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JQUA~ rN~1LI' . 'If- ", ,

. . , , Octot6e~ ~ 1962 I Tire Macaroni Journal

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f PRIM:' .E- 6\A'( f5Ai9Ra iN'1 -, MANUFACTURING CO.


\ HAS CHOSEN Scheme of sticks trovel

Automatic P.... MABRA.L GPL.Dryor Storago Section

Automatic Line for Long Macaroni Producll with .taroge .eetion for discharge at daytime only

U.S:.CANADIAN RlPRESENTATIVES: LEHARA CORP., 60 E. 42ND ST .• NEW YORK 17, N.Y. Larga TOSCANINI. 1 MILAN ITALY Tel. 792.393/4/5 - 790.531 - 794.7031.... 5 THE MACARONI JOURNAL .. ,- • .I' J There IS something special about ~lA~car~~i\.. products made '" front

"Rldlculou.,·, R.pli•• A•• oclotlon Pr'elsldent. , \ ,', r I , , ' ,, Au"'n J$ ttl. United p,... Illtern.­ color, Mosl United States manufactur· rio . canl. ,hi•• tory lrom W.th/n,ton, en cu3tomarlly usc durum exclusively in U1Cl!' producll. D.CJ . • hn" "1-3I."thlnl .petlal" I. th. phr... thlll II hurd more .nd more Federal Tr.,le Commlulon has North Dakota, which produces 80 per L.t" ~ olt.n frgm New Yorlr: '0 L.A Lat'. hav •• dUfll.nt Ir:lnd of milt - but with lot. of app.tlt•• nd chu.ed the natiOl," principal manu­ cent (lr tho United States durum wheat t8ct~ren of maeatcDi products with croP. lulfered a .evere drought last h.alth avs. ..I. wt'. NV •• m•• t th.t ..tI" i ...11 Ih. I.mlly .n th. time. lIIe~.lIy lowerlna the quality oi tn~jr yeal', The 1961 durum crop of 18,627.000 EnryoM Ir:now. that macaroni products ar. lKOoomic.l - but do th.)' producli af\d luppreulng competition. busht! 1tI tell 11,000,000 bushels .bort of maw th.t th.)' can be ".om.thlnl ,peel.I" dlth.. too. (:t'h\ AAsoclated Pn... added: "In an meelin, dome.tlc and export needs, ac­ Tb.)' InMt an the requlr.m.nt. of bll,'.mlly bud,.t. to th. most .a:actlnl tut. of th. lOurm.t, l11e ..l acheme to bollter proRlS.") A conllns: to Ravarlno. More favorable To obtain tMt "lOm.thlnl .p.da," In your product. UN Ih. finett - ut. Klnl Mlda.. Fed~ al. .Trade Commlulon complaint. welilher and Increl.Sf!d acreace hope­ 1 alto ~'ecuaed the more than 140 mem­ fulJ), will' help end the ahortage this benl of the NaUonal Macaroni MMU­ yeaf, he said. Tho United States De­ facl~n AaIoclaUon, of lUelally rla:­ partment of Aarlculture thls month lin. the price of durum wheat from eatimated the 1962 crop at 67,000,000 which quality maclll'Onl ' Is madl!. The ' bushels. I complaint ~lftcally, named Rve om· I cen of the auoclatlon and three mem- "A completely occeptable macaroni ber companies laid to be reprcaenta. I product cen be made from a blend o( tlve oi the entire membership. . 50 Pef cent' durum and 50 per ccnt. 'l'hI' ftnna are Rorwml Macaroni ". oth(f' hard wheals who"e characterl.· Company of Lonl bland City, New tll.'ll closely re.emble durum," Ravarlno \ Yorki Ravarino " I!'reschl, Inc. of St. A ,..1_ 1If.JMn!d by TModore R. Sill. ar.sr.rted. ''This ratio pcrmlla tho hlgh- f Loull, and Superior Macaroni Company 111 Company ..... CMtled .t ,,. umt time: el:l quaIlly product consistent with the of Los Anleles, The officen named are National Macaroni Manufacturen M. supply of durum wheat and equitably Emnduele Roruonl, Jr" Albert Rava- soclatlon's Prelldent Albert Ravarlno spreads out the exllUnll lupplle., This rlno, Fred Spadafora, Robert I. Cowen caUed charges of price and qUl'lIty ft .. - ,tuures the public of a quality prod- and Robert M. Green. ' ( In, leveled a,ilnst the auocbltlon by ltd." Tho' Federal Trade Commlulon al· the Federal 'l'rade Commlulo1i aa "rid. Ravarlno pointed out that the uso- leleci that the membenl alreed that lculoUl." . elation merely recammended the 50 ·50 macaroni manufacturers should use He aaJd the 'ne auertlon th;tt lIm- bl,md, and that any Individual 8~tlon half 'and hair blendJ of durum and Ited UIO of preferred durum wheat In ~ Ii ken by member ftrma wu "ntIrely other types of wheat In makin, their macaroni r roducta by NMMA members . vnluntary. p~:e;~deral Trade Commwlon: l8ld hal "tend·.. d to deprive the public- of'" ~ :O Contrary to belR, antl.competltlve, tho aveement oecurred .t a durum hl,h·quillty maCAroni producta" 11 thla Ictlon has iUaranteed the con- .' "bued on a complete mlaapprehenslon tinued production of a quality product conference ,at Mlnneapalla Qn 'or about of the bulc faela." ':, lind avoided the otherwiH dlautroua AUI~tt!ej 11~61. The allercd a'"7' A leven: !hortage of durwn wheat, t..'oruequences to the Industry as a ment.,a ... durum mil en shou d RlverIno p hi, mado"neceuary the tee- whole,lneludin, the lrower, the ml1ler, Offer thO i ~en~ed Wh~ to the :"ac~- ommendaUon by the ' NMMA to Its and the leneral pUblic," he added. ron min ~c uren. a retu t t e memben \h.lt they use a blend 01 50 Fcderal 'tTfide Co~mlulon .ald "the per cent durum rather than hlihcr pro. He painted out that the Department avallabl, ' supply .of durum wheat,. was portionJ I 01 the choice wheat In their of Aa:rlculture u well as Conirc~alI doubled,8nd arowers were deprived of ... were made fully aware of the need for free market prJcei on the MlnneapoliB , products"dudnl ~ ' curre:nt crop year. an adequate supply of durum wheat Grain Exchange. f .~\ "Crop failures here and abrond, com- -last year, and step. have now been "The demand 1 for 'durum prOdUcUI blned with heavY exports ....from the taken to Insure at far 81 poulble that • Itemm almo.t enUrely from macaroni .,;. Unlted t'Stntes, resulted in a ',avere such shortages wl11 not recur. monufacturers,'" the ·Feacral ' Trade; Ihorta,e" (J f dunmi wheat," he said. . Comml.ulon added, The result of the .. , ''DomCltlC ~~1 were .' leU with ~ n DURUM PRODUCTS compeUtion in macaroni products" and macaroni, spaghetti and noodle maken n.r hMtl,., to ". IMfd I:'~ Wu1IJnltM ()o.' or lowerln, their quality. because of Jts nutty flavor end amber toller 1~. I . • t..,



CTOBER brinJ;s Il crispm'ss lu the O lIir. l'ulurful (ulinge hI the l'oun· try"idc-nnd NnlhJllol Mlll'unmi Wt'ck! This )leur tht, speciul week Is Ot'lubel' JU.:!7. ActuallY, IIny week Is Mlll'lImnl Weck. fur thNC is n mucUI'lInl pruduct suitllblc fur ~l' n'ln g with ulmu~1 1111)' "Ihl'r (w)d. lind then' is II wny til ~l'r\'l' some kind of mllt'urunl In ulmust uny nleul. Mucunlll! cun IIlllk !.' the ll11'nu whctht·r tilt! lIel'usiun ('ul\!! fur hull' lind hcurty (uud, 5l1tncthlng t!)rwtic, ur u culinary Iip.smat' kcr fIJI' the culuric countl!r. In fuct. mille thun tllIl' ub· jeeti\'c cun be met liS the m'xt thrce mt'nUli OLdcquulcly iIIustrutc. All ort.' low in cuiuticli but hOYe nil the uppeul of Ilne l'utim::. Farmhouse Macaroni Dinner menu ('ulls (ut Hum!.!), SuJud-(l1lc·hulf tlr Il limull sliced turnlltll with unl··hlll! Il'll­ spllun ('Omm~rclal Fr~nch dr~ss lng-Il !'mull oru ng~ fur d~ ss ~l · t . Ilnd black cnHl'{·. Tutlll {'ulurlc!: nppruxlmutcly M8. Th~ mr.carunl rcclp~ fulluws (III' [llur !'l'rvlng ~.

rarmhouse Macaroni Dinner A hearty bllffrt heat 'or foolboll 'enl. I Inbll'spllun !lull :I quurls hulling wiltcr 2 l'UPS e1buw mucuronl IU ounces) sllItlnes, IIIld l'Urrel'. Tutol l'alllril'lI: liP­ Noodle Drumllick Dinner 2 Il'uspOI'ns butter or mnrcorinl' (ltoxilnUll!ly 550. tMukl'~ n ~1'I'\'mc " rnt'dlurn·sized onlun, sliced 1'1 ~'Clll ull·purp". • ,' Ilmll cluve curlie. flnely chopp~d LobUer and Spaghelll 11 Il'ISPIIIIIl Im1l 3~ puund cruund beef round (Makes" >, 'rvlng!'1 1M tt'U~PIIIlIl Pl'PP"!' 1 tnblespuun chopped canned loblespuon salt II ull'uiurn sit.l,d ,-11\1 I. , 11 l "I:~ pimiento :J quurt!! boiling ",:,It'r 2 tllblc!'ptlUIIS ." '; " I ' ,1. :! C'IUI ~ (I\'IHIII,·' ·' , .11' " , 12 cup canned red kidney bellns II uunce!l spaghetti I IUll11110 ~aUt ,. cup ctlokl'l!ppcr ttl 1uste cup dicl'

~~ •.••....•....•...... ~ ...... If ~~~ ;:':~·'~'~I~;:':~';~'~~'~:,'; Avoid These Dieting Mistakes y. your team from the sidelines, ynu may , i .~ -,o. » .. ¥. ..r.. -'/~'~ 'oo..J have a mammoth appetite. Let the W.~ER )'01.1 ~ ' dJe!.ln " Of o:il} ' ~ e. ' ciatt~Uf\food enloJDWnt. MUll convivial IPlriLt llnger .on .:>. ~~~ ~ .f600 ftlnlni'"' wllh' iifie Idea, your" you ,ive up salad drentn,' Nol Sev­ " ,arne, and .....k frlen~om1iffor"Rp~ chancel of IUeceu wUl be much great. era! delicious low-calorle drelling. are per. ' or if you avoid the 10 most available. Ono brand, tor lnllance, No trouble, if there is a hearty dllh dletin, pltfplls. It you have backliid Wilh-Bone. now hu a French .Iyle walttn; tor heating and ealin,: Spa- from previoull dlelJ and given up In dressln. that contalna only two calo­ shetll caueroles .core on IUch OCCD- dlaJUlt, the oddl are that· you fell prey rles per teaspoon. and an U.Uan dreu· FOLDING ,ionl. Put them together before the to one or more of these .nillake•. But lng that haa only'onel II It ne~uary LABELS lIam~eheat and serve after with a take heart-you can learn, to reduce to ban butter from tho tablet No­ min of attention. A big .alad, much more thtln yo,,\' margin at errorl we halt a pat Instead at two or three. CARTONS • garll~ read and • freezer dellert com· Here are the mlstakes-plUl .uggea. It you cannot do without ILe cream ple~.rF infonnat meal, cuy on the tloM u what to do about them: and cakes, don't! Low·calorle venions, hOS~ and1luesta alike. 1. FaUure 10 ..t an obJectl.,.. 00 Including Ice milk, are available at CunJIlre up one at these Spaghetti you know exactly how much you want most .upennarketa. Dletinl .hould not Spec:t+ to pull out at your hat on to lose--!and how much you ahould be grim-or, It lOOn wUl.not be dletlf'g. the n.ext Chryaanthemum Day. lose? Too many dieter. do noL Vague 7. ReirIDg uclu.lnl, OD .x.rcka. loals lead to quick dl.acouragemenL A Peorle who have. onJy • 'tew pounds IpafbaW. Buff.t' good idea: act a lon,-nole 1081 and (MIk .. 8 10 8 ..rvlnp) to '.ose are ~pec:lally prone to this break It down into amaUer aoalJ, re­ ~ucing erTOr. Exen:1ae do. bum up 1 'tableapooo lilt wardin, yourself with lOme non-tood calorlea-buf to .have 600 calories off 3 quarta bol11n& water luxury, • ''prize,'' for each thr~ - pound your daUy Intake by exerc1ae alone. • • 8 ounces IPaabettl weleht loll. you would have to aId an hour a day 1 2/3 cUp' , (Wae can) undUuted 2, BeUIAg an warMlladc gotl. "Five •..•wlm two and a halt hours •• • evaporated milk poundl of! over the weekendto 11 not walk .lx-to .ay nothinl at the re-­ · ," .. ~i·~! 1/2 teaspoon lilt only dan,eroUi but tutllej after two .ulUnI appetite you. would letl 1 J/2 teupoon dry muatard day. at .elt-torture, you wJll .tart to I tablupoon .teak AUc", gain as lOOn II you ralle your calorie 8. 19uoring the '.. Iu. of .x.m... A POINT 2 cup. (about 8 ounces) grated count' above .tarvatlon level. Unless prominent pJYchlatrilt found that OUTDOOR proceu.type American cheese your doctor tell. you , otherwile, you women of nonnal wellht were more OF SALE 2 7:-sunc.e cans IOlId-pack tuno, are probably .afell trying to lose only apt to try to work oft the blue. than POSTERS his fat patients, who were more In· .. djOlned one to three pounds 0 week. DISPLAYS cllned to .It around and mope when 1 cup creamed cottage cheese 3. FaUure 10 I:OAlul! • doclor. Can 1/2 pound SW~ cheese, .Uced they feU' deprelled. He found lhat the doctor really do anything tor you the IUm women walked an average 01 • that you cannot do younelf? Plenty I Md. 1 tablelpoon ..It to rapidly 20 mlle. more a week than the heavy If he decides that an appetite - .up­ onea. Draw your own conclwlonll bol1lng 'Water. Gradually add Ipaghettl preuant will do you lOme load, he so that water continues to boll. Cook can, preacrlbe one lthat 11 we and et~ 9. FalllDg pn, to common .XCUMI. uncovered, Itlrrinl occulonally, until fec ;lve. with few ,.ide effecta. He can "It mu.t be my glands," say mUllons t""nder. DrIIln in colander. help ;you plan a good, nutrltlou. diet at fatties-yet llandular overwellht Meanwhile, .lmmer evaporated milk, built "'''lund your own tood Ukes and accounta for only • tiny percentage at an teaJP.OOR salt, muatard and ateak dislike.. He will tell you what wellht our national exceu poundlle. "I'm IIUce Ii{ .aucepan over low heat to I.s Ideal for your health, and whether not letUng enough nourithment," Just below bolling ' (about 2 mlnutea). yo u have any al1menta that wlU affect moan other-.-but if you are on ~ well· Add American cheese; .tir over low your reduclnl proaram. balanCed, m~lc.lly-approved diet, you heat until cheese melta (about 1 min· 4. Improper J ..U.medJcatm.; Ac· han to be. And if you hive really cut • uto longer). Break tuna Into pieces. down your tntab, It CUJIOI be true Want to join the club? l,(lrdlng to m~lcal testimony bt:tore a Add luna to cheese 18UC"ej mix well. Conlnnlonal .ubcommlttee, man y lhat, "I'm not 100lni wellhL" The tlnat Arrange layers at .palhettl, tuna­ pltent medicine. and .,"reduclng aldt" common excu.. .peaka for Itself: "It USPL customer. are members of a very regular evaluation of every carton, label or cheese mixture, cottage cheese and lire completely worthleaa. One wafer won't hurt to '0 off the diet Jwt thla Swlu cheeac In gnued Ihallow bakln& ontel' special club •.• ana that offers more member­ display you produce to determine how it can nlid to cUrb the appetite ' contained be mode better. dish. At tervlng time, bake in mod· only powdered .klmmed mllk, a little 10. OalalDg back :ill 1011 ••Ight. ship benefit, In packaging and advertising crate oven (350 delfft.) 30 mlnu~ lemon Juice, and lOme vltaminll Many Halt the fonner dieters in a recent materials, If you have a poc ,< oglng or advortising prob. other patent preparatlons are 'danger- Gallup lurvey admitted lainlnl back •.• a membership that offers you the Inte· lern, ask us to help, We havo specialists In 26 5 I G I " ' ' ~j OUI to tho.e with heart dlseue, hlgb the weight they had lott. Yet, accord· cities coast·tO·COOE !. Write or coli the ono a.1 an', ' blood prealUrl', diabetel, and thyroid ina: -to Dr. " Howard Aaron, "marked gratnd services of a long line of creative and ". • production spoclallsts In everything from nearcst you today. • The Food Flelci'tl¥porter in their an· or ink!sUnai Lllmen\l. ..r I I and repeated fluctuations In welaht are • P nuol survey on Wha~ CUitomers S~nd Ii. Cult"" out aNded DUtritnta. I 'ad more dana:erou. to health than a con. • • labels and folding cartons to polnt.of·s.lo dis· I , • / For All Products S01\d at Foad S~ns dieters are t almo.t ~ c:ertaln to do thll; slant .tate 01 IUght or moderate over­ • plays and outdoor pastors. report macaroni 101" at , ~40,120,~ one New 'YR,* fad ~dleter ·w.. ~nUy wela:hL" , 'Ask your doctor how many • UNITEO .TATU 'RINTING .. LITHOGRAPH • •. , a mambershlp that keeps you In con!Jant ~ ~ DI,l1lon 01 Ol.mond H.llon.1 Corp.llllon In 1061, a ~a ln of 3,6 per cent over the W bolPltallUd' w IUJ~'the74nt cue of caJo~lea you will need to maintain you • luCIIUvt OH iell Nt" Vork 17, Iii" Vork !IfCvloU5 year. scurvy ICt!fl by lOcal d~tI ' J.n ~ 00 at 'l yolU' ~ beat w,~llhl: You can 10 on • touch with new Ideas In dealgnr construction, olllc .. In prlnclp.' Unlit' eillu " ,.'n ,t.ln Spaghetti accounted for '126,620,OOU; tI yeanl But even a . more \,!Crulbte , oc:car'p'p'vp~ JODI 41 you .tly • _ ; productlon ...' a!ffiemberahlp that gua,anloe, moco.r .,~ 10 11 ______....;.. __- •. ~~..... -~ ...... ~IJ;~~·"'" ...... ~_~ ___~ .-.~---

Natio~al Macar~ni InvsJ it.~t~ ~C?r.t, ... 1 MANUFACTURERS - ENGINEERS - DESIGNERS ~ '.J ;flo!..Th .!ocIoN al SIIII, Pullllc\A.latlonV.coun ..I . .,MACARONI PROCESSING MACHINERY ..... ~ ) .. T THE ~nual Meetln;. Ted Sills International, typical 01 the Iyndleated Galliera Veneta - Pado'f'a -Italy A 1i a .Ude presentation showed material !lent to many, many dally afapblc.Uy the type of publicity maca· new,papers. DoH. I.... NICO & MARIO ronl, 'pa.hettl, and eli noodle. re· TElEFONO 99 . 155 · 99 , 176 · 99·1~9 l[LEGR AMM1 : PAVAN • GA LLIER'" VENETA ~:tltlonlln1 lljohct h:aled Sunday Sup­ C. C, I. A. MOOVA SOl a, FF . S ~ . CtTTADELLA celve tbroulb National Macaroni lnatl­ ,'lcm(lnL1 add their powerful meuage. tute ~ortl. HIs:hllahll or the I text fol· fot mac .. ronl promotion. Family Week­ low: tI . ly t.,d two aeparate .torlel lor a clr~ Why do we aatber cllppln811 Not eulat\on 01 more than 5,000,000 each. Just tOf a .crapbook, but as a lIelling Three other Sunday SupplementJ pro­ A REVOLUTIONARY DEVELOPMENT IN THE tool to broaden and .trenJthen your vided t:lahl more storll!' with 77,000,- own promotional etroru. All at the 000 clrculatlon. TECHNIQUE OF MACARONI PRODUCTION cllpplllli provide motlvatlon-or sale. meuaJH. They live the conaumer a Spoc\al Markoll reuon Of reuons to buy your product. "THE LO BOY PRESS" Malaztno ~ I!xert a powerful Innu. I I We teU the consumer that maca­ (j !l~ on oonaumer buylnl hablu. and roni produClI are venatIJe on her ma1!aronl rnted breaka In 60 ma,ulne. No SI.pI To Climb. Aee ...ibl. From Th. Floor. menu; economical tor the bud.el: con. CO""I'!t ijC w(tmenl maladne., Ihelter, venlent to ute; lood to eat; .ood tor , It!Ctnlte, romance, S.,..,nl ~ h. Ne,ro, Ca- POlltl ••ly Controll.d Vacuum Infeed of hcr family. And we are letting Iheae N.dlan, and lpeth&) it:U!re.t publica­ salet meu&.e. throuSh In a wide va­ tions. For example. a Family Clrele FLO U'R riety of meci1a. leature was on a low-calorle diet with Couum. Appeala . .,....,:. • • Sills macaroni mentioned. McCaU'1 did a And clever feature on a .palhelt! casserole. Let UJ lee .. an example how this Dram.U~ Color AmerIcan Home did well by macaronI. WATER workJ In nl:w. papen: Nationally distributed Sunday Sup~ In a,1dlUon to mass media, we aimed Strealn, 'l'enalUitr. the San Fran~ plemenu, lndependent Sunday ma,a~ our meuage. at .peclallzed markell, cbco Chronicle headlines "Macaroni zinel, and dally new.papers wc color such 81 the Negro market-19,OOO,OOO flu nearly every culllne.' Other to dramatize the appetite appeal of head~ .tronl-wlth greater and Ireater buy­ lines : "Noodle. with fruit" and "Maca· macaroni dl.he •. The New York Her~ Ing power which Ia renected In food ronl good wJth any meat." Syndicated aId Tribune olfers Macaroni Skillet Ne,ro new.papers and .yndl­ Paclnc Coa.t Dallle. .a:· "Macaroni for we with out.door barbecueJ. we. An~ catel are tetlin, the macaroni .tory. otTen wide choice to cookJ." other feature Ihey had wu with maca~ The ChlcaEo Ocfender deserlbed Jt in Now for economr, the Buffalo Cour· ronl lalad and cwerole.. The Salt the headline "For budlet.euy-nutrl_ ler Express .ullelu' that "Macarunl Lake City Tribune wed B story on Ilous templlna me.~. try elbow maco­ " .; dishcs are thrltty to aerve." Down m macaroni economy with colored. illw. ronl, .palhelll." And the nationally Fort Worth, the Star Telegram nYI IraUons. .f' distributed NeKro magazine Ebony "Macaroni Tuna Economical Dlah." The Miami New. dllplay. macaroni wed macaroni on It. food paae •. "Stretch' budKet with macaroni" ny. producU with )arae color IUUltraUons. tho Roanoke, Vlramla Tlmel, while Spaghetti In Spanish I. featured In the OaUaa New. IUlleala macaroni for Mal)' Mende In the Chlcaao Tribune the all - Spanish langua,e monthly punchel ' home our mcuale In two malulne, Tem ... Ihe bud,et In penny-watcher menWi. slorlea on 1llIlhelt! with flah and . u- Plugllna the coanm.aCle theme, the food. Buffalo PUlhel macaroni econo. To the labor preu went a n!leue on Lexington. Ky., Leader .treaea eue my in color, while the AUanta Journal Ipalhelt! with lamb lIuce. To the of preparation and de.crlbe. maca- il ad COnltitution Sunday malulne teenale market throulh the "romanCil" ronl as a teen-a,e utilfter. The New has colored featum on macaroni magazinel are the 10Uowlna examplea: York World Telelram and Norfolk, lI tlhea. Revealing Romancea .tory "Somethlna Va., Virllnlan-Pllot emphasize quick Down In Stl n Antonio, the Expteu Special with Spalheltl" be,lnI with , "easy on cook and euy on budKet arc .. recipe. lea turing macaroni, Ipalilhettl LOW BOY PRESS Ps . 400 SHAKER DRYER T P·60 :ue~~erW!~h ';:'~~:~:I~' b::k:~~~G4n= :lfe~l:'p~::a t :~:k~~e~t::!p~ladB:~ and egg noodlel." convenience, like Ed th Barber of en~ features In fu ll color are carrJed In the eral Feat~ .res (circulation 4,000,000) Newark Newf. Nalhvlllc Tenneuecan, Foreca."t. widely wed by a key pro­ and Ella Elvln ol~~ York Newl Syn· and Dally Oklahoman. fealonal KrouP or home economics STANDARD MODELS dicate; Kl ng.Jl'el res and United teachers - ror their own Infonnatlon U.S. and Canadian R'I,,~"~,iall ... PAVAN PreIs International'- ~ In the Iyndlcat~ ' .ome 84 breaks and lor cJauroom teachln,. OUf lell­ The .lIty and nutiltlow tlwmel are represent total circulation of more Ing meuagel help form permanent emph"sized with headlinellike "Maca- than 660,oqp~ . 1! . conlumer buyln, babl". 700 • 900 • 1600 Pound. Per .!! ~ ur ,..... I ronl I. tillty ond nulrltioUl" and "Chili .~.' Frankl :1ti)hl~ r~. ~l Featuret The farmer acta the word on maca. Deef on Noodle. wUl delight diners." ,fSkllle ~ Club promote. Chill Mac, whO • • ronl throulh fann PUblicaIlOnl~W.' Both the New York New. syndicate Gaynor Maddox fe~lure. pork and ~ ..... reaeprn, tee.n..m r' Ihrou,h q .. . ·/HI. P~"etlon Modil' " and Kina Features hit the tasty and noodle. . Edith Bllrber again and Ella school pro,ram, backed up with· nutritloul themel. "Hearly macaroni Elvin of the New York New. Syndl_ vertislna In ''What'. New In ~ , ., .- 1800· 1900 Pound. Por Hour is Ideal hot weather lare" lay. an. cate sire" convenience. Economics" for October, 1961. olle . '~ olher he; dllne. Dayton ~y. ''Tuna- There were other breaks from the a recipe leaftet. Twenty thoUsand. ' Vi Noodle. p ellclou.... Dell Syndlcale lind the United Pre .. (Continued on' page 20) •• ,~ ~ 18S0 W. OLYMJOIC .aULriAftD DU •• '0" .LO' ANGI.LU t , CAl,tPOltNIA 12 TH. MACAJ«)~J JOURN.AL 13 ------"--'-- .!.~,~-- - ______-'" ______..c._---.-...:~--.!-~-.... '"'-_.."""'_":.....:._:... __., ... --- ... -----.

Proiects of the ,Durum y{h,at Inst~~te,i , , ' . . ~ - -'" /<>:iJ( , .. , ," . ,;;'~~ ~ \ ~ - ~~ '~ ' . ,-' b""h.Howo'" l:omP'1'0n, Dlrecto., Durum heat In ..ltute

HOSE of you who attended the or' one-halt cup 01 cooked dl')' beaM TIn~-wlnter meeting In Miami may . or peaa; or four tablespoonl of peanut recall that the Durum Wheat Institute butter: or an equivalent quantity of submitted Rve projects (or your con­ any combination of tho above·U.ted ,ldcf,:\lon and approval. Later, these foods. To be counted In mccUne thls ftve projects were described In the requirement, thele foo..... mUll be Mardi luue of the Macaroni "Journal, served in a main dlah an:l one other and Y"Qu were then asked to vote on menu Item." your -tefel'tnce by mall. School lunch people can sUNtitute Quite a number of you responded, macaroni, If they wish, (or bread. But and .arne of your members took the u a main dlah that .tands on Ita own extraj,fro uble to write a letter or rom­ feet nutritionally. macaroni does not rnenL PerhaPi you will be as sur. count In the Type A school lunch. prlled (or maybe you won't) as we. Tomorrow momln, (July 13) at 10 The majority .,reed pretty well on Lm., we-the macaroni manu(acturel'l, one project-but the vole .pUt on the durum mlUen, and durum II'Owen­ other four-and balanced out to a pornt are ,oln, to make a project out of the where the choice was left pretty much Type A school lunch. up to the judrmcnt of the Durum We have a committee compriaed 01 Wheatr In.titute Committee and Bob Robert M. Green, ·dlreetor. National Green. But perhaps you were more Macaroni Inatltute, Clete Haney, Vice than plever, alter all, becaWie the du­ President. Skinner Macaroni Company; rum miUen decided to undertake not Mark W. K. Hetrelfinger, vice presl. one but three projects I dent. Buucll Miller _ Kin, Mid a I . MUla: David Bartholomew, Domeatlc VERTI-UFT '\ Tbr.. Good ~d... Marketin, Dlvlalon, G rea t Plaina Firat - the most popular Idea: A Wheat. Ine.i Marsot t ;eland, Direc­ OVERLAPPING BUCKET ElEVATOR macaroni product demonstration out­ And' now the project: II Maca- tor 01 Home Economics, Wheat Flour line (or use in lood diases-In home Institute: and myaell, to talk over this roni ,rrcw on D buah or a tree, or If it -problem with Mr. Howard P. DavIa, AUECO CORP. hoi h.lped thlll and man)' morl economics, home demonstration and efeW on the hoot aero .. the fann lands leodlng firm. with HI VElTI·un. Director 01 the Food DIatrtbution Dlvl­ extension classes. 4-H clubs. and the of AmerJea, we would nol need thla """"'"t 1Mce ..... c.. • "'-of1eN ...... , Mece ..... C.., c._, Or WQ lion of the Marketln, • ...... !eM ...... , 1Mceo_ "'-ofk __ ...... , like. Here it the cover design projeeL But it doet not. Thla 11 a Alrlcultural c...... ,.... • ehowed you last January. We will Service, O.S.D.A., and hIa ltaf!. The ...... c... DoI.e • "'-of...... ,.,."• • "-0_ HooI c.. • project to make macaroni dlshel more ...... hi /lit , ... IM,. CoIifwMo a... Gt-., __ produce the demonstration outline fint lon, name apelIa "lCbool lunch." We available to 14,000,000 bon and ,lrll • c...... LW~c...· o ...... c... 0-,-' have a Ilmple but convinclnJ ItoI}' lor In m1meoeraph lonn to Ret your re­ In 64,000 Ichooll participating In the • r-y ...... Iooc,·DW ....· c..·'...... ·_Mft .c... No • c.a. "'--_ 0..-101 c.. • o.w.. 0I,t. ,< action and the comment o( teach en. Federal achool lunch prosram. Mr. Davit and hla mtr. I hope we tell c.. • c.. We hoP,t to have thit new pUblication It with JUeb Itren,th and vl,or that It • LA. .... c... L"' ..m...... c...... ,... ia 1rresWlble. c.. • ~ tt...... ""-lIe, Mt". • ...... Mew..... In yout' handa by the time we meet Big ,Muke . ... MIt. c.. , ~'MI!o"""'" • ,_ GMttIo ...... l c.. • ..,...... "",c:...c:-. • ~k""" ', • U.s. aRaln next January. Thla outline will That la a bl, market in Itaelt-14,- suggest the use of your produdl by CooperaUt. Efforl. ~_ ,.,.. c.. • v...... a... 0...... ""'. • V_, ,...... k. speclfle brand name. It. will live you 000,000 chUdren with ble appetites. But On tblJ achool lunch project you W-'"-'-- '"'c.... even bluer la another 18,000,000 have another example of how we all another chance to work with .tudenta, 5 ~ hool children whose lunchetl more or work tosether-duNm amwen. du­ AND teachln, them the many advantages of I ~ (ollow Federal etandarda. Thll 1a STOR·A·VEYOR FOR NOODLES FORM FILL nun mUlen. macaroni manufaciuren. macaroni looda-your product&. r.ot to eay that macaroni (coda are The people I work ft'lr want it that The second project approved by your !' ot already used on a limited extent In way. You know them all very well: FOR CUT GOODS votlne mtmben and the durum mill- ~ chool lunche ~ . But It 11 almoet on a Amber MlllIne Dlvlalon. G.T.A.i ADM­ en: A small, Inexpenalve leaflet. Here bootleg baala. Certainly the absen~ 01 Commander Larabee Mlllli Doulbboy AND NOODLES is the cover design. Thla second proJ- enriched macaroni dishes in the lilt IndUltrlel: General ' MUll: Intema­ ect Is an outllrowth of the first, beeause of loodl required lor Type A achool tlonal Millin, Company: North Dakota we need RQ Inexpenalve leanet 01 thll lunches la a Lamer to our free entry Mill & Elevator; BUllell Miller-Kin, type to dlltrJbq,.... ¥~qUanutes to food Into thle market and the ch),n;ce not Mldu Milia. ------, classes along -Wltli;; he demonstration only to t.eed achool children) but to We arc workln, with you on the dll­ ASEECO CORP., 1830 W. Olympic Blvd., Los Angel .. 6, CallI. I outline, The price uld be brousht - keep them II, conaumen of macaroni tributlon of the film "Durum •• • The PI •••• lind bllll.tln. 01 "'IEECO 'qlllpm.nl II check.d b.low: I down perhaps to a nny l e6~h,lO' the . 1&>Od ... they ,row up. 1ThetJel,ool Standard of Quality." We will work cost of n,e leaRet shouTd -not ltop lunch eysWn. is botl1. ~ an bnniedlate with both you and the dunun ,rowers N.m".______TIIII ." "1I' anyone. nero again. we~ hope to Mve market ol'!" c:01uldmb'D~elll.loh, u on the new demonatratlon outline ad the printed 'PIece In your hands by,"i weJl u a'sampler marke\ .for tOmor- ';' r""" recipe leaSet u · we...have workedi' • ~ Camp.n, Z newt JanU l! i j. ' The Jeanet wiJ! offer t row. . ..' ,,' " .dd'.. ,ether on ' \he mateHala )tou atre . \ \...... ~ ,.. ~ ,··--"~'~' ~--c·. -----I IiPKCft on Ihc .' bac1c' (over (or your ' Let mc' ,cad you the reci ~lr!"nentl have In your library "'of prornb • , • 0 Alltom.tlc Chlci W.llhtr o Vetl lttl Ctrtonln,.!M Cui Goods brund.mijne.lmprlnt. Use 01 thc leaRet (or school lunch pertinent to oL.~ prqb. toob, " . S: • ,< + o V,rtj·Utt Buehl E!enlot o HolllonlJl btonn;;' fot Lonl Goods I 11 ~ot l:llltcd." O M"I :lOis. You will be lern: "T\\'o ' ounC'e' ('!dlblc portion ~'1 The Durum Wheat I~tftute ~'!. , • • able til pl rrnk~ whnl~vcr distribution scr/ed) uf lean m'cat, p. ulll')' or tlJh; vlded copies o( the ftlnutrJp, •ip STOR·A·ytyOR for .H00d1 .. o rORM I "'I'rtc¥i' .II~ n~l '" I you wlah. " or two ounces of chcc!lcj or one ca: (ConUnued on paee 20)" ~ I., ' ~ '''-:\'' . r 14 TIm MACAIlONt JO"",,'L ' ,.,-.

Rheological Studies of Durum Semolinas Dynamic Pr.. niulon of When blends of equal parts 01 two effect on the rheological properties 01 Farlnogtam Parameters such aemollnll8 are made the resulting macaroni doughs 8S is indicated in propertlel aro aenerally not on aver­ . by Dr. G. N. Inlne", Gral'!" Reiearch Laboratory, In addition to reflecUna the effects Fig. 7. Dough development time, es. 'Ie of the two typet. with the Ca­ pecially at the lower absorption levels, 01 environment and varlcly. the larino­ Board~af Grain Commissionen far Canada, Winnipeg, Canada nadian type having the arealcr Innu­ is drastically Increlllcd while maxi. grams are also, of course. Influenced ence on the rheological charactcrlstics mum con!< istenc:l and tolerance Index by particle size of semolina, absorption of the blend: this behaviour is shown are consldl'rnbly reduced. In the ex· I N A recent publication from Ihls and temperature. Because of thill, the In Fig. 6. Up to 20 per cent or semo­ ample shown here, the ~ emoUna was Laboratory (1), a new technique rheological properties are belt 8!leIIed (or using the farinograph In the ehor­ lina of the Taganrog type can usually milled from Canadian durulll and the from the dynamic behaviour of the be mixed with a Canadian type semo­ general efrect 01 the salt Is to change tlcterlzatlon of durum £clnolinns was dough and not from single farinograph described. Thl. procedure oUowa the lina wltboul having a marked elTed on the rhetJlu~lcal behaviour In the di. curves. Such dynamic behaviour is mcasuTcmcnt 01 doullh development the rheological properties. rectlon o( that exhlbltcd by the Tagan· Illustrated in Fig. 3 which shows rog type. This behaviour suggests that time, maximum consi!ltcncy and toler_ dough development time. maximum ance Index to be mode at absorption controllcd additions of snit In contlnu. eonsistency and tolerance lndex u InOuenee of Parllele Sist levels tortespondlng to those used In ou! processing might orTl!r a convenl ~ functions 01 absorption and tempera­ Since the introduction of l'onlinuou, commercial continuous macaroni pro€!• ent means. In addition to variation of ture for a semolina mWed from Ca· processing there has been n change cssingi ' rhco\oglcol behaviour of maCD­ from the use of coane semolina to 8 absorption and tcmperature. lor con­ nadlan durum. From such curves the trolling the rhcologlcal behaviour of roni dougha ot this absorption levd Is relation between the absorption and considerably finer granulation. Figure very dlfTerent from that at the absorp_ 6 shows the larlnograph characteristics macaroni doughs. It also raises the the temperatute requl~d for a con· question of how much Innuence the tion level normally used in making stant douah development time may be of a coarse and a fine semolina. milled lorinograph or cxtcnsograph tests, The from the .ame wheat, at different ab­ properties 01 the locul watl!r supply determined as well as the correspond. may have on the procl!ssing character. Influence of various foctors on Ihe ing variations in the maximum con· sorption levels. For the fine semolina. curve parameters was discussed in the dough development time Is shorter, istlcs of semolinas. Effect of Enyuonmenl Fig. 2-Farlnograms at processing listency of the dough and the change that paper and It Is the purpose 01 thl! in consistency under shear stress (lndl. the maximum consistency is greater }i.octont work to further develop 50me The wide dlfTerence In curve char. absorption and 30 degrces C for three acterlstlcs of semollnll8 milled from cated by the tolerance Index). and the decrease In consistency under Effect of Rheological Propertle. of the pouiblUtlel suggested by the durum varieties grown under a similar durums of different origins arc .hown shear streu La greater than for the on ColoI' earlier work. for application of the envlronmcnt In Canada. Such dynamic curves can be used coarse semolina. There is a strong In. The rheological behaviour of maca. technique in characterizing the rheo­ in Fig. J. These were aU milled on tho to obtain a lreat deal uf inlormaUon ' arne mill and so the particle .Ize range dlcatlon that the rheological proputles ronl doughs can exert a profound in. logical properties of semolinAS for worm and In the extrusion head. Fa­ about the effects of particle sl.ze d!strl· of a developed dough continue to reo fluence on the appearance of the maca. Is the fame for each; the absorption at bution in semolina on rheololica.l "ommercial continuous macaroni proc­ rinograms lueh a.. those exhibited by flect the slle of the original .emollna nlhl, usually reOected in the surtace~ cuing. which the curve, were made corre. the Canadian and Ruaslan durum, properties: these curves also dramatl· I spond, to a satlsfaetory procelling particles. For the fine scmollna the characlcrlstics. In addition to thil, would suggest. If this analogy II valid, cally illustrate dUferencu In gluten tolerance Index Increases as absorp. however. there Is an Indication thtlt I I level. the difference, would be much 8S that these doughs show more desirable quality such exillt between duruma tlon Increases but the opposite Is true mncaronl doughs having D iow toler. ~ I greater if all had been dono at the Oow characteristics for continuous 01 different origin. Flaure 4 shows the same level. The Canndlan and nu ~ . of the coarse semolina. Experiments 'lnce Index. lose more pigment per unit \ I processing. dynamic characteristics of a semolina with various blends of coarse. medium of Iipoxldase activity than doughs hav· T sinn durums fhow similar absorption milled Irom Taganrol durum: when and fine semolinas indicate that amall Ing a higher tolerance Index. The data .. characteristics giving curvcs of .Imllar Effect of VarIely compared with the Canadian durum 01 Fig. 8 are representative of a wide type at 31.5 per cent; the other types Eome of the difference, between the lemoUna, it 11 seen that there is no pen:entagcs of coarse particles can I ' all require a higher absorption. and farinogram , of Fig. I can be attributed have a marked effect on rheological range of durum wheats and while the 1, level of temperature and/or absorp.­ correlation Is not too atrong, there 11 even at 35 per cent. dough develop. to differencCJ In variety and are not tion where the two semoUnaa exhibit propertiel while blends of medium and ment time is quite long. wholly the result of the different en. ne\'crtheless a good Indication that I simUIr rheolollcal behaviour. Talan· flne p.rtlcles alone show little chanlle some relation exists bclwcl!n procen. The behaviour of semolina doughs vlronments. Figure 2 shows farino_ rol showl a hlah absorpUon require· in rheoloalcr.l properties ovcr quite grams of three durum varieties grown Ing. This might bc expected from ear. ill the forinograph at these absorption ment. with douah development time wide variations in their respective ra­ lIer work In this laboratory which reo lI:vels Is aomewhat analogous to their In Canada and somewhat similar tending to be lonl and very stronaly tios. Such evidence would emphasize differences to those of Fig. 1 exist lated pigment loss to the homogenlz. bl·havlour In contlnuoull procersing Influenced by the absorption level; the areat Importance of homogeneity between the varieties Stewart and Ram­ Ing action of the mixing and extrusion t·qulpment. The dough development maximum conalatency, on the other of particle alze In achieving uniform phases of macaroni processing. sey on one hand and the variety Pelis­ hand is low and varies very little with time corre5ponds to the bailing up rheological behaviour, with the opti. phose In the continuous mixer and the sier on the other. The variety Pelis_ absorption or temperature. Canadian DlIC\lIllon Fig. 1.-Farlnograms at processing behaviour following the development sier Is nonnally a component of our requlrel much leu water. dOUlh de· mum partlr.le size probably beina absorption and 30 degrcees C tor a of maximum ronsistency show. the re. grade Extra No ... C. W. Ambur Du. velopment time is leu stronaly lnftu· toward the fine semoUnu. In the batch liytcm of macDt'oni procelling each step In thc rroccss is number of durum wheats of differIng ac tion of the dough to shear streu, rum and &0 this grade tends to reflect eneed by absorption or temperature origin. this type of rheological behavioul· to but maximum conslJtency is consld· Ued of Salt under the control of the operator; wa· fuch as Is encountered In the kneading some extent. Il'r content, mixing time. kneading erably more aenaitive to both absorp­ Small pereenlage. of common ""it tion and temperature. were often added to macaroni doughs (Continued on page 30) when proceucd by the balch equip­ Fig. ~EH'ect of blending Canadian mentj with continuous tqulpment this rig. 6-ElTect of particle size of and Taaanrol semollnu; farlnogram practice S ll(! n~ to have died out. One acmolina on farinogram parameters at parameten for 30, 35 and 40 dearees C. per cent ot ~ alt hus a very profound varying absorptions Dnd 30 degrees C.

'ht I I C,;;.,'!".,,: .1... Ie tnl: . temperature. nL:'Cltption {It,,; !"rinllllrllnl pnrameters. 16 - The hunting senson on durum wheat never doses for Coml1land­ - er Larabee, From dawn to dusl" Commander's team of dlll'lIm dead-eyes ar(' out working till' rields in search of til!' rill(!~! WHERE TOP grains availahle, Thousands of samples "I'l' sent to ConPIl .lIlder labs 1'01' testing and blending III aSSIII" ! you th:!t ' II,V thl' best grains available ever reach Commander's millin; 'pecial· PERFORMANOE ists, And even after the bin limits have heen I'"gged, the hunt continues, So. next timl' you want trophy wi nning macaroni results ", why not dr;, IV a In' ad (, ', Com · OOUNTS mander Larabee for durum product - you ('an Cllllnt on'.' YOU CAN COUNT ON COMMANDER·LARABEE! -:- ADM


:.u. ,,!I. :. .. . . " ."

\ ______- .. ~-~ ...... t.i...... ~ ------.

MMI ••port- Food EdlJon eonl... _ I'ood.--From I'ann to Table." The U o (Continued from pale 12) Tho N.Uon.1 Macaroni lnatitute will chart mQ be mounted, you Me It be repreaented at the Food Editod here, for the addUJonal COlt of about them have been sent out to date and Conference to be held al Waldorf As· 80 cents each, If we purchase ruftlc:lent fequatl IUtI .un comiD, in from torla in New York City September quantllel to brine the price down, telchel'll and Khooll. 11-21, Mounted in th1a fuhloR, the chart Macaroni 11ft packalea are planned would become almo. t a permanent WAJF Dlnun teachine device in any clUlroom. AI ••peel" campalen. WAIF Spa­ for food. editors of malulnes, Sunday ahetti Din D, r I were promoted in Supplementa, and ayndlcated food. col· We have had coDilderable and hllh· Mly. Hennlone GlD,old, actreu and Umnl. This IUt plan ill to belln imme· Iy favorable comment on the "Durum TV penoDlllty, lervea a WAIF Spa. dlately .. the flnl atep in the prolfam Macaroni Fooda" chart trom teachen &betti Dinner to Mr. and Mrs. Qua tor the leeS calender year when the and lupervlaon. It will teU your ltory theme will be "Macaroni with Foods to leneraUons of boy. and girl., If !Carey of Oklahoma City, their daUlh­ ter, • former WAD' and their new of the Month." All material aupplled. only you use It. The price per chart in IOD Demetrio., the lO,OOOth WArF. to all medJa will be caretulJy coordl. quantlUea of 100 and more II Just 31 nated with the Plentiful Foocb LIst of centa. It fohb In hill for eU)' mall1nJ. Radio and telavlalon IPGt announce. the United 5tatea Department of Alrl. w.minated pJastlc protectt the lUdace. menta and food .how. pushed the culture. One lift pack ..e contalnlnl Certainly It ill worth 31 cents to let WIJI Dinnen. It wu froot pale neWl variety of macaroni producta will be your .tory told in the cl8llJ'OOm where in the ChtcI,o DaOy New.. n wu • aupplled at three·month intervab­ boy. and lirll each day leam thin,. headUno ,tory on the editorial page of one for each of the four aeuona. With that contribute to their food Ukea and the ChrJaUan Se1anee Monitor. Abothtt each pack.. e will ,0 recipes, menu., dlallkes. contrlbutml to their later eat· apqhe:tU d.lnner ,tory went nationwide and 'UQl!Itlolli of how to make the ln, habits as adults and buyen wIth • . with the Amertcan Leaton maaarlne. most enectlve we of Plenutul Fooda choice between your product.a and an­ Jane ~ national preaident of by comblnlnl them with macaronI, other kind of food. WAIF, appeared on the Tomaht .how 'P'lbetU, or ell noocnea. tor natloDal network televlalon. Her Mukol Tool plctun! and .tone. on W /JI' were ear­ We have thoulht a load deal about rled In plpel"l Ic:roa the country. DWI Projoch­ how to Itlmulate addlUonal use and Govemon in 18 ltatel proclaimed: (Contlnutd from paee If) circulation of theae materials. The ""Il)' 1a WAD' Montb." value of the materlab to you hu al­ and Tnat ••. with Macaroni I'ooda," ready been demonstrated aeveral Groupt requuUn, WAIF kill In· for diltrlbutlon by the National Mact. c1w1oc1 ...... ' o_tIoJu, times. But .ubject to the approval of roni lnatltute to home economlCl the memben ot the Durum Wheat lJ'OuJ)I, Jayceel, women', club., teen c:)aurooma acroll the country. In ad­ c 1 u b.; , , JOrorlUu and frltemttW, Inatltute Committee and the National dition, we mall J'elUlarly five tima a Macaroni Institute and the durum YMCA. YWCA. Eutem Star. union lo­ year the bulleUn "Durum Wheat cals, and ~uedI are .UlI camlne in. erowen, I would I1ke to propose a Nole." to more than f2,ooo home eco­ new kind of teal. Here a,aln, we will ...... ,DlWook nomies clUlroom (eachen, home dem· work with you to determine, In terma oDitration agenu, food edllon, and of attitudes toward your product and NaUonal Macaroni Week. UNII, . Imllar leaden. .treued convmlence in Its theme perhaps adual Illes, just what then EXTRUSION DIES FOR THE FOOD INDUSTRY ''MMJ4_Kacaronl MealJ In Mlnutea." EcoAOlDlca. Gourmet Elm... materialJ will do for you. r 'A few of the raulll ot plactments You remember the .peela! booklet Perhaps with tIw help of Bob Green 'wlth neWIPapen were mown, alDIlI of lwIUtutlonal recipes, "Economlul and the dunun IJ'Owen reprue.nted ·wlth other med.Ja repreleDtiD, a con- Gourmet Entrea," now avaUable at by the North Dakota State Wheat centrated, coordinated prorram on 50 cents a .1nJle copy or $30 per Commlaawn, we can select a unal.1 dty• .fOnvenJence. hundred coplH.. EnoUCh hu already We could devlae a lett. to determine t'Macaron1l1akea Your Menu" 11 the bee.n aald about th1I publlcaUon and Ita .tudent knowled,e and. student atU. theme for 1M2 Macaroni Week. Vena· value in Alta promotion work. Earlier tude. on durwn macaroni llroducta. tUlty recelvCI empbuil thiI year. In your meeting mention wu made of We then could introduce the materials Alon, wIth tala meIN,e, recipe aDd the importance of the realaurant mar. Into clUlrooma, and worle. with them photo.. all media will be suppUed with keL "Economical Gourmet EntreeS' 11 In other war--ln cluba and demon. menus featurln, maearonl producta. A your introduction to that market. stration. The proposed new •... aca. M .... n at Macaroni Dlel clear WUltratlon of how a macaroDl ~ an outgrowth of "Economical roni Product Demol1ltraUon OuUine" J)J"Odud tUb the nee4 for IUlf type of Gourmet Entrec.," another project would fit Ideally into such a aituat1on. meal, aay eoune in the meal, wW be brought UI thc .ame recipes in house­ With the help of local manutaduren made. Food edlton are using D1eIlUI hold abe under the tlUo "SpeclalUea of or dlstrlbuton, and othen interested In more and mON In theIr eolumnJ to the HoUle." The wheat ,rower organ. Ute project, we mllht also checlc: on provide treater IlUYlce to their riad· lzatlons boulht and dlatrlbuted more IIll!l ot brand.name products. We .era. Thb year more apeclal materlal, than 150,000 cople. of thlJ booklet. could be lUre of one thing. We would includln, photo&r&phl wIth Nel1'O Our volume print order to fulftU the have a town completely aaturated with modell, wUI be developed for the demand they createet hu broulht the the durum macaroni Idea, and that in Nel1'O market. price ot thb booklet down to 10 cents ltaell ml.aht be worthwhile, it only to Tarae\, Trin:! A::1lIn we will be " a copy 111 quantity. And u with other .ee whit would bap~ , ...~. 'D. mJilDn Rl"& Sons, lilC ~ reachln, tee:Di~ Ptrouah aD a&: ...oertlIe- ... booklets. there 11 apace provided for . An¥wIY, that 1a the ftnal lUueati01 557 THI.~ ,wi,' , IROOKLYt( 15 'N,Y" U,S.A. .ment 1D ~cUcil Home Econom.. • your imprint. It needt a ,ood deal more reftnl!men r t. .. .. lb. Odob.. .. a... uu. year. TbI.o It Deedi d.bc:uu1on. Above all, ,' :( UrAUOD ieadiet q,OOO home Dunam Fooda, 'W.U Chul everyone approves, It ~would neor.d , e~ ~ Ame,ko'. loront Macoronl Ole Makers Since 1903""': With Management ConUnlKlU~ly Retolned In Some Fornll.., milts .tudents in And completed b the eryone'. acUve COOpeiaUOD ' and ~p. ~ ... ' c1uuoom, . 11 .....111 •..•J.; ... ", ..... 20" Jciv.;,;AL ' _ __------______.::. ---~-...... ~':.o.~_'""'''_'"_''''""'__~_= ,--'"'---- _ ___

-"" ---...... --~- ...-- ~~-.­ 1 . .,' 0' .1, Pasta in Convenience Foods by, Dr. Chari•• ~ul"',.. ,!W~'t , .i l riiietJl!!J ·, Of b:Chari~; M.'-ttci.kln. ~t a mettin~ _of the Br!tJ.h Mac~ronl Indu.trie. I :mt'!" T lQsno always easy to .. ~ ~ I between an authentic trend and a N THE United States lervants are cheese Is cmnbincd with waler and the mete pauln. fancy. A trend may have I almost unavallahle, many women spiral mn c:.runl product in a casse. a purely _t_111t1cal background, Il may work and those women who do not role Dnd pla.'.1 In the UVl'H. When the be reasonable. at Its best It will be work do their own houlekeeplng. In product 1:1 Ilcarly baked. the dry bread boUl. , addition, these women take pari In crumbs on: }prlnkled over thl: top.:,and civic and church acllvltles which usc browned. Other Pillsbury products Raw Material much of their time. Therefore. time Is arc a Savury Noodle Casscrnlc and a Startlnl with the raw material 01 of extreme value to the American Tomato Rice Casserole. These arc psi", there Is no doubt that semolina housewife. pnckallcd In cartons prinll'd with D mad~J from amber durum wheat Is the This hili resulted In the growth of full color photographic representation best "taw material to be used. Although conYenlence foods which ore ellenti­ of the finished dish. It'llihot always euy to thaw It. con· ally meall or parts of meall which General Milia hos marketed II n'oodle aumib decidedly prefer pasta made are partially prepared In a factory and casserole with a dried /lour crcam and fro., amber durum . temolina. During are easily made Into a "nlshed dish. checse sauro called "Noodles Roman­ JD~tlD55, wbn ambC!r durum crops . C&DMd S.,.ghIUL The most con­ oR." \ fllu....;: 1" the U.s.A., and puta had to venient of the macaroni products Is The cooking time of a casserole dish b.~-t de from blends containing a high canned Ipalheltl because this product Is from 30 to 45 mlnutell. Th~ amount pe tale or hard wheat. consump­ il prepared by opening 8 can, pouring of work in" time Is fairly low and the tion r head dropped by about 10 per number of dishes dirtied varle. from \ the contents Into a laucepan and heat­ C~rIn M. H""111 ' c!nt. nly. u puta was made again Ing for approximately 5 minutes. Only one to two. The main appeal 01 these ff\lm ,amber durum !emollna. did the dishes Is that they taste very . good one dlah II made dirty, complete sprinkled on this dish lends a small co~tmptlon Ilowly 10 back to Its and they arc casler to produce than r elapsed time In preparin, the dish ta measure of elegance aD that. the dish previoul level, and resumed 115 In· only the openln, or the can and the the equivalent made (rom original in­ t could be Uled for the major meal of gredient!. They are quite expensive . • re~ , I lakin, of the laucepan out ot the cup­ the day for the family, but. probably The amount of advertising expenditure B, well-known ltaHan pasta manu­ board. Becawe ot convenience this not for entertaining company. facturer Introduced as 'a matter of food hal increued In usc faster than required 15 high and the expenditure Macaroni and Ch..... One of the to keep lales at a Good levl'l is less policy a selective buying program of the macaroni Industry 85 a whole. most important macaroni dinners II than the Initial cost, but stili higher durum Wheats, and gets almost 10 Furthennore, the trend hOI been away Kraft Dinner consisting of dried elbow per cent more for hll spaghettl",made from plain spaghetti In a can and than the cost (or u standard macnronl macaroni with a dried cheese ,auce In product . from choice amber durum semolina, popular. • These noodles, which can ~nd with mechanical handling of the toward spaghetti with meat balls In a a packet. The macaroni Is balled in 01 compared with' the price wked for can. One unusual and popul ar spI'cialty ~ dried short and lonl goods 01 they water and then drained through a .. now be made Inl the shape of "nesla," Is Rlce-A-Ronl which t"lI1


A new concept of extrudor con.tructlon utilizing tubular .te.1 frames, ellmlnat •• those hard·to·cteon oreo •• For the first tlmo a completlly .anltary extrud ..... for eo.ler malntlnonce ••• Increased by production ••• hlgh ..t quality. Ie .ure to -,hock on th ..e efflclont .paco •• ovlng mochln ... SHORT CUT MACARONI EXTRUDERS Mod.IBSCP ...... 1500 pound. capaclly per hour Mod.1 OSCP ...... 1000 pound. capaclly por hour Mod.1 SACP ...... 600 pound. capacily por hour Mod.ILACP ...... 300 pound. capacily por hour

LONG MACARONI SPREADER EXTRUDERS " Mod.IBAFS ...... 1500 pound. capaclly per hour Mod.IOAFS...... 1000 pound. capacity por hour Modol SAFS ...... 600 pound. capacity per hour

COMBINATION EXTRUDERS Short Cut ...... Sh ..t Former MODIL Isep­ Short Cut ...... Spreader '.'nld.rShort cu' macaronI Thr •• Way Combination

QUALITY •••••••• A controll.d dough o •• oft o. de.lr.d 10 enhonc. texture ond appearance •

..RODUCTION ••• Po.ltlv ••crew feed without ony possibility of webbing mok •• for po.l· tlve Kr.w delivery for production beyond rot.d copaclti •••

..OSITIV •• CR •• PORC. ImproYli quollty and CONTROLS ••••• So flne-.o po.ltiv. Ihat pr ..... run Indeflnlt.ly without odJu.tm.nt •• Incr..... production of lonllood., .hort lood. ond .hMt forming continuous .xtrud.... .' SANITARY ••••••• Ea.y to cleon tubulor .t•• 1 frames give you Ih. flnt truly .onltory 3 STICK 11100 ..OUND LONG GOODS ...... AD.R extruder. Incr..... prOduction whll. aceupylng the sam ••poc. a. 0 2 .tlck 1000 pound .prooder. " ~ .;,.. . , ISOO ..OUND .XTI!I"~.RS UD DRYERS LIN.S For Informallon r.goraing 'hiu and ofh" mod.II, prices, now In operation In a numbo; of. macaronl.n~cll. pian'!l occupying ~~tly more .""ce /'. •, m:'orlall • .,I"1I Dnd a,hl( .tryl.... wril. or phon .. than 1000 paund lin... . ., I j , , ; to" lHESI lXTlUDIli AND DiVas Aa. ~ . .-;. NOW GIVING IX,·IlLINT I"ULU . • t~ '~I'" lHlOUOHOUT THI UHmD STATU ' patent pe". ". IN A HUMIII O' 'LANTS. upatentM · ------

~""-~'''--' -.... .;.;..--~~- -,

Indultry Trendo­ for a number of dlett. contatnlna a alone wllhoul some kind of extender. .. ~'~" " fa ir amount protein and no faL , The combination of the two can . be (Continued from page 22) ot It b one of the aood thtn.. tO ~ eat. ,.. t,de~cloUi and~~·e~ve. AFTER YEARS OF RESEARCH, EXPERIMENTATION AND ENGINEERING, f service _h ops. ThIs means that the and, thereforeJhtt~~Ultry ':~~n be -vre J;;pect flrat In the next few yeare 'sell-appeal' ~1U have to~ .ult lheu pet rcted to deveJ6'p ~ itiil ftour1lh. the total consumption ot macaroni :11 clal condWGrlYO t the self-service shoPl, products will be lreatly Increased and that plt.ckallng will have to reo throUlh the Increased consumption of HAS ADDED THE MISSING LINK C IInce Food I- Inexpensive convenience products and CItJioiiiit ceive tpecial atlentlon. Cellophane or on"'n < ~i .Imllar materlaia will have to take (Continued from paae 23) throuah a variety of delicious prepared TO ITS DISTINGUISHED CHAIN OF COMPLETELY the place of paper and cardboard. very easily prepare a deliclou. meal dishes which can be either dry or froz· r Cellophane, will not proted pasta as uslna these combination packt with en. We exped that thl. will not .ub· AUTOMATED MACARONI PRODUCING EQUIPMENT •. :. I' I I· weU ai, .ay, cardboard, yet it seems their expllcll Instructions. trad substantially from the consump. that t ansparent package., not only 3. Luxury macaroni dl-,nere can, be tlon of lhe .tandllrd dry macaroni products. . a SPREADER which combines slow extrusion for a superior quality boxes with cellophane windows, have lold In larle quantltle. with a large product with top prodUction for Increase In volume; a SPREADER come ~ Ilay, and will get an Increased expenditure ar advertl.!na and sales portlon")of the market. Packing rna· money. niey retum I proportionately Dobockmun D... lopmonh which extrudes uniform stick patterns for minimum trim anrj a ,~ chine. ~ Jor eellophane bags have now higher proftt than the .tandard produd eye·appeallng product 01 Invariable smoothness, color and con. The annual report to .tockholders been !{eveloped which w1l1 do the because they are more dlstinctlve .Inee slstency; a SPREADER which produces continuously on a 24 hour packlnj at lower cost than for card· the dlnnen of two competin, com. af thl.! Dow Chemical Company had board. 'tlesb In .elf-servlce shops have panles are not Identical. These luxury the rollowlna Information on Its Do. dally operation with the Clermont VMP·5A, 2000 Ibsthr press , beckmun Division: a year of contlnu • • hownrthat conaumers will rather dlnnett wUl not.eU unleu adverllaln, "The Greatest of All Long Goods Presses." chooae: .. pula wrapped In cellophane expenditures are hlBb. ina lrowth of markets for ftexible packaalns saw the Dobeckmun Dlvi­ than these packed In paper bags or

Bor•• lo 81 ....m The Borulo Iystem haa been '.lSCd many yelll'l in Itaiy, orl.lnally baled TO INSURE THE QUALITY IN ANY MACARO~I on the follow!nl procedure: fixed cookln. time. at 18 and 28 minutes; detenninatlon of volume of raw maca· PRODUCT ~ ALWAYS SPECIFY _Eli) ronl; then the cooked macaroni; the 1fi weight of the cooked macaroni; and I detennlnaUon of sedlmentallon Index. WHETHER YOU'RE MANUFACTURING LONG GOODS Generally It was observed that a good quality macaroni product, ob· talned from semolina made of good OR SHORT ({' EGG RAiBANTI ~ & Company of MUan II reslltance the already tonned dough durum wheat, required a rather Jong ~t§§§§§§5: ~ (f, Bj hu recently luued a bulletin on a ofters to the action of the mlxon. cookln, time, with water absorption problem of lreat interest today: the Alter 20 minutes mlxln, time the and increue in volume. It had low coOkina of macaroni products. The full dou,h will become lotter, and can be sedimentation and thus leu dry real· NOODLES Ll PJ OR OTHER SPECIALTY SHAPE~, re~ wu preJent.ed at the Detmold, meuureci in de;ree.. atartin, from the WesfOermany convention by Dr. Rob· c:onsbtency line. A ranle of value',ln­ dues In the cookln, wa~er. .rt ~eo ~ Of Braibantl and publl.hed dle.tel a "weak." ''mIddle,'' ",oOd" The cooked proottenln" pertainln, to a semolina detem\tnln, the percenta,cs ot wet ted. ., OUR UNIQUE AFFILIATIONS IN THE DURUM WHEAT and dfY ,Iuten. Lwiboratory Ibe prelJel and dryera Deti'nninatlon of proteins Dnd ash, are available to reproduce the Indus· however, leaves the operator ItllI wlUi trial operation with amall aamples of GROWING AREA,\~~iqtWE CAN SUPPLY I I THE an incomplete answer as to the manu. raw material In two or thrft kllo,ram facturln, value of his raw mated.la. quantities. These laboratory tests pro· Inltruments for qualitative examina- vide Inlonnation for P'lPhs and analy­ tlon baaed on plastic properties . of .Lt. The problem Is complex when one FINEST DURUM f/'WHEAT PR~~UCTS AVAILABLE. gluten are not avanable on the market, consldera the variability of the manu· 60 dough behavior has been studied faeturln, features ~f raw material.; with the Brabender Farinograph. t the manifold facton ...Involved In ullng dltrerent manufaetUrin, principles, AND WE SHIP EVERY ORQ'FR:'~l1AT THE TIME t7~ The farinogralTlJ .how th~ wat~ ab- and then comparin,ln the same cook­ sorbing properUc., accordmg t9, ' hu- • Inl test ~ dltrerent ' shape. cooked In - A£'AMlERI "-- - mldlty degree and ,ranulo:nebi~l In-. dltTerent times with dltrerent water. PROMISED. BE SURE ... SPECIFY \/ .. ,_ dex of the aample. The coal'Nr lb, \ . l- semolina, the slower the water .bIorp- Fr:.· T_ tlon, recojplilable from the type of rlo..' • 'I :r;t / , curve on the farlnogrD )lh nd the time But cooldn,'lIp the "fire' teat" beeause .... employed to reDch t1\.-:onventlonal good macaroni cannot be tranafonned AMBER MILLING L~ . :VISION consistency. . from bad flour to be "without stlckl· *', FARMERS UNION GRAIN TERMINAL ASSOCIA'nO"l In the fiuct'cHl>lve phm;(! after water neu" and endowed with all thOle ex· " nb J;/lrptiun, u~ullily Iwu til three ,min. tcmlll fcatures which phlalle the ,·on· Mill. at RUlh City, Mlnn,-Glneral Office.: St. Paul 1, Mlr,n. utes, dpulth stnblllty Is obser\'ed. This lumen' eyes. .. TeL."HONa, Mid..,.)' •• ,.4:1:1 31 30 --.. ------"------~.~~--

• ".cIlY with water at the be,lnnlng of leis whlc:h could Indlc:ate Ie$! Inyln~ pared with 4,701.000 pounds in Jul)" A~.t r' and lome durum had lIone Durum, 'right",' ; :...... hens this fall with consequent lower ~ost l·ear. Liquid egg fruzen totaled 41 ,­ Pro'p.ct~ - down'f'G1ven Hovel ,h,rvest. condltlonl, • .(,1. ,1- J ~~'~. ~ "'...... v ' produdlon. ~35.000 pounds. t'nmporcd with 28,212,- a large percentolc of thele crups wlll "­ The hatchery report, {ele8tled AUlust I • _~J ~lnatloli '. . .Si"If'~PriC»l ~· \j m~c:aronl produc:ls and 137,079 cwls. 000 pounds In July 1061 Hnd wu~ also yield 2~ to 30 bushels per acre. 16, showed eg, tiPe ch~l c production ... the lorgct t for the month since July ''The comblnatiJir'of adequate m is- Faced with a serious .hort.,e of du- ot durum flour and semolina exported In Western Saskatchewan the lac:k In July at 23,522,000 vefJut 21,2117,000 1044. Frtlzen e~al stocks increased eight ture)and cool temperatures has been rum lut'fall and winter both exporterl IllSt seuon. Importa ot 87,184 cwll. of of moisture Is Immediately apparent. for the year previous. The cumulative m111ion pounds during July. l'umporcd veri favorable since mid-May and hat and mUlt c:ompeted aaareuively for ' macaroni and simIlar produc~ last Arter emerslnl many nelda sutrered figure January throush July was 389,- with 45,000 pounds In July 1061 and resulted In . heavy stands of 11'aln and available suppllea. Prices began to sellOn were aomewhat above the 18,. severely from lack or ralnfnll. Then It 514,000 c:hlc:ks versut 416,600,000 the the aver0J:e of Icven millhm flIlund!l. h"!Ven ifalns a chance to flll well" climb sharply followlnl harvest nnd 878 cwll. Imported in 1860-81. came, but almoBt too late. Some grain year previous, a decrease of over 27,. Quantities uf liquid egg used r(l ~ dry. sald ~ e ' U!,ited States Department of continued to rise lteadlly until late Carlot InspectioRi ot durum put the that Wilt not too far edvanced cnme on AIJ culture Weather & Crop Report December and early January when V&llt majority of 4,298 cars In the Hard 000,000, which will hove an erred this Ing were 2~.343,000 puunds In 'July stronl and filled well. Others were ale winter. tor" No~ Dakota. Then the August prlcel reached a peak. At that time, Amber Irade; 522 can ,radcd Amber; 1962 ond 22.704,000 puunds in July u 'ready headed out and are stunted. year ogo. 1 ~mate went up a whopplnl 20 per No. 1 Hard Amber durum WII traded and 71 carl lraded Durum. Patchiness is apparent throughout the In the Chlc:ago market, shell eggs cent over the previoul month, from II hl'h BI $3."0 a bushel. Export In- area and yieldl wl11 not be mueh hit their peak In August at midmonth, Egg solids production durinl( ~uly 47,3i:l000 bushels. to 57,119,000. Estl· terest fell olf durlnl the flnal .Ix above 10 bushels on the average. seiling at 25.5 to 29 cents. They were toto led 0,470,000 po u n d s, el)mforcd ma. yields now stand at 24.3 buthels monthJ of the crop year and prices Storo.e " No. 1 Project Much of Southern Alberta has been ofT D cent at month's end. Frozen whole with 5,844.000 pound!! In July '.1061. pert acre, almost too ,ood to be true. worked graduaUy ' lower, un,U1 Jatc In Storing the harvOlt of a record yield to dry to raise good crops on non. e'ls ranged 22 to 24.25, while whltell Production t' 0 n sl s ted "I 4,0"7,000 The crop is four weeks later than July when they were near the loan II the primary priority of durum pro­ Irrillated acreale. YIelds will be very strengthened from nine to ten l'Cnll to puundt uf Whole egg solids, 1.012,000 normal, with only 38 per cent tuminl level for 1962 crop. No. 1 Hard Amber ducerl this year .ay. Durum Kernels. dlsappolntlnl. An exception Is that a full cent hllher. Frozen yolks of dark pounds of albumen solids and 1,.111,000 rlpe 'u of .AUlutt I, and 2 per cent durum .was tradlnl In a nnle of $2.88- bulletin of the Durum Growen Auo. area adjacent to the foothills of the color were .table between 65 lind 57 pounds ot yolk sulld9. .wathed In ' lOuthem North Dakota $2.73 per bushel at the end of July. claUon. Loan rates on the ID62 crop Rockies, where croPt will yield from «nit, Dried whole ellS went for 88 For the Rrll seven munths uf 1902, CO~Iea.' In 1981 27 per cent of the Terminal Joan level for 1982 crop, are at a level that will wan-ant mak­ fair to load. '.enlt to $1.10 while dried yolk IOlids the production of liquid egg totaled crop ad been cut or Iwathed, 10 there basis Minneapolis, .. $2.73 for Hard Ing storale arranlemenll, the bulletin ranged at $1.08 to $1.1B. 481,722,000 pounds, c:omparcd with could' trost and sprout damage this Amber; $2.80 tor Amber: and $2.45 continues, noUng MlnneapoliJ prlcet Mixed Picture 468,741,000 during the same pcriod In year. _ ack .tem rust Will pre&ent In for ordinary durum. for durum ncar the loan level. In .ummary, it Is a mixed picture. 1901. The cumulative quantities by use trace or .1I1ht amounta on susaptIble With the crop late the hazards of rust Heayy July Pack were: for drying, 147,262.000 pounds, varletle. but damlle was not expected World Sborllge end frost are apparent. But if all the Production of lIquid eag and liquid down six per cent; fur freezing. 208,- to heavy, Durinl the present year there has The Canadian Situation IIraIn can be harvetled, Canada will CIS: productJ (inlredicnts added) dur­ 108,000 poundt, up eight per cent i and been a world·wlde .hortalc ot durum The vlalble supply of durum In have a bll durum crop. Ins: July tot a led '13,117,000 poundt, for Immediate consumption, 36,352,000 , lIlc:naood PI..... lng. and exporLI were larle even thoulh Canada at the end of June was down wrle plantJnls have a Ire a d y compared with 65,70'1,000 pounds In pounds, up three per cent. prompted the Canadian Wheat Board The Seml- annual Durum Report supplies were limited. Principal buy. to 3,781,612 bushel. compared with July 1861 and the 1956-60 average of en were Algeria, France and the 6,088,724 the year bet 0 r e. Exporta to announce an Initial quota restriction 49,265,000 pounds, It was the largeat atated that United Slate. growcllI were of five bushels per seeded acre with cncouroled to .tep up production thl. Netherland. United Statea exporll for dropped sharply refteeUng the smaller production for the month since July The Buhler Corporation 1961-62 HalOn reached 15,878,000 crop. AUiUSt I, 1001 throulh June a total delivery of 200 bushell of duo 1044. The quantities used for Immedi­ sClllon In order to provide an adequate rum allowed. Thll wl11 mean, In the C. Rudolph Moor, of The Buhler Cor­ lupply for the macaroni Indush'Y and bwhelt. Thil ftlure compare. with 27, 1862 they totaled 8,047.852 bu.hels. ate consumption, freel inl, and dryinl poration, Minneapolis, hos resigned os 5,256,000 export.ecl the previoul yellt'. Domestic use, which Included milling majority of C&lles, temporary storale were all larler than a year earlier. exP9rt. In December. 1961. the USDA of lOme durum on farma. president Dnd will be succeeded by Dr. anno,nced that .peela) leilalation was No .ublldy WBI paid on any duru·m for export durinl the same perIod, -ac. Liquid ell used tor Immediate con. Rudolph A. Schatz, who will begin his .old tor export during the 15181-62 year. counted for 1,704,310 bushela for a total In early AUlust, the Canadian Wheat pauect to allow an Increase In durum Board reduced prlcea on durum by 10 .umpUon totaled 6,539,000 poundt , com. work in October. . acreele allotmen!,. Simultaneously, Carry-over .tock. of durum on July commercial diaappearance of 1,152,262 bushell. This compared with • dlsap. ct!:nll a bushel brlnaln. No. 1 durum, the U~A .,harp1y InereaaM the- Ieyel 1 totaled nearly 5 . mUlion bushelt. buis to Lakehead, to $3.4525. of du m wheat premium. under .up· Thls II the ftnt complete survey of pearance of 42,398,826 bushels In the POrt 0 "tJOIlll to 10 cent. a bushel for July 1 .tock. by the Crop Reporting AUiUSt·June period In 1881. ordln durum, ~ cenla per bwhel Board. , The ettlmated carryo4lver a Product!:rI were Ufled to Jnere&lle Canadian PricH Break Sharply for Amber durum and 40 cents per )'CAI' earller .... 20 m1Ulo~, part of their plantln,s thla sprlnl. They reo In mld-Auilust price. tor export of bwhel tor Hard Amber durum. Grow­ \\ hlch may have been fr. exportable sponded with a preliminary estimate of Canadian durum broke 54 cenls in a en! took advantage or the more Iibe:ral potitioRi but were - included In the 3,199,000 acres-an Increase of 1,347,- week, from $3.60 to $3.05125, renectln, ollotmlll'b: and acreage increased to 1961-82 cxport,. , SuppliCi of durum 000 over lut year, 73 per cenL In prmpec:ta for a large harvest. 2,354,000 acres-one of the hlgheat on for 1862-63 totaled 52 million on the Manitoba acreage wu Increued from reconJ/ Under the .peclal durum wheat bt\lll of July 1 conditiON. If realized. 85,000 acres to 161,000: In Alberta from Kenner E'ected program 13,633 f. r m I signed up thll would be a . th1n1 above lillt .ea. 188,000 to 425,000; In SllIkatc:hewan Alvin Kenner, Leeds, North Dakota throuBh April 16, 1962. These tarm. IOU and the second Illt'lelt of record. from 1,578,000 to 2,613,000. Total for and former chalman of the Durum hod an averale 1960·61 durum wheat Ol\ly in U157-58 whoen the carryover the three prairie provinces: fro m Growerl Markelln, Committee, ha'J . acreage tolalin, 1.129,700 acres, with Willi estimated at 14 mUlion were .up. 1,852,000 ac~ to 3,19{1,000. been elected president of the Durum pliet Illt'ler than for, thla leason. Growers Aaaoclatlon of the U.S. o total orllinal 1962 wheat allotment Durum E ..rywb.,e of ],587,900 acrea befure the manda· Mllliag Down C. L. 81bbald, Director of the Cetelli tory 10 per ccnt reduction. On Ithe Nearly 14.3 mUlion bushell ot durum Durum ~ Institute, reporta that thero Egg Value, Adyance basil of tho maximum 40 per cent In· were milled for ( durum . product. IllSt seems . to be durum everywhere you Hot weather In Auaust aaw egg reo crease In durum aereale permitted leillCn. Thla comparea with 23.4 mil. look on the aouthem &CCllORS of the c:eiptJ decline and breakers lolnl Into each farm, the tolal Indlcatoo increase 110n milled in 1.".61 . .. Only In the Canadian prairie' - that there J. a inventorlea or shell elgs, whlle yield! v • ~QU Id be 439,257 acrcs . ;;·!'na . ~parl.. three yean, 195);&5,' ot the IUlt 2S ,bll crop in the makinl, but III actual ot liquid CI'S were reduced .harply. yean were mllllriis leu than this lea. .lze ,II sUlI a qu~.t1on. The U.S. Cold Storale Report showed :~~!t ~~ic:ul~'~ ~~ :1'II:i~-:::~!~~ IOn. Bee.uae o!,o: the mort .upplles 0'­ The sellon opened with lreat con. shell eus as of AUiust 1 up 32,000 cases D,...... general af, Buhler 8rol. Corporallon, Ulwli, Switzerland, on a slons relating ' ;) the special durum' durum, It wu...R~ ) to IUpplement · cern over the ~moilture condJUon. from a year alo, but...M4,000 cases un. i •• 'er. dlr~lar the demand for durum producll by the del'- the flve year everale. There were short IIullneu villi 10 Ihe firm 1 ArMrlc:on headquorter5 01 Minneapolis look lime of! for wheat prolram were b.:-Ing relaxed Gteat IU'eIll were a~elenL Almost im. use of other wheaL Production of more frozen Whole e,lS In storale but o tl~lng "ip la Omaha to InlPKt the new SkInner Macaroni Planl. Above Dr. Buhler in. where advene weather pre~ ~nled pro· medIately a pattern lhowed ~,up"" .1 the I9KII Ih. un~ layout of 1M conlral ponel In Ihe Skinner Plant. AI Ihi, one po,ilion .emollna Ilnd blended ftour totaled 8.5 le~whl~ and yolk. than,a year a,o. Ih. pre" room 'areman can d.termlne Ih. humidity and temperature in all drye'<;. ducers from meeUng the l'CC .uiremenli eilltern prairies cot abundant nJ~all Sig~i million hundredwel&hls u alahut 10.0 while the lOuthwHt\ lfta. were not~ .-nere were more·layen on farms at IIghll IndlcollJ whelher fanl, drives, ond olnu m«ho:"licol equlpml.'flt are operati"!) j»operly. of Incl'Cmiln" durum whe,.t nCf'C!aRe mlllltln In Expnrb continued lucky. Throughout ' Manitoba and, l'!w Jndlof July than the year prevlout, Piclured above from Ihe lelt o,e: Lloyd E. Skinner Dresidenl 01 Skinner Macaroni Com. ;cbuve 1900.61 plantll1g•. pan~: H. Geddn Stanway, ellecutive vice presldentj Or. Rolfe Buhler, and William Berger large Wl,th or mac:aroni and Eastern Satkatchc ~nn heavy land WM tiut there were rewer replacement p ~:. Buhler ,epresentative In Ihe United Stot«. . • 32 " Tim MACARoNI JOt1JlHAL 33 c .. · f ( , I

,.J, "Y , with the same quality " of the present 1000 lb . . weighs (or IIwre if quality isj. all " not essential) ... , •, , types

.' Reduce packing time and Increase productivity. Demaco's new ThJ~ Demaco S~ort Cut Pre~s with two extrusion heads assembled Spaghetti Weigher has ull the time savings Innovations that will re­ In ·l,e:compact unit will produce over 2000 pounds per hour of short duce your packing time - here's why - Speed - overage ~ver 40 cub. Her. the Qc~ent Is on quality, production with ~Iow, slow extru~ packages are accurately weighed pcr minute. V.notlUty _ can slon over two dies. eefore you buy, Investigate the many outstanding handle the full range of dried goods: straight, curved, hooked and f~tur.1 offered by Democo. This new Democo 2000 pound per hour short ends. Now weighing Spaghetti, Spaghettlnl, Mocaroncelll, pre., ,. planned for tomorrow's needs, today. This Is the key to better Perchatelll, Vermicelli, Llngulnl and Llngulnl Fin!. Adaptabillty­ production copaclty' needed today. Over the ' post 20 years, the out­ designed for all standard carton packaging machines. Can be sup­ st0"1'ng performance of the 1000 lb. Democo short cut presses have plied with a completely automatic feeding and conveying system proved their value In longest se,..,.lce and lowest operating costs. direct from stripping machine. Accuracy -Is maintained by OemJco'l 2000 pound per hour preiS has even higher standards of Demaco's unique strand per strand dribble mechanism. Flnol weight quality and stili lower, maintenance costs. For more Information write Is Insured by highly sensitive apta electrical prinCiple of friction­ or call, 0.. Fronclscl Machine Corporation. less weight Indication. scales, I Demaco Spaghetti Weigher can also be adopted for Y4t pound pack­ ages, 2 pound packages or 3 paund packages .

.De FRANCISCI weighs D.M~f;O MACHINE CORPORATION all the~ full line: 45-46 M.lropoilion Avenue .~. " )! types SHORT CUT I PRESSES, AUTOMATIC J, Brooklyn 37, New York SPREADERS, SHEET FORMERS, SHOIT ,fII CUT DRYERS, NOODLE DRYERS, LONG , , • GOODS PRELIMINARY DRYEIS, DIY. #-; t • "(, r ;,.~ .. Phon. EVerg ..en 6·9880 ING lOOMS, EGG DOSERS,

34 TIm MACARONI JaUliNAL OcroBItR. 1962 3S - ---_._--" .. -~--

Fl,. B-Rel.tlon between tolerance tl,. "-EIIett of 1 per cent Pit on Una dou,hI at abaorptlon leveb cor· 18flnoll'an"I parameters at varying ab­ re,poDcUn, to thOle uaed in continuous index and Jail of plament durin. proceIIln. per unit of Upoxldue. IOrp~on and 30 delreH C. macaroni Proceulnl hal been devel­ oped uainl the Ivlnop'aph. Some llIut­ tratioN are presented of how the Cooking MacaronI­ Rhe~lcal Stud le_ rhc:olo.lcat propertln vary with .uch (Continued from pale 30) (Continued from pale 17) facton as .luten quality, Hmalln. In recent yUrI, the Inlroductlon of timet and preuure an can be varied particle .11.8 and addition or qlt. Evi­ the vacuum prell and the ute or tenon to a\llt the needI of a ,Iven Iemol1n.. dence ...lao presented to relate rheo­ dies hat further complicated behavior A aillled, experienced. operator can IOlle.) behaviour and pllment lou per in cookln,. For example, It. hQl been 8clj~t for the particular rheololical unit of Upoxldue activity durin. noted In comparative teau that. there properties of each dOUlh u the YAI'i· proeeuln,c. 'I 11 not. alway. a hllh Increue in welahl OUl ,Itaies come up. Wlt.h C(lntlnuolll and volume of a cooked product pro· proc:euln" there' Ii , not time nor op­ REFERENCE Irvine, O. N., Bradley. J. W" and ducecl with hllh quanty raw materlala. po~unity t.o artapt. the process to the Martin, O. C. A Farino,raph Tech· In addition to oblervlnl t.he cloie cor· .cmolina unJeu the rheolollcal chAl'­ relation bet.ween welaht. and volume of acterlatlea : of the dOUlh are known nlque for Macaroni Dou.hI. Cereal Chemistry 39, 153.184, 15161. • raw , or cooked product, preaent befo{C it 11 Proceaed. Modem process· at.udle. are cbeckln, t.he percenta,e of Inl lIemanda arealer unlfonnlty In aedlment. found u dry reatdue In If It's semo~ina quality If aatllfactory reo NIW Appolntmlnt evaporated cookln, water. ThiJ is aulta are to be achieved. The change· over from batch to contlnuow proceu, WnUam C. Shuey hat been appointed bein, done by the ay.tematlc with· UNIFORMITY. Ina "'at made without an cxieru:lvc a reaearch I e a d e r or the U.S,O.A.. drawal, of water ..mple. at predeter' back,round In the rheololY o~ maca. Wheal Quality Laboralory, which 11 mined. time. and the UH of a Lanse you get It from ronl douJha. Various attempt! have beln' moved from Beltavl1le, Maryland, colorimeter to ettabllih the deaJ'eC been made to correlate the behaviour to the North Dakota State Unlvenlty of muthlneu and to foUow the phe· International I of dpulhl In continuoUi procePlna CampUl, Farao, North Dakota. Thil nomenon on IrAPIu ouUlnln, the char· equipment. with meuuremenb made wl11 brlnl the number of Federal per· acterlltlea of every type and quality Thal's because continuing research on ex1ltin, IDllrumenta wlna t ..>ch. !onnel In the laboratory to four. of macaronI. The article then describe. the pro' and strict. products control at nlque. developed for testlnl the rheo- Mr. Shuey hat had extenaive re· 10,lca'. characterlaUCI of bread wheat. search and Indwulal experience In the cedure and review. If'phs ahowlna a International mean greoter reproducablllt.y telt. made three tlmea dOUlhlj there seem. Uttle doubt, how. area of wheat quallty.and hat been em· with the nme product; the different uniformity, better flavor ond ever,. thr,t the rheological propcrtlea of ployed by General MUt. .Ince 1948, tlnt. behavior of the nme macaroni in varl· cemollna doulb: are very different. at at. Wichita, KenAI; and has been a nutrition-Cor all your macaroni procell1n, ablOrption than member or the Central Quality Control ous mokln, waters; comparliona of cookln, between .pa,hettl made with macaroni products. at baklnl abaorptlon. The technique .taR' In Mlnneapolli for the put ten 10ft wheat and apllhettl made with dlBCUlled here hat the merit that a years. He hat had' broad retearch ex· So, the next tuno you order, commonly available iRltrument 11 used peril'nee and hat participated exten· d~l cookln, behavior of .palheltl manufactured from verlolll blenda and be sure oC uniformity with and mClluremenll are made on douihl slvely at • member of lechnlcal com~ blendt with addItivea. durum producl ~ trom ... at normal procell!na ab!orption. The mittcel concemed with quality of the These ,raphl have been UJed to .tudy reBul\, obtained In exploratory Iludle. American Auoclat on of ·Cereal Chem· eft'erlI of tefton dlea, prell operation, sUllcat that much can be learned. e.~ Ii". and determination of proper cooking pcclally from the examination of the Mr. Shuey auumed hll new dutle. tlmea for a liven product dynamic characteristics, about the ' in early Sept~mber. • The report ROtet that It iJ undoubt· Sllln' Paul, MinnuotG rhcoloalcal propertle. of macaronl edly adviuble, J»R. a control bull, to /, 1 International dougha and how they are affected by French Tour Durum Area '~" eook. part of JUie Ample macaroni MILLING COMPANY such 'actors u semolina particle alze A ,",up of French millen' and m.ca ~ \ separately, In ,order to obtain, . tute and Iluten quality. ronl manufacture" toured the durum and bebavlor",udlment of mac~nl r • DURUM DIVISION Summuy aJ1!a In mid-September u ,unts of the after III proper cookin,"'Umc, '\amler •• BalriwinltlUk, Nrw A technique for charactcrlzln, BOhle GJ1!at Plalnl Wheat., Inc. the ...me conditioN u utilized by \he ...... ____ ...... __ .. __ .. __ ...... ______~.;.~"~.;.:.;L~.~.~.~'C~.~.:' =M:'.:":.:.~.~.~L:'.~.~. M:':":":.:.:.::T~ . ____ of the ,healoBleal properties of 5emo------cook or hoUJewlfe. ' • 37 36 V·II' ' ~·--~=~-~--~·o/.~ ---~··====~·~--- , ~ ..; , I, , 1,

SheoVH of 'POQhetti .tronds or. held to· gether by rings In on oltroctlv. arrange· ment.

Surreall.m'! Nol These are window brought raised eyebrowl and another duplay. of New York City'. famoUi shocked queltlon: "Howl" Jewelry .to~, Tlft'any'• . Mr. Gene Moore, window designer for Tiffany'. .Ince 1955, lay. he hu been rucinated with the varlolll Ihap" of macaroni products for lOme time and t.hat hll Idea for windowl came with t.he handllnl of the maca· ronl. Accordln, to Mr. Moore, the · macaroni practically arranged Itself. When pul'thuin, props ror hi' dis· play., he boulht rive pounds each or t.he many ahopes. Surprised at such a purchaae, the ulea Ilrl uked him It Hla Crystal gobletl of dlffertlnt .llH ore empho· what he was loin, to do with Slled by different types of macoronl &hopes reply: "Put it in a store wlndowl" dlsployed In each. i . Fro1ft' Ad ••rtl.ln. Age attractive lull-color a happy couple are pictured enjoy!nl ;. spOlhetH lUp· Advertillnl Age reporta the hllndred A Diamond Jubl)ee promotion fea· largest national advertisers, Indudlnl per with Budweiser beer. luring the entire line of Diamond Ra· On bll1boardl around the country vloli'. irol.cn Italian foodl will let un· 22 companles ·with food lines, ' Pt!nl " the same Idea is illustrated by the rec:ord $2,880,000,000 In advertisinl In der way .fter Labor Day In the met­ man plcturecl above with the caption: ropolitan New York area. SUllclted 1961, up two per cent from the year "Tbla calla for Bud." prevlO}". ror in-store tie-1M with other Italian Larle.t advertlllni expenditure by rood prod ucu, the promotion will be a food company was $10~,OOO,OOO lpent Honelty is 8 Ane jewel, but much out backed by trade and consumer adver· in the United Statel by Oeneral Foods of faahlon.-Thomaa Fullcr. tlllnl In newapapera and on billboards. Corporation, which ranled third In the notion In ad .pendlng. American Home Outdoor ad .."I.ln. appea .. around the country. Producf.s Corporation was lecond, Na· tlonal Dairy Produets Corporation third, followed by General Mills.

Spoghe"1 and Bud ' "Spaghetti Nllhtl So In e people really know how to make .pa,hettll And what goel belt with In We'U live three .•. two . •• one guess. Where there's Ufe .•• there's Bud." So advertises Anheuser·Ousch. Inc .• Institute famuus brewers of St. Louis, Newark, Loll Angeles and 'i)l5t-pa In current f~;ti;:'~t; ..tif riiO.c.,:irolnl ' . "p!>!~hetti· and nO<. .•es. pllll'Cments in 511turday Evening Post, Sport. IIIustruted, Time and Life. In Palatine, III, JS .- - .. ~ • - ~ .! .•• . " ...... , - .--- .- ) CLASSIFIID ' J ADVI'T~" "TII~·· · -"' ..1 J i)(JUl H ~RfAKfR WAY BACK WHEN.r-t ·; IIi,i.,~ . ~;;,. .. A"'''''''' IL_;...... t: ! :"::'::"':!"~:;";:"" __~_ ""!::."'·-'~-::::Yx._,:,,'_·"""= __-....:._ ·_____I w ...... 71 c..t. .... II.. , s . '. ' POI IALl-Buhler P,.... Ilk, new. Box • .4f81l ' m~~n!·I-;A~::1Ic: City was • Wartime ::mV=,!rlOmeat by our 175, Macaroni JCM.Imol. Palatine, III. called '"to dt.courage and dellroy the ailiel and armed torce. was making WANTID _ Mldweltern mac;aronl finn II dc.~cUve competition that hili prov- meat ration lnl neceuary, and mara· looking for c;ompetent plant manager 10 en ~ detrimental to aorrowinl hun- ronl wu capltatldn, on the meatless . handle 011 buslneSi detail, with • .ltc;~Uon of drecb and hy better understanding meal. campalsn. sal". Write 80K 197, Moc;aronl . Journal, with your fellow manuladurer create • Nutritional education was beina: Polatlne, III. '. a cp. clear and honest competitive promoted In the Food For Victory bUJ~ thal.1 wl1l conserve the inter- drive by the NaUonal Grocers Jnstl- '01 SALI-On. Consolidated 01. Cleaner. call . ~ .U members of the Indudry, lute. I , Two F. L. Burt Slmpl.K Positlv. Dlsploce. the ~ ifJ.led trade. and the conlumlng • Pre.ldent C. W. Wolfe wrote a Jetter ment Egg DoSing Pump-. 80K 198, Moca· publle.~ ... to all maearonl and noodle manulae­ ronl Journal Palotlne, IlIInoll. • Tht Minneapoll. Journal In a front turerl uralna them to caRlerve mola­ pA,efedltorlal luaaested that the gov- ture.proof cellophane which wu In INDEX TO emment In crop reports .hould dls- .hort .upply beeaure of the war ef­ t1n; ulsh between durum and hard fort. ADVERTISERS · .p~whtaL ... • Throw your snap Into the fiahl," , A._ MAIl .. DI,We •• GoT.A...... 31 • A Jlmple way to determine your dellvept COlli' bl horse, au or elec­ d~l.red American IndUitry Saivaae .....,.,.. ""-c., ... " ~ ...... 24.25 tricltylwu oft'ered with a COlt anal)'lls Cotmlttee, uraln, factory scrap cam· ADM--Ce...... 4e' a.. ..~ Milli ... ".1' ,.. fonn' .uuesUn, methodJ of applyln, a ._ ..... made ell price. hlah, ...... 15 W,,_CAIl tClt tp , make the dnal choice. . ~a ~";;~.leue c.~ ~.. 10 the Aaoclatlon waled oonUnuoUi II.. e.I·, Me,.' •• sa.., ...... 41 • Afijlr' workina a year and a half on war a.ainsl . ubstltute. which were 1eK. & N.tt...... 4' th.~rUr' a new law ~ wu flnaUy mo.tly mlxtutel of lOy nour and arti- . • ,...... M. I Go ...... 4.' adop by Conareu and IlanOO by the c.,... ,. ~eS~ Pre .. denLI TariJ! on macaroni waa in­ flclal color. I ••• ee". ... IH. TIle ...... 42 ..3 221 Ie, It,.... I.. ' ...ellCe 11, Celli. creiaecS from one to two Cenla a pound. )0 y-k. Ago a...... t Me,.'" c.,.." I.e...... 27 T.Ie,... Dell .... 2.27.4 Amertean manUfacture,. . felt belter • Pretty Helen Olson with chet cap O.'.. lKhcl C."... tloll .... 34·" abou competlUon from abroad . . Me,., •• I and beaplna plattel"l of macaroni and 0.... ".., ...... , I.c...... 41 .\ 's I :'" \~ 1; ••' ? IO Yean,Ago .pa.hettl heralded National Macaroni D.PMt .. M.... ,. & Co •• I. I...... 2. • Bu.meu wu. comlna out of the Week, Oc;tobcr 11'·25...... 1 MIls, I.", ...... ,' ...... c.,., IV deprcalon'l. Utd tbef i dltor urged belp. • Henry Putnam" of the Northweat , ...... MlibIt eo..,. .. , ...... J7 In, the upward ';; trend ' by promoting Crop Improvement AaI.-oclatlon te- J.cHs.W'.ItefiI t...... I.e, .... 41 quality, 'advertlsln, and concentration ported durum ,rowers dllcouraged JACOBS·WINSTON AUTOMATIC EGG EMPTYING MACHINES 01 sales effON to natural terrllorles. with the put three yean of IUIt and M.W.rl I Seas. D...... 21 FOR ALL YOUR MACARONI PRODUCTS • The 19)2 durum crop.wa'.ralled sat­ unfavorable harvest weather. "Pre.ent N..... I M.ce ...1 I...... " LIIORATORIES, lIe. islactory with color fine . and proleln premium." lor quaUty durum .hould ...... Debt. Mill .... II..,... , ...... • hl,h. \ WJlh' nearli twice the quantity b~ the be.t method (or obtalnlng de· P.,••• N. 1M. "...... U EST. 1"0 needeci for Jftacaronl making In ', the sired luppllcl, he said. • loaettl LItNt ..,. c:...... c. .., 11 United States, there WaJ a goodly • Alter 25 ' yean of service, Bert I.uea MUI.-«'1If MIM, MUI. .... 7 CoMUltint ~td Analytical Chemlet.. apedali.;n. quantity ~vallable for export. Groom, chairman of the board of the in all iruttllt" ;nr.:Jv;n4 the examination, produc> • "PIe"'nt RelatioN With Food Ol~ Greater North Dakota Auoelatlon, wa U.s. Prl .... elHl ...... N,...... 11 tlon ond IlObelln, 01 Mouroni, Noodl. and E" nclai.~ WaJ the topic of an addreu nucmblln, lampll!!l tor exhlblUn, at Product.. by Dr. Benjamin R. Jacob. before the the International Livestock, Grain and Loull Onofrio Di" Auoc!.atlon of Dairy, Food &: Drua Hay Show for th, lut time. ' Loul. A. Onofrio, ISS, tormerly of omclal. In Cincinnati. l-V'hulIl.. a .... Mlne,al. Enrlch",.nt AllaY', i • Ted Sills and Bob Green inet with KanJaI City, paased away Aueuat 21 • The 1932 Italian Olympics team did macaroni manufacturera In ' Seattle, In Rochester, Mlnnesola, where he had 2-1" Solid •••d Color Score In Ell" Yolk. and welt, and marathon runner Carlo. Za­ San FranclJco, and Lo. Angele. to been a patient for a lew day ..' He wu . Itt N...... bala attributed hla endurance to dally· acquolnt them with plant ror National the piant manaaer or the American dlshe. of .pa,hetlL . . ;J Macaroni , Week. . ':P': Beauty Macaroni Company In Dalla, 3-$eMolI.. o and Flour Anol,.ls. Stol"'e.. St,,1 ... " .. ,' .. Con.tructlon • Texas, where he lived.,· , 4-lCHleJl' and ... aact I.. h,'otlon Invel,lgatlon., :, , ..... j' " f' . Under the pre v lou. organltatlon, ' Survivorl include hls wUe, Romana, Mlcroacoplc A... Iy .... Maximum Dow fl•• lbl. Pockollng sal.. Dow platlcs ..Ie. told 81m and rheet. two lORa and a dau,hler, and two Capacltyl A new .aies ann-flexible packaiing ina to converte,. and Dobeckmun di- grandchildren. r • S-SANITARY PLANT INSPECTIONS AND salel-ha. been establWted by l'The WRlnEN REPORTS. 5000 .... Dow Chemical Company, and Robert vi. Ion ule. IOld ~ end u.ers. Dlvlalon at Cleveland, wUl make hls per hour. S, Jone. ha. been named manager. , ''Tbe;,new, oraaqtutlon ls ex~ " headquarters in MJdland. JOnet, who .­ More Y',I •. Donald K. Ballman. vice president to Improve the .pectrum of producta · joined ~ Do~wil1 1n 11132 at Cleve. James J.)~{inston, Director for marketing. purchasing, and distrl· and servlcel Dow can offer at aUleve). land 11 a 'araduate of DlItIaouth Col. bay to clean. bution for Dow, aald the new group of the market fO~ l flexlble packaging," .leac: He la a put preslden\' ana a ion,. ,..,f!l \ 156 ' C h~mbers Street oonlolldolc. s ul~1 of film operations In Ballman said. . tlme"dlrector of the NallonaUFJexlble ' f .. New York 7, N.Y. MACHINERY WORKS BOSCH & HOLTES packagin1 and packaglng·related arena Jones, who hili been general sales Packagln. Auoclatlon., J;' f' 226 AnjeUerlitroot. Am.terdam. Hollond Inlo on~ marketing unit. manager of the ~lIanY'1 Dobcckmun

40 TIm MACARONI 41 , ,

Sp'eclal~y _designed to produce Ibr;g· ' .. goods of finest QUALITV

Hera Is a long goods dryer that reatures the latest techniques nnd dcvclopmcn18 in the In­ dustry. Ultra modern and (ully automatic, this new dryer was designed from the begin­ ning wJth the quality of tho long goods prod. uct In mind. Preclso control of temperature. humidity, and air circulation insure the even and thorough drying nCC'C880ry to producing uniConn and sturdy long goods. CUllom·enllnllrad. Buhler lonl loods dry· era are cuatom-englnccrcd to Ht your floor space requirements and can be adapted to handle stick lengths from 64 to 80 Inches with capaciUes up to 1600 pounds or long fJoods per hour. The entire long goods IInc ncttd not be Installed cnd-to-end. U floor space docs not pcnnlt It Is possible to orrnng:e the vari­ ous units side-by·slde or on dlfJercnt floors.

~ NI. POlltl.l·eonlrol stick lllvalor. Thl.new stick elevator ls on exclusive Duhler feature. The sUcks are actually picked up by s[X!Clol stick guides which control them positively In transfer. Unlike conventional stick elevator chain devices, these guided. sticka can't roll or slide from the chnIn at the transfer point to the drying tiers, thus practlcnlly eUmlnallnR ,I mechanical breakdoWRH. -~----" - New.rom Swlnl·aut plnels for lI.y ICCISI.lndividunl panels on each of the dryer units swinK out to provide quick and almple cleaning or in· • SanitarY off.the-floor con,lrudlon • C,ntroU.teI contrGl pan,l. can · spectlon. It tnkes only scconds to get at the BUHLER interior of tho dryer. The panel Bwlngs out prevln'. condenlOtlon on thl floor taln uniqui cllmot. control .y.tems und.rneath and aliowl for .a.y which aUow th, product to Ht Ih for enough to give sufficient room for d ean. jng and maintenance equiJlment. cleanlnB. own drying tlmperature according to It, wal., rei .... capability, and • Nlw polltl.,,·eO"lrol .tlcic eleva­ 0110 all trldrleal conlrol .. lor with .peclal .tl,k guld•• pre"en. '011/"8 or IUppln. of Ion. • 'oIUI"• .olr clrculallon producel .ood. uniform controlled drying. Pre·dryer. Drylnl 01 tho product begIn. 1m. operation by Jnstalllng 11 Buhler pre-dryer in In tran,fe,. mediately at tho entrance to the pre-drycr to your present prodUCtlOI ' line. , • NIW dlllg" panellna with .p.­ prevent stretching of the long goods on the • Swlng.out panll, mako In.pec­ elal thick In.ulatlon .fop. hi.' and dryinR sticka. The Buhler "Mammoth" pre­ Inquire now. It you pre mterestcti in Jlroduc­ dryer handles up to 1500 pounds of long goods .Ion and cleaning t ••y. Ing the finest quality long goods while ot the vapor. per hour and can reduce molsture by 10%. same timo increnain, the efficiency or your You can also improve your prcacnt drying: ope~Uon~ call or write BUHLER loday. .' ~ 'HI 'UHUI COI'Ou.noH. 1925 w"" v'" ...... ,.., Complete MINo ...paf '. n. Min .... " .... ' h ....., lIbe", ' . I~I Mscsro ; Plsnts BUHLER .utlU. ,.onn.. Ct...... ,.) UD• • 111 o...un ' " .., I •• t, 'OIont" I, 0"111"'" 'ho ... , IMp;'. '·2lU b IcoIM 0fIt.. H... YOI It, Cit" 210 '0I1t, ...... ~ e . ,ho"., MUll., HIli t·"'" .. • ----.-

FARM HARVEST CASSEROU: 2 CUll! cul-up stewed I pkK. It! oz. ) IlruHlle!! chlt-'Uln (rescrve bruth! :! tbtip. chul'lilJcillimiclllu I. CUll ChOPI'l'