ISSN: 0029-7739 $ 1.00 per copy THE BSERVER OOfficial Newspaper of the Catholic of Rockford Volume 84 | No. 25 FRIDAY JUNE 14, 2019 2019 Graduates Pray and Celebrate

(Photos provided) Father Andrew Deitz, spiritual director at St. Edward Central Catholic High School e live in a time that is marked by a society that is in Elgin, blesses a student during Commu- unsure of itself, of what is right and wrong, about nion at the Baccalaureate Mass May 16 at ‘W 10 a.m. in the school gym. The Mass was what is true or false. God is being shoved aside. What the followed by an awards ceremony. 2019 Marks Centennial world needs is committed witnesses to live the truth and Graduation at Newman to show the world it can be done and done joyfully.’ Sterling’s 100th class graduated May 22. — Bishop Malloy, graduation address page 7

N.Y. Court Says Sheen’s Remains Must Go to Peoria

PEORIA (CNS)—The Peoria Dio- the Archdiocese of New York and the work with Joan Sheen Cunningham cese said Bishop Daniel R. Jenky “is trustees of St. Patrick’s Cathedral, who — Sheen’s niece and clos- overjoyed and elated” that the remains sought to keep the remains of the famed est living relative — and the Diocese of of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen will be orator and media pioneer interred at St. Peoria to arrange for a respectful trans- coming home to the diocese following a Patrick’s, where they have rested since fer of the remains to St. Mary’s Cathe- ruling by the state of New York’s high- after his death Dec. 9, 1979. dral in Peoria. est court. According to published reports in The In 2016, Cunningham filed a legal

(CNS file photo) The New York Court of Appeals New York Times and other media out- complaint seeking to have her uncle’s Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen on June 7 rejected a final appeal from lets, the archdiocese said it will now Continued on page 3

This Issue Inside

Bishop Malloy ...... 2 Ground Cleared for Registration Open Headliners...... 3 Diocesan...... 4- 6 Campus Changes for 2019 Silver Nation/World ...... 7-8 With legal barriers hurdled, and Gold Mass Graduation ...... 9-20 demolition begins at page 5 Around the Diocese . 21-23, 27 Cathedral of St. Peter campus ‘Father of the Team’ Our Catholic View ...... 24-25 in Rockford. The old convent For the Record ...... 26 next to the school remains Paul Perrone, girls’ basketball (Photo provided) coach at Boylan CCHS, enters Media/Arts...... 27 untouched as of June 10. (Observer photo/Amanda Hudson) Forever Family ...... 28 page 4 state coaches hall of fame. Forever Family, page 28 2 | FRIDAY JUNE 14, 2019 | The Observer Respect for Life Must Be Reclaimed

pregnant has a fundamental right have short or diffi cult lives. They The Observer (ISSN 0029- hat have you done? to continue the pregnancy and deserve all the support society 7739), is published weekly, Your ’s blood give birth or to have an abortion, can give them. except fi ve times a year by ‘W and to make autonomous the Diocese of Rockford, “But to deny that the lives cries out to me from the 555 Colman Center Dr., P.O. decisions about how to exercise growing within these women Box 7044, Rockford, IL 61125 ground!’ that right.” is anything other than human Phone: 815/399-4300; Fax Astonishingly, the bill goes or that they would, in the vast 815/399-6225. — Gen 4:10 on to say, “A fertilized egg, BY BISHOP majority of cases, develop into Periodical postage paid at embryo, or fetus does not have DAVID J. healthy children is simply to Rockford, Ill., and additional independent rights under the mail offi ces. MALLOY hese are the words of deny reality. If we are saying that laws of this State.” (Section 1-15). God to Cain recorded the unwanted are not worthy of POSTMASTER: send address Additionally, the legislation changes to The Observer, 555 in the Book of Genesis life, we are entering an ethical requires that all private insurance Colman Center Dr., P.O. Box e after he took his and moral wasteland where other policies that include pregnancy 7044, Rockford, IL 61125 Wcannot Tbrother’s life. human beings can be denied their As we follow the recent related benefi ts must include For ADVERTISING information: escape the due process, their human dignity deliberation and vote about the coverage for abortion. Once Contact The Observer at the and their right to life.” address above or call 815/399- feeling terribly named Reproductive again not only does this increase Our statement follows on a talk 4300; fax 815/399-6225, that the Health Act (RHA) now passed by the threat to the unborn child, but Email: kmccarthy@ given by Francis just a few disrespect the Illinois House and Senate, as it forces those with objections of conscience to cooperate days earlier in Rome. In that talk that society citizens of Illinois we might ask Send NEWS information to The by mandating their fi nancial he commented, “No human being and our laws ourselves the very same question. Observer at the address or fax The bill, which Gov. J.B. contributions to abortion related can ever be unfi t for life … . number above; send email to are a ording Pritzker has promised to sign, insurance policies. Abortion is never the answer that Observer@rockforddiocese. the gift of has lethal consequences for the Taken together, these clauses women and families are looking org; or fi ll out a form at remove any state interest or right for.” http://observer.rockforddiocese. life makes weakest and most vulnerable org/contact-us. among us, our preborn brothers of action in defending in any way We cannot escape the feeling this to be a Subscription rate $28.00 per and sisters. They, who have the life of the child in the mother. that the disrespect that society dark time in The bill deliberately defl ects year (48 issues); Canadian no voice to cry out, have been and our laws are aff ording the and Pan American $29; other which we deemed expendable under our attention from any claim to gift of life makes this to be a foreign: surface mail $37, air live. virtually any circumstance. any assistance or even avoidance dark time in which we live. mail $97; single copies $1. And the rights of conscience of pain on the part of the unborn That rejection of love of The Observer Online digital have been trampled as well. child. the humanity of the unborn is subscriptions are also available. Even though the vast majority This expansion of abortion in inevitably refl ected in a wider Publisher: of respondents in polls have Illinois forces those of us who disrespect for human life among Most Reverend David J. Malloy value the gift of human life to be opposed such radical legislation, the poor, the stranger and those Editor: Penny Wiegert cooperators in the destruction of we awakened on the morning who are diff erent or who disagree Amanda Hudson that gift. of June 1 to the news that in a News Editor: with us. Supporters have tried to midnight vote these measures Features and Multimedia sugarcoat this reality by saying had been approved. We are better than this, as a Editor: Sharon Boehlefeld that this bill “modernizes Prior to the passage of this state and as citizens of Illinois. Circulation/Proofreading: Illinois’ reproductive rights bill, the Catholic Bishops of In response to God’s question, Susan Sabrowski, Keith laws.” We cannot allow ourselves Illinois urged its defeat saying, “What have you done?” we need Ludolph to be beguiled by deceptive “We appreciate the complex and to respond with even greater love Accounting: Jill Bonk rhetoric. diffi cult challenges facing women and greater eff ort. Advertising and Marketing: For example, the RHA states, who have unplanned pregnancies Respect for all human life must Kevin McCarthy ”Every individual who becomes or who carry babies destined to be reclaimed. Production and Web Administrator: Gary Haughton Contributing Writers: Father Kenneth Wasilewski, Father Kyle Manno, Keith Ludolph, ‘And Lead Us Not Into Temptation’ Lynne Conner, Tony Carton, Pat Szpekowski, Margarita Mendoza, Louise Brass, Patrick From the General Audience, St. Peter’s Square, contempt, humiliation. Not only to the thief; to all the people Winn May 15, part 2 ill will but also cruelty, rage who were there, unaware of the Publication Dates: Weekly against Him. tragedy that was taking place, The last cry of the “Our except that in 2019 there will This is what man is — a being He off ers a word of peace: Father” is cast against be no issues on Jan. 4, March consecrated to life, who dreams “Father, forgive them; for they 29, May 31, Aug. 30, Nov. 29 this “wide-brimmed” evil of love and goodness, but who and Dec. 27. (CNS photo/C. Peri via Reuters) Peri photo/C. (CNS know not what they do.” (Lk which keeps the most varied then continually exposes himself 23:34) News Deadlines: Usually, 10 BY POPE experiences under its umbrella: and others to evil, to the point From Jesus’ forgiveness on the days before publication date. FR ANCIS mankind’s mourning, innocent that we can be tempted to cross springs peace. True peace Ad Deadlines: Usually, 10 suff ering, slavery, the despair of mankind. comes from the cross. It is the days before publication date. hus Jesus’ exploitation of others, the tears Dear brothers and sisters, in gift of the Risen One, a gift that of innocent children. Offi cial information on the poli- Tprayer this way, the “Our Father” is Jesus gives us. cies, activities, and positions leaves us All these things protest in similar to a symphony which Just think that the fi rst of the Diocese of Rockford is man’s heart and become a voice seeks to be fulfi lled in each of greeting the Risen Jesus gives released only in the pages of the most The Observer, or in state- in the fi nal words of Jesus’ us. is “peace be with you,” peace precious ments from the Diocesan prayer. A Christian knows how in your souls, in your hearts, in Offi ce of Communications and legacy — It is precisely in the enslaving the power of evil your lives. The Lord gives us Publications. the presence narratives of the Passion that is, and at the same time, peace. The Observer uses recycled of the Son some expressions of the “Our experiences how Jesus, who He gives us forgiveness, but paper and is recyclable. Father” fi nd their most striking of God who never gave in to its seduction, is we must ask “deliver us from Our Mission is the mission resonance. Jesus says: “Abba, on our side and comes to our aid. evil” in order not to succumb to of the Church itself — to delivered us Father, all things are possible to Thus Jesus’ prayer leaves us evil. spread the Gospel through thee. Remove this cup from me; contemporary means of from evil, the most precious legacy — the This is our hope, the strength communications.  ghting to yet not what I will, but what thou presence of the Son of God who given to us by the Risen One convert it. wilt.” (Mk 14:36) delivered us from evil, fi ghting who is in our midst. He is here. Member of: Jesus experiences the piercing to convert it. In the hour of the He is here with that strength of evil in its entirety. Not only fi nal struggle He commands that He gives us to go forward, death, but death on the cross. Peter to put his sword back in and He promises to deliver us Not only solitude, but also its sheath; He ensures paradise from evil. Headliners The Observer | FRIDAY JUNE 14, 2019 | 3 DPC Takes on Life BY PENNY WIEGERT collectively,” Collins said. Editor Near the end of the meeting, council members discussed DIOCESAN—Members of suggestions to increase efforts the Diocesan Pastoral Coun- at both the diocesan and parish cil were updated on legislation levels to be visible and positive protecting and threatening life witnesses to support life. around the U.S. and in Illinois Also at the meeting Bishop during their meeting June 8. Malloy thanked Sharon Hall, A report on Be Reconciled representing lay professionals, Day and Ministry Day opened and Nadine Konieczny, repre- the agenda followed by a pre- senting the McHenry Deanery,

(CNS photo) view by Bishop David Malloy for their service as they con- Standing near of a portrait of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, Bonnie Eng- on the proposed changes and cluded their terms on the DPC. strom gives a reading at a 2011 Mass at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria. updates coming from the United Engstrom’s son’s birth was attributed to a miraculous intervention by States Conference of Catholic Three terms open Archbishop Sheen. Bishops on clergy sexual abuse Kevin Fuss, DPC executive and new norms for reporting (Observer photo/Penny Wiegert) secretary and diocesan director abuse by bishops. Bishop Mal- Bishop David Malloy thanks Na- of Research and Planning, says loy was scheduled to attend the dine Konieczny for her service on there are three openings on the N.Y. Court Says June 10-14 bishops’ meeting the Diocesan Pastoral Council. DPC. One representative is where these discussions would needed from the Aurora, Elgin take place. “This pastoral plan calls upon and McHenry deaneries. Sheen’s Remains After questions and answer all the resources of the Church Individuals in good stand- with Bishop Malloy, councilors — its people, services, and in- ing with the Church and active heard from Director of the Fam- stitutions—to pursue this effort in their parish may nominate Must Go to Peoria ily Life and Evangelization Of- with renewed energy and com- themselves for service after fice Jennifer Collins on legisla- mitment in four major areas,” contacting the dean of their From page 1 Pope Benedict XVI, who grant- tion passed in Illinois under the Collins said. Those areas are: deanery. remains moved to the cathedral ed him the title “Venerable.” “Reproductive Health Act” and 1. Public information and edu- Terms are three-years long in Peoria, a factor the Diocese With progress already made the work being done by pro-life cation; and members attend two morn- of Peoria has maintained is and pending the approval of advocates around the country. 2. Pastoral care; ing meetings each year at the critical for a hoped-for future Pope Francis, diocesan officials Collins highlighted legisla- 3. Public policy efforts; and, Diocesan Administration Cen- . believe a beatification could tion passed in other states and 4. Prayer and worship. ter in Rockford. Twice, the Manhattan Su- take place relatively soon after reviewed the four pillars of the “This plan requires all of us: Find information to contact preme Court ruled in her favor the anticipated arrival of the re- U.S. bishop’s pastoral plan for , deacons, religious, and the deans http://www. and twice the New York Arch- mains at St. Mary’s Cathedral. Pro-life activities. lay persons, individually and diocese appealed, halting the The diocesan statement ex- transfer. pressed Bishop Jenky’s grati- After an evidentiary hear- tude for the willingness now ing last year clarifying what indicated by the New York Archbishop Sheen’s wishes Archdiocese to cooperate with would have been, Manhattan the transfer. Supreme Court Justice Arlene Necessary permits were re- Bluth again agreed with Cun- portedly to be applied for the ningham’s request. week of June 10. It is unknown In a statement issued June 9, how long it will take for all de- the Diocese of Peoria expressed tails to be worked out. joy and gratitude for the latest Bishop Jenky thanked all decision that ends the long-run- who have worked and prayed ning legal dispute. for the success of the legal ef- “Bishop (Daniel R.) Jenky is forts, including Cunningham overjoyed and elated that, for “for her perseverance.” the fifth time, the New York He expressed special grati- courts have upheld Joan Sheen tude to Patricia Gibson, Peoria Cunningham’s petition,” it diocesan chancellor and attor- said, noting the June 7 ruling ney, “who has championed this “marks the final decision of the legal case and the cause of Ven- New York court system.” erable Archbishop Sheen since The Peoria Diocese opened its beginning.” Archbishop Sheen’s cause for The bishop asked for contin- in 2002. His he- ued prayers for the advance- roic virtue and life of sanctity ment of Archbishop Sheen’s were recognized in 2012 by sainthood cause. Ministry Formation is a 2 year program for any adult Catholics who desire a deeper relationship with God and His community, to explore Catholic teaching, and to develop compassionate leadership skills in diverse areas of ministry. Bishop Malloy’s ROCKFORD — June 23, 7:30 Public Schedule a.m., Sunday Mass, Cathedral of Classes are in Aurora, McHenry, Rockford, and we are excited to announce our St. Peter new location in Stockton! We are also pleased to announce our new family BALTIMORE — June 10-14, U. S. Conference of Catholic ROCKFORD — June 23, friendly class schedule! You will meet about twice a month: weekday meetings Bishops Spring General 7 p.m., Mass for St. Therese 7pm-9pm and Saturday meetings 9am-12:30pm. Meeting Vocation Camp, Bishop Lane Retreat Center Orientation Day is August 24th! ROCKFORD — June 16, 7:30 a.m., Sunday Mass, Cathedral of AURORA — June 24, 5:30 Apply at: under Adult Faith Formation St. Peter p.m., Mass of Installation as BYRON — June 20, 5:30 p.m., Pastor of Father Matthew For more information or questions please call Kristina at 815-399-4300 Mass of Installation as Pastor McMorrow at St. Church or e-mail [email protected] of Father Richard Rosinski at St. MADISON, Wis. — June 25, Mary Church 11 a.m., Mass of Installation of ROCKFORD — June 22, 4:30 Most Rev. Donald J. Hying as p.m., Mass and Corpus Christi Fifth Bishop of Madison, St. Procession, St. Rita Church Church 4 | FRIDAY JUNE 14, 2019 | The Observer Diocesan Ground Cleared for Campus Changes Legal Barriers Hurdled, Demo Under Way at Old Chancery

THE OBSERVER STAFF May 31 that a group calling themselves “Save Piety Hill” ROCKFORD—After months had no legal standing and of meetings, petitions, protests therefore cannot claim prop- and waiting for decisions, the erty damages from demolition former chancery and convent of the structures. are being razed to make way for Judge Honzel, after pre- prayer gardens and parking at senting a long list of support- the Cathedral of St. Peter cam- ing case law, dismissed both pus here. the lawsuit against the City of Judge Donna Honzel ruled Rockford and the group’s re- quest to seek a Temporary Re- straining Order against razing the former chancery and con- vent buildings, both located on the Cathedral campus. The Diocese of Rockford is- sued a written statement after the court hearing. “The Diocese of Rockford is grateful the ruling upheld the property rights of the diocese to freely determine future and best use of its Cathedral of St. Peter campus property in ac- cord with our religious mis- sion,” the statement said. “As we have continually

(Observer photo/Amanda Hudson) maintained, the Diocese of Even after demolition began at Rockford is not just one neigh- the old chancery, vandals en- borhood and one city, but many (Observer photo/Amanda Hudson) tered the building. Some took over 11 counties in northern Il- On the rst day of demolition, June 1, a portion of the original brick building was uncovered as pieces of and posted pictures online. No linois. Petitioners in this mat- the facade came down. The work began at the back of the chancery early but was halted for ordination. one has been reported hurt while ter believe our buildings on the trespassing. Cathedral campus should be turned over to a secular or com- The main garden located in mercial enterprise because it is the footprint of the former chan- their personal vision. We have cery will be dedicated to Mary DIOCESAN APPEAL made it clear that is not our vi- under her title of the Immacu- 2019 DIOCESE of ROCKFORD sion, nor is it our mission.” late Conception, patroness of Demolition on the old chan- the Rockford Diocese and the cery building began early June United States. The garden will 1, stopping several hours before include a statue, walkways, ordination ceremonies began seating and trees honoring each across the street at the Cathe- bishop serving the diocese since dral of St. Peter. it was formed in 1908. Some people from the neigh- The second garden will be lo- (Observer illustration courtesy Arc Design Resources, borhood arrived to take photos, cated in the space of the former Inc.) videos and to protest the work convent. That garden will be A portion of a poster created by Arc Design Resources, Inc., of being done. In the early de- dedicated to Our Lady of Gua- Loves Park, shows proposed gar- molition, onlookers were able dalupe, patroness of the Amer- den and parking spaces for the to see evidence of the original icas, and will honor Hispanic Cathedral campus. three-story brick house around Catholics who make up almost which the former chancery was half of the diocesan Catholic also being made. constructed in 1928. population. Ideas and plans to use the After the two buildings are Installation of the prayer former Cathedral of St. Pe- razed and the property is prop- spaces and additional parking ter School are also being dis- erly graded, work will begin on should be completed this sum- cussed. Updates on the school the new prayer and meditation mer. Plans for dedication cere- will be published as they be- gardens. monies for the new gardens are come available.

The Deaf Apostolate serves a small but tight community of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Catholics in the Diocese. Priests, deacons and volunteers help meet sacramental and spiritual needs through more than five deaf or interpreted Masses every weekend in the seven deaneries. Additionally, a Lenten Retreat for the deaf is in its 12th year, volunteers organize Bible Study groups, and the deaf community hosts an annual Christmas party at the Jack Mabley Developmental Center in Dixon.

(Observer photo/Amanda Hudson) As of late afternoon June 10, portions of the old chancery remained to be razed, but most of the building was rubble. Work on the nearby Cathedral of St. Peter Parish old convent had not yet begun. Diocesan The Observer | FRIDAY JUNE 14, 2019 | 5

St. Mary School in East Dubuque in Memorial Day Parade

(Photos provided)

Students, parents, alumni and staff of St. Mary School in East Dubuque took part in the town’s Memorial Day parade May 27. ABOVE: Future student: Rhett Berning, father, Matt Berning, current students, Elyse Sheehan, Allison Heitkamp, St. Mary mascot, and Principal Angi Jones, get ready to begin marching in the East Dubuque Memorial Day Parade. BELOW: The full banner explains the school’s curriculum of science, technology, religion, engineering, art and math. TOP RIGHT: Former alumni walked with their alma mater, St. Mary School in the Memorial Day parade. Class of ’50 is Mary Jo (Rolling) Lange (mother of Dan & Mike Lange from Lange Sign Group), her sister, Jude (Rolling) Steil (up from Bettendorf, IA), Class of ’51, and Joayne “JoJo” (Hocking) Sullivan, Class of ’63. BOTTOM RIGHT: Gabe Hilby, for- mer St. Mary student poses as St. Mary Knight, school mascot. Registration Open For 2019 Silver And Gold Mass

DIOCESE—Registration is open for this year’s Silver and Gold Anniversary Mass, to be celebrated by Bishop David Malloy on Aug. 18 at St. Mary Parish in Huntley. Mass will begin at 2:30 p.m. and will be followed by a cake and punch reception in the par- (Photo provided) ish hall. who would like to attend The first day of school won’t wait. Couples from the Rockford this event by phone and Neither should you. Diocese who are celebrating through online forms at milestone wedding anniversa- OSF HealthCare is here for you and your family. For your convenience, we now offer ries in 2019 are invited. Anni- anniversary (in English) and Same-Day Appointments at all of our primary care locations. versaries include 25, 50, 55, 60, Illinois requires a physical exam of all children entering a public, private or parochial school in the following grades: 65 or more years of marriage. aniversario (in Spanish). • Pre-kindergarten • 6th grade The Life and Family Those who register by Aug. • Kindergarten • 9th grade Evangelization Office will be 5 will receive commemorative The physical must be completed within a year of when your child enters a grade requiring a physical. A Certificate of Child Health form must be completed by the health care provider and include a parent’s signature. While a sports collecting details from those certificates. physical cannot be used as the required school physical, a completed Certificate of Child Health form may be used as proof for a sports physical.

If you’re looking for a pediatrician, the following OSF HealthCare doctors are welcoming new patients: Say ‘Thank you, Father.’ Watch for this logo on

Asma Khan, DO N. Mariam Shair, MD Robin Punsalan, MD, MHS The Observer Catholic OSF Medical Group – Parkview OSF Medical Group – Belvidere OSF Medical Group - Byron 1502 Parkview Ave., Rockford 1954 Gateway Center Drive, Belvidere 109 N. Franklin Street, Byron Newspaper Facebook (815) 381-7250 (815) 544-7400 (815) 234-3900

page and join us in Don’t wait until the last minute! Call us to schedule your child’s school physical today. praying for our priests. 6 | FRIDAY JUNE 14, 2019 | The Observer Diocesan

Don’t Miss Bishop Malloy’s TV Messages

Weekday Reflection (about 6:58 a.m.) on WREX-TV, Channel 13, Rockford Top o’ the

Morning (Photos provided) with St. Hosts Retreat with Rwandan Genocide Survivor Women come forward at Thomas More Parish in Elgin during a May 31-June 1 gathering featuring Im- Bishop maculée Ilibagiza (above right in green), a Rwandan genocide survivor and author of “Left To Tell: Dis- covering God Amidst the Rwandan Genocide.” Over 200 people from as far as Canada came to listen to Malloy Ilibagiza’s universal message about faith, hope, love and forgiveness. The congregation danced, cried, Listen to archives anytime at laughed and sang together during the two-day event. Ilibagiza also took time to sign books while she was at the Elgin parish. She will return to the Rockford Diocese for a retreat at St. James Parish in Belvi- Click on Bishop Malloy on the top left dere Sept. 27-28. For more information visit side of the page.

Brought to you by Fitzgerald Funeral Homes Illinois Bank & Trust Diocesan Office of Young Adults Attend Pre-Pentecost Communication and Publications The Observer Office of Charitable Giving, Event at St. Mary in Sycamore Diocese of Rockford BY LOUISE BR ASS Observer Correspondent SYCAMORE—Young adults gathered to hear the im- portance of making a decision to follow Christ, during “A Pentecost Evening of Refl ec- tion” with author and speaker Pete Burak, May 28. Burak’s ministry focuses on helping lead young adults to become missionary disciples

and to live more deeply the life (Observer photos/Louise Brass) And Don’t Miss of faith through the Holy Spirit. Author and speaker, Pete Burak (standing), leads the pre-Pentecost evening of re ection at St. Mary Parish His presentation held at St. in Sycamore. His Column Mary Parish and attended by about 20 people, was fi lled “I hope people meet Jesus in a new way and fall in love with with amusing antidotes about growing up deeply involved with Him in an even deeper way and are fi lled more with the power of Weekly in sports activities and getting badly injured every year — until he the Holy Spirit,” he said. was forced to give up sports for his health’s sake. He asked the young people to think about their own testimony. The That’s when he started thinking seriously about dedicating his “What are we sharing with world? Do we have our own experi- life to what Christ wanted for him, said the author of the booklet ence with the Lord? What does it mean to us today?” he asked. Observer “Game Changer,” recently released by Renewal Ministries. The The biggest challenge to young adults today is the noise of the publication examines the need for a close relationship with the world. “There’s a lot of distractions; a lot of diff erent things vying Holy Spirit to make the New Evangelization successful. for our attention. A lot of young people are ambivalent toward the Subscribe He is the director of the national ministry called i.d.916, based Church because people have been told what to do and how to do in Ann Arbor, Mich. This was not his fi rst visit to the Rockford it, but not why.” Diocese. “It is the ‘why’ that moves the human heart,” he said. He travels the United States giving talks to young people on Today! The evening included confessions and adoration of the Blessed why they should chose Jesus over things of the world. Heaven or Sacrament. Select print, digital hell is all about choices, Burak stressed. Among the attendees were brother and sister, Maria and Josh or both for just Ray, of St. Mary Parish in DeKalb. They came because their $28 per year. mother, Anna, told them about the program, they said. But they didn’t seem to need much persuading. Call 815-399-4300 “Jesus is everything,” said Maria, 15, when asked why she came. ext. 383 or go online at Joshua, 16, added, “I know that (Jesus) is the God of the Universe. When I go to adoration I just try to wrap my mind around that.” http://observer. Sycamore parishioner Adrienne Leach took time to attend the event, while her husband, Keaton, stayed home to look after their three children. The husband and wife take turns coming to special events, she said. “My husband and I like to support the events at the parish. Fa- ther (Carl) Beekman is introducing more events like this, which is awesome.” Father Beekman is pastor of St. Mary in Sycamore. “Anything that increases the knowledge and faith of the parish, Maria and Josh Ray, of St. Mary Parish in DeKalb, came to hear the pre- whether it’s about the faith or it just inspires people in prayer is sentation and participate in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Their great. This is an especially good time to have it just before Pente- grandfather, Steve Ray, is an author and Catholic apologist. cost,” Leach said. Nation/World The Observer | FRIDAY JUNE 14, 2019 | 7 Catholic D-Day Veteran Buried News in Brief Priestly martyrdom to uphold seal of Arlington ceremony confession not a new phenomenon takes place on 75th NEW YORK (CNS)—A symbol of the historical commitment D-Day anniversay priests have to the seal of ARLINGTON, Va. (CNS)— confession greets people as As World War II veterans and they cross the threshold of a world leaders gathered at the in Manhat- American cemetery of Col- tan’s Upper East Side. Above leville-sur-Mer in Normandy, the door is a stone-carved France, to commemorate the image of St. John Nepomu- 75th anniversary of D-Day June cene holding two ngers to 6, the same day one highly dec- his lips, signifying that priests (CNS photo/Chaz Muth) orated veteran who took part in must never reveal what is said A mosaic image of St. John Nepo- that Allied invasion was laid to mucene hearing confessions is (CNS photo/Bob Roller) to them in the confessional, rest in an American cemetery even if that means paying the displayed inside St. John Nepo- An o cer with the U.S. Army military honor guard holds the U.S.  ag mucene Catholic Church in New half a world away. ultimate sacri ce of death. over the casket of the late Carl Mann Sr., a World War II veteran, during York City May 2 At Arlington National Cem- his burial June 6, 2019, at Arlington National Cemetery. His story demonstrates how etery just outside of Washing- seriously the Catholic Church takes the privilege between honors as his family and friends burial take place at Arlington on ton, Carl Mann Sr., a lifelong and penitent that a member of the clergy is willing to sacri ce gathered around. He died March the D-Day anniversary. Catholic from Evansville, Ind., his freedom, or even his life, to protect the seal of confession, As an Army sergeant, Mann was buried with full military 30 at age 96. He requested his said Dominican Father Pius Pietrzyk, a canon and civil lawyer was among the troops who who teaches at St. Patrick’s Seminary and University in Menlo stormed Omaha Beach in Nor- Park, California. It also shows that the current struggle for the mandy on D-Day June 6, 1944. church to have governments fully respect the sanctity of the He was awarded three Purple Hearts and seven Bronze Stars seal of confession is not a new one, Father Pietrzyk told Catholic for his service in the 5th Infan- News Service in a May interview. try Division of Gen. George S. Patton’s 3rd Army. He was in- volved in all fi ve major battles of the European Theater. “While many have served their nation admirably, Sgt.

(CNS photo/U.S. Coast Guard, EPA) Mann shed his blood for the A U.S. Coast Guard photo titled “The Jaws of Death” shows a Coast freedoms we put so much trust Guard-manned LCVP from the USS Chase disembarking troops in today,” Father Joseph , EARN WHILE YOU LEARN! the morning of June 6, 1944, at Omaha Beach in Normandy, France. an Army chaplain with the rank Hardworking students (K-12) will be paid once a year when their Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio of the U.S. Archdiocese for the Military of captain, said during the ser- report card is presented. Payments will be deposited into the Services, urged Catholics to pray and to remember and “give thanks vice. “Therefore, he should for- student’s Illinois Bank & Trust savings or Free Checking with for those who, 75 years ago, made the ultimate sacri ce” at Normandy. ever be revered by his country.” eStatements1 account. The report card must be presented by the first day of the following school year.

HHS Bans Abortion Tissue in Research If you earn a GPA: WASHINGTON (CNS)— very top priorities of President tion victims for use in research The U.S. Department of Health (Donald) Trump’s administra- gravely disrespects the bodies $ 3.00-3.49 and Human Services banned tion.” of these innocent human be- 20 SEMESTER GPA the National Institutes of Archbishop Joseph F. Nau- ings,” Archbishop Naumann Health from using human fe- mann of Kansas City, Kansas, said June 6. tal stem cells from electively chairman of the U.S. Con- “Their remains deserve the 3.5-3.75 aborted babies for government ference of Catholic Bishops’ same respect as that of any $ funded research June 5. Committee on Pro-Life Ac- other person. To subsidize this 25 SEMESTER GPA The department also issued a tivities, issued a statement on degrading practice with our $20 million grant for research this decision, commending the taxpayer dollars is deeply of- 3.76 or GREATER to develop models that do not Trump administration for di- fensive to millions of Ameri- $ rely on human fetal tissue. recting tax dollars away from cans.” 30 SEMESTER GPA HHS released a statement say- fetal tissue and toward alterna- In 2019 alone, NIH spent ing that “promoting the dignity tive research solutions. $120 million on fetal tissue of of human life from conception “Scavenging and commodi- unborn babies, according to a If you do not earn a GPA: to natural death is one of the fying the body parts of abor- news release. $ FOR EACH C GRADE* Pope Names Delegate for Pastoral 1 Care of Lourdes Pilgrims $ FOR EACH B GRADE* VATICAN CITY (CNS)— pastoral outreach at shrines 3 Pope Francis has named a spe- around the world is one of the cial delegate, Auxiliary Bish- responsibilities of the Pon- op Antoine Herouard of Lille, tifi cal Council for Promoting $ FOR EACH A GRADE* France, for the pastoral care of New Evangelization. 5 pilgrims to the French shrine According to the French *Up to a maximum payout of $30 of Our Lady of Lourdes. newspaper, Le Figaro, the An explanatory note pub- shrine has an annual budget of lished by Vatican News said close to $34 million. It relies Pope Francis had sent Arch- heavily on volunteers to care bishop Rino Fisichella, presi- dent of the Pontifi cal Council for the hundreds of thousands for Promoting New Evangeli- of sick people who arrive each zation, as his “special envoy” year seeking healing in baths (CNS le photo/Paul Haring) There is no minimum balance required to obtain bonus. This can only be earned once per year. 1Minimum fi lled with water from a spring deposit to open Free Checking with eStatements is $25.00 must be enrolled in estatements to avoid $2.50 to study the pastoral situation A man watches from across the paper statement fee. Minimum balances to open a savings varies by product selected. For example our near the grotto where St. Ber- river as pilgrims attend a Mass at Passbook Savings pays 0.10% APY (Annual Percentage Yield) and requires $100.00 to open. APY is accurate at the shrine, which welcomes as of 05/13/19 Other savings accounts are available and the APY vary based on the account opened. The rate more than 3 million pilgrims a nadette Soubirous said Mary the Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes may change after the account is open, fees may reduce earnings. Program guidelines may change without notice. An IRS form may be issued. year. Promoting spiritual and appeared to her in 1858. in southwestern France in 2014. 8 | FRIDAY JUNE 14, 2019 | The Observer Nation/World News in Brief Rhode Island bishop issues statement after tweet PROVIDENCE, R.I. (CNS)—Providence Bishop Thomas J. Tobin issued a statement June 2 saying he regretted comments that “turned out to be so controversial” on Twitter when he said Catholics should not support or “attend LGBTQ ‘Pride Month’ events” because “they promote a culture and encourage activi- ties that are contrary to the Catholic faith and morals. They are especially harmful for children.” The backlash was swift and fo- cused on the harm children have suffered in the Catholic Church because of clergy sex abuse. Many others said his comments were offensive to gay, lesbian, transgender, bisexual and other communities. A rally by the LGBT community and supporters took place outside the Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul in Provi- dence after the comments. “I regret that my comments yester- day about Pride Month have turned out to be so controversial in our community, and offensive to some, especially the gay community,” the bishop said in the statement. “That certainly was not my intention, but I understand why a good number of

individuals have taken offense. I also acknowledge and appre- (CNS photo/Vatican Media) ciate the widespread support I have received on this matter.” He added that “the Catholic Church has respect and love for Pope Beatifies Martyred Bishops members of the gay community, as do I. Individuals with same- Pope Francis marks an icon of seven martyred bishops of the Eastern-rite Romanian Catholic Church sex attraction are beloved children of God and our brothers and during their beatification at a Divine Liturgy at Liberty Field in Blaj, Romania, June 2. The pope’s May 31 sisters,” but also said that as a Catholic bishop he has an obliga- to June 2 visit to Romania included meetings with civil authorities and the Romanian Orthodox Church’s tion to “teach the faith clearly” on various matters.” Permanent Synod, Masses in Bucharest and at a Marian shrine, a Divine Liturgy and beatification of seven martyrs, meetings with young people and their families, and with the Roma (gypsy) community. Bishop bars Illinois Catholic lawmakers who back abortion from Communion SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (CNS)—Springfield Bishop Vatican Names Filipino boy Thomas J. Paprocki issued a decree June 6 stating that Catholic lawmakers in the Illinois Legislature “who promoted or voted for Who Died at 17 extreme abortion legislation” cannot receive , ration reminded Catholics that outskirts of Manila. At the age Communion in churches in his diocese. He (CNS)—A Filipino teenager “we are invited to give witness of 12, he volunteered to help specifically named House Speaker who died could be on his way to our faith in concrete ways.” street children through the Madigan and Senate President John Cul- to sainthood after the Vatican The prelate started the pro- foundation “Tulay ng Kabata- (CNS photo/courtesy lerton, “due to their leadership roles in Diocese Springfield) declared him a Servant of God, cess at the request of the an” or Bridge of Children. Bishop Thomas promoting the evil of abortion by facilitating the first step in the process to- Friends of Darwin Ramos As- After he discovered his faith, J. Paprocki the passage of Senate Bill 25 this legislative ward sainthood. sociation. Ramos’ friends have he was baptized and confirmed session and House Bill 40 in 2017.” Other Il- The Congregation for ’ praised his devotion to his faith and received his first Commu- linois Catholic lawmakers who voted for either of these abortion Causes gave the Diocese of Cu- even as he battled Duchenne nion in 2007. bills, he said, also are not to “present themselves to receive holy bao, Philippines, the green light muscular dystrophy, a genetic Even as his physical condi- Communion.” “The Eucharist is the most sacred aspect of our to look into the life of Darwin disease characterized by mus- tion deteriorated, Ramos be- Catholic faith,” he said, adding, “It’s my hope and prayer these Ramos who died in 2012 at 17. cle weakness. came an inspiration to the staff lawmakers reconcile themselves to the Church so they can Bishop of Ramos was born in 1994 in and children at a center oper- receive Communion.” Cubao said the Vatican decla- the slums of City on the ated by the foundation.

The Observer is the perfect place Bishop Calls for Action to help grow your business! After Mass Shooting Reach nearly WASHINGTON (CNS)— Authorities said that a 15- In the wake of a mass shoot- year employee of the city’s De- ing that left 12 people dead in partment of Public Works en- Advertising Virginia Beach, Virginia, the tered a building in a municipal Catholic25,000 Homes! chairman of the U.S. bishops’ complex shortly after 4 p.m., Opportunities! Committee on Domestic Jus- May 31 and began shooting tice and Human Development people. Twelve people died and called for American society to six were injured in the may- The Observer, examine why such violent inci- hem, they said. dents continue to occur. Police Chief James A. Cerve- “This shooting reminds us ra would not discuss a motive your source for yet again that something is for the shooting, but said the fundamentally broken in our employee, DeWayne Craddock, society and culture when or- was still employed by the city local & regional dinary workplaces can be- at the time of the shooting. All come scenes of violence and but one of those who died were contempt for human life,” city employees, officials said. advertising! Bishop Frank J. Dewane of Venice, Newspapers ~ Website ~ Television Florida, said in a statement June 1. Contact Kevin McCarthy He said so- 815-399-4300 ext. 385 ciety must (CNS photo/Deborah Cox, The Catholic Virginian) or email look at ways Bishop Barry C. Knestout of Richmond, Va., cel- ebrates Mass June 2, 2019, at St. The Offi cial Newspaper of the Catholic Diocese of Rockford to “root out [email protected] the causes of Church in Virginia Beach where 12 people were such evil.” killed by a gunman at the city’s Municipal Center.  Ordination  Salute to Grads  Jubilarians  Retirement/Assisted Living GRADUATION The Observer | FRIDAY JUNE 14, 2019 | 9 2019 Marks Centennial Graduation at Newman STERLING—Newman Cen- Ludeke, pastor of achieved Academic All Con- tral Catholic High School was Parish in Sterling, offered the ference and 90% of the gradu- founded in 1915 as St. Mary’s opening prayer. ates earned Varsity Athletics High School and graduated its After graduates received Career Letter Awards. first seniors in 1919. This year their diplomas, Bishop Malloy In addition to the senior it celebrates its 100th gradua- made closing remarks and of- tion with the Class of 2019. fered a final prayer. awards, Newman scholarships Special guests at the May 22 The school’s mission is to were awarded to over 50% of graduation were Bishop David follow the statement: “Be it (Observer file photo) the student body for the 2019- Malloy and Michael Kagan, di- known to all who enter here Newman Central Catholic High School, Sterling 2020 school year. ocesan superintendent of Cath- that Christ is the reason for A statement issued by the olic schools. this school. He is the unseen its students.” has 57 graduates with 7% mov- school said, “We at Newman Principal Jennifer Oetting but ever present teacher in its On May 15, Newman held its ing directly into a trade and are humbled by and eternally welcomed the graduates and classes. He is the model of its annual awards assembly. 93% attending colleges and grateful for the unfailing gen- their guests and Father Bruce faculty and the inspiration of School officials expressed universities. Of those further- erosity of our Alumni, Bene- gratitude to the 50 individu- ing their educations, 44% will he world needs your witness. And the world will be als, alumni groups and local be attending two-year institu- factors and Corporate Sponsors that make a Christ-centered watching. You march out of here as graduates. You have our organizations that awarded tions and 49% will be attend- ‘T $1.4 million in scholarship ing four-year institutions. Catholic Education available love, our support and our expectations. Go forth and do well.’ money to 38 Newman Central In the class of 2019, 60% of to all students.” — Bishop David Malloy, graduation address Catholic 2019 graduates. the graduates are members of Newman’s enrollment is 219 The NCCHS Class of 2019 National Honor Society, 64% students.

(Photos provided) Among the 100th anniversary graduates at Newman Central Catholic High Among the 100th anniversary graduates at Newman Central Catholic High School in Sterling School in Sterling are (from left) Kyle Yde, Brady Moran, Joshua Payan, are (from left) Madison Craft, Meagan Moore, Hannah Dixon, Maddy Jacobs, Olivia Boesen and Blaney and Terveer. Brianna Jackley.

Newman Central Catholic High School, Sterling

Baccalaureate: May 20, Sacred Heart Parish, Sterling, onight we celebrate the 100th 7 p.m. commencement of Newman ‘T Graduation: May 22, Newman Central Catholic High Central Catholic High School. So School Gym, 7 p.m. to honor this I have compiled an s the source of life, and Graduates: Andrew Paul Ackman*, Julia Therese exhaustive list of 100 things Newman Ardis*, Brycen P Bartel, Ethan Rielly Behrens, Isaac S ‘A of the Lord of life, you has given us. ... Blaney*, Olivia Grace Boesen*, Sydney Marie Christoffer- entrust us to take care of one ‘Just Kidding! sen*, Madison Marie Craft*, Katherine Marie Crisham*, another.’ ‘The world we are entering outside Hannah Helaine Dixon*, Nickolas Lee Eddinger, Baylei Aleene Ferris, Marcus Fiorini*, Mackenzie LeAnn — Mary Powers, salutatorian, the walls of Newman is ours for the Fowkes*, Hailey Irene Marie Frank, Michael Clarence Respect Life Prayer making. We have control over the Charles Frank, Blake Daniel Gockel, Chase Raymond world that future generations will Graham*, Shay Riley Hafner*, Brayden Ryan Henry, inherit. I would like to leave everyone Wayne Collin Hoy*, Brody Mathew Ivey, Brianna Sue  here with a call to action. Henry Hayes Jackley*, Madaline Marie Jacobs* , Jenna Rose Johnson*, Chloe Renee Klein*, Amber Rose Long*, Trinity Mattea will you please join me on stage? Belle Martinez, Spencer Chesley Mauch*, Hannah Renee Henry is my nephew and should stand McCarty, Liam Padraic McDonnell, Kaitlyn Marie Mc- as our motivation in all things that we Ginn, Meagan Janene Moore*, Mercedes Marie Moore*, do going forward. ... Brady James Moran*, Mason Everett Daniel Newman, ‘ We have the opportunity to cure cancer or Alzheimers for his generation. Lucas Robert Olson*, Ethan William Partington, Joshua Leo Payan, Mary Therese Powers*, Patrick Stephen Pow- We have the opportunity to send his generation to Mars. We are the ers*, Mackensie Rose Richardson, Colin Eugene Roberts, generation that must stand for life and turn the culture back towards Breann Elizabeth Rosengren*, Jacob Shane Rude*, Emily God so that his world will be better than ours. The society we live in is Ann Schaab*, Dylan James Schmall, Savannah Leigh more of a hindrance than a help. But just like St. Rita, we can achieve the Skinner*, David Mark Swegle*, Brittney Lynne Talbott, Jacob Lawrence Terveer, Dion Deniviere Tress Torres, impossible. We must achieve the impossible. Alexis Madelon Wetter*, Alexander Clayton Whelan*, And we will!’ Kyle Louis Yde*, Emily Elizabeth Young, Yukang Luo — David Swegle, valedictorian * National Honor Society Students  Illinois State Scholars 10 | FRIDAY JUNE 14, 2019 | The Observer GRADUATION St. Edward Central Catholic High School, Elgin

Baccalaureate: May 16, Graduation: May 16, 7 p.m., Banas, Lauren Mary Biggins, 10 a.m., Mass and awards St. Patrick Parish, St. Charles Vincenza Nicole Binetti, fter today, we’re done Benjamin Curtis Boydston, ceremony, St. Edward Central ‘A with high school. We Graduates: Anna Adams Michael Angelo Brito, Daniel will begin a new chapter Catholic High School Ashton*, Kieana Patrice Camarena, Uriel Carachure, Mark Benny Chammany*, of our lives which is much here’s a quote I’ve really Peter Grant Cholewa, Marae more stressful, much more ‘Tliked for a while from Grace Costello, Grace Anne independent and much more the Bible. “From everyone Crumpley, Lauren Rose serious. There will be days Dameron, Katelyn Ann who has been given much, Davidson, Anaih Yaricxa when we might want to give much will be demanded, De Leon Macias, Kyle up, or when we might want and from the one who has Richard Devery, Gabrielle to just drop out; or even when been entrusted with much, Kathleen deWindt, Madalynn Elizabeth O’Shea Duffy, we might feel completely much more will be asked.” Alec Robert Graham hopeless, but it is those Luke 12:48. Those who Dunbar, Grace Rose Ellinger, days when we need to push receive blessings have the Kathleen Audrey Ellsworth*, harder. Each struggle we will responsibility to use them. Karina Juliet Espinoza, Gabriella Christine Estes*, go through will just help us By coming to St. Edwards, so Matthew Christopher Estes, in the long run which is why we need to have hope. We need to much has been granted to all Sienna Rosaly Fernandes, have hope so we can never stop pushing ourselves to get through of us. We were given a place Daniel Fernandez, Jacob Alexander Floyd*, Thomas that struggle.’ to learn, to worship, to grow. Michael Gallagher, Giovanni — We fostered our interests and our talents, assisted by people who Gonnella, James Edward Zachary Olenek, co-valedictorian are passionate about our futures. Our parents made sacrifices to Hamersly, Sean Thomas Herrero, Rachel Elizabeth Carlos Javier Ibarra, Emily get us here because they know what it means to be St. Edward Hancock, Evalena Elizabeth Hartke*, Alexia Kimberly Hicks, David Michael Joan Iverson, Liam Patrick Alumni. So, Class of 2019, I urge you to use these blessings to Hernandez, Henry Phillip Hill, Elise Marie Hilton*, Jackson, Jessica Jasso, the best of your ability. Not because you will be forced to, not because everyone expects you to, but because you know better. ach year it’s an honor for me to be part of the graduation ceremonies at our Catholic high schools. You know that you can leave a mark on this world. You know that ‘EI look forward to the evening, and to be with you, the graduates of St. Edward Central Catholic you are capable of so many great things.’ High School. And yes, you are now graduates. Congratulations.’ — Thomas Gallagher, co-valedictorian — Bishop David Malloy, graduation address’

Aquin Central Catholic Junior-Senior High School, Freeport

Baccalaureate: May 10, e’ve gone through Aquin Central Catholic High ‘Wthe awkward phases School auditorium, 7 p.m. together, but we’ve matured, Graduation: May 17, St. grown, cried, laughed, lost Parish, 7 p.m. and won together. ...We’ve Graduates: become our own little family Barr, Tyler Broge, Collin Challenger*, Cian Curry, of 18 people. ... I challenge Graysen DeMichele*#, Jenna you to stay true to yourself Diehl#, Anna Harrington, and be the person God Carly Hartman, Katie Lamm, intended you to be.’ Tomas Martinez, Patrick Seas#, Daniel Staben, Brock Theisen, — Collin Challenger, student Michael Thomalla, Anna speaker Welch, Griffen Whalen, Logan White, Brian Zhang†

*Illinois State Scholar and top students, #National Honor Society, †International student

RIGHT: Bishop David Malloy pos- es with Aquin’s 2019 graduates. BELOW: Seniors, faculty and guests pledge allegiance at bac- calaureate May 10. (Photos provided) GRADUATION The Observer | FRIDAY JUNE 14, 2019 | 11 St. Edward Central Catholic High School, Elgin

Tyler David Jones, Jessica Grace Mote*, Sidney Christopher David Rosland, Marie Soohov, Brandon Richard Allen Van Durme, Christopher Karassy, Jacob Muhammad IV, Hailey Benjamin Salzmann, Carson Xavier Soto, Caroline Patricia Emily Anala Wagh*, Nicholas David Kaufman, Sophia Elizabeth Niehaus*, Elijah James Scarnegie*, Brianalynne Spagnola, Devin Robert Steven Wright Katriel Kopacz*, Jessica Taylor Michael Nordan*, MacKenzie Brooke Schreurs, Christopher Strzempa, Emily Quetzalli Kramp*, Erin Clare Kremer*, Leigh O’Connell, Zachary Paul Michael Semler*, Jacob Terrazas, Dominick Michael * National Honor Society Students,   Jennifer Olivia Lipinski, Olenek*, Jack Henry Olson, Christian Shepherd, Kaitlyn Szpila, Anna Maria Tyrawa* , Illinois State Scholars Benjamin Robert LoCoco- Megan Victoria Ostrander, Schenck, Noreen Lodi, Ethan John Palomino, Daniel Michael “Mikey” A Lopez, Patrick Parks, Megan Nicole Donovan Tyree Madison, Pease, Reanna Patrice Pedres, Joseph Kenneth Mandarino, Maelle Genovese Quartetti*, Emilio Martinez, Lindsey Massimo Giancarlo Ranallo, Rose Mauritzen, Mason Thomas Joseph Reeder, George McGraw, Sarah Ann Isabelle Lynn Reedy, Mendoza, Angelina Monsivais, Jilian DeeLoretta Rolando,

s we endeavor into new ‘A and unfamiliar territory, whether it be college, a trade school, or finding a stable career; I have no doubt that the relationship our class has established will survive well into the future. When times get tough, I urge everyone to (Photo provided) never lose sight of our home Senior members of the choir stand ready to sing and play during the baccalaureate ceremony for seniors at at St. Edward, and remember St. Edward Central Catholic High School in Elgin on May 16. that the friendships formed, knowledge accumulated, and atholic academic institutions cannot isolate themselves from the world, they must know how to most especially our deepened ‘Center bravely into the aeropagus of current culture and open dialogue, conscious of the gift that relationship with God will always be there for us.’ they can offer to everyone.’ — Gabriella Estes, salutatorian — Pope Francis


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May God’s Love and Guidance Be With You As You Continue Your Life’s Journey 12 | FRIDAY JUNE 14, 2019 | The Observer GRADUATION Marian Central Catholic High School, Woodstock Baccalaureate: May 23, Marian Central Catholic High School, Landers Pavilion, 7 p.m. Graduation: May 24, Marian Central Catholic High School, Landers Pavilion, 7 p.m Graduates: Kelly Anderson, Joshua Jed Arejola*, Rebecca Avila, Emma Baader, Mikaela Benitez, Alyssa Birkhoff, Ashley Biron, Cade Bokowy, Megan Bokowy, Jenelle Bongiovanni, Matthew Brzezinski, John Bubala, Sophie Burda, Alex Burr, Ann Bush, Avery Carlson, Madison Dahm, Ian Davis, Daniel DeGiulio, John Derer, Regan Dineen, Meaghan DiPietro, Delaney Doherty, Michael Dowling*, Daniel e have to be both Dusik, Olivia Edstrom, the author and the Keegan Edwards, Mary (Photo provided) ‘W Elsinger, Jorge Enriquez, Jr., Among seniors ready for graduation at Marian Central Catholic High School in Woodstock are (from left hero: we have to plan out our Jacob Farley, Gage Finke, facing camera) Alivia Price, Colin Raclawski, Bryce Radcliffe, Colton Recamp and Madeline Reyes. choices and bring them to life Margaret Finnegan, Joseph and face the consequences... Fitzgerald, Jr., Lauren Amanda Hoople*, Katelyn Dean Matthew Limosnero, Tomas Sbarounis, Dylan Foster, Meghan Frank*, But remember, from this Hopp*, Valerie Japsen, Meghan Lingle*, Lindsey Thomas Scatena, Michael Shantia Frydrychowicz, Jordan Kaufmann, Maureen Litterer, Andrew Lydon*, James Scatena, Hunter Lyndon point on, your pages are Nicole Gaddini, Jamie Gatz, Keisling, Patrick Kelly, Jason Aiden McCrea, Eric McEvilly, Schmidt, Mackenzie Leanne Francesca Giuliano, Sarah blank, and you hold the pen: Kleberg, Charles Koscinski, Gabrielle McKenna*, Schwalbach, Ellen Elizabeth Will you write a story worth Glatt, Marco Gomez, Grace Jonathan McKenna*, Caelan Sharp, Nicolaus Jon Shepard, Graff*, Rachel Graham*, Madelyn Koscinski*, Charles listening to?’ Kramer, Jr., Paul Kranenburg, McMasters, Andrew Menner, Zachary Simmons, Stefanie Henkel, Michaela Rubi Miderski*, Carolyn Jessica Ann Louise Skinner, Henning*, Amy Herff, Caleb Kwasigroch, Kayla Miller, Katherine Miller, Andrew Clayton St Leger, — Gabrielle McKenna, Joanne Hilbert, Mallory Lambert*, Danielle Quinn Moceri, Colette Christopher Paul St Leger, Hill*, Spencer Hines*, Mark Lattanzio, Derek Lee, Lillian valedictorian Moczalla, BriAna Muldrew, Haley Margaret Stiscak*, Holian, Connor Hooks, Leggett, Anthony Leidig, Carolee Musielak, Isabelle Benjamin Frederick Strang, Nick, Abigail Noe*, Joseph Max Stephen Striedl*, Olivia Noonan*, Ainsley O’Connor, Ruth Suarez, Maura Lee Maryclare Otten, Joseph Sullivan*, Matthew Francis Pacana, Thorsen Paglialong, Susi, Jessica Rae Suthers, Faith Parchutz, Lauren Nicholas Donald Tappen, Paige Class of 2019 Payton*, Ky Perrone, Kerigan Marie Tarzian, Stephen Martin  $24.5 million Marian Central Pfefferkorn, Sean Piedmonte, Tarzian, Jr., Victoria Elizabeth Achievements Camryn Pischke, Anna Teteak*, Olivia Kathleen

Over Catholic High School Podborny*, Jack Christopher Thielsen, Samuel James Popovich, Alexis Rosella Thompson, Joseph Frederick in college ClassProudly of Salutes 2019 its Potash, Jenna Elizabeth Thuma*, Joshua Michael scholarships Powers, Taylor Marie Powers, Tinkham, Emily Elizabeth  earned Alivia Evyn Price, Colin Todd, Seth William Trewyn, Joseph Raclawski, Bryce Daniel Kent Truckenbrod,

35.8% of the Andrew Radcliffe, Colton Colin Charles Vallee, Xander Dean Reckamp, Madeline Michael Von Bergen, Erica senior class Francis Reyes, Amber Rose Ann Walker, Nicholas Michael graduated with a Reynolds, Caitlin Faith Ayes Wells, Rachel Sidney Wells*, GPA of 3.8 Ricafort, Joseph Patrick Rita, Connor James Werfelmann,  or higher Brooke Lauralei Rodden, Brandon Thomas Widmayer, Caitlin Maureen Rokus*, Caileigh Amanda Widmayer, 15.1% of the Marissa Danielle Rybinski*, Viktor Grahame William 30 Kevin Albert Salvi, Andrea Wilson-Miller, Skylar Barbara senior class Sanchez, James Mario Wirtz, Kara Colleen Zubo scored or Sanchez, Marisa Sanchez,  higher on ACT Gabrielle Olivia Sarto, Robert * National Honor Society students

33 Illinois State ver the years much has been attempted and much has been  Scholars ‘Oachieved by Catholics in the United States to make available for their children the best education possible. Much has been done 1 National Merit in the specific area of bringing the wealth of our Catholic faith  Commendation to children (in Catholic schools) and through religious education programs. The presence of the Church in the field of education 1 National Merit Gabriella McKenna Valedictorian is wonderfully manifested in the vast and dynamic network of  Finalist Joseph Noonan, Salutatorian schools and educational programs extending from the preschool through the adult years. The entire ecclesial community – bishops, 73.6% of seniors priests, religious, the laity – the Church in all her parts, is called to are 4�year value ever more deeply the importance of this task and mission, college bound Marian Central Catholic  High School and to continue to give it full and enthusiastic support.’ 1001 McHenry Avenue 23.9% of seniors will Woodstock, IL 60098 — Pope St. John Paull II attend community (815) 338�4220 college GRADUATION The Observer | FRIDAY JUNE 14, 2019 | 13 Anthony College of Nursing, Rockford

ROCKFORD—At Saint An- Fordham, Bradley Hayes, Matt thony College of Nursing held Kriebs, Heather Lutz, Angela commencement ceremony May McFadden, Tammy Murawski, 18, 112 students were eligible Melissa Normoyle, Christy to participate. Pohl, Melissa Robinson, Participates completed their Kathryn Spinker, Donna degree requirements in Decem- Strauch, Tamisha Verner, ber 2018, May 2019 or antici- Bachelor of Science in pate completion in July 2019. Nursing — Michaela , Graduation: May 18, Dakota Andrews, Aleesha Barnes, Madison Bayliss, Coronado Performing Arts Haley Beekman, Kaylee Center, Rockford Belknap, Erinn Blake, Jena Graduates: Doctor Brouillette, Amber Brown, of Nursing Practice — Laura Burns, Savanna Maximilian Button, Samantha Campbell, Alejandra Carrillo, Dotson, Toni Hughart, Julieta Cervantes, Katherine Stephanie Krogull, Ann Champley, Alyssen Clark, (Photos provided) Mary Ligman-Schliem, Tina Shelly Combs, James Covert, Well-wishers gather outside the Coronado Theater in Rockford before the 2018-19 graduation for Saint Longphee, Sister Catherine Benjamin Davisson, Abrianna Anthony School of Nursing in Rockford on May 18. Nwosu, Mary Verdun, Candice Demore, Kristin Dolphin, Vicencio Elizabeth Enderle, Kaylie Kailor Hecox, Erin Heim, Janssen, Mariana Jaramillo, Mirjana Ristanovic, Jennifer Master of Science in Nursing Flynn, Katherine Foster, Carley Yesenia Herrera, Nicole Danielle Johnson, Raman Sanchez, Shelby Sanda, Allison — Jeffrey Boyd, Judy Cullor, Frost, Kristi Gleasman, Luke Hitchcock, Hailey Hopkins, Kaur, Nicole Keister, Sarah Schindler, Samantha Schindler, Nicole Daugherty, Sara Goodrich, Darin Hagemeyer, Hannah Hunziker, Jordan Knabe, Jillian Kniep, Paige Kelsey Schliem, Alexa Serrano, Krepfle, Glorie Malone, Julie Taylor Smith, Anthony Marquez, Taylor Mattingly, Brandon May, Sarah May, Amy Spencer, Lauren Steiner, McLaughlin, Tia McMaster, Victoria Stevenson, Kristina Emily Micek, Maria Moscato, Tadic, Vannasay Thirakoune, Saint Anthony Carmen Mullins Gama, Mary College of Candace Tilson, Sladjana Nursing Nelson, Taylor Norwood, Travar, Anna Vandre, Laura Jacinta Maria Nwosu, Margaret candidates for Van Wy, Jennifer Vanderjack, Orlando, Betty Ortega, graduation fill Cindy Villagomez, Alexis front rows in Harlan Page, Jr., Brooke the Coronado Parker, Joshua Peterson, Washington, Jill Wentzel, Theater on Nicole Pfeifer, Anna Polnow, Kyra Wilkinson, Katarzyna May 18. Morgan Replogle, Sierra Riley, Wysocki, Makenzie Zueger College graduates urged, implored to change the world BY CAROL “There is this feeling, that per- make this university the great ZIMMERMANN haps we will be unable to say thing that it is,” she said. Catholic News Service that we have left the world bet- In Milwaukee, the student ter than we found it and in our speaker at Marquette Universi- WASHI NGTON— College uncertainty we turn our eyes to ty’s May 19 graduation was Ja- graduations often include an en- you,” the Providence Journal, cob Zelinski, majoring in Eng- couraging push by commence- daily newspaper, reported. Graduates lish and public relations. The ment speakers for graduates to At the University of Notre smile after the graduate was the first recipient go out and make a difference in Dame’s May 19 graduation, May 19 com- of the James Foley Scholarship, the world. which was moved indoors due mencement named in honor of the journal- This year’s ceremonies at ceremony to inclement weather, speaker ist and 1996 Marquette graduate Catholic colleges and universi- at the Do- Peggy Noonan, author and col- who was killed in 2014 in Syria ties around the country were umnist, primarily focused on minican-run by Islamic state militants. no different, but there may have the country’s troubled condi- Providence Zelinski said he was influ- been a little more urgency in the tion. College in enced by Foley’s legacy and advice. “I believe America needs help Providence, R.I. (CNS photo/Stew Milne, courtesy Providence College) more recently by the death of his “I suspect that most com- right now, and America knows mencement speeches this year it. The reasons are so obvious Reagan, urged graduates at the to be moved more by what you 23-year-old brother in a car acci- are really going to come down that we’ve almost stopped say- university in South Bend, Ind., love than what you hate.” dent. He said the family tragedy to two words: ‘Save us,’ “ said ing them,” she said. “America to be farsighted and to recog- An article about the gradua- made him value the Marquette business executive, author and is a torn-up, wounded place in nize America’s plight while tion on the university’s website community all the more. motivational speaker Steve need of repair.” working together with people said Noonan pointed out that In his message to fellow grad- Pemberton at the May 19 com- Noonan said she is not “fussy who might not share the same this was the first year Notre uates, also published on the uni- mencement ceremony for Do- about where the repair comes political views. Dame’s commencement speak- versity’s website, he said, “You minican-run Providence Col- from, and I don’t think the “Whatever holds us together er, valedictorian and salutato- can have second chances and lege in Providence, R.I. American people are either. now is good and necessary and rian were all women. the moral courage required to “There is a real fear in our na- They just want it to come soon.” must be encouraged — what- “It’s a delight to be with these help heal the broken world and tion that we find ourselves off Noonan, who was a speech- ever it takes,” she said. “The strong, smart women who along vulnerable moments that reveal course,” he told the graduates. writer for President Ronald secret of successful politics is with the strong, smart men how strong you really are.”

congratulates graduates from all the Catholic schools in our diocese.

God bless you in your future endeavors. 14 | FRIDAY JUNE 14, 2019 | The Observer GRADUATION HELP Boylan Central Catholic High School, Rockford THEM KEEP THE FAITH RIGHT: Ridge Zies (right with back to cam- era) was the last student to cross the stage at the Boylan Central Catholic High School gradu- ation ceremo- ny May 24. He led his fellow students in switching their (CNS photo/Jaclyn Lippelmann, Catholic Standard) tassels from right to left. Congratulate (Photos provided) your graduate Baccalaureate: May 23, Bertrand*#, Erin Elizabeth Katherine Elizabeth Dunn, Boylan Central Catholic High Bishop*#, Erik Jordan Nicholas James Eitenmiller, with a gift School main gym, 7 p.m. Bonelli*#, Jonathan Brito, Brooke Marie Eshleman, Paige Elizabeth Ann Brodeski, Ariel Isidro Esquivel, Emily Commencement: May 24, subscription to Thomas M. Brown*#, Rose Ethington*#, Bryson Boylan Central Catholic High Lauren M. Burke*, John Everling, Andrew Joseph School main gym, 2 p.m. Philipe Campos*, David Ferguson, Celine Angeli The Graduates: Diego Jeong Carter*, Paige A. Resurreccion Feria*#, Maja Alessandro Aguilar*, Jaime Carter, Avery Sandra-Fern Maria Fernandez*, Timothy Alvarez, Luis M. Angeles, Cellitti, Kate Alexzandra Lawrence Fey*, Nikolas Observer Carl David Antczak*, Chavez, Austin Douglas Leonardo Fiut Saenz*, Anna Katherine Mae Appino*#, Christianson*#, Abigail Lane Flynn, Abigail Grace Abigail Lyn Armato, Vanessa Rose Ciaccio, Alyssa Juliana Foes*#, Joseph Patrick Foley, Our digital edition Lynn Arreguin*#, Mayra Ciaccio, Joseph Edward Clay, Sydney Marie Franks*#, Isabel Arteaga*#, Yazmin Ryan Michael Coady*#, David Fregoso, Elisabeth is perfect for the Avila, Caleb Daniel Badgley*, John M. Coll, Benjamin Katherine Frost*#, Nicholas student on the go. Nicolas Anthony Barcellona*, James Conness, Ryan Jacob Choi Fuller*, Thomas Ferrara Anna Grace Barelli, Nyah Corrigan*, Christopher Furst*#, Elizabeth Hui Qi Mackenzie Barnhart, Amy Joseph Couper, Zoey Gaessler*#, Melanie Mae Or send them a Diane Baudhuin*, Alexander Michael D’Agostin, Mary Garbacz, Richard Manuel print copy AND Carl Bauling*#, Colin David K. D’Haeze*#, Luca Lalio Garcia, Alessandra Marie hey say it takes a village Beatty, Madison Leigh Dal Santo, Elizabeth Marie Gelafio*, Amber Elizabeth to raise a child and even the digital edition. Beatty, Sydney Elizabeth Dawson, Gabriel Joseph Golich*, Kyle David Gomel*#, ‘T Beatty, Monzerath Ezperanza DeBenedetto*, Frank Michael Madison Christine Gouker*#, more to raise a family. It takes Either way it’s just Becerra*, Ethan Mitchel DeCastris, Giovanna Marie Hunter Devin Green, Eric a lot of people to educate Beck*, Sarah Elizabeth DiTullio*#, Jacob Wade Michael Greenberg, Melissa us and make being a part of $28 for a full year. Becker, Ivan Alejandro DiBenedetto, Matthew Scott Marie Grubb, Dominic Jaime the Titan Family special — Belmontes, Jacob Albert Dmochowski*, Victoria Joan Guerrero, Heather Marie parents, committed teachers Call us at Bergstrom, Luke Helmer Dolan*, Morgan Faith Dolphin, Hagedorn*#, Nicholas Paul Bergstrom*, Clare Margaret Angelo Antonio Ducato, Haggestad*#, Keeley Nicole who give of themselves while 815/399-4300, Bertrand, Monica Lee Fabrizio Emanuele Ducato*, Hakanson, Leah Patricia keeping their sense of humor, Haney*#, Elizabeth Hope and especially people like ext. 383. Heim, Grace Michaeline Ann Congratulations to the graduating class of 2019. Heimer, Emily Elizabeth Father Finn who help us keep Order online at Heitkamp*#, Caleb our faith life and formation http://observer. Henderson, Rafael Hernandez, at the front of our hearts and May your Sophia Corinne Hernandez*#, minds. When your theology rockforddiocese. Josephine Ann Hindenburg*#, future Cullin Joseph Hultgren, teacher tells you on the first org/ Noelle Frances Javurek*#, day of class that his is to or use this code. Jonathan Michael Jaworowski, help you get into heaven, you endeavors Abigail Ann Johnson*#, Elisabeth Kathleen Johnson*#, know he means business. be guided Lauren Elizabeth Kelly*#, Saying that at many other Allison Patricia Kinsey*, schools would be against the by the Jonathan Sanders Knezel, law, but Boylan is different. Philip Michael Koch*, Joseph Boylan is simply a special Holy Spirit. Nicholas Krein*#, Maxwell Andrzej Kwiatkowski*#, place, and getting a Catholic Peter Ryan LaMantia*#, education is a privilege.’ St. Peter Catholic School Alexander Joseph Lazzerini, 320 Elmwood Avenue  South Beloit, IL 61080 Stephen Daniel Lewandowski, — Nicholas Haggestad, Kaitlynn Marie Libricz*#, 779-475-0560  valedictorian Continued on page 19 GRADUATION The Observer | FRIDAY JUNE 14, 2019 | 15 Boylan Central Catholic High School, Rockford

From page 18 Samuel Clarence Lincoln, Alyssa Christine Little*#, Brooke Elizabeth Lombardi, Matthew Robert Lynch, Bradley Augustine Mace, Grace Herrera Magana, Angelo Joseph Maier*#, Mallory Jade Maney, Isabella Marie Marquetti*#, Haley Rose Martinez*, Jack Devin Marzorati, Ava Renee Matranga, Nathan Matthew Mattson, Meganne Virginia McChristie*#, Emily Ann McCulloh*, Anya Rose McIntyre*#, Nolan Quinn McKinley, Sean Robert ut what does being a McLaughlin, Mario Medina ‘BTitan really mean? Titans Jr.*#, Jeannine Menjivar*#, (Photos provided) Sowmya Marie Monroe, Among this year’s Boylan Central Catholic High School graduates are (from left) Grace Magana, salutatorian are Saints, Scholars, and Kiana Elizabeth Montalvo*#, Elisabeth Frost, Nicholas Fuller, Victoria Dolan, Katherine Dunn, Ian Rodriguez, Andrew Ferguson, Ariel Es- Champions, which I’m sure Dillon Matthew Moore*, quivel, Patrick Sweeney, Anna Flynn, and Matthew Dmochowski. most of you already recite in Faith Lin Xiu Tao Moss*#, your sleep. But it is through Jacob Andrew Mueller, Anne Reyes*#, Dominic Benjamin D. Sipiora*, Andrew Alexander Villalpando, Ava Felipe Augusto Nadalim, this vision statement that this Martin Adona Reyes*, Elijah Vernon Slayter, Mackenzie Isabella Vitale*, Natalie Parkerjames William Noel Ritter, Ian Joseph Dy Elizabeth Smith*#, Philip Rose Watson*#, Evan Robert institution has established Nelson*#, Michael Giovanni Rodriguez*#, Alan Alejandro James Smith, Terrance D. Weightman*#, Jeff rey Patrick the importance of character: Ocello, Mario Ochoa, Rubio, Stephanie Ann Smith, Madison Margaret Welch Jr., Theresa Lindsey doing the right thing, for the Santiago Andrew Ongtengco, Sankaran, Jacob Anthony Solon*#, Leah Renae Starnes, Westlund*, Janae Deasha Brennan Donald Ott, Isabela right reason, all the time. Sarmiento, Robert Thomas Carissa Summer Stear*, Lucas Kayli Lee Wickson, Deshawn Karina Paredes, Brooke Satterlee, Ethan James James Stoner, Patrick Charles George Williams, Michael Boylan taught us that to live Dorothy Parnello, Frank Scherer, Franchesca Marie Sweeney*, Mackenzie Mary Victor Wise, Julianna Wood, Salvatore Perry, Jack David with character is to be the Schiro, Michael Robert Symonds, Whitman Thomas Brady Mason Wright*, Ridge Peterson*#, Rose Mae Prchal*, best version of ourselves, no Schmidt*, Megan Elizabeth Taylor, Elizabeth Amy Trilk, Anthony Zies Stephanie Faye Prchal*, Schroeder*#, Veronica Marissa Lyn Trotter*, Cole matter the price or sacrifice it Matthew Joseph Priola*, Lynn Schroeder, Zachary Michael Turman, Zachary * Honors graduates, #National requires.’ Carly Lynn Pyzynski*#, John Schwarzbach*, Noah Donald Turner, James Honor Society students Karen Elizabeth Raschke, Anthony Joseph Scordato, — Elisabeth Frost, Ayla Isadora Raymond*, Sarah Marie Sentovich*#, salutatorian Haley Ann Reichensperger*, Sebastian Miguel Sepulveda, Ashley Marie Reyes, Audrey Mason Eugene Siebert*#,

e live in a time that is marked by a society that is unsure of itself, of what is right and wrong, ‘Wabout what is true or false. God is being shoved aside. What the world needs is committed witnesses to live the truth and to show the world it can be done and done joyfully. For all that you have learned here, that is your lifelong task. Live your faith. Never give it up. Be strengthened by Mass each Sunday, by confession and by living the way you have been taught. ‘ — Bishop David Malloy, graduation address

(Observer photo/Amanda Hudson) Proud Boylan Alumni Before ordination practice on May 31, four seminarians posed in front of gym doors at their alma mater, Boylan Central Catholic High School in Rockford. Now they are Father John Kaldar, Deacon Jack Reichardt, Father Charles Warren and Father Robert Blood. 16 | FRIDAY JUNE 14, 2019 | The Observer GRADUATION

Aurora Central Catholic High School seniors make the Sign of the Cross before prayer at the graduation ceremony May 22. (Photos provided) Aurora Central Catholic High School, Aurora Baccalaureate: May 22, ou should be grateful to your principal, and to Mr.(Michael) Kagan, our superintendent of Aurora Central Catholic High ‘Yschools, all of your teachers and administrators. Don’t leave without thanking them.’ School cafetorium, 7 p.m. — Bishop David Malloy, graduation address Graduation: May 23, Aurora Central Catholic High School gymnasium, 6 p.m. Graduates: Omar Aguirre, Jeff rey Albert, Christopher Al- cantar, Lara Anger, Maxwell Ariano, Emilio Arroyo, Grace Aviles, Sari-Anna Ballard, Joseph Baxter*, Alexandra Jennifer Jaysin, valedictorian Robert McCarthy, salutatorian Beaman, Damon Becker, Ev- elyn Blanco, Danielle Brown*, e must always believe Ellie Bruss*, Valeria Bustos- ‘Win ourselves. We must Gomez, Victoria Bustos-Go- believe in who we have mez, Alejandro Cahue, Mary become throughout high Canning*, Stefanie Cardenas, school. To believe we will go At the beginning of the graduation exercise May 22 at Aurora Central Catholic High School, Father F. Wil- Madilynn Carter, Morgan liam Etheredge (left), school superintendent and principal; Paul Mayer, assistant principal; Kristy Kane, as- Casey*, Jonas Cebulski*, forward from tonight, onto sistant principal and dean of instruction; Michael Kagan, diocesan superintendent of schools; and Bishop Antonio Cepeda, Maja Cieslik, our next stages of life, and David Malloy, lead the pledge of allegiance. Jacob Cobb, Abaigeal Collins, to believe that we can, and Ariella Corral, Brett Cris- we will succeed in our future sie, Chase Crissie, Kennedy endeavors.’ Cross, Isabelle Crownhart*, Tressa Cwinski*, Zachary — Robert McCarthy, salutatorian DeVries, Hannah Doherty, Christopher Donovan, Lauren Lizeth Nevarez, Layla Druwe, Jacob Dudziak, Sesilia Niziolkiewicz, Sofi a Nunez*, Durante, Emily Earl*, David Anthony Olah, Victoria Easton, John Easton*, William Opperman, Noah Padilla*, Easton, James Eul, Jacque- Hunter Pawlak, Nicole Pilot, line Fechner, Isabel Feld- William Price, Lesly Pulido, haus*, Casey Feltes*, Zachary Alexander Rakas*, Adrian Fowler, Iris Garcia, Margaret Ramirez, Ramirez, Gaspardo*, Isabel Gonza- Kaileigh Remlinger*, John lez, Grant Goral*, Theresa Righeimer, Cynthia Rocha*, Gouger*, Santino Haig, Te’a Hansford*, Owen Helmick, Diego Rodriguez, Lauren Kenneth Hiltenbrand, Paola Roggeman, Sadie Romero*, Hinojosa, Grace Hoff man, Sebastian Ruacho*, Milene Brittney Hogan, Holly Honni- Rubio, Braijon Scales, Sydney gford*, Michael Hooper, Julia Scepkowski*, Victoria Se- Janicek*, Jennifer Jasin*, Mat- bold*, Daniel Seibert, Sarah thew Jeter, Crystal Jimenez, Slas*, Ashley Sotola, Abigail Brian Jimenez, Kevin Knapp, Stewart, Nathan Sundberg*, Theron Koch*, Jacob Lee*, Noah Tamez, Jose Jaime Connor Lentz, Kyle Licar*, Villarreal, Danielle Villegas, Matthew Lucas*, Rockford Anthony Vinson, Andrea Lutz, Reilly Mahon, Halle Vollmer*, Nicholas Volpen- Martin*, Charles May*, Robert testa, Joshua Wallace, Jeremy McCarthy*, Claire McCarthy*, Wehrli*, Benjamin Wiacek, Kyle McCormick, Samantha Hannah Wiacek*, Bryce Medina, Andrew Michels, Wiltgen, Elizabeth Woodrich*, Kennedy Wykle* 1255 N. Edgelawn Dr. Aurora, IL 60506 630-907-0095 Jacob Montelongo, Javier Ne- gron Ramos, * National Honor Society Students GRADUATION The Observer | FRIDAY JUNE 14, 2019 | 17 Parishes, Schools Present 2019 St. Timothy Awards DIOCESE—The St. Timothy St. Mary Parish: Matthew Flem- ST. CHARLES Youth Award is a national recog- ing, Anthony Moore nition award given to youth by St. John Neumann Parish: Mary the National Federation for Catho- DIXON Kreiner, Monica Salonga lic Youth Ministry in collabora- St. Anne Parish: Alex Basilio tion with the Diocese of Rockford STERLING Catholic Education Office. St. Anne School: Christafer Rob- The award is frequently given ertson Newman Central Catholic High near graduation. St. Patrick Parish: Carlin Brady, School: Breann Rosengren, David It is the highest recognition from Zoe Carr, Hannah Dixon Swegle the NFCYM to a teen who demon- strates the following qualities: DURAND/IRISH GROVE STERLING n Lives as a of Christ, Father Mieczyslaw Wit, OFM Conv. (left in both photos), pastor of St. Vic- setting a positive example for other St. Mary/St. Patrick Parish: Sacred Heart: Brayden Cox, Tate Stanislaus Kostka Parish in Rockford, presents St. Timothy awards to Ari- youth; toria Dolan Downs, Anna Hutchison, Sarah ana Roganowicz (above left) and Wiktoria Szymanovicz (above right). n Witnesses to their faith by ex- Kuhns, Rebecca Riley ELGIN WEST DUNDEE Emma Blatz hibiting Catholic morals and integ- St. Mary Parish: Hayden Witt rity; St. Edward Central Catholic St. Parish: WONDER LAKE n Demonstrates Gospel values High School: Madalynn Duffy, SYCAMORE Mitchell Barrett, Sophie Kopacz, through service to others; Sean Hancock Christ the King Parish: Grace n Exhibits Christian leadership St. Mary Parish: Ben Gehant, Sarah Pottorff, Isabelle Reedy, St. Joseph School: Alondra Ce- Graff, Gretchen Graff in their school and community set- Kaitlin Jacobson, Mindy Smits Carson Scarnegie, Felicia Samu- ballos, Brianna Marroquin tings. els, Christopher Semler, Emily WOODSTOCK This spring’s recipients from WARREN FREEPORT Wagh Marian Central Catholic High parishes and high schools in the St. Ann Parish: Garrett Williams St. Catherine of Siena School: School: Joshua Arejola diocese are: Aquin Central Catholic Junior- William AMBOY Senior High School: Gustafson, Gwendolyn Stovall St. Patrick: Marisel Schalck St. Mary and St. Joseph Parish- es: Aracely Acevedo GENEVA

St. Peter Parish: Isabel Feldhaus GENOA

St. Catherine of Genoa Parish: Jordyn Block, Deloris Drendel, JohnPaul Lawrence Wille, Benja- min Youn ker With Father Ruben Herrera (back center), pastor of St. Patrick Parish in Rochelle, are St. Timothy honorees (Photos provided) HAMPSHIRE (front from left) Francis John Paul Vowels, Sergio Guevara, Catalina Reyes, Alexis Dreska, Alva Valle, Mary Father Timothy Draper and Elizabeth Anne Vowels, (back) Leo Hernandez and Edgar Garcia. Honoree Clare Williams was absent. Marisel Schalck St. Charles Borromeo Parish: Sarah Bowen, Thomas Dumoulin, AURORA Aurelia Gray, Alana Hatanaka, Nicholas Wright Annunciation BVM: Ryan Nu- HUNTLEY Annunciation B.V.M. Catholic School gent, Ella Zinken, Bradley Janicek Aurora Central Catholic High St. Mary Parish: Michael Gan- School: Maxwell Ariano, Jonas shaw, Emma Kubelka congratulates Cebulski, Claire McCarthy, Sadie Romero LENA Marmion Academy: Henry Cel- St. Joseph Parish: Rahmareon la, Peter Ferraro, Jacob Harron, the Class of 2019! Roby Michael Jaffe, Nathan Konen, Isa- ias Ponpa MCHENRY May you continue the Tradition of Excellence in all that you do! Martin Alanis, St. Peter Parish: St. Patrick: Vincent Broughton, Noah Morones Ellen Sharp, Ethan Zink Pope St. John Paul II Catholic God bless our graduates, Academy: Nicolas Bello, Taylor MORRISON Estrada St. Mary Parish: Rosie Knaggs Father Patrick Gillmeyer O.S.B., Pastor St. Rita of Cascia Parish: James Gaspardo, Hilene Quiroz ROCHELLE Jennifer Wardynski, Principal St. Therese of Jesus Parish: Ian St. Patrick Parish: Alexis Bello, Isabella Mendoza, Alyssa Dreska, Edgar Garcia, Sergio Tejeda Guevara, Leo Hernandez, Cata- BATAVIA lina Reyes, Alva Valle, Francis John Paul Vowels, Mary Elizabeth Holy Cross Parish: Anna Gietl Anne Vowels, Clare Williams BELVIDERE ROCKFORD St. James School: Judith Garcia Boylan Central Catholic High BYRON School: Clare Bertrand, Max Kwi- atkowski St. Mary Parish: Natalie Ketter Cathedral of St Peter School: CARY John Winkelmann, Samuel Man- ley SS Peter and Paul Parish: Kyle Kreutzer, Rachel Jordan, Emily St. Bernadette Parish: Emily Mohr Heitkamp, Josephine Hindenburg, Joseph Krein, Brooke Parnello CRYSTAL LAKE St. Stanislaus Kostka Parish: Annunciation B.V.M. Catholic School St. School: Ariana Roganowicz, Wiktoria Tom Boulden Szymanovicz 1840 Church Road — Aurora, IL 60505 DEKALB SOUTH BELOIT 630-851-4300 — Christ the Teacher Parish: Timo- St. Peter Parish: Kaitlyn Huff “A Tradition of Excellence since 1875” thy McMahon Widmar 18 | FRIDAY JUNE 14, 2019 | The Observer GRADUATION Marmion Academy, Aurora

Baccalaureate: May 23, Lundell, Jithin Martin, Nathan Holy Cross Parish in Batavia, ’m convinced there is no eyond what’s on paper, Martinez, Nathan Masus, 7:30 p.m. ‘Iother place like Marmion in ‘Bwhat can be gleaned Declan McDonald, William Graduation: May 26, the entire country. The concept from ACT scores or the McDonald, Ryan McMahon, Marmion Academy Alumni of being open and genuine names of colleges we’ve Cameron Merker*, Zachary Hall, 1:30 p.m. Minnis, Joshua Moore, about our faith experiences is been accepted at, is what Franklin Motyka, Alejandro Graduates: Benjamin something that doesn’t exist Marmion truly is. A home. Ali, Collin Ayres, Anthony Muro, Michael Murray*, Babic, Stephen Baker, to the same degree at many A family. Looking out at this Michael Neff*, Mitchell Jackson Barnhart, William other schools, and I believe it crowd of black gowns and Nieweglowski, Franco Ochoa, Barnhart, Mark Bauer, John is fostered by prayer, ministry, caps, I see the faces of my Timothy Pecharich, Antonio Bazukas, Adam Bello, Jared Petrucci*, Greyson Piotrowski, Beltz, Keegan Bennett, Colin service, and retreats like Kairos.’ brothers.’ Daniel Pleckham, Isaias Ponpa, Berg, Dominick Bermudez, — Mason Hartweger, co-valedictorian Mason Hartweger (left) and — James Graft, co-valedictorian Benjamin Powell, Robert Jackson Best, Jacob Bettag, James Graft, co-valedictorians Quintana, Cole Rainforth, Jack Gregory Betzelos, Henry Ramey, Andrew Ramm, Fabian Bliss, Jack Brewster, Jacob Rangel, Tyler Reecer, Jonathon Caceres*, Nathan Callaway, Anthony Castoro, Henry Childers, Nathan Christiansen, Clohecy, Jacob Coffman, Reno Reid, Luke Reifsnyder, Adam Troy Campbell, Jacob Carlson, Cella*, Andre Cerda, Miles Trevor Chumbley, Michael Colburn, Colin Conti, Christian Damico, Patrick Daum, Brant Rentz, Aidan Reynolds, DeMoss, Dillon Di Iorio, Caleb Ritzheimer*, John Cormac Dietz, Charles Drayer, Roche, John Ruddy, Lucas John Dzierzanowski, Jacob Sagstetter, Benjamin Saloga, Ellis, John English, Zachary Anthony Sanchez, Anthony Ewen, Joseph Farrell*, Matthew Schafer, Noel Schlueter, James Felber, Nolan Fergus, Peter Schulenberg, Christian Schultz, Ferraro, Benjamin Figueras, Michael Serra, James Serrano, Ryan Fleck, Marshall Foerner, Alejandro Siddon, Matthew Charles Gambs, Esteban Signa, Gaspare Spizzirri, Garcia, Marcos Garcia, Nathan Giancarlo Spizzirri, Thomas Garrison*, James Graft*, Surges, Quinn Sweeney*, Nicholas Greco, Greer Griffin, Nicholas Talarico, Logan Gregory Gronwold, Bradley Gross, Sebastian Gutierrez, Tallman, Peter Thayer, Keegan Matthew Haddad, Jacob Urbanik, Austen Velazquez, Harron, Mason Hartweger*, Jeffrey Walter, Sean Walz, Spenser Heckman, Christian Nathan Wedll, Coley Weed, Henkel, Gregory Hoover, Daniel Weingart, Gregory Jackson Isaacs, Brenden Weir, Anthony White, Ivie, Michael Jaffe, Daniel Alexander Wilson*, Zachary Katz, Jack Kavanaugh, Eric Wilson, Jared Windsor, Jack Kitzmiller, Nathan Konen*, Wisdom Blake Kramer, Sean Kramer, (Photos provided) David Lawinger, Zachary * Top 10% of class Anthony Babic (left), Marcos Garcia and Keegan Urbanik pose for a photo in the quad after graduation. Lawrence, Casey Lovejoy, Eric Salutatorian: Michael J. Neff

The Lima Lima Flight Team does a surprise flyby over Marmion’s cam- pus following graduation.

atholic schools in the United States have always enjoyed a ‘Creputation for academic excellence and community service. Very often they serve large numbers of poor children and young people, and are attentive to the needs of minority groups. I heartily encourage you to continue to provide quality Catholic education for the poor of all races and national backgrounds, even at the cost of great sacrifice. We cannot doubt that such is part of God’s call to the Church in the United States. It is a responsibility that is deeply inscribed in the history of Catholic education in this country.’ — Pope St. John Paul II GRADUATION The Observer | FRIDAY JUNE 14, 2019 | 19 High School, Aurora

Candle Rose Honors Melanie Meyer *+#, Catheryn Convocation: May 15, Rosary Middendorf #, Hannah he dreams of Rosary High School in Aurora, 7 p.m. Mladenik, Kathryn Moore, ‘THigh School students Graduation: May 19, St. Kathryn Mueller *+#@, are not the typical dreams Peter Parish in Geneva, 2 p.m. Alyssa Nesterowicz, Taylor teenagers possess. We make Graduates: Deborah Obbish, Abby Pardridge, Erica plans for our futures and Allen, Payton Bank, Caroline Paul, Olivia Perez, Annika are certain we will work Barrett, Julia Bennett, Pickard, Faith Plum, Alaina hard enough in order to Abigail Bonebrake, Sarah Pyle *+#, Samantha Rankin, Borish, Julie Bottarini *+#, Megan Ronzone, Tasha achieve all of our goals. Bridget Buckley +#, Victoria Rubio, Madeline Saunders, Our futures are bright, and Cammarano +#, Christie Emily Savarese, Grace that is partially because Cedeño #, Isabella Cherif, Shares +#, Louisa Surtz *+#, Nicole Cherwin, Jackolyn we have embraced the Anne Margaret Tavierne, Daum, Brooklynn DeCore “Rosary-famous” quote by +, Luzane Draughon #, Lillie Allison Tippett *+#, Sydney St. Catherine of Siena, ‘Be who God meant for you to be and you Dudgeon, Liseth Duran, VanOvermeiren, Annalise will set the world on fire.’ Whether you become a mother, teacher, Amanda DuVall *+#, Alaina Warren, Cailida Werner, Fleming *+#, Sadie Fox +#, Athena Ye *+@ doctor, or accountant, continue to give back to the communities Abigail Friedenberg, Olivia Kathryn Mueller around you and remember where you came from. Keep yourself * Catherine of Siena Scholar, Gatto #, Elizabeth Gaugel +, Valedictorian rooted in the Dominican tradition and show Veritas to those + Illinois State Scholar, # National Olivia Grisch, Jenna Kleefi sch around you.’ +#, Mary Clare Koebel, Linda Licari, Macenzie Honor Society, @ National Merit Sarah Krull, Kaleigh Lentz#, Marsden, Adriana Mazzocchi, Commended Student — Megan Ronzone, student speaker

RIGHT: Sister Geral- dine Kemper, OP, is sur- rounded by graduates Catheryn Middendorf (left), Allison Tippett and Louisa Surtz at Ro- sary High School May 19.

BELOW: Macenzie Marsden and Erica Paul lead the responsorial psalm during the May 19 graduation Mass at St. Peter Parish in Ge- neva. The Mass was cel- ebrated by Father Jona- than Bakkelund, pastor, and Msgr. Joseph Lin- Tasha Rubio helps Lizzie Gaugel adjust her cap before graduation at ster, retired. Rosary High School

Congratulations to the Rosary Class of 2019! Achievements of the Class of 2019 • 100% College-Bound • $11.5M in College Scholarships

(Photos provided • 9000+ Hours of Community Service • 16 Illinois State Scholars y dear young people, you too offer to the Lord the gold of your lives, namely, your freedom to follow Him out of love, • 2 National Merit ‘M Commended Students responding faithfully to His call. Let the incense of your fervent prayer rise up to Him, in praise of His glory; offer Him your • 20 National Honor Society Members myrrh, that is your affection of total gratitude to Him, true Man, • 9 Athletes Signed NLIs who loved us to the point of dying as a criminal on Golgotha. ... Worshipping the true God is an authentic act of resistance to all Rosary is a Catholic college-preparatory forms of idolatry. Worship Christ: He is the Rock on which to build high school for young women sponsored by the your future and a world of greater justice and solidarity. Jesus is Dominican Sisters of Springfield, Illinois. the prince of peace: the source of forgiveness and reconciliation, who can make brothers and sisters of all the members of the 901 N. Edgelawn Drive, Aurora, Illinois human family.’ (630) 896-0831 • Empowering Young Women Since 1962 — Pope St. John Paul II 20 | FRIDAY JUNE 14, 2019 | The Observer GRADUATION Five Graduate from Polish High School ROCKFORD— Five young achievements during Mass at parishioners have completed the parish June 2. their high school education at Each of the students attended the Polish Language School of Polish Language School every St. Stanislaus Kostka Parish. Saturday from kindergarten They participated in gradu- through high school. ation Mass at St. Hyacinth Ba- The students are Wiktoria silica in Chicago on May 19 Szymanowicz, Maximilan Cza- with over 500 other students jkowski, Romuald Bezdziecki, of ethnic Polish schools in the Jr., Jan Chicago area. Stefanski Each graduate received a and Sandra high school diploma from the Wilczyn- Consulate General of Poland ski. and the Polish Teachers Asso- Their (Photo provided) ciation in America. teacher is Polish High School graduates from St. Stanislaus Kostka Parish in Rockford are (from left) Wiktoria Szy- St. Stanislaus Parish con- Bogumila manowicz, Maximilan Czajkowski, Romuald Bezdziecki, Jr., Sandra Wilczynsk and Jan Stefanski. gratulated the students on their Sas. Sas

Holy Cross Grads Win High School Scholarships BATAVIA—Eleven of Holy phia Cousins, Laila Figueras, Cross School’s eighth-grade Lauren Audrey Paschoud and students have received aca- Grace Stumm. demic scholarships to attend Holy Cross School opened its Catholic high schools. doors in August of 2008 as the Scholarship were awarded first new Catholic school in the by: Rockford Diocese in over 30 Aurora Central Catholic years. High School—Savanah Ker- “We set the academic bar mend, Michael O’Brien, Erin very high here at Holy Cross Reinhart; School. Each year we see a Marmion Academy—Mat- high percentage of our graduat- thew Carlson, Phineas Ma- ing students earning academic honey, Luke O’Connor, Jacob scholarships to Catholic high (Photo provided) Stumm; schools,” said Mike Puttin, Eleven Holy Cross eighth-grade students received academic scholarships to attend Aurora Catholic high Rosary High School—So- principal. schools this year.

I CONGRATULATIONS hank also your parents, Katherine Bruckner ‘Tand any others who have Carroll University, made the particular sacrifice Waukesha, Wis. for you to be here. And pray From: Mom, Dad, Grandmare, Sarah, Uncle for those generous donors Beaver and Uncle Rick who, over the years have built 2019 GRADUATE this school and contributed to it to keep it going for you. You CONGRATULATIONS now inherit a share in that task Princess Kryztol and responsibility. Will you be as generous with the Church Alexys Galvan (Photo provided) Carroll University, St. James in Rockford Graduates Last Class and with your school as those Waukesha, Wis. The 133rd and final group of eighth-grade graduates from St. James School in Rockford gather with their who have gone before you? ... From: Sanoi, Paul, Sarah, principal, Renee Payne, and pastor, Father Leonard Jacobs. Next year the school becomes All Saints Catho- Your time here has formed you Katie and Irma 2019 GRADUATE lic Academy. to be a witness to the world of what is true and beautiful. CLASS OF 2019 CLASS OF 2019 CLASS OF 2019 CLASS OF 2019 That is, the truth about the world and Jesus Christ and the Catholic faith.’ — Bishop David Malloy, graduation address

CONGRATULATIONS Joseph Walsh Melissa Grace Valentina Charria Escobar Davis Mendoza Escobar Northern Illinois University, Connie M. Schultz Joseph E. Fuss Rock Valley College, St. Patrick, St. Charles DeKalb Dakota High School, St. Mary School, DeKalb Rockford From: Mendoza-Escobar From: Mendoza-Escobar Dakota Congratulations Son! From: Dad, Mom, Grandpa Jack and Lisa

Family Family Love from your family! Love, Mom and Dad 2019 GRADUATE Around the Diocese The Observer | FRIDAY JUNE 14, 2019 | 21 Marian Teacher Honored for STEM Work

WOODSTOCK—Steve Liggett from Marian Central Catholic High School’s math- ematics and engineering de- partment has been recognized as the Air Force Association Aerospace Education Teacher of the Year. The program aims to rec- ognize classroom teachers for their accomplishments and achievements in exciting kin- dergarten through high school students about science, technol- (Photo provided) The Acevedo Family ogy, engineering and math and preparing students to use and Freeport Youth Wins Scholarship to Stanford contribute to tomorrow’s tech- (Photo provided) nologies. Steve Liggett FREEPORT—Adam Acev- been helping students through Acevedo, who also plays the edo will attend Stanford Uni- the college application process saxophone, plans to join the versity with a full-ride aca- by starting a mentorship pro- Stanford band — a big reason demic scholarship. gram. he wanted to get into Stanford A parishioner of St. Mary He has been a four-year University. The band features in Freeport, Acevedo will be volunteer with the religious a member playing the saxo- heading to California this fall education program at St. Mary phone upside down, a feat that after graduating in the top five and last year received the St. he says he is going to try to do. of his class at Freeport. Timothy Youth Award. His parents, Juana Ortiz and During his high school ca- He plans to major in pre- reer he has taken part in Show- med with an emphasis on psy- Amado Acevedo, along with time (an annual Freeport High chology. His goal is to become other relatives and friends, School musical performance), a psychiatrist, helping those celebrated his achievements jazz band, marching band, stu- who suffer from mental ill- with a cake at the Holy Fam- dent council and is a member ness, and helping to destigma- ily Community Center on the of the National Honor Society. tize the disease so people will last day of religious education He and a classmate have feel it is alright to seek help. classes this year.

(Photo provided) Boylan Grad Trains with Navy ‘Rangers’ A 2014 Boylan Central Catholic HIgh School graduate and Rockford native is participating in a rigorous training process that transforms officers into U.S. naval aviators. Ensign Michael Johnson is a student pilot with the “Rangers” of Training Squadron (VT) 28, based in Naval Air Station Corpus Christi, Texas. The squadron flies the T-6B Texan II aircraft.

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(Photo provided/ KelCub Studio) St. Charles Borromeo Students Graduate Class of 2019 graduates from St. Charles Borromeo School in Hampshire are Morgan Brady, Michael Cozzi, Aubrie Flesher, Finnegan Gannon, Brigid Gannon, Aurelia Gray, Abby Gruber,Amina Hatanaka, Halina Hay- dock, Margaret Shepley, Nicolai Szydzik, Christopher Taing and Cole Weidmaier pose with a deacon, pastor Father Sylvester Nnaso, Principal Maureen Jackson, eighth-grade homeroom teacher Mary Hill and altar servers Gavin Hatanaka, Adam and Jacob Flesher. We know because we have been there.

On an AmaWaterways river cruise, you don’t just pass through a destination you experience it. Our ships feature balcony staterooms, a fleet of bicycles and a sundeck with a pool so our guests can see Europe’s most captivating sites from a unique perspective. Because it’s not just about when you go. It’s how you get there that matters.

(Photo provided) 1949 Grads Gather for Reunion in St. Charles The St. Patrick Catholic School Class of 1949 in St. Charles celebrated their 70th class reunion recently with a Mass, food, memories, and a visit to the current eighth-grade religion classes. The alumni told the Guilford and Mulford Rds. eighth graders the importance of doing their best and staying faithful. Some of the returning alumni are (from left) Phil Baert, Rosemary McConnaughy, Jim Gately, Mary Jaeger, Bernie Deutsch, Yvonne 815-398-8888 Malone, Chuck Polly, and Msgr. Stephen Knox, pastor. 22 | FRIDAY JUNE 14, 2019 | The Observer Around the Diocese CDA Honors Education Contest Winners Save the Date DEKALB—On May 7 the June 28-29 Catholic Daughters of the LOVES PARK Rummage sale: 1-7 p.m. June Americas’ local court, Im- 28, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. June 29; St. maculate Conception 996, pre- Bridget Parish Center, 600 Clifford sented awards to winners of Ave. Proceeds for St. Vincent de this year’s national education Paul Society and parish food contest. pantry. Info: Kathleen Hall, khall@ The contest is open to and en- courages students of the com- June 28-30 munity, local schools, CCD ROCKFORD classes, homeschooled chil- WW Marriage Encounter: 8 dren, and even adults, to use p.m. June 28-4:30 p.m. June their imagination and freedom 30; Bishop Lane Retreat Center, 7708 E. McGregor Road. of thought to reflect on one of Weekend for married couples. two themes: “Here I am Lord, I Cost: $90 application fee. Info: come to do your will.” (Ps 40), 888-574-5653 or “Doing my best to do good.” Thu July 4 Entrants may do this in sev- Independence Day eral areas of expression: tradi- Diocesan Administration tional art, computer art, music, Center closed photography, essays and poetry. July 7-9 There were 192 entries from ROCKFORD students at St. Mary School (Photos provided) Encounter Retreat: Bishop Lane in DeKalb, St. Mary School CDA representatives and contest winners Retreat Center, 7708 McGregor in Sycamore and a parish reli- second; Kaylyn Wackerlin, Audrey Duncan, second; Giana n Photography: Josh Dud- Road. Sponsor: Diocesan Vocations Office. For young men gious education program. They third. Huffstutler, third. ziak, first; Jamie Deegan-War- competed for awards in mul- n n seventh through ninth grade; led Poetry: Alexandria Earl, Poetry: Sage Kleckner, kins, second; Isabella Kirch- by diocesan seminarians. Cost: tiple categories at two division first; Lainey Justice, second; first; Keisha Simms, second; mann, third. $90. Info: levels. Ella Eklund, third. Delaney Larson, third. First place winners advanced encounter, 815-399-4300 First, second, and third place n Art: Alana Anderson, first; n Computer Art: Natalie to state level competition. First July 18-20 winners received a money prize Grace Amptmann, second; Morken, first; Quin Dukes, place winners at state proceed SPRING GROVE and a certificate. Nicholas Waddle and Harper second; Fiona Arado, third. Rummage sale: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. to the national level. Winners in Division I — Lundeen (tied) third. n Art: Emma Hansing, first; July 18 and 19, 8-11 a.m. July fourth and fifth grade students: Division II — fifth through Mariana Martinez, second; Judges were Barbara Ball, 20; St. Peter, 2118 Main St. Most n Essay: Samuel Schatte- sixth grade students: Annie Brandt and Alyssa Tum- Sharon Challand and Christine items half-off July 19; $3 bag day man, first; Darina Echevarria, n Essay: Tyler Lojko, first; minaro (tied) third. Roberts. July 20. Info: Denise Wahls, 815- 675-2526 July 21-23 Students Tour Capital ROCKFORD On May 17, St. Mary School seventh- Encounter Retreat: Bishop Lane graders from Woodstock went to Retreat Center, 7708 McGregor Springfield to tour the Lincoln Memorial Road. Sponsor: Diocesan and Illinois State Capital. During Vocations Office. For young men their visit to the capitol building,the 10th grade through college; led students met Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker. by diocesan seminarians. Cost: $90. Info: (Photo provided) encounter, 815-399-4300 Aug 9 What’s Up BATAVIA Golf outing: 10:30 a.m. registration; Hughes Creek Golf WEST DUNDEE St. 5 p.m. catered dinner with Mon June 17 Thu June 20 Club, 1749 Spring Valley Dr., Sale donations: 8 a.m.-noon fried chicken, hot dogs, carnitas, Elburn. 3rd Stephen J. Woodcock SUGAR GROVE (also June 18-19); St. Catherine MCHENRY sides and desserts; face painting, Memorial Golf Outing. Proceeds balloons, games, bounce house; Golf outing: 10 a.m. shotgun of Siena, 845 W. Main St. Drop off Rummage sale: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. for Holy Cross School graduates live jazz by Col. Boyd Band; attending local Catholic high start; Hughes Creek Golf, donations for parish rummage (also 9 a.m.-5 p.m. June 21, 9 1749 Spring Valley Dr., Elburn. a.m.-noon June 22); Montini raffles, 50/50 drawing. Cost: $8 schools and to Guardian Angels sale. Info: Chris Asher, 708-308- Fund for Holy Cross students. Sponsor: St. Katharine Drexel Middle School, 1405 Grand Ave. per person; $25 for family of five. 0970, [email protected] For golfers of all ages with golf, Parish. 6 th annual, four-person Info: 815-786-9266 Three floors of bargains. Info: cart, dinner, plus additional scramble, three flights; snack, 815-385-0024 raffle and other items. Cost: steak dinner, prizes, and more. Wed June 19 Sun June 23 varies, $150 single golf package; Register in advance. Cost: $110 WEST DUNDEE Rummage sale: 8 a.m.-5 p.m $50 adult dinner only; other per golfer. Info: stephanie@ Deadline for June 28 What’s ROCKFORD items additional. Info: https:// (also 8 a.m.-5 p.m. June 21, 8 Up (for events July 1-7) Encounter Retreat: (through a.m.-noon June 22); St. Catherine June 25) Bishop Lane Retreat of Siena, 845 W. Main St. Info: Aug 11 Center, 7708 McGregor Road. JOHNSBURG Chris Asher, 708-308-0970, Sponsor: Diocesan Vocations [email protected] Parish picnic: noon-6 p.m.; Office. For young women St. , 2304 W. seventh grade through college; Church St. Hot dogs, brats, Polish Edgebrook Center Rockford, Illinois Sat June 22 led by religious sisters. Cost: sausage, burgers and more; Cosmetic, Implant, and General Dentistry $90. Info: beer, wine and soda; Wheel ROCKFORD encounter, 815-399-4300 of Confection (baked goods) Eucharistic Congress: 9:45 sale; face painting, balloon arts; Dentures Repaired a.m.-6 p.m.; St. Rita, 6254 Valley SOMONAUK games and raffles. Music by or Relined Knoll Dr. Prayers for the healing Cirrus Falcon. Entertainment of the Church, keynote speakers, by Kazar the Sorcerer from the the Same Day! Stars. Donations accepted. Info: testimonies and breakout Call 815-229-3520 Stephanie Eldridge, 815-385- sessions on the Eucharist, 1477, stjohnbulletin2302@gmail. closing with Corpus Christi Mass com, https://stjohnsjohnsburg. and procession with Bishop org/parish-fest David Malloy. Cost: $10 for (Photo provided) Aug 15 lunch. Info: Kathleen Behrens, Eucharistic procession: after MCHENRY 815-398-0853, illinoiseucharist@ 10:30 a.m. Mass, St. John the 125 th anniversary kick-off: 7, Baptist, 320 S. Depot St. Lunch p.m.; St. Mary, 1401 N. Richmond SANDWICH following. Info: Denise Ramos, Road. Mass with Bishop David Parish fest: after 4 p.m. Mass; St. 815-498-2010,, Malloy followed by refreshments. Info: 815-385-0024 Dr. Kris Tumilowicz , 340 W. Arnold [email protected] Around the Diocese The Observer | FRIDAY JUNE 14, 2019 | 23 Polo Parish Honors Woman of the Year POLO—Kay Tyne was se- ties when called upon. can also often be found serving lected as the recipient of the Over the years, she has been at funeral luncheons. 18th annual Woman of the Year a devoted and faithful member Each year in May St. Mary’s Award from St. Mary Parish in of the St. Mary Parish fam- parishioners base this honor Polo. ily and the Polo community. on the contribution of time and This year Carol Glenn pre- She was a religious education talent to the parish as well as sented the award to Tyne at a teacher for several years. She to the community. Past recipi- luncheon on May 19. has been active in the parish ents have included women who Tyne and her husband, Ed, Altar and Rosary Society and have been active in parish or- have been active in the parish has served as the secretary for ganizations and have helped for more than 30 years. They many years. in parish activities. Many have have two children, Brian and In addition, she has helped also been involved in helping Brandi, and a grandson, Louis. with a parish auction and as with various Polo community In selecting Tyne for this a volunteer at Second Hand projects. honor, several parishioners not- Rose, Polo’s resale shop. She The St. Mary Women of the (Photo provided) ed that she has volunteered her has helped with the Lenten Year are usually honored at the Carol Glenn (left) presents Kay Tyne with the annual St. Mary Parish time and talent in numerous Soup Suppers and the monthly Women and Daughters Lun- Woman of the Year Award for 2019 at the Women and Daughters Lun- parish and community activi- Parish Fellowship meals. She cheon in May. cheon on May 19. Elgin DCCW Donates Gifts to Several Area Women’s Shelters

ELGIN—The Elgin Deanery try, Carpentersville. Council of Catholic Women In June, the group will host a (EDCCW) collected women’s Sister’s Appreciation Luncheon toiletry items for the 16th year for religious sisters of the dean- and delivered gift bags to wom- ery. en in area shelters in time for The Sept. 10 EDCCW meet- Mother’s Day. ing is open to members and With help of ladies from St. non-members. It will provide an Patrick, St. Charles; St. Lau- opportunity to learn about the rence, Elgin; St. Catherine of many activities of the council. Siena, Dundee; and St. Thomas More, Elgin, 152 gift bags were Info: Linda Meyer, president, filled with items donated by pa- at [email protected]; rishioners. Mary Danlyluk, vice president, Gift bags went to TLC Preg- [email protected]; (Photo provided) nancy Center, Elgin; Corbella Marilyn Tynor, treasurer, mcty58@ Volunteers from the Elgin Deanery Council of Catholic Women pose with prepared gift bags before they Clinic, Elgin; Lazarus House,; or Paula Davidson, deliver them to area women’s shelters in time for Mother’s Day last month. St. Charles; and FISH Food Pan- secretary, [email protected]. St. Mary CCW in McHenry Raises Funds for Parish,

MCHENRY—St Mary to McHenry Home of the Spar- sion to serve, St. Mary’s CCW St. Mary CCW is working on dollars and treasure hunt in the Council of Catholic Women row on May 20. initiated a Wishing Well fund- its next event to help the com- new tent, the gym, the cafeteria here presented a check for $600 As part of its ongoing mis raiser to buy a tent for parish munity, the St. Mary 69th An- and eleven classrooms. events, announcing that a por- nual Rummage Sale, scheduled As in the past, proceeds from tion would be given to Home of June 20-22 at Montini Middle the rummage sale will benefit the Sparrow. School. the parish, school and commu- With a goal of $5,000 set, pa- Families are able to stretch nity. rishioners generously respond- ed, exceeding the goal in only five weeks. Involvement and service to the community is part of CCW’s identity. The donation to Home of the Sparrow supports their mission: To provide Hope, Op- portunity and Support that em- powers women and children as they journey from homelessness to self-sufficiency. Matthew Kostecki, executive (Photo provided) director; Debbie, DeGraw, vice On May 20, St. Mary Council of Catholic Women in McHenry give a president of marketing and de- $600 check to Home of the Sparrow. Attending are (seated, front) Ann velopment, and Jennifer Kolar- Schmidt, (back) Debbie DeGraw, HOS vice president of marketing and czyk, volunteer program coor- development; Maxine Cwiak; Fran Wiser; Matt Kostecki, HOS executive dinator accepted the donation director; and Celeste Mann. from St. Mary CCW officers.

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Deadline: 10 days before publication. Online: Use the form at Click on Submit Events and News. By Mail: Send to The Observer, P.O. Box 7044, Rockford, IL 61125. [email protected] 24 | FRIDAY JUNE 14,, 2019 | The Observer Our Catholic View

Scripture Reflection for June 16, Faith Alive Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity Factors in Change Divine Editor’s note: The second part of a history of the USCCB is provided by Maria Mazzenga, a historian and archivist at the Communion American Catholic History Research Center and University Archives at The Catholic BY JEM SULLIVAN University of America in Washington Catholic News Service The U.S. Catholic bishops estab- lished a successor to the war coun- omething remarkable unfolded as Pa- cil, the National Catholic Welfare risians watched the roof and spire of their city’s iconic Cathedral of Notre Council (NCWC). This was the early CNS file photo) Dame rapidly engulf in flames some 20th century trend in American Employees pose in an undated photo outside the National Catholic Stwo months ago. Strangers who would ordi- society toward professionalization Welfare Conference in Washington narily walk past each and organization on a national during a brief crisis such as the war, but wor- other without a nod scale. It was a step on the way to today’s U.S. ried about the establishment of a potentially or a greeting began to Conference of Catholic Bishops. permanent challenge to their authority. converse intensely as New systems of transportation and com- they shared a common munication generated a national economy Additionally, some bishops feared that the sense of shock and dis- and culture after WWI, with the power of the new organization might infringe on power tress. federal government growing in turn. Groups within their , though the conference People who barely does not hold authority on the diocesan level. knew each other a sought to concentrate at the national level to promote their interests. In 1922, the Vatican’s attempt to suppress few minutes earlier the NCWC was only reversed with a compro- began to comfort one another while offering a Officially defined as the annual meeting shoulder to cry on as they watched in dismay of the American hierarchy and its standing mise in which the organizational name was the sudden destruction of their city’s historic secretariat, the NCWC was established by the changed to the National Catholic Welfare Con- landmark. bishops in 1919 with headquarters established ference, not council, underscoring the fact that The crisis generated small and large in Washington. it was consultative rather than legislative. communities of people drawn unexpectedly The transition from a temporary national or- Thereafter, the NCWC grew into the single together in mutual solidarity. Phone cameras ganization to a permanent one was, however, most important national organization in the captured groups of Parisians singing hymns a bumpy one. American Catholic Church through the middle to the Mary as they huddled together Some bishops and the Vatican were willing years of the 20th century. on their knees in spontaneous outpourings of to tolerate a potential rival to their authority Next time: The role of the NCWC communal prayer. It takes crisis moments, such as these, for people to discover the most fundamental truth of the human condition — we are created in and for community. We are essentially social beings, meant to live our unique individuality Commandment is not Just about Parents within interwoven circles of communities in In addition to our biological Ethically Speaking of it. Paragraph 239 explains what family, church, neighborhood, society and the parents, the Fourth Commandment we as Christians believe about the world. also speaks to our relationships parenthood of God. On Trinity Sunday, the word of God reminds by Father with other authority figures. These Kenneth For example, it speaks of God us of a fundamental truth of faith —God is would include those we have with being understood by the image a community of divine persons whose love employers, the Church, the schools Wasilewski Diocesan Ethicist of motherhood in addition to that overflows into the world created, redeemed and that we attend (i.e. the teachers, [email protected] of fatherhood, and reminds us sanctified by the Holy Trinity. coaches and administration who that “God transcends the human We profess this truth of Christian faith each are a part of those schools) and the civil authorities distinction between the sexes. He is neither man Sunday as we pray together the creed affirming that have jurisdiction over the places we live. nor woman: He is God. He also transcends human that our God is essentially a community of It is interesting how we often refer to some of fatherhood and motherhood, although He is their Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Yet for many, the these authorities using parental language. For origin and standard… .” doctrine of the Trinity remains abstract, even example, one might refer to the Church as “Mother,” In that same paragraph we also read: “The removed from everyday life. So how is the or a school one attended as “alma mater” (dear language of faith thus draws on the human Trinity relevant to my daily spiritual journey? mother), or even to one’s country of origin as the experience of parents, who are in a way the first Christians are baptized in the name of the “fatherland” or “motherland.” representatives of God for man. But this experience Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. As such, some of the same basic principles of also tells us that human parents are fallible and can Our faith as Jesus’ disciples begins, rests “honoring our father and mother” are applicable in disfigure the face of fatherhood and motherhood.” and ends in the Holy Trinity. The goal of the these relationships as well, taking into account the It is this “disfiguring” of motherhood and nature of the relationships involved. Christian life is to grow each day in loving fatherhood that can be so problematic for us. In As with our biological parents, respect, gratitude communion with the triune God. some cases, it may require us to separate from, or and fulfilling our responsibilities towards those To believe that God is a trinity of divine even disobey, those “parental figures” in our lives with legitimate authority over us should normally persons is to receive God’s merciful invitation — be they biological, institutional or civic — who be a given — at least so long as such institutions to friendship with the Father through the Son prove to be a threat to us. This is why the catechism or persons are fulfilling basic obligations toward in the power of the Holy Spirit. As Jesus simply us and not using their authority in harmful or goes so far as to say that we have a duty, under the says, “Everything that the Father has is mine.” destructive ways. However, in any of these Fourth Commandment, to disobey the otherwise The Trinity is as relevant as the next breath relationships, there is always the possibility that we legitimate authority figures when their directives you take. For life originates in the creating hand will need to disengage from them (at least in part) in are “contrary to the demands of the moral order, to of God the Father, is redeemed by the mission order to preserve ourselves or keep our relationship the fundamental rights of persons or the teachings of Jesus, his Son, and sustained by the power of with God healthy. of the Gospel.” (CCC 2242) the Holy Spirit. After all, God, as the source of all parenthood, is This is why a child who has been abused or So, on this Trinity Sunday, we recall and the one whom we are ultimately to honor through suffered neglect may, in good conscience and draw strength from the grace of our baptism “in our respect, gratitude and the fulfillment of our insofar as they are able, need to cut ties with or set the name of the Father and of the Son and of the responsibilities. As Peter says in the Acts of the serious boundaries with a biological parent. Or why Holy Spirit.” Apostles when he is facing the religious authorities an employee may seek new employment rather than Baptism calls us to nothing less than a share of his day, “We must obey God rather than men.” work for a company that is engaged in immoral in the life of the Blessed Trinity. Will we accept (Acts 5:29) practices. Or why a citizen may need to refuse to that divine invitation? In the name of the Father, God being the source of all parenthood, and follow certain civic laws. and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit we pray indeed the ultimate parent, is made clear in a “Honoring father and mother” will never mean with confidence, “speak to me, Lord.” particularly insightful paragraph in the Catechism freely allowing ourselves to be treated in a way not of the Catholic Church that isn’t speaking about the in keeping with being God’s beloved child. Nor will Reflection questions: What does believing in Fourth Commandment directly, but nevertheless it ever mean choosing to obey another authority that the Holy Trinity mean to you? has important implications for our understanding puts us at odds with God’s authority. Our Catholic View The Observer | FRIDAY JUNE 14, 2019 | 25 Di erent View CNS/Joe Heller The World Needs Us To Embrace Prayer “If we are not persons of prayer, our lives are meaningless,” says Pere Jacques in his seventh conference to the Carmelite at the Carmelite monastery in Pontoise, France, in the early 1900s. “Even God can do nothing with us, if we are not persons of prayer,” he says, adding, “In both the Church on earth and the Kingdom of Heaven, we are Person in the Pew useless, unless we are persons of prayer.” by Amanda Given the violence and Hudson twisted thinking of so many News Editor people in the world today, it The Observer might be said that we have [email protected] a duty to become persons of prayer. Our world — including our country, our State, our citizens and cities — needs our intercession and the wisdom and life-giving presence we can embody by drawing close to God and His saints. “Persons of prayer” suggests a long-term, habitual practice of prayer, which seems easy at fi rst when God is catering to our desire to experience progress in our relationship with Him. As In Praise of Dad Jokes with most human connections, that initial feeling of closeness to God naturally gives way over time to a more mature bond. At least, it matures if we hang in there and keep praying. And Divine Humor That’s not automatic. It requires perseverance and “a determined determination,” according to St. Teresa of Jesus. My husband is down sense of humor would be Faith at Home Carmelite Father Cyril Guise of Holy Hill addresses a in the kitchen, cooking the greatest, beyond all common prayer dilemma in his most recent newsletter to donors. eggs for our four boys. by Laura Kelly imagining? I call it “common” because most everyone who prays fi nds From upstairs, I hear him Think about the power themselves in such a spot sooner or later. Fanucci serve up a little extra on and possibility of pure “I hear it from young and old, male and female,” Father Cyril the side: a classic dad joke humor. Not snarky asides says, “Inevitably, the person describes how they attend Mass about “makin’ bacon.” As or cruel jokes at another’s regularly, pray daily, fi ght mightily against their weaknesses or I smirk to myself, I can Catholic News Service expense, but the delight of special sin, but ... nothing. Might as well be talking to ourselves, practically hear our sons sharing true laughter over a hilarious joke or the wall.” roll their eyes. or a well-placed pun. He notes how this stuck state can be discouraging when we But having been raised by a dad who Most of us love to be in the company trust our impressions and feelings of disconnectedness. Instead, puns with the best of them, my hunch is of someone with a great sense of humor: we must remember our faith and learn from the testimonies of that they’re also secretly smiling. Dad jokes a clever observer of human behavior or God’s faithfulness in all ages. are goofy and lovable. A genre all their a warm personality who draws people The late Carmelite Father Theodore Centalla was fond own. together with funny stories and fresh of telling those who were panicking in the midst of desert The man I married didn’t used to crack laughter. experiences, “Congratulations, you’ve been promoted!” corny jokes. One of the charms that won What might have made Jesus laugh, fully Those bone-dry struggles with being faithful to prayer can me to him right away was his razor- human as he was, sharing in our delight? be powerful times of growth in helpful things like fortitude, sharp wit. At our wedding, the best man What parts of creation might have made wisdom and other gifts of the Holy Spirit — if we continue to described watching the two of us at dinner, God laugh out loud, chuckling with sheer pray as best as we can. volleying quips back and forth “with that pleasure? That “as best as we can” may mean adjusting our prayer times bizarre sense of humor they share.” We like The Psalms describe how “the one and trying new ways to be with God. We might learn how to our sarcasm dry. enthroned in heaven laughs” (Ps 2:4) — listen to God, setting aside some of our usual prayers to hold our But as he has grown into fatherhood, his hearts out, to open them to God, waiting without expectations as sometimes at human folly, but also because cheesy dad jokes have grown alongside we recall his promised presence with us always. humor must be a divine attribute. Just as him. Now I fi nd myself groaning with Prayer is a relationship that depends on our activities and on our compassion, kindness and forgiveness the kids as he delights in his newfound God’s. A lot of the dryness is rooted in our not understanding, or can aspire to refl ect God’s nature — as comedy. Where on earth is he getting this perhaps not quite trusting, what God is doing. But always He is stuff ? Does he swap jokes with fellow we ourselves are “imago Dei,” made in contributing to our relationship with Him, holding up His end as dads? Did the nurses at the hospital pass the image and likeness of God — could we labor on through the desert or darkness. out some manual I missed? our sense of humor hope to embody God’s We have feelings, of course, but we can’t rely on them. Years ago, while meditating on the loving laughter, too? St. Therese of Lisieux wrote of how she felt like a little ball mystery of God, I was delighted by a My husband’s goofy dad jokes are more whom the Child Jesus had placed on the shelf. She made herself surprising idea: God must have the best than sheer silliness. At their heart, his puns trust that he would return. In the depth of Therese’s months of sense of humor. Not only in the cutesy way are one of the many small ways he shows dark prayer, someone she knew had a dream. In the dream she we describe our plans in relation to God’s love to his children. To invite them into knew Therese was behind a closed door. She wanted to open it. providence — “God must have a great delight. To build a home where laughter But God told her that Therese was not to be interrupted because sense of humor. Look at how this turned is welcomed. To form them into men who He was busy making her beautiful. out!” Not just in the childish assigning of bring wit and wisdom into a world that Therese took comfort in her friend’s dream that so clearly quirky parts of creation (like the platypus) needs more of both. To model fatherhood shows that God cares and is working on/with/for us also — to a chuckling Creator. that is caring and compassionate, slow to perhaps most eff ectively when we feel we’ve been put on a shelf. But as centuries of theologians and anger and quick to smile. Our lonely, angry, depressed world needs holy people. God can philosophers have claimed that God is by This Father’s Day, let us sing the praises make us holy and useful if we cooperate and keep going. Our defi nition the perfection of any positive of dad jokes. Let us give thanks for a God struggles are nothing new, and we are welcome to accept the characteristic we can conjure — all- of love and laughter. And let us never inspiration and comfort off ered by our saints. merciful, all-loving, all-knowing — then by forget the power of humor to make us more Let’s not delay. Each of us is needed in this particular age of so extension, couldn’t we conceive that God’s human, as we refl ect the divine. much sin and strife, and so little prayer and Godly presence.

To send letters to us please use one of the following: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, Mail: The Observer, Email: or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of The Diocese of Rockford [email protected] 555 Colman Center Drive (Please put Letter to the Editor in speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, P.O. Box 7044 the subject line.) and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Rockford, IL 61125 Please provide your name, address, Fax: 815/399-6225 and phone number. — The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution 26 | FRIDAY JUNE 14, 2019 | The Observer For the Record

Deaths Parish offi ces may forward death and wedding information using forms at You Fran- AURORA—Holy Angels: may also request death and wedding postcards by calling 815/399- cis “Frank” Walter, 85, May 24; 4300, ext. 383. We encourage you to send the information as soon as Carol Brylski, 82, June 2; you receive it. Thank you. BATAVIA—Holy Cross: James Edward Lund, 73, Jan. 9; Rita to Joseph and Catherine Schauer. ple should ask how this profession Clare Wahl, 89, Feb. 11; Ernest She is survived by her husband, can contribute to the work of the M. Orlando, 52, March 2; Arlene James; three sons, Roger (Kim- kingdom of Christ. What a bless- L. Griessler, 83, March 4; Barbara berly), Father Randy and Richard; ing it would be if people were will- Tabb, 85, March 20; Janet How- two grandchildren, Richard II and ing to tithe their abilities as well as land, 77, March 30; Diane Van de Ryne. their money! Vere, 62, April 4; James P. Frazer, She was preceded in death by her Courtesy of Parish Publications 82, April 7; Jeff rey William Oman, parents and a son, Ronald in 2004, “Stewardship” newsletter 64, April 11; Annette M. Ruh, 74, and her brother, Joseph Schauer in April 11; Anthony F. Domanski, 2019. Mass Meditation 86, April 22; Dolores Vlakancic, Visitation was June 5 at Yurs Fu- 85, May 27; neral Home in Geneva. Sunday, June 16 (Most Holy ELBURN—St. Gall: Geraldine A funeral Mass was Thursday, Trinity): The focus of today’s feast "Gerry" Fronek, 81, May 31; June 6, 2019, at St. Gall Parish in is the total self-giving of Jesus. ELGIN—St. Thomas More: Ed- Elburn. Burial was at Queen of The bishops’ stewardship pasto- ward Barnicle, 84, June 1; Heaven Cemetery in Hillside. ral reminds us that “the glory and the boast of Christian stewards lie FREEPORT—St. Thomas Aqui- Weddings in mirroring, however poorly, the nas: Norma F. Anderson, 79, June stewardship of Jesus Christ, who 5; ELGIN—St. Thomas More: Al- gave and still gives all He has and HAMPSHIRE—St. Charles lison N. Schmidt and Benjamin A. is, in order to be faithful to God’s Borromeo: Myrna L. Caldwell, Mayberry, April 27; Judith A. Ros- will and carry through to comple- 82, May 25; si and John E. Ormsby, May 11; tion His redemptive stewardship of MORRISON—St. Mary: Marjo- FREEPORT—St. Thomas Aqui- human beings and their world.” rie Sibley, 93, June 4. nas: Tabitha Wade Kaufman and Courtesy of Sharon Hueckel Chad Michael Pospischil, May 25; Geraldine Fronek Life Moment HAMPSHIRE—G e r a ld i n e Stewardship Moment Fronek, 81, mother of Father Randy Pray: That the union of life in the Fronek, died Friday, May 31, 2019, Talent as help: Our abilities Trinity may bring us into deeper at Sherman Hospital in Elgin. She should be dedicated to God. In union with those society tends to was born June 1, 1937 in Berwyn, choosing their life vocation, peo- reject or ignore.

Holy Trinity Holds First

If you or someone you know Communion has been the victim of sexual Holy Trinity Parish in abuse by an employee or mem- Scales Mound held ber of the clergy of the Rockford their rst Communion Diocese, report the matter to on May 5. With the rst Newspapers • Catalogs • Mail Service law enforcement in the county communicants is Father Business Cards • Magazines • Brochures in which the conduct occurred Richard Schae er. and then please call the hot-line

815-758-5484 provided) (Photo 121 Industrial Drive • DeKalb, IL 60115 number: 815/293-7540. Around the Diocse The Observer | FRIDAY JUNE 14, 2019 | 27 Save the Date Illinois CDA Meets for Convention in Darien Aug 17 DARIEN—The Illinois MCHENRY Catholic Daughters of the Angel Gown workshops: Americas (CDA) 54th Bien- 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m., Church nial State Convention was of Holy Apostles, 5211 Bull held at the Carmelite Spiritual Valley Road. Make tiny Center in Darien on May 17- gowns for infant deaths. 19. Sewing, cutting and gown Patty Head, state regent, deconstruction. No experience needed. Materials provided. presided over the event, which Info: opened with Mass celebrated RestinHisArmsAngelGowns/ by Bishop Daniel Conlon of the Diocese of Joliet. Concel- Aug 18 ebrating was Father Bonaven- GENOA ture Okoro, State CDA Chap- 50th anniversary parish picnic: lain and Father John Sullivan, times unavailable; St. Catherine of Genoa, 340 S. Stott St. Info: Chaplain of Court St. Petron- 815-784-2355 ille 1096, Glen Ellyn. The keynote speaker was HUNTLEY Peter Breen, vice president Silver and Gold Mass: 2:30 p.m.; and senior counsel, Thomas St. Mary, 10307 Dundee Road. More Society. He spoke about Mass with Bishop David Malloy his work and gave a Catholic (Photo provided) for couples celebrating 25, 50, 55, perspective regarding bills Posing after the Illinois Catholic Daughters of the Americas installation Mass are (from left) Father John 60, 65 or more years of marriage. then up for consideration in Sullivan, chaplain of Court St. Petronille 1096; Peggy Guckin, national CDA representative; Father Bonoven- Register by Aug. 5 to receive a the Illinois legislature. He en- ture Okoro, state CDA chaplain and pastor of St. James Parish in Lee; and the newly installed Illinois CDA commemorative certificate. Cake couraged CDA members to state officers: Patty Head, state regent; Angie Poulsen, first vice state regent; Beth Hauger, second vice state and punch reception following regent; Catherine Kuczynski, state secretary; and Linda Will, state treasurer. Mass. Info: Life and Family become politically active. Evangelization Office, 815/399- Peggy Guckin, national 4300 or www.rockforddiocese. CDA representative for Illi- gie Poulsen of Court Cham- Court Columbus 720, Effing- CDA Courts in Illinois with org/anniversary nois traveled from Pennsylva- paign County 1070, first vice ham, state treasurer. over 1,100 members. nia for the event. She spoke of state regent; and Catherine Court Isabella 572, Galena Local courts are located ROCKFORD what being a Catholic Daugh- Kuczynski of Court St. Petro- won second place in the scrap- in Carrollton, Champaign, 38th Polish Fest: 10 a.m.-8 ter entails and how to make nille 1096, Glen Ellyn, state book contest. DeKalb, Du Bois, Du Quoin, p.m.; St. Stanislaus Kostka, 201 courts more effective in what secretary. The Catholic Daughters of Effingham, Galena, Glen - El Buckbee St. Free admission. Info: they do. Newly elected were Beth the Americas is a Catholic lyn, Jacksonville, La Salle, Or- Margaret Borowski, 815-965- Officers re-elected include Hauger of Court DeLaSalle women’s charitable organiza- egon, Ottawa, Pinckneyville, 3913, [email protected], Patty Head of Court Oregon 276, La Salle, second vice tion with national, state and Taylorville, Teutopolis, West 1337, Illinois state regent; An- state regent and Linda Will of local divisions. There are 17 Chicago, and Vandalia. Media /Arts At the Movies

crew of the space shuttle. TAINS a romanticized view She instead comes back with of homosexual relationships, cosmic powers she cannot strong sexual content, semi- control. The ensemble action graphic aberrant activity, nu- picture elevates forgiveness dity and decadent sensuality, (CNS photo/Twentieth Century Fox) and solidarity over the desire drug use, a scene of urination, Dark Phoenix for revenge. Well-catechized rough and crude language. .(CNS photo/Universal) Eric Stonestreet) on a visit to (Fox) older teens as well as grown- The Secret Life a relative’s farm. Although the A-III Marvel Comics- ups will likely be able to cope potty humor has been toned PG-13 based sci-fi adven- with the script’s celebration of (CNS photo/Paramount) of Pets 2 down, the script includes situ- ture, set mostly in the substitute family as well cal fantasy recounting the (Universal) A-II ations of mayhem and danger 1992, sees a member (Sophie as its grandiose attribution of early life of rock star Elton Amusing antics and PG that could frighten little ones. Turner) of the X-Men mutant godlike abilities to the super- John (Taron Egerton) deals a lively pace make Older children and their par- team come close to dying hero. with his homosexuality in a this follow-up to the ents, by contrast, will find this during a mission to save the PARENTS: THIS FILM CON- way that puts it at odds with 2016 original an entertaining TAINS combat violence with scriptural values. Upbeat cartoon for kids. The most a congenial adventure. CNS classifications gore, profanities, oaths, rough renditions of his hits give the prominent of the three story- PARENTS: THIS FILM CON- (Catholic News Service) film something of the feel of TAINS cruelty to animals, A-I — general patronage and crude expressions. lines involves a fretful terrier old Hollywood. Other scenes, cartoonish violence, scenes of A-II — adults and adolescents Rocketman (voice of Patton Oswalt) who A-III — adults by contrast, are all too con- learns to be more courageous peril, scatological jokes, crass L — limited adult audiences, films (Paramount) temporary in their portrayal when his owners take him terms. whose problematic content many O Though polished and celebration of the singer- adults would find troubling R and his mutt sidekick (voice of — Catholic News Service O — morally offensive and generally ap- songwriter’s lifestyle. pealing, this musi- PARENTS: THIS FILM CON- MPAA ratings (Motion Picture Association of America) G — general audiences, all ages admit- Director of Religious Education ted (Part time) PG — parental guidance suggested, Watch some material may not be suitable St. John the Baptist, Somonauk, is a friendly parish of for children 500 families. We are seeking a Director or Coordinator of PG-13 — parents are strongly cau- Catholic Religious Education to administer our Preschool through 9th tioned. Some material may be inap- grade Religious Education Program, sacramental prep and a propriate for children under 13 R — restricted, under 17 requires ac- Mass team of catechists. companying parent or adult guard- Sunday, 6:30 a.m., The ideal candidate will be a practicing Catholic who ian has a background in Catholic Religious Education and NC-17 — no one 17 and under admitted WREX-TV Channel 13 faith formation. Computer skills, creativity and excellent (age limit may vary) Rockford communication and organizational skills are required. Anytime at For complete movie reviews, visit Potential applicants should call the parish office at http://observer.rockforddiocese. 815-498-2010 or email [email protected] org, scroll to the bottom and click on Brought to you by the Diocesan Office of Movie Reviews. Communications and Publications for more information 28 | FRIDAY JUNE 14, 2019 | The Observer FOREVER FAMILY Find more Forever Family ideas at

FAMILY ‘Father of the Team’ CORNER Boylan Girls’ Basketball Coach is Hall of Famer Prayer for BY LYNNE CONNER Fathers Observer correspondent

God, you are the giver of all aul Perrone, veteran varsity life, human and divine. girls’ basketball coach at Boylan Bless our father. Central Catholic High School May he be the best of teachers in Rockford found himself in a for his children, bearing win-win situation May 4 when he witness to the faith by what was inducted into the Illinois Basketball Coaches he says and does, in Christ P Association Hall of Fame. Jesus our Lord. Amen. Perrone has been the head girls coach at Boylan for 10 years, but has coached basketball for over 40 years — From USCCB “Catholic overall. Household Blessings and Prayers” “It’s an honor, not only for me, but for the players and other coaches that have helped me during my career,” he said of his induction. “Nobody reaches success on their own. There is always somebody behind the scenes. I’ve been blessed with some great players who have helped me be successful as a coach and I’ve also had some great coaches in my life who have taught me a great deal.” During his tenure at Boylan, Perrone has racked up 247 wins and 63 losses but has a 453-239 record overall. Those statistics do come with a certain amount Happy of job stress. “It’s not all fun and games, coaches are always (Observer photo/Lynne Conner) Father’s Paul Perrone, veteran basketball coach, poses in Boylan Cen- criticized by someone, but I have been able to tral Catholic High School’s athletic o ce. Day withstand the pressure,” he said. “All coaches have to June 16 learn how to deal with the players, the parents and the them and to make the (CNS photo/Nancy Wiechec) administration. It takes fi nesse and dedication, but I’m game fun. You want blessed to have wonderful support at Boylan.” to make them work Perrone praised hard, but you want former Boylan boys’ them to enjoy it.” Dads Today basketball coach, As the organizer Last year the Pew Research Steve Goers, as a of the annual Red Center released seven facts mentor and friend. Ribbon anti-drugs about fathers in the U.S. “Steve is a legend activities held at Dads see parenting as cen- at Boylan. He is in Boylan for many 1tral to their identity. the Hall of Fame, years, he has tried to Dads are much more is the second most help young people 2 involved in child care than winningest coach in deal with the stress in (Photo provided) they were 50 years ago. Illinois, and his teams their lives, too. Paul Perrone receives his Illinois Work-family balance is a have set numerous Perrone equates his Basketball Coaches Association challenge for many work- records at Boylan. players’ dedication Hall of Fame award from former 3 Boylan boys’ varsity basketball ing fathers. (Photo provided) Even though Steve is and success to adult job satisfaction. coach, Steve Goers. It’s become less common Paul Perrone reacts while coach- retired, he has helped ing a girls’ basketball game at me over my career “We don’t like to for dads to be their fam- 4 Boylan. and will come to go to work if it’s not a good environment, if someone ily’s sole breadwinner. school and assist.” is always barking at you. It’s the same with coaching… Despite changing gender As a former health educator at Harlem High School, you have to be tough with the kids, you have to lead roles, many still perceive 5 Perrone has a special insight into the most important them, but you want to make it enjoyable.” mothers as better equipped people he works with, the players. “You have to be Beyond hard work and having fun, Perrone follows a than fathers to care for child- sensitive to how today’s problems aff ect kids, you have tried and true motto as a Hall of Fame coach. ren. to be understanding…many of them have struggles “No matter how old you are, you never know enough Most Americans (64%) say too. Depression is very high among our youth. To be a on your own. Always tap into the resources you have. 6 men and women have dif- coach, you have to be able to understand kids, to help Once you think you know enough, it’s time to retire.” ferent approaches to parent- ing, but fathers and mothers don’t agree about the source of those di erences. aise your hands, dads! ... Best wishes, best wishes to you Seven-in-ten adults say on your day! I ask for you the grace to be ever closer to your 7 it’s equally important for R new babies to bond with their children, allow them to grow, but be close, close! They need mother and their father. you, your presence, your closeness, your love. — Pope Francis Source: ‘ ’