer dressed in a rabbit's foot uniform. requests should be «ubmitted approxi- maiors The Orioles held the lop run producer against Balti- Mack Trucks, Oct 16, Design, Dev Jfc Then you look at Ron Santo , Billy Williams , mately ten days prior to the scheduled Ernie Banks, slatistical edge in runs. 52-40; more, driving in six runs on a date. Test Engrs really great performers who have suffered most of their homers American Can Co, Oct 13, Acctg, ChE, PPG Industries, Oct 16 8. 17, most , 14-7; batting average .326 average. Rod Carew, the maiors major league lives as well, but do any dumb Americans .254 to .231, and in pitchers' league EE, IE, Engr Mgmt, & any major feel sorry for them? Maybe Banks, batting champion, was for sales Rockwell Mfq. Oct 16, ChE, EE, IE, but not the other two. i earned run average. 2.77 to held to a .296 mark. Bethlehem Steel Corp, Oct 13 & 14, ME, Met E, Mgmt Why ? Because the media has presented them as the big 3.81 Any maior 'Rvit Engr. Oct 16. CE, EE, AIE monsters ready to step on and squash the lovable little The first two Minnesota hur- Howard, Needles, Tammen 8. Bergen- Trane Co, Oct 16 8. 17, Arch E, ChE, Mets. dotf , Oct 13, Arch E & CE CE, EE, IE, ME, MBA with Enqr BS i But Ihe battling Twins lers will be right-handers Jim Powers Regulator Co, Oct 13, Any Union Carbide, Oct 16 «. 17, PhD de- And then the fans. The day the Mets finally confiscated scored two one-run victories in 20 6, grees m ChE, Chem, Cer Perry* . and Dave Boswcll. Engr maior, Bus Ad S. Sc with 2 yrs , Geochem, the Cubbies' nervous National League lead . Gil Hodges extra innings , won another 20-12 Against the Orioles. Per- Enqr ME, Metal, Mineral, Solid State babbled something to the wire services about the Met fans' game 4-2 after scoring three ry was 0-1 with a 4.05 ERA and Price Waterhouse, Oct 13, 14 & 15, "Union Carbide, Oct 16, Most majors suffering long enough Acctg, Any major with 12 crds in U.S. Naval Shipyard, Norfolk, Oct 1*, . Now what would Hodges know about runs in the eighth, and ended Dave Boswcll was 1-1 with a Acctg Most Engr majors suffering? He only played for the Dodgers most of his life. Dave McNally's 17-game win- 3.46 ERA. Procter & Gamble, Oct 13, Most maiors Columbia Gas Co, Oct 17, A ny maior Oh . that's right. They never won any World Scries. The Schlumberger Ltd, Oct 13, EE, ME, •Halliburton Co, Oct 17, AgE, ChE, Yankees always did. One of the OTHER New York teams. Petro E, & Physics for overseas Chem, CE, Geo' You see Standard Oil of Ohio, Oct 13, PhD de- Kent State Univ Grad School, Oct 17, . just in case the baseball gods decide to junk the El grees m Chem Any major interested in a grad de- Mets in favor of Atlanta in the playoffs, it will tie the Texas Instruments, Oct 13 & 14, Most gree in Acctq. Bus Ad, Econ record at five for most consecutive Engr maior, Chem( Comp Sc & •Los Angeles Bureau of Engr, Oct 17, years a New York team Mat Sc CE has failed to make the Series. The record was originallv set 'U.S. Forest Service, Oct 13, CE Maryland State Dept of Health, Oct 17c between 1906-1910. Now how does THAT grab ya. Secret Luthera n Student Parish Cities Service Oil Co, Oct 14, PhD ChE, CE, Environ E, ME, SE Storm fans? degrees m ChE, ME & Petro E National Sieel, Oct 17, Acctg, Bus Ad, •E I du Pont , Oct 14 & 15, Most majnr^ ChE, Chem, Cer, CE, EE, Fuel Sc, Somehow Mets fans, or placard parading show-offs, re- Eastman Kodak, Oct 14 & 15, Chem, IE, LA, ME, Metal E, Math, Mgmt mind me of the weeping widow that evervone pities, yet Worship Physics, Most Bus Ad & Engr •Penna Dept of Fc.*ests & Waters, Oct who was about to run off with her husband's- boss the day Laventhol, Krekstem, Horwath & Hor- 17, CE, SE of the funeral. I always wath, Oct U, Acctg Sikorsky Aircraft, Oct 17, Aero E, EE, got the idea that Met fans thought New Holland. Oct 14, Comp Sc, Journ, ME it was pretty funny that their team was always the one to SUNDAY— Math. Most Bus Ad & Engr Touche, Ross & Co, Oct 17, Acctg or make the game-losing, ninth-inning ground ball bobble. —Collegian Photo by Roger Grcenawoll Ohrbachs, Oct 14 8. 15, Bus Ad, Home any outstanding student interested In Of course ONE OF THE MANY halfbacks expected, to be shuffled Ec. LA a career in Acctg. there are the Cub rooters , who after 22 con- Sperry Gyroscope, Oct 14, EE. Physics, U S. Navy Quality Evaluation Lab, secutive second division landings don 't know the meaning in and out of ihe backfield by Lion coach Joe Paterno Eisenhower Cha pel — 10:15 MS (only) in Comp Sc , Math Hawaii, Oct 17, EE. ME of the word suffer. I suppose this is because nary a fly ball is junior Charlie Wilson. The 5-10, 180-pound Wilson is United Aircraft Res Lab, Oct 14 & 15, • Indicates employers who will Inter- ever landed on Al Heist's head or Eddie Most tech majors view for Summer Positions in specific Bouchee was never shown here starting around end against Colorado, Grace Lutheran Church —11:45-12:30 Naval Ordnance Station. Oct 14, Bus areas. as disgraceful around first as Marv Thrcncbcrrv or Cuno Barragon always touched first base on every triple he hit (if he ever hit any.) Eisenhower Cha pel — 4:00 Well, the playoffs begin tomorrow. It'll be funny to hear all you naturalized Met fa ns cheer like madmen when Bob- 'H-J-^lai cJLeclurc Ilolc Service Holy Communion at all Services by Pfeil's homer bumps Baltimore in the Series. It's been such a big year for Baltimore sports fans, Service vou know. Let's Gnomon Copy Let Us Celebrate Our Lives Together! see. the NEW YORK Jets beat the Colts in 'the the NEW YORK Kmcks knocked the Bullets out of the NBA 123 South Allen St.. State College, Pa., distributors IHfirS SI0I B0BTIQM playoffs, and now this unexpected probability. Oh veah, Let's Go Mets. After all, Baltimore fans don't know 'what it s like to suffer either A-PLUS Lecture Notes aie current lecture notes which are available by subscription. They may be picked two days after each class for the following Penn State STATE COLLEGE 'S NEWEST SHOE EXCITE courses. The difference between hard Trav in MENT AT 212 E. COLLEGE AVENUE" The difference between PARKIN G Arts 1 Mathematics 61 Hard Travelin' n Biochemistry 401 Philosophy 1 J,z Block Off Campus easy iiavelin' Chemistry 11 Psychology 2 Is your VISA CARD Economics 2 Sociology 1 USG Sponsored 237-1046 Economics 14 Sociology 12 Geological Science 20 Theater Alts 191 Mathematics 2D III III Cycling is news! And everyone is wmmmm-k >3*t ^^^ g * |et you the J|§il| lfeig|S 3| MrSSSS I * ..,.4getting,,. ant backj onshow a bike. Stop in ^^mj p»h I n n Ls new 3 t0 a haPPv healthy; fun-filled WPT.f or tke wune in heart ™ * - ] life — on a new Schwinn. Light- weight bikes — designed just for the active adult. Bikes with 10' speed gears to take the work out S i. ¦ ¦> w..„M(.rt, ,Wfl*S of cycling. We have a big selection m now — drop in for a test ride.

(l5i cucle S^hop 437-441 W. College Ave. State College. Pa. 16801 I (814) 238-3422 i


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In Italian it means **l love you." Thre e diamonds, one for each of the three words, encased in Good News 13fC gold splendor. And. , as he gives you his promise, Orange Blossom gi ves you $21 «5 ours: if your ring is lost , stolen or We De iver? damaged during the first year of Charge purchase. Orange Blossom will It! r eplace it without charge. And WE GUARANTEE to deliver HOT Now you hove two promises PIZZA. Our Pizza Bugs (they're our de- Amore by Orange Blossom: livery girls) carry your pizza on portable heaters which keep the oven freshness right to your door. No more cold hot $ From the Diamond Room ai orders. Hi-Way Pizza delivers HOT 4 cube sto rage 8.95 STUFF and we'll change your conception of the "delivery boy" too. THE A low cost answer to your storage problems ^ ^ ... a solid fiber bound modular storage unit mover jewees 216 EAST COLLEGE AVENUE BRIGADIER ROOT TAKES — red, black, blue, white kits — ready to HI-WAY PIZZA assemble ... design it yourself. Open Evenings By Appointment COMMA!!

Here's a fast action boot by Dexter. Bold, buckled, and 23 in command. The Brigadier boot ' 66i2 Sofa 8c Chair w. bJ Financing Avia.ab' le 238-1755 leads with stylel Open 12-5 Mon. thru Sal British Tan «i» •¦' ¦ ¦ ¦¦¦•¦ ^_ ^ItlllllKlllilllllllllllllUllllllllillllllll lllllll-lllMllllIMIIt l IIII1I1IIII Mil' I1III1I11I11MI)

B BoSox Name Manager ooters Open at WVU; the He I box Kas-l'.o s salary | Entri es Due Today hn.sko, ;¦ 10-ycjir votersn in- was be' ievod to be .slightly less lielrlor in the n injur lea sues , than the S50.0fm per > ear was named manager of Ihc Willi urns received the past two DEAREST Lean on Boston Red Sox yesterday pro- seat-ons after leading the Red Underclassmen lin mising to be "firm, fair and to Sox to the pennant as a lookie I can't wait to hear from Predictioi iCoiitesI manager m 1967. By JAY Saturday's games, treat ballplayers like men." you, so note the Hip Code FINEGAN ble also in State s Schmidt. The sophomores Beginning with this the Collegian Knsko. 3R who finished his "I don 't consider' my.sclf a Collegian and juniors , will sponsor a "Pigskin Picking" contest with cash in my address. And use it Sports Writer untested and inexperienced, will be playing career with the Red s/rict di-'-cip hnanan ," then counted heavily on 10 carry the team. prizes. Collegian piognosticator Penny Weichcl will , when you write to me! Looking am,„ ;, i:,! " a usual, but fans can now pick Sox in lfl6l> . was signed to a Kaf-ko told a neu.s conference Zip Code really moves y„,d sptm of srecn. "Our hoj s are anxious.}- looking lor.v.ird lo pick "Penny's Big 33 two year contract to succeed "I th' nk being firm and lair s chemical battlo ground gives ou some idea of the test. They've looked good in practice al! the same 33 games and take a chance at winning a S10 the mail. how an ant leek 5 Dick William *, who was l\nr\ bellrr t han being a strict v.hcn l, u reviews the length of week, particularly on defense , " Schmidt noted. piue. '' a ping pong table most games will for "l-it k of cnmninnicat nn.s discip lina rian . Small. The student who picks the get with the player- on Sent. 23 "I'm sure I'll have no pro- 10 Penn Stat0 Will Use Frosh the $10 and other prizes will be awaided to nmneis up. , 7 ,, . s°cc=r team will find out No terms wore announced bv blems. " he .said. "" ltsolf . tom?rrow when it saunters onto A decision reached last night by the Penn Pick scores for the three indicated games for use as a . the a decisive factor in ease of tics. A.stroTurf surface at West Vj i-jiiv,-. Uni-.-c-sitv State athletic department will permit the Lions and reminds itself that it has the ,ob to use freshmen for the first time in varsity To enter, simply write or ' ype Ihe 33 games and of kicking indicate the winner. Bring the entry and the In' eenl a ball around the synthetic- licit: .l.-irl scorin" play. The Mountaineers too, wili be using their asamst a Mountaineer defense yearling.- . Schmidt remarked that t'c w II take lee in a sealed envelope to the box at the HUB desk. which appears ' p.m Friday. ahcrgic to giving up H oa i s. along several freshmen who are expee'ed to All entries must be in by 4 JmrnssBsmseHmmtBEMZS The winner's name will be published in the Col- For coach Herb Schmidt 's Lions it is ihe see some action. opening game of One delinilc advantage enjoyed by West legian the following Tuesday. All proceeds beyond the : the season. TVv lwe b«en- : - 9:35 sharpenmg up for three" ' Virginia will be its knowledge of the Astro Turf. S10 will go to the United Fund. HELD OVER!... 1 :40 - 3:35 - 5:30 - 7:30 weeks. Thev have not * Una St. : seen another team. They have noi They have been practicing on it and are ac- Alesama-Mississippi boon tested Arizona St.-B r i g h a m Minnesota-Nebraska West Virginia has been at it for over quainted with its texture. Schmidt , when asked a if Ihe surface Young North Carolina-Vander- : month Their coach . ,I (,hn McGialh. has snider! will affect the pity. said. "This ¦ PLAYBOY rei n fen well-s tacked pages on this film! bill 1 1 Ms outfit through its early field will be much diMercnl Plavcr.s tire more Arkansas-Texas Chris- ¦iMWimiPfimiiiilcHWllHcML iitf l ,' ,1 1'l'fcf niWMlcffjci 1*ilTIIV IIMitr?ff *cT*BTBTBTffTflT*BTrfflcfTr ^ season schedule tian Northwestern-UCLA | i^ Bmflc'^gffiffl ' fl^c^ almost unscathed. Wooster of Ohio d-adlo.-ked quickly from running on it. It is spongy and gi- the Mountaineers 1-1 ves a good deal. It gives the hall a better roll Army-Texas A&M Notre Dam e-Michigan i , before Jersey City fell. 3- Auburn-Kentucky St.* ¦ on the ground , but it makes for a livelier ¦ "A sort of 'What's New Pussycat?' brought up to bounce. We may be misjudging the bounces Boston Colloge-Tulans Oklahoma St.-Texas ||§ ii Lost Last Year California-Rice Tech : State returns until we get adjusted ." the new style...slick . eight lcttcrmcn from last Colorado-Indiana Oregon St.-Souihern : fH today's level! Filmed in jg|| year s wuiless crew, which dropped a 2-1 Rugged Performer Duke-Pitt California : squcekcr to West Virginia at Univcr-itv P.,.-k Sullivan , a third team All-America choice Florida-Florida St. Stanford-Purdue • HI cinema...bright wit...satiric barbs!" §§1 McGrath will count heavily on his mx let- 111 HISS , could give the Lions -po.-e tio'ihlc t '-vm Georgia-South Carolina Texas-Navy * termen. including a 6-2 All-American. Pat the strange "grass " He is 6-2. 205 and standing Georgia Tech-Clemson Wake Forest-Maryland Sullivan. in front of him when he's moving is a lot like- Houston-Mississippi St. Washington-Ohio St. The Mountaineer coach remarked early in gelting in Ihe wav of a New York snow-ay train. Iowa-Arizona Washington St.-Oregon the season , "I feel that with the right atti i udc Dcfonsing him for an afternoon makes you feel Kansas-New Mexico West Virginia-VMI we can have a winner from the start like someone's been throwing telephone poles at Louisiana St.-Baylor Wisconsin-Syracuse It' s the Adult Movie . 1 intend you for to have the men in shape physically as well as a few hours . He will be tough to stop. Memphis St.-Tennessee Wyoming-Colorado St. erotobiography! mentally. Then , in a manner So will his t'-a nunates. Miami (Fla).-North Caro- 'Pick final scores. EVERYONE WANTS TO SEE! unusual to a "West Virginia coach he announced . "I know we ha\e the po- will be an eager, aggressive ; The wackiest, bunch We'll take them as they come, IIIIMIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMII IIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIMIIMIIIIIllllMlllllllllllllli tential to win every game before I even see the one at a People Easily Embarrassed . . team m acti on. tim e." Schmidt finished. sexiest film It could he like taking on the Marines one This sight unseen brand of optimism is vim- yet I" — PLAYBOY Should Not! at a time. They keep on coming. STMSLITE... FR1. - SAT. - SUN ' 'X" Peoule Under 1% ... Cannot! Mefs Challenge 2 of the Year s Best rated Atlanta for those GNLYA WILD ANIMAL who measure success , IS OBLIVIOUS TO only m the hours before Seave r Niekro Set To Duel SOCIETY'S INHIBITION the morning light ! Heironvnius MERKIN NEW YORK (AP) — Same at ISicw York in which Jerry Koosman. bothered 0F IHSTIN0TUAL Although the Atlanta Braves Don Crtrrlwc ll started but Cal earlv by a tender shoulder, DESIRE... are listed 11 -10 favorites over Knonce w as t he winner. faced the Braves only once and the New York Mets in the Lps Server 's third victory came at won 4-1. Aug. 8. With a batting Vegas odds , the season figures the expense of George Stone, order that is predominantly show an S 4 edge lor (he Mets 5-1. at Atlanta , Aug- **• righthanded , few managers lftEBOT Humppe in their head-to-head competi- The best-of-ii\e series for the throw lefties against the tion. The margin was 4-2 in National League pennant and a Graves. However, Koosman is and f indtrue happiness / both Shea Stadium and Atlanta World Series berth opens with due to go Sunday. Stadium. a 4 p.m. game al 'Atlanta The Braves outhit the Mets Tom Seaver. the Mets ' 25- tomorrow and another at the .241 to .235 in their 12-gamc game winner , who (ace; Phil same time Sunday. They then season series and slammed 13 ¦ Niekro. the Braves ' 23-game mo\ e to New York , to conclude homers to five by the Mets. Thr Ultimate Film .. h<)XiusMtyer winning knuckieb.iil ace. in the *-erie- Monday, Tuesday RUSS MEYER'S Anthony Newley - Joan Collins Milton Berle « tomorrow's playoff opener, is and Wednesday, if necessary . Of course, the interclub 3-0 against the Braves. Niekro New York games will start at 1 record.- do not retlect the is 0-3 against the Mets. p.m. tremendous hit that Rico Car- Mll&MM "Can Heiranymus Merkin ever forget Mercy Humppe and find tru e happiness? Seaver and Niekro ha\e met Pat Jar vis has the best ty gave the Brav cs in the se- IK EASTHANCOtOR. twice in regular season play, record nl any Brave pitcher cond half . Carty was at bat BFSTR ICTEn TO ADULT AUDIENCES ® only 10 times against the Mets en EVE KOOUniOH cHbniv Bruce Forsyth • Stubby Kaye m George lessel - •% w. Seaver winning 9-3. May 14 against the MeU, 2-0, although nODDCEB / BIKCIM BTIUJS UCTC1 U EVt WOOUCTIM at PLEASE...Leave the kiddies home! - Shea and 5-0. May 21 at Atlan- Ron Reed , who works Sunday's and got but one hit. being used NOTE- PF'R .DNS UNDER 18 NOT ADMITTED! ta. Niekro later lost an Aug. 1 soLond came, is 2-1. largely as a pinchhitter . REFRESHING! Harpers Bazaar The Second Annual h55SH ^c?HBs T* is cW iccm » ¦ n^cj Romeo B'iiTriwniirirT mmU^^KjmA^MXSfmvm" Mg lLsm^/s^^mmmmmmMw^S "Here We Go Again " JA 2nd BIG WEEK ... 1:30 - 3:30 - 5:30 - 7:30 - 9:30 Saturday, Oct. 4, 1969 hiedlura cooi Is dynamite HUB Ballroom Dazzling... As impassionfd and Devastati ng... impressive a film nS 9-12 P.M Brilliant! Must be any released so far Now Showing at 4:00 - 7:00 - 9:30 seen by anyone thi s year 1 Signals perhaps a new bold- SAT. & SUN.: 2:00 - 4:30 - 7:00 - 9:30 who cares about Music b y "The Sig ht Unseen " the development n ess in American Mon. & Tue.: 7:10 - 9:30 of modern movies!" cinema! Extraordinar/! -Newsweek -Time TWELVETREES CINEMA Staga ering... P The first —~ 129 S. Alherton 237-2112 - Illuminat ing... owerful' Admission 50c/person entirely serious Magnificent 1 It , c ommercially spon- Coming WEDNESDAY is the stuff af now! sored basically FRANCIOS TRUFFAUT Young people... , A new film by fictional film to should be required Starring JEAN-PIERRE LEAUD be born ojt of the Sponsored fey Penn State Newman Association to see 'Medium Cool'! time of political -Holiday STOLEN KISSES and social troubles

the best pictures nati on has been of 1969!" -Cosmopolitan presents g e g passmsT' -Lif s Feat. Time • PSM |T !M T 1 Week medium 1:30-3:30-5:30 v U8S«&rIH X.A Now mm robert forster/verna bloom/peter bonerz/marianna hill harOld blankenship tufty Friedman a haskell wex'er/ haskeli wexler| top™ NO PERSONS UNDER 18 ADMITTED FOR THIS PROGRA M

2nd WEEK! The LIBERTIN1 NITELY iPw COMES ACROS 7:10-9:05 P.M INCREDIBLY WMM5M SAT. & SUN. Pi- WITH WRY 2:00 - 3:45 - 5:35 A JEROME IIELLM AN'-JOHN srHI.KSI\Gl:R PRODUCTION mm HUMOR 7:25 - 9:20 P.M. j Qgy yoeoH? AND TASTE 1 " IVIIDftii QG-3T COWBOY ' CATALINA MARTIN* BKENDA VACCARO JOHN McClVER RUTH WHITE makes it with Cone SYLVIA MILE S BARNARD HUGHES corduroy. Wide track ribs. w.nrl« I..WAl.lin«U.T Bi.f.l«iili-»»'ll~ HME5I.TOHKRI.IHy Clean lines. Center vent. ~ rww. l l.. II HO\ir. MM IAI •,-.' ni-r .lc.ll.. IOii\-srm.F.SI\r,.RF M„„r =.ion>itcd in un- teachers from the meeting will French: "The General Pro- at :15 & :45 Sunday and the second inter Mrs. Ellis has been active in John Withall , professor ioi At the Stony Brook meeting 4:00 a.m. Sign-off ruption is scheduled for 2 tc the North Carolina and Penn derstanding children are in- he gave four talks, t ravel to Mexico City fur the blem of Death". 8 tonight in secondary education, will serve including "Death Sunday 2:30 a.m. Monday. sylvania Library Association? vited lo participate in a "A Tribute to Professor seminars on Mexican life and the Nittany Lion Inn; Univ ersity Community course as consultant to the Ford education. and tile Phenomenology of the 7:29 a.m. Sign-on The buildings to be affected holding oflLccs in both groups Foundation in Lagos, Nigeria, Vladimir Vand ." "Computer 7:30 a m. Religious and has published several arti- ¦n Ihe College of Human * " * Spirit". 8 p.m. Tuesday, Oc- 8:00 a.m. Popular, easy listening by the interruptions are Cham- while on a three-month leave Identification of Powder Dif- :45 bers Education J. 0. Keller. cles tn piofessional journals. Development. There will be a meeting of tobcr 7, in the Nittany Lion with news at :15 & . . of absence which begun Iraction Patterns." "A Sur- ' 7:00 p.m. News and sporti Human Performance Titled "Sensitivity lo Chil- Alph a Phi Omega , men s Inn; "Death and the "Comment" (public Gordon W. Rawlins is joining Wednesday. orystallographic Documenta- ", 8 7:20 p.m. Laboratory. Nittany Lion Inn, the libra ry staff as senior dren' Training in Parent- tion. " and "Computer Hand- national service fraternity. Possibility of Existence affairs) Rec Hall. Water Tower No. 1, h o o d". the class m ee t s He will be consultant in the 7:30 p.m. Monday in 110 p.m. October 9. in Dining 7:30 p.m. "Smatter" (public assistant librarian and chief of ling of Powder Data Files." "Death as affairs) Ordnance Research weekly 7 to 9 p.m. Mondays in areas of teacher education pro - Human Development. Room C, HUB: and 8:00 p.m. "Thirde Programme " Systems Development Ravlir.r a Good Laboratory. Service Building will be charged with the S-108 Human Development for grams and secondary * * * a Stranger: Is Sartre (classical) Building. di ccussion. , education curricuhuns and will John E. Soarles. associate Due to the unusually high in- or a Bad Critic of Heideg- 12.00 p.m. News and th-e Food Stores responsibility of effecting the lecture ^nd Also professor of secondary f2:05 a m. Sign-off V * » also be affiliated with, the lerest shown by students and ser?", 8 p.m. Tuesday. Oc- best use of automatic systems small groups of students and education , has accepted a 15- Tile University Union Board to meet the needs of the adults will hold regular University of Lagos. faculty in attending the four tober 14. Dining Room C. HUB. Withall came, to the month appointment to El lectures to be delivered by _ is now accepting applications library and \U users sessions with children aged 4 Salvador. for new members. Applications lo 8 to observe the youngsters' University in 1964 as professor Henri Birault of the Sorbonne I ¦ Lorenzo A. Zeugncr Jr. has nf education and educational Searles will leave this month in October, special arrange- 1 I are available at the main desk been appointed assistant behavior under various of the Hetzel Union Building. situations. psychology and head of the for El Salvador where he will ments have been made bv the « librarian and head of the Department of Secondary be a technical assistant to the Department of French to hold * * library of the York Campus. The course is conducted by Education. He resigned as American States Regional The United Protestant Con- Gary E. Stollak. assistant pro- Text- these meetings in the evening Artists Series Zeugnor has degrees in history head of the department July l book Center and to the and to open them to the public. gregation will meet 8 p.m. Sun- and Education from Fairfield lessor of human development, day in Helen E a k l n preven- to devote f ull time to teachin g Ministries of Education in Cen - The lectures are part of University, Fairfield. Conn . who is a specialist in and research. Eisenhower Chapel. and from the University of tive and remedial approaches . problems in Before joining the University * * Pittsburgh. lo developmental faculty. Withall was executive Chinese Club films will be V * « childhood. H e successfully p.m. today in the director of Ihe U. S. shown 8:30 L. M. Jackman, professor of taught similar courses while a assemblv hall of the HUB. member of the psychology Educational Foundation f > ( the THE UNIVERSITY UNION BOARD chemistry, is the co-author of a State Department, with * * * new book. '"Applications of faculty at Michigan State Richard Kennington. assis- responsibility for planning, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance University. directing and implementing an wants to know if you like tant professor of philosophy. Spectroscopy in Organic The first class session will be A Monday. No fees will be charg - educational exchange program Chemistry," published recently in Pakistan. Earlier he served meeting interesting people ? There will be a Military Ball by Pergamon Press. Oxford , ed but it is hoped that those ivho volunteer for the course as coordinator for instructional Committee Jammy from 9 to England. conferences with the National Having a good time ? M 12 p.m. today in the HUB The other author is S. ivill plan to attend throughout , Education Association, plan- Ballroom. Sternhell, reader in orga nic its 20-week duration Stollak ning and implementing Doing something rewarding? chemistry at the University of said. national conferences. He has M Sydney in Australia. * * * been on the faculties of will speak at the Philosophy The book is the second Bobert Scholten , professor of If you do , the U UB is Colloquium 4 p.m. Thursday in geology, last summer par- Brooklyn College and the edition of a work first issued in University of Delaware. 12 Sparks. 1969 and is listed as Volume 5 :icipated in a field conference th e place for you. His lecture is entitled. In an International Series of )n structural environment and "Cartesian Doubt and "Con- Monographs in Organic "mplaccment of ultra asic Pyrenees and presented a lee sciousness." Chemistry being published by ™cks in Anatolia , Turkey, and ture in French on structura l Kennington has conducted later on an excursion with the evolution of the northern Pergamon. The extensive research on Jackman, a native o f Zzcch Geological Survey in Rocky Mountains. APPLICATIONS: HUB DESK Descartes and has published a Australia, received his Moravia on Structure o£ the * * * /£^ MIX number of articles on him. In Bohemian Massif. Gerald G. Johnson Jr.. assis- bachelor of science, master of (/Freshmen We/come) >>- , S and 1964 and 1968 he received science. and doctor o f While in Europe he also tant professor of compute: grants from the Relm Foun- philosophy degrees from the visited the Societe Nationale science, has been chosen t( MATCH dation for continued research on Descartes. Kennington is teaching a course on Descartes this term. A graduate of the New School for Social Research. l Eucharist Kennington has taught there Episcopa and at New York University, the University of Chicago. (Holy Communion, The Lord's Supper, The Mass) Baldwin-Wallace College and St. John 's College. He served Eisenhower Chapel oi/^ 'Y proiindlu prejen/j as a visiting professor at Cor- nell University in 1967. a Sunday: 10:30 a.m (Small Chapel) w * with great humility W. Carl Jackson, director of 12:45 p.m (Large Cha pel) libraries, announced yesterday 6:15 p.m (Lar ge Cha pel) the appointment of three new and pride, direct f rom FRIDAY 1 librarians. Monday: 12 noon (Small Chapel) Oct. 3, 1969 Wednesday 12 noon ( Small Chapel ) (Oarceloneta, f -^ucrlo l^ico, Friday: 12 noon (Small Cha pel) NEED A FRIEND of fRev.) Derald W. Stump, Ep iscopal Chap lain the lailiion cap ital tlte world \ Join VISA See your U.S.G. Hep Mr. Jeff Fox , Organist 9 -12 P.M.

ET CETERA Shoes ATTENTION - FRESHMAN Music by the Chro ydon of Tinw made with tender loving care by groovy old Puerto Rican craftsmen. Be Flexible! Admission Exer cise All of Your College Options seventeen dollars a pair 50c/person Get Out Front Where the Leaders Are No Contractual Obligations Sponsored by Military Ball La Piuma —quintessence Comm. GO ARMY ROTC! 218 E. College Avenue Enroll Prior to Octobe r 8, 1969 (next to The Tavern) For Details See — Major McDuffy Rm 212 Wagner Bldg 865-6783 tiiiii iiiiiiiiM iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiii iiiii iiiii iniiiiiti iiiiii ii iimiiiiiiiiiiiMiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiMiiiiiiHiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH iniiii nii

.¦.IIIllHilill iniUIIMUIIllliHIMHI IilUMIIIIIIICOLLEGIAIIIIIIIIIIinHHIIHIIimi llllUlim N CLASSIFIE DS IIIM !!!!!!!!! .!!!!' ""' " FOR SALE FOR SALE POR SALE WANTED FOR RENT ATTENTION "PH YRST" , , CLASSIFIED * * MUSTANG, nulomatic, V-8 convertible.' for SALE: Total Electric Mobile Home* 11967 YAMAHA TOO cc. Excel, cond., elec FEMALE ROOMMATE to share one APARTMENTS FOR Rent, 2-3-4 persons HOAGIES, HOAGIES, Hoagies. Regular, be ; "i" 65 ie, JUFZJXfi* J10 ! * 9ourmei s e lohl ADVERTISING POLICY Call 237-M2 bet 5-7 , Prions 237-0286 or 237-4225. City wafer,[tr S175. Call: 237-1269 after S p.m. bedroom Apt. Call Rita after 5:00 p.m Call 238-2600. Ham, Chicken, Tuna — 75c. Ham & but hey've kept many a drunk 237-7167. slivs-I 'paved street, large lots, street lights, FOR SALE — Fresh Sweet Cider al TWO BEDROOM Trailer in Pleasant Gap. Cheese 40c. No delivery charge. We cash Tubular Steaks at The Phyrst FOR SALE: Complete SCUBA outfit. Call patios. 237-4225. I student checks. We take pennies. Sunday Brand X — along Benner Pike — Satur- WANTED: DISHWASHER for Fraternity Married couple or single male students DEADLINE 238-11-14. thru Thursday evenings 8-12 p.m. Deans EVER DRINK 1970 IMPALA Coupe, Auto., PS, P B iday evenings — Sunday afternoon and Call 237-4332 ask for Ken. who want to share costs preferred Call dark beer? Ever se. ' sveninqs. 865-7952 8-5. Fast Delivery Call after 6 p.m. 237-1043 dark beer? It's en special Fri. and Tuesday Afternoon MISSES MIDI Racoon Coat sue 10.j radio, grepn. Dealer's car, not titled & 238-8035. s>, LEAD GUITARIST, bassist and drum ,,M , , at The Phyrst annual oktober Fest. excellent condition, very warm. S7S cash I Call 237-7898. 1965 BULTACO Inatador 250 «.; 1966 mer for newly forming rock group. Cat " '" RATES only 238-B225 evening! Ducati Scrambler 250 cc. Both in excel- Dave between 6-10 359-2639. "ire ^p wANTED PLAYLAND — NOW Bigger and Better PUBLIC SALE Sat , Oct. 4, 1969, 12:30 JHE PHyST Fri and Sat. "Th i First Insertion 15 word maximum lent condition. Call Fred B65-2447. offers you Fun and Relaxation — a 51.Oktober Fest. " 1962 OLD5MOBILE Convertible Very |pm. New and Used furniture, ' a mile ~ NEAT, QUIET roommate wanted to fill CHALLENGING AND rewarding oppor- " (oesuntheit) You don st .a " nice place to spend a little time. Largest have to be German to en|oy _ additional consecutive good condition New top. Mechanically ! south on Route 26, Road to Pine Grove ,1 USED VACUUM Cleaners si o, S15, $19. vacancy in modern 3 man apartment, tunity for a man who wishes to direct It but Each | Also parts, bags, and repairs for ail display of electronic Fun games. A it helps. Insertion ... -33 great. Call 237-0645 evenings. [Mills. j Free bus service. Call 237-8710. his own business and future. Tested and pleasant and friendly atmosphere. Campus - 'makes Moyers 218-8367. Each additional 5 words .15 per day "~ proven fraternity-sorority public relations Shopping Center. dun Cop - PlREiXi~^lYhehn . Comi- i DALMATIAN PUPPIES, males, excellent;1STEREO EQUIPMENT AR-3 speakers. ROOMMATE NEEDED. 322 South Alter firm establishing office in State College nental - Goodyear, etc. Finally! Good markings, bred from beautiful parents, Street, #3. Call Steve 237-1262. Dynaco Pre-Amp, tuner, stereo 70 ampli- ~~ Is seeking key man. Specific PR experi- Cash Basis Only ! prices on tires for all cars. Also parts B weeks, shots, S35. 238-7047. |fiers. Fairchitd turntable, Grado tone FEMALE ROOMMATE wantTd for on« ence not required. Penn State background STROBELIGHTS FOR SALE. Brighter Personal Adsl (or all imported cars, accessories and arm, Ortofon S25/T cartridge. 237-6136. bedroom furnished apartment, close tc desirable. Candidates must possess in- up your pad with Compact Strobe. Only "Support Collo quy No competition equipment at low prices. IFOR SALE: 1962 Corvair Convert. Very j S15.00 each. Call 865-9751. " ' S275. CalJ Lenny,1 campus. Call Shirley 865-0044. itiative and en|oy person to person con- Call Super Sport Supplies before you good condition, white, [1957 MGA. Great shape. Call Frank after tact. Send resume to: McChesney, Stewart buy. 238-8375 days, evenings or weekends. •' 237-0152 5:00 at 237-6378. ROOMMATE WANTED. Harbour Towers. Howe Alumni Service, 412 College Ave., URGENT! IF ANYONE is going to Notre S70/mo. Gerald Yarrow 237-4776 or Apt, HOURS DUALITY women's clothing, siies H A R L EY DAVIDSON Motor Scooter, Ithaca. N.Y. 14850 Dame's Homecoming, please contact LInds OFFICE FOR SALE: MGB 1966 Good condition.!TOP 305. 865-6625. Needs rod bearings. SUM. Call Dorf' 10-14 Jewelr,, shoes, electric blanket, {good condition, dependable, $100. Also WANTED: WAITERS. Work 2 meals, ea1 Surprisingly low ~ 9:30 - 4:30 23B-8390 miscellaneous articles. ; Ampex Stereo Tape Recorder, quality FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted. 3 woman 3 meals. Phi Kappa Psi fraternity TAKE T AND C. You are enthusiastically ~*j ' _ prices 10 a.m. -7pm. October A. 1969. set, S175. Call Denny 237-6438. Apt. $50 per month. Across from campus. . Monday thru Friday 445 Waupe- WAITERS — WORK two meals, eat three. invited to join us for tea and cider in f 1967 CORVETTE, 327-350 H.P., Marina Nittany Garden Apartments, Call 237-9021 the small lounge of The Elsenhower blue, two tops, fully equipped, excellent tani Drive, Apt. 1-10. 1964 ELECTRA 225, full power, wonder- Social privileges. Phi Sigma Kappa. Call of Sackett bar, radio, new tires, top condition. WANTED: DATA Ticket Homecoming caterer 237-4939. Chapel this Friday from 4-5 p.m. — GUY BRITT0N Basement .condition. 355-9710, 6-10 p.m. | 1961 JAGUAR MK II Sedan. Radial tires, S107S. Phone 238-0660 evenings. (West Virginia Oct. 11). Contact Les for Executive Committee of Episcopal Student j North Wing ' fw.TsUNBEAM ALPINE Roadster. Series power steering, power disc brakes, radio. information 865-6633. Name your price. WANTED: WAITERS and dishwashers, Association and the Episcopal Chaplain. Far from being a automatic transmission, HONDA 90. Very good condition, reason- ~ famous I ;v 1.7 liter, 32,000 mites. Very good con- leather interior, (4) non-student Social privileges and meals. Call Ken 466-6626 evenings. able price. Call 237-0453 after 6:00 P.m. WANT ED FOUR ticket! 6 - 8 p.m. 238-9949. AFTER A WEEK of empty mailboxes, jdjt ion. SUM. 237-0683. walnut trim. for Homecoming (West Virginia—Oct. 11), movie pe ' SPORTSWAYS SCUBA Tank - yellow, , , ,, ,, a little fellowship wouldn't hurt! Lutnerar rsonally ox STUDENTS : PROMPT insurance (ot MUST SELL — Piano, natura l wood Contact Larry for information 865-4B97, ,iM, desks-!J-valvs with boot and backpack, $60.00. Worship — Eisenhower Chapel, 1C:15 and autos, group student life, motorcycles, finish Story and Clark. Two Name your price. ARTIST S SERIES 4:O0. even a oil-treated. Honda 90, Call'Call 237-1042 after five. Spanish opera ! travel, valuables, hospitalization. Phone iwalnut finish, RESPONSIBLE BUSINESSMAN seek! ^' Mr. Temeles, 238-6633. ! 238-33541 J1968 SIMCA, reclining seats, completely VAN cLIBURN. Andre Watts with Pitts- GIRLS!! WANNA know how to get rid one bedroom apartment within three burgh Symphony. NHK Symphony. Tickets siar. Guy Biitton is a l 1963 RENAULT DAUPHINE in good con- , maintained, four flood tires plus spares, mites of campus. Unfurnished first choice. of your friends ' runs?? Call Hal 237-8203 j 4x8 BRUNSWICK Commercial Pool ;! top highway speeds, 30 mpg, for sale in HUB until Saturday. 6-10 p.m. Table, qood condition. S5M if you pick ' dition. 30 miles per gallon. Will sacrifice i 237-9019. fascinating Brotherhoo d for $195. Call or visit Tundy Flick's;!by faculty member who trades yearly, little store j it up 355-7052 I (below book value . 865-1665. TRUMPET PLAYER — doubles flute! FIRST EVENT. Pennsylvania Ballet. In -' : 1 Farm one mile west of Unionville on;;51140 " 1949 Harlev-Davidsonl „ Phone 355-6833.1 " tenor sax — 13 years playing experience. Rec Hall Saturday. Student tickets are jawbone that FOR SALE — Roulf , 20 Slimaa 0ct. ' ' SKIS: 10° o OFF Heads Rosslgnols, j Expressive 125 cc. Less than 1300 miles, only 4 - Needs Band. Jerry 865-9323V 238-2197. Free at HUB. cc. Scrambler. 2700 Fischers, K2's, Krystals. Bindings 5°b ^ Charlie months old. Call John 865-0849. 11967 HONDA 160 , Th, Fr 11:30 - 5:30. FOLK WEEKEND. Friday— Don 237-KB7. ,off Gloves, goggles, poles available. BAllY sTTTER — T music. ..7.-t7rrr -, -rr -.^„ , „:.: - T . m i 1»! Ca" LOST Sharp with historical look at folk 1969 VW CAMPER fully equipped S2900, ' ' I Mounting. CaH Peter Osborne 237-8863. $5/day. Apply for any or all days or Educational and entertaining. Saturday- stretches Clothing for ~ ' ~ ~ wilt exchange room for services. 238-0305. j Contact Rick 238-3802. • •!!¦ PHILCO 7" TV with staneP— $25 and REWARD! FOR lost Garnet Ring in Dave Hort Open 8:00 to 12:30. Two shows * If Sharon is still interested, please call. ' Portable. Excellent I Schwinn 2-speed English Bike — $15. antique silver setting. Belonged to grand- both nights. way back on s. alien st. 1 DISHWASHER G.E. BICYCLE BICYCLE. Any condition. Original cost $180 for $100. • | Call 237-9302. BICYCLE. mother. Please ! Call Susan 865-7977. People FRATERNITY HOUSE : type. 865-7128. If no' answer, try late CAN COFFEE HOUSES LAST? The Jaw- 238-1895. , '61 COMET. Automatic, good tires, radio, in the evening. PAIR OF Brown Glasses in brown case bone has for over six years with music I student flute nice interior, running condition. Call lost near West Halls. Reward for return FOR SALE: Gemeintiardt FOR SALE tall kinds), drama, under and above You'll find - Good working condition. $60 237-7795. ; j! 338-4721. ROOMMATE WANTED: Must be male 237-0440. ground flicks, poetry, bull sessions, open sterllns Sliver Rln9I, Corner tocalion with parking1 for 28 # graduate student. Inquire at Apt. #202 j ^ • GOLD WALLET in-SBS Tues. Initials mike, love, truth, and hot cider. 415 E. Chains, Handcrafted ' STEREO EQUIP: 50 watt solid state • :ars. Four story brick with 14 double* HONDA 450, $500, cheap, 1970 inspection, 600 West College Ave. Belli and two helmets. Excellent running condition. DMS. Cards valuable Please return to Foster Ave. every Fri. and Saturday CHEAP stereo amplifier — S70. Two 2-way • aedrooms. 2 single; bar, dinlngroom,» W atchbands, E.rrin », 417 Hastings. 865-9777. Important. nlaht. Leather speakers — S40. AM (or tlOO. 237-7795. • den, double kitchen facilities, targe Call 237-3207. " Dolores, j • "" Clothing. I 127 E. BEAVER 237-2521 M ^ B MccW n B fiPUK • lounge with fireplace. • -FOR RENT J-Best location — near fraternity row.Jf STUDENT S WORK OWN HOURS PART-TIME 12-60 3-BEDROOM MOBILE Homes for (CO) 11:30-9:00 wk. days Emporium II Possession «i rent. For two students. 238-6761. • Immediale California manufacturing comnany has i COUPLE TO sublet Apt. tUS/.rm. in- PARKING PART TIME WORK Now Clothing For apening for distribution in I Guy Britton 11:00-6:00 Saturday tht Central eluding utilities and cable Air conditioned, 560 per week j : BURMAN REALTORS : Pennsylvania Area. Above average dishwasher. 238-7995. Vi Slock Off Campus Both Sexes Eveninns and Weekends next to Murphy ' P.S.: The Water Tunnel • Our 22nd Year «.; income. Call for appointment 372-8802 TOTAL ELECTRIC Mobile Home living. Any 3 Days — have choics j s Open 10-10 Always ' \ • 23B-675B — 238-6959 — 238-3738 • after 5:00 p.m. New and Used Mobile Homes. One and Call 238-3631 Monday 9 a.m.-2 p.m is alive & well . . . two bedrooms. Married couples only, 237-1046 P. F. Collier Inc. 109 S. Allen Si. Phone 237-0266 or 237-4225. S65 and up, M ^^ H ^^^^^^^ MH HHNBcdMHMMccK :•«. s i